#might have to take another ibuprofen
usodeshou · 5 months
Guess who's sick! 😬
#it is I 🤒#came out of nowhere yesterday#was a bit tired throughout the day but not more than normal#and then in the evening I could suddenly feel myself getting worse by the minute#throat hurts which makes swallowing and yawning super fun 😣#skin randomly gets super sensitive bordering on painful#thought I might get a good amount of sleep last night but instead lay away until somewhere past 7 am#had four blankets but was still cold af#body temperature rose to a light fever of over 38°C somewhere in the middle of the night#everything hurt#the neck was the worst but also had an awful headache (might be at least partially connected to the neck pain though)#had to pee what felt like every 30 minutes but was probably 'only' every hour or so#which did not help with the not being able to fall asleep situation#felt like I'd been hit by a bus#finally fell asleep somewhere between 7 and 7:30 am and slept for 4 hours#felt a little bit better but still exhausted and my throat still hurt like a bitch#it's evening again and I'm tired but head's also a mess and I'm scared of having another night like the last one...#finished loading my dishwasher about half an hour ago so I could run it because I'd run out of clean pretty much everything#0/10 do not recommend#feel like I ran a marathon with zero preparation#almost toppled over from the exertion#glad the thing's running now so I won't have to do that again for a bit#just wanna sleep#neck's starting to hurt again#might have to take another ibuprofen#helped a little this morning#hungry but feeling a little sick at the thought of eating#tea's getting cold again#gotta refill my hot water bottle cause it's effing freezing in here; maybe get another blanket too#nothing's comfortable my pillow feels like concrete to my head and I'm annoyingly restless while exhausted to my core
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californiaquail · 9 months
googling something and needing a real answer but the only articles coming up are written by robots
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grinchfemmemoving · 1 year
On god is anyone up right now i can talk to just to distract myself or we could like info dump to each other or maybe u guys could send me some asks or something
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
had a very weird dream the place I worked was in the marine exploration industry and I was presenting a review of a deep sea probe we were retiring and then woke up extremely abruptly bc my body started digging my uterus out with a million tiny blunt spoons YOWIEEEEOWWW
#fuckinghellllll this pain is smth else entirely. trying to be normal abt it bc its 2am and im so tired please let me go back to sleep#filled a hot water bottle so now we wait for that to do its thing and ill take some ibuprofen#ohhhhh just realised i only have 3 ibuprofen capsules left. and a full day of work in 6 hours... chuckles. im in danger ahahaa#fuck me okay ill get up half an hour earlier and go to tesco before i get my bus i think it opens 7am so should just be able to make it#i take it back abt that organ post can i get my reproductive system removed 🥹🥹🥹🥹#it has no right being this bad im not in FUCKING labour GET A GRIP!!!!!#grabbing my tubes and shaking them and shaking them and yanking them out#swear i had more ibuprofen than this where the fuck is it.#so annoying the premier near my work doesnt open until 8:15 bc thats exactly when my shift starts 🙃🙃🙃🙃#wait maybe theres a tesco nearby nvm nah just google mapsed and its barren around there#so i have to go before i get my bus. okay okay thats fine. setting my alarm for 6am. its that or killing myself#it has been. half an hour now is it going to lessen!!!!!!#JUST FOUND ANOTHER PACK IN MY BAG BUT ITS EMPTY THIS IS SO CRUEL......#okay. sorry this is so disjointed im clawjnf at the walls and then i come bacm and type another tag and then i claw some more#im gonna refill my hot water bottle and please let me sleep please i cant do work on so little and also in so much pain#jesus ill see how i feel when i wake up again maybe i should call in sick#so devastating i cant take codeine on these meds bc that was the only thing that helped :-( i need to ask if there are alternatives#or maybe i should go med free while im on my period so i can take it. but idk how long it has to be out of my system to be safe#and i dont want withdrawal ughhhhhh#hate usinf a hot water bottle during the summer its too warm for this. miserable. wait i should dm my flatmate if she can spare a little#ik n she might need it to take on holiday but just enohgh for today would be so good wah#and then i dont have to leave.so super early#okay ill do that then putting phone down so i can try sleeping even with pain pleaseplease#goodnight :-(#.diaries
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beskad · 6 months
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gaylotusthatexists · 2 years
finally awake enough and mentally well enough to actually go to a lecture (<- did not go to any lectures last week bc of the big sad) but of course my body has decided to be ill and also shed an entire organ so ig the universe just hates me
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luveline · 19 days
i'm missing coworker!james so much... is he doing okay?
James is poorly :( fem
James is a cruel kind of ill. Desperate to escape the dreaded ‘man flu’, he tries hard to portray the common cold. Doesn’t whine, groan or moan, simply suffers the near constant sneezing and his twinging neck without comment. 
Luckily, he has two —two! because you like him enough to be concerned! barely!— nice deskmates who ply him with tea and worry alike. 
“Did you take that antihistamine?” Remus asks. 
“I did, yeah. You watched me take it an hour ago and try as I might, I haven’t regurgitated it yet.” 
“Don’t be disgusting, he’s just worried,” you say. 
A month ago, you might’ve said it with deep, genuine ire. James annoys you and his choice of imagery is hardly workplace appropriate, but for some reason you’re good to him lately. You’re softening, and why shouldn’t you be? James is a boy worth softening for. 
He sneezes hard into a tissue in his palm and knocks the desk, sending his small crowd of figurines skittering, their light green bodies scuffed with scratches. They fall over each day. You like rearranging them. 
You also like feeding James biscuits, and pretending you don’t like him. Or maybe pretending you do. It’s hard to tell what’s real. 
“Jesus,” he says, forgetting to be demure as he drops his forehead against his closed fist. “I can’t take it much longer.” 
“You need to calm down, is all. Every time you sneeze you trigger the inflammation in your nose, which makes you more likely to sneeze again,” Remus says. He doesn’t sound particularly pitying, but he does then stand to grab James’ mug as he heads to the kitchen. 
In an office made up of mostly Brits, it’s extremely common for everyone to make one another a tea or coffee when they get one for themselves, but it’s a sweet gesture for Remus to keep James topped up nonetheless. It also provides for moments like this: you and him alone. Not awkward anymore. 
“Do you have painkillers?” he asks.
You open the drawer of your desk and offer him your pouch. “Here.” 
Inside are many things. A box of lil-lets, plasters in sterile wrappings, throat soothers, ibuprofen, a treasure trove of cures for little ailments. 
“Just, help yourself to anything you want.” 
“You’re an angel.” James unveils a shiny purple chocolate bar. “I can have Freddie?”
“Freddo,” you correct. “Come on, James, it’s on the packet.” 
He doesn’t truly want it. He doubts he could taste it, and he drops it back in. 
“Oh, no, you can have it!” you say, softer. “I’m just being pedantic.” 
“Thanks, but I don’t think I can do chocolate right now.” 
“Right, um… well, I have a sandwich?” 
“What kind of sandwich?” he asks. 
“One of those impossible BLT’s. But I can get you a proper sandwich, James. They have those sesame seed rolls in the vending machine.” 
James doesn’t understand why you’re being so nice to him. “I must look awful,” he murmurs, letting his aching, pulsing head drop onto the desk. He sniffs uselessly. Fuck, he hates work. Why can’t he go home?
“You never look awful,” you say. 
James turns his face to see you’ve lowered your own, resting your cheek in your hand, your knuckles grazing the table. 
“You’re being too nice to me. I’m dying.” 
“You’re the one who’s mean to me, James. I’m your unwilling victim.”
“As opposed to being my willing victim.” James hates being ill, his lips are dry and his throat feels sharp and he’s changed his mind, he does want the Freddo. “Please be nice to me again.” 
“You know what’s good for this? Nasal spray. That’ll fix you.” 
“You could fix me,” James says. You don’t answer. He presses his nose to the table. “My days are always good ones when you can't be bothered to pretend you don’t like me.” 
“Who says I’m pretending?” 
James whines. “That’s worse.” 
You tease a bit of his hair behind his ear. James is content to let you, content to never move again, balmed by the softness of your touch as you draw along the outline of his ear to his jaw. “Don’t press your glasses into your nose, you’ll start sneezing again,” you whisper. 
James refuses to move. “Stroke my hair,” he demands.
“No way.”
“You’re no fun.”
“But I’m having a much better day than you are.” 
He sulks. This is exactly why James hides your stuff and leaves you off of email chains you should probably be in. You’re horrible, awful, evil, with no sympathy for him and no friendliness, either. James was far better off when he was solely annoyed at you, and not whatever useless state of being this is where his mood depends on your willingness to make friends. If James could, he would—
“Are you okay?” you say, your voice as soft as your fingertip where it traces slowly through his curly hair. “Maybe you should go home and rest. I’m worried about you…” 
James might fall in love with you if you keep whispering sweet stuff like that. You hesitate at the nape of his neck before dragging your hand up through a tuft of curls. 
“If you don’t get better soon, your voice will go and I’ll have to talk to Lang and Co. on the phone again. You know I hate their finance team leader,” you finish. 
You sound so pretty that James almost misses your slight. Then decides he’ll allow it as long as you keep stroking his hair.  —
coworker james au
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clementine-treat · 2 years
starting the morning off with ibuprofen bc i woke up with a massive headache again
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mosswolf · 4 months
couple of people have asked me what my deal is (in much nicer terms of course or i would not be posting this) so. when i was seventeen i had a small cold and then just? never got better? i was fainting, having heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, all vague and unhelpful, and ive always been prone to joint pain but as ive grown up it's got consistently worse and worse, especially my wrists and elbows and shoulders.
doctors were not helpful,
had loads of blood tests, first they said i was very slightly anaemic, so i took iron for a while, they confirmed i was no longer very slightly anaemic. "but im still having all these symptoms???" i said. "man, that's weird. good luck!" they said. one guy was really insistent i had an eating disorder, and i just. don't??? ive had a lot of issues but never that one!!! but how do you prove that you dont have an eating disorder??? another guy looked at me skeptically and said "were you Born Female? 🤔" and i was like. i guess. and he replied "good." GOOD? WHAT DO YOU MEAN, GOOD?? HELLO!!!!
that was three years ago. ive just lived like this ever since,
ive moved house since then and so really need to try my new doctors and see if they're better, especially since im not a teenager anymore they might take me more seriously, but it's such a horrendous ordeal that ive never managed to get up the energy to tackle it. i think i have some kind of pots/dysautonomia situation and strategies that people use to manage those tend to help me at least slightly, but god only knows what the joint situation is all about. im also autistic and adhd and theres a whole host of weird joint things that come with those so??? i wear wrist braces to sleep and take lots of ibuprofen and try to go from there. so yeah. not even i know what my deal is really....
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dickgraysonsbitch · 4 months
Hi! Just found your blog and it’s the best thing ever honestly. I was wondering if you could do a Jason Todd x reader where the reader deals with migraines and sensory overloads? If not that’s totally cool, have a nice day!
thank you so much for your ask!! this was actually my first request ever 😭 nonny you will go down in history 💖 a psa that while i do have mild sensory issues, i don’t have migraines, so any and all criticism is welcome!
warnings: pills/migraines | 1.2k words | dividers by @cafekitsune | requests open !
You fell onto the bed, tucking your knees in close to your chest. Fifty minutes. This goddamned headache had been the bane of your whole existence for fifty minutes, and you couldn’t even catch a bloody break. Every week, it would come back like clockwork, and while you had your routine (two advils, an eye mask, and soothing ocean noises all while sitting in a dark room with a singular, mildly-scented lavender candle with two out of three wicks lit) it didn’t change the fact that every minute that you lay there, the throbbing sensation around your head came back worse than before.
Grasping the tip of your nose, you tilted your head back in order to swallow the pills next to you. If you didn’t, you’d eventually gag on the water, and that wasn’t really a pretty sight to see. It was a miracle that you could even work as a hostess, especially on the graveyard shift, because it was taking every ounce of your willpower not to throw up at even the most tamest memories—a sleepy child with food flying out of their mouth, or a costumer shouting about how ‘insane’ you were when you had only gotten through your second advil of the day. It wasn’t enough, clearly, because if it had been, you wouldn’t be holed up in your dark room like a vampire with chronic pain.
One knock on your window jolts you from your ibuprofen-fueled haze. Two knocks. Three knocks—god, who doesn’t have patience in this stupid city? Not everyone can be a metahuman that travels at the speed of sound.
You open your window, head still pulsing, but all thoughts of another cup of mildly sweetened honey tea dissipates when the Red Hood smoothly slides into your living room/kitchen (it’s Gotham! Rent may be low, but you are poor as hell), removes his helmet, and shakes his head like a wet dog, the domino mask he was wearing underneath somehow not falling off. He shoots you a crooked grin before plopping himself on your couch, resting his legs on your coffee table.
“Shoes off,” you grumble. “And for the millionth time, I have a door for a reason. And I put food on that table, and I don’t want to see your nasty feet on it.” While other people might be a bit more reserved when talking to a Bowery drug lord, you had never given yourself the same boundaries. He’d crashed into your apartment when he was injured one night a few months ago, and since then, the Red Hood swore to one, pay off your window, and two, make sure you were safe. In his words, it was the best way to repay you for saving his life—even though you didn’t really do anything of the sort. Basic stitches that you learnt in high school, because that was what they taught when a vigilante could collapse in your house due to blood loss any minute in Gotham.
“Woah…” he raises his hands up in mock surrender, his eyes glinting with mirth. “What’s wrong? Rough shift?”
He can always tell, and you’ve decided to refrain against trying to lie to the only crime lord that you’ll likely ever be friend with, unless the Penguin unexpectedly decides to lumber up your fire escape. (Hood’s gotten you a spiked baseball bat for occasions like that, because you complained about any firearms). A pang of pain from you head. Mental note, put out the candle, no wicks. Darken the room even more, try and fail to go to sleep. You have your second job in the morning tomorrow. Mental note, take a melatonin if you can’t sleep, pack a few pills of ibuprofen and acetaminophen if you can’t get through your morning shift. It’s two AM right now, you could still get three hours of sleep if you—
A rough, calloused hand gently caresses your cheek, sending a tingling sensation down your jawline, all the way down to the base of your spine. Okay, woah. “Take a deep breath, baby.” Hood’s deep, gravelly voice shakes your from your stupor. Oh. You were slipping back into your anxiety induced panic attacks, and you hadn’t even noticed. You take one deep breath, but instead of feeling like you’re stuffing an oversized pillow into a kid sized cover, you’re at ease, letting fresh air flow into your lungs.
“How you doin’ tonight, huh baby? I saw your kitchen light on, thought I’d stop by.” Red Hood rubs a simple circle pattern into your back, letting you lean onto him.
“I bet…” you take a shallow breath. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
A smile cracks through onto his face. “Nah, baby, just you. All the girls have nothing on you, baby. You want to tell me about your day?”
Maybe it was just his voice, but you were almost immediately more at ease than you wee moments ago. Red Hood would’ve had a great calling as a therapist, or even a guidance counselor, but you weren’t sure that he’d like it if you called him, arguably the most fearsome man in Gotham, a service worker. Men were weird that way.
“C-can you talk to me, Hood? I don’t know… you have a nice voice, I guess. Makes me feel safe.”
You could swear that you heard his voice crack before he cleared his throat. “Yeah, yeah, I can do that. So… I guess I didn’t do much today. Oh! This one sleaze-bag was trying to rob this eighth grader, and I’d never seen this old guy, okay? The kid, his name’s James, he immediately just swings his backpack at him. And I come in, this dude’s already gotten a broken nose…”
He keeps talking about the unexpected things that happened during his day, but your eyes are just trained on Hood. His sharp jaw, his toned arms, his hair and the decent-sized white streak that runs through it, his soft lips and the J scar that covered his left cheekbone, and you wondered what it would be like to know him without the mask on. Would he still be the same, sweet guy that you knew?
In a sudden moment of courage, you take Hood’s hand and squeeze it, your heart pounding nervously against your ribcage. “Thank you, Hood.” You whisper. “I don’t know… I don’t know what I would be done if you weren’t here. I’d probably be still having a killer headache right now.”
He smiles, something that you’ve been seeing him do a lot more often than he’s known for. Red Hood, vigilante, drug lord, crime boss? Nowhere to be seen. You try your hardest to gaze past the white lenses over his eyes, concealing his eye color.
“Jay,” he mutters softly, soft enough that if you hadn’t been sitting so close, you wouldn’t have been able to hear a word that he said. “Call me Jay.”
The head comes come back sometimes, but you usually tend to ignore the headaches after a dose of acetaminophen and a head massage from who might be the world’s best vigilante, Jay. You may not know his full name yet, but you know his heart, and under all that armor, under the Red Hood, is a man with a heart of gold.
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please please please let me know if i got anything wrong so i can edit it!
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wabatle · 2 months
Blue Lock boys when you're on your period featuring: Reo, Rin, Bachira, Nagi can be read as either afab!reader or fem!reader warnings: everything that comes with having a period (obviously) like blood, pads/tampons, cramps, etc a/n: I'm on my period as I write this and it fucking sucks. lmk if you want a pt2 with more characters!
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☆彡Reo Mikage
As soon as he figured out you got your period, he was all over you
Constantly asking if you were okay, if you needed anything, if you wanted to go home if you were out
Gets you the most high quality and expensive products 💀
Does so much research on what it is and how to take care of you
Genuinely will skip practice or important work (or other stuff he does) to stay with you
If you have bad cramps, he's insisting you stay home and in bed and he'll dedicate himself to taking care of you
Weirdly good at discrete spot checking. If you think you bled through your pants, he's got you.
He's especially careful to not hurt you because he knows you can get upset easily, and he might laugh a little bit if you're crying over something miniscule
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You came out of the bathroom, a sickly expression on your face.
“Is it that time of the month?” Reo asked nervously.
“Yeah, that would explain why I felt so sick yesterday.” You mumbled.
“Here, come here,” he said, allowing you to crash into his arms, “I'll take care of you, baby.”
“Huuuh…” You mumbled into his shoulder.
“You okay, baby? Need any ibuprofen?”
“Yeah, probably…”
“Okay.” He kissed your head. “I'll go get some. I can also get your heating pad if you want it?”
“Yeah, thanks…”
“‘Course! I told you I would take care of you, babe. Now, go lay down. I'll be back in a sec.” He kissed your head.
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☆彡Rin Itoshi
Also all over you, but in an indirect way
You're constantly on his mind, he's worried about you
As worried as he is about you, he would still choose to go to practice, but he'll stop somewhere on the way home to get you something, and he'll come home if you need him urgently
He buys you literally everything you need, pads, tampons, you name it, he'll go out and buy it
He doesn't change his behavior when you're on your period, but he does take notice to your intense reactions, like that time you starting sobbing hysterically after he told you practice was stressful and just wanted to go to bed (didn't have time for you)
He keeps a little “period emergency kit” with him at all times 🥺 he needs to make sure he can give you what you need just in case you're out in public and you need something
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You and Rin were out to dinner and you had gotten your period the morning before.
“Ughh…” You mumbled, clutching your stomach.
“Cramps?” Rin asked quietly, as not to embarrass you.
“Here,” he said, pulling a heat pack out of the kit in his pocket, “go to the bathroom and put this on.”
“Rin…” You smiled, “Thanks, baby.” You took the pack and went to the bathroom.
When you got back, your food had already arrived.
“How is it? Do you feel better?” He asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“If you need anything else, let me know.” He added, leaning across the table to kiss your head.
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☆彡Meguru Bachira
Another who's all over you… literally
He's really really worried when he sees you crying on the bed because of cramps, but he really doesn't know what a period is or what it does to you
Brings you tons and tons of snacks because he really doesn't know how to help you
If you don't stay over at his house, he's texting you all day. In the morning, before you go to bed, he's just making sure you're not dead!
Steals his mom's period supplies to give to you. It might not be the exact brands you like, but you appreciate the thought
Skips practice for you with the excuse that “it's that time of the month and you really need his help” but you're actually lying on the couch with a heating pad watching a movie
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Bachira burst through the front door, carrying tons of snacks. “Hi baby!”
“Woah, you're home early. Welcome home!” You smiled from your spot on the couch.
“Thanks! I brought you tons of snacks!” He dropped the snacks on the table and plopped down on the couch, snuggling close to you. “I got out of practice thanks to your period!”
You giggled. “Don't thank it yet. I'll probably cry about it later.”
“Don't worry! I'll take care of you!” He said.
“Thank you, baby.” You kissed his cheek, making him giggle and kiss your lips back.
He got up and grabbed some snacks. “Let's watch a movie!”
“Ah, shouldn't we have dinner first?”
“Noo, you're on your period! I have to treat you well today!”
“And that means skipping dinner?”
“Do you want to skip dinner?”
“No, not really…”
“Then let's order takeout! What do you feel like having?”
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☆彡Seishiro Nagi
Sooo tired, but he'll put up with you (he loves you so much)
He’ll hold you sooo tight while you're cuddling, and he'll keep playing his game
He tells you to relax in his arms and make sure you took your meds, and he'll want you to fall asleep while he plays his games
In his eyes, it just means he has to take care of you instead of the other way around, so he'll do the least he can do
Another one who would 100% use you as an excuse to get out of practice
Literally has a small bucket of pads, tampons, and other “period stuff” on a shelf so he can just grab it without getting up
If he notices you're more emotional as usual, he'll be like, “are you about to get your period?”
and then he'll mentally prepare himself for it
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You had just dropped your water bottle, causing it to open and spill everywhere. You were crying.
“Don't worry about it, angel.” Nagi assured you, grabbing a paper towel to mop it up.
“I–I’m sorry… I–I didn't mean to…” You mustered through sniffles.
“Don't cry, baby.” He pulled you closer to him, resting your head on his chest. “I took care of it.”
You put your forehead on his chest, and he could feel your tears staining his shirt.
“Come on, angel. Let's go back to bed.”
“But it's 3:00 pm?”
“Doesn't matter. You need to take more meds anyway. It's been 6 hours.”
He kissed your head. “Don't cry. It's a hassle.”
You playfully nudged him, already feeling better. “Well, you're my boyfriend, so you're obligated to take care of me.”
“Says who?” He asks, plopping down on the bed.
“Says me!” You giggled, plopping down next to him.”
He pulled you closer and pulled out his Switch.
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goldfades · 5 months
paige comforting her gf on period or sick or something would love this
─ warnings | mentions of cramps and periods (UGH EWWWWWWWWW NOOO), paigey being a cutie per usual, whats new? nothing else!
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you heard a soft knock coming from the door, feeling your stomach twinge in pain and irritation. but the irritation dissipated when you heard paige's muffled voice through the door.
"baby, can i come in?"
you replied with a grunt and paige took that as a yes and came in with two grocery bags. you sat up with an intrigued expression as your girlfriend sat down on your bed, throwing the bags on the floor.
her expression was empathetic as she reached out to gently touch your hand, her eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort or irritation. "Hey," she said softly, her voice soothing. "I brought you some stuff to make you feel better."
you couldn't help but crack a small smile at her thoughtfulness, despite the lingering ache in your stomach. "what did you get?"
paige reached into one of the bags and pulled out a box of herbal tea and some crackers. "i thought this might help settle your stomach since you swore off ibuprofen," she explained with a teasing smile, setting them on the bedside table within your reach.
"i shouldn't have done that," you laughed before grumbling in pain. "god, i hate being on my period. it sucks."
paige's smile widened at your remark, a empathetic glint in her eyes as she reached out to gently rub your back. "i know, baby," she said, her tone understanding. "but hey, at least we can make it a little more bearable together, right?"
you leaned into her touch, feeling a surge of comfort from her words. "yeah you're right. thanks, p." you murmured, feeling grateful for her presence.
"okay how about..." she began to massage your back as you leaned into her touch more, closing your eyes. "you take a shower and i go get some take-out? taco-bell sound good?"
"is that your way of telling me i stink?" you teased as paige pulled you into her chest, a laugh escaping your lips as she nuzzled against your hair.
"nah, of course not," she said with mock offense, her voice tinged with amusement. "but a nice warm shower might help relax your muscles and ease some of that tension."
you grinned up at her, feeling a surge of affection for her. "taco-bell sounds perfect," you agreed, feeling a little more energized at the thought of indulging in some fast food.
paige leaned in to press a kiss to your temple before gently pulling away. "i'll go grab it while you take a shower, okay?" she said, her voice warm and reassuring. "i'll be back before you're done."
"is that a promise?" you pouted as she rolled her eyes, her heart swelling with affection for you and your damned clinginess (especially on your period).
paige chuckled softly, her eyes filled with affection as she looked at you. "yeah, yeah, it's a promise." she said, leaning in to press another quick kiss to your lips before pulling away with a grin. "i'll be back before you even have time to miss me."
you couldn't help but smile back at her, feeling a rush of warmth at her words. "alright, go get our taco-bell fix,"
with a laugh, paige headed out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the promise of comfort food on the way.
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fox-bee926 · 1 year
Who did this?
Harvey Specter x fem!reader
Masterlist A/N: Wow another one? I'm going to do one more after this and then answer an ask and put all my harvey fics on one post. Then after that who knows. I have an awesome aragorn x reader fic I've been playing around with so I might work on that. Definitely going to try and do more one shots to improve my writing. I really enjoy it but depression makes it a tad hard. Anyways! Enjoy! TW: **This story focuses on the physical abuse between the Reader character and her boyfriend. I am not responsible for the content you consume so please be advised. There are explanations of abuse, but no explicit scenes of abuse occurring.** abuse (physical and emotional), hurt/comfort, Harvey being very sweet, mention of painkillers but I'm talking like 2 tylenol or ibuprofen or something Word Count: 2.5k
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You run across the street to the Pearson Hardman office building, just about soaking wet. All that protected you from the rain was a newspaper you bought right outside your building. You prayed all the way to work that it wouldn’t just completely break under the force of the rain. You had spent almost thirty minutes on makeup, twenty five more minutes than you usually spend. To go along with that, you couldn’t find an available taxi because of the rain. Not even the pain in your shoulder had let up, despite taking a couple painkillers.
Your boyfriend had gotten a bit angry with you last night after you went out socializing with some friends. It wasn’t your smartest move. You knew he didn’t like you to hang out with your guy friends without his permission. But you didn’t think it was that big of a deal. The feelings of your heart conflicted with your rational mind. All you know is you love him and he loves you. Which is why he gets upset when you go out without him. But then why wouldn’t he make time to go out with me alone?
You shook those thoughts out of your head as you swiped your card into the building. You took the time in the elevator to dry off with your sweater. Which was consequently soaked. Curses rang out in the elevator- cursing the sweater, the weather, your boyfriend, you didn’t know.
You sat down in the chair next to Donna and exchanged greetings. “How are we looking today, Donna?” You smiled as you saw Harvey sitting in his office. The only person getting into the office earlier than him was Donna.
“Full day as always. Oh, Jonathan from accounting asked for Harvey to look at his expense accounts for this last month. He won’t of course- but as long as they get to Harvey’s desk, Jon won’t speak another word about it until the next thousand dollar dinner with a client.” Donna goes back to typing rapidly on her computer. 
“And then the cycle continues,” You let out a hearty laugh for the first time since you left work last Friday. “I’ll get on that. Anything else while I’m in accounting?” You gather up different file folders that you need to take down to accounting anyway.
“Nope, say hi to Mr. Expense Forms for me!”
“Will do, Donna.”
You quickly walk to the elevator and down to the accounting department for Jonathan's expense reports. Harvey is still in the same spot as he was when you left as you open the door to his office. You make sure to open the door with your left arm, with the papers in your right. 
“I got a delivery for Harvey Specter from Mr. Jonathan Expense Forms from accounting. Fuming as always. You might want to lay off the fancy dinners for a week.” Harvey rolls his eyes at the notion.
“Sweetheart, you think I’m that good at my job that I don’t need fancy dinners to win over clients? You must think very highly of me.” He chuckles smugly as he writes words you can barely read on a legal pad. You deal his snark back just the same.
“Of course I think you’re good. You’re my boss, I’m legally obligated to think so.” You both laugh until you reach with your right arm to set the folder on his desk. You let out a noise just loud enough for Harvey to be concerned. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“It’s nothing, I just fell.”
At this, Harvey looks up. You were never one to be clumsy, let alone fall so hard as to hurt yourself. As Harvey’s eyes assess you, he notices a large dark bruise on your wrist- both your wrists in fact. 
His silence worries you, and you follow his eyes to your wrists. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry-” You quickly try to pull your sleeves down to cover the spots. Remnants of rain water drove through the foundation. 
Harvey takes a few deep breaths as you stand there in shocked silence. For the smallest second, you think he’s going to hurt you. Rationally, you know the notion is absurd, but the mind that has dealt with angry men keeps you silent.
Harvey finally speaks after taking a minute to process the information he’s pieced together.
“Who did this to you?”
You’re taken aback, that small part of your mind thinking he would call you unprofessional or weak. “My... My boyfriend. He just gets a little annoyed with me sometimes. It’s truly nothing. I’ll do better to cover them-”
“A good man being annoyed never results in bruises. How did this happen?” Harvey has to go against every part of his nature not to rush out and ask Donna everything about this man, then subsequently find him. He’s thinking that those boxing lessons are actually going to come in handy.
But he knows he can’t. He knows that if he moves like that, or moves at all, he’d terrify you. He can see how your eyes dart around. Towards the door, towards your wrists, and towards himself. He didn’t know how you would react if he even stood up.
“I fell into a bookshelf. He pushed me a bit and I lost balance.”
“You mean he shoved you into a shelf.”
The way Harvey phrased it made you feel uncomfortable. “That’s a bit harsh, but you could phrase it like that.”
He stared at you in disbelief. This wasn’t the woman he saw on a daily basis. The woman that dealt with almost every slimy man that came into the building. The woman that he had slowly fallen in love with since she arrived here.
The woman before him seemed like a shell of the woman he met three years ago, and he couldn’t help what came out of his mouth next.
“Do you know how you sound? You should never be bruised, shoved, or red eyed if you’re in love. That’s simply not how it is, and I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that.”
At this, the dam broke.
Tears had been pooling in your eyes from the moment Harvey saw the bruises. But at his last words you let out a pained sob. It hadn't sunk in just how bad it had gotten. Your boyfriend had done this a few times before, but had never gotten so harsh until last night.
All the pain from the last year had come rushing in, and you were about to break right in front of your boss. Heavy tears started to run down your face. It was at this moment you were glad you never wore heavy makeup. You did your best to stifle the sounds and cries that tried to escape, but outside, Donna still saw through the glass. 
Immediately, Donna calmly walks in. She takes one look at you, then Harvey. With a single nod from Harvey, Donna lets out a quiet "Car is on its way."
Unfortunately that made you feel even worse. "I'm so sorry, Harvey. This is completely unprofessional-"
Harvey finally stands up and walks towards you. At this point, what you need isn't space. He places his hands as gentle as can be on your arms to coax you to look at him. And you do, but looking at your red eyes and wet tears streaming down your face up close make his heart break even more.
"I don't give a shit about professionalism. Donna is getting the car and my driver is going to take you home-"
"No! He's there, he's been trying to move in with me and doesn't have a day job. He's just been staying there..." Your sentence trails off as you’re trying to process what you’re actually saying. Are you really doing this?
"Okay, then my driver will take you to my place and give you a key. We'll talk about the next steps when I get home. I'll get you some things from your apartment, okay?"
The tears were gone purely by witnessing Harvey be so calm, and you nodded slowly. All you could do was follow the sound of his voice. Like a lighthouse in a raging storm. 
Donna entered the room quietly, "The car is here."
"Good. Donna will walk you out." You nodded, not saying a word. You turn to walk out of Harvey’s office, but he reaches out for your hand. “You’ll get through this, alright?”
You give a small smile. However, your mental state did not display the same sentiment. Your mind was reeling from what had happened in the last- what, 10? 15 minutes? 
Donna leads you out the back staircase as a gesture of mercy. She knew that you didn’t want anyone else to see you like this. Harvey wasn’t exaggerating his view of you. Everyone in the office saw you as an unbreakable force.
Harvey’s driver opens the door for you. You look back at Donna, who is smiling sweetly. “I promise, Harvey will take care of everything. The only thing you need to worry about is taking care of yourself, okay?” 
You gave Donna the same small smile you gave Harvey. You were at the edge of your sanity at this point. Now that you’ve gone through all the sadness and shock of the... situation, you were embarrassed. Angry. Angry at yourself for letting a man put his hands on you for a full year. Angry at Donna for knowing exactly what was going on and getting exactly what was needed. Angry at Harvey Specter for being so goddamn perfect that you couldn’t help the butterflies that always arose in your stomach whenever he talked to you. Angry at the world for putting you in this position.
Wordlessly, you exited the car once it stopped in front of Harvey’s building. You reached his apartment without thought. You took your heels off, and put your purse on the closest counter you saw. 
And you cried.
 Harvey exited the elevator with a large box held in his hands. It was purely full of necessities. A week's change of clothes, toiletries, some books he knew were your favorite. Everything else he could buy new. He looked down and saw your heels on the ground and your purse on the table beside him.
Once he set down the box on the floor, he saw you. You looked even worse than at the office. Your beautiful hair was frizzy and pulled in odd directions. The worst part was the absolutely destroyed look on your face. Eyeshadow and liner were smudged on your red tinged eyes which stared into space in front of you. 
Harvey sees your body stiff as a board on the edge of his soft couch, seemingly ready to run at a moment’s thought. “Have you been sitting like that since you got here?”
“No. I’ve only just sat down.” Your arms leaned on your knees, hands folded in your lap.
Harvey tries to ignore the hoarse sound in your voice. “Well, you can relax a bit if you’d like. I got you some more comfortable clothes if you want to change.”
Your brows furrow as you think. “Did he give you any problems?” For the first time since he came in the front door you look at him. He was visibly more relaxed than he is in the office. His suit jacket was tossed on the coat rake next to the door and the sleeves of his dress shirt were neatly folded up his arms. He walked towards the kitchen to the freezer. 
“He didn’t get a chance. Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you again.” He walks over to where you’re sitting on the couch and sets down an ice pack. His shirt was obviously wrinkled, and his knuckles held the slightest tinge of blue. The thought of Harvey hurting someone made your stomach flip, but you didn’t feel quite so bad for the receiving party.
“Let’s get some ice on that shoulder, huh?” He could tell you were still sensitive, but it felt more subdued than the scared woman he saw in his office.
You nodded in agreement about the ice pack. You hadn’t really stopped to think about it until he said something. As you unbutton your shirt to reveal your nude colored undershirt, you wince. The swelling of the bruise had gotten worse since you hadn’t taken anything for it. You hadn’t noticed the pain when you were crying, but now it just felt terrible.
“Let me help.” You give Harvey a look when the words come out of his mouth, a glimpse of that fiery woman that he knows. But you sigh and relent. You managed to undo a few buttons at least before Harvey steps in.
He unbuttons your shirt down to your stomach and pulls the shoulder of the shirt down just enough to slide the ice pack onto the skin. As soon as it’s securely placed between you and the couch, you let out a groan. In relief or pain, you don’t know. All you knew was that the cold felt absolutely wonderful on your swelled skin.
You and Harvey stay like that for a while, the exact amount of minutes you don’t know and neither does he. Harvey is the first to speak.
“You’ve been awfully quiet.” 
You give him a look that says “I wonder why, dumbass.” But you refrain. “I’m thinking.”
He finally sits next to you on the couch and reaches his arm to grasp the top of the cushions. In his mind he excuses it as getting more comfortable, but the opportunity to touch you is also a bonus. Harvey was not a man of wise words for comfort, moreso actions and touch.
In a singsong voice, trying to lighten the mood, he says “Whatcha thinkin’ about.”
You smile a true smile and look towards him. Then the thoughts in your head come rushing in and the smile falls from your face. “I’m thinking about how I’ve been with him for so long that I don’t know how to live my life without him. So much of my life has been conforming to his ideals, his feelings. How am I supposed to love and be loved after him? After I’ve split my soul into so many pieces that I’ve lost track of where they all are?”
Both of you sit in silence, not sure what to say.
“I was definitely not expecting that.”
“I am... extremely sorry I said that, please just ignore-”
“I wasn’t finished, sweetheart. Firstly, I think you should see a professional about these feelings. But in the meantime, we can work on that together.” Harvey smiles, but then falters. “I- I mean, if you want. I’m not trying to get in your pants, I promise, all I’m saying is that I’m here whenever and you can stay as long as you want and-”
“Thank you, Harvey. It means a lot to hear you say that.” You laugh at the sight of a flustered Harvey Specter.
“To paraphrase, you're not alone in this. Not ever.”
You reach over with your good arm and pull him into as much of a hug as you can muster. In return, he pulls you close. Neither of you ever want to leave.
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soloroomies · 2 months
lifemate (Chapter 12/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: the aftermath of your argument with him word count. 3.4k cw. marriage pact au, smut, fluff a/n. hi guys! it's finally the end of the story! thank u for everyone who's been waiting and enjoying this first fic of mine bc I really enjoy writing this, too!<3 see u on my other fics! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
As you slowly regain consciousness, the first sensation that hits you is the dull throbbing in your head. The room is dimly lit, and you squint against the soft light seeping through the curtains. Your mouth is dry, and there’s a sour taste lingering from too much alcohol. Your body feels heavy and sluggish, weighed down by the remnants of the night before. You blink a few times, trying to orient yourself. Fragments of last night’s events start to trickle back. Right. This is Tami’s hotel room.
You hear a sound from the bathroom, then Tami steps out. “Hey, you’re awake! Wait,” she says, grabbing a water bottle from the desk and fetching something from her bag. She hands you the water. “Here, drink this.”
She orders room service for breakfast, then sits next to you and places an ibuprofen on the desk beside you. “After you eat, if your head still hurts, you can take this, okay?” You nod while drinking from the water bottle she gave you. Your head is still throbbing. “Do you have a makeup remover?” you ask. The makeup on your face feels uncomfortable and greasy, and you can sense a breakout looming. Can’t wait to clean this all up.
“Yes. It’s all in the bathroom. There are also some toiletries from the hotel. You can use those,” Tami replies.
“Thank you.” You quickly get up from the bed and head to the bathroom. Removing your makeup, washing your face, and brushing your teeth, you feel a relief within you. Taking a shower would be refreshing, but you remember you didn’t bring any clothes and you don’t want to wear the same dress after showering. So, you decide against it.
When you step out of the bathroom, breakfast has arrived. You and Tami start to eat together. Thank goodness the throbbing in your head begins to subside. You sip on the coffee while zoning out, lost in thought. There’s too much to think about, and your mind feels cluttered with last night’s events and the lingering emotions.
Tami clears her throat and looks at you.
“You,” she begins. 
“What?” you stare at her dumbfounded.
“Do you want to tell me something?” she asks, her eyes searching your face for answers.
You press your lips together, considering whether to tell her or not. Well, she noticed that something’s wrong anyway. 
"I’m sorry for last night. I didn’t mean to be irresponsible like that,” you say, sighing and covering your face. “We were supposed to just have fun.”
Tami looks at you, concern written on her face. “Look. You can tell me anything. I’d be happy to help…” She holds your hand. “Kiyoomi contacted me last night. He’s worried about you.”
Shit. Kiyoomi. Taking a deep breath, you decide to tell her everything. Starting from the moment you got closer to him as a friend, to when you began sleeping together, meeting his family, your encounter with his past hook-up, and the arguments that followed.
Tami listens attentively, commenting occasionally, raging when she hears about what that woman said to you, and frowning when you confess your guilt about ‘potentially’ having romantic feelings towards him.
“Girl,” she sighs, “Don’t say ‘potentially’. You do have feelings for him.”
You groan. “That makes me feel worse, honestly.”
“And why do you have to feel worse?” she asks, confused.
“I just… That complicates everything. How am I supposed to be okay with him being with another girl?” Frustration oozes out of you. “I guess I was okay before with our rules. But now…” You rumple your hair with your hand.
Tami squeezes your shoulder. “Hey… He might return your feelings, y’know?”
“Tam. It’s just… I’ve never seen him like... have 'feelings' with anyone before. I don’t know what’s in me that might change his way.” Tears start to well up in your eyes.
“Don’t say that!” Tami hugs you. “There are tons of reasons,” she mumbles against you. 
Stepping back, she observes your face. “I’ll tell you this honestly. With everything you’ve done, he really might return your feelings.”
“I don’t know, Tam. I feel bad. I– I should’ve controlled my feelings better,” you say, looking away from her.
“No, really. Listen to me.” She looks you dead in the eye. “You can’t avoid him forever, right?”
You shook your head.
"It won't be easier too if you choose to completely let go of your feelings for him. So…" Tami continues. You take a deep breath, preparing yourself for whatever Tami is about to say. “Before you decide anything further like divorcing him,” you widen your eyes at that. That actually is an option. But, for whatever reason that just feels so wrong. “Just tell him how you feel.”
Instantly, you close your eyes and huff. 
“Hey! He knows that you feel weird about something. Maybe he has his own assumptions, too. If you tell him, there’s one possible outcome that you might like.”
“Yeah, but there are other outcomes too,” you counter.
“Even if he doesn’t return your feelings, what’s the worst that might happen? You really think he could be that mean to you?”
At that, you can’t say anything. She’s right.
“This is Kiyoomi you’ve known since high school,” she reminds you.
You remain silent, the weight of the moment pressing down on you. This is Sakusa Kiyoomi—someone many label as blunt and insensitive. But you know him better than that. He has never harbored ill intentions. If anything, the last six months of your marriage have further shown you just how understanding he is, how you can rely on him for so much. Every quiet gesture and every quiet word of reassurance.
“I’m not trying to force you or anything. Just… think about it.”
“No… you’re actually right, Tam,” you say. 
“Wait,” you froze as you remembered something. Something important. Suddenly, you’re on your feet.
“What?!” Tumi hurriedly followed you to get up.
“What time is it?” Urgently, you look for your phone, and find it on the desk beside the bed. It’s fucking dead. You pull your charger from your bag and charge it quickly.
Tami takes her phone, “It’s almost 1.”
“Fuck. His match.” You grab at your hair in frustration.
“Wait, I fucking forgot too! When is it?!”
“It’s at 1pm,” you say with resignation.
“We can still go there! Let’s–”
“Shit! I forgot.”
"What again?!" she looks at you incredulously.
“I’m fucking stupid. His match is at 11am today.” You unlock your phone, seeing his missed calls and texts, and drop to your feet. How in the hell could you forget this? For whatever reason everything seems to be getting worse. 
Tami crouches down beside you and puts her hand on your shoulder. “Hey, I'll take you home. At least you'll be there when he comes back,” she says, helping you up. Then, Tami starts to quickly pack up her things, checking out from the hotel, and you both get in her car.
On the way home, the weight of missing his match settles heavily on your chest. It just further validates that something is wrong. Doubt gnaws at your thoughts, whispering that perhaps you are blowing things out of proportion. 
When you finally reach home, you embrace Tami in a hug. She will return to her town as soon as she drops you.
“Thank you so much, Tam,” you say.
She nods and hugs you back. “I just hope everything turns out fine for you.”
You smile at her. “I’ll definitely keep you updated.”
As soon as you enter the apartment, you realize that Kiyoomi isn’t home yet. Quickly, you get in the shower, washing everything from the night before, trying to calm your mind. Afterward, you head to your room, put on some clothes, and start drying your hair with a towel while checking the news about the match on your phone.
It turns out that MSBY lost. 
However, the good thing about this V. League Division 1 match is that the team who lost will not be eliminated immediately. Every team will have the chance to compete with each other. The standings are ranked by total points, and so far, MSBY is expected to qualify for the playoffs. Their score is quite superior. But, you understand that a loss is a loss and Kiyoomi is very ambitious about this. You’ve even seen how he reacted the last time they lost. Coupled with the little quarrel between you both that you’ve caused, you really feel bad for him. You had decided to confess to him, but seeing the situation now… postponing it seems like a better choice.
You walk out of your room, intending on snacking from the fridge when you notice Kiyoomi’s gym bag in the living room. Shit. It wasn't there earlier. You look closer to confirm it. Why didn’t you hear anything? A sudden panic washes over you as you quickly turn to head back to your room, only to find Kiyoomi standing before you, his expression inscrutable. Is he angry? You wrestle with the dilemma of explaining your absence or consoling him about his match. Frozen in the moment, mouth slightly agape, you struggle to find anything to say to break the silence. Anything.
Suddenly, Kiyoomi runs to you and hugs you tight. Your eyes widen. Out of all the reactions you predicted from him, this is not one of them. Your hands are still in the air, frozen, trying to process his action. He steps back and looks at you in the eye, his hand caressing the side of your hair, eyes exuding warmth and concern. He grabs both of your hands and kisses them. “Please,” you hear him mumble between the skin of your hands. You’re about to ask what he means when he continues, “Please don’t leave me like that.”
You stare at him, feeling guilty about sneaking out and not coming home last night. “I…” you try to explain yourself, but still can’t find your words. He holds your face gently.
“I’m sorry about the other night. I didn’t mean to say anything to hurt you,” Kiyoomi says, gazing intently at you, eyes glistening.
The truth is, Kiyoomi can't seem to think straight about anything other than you. Despite just losing an important match, it feels like a mere afterthought in his mind. He wants to berate himself for his lack of focus during the game, but how can he when your absence is what truly feels like a glaring mistake? This one match may be important, but his urgency lies in returning home to see you. He aches to beg for your forgiveness and release the pent-up feelings he's kept hidden. And now, you're here. In your shared home, the place that used to be his sanctuary, now feels incomplete without you. It's not just a living space—it's a home because you're in it.
You bite your lip, the emotions you’ve been trying so hard to conceal start to spill. “No, Omi. I’m just…” you begin, breaking into tears.
Kiyoomi guides you to the couch, where you both sit face to face. Considering all your options, you decide to confess. Right. Now.
“I want to be honest with you,” you finally muster up the courage to confess, your voice trembling with emotion. “I was jealous. I was jealous of that woman the other night. And I’m sorry if I’m jealous when I’m supposed to allow you to be with anyone you want but…” Tears start to well up in your eyes, the weight of your emotions becoming too much to bear.
Before you can finish your sentence, Kiyoomi silences you with a tender kiss, leaving you bewildered.
"I don't want anyone else but you," he interrupts, his eyes filled with sincerity. He takes your hand, placing it gently against his cheek as he continues, "There's nothing between me and her. It's always been you that I want. Just you."
As his words sink in, you're left speechless, your mind reeling with disbelief.
"I thought I wasn't enough for you. That’s why I initiated the rules," Kiyoomi admits, his vulnerability breaking down the walls between you. You’ve never heard him like this before—he always seemed so sure of himself in everything. “You kept trying to date other people not too long before New Year,” he continues, pain evident in his eyes. “I didn’t want you to feel trapped with me.”
The realization hits you like a ton of bricks. You both had been struggling with the same insecurities, trapped in a web of misunderstandings and doubts. Tears fall from your eyes as you wipe them away. 
"Omi, that's how I feel about you," you finally admit, voicing the unspoken thoughts that have plagued your mind. “I just don’t want to burden you with me as your option.”
“What?” he mumbles in disbelief.
You nod, a soft giggle escaping your lips as you lean in to kiss him.
As you both kiss, what started as a slow, tender embrace gradually intensifies into a passionate exchange. His lips move from yours to your neck, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. Gasping for breath, you grip his side, silently communicating your desire. Catching the unspoken message in your eyes, he lifts you effortlessly into his arms, carrying you bridal style to his room.
You both continue to kiss with you sitting on his lap, your hands trembling slightly as you undress him. He reciprocates, removing your clothes with a fervor that sends shivers down your spine. His hands find your breasts, kneading them hungrily before his mouth latches onto your sensitive skin. You whimper, your fingers tangling in his hair. "Omi..."
He hums in response, his voice a low, comforting vibration against you. He gently lays you on your back, eyes never leaving yours as he slides your pants and panties down. His fingers slip inside you, each movement deliberate and electrifying. He peppers kisses along your neck. “How do I deserve you?” he mumbles as he earns another moan from you, your back arching off the bed.
“Omi. I want you. Please. Now.”
His gaze is intense as he replies, "Anything you want," before kissing you deeply, his hands swiftly removing his own pants. Kiyoomi is about to grab a condom from his drawer when you stop him.
“No condom,” you whisper, smiling softly at him, not knowing the effect you have on him.
Ensuring you're ready, he slides his fingers into you again, making you gasp. He then begins to stroke himself, positioning at your entrance. "Please, Omi," you babble, barely coherent. As he finally enters you, a harmonious moan escapes both your lips. It always feels so good—you're no stranger to it. His stamina, coupled with his blessed size… he can always make you feel heavenly. But there's something about feeling him with nothing between you, being able to feel him fully, that sends waves of raw emotion crashing over you. You grab his face, pulling him closer until your noses touch.
“Omi, you feel so good.”
“You too, baby. Always so tight and warm,” he murmurs, his voice husky with desire. His eyes lock onto yours, as he increases his rhythm. Each thrust pushes you closer to the edge.
"I'm close, Omi," you say, breathless, your body trembling beneath him.
He sucks his thumb briefly before rubbing your clit with it, your moans escalating. "Ah! Omi!"
"Good, baby," he mumbles, his words punctuated by tender kisses. Your body tightens, and with a final cry, you come hard around him. 
You hold his face while he continues to thrust. This is the first time he feels you raw, and the moment he enters you, he’s afraid he’ll combust right away. Thankfully, he doesn’t. But you just feel so good and look so beautiful beneath him. He can’t believe his luck at being able to love you this way. Love. He feels it prickling on his skin. He’s never been one to cry during sex, but he feels like crying now. 
You caress his hair, your lips finding his neck, and it’s enough to send him over the edge. He pulls out just in time, his release spilling onto your stomach. The two of you lay there, panting and spent, the room filled with the quiet aftermath of your shared intensity.
Kiyoomi lifts you gently, carrying you to the bathroom with him. He cleans your body thoroughly, keeping his touches innocent while kissing you occasionally. You’re still drying your body with a towel as he steps out of the bathroom. 
When you return to his room, you notice he’s changing the bed sheets. He pulls you back onto his bed as he finishes, keeping your body flush against his. It’s funny how he used to maintain such a distance, but now, he can’t keep his hand off of you. 
Kiyoomi looks at you adoringly. “Hey.” His voice is soft, pulling you from your thoughts.
"Hey." You shift your whole body to face him, tangling your legs with his.
He looks at you with a mix of adoration and regret. "I’m sorry for not being clear with my feelings all this time."
“Me too," you admit, your fingers tracing patterns on his chest.
"I guess sometimes I do feel afraid at how fast my feelings escalate with you," he confesses, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I… I think I love you, ___."
Your eyes widen, the unexpected declaration taking your breath away. He quickly adds, "You don’t have to say it back. I just want to put that out there." He caresses your hair as he gazes at you like you hold the moon.
A tender smile spreads across your face. "I think I love you too, Omi." Realizing how new this is for both of you. He has never felt anything remotely close to this, and neither have you. 
The joy in his eyes are unmistakable. Kiyoomi pulls you closer by the waist and kisses your shoulder. “I’m sorry too for making you upset with what I did with Hiyori,” he mumbles against your skin.
You sigh, the memory doesn’t sting as much now. "I guess it’s alright. I didn’t know better either, choosing to avoid you when I should’ve been honest."
“Are you jealous of the fact that she used to be with me?” he asks, genuinely curious.
“Um. Not exactly. I mean, everyone has their past, right? It’s more about the way she leaned close to you and touched you? It’s just… I know for a fact that you’re really particular about your personal space except with those you’re very close with.”
“Oh. I didn’t realize that,” he says, frowning in disappointment with himself.
"It’s okay, Omi. You used to be close with her before, so you might not have noticed. I was just insecure because I didn’t know how you felt about me." You look away, feeling embarrassed.
He gently holds your chin, turns your face back to his, and kisses you tenderly. "I’m sorry. I’ll be better," he promises, wrapping you in his arms.
Then, out of nowhere, he says, "We should have a honeymoon."
Surprised, you giggle. “Really?”
He hums in agreement. “And restart our wedding night too.”
You look at him incredulously. “How?”
"Maybe you can try on that white lingerie gift first," he suggests, his eyes twinkling.
You gape at him and swat his arm playfully. “What the hell?! You remember that?”
He chuckles, kissing your cheek. “Matter of fact, I really want to see you in it.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Okay, baby. Tonight,” you agree, kissing his lips.
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The next morning, you receive texts from Tami.
Tami: hey   Tami: are u feeling better??   Tami: is everything good?
As you read the messages, Kiyoomi pulls you close, kissing your shoulder from behind.
You: so much better   You: everything’s good   You: thank u sm, Tam. I owe you tons   You: also   You: it’s late but   You: thank u for the wedding gift. he loves it.
Not even a minute later, you receive her replies.
Tami: OMGGGG   Tami: TOLD U!
You giggle at her response. Kiyoomi peeks over your shoulder, smiling at the texts. You put your phone down and turn to him, marveling at how right everything feels. Seeing him in the morning like this is something you’ll never get used to. If you told your high school self about today, she would laugh. There’s no way you could have predicted this outcome. Making a marriage pact with your high school friend and actually doing it, only to find a love you thought you’d never experience. It’s one of the best decisions of your life, no matter how crazy it sounds.
Kiyoomi kisses your neck and looks you in the eye. “So?”
"Hm?" you murmur, still lost in your thoughts.
“Does Maldives sound good for our honeymoon?” he asks.
You lean in, kissing him softly on the lips. "It’s perfect, Omi."
Taglist: @wolffmaiden , @fiannee , @nightlydream , @choizzn , @peachyaeger @crxm-dollx , @marisabel14 , @yunskook, @reimiiko, @megumuro
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laguezze · 3 months
PAC: A letter you're meant to receive
I'm baaaaack~ (kinda) (pretty casually, life's been tough)
As always here are the rules:
Minors DNI
Don't take everything to heart, this is a general reading! Take what resonates!
It's honest, I don't sugarcoat. If you're not liking what you read, keep scrolling! It may not be for you or you may not be ready for that message yet!
Let's take a look at the piles!!!
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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Let's go!
Pile 1
Signs this may be for you: unicorn, South Korea , the letter S, Squirrels, Love, Skydiving, birthday, anniversary, 12, 6, 16, 2006, 2001, 2026, 1970s, Billie Eilish, John Lennon, glasses.
Dear ____,
How could you think I'm not proud of you? How could you think that minor thing you did would erase all the love I feel for you? It doesn't. I don't think anything can at this point. You're human, you're allowed to make mistakes. And while I do still think you need help, you're still doing your best, even though you don't feel like it. You're trying and I see that. You're wonderful and magical and although your light is dimmed at the moment, I know there's a bright sun under that blanket of darkness you're currently holding over your head. Everything will be ok. Have you ever not gotten a resolution to your conflict? Trust me. You're going to be fine. Let yourself be, enjoy the people around you, breathe. Treat your life like you treat your dreams. Be as excited as you can. You're alive! And while you are not responsible for this darkness that has been placed upon you, you are the only one that can take it off. I understand it's difficult, but you can do it. You're tired of fighting, but you're not just anyone. You're a legend. Legends don't have it easy. Go get them.
Pile 2
Signs this may be for you: Harry Styles, Fashion school, blood drives, nurse, 😜, smoke, laughter, blonde, blue eyes, "that boy is mine", 0%, Rihanna, water, rain, Hawaii, Jumping, Rave, Cindy, the letter C, N, and A. Numbers 5, 8, and 30, AMANDA.
Hello, it's been a while.
How are you?
This is awkward, you probably didn't expect to hear from me. I have been okay, I honestly can't stop thinking about us and how it ended. It pains me to think that you left with the impression that I didn't care. I do. I did. I just want to let you know that in another life, maybe we should try again. I don't have much to say, I'm not sure why I feel so compelled to tell you this. It's so basic. I'm being channeled right now (ok aware) and it's weird because it shouldn't be this deep but I really wanted to come through and say sorry. And say that I know you miss me and I do too. And one day we will reunite and we might be able to show our love then. Sorry it ended that way. Sorry that was the last you knew of me. I think of you each day, I dream of you each night.
Pile 3
Signs this may be for you: YES GIRL, happy, cheerful, spaghetti, squash, "I'm allergic", ibuprofen, love is in the air, matchmaker, fruits, VSCO, musically, Harmony, dating apps, Jenna, Lisa, "I stan", Twitter account, laughs, pigs, 25, 23, 2022, 2001, 2000, Beyonce.
Wow, am I impressed with you,
Not only are you grown and beautiful, you're also such a good person. I'm immensely proud of you. You're doing exactly what you need to, you're living life to the fullest and I am here for it. Remember our trips to the beach? I miss you. You should call more often. I love that you're meeting new people and having fun but sometimes I need to see you and hear from you. Please call me from time to time. I know I may seem clingy, but I just miss your presence. I also don't know when I'll actually see you next, you've become so unexpected and exciting. I love you, that's why I need to hear from you. Tell me everything, I'll listen. I'm here for you and I want what's best. Come back from time to time. Please. That's the only thing I ask of you at this time. I can't say this to you normally, you'd get uncomfortable. But please listen and take this opportunity. Let's talk more often! I wanna be part of your life again! 🥰
Hope it resonates! 💕
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mustainegf · 5 months
Could you maybe write something about james like caring for his girl when shes on her period and then she tells him that orgasm can help cramps so he fucks her gently in lotus position :))
Bro this is so cute wtf
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I groaned into the pillow, clenching my stomach. I hated being a woman. Stupid fucking period. I hated it.
There was no way around it. It'd been two days since it had started, which meant I still had at least two more days to go before it would be done.
"Mm, what's wrong sweetheart?" James cuddled up to me, searching for my gaze.
I groaned against his chest, wishing this would all go away. "Cramps." I muttered.
"What can I do?" He pulled back, his eyes full of concern. The man was so caring. "You can make them go away."
I rolled my eyes at him. "No, seriously. What can I do? I have ibuprofen in the bathroom. Do you need some?" He rubbed my back, still holding me close.
"No, they're too hard on my stomach"" I mumbled, another cramp surging.
"There is one thing that could help, but it's kinda gross..." I averted my gaze.
"You know I'll do anything to make you feel better, what is it?" He carefully stroked my hair.
I cringed slightly, making knowing eye contact with James. He seemed to understand what I meant.
"I don't know if I want to though, you're gonna think I'm gross," I mumbled.
"I won't think you're gross." James scoffed, shaking his head. "It's going to be weird," I whispered.
"Hold still honey, I'll get a towel. I'll make you feel better." James kissed my forehead, quickly sitting up out of bed and going to the bathroom.
I was already regretting what I had mentioned. I'm bleeding for fuck sakes, how is he okay with that during sex?
A knock sounded on the door. "I've got it!" James called out from the other room. I laid there, staring at the ceiling, wondering what I had gotten myself into.
"You're so pretty," James smiled, laying the towel down on the bed.
I looked over at him, narrowing my eyes at him as I sat up. "Thanks." I said slowly. "This isn't necessary," I mumbled. He took my hand in his, gently pulling me towards him. "Trust me, it's okay.
Let me help you."
He carefully pulled my shirt up, I wasn't wearing a bra so I was left bare. "I promise I won't think you're disgusting. I don't care about some blood."
James got into bed, stripping himself of the lazy clothes he'd slept in. He was so gorgeous. "Take 'em off sweetheart, it's alright," James nodded, motioning to my shorts.
I hesitated, but my thumbs eventually hooked around the waistband of my shorts, carefully pulling them down.
My underwear followed next, James smiled, watching me with eyes full of love. "Trust me, this will help your cramps," James he'd his hands out helping me climb into bed and on top of him. My face was burned hot with embarrassment, not wanting him to look at me like this.
"I know, I know, you're nervous. Just trust me." He ran his fingers through my hair. "Look at me babe." I reluctantly made eye contact with him. "Do you trust me?" I nodded. "Then let me help."
His strong arms wrapped around me as I sat in his lap. I cringed again, remembering why I wanted to avoid this whole situation, but I couldn't deny that he made me feel safe. "Shhh, relax. Just relax."
He placed his hand over my stomach, trying to rub the cramps out of my abdomen. His other hand guiding his tip through my folds. I was terrified of how he might react, but he seemed completely unbothered.
"How are you feeling?" James asked. "Scared" I admitted. "That's okay. Look at me." My eyes went to his. "You aren't gross to me. You never are."
I nodded, laying my head on his shoulder.
"Are you ready, love?" James whispered.
I nodded, staring down at our connection. He slid into me, my eyes closing at the slight stretch. He was gentle, careful not to hurt me. I gasped as he filled me completely.
I knew he was worried I might have been uncomfortable so he didn't move, just allowing us to sit there. "You okay?" He whispered. I nodded, nuzzling into his neck. "Yes," I whispered. "You're sure?"
He brushed my hair out of my face. "I wouldn't lie to you." I said softly.
The corner of his mouth curved up. "Good girl." I blushed slightly at his compliment.
We stayed like that for a while until I started moving, rocking against him. He gripped my hips, holding me in place as he started to move.
He was so slow, so gentle, and I loved every second of it.
"Taking it so well, that feel good?" James panted softly.
I whimpered, so engrossed in the feeling of him sliding inside my sensitive slit. "Y-yes, James..."
James growled lowly, holding me close to his warm chest. The cramps were subsiding, replaced by the ecstasy of his cock.
I leaned forward again, resting my head on his shoulder, both of us still whispering endearments to each other.
This man made me feel so loved. He made me feel like I could do anything. I knew if I died right now, I would die happy. James was more than enough for me.
He tilted my chin up, staring deep into my eyes. "I love you. So much." He kissed me. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, letting him carry me away on his tender lips.
He made the slowest, sweetest love to me, his mouthing showing every inch of me it's attention.
"Mmm... Oh James, yes..." I whined, feeling his tip graze my g spot over and over.
"I'm so close, James," I begged, slightly bouncing now, desperate for more friction.
He moved faster, his hands squeezing my hips harder, demanding I meet his thrusts, knowing that would send me over the edge. He rocked faster, faster, faster. The familiar knot in my stomach exploded as I came with a cry, flinging myself on top of him.
"Fuck!" He yelled, cumming along with me, spilling himself inside me. He held me tightly, his hips twitching. "You always look so pretty when you cum," he sighed.
I caught my breath, feeling James' cock soften inside of me. "How do you feel now, darling?" He asked breathlessly.
I felt relaxed, sated, and quite frankly, a little drowsy. "Perfect. That did it." He laughed at my words, kissing my head.
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