#might do a Casey one…..who am I kidding I’ll definitely do a Casey one…..
transk0vsky · 10 months
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Random April O’Neil icons
(In General I don’t care if you use these without credit…..but like it’s appreciated ♥️)
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Brettsey + unbind me
Sylvie groans as she hears her alarm blaring.
Is it already 7 am? She thinks. It feels like her head just hit the pillow.
She groans again sticking out her hand and blindly searching for her phone on the night stand. She manages to grasp the offending item and is about hit snooze when she realizes two things from looking at the lit up screen:
One - it’s only 3 am and two - it’s not her alarm but rather someone calling.
Who the heck would call her at this God forsaken hour? Sylvie considers ignoring it but her better judgement rules. It could be an emergency. She hits the accept button, yawning.
“Hello,” she greets groggily, her voice hoarse from sleep.
The person on the other end of the line speaks for a few moments and Sylvie’s eyes grow wider with every word she hears.
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” she confirms before ending the call.
What the heck, she thinks.
She quickly scrambles out of bed and grabs her purse from the chair, not bothering to change from her pajamas. She moves into the hallway, getting her coat from the rack and putting on a pair of slip on sneakers. Lastly, she picks up her keys from the catch all on the table near the door. She swiftly locks the door and flies off into the night.
“Tell me how this happened?”
Sylvie lifts an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. She’s by the open door staring at Matt and Kelly, who are both slumped in chairs, looking worse for wear.
They were supposed to be at Kelly’s bachelor’s party or at least, that’s what Matt told her earlier in the evening. Sylvie didn’t ask what they were doing but she’s sure it didn’t include a pit stop here.
“Brett! You’re here,” Kelly says a bit too loudly when he notices her standing there.
Sylvie bites her lip trying hard to stifle a laugh. She tries to remain stern but based on Kelly’s reaction, he’s clearly had too much to drink and she finds it hard to keep a straight face.
“Hey man,” Kelly nudges Matt and whispers conspiratorially, “Brett’s here to save us.”
Matt’s head suddenly snaps up, searching around the tiny room for Sylvie. When he spots her, he breaks out into a wide grin.
“I knew you’d come,” he remarks, still smiling like a doofus, his eyes glazed over.
Sylvie lets out a snort. Trudy called to inform her that a patrol car had picked up Matt and Kelly trying to break into the Lincoln Park zoo. Thankfully, they recognized the two as CFD firefighters and brought them to the 21st district more for their safety than anything else. Trudy assured Sylvie that neither man would get booked. She sighed in relief but now, all she wants is to know why they were attempting to get into the zoo.
Sylvie walks into the room and pulls up a chair, folding her hands on the table. She gazes from Matt to Kelly, “start from the beginning.”
“So -“
“The thing is -“
They start to speak at the same time. Sylvie holds up a hand. She’s barely awake herself and trying to decipher the truth from two drunk men talking over each other isn’t going to help.
“Matt, what’s the story?” She asks, her curiosity piqued.
“See, it was a really, really normal night. We went on a uh, a uh - hey, Sev, what was that we did again?” Matt inquires as he taps Kelly on the shoulder.
“It’s called a pub crawl, Casey,” Kelly points out, his eyes drooping.
“Thank you,” Matt slaps his best friend’s arm in gratitude.
Matt doesn’t bother apologizing and meets Sylvie’s gaze again, “right, so we were on a pub crawl then we went to this one place that had a The Hangover poster framed on the wall and It reminded me that Severide wanted to be stuck on a roof with Mike Tyson’s tiger.”
Sylvie takes in what her boyfriend just told her.
“So you decided to go to the zoo to -“ Sylvie trails off.
“Borrow a tiger,” Matt mentions casually as if it wasn’t a big deal and extremely normal in any circumstance.
And it’s exactly what Sylvie thought Matt would say and she can’t hold back her laughter any longer as it bubbles out of her. Jesus, she thinks, she’s glad those officers were able to stop this rather strange escapade of theirs. She can’t even imagine what would have happened had they been successful.
“Oh my God, Matt,” she wheezes once she’s able to regain some composure, “how much did you guys have to drink?”
Matt scrunches his nose as he thinks about it, “well, there was the beers from the first pub, then some whiskey, then at that little Tiki place near the river walk, we had a couple of fruit flavored shots that a bunch of sorority girls bought us.”
“Sorority girls, huh?” Sylvie quips amusedly.
Kelly responds before Matt does, “don’t worry, Brett. Casey barely looked at any of them. Also, I think they all preferred Gallo. Casey looked like the kid’s dad.”
Sylvie chokes out another laugh as Matt shoots a dirty look at Kelly, “I resent that.”
She straightens up, eyeing them both, “so let me get this straight, the two of you drink your body weight in what - Jell-O shots? - and end up thinking it’s a good idea to just waltz on over to the Lincoln Park zoo to grab a tiger and possibly drag said tiger onto a roof?”
“Yup,” the two men say in unison.
“Right,” Sylvie states. She can’t wait to tell Stella all about this, which reminds her -
“Why didn’t you call Stella?”
“Trudy said we could only call one of you so we did, uh, Rock Paper Scissors and I won.” Matt admits sheepishly.
This whole situation is one giant trip. Sylvie considers that maybe she might be dreaming so she reaches over and pinches Matt’s cheek.
Okay, not a dream then but she is definitely tired and in need of some sleep.
Sylvie stands up and beckons to them, “I think that’s enough excitement for one night. Time to head home boys. I’ll drop you off at the loft.”
Matt gets up and stumbles over to her. He holds her hand and looks into her eyes.
“I want to go home with you,” he slurs as he hugs her close, “like every day.”
Sylvie is at a loss for words. Did Matt just ask her to move in with him or rather, tell her he wants to move in with her considering he doesn’t have this own place?
She doesn’t give an affirmative instead she rubs his back and whispers, “one day.”
He smiles briefly, locking eyes with her again. His face is mere inches from hers and Sylvie leans in but before they can kiss, they hear a loud noise. They turn to the left to find Kelly passed out on the chair, snoring loudly.
They manage to wake him up and as the three of them make their way back to the front desk, Trudy smirks.
“You’re not going to tell anyone about this, are you, Trudy?” Matt asks tentatively, starting to sober up.
Trudy quirks an eyebrow.
Matt grumbles, “you already told Mouch, didn’t you?”
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
Not a Summer Crush Part Five
a/n: i haven't been doing this on purpose, but i keep alternating, long chapter followed by short chapter. i think the longest is 6k words and this one is 2.5k-ish, my apologies for its shortness. but!! this one has everyone's favorite Rita Calhoun, jealousy, Serena Southerlyn's meddling tactics, middle school, and even graduate school. enjoy, and remember any feedback is appreciated more than you all could ever know.
Part Five
When Alex got home from work that evening, she finally had a moment to process that day’s moment on the courthouse steps. She texted Serena, trying to fit all the pieces together in her head.
Alex: What the hell?
Serena: ?
Alex: Serena!
Serena: Yes?
She gave up on coherent texting and decided to call her friend instead.
Casey was confusing herself again. Having second thoughts was not how she would put it. No, she was still sure of what she wanted (as sure as she was going to be, doing something very new and all), it was the methods that were bothering her. Namely, that she felt like she had none.
Alex had been difficult early on. The beginning was, in most respects, the most difficult time of their relationship. They had both been in rough patches, trying to be different people than they’d been before, and Casey thought, hoped, they’d both been successful. Alex had found a sense of balance and justice that guided her to powerful places. And Casey could look around her life and point lots of little things out: the tennis racquet beside her softball bat, their well-stocked kitchen, the literary journals lined up in a row on her bookshelf, little markers of stability and self-assuredness that reminded her how she’d changed and stayed the same over the years. She hadn’t felt this untethered since she kissed Alex for the first time.
“Casey, it’s called having a crush,” Rita said after she explained herself over a scotch.
“What’s going on, Alex?” Serena’s voice came over the speakerphone as Alex set it down on the countertop.
“Do you want to tell me why you asked my second chair out on the courthouse steps in the middle of the afternoon on a Wednesday?”
Serena laughed at her. “I don’t think I did,” she said.
“Hey, Caroline,” Alex mocked Serena’s slightly husky voice, “Won’t you please reserve me a spot on your dance card this weekend?” She said as she popped the cork out of a bottle of wine with an angry pop as punctuation.
“I don’t talk like that,” Serena said. “And all I did was tell her I wanted to dance, I don’t think I asked her for anything, in fact.”
“I don’t remember it like that.”
“So it’s on your mind, huh.”
“Shut up.”
“Oh my god.” Alex thought of what to say as she sipped.
“I mean,” Serena filled the silence, “If you aren’t going to, I will, you know?”
“Serena!” Alex all but yelled into the phone.
“Uh-huh,” she replied, “that’s what I thought.” She paused for a moment, then said, “I wasn’t
asking her out, I was giving you a reason to go dancing with her again.
“I don’t follow.”
“Sure you don’t. Look, I’ll make a groupchat with you, Casey, me and Caroline, and make plans in there, thus implying that all of us are going. It’s simple.”
“What?” Alex asked, actually not following her friend at this point.
“Just let it happen, Lex. Where is Casey, anyway?”
Alex swirled her wine around. “Rita absconded with her after work today. She said it was something about a case.”
“I don’t think they’re opposing one another on anything right now,” Serena said.
“I’ve learned not to ask questions,” Alex said, referencing the schemes Rita and her wife liked to pull occasionally. Then, realizing what she might be implying, she said, “Remember Sophie’s birthday last year?” and was answered with Serena’s light laugh from the other end of the call.
Casey’s eyes widened. “Yeah, I guess so.” Rita was surprised that Casey didn’t fight her on it. She decided to push.
“So, when are you going to ask her out?” Casey looked at her.
“We haven’t like, set a date,” she said. “Do people usually set dates for that kind of thing?
“They usually have a plan of some kind, I think. I mean, I do.”
Rita’s phone buzzed three times, two texts and a photo from Pippa. She didn’t hide her nerves fast enough for Casey to miss it. She shot her friend a look over her glass, saying, “you have a plan, right?”
Rita rolled her eyes. “Stop deflecting.” This time it was Casey’s turn to get the notifications.
New Groupchat (4)
Serena: So, Saturday night, right? Where?
Caroline: Why don’t you meet me at my apartment? The place is kind of hard to find.
Serena: Works for me. Alex? Casey?
Casey had no idea what the texts were about, suspected Serena of some kind of scheme.
Casey: Sure? But what are we doing?
Serena: Dancing!
Caroline: Dancing. Ashley’s on the road so I needed another partner.
Alex: We’re going dancing on Saturday.
Casey looked up from her phone to find an expectant Rita looking at her. “Apparently, I’m going dancing on Saturday.
“With Caroline?”
“And Alex. And Serena.”
Rita smiled wryly. “Good luck.”
“Okay, okay, order, order,” you said quieting the room of middle schoolers at the end of practice. “Remember, I can’t be there with you this weekend at the competition, and I have to leave early tonight,” you said, to a chorus of sighs, “I know, I know, I’m sorry. But you’ll all do great, I know it. Listen to your teachers, stick to your plans, and do your best.” The adoring eyes of the team were all on you. “And, if you win, I’ll buy you pizza. Deal?”
Nothing motivates tweens like a pizza party, but you weren’t worried about their performance. If nothing else, you knew Ophélie was a zealous team captain, putting it delicately. She had learned to be persistent from you, which was great at a competition, more annoying when she had chores. You gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek as you said goodbye to the team, despite her “no affection in public rule” (because the nature of the adolescent is to be embarrassed), and sent a text to Casey letting her know you’d be out soon.
When you saw her waiting for you outside the school building, your heart skipped a beat. It was that same feeling that you’d felt when Alex was in your apartment-- an intimacy that should’ve felt unusual, out of place, instead felt perfectly natural and comfortable. You hugged in greeting, grateful that you’d all decided that would be acceptable affection for colleagues.
“You know,” you said, “You really didn’t have to come meet me here.” Casey shrugged.
“I wanted to. Nice sweater,” she said, teasing you. It was one of those summer evenings where the sunset had brought a cool breeze with it, and you’d stolen one of Ophélie’s uniform cardigans. It was simple and navy blue, but the school logo embroidered on the breast gave it away. The two of you walked together towards the nearest subway station.
“Thanks,” you said, in an unserious tone. “Where’s Alex?”
“She’s already at the bar,” Casey replied, “I was told to retrieve you before the announcement.”
“It can’t be any big surprise,” you said, wondering. “She’s been agonizing over these applications forever.”
“She’s Gillian. She agonizes.” You looked up at the buildings, lights beginning to come on in the apartment buildings and off in the offices. Casey looked at your lifted head and the way it created a line, sloping and elegant, jawline to neck to collarbone. She pushed one palm with the opposite thumb and bit her lip, thinking about her conversation with Rita. She was right, they needed a plan, or one of these days she was going to kiss you without thinking.
Your voice snapped her out of it, but she didn’t hear what you said. “Casey?”
“Sorry, what?”
“I asked if you were excited to come dancing again this weekend.” The two of you walked down the stairs to the subway station, you in front, looking over your shoulder as Casey answered you.
“Oh! Yes, I definitely am. I didn’t know that Serena could dance, Alex told me it was her idea.”
“Apparently she studied abroad. I’m glad she asked, though.” That gave the knot of jealousy in Casey’s stomach a tug. She had no right to be jealous, but she couldn’t help but feel it. Serena is beautiful, and single, she doesn’t work with them, she’s super smart and funny, and apparently she knows how to dance.
“I’m glad we’ll have enough people to switch up partners a couple times,” Casey said, assuaging the jealousy.
“That’s the best part,” you agreed.
You made it to the table just in time to hear the announcement.
The third announcement. It would appear that Rita had somehow gotten ahold on all of Gillian’s acceptance letters and was withholding them from the rest of the group (except, of course, for the honoree herself, who was happy to go along with the plan, not that she had much of a choice). Glasses were raised and congratulations expressed as Rita said, “the third acceptance is… Yale!”
Polite applause came around the table. Gillian smiled bashfully as everyone told her how proud they were. Of all of you, she was the only person smart enough (or crazy enough) to go back to school after navigating the complex legal world of New York City.
“Which ones did we miss?” Casey said as the two of you slid into the two open seats.
“She got into Columbia,” Serena said, “which means she could stay in Manhattan. A few glasses around the table were raised again, encouraging her to stay close.
“And Stanford,” Alex added. You shot Gillian an excited look, happy at the mention of your alma mater.
“How many more letters are there?” You asked. Rita checked the pile of envelopes in her hand.
As soon as Sophie noticed that neither you nor Casey yet had a drink, there were whiskeys in your hands. As soon as Serena remembered that you were returning from coaching a mock trial team, and remembering what she knew of Casey’s feelings about kids, she began to ask you questions. How was the team, what case are they presenting, do they love you, (truly who wouldn’t). She was almost tiring you out.
“Is she always this persistent?” you asked Alex, smiling at Serena as you did so. You had to know if your eyes were deceiving you, your wishful thinking getting the best of your powers of observation yesterday when you saw her jealous look.
You were correct.
Almost faster than could be perceived, Alex’s eyes narrowed, looking into Serena’s, not yours; as if to say what the hell are you doing. Raised shoulders, her fingers pressing slightly into the table, her tongue in the back of her throat: you’d seen enough jealous boyfriends (of women you were about to dance with, if you’re honest) in clubs to know what it looked like.
Well. That was going to be good information to have at your disposal. If nothing else, for
confirmation: that you weren’t crazy, that there was something there to notice, from both of them.
You would’ve considered your offer of your apartment more thoroughly had you initially understood that there would be four of you going out that Saturday night. You weren’t sure, at first, if Serena had been asking you out. Honestly, you would probably not turn her down if she did. It would certainly be a simpler path to take, and there was no denying that Serena was beautiful and smart. Of course, your affections were otherwise engaged.
But, since she had invited Casey and Alex along, you considered it more likely that she was “creating some amount of opportunity,” (a real thing you’d really heard her say once) than making a double date. It would make sense, you thought, if Alex had told her how she was feeling; and the more days that went by, the more little tender interactions, the more often you noticed her resting her eyes in your direction, the more confident you were that you weren’t making up the chemistry.
Casey was a little harder to read, but you had noticed she’d seemed slightly… preoccupied the last few times you’d been alone together. One thing you knew: their marriage was rock solid. Neither of them would do something without the others’ approval. You could only hope they had a plan. You didn’t-- unless trying to seem as desirable yet appropriate as possible could be considered a plan.
There were four people in your apartment. You couldn’t remember the last time you had people over to your place rather than Ashley and Ramin’s, so it felt especially cramped. You were each drinking a glass of wine (from Ramin’s fancy stash, you were not going to let them know just yet that the only wine you bought was two buck chuck), you and Serena were sitting on the barstools at your counter while Alex and Casey sat on the couch. You had your music collection on shuffle, which led to a few laughs at the funny combinations.
It was your turn to feel jealous, or maybe to yearn. You hoped that one of them would see the new collection of books sitting on your table: Marriage and Other Alternatives, More Than Two, and What Love Is (and what it could be). A quiet buzz of anticipation (or was it the wine?) pleasantly lodged itself in your mind as the four of you slung your bags over your shoulders and headed out for the night.
Pippa Cox touched her lipstick up in the mirror before returning to the table she was (finally) sharing with Rita Calhoun. For such a smart woman, Pippa had often thought, Rita was prone to running from her feelings. Having gotten her on this date was a feat indeed, even though she knew (the glances, the blushing, the way she would drift into her space, natural as anything) that they shared feelings. As Pippa sat down, Rita smiled.
Unfortunately, as Rita reached for her glass, her phone buzzed in her purse. She shrugged-- what was the point of texting when she was on a date? If it was a client, they would call her secretary who would call her. No need to fret.
“It’s nothing, I’m sure,” she said, reaching across the table to take Pippa’s hand in her own. She knew how difficult it had been for her to get back into dating, to trust anyone with her heart, which was part of why she had been so apprehensive to pursue her even though the attraction was there. She’d pinched herself when Pippa had been the one to ask, happy to be the pursued for once.
“Good,” Pippa said, “because I want you to myself tonight.” Rita nodded, bit her lip, and smiled. There was another buzz, then another, then another. Three in a row? The only people she knew who texted like that were Casey and Serena, both of whom had plans tonight.
Plans together, with Alex. Involving Caroline. She sighed, hoping that she wasn’t about to do something to hurt Pippa’s feelings. Pippa, to her credit, looked curiously at Rita’s bag as she opened it.
Notifications: 4 new messages.
Serena: This experience is simultaneously adorable and infuriating.
Serena sent a photo.
Serena sent a video.
Serena: I’m tempted to leave and let them figure it out.
Rita laughed to herself. The picture was a selfie of you four sitting at a booth, you and Alex on one side and Casey and Serena on the other. Serena had her head leaned on Casey’s shoulder, who looking across the table, while you were pressing a kiss to Alex’s cheek. Alex had a contented smile, and your table had evidence of more than a couple drinks for each of you. The video was one of you and Alex. You were holding one of her hands with the other wrapped around her waist. Alex looked terrified, poor thing, every body part was flying in the opposite direction. The sounds of Casey and Serena encouraging you both mixed with the horns and drums coming from the stage. Rita agreed with Serena, it was adorable and infuriating.
Rita: Well, that’s cute and maddening for sure.
Serena: I’ll send updates.
Rita: Tomorrow. Please don’t interrupt *my* date again, thank you.
Serena: OMG did she finally ask you out!?!??
Rita put her phone down, answering Pippa’s curious look with a wave of her hand. “Serena drama,” she said, and Pippa gave an understanding nod. “I made her promise to leave me alone for a while.” Pippa leant across the table and pecked Rita’s lips.
tags: @addictedtodinosaurs @nocreditinthestraightworld @cmmndrwidw @hi-i-1 @lesbianologist
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roberttchase · 3 years
Brettsey prompt - established brettsey relationship and jealous Sylvie.
Have some cute Brettsey with kids! They are from my Must Love Dog series. This is set in the future. I will be writing more with them but for now, have a tiny little sliver.
At four, almost five years old, Adelaide Casey is going to be the death of Matt. Whether it’s from her curious, independent personality, or him being wrapped around her finger, he’s not sure which. It’s early; barely eight am, but the little girl has been restless since Sylvie left for her usual cycle-bar lesson, and she’s been asking for the past twenty minutes straight to go to the park.
Matt’s usually pretty good at tuning things out (he had to be when Otis and Cruz were galavanting around the firehouse), but the relentless determination his daughter seems to have woken up with is finally cutting through the barrier. That, or he just can’t say no to her. Looking at where she’s laying splayed across the couch, playing with two small animal figurines, he smiles. He sends a quick text to Sylvie, then walks over.
“Go get dressed and we can go.” The words make the tiny girl freeze, then she hops up, grinning and all but running up to her room.
They’ve been working on letting Addy dress herself more, and make more decisions, instead of just telling her. It’s definitely an ‘Addy-day’ as she so affectionately calls them, because when she reappears a few minutes later, she’s dressed herself and looks proud. Looking her over, Matt thinks it could definitely be worse. He and Sylvie have been explaining to her about the weather lately, and how to dress accordingly. It’s September, and the little black and white striped leggings with panda faces on the knees, paired with her favorite short sleeve shirt that reads ‘Jedi in Training’, should easily be enough to keep her warm.
“Can you put my hair up like Mama’s please?” Big blue eyes look up at him and Matt is amazed (as always) how much she looks like Sylvie.
“Of course. Do you think you can sit still for me long enough?” He teases, taking the hair brush and hair tie from her little hands, leading them to the living room. She sits on the coffee table while he sits on the couch behind her, brushing her wild mess of long, curly blonde hair.
“Papa, do you think Mama will wanna to get a donut after? She’ll be real hungry from the bike, right?”
Matt snorts as the hair tie hangs loosely between his teeth, pulling her hair up before catching it all with it, pulling it through to make a ponytail.
“She might be. Are you still hungry? We have more oatmeal and banana,” he offers, knowing exactly what game she’s playing at. He can’t help the smile taking over his face.
“No! I’m allll full. Jus’worried ‘bout Mama.”
“It’s very sweet of you to worry. When she finishes and meets us at the park you can ask,” Matt suggests, kissing her head. “You ready to head out, Chief?”
“Yes sir!” She gives him a mock salute and he laughs, following her to put their shoes on.
“Can we take Beau? I’ll walk him!” She freezes in the middle of the hallway, making Matt stumble.
“...we can. But only if he wants to go. Go find him and ask okay?” Another thing they’ve been working on- everyone has feelings, even animals. You have to ask before assuming someone wants to do something.
Moments later, while Matt’s pulling on his Nikes, Addy comes back with Beau trailing her, little nub wagging wildly. Matt nods and grabs Beau’s leash off of the hook near the door to the garage, handing it to her. She clips it on and grabs her sunglasses, another new development lately.
“Let’s head out. We can go to the park a few blocks away, yeah? The one with the tire swing?” When he gets an excited smile and wiggle, Matt lets her out into the front yard and locks up.
The walk doesn’t take long, and Matt, as always, is impressed with how well she walks their little frenchie. They get to the park that’s blissfully empty, though he’s not surprised. It’s early enough most kids are just waking up. He’s sure that Andy, their two year old, is just waking up with his Aunt Stella, Uncle Kelly, and their three year old (his best friend) Jackson. Sleepovers with the two are common, enough so that they know they’ll happen twice a week. Addy prefers Cruz’s twins, even if they’re almost two years older than her. Beau starts sniffing around near Matt, extending his leash to the longest it can be.
“Want me to come with you, or do you want to explore and play alone for a bit?” Options, Matt reminds himself, as his daughter thinks them over.
“Alone, but together later?”
“Of course. Go play.” With a smile, Matt watches Addy run over to the large structure, climbing up the little fake rock wall. They’ve come a long way from three months prior, when she was scared to do it on her own. Now she’s handling it like it’s nothing, and Matt couldn’t be more proud. Around ten minutes later, a mom and her two girls who seem to be around Addy’s age appear, and within seconds all three girls are talking and playing.
“They seem to be getting along,” the mom, a red head says, walking over. “Normally Katie’s pretty shy, but she seems to be warming up to your daughter quickly. I’m Elise.”
Matt’s never been one to just talk to other parents, that’s Sylvie’s specialty. He’s of course capable of making small talk, but his reserved nature makes him weary of it. Giving the woman a smile, he nods.
“Addy’s pretty quick to make friends,” he supplies, not fully sure he even wants to give her name out, but it seems rude not to. The girls look well adjusted enough, and his paranoia is put to rest when he sees their features resemble the woman’s next to him. “Matt, nice to meet you,” he adds. Beau snorts and Matt can’t help but laugh. “And this is Beau.”
They talk about their kids, and Matt’s unsure if he’s imagining it; he’s never been good at picking up signals, but it feels like Elise is flirting with him. He’s suddenly, acutely aware he doesn’t have his wedding ring on, doesn’t have it at all, actually. An accident a few months back involving cribbing being dropped on his hand and swelling had resulted in his ring finger swelling enough they’d had to cut his ring off. He definitely needs to get it replaced.
As the minutes tick by, Matt relaxes a bit. Elise is nice enough, and maybe she really is just being friendly. He can’t imagine her flirting with her kids so near by. Or...maybe not. The redhead is inching closer to him on the bench, and the firefighter tries not to look uncomfortable. Before he can say anything else, he hears Addy yell ‘mama’ at the top of her lungs. Looking up, Matt sees Sylvie walking towards them, breathtakingly beautiful. Though she may have just come from spin class, she’s still the prettiest woman in the world, blue eyes bright and smile wide.
Elise, for her part, looks only slightly thrown for a loop. He watches her smile tighten as Sylvie walks over. There’s something unreadable in her expression that Matt can’t quite place.
“Hey sweetheart,” Matt stands and presses a kiss to her cheek.
“Hey love. Hi! I’m Sylvie, Matt’s wife. Nice to meet you.”
Elise’s eyes are calculating, then she huffs. “Elise.”
Watching the interaction, Matt feels like he’s missing something, but with the way Sylvie is suddenly eyeing the woman, he thinks that maybe his first assumption of Elise flirting with him was right. By now, Addy’s next to them, clambering to try and get into Sylvie’s arms, one of her favorite places to be. Sylvie, while still reaching down to hold her, keeps eye contact with the other mom, cocking an eyebrow.
“I think we’d better get going,” Elise informs them, when her twins start making their way over. When Sylvie doesn’t reply, Matt speaks up.
“It was great meeting you!”
“Likewise Matt.”
When the family is walking off, he turns back to his wife, looking at her curiously. “What was that?”
“She was flirting with you, and needed to be put in her place.”
Matt’s not sure what to do with the information that Sylvie is jealous, and not only that, she’s adorable when she’s jealous, like a grumpy cat.
“Mama, can we go get donuts? You must be reaaallll hungry after workin’ out….”
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realrollypratt · 3 years
❀ Dasey Fic Rec Friday #8
It’s 3am and you hate yourself? It’s okay! We’ve all been there! At least there’s good fanfiction to keep you warm and safe. Fanfiction does not judge you. Fanfiction loves you unconditionally.
A gentle reminder to leave kudos and comments for our incredible writers. <3
1. Batman and the Extremely Long Title (Batman, Catwoman, and the Mystery of the Disappearing Gotham Women) by Born2read | Words: 23,607 | Chapters: 1/1
Catwoman, who is really Casey, is into Batman, who is really Derek, who is into Casey, who is Catwoman.
Because it's the fic the Fandom deserves, but not the one it needs right now... or something. Actually, scratch that, this is definitely the fic that you need right now. It’s fun, it’s mysterious, it’s sexy. It’s a goddamn Batman AU. It’s a love square. Why isn’t everybody crying over this yet?
2. Footsie by MoreThanOneInterest | Words: 5,341 | Chapters: 1/1
Their dinner alliance would never extend into their relationship. At least, that's what Derek was trying to convince himself of. A one-shot where Derek and Casey play an awful lot of that "innocent" game beneath the dinner table, that is just oh-so fun. Might become a collection of one-shots.
It’s just!!! Playing footsie has never seemed so sexy? You guys love playful banter and good dialogue as much as I do, right? It would be such a shame if someone missed out on reading this amazing piece of canon universe gold. I wouldn’t want that for you.
3. Discovering Blue by KQHazel | Words: 1,355 | Chapters: 1/1
In a universe where people only see in black-and-white until they kiss their soulmate and discover colours, Casey worries she’ll never meet her someone.
I’ll just go ahead and say it. This is probably my favourite soulmate AU of all time (and that includes the timer AU and do you have ANY idea how much I love the timer AU???). I just like the aesthetic of it a lot okay.
4. Save the Last Dance by kensington_queen | Words: 10,139 | Chapters: 1/1
“Sam and Ralphie enlisted a couple months ago, and you didn’t say shit about that except wishing them a safe return and a reminder to write!”
“Sam and Ralphie aren’t you!” Casey shrieked, shoving him with her full strength. He stumbled back. “They aren’t you,” she repeated before fleeing the yard, ignoring the concerned sound of her mother’s voice calling after her.
So I went like... What The Hell? Did I do something to offend you? Because this fic is a personal attack. I don’t even like WWII anything. Yet this piece of genius just... happened to be here and ruined my entire life. Fucking hell. Am I to believe that one simply writes such good fanfiction? Without summoning ultimate evil or something? Whatever.
5. Hypothetically by Cookie_Queen | Words: 1,367 | Chapters: 1/1
Deep into Luca and Skye's final year in college (Skye graduating early!), they have a conversation.
Derek and Casey aren’t here! But their kids are! And guess what, they aren’t related either!!!!!!!!!!!! (Because you read Life With Luca and now you need more of Sky and Luca because they are beautiful). I love this so much because it’s like... when your friend writer writes fanfiction to your fanfiction. Bless this fandom.
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marlborodean · 3 years
spn quotes: season three
i’m collecting a bunch of quotes from the show! my favorite lines, good points of characterization, etc. all organized by episode and character, and with timestamps!
w/ncest shippers get lost
season one. two.
[Bobby: So we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we?] Well, sold my soul, got a year to live. I ain't sweating the cholesterol. (07:04)
[Tamara: I'm heading back to that bar.] I'll go with her. [Sam: It's suicide, Dean!] So what? I'm dead already! (21:27)
[Envy: You really think you're better than me. Which one of you can cast the first stone? Huh? What about you, Dean? You're practically a walking billboard of gluttony and lust.] (24:46)
[Sam: Think she's gonna be alright?] No. Definitely not. (34:18)
[Sam: What, you got some kind of death wish or something?] It's not like that. [Then what's it like, Dean?] Sam— [Please. Tell me.] We trap the crossroads demon, trick it, try to welch our way out of the deal in any way, you die. Okay? You die. Those are the terms, there's no way out of it. If you try to find a way, so help me God, I'm gonna stop you. [How could you make that deal, Dean?] 'Cause I couldn't live with you dead. Couldn't do it. [So what, now I live and you die?] That's the general idea, yeah. [Yeah, well, you're a hypocrite, Dean. How did you feel when Dad sold his soul for you? 'Cause I was there. I remember. You were twisted and broken. And now you go and do the same thing. To me. What you did was selfish.] Yeah, you're right. It was selfish. But I'm okay with that. [I'm not.] Tough. After everything I've done for this family, I think I'm entitled. Truth is, I'm tired, Sam. I don't know, it's like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. [It's hellfire, Dean!] Whatever. You're alive, I feel good for the first time in a long time. I got a year to live, Sam, I'd like to make the most of it. So what do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell. Huh? (37:12)
Look. If we're going down, we're going down together, alright? (27:09)
[Pride: And you...are Sam Winchester. That's right, I've heard of ya. We've all heard of ya. The prodigy, the boy king. Looking at you now, I gotta tell ya.... Don't believe the hype. You think I'm gonna bow to a cut-rate, piss-poor human like you? I have my pride, after all. And now with your yellow-eyed friend dead, I guess I don't really have to do a damn thing now, do I? You're fair game now, boy, and it's open season.] (31:51)
You know what? I've had it. I've been bending over backwards trying to be nice to you, and...I don't care anymore. [Dean: That didn't last long.] Yeah, well, you know what? I've been busting my ass trying to keep you alive, Dean, and you act like you couldn't care less. What, you got some kind of death wish or something? (36:56)
[Dean: I couldn't live with you dead. Couldn't do it.] So what, now I live and you die? [That's the general idea, yeah.] Yeah, well, you're a hypocrite, Dean. How did you feel when Dad sold his soul for you? 'Cause I was there. I remember. You were twisted and broken. And now you go and do the same thing. To me. What you did was selfish. (37:44)
Greed: We're not sins, man. We are natural, human instinct. And you can repress and deny us all you want, but the truth is, you are just animals. Horny, greedy, hungry, violent animals. And you know what? You'll be slaughtered like animals, too. (25:32)
[Lisa: You can relax.] Good. [I swear you look disappointed.] Yeah, I don't know. It's weird, you know, your life. I mean, this house and kid. It's not my life, never will be. Some stuff happened to me recently, uh.... Anyway, a guy in my situation—you start to think, you know, "I'm gonna be gone one day, and what am I leaving behind besides a car?" [I don't know. Ben may not be your kid, but he wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. That's a lot, if you ask me.] You know, just for the record, you got a great kid. I would've been proud to be his dad. (26:18)
[Ruby: All I know is that it's about you.] What? [Don't you get it, Sam? It's all about you. What happened to your mom, what happened to her friends—they're trying to cover up what he did to you. And I want to help you figure it out.] Why would you want to help me? [I have my reasons. Not all demons are the same, Sam. Not all of us want the same thing. Me? I want to help you from time to time. That's all. And if you let me, there's something in it for you.] What could you possibly— [I could help you save your brother.] (40:40)
Just Dad. You know, him and his secrets. We spent all this time with the guy and it's like we barely even know the man. (06:20)
Oh wow! It's my first sawed-off. I made it myself. Sixth grade. (07:59)
That's what killed your friend. My brother here is next. And who knows how many more innocent people after that. Now, if you don't help us stop this thing, then that puts those deaths on your head. Now, I can read people. And I get it. You're a thief and a scumbag. That's fine. But you're not a killer. Are you? (22:46)
So you know the truth about what's really going on out there and this is what you decide to do with it? You become a thief? [Bela: I procure unique items for a select clientele.] Yeah. A thief. (29:46)
So you're only after yourself, huh? It's all about number one? [Bela: Being a hunter is so much more noble? A bunch of obsessed, revenge-driven sociopaths trying to save a world that can't be saved.] Well, aren't you a glass half-full. [We're all going to Hell, Dean. Might as well enjoy the ride.] I actually agree with you there. (31:30)
The hell is wrong with you?! You don't just go around shooting people like that! (36:04)
[Dean: She knows what your weakness is. It's me.] (03:32)
[Dean: You're okay, right? I mean, you're feeling okay?] Yes, I'm fine! Why are you always asking me that? (04:04)
No way! That's my division championship soccer trophy. I can't believe he kept this! [Dean: It was probably the closest you ever came to being a boy.] (07:45)
[Casey: Lose something?] All you demons have such smart mouths. [It's a gift.] Yeah. Well, let's see if you're smiling when I send your ass back to Hell. [Without your little exorcism book? Hey, go ahead.] Spiritus immunde. Ungo— [Having a little trouble there, sport?] Spiritus immunde, undolara. Pasonitote.... [Nice try, but I think you just ordered a pizza. Guess you should've paid more attention in Latin class.] I don't know what you're smiling about. You're not going anywhere. [And, apparently, neither are you.] Yeah, but I got somebody coming for me, and uh, he did pay attention in class. (20:02)
[Casey: You Winchester boys are famous. Not Lohan famous, but, you know.] Well. That's...flattering. I'll be sure to let Sam know when he gets here. (20:58)
So demons take over. I thought the meek shall inherit the earth. [Casey: Oh, according to your Bible. It's only a book, Dean.] Not everyone would agree. [Because it's God's book? Do you believe in God, Dean? I'd be surprised if you did.] I don't know. I'd like to. (24:59)
[Casey: You're alright, Dean. The others don't describe you that way. But, you know, you're...you're likable.] A demon likes me. Sorry, I don't know how to respond to that. (29:34)
[Casey: That deal you made to save Sam—a lot of others would mock you for it, think it was weak or stupid. I don't.] It's been kind of liberating, actually. I mean, what's the point in worrying about a future when you don't have one, huh? [Still, a year to live. You're not scared?] No. [Not even a little?] Of course not. (29:50)
Oh God. Uh. I'm sorry. That's—just—I think this was just a minor misunderstanding? yeah, okay, um. How 'bout I just—I just leave, 'cause—I'll take these—okay, I'll, uh, I'll leave this for, uh...you, uh...have a nice day? (17:20)
[Dean: Yeah, but I got somebody coming for me, and uh, he did pay attention in class.] [Casey: Oh, right, Sam. Everyone says he's the brains of the outfit.] [Everyone?] [Sure! You Winchester boys are famous. Not Lohan famous, but, you know.] (20:46)
Yeah, I like being able to help people. [Father Gil: Ever think about doing anything else?] Like what? [Hm. Anything. You seem like a pretty smart kid. Somehow I see you out in front of the pack. You could do some great things.] I don't know. I like what I'm doing, I guess. [Well, it's your life. Does, um, Dean?] Yeah, Dean. [Does he find trouble often?] Yeah. Yeah, Dean finds his fair share. [Hm. Well, it's a good thing he has you. His brother's keeper.] (30:32)
[Ruby: You're gonna have to do things that go against that gentle nature of yours. There'll be collateral damage, but it has to be done.] Well, I don't have to like it. [No. You wouldn't be Sam if you did.] (39:24)
Casey: You don't get it. All you gotta do is nudge humans in the right direction. Some whiskey here, a hooker there, and they'll walk right into hell with big, fat smiles on their faces. Your kind is corrupt, Dean. Weak. Our will's stronger. That's why we'll win. (23:55)
Casey: What, you think humans have an exclusive on a higher power? [Dean: You have a God?] Sure. His name's Lucifer. [You mean the Devil?] Your word, not ours. "Lucifer" actually means "light bringer." Look it up. Once he was the most beautiful of all God's angels. But God demanded that he bow down before man, and when he refused, God banished him. Tell me, Dean. How do you like bowing before lesser creatures? [Lucifer's really real?] Well, no one's actually seen him, but they say that he made us into what we are, and they say that he'll return. [Oh yeah? And, uh, you believe that?] I've got faith. [Hm.] So, you see? Is my kind really all that different than yours? [Well, except that, uh, demons are evil.] And humans are such a lovable bunch. (26:39)
Casey: [Hell] is a pit of despair. Why do you think we want to come here? (28:02)
Casey: Sam was supposed to be the grand poo-bah and lead the big army, but he hasn't exactly stepped up to the plate, has he? [Dean: Thank God for that.] Again with God. You think this is a good thing? Now you've got chaos, a war without a front, hundreds of demons all jockeying for power, all fighting for the crown, most of them gunning for your brother. (32:22)
[Sam: I don't understand, Dean, why not?] Because I said so. [We got the Colt now.] Sam— [We can summon the crossroads demon—] We're not summoning anything. [—pull the gun on her, and force her to let you out of the deal!] We don't even know if that'll work! [Well then, we'll just shoot her! If she dies, the deal goes away!] We don't know if that will work either, Sam! All you're pitching me right now are a bunch of "if's" and "maybe's," and that's not good enough! Because if we screw with this deal, you die! [And if we don't screw with it, you die!] Sam, enough! I'm not gonna have this conversation! [Why, because you said so?] Yes, because I said so! [Well, you're not Dad!] No, but I am the oldest. And I'm doing what's best. You gotta let this go, you understand me? (03:46)
[Sam: Is that what you want me to do, Dean? Just let you go?] (33:26)
[Kyle: Those were my brothers. This guy, he killed my brothers. How would you feel?] Can't imagine anything worse. (06:34)
Look, Callie is killing people. She's angry. She's desperate because nobody will listen to her. So you have to listen to her. Please. Listen to your daughter. (29:28)
[Crossroads Demon: Aren't you tired of cleaning up Dean's messes? Of dealing with that broken psyche of his? Aren't you tired of being bossed around like a snot-nosed little brother? You're stronger than Dean. You're better than him.] Watch your mouth. [Admit it—you're here going through the motions, but truth is, you'll be a tiny bit relieved when he's gone.] Shut up. [No more desperate, sloppy, needy Dean. You can finally be free.] I said, shut up. [Huh. Doth protest too much, if you ask me.] (37:15)
Somebody stole my car?! [Sam: Hey hey hey, calm down.] I am calmed down! Somebody stole my— *nearly has a heart attack* (08:15)
[Bela: He can't be saved in time, and you know it.] Yeah, well, see, we have souls, so we're gonna try. (12:39)
Hey, Bela, how did you get like this, huh? What, did Daddy not give you enough hugs or something? [Bela: I don't know. Your Daddy not give you enough? Don't you dare look down your nose at me. You're no better than I am.] We help people. [Come on. You do this out of vengeance and obsession. You're a stone's throw from being a serial killer.] (12:57)
This is an uncrashable party without Gert's invitation, so— [Sam: We can crash anything, Dean.] Yeah, I know, but this is easier and it's a lot more entertaining. (21:57)
I'm thinking. [Bela: Don't strain yourself. Interesting, how the legend is so much more than the man.] (23:12)
Screw you. [Bela: Very Oscar Wilde.] (24:32)
So ponying up ten grand is easier for you than a simple thank you? You're so damaged. [Bela: Takes one to know one.] (38:08)
Hey, listen, I've been doing some thinking. Um...I want you to know I understand why you did it. I understand why you went after the crossroads demon. You know, situation was reversed, I guess I'd have done the same thing. I mean, I'm not blind. I see what you're going through with this whole deal. Me going away and all that. But you're gonna be okay. [Sam: You think so?] Yeah, you'll keep hunting. You know, you'll live your life. You're stronger than me. You are! You are, you'll get over it. But I want you to know I'm sorry, I'm sorry for...putting you through all this, I am. (38:56)
[Sam: That's the whole problem in the first place. I don't want you to worry about me, Dean. I want you to worry about you. I want you to give a crap that you're dying.] (39:52)
[Dean: It was a stupid friggin' risk, you shouldn't have done it.] I shouldn't have done it? You're my brother. No matter what you do, I'm gonna try to save you, and I'm sure as hell not gonna apologize for it, alright? (04:32)
[Dean: Can I shoot her?] Not in public. (09:55)
[Dean: You can't save everybody, Sam.] Yeah, right. S—so, what? You feel better now or what? [No, not really.] Yeah, me neither. [You gotta under—] Just lately I feel like I can't save anybody. (16:24)
[Dean: I can't believe she got another one over on us.] You. [What?] I mean—I mean, she got one over on you, not us. [Thank you, Sam. Very helpful. (31:12)
[Dean: You're gonna be okay.] You think so? [Yeah, you'll keep hunting. You know, you'll live your life. You're stronger than me. You are! You are, you'll get over it. But I want you to know I'm sorry, I'm sorry for...putting you through all this, I am.] You know what, Dean? Go screw yourself. [What?] I don't want an apology from you. And by the way, I'm a big boy now, I can take care of myself. [Oh, well, excuse me.] So would you please quit worrying about me? I mean, that's the whole problem in the first place. I don't want you to worry about me, Dean. I want you to worry about you. I want you to give a crap that you're dying. (39:20)
[Sam: What'd you do, Bela?] Bela: You wouldn't understand. No one did. Nevermind. I'll just do what I've always done. I'll deal with it myself. [Dean: You do realize you just sold the only thing that could save your life.] I'm aware. (34:01)
[Sam: There you are!] Yeah. Sorry, I stopped for a slice. [Nice move back there, Dean, running right at the weapons.] Well, what can I say? I'm a badass. (14:02)
I want you to stay out of harm's way. I'll take care of it. [Sam: Well, Dean, you're not going by yourself. You're gonna get yourself killed!] Just another day at the office. It's a massively dangerous day at the office. [So what, you're the guy with nothing to lose now, huh? Oh, wait. Let me guess. Because uh.... It's because you're already dead, right?] If the shoe fits. [You know what, man? I'm sick and tired of your old, stupid kamikaze trip.] Whoa, whoa. Kamikaze? I'm more like a ninja. [That's not funny.] It's a little funny. [No, it's not.] What do you want me to do, Sam? Huh? Sit around all day writing sad poems about how I'm gonna die? You know what? I got one. Let's see. What rhymes with "Shut up, Sam"? [Dude. Drop the attitude, Dean. Quit turning everything into a punch line. And you know something else? Stop trying to act like you're not afraid.] I'm not. [You're lying! And you may as well drop it 'cause I can see right through you.] You got no idea what you're talking about. [Yeah, I do. You're scared, Dean. You're scared because your year is running out and you're still going to Hell and you're freaked.] And how do you know that? [Because I know you!] Really? [Yeah, because I've been following you around my entire life! I mean, I've been looking up to since I was four, Dean—studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And I mean, I can't blame you. It's just....] What? [It's just, I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again, 'cause.... Just 'cause.] (28:16)
That's my job, right? Show my little brother the ropes? (39:01)
[Dean: And how do you know that?] Because I know you! [Really?] Yeah, because I've been following you around my entire life! I mean, I've been looking up to since I was four, Dean—studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And I mean, I can't blame you. It's just.... [What?] It's just, I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again, 'cause.... Just 'cause. (29:17)
[Gordon: You're right. I'm a bloodthirsty killer.] Don't talk about it like you don't have a choice. [I don't.] Yes, you do, Gordon. (34:03)
Gordon: We're the same now, you and me. I know how it is, walking around with something evil inside you. It's just too bad you won't do the right thing and kill yourself. I'm gonna! As soon as I'm done with you. Two last good deeds: killing you, and killing myself. (34:56)
Santa doesn't have a brother. There is no Santa. [Sam: Yeah, I know. You're the one who told me that in the first place, remember?] (04:57)
Hey, speaking of, we should have one this year. [Sam: Have one what?] A Christmas! [No, thanks.] No, we'll get a tree, a little Boston Market—just like when we were little. [Dean, those weren't exactly Hallmark memories for me, you know?] What are you talking about? We had some great Christmases! [Whose childhood are you talking about?] Oh, come on, Sam. [No! Just...no.] Alright, Grinch. (05:43)
[Sam: I'm old enough, Dean. You can tell me the truth.] You don't wanna know the truth. Believe me. [Is that why we never talk about...Mom?] Shut up! Don't you ever talk about Mom! Ever! (07:32)
Why are you the boy that hates Christmas? [Sam: Dean—] I mean, I admit it, we had a few bumpy holidays when we were kids. [Bumpy?] That was then! We'll do it right this year. (10:24)
Remember that wreath Dad brought home thy one year? [Sam: You mean the one he stole from like, a liquor store?] Yeah, it was a bunch of empty beer cans. That thing was great. I bet if I looked around hard enough, I could probably find one just like it. (18:30)
[Sam: Alright. Dude. What's going on with you?] What? [I mean, since when are you Bing Crosby all of a sudden? Why do you want to do Christmas so bad?] Why are you so against it? I mean, were your childhood memories that traumatic? [No, that has nothing to do with it.] Then what? [I mean, I just—I don't get it. I—you haven't talked about Christmas in years.] Well, yeah? This is my last year. (18:47)
We have the coolest dad in the world. He's a superhero. [Sam: He is?] Yeah. Monsters are real. Dad fights 'em. He's fighting them right now. [But Dad said the monsters under my bed weren't real.] That's 'cause he'd already checked under there. (21:20)
[Dean: Santa doesn't have a brother. There is no Santa.] Yeah, I know. You're the one who told me that in the first place, remember? (04:57)
[Dean: Hey, speaking of, we should have one this year.] Have one what? [A Christmas!] No, thanks. [No, we'll get a tree, a little Boston Market—just like when we were little.] Dean, those weren't exactly Hallmark memories for me, you know? [What are you talking about? We had some great Christmases!] Whose childhood are you talking about? [Oh, come on, Sam.] No! Just...no. (05:43)
Alright. Dude. What's going on with you? [Dean: What?] I mean, since when are you Bing Crosby all of a sudden? Why do you want to do Christmas so bad? [Why are you so against it? I mean, were your childhood memories that traumatic?] No, that has nothing to do with it. [Then what?] I mean, I just—I don't get it. I—you haven't talked about Christmas in years. [Well, yeah? This is my last year.] I know. That's why I can't. [What do you mean?] I mean, I can't just sit around, drinking eggnog, pretending everything's okay, when I know next Christmas you'll be dead. I just can't. (18:47)
[Edward: You, mister, better show us a little respect.] Or what? You'll eat us? (29:29)
Here. Take this. [Dean: No. No, that's for Dad.] Dad lied to me. I want you to have it. [You sure?] I'm sure. (37:02)
I hate witches. They're always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere. [Sam: Pretty much.] It's creepy, you know, it's downright unsanitary! (05:05)
[Ruby: Why are you even a part of this conversation?] Oh, I don't know, maybe because he's my brother, you black-eyed skank! [Oh, right, right! And you care about your brother so much. That's why you're checking out in a few months, leaving him all alone?] Shut up. [At least let me try and save him since you won't be here to do it anymore.] I said shut up! (19:22)
It tasted like ass. (24:36)
So all of them? Every damn demon, they were all human once? [Ruby: Everyone I've ever met.] Well, they sure don't act like it. [Most of them have forgotten what it means, or even that they were. That's what happens when you go to Hell, Dean. That's what Hell is: forgetting what you are.] Philosophy lesson from a demon. I'll pass, thanks. [It's not philosophy. It's not a metaphor. There's a real fire in the pit, agonies you can't even imagine.] No, I saw Hellraiser. I get the gist. [Actually, they got that pretty close, except for all the custom leather. The answer is yes, by the way.] Sorry? [Yes, the same thing will happen to you. It might take centuries, but sooner or later, Hell will burn away your humanity. Every Hell-bound soul, everyone turns into someone else. Turns you into us, so yeah—yeah, you can count on it.] There's no way of saving me from the pit, is there? [No.] (35:42)
They need to be stopped. [Dean: Stopped like, stopped? They're human, Sam.] They're murderers. (17:49)
[Dean: Are you feeling okay?] Why are you always asking me that? [Because you're taking advice from a demon, for starters. And by the way, you seem less and less worried about offing people, you know. It used to eat you up inside.] Yeah? And what has that gotten me? [Nothing, but it's just what you're supposed to do, okay? We're supposed to drive in the freaking car and freaking argue about this stuff! You know, you go on about the sanctity of life and all that crap.] Wait, so you're mad because I'm starting to agree with you? [No, I'm not mad! I'm—I'm...I'm worried, Sam, because you're not acting like yourself.] Yeah, you're right, I'm not! I don't have a choice! (20:45)
Look, Dean, you're leaving, right? And I gotta stay here in this crap hole of a world. Alone. So the way I see it, if I'm gonna make it, if I'm gonna fight this war after you're gone, then I gotta change. [Change into what?] Into you. I got to be more like you. (21:25)
Can I get a whiskey? Double, neat. [I'm serious, Dean.] No, you're drunk. [I mean, where you're going, what you're gonna become. I can't stop it. I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you.] What I've been telling you. [No, that's not what I mean. I mean, no one can save you because you don't want to be saved. I mean, how can you care so little about yourself? What's wrong with you?] (03:16)
You gotta snap out of this now. You gotta snap out of this now! You're not gonna die. I'm not gonna let you die. I'm not gonna let you die, you're like a father to me. You gotta believe me, please! [Bobby: I'm breathing?] Yes! Now take control of it! (22:30)
Great! Well, I'm just gonna go blow my brains out now! (25:59)
Well, aren't you a handsome son of a gun. [Nightmare Dean: We need to talk.] I get it, I get it. I'm my own worst nightmare. That it, huh? Kinda like the Superman III junkyard scene—a little mano y mano with myself? [Joke all you want, smartass, but you can't lie to me. I know the truth. I know how dead you are inside, how worthless you feel. I know how you look into a mirror, and hate what you see.] Sorry, pal. It's not gonna work. You're not real. [Sure I am. I'm you.] I don't think so. 'Cause see, this is my siesta. Not yours. All I gotta do is snap my fingers, and you go bye-bye. [I'm not going anywhere. Neither are you. Like I said, we need to talk.] (30:37)
[Nightmare Dean: I mean, you're going to Hell, and you won't lift a finger to stop it. Talk about low self-esteem! Then again, I guess it's not much of a life worth saving, now, is it?] Come on, Dean, come on, wake up. [I mean, after all, you've got nothing outside of Sam. You are nothing. You're as mindless and obedient as an attack dog.] That's not true. [No? What are the things that you want? What are the things that you dream? I mean, your car—that's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket—Dad's. Your music—Dad's. Do you even have an original thought? No. No, all there is, is "Watch out for Sammy. Look after your brother, boy!" You can still hear your Dad's voice in your head, can't you? Clear as a bell.] Just shut up. [I mean, think about it. All he ever did was train you, boss you around. But Sam—Sam, he doted on. Sam, he loved.] I mean it, I'm getting angry. [Dad knew who you really were. A good soldier and nothing else. Daddy's blunt little instrument. Your own father didn't care whether you lived or died. Why should you?] Son of a bitch! My father was an obsessed bastard! All that crap he dumped on me about protecting Sam—that was his crap! He's the one who couldn't protect his family! He's the one who let Mom die! Who wasn't there for Sam! I always was! It wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me, and I don't deserve to go to Hell! (33:21)
[Nightmare Demon Dean: You can't escape me, Dean. You're gonna die. And this? This is what you're gonna become! (35:32)
The thing is...I don't want to die. I don't want to go to Hell. [Sam: Alright. Yeah. We'll find a way to save you.] Okay, good. (38:40)
[Dean: There you are. What are you doing?] Having a drink. [It's 2:00 in the afternoon. Drinking whiskey?] I drink whiskey all the time.] No you don't. [What's the big deal? You get sloppy in bars. You hit on chicks all the time. Why can't I?] It's kinda slim pickings around here. What's going on with you?] (02:50)
I tried, Dean. [Dean: To do what?] To save you. [Can I get a whiskey? Double, neat.] I'm serious, Dean. [No, you're drunk.] I mean, where you're going, what you're gonna become. I can't stop it. I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you. [What I've been telling you.] No, that's not what I mean. I mean, no one can save you because you don't want to be saved. I mean, how can you care so little about yourself? What's wrong with you? (03:16)
[Dean: The thing is...I don't want to die. I don't want to go to Hell.] Alright. Yeah. We'll find a way to save you. (38:40)
Jeremy: You know what that's like? Not to be able to dream? You never rest, not really. It's like being awake for 15 years. [Sam: And let me guess. That's makes you go crazy.] I just want to be left alone. I just want to dream. (32:32)
[Sam: Twice now, I've watched you die. And I can't. I won't do it again, okay? And you're just gonna have to believe me. Please.] Alright. I still think you're nuts, but...okay. Whatever this is, we'll figure it out. (11:44)
Wait, did he.... [Sam: Yesterday, yeah.] And? [And what?] Did it look cool like in the movies? [You peed yourself.] Of course I peed myself. A man gets hit by a car, you think he has full control of his bladder? Come on! (13:05)
Twice now, I've watched you die. And I can't. I won't do it again, okay? And you're just gonna have to believe me. Please. (11:44)
[Gabriel: How long will it take you to realize you can't save your brother, no matter what?] (26:17)
[Bobby: Call me, Sam. We can find it together. No one man should take something like this on alone. You hear me?] (30:17)
[Bobby: I thought you'd back down from killing a man.] Well, you thought wrong. Leave the stuff, I'll do it myself. [I told you, I'm not gonna let you kill anyone—] It's none of your damn business what I do! (32:11)
[Gabriel: Let me tell ya. Whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one has never seen you with a sharp object in your hands.] (34:50)
[Gabriel: Sam, there's a lesson here that I've been trying to drill into that freakish, Cro-Magnon skull of yours.] Lesson? What lesson? [This obsession to save Dean? The way you two keep sacrificing yourselves for each other? Nothing good comes out of it. Just blood and pain. Dean's your weakness. The bad guys know it, too. He's gonna be the death of you, Sam. Sometimes you just gotta let people go.] He's my brother. [Yup. And like it or not, this is what life's gonna be like without him.] Please, just.... Please. [I swear, it's like talking to a brick wall.] (35:36)
Gabriel!Bobby: You and Dean, you...you boys are the closest thing I have to family. (32:18)
[Henriksen: Sorry, Dean. Truth is, your daddy brainwashed you with all that devil talk and no doubt touched you in a bad place.] (08:20)
It's kind of wild, right? I mean, it's like they're coming right for us. They've never done that before. It's like we got a contract on us. Think it's because we're so awesome? I think it's 'cause we're so awesome. (16:37)
[Henriksen: Can you guys beat it? Can you win?] Honestly, I think the world's gonna end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin'. [Plus you got nothing to go home to but your brother.] Yeah. (26:00)
[Ruby: This spell is very specific. It calls for a person of virtue.] I got virtue. [Nice try. You're not a virgin.] Nobody's a virgin! No. No way. You're kidding me, r—? You're— [Nancy: What? It's a choice, okay?] Wh— S—so you've never—not even once? I mean, not even.... Wow! (29:18)
Please tell me you're not actually considering this. We're talking about holding down a girl and cutting out her heart. [Sam: And we're also talking about 30 people out there, Dean—innocent people, who are all gonna die, along with everyone in here.] It doesn't mean that we throw away the rulebook and stop acting like humans. I'm not gonna let that demon kill some nice, sweet, innocent girl who hasn't even been laid. I mean, look, if that's how you win wars, then I don't want to win. [Then what? What do we do, Dean?] I got a plan. I'm not saying it's a good one, I'm not even saying that it'll work, but it sure as hell beats killing a virgin. (31:25)
*Dean gets shot.* Alright, don't be such a wuss. (13:54)
[Dean: Who sent 'em?] [Ruby: You didn't tell Dean? Wow, I'm surprised.] [Tell me what?] [There's a big new up-and-comer. Real pied piper.] [Who is he?] [Not he. Her. Her name is Lilith.] [Lilith?] [And she really, really wants Sam's intestines on a stick. Guess she sees him as competition.] [You knew about this? Well, gee, Sam, is there anything else I should know?] (27:32)
So you're just gonna leave? [Ruby: Hey! I was gonna kill myself to help you win. I'm not gonna stand here and watch you lose. And I'm disappointed, because I tried. I really did. But clearly, I bet on the wrong horse.] (32:30)
Alright, seriously, does looking at this nightmare through that camera make you feel better or something? I mean.... [Maggie: Um, I, uh.... Well, yeah. Uh, yeah, I think so.] Oh. (19:31)
[Sam: World just isn't ready for the Ghostfacers.] That's too bad. I kind of liked the show. [Had its moments.] (40:29)
Yeah! I mean, it's bizarre how y'all are able to, uh, to honor Corbett's memory while grossly exploiting the manner of his death. Well done. [Dean: Yeah, it's a real tight rope you're walking.] (38:56)
Well, um, our experience—you know what you get when you show the world the truth? [Dean: A straitjacket. Or a punch in the face. Sometimes both.] (39:08)
Harry: Ed.... You gotta go be gay for that poor dead intern. You gotta send him into the light. (32:54)
Ed: Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. (37:15)
[Sam: So you two were talking a case?] No, we were actually talking about our feelings and then our favorite boy bands. Yeah, we're talking a case! (04:22)
What if it really is Dad? What happens if he calls back? [Sam: What do you mean?] What do I say? (15:28)
[John: Dean, how could you do it?] Do what? [Sell your soul.] I was looking after Sammy, like you told me to. [I never wanted this, never. You're my boy. I love you. I can't watch you go go Hell, Dean.] I'm sorry. I don't know how to stop it. (18:18)
The man is dead, and you're still butting heads with the guy! [Sam: That's not what this is about.] Then what is it? [The fact is, we got no hard proof here, Dean! After everything, you're still just going on blind faith!] Yeah! Well, maybe! You know, maybe that's all I got, okay? (23:16)
I wanted to believe so badly that there was a way out of this. I mean, I'm staring down the barrel at this thing. You know, Hell. For real, forever, and I'm just.... [Sam: Yeah.] I'm scared, Sam. I'm really scared. [I know.] I guess I was willing to believe anything. You know, last act of a desperate man. [There's nothing wrong with having hope, you know?] Hope doesn't get you jack squat. I can't expect Dad to show up with some miracle at the last minute. I can't expect anybody to, you know. And the only person that can get me out of this thing is me. [Sam: And me.] "And me?" [What?] Deep revelation, having a real moment here, that's what you come back with? "And me?" [Do you want a poem?] Moment's gone. (38:07)
[Dean: Wow, you know, you'd think a Stanford education and a high school hookup rate of 0.0 would produce better results than that.] Hilarious. (16:03)
There's nothing wrong with having hope, you know. [Dean: Hope doesn't get you jack squat. I can't expect Dad to show up with some miracle at the last minute. I can't expect anybody to, you know? And the only person that can get me out of this thing is me.] And me. ["And me?"] What? [Deep revelation, having a real moment here, and that's what you come back with? "And me?"] Do you want a poem? [Moment's gone.] (38:46)
[Rufus: You know, I don't even bother drinking unless it's this stuff. Nectar of the gods, I'm telling you.] Yeah, it's a nice change, you know. Most of my whiskey comes from a plastic jug. (18:08)
[Rufus: I know ain't no peashooter gonna save you.] What makes you so sure? ['Cause that's the job, kid. Even if you manage to scrape out of this one, there's just gonna be something else down the road. Folks like us, there ain't no happy ending. We all got it coming.] (19:05)
[Rufus: You do her ear?] Hey, man, I'll try anything once, but I don't know, that sounds uncomfortable. (21:24)
[Bela: You're not the cold-blooded type.] You mean like you? That's true. See, I couldn't imagine killing my own parents. (28:20)
Look, this is simple. [Sam: Simple?] To me, it is, okay? Black or white—human, not human. (36:39)
[Dean: Are you coming or not?] I'm staying here. [No, you're not. Because I'm not gonna let you wander out in the woods alone to track some organ-stealing freak.] You're not gonna let me? [No, I'm not gonna let you.] How are you gonna stop me? (15:12)
[Bobby: Ain’t you just bringing down the room?] Well, it’s a gift. [Sam: I’m sorry, so then, what are we supposed to do, Dean?] Look, just ‘cause I gotta die doesn’t mean you have to, okay? We—either we go in smart, or we don’t go in at all. (05:01)
[Sam: Then give me another option, Dean. I mean, tell me what else!] [Bobby: Sam’s right—] No! Damn it! Just no. We are not gonna make the same mistakes all over again. You guys want to save me, find something else. (05:42)
Oh, I knew you’d show up. ‘Cause I knew Sam wouldn’t listen! But you’re not gonna teach him anything. You understand me? Over my dead body. (10:29)
[Ruby: So you’re just too stupid to live, is that it? Then fine! You deserve hell! And I wish I could be there, Dean. I wish I could smell the flesh sizzle off your bones. I wish I could be there to hear you scream!] And I wish you’d shut your piehole, but we don’t always get what we want. (12:25)
Sam, we are not gonna make the same mistake all over again. [Sam: You said that, but what does that even mean?] Don’t you see a pattern here? Dad’s deal, my deal, now this? I mean, every time one of us is—is up the creek, the other is begging to sell their soul. That’s all this is, man. Ruby’s just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it’s paved with, and you know where it’s going. (13:43)
Sammy, all I’m saying is that you’re my weak spot. You are. And I’m yours. [Sam: You don’t mean that. We’re—we’re family.] I know. And those evil sons of bitches know it, too. I mean, what we’ll do for each other, you know, how far we’ll go, they’re using that against us. [So, what, we just stop looking out for each other?] No, we stop being martyrs, man. We stop spreading it for these demons. We take this knife, and we go after Lilith our way, the way Dad taught us to. And if we go down, uh…then we go down swinging. What do you think? [I think you totally should’ve been jamming “Eye of the Tiger” right there.] Oh, bite me. I totally rehearsed that speech, too. (14:39)
[Sam: You know, if this doesn’t, uh…. If this doesn’t go the way we want, I want you to know that—] No, no no no no no no. [No what?] You’re not gonna bust out the misty goodbye speech, okay? I mean, if this is my last day on Earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward. (19:54)
[Sam: I’m not gonna let you go to Hell, Dean!] Yes, you are! Yes, you are. I’m sorry. I mean, this is all my fault. I know that. But what you’re doing, it’s not gonna save me. It’s only gonna kill you. [Then what am I supposed to do?] Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels. Sam, remember what Dad taught you, okay? And remember what I taught you. (32:36)
We’re gonna get this done. I don’t care what it takes, Dean. You’re not gonna go to Hell. I’m not gonna let you. I swear. Everything’s gonna be okay. (03:21)
[Ruby: Sam, you’ve got some God-given talent. Well, not God-given, but you get the gist.] All that psychic crap? That’s gone ever since Yellow Eyes died. [Not gone. Dormant. And not just visions, either. Why do you think Lilith’s so scared of you?] Right. She’s scared of me. (09:06)
[Ruby: You don’t like being different. You hate the way Dean looks at you sometimes, like you’re some sort of sideshow freak.] (09:50)
What are you afraid’s gonna happen? This is me. I can handle it. And if it’ll save you— [Dean: Why even risk it?] Because you’re my brother. And because you did the same thing for me. [I know. And look how that turned out. All I’m saying…. Sammy, all I’m saying is that you’re my weak spot. You are. And I’m yours.] You don’t mean that. We’re—we’re family. [I know. And those evil sons of bitches know it, too. I mean, what we’ll do for each other, you know, how far we’ll go, they’re using that against us.] So, what, we just stop looking out for each other? [No, we stop being martyrs, man. We stop spreading it for these demons. We take this knife, and we go after Lilith our way, the way Dad taught us to. And if we go down, uh…then we go down swinging. What do you think?] I think you totally should’ve been jamming “Eye of the Tiger” right there. (14:11)
There’s got to be something. There’s got to be some way. What—whatever it is, I’ll do it! Don’t—Dean! I’m not gonna let you go to Hell, Dean! (32:32)
[Dean: This is about me and Sam, okay? This isn’t your fight.] Bobby: The hell it isn’t! Family don’t end with blood, boy. (18:50)
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myonechicagoworld · 3 years
 [TRIGGER WARNING: kid trapped in laundry chute gif under the cut]
Matt Casey: Hey.
Heather Darden: I am so sorry. I completely zonked out.
Matt Casey: No worries. I didn’t want to wake you.
Heather Darden: What time is it?
Matt Casey: Uh, 7:00.
Heather Darden: Oops, I, uh, I have to pick up the boys from
Matt Casey: Okay.
Heather Darden: Uh, the baking dish is still dirty, so I’m gonna
                              wash it.
Matt Casey: I’ll clean it.
Heather Darden: Matt.
Matt Casey: I saw this swing set fort type thing at True Value.
                      I’ve been meaning to build it for Griffin and Ben.
                      I’ll bring it and the dish by after shift. If that’s cool
                      with you.
Heather Darden: Thank you, you’re… that’s very sweet.
Matt Casey: Oh, come on.
Heather Darden: Mind if I use your bathroom?
Matt Casey: Of course.
                                    [knocks on door]
Kelly Severide: Hey.
Matt Casey: Hey.
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Kelly Severide: My dad wanted me to drop that off. His way of
                          apologising for you catching that elbow.
Matt Casey: Thanks.
Kelly Severide: All right, well, I-I’ll see you at the house.
Heather Darden: Do you have any mouthwash?
Matt Casey: Eh… it’s not what you…
                      Hey! It’s not what you think!
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Kelly Severide: Yeah, I’m sure you’ve got it all figured out.
                                   [car door slams, engine starts]
Christopher Herrmann: Hey! Any of you guys know John Pritchard,
                                         or are you all too young?
Matt Casey: He was gone before I came on, but I heard stories.
Mouch: Piece of work, that one.
Otis Zvonecek: What, he died or something?
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah! You know, Boden, Mouch and me,
                                          we all knew him back in the day. He
                                          must have been 20 years older than
                                          Boden if that tells you anything.
Otis Zvonecek: What did he die of?
Christopher Herrmann: Old man stuff. I don’t know.
Matt Casey: [chuckles]
Christopher Herrmann: Funeral is tomorrow up at Grayslake.
Otis Zvonecek: Are you guys going?
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, I guess, you know? We should
                                         pay our respects.
Matt Casey: All right. Hydrant’s good to go.
Christopher Herrmann: [grunts]
                                         Peter Mills, you get to flush the next
Mouch: By the way, saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi.
Otis Zvonecek: What the hell’s that?
Mouch: You bet me I couldn’t say a sentence in Japanese. I just
              said one. You owe me 20 bucks.
Joe Cruz: [chuckles]
Otis Zvonecek: Okay. (A) I don’t remember that. And (B) how do
                           I know you’re not just speaking gibberish?
Mouch: It’s a sentence.
Otis Zvonecek: What’s it mean?
Mouch: Pay me 20 bucks, I’ll tell you.
Otis Zvonecek: Ridiculous. You tell me and…
Boy 1: Help! Help!
            He fell!
            We were playing hide and seek upstairs.
Victim 1 (Little boy): [groans]
Matt Casey: Hang on. We’re coming.
Victim 1 (Little boy): [strangled grunts]
                                                 - title -
Joe Cruz: (into radio) This is 81. I need a paramedic across from
                  our firehouse.
Dispatcher: (over radio) What’s the address?
Joe Cruz: (into radio) Look for our lights!
                  Let’s go, bro!
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Peter Mills: Hit it!
                                        [siren wailing]
Victim 1 (Little boy): [strangled grunts/breathing]
Matt Casey: His neck’s twisted. He can’t breathe.
Boy 1: I told Taye not to go in that chute. He knows better.
Matt Casey: Come with me.
                      All right, we have to get through this block.
Boy 1: [crying]
                                         [sirens wailing]
Matt Casey: (over radio) 61, we need you on the second floor.
                      It’s a child.
Gabby Dawson: What’s going on?
Otis Zvonecek: Kid hid in the laundry chute.
Joe Cruz: Mills, get in here.
Peter Mills: Yeah!
Lady 1 (Mom): Dougie?
Boy 1 (Dougie): [cries] I told him infinity times not to hide in
                           there [cries]
                                 [indistinct chatter]
Matt Casey: Okay let’s peel back the front.
Lady 1 (Mom): Taye?
Chief Boden: Ma’am. Ma’am, don’t look.
Lady 1 (Mom): [gasps]
Chief Boden: We’ll get him out. Let them work.
Matt Casey: Get his head.
Lady 1 (Mom): Dougie… Honey, go upstairs.
Chief Boden: Okay.
Lady 1 (Mom): Oh God. Oh Lord.
Matt Casey: Let’s back him out.
Chief Boden: Don’t look.
Lady 1 (Mom): [cries]
Joe Cruz: [grunts]
                 Grab his legs.
Otis Zvonecek: He’s conscious but barely.
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Lady 1 (Mom): Taye! [cries]
Chief Boden: Okay, okay. Okay.
Lady 1 (Mom): [cries]
Joe Cruz: Grab his legs.
Lady 1 (Mom): Taye.
Leslie Shay: Let’s board him quickly.
Chief Boden: Hold on to me.
Lady 1 (Mom): [sobs]
Gabby Dawson: One, two, three.
Gabby Dawson: You the mother?
Lady 1 (Mom): Yes.
Gabby Dawson: You can ride in the back with me. Let’s go.
Chief Boden: Go on.
Gabby Dawson: I’ll be right back.
                            What have you heard?
Lady 1 (Mom): Um… the doctor says it looks bad. It’s a
                          damaged windpipe, so his brain was…
                          without oxygen.
Gabby Dawson: Well, they’ve got great surgeons here. They’ll
                             do everything they can.
Lady 1 (Mom): You know… Taye has been to your firehouse.
Gabby Dawson: Oh yeah?
Lady 1 (Mom): Yeah. His whole class went on a field trip last fall
                          when the school year started. It was all he could
                          talk about for days [chuckles] [sniffs]
                          He said he wants to be a fireman, help people.
Gabby Dawson: That’s… that’s sweet.
Lady 1 (Mom): [sniffs] Gangs are always calling, but he won’t bite.
                         He’s gonna be straight and narrow, and I believe
Gabby Dawson: I’m sure he will.
Lady 1 (Mom): [sniffles] Thank you.
Matt Casey: You gotta be kidding me.
Mouch: I don’t know if I can handle another season like the
              last one.
Christopher Herrmann: Hope springs eternal.
Mouch: Hope never met a Sox September.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah, well at least you guys have a series win
                           in the last century. Try being a Cubs fan.
Christopher Herrmann: There’s plenty of room on the
                                         bandwagon if you want to move to
                                         the south side.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah. What are you, Pouch? You Cubs or Sox,
Christopher Herrmann: Look at her feet. She’s definitely a
                                         White Sox fan.
Joe Cruz: Guys, put a cork in it. I’m trying to listen to the
Mouch: Saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi.
Otis Zvonecek: What does that mean?
Matt Casey: Hey, if they score, come get me.
Otis Zvonecek: [muttering] Saikensha… Sai…
Chief Boden: Hey Lieutenant. I want to bring you up to speed
                       on what Kelly’s just filled me in on.
Kelly Severide: I’m gonna push to fast-track Peter Mills to
                          Squad. The youngest anyone’s every made
                          it was 23.
Matt Casey: You.
Kelly Severide: I think Mills can break the record. And I talked
                          to Chief Walker over at District, and he thinks it
                          would be great for CFD morale.
Matt Casey: Is that what you think, Chief? Great for morale?
Chief Boden: As long as he qualifies.
Matt Casey: Well, sounds like you guys have all the answers.
Peter Mills: You wanted to see me, Chief?
Chief Boden: As you’re aware, Lieutenant Severide thinks
                       that you’ll make a strong addition to Rescue
                                          [door closes]
Peter Mills: Yes.
Chief Boden: I just want to hear your take on it.
Peter Mills: I’m gonna bust my ass to make it happen.
Chief Boden: Why?
Peter Mills: I’m sorry?
Chief Boden: Why’s it so important to you?
Peter Mills: ‘Cause I want to be an elite firefighter, sir.
Chief Boden: And this has got nothing to do with your
Peter Mills: No, sir.
                    This has nothing to do with what my father did
                     or did not do with his time at the CFD. This is
                     about me
Chief Boden: Well, since you’ve been here you’ve put on ten
                        pounds. Which, from where I sit, doesn’t look
                        like a candidate willing to bust his ass.
                                             [door closes]
Gabby Dawson: Hey, how’s it going?
Peter Mills: Been better.
Gabby Dawson: You need me to take care of someone? Give
                             me a name.
Peter Mills: Not now.
Matt Casey: Heather Darden and me, we’re just friends. She
                      came over to talk and fell asleep on my couch.
Kelly Severide: Right. Got it.
Matt Casey: I don’t know what you want me to say here.
Kelly Severide: I saw what I saw, Casey. Sell your clean whistle
                          act to someone else, ‘cause I ain’t buying.
Matt Casey: You can’t imagine you might be wrong about
                      something, can you?
Kelly Severide: I can imagine a lot of things, just not the idea
                          of you rolling around with Andy’s widow.
Matt Casey: Come on.
Kelly Severide: Explain to me why Heather barely talks to me,
                          but she’ll sleep with you, even though you’re
                          the guy who put her husband through that
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                                       [glass shattering]
Firefighter: Get down!
                    Get down!
Christopher Herrmann: What the hell is going on in here?
                                        [tires squealing]
Chief Boden: You okay?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Casey, are you okay?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Chief Boden: What the hell is going on here, Detective? This
                        has always been a neighbourhood house.
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): You tell me. No run-ins recently? No
                                         fires where one of your guys tried to
                                         pop off to the local…
Chief Boden: No.
Christopher Herrmann: We’re not cops. People are happy to
                                         see a firefighter show up.
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): Could this be Voight related?
Matt Casey: Voight?
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): When it comes to gang violence, the
                                         man has a long reach. He’s got a
                                         dismissal hearing soon.
Matt Casey: Not like Voight to stir up the nest if he’s trying to
                      free himself.
Joe Cruz: Man, why don’t you pick up one of these bangers
                  for something small and trade the bust for what
                  they know about the shooters?
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): Corner boys in this neighbourhood
                                         are good. We can’t catch them with
                                         the drugs and make the bust stick.
                                         We’ll keep our ears to the ground.
                                         In the meantime, I’ll make sure we
                                         have a conspicuous police presence
                                         around the station.
Chief Boden: Meaning what?
Man 1 (Det. Ben Vikan): Put a special detail on it. Squad
                                         outside. Officer posted in the 
Firefighters: [muttering in disagreement]
Chief Boden: Well, that’s fine. So long as the men are safe.
Otis Zvonecek: [sighs]
Chief Boden: What?
Christopher Herrmann: Cops in the house is a bad precedent.
                                        Sends a message to the good residents
                                        around here that… we’re not a safe
Mouch: You rather have one of us be killed?
Christopher Herrmann: Of course not.
Chief Boden: We will let the police handle their business, and
                        we… will handle ours.
Joe Cruz: [sighs]
                                [police radio chatter]
Otis Zvonecek: Never seen anything like this before.
Joe Cruz: So much for being the neighbourhood’s house.
                                     [engine starts]
                                   [dramatic music]
Lady 2 (Barista): Here you go.
Leslie Shay: Thanks.
Kelly Severide: Thanks.
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Kelly Severide: Hey, any word on that kid pulled out of the
                           laundry chute?
Leslie Shay: I haven’t heard anything yet.
                      Hey, what’s going on with you and Casey? It
                      seemed like…
Kelly Severide: Oh, I don’t… I don’t want to talk about Casey.
Leslie Shay: Okay, fine. We’ll just enjoy watching you two
                      mark your territory.
Kelly Severide: Ah…
Leslie Shay: So what do you want to talk about?
Kelly Severide: So how would this work? With the, um…
Leslie Shay: Well… basically, you know, I’d get a hormone
                      injection once a day for 12 days to boost
                      ovulation, then we’d go to a clinic where they
                      have rooms set aside for collection. Meaning
                      you know, they give you magazines or
                      whatever and you go in and do your business.
Kelly Severide: I mean, I get that part
Kelly Severide: How much does it cost?
Leslie Shay: Uh, all-in, 10 grandish.
Kelly Severide: 10 grand, are you serious?
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Kelly Severide: You have that kind of cash?
Leslie Shay: I’m gonna stretch some card limits and cobble
                      it together.
Kelly Severide: I’m in.
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Christopher Herrmann: What?
Mouch: You picked him up first?
Christopher Herrmann: Just get in.
Mouch: Now I gotta stare at the back of your head for an
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
Mouch: Guess it’s better than getting shot at at the
Boden & Herrmann: [laughs]
Chief Boden: So I come home, try to climb in through the
                        window, but it’s shut. It’s locked.Oh, okay. I
                        thought I got a clean getaway, but no. Now
                        I gotta go around and ring on the damn
Chief Boden: My old man, he’s just sitting in his chair.
                       Waiting for me. For hours.
Mouch: 3 o’clock in the morning.
Chief Boden: Alcohol on my breath
Mouch: Ooh! [laughs]
Chief Boden: He just stares at me, hard as nails. He says,
                       “boy, you got four choices where you’re going
                        to college… Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines…
                        pick one.”
Mouch: Wow.
Chief Boden: [scoffs]
Christopher Herrmann: At least your old man gave a damn.
Mouch: Oh, Bill Herrmann wasn’t so bad. I’m friends with
              Chris’s older brother, Larry. Your dad would throw
               the ball with us when he was home.
Christopher Herrmann: Larry did not disappoint him the way
                                         that I did.
Chief Boden: You never told me about your dad.
Christopher Herrmann: Aw, sold luggage to department
                                        stores all over the Midwest. He
                                        was on the road more than he
                                         was home.
Chief Boden: Is that right?
Christopher Herrmann: He wanted me to chase him into
                                         the business like my brother
                                         Larry did, so naturally I took the
                                         fireman’s test.
Christopher Herrmann: They got this whole thing…
                                         Larry and my dad.
                                         I don’t talk to him that much
Mouch: You should call him.
Christopher Herrmann: I should. It’d be that much worse
                                         when he didn’t call me back.
Gabby Dawson: [panting]
Peter Mills: What are you doing here?
Gabby Dawson: Maybe being quiet and keeping to
                            yourself is how it works in the Mills
                            family, but that’s not how the Dawsons
                             Dawsons do it.
Peter Mills: Is that so?
Gabby Dawson: Look, if you want to fly solo, you better do it
                             in bed with your eyes closed, okay? But if
                             you want to train for Squad, you better get
                             ready to talk while you run, ‘cause I’m
                             coming with you.
                             Hey. I want to be a part of whatever comes your
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Peter Mills: Well, then you better tie your shoes first.
Gabby Dawson: Oh!
Peter Mills: [laughs]
Gabby Dawson: [laughs] Oh I’m gonna get you!
Chief Boden: This is the right time, right?
Christopher Herrmann: Paper said 3:30.
                             [organ playing in background]
Christopher Herrmann: Excuse me, is this the Pritchard
Man 2 (Mortician): Yes. Yes, we’re about to get underway.
Christopher Herrmann: Oh.
Man 2 (Mortician): Have a seat.
Mouch: Thanks.
Chief Boden: Thanks.
Christopher Herrmann: Are you kidding me with this? Didn’t
                                         he have, like, five sons?
Mouch: Yeah.
Christopher Herrmann: Where’s his family?
Man 3 (Preacher): Welcome, friends. We’re all here today not
                                to grieve but to celebrate the life of…
                                John Aaron Pritchard. Matthew 5:4 says,
                                “Blessed are they who mourn for they
                                shall be comforted.”
Mouch: Let’s get outta here.
Chief Boden: Amen.
Christopher Herrmann: So, like, I mean, that’s it? I mean
                                         what… half a dozen people, and
                                         no family, and a preacher who
                                         doesn’t even know his name
                                         without looking at the program?
                                         And where’s the truck with a half-
                                         raised ladder and salute to a fallen
Chief Boden: Chris…
Christopher Herrmann: No, I’m serious. What’s my funeral
                                         gonna be like when I kick it? Or
                                         yours, Mouch, huh?
Mouch: Doubt I’ll care.
Christopher Herrmann: All the same, he deserved a funeral
                                         with respect for all of his service.
                                         And just because he waited a dozen
                                         years to die and moved out to the
                                         sticks doesn’t mean that he wasn’t a
Chief Boden: Let’s go.
Mouch: Shotgun!
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Christopher Herrmann: This… this ain’t right! Grr!
                               [indistinct police radio chatter]
Matt Casey: Any word on the shooters?
Uniformed Cop: Nada.
Matt Casey: How was the funeral?
Christopher Herrmann: What’s worse than terrible? It
                                         was that.
Peter Mills: [groans]
Otis Zvonecek: What?
Peter Mills: Oven’s busted.
Christopher Herrmann: What? Blender is too.
Joe Cruz: Bad news. Remember that kid from last shift?
                  Trapped in the laundry chute?
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah?
Joe Cruz: Didn’t make it.
Gabby Dawson: He came here, this kid. He was here on a
                            class field trip.
                            He told his mom he wanted to be a fireman
                            when he got home.
Peter Mills: Wow, I recognise him. It was my first day. You
                    guys had me give the tour.
Otis Zvonecek: [exhales] Man I remember that.
Joe Cruz: Funeral’s on Friday.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey pop, it’s Christopher. Just…
                                         checking in. I know it’s been a
                                         while, and… anyway just call
                                         me back.
Kelly Severide: You know what the worst part is?
Matt Casey: What is the worst part, Kelly?
Kelly Severide: That you don’t have enough sack to
                           admit you’re sleeping with Heather.
                           At least come clean.
Matt Casey: Keep walking. I’m done explaining myself.
Kelly Severide: You haven’t explained a damn thing!
                           That’s the point!
Matt Casey: ‘Cause you’re wrong!
                      Don’t come up on me again like this.
Kelly Severide: Really?
Chief Boden: What the hell is going on here?
                        In my office, now.
                                           [object clatters]
Chief Boden: We’ve been here before. Almost tore
                        this house apart.
Kelly Severide: This time, it’s different.
Chief Boden: Tell me about it.
Kelly Severide: Yeah, Casey, tell him about it.
Matt Casey: No offense, Chief.
                                          [door shuts]
Leslie Shay: So what do you think about the whole
                      Casey/Heather thing?
Gabby Dawson: Uh… I don’t know.
Leslie Shay: Hmm. You haven’t asked him?
Gabby Dawson: We’ve said like two sentences to each
                            other in a month.
                            Hey, what’s your name?
Man 4: Phillip.
Gabby Dawson: [laughs] All right, let’s get you up, Phillip.
                            Come on.
                            Here we go [groans]
Leslie Shay: Whoa!
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles]
Leslie Shay: Phillip, that is not the kind of full moon I was
                      expecting to see today.
Gabby Dawson: [laughs]
Leslie Shay: Come on.
Gabby Dawson: Here we go.
Leslie Shay: All right, keep your pants up.
Gabby Dawson: Whew! So Severide’s, uh, little swimmers,
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: And who’s paying for this?
Leslie Shay: [sighs] I don’t know.
Gabby Dawson: You know, there’s another, cheaper alternative.
Leslie Shay: Oh, come on.
Gabby Dawson: What? I’m just saying.
Leslie Shay: Oh boy.
Gabby Dawson: Nature has already worked out a lot of these
                            Come on. Oh!
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                                      [engine revving]
                                      [tires squealing]
                                       [horn beeping]
Leslie Shay: (into radio) I need a 10-1 to East Van Buren, now!
Dispatcher: (over radio) What’s the nature of the call?
Leslie Shay: (into radio) Someone’s stealing our ambulance!
                                       [horn beeping]
                                     [tires screeching]
Gabby Dawson: Hey!
Man 5 (Thief): What the hell?
Gabby Dawson: Pull over!
Man 5 (Thief): Shut up!
Gabby Dawson: You can’t steal an ambulance!
Man 5 (Thief): I said shut up!
Gabby Dawson: Listen to me, moron!
Man 5 (Thief): Quit talking to me!
                                     [horn honking]
Gabby Dawson: This ambulance has GPS. They can track us in
                             the city so they know where we’re at at all
                             times. When you hear the beep that means
                             that they’re about to shut down the engine!
Man 5 (Thief): What are you talking about?
Gabby Dawson: They’re gonna turn off the engine, lock up the
                             tires, and send your face flying through the
                                       [sirens approaching]
Man 5 (Thief): That ain’t true!
                                      [police sirens wailing]
Gabby Dawson: Here it comes!
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Gabby Dawson: You should buckle up!
                                       [beeping continues]
Man 5 (Thief): Damn it!
                                         [tires screeching]
Gabby Dawson: [heavy breathing]
Man 5 (Thief): [groans]
                                            [siren whoops]
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Gabby Dawson: Somebody call for an ambulance?
Leslie Shay: Come on, Philip.
Leslie Shay: Hey.
Kelly Severide: Hey.
                                             [door closes]
Leslie Shay: [clears throat] I know this may not be the best time,
                      um, but I have a new proposal. So please don’t
                      say anything or make any funny faces.
Kelly Severide: Okay.
Leslie Shay: Okay. Uh… I can’t afford the insemination. So I’ve
                      been thinking about Plan B. And I propose…
                      when the time is right, you go into your room with
                      magazines or Skinemax or whatever you need to
                      get yourself ready. And then with the lights out,
                      you signal me by calling out my name once. You’ll
                      hear your door open, footsteps. And… and then
                      you’ll be mounted. You will finish your business
                      inside of me as quickly and efficiently as possible.
                      And then I’ll be out the door, so you can clean up
                      or whatever you need to do. At which point, I will
                      need to be alone. Most likely to cry. And we will
                      never speak of this to anyone ever [chuckles] for
                      the rest of our lives. And… I thank you for
                      listening. Just think about it.
                                         [door shuts]
Gabby Dawson: [sighs]
                                      [phone buzzing]
Gabby Dawson: Here we go. Here we go.
                            Sit. Sit.
Mouch: What the hell are you doing?
Christopher Herrmann: I’m not standing near any windows.
Mouch: Well, it ain’t exactly easy to watch the ballgame with
              you staring back at me.
              You think the shooters are going to text you before
               they open fire?
Christopher Herrmann: I broke down and called my old
                                         man. I got nothing back.
Otis Zvonecek: [sighs] Mills, what’s for lunch?
Peter Mills: Oh, um, I was bringing in some beef tips but I
                     don’t think they’re gonna taste that good raw,
                     so, uh, we can do some pimento cheese
Joe Cruz: How about Al’s beef?
Peter Mills: Okay, all right. We’ll do Al’s beef.
Matt Casey: Call it in.
Peter Mills: I will. All right.
Mouch: Oh Otis!
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah?
Mouch: Uh, saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi.
Otis Zvonecek: Seriously, up yours, Mouch.
Mouch: [chuckles] Hey, you know who knows how to
              translate that? Andrew Jackson [laughs]
Chief Boden: Dawson, where’s Shay?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, I don’t know.
Chief Boden: This is Tara Little. She’s a candidate. She’s
                       gonna be riding along with you guys for the
                       next few shifts for evaluation.
Gabby Dawson: Cool.
Lady 3 (Tara Little): Hey, so nice to meet you. I’ve heard
                                 a lot about you.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, don’t pay any attention to what these
                            guys have to say. Especially Frick and
                            Frack over here.
Lady 3 (Tara Little): Oh, which one’s Frick?
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Come on.
Matt Casey: What’s that?
Peter Mills: Oh, it’s… yeah I keep the cooking club cash
                     hidden here. That-that’s cool, right?
Matt Casey: Yeah. Yeah it-it’s fine. I’ll get the food.
Peter Mills: No, I don’t mind. I’ll grab it.
Matt Casey: I got it.
                                      [car door shuts]
Matt Casey: I want to talk to whoever’s in charge.
Young Man 1 (Dealer): Nah, get back in your truck.
Matt Casey: Not a cop. Not armed.
Young Man 1 (Dealer): Nah man, get back in your truck.
Matt Casey: I just want to talk.
                                 [game sounds on TV]
Young Man 1 (Dealer): [clears throat]
                                         [door closes]
Matt Casey: You in charge?
Young Man 2 (Greshawn): Who wants to know?
Matt Casey: My name’s Casey. I’m the Lieutenant at
                      Firehouse 51 down the street.
Young Man 2 (Greshawn): So?
Matt Casey: Someone tried to pop a couple shots into our
                      house in broad daylight. Could have killed
                      someone. Someone who works to protect
                      this neighbourhood every single day. Now I
                      know why. You guys hide your drugs in the
                      hydrants, don’t you?
                      Look, we have to flush those hydrants twice
                      a year. Otherwise one of these buildings is
                      on fire… yours maybe. It burns down
��                     because there’s no water in our hoses. You
                      know, I’m not stupid enough to think that
                       you’re gonna give up selling your junk
                       because I come in here, but I’m telling you,
                       you hide it in the hydrants, it’s gonna get
Young Man 2 (Greshawn): You done?
Matt Casey: No. Like it or not, we all gotta coexist here,
                      right? This is our neighbourhood. You
                      don’t own it.
                                          [door closes]
Leslie Shay: Hey. Guess what?
Kelly Severide: What’s up?
Leslie Shay: Well, my dad just called. He’s gonna pay
                      for the insemination. Says he was
                      worried that he’d never be a grandpa.
Kelly Severide: That’s great.
Leslie Shay: Yeah. So you know, back to Plan A.
                                [indistinct radio chatter]
Otis Zvonecek: You know what? Fine.
Mouch: Saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi.
              Creditors have better memories than
                                        [train passing]
Mouch: Hey, Lieutenant, okay if we make a quick
              stop. Won’t take long, I promise.
Matt Casey: Sure.
Mouch: Cruz, take a right here.
Matt Casey: This is the right place?
Mouch: This is it.
Christopher Herrmann: Aw, come on Mouch. What
                                        is this?
Mouch: Just wait. I want you to see this.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
Man 6: Randy! How are you?
Mouch: What do you say, Larry?
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): Good to see you man. Hey.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, Larry, how you been?
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): You’re not getting away with
                                           a handshake. Come here,
                                           little brother.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, good to see you.
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): [chuckles] All right.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey. Wow you guys have grown.
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): Yeah. How long has it been since
                                           you’ve been here?
Christopher Herrmann: I… don’t remember. Uh, dad around?
Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): No, he’s in Boston. He’s supposed
                                           to be selling socks to Filene’s
                                           basement, but he’s probably
                                           already in line for bleacher seats at
                                           Fenway. Randy called and said you
                                           were down about dad. So come on.
                                           There’s something you should see.
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Man 6 (Larry Herrmann): You should hear him talk about his
                                           son the firefighter. I can’t get him
                                           to shut up about it.
                                          [dishes clattering]
Chief Boden: Okay.
                        Mrs Leppert.
Lady 1 (Mom/Mrs Leppert): Chief.
                                                Hello. I’m sorry to bother you.
Chief Boden: No, not at all. We’re all very sorry about your
Lady 1 (Mom/Mrs Leppert): Thank you. You may know he was
                                                here once. And… he wanted to
                                                be a fireman ever since. Anyway,
                                                he would have been happy to
                                                know you guys were there at the
                                                end. And he would have wanted
                                                you to have this. Thank you for
                                                what you do in this
Chief Boden: Thank you.
                        We owe this kid. We owe Taye better than this.
                         We are better than this.
                                              [somber music]
Christopher Herrmann: I have an idea.
Chief Boden: Ten-hut!
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Chief Boden: Present arms!
                                               - end -
Saikensha wa saimusha yori kioku yoshi = Creditors have better memories than debtors
Hope springs eternal = Said when you continue to hope that something will happen, although it seems unlikely
10-1 = Fireman/firemen needs emergency help
Frick and Frack = English slang term used to refer to two people so closely associated as to be indistinguishable
Filene’s Basement = Department store company
Ten-hut = Come to attention!
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Why I (Want to) Love Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Salutations, random people on the internet who most certainly won’t read this! I’m an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons. I also LOVE the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Whether as a kid, or an adult pretending to be a kid, this franchise is one that I’ll always revisit no matter how old I get. So when I heard that a new version of the series was coming out in 2018, titled as Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I was excited about it. Then I watched the series...and most of that excitement went down the sewer drain. 
Don’t get me wrong, there were some elements that seemed like there was some definite promise for a good series, but other aspects...I’ll have to explain. 
But keep in mind, I am going to be spoiling a lot about the series. So if you haven't watched it yet, I highly recommend you do so to form your own opinions. Because while it may not have grabbed me as much, that doesn’t mean the same can’t be said for you. With that out of the way, let's get started with--
The Animation: If anybody ever tells you that Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has awful animation, they are objectively wrong. Rise of the TMNT has some of the best, if not the best, animated fight scenes I've seen from any action series in recent memory. Probably because the show understands the number one rule of action animation: Good animation is a requirement. Not an exception.
For an action-oriented animated series, the audience needs to feel the impact whenever characters punch, block, or dodge in each fight. Yes, even dodge. Because if you can feel even the tiniest gust of wind that passes by a character's face after a punch, then you know the animators are doing something right. And trust me when I say that is present in the majority of most fights in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Are there moments when the movements are slow and rigid? Yes...during the dialogue and comedic scenes. Moments where good and quality animation isn't really all that necessary. You see this same technique in most modern anime: The animation is rigid and cheap for the dialogue-heavy scenes so the animators can give extra attention to the epic action set pieces. Not a single person complains about this happening in their favorite anime of the week. But when Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles does this, apparently it's a bad thing? Explain that logic to me!
The animation is phenomenal in this show. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise because those people are either blind or insanely stupid. Either works.
It’s Pretty Funny: And that's about it. It's nowhere near one of the funniest shows I have seen, and previous iterations of the franchise did a much better job at balancing humor and heart, but Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles did a great job at getting a laugh out of me from time to time. It has a very random sense of humor that works well with its manic energy, similar to what Star vs. the Forces of Evil did early on in its first season. Even if one joke fails, about ten more take its place, most of them funnier than the others. There may be an occasional issue where a joke spoils a dramatic moment, but Rise of the TMNT is one of the few shows where that issue doesn't happen often. Besides, the series sets itself up as more of a comedy than other reboots and reiterations, so it wouldn't look good if it wasn't funny. Thankfully, it is, and in a way, the show is a success because of it.
It Tries to be Something New: This is what I respect most about the series. The downside about a reboot is that writers have to find a way to tell the same story but with adjustments that make it seem different. That's the same way Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles operates as a franchise. The original concepts of the stories and characters are always iconic, and I'll love them with my whole heart, but I will admit, there's a point where the same thing over and over again can be a little tiring. Then there's Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which makes changes where other shows would ask "why," this is the one that asks "why not?"
Why not change the personality and backstories of characters that still fit with the spirit of the original?
Why not change the genders, races, and possibly sexualities of these iconic characters?
Why not make something new?
Now, some have argued that the show is a little too new. Which I can kind of see the point of. After all, what's the point of changing characters and concepts so drastically when you could just make an original series? But even then, most of the changes are pretty clever, that I think it’s worth remembering for future iterations. Like making Casey Jones a female. Casey is a gender-neutral name, and I legitimately thought this series would do it for that reason alone. So I feel bad that the writers never got a chance to allow the series to reach its full potential with ideas like this due to Nickelodeon screwing them over (Seriously, never pitch a show to Nickelodeon. It rarely ever works out, and it's not worth the risk). I can see how these ideas could result in an incredible show that might cement the series as one of the best iterations of the franchise. But I can't base a story on potential. I can only judge what I see, and what I see are brilliant changes that impress me from time to time.
The Creators Are Still Fans: Despite making something completely different, you can tell that everyone working on this show loves TMNT as the rest of the fans do. There are dozens of references to previous versions littered throughout the series. Whether it's shoutouts to the 90s cartoon to bringing back voice actors from the last one, there are moments where the crew behind the series emphasizes how much they care about the franchise. There are also times when a reference has such a deep cut to it. For example, the series has the previous VA for Splinter to voice the current version of Shredder. I shouldn't have to explain how that is a brilliant idea, especially given Shredder's relationship with Karai...which I can't fully explain due to it spoiling TMNT (2012). This might be a whole new experience, but it is clear that history is not ignored when it comes to Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The Cast is Colorful: It's not precisely a diversity win to have half the Turtles voiced by black VAs, but it is unquestionably some good sign of progress. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are...accurately what they are called. So they are not defined by the skin tone of the VAs themselves. So having half of them be voiced by people of color makes me hopeful that maybe future reboots would consider more colorful castings. Hell, maybe one day we'll have a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot where all of them are POCs, to the point that we'll have an all-Asian casting for these timeless heroes (which makes way too much sense to me).
And it's not just the casting of the turtles that impresses me. Because the series making April O'neil black is an idea that I'm more than ok with. It's implied that she's black in the original comics by Keven Eastman and Peter Laird, so it works as another deep-cut reference that proves how big of fans the crew is. Plus, who cares? I mean, if we're still having issues of changing the race of a character who was originally white, all I can say is grow the hell up. You can complain if they don't grab you, but if the issue is because of one decision that shouldn't negatively affect anybody, I don't see the problem. Besides, at this point, a character being white is basically the base plate for someone in the future to change their race at another time.
Also, let’s give the people behind the casting a pat on the back for casting Asian VAs for characters who are, well, Asian. It’s the bare minimum of common courtesy and avoids the trouble of having white VAs do asian accents that have become quite culturally insensitive nowadays. So it’s a pretty cool decision if you ask me.
Diversity is never an issue, especially since representation always matters for people who demand to be heard. It's definitive proof that anybody can be anything, whether it's a hero in fiction or the voice of that hero behind the scenes. And you can't really do that when everyone is so white that it's blinding.
Donatello: This is the best character in the series. Not only because Donatello has the most consistent personality (more on that later), but also because I'm a sucker for the cynical super-geniuses. These types of characters always have a quick and dry wit that never fails to get a laugh out of me, and this version of Donatello became my favorite just for that factor alone. Most of the credit goes to Josh Brener, who does a phenomenal job at his performance and comedic delivery. As for the emotional bits, he's...fine, but the drama isn't the show's best strength anyway, so it doesn't matter as much. Because the fact that it's Donatello who earns the spot as best character in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot is an impressive feat in itself that any criticism offered for him is moot in the process.
Leonardo: I'm willing to make half of this a personal issue because I have grown to despise Ben Schwarts in the last four years. No offense to the guy, I'm sure he's a really great person in real life...but he has done nothing but play the same character in FOURS YEARS! Whether he's Leonardo, Dewey Duck, Sonic the Hedgehog, or even M.O.D.O.K.'s son (yes, that's a thing), Ben Schwarts has practically played the exact same character each time. The highly energized, dimwitted, and egotistical character who slowly tries to learn to be a better person in the end. AND SOMETIMES, NOT EVEN THAT! I'm sick of it, as it always breaks the immersion of the series as all I hear is Ben Schwarts and not the character he's voicing. But it's not just the voice behind Leonardo that frustrates me. Because the thing is, I can see how this version of him can be incredible.
It doesn't take a genius to know that this version of Leonardo is meant to be more childlike and carefree so he can morph into the more mature leader we all know and respect him as. The issue is that the writers barely do anything with that idea. Sure some episodes make this Leonardo more like, well, Leonardo, but they're far and few between the ones where he's the same Ben Schwarts character that I've grown to hate. Even when he is at his most Leo-like, as seen in the episode "Man vs. Sewer," it's so drastically different from how he usually acts that it feels less like character development and more like inconsistency. It's a shame too because I really love this idea. With a little more polish, it could work out. As is, it's just a huge chunk of wasted potential.
Raph’s Too Good of a Leader: This is a similar issue to what I've mentioned about Leonardo. Because, again, I love this idea. Raphael, in multiple iterations, complained about how he should be the leader and just as frequently learns why the job rightly belongs to Leo instead. So starting with this role reversal should be a well-executed idea that gives Raph what he wants while eventually giving the fans what they want. And it would be if not for the fact that Raph seems to be too good at his job.
I get it. If Raphael was too incompetent, the turtles would have gotten nothing done, and it would get too tiring too quick as Leonardo constantly proves why he should lead and why Raph should follow. This actually happens from time to time, and it is already tiresom. The issue is that the intention was to make Leonardo the leader in the end. So why spend so much time showing how Raphael is capable at the job and barely any time showing why Leonardo is a better fit? There are even times when Raphael seems like he really is a better leader than Leo, which I feel as though it is contradictory to the point the writers are trying to get across. In the end, it's nothing more than another really great idea met with insanely poor execution.
Master Splinter (Early Season One): ...Did anybody like this version of Master Splinter in the first half of season one? Because this character was atrocious, especially compared to the previous Splinter from TMNT (2012). We went from what is easily the best interpretation of the character to what was, at the time, the worst. He was lazy, selfish, and emotionally distant with his sons to the point where he only acknowledges them by the color of their bandannas. I understand that the writers needed a more comedic version of the character due to leaning extra hard into comedy, but I don't think I laughed once with his antics in the first half of season one. Thankfully, he's been gifted with a softcore reboot during the second half and onward. This Splinter is awesome, serious, he works well as a straight man, and he has a backstory that's easy to follow while still being kind of heartbreaking. It's a tremendous improvement from what we've been given, but it still doesn't change how downright painful he initially was. I won't complain about the results, but I do have the right to complain about what we got beforehand.
Characters are Inconsistent: A common complaint you'll hear about Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is that the main characters are the same. That's not true because there are definite differences that separate each one apart from the other...the issue is that the writers are not consistent with those changes. I've touched upon it with Leo, but the truth is, everyone in the main cast suffers from inconsistency with their personalities. If Raph is supposed to be the meathead with a good heart, why are there times when he acts like the smart one who occasionally enjoys violence? If April is supposed to be as wild and carefree as the rest of the guys, why are there episodes where she seems to be the sane one? If Mikey is supposed to be kind yet somewhat stupid, why are there episodes where he's selfish and more intelligent than Leonardo? Even Donatello, who is the most consistent out of the whole cast, still suffers through moments when he isn't as clever and cynical as he usually is. These inconsistencies are annoying, and at times, it feels like their personalities are dependent on what the writers need for a joke or for the episode. Characters are the most essential aspect of any story for any medium. If audiences don't care about the characters, they'll find it hard to care about anything else. And how can we care about anyone if we're not one hundred percent sure what their personalities are in the first place?
The Pacing: I sort of expected this when it was announced that this reboot was swapping the franchise's usual half-hour runtime for a ten-minute one, but in all honesty, it isn't that bad. It is slightly fast at times, but that's just as quick to get used to. However, there is one strange phenomenon about this show that I can't let go of.
You see, this series somehow has worse pacing with extended episodes and specials than it does with its usual ten minutes. I don't know how this is possible either. Because despite having as much time as the writers want to establish each plot point, it still feels like they fly through them a little too fast than they regularly would. It makes no sense, but it's constant in every extended episode, especially the series finale (which, to be fair, is partially Nickelodeon's fault. AGAIN!). So keep that in mind when watching.
The Characters Are TOO Overpowered: It feels weird complaining about this. Because making the characters capable of doing anything and surviving much more leads to some of the most epic action sequences in animation history, not just the series or the TMNT franchise as a whole. Despite that, though, there is one crucial thing that is always missing from those fight scenes anyways: Tension.
To fully explain why tension is required in action, I'll have to use Samurai Jack as an example. You see, the titular character can, at times, be just as invincible as these versions of the Turtles and survive even worse. But regardless of him being victorious after nearly every episode, no matter how high the deck is stacked against him, there was always a sense that he fought hard, literally and figuratively, for those victories in the first place. Jack losing articles of clothing or getting cut up gives the illusion that he might not win in the end. He still does, and he always does, but showing the audience that he can and will get hurt makes seeing that victory feel earned. The only times the Turtles, April, or Splinter get hurt is either for comedic slapstick or because the story says so. This is why I consider Shredder destroying the lair is the best fight scene in the entire series. The second he starts destroying their weapons, it gives the tension required to believe maybe, just maybe, not everyone will make it out alive this time. Because if the characters aren't careful, they will face intense consequences as a result. Thus making an adrenaline-pounding moment in the process. Unfortunately, this is the one and only fight scene where that happens. Every action set piece is still epic, don't get me wrong. But there's a reason why writers make even Superman seem less invincible than typical in a fight.
Baron Draxum: THIS is the biggest issue that I have with the series.
As a villain, I didn't give a s**t about Baron Draxum. He was a dull antagonist with a generic evil plot, but other than that, he was perfectly serviceable for a series like this. Even getting a few chuckles now and again...but then the writers decided to make him REDEEMABLE!?
This guy?
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The maniac who wanted to commit genocide on human beings, all because of insufficient proof that they'll do it to his species first?
Didn't we already learn how that's awful reasoning after Steven Universe?
Actually, that's not fair...because Steven Universe has a better explanation behind wanting to redeem the Diamonds than Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles does about Baron Draxum! And I'm not kidding! For Steven Universe, the characters believe that it's better to end things peacefully than killing anyone, even if they're the worst criminals. It's a flawed mentality, sure, but it's one you can grasp and understand. What's the reason for redeeming Baron Draxum? It's because he's the reason why Splinter and the turtles are a family...F**k all the physical torture Splinter went through on top of the social ostracization he experienced because of it. No, no, it totally validates the decision to forgive and forget...Oh, wait, no, it doesn't. BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE INSANE!
Who in the f**k honest to goodness thought that would be a good idea? I'm all for finding silver linings in a bad situation, but that is just flat-out lunacy! Because it's the equivalent of saying, "Yeah, this person was a complete a-hole, but they're still the a-hole that made you who you are today." But that is a very dangerous lesson to preach to kids. Because here's the--Hey *snaps fingers* Here's the thing: If a person treats you like garbage, you don't owe them anything for who you are. It's one thing if a person inspired you or cheered you on, but if someone basically ruined your life and physically harmed you and others, don't forgive them. They don't deserve it. ‘Cause f**k Baron Draxum. And whoever thought this was a good idea, you seriously need some help.
Man, is this how it feels to be Lily Orchard? IT SUCKS!
And that's what I think about Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 
It's a fantastic series! I just like everything except for the execution of ideas, most of the characters, and the overall pacing of it...that means it's not a good series, is it?
Yeah, it's a real shame that I don't like this. Because I want to. I really want to. The pieces are there, and I can see how this could be a great and memorable version of a series I loved since I was a tater-tot myself. But I don't. I'm sorry, but I just don't consider this to be an A+ series. It's a solid C, for sure, because it's mostly just style with very little substance. I still respect the amount of effort everyone put into this reboot, but for me, it just never had its chance to fully rise to the occasion.
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tmnt-veelicious · 4 years
Across the Stars - Ch.17
Yes. I am alive.
Yes I had a rough patch of life over the last few months.
And jeeeeesus, I think I wrote the beginning of this chapter like 3 times....
BUT IT’S HERE. AND I’M SORRY IT HAS BEEN SO LONG. At least the next chapter will be interesting and will introduce some new characters!!! I am definitely feeling the writing juices flowing~
First Chapter -> HERE Previous Chapter -> HERE Next Chapter -> SOON
''I think this neighborhood suits you,'' started April as both women were comfortably seated at a table in a cozy café. Vee couldn't help her quiet chuckle, crossing her arms as her eyes ventured to the large window that offered a view to the street. ''I think it does too..., but I'll be so far from everything. Mostly far from Donnie. He's downtown and I'd be uptown...'' ''It's not so bad! You know these guys can travel fast and they know the city like no one else.'' True. A small sigh escaped the artist, her attention back to the other. She was glad the reporter had answered her call. Vee confessed feeling stupid for her sudden departure and her attitude, but April had been quick to waive those away, answering that all that mattered was that her friend was safe. The only thing left to do was to move forward. Harlem seemed like a nice place. It was mostly known for its nightlife and its jazz influences, to which Vee felt drawn to. Maybe she'd have opportunities up here, who knows? Her train of thoughts came to a stop as a waitress got to their table; a lovely african american woman adorning a dark afro like a crown. Vee did admire her style, noticing her septum piercing and her 'au naturel' look. It didn't seem like much, but so many people could ever inspire the artist, and that was the beauty of living in New York. As the orders were taken and the women left with coffees in hands, proper discussions could finally start. ''So...starting a family?'' started Vee. ''Since when were you two planning that little adventure?'' April's smile was soft: ''We were talking about it for several months, but only recently did we really start to properly consider it.'' ''Even with both your lifestyles? … You wouldn't be the most 'typical' and 'calm' family.'' ''I don't think that should stop us, or anyone. … It's something we both want, Vee, and we're ready to work for it.'' ''I'm not saying the opposite, don't worry!'' quickly reassured Vee. ''… I guess I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around that idea. I never really thought about having kids, so the thought process kinda escapes me.'' ''Oh?'' the reporter slightly cocked her head to one side, curious. ''I don't want to say I'm surprised, but still am nonetheless.'' The other woman seemed amused: ''There's so many things I have yet to accomplish.... Getting a child is the least of my worries right now. I guess I just don't really feel compelled at the idea.'' ''In that case I can understand,'' added April with a soft smile. ''It's only natural that you'd want to advance your career and get more stability, I get that.'' The conversation paused as their food arrived. But as soon as both were left alone again, the reporter couldn't help squinting a little, now curious: ''Although.... do you think you could ever have kids with Donnie?'' Vee almost spat her coffee, her thoughts suddenly rolling at a franctic pace. She frowned, reminiscing all those times they had sex without any protection. ''I, uh... I'm not sure,'' frankly answered the artist. ''I've never really thought about it, but now that you mention it, I should verify with him.'' ''I think it'd be in both your interests to set things clear. At least you'll know where you both stand in this...'' ''Yeah … that's for sure.'' What if he wanted kids? Could it be possible? At least for now her cycle had been steady and normal, so there was no fear regarding that. And the relationship was still in its early stages – it was too soon to think about that! Oh, those thoughts would plague her mind for the rest of the day, she knew that...   ''Anyway, enough kid talk,'' said April, thankfully interrupting Vee's thinking. ''I wanted to discuss apartment and furniture with you.'' ''What, you wanna know how I'll decorate my fortress of solitude?'' playfully commented the artist. ''Oh come on now...'' ''Just kidding, just kidding, don't worry. What's on your mind?'' ''Since I'll be moving in with Casey and he pretty much already has everything in terms of furniture... I was thinking about giving you some of the stuff we have at the apartment. Fridge, oven, whatever you need.'' The artist lightly frowned. ''Wait... give? April, I can't just receive without giving in return. Tell me your price and I'll gladly give you so-'' ''Vee, please,'' gently cut the reporter. ''… I know I'm putting you in a difficult situation and things can turn expensive. I want to help in any way I can, plus you can always repay me in other ways. Don't worry about it. I've given it some thought and I'm at peace with that.'' And the artist was absolutey thankful. Knowing she didn't make the best of incomes, this help felt like a miracle. … Just thinking about all her future expenses was enough to make her head spin, but at least with Donnie's help – and now April – she knew she could get a good footing and proceed without immense struggles. ''Also,'' added April, ''I know you don't have the best of conversations with your parents regarding your choice of living in New York, so I wanted to ease things up by giving you a good headstart and make them less worried.'' Vee softly sighed, although showing a small smile. She knew the brunette had heard some bits and pieces of conversations ever since she moved in. Even if the dialogues had been in French, it was not hard to notice the argumentative nature of those calls. ''I, uhm … it's been almost a month since I spoke to any of them, so there's nothing to worry about for now,'' said Vee. ''Is everything alright?'' ''The less I talk to them, the better! So, yes, everything is fine,'' tried to reassure the artist. April seemed good with the answer, but there was no denying that for Vee to avoid her family, it would probably blow back to her face in a nasty way. But today was not the day to think about such matter. Breakfast done and over with, both women were now on their way to visit the apartments. The first one proved to be a complete disaster; mold found in the bathroom and under the kitchen sink, only two windows and barely any natural light coming in, a broken wardrobe door in the bedroom. The landlord didn't seem like the most caring person either, insisting that he'd get the needed repairs done once a new tenant would move in. ''Those things have a cost, you know?'' he would say. … And this apartment will be a hard pass, you know? Vee couldn't believe that she got fooled by the advertisment online. It seemed so nice... At least the second stop was promising. The lot was at the top floor of a five story high building. The entrance was a small hallway that had one door to the left which gave to the bedroom (with a window!), and a door to the right that gave to the bathroom. The end of the hallway gave to an open area to which the left part was planned for a living room, and the right had space for a kitchen, the area delimited by a side hall that gave enough surface for an extension of the counter tops. Some windows gave enough light into the place, as well as a nice view on the street and buildings around. Plus, the living room windows were tall and large enough, one being an entryway to the emergency staircase outside the building. It was perfect. *** Her step was light as she made her way back to the lair, the greatest grin plastered to her face. She did it! Well … almost! But it was at least a first step in the right direction. Her first point of interest when she arrived was Donnie's workspace, but she found it empty, instantly bringing a small frown on Vee's features. Maybe she should check the garage next? Her attention snapped when she heard a sharp sound – a can being opened. Turning around, she slightly jumped as she spotted Mikey nearby, an orange crush drink in his hand. '' 'Sup?'' ''Jesus, Mikey, you gave me a mini heart attack,'' she breathed out. ''Oops, my bad,'' he said, taking a sip. ''You lookin' for Don? He just got out on patrol with Raph.'' ''… Aren't you guys supposed to lay low for a while with the Purple Dragons and Foot Clan situation?'' The orange clad one shrugged: ''Going out on patrol doesn't mean we're looking for them, you know? We still gotta look out for the bad ones on the streets. Plus, going out in small numbers attracts less attention.'' ''Huh... touché,'' admitted Vee. ''I guess the good news can wait, then.'' ''What good news?'' The artist's grin was back: ''I might have found a new apartment! The landlord just needs to do a credit check and then, if it's all good, the place will be mine.'' The terrapin's smile was soon as big as Vee's: ''Yo! That's awesome! Where is it? How big is it?'' The woman didn't wast any time to grab a blank sheet of paper and a pencil laying around on Donnie's desk, already starting to sketch the layout of the apartment. Deep in her explanations, she did not notice Leonardo now standing near, trying to take a peek from behind. ''What's that?'' he asked. Vee slightly jumped again, already on the lookout for the leader. ''JEEZE, what's with you guys scaring me tonight?!'' Leo showed an amused smile, arms crossed before him as he took some pride in that comment. ''I'm an excellent ninja. Getting to scare you means I'm doing a good job.'' ''Alright, don't get too cocky.'' She briefly sighed, next bringing the paper to clearer view. ''Behold, this is probably my next apartment!'' The blue clad mutant took some seconds to observe the layout, pensive. ''… There's quite some windows in there. I'll have to get Donnie to secure the place so no one can spot you and get in.'' ''Leo! Chill!'' faintly laughed Vee. ''I don't even completely own the place yet. Plus I'll be on the fifth floor; I'd like to see anyone get in other than by the emergency staircase or the entry door.'' ''I'm sorry I am cursed with the leader plague. I always have to think many steps ahead.'' Vee's smile was soft: ''Don't worry, it's appreciated. But now it's time to celebrate! There's no place for worry tonight!'' ''Now we're talkin'!'' added Mikey playfully, rubbing his hands together. ''… Watchu wanna do?'' The artist left her paper back on her boyfriend's desk, a smug smile now showing on her features. ''Donnie and I do have a little secret stash of red wine, and I fully plan on going through one bottle tonight.'' ''Hell yeah!'' Mikey was now nudging his brother's arm with his elbow. ''Care for a drink as well? Come ooooonnnnnnnn.'' Leo was squinting, trying to appear severe, but it didn't take long for him to conceed with a grin, his posture relaxing. ''Alright. Just one.'' *** Vee was delightfully surprised to learn that Leo also had a taste for red wine, happily sharing her bottle with him – and of course he did take more than one drink. Meanwhile Mikey had opted for beer, some cans already resting in the fridge. It felt good to kick back and just be happy, living in the present and have no worries. But soon celebrations took an interesting turn, Vee definitely inspired by her luck and feeling a little bold. An idea came to her mind as Mikey was showing her some stuff he was hoarding, especially when it came to hair dye bottles. She had always wanted to try a new hair color... It didn't take long before everyone was set up: Vee sitting in a chair with a towel over her shoulders, hair in layers. Mikey had ''borrowed'' some of Donnie's latex gloves (used for when he was tattooing), already at the task of applying the chosen color. Meanwhile Leonardo was sitting nearby, keeping company and enjoying the show. ''It's gonna look dope as fuck,'' commented the orange clad turtle, hair dye brush in hand as he was spreading some color. ''I'm kinda nervous about it, though,'' added Vee. ''Last time I did something to my hair, it was only some blonde streaks here and there. … It's my first time going full on with a non-natural color.'' ''There's never nothing wrong with going wild once in a while,'' said Leo. The artist threw him a glance, somewhat amused. ''Says the guy who seems to overworry a LOT about anything.'' ''Hey, I have my moments, alright,'' chuckled the leader, next taking a sip of wine. Mikey tsked; ''What, your last wild thing was to shorten your training time or somethin'?'' ''Nooooo, I-...'' Leo lightly frowned, his lips forming a thin line. A sharp sigh left him as he confessed: ''I asked Mikasa out.'' Both Mikey and Vee's gazes were now locked on him, their smiles wide. ''Finally!'' let out the woman. ''How did it go? Is everything good?'' ''Spill the tea, bro!'' chided in Mikey. Leo's smile was shy, carefully choosing his words. ''We're still figuring some things out, I guess? It all started when we got to you both at the Maneki Neko... I brought her back to her apartment and we kissed. … I dunno how to explain it, it just felt right at that moment.'' ''So far, so good,'' commented Vee. ''What's next?'' ''I'll admit that I chickened out after that,'' continued the leader. ''I just didn't know yet if I was ready to get into some sort of relationship. I was a douche and I didn't say or text a word to her after a couple of days.'' ''You're a fucking dumbass,'' added the other turtle, slightly scolding as he parted some more layers of Vee's hair. Leo raised his glass a little: ''On that I agree, BUT! I kicked my own ass and finally got back in touch with her yesterday. I explained the situation to her and she agreed to meeting up and talk about it a little more. … I'm just-'' His eyes met Vee's, somehow pleading. ''How can I know she really likes me? For crying out loud, how did you know you liked Donnie?'' The artist couldn't help her laugh, surprising both mutants. Leo didn't really know how to react. ''Did … did I say something wrong orrrr?'' ''No, no! Good gosh, no!'' tried to rectify Vee, calming her laughter. ''Oh jeeze, Leo, you and Mikasa are just so freakin' adorable. …. Would you believe me if I told you that she kinda asked me the same question a while ago?'' The blue one showed a smirk, amused: ''Welp, I won't hide that I had a smiliar conversation with Donnie as well.'' ''See!'' pointed the woman. ''Dammit, you two. Mikasa likes you, okay? You guys … all four of you, there are people who're gonna like you and even love you for who you are, no matter the fact that you're mutants. Damn, get that drilled in your heads, alright?!'' Mikey couldn't contain a chuckle: ''You're pretty straight-forward when you get some drinks in you, Vee.'' ''I only speak the truth without reservation,'' she added, taking a sip of wine. She savored her beverage for some seconds before speaking up again: ''But to answer your question, Leo, I knew I liked Donnie when everything felt comfortable. I mean … whatever I would say or do, I knew it wouldn't mind him. … His presence is like a never-ending warm hug around me. I feel true, I feel seen...'' Her eyes got back to him. ''And if you feel like you can be your true self around Mikasa, then I say that it's worth a shot.'' ''I'll take your word for it,'' replied Leo, smiling and slightly lifting his glass in cheer. *** Hours later and Donnie couldn't be any more glad to be back home. Patrol had been pretty boring and tame tonight, but at least he got to spend some time with Raph, which was never a bad thing, at times. Hanging his gear for the night, he then proceeded to his workstation, only to frown a little once he spotted a sheet of paper with some sort of layout draw on it.
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By the looks of it, it seemed to be an apartment, the gears of his mind running as he also recognized Vee's handwriting. ''Bro!'' His attention snapped, suddenly realizing that he had been deep in thoughts. He turned to the source of his calling, then noticing Mikey with a big smile on his face. Donnie didn't have time to say anything that his brother spoke again: ''I have the immense pleasure to present to you the world-premiere revelation of Vee 2.0.'' He did some theatrical gestures before bowing and backing out of view in a comical way, finally giving view to Vee who had been hiding behind him. The purple clad turtle's eyes grew wide as soon as he noticed the artist's new hair color. Teal. A lush dark green color that reflected so well when exposed to any lights. ''Whoa! That's so cool!'' blurted the tall terrapin, already approaching the artist. One of his hands was still holding the paper, but his other one couldn't stay put, gently taking some strands of Vee's hair and having a closer look at the color. He couldn't erase his grin, his eyes scanning every inches. ''You should thank Mikey, he's the one who did most of the work,'' informed the woman. The tall terrapin did throw a glance towards his brother who was still nearby: ''No wonder it's perfect. There's always a positive outcome to any of his projects.'' ''Aww, thanks bro!'' added the orange clad mutant, somehow surprised, yet glad to hear such compliment. ''So … you like it?'' asked Vee with a timid smile. ''Like it? I love it!'' answered Donnie, his gaze meeting hers. ''It really suits you. … Any specific reason for that change, though?'' The woman had noticed the sheet of paper in his hand, taking it in turn and pointing the sketch she did. ''If all goes well, this little lot will be mine.'' Donnie's happiness was renewed: ''For real?!'' A simple nod from Vee was enough for him to lift her off the ground in an embrace, unable to stop himself from spinning around a little, obviously feeling overjoyed. Relief also washed over him, knowing how the whole process was stressing the artist – and himself as well, there was no lying there. ''You did it, baby,'' he gently said, loud enough for only her to hear, nuzzling her as he came to a stop while still hugging her. ''Almost, but yeah. Let's hope for the best...,'' replied Vee in the same tone, her arms gently coming around his neck. ''Get a room, you two!'' piped in Raph's tone, playful. The couple looked his way, the red clad terrapin making his way to Mikey. ''Come on, let's give these two nerds some space. Ya wouldn't want to catch their cooties.'' ''Hah! You're just jealous!'' added Donnie comically, next suddenly hurrying to his room, Vee still in his arms and now laughing. Raph was rather unimpressed, a sharp exhale of air leaving him as he glanced from the running one back to his younger brother. ''…. The day I'll be jealous of that bean pole, assume that I'm delirious or somethin' like that.'' *** It wasn't long before they were found in bed, exchanging everyday clothing for comfortable wears. Donnie was laying first, Vee next nestled in-between his legs, her back against his form. The artist was not finished, drink-wise, so she shared some more wine with the terrapin, a screen mounted to a telescopic arm brought over them so they could watch any videos they desired. It was during moments like this that Vee felt at complete peace, loved, and the happiest. The warmth that invaded her could only confirm that she was at the right place with the right person. And yet the same question kept repeating itself in her mind since her conversation with April. ''Donnie, are we compatible?'' she asked in a shy tone. The mutant slightly frowned, his gaze still on the screen. ''Define 'compatible','' he asked. ''Can we procreate?'' His body and muscles suddenly tensed. Both were now staring at eachother, not giving a damn about the video anymore, the turtle trying to find his words. ''… Uhm, well, no. I don't think so. … Wh- Why are you asking this?'' Vee shrugged: ''Well, we've been having unprotected sex and I don't take any contraceptive pills. I'm just curious.... How can you be sure that we're not?'' He sighed briefly, his thoughts running a hundred miles per hour. The video on screen was still going on, the subject suddenly a blur. But that didn't matter. ''First of all, we're not the same specie.'' ''Ok then, why can tigers and lions create ligers? Why can donkeys and horses create mules?'' ''Because to their roots, they are the same. As for us, we come from two different branches. I'm a reptile, you're a mammal; there's a huge spacing inbetween us. Plus, I'm suspecting the mutagen has something to do with it, as it mostly prevents us from contracting human diseases, amongst other things.'' Vee crossed her arms, diverting her gaze, slightly feeling uneasy as she circled her drink slowly and pensively. ''… You do make sense. … I guess I was mostly biased by the fact that you do present humanoid features.'' She felt one of Donnie's hands to her cheek, bringing back her attention on him. ''… Did you want to have a child with me?'' he asked in a hushed tone, forever soft. Vee suddenly blushed, frowning a little. ''No! I mean- uh. Based on your explanations, no. Also I'm not ready for that and it's too early in the relationship to know. I- shit, I dunno,'' she blabbered. The terrapin's smile was soft, amused by her reaction. ''Hey, don't worry, I was just asking! … I guess I'm just wondering too if you ever wanted one. If that was the case, I wouldn't want to prevent you from doing so...'' ''What? You mean you'd let me hook up with a human guy only so I can get banged up?'' questionned the woman, confused, as she sat up straight and was still looking at the other. ''Hell to the no - yuck. The whole pregnancy shebang doesn't appeal to me anyway.'' ''Adoption is also an option,'' added Donnie, matter-o-factly. ''That's pretty much this family's case!'' ''For sure, and I think it's very admirable, but raising a child is still a huge deal in itself.'' She sighed, timidly rubbing the back of her neck. ''… Sorry I brought that up, I was just curious. Ever since I spoke with April, it has been bugging me. I'm really not ready for that chapter in my life and I don't think I'll ever be, but I wanted to know your opinion on that.'' Donnie rejoined her, one of his arms snaking around her form. He was softly nuzzling the top of her head, keeping her close. ''Whatever you choose or decide, I'll always stand by your side, loving every moments – every seconds - spent with you. We build our own happiness, and that doesn't mean it has to imply a child in the future. … As long as you're happy, so am I.'' ''I know. … I do feel kinda weird for not wanting a child though,'' mumbled Vee. ''Hey,'' intervened the mutant. ''You're not weird, believe me. Having a child is not an obligation. This is your body, your choice, and I will forever respect it.'' ''Oh, you better,'' smirked the artist in return.
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squarecarousel · 3 years
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Challenge 144: 10 Years, Looking Forward: A-Frame Studio Life Buckle up-- this is a long one! Wow, ten years. It’s hard to believe a whole decade has passed since Square Carousel began, and since I graduated college. In some ways, it feels like another lifetime, and in others, it feels vastly shorter than the decade before that, from ages 12 to 22. Time is fascinating that way. College was such an incredibly impactful time period, but just a measly 4 years-- I could have done college 2.5 more times back-to-back in the years since I graduated, but somehow those four, from 2007-2011 were monumental.  It’s hard to believe I’ll be in a post-college world without Square Carousel, since the group has been a constant in my life these last ten years. I’m really proud that we made it this far and are able to choose to end the journey, rather than it fizzling out or dying from lack of interest. Sometimes it felt like that might happen, but other times it felt like we were blooming. There have been many ups and downs over the course of this journey. And damn, it was a lot of hard to work to keep running, but I am so grateful for the learning experience. I know so much more about leadership now than I ever would have before-- the delicate balance of having rules to keep the group running (deadlines, participation requirements, our dreaded “strike system”) and keeping up morale (knowing when to forgive slip-ups, keeping challenges sufficiently entertaining and well...challenging, making sure the group feels like it’s a community). Elizabeth and I were reluctant leaders, just naturally having to take those roles as other original members of the group left and were replaced by folks who needed guidance. We definitely didn’t seek it out, but we knew that if the group were to stay alive, we had to put some structure into the system. Pretty early on we made our rules and guidelines, extended the challenges to 3 weeks from just 2, and worked on our visual image online. Our awesome logo was made by former member Casey Crisenbery, and we switched from Wordpress to Tumblr, purchasing a URL, and Casey using special code for custom organization on the site. Sketch critiques were now a halfway point through our 3 weeks-long challenge, which helped a lot with the community aspect and engagement. We started doing interviews for each member, reaching out to other illustration groups, blogs and submission sites and had our work featured on a few of them. Some of us even got jobs from the connections made through Square Carousel!  There was a bad stretch several years ago when I wasn’t sure we’d make it through, with toxic behavior and a few folks petitioning for removing deadlines and structure, making everything optional. One thing I can tell you with certainty after ten years of working with artists is that 95% of us require deadlines to do anything, and incentives/obligations for meeting those deadlines, or it just isn’t going to happen! Elizabeth and I, along with a few other solid members, were able to keep the structure we’d worked hard to create, but the toxic culture had already killed group morale and we lost a lot of members simultaneously. That was a sad and scary time for Square Carousel, but I didn’t want to go out on a sour note. So the small group of us picked the pieces back up again, did a little refocus on our goals as a collective and created an “Admin” so Elizabeth and I didn’t have to carry the entire burden alone. I am forever grateful to Sayada and Jordan for stepping up into these roles to help us get the train back on track. Sayada especially picked up a lot of responsibilities that a newer member shouldn’t have to worry about, and was a total rockstar for Square Carousel. I wish we’d had her with us for the whole ride. I’m so happy that we’ve had a few really great years with some really loyal and talented artists to round out the experience at Year Ten.  There is nobody I’m more thankful for than my Good Cop, Elizabeth, though. She was so reliable, always able to provide balance in our leadership roles, and such a wonderful shoulder to cry on when things got too stressful. Elizabeth, thank you for this journey and for being my SC Wife all these years! It’s so funny because of all the original members, you were one of the only ones I hadn’t really known from SCAD classes, yet you’re the SCAD Illustration friend I have remained most connected to most consistently. Nothing bonds you quite like running an illustration collective does! It also cracks me up that in all these years, we hadn’t ever facetimed or talked on the phone until a few months ago--I didn’t even know your mannerisms or voice, but knew you so well anyway. My greatest internet friend! I love you dearly and it truly won’t feel right, the absence of our weekly SC conversations. Thank you for all of the memories! As just a member and artist, this group has helped me grow so much professionally. It was my client when I didn’t have clients. It was my motivation to paint when I didn’t feel creative. It was my source of portfolio-worthy work, but also my safe place to experiment and fail when I was trying something new. The girl who started as a Square Carousel member freshly graduated in 2011 was working part-time at Urban Outfitters, had basically no money, and no clue how to promote herself. The “studio” was a corner of the bedroom and nobody took her seriously. But a stubborn dedication and the security, purpose and structure of Square Carousel helped the slow change from that lost girl to a full-time freelancing woman. Now, in 2021, I have been doing freelance illustration fully for six years, through contract jobs, editorial, publishing, advertising, commission and local work, as well as selling prints and products online, in local shops and events. I am not making the big bucks, certainly, and I still have goals I’m working towards, but damn, if that isn’t a glow-up, I don’t know what is. Thank you for helping me achieve my impossible dream, Square Carousel, and always being a place with the right amount of advice, support and critique. Ten years, 34 artist interviews, 38 artists, and 144 challenges. I’m the only member to have completed every single one. 144 illustrations through the years. Some were game-changers for my style and my portfolio. Some were total stinkers and I hope you don’t go looking for them. But all were an important step in my career.   So, in ten more years? I’ll be 42 years old, which is very weird because I have never imagined myself that old before... it’s hard to honestly say what that would look like, especially considering the world we are currently living in and how the last 4/5 years have proven that anything (awful) can happen. Jordan and I have a goal to move to Colorado in the next 4 or 5 years, and I’d love to have a little A-Frame in the mountains with a loft studio, shown in my illustration here. Texas has become extremely problematic, especially after the winter storm in February of this year, and will be impacted greatly by climate change, both environmentally and economically. Right now, Austin is still booming, but at some point the lack of foresight in this state’s government is going to screw over the residents and it will be one of the places from which climate refugees run. Is that tomorrow? No, obviously not. But I want to already be settled someplace more stable, having grown some roots, before other folks start to roll in. But, to be able to do that, I need to rely less on my local jobs and connections and be able to have an “anywhere career.” So right now I am focusing on expanding in that way, particularly with book cover illustration and design. I’ve been doing a lot of portfolio work and self-publishing jobs, and hope to get an agent that can shop my work to big-time publishers sometime in the next year or two. Let’s say I succeed at all of those things in five years-- we’re in our Colorado A-Frame, I’m illustrating book covers (and I’ve also convinced my parents to come with me, and maybe a couple friends!). The next five years after that? I don’t know... hopefully a lot of adventures. Hopefully a lot of cool jobs, but also a lot of work/life balance. Right now, I don’t want kids, so the A-Frame will be filled with cats. Maybe we’ll have an old camper van for regular road trips around the western National Parks. I’d love for my work to reflect those passions-- more jobs with outdoor brands, parks, organizations. More book covers for stuff I’d personally love to read and keep on my overflowing shelf. That’s the vague goal for me in ten years, but I don’t want to plan any further than that, because life just also needs to happen the way it’s going to happen. There are parts of my current life I planned for in 2011... and there are parts I never, ever would have guessed. I hope there’s some fun surprises in 2031, too. Thanks for the decade, Square Carousel. Joining illustration collectives will always be the first bit of advice I give fresh graduates. Caitlin
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Come What May
Pairing: Bryce x F! MC (Casey Valentine)
Summary: The two of them will always support each other, no matter what happens.
Author’s Note: I was in need of writing some fluff, and what better way than to write some Bryce content? Apologies in advance for any possible grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this, I appreciate you tons!
Word Count: 1,184
Bryce Lahela had never seen himself falling in love.
For most of his life, all he’d known was meaningless flings. The girls and guys he tended to hook up with never cared about him personally. All they saw was looks, and, for the longest time, he hadn’t cared. No strings attached always made it easier to break things off.
But all of that had changed when Casey Valentine came into his life.
It was strange, the way he felt when their eyes met. Every kiss managed to feel like the first, even after over a year had passed.
He still remembered that day as though it had just happened. Finding Casey in the supply closet, remembering when he’d first run into her in the locker room. How she’d kissed him, and he somehow knew right there that he was doomed.
This was the person he’d spent his whole life waiting for.
“I’m here for you, no matter what.” Those were the words Casey whispered to him when he admitted he had no idea what to do when Keiki entered his life. And she’d meant it.
For the past two months, the two of them had looked after his sister. Keiki constantly threatened him when Casey left, promising that she would destroy him if he ever broke the woman’s heart.
The warning echoed in his mind as he glanced up from the selection of different apples and locked eyes with Casey from across the produce section. A grin spread across her face as she held up some type of squash and nodded to it.
Bryce had no idea how to respond, but he gave her a thumbs up.
With a laugh, Casey turned back to the produce and tucked the squash under her arm. Her dark hair was so long now that it reached her tailbone, swaying side to side as she looked at the vegetables, the excitement radiating off of her.
God was he ever in love. He would do practically anything for this woman.
Memories of their intern year played in his head while he tried to figure out which apples to get. Keiki would complain if she didn’t get her favorite—the only problem was, he couldn’t remember which ones those were.
Spartan? Golden Delicious? No, it had to be ambrosia—
“Need help with something?” He jumped at the sound of Casey’s voice. She started to laugh, sliding her hand down his back as she stepped closer, wrapping an arm around his waist. “What’s the matter?”
“I can’t remember what Keiki’s favorite apples are.” He groaned, running a hand through his hair. “I’m pretty sure it’s ambrosia, but it might be spartan.”
Casey’s eyes wrinkled in the corners and her nose scrunched up as she looked up at him with a smile. “No, silly, it’s Fuji.”
Bryce sighed, throwing his head back as he groaned loudly again. “See? You’re so much better at this than I am! I have no idea how to look after a kid.”
“Oh, quit being so dramatic.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, nudging him out of the way as she started to look through the Fuji apples. “You are Bryce Lahela. You can definitely do this. And I’ll be right here to help.”
It was hard to believe that he’d once found her crying in the on-call room. A lot had changed since the case for Mrs. Martinez, but his feelings for Casey had never wavered. She never ceased to awe him.
“You don’t have to do this, you know.” Guilt over dragging his girlfriend into his family’s mess always haunted him. “I can do the shopping by myself.”
Casey glanced at him over her shoulder. “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Your sister is great, Bryce. You’re okay, too.” Her lips twitched, and she quickly looked away before he could respond.
Once she’d grabbed a few Fuji apples, she placed them in the shopping cart, the amusement clear in her expression when their eyes met. Chewing on her bottom lip, Casey pulled the grocery list out of her jacket pocket, mumbling to herself while studying it.
Bryce watched, thinking to himself that he could get used to this. Days off spent grocery shopping together, joking in a way that came easily. Before starting at Edenbrook, the idea of finding love at work seemed ludicrous. There’d been flings all throughout school, but nothing that ever lasted more than a few months.
“It’s nice to know that my girlfriend likes my sister more than me,” he said as they began to move out of the produce section.
Casey’s cheeks flushed red. It happened every time he called her his girlfriend. “She shows me embarrassing pictures from when you were younger. And she’s also really cool.” She looked up at him, her lips twitching. “But I guess you’re kinda cool yourself.”
Not caring who was watching, Bryce leaned forward and kissed her. He ran a hand through her hair, cupping her face with the other. These were the small moments he lived for.
“Bryce,” Casey mumbled against his lips, gripping his wrists. “We’re—”  
He pulled her closer and kissed her harder, cutting off the rest of her sentence.
Someone cleared their throat nearby after a minute, and they stepped apart. Casey’s face was bright red, and Bryce chuckled, tucking some hair behind her ear.
“That was just a sneak peek for later,” he whispered with a wink, smirking when someone nearby overheard and shot him a dirty look. He cleared his throat and stood up straight. “So, what’s left on the list?”
Casey stumbled over her words, looking more flustered than he’d seen her in a while. “Um, we just need to get some milk. I think we have most of the other ingredients at home. Maybe we should get some spices, just in case?”
“Sure thing.” Bryce laced his fingers through hers, trying his best not to grin like an idiot.
At home. Home. As though they shared it together. The thought of sharing a place with her caused the strangest reaction. Were those…butterflies? This fluttering feeling in his stomach?
Ten minutes later, they walked to the checkout. Bryce watched Casey interact with the cashier, admiring the way she so effortlessly made conversation. She was so great, and she still couldn’t see that.
The car ride back to his apartment was mostly quiet. When they got back, Keiki was asleep on the couch.
“You know, I think I could get used to this. We’re almost like a little family. I love it.” Casey stopped putting away groceries to cross the kitchen to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Come what may, I’ll always be here for you. You were always there for me when I needed you most.”
Bryce looked down at her, wondering what on earth he’d done to deserve someone like her. “I love you.”
Casey grinned, giving him a quick kiss before she danced out of his arms, glancing at him over her shoulder. “I know.”
The hidden meaning was clear.
I love you, too.
Tagging: @lahellacute
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Four
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
September 3rd, 1989
“Hi! What’s your name?” Emile asked the shy boy who was standing by the slide on the playground.
“...Casey,” the boy mumbled.
“I’m Emile! Do you want to play a game with me?” Emile asked. “We could be friends!”
“I’ve never had a friend before,” Casey said softly. “How does being friends work?”
“You can figure it out as you go!” Emile exclaimed. “All my friends just like playing with me and sometimes reading with me! Maybe you want to do something different, but those are the big things that most of my friends do! We could play tag, if you want?”
“Sure, I like tag,” Casey said, smiling.
“I’ll be ‘it’ first! You have a ten second head start, better make the most of it!” Emile exclaimed.
Casey grinned and ran off, leaving Emile to count, before taking off after his new friend.
September 15th, 2000
Emile smiled at the man who he was sitting next to in the local coffee shop, who he was quickly becoming fast friends with. Remy was pouring over his business textbook with a sigh. “I mean, I know ninety percent of the stuff in this book! I don’t understand why I’m going to college!” Remy complained.
Shrugging, Emile said, “There has to be some reason, right? Something that you really want to learn?”
“Not really,” Remy sighed. “I don’t know why I’m wasting money when I’m not even gonna learn anything.”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t go to college,” Emile said with a shrug.
Remy sat back in his chair and hummed. “You know, you may have a point…” He shook his head and sighed. “But what would my parents think?”
Emile leaned back in his chair and scratched his head. “Who cares what they think? You’re going to school on your dime, not theirs. If you don’t want to go into debt and you don’t think you’re going to learn anything, why stick around?”
“To be out of my parents’ house?” Remy asked with an incredulous laugh. “I mean, it’s not like they’d let me go back to live with them without having a job.”
“You have a job,” Emile said, gesturing to the coffee shop they were in.
“A real job, Emile,” Remy scoffed. “If rent is too expensive, they definitely won’t help, unless I’m making, like, six figures a year and I still can’t afford housing near wherever I work.”
“That’s terrible!” Emile said. “They’d make you homeless just because you’re working your tail off as a barista and not...whatever else they want you to be?”
“They were upset enough I went into business, and not accounting,” Remy said with a laugh. “But I would kill myself left to my own devices as an accountant, and I figured they’d rather have a semi-miserable kid over a dead kid. Though, I don’t know...they already have their golden boy, and that’s my brother Toby.”
Emile stared at Remy in complete shock. He was talking like this was just life, like he was discussing the weather, and not shaking Emile’s entire perception of his new friend to his very core. Suddenly, a lot of the things he said were making an ugly picture. An incomplete picture, but an ugly one nonetheless.
“Enough about me, though, what about you?” Remy asked.
“What about me?” Emile repeated dumbly.
Remy jabbed at Emile’s textbooks with a laugh. “Learning anything new from your textbooks? Psychology, all that good stuff?”
“Oh, uh, yeah...” Emile said. “Learning a bit. I don’t want to bore you with the specifics, though.”
Remy waved a hand. “Eh, psychology is somewhat interesting to me. What parts are you specifically going over?”
“Uh, currently, childhood development,” Emile said.
“Ah. Yeah. Not a huge fan of that one,” Remy replied. “So maybe spare me the details on that chapter.”
“Sure,” Emile said, nodding. He knew enough about Remy to avoid talking about this latest revelation just yet. But that left Emile with another problem. Namely, what to talk about. “Uh, that means I don’t really know what to talk about, though.”
Remy rested his arms on his books and his head on his arms. “Uh...you could talk about...pretty much whatever, really, I’m not picky.”
“Just so long as it’s a topic that adults could reasonably talk about without strange looks, right?” Emile asked.
“I mean, would you really want me to ramble on about cartoons?” Emile asked. “You certainly didn’t seem to enjoy my room all that much, what with all the cartoon stuff everywhere.”
“Oh,” Remy said, grimacing. “I mean...do you want to talk about cartoons?”
“Not if the other person won’t enjoy them,” Emile said.
“It’s not that I don’t enjoy cartoons...” Remy scratched his neck before hanging his head. “Okay, yeah, it’s that I don’t enjoy cartoons. But I’m in no position to complain because I have a minor obsession with comic books. So you can talk about cartoons if you want to, so long as I can talk about comic books.”
“You have yourself a deal,” Emile said. “Still, cartoons is a pretty broad topic. It’s hard to narrow down what to talk about without something else to build off of.”
“The same is true with comics,” Remy pointed out. “Have you ever tried to piece together a comic timeline? It’s a horror show.”
“I’ve never gotten into comics for that exact reason. I have no idea where I would start!” Emile exclaimed. “There’s so many superheroes, and so many variations of the same ones, and so many timelines and stories within those variations! It’s...it’s completely jumbled! It makes no sense to me!”
“Yeah, well, comics definitely aren’t for everyone,” Remy said with a little smile.
“Same with cartoons,” Emile said. “Everyone has different tastes.”
“Yeah,” Remy said.
“The problem is when you start bashing people or their interests just because you’re not into them,” Emile said. “Like...you know, saying something is stupid or childish, or just not worth your time.”
Remy frowned briefly, before recognition crossed his face. “Oh. Oh. You’re referring to me.”
“Just a little bit. You’re not the first to say that cartoons are for children, and you won’t be the last. But you might have been the meanest to date,” Emile said.
Remy rolled his eyes. “I was trying to be kind. If that’s the meanest thing you’ve ever heard about your interests, you must be the most sheltered kid ever.”
“If that’s the nicest thing you could manage, then maybe you shouldn’t say anything about cartoons,” Emile said. “Because that was really mean. That hurt me. I don’t like the way you said it, and I don’t like how you’re brushing it off now.”
Remy huffed and crossed his arms, saying, “Well, someone clearly can’t take a joke.”
“That wasn’t a joke!” Emile exclaimed. “And if you were trying to make it one then it definitely fell flat! Why can’t you acknowledge that it hurt me?”
“I’m just trying to prepare you for reality,” Remy scoffed. “If you can’t understand that then you’re clearly not ready for it yet.”
“Reality isn’t just people being mean to each other all the time!” Emile exclaimed, very nearly reaching the end of his rope. He started packing up his books. “You know what? Maybe you were right. Being friends is not a good idea. Clearly, you aren’t ready to own up to your mistakes and I have friends who respect me and my interests elsewhere.”
Remy blinked at Emile in shock.
Emile just felt that much more irritated that Remy didn’t even say anything. “Good luck with college,” he growled. “Maybe one day you’ll learn what friends really are. I hope that you manage to find some people who make you happy.”
And with that, he stormed out of the coffee shop. The door opened after him and Remy called, “Emile?”
Emile didn’t even slow his stride. Rushed footsteps came after him and a desperate hand grabbed for his wrist. Emile wrenched it free and levelled Remy with a glare. “Am I a joke to you?” he asked.
“What? No!” Remy exclaimed.
“I get that you might not like that I’m an optimist, but you don’t have to tear me down every chance you get! I’m trying to be your friend, I’m trying to be nice to you, but you make it near impossible every time you open your mouth!” Emile’s vision blurred with tears. “I want to help you feel less lonely. Because whether you admit it or not, I know you need some form of company. Everybody does! I want to get to know you! You seem like a really interesting guy! But if you keep on insulting me and my interests, then I can’t be friends with you. I can’t even hang around you. Because I need to make sure that my mental health and my happiness comes first. I have to be my first priority. And if you’re going to hurt me, then you can’t be a part of my life.”
“I...” Remy had a myriad of emotions flitting across his face. “I’m sorry. I...I never really had friends. Before. I don’t know how I’m supposed to act around them. I don’t want to hurt you, honestly. I just...don’t know where the lines I shouldn’t cross are.”
“You want to toughen me up,” Emile said. “By definition, that’s going to hurt me and wear me down more and more until I can’t take life the way it is any longer. And I rather like my life the way it is.”
Remy looked lost. “I want to help you,” he said. “Don’t you see? I’m trying to help!”
Emile shook his head. “I don’t think I’m the one who needs help in this situation, Remy.”
Remy frowned. “What, you think I need to see a shrink?”
“I think that if you’ve never had friends before, you shouldn’t decide that you know everything about friendship and that you can make decisions for the people who you’re trying to become friends with,” Emile said. “And whether or not the help you get surrounding friends is professional, you need to learn about what friendship really is.”
Remy let his hand drop. “But...but...how do I get friends, so I can learn?”
“Well, maybe if you stopped acting like an arrogant know-it-all people might approach you more,” Emile hissed.
Remy reeled back like he had been slapped. “Is that...is that how you see me?”
Emile blinked rapidly as his tears fell. “I know it’s how most of my friends see you! They’ve asked me more than once why I hang around you! And I always told them it’s because I thought I saw some kindness inside you. But clearly,” his voice cracked. “Clearly I was wrong.”
Remy opened his mouth, but no words came out.
Emile turned and continued to walk back to the campus. It was about half a mile, it couldn’t take that long to retreat to his room and cry for a little. He heard Remy retreat back to the coffee shop, and he hoped that Remy would stay there to lick his wounds, or at least leave Emile alone. He needed time to regroup, to decide what he was going to do about Remy. He wasn’t sure he could still be friends with the man, as much as he wanted to be. Remy would need people around him sooner or later, and Emile wanted to help. He always wanted to help, but he had to learn to detach himself from situations, so that he didn’t burn out being emotionally invested with everyone he met. Therapist or not, that was a skill he needed to learn.
He heard running behind him, and Emile rolled his eyes, moving to the right side of the sidewalk, staring resolutely at the buildings on the opposite side of the street, and not acknowledging the slowing footsteps as the person fell into Emile’s rhythm of walking.
“Sooner or later you’re going to have to acknowledge me, Emile,” Remy warned.
Emile just kept staring across the street.
Remy’s hand brushed against Emile’s, before Remy apparently thought better of it, and his hand retreated. “Emile, please, just look at me.”
Emile glanced over to find Remy hiding his eyes behind his blonde bangs. “I...I wanted to hurt you, yeah, to toughen you up. But that’s no excuse. And...for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I’m realizing that was wrong. I just...” he sniffled, and lifted his head, and Emile was surprised to see tears in Remy’s eyes. “I want to be your friend. And I’m terrified, because the last time I was friends with someone who wasn’t my brother, they absolutely crushed me. I...I don’t want that to happen again. My brain keeps screaming that’s what’s gonna happen if I get close to you...” He shook his head. “But you know what? I think that it’s worth the risk. I...I want to be your friend, Emile. I’m so sorry. Please, please just consider my apology when you decide whether or not we can be friends? Because I’m truly sorry.”
Emile’s resolve wavered and he nodded, offering Remy a small smile. “Okay,” he said. “We can give being friends another shot. But you’d better believe that I’m roping you into doing DnD and watching cartoons and a bunch of other ‘dorky’ stuff.”
Remy cringed, but nodded. “Thank you,” he breathed.
Emile nodded back, and they walked back to campus together.
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
09/23/2021 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Ephesians 2:1-22, Psalms 67:1-7, Proverbs 23:29-35
Today is the 23rd day in the month of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a joy and an honor to spend a few minutes of this day with you around this Global Campfire that we make each day, it's oasis to let God's word wash into our lives. And, so, let's take that next step forward together. We are working our way through the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament and we’re just getting going in the letter to the Ephesians in the New. We’re reading from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week. Isaiah chapter 41 verse 17 through 43 verse 13 today.
Alright. I want to just requote Paul in his letter to the Ephesians just a couple of verses today for us to look at. “Indeed, it is by grace you have been saved.” Like we could just sit there, and we should. We should take each part of this and just contemplate it at different points of the day. “It is by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Again, “this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance so that we would walk in them.” This is a reasonably well-known passage. You've probably heard it before, but have you ever just sat with it? “It is by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves. It is the gift of God.” That is really really good news. That is the good news. You…you can't get good enough. You can't work yourself into this. That's not what's going on here. God is trying to offer a gift freely. Your part is to believe that the gift has been given and then life is transformed. And then what we do falls in line with who we are and who we are, according to Paul, is God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. So, we can see that we have good work to do, and that good work is part of us being in Christ, But the fact that we can be in Christ, there is nothing we can do to make that happen other than believe because it is a gift, it does not come from ourselves. We cannot earn it in our own power, which also means this cannot be stolen from us. We could reject a gift. We could walk away and abandon the gift. We can treat a gift as it's…as if it's garbage but this gift is the restoration or renewal or re-creation, the making new of our inner selves. The transformation of our Spirit, the…the changing of who we truly are. Do we not spend our whole lives trying to tweak who we think we really are? And normally what we’re doing is trying to tweak our behavior, trying to tweak our personality so that it's more effective at coping with the world and getting people to do what we want them to do in some form or fashion, otherwise known as manipulation. What Paul is talking about here is so much deeper, so much deeper than all of that façade, all of that mask wearing. It is at the essence of what is core, what is deeply true of us, what is created in the image of God. This gift transforms us, changing everything about us, including what we do. There's like not a whole lot of better news than that. I mean would you rather have your…I mean this is an odd question…but the phone call that makes you rich or the awareness that you are being transformed into something that has the Spirit of the living most high God involved and within? I can't say much about the phone call that will make you rich but this second piece, this is already true. Let's spend some time contemplating it, contemplating this truth and what it might mean. That we can spend some time thinking about what this might mean, that we can live true, that this cannot be taken from us, that our identity no matter what anyone might say cannot be altered. We are children of God. Think about that today.
Holy Spirit, we invite You into that. It's the reality that's been spoken to us from the beginning. It's a reality that the Gospels reveal. You came and were willing to sacrifice Yourself in order to give us this gift. And yest we just kind of live as if it's just a thing, like it's just always been here, and it's just a thing. We’re just trying to figure it out and we’re just trying to be better when You have offered us the gift of utter and complete transformation if we will utterly and completely surrender to You. Come Holy Spirit, help us to think on these things today, we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
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And, of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement there are number of ways to reach out. If you’re using the app, you can press the Hotline button. That's the little red button up at the top. You can't miss it. You can press that and share your story from wherever you are in the world or there are a number of telephone numbers that you can use depending on where you are. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia or the lands down under 61-3-8820-5459 is a number to call.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello, my DABalonians DABaruskis, my DABster's what's going down? This is Casey Sean Peirce from beautiful sunny Eloa. How are you today? I wanted everyone to join me in prayer if you could if you would be so kind for the beautiful Shemira Pierce my wife. Heavenly Father please bless Shemira and give her extra piece and extra joy and strength to…to do the things she needs to do in Jesus’ name. Amen. If anyone else wants to pray for her that’d be super cool. I'm not really that good at prayer. She recently quit doing all drugs and tobacco products and alcohol and she's got a lot of family issues that she's dealing with, that she's talking to a custody lawyer right now. We're handling a lot of kids in and out of the house and with different parents, her biological kids. Her mom lives with us. There was a reason she drank and did drugs, my wonderful wife and now that we don't that it kind of takes away what was protecting a lot of things that she needs to just overcome now. And, so, if anybody can help her with prayer to do the things that she needs to do that would be great. I love all you guys. God bless you and God bless your day.
Hey everybody my names Kara I live in North Carolina, and I just wanted to put in a prayer request for one of my friends. About 10 days ago she lost her son who's only 19 years old and it was very unexpected and suddenly. And his funeral was on Saturday. And I saw her for the first time since this has happened, and it just broke my heart to see her. And I just pray that she feels lifted up and comforted and finds peace. And I just I'm asking for all you guys to pray for her period she she's…she's having a hard time and she also has another son that's his…the other boy’s twin. So, I can imagine that would be very difficult. So, yeah if you guys could just pray for her and with her up, I would really appreciate it. I love this community and everything it stands for. And thank you Brian for having this community. It's definitely kept me going in difficult times. So, I appreciate it. Love you guys. Bye.
Heidi DAB family it's Shanda from South Dakota. I was doing my Bible study this morning and I felt prompted to call and ask for some prayer. We did our festival and it turned out great. Thank you for those prayers. However, my son was assaulted shortly after pretty badly. Had someone not stopped he feels like maybe he wouldn't have lived. And the people that are salted him are still threatening him. He feels like he needs to go buy a gun for safety. And I am praying for him. And I still have some fear. He's my baby. I'm just calling to ask for prayer for his safety. I'm just in this place of praying to the Lord and…and going back and forth. I trust the Lord and I trust His plan and I know He has plans for my son's life. I still just feel a little fear. I am praying for all of you, and I thank you so much for your prayers. Have a great day everyone.
Good morning, everybody this is God's Smile here. It's a beautiful morning and I just wanted to share a little…little __ I had with the Lord. As the lights are drawing in, I've noticed by the time I'm able to get down the stairs. And, you know, I only get about an hours’ light before I notice it starting to draw in. And I thought, wouldn't it be lovely if I could just get up in the mornings and be able to get downstairs physically. So, here I am at 9:00 o'clock in the morning. Thank you, Jesus for that. Isn't He great? He even hears the sighs of our heart. So, Brenda I would like to pray for you because you rang in about your mom in a nursing home and it's on lockdown due to COVID and it's not been easy on a dementia ward. And she's had a hard time remembering conversations and when she last saw your family. She loves the Lord. She's been a pastor’s wife for 35 years and she feels abandoned. Father God thank you that you’ve not abandoned Nancy. Thank you that Jesus lives inside her and Your precious Holy Spirit. Father I ask for Your peace to be…to abound Lord, that Your grace would impart Father and a stillness in Nancy's heart to know that everything's OK. And I know You do this with me Lord when I'm in distress and I have faith and trust in You that You will calm her and soothe her Lord and let her witness be from Brenda the next time she calls. And times ticking away and Bob’s chirping away. I'll have to go now guys. Kiss kiss. I love you. Bye-bye.
Good morning DAB family I've got a prayer request and also a praise report but before I start this story, I'm a bit sick so hopefully you can hear me OK, my voice sounds alright. But my praise report is that I…I got my university results back and I graduate with a first. And I can't even explain like. Like I got it like a week ago and every single day since, I just keep thinking about and I’m like oh my goodness, how on earth did I graduate with a first. Like so grateful, so happy and like I…I just owe everything to God because like if someone had told me I was going to graduate a first I would have been like oh, stop it. Believe it or not people said yeah you will, and I was just rolling my eyes like ok please like stop expecting so much from me. And I did. And I just…like it's honestly the weirdest feeling but like the best feeling at the same time. So, that’s some good news because I struggled a lot especially like balancing uni stuff and work. Well…I did it, but my prayer request is for my brother. He's just so lost. And like we had a conversation last night and it just honestly just made me really realize how lost he actually is, and it's just been on my mind like the whole night even when I was sleeping and when I wake up today. It's been on my mind like and like the love I have for my brother is so much like I don't love anyone else the same way that I love him, and I care for him, and I want him to add like have the best life he can possibly have. But like I just don't know what he's doing. And he's drifted so far away from God it's ridiculous. Like he's just…he's not even putting in any effort to spend time with Him. And like He's just doing…he's doing what he wants, and I don't know whether or not he cares that what he's doing is like not what he's supposed to be doing and if like…I just…I…I don't know but I just I guess I…I…I I'm just asking for you guys to pray for guidance and wisdom and for him to actually have a relationship with God…
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purplesurveys · 3 years
 survey by pichu4850
What color do you think of when I say...
Anger? Red, or a really bright red-orange.
Confusion? Gray.
Inspiration? Sky blue. Both word and color give off calming vibes to me.
Shy? Something like an off-white shade, and maybe even pastel pink.
Agony? Olive green was the first color to come to mind, though I have no idea why.
Sleep? Dark blue, like the night sky.
Chipper? Yellow.
Beautiful? Red, the way roses are.
Morning? Light blue or yellow.
Would you rather be named...
Andrea or Aimee? Andrea.
Emily or Erica? Emily. I know an Erycka that I’m not too fond of, so this is an easy pass.
Kelsey or Casey? Casey, though I’d mix up my name a bit and have it be pronounced and spelled as Cassie.
Madeleine or Marina? Eh, not really a fan of either but I’d mos likely go for Madeleine.
Alec or Aaron? Alec.
Ryan or Ross? Not a fan of both names as well though I’d probably go with Ryan, but only as a feminine name.
Dylan or Daniel? Dylan.
Jack or Jordan? I guess Jack, if I have to pick.
Gabriel or Gavin? Gabriel.
How often do you...
Brush your teeth? Once or twice a day.
Eat breakfast? Twice a week, during weekends; though sometimes I’ll end up skipping it for an entire week altogether.
Check your email? I literally never check my personal email anymore after having gotten hired, but I know I should quit that habit and check it every once in a while just in case an intriguing opportunity might come my way. My work email is a different story; I have to use it everyday. I open my emails even during weekends so that when I report to my shift on Monday, my Gmail won’t look as clogged.
Go to the mall? When quarantine protocols loosened up a bit I used to go either on Saturdays or Sundays for some me time as well as some much-needed time away from the house, for the sake of my mental health and sanity. But now that we’re going through another surge in cases, no one’s allowed to go out again and malls are back to just keeping the essential stores open.
Go to the beach? A few times a year, at least before the pandemic. I haven’t been to the beach since 2019.
Play card games? Only happens once in a blue moon, when I get together with friends and someone happens to bring a deck of cards. This isn’t a usual occurrence with any of my friend groups, though.
Have at least 20 minute phone calls? Never. I have 20-minute Google Meet and Zoom calls instead.
Paint your nails? They are never painted.
Wish you were happier? Every now and then.
Did you ever want to be...
A veterinarian? Yes, when I was younger. I once stumbled upon an interview with a horse vet on one of my kid’s almanacs and thought what they did was so cool.
An astronaut? Yup, definitely became a big obsession of mine at one point in my childhood. I still think it would be cool to go to outer space and should the opportunity ever become accessible in my lifetime, I wouldn’t want to miss out on it.
An artist? Not really. I knew from the get go I wasn’t meant to be one.
A school teacher? I would guess yes, but I definitely wasn’t as interested in teaching compared to being an astronaut or like a firefighter.
A housewife? Lmfao yeah. This was the answer I would give when I was like 8 up until I was probably 10 and I knew it stressed out my Asian mother big time. My grandpa got a kick out of it, though.
A firefighter? Yes. This was up there with astronaut.
A princess? Not so much.
A lawyer? I definitely considered law for a brief period, but it was already during my latter college years. There wasn’t enough time to mull over it. But hearing all the law school horror stories from my friends kind of made me relieved I didn’t push through with it; I knew I wasn’t passionate enough about law to want to go through all the hardships that come with law school, so I was fine letting that dream go, and still am.
A doctor? This was never a dream of mine.
Would you consider yourself...
Materialistic? Yes.
Pessimistic? It comes out occasionally, but I don’t think it’s a main trait of mine that people would generally see me as.
Avoidant? Not so much. I can be shy and anxious sometimes but I get over it at some point.
Sarcastic? Only occasionally. I wouldn’t say I speak the language.
Talkative? Definitely not. I hate being in the spotlight, and whenever it’s my turn to share a story or talk in a group I usually have the tendency to rush through it or make it as short as possible so as to return the spotlight on someone else. I’ve always been more of a listener.
Strange? Maybe not strange but weird to an extent?
Intelligent? I guess in some ways.
Lucky? In some ways I am, but I also got handed the short end of the stick in other contexts.
In the next twenty-four hours, will you...
Talk to someone you care about? Probably. I talk to at least one friend a day.
Go to work? Yep, I’ll finally be going back to work since the Holy Week break is over. My workaholic self felt kinda unsettled with all the free time, so I’m actually kinda relieved.
Go to school? I’m not in school anymore.
Be in a different city? Nope, it’ll be working from home for me like usual. We were initially allowed to book visits to the office if we really needed to go there to pack some goodies and stuff, but because of re-heightened Covid protocols our admin has once again prohibited anyone to go there for the meantime.
Read a book? I highly doubt it. I haven’t read any in months.
Watch a movie? Nope. It’ll be a Monday coming from a 4-day break, so it will be incredibly busy tomorrow as there would be a lot to catch up on.
Go to a dentist/orthodontist appointment? No, I won’t.
Do your laundry? My parents probably will seeing as our hamper was nearly full the last time I checked.
True or False: Family...
I have two brothers or more. I only have one brother.
My mom lives with me. This is technically true but isn’t phrased right in my case. I’m currently living with my parents.
My grandparent(s) live with me. No, we moved out of our duplex (where I did use to live with my grandparents) well over a decade ago.
I have half-siblings. Don’t have any.
I am the oldest in my family. Eldest child, that is.
I am an only child. I have two other siblings.
I have 15 cousins I can name off the top of my head. Easily. My first cousins are less than 15 in total, but I know a good number of my second and third cousins as well so this is a cakewalk.
The nearest Aunt or Uncle lives less than an hour away from me. The aforementioned duplex we moved out of is just at the next village; we didn’t move too far so that we can continue visiting them.
True or False: Food...
I am allergic to chocolate. I’m not, fortunately. I’m not crazy about chocolate but I’d be pretty miserable if I could never have it either.
I like vegetables more than fruit. Infinitely more, hahaha. I hate fruits.
I have tried pizza dipped in ranch sauce. Ranch isn’t a very common dressing where I’m from, so it’s not usually offered in restaurants. Given the chance, though, I’d definitely try my pizza with ranch at least once.
I've never eaten kiwi fruit. True, but then again I’ve never eaten most fruits and don’t plan to.
I love junk food.
I love to try new food.
Ketchup goes best with fries (chips). I don’t like ketchup and barely put it on anything.
I like fried rice. I haven’t met an Asian who doesn’t like fried rice.
I can prepare dinner for myself (using a stove or oven).
I hate sushi.
How many...
Pairs of shoes do you have? A little over 10, maybe? I don’t feel like counting in my head rn.
Songs do you have on your music player? I don’t have a music player anymore.
Hours of sleep did you get last night? Around 4.
Times have you had alcohol? Like, ever since I started drinking when I was 18? I never kept track lmao but if I would guess, maybe around 50-60 times? I’m not a regular drinker; I drink probably once or twice a month at most.
Books have you read/started reading in the past month? None.
Windows in your house/apartment are open? I know my parents and sister have their windows open at the moment, so that’s 2. Mine are usually open as well, but I’ve turned on my aircon so I’ve closed them for the night.
Pets do you have? 2.
Kids do you have/want to have? I’d cut it off a a maximum of 3 kids, but having just 1 would already be so nice.
Minutes does it take to get from your home to school or work? I work from home, but in the two times I went to the actual office it took anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour.
Have you ever...
Spilled a cup of grape juice on the carpet? I don’t think I’ve ever even encountered grape juice in my entire life.
Played spin the bottle? I don’t think I’ve ever played this. My friends and I usually resort to truth or dare.
Played Twister? Yes, and there are many fond memories that come with it as well. So when I was 7 years old I befriended Katreen, and her mom and mine hit it off instantly so they started this arrangement where every Friday, her mom picked me and my sister up from school along with Katreen and her sisters, and we’d stay for several hours at their place until my mom would pick us up. Her mom was an amazing host and every week we’d play Twister, watch Pokemon, read books together, etc; anything to keep us comfortable and entertained.
Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing? It’s bound to happen every now and then.
Walked out of a movie because it was horrible? I’ve gotten this feeling a few times but I always stayed in my seat because I paid for the damn ticket.
Given the finger to someone on the street? Oh most definitely, as well as drivers passing by. And it’s always been towards men that are being disgusting pigs.
Been so sad/angry that you started laughing? Sure.
Been in a wedding? Yes, but I only got invited as a kid since I was usually picked to be one of the flower girls. I haven’t been to a family wedding since 2007.
Been in a situation where you almost died? Probably not died but almost substantially injured, sure.
Are you stressing out about anything right now? Just worried about the deluge of tasks that will inevitably come at me tomorrow but knowing how easygoing my bosses are, I know I’ll be able to ease up soon enough.
Do you think before acting or act before thinking? I used to be the latter but I now see the importance of first considering possible consequences of or how others would be affected by my actions.
Do you act upon your emotions and instinct, or logic and reasoning? Again, I used to be one of these, this time the former. Now that I’m at a much more stable and peaceful place in my life I try not to let my emotions get the best of me.
What are some personality traits you find appealing in a potential partner? I had a number of negative experiences in my last relationship so forgive me for scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to my expectations lmaaaao – I’d love for someone to be sensitive to my needs and feelings, and for them to be able to own up to their mistakes or hurtful habits and know how to apologize and be open to changing if it’s for their self-improvement.
How have you changed as a person in the last 5 years? I tolerate less bullshit now. I think I’ve also grown to be happier and a lot more stable, emotionally. I also have a better sense of what I want out of life and where I want to be, and I’ve also learned to be more sociable and open up to people.
If you could do anything you wanted right this moment, what would it be? Order sushi :(
Is there anyone you can totally relax and be yourself around? Yes, that’s what my friends are for. If I can’t feel comfortable around my friends, I’d view that as a problem.
Did you ever wanted to say something to someone, didn't, and regretted it? No.
Are you scared about the future? I’m scared of the idea of not meeting some of my goals, like having a family; but I’m also excited about what the future could bring me.
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Tylenol and Tequila Part 4
written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
A/N: Sorry that this is so short and that it took me forever to write, uni and work have been ripping me a new one. But I really hope you enjoy this fic!
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Sylvie was one of the nicest, sweetest, gentlest people Emily and Stella had ever met, so it was a little shocking when she returned to the ambo after treating a patient looking like she was about to go on a homicidal rampage. “Uh, you okay Brett?”
 “Oh, I am fine. I am very, very fine, but when we get back to the house, our dear captain, won’t be.” 
 The other two women just looked at each other, shrugged, and walked away. 
 They’d never seen her like this and made the smart decision to stay as far away from her crosshairs as possible. Even Boden was staying out of her way. Everyone was avoiding her gaze and literally jumping out of her way. Even Tuesday seemed to sense that something was wrong, sticking close to Ritter. While everyone saw this coming, the only ones who knew what set it off were those on truck 81 and ambulance 61. Boden took one look at the trail of fumes his PIC had left behind on her way to go yell at her captain and turned to look at the shocked companies in the doorway. “Exactly what happened on that call?”
 It was a minor traffic accident, but the SUV that crashed into the van pushed it against the brick wall of a hardware store and crumpled the other two doors shut. The SUV driver had called 911 several minutes ago when his breaks stopped working. He was trying to slow down but couldn’t, the only thing that was able to stop him was unfortunately the van. He ran to meet them before they’d even stopped their rigs. “I tried to stop! I tried to slow down! But even with my foot slammed on the breaks it never went below 50! I’m so sorry, please help them!” Matt’s eyes flicked over to Sylvie who had her attention on the driver and the long lacerations on his arms before he began his job, giving orders and making sure that they got everyone out of the car safe and sound. And they did. A mother and two kids, all with some minor whiplash and only the mother had any scrapes but even those were superficial. Still, they were all sent to MED just to be on the safe side. It wasn’t until he was able to focus solely on Sylvie again that the SUV driver got ‘violent’. Sylvie had noticed glass in his many cuts so she and Foster had gotten to work removing as much of it as possible. Sylvie was carefully removing a medium-sized piece with tweezers when he jerked that arm, almost hitting Sylvie in the face, yelling out in pain. “Okay, this piece is definitely hooked on something-”
 “HEY!” Sylvie, Foster, Truck 81, and the tearful SUV driver snapped their shocked gazes towards him. “You do NOT get to assault my paramedic... s! Do I need to restrain you?”
 “Matt! He was in serious pain, didn’t even hit me, and his arm flail was so not intentional! Calm. Down.” Casey was still heaving like a raging bull so Sylvie put her equipment on his legs and ignored Matt and his tenth overprotective display from that week alone. “Foster help me load him up and then get behind the wheel, we’re taking him to MED.”
 “Syl-” One murderous glare from Sylvie left Matt deflating, hanging his head ever so slightly. The SUV driver started to whimper as he was loaded into the ambulance. “Don’t worry, we’re heading to the hospital, they’ll take out all of the glass we couldn’t get and make sure that there’s nothing else wrong, okay? Just take a deep breath.”
 “Okay, so Casey had another overprotective fit, how many times is that this week?”
 “Ten, and it’s only the beginning of our second shift, Capp.”
 “I am so glad that I’m not in your place because that would just be annoying.”
 “... Thank you for your sincere sympathies, Capp. So, so much.”
 “You’re welcome!”
 “What the hell is your problem, Mattew Casey?!” He sighed, relieved that she was here, safe, with him. Even if it was so she could yell at him. “It was no-”
 “If you say ‘nothing’ I am going to lose. It. Because it is most definitely not ‘nothing’. You have been demeaning me and Foster, but especially me, for weeks. Do you think I’m incapable of doing my job? Do you not trust me or something?”
 “What? You’re amazing at your job Sylvie, and you should know by now that I trust you with my life.”
 “Then why have you been acting like I’m a porcelain doll? It’s incredibly insulting and so, so humiliating. First, you wouldn’t let me anywhere near any of our fire scenes, even if it’s to get a patient or to check on one of you! You insist that anyone needing care must be taken to me without me moving closer which could cost us valuable time one day. Second, you need reports every thirty seconds that we’re not at the firehouse or the same scene as you. Then, you bite anyone’s head off if they’re doing something even mildly annoying or inconvenient. Like when you made Gallo make pad Thai last week instead of the fettuccine alfredo he’d not only been planning but had already started making. Or like at the Cutler fire, you freaked out and forcefully moved our gurney behind the rig and would lose it every time we tried to move closer to get to patients faster. Or like today, that poor man had glass hooked around a section of vein, it was so painful for him when I tried to remove it, he didn’t mean to jerk his arm like that, he didn’t mean to almost hit me, you did not need to yell at him like that. You scared him in an already terrifying situation. He spent the entire ride over apologizing to me. You have never treated me like this before, Matt, what is going on?”
 “I almost got you killed.” His voice cracked, and despite how quiet he said it, Sylvie heard him. “What? No you-”
 “At the Arnow fire. I shouldn’t have called you in. It wasn’t safe. It wasn’t safe. How can you even look at me after that? It’s my job to keep you safe. I have to keep you safe, Sylvie. The world needs you, the house needs you, I need you.”
 “Oh, Matt.” It was such a strange and sorrowful sight, to see Matt come completely undone and collapse into her arms. “Have you been holding onto this since the fire?”
 “Since I saw you in your hospital bed after Joe told you about Otis. It was- is my job to keep you safe. You have to be safe, Sylvie. I don’t want to think about my life would be like without you. You have no idea how much you matter to me.”
 “Matt... You mean a lot to me too. But you can’t keep all this bottled up. I- I’ve been seeing a department therapist since the fire. It’s been so helpful and relieving. I’d like it if you would come with me. We can get something to eat after, just decompress, the two of us.”
 “Okay. I can see your point about- about how I’ve been acting. I’ll make an appointment, go the same day as you. But, I’d go to that diner you like, as strange as it might seem, it’s really uplifting for me to watch you get excited about their chocolate pancakes.”
 Trying to contain her blush and reminding herself she was supposed to be upset with him despite his wet cheeks and red-rimmed eyes, she gave a soft smile. “That sounds great.”
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
How to Make a Family Sequel/Interludes
Bryce x MC
Companion piece to this fic
Word Count: 2500
A/N: I’m in such a Bryce x MC mood lately. Can’t wait until Open Heart finally returns on 2-29. Just some random fluffy scenes. 
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Bryce rushes around their townhouse, grabbing his keys off the counter before hastily preparing a lunch to take with him to the hospital. He pats his pockets, searching for his phone but comes up with nothing. “Babe? Can you call my phone?” He calls out to Casey in the living room. 
Casey pauses the episode of ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’ she was watching. Trash reality TV is her guilty pleasure when she has a day off without Bryce. When they both have the day off together, they tend to do something like a stroll through Harvard or MIT, followed by lunch at a restaurant they haven’t been to. Or on a more active day, something like indoor rock climbing and a movie.
She reaches for her own phone off the coffee table, and dials Bryce’s number from her recent contacts list. She can faintly hear it ringing from upstairs. “Can you grab it, please?” Bryce asks, slathering mustard onto a sandwich. 
Casey jogs up the stairs two at a time, following the jingle from the still ringing phone. The jingle leads her to the master bathroom, where Bryce’s phone sits on the countertop by the sink. ‘Light of my life. Mother of my child’ reads the contact info. Casey’s lips upturn into a smile at the sweet words. 
She hurries back down the stairs, slipping the phone into Bryce’s back pocket as he chops carrots for a salad. She wraps her arms around him from behind in a hug. “Center of my universe. The man whose sperm fertilized my egg in our surrogate’s womb.” She greets cheekily. 
She peers around to look at him. He looks confused for a second before it dawns on him. “Oh. You saw your new contact information. I should have known you would tease me. You’re such a bully.” Bryce taunts, but he’s smiling. 
“Am I really the light of your life?” Casey asks. 
“I think I actually like center of my universe better. I might steal that from you.” Bryce retorts. He turns to face her, wrapping her up in his strong arms. “Am I really the center of your universe?” He questions. 
Casey pretends to think about it, waiting several moments before answering. “For now. Once our baby is born though, you might get deposed.”  
Bryce laughs, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “That’s fair. I guess I better enjoy the next seven months at the top. Just so you know though, you’re always going to be the light of my life. Things are going to be crazy between work and a new baby, but I’m going to make sure we don’t put us on the back burner. I’m always going to prioritize my relationship with you, the mother of my child.” He insists. 
Casey pouts. “Well, now you made me feel bad for my answer.”
Bryce winks, and then leans down to kiss her soundly. “You can make it up to me when I get home.” He whispers seductively when he pulls away.   
“I feel kind of ridiculous.” Casey admits as the photographer sets up, shifting uncomfortably.
“Well, you look beautiful.” Bryce insists. 
“Yeah right, I look like I’m ready to pop.” Casey complains, looking down at her very pregnant belly. After struggling so much to get pregnant, she feels like she should be enjoying every moment, but honestly, she hates it. 
She’s uncomfortable, all the time. The twins love to be on her bladder, so Casey feels like she spends half the day peeing. She’s exhausted, and everything hurts. She was forced to go on maternity leave when walking around the hospital all day just become way too much for her back. And worst of all, she suddenly has an aversion to her favorite food, Mexican. She’s never getting pregnant again. She’s definitely a fan of the surrogacy route that blessed them with their son, Eric.
This is why she thought maternity photos would be a good idea. This was going to be her only chance to get them. Since she’s not currently working, that left plenty of time for Pinteresting. After weeks of research, Casey decided to go with the artistic half nude maternity shoot angle. 
“Okay, I’m ready when you are.” The photographer informs the couple, aiming her camera towards them. 
Casey slowly lowers the sheet she had wrapped around her whole body so it just covers her from the waist down. The photographer directs them into the first pose, Bryce standing behind Casey, cupping her breasts to keep them covered while she rests her hands on her belly. 
“Ow Bryce!” Casey complains when he cups her very sensitive breasts. 
“Casey, I’m barely touching you.” Bryce insists, tone wary since basically anything can set her off now-a-days with the pregnancy hormones. 
“Well, they hurt!” Casey retorts, knocking his hands away. “I’ll hold them.” She decides. 
Bryce lowers his hands to rest on her belly instead. “Where are you even planning on putting this photo? You half nude over our fireplace?” Bryce wonders aloud.
Hmm…Casey hadn’t actually thought that far ahead. She’d actually be very uncomfortable with anyone who came into their home seeing these photos.
She shrugs. “Maybe I’ll use it as our Christmas card. For close friends. And some family. But not either or our parents.”
Bryce quietly closes the door behind him when he enters their house in the Boston suburbs. He managed to get on an earlier standby flight from the surgical conference in San Diego, but that resulted in him getting back at 12:30 AM Eastern Standard time.
He quietly climbs the stairs to their bedroom, navigating to the master bathroom without flipping on the bedroom lights. After a quick shower, Bryce wraps a towel around his waist and silently re-enters the bedroom.
Eric is asleep on Bryce’s side of the bed, star fished out leaving Casey fairly minimal room beside him. Bryce smiles and shakes his head with a chuckle. So much for them getting strict on getting the three-year-old to sleep in his own bed.
Bryce gently nudges Casey over and slips into the bed behind her. She stirs, “Bryce?” She calls out quietly.
“Hey, I missed you.” Bryce returns as Casey rolls over to face him.
“Not as much as I missed you. And the extra help. I picked up the kids late from the Edenbrook daycare center 4 out of 5 days. They’re about to fine us.” Casey warns.
Bryce smiles, “Good to know you can’t do it without me. Don’t worry, super dad is home.” He teases.
Casey rolls her eyes, but she’s obviously not that annoyed because she lets him pull her into a kiss. It starts to get heated, and she reaches for the towel wrapped around his waist.
“Hey.” He warns, pulling away. “Kid in the bed.” He reminds her.
Casey rolls over and sees Eric sleeping soundly, thumb in his mouth. She pulls his thumb out before rolling back over to her husband. “He insists there is a monster under his bed, so he has to sleep here.” She reveals. “We could have sex in his racecar bed if you’re not worried about monsters.” She suggests jokingly.
“Too close to the twins’ room. We wouldn’t want to wake them.” Bryce jokes back.
“Well, then there’s only one solution. You have to put those skilled hands to good use. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to get him into his bed without waking him up.” Casey challenges.
“I’ve never been one to turn down a challenge.” Bryce retorts, sliding out of the bed. He approaches his eldest son, carefully leaning over him. Bryce places a hand behind Eric’s head, and then, carefully, raises him to a seated position. He pulls him forward, and Eric’s head lolls against his father’s shoulder.
Eric murmurs for a second, and Bryce freezes. But then his soft snores continue, and Bryce looks at Casey with a grin. Bryce carefully lifts his son into his arms, and then just as carefully shuffles down the hall to the boy’s room.
Bryce slowly places his son on the bed, and then tucks him in. And Eric sleeps through it all. Bryce gently brushes some of Eric’s wavy brown hair back from his face, and places a kiss to his son’s forehead before leaving the room and quietly closing the door behind him.
He makes a pit stop by the twins’ room, stopping at each crib to peer down at the sleeping inhabitant. Farrah has rolled onto her stomach, so Bryce lays her on her back before moving over to Daniel. He gently rubs his thumb on the sleeping one-year old’s cheek. It’s getting harder and harder to leave his family for conferences and out of town surgeries he’s requested for. But if he didn’t leave, then he wouldn’t get this great coming home moments.
After checking on the twins, Bryce gently closes the door and returns to his bedroom.
“He’s still out?” Casey asks when he get back into bed.
“Sleeping like our babies. I nailed it.” Bryce praises himself.
Casey chuckles. “Now nail me.” She fires back.
Bryce grins, rolling on top of her. “Yes ma’am.”
“What are you watching?” Casey asks, cuddling into Bryce’s side on the couch.
Bryce tilts his phone so she can see it. “Hair tutorial, so I can braid Farrah’s hair, it’s getting long and I need to know how to do more than the puffs.” He informs his wife.
“Really? You want to learn how to do her hair?” Casey questions.
Bryce quirks an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know, it’s just a lot of black dads don’t know how to do their black daughters’ hair, so I guess I never expected you to.” Casey admits.  
“How hard can it be? Her curls are pretty loose. And you know I’m great with my hands.” Bryce insists.
“Harder than you think, she’s tender headed. And for a toddler, she’s very strong and will do whatever she can to get away from you when you try to comb out her hair.” Casey replies. “But I’m not trying to discourage you. I love that you want to do her hair.” She adds.
“Can I practice on your hair?” Bryce asks.
“No.” Casey quickly replies.
“Daddy look!” Farrah exclaims, showing Bryce the picture she drew.
“Wow Farrah, that’s great!” Bryce praises, giving his daughter a bright smile before turning back to Eric’s homework.   “Okay Eric, how are we gonna add ¼ and ½?” Bryce questions.
“They need to have the same number on the bottom.” Eric replies.
“Denominator.” Daniel interrupts, briefly looking up from the book the six-year-old is reading. All their kids are smart, but Daniel is the genius of the bunch. His teacher wanted him to skip several grades, but Casey and Bryce were adamant about him having normal social experiences, not being one of those ten-year-old prodigies at Harvard.
“Yes, we need to find a common denominator.” Bryce adds, handing Eric the pencil so he can do it himself. Bryce checks his watch. He’s going to be late if Casey isn’t home soon.
Just then, Casey bursts through the door, still in her scrubs. “Sorry, there was an accident and it was all hands on at the hospital.” She apologizes, pausing to ruffle Farrah’s dark curls when their little girl runs to hug her legs.
Bryce frowns, checking his pager. “Why didn’t they call me in?” He questions.
“Because they actually want some of the other surgeons to get some experience.” Casey retorts, kissing him quickly once she’s disentangled herself from Farrah. “Did they eat?” She questions.
Bryce throws on his coat and grabs his keys, heading out for his hospital shift. “They did!” He calls back to Casey. “Bye guys, love you!”  He calls back to the kids before hurrying out the door.
“Keep your eyes peeled for Hannah guys, she’s around her somewhere.” Casey instructs, peering out the passenger side window as Bryce slowly drives the van through the Arrivals section of Boston Logan.
“What does she even look like?” Daniel asks.
“Like Dad, duh.” Eric retorts, with all the attitude that is to be expected from a sullen thirteen-year-old.
Bryce has met Hannah, his biological daughter through his sperm donation to an old friend, on two occasions in person when he was in Hawaii. But now that she’s an incoming freshman at Harvard, it’s the first time she’ll be meeting the rest of his family.
She doesn’t know anyone else in Boston, so he promised Wendy and Jaclyn he would take care of her. That they would treat her like family. He’s excited to get to know her better. The phone calls and letters decreased as she got older, as he had his own kids, but Bryce would definitely like to reconnect.
“Is that her?” Farrah asks, pointing to a native Hawaiian teenage girl standing alone on the curve, dressed in ripped jeans and a tank top.  
Bryce smiles, pulling up. “It is.” He honks merrily to get her attention, and Hannah offers a shy wave.
Bryce parks, and immediately envelops Hannah in a hug. “Welcome to Boston!” He greets. “How was your flight?”
Hannah pushes a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear. “Long, but I’m glad to be here! Thanks for picking me up. My moms were so worried about how I was going to get around.” Hannah replies.
“They should know they have absolutely nothing to worry about. You’re family now.” Bryce insists. “Which is a great segway. Meet the rest of the family!”
Casey is the first one out of the car. “Wow, you’re so pretty.” She praises as she pulls Hannah into a hug.
“Thanks, so are you.” Hannah returns, smiling.
“And these are my kids, Eric, Farrah, and Daniel.” Bryce introduces as each of the kids gets out of the van.
“So, you’re our sister now?” Farrah asks hesitantly.
Hannah pauses as she tries to decide how to explain this to an 11-year-old. “Half-sister, biologically.” Hannah decides on.
Farrah grins. “I always wanted a big sister!” She announces before launching herself into Hannah’s arms.
Hannah laughs, hugging the smaller girl tightly. She’d been a little worried about this big move to the Boston area, about reconnecting with her donor dad, but after meeting the Lahelas, Hannah has a feeling everything is going to work out fine.
Taglist:  @octobereighth  @akrenich  @lovehugsandcandy @regina-and-happiness  @brightpinkpeppercorn  @choicesarehard  @lizeboredom @hellooliviaolivia @dreaming-of-movies  @friedherringclodthing  @weaving-in-words  @fairydustandsarcasm  @goldenjellyfish12   @pessimystic-fangirl  @mimikoasahina  @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl   @god-save-the-keen  @caroldxnvxrs  @cora-nova @emceesynonymroll @choicesgremlin @anxious-arliah @cordoniasmost @lahelable @ohsnapitzlovehacker @crispycrunchyleaves @desiree---1986 @debramcg1106 @emichelle​
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