#might fuck around at some point this week & redo all of them :)
what-even-is-sleep · 10 days
Can’t wait for my drivers license to arrive so I can be driving legally again for the first time in 1.5 years!
#for legal reasons this is a joke#SO THIS IS WHATS UP#as a youngin#a young adult one might say#I was starting to learn that some systems are bullshit when I’d previously been a pretty big rule-follower#my mom showing me how to navigate the healthcare system a bit/showing me how student loans legit have practices to confuse and fuck us over#also im really bad at getting things in on time (this is an important fact)#so when I see that my drivers license is abt to expire. I’m like ‘Oup gotta get that done!’ then promptly forget abt it#next time I remember it’s 3 months expired.#I check the date and realize that wait! in a year imma be turning 21 and just one yr after that Real ID’s will become mandatory (im p sure)#so I decide to push off renewing my license! I think that the whole process will b annoying asf bc I’ve only dealt with the DMV in-person#and it SUCKED and took forever. I’m thinking that if I renew my drivers license right on/after my 21st birthday I can knock out two birds#with one stone: I can get it as a Real ID and I can get an updated picture that’s flipped sideways so getting age-checked is faster#little do i know: it’s v much illegal to be driving around with an expired license!#I drive around for a year (over a year? I don’t remember when I first realized it was expired) j having fun#then one month b4 my 21st birthday I get into an abroad study thing and have to get my passport. which I realize is also expired. and#realize that to renew my passport I have to have a valid drivers license. At this point I also realize how fucked I could be if I get pulled#over with my expired license. so I check out the process for DL renewal and rejoice! it’s online!#AND THANK FUCK I CHECKED THEN. bc if I had waited LITERALLY two more days I would not have been able to renew online and would’ve had to go#in-person. and there were no in-person appointments until after my 21st. and I learned in this process abt the fines my state applies when u#renew a DL late and ALSO that u have to entirely retake the test/redo all the paperwork shit if it’s expired for too long. I would’ve had to#retake the test n everything if I’d gone past my bday. I was also in another state for college. idk how incoherent these ramblings are but#basically I would’ve been Ultra Fucked. anyways! got that figured out#renewed the DL and had it sent to my home. then da house floods and crime goes up in the neighborhood and my DL ends up either being lost#Or tossed (with other flood-damaged things) or stolen.#I don’t realize this for 4 months bc I am silly. also in college out-of-state. also other reasons.#finally got around to calling DMV and telling them that my DL never arrived… 6 months after I renewed it!#and they were v sweet and are resending me my DL for free. so in the next few weeks I shall finally b driving legally again#!!!! the end#mypost
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smusherina · 1 month
bridges burnt - chapter 1 [epilogue series] (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: When an invitation to Gretchen Wieners' wedding ended up in your mailbox, you'd been sure it was a mistake. Only, it read your name in neat, swoopy calligraphy. It was addressed to you. And Regina George, whom you hadn't spoken to in years.
additional clarification: This is set in the universe of yard work, a series of mine that can be found on my page! Reading this one might be a bit challenging without the context of the series :)
very necessary note: Okay, fuck, it was supposed to be a one shot. Then I got excited. So have another freakin' Regina George series. Set in the same universe as yard work! Reading that provides some essential context, but you do you! I don't think it's unreadable without it.
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You adjusted your tie for perhaps the millionth time. It was a silky blue, befitting your navy suit. You fiddled with your cufflinks, silver like all your accessories, then pulled out the baby blue handkerchief to wipe down your glasses, then folded it pack into your pocket, then bent to redo your laces, then-
"For fuck's sake, the ceremony hasn't even started yet!" Amanda nudged you violently.
"Ow!" You hissed, elbowing her back. She slapped your knee, hard.
"Get yourself together." She glowered, pointing a manicured finger at your nose. "It's worse enough I have to be here at all. You're not gonna ruin this for me."
"You're here for the open bar and free food. I paid for the flights, the room, the car." You bit back. "I'm allowed to be nervous."
"There's nervous, then there's this." Amanda looked you up and down pointedly, noting your bouncing knee.
You squeezed at said knee, trying to calm down. Like you'd been trying to do since hours ago. No results so far.
"Look, buddy, it's just a wedding. You don't even really know her. I get you... Have a history with the bride, or whatever, but it's gonna be so fine."
"It's not Gretchen I'm worried about." You mumbled.
"Whoever. It's gonna be fine." Amanda said, flippant as ever. How she was so carefree all the time was mind-boggling to you.
"This place is filled with people from high school. God." You looked around. "That guy over there, don't look, with the receding hairline- I said don't look!"
"Be more specific, every man here has a receding hairline. The demographic is excruciatingly pallid."
"Shut up, girl," You shook your head but couldn't help but laugh. It was mostly white people here. "The one with the wife that looks exactly like him, unbelievably blonde, kinda mousy," You waited for her eyes to latch onto the man you were talking about. "He used to buy weed from me, like, every week, and then went around spreading rumours about me."
"Ungrateful." Amanda scoffed. "And look at him, a wife, child, and probably a 401k. That's how it goes for boys like them."
"Yeah." You sighed. "How's the salon doing, by the way?"
"Thriving. Thanks to you. But I worked my ass off." You lifted your arms in surrender. She had worked hard to keep the place afloat for as long as she had, so even if you hadn't invested she would've found a way.
Amanda cast you a meaningful look. "You're doing better than ever, aren't you? Financially speaking. How's everything else?"
"Well, y'know..." You shrugged. "It's complicated." You looked down. Amanda patted your knee, a sympathetic smile on her face.
"You got a nice suit, though." She pointed out.
"Oh, for sure. Look at these, custom cufflinks." You showed off the silver bits. "Do you think these rings are too much?"
"Don't you usually have an ungodly amount of them on?"
"I usually just have these three." On your right pinky was your Engineer's Ring. On your left thumb was an embroidered steel band and on the pointer of that same hand a ring with a big emerald embedded in a bed of crystals.
"It's not too much." Amanda took your hand and inspected the rings. "More like sexy." She grinned at you, all sorts of innuendo right on display.
You scoffed and turned towards the altar. The pews were getting fuller by the minute. You were sitting far enough from the front to show you weren't important but not too far as to hint you didn't want to be there. You were on the bride's side, though it didn't matter much. You didn't know Gretchen any better than her husband-to-be.
Amanda had come with you for moral support. You'd been roommates in college and you hadn't been able to shake her off since. She'd grown on you, though you often acted more begrudged than you felt. She'd helped you out a lot over the years.
She'd been there when you couldn't leave the dorms, trapped in the vicious clutches of paranoia. She'd been there helping you get back on your feet when dad's businesses started going, one by one, each more explosive than the last. She was there when you moved back to that little town in Illinois, where Northshore still stood.
You liked to think you'd been equally as integral to her, but that was perhaps a reach. She was fiercely independent, resourceful, and charming enough to make friends with anyone. When the first chance to help her came, you didn't hesitate to take it. She'd opened up her salon right after graduation, staying in New York while you moved back home, and had been doing well until now. Unexpected costs and a wicked plumbing bill had landed her in some hot water.
For the small price of one favour and eternal bragging rights, you'd shoved your newly acquired wealth at her. Dragging her to Vermont in October to attend Gretchen's wedding was you cashing in on that favour.
Eventually, the proceedings began. The groom and his men walked in with little fanfare, mild music playing as they went. Most faces you did not recognize, but there was one back of the head that seemed eerily familiar.
The groom, a classically handsome man, a boring prince type, went to stand at the altar. He had an expectant glimmer in his eye. At least Gretchen's taste in men had improved. Then again, anything beat the scrubs she'd used to keep around.
Behind the groom, his line of groomsmen settled, the best man fronting the crowd. The man of the hour was in a classic black tux while the others flanking him were dressed in different shades of brown. The whole shebang was sort of beige with a little bit of burnt orange thrown in. Amidst the shades of umber, russet, and sepia, stood a familiar face.
Aaron Samuels. You didn't have much time to agonize about him being here before the bridesmaids were stepping through the aisle. Similar dresses but in lighter shades, clearly made to match a certain groomsman. You didn't recognize any of them.
The maid of honour was a little odd. Her makeup seemed to be a lot thicker on one side, like there were several layers of foundation caked on. Her eye makeup on that side was a little heavy also, but she was past you by the time you could wonder why.
"The maid of honour totally has a black eye," Amanda whispered to you.
"No way," You hissed back, trying to get an angle where you could see her face. As she settled in place, facing the pews, even moderately far away you could see that, yeah, she totally was covering up a black eye. Wild bachelorette party, then.
Coos and aws resounded through the church as the flower girl and the ring bearer came toddling down. A little girl, cheeks all red, and looking like she wanted to be anywhere else, and a slightly older boy with an almost manic look in his eye. The girl was in no mood to be tossing petals, so the boy reached into her basket and threw a big fistful of them in the air. The rings rolled off of their pillow but found their way back.
"Oops," The boy said, smiling sheepishly right as the photographer came in to capture the moment. Chuckles echoed through the space.
By the time they reached the end of the aisle, the little girl was dutifully carrying the pillow on which the rings were and the boy was joyously tossing flower petals everywhere. As god intended.
Then came the bride. Escorted by her father, who was beaming with a mouth full of veneers, Gretchen Wieners made her appearance.
It wasn't disappointment that you felt. Not relief, either. It was hard to describe. You'd been expecting anger or some catharsis. This was the person who'd outed you to your whole school, who'd been the catalyst to the worst year of your life, why didn't you feel more?
High school had been over for almost ten years. You carried scars, deep ones that still ached on bad days but at the end of the day, they were just scars. You were doing better than ever. Gretchen had been a bully, had brought you to ruin once upon a time, but who was to say it couldn't all be built again?
You smiled. She looked beautiful. A white dress, a long veil, hair done big, bigger and more grandiose than you'd ever seen, and looking like, well, a bride.
You'd moved on. Considering how she'd invited you too, and knowing Gretchen she was acutely aware of every person in attendance, she had moved on too. You could recognize an olive branch when one was given to you.
That didn't explain the invitation, though. Maybe it was a mistake. Gretchen wasn't known for making those, but she was human too. Right?
"Look, they're totally enthralled by each other. You're gonna be fine." Amanda whispered, ignoring the elderly lady seated next to her shooting daggers through her eyes at you two.
"Yeah. It's gonna be fine."
Notes: Got really ill at the beginning of this week, which delayed this chapter quite a bit. You don't realize quite how awesome breathing is until you can't do it properly. Getting better slowly, it's nothing serious, but the cough is lingering. It is what it is.
This chapter was mostly setting up the narrative, no Reggie and Jorts interactions as of yet. I'm not making any promises because I'm so shit at keeping them, but hoping that this series will be shorter than the original one.
Taglist posted seperately!
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sa1808fi · 10 months
Okay, I have a Lego movie Rex Lives au (I mean it's more of him being teleported back to his timeline) that I want to know people's thoughts on because I want to see if I should expand on it and make it a whole thing. 
(Get ready for a long ass rant)
This idea kind of snowballed from a fic idea I thought up a few weeks ago. But I guess the basic summary is that when Rex wakes up back in his timeline (The Rexcelsior and Raptors come too) he at some point comes into contact with Watevra, which she figures out he's her creator? Dad? pretty quickly. After a while, they just end up talking it out and forming some kind of familial relationship. 
At some point, Watevra and Batman decide to redo their wedding because the first one was a rush, and they've now spent a couple years together, really getting their relationship going. But Watevera decides to invite Rex (Her dad?) because he wasn't there the first time round (Keep in mind at this point Lucy and the others don't know that Rex is Emmet). 
So during the whole wedding, Lucy, Sweet Mayhem, and the others notice this one really tough and broody-looking dude that's mostly sticking to himself hovering in the less crowded places, and Rex just sticks out like a sore thumb in the systarian party with his dark colors and attitude compared to all of the bright cheerful pop. 
Now everyone is getting weird vibes from Rex and he feels very familiar to them but they don't know why, it gets even weirder for them when they see Watevra constantly go up to him, acting all buddy-buddy with Rex, and he does relax to some degree whenever she shows up, mostly to provide him comfort as the only person there that he can really talk to (Lucy and the others is still a big no-no for him). 
After a few more minutes around the time the party is dying down a bit, they do go up to the two and ask about Watevra's new friend, not really noticing the tension in Rex. I'm still figuring out how but they find out he was Emmet at some point when he's leaving (Maybe i'll have Watevra say something like 'bye dad' and they figure it out from there) and the rest is still in the ideas stage. 
Now this is where the AU really kicks off
The fanfic idea up above is something thats probably going to happen maybe more later in the fic or series or however the fuck i'm going to do it.
Most of this Au that I have in mind is me fixating on the Galaxy Defender part of Rex's job list. Now because that is a reference to Chris Pratt’s role in guardians of the galaxy, and I absolutely love the idea of giving Rex a crew of people that he’s probably get up to so many shenanigans with.
I still want to keep the raptors around because I still feel like they are a big part of Rex as a person, but now they can chill out more and be like over glorified pets (Not that Rex would ever admit it). 
I don’t really want to spoil too many of my ideas, I think I mostly want to flesh out the plot line, characters, relationships and how things are gonna go before I make any real solid promises, but I will gladly answer any questions about this Au of mine that I’ve been wanting to expand on. 
I might write more on this later, but for now this is all I’ve got.
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just-my-type-x · 1 year
Fuck It
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Based off this and this (it ended up longer because of the dialogue, so it's a short imagine rather than a quick blurb) @electricreadingphase
"You look stunning", Tris wows when he enters the room while i adjust my earrings. I let out a muffled giggle.
"It's nothing, i got ready in 15 minutes", i smile at him
"Really?", his eyes almost fall out of his head
"No", i laugh, "I've been redoing my makeup and choosing dresses for the past three hours. I'm exhausted. And i need a drink", i bend over to grab my purse from my bed, careful not to wrinkle my dress. I stand up and throw another glance at myself in the mirror, before catching Tris eyeing me up and down, lips slightly parted. I clear my throat as a hint of red appears on my cheekbones.
"Good thing you're having your graduation party", he gives me an awkward smile and i frown while exiting my bedroom, unable to understand his reaction
A few hours later, my feet finally call it quits because of the heels and the constant hours of dancing around with now my ex colleagues. I take a seat next to Tris, who's just exhausted as i am, tho he called it quits 5 songs ago. We exchange some laughs about our dance moves, now judging everyone around us.
"Thank you for being my date tonight. We're more than 60 girls in my year and not enough guys.", i give him a sincere smile and i squeeze his hand gently, which takes both of us by surprise. We quickly pull away our hands and my stomach drops at the fact that he really moved his hand away.
"And you're single too", he points out and takes a sip of his drink. I roll my eyes at his smirk
"No need to get personal", i pin him with my eyes as i take his glass out of his hand to serve myself with his drink of choice. His breath intensifies and i smirk to myself.
"Listen..", Tris starts but doesn't look at me. "I'm leaving for a while.", his eyes find mine and my smile quickly fades away. "We're going to Scotland to get some writing going, Con's grandparents have a farm and they gave us permission to turn it into a studio for as long as needed.", i nod, unable to understand why he's so serious about it all.
"Well, good luck to you guys, I'm sure it will help you come up with great songs", i pat him on the shoulder
"Yeah, thanks.", he looks away, shaking his head
Weeks go by and as much as i try to keep the friendship with Tris flowing, he seems unreachable, which pisses me off. Every three days the boys would facetime me and Kirstie, but no conversation would starts between Tris and I. We never fought or something, it didn't even seem like we're ignoring one another, it was just so annoying being around him, even if it was in virtual for.
3 months later, the boys are back in town, just in time to celebrate Kirstie's promotion at work. She rented out a foyer just outside London, where we all gathered to congratulate her.
I leave the foyer in need to get away from the boys, who seem to be way too agitated and loud, something i grew out of whilst not having them around for almost 6 months. I find a swing and sit on it, resting my forehead on the chain.
I raise my eyes when i hear rattling of leaves on the ground. I almost roll my eyes when i notice Tris' messy hair but i just straighten my back. He quietly sits down on the swing next to me.
"Why did you leave the foyer?", his voice is a bit raspy, maybe because of the continuous recording of songs. I scoff.
"Hi, I'm y/n, you must be?", i sarcastically extend my hand out in his direction. Tris grins at me.
"Alright, alright, i might deserve it", he shakes my hand in the end and i roll my eyes while standing up. "Don't leave", he stops me, standing up as well. "I'm sorry i didn't stay in touch with you. At first i was mad at you, then it became a habit"
"mad at me? About what?"
"Your graduation party. I told you i was going away for a few weeks and you had no problem with that."
"Tristan, you've been away for months, which i wouldn't had known unless i asked Kirstie. I was ready to prepare a meal for you when you came back", the raise of my voice was unnecessary. We both sigh and i turn around to walk away, but he stops me by catching my waist and glueing my back to his chest.
"I wanted you to come with me. I wanted you there because i couldn't go 2 days without seeing your face, but you were so ok with me leaving, that i had to give you space", he almost whispers in my ear, while i find it hard to swollow. "And i still feel the same", his voice even lower.
"So you're telling me this is your way of letting me know you feel something for me?", i snap back, eyeing him
"I didn't want to fuck up and lose you forever. I needed time away from you, especially when i saw you're not that affected by my departure", Tris raises his arms but lets them fall next to his body, defeated. "Whatever. I'll take the blame"
"You would never fuck up with me because i wouldn't let you". A shy smile creeps on his face.
"How come?"
"Tris, i want you too much to be mine rather than have you take a wrong decision and lose you for good", the words take me by surprise and i only realise the weigh of them when Tris closes the gap between us, his forehead on mine while his eyes don't leave mine.
"So, you're saying we should give it a try?", a smirk appears on my face when he asks that and all i can do is nod, my cheeks flushed. With a wide smile on his face, Tris kisses my lips hard, his hands on the small of my back.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
Some Small Dumb Projects Wot Yrs Truly Has Tackled Lately, all of which (it should be emphasized) involved some degree of experimentation that would probably scandalize actual experts:
experimentally felting a bit of roving onto the threadbare heel of an old smartwool sock as a patch. we will see how this goes! an obvious problem with this approach is that if yr sock becomes too much felt and too little knit you will no longer be able to get it onto yr foot. also frankly highly probable that i haven't felted the patch on *enough* and it will pull away either in the wash or in the wearing. but worth a try, i thought! shd note that bc the roving i have is vaguely cream-colored, while the sock in question is dark brown, the fibers of the patch are absolutely visible on the outside and it looks very stupid. fortunately i find that charming!
rebuilding the heels of my birks, which, yes, i DO wear with increasingly-thick socks as long into the fall as i can get away with it. glad the fashion world is coming around on this deeply gorpcore move. but anyway: i have been a heel dragger since my stroller days and continue to be, so that portion of my soles reliably wears away disproportionately quickly. Real Birkenstock Repair Places, understandably, want more money than i want to pay them to fix this, so instead i bought a bit of foam sheeting for a dollar at michaels a while back, along with some contact cement, and have been cutting out little heel pads, cementing them on, and then cutting/sanding to size. it honestly works pretty well! really the only downside is that because the foam i bought is softer than the original soling, it needs redoing more often; someone on etsy sells half-sheets of actual birk soling foam for less than ten bucks last i checked, so at some point i might try getting some and seeing how that goes. (it would alter the process slightly because in order to preserve the treading pattern, which my current foam doesn't have, i'd need to cut away the relevant portion of the preexisting sole, rather than just sanding down the patch. seems doable though! i might try it once i run out of this foam but like. even this method honestly lasts a while so. we'll see.)
changing the fucking flat i mysteriously gave myself (more on this in a bit) maybe last week sometime?? this would not be a big deal at all except that i have gatorskin tires which, while *great* for avoiding punctures, are unbelievably terrible to get on and off the wheel, because they're SO tight. i have googled about this in the past and wound up on bike forums that led me to the depressing albeit validating conclusion that no, there was nothing i was doing wrong, these tires just suck to change. in theory the upside is that you don't have to DO it that often because they prevent punctures! but if you wind up with a flat for a different reason... sadface. now the reason *i* had a flat was that the last time i went to stick a little extra air in my tires, i somehow managed to (as i thought at the time) totally fuck up the valve with my bike pump. this was extremely irritating and also extremely confusing, because i've used this bike pump many times without issue! fine, i said, i'll swap out the fucking inner tube. once i calm down. then i fucked up another inner tube pumping it up. what the fuck, i said, very furious at this point and also very mystified. fine. guess i'll go to the LBS and get ANOTHER fucking inner tube. (some people, at this point, would have explained their difficulties to the LBS employee who assisted them and asked for advice. i did not. this was partially for soc anx reasons, partially because i'm always braced for condescension from the cis men who staff every LBS i've ever been to [this is probably unfair because ALMOST every time they've actually been really lovely to me! but alas, i have a big gendery chip on my shoulder. stuff 2 work on.], and partially because i do just get more gratification out of figuring a problem out for myself! toxic masculinity, etc.) at this point (armed with, may i remind you, my *third* inner tube) i was like, okay, what the fuck. time to do a google. so i said to google, bike pump unscrews valve. talk to me. and discovered: some presta valves have removable cores! which i guess has some utility, although not for any use case i personally have, but when you've got a pump that screws on... shocker, unscrewing it can also unscrew the valve core, if it isn't absolutely thoroughly tightened. so! massively irritating but also educational. i bought a little valve core tool, which is tiny and adorable, and tightened down the valve core of, again, my third inner tube before trying to inflate it: hey presto, success. so, you know, now i have two extra inner tubes hanging around unspooled and flaccid, that there's actually nothing wrong with! which i guess is cool, because it means i still have them to use at a later date, but, you know. good luck 2 me with folding them back up into a configuration it's at all possible to carry... we'll see how that goes. but on the whole i feel like: i learned a thing and also seem to have a rideable bike again! so. choosing not to be TOO bitter. :)
and this has been today's installment of Extremely Long-Winded Anecdotes Abt Very Mundane Problem-Solving with yr friendly-if-incompetent host K! thx for spending this time with me. :)
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rakumel · 7 months
Raku Plays Her Faves, Ys VIII Chapter 6: Crouching Wasp, Hidden Dungeon
(This was actually put together several weeks ago along with most of the other Ys 8 posts. There's still a few more still sitting in my drafts, but lately I haven't had much time or energy to sit down and properly edit them. Also had to redo some screenshots, with mixed results. Sorry for the weird and long gaps in between these posts.)
One night, while trying to finish up some stuff before moving on to the end game, I discovered that there's an entire optional dungeon area that I've never explored before.
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(Here, have an accidental screenshot of Dana right before she opens up a package of frozen whoopass.)
But anyway, y'all know the drill by now, spoilers below:
I'm not completely sure what unlocks it, to be honest. If it's doing all of Dana's quests in the past, or just the final one, or if you have to have defeated [BIG spoiler boss], or if it's something you get after beating the game once on a certain difficulty, or what. All I know is, after completing Dana's final event in the past and coming back to the present, there was a green shield icon on the map that wasn't there before. What that icon means is there's something of significance at that spot that you haven't discovered yet. Usually it's a landmark or castaway that needs to be rescued.
I'd found and cleared all those up until this point, so this new one intrigued me. It was located in the ruins of Aegias, specifically in the stupa - the building with the very tall crystal in the center of the city. In the past, Dana's been exploring a massive, multi-story sanctuary under there, but in the present that's all been closed off...
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...until now.
The cavernous temple is now broken down and in ruins, like the rest of the city, and is crawling with high-level, annoying monsters. The part of the temple that had clear water running through it is now a murky, overgrown swamp. The floor that had magma all around it in the past, has cooled in the present, aside from huge walls of flame that shoot up as if an eruption might still be imminent. Not to mention, it's a lot darker everywhere. (I had to kind of doctor some of the screenshots just so you could tell what was in them, but trust me, it's dark. There's an item you can equip that mitigates that, but even that doesn't do all that much.) It's kind of fascinating in a sad way, if that makes any sense.
To show you what I mean, here are some screenshots of this dungeon area from Dana's time in the past:
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Compare those with how it looks in the present:
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The good news is, Dana doesn't have to explore it all by herself anymore; you got your three active party members that you can switch out as needed, just like all the other dungeon areas so far.
The bad news is, the lovely warp points on each floor (that also restored your health) in the past are all gone, aside from the first and last one. So yep, running a gauntlet here. Also each floor has a boss; sometimes one Dana's fought before, other times a souped-up version of one Adol and co has fought. And if you teleport out of the dungeon to restock your healing items before reaching that final checkpoint - because you WILL be burning through your healing items if you fight every monster in the place - you have to start all over again, and every monster will have respawned, including the bosses.
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This dungeon is a stone bitch to do, is my point. It's actually much more difficult than when Dana had to go through it herself.
Shit, I thought, as I found out the hard way that the bosses don't stay dead. There better be something fucking amazing at the end of this.
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It's not just that the monsters are high level: so is your party by this point. It's that they come in swarms, and sometimes drop on you suddenly. There's a few treasure chests that, when opened, cause a bunch of monsters to appear - that's not necessarily unexpected, but the sheer number of them was, at least to me.
Also, for the love of god and all that is holy, bring insect repellent. A LOT OF IT. Because wasp monsters have made a neighborhood on one of the floors, and they do NOT want you in it. You'll need that repellent to take out the hives immediately, or else you'll be dealing with a neverending swarm of monster wasps.
The hives also respawn if you leave the room and come back, by the way.
And did I mention one of the hives is on top of a series of blocks that you have to jump up to in order to proceed? So not only are you having to calculate the distance and move the camera around so you can see what you're doing, but you also have to dodge wasps so they don't knock you off the blocks. Oh, and make sure you choose an attack to deal with the wasps that doesn't also move your character too far or they'll fall off, and GOD FUCKING DAMN IT I HATED THAT FUCKING WASP ROOM SO GODDAMN MUCH SWEAR TO GOD IF I FALL DOWN JUST ONE MORE FUCKING TIME I'LL-
*cough* anyway. Yes. Sorry. What was I going on about? Oh, right. Is it worth all the trouble to get through this dungeon?
This is going to sound weird, but I'm still trying to make up my mind on that. I will say that there were some definite benefits to going down there. Since the bosses respawn, it's a relatively quick and reliable way to level up all your characters this late in the game. There's also a high chance to fish up an Angry Catch that drops a random stat boost item when defeated, and it's actually one of the least problematic monsters in there.
The dungeon's also full of excellent treasure, although if you're like me and get twitchy unless you find all of them, I recommend trying to get all of it in one go. Though, if you must make multiple visits, just run through the first couple of floors. I'm serious. Don't engage. The monsters won't pursue you past the boundaries of the room they're in, and you'll need the focus (and the healing items) for later floors where it's WAY more difficult to run straight through (Exhibit A: Murder Wasp Block Puzzle From Hell).
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At the very end is a level 99 boss, if you like that sort of thing. It's very fast and a pain in the ass, but honestly, not nearly as bad as the stupid wasp swarm block ordeal. At least it's on a wide open, completely flat boss arena, so you can see what it's doing at all times. Even if what it's doing is usually "firing multiple lasers at you faster than you can react" and "magic bullshit that suddenly reduces you to one party member."
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But there is a treasure chest beyond it, in front of the final monolith. So what's inside?
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Three unique equippable items. I may have offhandedly mentioned it in another post (and I'll admit it, I'm too lazy/into writing this right now to pull them up and check), but your playable characters each deal a specific type of damage, which some monsters are weak to. With Adol and Dana it was Slash, with Laxia and Hummel it was Pierce, and with Sahad and Ricotta it was Strike. Each of the three medals corresponds to those types. And if I read the description correctly, you could, for example, equip Adol with the Pierce medal and his attacks would gain that type in addition to the Slash he already has.
It's an interesting concept, certainly not what I was expecting. I tried equipping Adol with one of the medals, then did one of the practice raids back in the village just to see what it felt like.
It's kind of a doubled-edged sword (no pun intended) from what I can tell. If a monster's weak to the type of attack you've got equipped, it takes damage from that plus whatever you would have done originally, so it's possible to really tear through some monsters, or monster crowds. Adol's got a special move that's basically just a quick, giant horizontal sweep: so with the Pierce medal on, he could mow down a cloud of bats or bugs (both weak to Pierce damage) in no time flat.
But if a monster's strong against whatever you've got equipped, it seems to actually reduce the damage you would have done without the medal. So...yay for situational use, I guess?
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You also gain a new option through the save crystal in Castaway Village: you can reduce the maximum size of your party (or set it back to three, the default). I guess this is for people who like to challenge themselves, maybe do a solo character run. But I like having the other party members around, not only for monster crowd control, but because they can notice things like treasure chests and fishing spots before you do.
I also like the little encouraging ways they talk to each other when they encounter a monster that they know is weak to another character's attack style. "It's up to you, Sahad!" "All you, lil' lady!" "Your turn, Adol!" Things like that. I can definitely understand someone finding that extra dialogue annoying, and I guess by this point in the game you don't really need them to notice things anymore. But it just doesn't feel right to me to not have your friends alongside, who've come all this way with you. So I don't know that I'd be making much use of that new option.
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But overall, even though I got very frustrated at some of the more difficult parts*, I'm glad the developers didn't forget about the underground temple, and put in the effort both to show how time had affected it and to make it an optional dungeon area with a unique reward. It would have been easy to just keep the door to it sealed, throw on some text that said 'welp, door's rusted shut, looks like it's not opening anytime soon, too bad' and called it a day. But they didn't, and I'd give them a thumbs up, except mine are still recovering from that room with roughly ten skillion pirate skeletons in it.
Seriously though, I never get tired of that cool feeling you get when you discover something in a game you thought you knew everything about. Even better when it's an entire dungeon, and better still when it's tough as hell but you conquered it anyway.
*re: the Wasp Part: I found out later that just spamming the insect repellent as needed while jumping from block to block to reach the hives made that part a lot easier. So while I still say it was frustrating, I think I was making that part way more difficult than necessary by being a combination of sleepy, stubborn, and stupid XD
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troglobite · 10 months
first things first i'm so fucking tired of chronic illnesses and disabilities getting worse and being like "bitch you live in a valley filled with farms and shit you're allergic to? Time To Suffer. oh your favorite weather, cloudy and rainy, is now here? fuck you, time to Suffer bc of the change in barometric pressure. here, have sinus problems, wooziness, dizziness, and incredibly bad and totally random bouts of MOTION-SICK NAUSEA FOR NO REASON."
so i did all of today while fighting all of that^^ bullshit (it wasn't quite as bad as it has been, i guess)
INCREDIBLE life progress today, folks.
i left the house for the first time since july (and i barely count that bc i went to a hotel while they were supposed to be fixing our house but instead fucked around for two weeks, and then i dogsat for a few days before coming back home)
i wore REAL CLOTHES for the first time since july as well. oh i guess i wore jeans and a bra on sunday.
we went to a STORE!
it was packed and i didn't cry :)
we purchased LOCAL RAW MILK CHEESES! AND ALSO MANCHEGO THAT'S REAL AND ACTUALLY FROM LA MANCHA! and also some crackers and salami n stuff to go w it. Tasty.
we then drove to an incredibly crowded beach to see if it would clear out and i didn't cry :) (it didn't clear out in time; irritatingly, if we had just waited 1 hr for the store, it would've been way emptier)
then we went driving in pretty places. parked a couple times. took a nice drive home.
we saw a guy on a dirtbike do an INCREDIBLY long and FAST wheelie
and then speed through a section of road so fast that we literally lost him within 15 seconds.
i cleaned the groceries, put em away, then we brought em back out to try the cheeses and snacks
i also put all the dishes away
we got papa murphy's and then remembered that we're both forgetful af and the massive glob of cherry pie filling at the bottom of the oven was STILL THERE
so i scraped it up and scooped it out so we could have dinner
and now, the REAL update
i've made so much progress on my acnh island :) which as a reminder is my first ever one that i started back in march 2020, and on which i still have my two starter villagers, katt and roald. and also vivian, goldia, maple, and poppy who are all from 2020, as well.
the entire island is almost completely done.
all that remains? the beaches at the front of the island (where visitors can "rent" cars, bikes, scooters, and boats), the transition area between the road and the beach in the northeast corner, and the hiking/camping area in the southwest corner (which i have started working on and it looks so cute).
literally everything else is done.
so i started working on redecorating the inside of my house :)
i had redone my bedroom already like AGES ago and it's perfect and purple (i also relocated it from the back room to the upstairs)
but my main room has been a chaotic mess for YEARS at this point
so i redid it to be deserty/look southwestern in style bc i made the cliff area outside of my house into a little desert oasis :) they literally gave us saguaro cactuses in the update how am i supposed to NOT incorporate them somehow???
and i started laying the groundwork for redoing the kitchen, for a mystical magic room in the back, and redoing the bathroom, as well.
i MIGHT redo the basement, but it looks p good for me having done it literally in like 2020. it's decorated like a really nice and cozy spare bedroom and study/library.
and so i am very happy with all of this. it looks incredible. and my villagers are so fucking cute and lovely (katt, roald, vivian, goldie, maple, poppy, maddie, dobie, shep, punchy).
and i really want to finish so i can update my DA and then submit it to an acnh streamer/youtuber so they can do a tour and compliment me bc i'm really proud of it. it's dopey as fuck but like--FINALLY i have a cool and commendable island. i did it for ME, but now i'm so happy w it that i'm like actually i really want to show ppl this, i love it so much
i've also redecorated the inside of every villager's house--except for shep, bc quite frankly, his original game house is actually kind of fucking amazing and perfect as is? i really love it. i wouldn't change much. i might wanna give him somewhere to sit, though. lol
but yeah i've just done a LOT and i'm really happy with it. after SO MANY TIMES flattening the island and starting over, i actually really like it now.
i made it into a town. every villager has their little business/attraction. i treat this as a little tourist-y place where ppl come to visit [steadfastly ignores irl tourism problems bc really this entire game is built off of harvesting resources and building in wilderness so like y'know]. and the roads and sidewalks and plants and all the decorations and the places they can visit--it's all just very cute.
and i'm doing my best to use all of the furniture items i've wanted to use, and all of the build ideas i've had for ages.
my favorite thing is that ages ago i decided to have a shakespeare in the park outdoor theater area--and i've just moved it around two or three times, and now i have it in the back in this little sunken area between maple's bookstore and goldie's bakery. and it still looks cool as fuck.
like i want to draw up a map/guide for the island or commission someone to do that for me (lol i have no money and i wouldn't know who to go with lol) bc i just am really happy with it. ☺️
anyway that's my life. ....:))))))
godfuckingdamnit i just realized that there's a spot on my island that breaks immersion. there's a drive-in movie theater but there's literally no way for the cars to have driven there. fuck me.
i've been working on this for MONTHS now, it took me forever, i'm not changing it, and it didn't occur to me until just now so hopefully no one else fucking notices 🙃🙃🙃
......fuck, no, i COULD fix it, possible. it would be kind of ridiculous and a huge pain in the ass bc i just spent forever filling those areas with flora and butterfly models......but i could do it.
i'll think abt it.
0 notes
telamonaut · 4 years
❝ i am opening the curtains    i am dancing to music    i am chewing each bite           i am trying                   to feel human
                           i am trying . ❞
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meltwonu · 3 years
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|     𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒     |     CHAPTER 7
pairing; camboy!seokmin x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; camboy!au, university!au, camboy!seokmin, masturbation, side!readerxmingyu, dirty talk, degradation, hair pulling, there’s like one liners about daddy!kink/choking/blindfolds, hookups! AAHHH finally! CH 7! 😭💕 Omg the way this was supposed to be posted literally how many fuckin weeks ago LOOOL ☠️🥲 I also ended up splitting this chapter and making it shorter since I didn’t have much time to proofread, but ch 8 is long bc of that so dkfjskdh sorry in advance 🥴💕 Also I will be fixing my masterlists tonight and then just reblogging them tmr! Also will try to catch up on inbox msgs tmr too! I know I’m very behind on a lot of stuff, I’m rly just overwhelmed from the entirety of august lol 🥲🥲 But as always, thank you so so so so so so so much for your constant support 💕 Ya’ll mean so much to me 🥺 So enjoy ch 7, have a good rest of your day and I will see you tmr! I love you!! 💕💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - ?
*queued post. 
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The two of you ace the paper, naturally.
Even when your professor told you that points would be docked for having to redo the paper.
‘I just can’t do that to my best student,’ she’d said - eyes glancing fondly at Seokmin as he sheepishly smiled back. ‘And it was a great paper. The two of you worked together fantastically!’
Seokmin could only blush when he got you alone after class; delicate fingertips nervously itching a spot on his cheek while you stood across from him picking at a loose thread on your sweater.
You nervously smiled back - only for a different reason than himself.
‘I’ll have to repay you somehow, it’s only fair! You did most of the work because of me!,’ he exclaimed, ‘How about we get dinner sometime? On me, of course!’
Visions of his sweet face smirking at you with lust pooling in his eyes are all you can see when you blink - but you agree, head nodding shakily as he’d laughed and readjusted his book-bag.
‘I’ll text you sometime soon then, so we can find a good time for the both of us? I have some things to deal with so it might not be for a while... But I’ll remember!’
‘Sounds good!’
And Seokmin can tell something’s off about you; ‘maybe she’s just tired today’, he thinks to himself, nodding when you smile shyly and start to make a move to leave before him.
‘I’ll see you later, okay, Seokmin? I gotta go... Uh, class and stuff, y’know?’
And you do see him later. Kind of.
‘Hey everyone, welcome back to my stream! If I’m being honest, I’ve been kind of wondering lately… Which pet names do you guys like me using? Let me know in the comments! I could use some feedback and ideas!’
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Seokmin streams three times in one week - half because he really needs the cash and the other half because he’s been feeling somewhat on edge lately himself.
His workload for classes aren’t letting up, Jihoon’s only getting stricter with his lessons and the university’s production of Xcalibur is coming up and he’s crossing his fingers for the lead.
But in the midst of it all, he spends any free time trying to come up with ideas for live streams and the constant talking about sex whilst not even bothering to get off himself finally gets to him late one night when he’s tucked alone in bed with his thoughts.
‘Maybe I should go to one of Soonyoung’s parties next time and let off some steam… That might help...’ He tells himself; even if he’s generally not fond of them at all.
‘And then I could--’
“Oh! Mingyu! Mmh, fuck, your cock is so biiiiiiig~!”
Seokmin’s teeth grit in an instant - eyes darting to the wall that he shared with his next door neighbour. It wouldn’t be the first time, but at some point Seokmin had learned to tune it out - until just now when he couldn’t.
“Yeah? You like that? Fuck, your pussy is so fuckin’ tight around me, baby… I can’t even fit all of my cock inside…”
‘Not again…’ Flashbacks of almost walking into Jeonghan that one time making him groan.
Except this time, Seokmin chooses to indulge.
Because while he was smart enough to soundproof his room whenever he streamed - that didn’t mean his neighbours always did. 
‘Well, as long as Mingyu doesn’t find out...’ Grumbling, Seokmin turns onto his side facing away from the wall - hand palming himself over his sweats as he bites into his bottom lip.
‘Just a little bit… Just let me cum once and I’ll go to bed, I swear…’
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And you’re not necessarily proud of it.
“Oh, god, p-please, harder! Need you to--to fuck me so, a-ah, so much harder!”
But the way Mingyu’s bed slams against the wall when he starts to thrust into you harder makes your eyes roll to the back of your head and forget that Seokmin lives just in the apartment next door and can probably hear the two of you, clear as day.
‘It’s not like he knows it’s me anyway...’
“Surprised you finally came around, baby~ Mm, what made you want me, hmm?” A cocky grin eases itself onto Mingyu’s lips as you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
“Nothin’ just… Heard from a friend of a friend that you were good in bed and wanted to see for myself~” You retort; nails digging into the skin of his back as he winces.
“And? Living up to your expectations, princess?” 
“Ngh, right n-now you’re at a--a 7 so...”
The smirk on Mingyu’s face slides clean off as he growls; nails digging into your skin as you moan. 
“Let’s see about that then, princess.”
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Seokmin’s hand is slicked with precum and the metallic taste in his mouth from biting down on his lip hard enough to draw blood make his head feel fuzzy. 
“Ah, f-fuck, right there! Fuck me harder there! Mmnh, feels so good when you p-pull on my hair~! I want it rough, p-please!”
“Fuck, your desperate ‘lil cunt is squeezing my cock so tight... You’re such a filthy ‘lil thing, aren’t you, baby? So fucking desperate for cock~ I’m gonna make you get on your knees and clean off my cock after I’m done fucking your pretty ‘lil cunt, okay?”
Seokmin’s hand slides up and down his shaft - hips thrusting into his enclosed palm as he hides underneath his bedsheets, writhing with the urge to cum. 
‘Fuck, I’m so c-close... Just need to cum so bad...’ 
He can already imagine the position Mingyu’s in with the stranger - Mingyu fucking them from behind with his hands tangled in their hair as he pulls them towards his own body. 
And Seokmin’s mind races at the suggestions people had given him about the things they liked too - all of them suddenly making his mouth water at the thought of having someone pliant underneath him. 
‘I just want a daddy to put me in my place...’
‘I want to be blindfolded and be forced to cum over and over until I can’t take it...’
‘I want you to fuck me and use toys on me all night...’
‘I want you to choke me while you fuck my pussy hard...’
‘I wanna hear you praise me while you make a mess of me...’
A stuttered gasp falls from Seokmin’s lips as he tightens his grip around his cock - hand moving up and down his shaft twice as fast as he tries to race the stranger on the other side of the wall to an orgasm. 
“Mingyu, m-make me cum! I’m s-so close... My pussy feels so, mmh, f-fuckin’ full... B-but don’t cu--cum inside of, a-ah, me...” 
“Tsk, fine... I’m just gonna have to cum on that pretty face of yours then, okay, baby?” 
Seokmin’s mouth hangs agape as his wrist snaps faster; his head almost thrashing against his pillow as his toes curl and his entire body goes rigid when he tips over the edge and into an orgasm. 
‘Fucking finally...!’ He exclaims mentally - cum painting his hand and catching on his sweats and boxer briefs as he lets out a satisfied sigh while he rides out his high alone in his bed.
‘God, I need... Help.’
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You don’t stay the night; not that you ever do when you have a hookup. 
Instead, you head home and take a long shower - massaging your scalp from where Mingyu tugged on your hair a little too hard and you take your time scrubbing away all the dried cum off of your skin. 
You weren’t necessarily crazy about hookups, but lately, you’d felt too on the edge to take care of it alone and listening to Dokyeom’s live streams had only made it harder for you to focus when you were too busy thinking about him and his voice all day.
‘God, the toys are only going to do so much... I really need to figure this out...’ You mentally sigh, ‘Should I stop listening to his stream? Maybe that would help...’
But the thought alone makes you a little sad - especially when it seemed like he was starting to stream more recently and was starting to find confidence in himself to do it.
‘Nah, I’ll just... Figure something out later. When I have more time.’
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One New Message
From: Suggested: Lee Seokmin
‘Sorry for the late message, I couldn’t sleep 😅 But I’m free on Friday night if you wanted to get dinner still? I had plans but I think I’m gonna cancel them cuz I’m a little burnt out on creativity for my projects so... Yeah, just let me know! 😅 I know a great place in town! - Seokmin’
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noridoorman · 3 years
Frank Morrison x Alt!Shy!Reader - I’m not one to judge
Someone requested it through private message so I’m not sure if they want their name to be mentioned. 
I realized later on that I may or may not have messed up this request so I might redo it at some point.
The music blared, people were pushing each other left and right. The ecstatic looks on their faces and the alcoholic smell lingering in the air told Frank all there is to know what kind of mood was setting in this place. He occasionally greeted the few people he knew who barely recognized him but waved back anyways. His head hung low, hands hidden in his hoodie pocket. The smell of alcohol, drugs and sweat doesn’t entice him as much as it would usually do. The wild atmosphere pounds on his head and constantly reminds him why he was truly here. A side of him hopes he’ll see the familiar blonde locks of hers, the other wishes he could see it in a volcano. Julie’s face has been plaguing his mind for days after their break-up. Was it their obvious incompatibility, them feeding their toxic traits or cause she’s a cheating ass bitch?
Yeah, she didn’t cheat. It’s a sweet dream he has in order to justify him breaking up with her. Cause even after his grand realization, it still set off a weird feeling in him, like guilt. And the grand realization is:
He feels fucking miserable with her.
Not when he’s generally close to her, no. He is still friends with her although that is bittersweet. But when he realized how good THEY made him feel, loved and appreciated, he knew it immediately. Whatever he had with Julie was in no way comparable how he felt with (Y/N). The shy and quiet (Y/N). The one who wore weirdly dark and sometimes over-the-top clothing which made them look like a party animal but beneath they can’t even ask the waiter for a another ketchup packet. 
“Frank, over here!” The loud music almost covered (Y/N)’s meek and shy voice. They have barricaded themselves in a corner, nobody else sat on the couches except for them. 
“Hey, hope I haven’t kept you waiting for too long” He showed one of his rare smile and sat on the red couch along with (Y/N).
“No, it’s fine. I didn’t wait that long anyways” They showed a small smile which only widened Frank’s one. “Where were you anyways?”
“It took Joey a little to get his car workin’, you know” (Y/N) chuckled, remembering what happened last week ago. Joey crashed his car in a road rage after a woman flipped him off for god knows what. Susie and Julie tried to encourage him to stay calm and not to respond or he’ll destroy his car, Frank was all for getting back at the woman.The result? Joey’s car got busted and getting it fixed was not easy.
“I’m still surprised it’s running. Didn’t he try to fix it-”
“Ayo, Frank!” A bunch of drunk guys high-fived Frank, the smell of alcohol and drugs assaulted their nose even more.”Whatcha doing here alone? Aren’t you always here with your wird group?”
“Okay, fist of all, they’re not weird. We are the Legion” He sits up in a less lazy position. Upon seeing (Y/N)’s body stiffen, he attempts to shoo the guys away. “Second of all, they’re not here right now. I’m with someone else here and we just had a conversation there.”
“Ah, alright. Gotcha, but hey, one question...” The guy with the black hair and dragon tattoo sat next to Frank. 
“No questions, I’m not in the mood” Frank stands up and takes your hand. 
“Where’s that blond girl you always bring along?” Frank’s jaw stiffened and his hold on your hand tightened. (Y/N) noticed it and rubbed comforting circles with their thumb, still unsure on what they are supposed to do. 
“I said, no questions.” He doesn’t turn around, instead, he hurries through the crowd with (Y/N) tagging close behind him. 
(Y/N) looked up to see the barely lit dots across the night sky. A warm smile presented itself across their face, replacing the uncomfortable heat in Frank’s stomach with a loving warmth which released the tension in his muscles. 
“Is everything okay. I mean, between you can Julie...” (Y/N) fiddled awkwardly with their fingers.
“Could be better. We’re still friends but, it’s a little awkward” Frank leaned against a wall whilst taking a cigarette out of his pockets.
“I understand, but I’m gad you’re still friends with the Legion. They make you happy and seeing this... Well, it makes me happy too!”
Frank chuckles. “Yeah, they do make me happy but, so do you” 
“R-Really? I mean, I’m glad I do but how?” Their face turns slightly red.
“I dunno. You’re always by my side and help me a lot. Doesn’t matter what happens. You’re constantly by my side” He gave them an awkward but also warm smile.
“You like me even though I’m.... different?”
“No. I love your quirks and everything about you. Even if you’re different. I’m not one to judge after all” Frank takes their hand in his and walks together with them away from the building. (Y/N) blush intensifies but they smile notheless.
I’m sorry if it’s rushed at the end. I’ll redo it at some point.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 3 years
Stress relief
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mind your bisnuess I’m working through some shit 
Atsumu x reader
warnings: smut, just- so much smut, Oral, car sex, fingering, Daddy kink, degradation, marking, ass play, dirty talk,Brat taming, slut shaming AND virgin shaming (we got it all folks), hair pulling, cum play, creampie, breading kink, drinking/ Drunk sex, angst annnnnd swearing. 
word count: 4,800 (about) (yes really get off my back)
summary: Atsumu is a dick, but he’s got a good dick at least you have no idea how mad I am I’ve already used the title Enemy with Benifits. 
“Are- Are you fucking kidding me?” you asked, Atsumu just shrugged. 
“No, I’m not fucking kidding you what’s your deal?” he said casually. You took a deep breath. You had been trying to work on your anger issues, Not blowing up on people over nothing. But this really felt like something worth blowing up over. 
“Myia, be honest with me, do you think I’m stupid?” you asked. He smirked.
“I think you’re a lot of things babe-” you stood up getting in his face jabbing your finger in his chest cutting off his no doubt horrendous flirting. 
“You fucking ripped off you’re entire part of the project! How the fuck did you think no one would notice?” you shouted. You had known this was going to be a train wreck the moment Atsumu was assigned as your partner. He was such a fucking moron, he’d only gotten into this College because of his sports scholarship. You would have been better working on your own.
“I cited the article I copied, what's the deal?” he snapped, the volume of your voice irking him. 
“That’s not how this fucking works you can’t just hit copy-paste and call it a day the point is you come up with your own ideas, although in your defense I’m not sure you’re brain could manage something like that,” you shouted. He sneared. 
“I’ll rewrite it just stop being a bitch alright?” he scoffed, turning to leave your dorm room. You wanted to hit him, how dare he call you a bitch when you were just looking out for his dumb ass. Even high schoolers knew you’d be expelled for plagiarising. Once Atsumu left you slumped back in your seat looking at the presentation open on your laptop. You were already so busy but somehow you’d have to find enough time to do half of the project unless you wanted to fail that was.
“Hey, you’re working with (y/n) on your project right?” Osamu asked, setting his volleyball up in the air over and over again. 
“Yeah, they totally blew up on me today so now I gotta redo the whole thing,” Atsumu sighed 
“They’re hot though,” his brother said. Atsumu smiled to himself, remembering your angry face as you chewed him out.
“Really hot,” he agreed. 
“Are you gonna fuck them?” 
“Of course, they might an asshole but they want me,”
“Hey (y/n),” you looked up at the sound of your name only to groan seeing Atsumu run towards you. He had clearly just come from practice, he was still in his jersey. Fucking jocks. 
He probably thought he looked hot, with a light sheen of sweat that made his skin glow and tousled hair. He did look hot, it made you want to kick his shins. 
“If you aren’t going to tell me that you finished your half of the presentation I don’t want to hear it,” you snapped.
“Well then you aren’t going to be happy then but there’s a game this weekend, you should come, cheer for me,” he said winking. You rolled your eyes. 
“I was already planning on going, but you’re nuts if you think I’m gonna cheer for you,” you snapped, still a little heated about your last encounter with him. 
“And why not?” he asked, smirking, it pissed you off. You just knew he thought he looked so cute smiling at you like that. 
“I cheer for winners,”
You and Atsumu were at each other’s throats for the rest of the year. Atsumu Gave up on his plan to sleep with you and you gave up on your anger management, at least around him. If other people were in this situation they might stay away from their sworn enemy, but not you two. 
You made it to every volleyball game just to tell Osamu how great he did and how handsome he was looking today. Atsumu sat next to you in every class you shared talking your ear off making sure that you didn’t learn a damn thing. 
It was annoying as hell, you wanted to strangle him, but it was nice in a kind of way. If you were stressed or pissed off you could drag Atsumu as a little fun. And even if nothing else in your life was going right. You could always count on this blonde dick to be the worst to you. 
“Damn we had the exterminator here last week but there’s a roach right here,” Atsumu sneered over the thumping music at the party. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“You need to look up more insults you’ve already used that one,” you barked back, normally seeing Atsumu would be enough to dampen your mood but the booze must have been doing its job because you still felt all light and buzzed. 
“Beer?” he asked, holding up a bottle for you, ever the gracious host. 
“I’m good,” you said holding up the can of seltzer you’d been drinking out of it was fruity and only had a little bite to it, you were already on your third one. 
“Right I forgot that a baby like you couldn’t handle the taste of beer,” he scoffed, he was closer now, towering over you and pressing one of his forearms to the wall by your head as he leaned over you, shielding you from the rest of the party. You never realized before how big he was. Tall and wide. Muscular too, it was no wonder half the people at the Volleyball games creamed themselves just seeing him. 
“You’re such a dick, why do you always have to be so mean?” you asked before even realizing the words that you’d spoken.
“You aren’t exactly nice either princess, besides that’s how this works, that’s our dynamic,” he said. He must be pretty drunk too. Nothing he was saying was making any sense. 
“Still, how do you expect anyone to put up with you when you’re such a douche bag all the time?” you said the anger you associated with Atsumu finally setting in. 
“If it works it works, I mean you’re obsessed with me,” he said. You gagged and shoved his chest, he didn’t move, god how strong was he?
“Fuck off I hate you, why would I be obsessed with you? God you think that the world fucking revolves around you. How could any-”
His lips met yours effectively shutting you up. His hand came up cupping the back of your head and you couldn’t help but melt into the kiss, pressing your body against his and dropping your drink so your hands would be free to rake through his hair. You weren’t nice about the kiss either, your teeth gnashed against his when he tried to push his tongue into your mouth. You bit his lower lip and tugged at his hair, moaning against his mouth when he did the same to you. 
He broke away breathlessly, still holding you close to his body while you caught your breath. He was so pretty his cheeks flushed his lips wet and glossy. God, you wanted to kiss him again, even if he tasted like beer and he had been right in his assessment that you weren’t a big fan of the taste. 
“Good to know theirs one way to shut you the fuck up,” he teased. You groaned in frustration pulling him back down into another kiss. This one was just as passionate and fierce as the first. He pushed you against the wall and pulled up one of your legs and forced it around his waist so he could grind against you. You shuddered feeling him rut the seam of your jeans against your clit. 
“Woulda fucked you a lot sooner if i'd known you made such pretty noises when you were touched,” he muttered reaching up and palming your breast through your shirt. Atsumu started kissing, or maybe biting was a better word. The top part of your neck even pays some attention to your jaw and earlobe while he humped and groped you. 
“I knew you were a pervert but I never knew you were filthy enough to fuck me out in the open like this,” you gasped, tugging at his hair. You could feel your panties get sticky with your arousal and you wanted him to take you out of here and fuck you already. 
“You’re gonna let me fuck you?” he asked, pulling back so he could look at you and smirk. You smiled back, the fight wasn’t out of you yet. 
“Why would I do that? I’d rather sleep with someone who could make me cum,” you spat and his grin quickly fell, there was a competitive fire in his eyes that you normally only saw when he was playing.
“Oh Daddy’s gonna make you cum you fucking brat, I’ll make you squirt, you’re gonna cry with how good my dick feels,” he growled in a low voice you’d never heard before and suddenly you were regretting your comment. 
“Daddy?” you snorted
Atsumu detangled himself from you and grabbed you by the wrist tugging you out of the frat house and to his car. You shook your head and broke free of his iron-clad grasp. 
“I know you’re stupid but this is a new low, both of us are way too drunk to drive,” you shouted. Atsumu just laughed at you, opening the back door to his car. 
“We aren’t driving dumbass now get in,” he said. You bit your lip and slid into the back seat shortly followed by Atsumu who locked the door behind him. 
The seat wasn’t large but it was big enough to move around in. He pressed you onto the leather upholstery, your legs bent and splayed out at an awkward angle to fit him between them. He went back to kissing you sloppily while his hands went to work taking off your shirt and bra. 
Your nipples hardened once the cold night air touched you. “Wanted to suck on your pretty tits for the longest time,” he groaned quickly lowering his head, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth while he fingered the other twisting and pinching it. You yelped when his teeth grazed over the bud. His eyes flicked up to yours and he let go of the spit-soaked nipple blowing on it lightly making you shiver. 
“How long has it been since you’ve been fucked huh? So many guys want to fuck this sweet little pussy but you’re too stuck up to let that happen.” he snears sucking the other nipple into his mouth. 
“Bet you’re still a fucking virgin,” he said speaking around your mouth. 
“ I a-am not,” you whined, you’d lost your virginity in high school, but you really hadn’t gotten fucked since then. 
“Oh listen to you whine you totally are,” he scoffed 
“No I’m Not!” you protested he let go of your nipple and kissed you again threading his fingers through your hair and pressing your face to his. 
“Shut up you fucking virgin,” he said sweetly, before pulling off his shirt, and before you could admire his chiseled chest he distracted you by biting your neck again. You pressed your hand to the center console to keep from slipping off with one hand and clinging to his shoulders with the other. 
Atsumu deftly unbuttoned your jeans and shoved his hands in your pants touching your through your soaked underwear. You felt him smirk against your neck but he didn’t make any remark about it. Good thing for him too because you could feel his hard prick pressing up against your thigh and you were ready to drag him for it if he commented on your own arousal. 
God, you could feel his cock. It was big, heavy, and hard, pressed against your leg. You wanted to see it, touch it, feel it inside of you. He’d pushed your panties to the side now so he could push his large fingers inside brushing against your velvet walls. 
“A-Atsumu,” you said, pitching your leg up to rub against his dick.  “I want to suck your cock,” you whimpered. You felt him twitch. 
“Here I thought you were a virgin but you’re just a slutty whore aren't cha?” he growled against your neck picking your hips up and yanking your pants down your legs leaving them pooled around your ankles leaving you to kick your jeans off completely. You felt a little stupid naked except for your shoes but Atsumu quickly distracted you by folding you in half pressing your knees to your chest and leaving your pussy completely exposed. 
“I’ll fuck your throat later, right now I gotta make you cum remember?” he said playing his hands over your thighs keeping g you folded before lowering his head and diving into your folds like a man starved. 
Just like he kissed you, he was mean about it, sucking so harshly that you cried out and spanking your cunt just to make you jump. The only time he pulled back was to spit on your asshole lubing it up enough to slip a finger inside. 
“Sumu please,” you cried out as he filled you with his tongue pressing against your G-spot over and over again while he pinched your clit. You weren’t even sure what you were begging for. He just hummed in acknowledgment, whatever you were begging for he wasn’t going to have it. 
“Daddy,” you pleaded, finally caving. Atsumu smiled to himself. He wasn’t nice but he did reward good behavior. 
He switched it up sucking your clit into your mouth and plunging the fingers of his clean hand, the one that hadn’t just been your ass, inside of you curling up and pressing against your g-pot over and over again until you came screaming so loud that you were sure people back at the house could hear you. 
“See didn’t that feel good slut?” he cooed condescendingly. There was a pool of cum beneath you soaking into the leather seats. Good thing this was Osamus’s car. Now all he had to do was make you cry. 
“I-I’m not a slut,” you whined. 
“Oh? Which is it? Are you not a virgin or are you not a slut?” he asked, squeezing your cheeks. You didn’t know how to respond. 
“Well I think you’re a slut, Daddy’s little slut,” he snapped. 
There was a dark stain of precum staining his jeans where the head of his cock was leaking he quickly shoved down his pants and boxers before sitting down and pulling you into his lap. You hovered above him as he pumped his cock in his hand running the head of his cock through your soaked folds and bumping your clit. 
“You’re gonna be a good whore and ride Daddy’s cock right?” he asked, lining the head of his dick up with your entrance. You bit your lip and nodded, shakily lowering yourself down on him. Atsumu hissed feeling your tight heat wrap around him. 
You gripped his shoulders feeling how well he filled you up, the tip pressing against your cervix. You took a minute to adjust before lifting yourself up on your knees and started to fuck yourself onto him. 
Atsumu brought you close and kissed you again, one of his hands slipping between your bodies to stroke your clit while you bounced up and down on his cock.  You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he touched you. He filled you up so well, you had teased him about not being able to get you off but even you couldn’t deny how good it felt to have him so deep inside of you. 
“You feel that baby? You feel Daddy pressing up against your Cervix, I’m going to blow my fat load right into your slutty little womb,” he snarled his hips snapping up to meet yours. You whined, throwing your head back in pleasure, almost hitting your head on the headrest. 
“Gonna knock you up, gonna stuff this slutty pussy with cum,” he growled, he was talking more to himself but you couldn’t help but shudder at his words. You were on birth control but you desperately wanted him to fill you up. 
“Are you gonna cum princess?” He asked, “I can feel your cunt squeezing my cock like that, you’re gonna cum.” He was right, you could feel a second orgasm welling up in your core as his cock pulsed inside of you. 
“Atsumu-Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned kissing him sloppily, your hips faltered when you came but Atsumu’s hands went to your hips moving your body for you as he chased his own high, true to his word he came deep inside of you filling you up and pressing his cock against your cervix. 
You collapsed against his chest gasping for breath. He ran his hand soothingly over your back. 
“You look tired, you wanna crash somewhere babe?” he asked. 
“We’re still too drunk to drive,” you murmured. 
“I have a buddy in the frat house, I’m sure he’ll let me steal his bed for the night, especially for a cutie like you,” he said. You pulled back to look at him.
“You had a bed here this whole time and you still made me fuck you in the car?” 
When you woke up your whole body hurt. Your head ached your eyes stung and your body was littered with bruises. You didn’t even want to check in with the lower half of your body. You groaned sitting up in bed clutching your head. Then you felt the bed beside you shift, you froze remembering how you’d ended last night. 
Atsumu cracked one eye open and his face split into a huge grin. “I had the best dream last night-” he teased you and moved to hit him but he caught your wrist and flipped you on your back pinning you to the bed. 
He hovered above you his breath hitting your face in soft puffs. You leaned up and kissed him, suddenly you were a mess of limbs and hands trying to tear each other’s clothes off while you kissed. You hissed as his fingers grazed the bite marks on your neck. 
“Go easy on me I’m still sore,” you complained. Atsumu smirked.
“Did I wreck you that badly baby?” he asked, teasingly grinding his morning wood on your leg. You shuddered. 
“Shut up and fuck me asshole,” you demand. He tugged off your underwear and hooked your legs over his shoulders. 
“As you wish your majesty,” he scoffed and slowly pushed two of his fingers into you
Your cunt ached and it hurt to feel his fingers prod you open, but soon the pain dissolved into pleasure as he continued to finger you. 
“Such a pretty wet little cunt, so wet and sticky for me,” he purred, “you like this slut? You like getting fingered first thing in the morning?” he asked. 
“Do you like humping my ass like a fucking dog first thing in the morning?” you spat back. He grunted and roughly jerked his finger up hitting your G-spot making you cry out your back arching off the bed. 
“That’s what I thought,” he scoffed before completely pulling his fingers out and sticking them into his mouth sucking on your juices. 
“I’m not gonna fuck you if you keep being mean,” he said shoving down his own clothes 
“Shut up, I bet I’m the only one you know who lets you get your dick wet,” you growled. He snapped into you in one swift motion. You cried out your nails digging into his shoulders. It hurt but the pain sent a rush of endorphins making you moan. 
“Really you think that I could fuck you like this without any practice dollface? Don’t forget you’re the virgin here,” he teased drawing his hips back before ramming back into you. This pace was much harsher than what you’d set last night. You were helpless, and entirely at his mercy, he had you folded in half, and you could only moan and scratch at his back. 
“Imna fill this cunt with cum, nothing better than emptying my balls in your warm cunt first thing in the morning,” he muttered to himself as he continued to fuck you. 
“Already?” you teased.
“Fuck off or I’ll fuck you until you pass out,” he threatened. 
“Hurry up and make me cum, I’ve got shit to do today,” you snapped. 
“God do you ever stop being a bitch?” he asked, pulling out of you and flipping you over, jerking your hips up and sliding back into you. you moaned feeling his cock hit new sweet spots. You arched your back pressing your hips to his and burying your face into the pillows. 
The bed creaked with the force of his thrusts, the headboard hitting the wall with a loud bang. Atsumu brought his hand down on your ass making you jump, it stung and you were reminded of his killer serves that you had seen so many times. 
“There, no more bitchy comebacks? Have you gone braindead on my cock?” he mocked spanking you again. 
“Daddy!” you pleaded. Your thighs trembling as wetness dripped down your legs. 
“Awe theirs my sweet little slut, ready to be good now?” 
“Y-yes,” you whined desperate to cum.  Atsumu grunted and finally went easy on you, rubbing your clit and easing into you in slow, deep thrusts until he felt your pussy cream around him. 
“There you go baby,” he said pulling out of you, his hard cock dripping in your juices. “You still want to suck on my cock?” he asked. You bit your lower lip, embarrassed at the memory. You shifted on the bed settling in between his legs taking the head of his cock into your mouth and wrapping your hands around the rest of his dick. 
You licked softly at the slit in the head picking up the bitter precum with your tongue.  You slowly took more of his cock in your mouth hollowing your cheeks out around him. His dick was just too big for you to fit completely into your mouth so you moved your hands up and down his shaft while you took as much of him as you could, swirling your tongue around the head. 
“You’re doing so well baby,” he moaned, smoothing your hair back from your face. “I didn’t think a virgin like you’d be so good,” he teased. You glared up at him as you continued to suck his dick but you resolved to bite him if he made a comment like that again. 
“I think I like you better like this you’re so pretty when you shut the- OW watch the teeth,” 
You could taste it as the precum dribbled out of his cock smearing over your tongue, you were getting used to the bitter taste and it wasn’t that bad. You pushed your head down pressing his cock to the back of your throat suppressing your gag reflex. 
“Fuck, baby just like that i’m going to cum down your thoat,” he groaned his hips stuttering upwards pushing his dick down your throat deaper making you choke. Atsumu didn’t care,he was moaning loudly as his hips spasmed up into your mouth. 
You choked when his semen flooded your mouth. “Fuuck,” he sighed, pulling out of your mouth. You sluptered trying to catch the mess that bubbled out of your mouth. 
“Ah, swallow what you can baby,” Atsumu said, whipping your chin with his thumb. You did as he asked, choking down what you could. He pushed you back on the bed kissing your neck, his lips running over your bruises, 
“I like you like this, we should fuck more often he teased,” you shoved his chest, but weakly, it was clearly just for show. You didn’t want to admit it but you agreed with him. 
You kept seeing Atsumu after that. He was a little nicer with you normally. Or at least, he saved his mean side for the bedroom and was a little sweeter to you. If you were a little more naive you might have even started to fall for him a little bit. 
That was the Chliche right? You start out hating someone but then after a few nights of passion you were in love?  Bullshit, it was all Bullshit. 
you knew Atsumu hadn’t changed, and he wasn’t exactly saving himself for you. You couldn’t count how many times you’d walked in on him making out with some random chick, you’d even walked in on him while he’d been balls deep in some other girl. 
That being said, you hadn’t changed either. you still had a temper like no other and were quick to snap, especially at Atsumu. You didn’t have many friends who put up with your bullshit so why would He even fall in love with you?
You shouldn’t be in love with him. He was an asshole, a heartless fuck boy. So why did you like him so much? why did it sting when you thought about how hopless your whole situation. 
It sucked, this whole thing was just awful. That being said, you still jumped at the chance to see him everytime he called, you really were hopless. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as Atsumu drove. You didn’t recognize this street and you knew you weren’t going to his place. 
“It’s a surprise,” he said. You scoffed and crossed your arms. He pulled into a parking lot and you were surprised to see you were at a park. 
“What are you going to fuck me on the slide?” you asked, following him out of the car and into the park. 
“I used to come here all the time when I was a kid, me and my brother would play here,” he said, ignoring you and walking to the swings, you followed. 
“And I still come here a lot, it’s a good place to think and it’s just a really special place for me,” he said sitting on the swing and gesturing for you to sit on his lap. 
You did, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. “I don’t like where this conversation is going,” you said furrowing your eyebrows. It was almost the middle of the night so it was dark but you could still see the dopey lovestruck look on his face. 
“Stumu, you’re not supposed to call me for stuff like this,” you said unwrapping your arms around his neck, you were going to get off his lap but he wrapped his arms around his waist keeping you there. 
The two of you had agreed only to call each other when you wanted sex, this mushy romantic shit was defently not sex. 
“You’re so pretty baby, let me be nice to you,” he said kissing you and you melted into him, just like every time he kissed you. 
“You’re never nice to me,” you protested. He reached under your shirt groping you. 
“Because you never let me,” he protested. 
“What’s with you?” you asked, grabbing his wrist and shoving him away from you. 
“I love you,” he said. You couldn’t deal with this right now, you got off his lap and started walking back to the car
“Take me home,” you demanded.  “I don’t want to talk about this,” you said. 
“(y/n)-” he said running in front of you stopping you. 
“Please, I know you hate this shit, but please can we talk,” he pleaded taking your hands in his, 
“You can’t just say shit like that Tsumu! We’re not supposed to love each other we’re supposed to fuck and get under eachother’s skin and fight that’s how this works!” you shouted.
Atsumu kissed your knuckles, seeming to ignore your yelling. 
“We didn’t used to fuck either, we used to just get under eachother’s skin,” he pointed out. He wrapped you in his arms. You pressed your face to his chest and you felt your cheeks get wet with tears. You hiccupped and sobbed,  trying to keep your emotions bottled up was hard.  
“I love you,” he said again.  You shoved him and whipped your face. 
“I don’t want to do this Atsumu, take me home,” you demanded. He deflated. 
“Okay baby, let's go home, I’ll be waiting, when you’re ready,” he said rubbing your shoulders and taking you back to his car. 
You drove in silence. You hated this. Yout hated him. Atsumu was a playboy, an idiot and an asshole who only cared about Volleyball. You just wanted to insult him and fuck him to blow off steam. You weren’t supposed to fall for him. You weren’t supposed to love his cocky smile and his stupid jokes. His stupid flirty remarks weren’t supposed to make you blush. 
“Baby?” he prompted you blinked and saw you were sitting in front of your dorm building. “Hey,” he purred, wiping the tears off your cheeks. You didn’t need him to tell you that he loved you, you could tell every time  he did something like this. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch. 
“I really wished we’d had sex tonight,” you whispered. He laughed. 
“fuck am I really that ireaistable doll?” he teased, pinching your cheek as he pulled away. 
“I do love you Atsumu, I just- I just don’t know what to do about it,” you admitted. Atsumu smiled lazily. 
you meant it too, you loved him so much. but it was impossible to get the image of the time you walked in on him sleeping with another girl out of your mind. Was that what it meant to be in a relationship with him? If so then you weren’t going to do it, you weren’t signing yourself up for that kind of heartbreak. Maybe you should just give up on him and block him. 
“Like I said. I’ll wait for you, and next time I promise we’ll have the best sex of your life-Not that’s a hard bar to clear you virigin,” he teased. You smiled and playfully hit him in the arm. You got out of his car and walked into your building as he drove away, and at least for tonight. That was enough. 
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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reidsconverse · 4 years
memories • spencer reid
Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: none! just 4000 words of pure angst
This was an old fic reworked to be about around spencer so its taking a lottt of creative/artistic liberty with the character, so it kinda sucks im sorry! 😁
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Every moment you had with him was one to be remembered and cherished for better or worse.
It had been a few weeks since Spencer had officially ended things, he had moved all of his stuff out of your apartment and now it seemed as if he had never even existed in the same place as you, as though you two were strangers. That is had it not been for the images of memories the two of you held. So, here you were sat alone in your room, your only company the half-empty bottle of wine and photographs of the two of you which sat strewn carelessly across your floor.
You picked up a picture and stared at it realising you both looked so happy. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, a cup in his hand and his signature grin sitting across his face. Your head was leaning against his shoulder, the smile on your face reminding you of how free you had felt that night, you had never felt happier and you recognised that night as the night you realised...you were so in love.
"We should have a party," Spencer yelled despite there being no one else other than the two of you in the room.
"Right now?" You looked at him as if he was insane, not only was it completely out of character for your boyfriend but also, it was 1 am on a Wednesday and although your friends weren't those with a regular schedule you presumed most of them would decline a house party in the middle of the week.
"Yeah right now, c'mon doll I'll call Derek and some of the others and you call your friends." His hand was already on his phone texting Derek before you could protest so you followed his instructions and went ahead and invited your friends before getting up and preparing for this impromptu party.
It had only been 10 minutes when you heard Derek and some others open the door shouting for Spencer and you walked over with a grin on your face, "Hey D, Spencers being a diva and redoing his hair, he'll be right down." You said, rolling your eyes as Derek pulled you into a hug, he may have been Spencer's best friend but he thought of you as a sister and always treated you as such.
"Well I have look good for my girl," You heard Spencer say from behind you quickly placing a kiss on your cheek before doing his weird handshake with Derek, "Hey, thanks for coming'."
The three of you made your way to the kitchen to grab some drinks and greet some more guests who had congregated in that area and before you knew it, you were 4 shots in, feeling way past tipsy and in the mood to dance.
"Hey Spence," You said walking over to where he was now sat, a cup in his hand as he held a conversation with JJ and Emily about something that you didn't care too much about. You waved a quick hello to the girls so as not to be rude and then placed your head on his shoulder to let him know of your presence.
"Hey darling, you feeling good?" He turned his face and flashed you a wide grin before wrapping an arm around you to pull you close to him. He enjoyed being near you whenever he could, when he was away he would long for the days where all he did was sit and hold you close to him regardless of what the two of you were doing, so now whenever he had the chance he would hold you close.
"Feelin' great Spence.. wanna dance with you..."  You said pulling out of his hold and grabbing his hand leading him onto the 'dance floor', which was just the open space in your living room. He laughed and quickly finished his drink, discarding the cup somewhere in the room and held you as you both danced to the music playing through the speakers.
After a couple of songs, you both made your way to get another drink and get a break from the crowd, you sat at the kitchen island and passed him a drink."You know, considering you're a genius, I would've thought you'd be able to coordinate a bit better."  You said teasing him about his choice of moves which had essentially been him waving his arms in the air attempting to be in tune with the music.
He looked at you in fake shock and scoffed, "Yeah well it was still better than whatever you were trying to do." Referring to your horrendous attempt at trying to be sexy which in truth was never going to be anything but embarrassing. You stuck your tongue out in a childish manner causing him to laugh and quickly move to place his lips against yours giving you a soft kiss.
You jumped down from the counter after pulling back as a couple of your friends walked in and struck up a conversation about nothing interesting yet you made the effort to look engaged as Spencers's arm slipped over your shoulders and you placed your head against his shoulder.
"Hey guys, look here." You both turned to see your friend Harry, as always with a polaroid camera in his hand. You and Spencer gave each other a quick smile before grinning wide for the camera, both your faces full of love and happiness.
You sat there thinking about how quickly things can change, the people in the image you held so young and naive to the struggles the future would hold. Taking another sip of your wine you skimmed through some more pictures before stopping at one that held a bittersweet meaning. A picture that was taken a few days after what had been your worst fight, you both looked happy but all you could think about the events leading up to the image being taken.
It was your and Spencers 5th anniversary and he had promised he would make it to dinner. You hadn't seen each other in weeks because he was away on a case but he had promised he wouldn't miss this day, he had asked for permission from Hotch to leave for a couple of days so he would be there. "No excuses, No ifs and buts...I'll be there babe. I promise."
But there you were, alone at a table for two. The look on the waiters face held nothing but pity as he walked over for the fourth time to ask if someone would be joining you. Finally, you gave up and shook your head to let him know you would be leaving and would like the cheque. You had never felt so humiliated walking out of the restaurant head held high but tears building up in your eyes and so you cried. You felt so broken, almost as broken as all those promises Spencer had made you. The word promise and sorry had lost all meaning in the last 5 years, simply a courtesy rather than meaningful.
The minute you got home your phone began ringing, it was Spencer.
"Hey doll, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it, the team wanted to go out last night and I kind of missed my -." He began to explain causing you to scoff, 'no ifs or buts' my ass.
"How could you?" Your voice cracking as you tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill for the second time that night. "I waited for 2 fucking hours Spencer, I felt like a fucking idiot."  
"What? What are you talking about?" His voice was full of confusion. "Didn't you get my text?"
"No, I fucking didn't. I didn't get a fucking text. But that's not the fucking point, You should've been here, you promised you would be here."
"Babe, I'm so -," He began but you knew what he was gonna say. The only conversations you seemed to have were stuck on a loop like a broken record.
"Save it. Don't say you're sorry when you don't mean it, stop saying sorry and show it instead."
"Look, I'll get on the first flight out. I'll see you in a few hours, I'll make it up to you I prom-." You hung up the phone before he could continue, his promise worth nothing to you anymore. Walking over to the couch, you fell asleep the minute your head rested against one of the many cushions populating the seat.
You woke up to keys jingling in the door, yet you made no effort to move from where you were. The sound of his footsteps got louder as he approached.
"Babe? I know you're up." He said, kneeling beside you making you sigh and sit up. "Babe, I'm so sorry. I fucked up."
You just stared at him, it might have been petty but you didn't want to give in to his apologies just yet, he had to understand just how much he had hurt you first.
"I couldn't care less anymore, Spencer. I just need to remember that I'll always come second to work and that's fine, it's important to you and I understand that." You got up and walked over to the kitchen to gather yourself.
"Babe you are the most important thing to me, I'm sorry-."
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. "Here we go again, Spencer there's only so many times you can say you're sorry before it loses all meaning. I'm sick and tired of this, I don't know if I can do this anymore. You're never here, you make promises you can never keep and I'm pretty sure you've told me you're sorry more times than you've told me you love me."
"Please don't do this. I love you." His voice was shaking, breaking down at the thought of you leaving him. He moved over to you and turned you so you were facing him. "I know this means nothing to you but I am so sorry. I've been so shitty to you and I know it."
"Spencer, I deserve better than this and I'm sick of forgiving you and acting like I'm fine with how you treat me, you might not mean it but it fucking hurts. I love you so much and I know you love me but would it kill you to put me first for once in your fucking life."
This annoyed him, the lack of sleep and being overworked leaving him less patient and more irritable, "That's not fucking fair, you knew what you were signing up for when you started dating me, I'm doing my fucking best. I go to work for US, to support US. If I could devote all of my time to you if I could, but I can't and it fucking kills me. You can't understand how much I miss you when I'm not here."
Tears welled in your eyes seeing him breakdown, unable to keep up the unbothered facade you had on, "I just...Spence, I miss you too. It hurts not being able to be near you and so when you're not there when you promise you will be, it hurts it really fucking hurts not to mention it's terrifying, how am I supposed to know you're ok if you do shit like that."
He pulled you into his arms as you sobbed into his chest, all the emotions you'd kept bottled up during the argument letting go. "I know baby, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I promise, and I mean it this time, I won't let you down again. I love you." He mumbled into your hair, slowly kissing your forehead whilst consoling you and holding you like he never wanted to let go.
The two of you went to bed that night in silence, not a word was spoken until the next day wherein Spencer switched off his phone and dedicated the whole weekend to you and only you. He kept his word once he had to leave, always fulfiling his promises, never pushing you to the side and communicating with you always. The two of you felt strong again, you were happy.
You put your glass down and walked out of your room and began pacing around the living room, pictures of you and him still up on your walls, the walls that no longer belonged to the both of you. You thought back to when he asked you to move him, how nervous he was and how excited you were.
It was movie night at Spencers house. Each week he invited everyone over to watch a film, everyone taking it in turns to select a film. This week Emily had chosen Midsommar, a film you were yet to see so you were excited. You were sat beside Spencer on the loveseat, his arm around you and your face resting against his chest, a blanket covering you both for extra comfort. You looked up and saw Derek and Penelope lay spread across the floor whilst JJ and Emily sat on the sofa. Bowls of popcorn and sweets were scattered around the room and beer bottles were piling up. It was nights like this that you wanted to treasure forever, for the first time you felt like you had a family, people to call your own, people you could trust.
"Watcha thinking about?" Spencer asked, glancing at you and realising your mind wasn't directed at the movie anymore.
"Nothing, just really lucky to have you in my life," You reached your hand up to hold his face and gave him a soft kiss. "I love you."
He pulled you in closer if that was even possible, "I love you too."
"Ugh, get a room." Derek groaned making you both chuckle.
Spencer responded by throwing some popcorn at him, "Aw is someone jealous, don't worry you'll find someone soon enough."
Derek murmured a quiet, "Fuck off" before turning his attention back to the movie, making everyone laugh.
The movie ended shortly and everyone was discussing what to watch next, you were in the mood for a comedy but Derek wanted to watch Die Hard for the millionth time. After several minutes of slight arguing, you finally decided on rewatching Moana for the 12th time.
Everyone was pretty much settled, drinks refilled, popcorn replenished and everyone back in their positions. Emily was about to press play before JJ stopped her, "Wait before you start I'm kinda cold can I borrow a sweater?" She asked Spencer.
"Yeah sure, take one from our room." He said casually like it was normal but it made your breath hitch in your throat, did he just say our room? As in, yours and his. Unofficially he wasn't wrong, it was your room as much as his, you spent pretty much every night here making having your own apartment redundant, but he hadn't yet asked you to move in with him. You couldn't help the small blush on your face and the way your lips turned upwards at his words. It made you happy knowing he thought of it as something for both of you.
"What has you so happy?" Penelope asked in a teasing tone, she'd picked up on Spencer words and knew exactly why you were smiling.
You just stuck your tongue out at her and looked up at Spencer, "Our room huh?" You asked making him smile.
"Yeah I mean, you're here every day, maybe more than I am. You should just move in at this point." He let out a little laugh after he said leaving you confused as to whether he was being serious, so you just laughed along and waited for JJ to come back so you could start the movie.
A couple of hours later almost everyone was half asleep, everyone apart from you and Spencer. You began making your way to his room followed by him carrying the blanket he had taken from his bed. The two of you went about your night routine, Spencer had insisted on keeping at least half of your things at his place hence why you never had to leave. You quickly changed into one of his shirts which fit you just right and climbed into bed where he was already sitting, reading a book.
"Spence, were you being serious...earlier when you said I should move in?" You asked him, making him put down his book and look at you.
"Would you like that? You don't have to say yes but I would love it if you moved in. The mornings when I wake up and you're still next to me, are the best mornings. Honestly, knowing I'm going to wake up next to you makes falling asleep easier. Plus Tesla and Edison love you, maybe even more than they loves me." He asked, the mention of his fish making you laugh despite the fact your eyes were welling up, what had you done to deserve the sweetest man to walk the earth.
You shifted yourself so you were straddling him and held his face in your hands, "I would love to move in with you." You answered placing a soft kiss to his lips.
"I love you so much," He said as you moved back to laying down next him. "You make me the happiest man alive and I'm so lucky to have you."
"God, Spence you gotta stop before I start crying, I love you too." You said, as he laughed and pulled you into a comfortable sleeping position.
"Goodnight love." He mumbled, already falling asleep.
"Goodnight Spence." You responded, closing your eyes and beginning to drift off but not before saying, "By the way, the fishies definitely love me more."
You hadn't realised you were crying until a tear fell onto the frame you were holding. The image just as blurred as the memories it held. You carefully placed the image face down onto the table rather than placing it back up. Making your way to the sofa, you got your phone out and glanced at the image that had left you in this state. A picture of him and her, his hands holding hers as tight as they once held yours, the grin on both of their faces wide. He was happy, only it wasn't because of you anymore. You closed your eyes again, remembering how it all ended.
He had been distant since he had come back from this last case, he had been away for almost two months trying to catch this unsub and you had thought he'd be more excited to come back to you and finally be home. But he hadn't spent more than 10 minutes with you, the only time the two of you were in the same room for longer than that was when you fell asleep. Recently that had also stopped, he spent more nights away from home and at clubs with Derek and Emily , only coming back once he knew you weren't there. It was killing you but every time you questioned it he shrugged you off, telling you he loved you.
You wanted to scream at him if he loved you why isn't he showing it, why does he refuse to acknowledge you. You knew he was lying to you, he didn't love you anymore, you could see it in his eyes, how he never looked at you as he used to, he never held you like he used to. It was killing you and you knew you should ask him but you also knew that would lead to conversation you didn't want to have, an ending you didn't want to happen. So you kept quiet, went about your day and didn't question his actions, you had decided you would rather have the worst of him than not have him at all.
But that didn't last long. A few weeks later something happened, something you could ignore. Spencer had barely been home, only coming back to grab new clothes and leaving again often returning at 4 am or not all. The nights you spent alone, his side of the bed going cold broke your heart bit by bit. But you weren't ready for it to completely shatter, the images Penelope sent you of him holding that girl, a little too close, a little too tight, a little too much, start to fill your screen causing a lump in your throat and tears threatening to spill. You walked to the kitchen, surprised to see him there, he was sat at the counter head in his hands and a coffee in front of him.
"Spencer, what fuck is going on?" You all but shouted.
"Shh, my heads killing me." He said, burying his head in his hands attempting to block you out.
"You fucking asshole." You screamed at him, the pain and hurt evident in your broken voice as you tried your best not to cry.
This made him look up, far quicker than he should've causing his head to fill with pain and throb, but he didn't care, the memories of last night were coming back he knew he had fucked up. "I-I'm sorry, I was drunk and she was just there, nothing happened.
"You're sorry? Are you fucking kidding me?" You said, moving away from him as he got up to come closer to you. "No, don't fucking touch me. I'm done."
"What? No look I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I love you." The words were said, but the tone held so much uncertainty you couldn't tell if he was trying to convince you or himself.
"No you don't Spencer, not anymore. I know you don't and I've been lying to myself, saying that I'm ok with it when I'm not. I love you so much but I can't keep hurting myself by pretending like we're fine, We're not fine, we haven't been for a long time. Yes that fucking hurts, I thought we were forever, I thought we were going to grow old together and have kids and show them that we were soulmates. I thought we were perfect but we aren't."
"I never wanted to hurt you, I love you so much but-" He started with a sigh.
"You're not in love with me anymore..." You finished for him
"I'm so sorry. I wish things were different, I wish I could control how I felt. You were everything to me, I really did picture a future for us but things changed, I don't know why and I don't know how. You don't deserve this, I'm so sorry."
"I know Spence, I know." You moved closer to him and he held you like it was the last time... because it was. "I'm sorry too."
You pulled away from him."I'll grab some stuff and go stay at my mom's for a few days. I just need to find a new place to move my stuff to." You said, trying to brush some tears away but failing as they kept falling.
"No, it's fine. I'll go, this is just as much your home as it is mine. I'll stay with Derek for a bit, you take your time sorting stuff out ok?" He said, using his thumbs to attempt to wipe away your tears. You sighed but nodded knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer.
You sat down as he went to the room to gather some things, your mind reeling from the last half hour. How could so much change in such a short period of time, years spent together thrown away so quick.
"I'm done, I'll get going ok?" He said placing his duffel bag down beside by the door.
"So this is it huh?" You said, with a sigh. You felt him walk towards you and take a seat next to you.
"The last 10 years have been the most incredible time of my life, you put up with so much of my shit and loved me unconditionally and I can't thank you enough for giving the eager 25-year-old who wanted nothing more than to impress you a chance. I'm never going to stop loving you, you know that. I'm never gonna forget about you, my first love, the first woman to capture my heart. I'm so sorry things didn't work out like how we'd imagined them. If I could change how I feel I would, I wanted nothing more than for this to be a silly phase, for me to wake up one day and feel how I felt again. But it didn't happen and it fucking sucks."
"I get it, Spence, you have to do what makes you happy and I'm not gonna stop you. I'm just sorry it wasn't me that could give you want and need, but you're gonna make some girl out there very happy if you're even half the man you were when you were with me." You gave him a soft smile as he stroked your hair and kissed your forehead.
He stood up and walked to the door. "Call me when you're ready ok? I love you." He turned and gave you a soft smile before picking up his bag and walking out the door.
You just broke down, you don't know how long you sat there sobbing your heart out but it felt like forever. Everything hurt so bad you didn't think you'd ever feel any emotion other than heartbreak for as long as you lived.
You took a deep breath as your hand hovered over the delete button on your phone, it was time to move on just as he had. As you released the breath you were holding, your finger pressed against the button, deleting all the pictures you had with him and you felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and the realisation sunk in.
You loved him so much, but he wasn't yours to love anymore.
He was just a memory.
tagged: @gcblers​ @187-reid​ @mgg-theprettiestboy​ @mggbler​ @snitchthewitch​
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gavinisqueer · 3 years
Pleasure Of A Dog - New fic!
A commission written for @marndraws and inspired by their Gavin art here, this is 8,000 words of smut that I am quite proud of.
The first 1k words or so will be available below. If you want to read more right away, the full fic will be available for the cost of just one Kofi (link). Send a donation and message me with either your email or Discord information, and I'll send you the fic! 18+ only. The fic will be uploaded on AO3 in no less than 4 weeks.
Tags and warnings: NSFW, BDSM scene, good BDSM etiquette (safewording, check-ins, aftercare), pet play. Nines in this is "trans" / has a vaginal genital plate.
Nines awoke out of a light stasis at the sound of Gavin’s old car pulling into the driveway. He checked the time, frowning at what he saw; he’d only planned to spend an hour or so clearing his system while waiting for the human’s return, but it seemed he had been gone much longer than expected.
From outside came the sound of muttered curses, not surprising after the man had been dragged away from their day off by an issue at work. Nines had tried to go with him, but Gavin shut that down with an order to “stay home and relax for fuck’s sake, no point in us both wasting our time”. The android had to admit he needed the break, his processors had been starting to lag as of late, but now he wished he hadn’t heeded the advice.
Standing from the couch, he moved to meet Gavin just as he walked through the front door, kicking his shoes off forcefully. Nines took his jacket as he shrugged out of it, knowing the man would let it fall to the floor no matter how many times he’d been told to hang it up. “I take it the issue Fowler called about wasn’t as minor as he made it out to be?”
“Damn right it wasn’t,” Gavin seethed. “Turns out McNeil managed to misfile a bunch of evidence from the Sullivan case, and they wanted me to redo it all.”
Frowning, Nines pointed out, “You could have called me in once you found out what they needed you for. I usually get through the reports much faster.”
“And ruin both of our days? Nah. You deserved the time off.” Waving a hand dismissively, he abruptly added, “Anyway, it’s done, over with. I just wanna get back to winding down with you.”
“In that case, perhaps I can suggest something?”
Gavin looked to him questioningly. “Shoot.”
Gesturing towards the living room, Nines lead the other man to where he’d spent the day waiting for his return. Before going into stasis he’d prepared a surprise, knowing that Gavin wouldn’t be in the best of moods after spending the morning at work. He smirked when he heard Gavin stop short behind him, knowing he had seen the array of items that had been neatly laid out on the coffee table.
Taking one of them, Nines turned to him, holding the leather collar for him to see. “I understand if you are too tired after your busy day, but I thought you - both of us - might appreciate some play time tonight.”
He needn’t have worried about Gavin not being interested. The man’s eyes had been flicking between the collar and the assortment of other gear, a wide grin taking over his face. “Fuck, babe, ‘course I’m up for it. Don’t even need to ask.”
Nines smiled, nodding at the space at his feet. “Then please, get into position. Clothes off.”
Eagerly, Gavin stripped bare, tossing his clothes into a pile off to the side, before kneeling in front of the other man. His hands clasped behind his back, head tilted up to look at Nines as he awaited further commands. “Good boy,” Nines purred as he opened the collar, dropping to one knee to latch it around Gavin’s neck. The man’s eyes closed as he took in the feeling of the smooth leather on his skin, the firm weight of the collar grounding him.
After running two fingers under the collar to ensure it wasn’t too tight, Nines moved on to the next items. He showed Gavin the black mitts, small enough that they couldn’t be worn without curling one’s fingers and rendering them useless, each with a strap to lock them around someone’s wrists. “Will you be needing help keeping your paws to yourself today?”
Winking at the android, Gavin challenged, "Depends on how well you've trained me, doesn't it?"
Clicking his tongue, Nines gently batted the man on the head with a mitt. “Behave. Dogs do not speak unless it is to say ‘yes sir’ or ‘no sir’.” He knew Gavin was well aware of the rules, but he did seem to struggle to obey them without reminders. Not waiting for a further response, he pulled Gavin’s arms out from behind his back and guided him into a “beg” position, hands already posed perfectly for the mittens to be slipped on and locked.
Lastly, he stood and picked up the final piece of the outfit - a half-hood, more of a mask really, which unlike the other gear had been bought specifically for when Gavin was in his pet headspace. Featuring the expected puppy ears as well as the top half of a short snout, the two found it preferable to other options as it gave access to both his hair and his mouth.
Gavin closed his eyes as Nines began to put the hood on him, letting him move and adjust it so it would fit comfortably. Once it was done Nines tried to back away and admire his pet, but the man whined, chasing his retreating hand and nudging it with his head until Nines began to pet him, gently scratching his soft hair. Nines hummed, smiling when Gavin opened his eyes to look up at him. “Let me know when you’re ready to play, pet. We can stay like this until then.”
It was several minutes before Gavin felt he’d had enough. He was excited for what was to come, but after the day he’d had, he would have been just as happy to curl up on the couch with Nines for a cuddle - why not have the best of both worlds? When he was ready to move on, he gave a single “ruff” to get Nines’ attention before returning to his kneeling position, mittened hands curled into paws in front of his chest as he awaited the android’s orders.
Giving his pet a final few scratches along his jaw, Nines praised, “There’s my good puppy.” The man grinned beneath his mask, letting out another happy bark. “However,” the android added, “my puppy hasn’t been so good today, hm? Already breaking the rules, and we’ve barely even started.”
Drooping, Gavin whined up at him, pleading with his eyes for forgiveness. Nines gave a long-suffering sigh, more than used to his pet’s occasional displays of brattiness. It wasn’t something that would be so easily trained out of him, but that fire inside him was one of the many reasons Nines loved him.
“Since you seem to have trouble remembering the rules, we’ll have to work on your training again.” He could have gone right into a punishment, but he thought it best to give his pet a second chance to prove himself. "Clearly you already know how to beg, though even an unruly mutt knows how to do that, so let's see if you can follow instructions," Nines said, already a series of commands in mind to both test his pet and have himself some fun. "Sit."
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The Sound
for your listening pleasure ;)
Edward awoke to the muffled sound of music playing in another room. Something loud with a lot of guitar. He reached blindly to the side, his hand settling on the cool, empty surface of the mattress. Jonathan had likely been up for hours at this point. Must be his music. Jonathan used to always listen to headphones when he worked until the cord got caught on something and tipped over a rack of beakers. He spent a few weeks doing his experiments in silence, but Edward could tell his focus was suffering. He was twitchy and nervous and irritable—well, he was always irritable, but even more than usual. After a period of watching Jonathan silently mope around the house all day, Edward had decided to take matters into his own hands and picked up a small Bluetooth speaker for him. Something Jonathan could have easily done himself if he cared at all about his own happiness.
Edward didn’t understand Jonathan’s need to have something playing in the background whenever he was doing a task. He was so quiet as a person that Edward would never have expected he liked having something blaring constantly in his ears. Even if he was only going to spend five minutes unloading the dishwasher, he was seemingly unable to do so in complete silence. It was like all the sounds of normal life were so abhorrent to him he couldn’t bear to hear them. When they were first seeing each other, Edward had been convinced the other man was just trying to ignore him. But it seemed like this habit persisted no matter who was around or what was going on. That made Edward feel a little better at least. Didn’t make him any less confused, though.
Edward dragged himself out of bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The early morning air was cool on his bare legs. He spotted one of Jonathan’s sweaters that had been tossed haphazardly over the back of a chair. He picked it up, burying his face in the thick, grey wool for a moment. He could make out the smell of coffee and chemicals beneath the nearly overwhelming odor of cigarette smoke. Edward had never cared for the smell or taste of cigarettes, but he liked the way Jonathan smelled. Liked the stale taste of tobacco on his lips.
He pulled the sweater over his head and peeked out into the hall. Judging by the sound of things, Jonathan was probably down in the lab doing God knows what. Edward padded barefoot down the hall, opening the door to the basement that Jonathan had usurped for his work. He could hear the song at full volume now, all pounding drums and electric guitar riffs. Nothing he recognized.
When Jonathan had been exclusively using headphones, Edward had literally no idea what he was listening to. It was a fun game, trying to guess what kind of music this strange man liked. But it was infinitely more fun to actually know.
Edward crept quietly down the stairs, taking a seat on one of the steps where he could get a good view of the other man. He had his back to the stairs, puttering around his worktable, pouring things into other things, doing some kind of ambiguous science. Edward wondered how long it would take Jonathan to notice him, if he would notice him at all. The song transitioned out of the verse, the chorus kicking up. But it sounded different than the rest. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something about the chorus didn’t match the verse.
It took Edward a few moments to really understand what he was hearing, but eventually something clicked. His eyes widened in surprise as he realized that Jonathan was singing. Edward glanced around the room, making sure no one was controlling his partner like a ventriloquist dummy, despite the fact that it was undeniably Jonathan’s own voice. It had the same characteristic rasp as when he spoke, low and sweet as dark molasses. He watched, mesmerized as Jonathan continued to half sing, half mumble his way through the song.
“Will you revive from the chaos in my mind, where we still are bound together? Will you be there, waiting by the gates of dawn, when I close my eyes forever?” Jonathan trailed off, bending to peer at something in his notes. “Shit,” he muttered, picking up a beaker filled with some kind of pale yellow liquid. He turned toward the stairs, making direct eye contact with Edward.
Jonathan’s mouth fell open in a mix of shock and what Edward assumed was probably anger. The beaker slipped out of his hand, shattering against the concrete floor. The liquid splattered on the ground, releasing a foul chemical smell as soon as it made contact with the air. “Fuck!” he snapped. “Look what you—what are you doing in here? You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“It’s almost ten. I woke up.” Edward hopped up onto his feet, moving to help Jonathan as he gathered shards of glass in his gloved hands. “Let me get a broom.”
“No,” Jonathan said tersely, holding up a hand to stop him. “I’ve got it.”
Edward took a step back, looking sheepishly down at the other man. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“And what exactly was the desired outcome of suddenly appearing behind me in my lab while I’m handling dangerous chemicals?” he grumbled, dumping the shards into a wastebasket. He picked up the speaker sitting on his desk, turning the volume almost all the way down.
“I was going to say something,” he lied. “But I didn’t want to distract you.”
“Well, consider me thoroughly distracted.”
Edward stared down at the stain seeping into the floor. It seemed like he always found a way to make a mess of things. “It wasn’t important, was it?”
“No, thankfully. Just a fucking hassle to redo.”
“Do you need help?” he offered. He really did feel bad about the beaker. He probably felt worse than even Jonathan would have wanted him to.
“Can I stay and watch?”
“Why?” Jonathan asked, turning back to his notebook. “You want to break something else?”
“Technically, you’re the one who broke it.” When met with Jonathan’s icy glare he put his hands up defensively. “I promise I won’t touch anything. Or say anything. I’ll be good.” He grinned brightly at Jonathan, trying to demonstrate just how good he could be.
Jonathan rolled his eyes, waving a hand dismissively. “Whatever.”
Edward sat back down on the steps. “Will you sing more?” he asks, not thinking of how Jonathan might respond to such a question.
He tensed visibly, quickly looking away from Edward’s face. “I don’t sing.”
Typical Jonathan, oh so secretive even when he had clearly been found out. “I only heard a little bit, but it definitely sounded like singing to me.”
“I don’t know what you think you heard, but—”
“I liked it,” he continued. “It was nice. That’s all.”
Jonathan didn’t look at him. He started moving things randomly around his worktable, picking them up, putting them down. “I thought you said you were going to be quiet,” he said after a moment with a surreptitious glance over his shoulder.
Edward mimed zipping his lips shut, folding his hands neatly in his lap.
Jonathan turned back to his work, apparently satisfied. He cranked the volume back up on his speaker as the previous song ended and the next one began—a jaunty acoustic tune sung in what sounded like Russian. It was so wildly different from what he had been listening to before that Edward almost questioned whether this playlist had been assembled by more than one person. But he didn’t say anything, because his desire to be a smartass was overshadowed by his desire to remain in Jonathan’s company, at least until it was time to go back upstairs and eat something. He loved watching Jonathan work, loved the way he bit his lip when he was concentrating, the strands of dark hair that flopped into his face, the look that came over him when he had finally figured something out. Edward felt as if he could sit and watch him shuffle erratically around the lab all day.
“I love you,” Edward murmured. Jonathan didn’t hear him, his soft voice drowned out by the music and the clattering of glass and metal. Edward smiled slightly to himself, feeling just a little bit better for having said it.
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doyumacy · 3 years
Tumblr media
gif not mine
pairing: taeyong x doyoung x reader
warnings: 「dotae x reader, smut (stimulation, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, threesome, oral sex m and f receiving, anal sex, ) polyamorous relationship, language, a bit of strangulation, mentions of an abusive relationship 」
word count: 「 6k 」
You give yourself a last glance in the mirror: one shoulder black dress, diamond earrings that Doyoung gave you on your last birthday, a classic makeup look and red lips.
You feel Doyoung’s arm wrap your waist and he rests his chin on your bare shoulder. He smiles and looks at you in the mirror. “You look so good, love.”
“Thank you,” you kiss his cheek.
You turn to him. Doyoung is dressed in a black tuxedo, crisp white shirt, and black bowtie. And his locks are slicked back with gel. He looks so handsome. "The things I'd do to you right now, Kim Doyoung."
Doyoung chuckles and he gives you a devilish smile, already knowing he has turned you into a complete mess. "Yeah? Why don't you show me better?"
One of your hands immediately rubs his leg, inching towards his inner thigh.
Doyoung stares at you and grins, “Wanna suck me off?”
You keep one hand on his leg and the other one reaches up and touches his face. “I do want to suck you off” You press a kiss to his cheek. “But we don't want to be late for your own party, right?"
He glances at you. There’s a gleam. "I don't care."
You kiss him in return then pull faintly away. "Okay."
Doyoung smiles and you get on your knees. Your fingers undo the leather belt he’s wearing then swiftly undo his pants as well. You push his pants and underwear down as you lean and free his hard cock. Your hand strokes it, pumping it slowly before you dip your head down and take the tip into your mouth.
“Fuck," Doyoung hisses sharply as he feels your tongue licking the tip of his cock like a lollipop. He has both hands on your shoulders so he doesn't ruin your hair. He smirks a little, letting you have your fun because when you two are back home, he'll get his fun.
You move your head up and down Doyoung's swollen and hard cock, lathering it with your saliva. Your moans are unstoppable as you take him in, the tip hitting the back of your throat. You hear Doyoung's plea of “let me feel your throat” on a hushed pant. You don’t decline his request as you move your head slowly down his cock, feeling his cock slide down your throat. Your gag reflex kicks in as you keep going, making sure to breathe through your nose.
“Oh, love. Fuck. Yes,” Doyoung huskily rasps, squeezing your right shoulder. “Your mouth is perfect. Taking every inch of it.” He pauses as he runs his fingers on your cheek.
You slowly lift your head up then wrap your hand back around his cock. You pump it lightly before running your tongue around the tip then placing it back into your mouth. You take all of him once again, enjoying how he tastes and feels sliding into your mouth and down your throat.
“Such a good girl, aren't you, baby?” He hears your eager and needy moan in response and smiles while he rubs your shoulder. He feels you begin to move your mouth up his length. “Oh, not yet." Doyoung coos softly. “Keep your pretty mouth on me. You wanted it, you’re gonna have it.”
You take his cock on your mouth again and bob your head up and down, until he comes in your mouth. You swallow your thick and salty cum and you look at him in the eye. Doyoung growls, almost moaning. He notices his cock is stained with your red lips.
He helps you to stand up and then he pulls up his pants and does them, redoing his belt as well. You while your mouth using the back of your hand. He pulls you by the neck and kisses you. "I'm gonna fuck you senseless when we are back home."
"Looking forward," you bite his lip, pulling it with your teeth.
"Stop fucking or whatever you two are doing!" You hear Taeyong screaming downstairs. "We're late!"
The party you three are heading two is being thrown by KILEE Company. -Doyoung and Taeyong’s company - They are celebrating their expansion to China and invited some of their closest partners and friends. You’re so proud of everything they’ve achieved the past years.
Your boyfriends introduce you to one of their business partners, or potential clients, and you go along with it just to be ignored right afterward while they engage in another round of inane conversation. You never get upset.
You are standing alone in the illuminated ball room, the champagne glass on your left hand almost empty. You spot Taeyong and Doyoung talking to Kun and Johnny.
You are waiting for Jaehyun to come out from the bathroom and sigh. Well dressed couple passes by you and you greet them with a small. You wouldn't lie if you don't feel weird surrounded by billionaire people.
You drown the rest of the champagne that is left and notice Jaehyun is talking to someone. Great. You're alone for at least 15 minutes.
You walk to the bar and ask for another glass of champagne. While you wait, someone stands next to you. You don't recognize the black haired man that asks for a whisky on the rocks. Soon as he gets his whisky, he has a sip. He seems to be having a hard time there.
“Slow down or you might leave the place crawling,” you say to him.
He laughs. “I’d love that, actually.”
You smile. “I’m y/n y/l/n,” you extend your hand.
He takes your hand, shaking it. “Mark Lee.”
“Nice to meet you, Mark Lee,” you grin. “I have never seen you before.”
“I just came back from Canada to take care of my dad’s business and he wants me to socialize,” he sighs. “I don't know anyone here.”
“Firstly, welcome back,” you smirk. “Secondly, I can introduce you to my boyfriends.”
“Thanks,” he smiles and then frowns. “Boyfriends?”
You nod and point at Doyoung and Taeyong who are chatting with two old men. “Lee Taeyong and Kim Doyoung.”
He almost chokes on his drink. You laugh. “I love the reactions.”
“You’re dating the hosts?” He gives you a surprised look.
“Yeah,” you have a sip of your champagne.
“Wow, that's… weird. I mean,” he shakes his head. “I don't know anything about poly love but if you guys have found a way to have one thats amazing. I could ne-”
“You’re rambling,” you chuckle.
“Oh shit. I’m sorry. I’m being rude,” he sighs. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him.
On the other side of the room, Doyoung excuses himself to the restroom and when he comes back, he sees a man around his age talking to Taeyong.
“Ah, you're here,” Taeyong places a hand on his shoulder. “Doyoung, this is Jackson Wang, a businessman interested in investing in our company.”
Doyoung smiles and extends his hand. Jackson shakes his. “Nice finally meet you, Mr. Wang.”
“Oh please, just call me Jackson,” he smirks. “I hope you don't mind that one of your guests invited me. I literally begged him.”
“Oh it’s okay,” Doyoung grins. “So tell me Jackson, what do you do?”
"My father founded Systems Integration Solutions, the big  cybersecurity firm based in Silicon Valley, and I'm currently the CEO," he smirks.
“Oh, your father is Wang Ruiji?” Taeyong asks, surprised. “I had the pleasure to meet him last year. He’s incredible.”
“Thank you,” he grins. “Yeah. Right now I’m interested in investing in more Asian companies and since yours is big here and China, I thought it would be a great idea to get to know you better.”
“We can definitely arrange a meeting next week, Jackson.” Doyoung informs. “Thank you so much for coming tonight.”
“Thank you for letting me in… technically.”
The three men chuckle.
Back to you, you’re still at the bar with Mark. He so far has told you how he hates socialising, but here it is. He also lets you know that he's having a welcoming party next weekend and you and your boyfriends are invited as well.
Mark is nice. He’s 2 years younger than you and you kinda feel bad that at such a young age, he has the world on his shoulders.
You’re about to ask for your third glass of champagne when you see Doyoung and Taeyong chuckling with a man you have never seen before. He then turns around, facing you. He raises the hand where he has a glass of champagne and smiles at you.
Even though it has been years and you've changed so much since then, you can't help feeling like ice is pouring down your back.
You drop your glass realizing who it is: Jackson Wang. The man who almost beat you to death once.
"y/n?" Mark looks at you. "Are you okay?"
You gulp. You thought you'd never see him again, after all he put you trough years ago. You want to throw up.
"Excuse me," you say in a low tone.
You walk so fast to the restroom, not wanting to cause a scene. When you're there, you lock yourself in one of the hardwares and try to breath.
"Fuck," you whisper.
The door suddenly opens and you see beneath the hardware door a pair of shiny shoes walking to where you are. You're pretty sure those aren't Taeyong or Doyoung's.
There's a slight knock on the door. "y/n, I thought it was you. How the hell have you been?"
Somehow you manage to breathe. "You don’t even have to answer that, I just met the two lovely men you are fucking. I knew you were always a greedy slut, but this is a new level of greediness."
You stay completely silent. Jackson laughs. "I'd pay billions just to see your face right now, sweetie."
"Get out," you order him.
"C'mon, I want to see you up close. Doyoung wouldn't shut up about your beauty," he mocks him. "I wanna see if it's true."
"Get the hell out, Jackson. Or I'll scream," you warn.
Jackson laughs again. "As if anyone could ever touch me."
He fixes his suit jacket and sighs. “Okay, fine. I’ll go. But we’ll be seeing each other around, sweetie. I’ve been waiting years to see you.”
You watch his feet get away until he's out of the restroom, and as soon as he's gone, you burst out crying.
When you were with Jackson, the first months everything was great. But he suddenly changed and turned into a person you thought you'd never deal with. You tried your best to fight it. You wanted to get free and live a good life, but he manipulated you to the point he made you feel guilty. To the point you didn't feel good enough.
And after everything that happened, you promised yourself you would never put yourself in that situation ever again.
You exit the restroom and run into Jaehyun. “Hey, I was looking for you.”
You dont look him in the eye. “I uhm… think I had too much champagne.”
“I saw Jackson leaving the restroom,” he cups your face. “Are you okay?”
You sob. “What is he doing here?
Jaehyun hugs you. “I don't know, but I won't let him get close to you ever again.”
You hug Jaehyun tightly. He is the only person that knows about what happened with Jackson.
“Come on,” He takes your hand. “Let’s go back.”
“I can't. Jackson was talking to Taeyong and Doyoung,” you sigh.
He frowns. “About what?
“I don't know… what if he told them something?” You run a hand through your hair.
“Doyoung would kill anyone who dares to speak badly about you,” Jaehyun calms you down.
“It’s been 6 years, why is he back?” You cradle your face.
“I wish I know,” Jaehyun says. “You need to tell Taeyong and Doyoung.”
“Tell us what?” Doyoung’s voice startesl you.
You turn to see him walking towards you and Jaehyun. “I uhm… I think I’m drunk,” you lie.
Doyoung frowns. “But are you okay?”
You nod and then giggle. “I just threw up and Jaehyun wants me to tell you and Taeyong, but I’m fine.”
Doyoung cradles your face. “Are you sure you’re okay? I can end the event and take you home?”
You shake your head. “I’m fine, I can go home by myself. I don’t mind.”
Doyoung shakes his head in disagreement. “I won't let you go alone.” He looks at Jaehyun. “Do you mind going with her? The chauffeur will take you back to the party.”
Jaehyun nods. “Of course. Don’t worry.”
Doyoung gives you a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll have my phone with me every moment, okay? Call me if you need anything, love.”
You nod and smile. “Please tell Taeyong I’m sorry I left early.”
“He’ll understand. Now go. Get some rest,” he gives you a peck. “I love you.”
When you return home, you change your clothes into Doyoung’s pajamas. You love how soft they are and that they smell like him. Jaehyun insists on staying with you but you tell him you're fine and he should return to the party with Johnny and enjoy what's left of the night.
You lay on Taeyong’s side of the bed and sigh.
It’s been two years since you three are together and you never mentioned Jackson. You never talk about it.
You roll on the bed for what you feel like hours without being able to sleep. You glance at the watch on the nightstand and it marks 2 am. Taeyong and Doyoung should be coming soon.
"Love? We're home," You hear Doyoung call, entering the penthouse.
You stand up from the bed and go downstairs. You see Taeyong unloosing his suit bow. You run to them and kiss them both. "Someone missed us," Taeyong mocks and kisses you back.
"I always miss you," you pout.
Doyoung smiles. "We missed you, too, love."
"We decided to invite someone tonight, I hope you dont mind." Taeyong smiles. You frown and see the door opening. It's Jackson.
"What?" You look at both of them. "Why is he doing here?"
Suddenly, Taeyong and Doyoung aren't in the penthouse anymore and all you can see is Jackson's hand wrapped around your neck. "I've been wanting to do this for so long."
He adds strength and chokes you, the air stopping going to your lungs. "I'm gonna make sure I'm the last person you see when I kill you, whore."
You startled awake, a loud gasp escaping you. You could feel your shirt cling uncomfortably to your back with sweat and your legs are tangled in the sheets, only worsening the feeling of being trapped.
You are breathing harshly, your chest heaving with choked breaths. You whimper, feeling your eyes start to water.
"Just a dream," you try to tell yourself.
It's 5 am and Doyoung and Taeyong are sleeping peacefully next to you. With shaking hands you reach out, trying to switch on the small lamp on the nightstand table. The dim light illuminating the room does nothing to calm your anxiety.
You touch your neck, wanting to make sure his hand isn't wrapped around your neck. He's not there. He doesn't know where you live.
The horrible picture plays in your head on loop and you know you won't be able to calm down. You shakily get out of bed and try to wipe the tears off your cheeks as good as you can and make your way towards the bathroom door of the bedroom.
Once inside the bathroom, you wash your face with cold water. You're still shaking. You sit next to the bathtub and start crying.
You hear someone enter the bathroom and hope they don't see you. But it doesn't work, it's Doyoung's eyes who finds you sitting next to the bathtub. He approaches you and kneels in front of you. "Love?"
You don't move and just look at him with wide eyes, he gently takes your hand. "What's wrong, love?"
You shake your head and cry again. "Did you have a nightmare?“ Doyoung asks. You nod and bury your face on his shirt.
"Oh love. It's alright. Nothing happened, it was just a dream. I'm here,“ Doyoung murmurs, tightening his hold on you. You clutch onto Doyoung's soft sleeping shirt and continue to cry.
"Do you want to talk about your dream, love?" Doyoung asks quietly, stroking your hair.
"I-I dreamed...," you look him in the eye. "I dreamed I lost you both."
Doyoung cuddles you close again. "It was just a nightmare, love. We're here, we're gonna be here always."
You peek up at him and nod. "I love you so much."
"I love you," Doyoung plants a kiss on your forehead. "Come on, let's go to bed."
Doyoung helps you to stand up and go back to the bed without waking Taeyong up. You are cuddled in the middle with your head pillowed on Doyoung's chest. It doesn't take long at all for you to fall asleep, feeling safe and warm his arms.
A couple of days later, Jackson shows up at KILEE. Doyoung is fascinated by him but to Taeyong, there's something strange about him. He's nice.
Too nice.
Maybe Taeyong thinks he's overreacting and Jackson is in fact nice.
Jackson tells them he's good friends with Mark Lee, the heir of one of the wealthiest and biggest companies in Canada and South Korea. So there's no reason to think he's gonna play them.
They later find themselves having lunch with Jackson and Mark.
"I met your girlfriend last weekend," Mark has a sip of his drink. "She is really nice. Although she disappeared."
Taeyong and Doyoung smile. "She had too much champagne and had to leave." Doyoung says.
"Oh well, it happens right?" Mark chuckles. "I've been there before."
"I didn't have the pleasure to meet her," Jackson says, "I hope I can next time."
"I invited her to my welcoming party this Saturday, are you guys coming?" Mark stares at Doyoung and Taeyong.
"Of course, we'll be there," Taeyong nods. "And I hopefully can greet your dad. He's an incredible man."
“Thanks, dude,” Mark beams, “so glad you all are coming.”
“But… Saturdays are only for us,” you pout, looking at Doyoung.
“I know, love. But I promise I’ll make it up to you next weekend,” He says, looking at himself in the mirror.
“I don't wanna go,” you say, leaving the walking closet.
Doyoung sighs. “Everyone’s gonna be there.”
“Well, not me,” you sit on the bed turning the TV on.
“White or black shirt?” Taeyong asks, entering the bedroom. “I’m still undecided.”
You shrug, trying to find something to watch on Netflix. Taeyong frowns, looking at you. “Why aren't you ready?”
“Because I am not going,” you reply.
Taeyong looks at Doyoung confused. “Mark is expecting to see you there.”
“Well, tell him I’m sick or something, Taeyong,” you rest your back on the headboard, watching the movie you picked.
Doyoung sighs, losing his patience. “You have been acting bratty all week and you're making me lose my patience. Get up and get dressed.”
“Didn't you hear me?” You look at him. “I-am-not-going.”
Taeyong rolls his eyes and walks to the walking closet, but Doyoung grabs his arm. "What do we do to brat girls?"
Taeyong smirks and you feel both of their gaze on you.
You don't know how you end up crouched low on the ground with your knees digging into the modern grey carpeting, you are tensing your thighs together and twisting your body every which way for the past ten minutes.
It doesn’t take long for your deep, frequent groans of pain to become loud enough to be heard around the make-shift gag that stuffs your mouth;  a pair of your black lace panties. "Be quiet, love. Good girls don't make a sound," Doyoung tells you.
“I think our princess is done, Doyoung,” you hear Taeyong say, his voice thick from immense pleasure.
You can see one of Doyoung's legs twitching and where his pelvis meets Taeyong's hips as he pulls forward and back again on his cock. Doyoung's loud moans reverberate against the walls, and you can picture his head thrown back in ecstasy as a strong smirk crawls across Taeyong's face.
“How much longer do you think you can hold it, baby?” Doyoung asks. You know he’s looking at Taeyong but talking to you, and as you try and scream, another jolt of displeasure courses through you. Not long, you want to say. Please, please let me go.
Doyoung pulls out from Taeyong (ignoring his hearty protests) and pads over to you, naked and his dick dripping.
The first thing you feel is his presence, the second thing you feel is his lips on your earlobe, biting it as he asks you to roll over. You do.
The third thing you feel is his right finger touching your aching clit. You cry in pleasure. He passes his fingers down your wet silt and then takes his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean. "So good. As always." You concentrate everything you have not to release everything right there.
Taeyong stands next to you and takes you in his arms in bridal style. Then he leaves you on the bed. You spread your legs for the two men you have in front and you can tell they're enjoying the view. You bite your lip.
"Teasing us, huh?" Doyoung smirks at you. "Let's play then."
Doyoung finishes taking his shirt off and throws it somewhere in the room. "Get on all fours," Doyoung orders, "Taeyong, get in front of her."
You do as he says and get on all fours. You feel Doyoung blowing gently in your core and you moan. He slaps you in the ass. "What did we say about sounds?"
"Sorry," you whisper.
"I want you to suck Taeyong off while I fuck you from behind, okay?" Doyoung asks, softly.
You nod. Taeyong takes his dick on his hand and strokes it, you open your mouth to take his cock. As you are licking his tip, Doyoung lowers his head down into it and closes his hot mouth around your wet pussy. Gasping, you groan on Taeyong's cock. Doyoung eagerly laps at your clit. You want to moan, but if you make the slightest noise, he won't let you.
You proceed to lick up the side of Taeyong's cock again swirling your tongue around it. Taeyong grips your hair, throwing his head back. "Oh fuck," he groans.
Yo smirk and lick him again when you feel him tense up. You suck even harder. Taeyong bites his lip; you look gorgeous taking his cock so well.
Doyoung is still focused on your clit, lapping at it continuously until your hips are jerking, and you cry out his name. Fuck.
Doyoung stops and slaps your ass again, making you whimper. "Bad girl. Finish Taeyong off."
You keep bobbing your head up and down until Taeyong explodes into your mouth. He rests a hand on your jaw. “Swallow for me baby” you do as you're told, making sure to maintain eye contact with Taeyong.
Doyoung grabs your waist and lays you on your back. He takes his cock in his hand and rubs the pink head between the lips of your flushed pussy, drawing a pleased moan from him. He pulls in, all of his bare length entirely inside of you. Doyoung grunts and tenses up, curling his fingers tightly around your soft hips. Taeyong watches you and he is getting hard again.
You turn to Taeyong and Doyoung moves his cock slowly dragging out of your cunt until only the tip remains. He drives into you and, as a groan bubbles in your throat, your eyes roll back. You are so full, that it feels as if you’re being ripped apart from the inside out. Taeyong stays crouched by your side, whispering soft and gentle reassurances in your ear, and kisses your face.
Doyoung's mouth is on your breasts, marking you with his teeth and lips, metal and flesh fingers digging into your hips and sides. “She’s so fucking tight, Taeyong.”
“Of course she is, she’s a good girl. Aren’t you, baby?” Taeyong's tongue is in your mouth before you can answer and he’s growling against your tongue as he sucks it into his mouth.
Taeyong slides his hand between your breasts and down your belly as Doyoung pushes up, giving Taeyong room to find your clit. Doyoung is growling, pounding you into the mattress as Taeyong assaults the throbbing bundle of nerves. It feels like lava is scorching through your veins as you cum on Doyoung's cock. You want him to join you, but you know he won’t, he wants to save it for when both he and Doyoung are fucking you at the same time.
With your heart hammering in your chest and bursts of static in your ears, Taeyong rolls you to your stomach and pulls you to him; knees on the edge of the bed, your ass up. Before you know what’s happening, Taeyong slaps your ass. You cry out and push back, seeking out more of his touch.
“You like that, don’t you?”
You whine pitifully. “Y-yes."
He caresses the reddening skin before slapping it again, and again, and again. Just when you think he’s done, he surprises you with a slap to your cunt, leaving you shrieking and writhing at the pleasurable sting. The wide head of Taeyong's cock is pushing in, slower.
“What do you want, baby?"
You whimper. “I want you to fuck me."
Taeyong's demeanor changes and he slams into you with a snarl. You bury your face in the bed and cry out. Taeyong is relentless, his thrusts tight and controlled as he fucks you, his balls slap your clit and every time they do, it pulls a moan from deep within.
You try telling Taeyong that you’re going to cum, but you don’t get the chance; it hits you like a runaway train. As you’re shouting and pulsing around his cock.
With a growl, Taeyong pulls out and smacks your ass again. You fall to your side where Doyoung peppers your face with kisses as you gasp for air. He’s stroking your hair.
Taeyong pulls you off the bed and kisses you thoroughly. His hands are on your thighs and he’s lifting you off the floor while Doyoung repositions himself on the bed; back against the headboard, legs drawn up, heels planted in the mattress; all while spreading lube on his cock.
Taeyong sets you between Doyoung's thighs, watching as Doyoung works with you until you’re straddling his lap and his cock is pressing into your tight hole. With Doyoung's hands on your hips, you pull in slow, deliberate breaths as he fills you. Doyoung is moaning as he bounces you on his cock, slowly, working the lube back and forth until finally, chestnut curls are biting into your ass.
You’re leaning back against Doyoung hands on the bed by his hips, shoulder blades against his chest when he’s whispering in your ear, “you got a sweet ass, love,” before nipping at your neck. He’s working you up and down on his cock, gasping every time you clench around him, the intense desire surging through you a million miles a minute. You’re so very full, but your pussy is aching for Taeyong as it clamps down around nothing, the opaque cum spilling down onto Doyoung's balls. Taeyong has his bottom lip between his teeth and he’s staring at you with dark eyes as he strokes himself in time with you and Doyoung. Without a word, he kneels on the bed and moves between your legs. The wide head of his cock is at your entrance and your chest is heaving in anticipation.
“Just fuck me, Taeyong.” you manage to rasp.
There’s no way to describe the feeling of being filled with two cocks. All you know is that you love it. Every inch of their thick cocks in your ass and cunt. The way one cock curves left and the other curves right. How they drag against the other while one pushes and the other pulls. It’s in the way they each grunt when they hit home, when they can’t drive into you further.
You’re cumming fast and hard, your toes are curling and your knuckles are turning white as it tears you apart from the inside out; screaming noiselessly when Taeyong flicks your clit. Both men are quick to follow suit; Doyoung first, then Taeyong. They’re grunting and cursing, almost in sync, their cum mixing with yours as it leaks out, spreading onto the sheets.
Taeyong, hissing the entire time, withdraws first and heads into the bathroom to clean up. While he’s in there, you fall back against Doyoung, writhing in his lap as he begins to soften. You turn your head and kiss him slowly, tangling your tongues together and moaning into his mouth as an unexpected aftershock rolls through you.
“Jesus, love Take it easy.” Doyoung squeezes your hips before gently pulling you off of his lap. You fall to your side and snuggle into the pillows, giggling playfully as Doyoung stands on unsteady legs.
Taeyong is behind you, lifting one leg so he can clean you from front to back.
"Fuck, we're so late," Doyoung runs to the walking closet.
You groan. "I thought we weren't going anymore."
"This was convincing sex, so get your beautiful ass up and get ready," Taeyong gives you a peck.
You three are 20 minutes late to Mark's party. He doest care because he's happy you're finally there. Mark introduces you three to some of their friends and family members. They all are so nice.
Unfortunately, you don't know anyone in the party and Taeyong and Doyoung do, they seem comfortable talking to pretty much everyone.
You're at the bar and order for a gin and tonic. As you wait for your drink, you give a glance to Mark's house roof: it's unbelievably high and the paintings are absolutely beautiful.
You feel someone's hand on your shoulder and smile when you see Mark. "My mom painted them."
"What?" You asked, shocked. "How did she get up there?"
Mark laughs. "No, I mean, my mom painted them in a regular size and someone professional then came and did it."
"Oh," you nod, embarrassed. "Not my brightest moment."
Mark smirks. "You got me rambling when we met, so this is my revenge."
"We're even now," you giggle. The bartender leaves your drink on the counter and you have a sip.
"Not yet, you abandoned me in that party where I didn't know anyone," he sighs.
You bite your lip. "I'm sorry. I had too much champagne."
"It's okay, I went to have lunch with your men the other day and told me," he grins. "Go easy with the gin, you never know when it's gonna betray you."
"Bad experiences?" You cock an eyebrow.
You both laugh.
Jackson arrives at Mark's house and after greeting some people, he goes to where Doyoung, Taeyong and other people are. After chatting for a couple of minutes, Doyoung and Jackson excuse themselves to have a conversation with the two of them.
As they're chatting, Doyoung spots you talking and giggling with Mark. He doesn't like it. Why, from all people you have to be laughing with him? Maybe you two liked each other from his company party.
"What do you say?" Jackson asks.
Doyoung shakes his head. "Excuse me, what?"
"Are you okay?" Jackson looks at him.
"Yeah... just," he presses his lips together. "I was looking at my girlfriend."
Doyoung looks at you again and Jackson follows his gaze. "You know, I once fell for a woman like her; all shiny, beautiful, polite..."
"She's everything to me," Doyoung says, still looking at you.
"She was my everything too," Jackson nods, "Until I wasn't enough for her."
Doyoung looks at Jackson. "What happened?"
"She met someone richer than me and left," Jackson shrugs. "Mark's my friend, but he's richer than everyone in this room and he is a charm. So I'd be careful, you know? She seems to like him... very much."
"Oh, my God, did you see the roof? I felt like I was in a castle," you say in excitement to Taeyong as you three are on your way back to the penthouse. "It was beautiful."
"I know, and the bathrooms are... out of this world," Taeyong laughs. "I mean, we're rich but Lee are disgustingly  rich."
You and Taeyong make most of the conversation until you finally arrive at your place. As Doyoung is pressing the code to the elevator, your phone rings and you smile. "It's Mark, he wants to check if we made it home safely."
"He's so nice," Taeyong smiles. "I'm gonna hang out with him more. We should, the three of us."
"Yes! He only has 2 friends here so it could be cool," you say.
You three enter the elevator and the closes door. "Do you like Mark, y/n?" Doyoung suddenly asks.
"Yeah," you giggle. "He's awkward but in a nice way. He could be a good friend."
Doyoung nods. "He's also way richer than Taeyong and I."
"Yeah..." you frown. "What about it?"
"Well, you were very flirty with him tonight," he glances at you. "Perhaps are you thinking of fucking him now?"
"Doyoung..." Taeyong grabs his arm. Doyoung yanks himself free.
"Excuse me?" You stare at him. "Who the fuck do you think I am?"
"You tell me," Doyoung leans close to you. "Are you perhaps a gold-di-"
You don't even let him finish when you slap him. "If you think I am a gold-digger then you don't know me at all. I don't care about you damn money."
"You're very impressed with Mark's life," Doyoung grips his jaw. "You want him and his money. We're nothing to you anymore."
The elevator finally stops on your floor and you get out of there. Taeyong and Doyoung follow you. You stop in the middle of the hallway and you start taking the jewelry you have on and throw the items to Doyoung. Then you proceed to take your phone out and winnow the expensive wallet to the floor. You take off your shoes as well.  "You bought all of that. Keep it. I don't want it or your money."
You walk to the elevator and press the code and Taeyong follows you. "Where are you going?"
"Apparently to fuck Mark," you say and enter the elevator. "Fuck you, Doyoung"
The doors are about to close when you stick your arm in the middle of them. "By the way, the dress I'm wearing I bought with my own money and if you don't believe me, my bank statement is on my desk."
And you're gone.
Taeyong sighs and stares at Doyoung. "What the fuck was that?"
"You don't think I'm right?" Doyoung scoffs.
"Of course not!" Taeyong shakes his head. "She's been with us for 2 years and you know she has never cared about our money."
"Or that's what she made us think," Doyoung says as he opens the door of the penthouse.
"You better shut the fuck up because I will punch you," Taeyong warns him
"Get inside," Doyoung stands next to the door.
"No." He says.
"Whatever," Doyoung says and shuts the door behind him.
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