#thought I might get a good amount of sleep last night but instead lay away until somewhere past 7 am
usodeshou · 5 months
Guess who's sick! 😬
#it is I 🤒#came out of nowhere yesterday#was a bit tired throughout the day but not more than normal#and then in the evening I could suddenly feel myself getting worse by the minute#throat hurts which makes swallowing and yawning super fun 😣#skin randomly gets super sensitive bordering on painful#thought I might get a good amount of sleep last night but instead lay away until somewhere past 7 am#had four blankets but was still cold af#body temperature rose to a light fever of over 38°C somewhere in the middle of the night#everything hurt#the neck was the worst but also had an awful headache (might be at least partially connected to the neck pain though)#had to pee what felt like every 30 minutes but was probably 'only' every hour or so#which did not help with the not being able to fall asleep situation#felt like I'd been hit by a bus#finally fell asleep somewhere between 7 and 7:30 am and slept for 4 hours#felt a little bit better but still exhausted and my throat still hurt like a bitch#it's evening again and I'm tired but head's also a mess and I'm scared of having another night like the last one...#finished loading my dishwasher about half an hour ago so I could run it because I'd run out of clean pretty much everything#0/10 do not recommend#feel like I ran a marathon with zero preparation#almost toppled over from the exertion#glad the thing's running now so I won't have to do that again for a bit#just wanna sleep#neck's starting to hurt again#might have to take another ibuprofen#helped a little this morning#hungry but feeling a little sick at the thought of eating#tea's getting cold again#gotta refill my hot water bottle cause it's effing freezing in here; maybe get another blanket too#nothing's comfortable my pillow feels like concrete to my head and I'm annoyingly restless while exhausted to my core
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thirdsaltyhunter · 4 months
Girl's Night
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Jody and Donna ask you for help on a hunt and you all get drunk and call your boyfriend while you're away
Warning: fluff, cuteness, kissing, mentions of a hunt so violence?, celebratory drinking, getting drunk
A/N: not proofread, all mistakes are my own
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You woke up earlier than you usually did. Jody had given you a call to tell you that her and Donna had caught wind of a pack of werewolves just south of Sioux Falls and could use your help taking them out.
You wanted to start driving early so you could avoid most of the traffic and so you could offer your expertise as soon as possible. However, mornings aren't really your thing. You fought back the groan at how much you didn't want to leave your comfortable spot in bed where Dean was currently keeping you warm. Nonetheless, you began wiggling your way out from under his arm. You were trying not to wake him up this early because he hadn't slept enough this week.
As you tossed some clothes into your duffel bag, you thought you might be able to make it out without waking him, but he was always a light sleeper. A quiet grumble of your name sounded from beneath the covers.
"Hey baby," you whispered going back to the side of the bed.
"You leaving?" he asked, noticing your packed duffle bag, voice rough with sleep.
"Yeah, Jody asked me to help her and Donna take out some wolves."
He nodded and reached for you to pull you into a hug which, from the position he was in, meant that you were just laying on top of him. He was always extra cuddly in the mornings and you loved it, despite how much it tempted you to crawl back under the covers with him. "Be careful out there," he said, placing a kiss to your temple.
"You know I will." You propped yourself up on your elbow so you could look down at him. "Besides, you know it's gonna be a milk run. They probably don't even need me, they just want me to come up there so we can have girl's night."
He chuckled at that, because he knew you were right. Now that he thought about it, the last time he saw them, Donna had threatened that she'd drive down to Kansas herself and kidnap you if he didn't hand you over for a weekend.
He leaned up to plant a sweet kiss to your lips. "Call me when you finish the hunt so I know you're ok."
"I will." You kissed him again before crawling off of him. "I love you, go back to sleep."
"I love you too, sweetheart," he said, already burying his face into the pillow.
The hunt ended up being even easier than you thought it would be. You, Jody and Donna made a pretty formidable and efficient hunting team. The hunt was done before the sun even fully set, so you headed back to Jody's house to begin cooking dinner.
You couldn't help but smile at how quickly he gave in to your request. Grabbing your duffle, you headed out of the bedroom to say your goodbyes to Sam before you made your way to your car to start the long drive up to Sioux Falls.
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You all decided to forget the plan of cooking dinner and reward yourselves for a hunt-well-done by ordering pizza instead. Claire was off on her own hunt and Alex was working a late shift at the hospital. That left only you, Donna and Jody, sitting on the livingroom floor around a mostly empty pizza box, passing around a bottle of wine.
About an hour later, the three of you were well past tipsy and were having the best time laughing and telling stories from various hunts.
After catching up on everything and finishing off the bottle of wine, Jody decided to pull out the bourbon and poured a good amount of each of you.
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"Soooo", Jody began with a hint of mischief in her voice. "How's Dean?"
"Yeah we need to hear about our favorite couple," Donna chimed in.
You knew she was talking about you and Dean but you decided to play around. "I don't know what you're talking about," you teased.
"Oh come on you know what we're talk'n about. We want to know what you and ol' Dean's like when you're away from the eyes of the world, y'know, when you put the hunter armor down," Jody inquired.
"I betcha he wears fuzzy socks and watches chick-flics, don't he?" Donna added teasingly.
That had you almost rolling on the floor with laughter. "Oh yeah, definitely."
It was nice being kind of childish like this with them. You had never had many friends in your teenage years and the hunting life didn't typically allow for gal-pals, but you had developed a really good friendship despite not having the time to see each other very often.
You wiped the tears of laughter from your eyes. "Oh shit, I forgot to call him", you attempted to grab your phone out of your bag, which took longer than needed, given your lack of coordination. "Dean asked me to call him after the hunt."
Jody and Donna looked at each other and awwww'ed in unison.
You tapped Dean's contact and put the phone to your ear. After a few rings you heard his voice. "Hey sweetheart."
"Heeeey", you greeted excitedly, voice slightly slurred.
"Hiya Dean-o", Donna said loud enough for Dean to hear.
You could hear him laugh on the other end, clearly gathering that you were all pretty inebriated and having a good time. "So I take it the hunt went well", he said with amusement in his voice.
"Oh it went great, we're badasses."
"I have no doubt of that," he said fondly.
"Hey Dean!" Jody cut in. "Is it true you wear fuzzy sock and watch chick-flicks when you're at home?"
"Baby, what did you tell them about me?" Dean asked you with mock annoyance.
"Oh nothing," you responded playfully. "Anyway gotta go."
You could hear he was barely holding back from laughing. "Hey hold on-" *click*
You bit your lip as you hung up on him before looking up at Jody and Donna. As soon as you made eye contact you all bust out laughing.
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obit · 2 months
I get colder after taking off the wet suit. My buddy sees me shivering and tosses me a towel and I skip over a few slippery rocks to settle on the open trunk of the car to hide from the wind. I feel my toes and feet tingle then numb. I imagine them gone and the feeling, the lack, rises up my shins and to my knees. I think of hopping off from the trunk and falling to my knees and on my face. Then I'll drag myself out from this beach while bitting the towel in my mouth and I'll drag myself to the street then all the way back home. I'll try to get home before the numbness rises up my hips and chest until I am just a head rolling down the street.
What the fuck was that train of thought?
We stop for food at this tidy little shop that only does breakfast until about noon just four days a week. I think about what a great work schedule that would be. To be done so soon with so much of the day left. I recently moved and started living again with a girlfriend, and she works from home. I've yet to fully settle here in this part of the world so I worry I'll be a bother just hanging around the house waiting for her work to be finished. I don't know too many people here who are a quick driving distance away and I hate doing anything alone anymore. I've turned into a dog. I lay about the home pining for her attention. Can we go out? Are you done with work? Can we get some food? Can you pet me now please? I think about this and I change my mind. It's probably good that my current work schedule overlaps so much of hers.
My office hours are regular and everyone is mostly healthy. My panel of patients are adults and they don't tend to have too many health demands besides the usual hyper- this and that and the metabolic diseases that demand a regular conversation about exercise and diet. I think about the breakfast burrito in my stomach as I come out the shower and do the buttons of my shirt. I rub my stomach imagining the tortilla and the potato breaking down to simpler glucose and pumping about my body. I imagine a little campfire inside each of my cells. I feel my body heat up and I can almost imagine the smell of burning marshmallows. Toasty.
The relationship has been kind of unexpected. I don't think either of us imagined us so together just some time ago. We were totally different humans. She needed more control in her life. Less anxiety. More plans and more successful implementation of plans. She found my inability to plan stressful. She thought my previous job environments insane and too unpredictable and considered my previous relationships with people largely unhealthy and sporadic. And I think I just hit a point in my life where I started to agree with her point of view. I found a more regular job out of the emergency setting. I found a friend more focused on healthy activities conducted at regular times. Decided to plan meals instead of spending gross amounts of my salary eating out all the damn time. They say homecooked is always better, and I disagree, but it's been nice to have more time with her cooking and eating and even cleaning up afterwards.
One thing, I can't sleep on the same side of the bed every night. It does not make sense to me. Some nights I want to sleep on my right while facing her. Sometimes on my left while facing her. Sometimes I want to spread out on my back horizontal across the foot of the bed with my knees dangling over and close to the AC vent. I like pillows placed all over the bed so that I can find the position I need as I venture about it finding the right position.
My god. I might be a dog. I am turning into a dog. I see myself drooling at night and moving about to find a comfortable space and shape next to her body. I find my body hairs shedding on the bed. I am allowed to just go pee went I want, right? Why do I have this great desire to pee outdoors? Does food taste better from her hand?
One of my patients stated that her bowel patterns have become more regular since we last met. Regular. Regularity. The word sticks in my mind and it is adjacent to poop. But poop is good. Poop is necessary. Poop is vital to healthy life. I think about my life. I am regular. I am good poop.
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shoyoist · 3 years
— 𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐘 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 : suna rintarou
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suna groans into your neck when your phone rings, and as you try to push away from the hold he has on you so you can turn off the alarm, he wraps his arms tighter around you and pulls you back in.
"rin." you sigh, the sleep having left you after laying there and listening to the same alarm go off for the fourth time, snoozing itself and coming back ten minutes later. "can i please. turn it off."
he doesn't answer, instead cuddling even closer into you and exhaling into your skin, eyes shut. you shoot him a glare, even though he couldn't see it. "rin, come on."
"no." he mumbles, finally. it's muffled, because his lips are pressed against your neck still, and his voice is thick and hoarse with sleep - but you manage to pick up his words. "you'll just get up and leave. then it gets cold."
he's so incredibly clingy and looks so childish - and cute, but you're pissed so you push that thought aside - that it's almost difficult to think he'd been so mean last night.
"i need to pee." you mutter, tugging at a strand of his hair.
"sure," he responds in another mumble, unmoving. you sigh, helpless, knowing that your whining for him to let go of you could get as loud as it could, and he'd still ignore it in favor of relishing as long as possible in your warmth and the comfort of your shared bed.
he was always like this on weekends. through the week, as you got through your individually busy and tiring schedules, your bodies and minds would slowly drift towards a longing for the weekend to come, partially for the relief from exhaustion and partially for finally getting the chance to be together again.
with him being a professional athlete, his days were all packed with practise matches and appointments and checkups - and you were yourself a busy person with an equal amount of duties to attend to.
getting two days all to yourself, you wanted to spend as much time as possible with your boyfriend, too.
but the thing was that while you wanted to go out with him, drive over to see the sunrise, have brunch at a beachside restaurant, maybe go see a concert or something - all suna wanted was to sleep in.
you would argue about it sometimes, and most of the time, he'd win. not because he vetoed your wishes, but because he would always do this.
"do you want me to pee on the bed?" you threaten, and he's unfazed, as usual - giving you only a soft hum in reply that could be a yes or a no or a soft snore, you couldn't tell.
defeated, you flop back onto the pillows and let him steal all your warmth.
as you stare down at him, you see how the corners of his mouth twitch up a little, showing off a small smile. the sight softens you, and you mutter a short, fine, and close your eyes.
"only a few minutes, kay." you try one last time. "i have a yoga class at nine."
he sighs, something in between a grunt and a snore, and you have to giggle. you know he'll have you stuck here with him the entire morning, and that you'll only be starting the day around noon. it was the same way every saturday morning, after all.
you should ask your yoga miss to change you to an evening class, you think. because really, though you were acting pissed with him, you missed him just as much as he missed you.
you were just used to staying on track and following through everything you'd set for yourself, and truthfully, without suna here, you might never catch yourself a break.
and it was why you loved him, really. because he was so laidback and easygoing, inert where you were full of drive and activity - the contrast was good for the both of you. symbiotic, you could say, as a friend of yours had pointed out.
as you let your mind wander, you absently curl your fingers into his hair and start playing with it, humming under your breath, and a feeling of peace settles between the two of you.
he stretches out, and pushes the blanket off, muttering to himself that it was too hot now, and you watch the sun coming through the gaps in the curtains fall on his pale skin, lighting up the curves of his muscular form as he moves to a more comfortable position.
you watch him, slowly getting sleepy again, his sharply angled features squished into you as he slept - maybe we can go for a drive around the city limits tonight.
and like he'd heard the thought, he clears his throat, eyes still closed. "i'll take you out to eat tonight."
"okay." you say, and the smile he had on his face widens just a little. your answer is short, but he knows you're happy about the offer.
this was another reason why he always won. he'd get his way, and then he'd let you have yours too. if it wasn't watching the sunrise, then it was watching the sunset. if not a morning coffee date, then it was a late-night boba run.
"okay," you repeat, because yeah, it was fine. the day could wait. your weekend plans could wait. all you needed, all you wanted right now - was to be like this with him. all he wanted was to be like this with you.
sliding down, you squeeze in between his arms and close your eyes, content. and as you fall asleep, you don't notice that the slight tilt of suna's mouth has turned into a big, contented smile.
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ellieswaifu · 3 years
Hiii, may i request a fic with very naughty smut since we re all horny here, and the plot would be something like enemies to lovers with f reader and ellie, love your content btw <3
after the rain | ellie x f!reader
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summary — ellie unexpectedly visits your house to relieve some stress
word count — 2.83k+
genre — SMUT !!! angst and fluff if u squint rlly hard
warnings — MDNI PLSSS, enemies2lovers :), nsfw/smut; top!ellie, lots of sexual tension, pet names, tiniest bit of degradation, fingering, overstim?, oral (f! receiving), ellie is bossy :P, also not proofread :( i think that’s it heheee
a/n: hiii i was vv excited to write this : > we r indeed all horny here, esp for ellie lord hav mercy,,, i hope u enjoi thank u so much for requesting !!!!! :)))
rules | m.list
It had been raining for hours now and all you’ve been up to was lay in your bed, reading the time away. It was no later than eleven o’clock at night and you had no plans of doing anything else but lay under your covers for the rest of the night until you fall asleep. The steady patter of water against your window made you feel calm and at any moment, you could drift slowly and sleep for the night.
Unfortunately, your half-lidded eyes snap back open as the knocks at your door fill your ears. You groan loudly and scratch your head, pulling the sheets off of your body. Who could it possibly be? No one has ever bothered you this late at night. Questions fill your head as you walk to your door, feet bare against the hard wooden floor. Your hand pulls the door open with a small creak and you’re met with the last person you thought you’d see.
Ellie stands at the foot of your door, her clothes slightly drizzled on from the rain. Her hands are in her pockets as she stares at you with a black expression. It was hard to read her. It always has been. And you never liked that. I mean, not that you cared.
You didn’t like Ellie. And she could say the same about you. The two of you have had nothing but arguments and bickering and insults ever since she came to Jackson. Petty debates were something you both always did with each other; nothing more, nothing less. Jesse even makes sure to separate the two of you when he assigns patrols. Apparently, they say all you and Ellie would do is clash and fight if you did a patrol together. Some say it might be a good way to make you two get along. Of course, neither of you would take part in the second option.
So, Ellie standing at your front door right now was a great shock for you.
“What?” you ask and the girl in front of you doesn’t fail to notice how your voice is laced with annoyance.
Ellie does nothing but glare at you. Taking a moment to stare right back at her, you notice her eyes are a little red and the rain falling straight onto her hair and her clothes. For a moment, you feel bad. Why is she out in the rain? And why is she standing in front of you? You don’t ask questions. You want to, but you’re distracted by the way Ellie is standing with her wet hair sticking to her face.
“Are you going to let me in or not?”
Her tone almost makes you want to yell at her and just shut the door in her face. But, you wouldn’t pass this once in a life time opportunity. Ellie has never stopped by your place before, you might as well see what it’s all about.
You step aside from the door and Ellie takes this as her cue to step into your small house. You watch as Ellie subtly looks around, taking in the look of your home. It wasn’t extremely messy, thank god, but it wasn’t clean either. You had some of your things lying around where they shouldn’t be and others were neatly placed like the small amount books on your bookshelf and your clothes lightly scattered around your wardrobe. You don’t really care about how your place looks, especially to Ellie.
Ellie hasn’t said a word ever since she stepped inside and instead, she takes a seat on your old couch and stares at you. She takes a moment to drink in your appearance. You currently sported a loose, long-sleeved shirt and your shorts had put your soft legs on display which she seemingly didn’t care for but on the inside, it was slowly driving her crazy and she couldn’t pinpoint why.
After a few seconds, Ellie curiously watches you walk into a room at the back of your house. You come back with a white towel and your hand and softly throw it at her which she caught easily. She doesn’t bother to say thank you, and instead she just stares at you while she pats her face dry before working on her hair.
“I feel like shit,” was the first set of words that left Ellie’s mouth since she walked in.
“You look like it, too.”
And again, Ellie stares at you. It takes you another second to realize how shocking it was for you to see Ellie sitting on your couch. It was just something you’ve never imagined before.
“What do you want, Ellie?”
You sound tired, she notices and just continues to stare until you get annoyed with her. She almost smirks at the way you sigh, finding some sort of pleasure in it.
“You can leave when you’re done,” you roll your eyes and turn you back to her, walking back to your room.
Leaving Ellie all alone in your living room, you lay under the covers on your bed as you wonder what she’s doing, wondering if she already left. The only thing you felt as of now was confusion. Your mind races to find the answer of why the person you don’t get along with in the whole town showed up at your doorstep this late at night.
You try closing your eyes to get yourself to sleep or at least even half asleep but you can’t help but think about Ellie. It’s driving you crazy. Your skin is sensitive, the blanket is uncomfortable, the pillow doesn’t feel soft against your cheek and you’re cold. It’s driving you crazy. With a loud groan, jump out of bed and quickly walk back to the living room.
As you turn a corner, your body bumps into the girl you were just looking for.
“Fuck, Ellie,” you exclaim, running a hand through your hair.
“Why the hell are you walking so fast?”
You pursed your lips with a slight furrow between you brows as you stared pointedly at her, “Because you are, without a doubt, the most annoying person I’ve ever crossed paths with. I was coming out here to yell at you.”
Ellie, yet again, does nothing but stare at you and it makes your blood boil, but you shake it off to think a minute. It takes you a moment to realize why she up and walking around— that she was on her way to your room.
“What were you doing?” you ask her. “W-What are you planning?”
“Bullshit, Ellie.”
This time she stares at you and you don’t feel so irritated. She’s looking at you like a child who lost their mom and you feel bad almost. You feel a little guilty for some reason.
“I just—I’m not good at this,” she starts, avoiding looking in your eyes. “I didn’t… have anywhere else to go. Dina’s hanging out with Jesse, Maria and Tommy are fighting or something, and Joel… It’s complicated. And you’re the only one who doesn’t treat me like I’m made of glass.”
There’s a small moment of silence as you let your eyes wander over the freckles on her cheeks and the slightly damp strands of hair matted on the sides of her face. You don’t know what to say, if you’re being honest. The silence slowly draws you back from your thoughts and Ellie is looking at you again.
“Give me that,” you sigh, practically snatching the the small towel out of her hand and step forward. You place the towel over her head and start drying her hair softly.
Ellie stops you and grabs your wrist, halting your movements. You give her a look of uncertainty and try to take your hand back but Ellie’s grip was tight. This time, when Ellie stares at you, her belly flips and she has never realized how pretty you look. Your lips are plump and soft and it was the only thing she could think about.
Before you know it, Ellie leans forward and hungrily presses her lips against yours. Her other arm wraps around your waist to pull you as close as she could to her body. The electric fire burned through your body as you brought a shaky hand up to Ellie’s cheek, keeping her in place to hold on to the kiss as long as you could. Ellie lets go of your wrist and reaches down to grab you by your ass, lifting you up as you wrap your legs around her waist. and pushes the door to your room open, walking the both of you in there with your lips still pressed against each other’s.
Ellie sits down at the edge of you bed with you on her lap as she starts kissing you down the crook of your neck. Her hands run up and down your sides until they reach the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head in a swift motion. You weren’t wearing a bra, she knows this; your nipples were poking out only slightly from underneath your white shirt and it got her distracted earlier, which is why she kept staring at you.
“Fuck,” Ellie groans against your neck before pulling back to admire your breasts.
Leaning down, she takes a nipple into her mouth and swirls her tongue around it, sucking it as hard as she can. She nips and sucks at your nipples before switching to the other as you grip onto her shoulders.
“Take this off. Now.”
Ellie was pulling at your shorts. You stand up and slide your shorts and panties down your legs before going to sit back on her lap. Your cheeks are flushed, embarrassed that you were the only one bare naked and Ellie can only smirk as she observes you.
“You’ve thought about doing this with me, haven’t you?” Ellie whispers into your hair, hands trailing down to you ass. “Look at you. You’re already dripping wet and we didn’t even do anything yet. What a dirty slut.”
You press your head against her shoulders, trying to hide your embarrassment. Feeling Ellie smile against your cheek, your grip on her shoulders tighten as she trails her fingers down to your clit. She brushes it slightly, waiting as you tense up against her.
“Stop squirming.”
You do as she says and she continues to play with your clit, listening to you whine against her neck. She presses hard against your bundle of nerves, making you moan and shake in her lap. Her fingers trace the opening of your pussy, collecting all the wetness and coating it on her fingers.
She pulls away and brings her fingers up to your face and stares at you, “Open your mouth.”
You lift your head up to look at her face. Her hand is slick with your juices and you can see it drip down the sides of her fingers.
“I’m not going to repeat myself, (Y/n).”
You obeyed and opened your mouth wide, immediately feeling her shove her fingers down you throat. You gag slightly and she rubs her fingers on your tongue, making them slicker than before. After a while, Ellie takes her fingers out of your mouth and smirks, before leaving forward to put her tongue in your mouth. Your tongues danced around each other roughly, moaning into your mouth.
With her lips against yours, Ellie brings her hand down once again and presses at the opening of your pussy. She slowly enters your hole with two fingers, opening you up slightly for her as you moan into her mouth. You pull away from the kiss to gasp for air as Ellie fills you up with her fingers.
“E-Ellie,” you moan, fingernails digging into her back, scratching her shoulder blades.
Ellie groans, “Fuck yourself on my fingers, babe.”
You tighten around her digits when those words leave her mouth. Ellie lets out a small sigh of contentment as you begin to ride her fingers at a slow agonizing pace. You want her to move inside of you, but she stood still, letting you fuck yourself with no guidance. Her fingers are thick and callused, roughy from fighting and playing guitar. You do nothing but ride them, clenching your walls around her fingers, making you whine.
“Ellie, p-please,” you plead.
“Go faster,” she tells you, and you listen.
You start humping her digits at a faster pace, moaning and groaning against her neck as you drag you fingernails down her shoulder blades. Ellie can’t resist pumping her fingers in and out of you slightly. Your walls make it harder to move with how tight you were against her digits.
“Are you gonna cum?” Ellie whispers in her ear, breath against you neck.
You nodded feverishly, unable to conjure together words as your pussy clenches around her and you can’t help but moan into her ear. You were already so close and Ellie hasn’t even been pumping into you that much. You start babbling her name as you speed up, trying to chase the high you’ve been searching for. Orgasmic waves coursed through your body as you fucked yourself on her fingers. Ellie groans when you release against her, your juices coating her fingers even more than before.
You shake and tremble in her lap, slumping down to rest you head on her shoulder slowly coming to a stop as you breathe heavily.
“I didn’t tell you to stop,” Ellie says.
Eyes widening at her words, you prepare your self as you tighten your grip on her shoulders. The oxygen was knocked out of your lungs as Ellie moves to thrust her fingers into your cunt at an alarming pace with no warning. You moan loudly, panting and whining right by her ear for her to listen. Ellie quickly becomes obsessed with your ragged breathing, fucking you even faster as you let out the loudest moans. She presses her thumb against your clit and you jolt in her lap.
“W-Wait! I-It’s sen—“
Ellie chooses to ignore you and continues rubbing your clit harshly as she pumps her fingers in and out of you. You scream in pleasure, clawing at her back as Ellie grabs you by your waist and pushing you onto your back, laying against the mattress. Her fingers doesn’t stop or slow down, but she removes her thumb from your clit only for her to travel down and suck on your bundle of nerves mercilessly.
“Fuck, Ellie!” you scream, hands instantly on her head, pulling at her hair as a puny attempt to get her away from you sensitive clit.
Ellie keeps her head under, still pulling and sucking on your clit with her lips as she finger fucks you into oblivion. You sob into the pillow as she keeps you stimulated ruthlessly, tears brimming in your eyes. Pulling her fingers of your cunt and releasing your clit, Ellie slides her tongue down from your bundle of nerves then inside of you. Her tongue swirls in your pussy, lapping at everything she can like it was her last meal. She doesn’t leave your clit alone just yet, pressing her thumb against it once again, rubbing it in circles.
“P-Please,” you plead again, feeling sensitive as you hump her face, “I’m gonna cum again—”
And Ellie works even harder to push you into another orgasm. She looks up and watches your face turn from crying to panic as you felt your orgasm beginning to coil in the bottom of your stomach once more. You squealed in pleasure as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, grip tightening their hold on her hair and you scream hear name again.
Ellie finally begins to slow down, letting ride out your high and catch your breath at the same time. She pulls away from in between your thighs and crawls up to meet your face. Your panting heavily with you baby hair sticking to the side of your face as your breaths begin to steady. She watches you calm down, carefully tracing your lips with her thumb, feeling your breath against her face.
“Are you okay?” Ellie asks you with a look of concern, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Y-Yeah,” you breathe out, your hands on both of her shoulders. “You… You better not tell your friends about this.”
She smiles and leans down, pressing soft kisses along your neck, “I won’t. We can go back to hating each other tomorrow.”
You take a moment to look at Ellie’s face. Her eyes weren’t as hostile as they usually were everyday when the two of you would argue about stupid shit. No, her eyes looked into yours like you were the prettiest thing she has ever seen. Her smile was soft and her eyebrows were raised slightly above her half lidded eyes and you can’t help but bring you hands up to her face, caressing her cheeks with your thumb.
“Also, my clothes are still kind of wet, so give me some of yours.”
“You’re fucking stupid.”
a/n: hehdhdbd BYE ty for reading!!! ( i rlly hope itwas wut u asked for ;-; ) i also have another smut fic coming up vv soon :D
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quindolyn · 3 years
subby Jamie fluffy (Smut?) where he wakes up in the middle of the night and sucks on the readers titties to drink from her tits because she's lactating after giving birth to their daughter. I don't know if this makes sense but I hope it does!
Lactation Kink || James Potter
A/N: I'm not even sure if I should include "kink" but I will admit that there are some very smutty overtones so read at your own discretion. I tweaked the request a little bit in terms of the circumstances but the bones are still there. I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: lactation kink, light sub!James and Dom!reader, not much I don't think, all acts are completely consensual and if they needed a safe word they'd have one
Word Count: 1851
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were life savers. They could only watch their two closest friends creep closer and closer to death for so long before doing something about it.
After giving birth to a beautiful baby boy seven months ago you and James had come to understand a new definition of the word exhaustion. You were absolutely enamoured with your baby boy, James the same way if not worse, always keeping him cradled in his arms, Harry’s little head nestled into the crook of James’ arm.
Regardless, there is no amount of parental love to counteract the complete lack of sleep the two of you have endured. “Sleep when the baby sleeps” they all say, it's excellent in theory if only the baby would actually sleep.
No, instead you and James were subject to months of newborn induced insomnia,
You’d barely understood what Remus and Sirius were saying when they offered to watch your son for a few days, give you and James some time alone. Even though every part of your being screamed for you to take them up on their offer there was that small, annoyingly persistent, voice in the back of your head. The voice of maternal guilt.
Your friends wouldn’t hear any of your arguments, listening as you insisted that Harry was still far too young for you to leave him, you could barely stand a few hours, how were you supposed to survive days?
Despite your insistence that it was far too early to leave Harry with his godfathers for an extended weekend when the following Thursday rolled around you and James were rather unceremoniously kicked out of your own house, told that reservations had been made for you at an expensive spa and resort and that you were not to return home until the following Monday.
They’d even packed your bags for you.
You and James had successfully made it through the first night away from your baby, your quality of your sleep however was not up to par as you tossed and turned, worrying about the little boy you’d left at home.
Even cuddled up to Jamie’s chest your sleep was more like a light sheet over your consciousness giving you a shallow, unsatisfactory, reprieve.
What you needed was for sleep to hit you over the head with a baseball bat, knock you unconscious for hours and give your body time to recover.
After a long, exhausting day of taking advantage of the resort's numerous spa treatments, your wish of deep, meaningful sleep seemed as though it might actually just come true.
Minutes after laying your head down on the pillow, James slipping into bed behind you, you were out cold. Pulling you closer so that he could bury his face in the crook of your neck James was close behind you.
Finally, sleep.
Your tits hurt, they fucking hurt. You were finally getting some quality sleep but the discomfort in your chest became intolerable and you were lulled back into a dreaded state of consciousness.
You’d been so ready for sleep and the peace that it would bring that you’d forgotten to pump your milk before getting into bed. You find yourself regretting that decision now, you shift slightly in James’ hold, just as tight as it had been when you’d fallen asleep. The clock on the bedside table reads three in the morning.
Fuck me, you think, your thoughts still blurry from sleep, carrying a weight in your temples that lures your head back down to the pillow as you fall back into your spot in James’ arms. You’re going to have to get up eventually, that much you understand, but the prospect of getting up and finding the pump, hooking it up, then actually sitting there while you pump sounds nothing short of absolutely dreadful.
You can only lay there for so long, on your back so as not to apply any pressure to your breasts, staring up at the ceiling before your tits go from hurting to feeling like they’re about to explode.
Eventually you’re forced to begin to fuss in James’ arms, trying to find the seal that will let you get up hopefully without waking your husband.
Even asleep James’ grip is insistent, he’s like quick sand, the more you try to maneuver your way out of his arms the tighter his hold gets, the closer he pulls you to him.
“Jamie, you gotta let go,” You murmur, hoping to appeal to the half asleep man.
“Where you going, angel?” His voice is the crashing of a wave against the shore in your ears, low, rumbling, calming. That voice alone is enough to have you considering just climbing back into bed with him, exploding tits be damned.
“Forgot to pump Jamie, m’tits feel like they’re ready to explode.”
He flickers his eyes open, worry etched into his irises, already blanketed in sleep, “Hurting?” Raising his head his eyes drop to your tits, like maybe he’ll be able to see your affliction.
“A little bit,” You nod, your hands combing through his unruly curls before making another attempt to rise from the mattress, “Gonna pump and then I’ll feel all better. I’ll be quick.”
“No,” He whines, god you miss the sound of his whine. His arms are like steel as he pulls you firmly back onto the bed, “M’thirsty anyways.”
Confusion heightens in you before James turns you so you’re fully on your back before slipping under your arm, resting his head on your chest.
Nimble fingers find the neckline of the silk camisole you’d found in the luggage Remus and Sirius had packed for you, sons of bitches also packed every single pair of lacy panties you own.
With little difficulty he slips the thin strap down your shoulder allowing him to tuck the soft material of the top under your breast.
“Miss my girls,” He whispers as he bares your breasts, they’re swollen with milk but the way he’s looking at you you’d think they were something far more precious.
“I’ll be gentle,” His promise comes just as he latches onto your pert nipple, carefully guarding his teeth with his lips, the last thing he would wanna do is hurt you.
It bears little resemblance to the way he used to suck your tits, fervently like they were the only things keeping him grounded, sometimes they had been. Now he proceeds with a new sense of caution but that doesn’t mean it’s any less pleasurable.
“Jamesie, ‘s for Harry, you can’t drink the baby’s milk,” You regrettably push him off your tit, he looks anything but pleased.
“They were mine first,” He whines, throwing you a dirty glance that falls completely flat given the immense adoration that lies just behind it, “And I told you (Y/N), ‘m thirsty, want your milk. Wanna make you feel good.”
Giving you his most convincing puppy dog eyes he leans back in, he latches on efficiently and sucking with an increased vigor you feel a feeling of fullness swell in your breast as your nipple tingles. It’s a feeling you’ve gotten used to but so rarely has it ever turned you on as when James is the cause of it.
He hums in satisfaction as the warm milk seeps into his mouth, it encourages him in his efforts causing him to latch on tighter. A little too tight.
“Easy there baby,” You hiss, “M’tits are sensitive.”’
He complies immediately, loosening his lips around your nipple the sensation becomes pleasurable once more. The pleasure helps distract from the discomfort which, at least in the tit James it latched onto, seems to be dwindling. The other breast is left aching until you feel a similar sensation coming from your nipple.
“You’re leaking.”
Casting your eyes downward you see that he’s right, you’re leaking slightly out of your unattended nipple. It's not unusual for it to happen but usually you just brush it away with a warm washcloth, not wanting to have a sticky mess on your chest.
Carefully, he brushes the pad of his thumb over the over sensitive bud.
“Can’t let it go to waste,” He brings his thumb to his mouth to suck it clean, the visual is almost enough to make your head spin.
You can’t remember the last time you saw James subby, ever since you’ve had Harry it's been sleepy handjobs and once you fully recovered, him pushing you up anywhere he could and taking you right there. It’s like parenthood awoke something far more dominant inside of him but as he latches back onto your tit you’re reminded how beautiful he is when he submits to you.
You wrap your arms around his neck, letting your fingers dance along the nape of his neck as you feel yourself unwinding with every second he sucks at your tit, bringing you relief.
“You full yet?”
He gently lets your tit slide from his mouth before responding, “Does it still hurt?”
The genuine concern in his voice has butterflies erupting in your stomach, you learned a long time ago just how sweet and caring James is but sometimes it hits you harder than you were expecting and you’re left feeling just as giddy as you did in the beginning of your relationship.
James seems to have sucked you dry, or at least to a point where your tit no longer burns with the feeling of an impending explosion.
“No s’all better baby, did such a good job,” You guide his face up towards yours, “Got a little milk on your lips,” You lean in, kissing the milk off his swollen lips.
It’s sweeter than you expected but maybe everything was sweeter coming off his lips.
You take your time admiring his face, hazel eyes that look a little more brown than they did yesterday, lips an impossible pink. Thick, long lashes you remember envying for as long as you’ve known each other cast their shadows along his cheekbones. He’s perfect.
You run the pad of your thumb along his bottom lip before letting him suck it into his mouth, when he couldn’t get to your tits sucking on your fingers always used to help James calm down. For the life of you you can’t remember the last time he’d sucked on your fingers. If it’d been in the last seven months you’d probably just been too tired to remember.
Letting your digit slide from his mouth James hauls himself over you, careful not to brush against your breasts, to lay on your other side. He moves with a surprising grace considering just minutes ago he’d been in the throws of sleep, you’d forgotten how well he moved.
“Other one now,” He murmurs, eyes glued to your tit as his hands move to cup it, giving him better access to your nipple.
“You sure baby? I can just pump this one and you can go back to bed, s’okay.”
“No,” His brows furrow with his empathic response, if he wasn’t already on top of you you’re sure he’d pull you closer in fear that you might escape, “Mine.”
taglist: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete @oliviashea05 @pinkandblueblurbs @thatvenusbabe @itsmentalillness @zzzfour @Greenlyblue @emmaev @temporaryissue @gubleryum @msmb @marauderswhore07 @st0nesnglitter  @miraclesoflove @shadesofvelma @drachoesimp @ashlovesthemarauders @artemis1orion @skaratjung @ava-brooke-blog1 @fairyprettygirly @Ohwowimlonley @padfootswife @roonilwazlibswhore @swearingsolemnly @Teenwolfbitches28 @lilypad-55449 @jamespotterslover @lilytheally @mo-jean @jeannelupinblack @wh0reforthemarauders @myalupinblack @ashesandstars @daisyyy2516 @siriusmydeer @remugoodgirl @itzstacie @planet-wolfstar @steveharringtonswhore @saintlike78 @thatdummymarie @cedricisnotdead @pretty-pop-princess-hs @saggyb1lls
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papergirllife · 3 years
Jeong Jaehyun
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Fwb! Jaehyun x reader
What started off as just a casual fling with Johnny’s sister, Jaehyun finds himself spiraling when he realises his feelings for you, and if that wasn’t messy enough, his best friend just has to catch him in the act.
warnings : unprotected sex, rough sex, cream pie, fluff, etc.
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Summer holidays during your university is usually filled with kids looking forward to going out together and going on the adventure they had planned at the start of the school year, or some, just want a gateway to Jeju to relax, but you? You had other plans.
Instead of leaving Seoul, you plan on staying right here, spending time with your brother, Johnny, and his members, but right now, you are planning to go see Jaehyun, only Jaehyun.
Sleeping with Jaehyun was supposed to be a one time thing, it was one night at their dorms when the guys were discussing about Jaehyun’s escapades, he had a renowned reputation for being a lady’s man in their company, and you heard his dick was a ten out of ten, so why not give it a go?
It has been 5 months since the start of this friend with benefits relationship, the two of you weren’t exclusive, but neither of you seem to have found anyone better.
Right after your last class, you got a text from Jaehyun.
Jungwoo is out with his sister and Johnny is out with Mark, come hang out ;)
You typed a quick okay, heading to the bus station to get to their dorms as soon as possible.
When you got there, you had unfortunately bumped into Donghyuck when he was on his way out.
“Noona? You're here to see Johnny? He's out with Mark though,” Donghyuck informed you.
“It's alright, I'm in no rush, I'll just wait for him here,” you said before letting yourself in, looking around to see if anyone else was around before sneaking up to the tenth floor, heading into Jaehyun’s room.
“Hi baby, you look gorgeous today, like you always do,” Jaehyun complimented, his arms outstretched to envelope you in his arms, the two of you staying like this for almost two minutes, just relishing in each others warmth.
“I missed you, Jaehyun,” you said, your feet moving forward in little steps, plopping him onto the bed with your added weight.
“We were literally just hugging, what's gotten you so worked up?” Jaehyun asked, his eyes lighting up at how yours was shining at his.
“I'm just in a good mood, and when I'm in a good mood, my sex drive tends to fluctuate,” you said, removing your cardigan, feeling the heat building up within you, revealing your cute bra underneath, soft pink just like the tips of his ears.
Jaehyun reaches out, the pads of his thumbs touching your clothed breasts, tracing the lace patterns, he reached the back of your bra, unclasping it, letting it fall below your shoulders, sliding it off your arms.
You tug the hem of Jaehyun's shirt, taking it off him to expose his chiseled body, letting your hands wander the expanse of his smooth skin, going all the way to his muscular back, holding onto him as he manoeuvres the two of you onto his bed, laying your head gently on the pillow.
“You have sheets,” you said, surprised to feel linen silk beneath you.
“Just for you,” he said, eyes looking downwards, embarrassed that he's lazy to place sheets onto the mattress when he's alone.
“You wouldn’t have to if we went to my place instead, then we could’ve been as loud as we want,” you said as Jaehyun nipped the skin just beside your nub, marking you in places only the two of you can see.
“Wanted to see you in my bed,” Jaehyun mumbled before taking your nipple into his mouth, sucking it like a newborn baby as his other hand wanders to your skirt, flipping it up to rub circles on your clothed clit, your breathing staggers at the ministrations, biting down onto your lip to silence yourself.
“Hurry, Jae, Johnny might be back soon,” you said before bucking your hips up, signaling him to pick up the pace.
“Are you sure you're wet enough? It was a week ago when we last had sex,” Jaehyun reminded you, fearing that he'd hurt you without proper foreplay.
“You literally sent a dick pic two nights ago, I'm fine, I’m really wet right now, shouldn't you do something about it?” you said, whispering the last part in a seductive tone that you know drives Jaehyun insane, tempting him.
“Fuck, okay,” Jaehyun immediately agrees, his cock jolting up at the thought of you touching yourself to him, Jaehyun stands up to take off his pants tugging down your panties after, a trail of arousal in between your thighs.
Jaehyun inserts two fingers inside you, making a scissoring motion, making sure you’re loose enough as he licks the trail of juices on your thigh, his teeth grazing the expanse of your thigh, biting down onto the flesh near your heat, sucking on it harshly until a flower blooms, red and purple dusting your skin.
After cleaning you up, he lined himself at your entrance, pushing in an inch, feeling how wet you were, he decided to just slam his whole length inside you, a loud whine of his name falling from your lips as your chest arched into his touch, he observed your face, taking in how you had a dazed look in your eyes, smiling slightly at how full you feel when he was all the way in, letting you adjust before he decides to move, but you seem to be more impatient today.
“What are you waiting for? Fuck me,” you said, feeling Jaehyun twitch inside you.
“Watch your mouth, baby,” Jaehyun said before giving your butt a spank, the pain was mild, just the right amount to remind you who's in charge and still feels arousing to you.
Jaehyun pulls out majority of his length, leaving the tip in before sheathing it back in quickly. You moan at the sudden pleasure, instinctively, Jaehyun covers your mouth before continuing his pace, snapping his hips against yours, the tip of his length brushing your sweet spot at every thrust, Jaehyun knew your body like the back of his hand, using it to his advantage, he’d always position himself right at that angle whenever the two of you needed to be quick.
Jaehyun removes his hand from your mouth when he felt both of you reaching your high soon, lips capturing yours, the feeling of your warm walls clenching around him was a feeling he could only describe as euphoric, slowly tipping him over to his orgasm.
With a hand to spare now, Jaehyun lets his hand travel southwards your body, parting your folds to reveal your swollen clit to him, rubbing it in harsh circles, pushing you over the edge as yours legs jolted from the sudden orgasm, your walls spasming around Jaehyun, as you struggled not to scream aloud, muffling your sounds with your arm, your high pushed him over the edge as well, harshly pulling your arm away, he crashes his lips against yours, swallowing your moans as he gives you a few last sloppy pumps to ride out both your highs.
When the two of you finished, Jaehyun pulled out slowly, watching the mixture of cum escaping your core, pride swelling at the sinful scene.
Jaehyun gets up to pull tissues from the box, wiping you clean before crashing onto the bed beside you, tugging the blankets up as he captures you in his hold, making sure you won’t get cold.
Just as you were about to fall asleep, someone barges in Jaehyun's room, making you jump at the sound.
“Hey, Jae, my sister left, wanna get coffee together? I'll just drop off her drink on the way back,” Johnny said quickly, halting in his tracks when he sees you, his sister, in his best friend’s bed, the both of you obviously naked underneath.
“What the fuck?!” Johnny asked, looking at his friend with a mixture of anger and disappointment.
“You, out,” Johnny ordered, pointing his finger at Jaehyun.
Jaehyun curses under his breath, slipping out of bed to dress himself.
“We should explain this together,” you said, knowing how angry Johnny could get.
“No, it's alright, get some rest, I can handle this,” Jaehyun said before heading out of his room.
By the time he was out, all of the members on the 10th floor were hanging around the living area, some were here for the pipping hot tea, some were here to make sure things won't get out of hand.
“You could've slept with anyone, why my sister? Aren't the girls at the company enough for you?” Johnny questioned, his tone borderline mad.
“Look, Johnny, hear me out. I stopped sleeping around with other girls, I think most of you realised that, I haven't been bringing girls over for a long time now,” Jaehyun started off, his friends nodding, just realising that their friend hasn’t been bringing hook ups home like the past.
“The thing is, I really like her, Johnny, I didn’t mean to catch feelings, but once I realised that, I couldn't even look at anyone other than your sister, just give me some time to tell her that myself,” Jaehyun said, finishing up his explanation, praying that he’d make out of this unscathed.
Johnny looked at him, noting how serious he looks right now, nothing like the Jaehyun who joked about how ladies get in line for him.
“Okay, as long as you don't break her heart. If she comes to me crying, you’re a dead man, Jeong Jaehyun,” Johnny warned, his eyes deathly.
Jaehyun, releasing a breath of air he was holding in, nods at his friend before going back to his room, only to find out that you were up, dressed in his shirt, a goofy smile on your face that he adores.
“I heard everything,” you started off with, “and I really like you too, Jae,” you said before opening your arms, gesturing him into a hug.
“Wait, really?” Jaehyun asked in disbelief, but nevertheless requited your hug.
“Yes, you idiot, took you long enough to realise,” you said before kissing him on the lips passionately, the pace slower than usual, just so you could express your feelings for him.
Jaehyun pulls away shortly after, his hands mushing your cheeks together, a lovesick smile on his face before he pulls you in another kiss, the two of you falling onto his bed in giggles like two teenagers in love.
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6lackfiction · 3 years
A Little Jealous
Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Smut, Sex Acts, 18+
Plot: You finally meet Chris’ friends but he doesn’t like it when you start to flirty with one of them, he wants to punish you and he does. 
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“You’re shaking” he clasped your hands holding them tight “don’t be nervous they’ll love you I promise”
You sighed looking up at him, he kept saying that to you throughout the day and a part of you doubted it, meeting your boyfriend’s friends is terrifying and you were afraid that they wouldn’t like you but you didn’t want to back out now after seeing him so happy when you agreed to join him “Ok you’re right, let’s just get this over with”
“That’s the spirit” he chucked as he climbed out of the car and came round to your side.
He held your hand firmly as you approached the home, you noticed how insanely big it was and before either of you were at the from door you heard the sound of the music booming which eased you a lot and you were secretly grateful for
“God he said it wasn’t a party” he groaned, thumping his fist against the door. After he reached to open the front door which was already unlocked.
“Joe you said a small gathering!” He yelled into the house over the music when his eyes landed on his friend.
“You know me, I can’t help it” he stretched his arms out giving Chris a bear hug, he moved to the living room and gestured with his head for you and Chris to follow him
“CHRIS!” Bellowed the group of people in the living room, Chris took you around the room where there were a chorus of greetings from his friends who then quickly went back to their own conversations.
“She’s a little nervous” Chris pointed to you when he noticed you weren’t making conversation with the last of his friends he was introducing you to.
You tossed him a disapproving look, mortified because you weren’t a conversationalist like Chris and that always made you self conscious.
“I doubt it, it’s probably just because you talk so much and no one can get a word in edgewise” one of the women remarked making the others laughs and you joined in leaning into him teasing.
“Come sit with us” she patted the couch “before he chews your ear off about some sports stuff”
Chris scoffed, rolled his eyes and stormed off leaving you all laughing again and taking the seat that was offered to you.
His friends were nice and funny, they sensed your nerves and instead of asking you questions about your personal life you all talked about the one thing you had in common which was Chris. You occasionally glanced back at him where you saw him eyeing you carefully and giving him a small smile letting him know you were ok.
You sat back for the most part listening to all their childhood stories and you thought about what Chris must have been like when he was younger. They argued after having realised they had different version of the same events, you envied how close they all were and the amount of memories they shared. A few left the couch to get some drinks including the woman who offered you a drink and you were then left alone with his friend Mike.
Mike was hilarious, you got lost in conversation with him, he was so charming and flirtatious something you always liked in people. He had you cracking up most of the night telling you stories about times where Chris’ sister had convinced him to wear a dress and some makeup. You burst out laughing brushing you hand against his as your body shook with laughter.
“What are you guys talking about?” You jumped when you felt Chris sidle up next to you eager to know what you both were laughing at. He pulled you hand back from where it lay on Mike’s knee and held it in his hand firmly.
“You” you said in union, looking at each other and falling back in laughter
“We should probably get going, it’s late” he whispered in your ear squeezing your hand
“No, no we’re having so much fun” you gave him pleading eyes
“Yeah come on Chris, let your girlfriend hang out with me” he flashed his brows at him, smirking.
“We’re going” Chris stated tugging at your hand and pulling you up from the couch.
If you had any amount of strength you would have resisted him but Chris was way stronger than you, he might as well have picked you up. You waved your good-byes to his friends that were scattered all around the house and when you turned to wave good-bye to Mike he had pulled you away so fast you thought you were going to get whiplash.
“Jesus Chris, slow down” you breathed
“What so you can flirt with Mike more”
You almost didn’t hear it but when you did you stood still a few metres away from the car and when he noticed you weren’t moving he turned to you throwing his hands up in the air and furrowing his brows at you.
“Flirting with him?”
“Yeah, I saw the way you were laughing with him!” he spat bitterly, his voice echoing into the night air
You slapped you hand to your mouth but not before a small chuckle escaped
“You think this is funny” he moved to you
“No?” You snorted, a small grin flashing across your face.
He scoffed heading back to the car and you quickly followed him climbing into the passenger seat.
“Chris… honey I’m sorry” you put your hand over his “I’m not laughing I swear”
He started the car, keeping his eyes glued to the road and giving you the cold shoulder. The entire car ride Chris never said a word to you, never glanced at you and really committed to this silent treatment. You just couldn’t believe how jealous and it was a side of him you’d never seen yet and it kind of turned you on. He got possessive and annoyed just at the sight of seeing you getting along with his friend, something he wanted you to do you thought.
As soon as he turned the car into the drive, he still made no attempts to talk to you, just parking the car and getting out of the car.
“Seriously Chris” you narrowed your eyes following him into the house
He headed for the living room throwing himself on the couch and staring up at the couch, he sat up rubbing his head with his hands. You leaned against the door frame watching his movements for a few minutes before moving to pour yourself a glass of scotch and doing the same for him. You set it down on the coffee table in front of him and took a seat beside him, you planted a kiss quickly on his cheek before he could pull his head back.
“You’re really not talking to me” you spoke softly
When he didn’t respond or even look at you, you took that as your clue to leave, finding his behaviour really annoying and slamming your glass to the table you stormed out of the room. Usually you would stay up and wait for him to come to bed before you drifted off to sleep but you were so filled with anger the idea of sleeping next to him almost made you blood boil.
How dare you think you’d flirt with someone else, it’s not like he wasn’t a flirt and hated the attention he got from women. But you never brought it up and felt some type of way about it, you were pacing the bedroom stripping off your clothes and letting them drop to the ground before you crawled into bed. You soon drifted off to sleep despite all the anger and even when you felt the weight shift on his side of the bed.
You woke first groggy then letting your senses come back to you, you sigh a deep breath stretching out any tension as the memory of last night flooded you. You turn to your right remembering how he had the nerve to even sleep in bed with you last night and you yank the covers to your side deliberately depriving him of any warmth before getting out of bed in a fit.
You made as much sound as you possibly could, slamming the bathroom door, opening up the drawers loudly and shutting them again, stomping throughout the bedroom hoping all the noise would annoy him and disrupt his sleep. You watch him stir in his sleep slowly waking up and you left the room but not before slamming the bedroom door.
You roamed around the kitchen, pacing lightly, you tried not to be bothered by his behaviour but it was hard. You never thought of Chris as a jealous man and he never showed any jealousy like that before. You wondered if it was some red flag that you missed over the years you’d been dating, maybe the signs were always there and you never paid any attention to it. Something about it didn’t sit well with you and you leaned on the counter mulling it over, he ignored you from the moment you were in the car till you went to bed. That was so unusual, Chris hated going to bed angry so you knew that this must have really gotten to him.
You felt yourself getting annoyed again, did he really think you were flirty or would even think about cheating on him. What did that say about how he felt about you and how he saw you.
“You should learn to be more quiet” he grumbled brushing past you
You didn’t notice that he was even in the kitchen till his voice pulled you out of your thoughts
“Huh” you turned to him
“It was rude, I was sleeping”
“Oh I’m sorry, am I supposed to care” you were being petty for sure and didn’t care about it, he deserved it.
He glared at you flaring his nostrils “don’t piss me off”
“Or what, you’re gonna stop talking to me again. Oh I’m so scared” you mocked
He set down his cup of coffee and slowly approached you “you don’t wanna see what I’ll do”
The little flash of anger in his eyes let you know he was serious, you had gotten under his skin.
“What if I do?” you glared at him playfully
He took a few more steps to you until he had backed you to the counter and pressed himself against you. He gave you a smirk, bending down to kiss and lick your neck softly, he wrapped his arms around your middle pulling you to him sharply.
“Chris you can’t just-“
“What? Touch you” he dipped his head to you neck again sucking gently “I’ll do what I want” His hands slid to your thigh slowly reaching under your robe. “And what I want…” he trailed kisses along you jawline before capturing your lips “is you”.
He was gentle with you at first which had you thinking he wasn’t angry at you anymore before his hand snaked up to cup your skull, pulling your head back so you locked eyes with him. You gasped at the pressure and watched as that anger flooded his eyes again only for it to be replaced with arousal quickly. His loosened his grip and his hand slid down to your throat, your eyes widened as you waited for him to apply pressure but he never did. Instead he watched and felt you whimper against him nervous but you were also getting restless wanting more from him.
“I don’t like seeing you with other men” he gripped your hips harshly “You’re mine and only mine. Do you understand?”
You moaned your response but it didn’t satisfy him, his grip around your throat tightened
“Do you understand?” He asked again
“Yes…yes” you chocked out
He narrowed his eyes “I don’t believe you” He grabbed your waist quickly bending you over the counter. He pushed his pelvis into you and you let out a soft moan feeling his hard cock against you. He leaned into you , whispering in your ear “I think I need to show you”. You couldn’t see his face, only feel him touch all over you body, his warm breath against your ear and him getting harder the more you twisted your hips against him.
“I need to show you who you belong to” his voice rasped as you heard him unbuckling his belt, your breath hitched when the belt hit the floor and the clang rang through silent kitchen. He hiked up your robe so it fell bundled just above your ass, he ran his hand up from your thigh and soft moan escaped your lips.
“You see how wet you are” he slipped his finger inside you, you jerked arching your back as he crooked his finger hitting that spot you loved so much. You bucked your hips slowly with his pace reaching forward to grasp whatever you could to steady yourself. You were getting restless, desperate but he was having fun teasing you.
You groaned feeling his shaft slide up and down your slit. When he moved away you whimpered and whined at the loss aching for him. He teased your hole making sure to line his cock up nicely with you pussy, he waited moments before slamming into you without warning.
“Oh fuck” you cried out as he pounded into you more and more. His thrusts were rough, violent like he was trying to ravage you right there in the kitchen. While you tried your best to keep up with him, every time the tip of his cock hit your cervix you gasped and winced with both pleasure and pain.
The way he thrust into you told you he wanted you to scream him name loudly, it made it difficult for you to stay upright. He bent over you interlocking his fingers with you keeping you in place as he pushed in and out of you picking up the pace again. You felt his breath near your ear again and it drove you insane hearing him breathing heavily. You squeezed your pussy around his cock making his lightly gasp and then thrust into you harshly as punishment.
“Are you misbehaving again” he rasped against your ear, plunging into you harder. “God, you’re so fucking tight”, his lips latched on to your neck as his hands roamed your body.
Soon his hand went to your throat squeezing harshly, you knees started to buckle and all you fell from your lips were moans.
“I wanna hear you, tell me who you belong to” he panted heavily
“It-it’s you, I-i belong to you” you stuttered
“That’s right” he thrust into you burying himself deep inside you “you” he pulled back out teasing your hole “belong” he slowly pushed into you making you exhale deeply “to me” you let out a quiet low moan nearing your release at his words.
You knew he was close too as he movements became staggered, he was trying his best to hold on but it was growing to be difficult for him. You bucked madly crying out loudly, you wanted your release, you needed it.
“Yes, yes god yes” you chanted as you grew close
He pounded into you violently now grunting heavily with every thrust, he gripped you hips then moved his feet to spread your legs as best as far as you’d let him. You tightened around him, you cries bouncing off the walls. You screwed your eyes shut, reaching you hands back to feel for him, worried he’d move and leave you like this.
“Fuck” he grunted loudly still thrusting into you as you body trembled and shook from your orgasm. You yelled slamming you hands to the counter holding on for dear life as you hit your climax. You legs shook and bent inwards as you tried to close them but he didn’t let you. He held them apart still working towards his orgasm.
“Chris-“ you begged
“I’m not done with you yet” he pounded into you a few more times, giving you long strokes before he bent over you his orgasm building quickly. He was buried deep inside you and he was overcome quickly with pleasure. He let go of your legs letting you close them but still staying inside you. He reached up his head resting in the crook of your neck trialing kisses along your shoulder.
You both panted heavily and you struggled to form a deep breath as his body weighed heavy above you. He reached around giving you clit a flick making  gasp beneath him, you were so sensitive to his touch. He slowly moved of you and you dared not move yourself letting him admire the view before you felt him pull you to him.
“I hope you’ve learnt your lesson” he smirked giving you a gentle smack as you walked past him “now get upstairs, I’ll be up soon”
Hope you enjoyed it, feedback is encouraged and appreciated. 
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rocorambles · 3 years
Two Wrongs Equal a Right
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader
Prompt: Eavesdropping
Summary: Eavesdropping isn’t right, but maybe...just maybe sometimes the end justifies the means
A/N: This is for the Anylisum’s SFW collab. Masterlist can be found here. Enjoy!
You giggle, laying your head on Tsu’s shoulder as you catch your breath from the impromptu dance party happening in the dorm room led by no other than Mina. You love the boys, but this is nice, hanging out with just the girls, chatting about fashion and makeup, doing face masks and braiding hair, pretending you’re just normal high school girls and not heroes in training. The boys had sulked, pouting and complaining about why all of you couldn’t hang out together like you always do. But all of you had just smiled and cheekily waved as you locked the dorm room shut behind you.
They’ll be fine. You’re sure they’ll find something to bond over themselves and you laugh at the thought of them doing some impromptu sparring or shouting at each other over a video game.
Yes, they’ll be just fine doing something normal high school boys do. Definitely not quietly crowding around the other side of the dorm door, trying to eavesdrop on what all of you are saying and doing like they’re doing right now.
The boys of class 1-A aren’t nearly as subtle as they think they are accidentally banging foreheads and elbowing each other to try and press their ears against the vertical surface. But luckily for them the combination of the music and your voices drown out their scuffling and they eagerly listen in, curiosity keeping their attention rooted to the commotion on the other side of the barrier.
“That’s not fair. I want to dance too!”
“Shut up, Aoyama! They’re going to hear you.”
The hushed bickering continues as the boys continue to subtly bop their head to the music, trying to make out the snippets of conversation between the rhythmic beat and laughter. But they all freeze, even attempting to quiet down their breathing as the music finally stops.
Is the night over? Do they need to make a run for it before the door opens and they’re caught red handed?
Their questions are answered when after some scuffling and movement the girls resume talking and there’s a palpable sense of relief as the boys relax, leaning in once more to decipher what’s being said.
What girls night would be complete without boy talk? You all knew this topic was bound to come up in this safe all-female haven, but there’s still a tittering of nervous and shy giggles when Ashido brings up the topic with a mischievous grin plastered across her face.
It takes some prodding and some patience, but to no one’s surprise Uraraka is the first to speak up and you all smile knowingly when she begins to ramble on and on about Deku, how much she respects him, how observant he is, how hardworking he is…
“We get it. You like Deku! Seriously it would be shocking if you two didn’t eventually start dating.”
“Think about how cute that would be! A romantic hero couple fighting villains and saving the world together.”
Uraraka’s face is so red you think she might burst, but you hide a smile at the fact that there isn’t even a hint or sound of denial from her as she accepts the good-natured teasing. Unknown to all of you, Deku’s face matches Urarka’s extreme shade of red and the boys smile and nudge him playfully, waggling their eyebrows teasingly.
The light-hearted banter has broken the ice and Momo is the next one to open up, demurely looking at the ground and swiping a stray bang behind her ear as she quietly praises Todoroki for his amazing skills and how rapidly he’s learned and improved during his time at U.A. But what she isn’t expecting is the outpouring of support she herself receives from all the girls about how smart and resourceful she is and how quick on her feet she is. And Todoroki silently nods his head in affirmation of the deserved recognition she receives.
One by one everyone shares their thoughts on their male counterparts, but it’s Ashido who makes everyone burst into laughter once more when she practically screams her approval of Kaminari and Kirishima and how cool and manly they can be, imitating their signature moves as best as she can to everyone’s amusement.
However it doesn’t go unnoticed how Bakugo’s name isn’t brought up and it just seems right to bring him into the conversation if the other two musketeers are being discussed. There’s thoughtful pondering and the girls quiet down as they think of their blonde classmate.
“He’s smart and talented.”
“He’s pretty good looking.”
But there’s an almost unanimous vote that his temper is a little bit...scary. Almost.
The boys try their hardest to stifle their howls of laughter as Bakugo begins to deeply scowl, looking like he’s ready to storm away. But everyone shuts up, eyes going wide when your voice travels through the air.
“I actually think his attitude is kind of cute. He’s like an angry chihuahua. All bark, no bite.”
There’s silence as everyone on both sides of the door processes your words, even Bakugo looks uncharacteristically stunned. And then there’s chaos as the girls begin to loudly question your sanity and the boys hold back a raging Bakugo who’s seconds away from kicking down the door and confronting you.
Needless to say there is no more eavesdropping done that night as it takes the entire male population of 1-A to wrestle Bakugo away and safely back to his dorm room.
Cute? CUTE?
Bakugo can’t remember the last time anyone has called him that damned word, if anyone ever has. Not even his own mother has called him anything remotely as nauseatingly endearing as that recently. There’s nothing about him that’s cute. He’s not cute. He HATES anything cute. Yet as he’s barricaded in his room and forced to mull over your words in solitude, it’s not pure rage and indignation that fills him to his own surprise.
He’s not sure exactly what he’s feeling if he’s honest and that only pisses him off more. Anger is something he knows and holds close. But this...this strange, disgusting, fluttering feeling in his stomach? He doesn’t know what that is and he grumpily forces himself to sleep, to leave all these stupid thoughts and feelings behind him. Tomorrow will be just another day of class and you’ll just be another classmate he’s forced to tolerate as he focuses on becoming a hero.
Except tomorrow does come and you aren’t just another nobody like you were before.
Unlike before where he barely even noticed your presence and walked past you like you were nonexistent, too focused on perfecting his moves, he can’t stop being aware of you. He finds himself watching you without even meaning to, observing your movements, the use of your quirk…
“Kacchan, watch out!”
Turns out even when he’s entranced by you, Deku’s damn annoying voice is enough to drag him out of his funk and he narrowly misses the debris about to rain down on him.
“What’s up, Bakugo? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you distracted-”
“I’m not distracted!”
He is distracted and he can feel his short fuse nearing its limit with every uncharacteristic stumble and sloppy movement as he can’t tear his eyes from you. And when Aizawa-sensei awkwardly tells him to maybe consider sitting out a bit until his head is clear he loses it.
Under all the rage, common sense tells him this isn’t your fault, that he’s wrongly directing his ire at you. But Bakugo clings onto his temper, that fire inside of him that fuels most of his decisions as he storms towards you and shouts at you to spar with him.
He knows he’s being too hard on you, punching and kicking you harder than he even goes against Kirishima and his hardening quirk. And he even feels a pang of guilt when he sees you wince when his fist grazes you as you try to dodge. But you don’t tell him to stop, just looking at him with determined, focused eyes holding a shocking amount of trust that he won’t take it too far and actually harm you despite how his irritation is almost visible.
It’s the same look stupid Deku looks at him with, but he doesn’t feel that familiar buildup of anger rising inside of him. Instead he feels that same strange fluttering feeling deep inside of him and his heart is racing more than it should be for the amount he’s worked out today. It’s all so...confusing and to everyone’s shock, it’s Bakugo who abruptly ends your weird impromptu spar with a scoff, shoving his hands in his pocket as he saunters away, trademark scowl on his face.
That’s only the beginning of Bakugo’s strange behavior and everyone watches anxiously as the angry blonde borderline begins to bully you on a constant basis, practically hovering next to you from the moment you leave your dorm room to the minute you go to sleep at night, growling, shouting, and even just glaring at you. But no one steps in, curious about how things will play out when they see how unbothered you are by your new volatile shadow.
Bakugo doesn’t know what reaction he expected of you. Maybe a slight hint of fear? At least some respect? But he certainly wasn’t expecting how calmly you accept your new fate, how casually you interact with him.
He’s forced to silently blink in shock as his jaw rapidly works to chew the fried egg you’ve stuffed in his mouth when he angrily tells you to sit somewhere else, deciding he wants your seat despite the bounty of empty chairs surrounding the both of you in the cafeteria. (He ends up just grumpily sitting in the available spot next to you when he finally swallows, both of you quietly munching on your breakfast together.)
But although your exchanges start off fairly one-sided with Bakugo usually trying to incite some reaction from you, everyone watches in amusement when you begin to meet him halfway. The blonde is mouthing off at you about something or another during sparring exercises which has become a typical background noise to the class by now, but everyone, including Aizawa-sensei stops in their tracks when your voice interrupts Bakugo’s rant.
“Maybe you’d be able to perfect your new technique if you spent more time practicing and less time barking at me.”
There’s a playful smirk on your face as you utter those fighting words and Aizawa wonders if today is the day he’ll have to prevent Bakugo from committing a truly villainous event. But even his jaw drops when all Bakugo does is scoff at your statement, barking at you to follow him to both your preferred area of the training grounds to resume practicing together.
Both of you look almost...friendly, exchanging punches and kicks, no heat behind Bakugo’s snarky comments, a smile on your face when you give it to him right back verbally. The upperclassmen and the pro-hero faculty watch in amused fondness as overtime Bakugo’s glowering and barking lulls down to a muted calm grumpiness as he continues to trail beside you. He’s not too different than a tamed feral kitten (not that any of them would voice that thought aloud and risk being blasted to pieces).
And as time continues on, everyone gets used to the fact that the two of you seem joined at the hip. You’re just...always together in a strange amicable friendship? Partnership? Relationship? No one knows how to exactly describe it and maybe that’s what finally leads to you overhearing an interesting conversation one morning in the dorms.
You yawn as you make your way to the common room to see who else is up, but you pause before you turn the corner from your hallway when you hear Kirishima mention your name.
“So what’s going on between the two of you. Are you dating?”
You don’t even have to peek around the bend to know who he’s talking to and your face heats up, ears perking up in anxious curiosity as you wait for Bakugo’s response. Realistically, you know you shouldn’t expect much. But it doesn’t make it hurt any less when you wait for Bakugo to shut Kirishima’s well-meaning thought down with a rude “why would I go out with that nobody” or some similar derogatory comment aimed at the idea of dating you or anyone for that matter.
Yet there’s only silence and a secret smile spreads across your face when all Bakugo finally responds with is a quiet scoff and a “it’s none of your business”.
“That’s not a no!”
“Shut up!”
Your heart is pounding as hope blossoms inside of it and you slowly countdown from ten, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down, schooling your face into as neutral an expression as possible. When your excess giddy energy is under some semblance of control, you make your presence known, bidding good morning to both boys and teasingly ruffling Bakugo’s spiky hair in a more affectionate version of a noogie. And Kirishima is left with a gaping jaw as he watches Bakugo merely roll his eyes at your antics and grunt here and there in response to your rambling as the two of you make your way to the cafeteria for breakfast together.
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step-on-me-khun · 3 years
It's Mikey's birthday, so I thought why not write something for it. Again, this is a future Mikey, it might not be canon but I really don't care. Oh and gn reader.
I'm trying to do more fics for Tokyo Revengers, I do requests but even if I don't get many that doesn't mean that I won't keep trying to write. The next character I'm writing for is Kazutora.
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Warnings: Smut, alcohol. No minors please.
Word Count: 2,967
You knew what was going to happen, not like it was a problem to you at all. It was Mikey's day, and everyone would make a big deal out of it. Of course, they would. Everyone loved Mikey.
Everyone was planning on heading over to Mikey's place, bringing food and stuff for him. Mikey had lost a lot of important people. Everyone made sure his birthdays were always a big deal.
You didn't mind it. Well, at least, you tried to look like it didn't bother you. It was just that you wanted to show Mikey how much he meant to you, so you were planning on getting him all to yourself so you could treat him.
Mikey's friends were your friends. When he needed someone to talk to, and you weren't there, he would always go to them. It was mainly you and Takemichi who drilled that into his head.
These guys, and you, were adults, so there was alcohol. You made sure to drink as small of it as possible. You wanted your mind to remain calm and clear.
It was nice. Everyone talked about the past, laughed about all the memories they remembered.
The mood of the room was great. Everyone was enjoying themselves. It was nice seeing Mikey with a genuine smile on his face.
Of course, the more liquor that was drunk, the more personality everyone had. Takemichi would cry at everything, the crying making him sleep under the kotatsu. Mitsuya appeared normal, and Draken was a little quieter. But Mikey hadn't had the same amount that everyone else had. It looked like he wanted to remember this day and have a clear head, just like you.
You and Mikey had been together for a while. Neither of you had moved in together yet. But whenever he needed you, you would always be there to listen to him. Or come over and cuddle together for as long as he liked.
The way his attitude changed whenever you or his friends appeared, you wanted to give him a reason to keep smiling and laughing. You were close to suggesting that the two of you move in with each other.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Kazutora's voice. "I something wrong, (Y/N)?" He asks.
"Hmm? No, I'm fine, just lost in thought, I guess," you reply, smiling at him.
Kazutora says nothing and goes back to the conversation everyone else was having.
You could feel Mikey beside you, his arm snaking around yours, pulling you closer. His chin rests on your shoulder.
"I'm so lucky to have you, (Y/N)," Mikey says quietly.
"Are you drunk?" You ask bluntly.
"Shut up. I haven't had that much,"
"Of course you haven't," you say sarcastically. You knew that Mikey hadn't had that much, but you wanted to be playful, so, of course, you teased him about being around it all.
"Why do you have to treat me this way?" Mikey asks playfully, pouting and looking you in the eye.
"You know I don't mean it," you reply, smiling at him.
Mikey hadn't had much of a childhood, well, at least, not in his teenage years. It surprised you when he bought up his past life, Toman and everything that had happened. Mikey always seemed a little depressed, but it made sense when you found out about everything. You got close to him, became an ear for him whenever he needed to vent and rant. Then Mikey needed you in another way, causing him to admit his feeling mid-conversation. Things went from there, and you've been together seven months now.
The two of you didn't go slow. When you needed each other, you were both there. You would stay at each other's places quite often, too. Mikey's comfort blanket was something you never took away from him, so you let him be and became comfortable with it. Day by day, you became closer, and trust between the two of you grew. To everyone else, it was like he was a teenager again.
The night went on, the two of you never really leaving each other's side. Mikey was never this clingy with you, but tonight he was. Everyone's presence was the gift he loved the most.
Your elbow rested on the table, chin resting in the palm of your hand. Mikey was happy, smiling and laughing. It was something you always loved seeing.
"Aww, the way you're looking at Mikey, it's obvious that you love him," Hina says, worming her way closer to you.
You shrugged like Hina had seen right through you. It wasn't something that had embarrassed you as much as it used to. Everyone could see how much you adored Mikey. The way you would look at each other was apparent to anyone.
"I've seen you look at Takemichi the same way, though, Hina," you teased slightly.
Hina giggles a little at your response. They had been together for so long. You admired them for it.
Takemichi wasn't used to drinking this much. Hina was there to switch his drinks to water now and again. Mitsuya would do the same with everyone else, especially if they're acting a little rowdier.
It was way past midnight, and everyone had had fun. You watched as everyone left, saying goodnight as everyone did so.
The mess at the kotatsu could wait until later. The time spent around everyone had completed drained you and your energy.
You were tired. Standing up, you stretch your arms above your head, yawning as you did.
Your eyes were closed as you yawned, so you hadn't noticed Mikey getting closer to you, eventually his arms wrapped around your waist and lifting you a little off the floor.
"What's this for?" You ask, wrapping your arms around his neck and your feet touched the floor again.
"For putting up with someone like me," Mikey replies.
"Stop right there, you," your hands cup his face, "it's your birthday, no sappy shit,"
Mikey pouts at you. It looked like he didn't like your response.
You pull Mikey's face closer to yours, peppering his lips with kisses. It was such a sweet and caring series of kisses. You wanted him to be happy. There was no way in hell you'd let him be sad, not on today of all days.
Your hands slowly left Mikey's face and, instead, rested on his shoulder or collarbone.
The more kisses you kept planting on his lips, the more heated the room got.
You were going to show him just how much you loved and adored Mikey. It didn't matter how tired you were. You stuck with your plan.
The problem was that when Mikey wanted something, he made sure to get it.
Naturally, a fight ensued between your tongues. The way they glided over each other was enough to make you want to fall to the floor and just let him take you there and then. But you didn't want to give into him. If it were a fight Mikey wanted, then he'd get it.
"M-Mikey," you moan quietly against his mouth.
Mikey's hands gently cup the sides of your neck, holding you still as he pecks your lips a few times before biting down on your lower lip.
You felt like you were on fire. The hands you placed on Mikey's chest moved to his hands, pulling him over to the couch before kissing him quickly, letting go of his hands and roughly shoving him onto it.
Mikey's dark eyes were darker, and his face flushed red by all the kissing you were doing. He knew what you wanted to do, and he had no intention of stopping you right now.
"You didn't wait all day just to do this, did you?" Mikey asks playfully, his hand sifting through his hair as you lower yourself down in between his legs.
"Maybe," you reply, laying the side of your head on his thigh, your hands working on the button and zip of his jeans. You tugged roughly on the top of his jeans and boxers, and his erection soon was freed from its trap.
The cool air hit Mikey's erection, causing him to hiss and groan at the sudden feeling.
"You gonna make me feel good, pretty girl?"
"Is that what you want from me, Mikey?"
His hands reach your face, tilting you up and planting a soft kiss on your lips.
"I'll let you do whatever you want, just for now, at least,"
Mikey's hands move from your face, and he leans his back against the sofa, patiently waiting for you to make a move.
Then you lay your tongue flat against the head of his dick, sliding it up to its tip, the tip of your tongue played with his slit.
Mikey's grip was mainly on his hair, not yours. The last thing he wanted to do was to ram himself into your mouth.
There was something about you domming him that made Mikey shiver with excitement. Even you putting him in his place was enough to get him erect, but that would also make him want to destroy you right there and then.
The eyes that gazed down at you as you reached his base, slowly licking up his length, were dark, darker than usual. There could be dangerous thoughts lingering behind them. You sat there, a sudden shiver running down your spine from the devilish thoughts running through you.
You used your mouth so well on him, sucking on his head once your tongue reached his head again.
All that Mikey could do was sit there, the feeling of your wet, hot mouth sending him insane. It was almost torturous. Why hadn't you taken him all into your mouth yet? It was making him impatient.
The way Mikey bit his lower lip and let out a low groan, you could tell that he was getting impatient, but you didn't care all that much. You were going to take your time. The next time you do something, if Mikey decided to go all out and be as rough as he wanted to, then that was down to you and your actions right now.
Your lips left a string of kisses from his base up to his tip, smiling once your mouth left Mikey's length.
"You're not getting impatient, are you?" You coyly ask, leaning your chin on Mikey's thigh. Your hand roughly tugged on his dick, squeezing it lightly as you pumped your hands up and down on him.
The eyes that were watching your mouth before now watching your hand.
"Please, just stop fucking teasing me already," Mikey begs, his hand gripping onto the couch tightly, knuckles pale. "I need you, so damn much,"
"Since you asked nicely, I suppose I could give you what you want," you say in a teasing tone.
You wasted no time now. Teasing Mikey went out the window.
Once your mouth slowly came down on him, Mikey held his breath, eyes closed tightly. It didn't matter how many times you had sucked him off. Mikey could never get tired of it.
You wanted to take your time, make him feel as good as he made you felt when he took control.
As much as you wanted to edge him, it wasn't right to do that, not today.
Mikey tried as hard as possible not to buck his hips up. You were making him feel so much, but he desperately needed more from you.
You started bobbing your head faster, the tip of his dick hitting the start of your throat.
"Oh, fuck," Mikey groaned quietly, leaning his head back against the couch, his eyes still closed.
You released him for a few seconds to get some air into your lungs, then get back to doing what you were doing.
Once you got used to the pace and speed, you tried your best breathing through your nose. When you knew you could handle it a little, you would halt your movements on him when his head touched the start of your throat. The need to gag hit you when you stilled for too long, your head moving back up, bobbing on him again.
The noises escaping from Mikey's mouth, even if they were low and breathy, were enough motivation for you to keep going.
"(Y/N)," Mikey groans, his eyes open, staring down at you.
He was close. The way he groaned your name was enough of a hint. You kept your pace, not feeling any need to speed up.
Whenever you glanced up at Mikey's face, all you saw was dark lust filling his eyes. It must've been difficult for him to control himself. His hands still gripped the couch tightly. If he felt like it, he could readily grasp your hair and be as rough with you as he wanted. But once you started, the control you had would be difficult to stop. Plus, you looked angelic to him.
A string of curses leaves Mikey's mouth, a few groans of your name, and he came into your mouth. Without any hesitation, you swallowed, not wanting to waste anything.
You were breathless, your face just as flushed and as pink as Mikey's.
Standing up, Mikey's hand rushed to your waist. The heat in the room spurred your actions as your lips once again found his, picking up where you last left off.
Air hardly hit your lungs, and you were right back into him. The hands that were at your waist rushed to removed both your clothes. It was slow at first, but then the passion hit both of you quickly. Your clothes were off in no time at all.
You were close to being pushed down onto the couch, but you quickly stopped him.
"Let me show you how much I love you before you take control, okay?" You ask, trying not to be forceful but loving.
A soft smile lit up Mikey's face. He understood you, let you do your own thing. Those words were signalling that you hadn't finished. Giving yourself to him was kind of like a birthday present.
One knee at a time moved onto the couch. A hand reaches Mikey's shoulders again as you hover your entrance over the tip of his dick. Slowly you sunk onto him, his length fully engulfed by you.
You let out a breathy moan, moving both your hands to the back of Mikey's head, sifting through his hair as you slowly moved up and down on him.
Both of your eyes stared directly into each other, never wanting to lose their focus. Mikey was far too precious to let go of, and you were too damn incredible for him to want to let go of you, his hands worming their way up to your back, resting lightly on your shoulder blades.
Slowly, your speed increased, your hips desperately trying to slam down onto him. Your movements sent both of you into heaven, making you hotter and needier by the second.
Your moans made it more difficult for Mikey to control himself. Right now, you were the most dangerous thing to him, but you were the one thing he needed the most.
"You're so good to me," Mikey groans, his hands sliding down your back, groping your ass.
"I love you so fucking much," you say before pushing your mouth onto his.
"I know you do, beautiful," Mikey groans between kisses, "I love you too. You feel so fucking good,"
You pull away, leaving Mikey breathless. The hands that were on your ass moved to your thighs, grabbing onto your skin tightly. He was so damn desperate to snap his hips up, wanting to look at your face as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
The feeling of his head hitting your g-spot sent you insane, causing you to try to be a little rougher. Your hands were desperate to cling to his hair.
That constant movement against that spot was enough for your orgasm to creep up, your walls contracting around Mikey as you struggled to move.
"Fuck, (Y/N), I'm close," Mikey groans.
Your eyes were focused on each other again, wanting to watch yourselves as you eventually succumbed to the feeling of your release. Your breathy moans hit Mikey's face as you rushed to your end, hips snapping down onto him.
The feeling of your walls around him made Mikey hiss, his hands trying not to leave scratches on your back.
"Shit," you cry as you came, trying hard not to stop your movements, but it was almost too much. You tried no to be lazy and continued attempting to let Mikey come.
You close your eyes as your hips moved down on him. Mikey bit his lower lip as he came, holding your hips still as he did.
The two of you were tired, not just from what you had just done, but from the little party that had happened.
Both your eye wandered to the scene behind yourselves. It wasn't going to be fun cleaning all this up later.
"Was this supposed to be a gift to me?" Mikey asks playfully, his voice tired.
"Why, wasn't what I got you good enough?" You respond, faking being hurt by him.
He laughs a little at your response. "Do you want to clean this up now or later?"
"I mean, I won't say no if you're insistent,"
"But I don't want to do that now,"
"Then don't. We can do it later,"
"That's if I don't feel like repaying you,"
"Repaying me?" You were playing being clueless, but you knew what Mikey meant. There was hope inside you that he might, at least, have mercy on you and not make it difficult for you to walk for the next few days.
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please don't steal what I write
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I normally do taglists, but I've only done this fic and one other, so no one's on the taglist... yet
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sondepoch · 4 years
HC: Married life with the boys!
With one chaotic human and a handful of boys too attractive for their own good, it's always been a simple matter of time before love found its way into the Devildom. And where love blooms, marriage often follows—and nothing will stop these boys from giving their human all the love in the world.
Word Count: 5.9k
*Mild NSFW themes for Beel & Diavolo ;)
Characters: All Brothers + Undateables - Luke
It highkey blows everyone’s mind when the two of you get married
Because absolutely nothing changes
Lucifer still reprimands you if you do something ridiculous, he still crosses his arms and frowns when you tease him, he still sends a scowl your way when you mess around with Diavolo - if anything, the two of you are distant, and alarmingly so to everyone who gazes upon the supposedly happy couple
But that’s only because they can’t see what goes down in private
And yes - the grass is greener behind the closed door of Lucifer’s study
It was different when the two of you were simply in a relationship: Lucifer’s pride was always there. He would allow you to have your way with him, touch his hair and kiss him and hold him, but he could only reciprocate so much
But now that you’re married?
If anything, Lucifer’s pride dictates that he now has to be open with you, the single person he trusts more than anyone else in the world
Something that he can only do in private
And honestly - you savor moments when you’re alone with him because of it
For the first time, he is the one to initiate contact. The barrier of pride is broken, and in its place lingers Lucifer’s neverending desire to be wrapped in your arms
It doesn’t matter if you’re smaller than him, you are big spoon
You pamper him, giving him all the forehead kisses and tight hugs and quiet handholding he could ever desire. And in exchange, he finally becomes honest with his emotions - finally casting his pride away so that he can ask you when he wants a hug, when he wants a kiss, when he’s needy for affection and love, and he wants you to give it
It’s reached the point where he only wants to be alone with you, eternally savoring the feeling of your arms around him and pulling him closer - finally vocal about his desires 
But he does feel guilty that he can only do this behind closed doors
So slowly, very slowly, he tries to sacrifice his pride and begin treating you different publicly
It starts small: a more tender voice whenever he addresses you, a secondary “are you sure?” whenever he’s worried that you’re uncomfortable, a ghost of a smile on his lips when you laugh so merrily
But soon, it morphs into small touches: fingers brushing against each other when you walk, a hand on your back when you’re next to each other, standing closer to you than everyone else
Slowly, the people around you become relieved. They start to understand that you are like any married couple, but that Lucifer was simply having a hard time adjusting to the abrupt closeness
And then, on the day when you and his brothers throw him a surprise birthday party, Lucifer is so overwhelmed by love that he kisses you then and there, right in front of everyone, pride be damned
And the process is slow going, but eventually he becomes as open with you in public as he is in private, until the two of you are so close that it seems nothing can ever keep him from holding your hand the way he wants again
s m u g
It still blows his mind that you chose him out of everyone, that you chose him to marry and love and spend the rest of your life with
And while he is absolutely dumbfounded by this fact, it won’t stop him from rubbing it everyone else’s face at every chance
“Hey guys, wanna go to this all-inclusive resort next month?” Mammon grins, an uncharacteristically innocent smile on his face. “I’ll pay and all!”
“Oh, yes!” Asmo squeals while Beel’s ears perk up at the word all-inclusive. “I have so many cute outfits that I can’t wait to wear!”
“Oh wait, my bad!” Mammon exclaims dramatically, a silly grin on his face. “Looks like it’s only for married couples. Guess I’ll just take MC then, sorry guys!”
PDA turns up by 10000000%
Man is a touchy demon by default, so in private (now that you’re married) he finally has the courage to quietly cuddle you the way he’s always wanted to
But bring him into public?
Oh boy
You cannot get him to stop touching you. Ever.
There is always a hand on your butt, or two arms around draped around your neck, or a single arm linked with your arm, but no matter what, Mammon makes sure that you guys are touching and that you are intimate
The only time you’re in public and he might not actively touch you is if you’re the one touching him - and holy hell, when you do, this demon melts in your hands
LOVES it when you get possessive. Man wants you to be greedy with him, just like he is with you, so if you yank his attention away from other demons in a fit of jealousy, he’ll just find it hot
Tangibly, the nature of your relationship hasn’t changed much after marriage. You both still live in the House of Lamentation (though you have moved into his room) he’s still in debt (but things are better than before, and Lucifer doesn’t shout as much), and he still has an only slightly unhealthy obsession with Goldie (fixed only by the fact that you have told him that no, he should not sleep clutching his credit card like a teddy bear)
But inside, marriage means everything to this demon
Man was assertive before, but never confident, ya know? All those big, fancy words were more of a coverup for his insecurity after being made fun of for so long
But now?
His confidence is real
And because of it, being around him is actually easier. He doesn’t need to call himself The Great Mammon or remind you to come to him when you need protecting - because at last, he believes those words
Because when he falls asleep every night with his head buried in the crook of your neck, it’s to your words of praise, slowly but steadily building his confidence up
And he loves it
(Bonus:) When he proposed, he proposed with ten rings because “you’re better than everyone else so you deserve more rings than everyone else”
This man really tried to talk you out of marrying him
Of course, by that time the wedding date was already final and everything ,so you shut him up with a firm whack on the back of the head, but that never stops Levi from being continually insecure
It’s not that he doesn’t want to be married to you
It’s that he’s worried you’re missing out on something by being married to him
Poor baby is so precious
And so insecure
At the beginning of your marriage, it takes hours to convince him that he’s not “unworthy” of your love 
Often in the morning, you’ll be able to tell that he’s having self-deprecating thoughts just by the look in his eye, so you’ll cuddle and kiss and love him for hours until it’s almost lunchtime - and only then, after hours of you reassuring him and reminding him why you love him, does he begin to believe that he isn’t a “yucky otaku”
For the remainder of the day, Levi makes sure to repay you in full - literally showering you in love as he makes you his Player 2 for every video game, going as far as to allow you to sit in his lap while he reads manga over your shoulder
And while things often reset at night - and the next morning the demon looks equally fearful about your decision to marry him, there’s no denying that the amount of time it takes to convince him that you love and want him is growing shorter and shorter
And then, one day, when Levi wakes up, he doesn’t have that look in his eyes at all
And he just straight up kisses you
This is the story of why Levi kisses you every morning, first thing in the morning (even if it’s just a forehead kiss)
Man is eternally grateful to you for bearing with him (despite you insisting that you weren’t “bearing’ with him - you were doing it out of love) while he was so hesitant and fearful, and vows to return every ounce of love tenfold
Man will do anything for you
Of course, he still prefers to stay indoors and to marathon TSL with you
But he does stop glancing away every time you praise him, and all the instances where he might have previously insulted himself now turn into simple blushes where he wraps you in a hug to hide his warm cheeks
Man is surprisingly touchy, even when he’s not fighting with other for your attention
100% sleeps best if you’re spooning him - no questions asked
(And please don’t ask questions - he’ll get so embarrassed)
And yes, after much begging him, he does finally purchase a bed for the two of you to sleep in instead of his bathtub (which is surprisingly comfy, given that you can just lay on top of Levi and cuddle him)
But yes, sometimes he will randomly lift you up in the middle of the night and carry you to the bathtub, because while there’s no chance this man is letting go of you as you sleep, he will always prefer the bathtub 
But you love him anyway <3
No one would have thought that the Avatar of Wrath would be able to lead such a peaceful life, but the second you guys get married, that’s what things are
Man treats you like royalty, making sure that things are always perfect for you
Mornings are no longer spent at the dining table, but are instead spent on the small table in Satan’s bedroom, where the two of you roll out of bed every morning and lazily curl up together on the same armchair while drinking tea and coffee, chatting about whatever dreams you had
Afternoons are quiet: Satan’s nose in a book and your fingers occupied with whatever your favorite pastime is, but you guys are always right next to each other, always touching in some way 
Evenings are calm - Satan will sometimes play a disc of your favorite human world band or will put on some music of his own preferred Devildom artists, and the two of you will simply talk until it’s nighttime and you both are sleepy
In essence, man mellows out after you marry him
And the reason?
He always feels so calm. It’s like you’ve quelled the eternal storm within his heart by marrying him, by promising that you’ll spend the rest of your lives together - and Satan hardly thinks he has any need for emotions like rage and anger when he always feels so blissfully happy with you
It becomes his favorite thing in the whole world to just pull you onto his lap and play with the ring around your finger, listening to the sound of your voice
He’s just so soft for you
Highkey wants to spend the rest of his life locked away inside his room with you, away from other people and other things that make him angry, but he will venture out into public with you because he knows that there’s value in exposing oneself to various social environments
In fact, now if he leaves the house at all, it’s usually with you by his side
His favorite place to visit is 100% the cat shelter, with the local, cozy bookstore taking its place as a close second
But this man will not hesitate to throw hands with anyone who disrespects you
It’s actually one of the reasons why he finds it so tedious to go outside - because no matter what, there’s always some foolish demon that treats you poorly, and then Satan’s disposition dictates that he can’t let that demon go home until the fool learns his place and apologizes
Of course, after the whole ordeal you guys 100% go somewhere to cheer each other up, and that’s the story of how you become the local ice cream store’s most valued customers
But Satan will always prefer being safe in his room with you, surrounded by his books and your things and everything that screams home
And are you guys secretly hiding a cat in your room?
Who knows? 
All you can say is that when the stack of “books” eternally buried under Satan’s desk sneezes, it’s not because Satan “enchanted them” to do so 
d e d i c a t e d 
h u s b a n d o 
Anyone can see the switch in Asmo when he settles down and marries you
Man changed when you guys started dating for sure. His posts on Devilgram began featuring you, he spent money he would have spent on hair products on buying you gifts, he stopped talking about himself and began focusing on complimenting you
But now that you’re married? And shit is official?? And you’ve actually legally sworn that you want to spend the rest of your life with him???
It’s the first time Asmo cries tears of joy
Man pulls a full 180 - there’s no longer any such thing as Asmo, or even MC. No, the two of you are now a package deal - and everywhere you go, it’s Asmo AND MC
And the whole Devildom knows about you two
And really, how could they not?
Ever since Asmo made that one post on Devilgram where the two of you are posing, flashing the camera your engagement rings - every single post Asmo has made is of you
In fact, some of his posts don’t even have him in it - they’re just you
Because this boi is so smitten for you
And he wants the whole world to know it
You guys start matching everything (or everything that’s fashionable. matching t-shirts are NOT the wave, honey, so put those back)
Nail polish? Matching. Jewelry? Matching. Aesthetics? Matching.
Asmo has so much love in his heart that it literally comes pouring out in every action he does
Man will miss his beauty sleep for you if you ask him for a glass of water in the middle of the night. And better yet, he won’t even complain if you keep him up late, as long as it means he gets to hold you close and shower you in kisses
And if you thought Asmo before marriage was touchy, then you have a big surprise in for you
Asmo’s touches are no longer sexual. (Or some of them are, but only when you’re ready for it ;)) He’s now more preoccupied with the closeness that accompanies touching you, and so his skin is always brushing by yours even in the briefest of touches, because it always sends such a lovely rush of warmth to his heart whenever you touch
Everything reminds him of you
Man will send you pictures of trees, birds, flowers (honestly anything beautiful) with the caption saw this today and it reminded me of you xoxo
And though he maintains the ruse of this being completely casual, that this marriage is just another wonderful thing that’s happened to him, you know that he never stops fangirling over the fact that you’ve actually chosen him to love and marry
And yes, he was an angel born to be loved: he was the jewel of the heavens and everyone who looked upon him was instantly charmed
But to him, none of that matters
The only love he cares about is yours, and now that you’ve given it to him, you’ve literally brought heaven to him because there’s nothing in the world he would trade for this
Imagine being married to Superman
That is what this marriage is like.
To the rest of the world, you are literally untouchable - because the moment you marry him, Beel will not allow anyone to mistreat you
Did you think he was baby? That he was precious?
Well, you were right. But now that the two of you are married, he looks at you with that same lens of protectiveness, and he wants to shield you from all the evil in the Devildom
Man is devoted in public and in private: nothing will stop him from showcasing his love for you
Expect to be offered food at all hours of the day, to be lifted up and hugged at random, and to be given forehead kisses on the daily 
And listen, when Beel kisses you on the forehead in public, it’s not just a show of affection to show the world how much he loves you. It’s a silent threat to anyone who might hurt you - a silent warning that Beel has extended his protective domain over to you, and now anyone who messes with you is messing with him and will not be shown mercy
That’s only in public tho - in private, this man goes back to being the most precious thing in the world
Contrary to public expectation, Beel is just like his younger brother in that he adores lazing around with you in bed, laying kisses across your skin for hours on end while you just sigh in bliss
He just adores the intimacy of the whole situation alongside the sensation of your smaller frame being literally enveloped by his own
His favorite thing in the whole world is laying on his side with his head resting on top of yours, your back pressed against his chest while he hugs you from behind and listens to you rant about whatever. And while this is going on, he will absolutely slide his ring off his finger and absentmindedly slide it onto yours, watching as the larger band dangles so loosely off even the thickest of your fingers
It actually opens up a whole new kink realization to him: that he adores seeing you in his things and watching the way your smaller frame is nearly swallowed up by all his clothes
And while it has always been normal for you to casually wear his shirts and walk around his room in them without anything else on, the fact that the two of you are married gives him the confidence to sneak you out of his room looking like that, where you occasionally run into his brothers. And the sight of you dressed in his clothes in front of other people awakens a side of him that he never knew existed
100% tries to get you to leave the house looking like that
“Babe, I can’t wear this outside”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not wearing any underwear beneath this and if the wind blows, then—”
“You’re not wearing any underwear?”
And then Beel realized that he really had discovered a new kink
The marriage no one foresaw
Nah, but fr tho
It’s not that Belphie doesn’t love you - even a blind man can tell that he’s hopelessly fallen for you
It’s just that you guys were acting like a married couple so long before you guys got married that no one thought there was any point in actually sealing the deal
And honestly, things really don’t change much after you both get married
You still sleep in the same bed, you still cuddle each other at night, you still bicker back and forth 
From a distance, it seems like the nature of your relationship is entirely unchanged, save for the fact that you both have matching bands around your ring fingers
That’s only because no one else can see how Belphie treats you in private
Where there would once be peaceful naps where he dozed off on your thighs to the feeling you playing with his hair, he now spends that time lost in slow conversations with you, their topics varying based on whatever has popped through his mind that day
Man realizes that, now that you’re his spouse, he wants to know everything about you
And he’s willing to spend all the time in the world learning these things
He’ll lie you down on the bed and play with your hair, asking you the most random questions
“Do you dislike mushrooms?”
“If you had a pet frog, what would you name it?”
“What do you think of stickers?”
Of course, that may be because your answers are utterly ridiculous
“Only if they stand over four inches”
“They’re only good if they smell good”
And for the longest time, you really only humor his questions with responses because, well, he’s your husband and you think that he just wants to get to know you better (albeit in a rather unorthodox method)
But then, one day, the two of you are casually walking through the Devildom market in preparation for it being Belphie’s turn to make dinner, and the demon selects the ingredients to your favorite dish without even consciously knowing what it is
And you realize that every question you answered was one Belphie took to heart, and that the reason he always wants to learn so much about you is so that he can use the information to be the best husband he can be
And when you figure it out, you nearly tackle Belphie to the ground in a hug, because you’re so touched
“You’re the best husband ever!” You murmur, wrapping your legs around his waist as you bury your face in the crook of his neck, clinging to him like a koala as you trap him in an embrace he can’t wriggle out of
“Did you really just realize why I always ask these things?” Belphie questions, sighing as if he’s disappointed
But even he can’t hide the small grin that creeps onto his face as you hug him tighter, and you know he’s just savoring the affection. And who are you to deny him any?
Arguably the most stressful marriage, but not for either of you: for the people around you
You guys are that couple
Things were hectic enough before, when you guys would pull pranks on the demons every time you were together. But now that you’re in love? And married??? And ALWAYS together?!?!?
RIP to everyone around you
The two of you never really seem to grow old - your energy is seemingly inexhaustible and you’ve already pranked all 72 demons that Solomon has pacts with four times over (and yes, that does include Barbatos, who has now made multiple threats to break the pact)
But, again, this is one of those instances where there’s a sharp difference between how you guys act in public vs. in private
In public, things are a hot mess. You guys are always laughing, always joking, always smiling
But in the privacy of Solomon’s bedroom, without any potential targets for pranks and any demons that you guys need to keep your guard up around, things change substantially
Contrary to public expectation, you guys are almost completely silent when you’re alone - but it’s not an awkward silence, by any means. No, the silence that you and Solomon find is nothing short of comforting, and every time you guys escape to the confines of his room, you both let out a breath neither of you realized you’d been holding
Because although you guys are strong, and arguably the most powerful team of humans in the Devildom, the fact remains that you guys are human.
And you can only let your guards fully down around each other
Nights are spent in the absence of any loud laughter or obnoxious rackets, the two of you preferring to savor the sound and comfort of silence. You guys fit together like pieces to a puzzle, and no words are necessary for the two of you to change into your nightwear and snuggle up under the same blanket, soft sighs escaping your lips the moment your skin comes into contact with one another
It’s only times like now, when there’s no one else in the world around, that you both can find true peace
And on nights like these, Solomon will just hold you close to him, sometimes pressing his forehead against yours, and he’ll stroke your sides softly, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into your skin
And of course, you’ll reciprocate in full, pressing soft, open-mouthed kisses to the man’s jaw as he continues his ministrations, sometimes letting out a quiet hum of contentment as you pull him closer
It’s a relationship where speech isn’t necessary; you guys are so in sync with each other and so helplessly in love that words only complicate things
But still, on occasion, one of you will open your mouths to disrupt the silence, and on nights like these, there’s really only one thing either of you will even consider saying
“I love you”
And if there’s one certainty in life, it’s the fact that the other will repeat the same phrase back, punctuating it with a kiss that reminds you both why you love each other so much
And just how worth it this marriage really is
The marriage that everyone foresaw
Nah, but fr tho
This is the relationship where everyone knew about it except for you two
Even the day Simeon proposed: it was so spontaneous - he was planning on doing it the following week - but every single person who crossed paths with him could see how helplessly in love he was with you, so it shocked no one when the two of you announced the “surprise” that you were getting married
And this is arguably one of the best decisions you have ever made
In every way
Simeon’s an angel, so marriage is probably the most important to him out of everyone. He was treating you like royalty long before you two got together, but now that the two of you are married? This man CANNOT hold back. And believe him, when he says he will get you whatever you want - he will get you whatever you want
Funny part is, most of the time, this man knows what you want before you do
You’ll be diligently taking notes at the RAD library and you won’t realize that your pencil is blunt until the words are barely legible - but when you get up to find a sharpener, you’ll see that Simeon tossed one onto your desk right before he left to grab a book
You’ll wake up at three in the morning and realize you’re thirsty - but the moment you open your eyes and sit up on the bed, Simeon will already be there with that charming smile and a glass of water in his hand
You’ll be returning from a session of painting your nails with Asmo, only to realize that there’s no way you can grab your keys from your pocket without smudging the semi-dry nail polish - and Simeon will miraculously come home at that second, kissing you on the forehead before opening the front door for you
Like seriously, it’s a gift
Of course, then there comes the day where you try to return the favor, trying to study the way his eyebrows furrow as he reads his book to determine when he’s about to stop and turn on the TV instead (only for you to triumphantly hand him the remote)
And then the affection never ends and the rest of your marriage is characterized by nonstop trying to outdo each other in thoughtfulness that everyone just looks at and sighs because it’s so wholesome
And will Luke become your and Simeon’s honorary child?
And does Luke hate this in every single way?
Oh yes:
“This is ridiculous! I am two thousand years older than MC! You can’t expect me to have to listen to them every time they tell me to do something! They should be listening to me!”
“Watch your language, young man,” Simeon warns. “I won’t have you talk that way in this house.”
“It’s not even a house!” Luke screams in defiance. “And I refuse! I will say what I want, when I want, and how I want!”
“That’s enough, Luke. Go to your room and think about what you’ve said until you’re ready to apologize!”
And God help Luke the day he accidentally calls Simeon “Dad,” because nothing can break the family after that moment
“Teach me.”
Listen, marriage isn’t a concept that demons are familiar with
They love you, so they’ll do it for your sake - but if a demon weds a human, the demon is 100% playing it by ear and desperately hoping that they’re doing things right
But Barbatos?
Nah, this man gives everything his all, and you’re more important than everything combined. So suffice it to say that when he marries you, he is committed to being the best husbando he can possibly be
And how does he go about achieving such a thing, you ask?
Why, two simple words: “Teach me.”
He asks that you be completely upfront and honest with him about what you desire, and he does everything he can to fulfill them
Things start slow, of course
You mention to him that married couples often sleep in the same bed and share a bedroom - and then he’s requested that Diavolo provide him a new room (one which doesn’t have doors that lead to other timelines) where the two of you live together
Then you talk about how married couples usually have matching wedding rings, and the next morning you find two obscenely expensive (but beautifully artistic) rings, and a wide-eyed butler asking if they’re to your liking
You explain that married couples sometimes get closer to each other by having a family pet and (bless his heart) Barbatos takes you to an aquarium the next day and the two of you bring home a pet fish
And things are slow going with Barbatos, but progress is steady
And soon, he starts to get the hang of it
You guys don’t just sleep in the same bed, he starts to pull you closer. Casual touches turn into cuddling, and then all of a sudden he can only sleep if he’s spooning you in the process
He decides that he likes it when you wear things he buys you, so he gifts you even more woefully expensive but equally stunning jewelry, until you’re always leaving your shared room with one of Barbatos’s presents adorned on your figure
And although Barbatos is too responsible to get rid of the (immortal) pet fish he bought, the two of you have a talk and then you head down to the pet store and buy an actual pet, one which you guys can touch and hug and cuddle
And before long, Barbatos doesn’t need you to teach him how to be a good husband, he realizes that most of it is instinctive; he understands that to make you happy, he really just needs to do the things that make him happy
Of course, he still approaches many things textbook style
Every morning and every night, man will whisper that he loves you - no excuses. You guys could have a fight and he will still do this
But gradually as time moves on, he sees that marriage doesn’t have to be a big, fancy show
And he starts to just savor the sensation of being helplessly in love with you
No, but literally - you guys are the most powerful couple in the world
And Diavolo is living for it
You are royalty now, and Diavolo won’t let you forget that for a single second
You want a snack? That’s fine, here’s a nine-course buffet featuring food from the human world, Celestial Realm, and Devildom
Been feeling tired and want a break? No worries, the next week has been declared a newfound Devildom holiday, so rest up for as long as you want
You don’t like this specific brand of nail polish? Oh okay, there are now four hundred samples in your room to help you find one you do like
It honestly gets to the point where you have to sit Diavolo down (*cough* sit on Diavolo’s lap *cough*) and tell him that no, when you tell him you’re considering cutting your hair, he doesn’t have to hire four professional hairstylists and a consultant to help you select the style
After much discussion he agrees to talk these things out with you
And it’s the sweetest thing in the world
“Babe, can you help me get this jar? I can’t reach it.”
“Does this mean you just want me to get you the jar? Or do you want me to make it a law that all Devildom households cannot have shelves higher than the reach of the standard human height?”
“Just the jar, hon.”
Will never deny you anything, ever
Actually begins putting your interests in front of his own, asking Barbatos to cook your favorite meals and desserts instead of Diavolo’s own preferences because hey, food is just food, and it makes him so happy to see your face light up when you find that dinner is your favorite dish
And listen there’s one thing you need to know about: this man’s bed
Holy shit, nothing compares
It is the most comfortable thing in the world, and you’re pretty sure that even God is missing out if he hasn’t taken a nap on Diavolo’s bed because goddamn that shit is amazing
Like you love Diavolo to death but his bed is absolutely revolutionary with how comfortable it is, and you really feel like you could spend an eternity just starfished out under the covers
And of course, since you love the bed and Diavolo loves you, the two of you can spend hours just lazing around in the morning, cuddling and giggling until it’s almost lunchtime
And mornings with Diavolo are the best
Again, though, you’re royalty, now that you’re married to him. So Diavolo isn’t going to let you be woken up like a commoner. With him, there are no alarms, no loud voices, none of that obnoxious shaking you awake or any such nonsense
No, when Diavolo wakes you up every morning, it’s truly in a way fit for royalty, in a way that only he can do - a way that you honestly prefer to all the others ways you’ve been woken 
And does this include Diavolo smirking up with you every morning from between your thighs?
But does that stop him from doing it every day? 
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padfootagain · 3 years
Evening Banter
Here we go for a new request for my 5k event! @acciorudolphx requested prompts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10 for Ben. But as I asked for only 3 prompts maximum, I've cut down the ask and used these three:
3. "You're stealing all the blanket!"
7. "What do you mean you don't like me? We're MARRIED!"
9. "You're kinda hot when you're mad, not gonna lie…"
I hope you like it!! It's just fluffy fluff and cute banter!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1289
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It felt good to have Ben back. After being away for months to shoot one of his projects, it felt so right to finally have him laying by your side in your bed. Along the last months he had spent away, you went to see him a few times, and obviously called each other every day. But it was so different to having him on his side of the bed next to you, in your shared bedroom, in your home. To feel his weight bending the mattress in this familiar curve, and hear his breathing next to you in this room that was your home. With the familiar light of his bedside table shining in his dishevelled black curls, and his sleepy eyes blinking while he tried his hardest to stay awake just long enough to read the end of one more chapter. You could smell his scent by your side more vibrantly than when the perfume was but remnants impregnated in his pillow. His body warmed the covers you were in just the perfect amount. And to all these, the simple fact that he was there, that you could reach for his hand whenever you wanted instead of only seeing him through the pixels of a screen made you feel so happy and safe. You felt like everything in your life was right where it should be once more. Nothing was amiss. Nothing wrong could happen for as long as he was by your side, in this bed, with you.
You watched him, your own book long forgotten resting on your laps, as he finally turned a page and reached a new chapter. He grabbed his bookmark and let out a loud yawn as he put his book away on his bedside table and rubbed his tired eyes. He turned to you with a sleepy gaze that made his eyelids slightly drop on his brown eyes. In the dimly lit room, his irises had turned completely black, and you couldn't see when his irises ended and his pupils began.
He gave you a warm smile, filled with fondness, and just with his expression you knew what thought was forming in his mind even if he didn't speak the words out loud.
It meant I love you.
"I'm gonna turn off the light for tonight, darling," he told you with the softest of tones, his voice unbelievably low and deep. "I'm falling asleep."
"Me too," you nodded, putting your own book away and settling down in your bed.
You turned off your light, and turned to Ben. Your husband had slipped down his pillow to lay down as well, but he had kept his light on for now. He was staring at you with a stupid grin on his face and adoring eyes.
"What?" you asked, shying away a little, despite the fact that you had been together for years.
But then, it was Ben, and he still held all his powers over you.
"I'm glad to be home."
You reached for his hand across the bed, your fingers intertwining and locking together, the same way you had done hundreds of times before, the gesture natural, as if your two hands were meant to hold onto the other.
"I'm glad you're home too," you whispered, offering him a tender smile. "I've missed you so much."
"Me too," he hummed, blinking a few times.
You could tell he was fighting sleep just to look at you for a little longer.
"We should go to sleep, honey. You look exhausted," you said softly, brushing a few strands of his hair away from his face.
"Thanks for the compliment…"
You rolled your eyes at his teasing, closing your own eyes. If you showed him by example, he might finally imitate you and go to sleep.
You felt him moving around in the bed, but didn't hear the little 'click' of the light being turned off. You also felt the blanket move around a lot, so you grabbed your end of it and gave it a firm pull.
"You're stealing all the blanket!" Ben complained by your side.
"I am not! You're shuffling around a lot, that's all."
"You are! And I'm cold!"
You released the blanket, heaving a sigh, but Ben used your movement to properly steal the blanket this time, pulling it off of you completely.
"And who's stealing the blanket now, huh?" you complained, turning to him again with a glare.
"Not me," he grinned mischievously.
"Ben, it's late…"
"I'm just getting comfortable."
You tried to pull on the blanket again, but Ben was pulling harder. And the more he was going at it, the more annoyed you became.
"Ben, I want to go to sleep."
"Alright, I'll give you back the blanket in exchange of a kiss."
"You don't deserve one."
"You're so annoying…"
"I love you too, baby."
"Give me that blanket!"
"Give me a kiss," he repeated, an annoying cheeky grin on his lips.
And when he was like this, there was no way you would give in.
"I don't like you enough for that."
He frowned in outrage, his mouth falling open.
" What do you mean you don't like me? We're MARRIED!"
"Don't remind me…"
"Come on, give me a kiss."
"NO! Back off!" you replied with a laughter distorting your words, but you simply couldn't hold it back any longer.
Ben moved to wrap his arm around your waist, with the same shit-eating grin plastered on his face, and he was so annoyingly cute, it was almost unbearable.
You tried – at least a little – to push him away but Ben was way stronger than you, and he had no trouble pushing you onto your back to lie on top of you, making sure you couldn't move at all.
"You're heavy," you complained, heaving a sigh that you purposefully made more annoyed than you truly were.
"You're kinda hot when you're mad, not gonna lie…" Ben replied.
"Stop flirting with me, it won't work."
"Of course it works, it made you marry me!"
"Hmmm… yeah, forgot about that."
He brushed his nose against yours, and if there was any annoyance left in your body, it vanished under the tender gesture.
"I've really missed you, you know? It was hard being away from you," Ben whispered.
"I've missed you too. Even if you're annoying."
"You mean charming."
"Charming. That's what you meant."
Before you could fight back, he was leaning down to press his lips to yours, and really, how could you argue against that?
"Right… maybe a little charming," you yielded.
"Hmmm… yeah, very charming."
"Don't push it."
He chuckled, almost giggling while he dropped sweet pecks to your hairline.
"I'm tired," he mumbled against your forehead, holding you closer to him.
You softly stroked his bare back in a soothing gesture, and you felt his muscles relax under your touch.
"We should go to bed, baby."
"Hmmm… yeah."
"Come on, you're too heavy, we can't sleep like this."
"Sorry," he laughed, rolling to his side of the bed again.
He finally turned off his light, and placed back the blanket upon your frame, making sure you were warm and comfortable before resting his head on his pillow and closing his eyes. He loosely held on your waist still, just to feel you by his side, just to make sure you were there and weren't going anywhere. But where would you have gone to? There was no place you would have rather been than by his side.
"Good night, darling. Love you," he whispered in the dark, and you couldn’t refrain a smile at the tender words while bidding him good night as well.
"Sweet dreams, babe. I love you too."
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tanyawritesstories · 3 years
Love Comes With A Hat | Kung Lao x Reader
So this fic was actually based off of a dream I had a few months ago. It's based off the movie characters looks because that's the way I saw it in my brain. It's the first fic I've written for a Mortal Kombat character so I hope y'all like it and that it's accurate.
Word count: 3.9k
Warnings: technically there's smut but it's brief, pregnancy, drinking, angst, feelings, pregnant reader, Bo Rai Cho is a warning all his own
You stared at the test in your hand, not experiencing the emotions you expected. You were shocked more than anything, it had only been one random night. It was an accident. An accident you remembered quite vividly. It had started as just a few innocent drinks with Kung Lao, Liu Kang, and their master Bo Rai Cho. But if you learned anything about Bo Rai Cho that night, it was that he liked to drink and he liked to buy drinks for everyone. That's how you and Kung Lao both ended up more drunk than you wanted to be, and if you had learned anything about Kung Lao that night it was that he was a flirty drunk. A very flirty drunk. You were too tipsy to care about your respectful relationship with the Shaolin monk and just happy that your friend was showing you some romantic attention. You shamelessly flirted back and for some reason Liu Kang, who you later learned wasn't actually drunk and just kept lying about the supposed vodka soda he was drinking, let you and his best friend continue to get more and more handsy with one another.
At the end of the night, Liu had dropped off you and Kung Lao at their temporary earthrealm lodge and gone to take Bo Rai Cho home since he was blackout drunk. At least you and Kung Lao could still stand. The second the door was closed and locked, he was on you. His hat was thrown to the side as his lips moulded perfectly with yours. You could taste all the alcohol he'd consumed and it only intoxicated you more. After spending half the time at the bar with his hand up your skirt, Kung Lao wanted the real thing. He had picked you up and set you on the table, laying you down and stripping everything off your bottom half. He eagerly explored the treasure between your legs with his fingers. Even when drunk, Kung Lao was precise with his movements. He brought you to the edge with just his fingers before licking your juices off of them and taking off just enough clothing to free his member and plunge it deep within you.
Everything was a blur after that. He was thick and scraped every euphoric nerve in your body with his movements. Your muscles burned and twitched with every groan and growl he let out, his mouth right next to your ear. It wasn't long before that delicious pressure built back up within you and snapped with a few well aimed thrusts. You remember the warm feeling spread through you as Kung Lao released inside, both of you too drunk to worry about protection beforehand. You laid in an uncomfortable position on the table until Kung Lao pulled out of you and stumbled to the bathroom. You were able to get up and clean yourself off a little, put your skirt back on, and collapse on the sofa. Which is exactly where Liu Kang found you when he got back. He let you sleep and took you back to your apartment in the morning after giving you some herbal pain remedies.
You didn't feel any different the next day, or the next week. You threw up a few times the day after, which you were sure was because of the amount of alcohol you consumed. A whole month and a half passed before your nosey roommate, Mia, brought up the idea that you might be pregnant. She had been keeping track of every strange thing you had done for the past month. From getting up to go to the bathroom in the night more than usual, to the random mood swings, to falling asleep at your desk, and eating pickles with hot fudge the other day. Not to mention, your period was three weeks late and you hadn't even noticed. Mia wanted answers, for you as well as herself, and had already bought you a pregnancy test which she promptly thrust at you.
Now, staring at the little stick that read 'pregnant' in plain English, it was all starting to hit you. You didn't go to see Kung Lao and Liu Kang very often. Once, maybe twice, a month if you weren't busy, to put it simply: you didn't know what to do. You heard knocking on the bathroom door before you heard Mia's voice. "You ok in there, hun?" You blinked back tears of confusion and answered her. "Yeah, I'm ok." You stuck the test in your pocket and exited the bathroom to find Mia standing right outside the door. "So, what's the verdict?" You didn't say anything and just handed her the stick. "I knew it, so who's the daddy?" You cocked an eyebrow at her blunt question but decided to answer. "One of my best friends," you said quietly. Her eyes widened as she handed the test back to you. "That's gonna be tough, how are you gonna do it?" You frowned. "Do what?" She shrugged, the nonchalant look on her face starting to annoy you. "Tell him, ya'know, that he knocked you up." You looked at the test in your hand, feeling the strong urge to just snap it in half. "I don't know."
You waited two more months, deciding not to tell Kung Lao. He and Liu were your best friends, you didn't want anything to ruin that. You couldn't stay away from them forever, they were already wondering why you hadn't come over the last couple times they invited you. You sent them your work over the computer instead of in person, all the information you had been gathering about potential new champions. Just a few days ago Liu had called just to check in on you, thinking you might be sick or injured. You assured him you weren't but you knew you didn't convince him, he could spot a lie from a mile away.
You had started going to the doctor, getting the proper care and tests done to make sure you and the baby were healthy. You even had ultrasound pictures of your little one, that seemed to cement something in your mind. You needed to tell Kung Lao. Sooner rather than later, before you started showing, there was no hiding it then.
You called Liu Kang before you left and asked him if you could come stay at their place for a night or two. That concerned him a little bit but ultimately he was glad that you would be coming to see him and Kung Lao again. You packed for a couple days and drove for a few hours into the woods where the boy's temporary earthrealm residence was. It was secluded back in the woods along a river popular with fishermen in the morning hours. It blended in and allowed the boys to hide in plain sight, mixed in with the few other fishing cabins along the river. No outworld ruffian would look there.
You arrived at the cabin later than you wanted to, having stopped three times to use the restroom along the way. You had tried not to pack your bags that heavy but you needed clothes and you needed all your computer equipment for work. You grabbed the lightest bag you had and went inside, hoping one of the boys would be able to help you with the rest. The door was unlocked, as they had been expecting you, and you walked right in. You entered the living room and found that master Bo Rai Cho was also visiting. He was sat plopped in front of his new favorite thing ever since you introduced him to it, the television. You set your bag on the floor and he took notice of you. "Y/N!" He got out of his chair, fast for a man his size, and strode over, pulling you into a tight hug. "It's good to see you again." You winced in his tight hug until he let go and you smiled at him. "It's good to see you too, Master Cho." He returned the smile and clapped you on the shoulder before walking to an open window. "Liu Kang, your friend has arrived!" He shouted.
It was only a few seconds until Liu Kang came bounding into the room from outside. You smiled at him and he walked over to pull you into a hug, he almost seemed relieved to see you. "It is good to see you again," he said, pulling away. You half smiled and nodded. "It's good to see you too, Liu. Um, you mind helping me unload my stuff?" He agreed without a second thought and walked out to your car with you. You stopped by your trunk and swallowed hard, your muscles tense and nervous. How were you going to tell Kung Lao? "Is Kung Lao here? Usually I'd see him," you commented. Liu grabbed a few of the heavier bags, lifting them with ease. "No, he is out running errands. He should be back in an hour." You sighed and hung your head, not knowing what to think of that. "Is something wrong?" You took a deep breath and looked over at the concerned young man. "Liu, I need to talk to you."
You both unloaded your car before walking down by the river, through the small flower garden they'd planted. You both took a seat on top of the retaining wall, separating the river from the land. "Now, what do you wish to speak to me about?" Liu sat with his legs criss-crossed, perfectly relaxed. You tried sitting the same way but ultimately just dangled your legs over the wall. "Um, I know I haven't visited in a while, and there's a reason for that.." you stared at the water, avoiding eye contact. Though you could see Liu out of the corner of your eye, looking at you with a worried expression. "That night I crashed on your couch...did Kung Lao ever tell you what happened?" You hesitantly looked over at Liu and his eyes fell to the dirt. "Yes, he told me the day after." You looked back at the ground and sighed, Liu reached over and placed his hand on your knee. "There is no need to be ashamed, you were inebriated. Your judgement was clouded, both of yours." You closed your eyes trying to will yourself not to cry. "There's more to it.." you figured you just had to say it and blinked away tears, looking over at Liu who had his head tilted in curiosity. "Liu, I'm pregnant."
His mouth slowly dropped open as his mind processed the information. His gaze dropped to the ground and his reaction just made you feel worse. "I know, I'm sorry," you said. He looked back up at you. "It is not your fault," he squeezed your knee reassuringly, "this is Kung Lao's business now, you need to tell him." You sniffled and a tear managed to escape down your cheek. "I know, when he gets back will you tell him I need to talk to him? Maybe, give him and I some privacy so we can talk it out?" Liu nodded and gave you a small smile, "of course." You could tell Liu was still trying to comprehend what you told him as you both walked back to the house and he helped you settle in. He tried to strike up normal conversation but it was awkward, you felt like an outsider. After a while you offered to clean the place to try and distract yourself and neither of the men objected.
Kung Lao was gone for longer than expected but eventually he came back, Liu took him aside while you unpacked the groceries. You saw them standing in the corner talking though you couldn’t hear their words. You stared for a second and could read Liu’s lips. ‘Talk to her’ he was saying. You tried to calm yourself down and at the same time psyche yourself up for what you had to eventually tell Kung Lao.
You had just finished putting everything away when Kung Lao approached you. “Liu Kang said you needed to speak to me, privately,” he said. His tone was curious this time, not as serious as he usually was. “Yeah, can we..” you trailed off as you motioned outside. He nodded and waved for you to go first. You walked back out to the same spot you and Liu had sat earlier, on the retaining wall by the river. Kung Lao took off his hat and set it next to him, he knew it was easier for you to talk to him without it ever since you said it was distracting and you were staring at it instead of him. He smirked at the memory and looked back at you, waiting for you to speak.
“What did Liu tell you I needed to talk to you about?” You asked, wondering how to start the conversation. “He just said you needed to talk and that it was important,” he answered bluntly. You nodded and fiddled with the ultrasound pictures in your hoodie pocket. You had worn it to hide the tiny bump that had started to form over the last couple days. “Um, about that night a few months ago-” “I’m sorry,” he interrupted, “I know I should not have gone that far. We were both not ourselves that night.” You smirked. “No, I’m not complaining, but there’s more to it..” you sighed. “I’m not sure how to tell you this but..” you could see him becoming worried. You took one of the photos out of your pocket and handed it to him. He looked confused but took the blurry image, trying to figure out what it was. “You got me pregnant.”
His eyes widened and he looked over at you. “I’m sorry,” you said with a sad look on your face. You weren’t sure what compelled you to say it but you felt like you had just ruined someone’s life. You watched him as he stared at the picture, nothing was clearly visible but it must have seemed convincing enough to him. You slipped the pregnancy test out of your pocket and showed it to him too. You heard him sigh and just kept silent, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts. “How far along are you?” he finally asked, his voice scarily cold. “A little over three months,” you answered. You bit your lip before asking a question you needed an answer to. “What are we going to do?” He handed you the test and picture back. “I don’t know.” He said. You were hurt, he had nothing else to say? Your moment was interrupted by Bo Rai Cho calling out that dinner was ready.
Kung Lao helped you up and you walked inside together, he was silent the entire time. You made eye contact with Liu for a split second as you took a seat at the table and his shoulders fell, your expression gave away your emotions. Bo Rai Cho set down the meal, a kind of special fish concoction he had come up with that you normally loved. This time though, it made your stomach turn. The second the aroma hit your nose, nausea hit you badly and you could practically feel the vomit rising in your throat. “I’m sorry, excuse me,” you said quickly before getting up and dashing to the bathroom. You had just enough time to brush your hair out of the way before you emptied your stomach into the toilet.
“What might be wrong with her?” Bo Rai Cho asked. “I didn’t mess it up again, did I?” Liu looked at Kung Lao, his expression urging the other monk to go check on you since this was his doing. But Kung Lao stayed put and just stared back at Liu Kang, his expression unwavering. You could still be heard throwing up in the bathroom down the hall. Liu finally got up and went to check on you. He grabbed a cup of water and a wet cloth to clean off your face. “Lao?” You asked out loud between dry heaving breaths. “No, it’s me,” Liu answered. He kneeled down next to you and rubbed your back until your body finally stopped it’s rejection. “Why didn’t he come?” you asked, sounding defeated. “He does not know how to, right now. He will learn soon," Liu tried to assure you. "He doesn't want any part of this, I know he doesn't," you admitted as you slumped into the corner. Liu handed you the glass of water and watched as you downed it all, thinking. "He will come around, I will talk to him."
You spent the rest of the night in the spare bedroom, hiding and crying. The realization that if Kung Lao didn't help, you'd basically be left alone to raise a child and that idea terrified you. You hoped Liu could talk some sense into him. You loved Kung Lao, only you didn't know how to tell him. The thought of him completely rejecting you because of this was heartbreaking, you wished there was a better solution or any solution at all. Bo Rai Cho felt bad that his cooking had made you sick and made up for it by making you some calming tea and getting you anything you wanted. But the thing you wanted most was Kung Lao back.
You barely slept that night and asked Liu if he could bring your breakfast to your room. You could smell how good it was from your room but you didn't want to get up, you just wanted to hide. Someone knocked on the door and you called out for them to come in. You expected it to be Liu Kang with your breakfast, but Kung Lao had brought it instead. You immediately looked away from him, all the shame and embarrassment coming back. "May I sit?" He asked. You shyly nodded and allowed him to sit on the edge of the bed and hand you your food. "I thought Liu was bringing me breakfast." You wondered out loud. "I wanted to," he said, "I need to apologize for yesterday. I reacted badly." You shrugged. "You reacted normally to shocking news," you replied, slowly starting to eat your food. Kung Lao looked at the floor as he thought about what to say. "I thought about it all last night and...I want to be a part of it. I'm not going to let you do this alone."
Your eyes locked with his and you could see the sincerity in them. You couldn't believe it, your eyes welled up with happy tears. "You're serious? You want to help me?" You questioned. A small smirk came to his face and he took one of your hands in his. "Yes. This is something that will affect us for the rest of our lives. I want to be a part of my child's life." You set your food aside and threw your arms around Kung Lao, hugging him. He was caught off guard but hugged you back. "We can do this," he whispered in your ear. "When is your next doctor appointment, I want to be there." You pulled away just enough to see his face. "Not for another month, are you sure?" He nodded. "I think it's about time I showed up to one," he said with a smirk.
You met Kung Lao in the hospital lobby and checked in with him, finally glad to have him with you. It was a lot less embarrassing and anxiety inducing, despite the fact that most people were staring at his hat. He stayed by your side with one hand on the middle of your back protectively all the way up to the correct floor, where you had to check in again.
"I'm here for an ultrasound appointment," you said to the receptionist. "Alright," she said, glancing questionably at Kung Lao. You smirked to yourself, he was intimidating. Nobody would dare fuck with you while Kung Lao was at your side. "And who have you brought with you today?" The woman asked, looking again at Kung Lao. You opened your mouth to speak but he beat you to it. "I'm her boyfriend, and the father," he answered. The woman nodded and went back to her computer. You turned your head to look at him, a huge smile coming to your face. Not wanting to give anything away, Kung Lao just looked at you and winked.
The receptionist got you checked in and you both sat down to wait for your name to be called. You leaned close to him and whispered. "Boyfriend, huh?" He smirked. "It was the only way I could think to tell you," he said, his tone of voice giving away his teasing. You giggled and rested your head on his shoulder, happy when he put his arm around you in return. Your name was called and you both walked back to an exam room. Kung Lao took off his hat and leaned it against the wall, the room was small and he didn't want to accidentally cut anyone.
The nurse took your vitals and asked you a few questions before leaving you and Kung Lao to wait for the doctor. "Can I see it?" You turned to look at him. "See what?" He uncrossed his arms. "The baby." "You will be able to see it on the ultrasound-" he shook his head, interrupting your sentence. "No, your stomach," he clarified. You understood now and laid back on the table, pulling your shirt up to expose your stomach. Now on month five, your bump was getting increasingly hard to hide.
"Can I touch?" He asked. You nodded with a smile, his curiosity and interest was adorable. Kung Lao placed his hand on your stomach and after a moment he began to rub it around. A sudden discomfort peaked in your stomach area and you looked at Kung Lao, who was as surprised as you. "Was that.." you put your hand on your stomach right next to his and after a couple seconds the discomforting, tiny jolt happened again. "It's kicking!" You beamed, “this is the first time I’ve ever felt it.” Kung Lao took your free hand in his, the look on his face seemed genuinely happy this time. “That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt,” he said. “Besides the night we made this happen, that is.” You let out an actual laugh, there was the Kung Lao you knew.
The doctor came in and set you all up for the ultrasound. Kung Lao waited impatiently by your side. “The gender should be visible if the baby cooperates, would you like to know?” The doctor asked. You exchanged looks with Kung Lao and came to a conclusion. “Yes, we would like to know,” Kung Lao answered. The doctor nodded and Kung Lao held your hand as the doctor moved the device around your gel covered stomach. The doctor let you both see the screen as they looked around, pointing out things and details that made no sense to you. As long as the baby was healthy that was all that mattered to you.
The doctor finally removed the device and handed you tissue to wipe off your skin. “Looks like he’s all good in there, just stick to what you’re doing and take it easy,” the doctor said. You smiled, “he?” You looked at Kung Lao who looked back at you with a smile. “We’re having a baby boy..” Kung Lao didn’t think, he just pulled you into a tight hug. He’d never been happier in his life. He was going to be a father to a little boy, one he could teach everything he knew, one he could get his own little hat. Everything would be perfect. He kissed your cheek. “I can’t wait to tell Liu Kang.”
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kjack89 · 3 years
Hi! I’m really enjoying the fics based on the spotify songs! Can I request your #1 song with Enjoltaire?
Ok, so, what I listened to most on Spotify wasn't a song, it was actually...
1. "Grandfather Clock Ticking (For Deep Sleep)"
Which has a whole story behind why it was what I listened to most, but I figured in lieu of telling it, it'd be so much more fun to turn it into a fic.
E/R, modern AU.
Enjolras sat bolt upright, not seeming to notice that he had dislodged Grantaire from where he had been busily working somewhere further south.
“What the fuck is that?” Enjolras demanded.
Grantaire rocked back on his heels, looking equal parts amused and irritated by the rather dramatic shift in nighttime activities, and he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.
“It’s my clock,” he said, like it was obvious.
Probably because it was obvious, so much so that Enjolras even looked a little embarrassed for having asked.
“Did you steal it from a church steeple?” Enjolras asked stupidly.
Grantaire rolled his eyes. “Does it sound like church bells to you?”
“It’s certainly loud enough to be,” Enjolras shot back.
Again Grantaire rolled his eyes, though this time with no small amount of affection. “I think you need your hearing examined,” he told Enjolras.
The final chime of the clock faded into silence and Grantaire arched an eyebrow at Enjolras. “Now,” he said, leaning in to kiss him, “should I get back to, ah, examining what I was before?”
Enjolras’s eyes darkened. “Yeah,” he murmured before biting down lightly on Grantaire’s bottom lip. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”
Six hours later, Enjolras lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling and severely regretting taking Grantaire up on his sleepy offer to spend the night. He should have insisted on leaving, not because he didn’t want to spend the night with Grantaire – though if he had known how loudly the man snored, he might also have reconsidered it – but because the clock went off every single hour.
Grantaire let out a snuffling noise before snuggling in closer against Enjolras, blinking blearily up at him. “Hey,” he said, his voice scratchy with sleep.
“Hey,” Enjolras returned, grateful for the opportunity to extract his arm from underneath Grantaire without waking him.
Grantaire yawned widely. “What are you doing up?”
Enjolras shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep.”
Though Grantaire nodded, he also gave Enjolras a calculating look. “Here I thought I wore you out pretty good last night.”
He said it casually, but Enjolras knew Grantaire well enough to know when he was fishing for a compliment. “You did,” he informed him dryly. “But your damned clock woke me up every hour.”
Grantaire groaned, flopping back down against his pillow. “Oh, Jesus, are you still on about that?”
Enjolras rolled over onto his side to frown at him. “I’m sorry that it’s the loudest clock in the world,” he said. “How the hell are you able to sleep through it?”
“Talent, I guess,” Grantaire said with another yawn. “I don’t know, I don’t really hear it.”
Enjolras just shook his head. “Maybe you’re the one who needs your hearing checked.”
“Maybe,” Grantaire agreed, skimming a hand up Enjolras’s side. “But I can think of a few better things we could do instead.”
Enjolras grinned as Grantaire pulled him close, and had just tilted his head down to kiss Grantaire when the clock chimed again, and he groaned. “Seriously?” he sighed, pulling away, and Grantaire groaned as well.
“Seriously?” he said, echoing Enjolras’s gripe, and he watched Enjolras stand up with pleading eyes. “You’re really gonna leave me here like this?”
“Mood’s ruined now,” Enjolras informed him, grabbing his underwear from where he had tossed them the night before. “You can take care of that yourself while I go make us coffee.”
But on his way to the kitchen to make coffee, Enjolras was waylaid by the loud ticking from the clock hanging on the wall. The ticking was loud enough that he was almost surprised he hadn’t noticed it the night before, but then again, he had been a little distracted by finally doing with Grantaire all the things they’d spent the better part of the last three years pretending they didn’t want to do to each other.
Speaking of Grantaire, he felt Grantaire’s stubble scratch across his bare shoulder as he rested his chin on his shoulder. “Still with the clock?” he asked, kissing Enjolras’s shoulder before brushing past him to the kitchen.
“What can I say, you didn’t seem like the kind of person who would have a clock in your apartment,” Enjolras said.
Grantaire laughed and shook his head, rummaging in the cabinet before emerging with a bag of coffee. “Just because I’m not known for being punctual doesn’t mean that I can’t own a clock,” he reasoned, measuring coffee into the coffee maker. “Besides, it has sentimental value. It’s a family heirloom.”
Enjolras raised both eyebrows at that, crossing over to take a closer look at the clock.
For as much noise as it made, it was a relatively small thing. Enjolras had been expecting some huge grandfather clock, all carved wood with gold accents. Instead, the wall clock was about a foot and a half long, its clock face and pendulum hidden behind unadorned glass, the word ‘REGULATOR’ printed on it in fading gold paint.
It didn’t look much like a family heirloom to him.
“I’m sure it doesn’t compare to whatever gilded monstrosities you probably inherited from your grandparents,” Grantaire said, shifting uncomfortably as he held a cup of coffee out to Enjolras, “but my grandparents had it for as long as I can remember, and I’ve always loved it.”
“I’m sure it’s a very nice clock,” Enjolras assured him as he took the outstretched mug, though he wasn’t really sure of that. “But, uh, is it always so…” He trailed off, trying to find the polite way of putting it. “Disruptive?”
“Pretty much,” Grantaire told him. “It doesn’t exactly have different settings, it’s either on or off.” Enjolras made a face and Grantaire hesitated before added, deliberately casual, “Of course, you’re probably never going to have to deal with it again, so…”
He trailed off and Enjolras glanced over at him. “Is that your attempt at a segue into the ‘are we going to do this again sometime’ conversation?” he asked.
Grantaire shrugged. “Maybe,” he said, taking a sip of coffee. “Depends on your answer.”
Enjolras shrugged as well. “Maybe,” he said, half-smiling before glancing critically at the clock. “But next time, we’re doing this at my place.”
Grantaire grinned, leaning in to kiss him. “Well,” he said, “I think I can handle that.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Six months later, Enjolras all but collapsed on his sofa, Grantaire following shortly after. “How do you have this much shit?” Enjolras asked with a groan.
Grantaire laughed tiredly, resting his head against Enjolras’s shoulder. “I think the better question is, where the hell are we going to put all my shit,” he said with a yawn.
“Can we make that a tomorrow problem?” Enjolras asked.
“As if I’ve ever said no to procrastinating.”
Enjolras laughed and kissed the top of Grantaire’s head before standing, groaning as he did. Grantaire groaned as well. “Where are you going?” he demanded, pouting up at him.
Enjolras wove through the boxes stacked in his living room to the kitchen. “To get this,” he told Grantaire, pulling a bottle of champagne out of the refrigerator. “To celebrate moving in together.” He paused. “Of course, if you’re too tired—”
“Did I say that?” Grantaire asked, sitting up. “I am never too tired for champagne.”
“I thought that’s what you’d say,” Enjolras said sweetly, grabbing two glasses from the cabinet before starting to make his way back to Grantaire. “Of course, maybe we should save this until you unpack—”
He tripped over a box and swore. Grantaire yelped and jumped up, rushing to his side. “Are you ok?” he asked, and Enjolras smiled at him before realizing he was talking to the bottle of champagne.
“I’m fine,” he said sourly. “Though whatever I tripped over may not be. What the hell is in this box, anyway? Bricks?”
Grantaire glanced down at the box in question, his expression shifting. “Oh, probably just books,” he said, taking the champagne and glasses from Enjolras. “Nothing to worry about—”
But Enjolras had already bent to open the box, and his scowl deepened when he saw what was inside. “What the hell is this thing doing here?” he asked, glaring up at Grantaire, who had the good grace to at least look slightly ashamed.
“Um, well, see—”
“What was my one condition of you moving in here?” Enjolras interrupted.
Grantaire sighed. “That the clock doesn’t come with me.” Enjolras looked pointedly down at the clock in question, and Grantaire made a face. “Come on, it wasn’t exactly a realistic request. You know I love that clock.”
“More than you love me?” Enjolras asked.
“That’s not fair, and you know it.” Grantaire said evenly, setting the champagne and the glasses down on the coffee table. “Especially since that clock is part of what allows me to love you as much as I do.”
Enjolras’s eye narrowed. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’re gone. A lot.” Grantaire’s voice was still even, and without accusation, but Enjolras still flinched. “It means that I spend a lot of time by myself. And that’s ok, because I knew what I was getting into when we started this, and I knew what I was agreeing to when I agreed to move in with you. But part of the reason why I can be ok with being by myself so much is because I have things that keep me sane, and keep me grounded, and the clock is one of those things. It stops me from losing my mind completely.”
“I get that,” Enjolras said, sitting down on the couch next to him. “But I really think the sound of it might make me lose my mind completely.”
Grantaire frowned. “And I get that. But we agreed when we decided to move in together that we would both have to compromise.”
Enjolras took a deep breath. “This is something that I don’t think I can compromise on,” he told Grantaire. “There’s a reason I never spent the night at your place after that one time.”
“And here I thought it was because my place wasn’t up to your standards. “
Enjolras rolled his eyes. “They’re not my standards, they’re the health department’s standards, and, yes, that’s also true, but the clock didn’t hurt matters.” He made a face. “Or help them, however you want to look at it.”
Grantaire half-smiled. “Fair enough. So here’s my proposal for a compromise: clock stays.” Enjolras opened his mouth to argue but Grantaire didn’t let him. “But it only stays on when you’re gone. When you get home, we turn it off, and I get to waste five minutes everyday correcting the time.”
As far as compromises went, it wasn’t a bad one. Still, Enjolras couldn’t help but ask, “And what if you forget? “
“Then I’m sure the first time it chimes when you get home after work, you’ll take a baseball bat to it and solve the problem for us,” Grantaire said dryly.
Enjolras snorted. “Don’t think I’m not tempted.”
Grantaire ignored him. “So what do you say? Compromise?”
“Compromise,” Enjolras agreed. “The clock can stay. For now.”
Grantaire grinned. “Good. Now let’s actually open this champagne.” He grabbed the champagne and opened it deftly so that none of it spilled, and he poured them both a glass before lifting his in a toast. “To compromise.”
“To the first of many compromises, I’m sure,” Enjolras said.
Grantaire laughed. “To understatements.”
Enjolras leaned in to kiss Grantaire. “To us,” he said softly.
Grantaire’s answering grin was enough to make the whole clock situation worth it. “To us.”
- - - - - - - - - -
“Hey,” Grantaire said from where he leaned against the doorjamb. “Whatcha working on?”
“Ostensibly securing permits for Les Amis’ next rally, which is proving more difficult than usual given that City Hall is all remote at the moment, and they’re not sure when the permit office will reopen.” Enjolras sighed as he leaned back in his chair. “I realize most people would enjoy a temporary work from home situation, but this is more or less my nightmare.”
Grantaire nodded slowly as he stepped into the second bedroom of their apartment that was currently functioning as Enjolras’s office. “Well, speaking of working from home…We need to talk.”
Enjolras frowned up at him. “That’s never an auspicious way to start a conversation.”
Grantaire didn’t smile. “Wait until you hear what the topic of the conversation is.”
“What?” Enjolras asked warily.
Grantaire sighed, perching on the edge of Enjolras’s desk. “We need to talk about the clock.”
“No,” Enjolras said immediately. “Absolutely not. We settled that matter two years ago.”
“Yes, but some things have changed,” Grantaire said evenly. “Namely, there’s a global pandemic that’s forced everyone who can, including and especially you, to work from home for the foreseeable future. And while I love having you home during the day and have only wanted to throttle you a few times over the past couple weeks, this is turning out to be more permanent than either of us were expecting.”
“Only because half of this country is determined to kill everyone,” Enjolras muttered. “But what does that have to do with the clock?”
Grantaire gave him a look. “Our compromise doesn’t really work with you working from home.”
Enjolras sighed. “I know, but it’s only for a little longer—”
“Do you honestly believe that?” Grantaire asked.
Enjolras made a face. “Not really,” he admitted.
Grantaire nodded, looking only a little self-satisfied. “Which is why we need to revisit the compromise,” he said. “So even though I know the clock drives you nuts, I would like you to at least try. Just for a few days. Because I need the noise or I can’t get any work done.” Enjolras shook his head but Grantaire didn’t let him interrupt. “And before you tell me that your work is more important—”
“I wasn’t going to,” Enjolras said, a little sullenly, even though an argument in that vein had been formulating in his head.
“—I just want to remind you that at the moment, my graphic design work is our only active source of income,” Grantaire said. “And with the hit the market has been taking, your trust fund may have seen better days.”
Enjolras just made a disparaging noise in the back of his throat. “Believe me, my trust fund will be fine,” he said dismissively. “If there’s one area of the economy we can trust the government to actually bail out…”
Grantaire barked a laugh. “Well, you’re not wrong.” He hesitated. “But still. Can we please try? Just for a few days.”
“And if it doesn’t work?” Enjolras asked. “If I can’t get used to it?”
Grantaire sighed. “Then we’ll have to figure something else out.”
Enjolras crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You’re asking an awful lot from me.”
He meant it as a joke, but Grantaire’s expression darkened. “Need I remind you that I gave up my office so that you could work out of it? That even though you’re now home just as much as me, I haven’t asked you to take over any of the laundry or cooking or cleaning that I also do while doing my job that remains our only source of active income? Or—”
Enjolras held his hands up defensively. “I’m sorry, it was a joke,” he said quietly. “And clearly not a good one.” He sighed. “Fine, we can try it.”
Grantaire instantly brightened. “Really?”
“Really,” Enjolras said firmly. “Compromise, remember?” He hesitated before adding, “And speaking of, I am more than happy to take over some of the cooking and cleaning and laundry and whatever else you need me to.”
“And you will,” Grantaire assured him, leaning in to kiss him. “But I have to train you first, so let’s not run before we can walk.”
He patted Enjolras’s cheek, and Enjolras scowled. “You need to train me?” he repeated.
“Enjolras, you managed to break the dishwasher the first and only time you ever loaded it,” Grantaire said patiently. “Yeah, you need some training.”
There wasn’t really any argument that Enjolras could make to counter that, so he settled for huffing a sigh and turning back to his desk. “Just go start the damn clock up before I change my mind.”
Grantaire laughed “I love you,” he said, kissing the top of Enjolras’s head.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Enjolras grumbled, even though he couldn’t quite stop his smile.
- - - - - - - - - -
“Morning,” Grantaire said, tipping his head back so that Enjolras could kiss him as he walked by the kitchen table. “How’d you sleep?”
“Like a rock,” Enjolras told him with a yawn. “I didn’t hear you get up.”
Grantaire made a face. “I had a deadline. They wanted my design for New Year’s Eve 2021 even though it’s still a month away—” He broke off when Enjolras stopped in his tracks in the middle of the kitchen. “ What’s wrong?”
“The clock,” Enjolras said blankly, and Grantaire frowned.
“What about the clock?” he asked. “It’s been almost two years, you can’t tell me that the thing’s still driving you nuts.”
Enjolras turned to frown at him. “No, it’s stopped ticking.”
Grantaire listened for a moment before his eyes widened. “Oh, shit, you’re right,” he said. “Maybe it needs to be wound.”
Enjolras shook his head, his brow furrowing. “I just wound it yesterday.”
Grantaire’s face fell. “Maybe it needs to be leveled?” he suggested.
“Maybe,” Enjolras said, somewhat doubtfully, though he quickly added when he saw the look on Grantaire’s face, “I’ll play around with it today, see if I can get it ticking again.”
Grantaire tried to smile. “Well look at you, caring about the clock. I knew it would grow on you.”
“Yeah, like cancer,” Enjolras muttered.
“Hilarious,” Grantaire said, standing up. “I’m going to go take a shower.”
“Ok,” Enjolras said, finally going to pour himself a cup of coffee.
Grantaire lingered for a moment. “In case you were curious, that was an invitation.”
Enjolras took a sip of coffee, a slow smile crossing his face. “Well, no need to twist my arm,” he said, setting his coffee on the counter before following Grantaire to the bathroom.
But while a very satisfied Grantaire took a post-shower nap, Enjolras returned to the clock. Despite his best efforts, despite several DIY YouTube videos and carefully removing the clock’s back to adjust the gears and mechanism, the clock would still only tick for a few minutes and then stop.
When Grantaire emerged for lunch, he gave Enjolras a confused look. “Are you still working on that?” he asked, opening the refrigerator and glancing inside. “I figured you’d be relieved the thing had finally stopped.”
“Honestly, I thought I would be, too, but…” Enjolras shrugged, sitting back in his chair. “Not that it matters, because we’ve hit a wall in what I can do. At least, without me accidentally breaking it.”
“Good thing I’m not into you for how handy you are,” Grantaire teased, kissing the top of Enjolras’s head before sitting down next to him. “But that’s ok. I love this clock, you know that, but it’s old.” He said it bracingly, as if he was trying to convince himself as much as Enjolras. “I’ll look up some white noise on YouTube or something. It won’t be the same but it’ll get the job done.”
“Yeah, ok,” Enjolras said vaguely, still absorbed in the article he had pulled up on Google about mechanical clocks.
Grantaire rolled his eyes affectionately and stood. “I’ll let you keep working,” he told him, heading back into the bedroom.
Enjolras waited until he heard the door close before he pulled out his phone and dialed the number he had just Googled. “Hi, my name is Enjolras,” he said. “I’m hoping you can help me with something.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Enjolras felt Grantaire shift against him as he woke up, and he groaned. “Is it morning already?” he asked.
Grantaire laughed softly. “It’s not just morning,” he told him, tilting his head up to kiss him. “It’s Christmas morning.”
Enjolras smiled down at him. “In that case, Merry Christmas, Grantaire.”
“Merry Christmas, Enjolras.”
Grantaire sat up in bed and stretched. “So I know we’re going to Combeferre and Courfeyrac’s for dinner, but I was thinking—”
Grantaire’s eyes widened. “Wait a minute, is that—”
He was out of bed like a child that had realized Santa had come, and Enjolras grinned, even as he took his time in following.
“The clock!” Grantaire shouted from the living room.
Enjolras wrapped his arms around Grantaire’s waist from behind and kissed his cheek. “Merry Christmas,” he repeated, resting his chin on Grantaire’s shoulder as they both looked at the clock, back in its place on the wall but this time with a red gift bow stuck on top.
Grantaire turned around to kiss him properly. “But how—”
“I took it to a clock repairman,” Enjolras told him. “You would not believe how few of those there are these days, but I managed to track one down, this old German man who, thankfully, said it wasn’t broken. Just needed to be cleaned and oiled.”
Grantaire shook his head slowly. “But why?” he asked. “You hate that thing.”
“I used to,” Enjolras said honestly. “But then – I don’t know. I guess I realized that sometimes it’s not about compromise. Sometimes it’s about learning to live with someone exactly as they are, and realizing that they’ve changed your life so much that you can’t live without them.”
Grantaire grinned up at him. “That would be incredibly romantic if you were saying it about me and not the clock.”
Enjolras leaned in to kiss him before saying, his voice low, “Who says it can’t be about both?”
Grantaire returned his kiss, wrapping his arms around Enjolras’s neck. “I love you.” he told him.
“I love you, too,” Enjolras said.
“Are you saying that to me or the clock?”
Enjolras rolled his eyes. “Grantaire,” he sighed.
Grantaire laughed. “Kidding,” he assured him. “Mostly, anyway.”
Enjolras rolled his eyes and Grantaire kissed him once more before heading into the kitchen to make coffee. Enjolras glanced at the clock, unable to stop his smile at the familiar sound that he hadn’t even realized he would miss until it was gone.
Then he followed Grantaire into the kitchen for another piece of familiarity with the man he had never expected to have built a life with, but just like the damned clock, he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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just let me adore you || h. styles
warnings: swearing, kissing, briefly proofread
word count: 2.3k
summary: a holiday in italy involves an unusual amount of shampoo and lusting...
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The villa was somewhat quiet. The sound of solitary piano notes echoed through the halls. Harry’s hair was dishevelled from his heavy night’s sleep prior to the warm morning he found himself emersed in. While his fingers were busy working away at the grand piano, his eyes were preoccupied with following your form around the backyard of the villa. 
You were sat by the pool, your book long forgotten. Your sunglasses were shielding your eyes from the unrelenting Italian sun. Your hair was pinned up, your skin exposed to the heat of the morning. 
Harry’s attention was suddenly pulled away by the sound of your father emerging from the kitchen. “Morning, Haz,” he grinned, clapping Harry on the shoulder. “Any plans for today?”
He shrugged, “Might just, you know, work on some music.”
“A man committed to his career, that’s what I like to see,” your father said. 
Harry nodded awkwardly, offering the older man a quick smile. Once your father disappeared into the lounge, Harry found his eyes wandering back to you. But you’d vanished. Had there not been wet footprints staining the concrete poolside, there would be no trace you’d been there at all. 
Focusing on the lone notes the piano had no trouble emitting became an increasingly difficult task. All he could seem to focus on was you and the obnoxiously loud laughter of your mother and his own in the kitchen. He huffed loudly, pulling his jacket around himself tightly. He clambered up from the piano stool, stalking through to the kitchen to kindly ask if the two women could lower to volume slightly. However, he was soon silenced by the sight of you sat on the countertop of the island, your legs swinging beneath you, a peeled tangerine in your delicate hands. You were smiling slightly as the women couldn’t help but laugh at something Anne had said. 
A bundle of nerves unravelled itself inside of Harry’s stomach when you looked up and locked eyes with him. Your mother and Anne quickly quietened down at Harry’s sudden presence in the doorway. “Morning, darling,” Anne smiled. 
“Morning, Mum,” he replied, breaking his gaze away from your own. “Do you, uh, do you mind if you can keep it down a bit? I’m trying to work.”
“Work?” your mum asked. “Harry, dear, we’re in Italy! Why don’t you wait to work when you get home.”
“I know, but I feel most inspired when I’m away from my house,” he tried to explain. 
“Just take a break, Harry. Relax… you know, unwind,” Anne said softly. 
He sighed, “Okay. Fine. I’m going to shower.”
And with that, he spun on his heel and left the kitchen. You’d been silent throughout the entire exchange, glancing between Harry and your half-eaten tangerine. As you watched him leave, you averted your attention back to your book that was being held open by a mug you’d quickly put down so as not to lose your place.  
Harry found himself running his hands through his dark hair, which was now coated in mango-scented shampoo. He’d just grabbed it off the shelf in the shower, assuming it came as a complimentary luxury with the villa. As the hot water trickled down his body, he allowed his muscles to relax. He knew his mum was right: he needed to separate himself from his music for a few days. But he was only working away tirelessly at the grand piano because it kept his mind off you. If it wasn’t music, it was you. If it wasn’t you, it was music. 
These yearly holidays used to be enjoyable for Harry. Right up until he was fourteen and he realised he liked you. Then they became almost torturous. As soon as he began to see you in this different light, your presence and whereabouts became apparent to his senses. Before, you always seemed to swim in the pool with Gemma or play in her room. He’d occupy himself with your brother by going down to the beach or playing tag in the extensive gardens of the Italian villa. But you suddenly seemed to be everywhere. He’d go down to the beach and there you’d be with your parents or Gemma. He’d be running through the gardens trying to find your brother after an afternoon of hide and seek, and yet he’d discover you reading or gossiping with his sister. All of this, but the summer you didn’t come with your family because you were going away to Scotland with your then-boyfriend instead was utterly dreadful for him.
When he was finished in the shower, he wasted the rest of the day by the pool in hopes you’d venture out with your books and tangerines. But alas, you did not. It was only when the sun was dipping below the horizon did he next lay eyes on you. He was sat at the dining table, his plate before him. You grinned at him, sitting down opposite him. You kept quiet as your parents chatted away mindlessly with Anne, only sharing a brief and quiet conversation with your brother, who you were sat beside. 
Gemma hadn’t come this year, leaving Harry and Anne alone with your family. Anne didn’t seem to have a problem with that at all. After all, she and your mother were such good friends and always had been. You had always been content in your own company. And your brother seemed to spend all his time with your father, something about inheriting the family business. So, Harry had found a companion in the villa’s grand piano, which had now been stripped away from him courtesy of his mother. 
It wasn’t as if you were deliberately being cold to Harry. You actually quite admired him and you knew you always had. And it wasn’t as if you weren’t aware of his eyes following you everywhere you went. But you liked the attention. You wanted to know just what you could do to him. So, when your foot accidentally grazed his leg beneath the table, you didn’t even look at him. After all, it was a mere accident. 
When, at last, your father was finished with his meal, you helped Anne clear away the dishes and your mother as she washed up. While your father and brother ventured through to the lounge to watch a football game, Harry went straight to his room. 
An hour passed and he was too busy on his phone to notice you enter his room. When you cleared your throat, he finally looked up. His eyes were wide like he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t. He hurriedly shut off his phone, blackness overtaking the screen that had once presented your Instagram profile to him. “Oh, hi, Y/N,” he said as you sat yourself down at the foot of his bed. 
“Oh? Didn’t realise you were expecting someone else,” you smirked. 
“No, no, no. I, uh, I wasn’t. I was just surprised to see you,” he said quickly. 
“Right,” you grinned. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
He watched your face screw up suddenly. You leaned forward towards him, before laughing. “What?” he asked. “What’s funny?”
“Is that my shampoo?” you questioned. 
“Shit. I just thought it was a, you know, freebie. I didn’t realise it was yours. Shit. I wouldn’t have used it if I knew it was yours. Shit. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
As he rambled, he remembered that the two of you shared the same bathroom. It was between your respective bedrooms, doors leading to both. Of course it was your shampoo. You chuckled at his ramblings, “It’s okay Harry. It’s just shampoo. You can use it whenever.”
“Oh,” he let out a sigh of relief. “Well, for what it’s worth, I thought it smelt wonderful.”
You smiled, “Thanks. I have a pomegranate one in my suitcase that I think you’d love.”
“Really? Why did you bring two shampoos?” he asked. 
You shrugged, “So I have options depending on my mood. Sometimes I’m feeling like a pomegranate, sometimes I’m feeling like a mango.”
He couldn’t help but smile, his eyes wandering up your bare legs that were only sporting a pair of silky shorts. Obviously, this didn’t go unnoticed by you. “The only thing is,” you started, “you’re going to smell like me now.”
He shifted slightly. You smiled to yourself. 
“What if people, you know, get the wrong idea?” you asked innocently. 
He swallowed the lump in his throat, “I guess you’ll just have to use your pomegranate shampoo tomorrow instead, won’t you?”
You leaned back, somewhat satisfied with his answer. His cheeks were flushed and you knew your job for the evening was done. “Fair play, Styles. See you in the morning,” you made a point of touching his shoulder as you left via the shared bathroom. 
The following morning, Harry awoke, finding himself peacefully content for a moment before he recalled the prior night’s events. He was yet to decide if you were actually making a move on him or not. Or perhaps you were genuinely concerned that your families would smell your signature mango scent on Harry and get the wrong impression of the entire thing. 
He dragged himself out of the soft sheets, getting dressed. He listened silently to the running shower. He could hear you humming along to Then He Kissed Me by The Crystals. And after the shower he stopped, he gave it five minutes before going in to brush his teeth. He couldn’t help but look over to see your bottle of pomegranate shampoo making its place beside your mango one. The red bottle was the one soaked in droplets of water, while the yellow bottle remained dry. You’d done as he’d said. In a way, Harry almost wished you’d used the mango shampoo. He almost liked the thought of people thinking he and you had been so close that he’d absorbed your tropical scent. 
As he wandered into the kitchen, preparing himself some toast, he noticed the unusual silence of the villa. It was unnerving. He felt like the protagonists of those books and movies where they wake up and everyone’s gone or been evacuated. It felt apocalyptic. But, as his mind churned out immediate actions to take in this case of an unprecedented apocalypse, you walked into the kitchen just as his toast popped out of the toaster. “Morning,” you smiled, sitting down at one of the island’s stools. 
“Did you sleep okay?” he asked, spreading butter onto the crisp toast. 
You shrugged, “It was alright. You?”
“I slept wonderfully.”
“Good,” you said. 
“Where is everyone?” he asked, sitting down opposite you. 
“They left for the beach,” you explained. “I didn’t want to go and they didn’t want to wait around for you to get out of bed. Anne told me to tell you that if you want to go down, they’re the ones with the pink deckchairs.”
He nodded slowly, “I think I’ll pass. Not a fan of sand.”
“Right? Why do people enjoy playing in minuscule rocks, which end up in your clothes for the next two weeks? Sounds like hell to me,” you said. 
He smiled at your aggravated tone, “Wow, and I thought I hated sand.” 
“You haven’t seen anything yet, pal,” you joked, smiling. 
Before a blanket of silence could fall on top of the two of you, Harry quickly said, “I saw you used the pomegranate shampoo.”
You raised an eyebrow, glancing up at him, “Yeah… I mean, you told me to, right?”
“Right,” he nodded quickly. “Of course. Well, at least we both smell nice now.”
You frowned, “If you say so. Anyway, I’m going for a swim. See you later.”
Harry watched you leave. His eyes roamed your figure with your legs exposed in a pair of shorts. You looked back at him over your shoulder, grinning to yourself at his longing look. He watched through the large kitchen windows as you rid yourself of your shorts and t-shirt, revealing your swimsuit beneath. He tried desperately to peel his gaze away from you as you settled yourself comfortably on one of the sun loungers by the pool. You placed your sunglasses over your eyes, opening your book. 
As soon as he’d finished his toast, he wandered outside. At the sound of his footsteps, you looked up. “Hi, Harry,” you smiled. 
“Hello,” he said softly, sitting down opposite you. You slid your sunglasses up over your head, settling them on your hair. You sat up, never allowing your eyes to leave his. “How can I help you?” you grinned. 
He was fiddling with his fingers, his gaze alternating between them and you. Finally, you reached out and placed your hand over his shaky ones. You stood, pulling him up with you. You were so close. You could hear each other breathing. You could practically hear his heart thumping against his ribs. You reached up to whisper in his ear, “I know you adore me.”
You smirked, allowing him to revel in your confidence. Call it cockiness. Same thing, really. You slowly pulled away from his ear, pressing your lips to the tip of his nose. And yet it was him who finally connected your lips to his own. He didn’t make any effort to pull away either. You smiled into the kiss, burying your fingers in his hair. And when he finally did pull away, he stared down at you, cheeks red, “Depends if you adore me too.”
You grinned, “I do.”
And, with that, he dove back in. You grinned as he wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up. He lay you down gently on the sun lounger, leaning over you. As you pulled his shirt over his head, he leaned back slightly. “I thought you didn’t want people to get the wrong idea,” he whispered. 
You shrugged, “I guess we’ll just have to see what pomegranate and mango smell like together.”
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marjorie189 · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Love - A Louis Partridge Imagine
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Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know that this was written at the time of Louis’ birthday but I never got the time to finish it because of school, but here ya go! Better late than never :)
sum: come along as you’re louis’ girl giving him the sweetest birthday ever
contains: cute fluffy louis. definitely gemini louis!! (we all know geminis are something else. so, you’ll definitely see how quick his mood changes lol. have fun!)
word count: 15,091
this imagine will take you along Louis’ day with his family. so it’s not just going to be y/n and louis content. So just know to expect more than that! this imagine is written as Louis’ day, which will include his family, so it won’t just be filled with just fluffy y/n and louis content. but it still contains a great amount of it!
Enjoy :)
y/n’s pov:
It was a couple of minutes before midnight, marking a whole new day.
A special and wonderful day.
I have managed to climb up to Louis’s balcony from the ladder he leaves outside at all times. Which leads up to his room on the second floor, for me to sneak into.
I giggle at the thought of him wanting to have a Dawson’s Creek moment between us. He says “if Joey can climb up to Dawson’s room, then you can climb up to mine.”
I have managed to make it up safely and most importantly quietly so that Louis doesn’t catch onto the little sweet surprise I have up my sleeve.
I smile in excitement, waiting for the minutes to pass by. Which might I add are seeming to be the longest minutes of all time!
I stand against the hard exterior wall of the Partridge household, next to the sliding door which leads into Louis’s room.
My eyes are glued to the lockscreen on my phone that is portraying the time.
June 2nd, 2021; 11:57 pm  
Three more minutes!
I smile dumbly as I catch a view of my lockscreen, as I was previously looking at the time. The screen captures a funny looking photo of Louis and I. We both had the most ridiculous faces on planet Earth, but even if it was ridiculous and funny looking, the photo was everything I loved about us and him.
A couple of butterflies sparked up in my stomach. I was madly and deeply in love with Louis Partridge.
I was getting giddier and nervoud by the second.
I just wanted to jump in there and tackle him into a hug.
I started fidgeting with my fingers and I couldn’t stop my smile from getting wider and wider.
I looked down at my phone again but nope it was still eleven fifty-nine.
I just wanted to go in there and hug the hell out of him.
At last, it was 12:00am, marking it June 3rd.
I loudly and recklessly slid his balcony door open and jumped into his room.
He was laying in bed, phone in hand. His eyes jerked up at the sudden loud sound and the image of the human who is his girlfriend jumping into his room. He sighs in relief holding his chest and starts smiling uncontrollably.
“HAPPPYYYY BIRTHDAYYYY!!” I shouted at him with pure happiness and delight.
“Oh god!” He says with a wide smile, hands up against his face. “I did not expect that! You’re insane!” He giggled.
I smile a toothy smile and sprint up to his bed, jumping on top of it, landing on both him and his fluffy bed.
He lets out a loud laugh and immediately puts his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him.
I start playfully singing.
“happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. happy birthday to my amazing, beautiful boyfriend whose name is Louis Partridge.”
His eyes fixated on his funny girlfriend. He lets out a loud laugh, head falling back, and all, as he hears the little twist of words she concocts to his happy birthday song.
Her voice changes as she’s now looking at him like he’s the only person in the world.
“happy birthday to you,” I whisper softly, ending it for only us to hear, intimately.
He smiles sweetly. He’s grateful for this gesture. He didn’t care for anything big or scandalous. He was happy that this is what he got. His foolish girl was in his arms at the very second of his special day.
“I loved that!” He says with a cheeky smile.
I smile a goofy smile as both of our faces are inches apart and eyes interlocked.
I smash my lips against him and within a few seconds, the kiss ceased from our two smiles against each other. We couldn’t help but let out laughs. We were both very happy.
I move away from him and he frowns.
“Welllll now I gotta goooo,” I say, keeping a straight face and voice. I hop out of his bed.
I caught a glimpse of his face as I was hopping his body on my way out of his bed and he was confused as ever.
“I know your parents are sleeping and I wouldn’t want to be here without them knowing,” I say looking at him with a frown as I was standing on the outskirts of his bed. He now is in the process of sitting up trying to figure out why I’m leaving. I turn around and smirk as I pretend to start heading out towards the door I entered.
I can sense his smirk and eye roll and right before I had a chance to go he grabs my wrist.
“Get your arse back over here!” He says with a widespread smile as he rolls his eyes in annoyance, knowing I had been joking all along.
He yanks me back onto his bed, close to his arms.
“Nice try.” He says as he holds me in a tight grip, as I'm now beneath him.
Our playfulness was out the door now.
His eyes had a different look in them. He was on top of me and I was laying underneath him. He held power and dominance over me, especially since he’s now feeling himself on the early morning of his birthday.
I let out a tiny laugh.
“C’mere,” I say, pulling him from his shirt down to me. He smashed his lips against mine. Within the kiss, we got comfortable under the covers. I wrapped both of my arms around his neck, getting him in closer proximity to me. His hands on my thighs, I could feel him moving them both a little open to get himself comfortable and adjusted in between my legs.
Our lips, wet and full of temptation. Hungry for one another. Louis lowered his body closer to mine, our exposed warm skin touching. I pulled him closer by the neck, wanting him even more, our lips crashing deeper into one another.
I pulled away, our lips sticking to one another as I let go, causing them to make a squishing kissing sound effect.
Louis and I’s pants of air were the only things heard in the now dark room.
Louis without a second passing by, intertwined our lips again, spreading and finding comfort in the open of my legs.
I huffed in the kiss letting go of our lips.
He looks into my eyes in confusion, wanting more, and oh how much I wanted to give him more.
“I love you and I love this but we gotta get some sleep. Remember we have breakfast early in the morning with your parents and sisters,” I say with a serious tone.
He groans and even in the dark, I can see his childish behavior as he rolls his eyes.
He lowers his body onto me squishing mine as his face lowers in.
He looks deep into my eyes with pleading ones.
“Please.” He whimpers.
I frown knowing I wanted to just make it the best night for him but I knew that if we continued to further this, it’d take a long while. It’d be nearing dawn and we wouldn’t get an ounce of sleep.
He realized I was in thought.
“Please.” He whimpers as his face starts nearing my lower neck. He plants some light kisses leading up towards the midst of my neck.
“Please, my love. I’m begging you.” He says as the kisses prominently get more stimulating. I had to stop him before they got too unbearable for me to stop him from continuing.
“Louis.” I slip out in content, trying hard not to let in.
He could tell I wanted to and he used that against me, knowing I didn’t want to resist.
“Please.” He begged in between the fulfilling neck kisses. He knew I couldn’t resist his whimpers and his imploring voice full of want.
And it was all up to me, but I couldn’t. I wanted to sooo bad but if we did within a few hours his parents and sisters would come bustling in this door to find us all sweaty and exhausted full of bliss.
“We can’t Louis,” I say quietly, sadness tracing along with my words.
He sighs. “I know.”
He pecks my nose as he’s still on top of me and gets off of me, laying beside me.
“I’m sorry,” I say sadly.
“Don’t be sorry.” He whispers pulling me in. “I know you wanted to. But you know what?” He pauses, looking over at me. “I know you mean well. Because any other girl would choose to instead of caring about my family’s breakfast and I love you for that. I really do.” He says softly and plants a sweet kiss on my cheek.
“Thanks, Louis,” I say just as soft and turn over to face him, cuddling him. “I love you.”
He places his hand on the side of my face that wasn’t placed on the pillow, caressing it. He leans in and I feel his plump lips on mine.
“I love you too.” He says as I feel his voice against my lips vibrating.
“Come on!” He says taking me along with him as he lays on his back, leaving me slightly on top of him.
I wrap my leg around him and reach out for his free hand that isn’t placed on my back. He instantly grabs it and holds it firmly. My head was on his chest.
“Happy Birthday Louis,” I say as I close my eyes.
“Thanks my love,” He says and squeezes my hand. “I’m glad I get to spend the start of my birthday with you. So thank you for barging in here,” He says with a smile, ending with a chuckle.
“Anytime,” I say with a laugh.
We both fall asleep in each other's arms.
Morning was emerging and Louis’s parents and sisters were already awake ready to walk into Louis' room to congratulate him on his eighteenth birthday.
“Shh!” Louis’s mother and father say shushing their two daughters who were laughing a bit too loudly. They were quite excited to finally have a good excuse to wake Louis up, without him getting annoyed at them.
Issie and Millie look at their parents with open mouths and shock in their eyes, ultimately speechless at their mother shushing them.
“You’re going to wake him,” Their mother whispered, scolding them.
The girls responded with another row of laughter as they were nearing his room. They just couldn’t help it. They couldn’t keep quiet.
Their father couldn’t help but smile at their foolishness.
“Okay. We’ll stop now,” Issie says, taking a deep breath, trying to stop their laughter.
Millie was trying to hold in her laughter, trying not to ruin their parent’s way of waking up their only son on his special day.
The four made it outside of Louis’ closed door. Liz enclosed the doorknob ready to open up the door.
“Ready?” James questioned the three females.
They all nod and all whisper ‘yes's’.
Liz turns the doorknob and slowly opens her son’s door.
The girls rush in quietly and the four see the boy before him peacefully sleeping with the girl of his dreams resting on his chest.
“Aww. I don’t know if I should feel disgusted or not,” Issie jokes.
“They look so adorable!” Millie says in awe.
“Our boy isn’t much of a boy anymore,” James comments to his wife, placing his arm around her shoulders pulling her into his chest.
“I know,” She whispers, shedding a few tears.
Issie and Millie give each other a look of ‘are you being serious’
“So are we waking him up or not?” Millie asks impatiently.
“You’re really looking forward to it. Aren't you?” Their father chuckles.
“Of course!” Issie says with a smirk.
“Okay. Let’s go,” Liz remarks with a smile
Issie immediately grabs a spare pillow and wacks it right onto Louis’ face making sure not to hit Y/N. Their mom gasps and their father laughs.
‘WAKE UP LOSER!” Issie yells smacking the pillow right at him, again.
Millie doesn’t even give it a second after Issie’s yell as she was already jumping on Louis’ bed.
After feeling the first hit Louis awakens from his peaceful slumber, feeling happy as ever from the last couple of hours. But now feeling displeased from the way he’s being awoken.
He feels y/n on top of him. He mentally rolls his eyes as he’s being interrupted from sleeping with his girlfriend.
He opens his eyes on the second hit, feeling Millie jumping on his bed obnoxiously. Oh, but she was doing it on purpose to annoy her older brother.
“The only bad thing about waking you up is waking y/n up,” Issie says, smacking the pillow on the now wide awake Louis.
He unwraps his arms from y/n quick enough to catch the pillow from hitting him again.
Y/N hears and feels the commotion and realizes what’s going on. She immediately starts laughing as she opens her eyes.
y/n’s pov:
I immediately open my eyes and feel Millie jumping on the bed. I, without a doubt, joined Millie, leaving Louis laying down in bed.
Millie giggles as she sees me jumping alongside her. We both give each other our hands and intertwine our fingers as we proceed to jump around with our hands laced with one another's.
“Wake up Louis!” I say looking down at him with a smile.
“I’m awake,” He says in a lighthearted grumpy voice.
“Come on! Stop being a party pooper!” I say bending down to grab a pillow and hitting him with it.
“Oh, you want to play it like that?” Louis says, eyeing me with a smirk.
He instantly stands from his seated position on his bed and tackles both Millie and I onto the bed. Millie and I both groan in pain, as we lay straight on his bed without a movement.
“Don’t think I forgot about you!” Louis says, turning his attention to Issie. He hops out of his bed, grabbing the pillow I previously had, and smacks her. She gets caught off guard and Louis grabs her and pushes her onto the bed, on top of Millie and I. Both of us, still trying to recuperate.
I let out laughs and so does Millie and Issie.
“Mornin dad. Mornin mom. Shall we head off to breakfast without them?” Louis says, giving them quick hugs and playfully walking out of his room.
“That was not what I expected at all,” Issie groans as she holds her stomach.
“Yeah… mom wanted to sing happy birthday like the happy peaceful family we are,” James trails, as both Liz and him are standing beside the door, with laughs.
“You can say that again,” Millie says with a straight face and monotone voice.
“Yeah. Sorry about that mum,” Issie says as she sits up.
“We can still sing if that helps?” Millie says with a hopeful shrug.
Louis turns to his mom and sees her somewhat disappointed face after her plans didn’t go her way.
“Alright. Alright. Come on!” Louis says, trying to complete his mother’s wishes. His arm over her shoulders.
James catches on and proceeds to count. “1… 2… 3…”
We all sing.
“Happy Birthday To You. Happy Birthday To You. Happy Birthday dear Louisss. Happy Birthday to you!” We all sang as Louis stood beside his mum and the three of us sat on his bed. James beside their mom.
We all stood up from his bed to congratulate him.
Louis towered over his mother and they both tightly hugged. They stood there for a while and they swayed side to side.
I melted inside at the sight of the two.
“Come here!” Louis’s dad says brightly with a proud smile opening up his arms. Louis forms a huge smile on his face and goes into a bear hug with his father.
James pats Louis back proudly and firmly in their hug.
I observed with a smile as Louis was in bare arms with his parents. It was adorable and loving.
He lets go of his dad and turns to the three of us.
He smiles and pulls his youngest sister into a hug. He looks huge compared to her. I laugh as Millie’s giggles escape her lips.
Millie's contagious laughter got Louis laughing as well.
Issie walks towards Louis and they both hug tightly.
As they hug I go and greet his parents, formally.
“Morning guys!” I say as I walk over to them.
“Morning y/n!” They both greet, each with huge grins.
I go in to hug Liz and she opens her arms widely.
I smile and blush at her kindness.
I go and wrap my arms around her as does she.
She pulls me in tightly.
“Thank you for joining us,” She says into the hug.
“Of course!” I enthuse and pull away to converse with her.
She grins.
“You’re such a wonderful girl honey! I’m glad Louis found someone like you! You truly make him happy,” She exclaims, and out of excitement she pulls me into another hug. I chuckle.
“Aww! Thank you, Liz! You’re such a wonderful mum. Thank you for raising an amazing boy,” I say. “Both of you!” I say and look over to James with a smile.
He smiles a toothy smile and takes me into a hug.
I chuckle.
“Thanks, honey!” James says into our hug.
I smile at him and nod.
“You both are great parents! You should be proud. You have amazing children!” I say to them and pull away from my hug with James.
I then feel two arms wrap around me from behind. I smile and blush feeling him close behind. He nuzzles his head into my neck.
“Don’t worry guys. I know you both adore and love her so much. I’ll be making her your third daughter soon,” Louis cheekily says to his parents as he smashes his lips onto my cheek.
“Louis!” I blush and turn my head slightly to look at him.
He smiles cheekily and looks over to her parents.
“Watch it,” Liz playfully warns with a brow raised.
Louis chuckles.
“Not any time soon, I hope!” She sighs, not wanting her kids to grow.
I giggle.
“Don’t listen to him!” I say with a playful eyeroll.
“Knock some sense into him, dear,” She says with a laugh. “You’re only eighteen.” She says eyeing Louis.
“Well… As of the law, I don’t need your consent to marry. Not anymore,” He jokingly says to his mother.
James laughs.
“We raised a witty boy. Didn’t we?” He says looking over to his wife. “Oh and son we know you love the girl but don’t marry yet. Makes me feel old,” He half jokes.
“Oh yeah! If we encouraged him one bit! He’d be down on one knee,” Issie teased.
“What! I kinda want a baby running around the house,” Millie says with pouty eyes.
“Don't encourage him!” Issie exclaims looking over at Millie.
“Well now that I think of it-” Louis begins to say.
“NO!” Liz, James, and I yell.
Louis stands behind me, arms wrapped around me, dumbfounded with his mouth open.
“I’m only joking…” He trails. “Kind of?” He says with a laugh.
“Okay! On that note, let's start getting ready for breakfast. Please!” Liz pleads as they start heading out of the room.
I laugh.
“I agree!” I say as I try to walk off but get enclosed by Louis tightening grip around my waist. His parents, now gone.
“Nooo!” He whispers into my ear with a pout.
I blush and look down feeling the butterflies.
“You’re so clingy!” Millie says in disgust as she watches Louis and I, catching what Louis has done.
“Let the poor girl go!” Issie says.
“She likes it,” Louis says as he smirks, looking down at me. And oh he’s right. I do like it.
Millie gives Louis an “mhmm sure’ look.
“Whatever you say, Louis,” Issie remarks in doubt.
I let out a laugh.
“Come on Louis. We have to get ready,” I say, trying to free myself from his grip. He loosens his arms and I manage myself out.
But I did miss his arms wrapped around me closely, his body pressed against me from behind, and his head propped on my shoulder as he lowers himself down to my height. The way I feel his arms against my skin and feel his soft hair brush against my face and neck. His occasional sweet and cute kisses he leaves on my cheeks and neck. My stomach erupts with butterflies by just thinking of it.
“Come on y/n. Let’s go,” Millie says, grabbing my bag that has my outfit and necessities to get ready.
I nod and without saying goodbye or looking back I start walking out with Millie and Issie.
Louis is left baffled.
“What?” Louis says right as we reach the door frame to head out. His ‘what’ sounding like a ‘wot’.
I turn around and so do they.
“Imma go get ready with Millie and Iss,” I say like it’s nothing.
Every time I’m over at the Partridges and we’re heading off somewhere, I always get ready with Millie and Issie.
“But… it’s my birthday,” He frowns.
My heart falls at his adorableness.
Millie didn’t quite see it as adorable though.
“Louis! Y/N, Issie, and I always get ready together. You know this already!” Millie sassily says.
“Yeah, it's quite practically tradition at this point,” Issie butts in.
“That’s precisely my point! It happens alllll the time! I would like my girlfriend to get ready. Here! With me! On my birthday!” Louis irritably says to his sisters.
“You’re so annoying!” Millie furiously says, rolling her eyes.
“Whatever! You can leave now,” Louis says and walks over and grabs the door, waiting for them to leave.
Issie sighs and rolls her eyes going out the door.
I frown.
“Bye,” I say.
“You’re lucky it’s your birthday!” Millie says and walks out the door as she hands me my bag.  
I grab it and peep my head out the door before Louis shuts it.
“If you need me I’m right here!” I shout into the hallway so that they hear me from their rooms.
Louis peeps his head out.
“No, she’s not!” He yells loudly.
I push him and he laughs.
“I’ll make it up to you guys! I’ll sit with you both on the way to breakfast!” I say to them.
“Yeah! She won’t be doing that either!” Louis yells right after me.
“Louis!” I say looking over at him as I laugh.
“What?!” He says like it's nothing.
He pulls me into the room and slams the door shut, locking it.
He immediately goes in and wraps his arms around my back and lowers his face into mine, pulling me in as close as he possibly can.
“Are you glad you got your way?” I say with a cheeky smile, looking up at him.
“Yes. Very!” He says looking deep into my eyes, with a huge proud grin.
After a few seconds of him looking into my eyes, he leans in for a kiss. Our lips meet. He tilts his head sideways, deepening the kiss. I tippytoe up to him and he pulls me in by the waist, closening all the space between us. One of my arms is around his neck and my other is roaming up to his messy hair.
I run my fingers through his soft locks and take in his luscious lips. The way they worked against mine drove me crazy. They worked perfectly with each other, lips perfectly in sync. I could never let go of his lips.
Louis groans into the kiss, driving me insane. He squeezes me and I could literally just melt in his embrace.
“This is the best birthday ever,” He says in between the kiss and I let out a giggle right as he goes to interlace our lips again.
I pull away. “And why is that?” I say now looking into his brown eyes.
“Hmm,” He says with a smile. “Because I’ve been fortunate enough to kiss you countless times these past few hours.” He says as he looks down into my eyes.
I smile and blush.
“Well! I’m glad I could help,” I say with a huge smile and tippytoe to peck his lips.
“Oh, you’ve done more than just help! You’re literally the reason why I woke up with a smile this morning and the smile I have on right now. You’re the one that went out of your way to be here on the exact second of my birthday and it’s the most adorable thing ever y/n!” Louis generously says with a smile. His eyes roam every inch of her face, taking in her beauty. He can’t believe she’s his.
“Aww, Louis!” I say with puppy dog eyes. “You’re gonna make me all emotional!” I say as I pull him into a hug. I place my head on the lower shoulder area of his chest, resting my face on him. “You’re the best boyfriend ever. You always manage to say all the right words that make me feel all special and gushy. You’re amazing Louis and I love you for it! You’re the best person in the world!” I say as I pull my head up and face him, telling him every word.
He looks at me with a pout, lips propped out, and eyes filled with adoration as he looks down at me.
“You’re incredible Louis. You’re a spectacular person. You deserve everything you have and more! You’re caring and sweet. Your laugh is literally the cutest thing ever! The way your head falls back when you laugh, it's the best sight. You’re literally adorable in every way! You’re so passionate about your hobbies and you always give everything your all. You have no idea how incredibly proud and amazed I am by you. You’re ambitious and driven. Like, you’re just fucking amazing Louis. You have no idea! I could go on and on about how incredible and great you are!” I say pouring out my heart to him.
He just keeps his eyes on mine. All he does is smile down at me.
He pulls me in and places his chin on the top of my shoulder. I smile to myself and lay my head on his chest.
“Thank you,” He whispers into my shoulder. “You have no idea how much it means to me.” He smiles into my shoulder now laying his head on me.
I know my words meant a lot to me. He always takes it all in and stays silent as he holds me close. I could tell he was thankful and happy for the way I felt towards him and the way I spoke so highly of him. His silence says it all and the way he’s holding onto me for dear life.
I smile into the hug and tighten my arms around him, knowing he’ll smile.
“Now, come on. I’ll tell you more about how amazing you are later. As of right now, we have to get ready for breakfast,” I say slowly pulling apart from him.
He chuckles and nods.
I know we both wanted to stay in each other’s arms but we had to get ready.
“Alright,” He smiles and heads to his closet.
I walk over to my bag full of necessities I brought the night before to ready myself. I go to grab my toothbrush and head towards Louis’ bathroom.
As I walked towards the restroom I could feel Louis stare at me from his closet.
“Are you drooling?” I say with a playful smirk.
“What?” He says getting caught off guard. “Oh. Yeah!” He says catching on to what I meant. “Definitely!” He smirks.
I laugh and roll my eyes as I make it to the restroom. I put paste on my toothbrush and look into the room.
“Might wanna unlock your room. Don’t want them trying to come into the room and them thinking we’re up to something,” I say with a chuckle.
“Right!” He says with remembrance. I continue to brush my teeth as Louis goes to unlock his bedroom door.
As I’m finished brushing my teeth I grab my makeup bag and I go and sit on Louis' bed. I grab my little mirror and put on some moisturizer as I get comfy on his bed.
Louis is now in the restroom styling his hair.
“Lord Tewkesbury or Sid?” Louis asks regarding his hair.
“Whichever one you’d like my love,” I say with a smile as my heart skips a beat.
He nods and goes on with doing his hair.
I start putting on some foundation and blending it into my skin.
He finishes doing his hair and jumps onto the bed with me, laying his head on my lap.
I giggle.
“You’re such a baby!” I gush looking down at him.
“Oh hush! I’m just glad you’re here with me. Getting ready,” He whispers as he cuddles his head onto my lap.
“You know I’m not gonna be able to play with your hair or baby you cause I’m doing my makeup,” I chuckle looking down at him.
He sighs loudly.
“You know, you can just not do your makeup! You don’t need it anyways!” He says grabbing the mirror and proceeding to take it from my hands.
“Louis!” I gasp, trying to reach for it.
He lets out a loud laugh.
I frown and he continues to laugh.
“You’re mean!” I say with a sad face.
He chuckles.
“It’s fine. I don’t need a mirror to blend in my concealer,” I say with a shrug.
“Mhm. Sure.” He says holding on sacredly to the mirror.
I continue to blend in the concealer under my eyes without speaking to Louis. He continues to lay himself on my lap, not taking his eyes off me with a smirk.
Once I’m done with my base, Louis is laying straight up looking up at the wall.
I lower my face down to him and frown.
His eyes turn to me and he smiles knowing what I’m about to say.
“Okay for this part I really need the mirror. Please!” I plead as I give him my puppy dog eyes.
He shakes his head and I frown.
“Please,” I beg.
“Look who’s acting like a baby now!” He smirks.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.
“Come on Louis!” I say and reach over to grab the mirror.
“Okay fine!” He groans and hands it to me.  
I’m taken aback by how easy that was and he notices. He now has a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
I furrow my eyebrows but choose to ignore it. I angle the mirror up to my face and start filling in my eyebrows. Then suddenly I feel Louis sitting on me, face on my chest. His legs are crisscrossed as he sits on my lap and puts his whole body weight on me as I’m trying to do my brows.
“Louis!” I yell at him as I couldn’t help but laugh.
He chuckles and replies with “What?”
“Oh my god!” I say as I place the mirror and eyebrow brush and pomade down.
He laughs knowing that would get my attention.
“You’re such a kid,” I say with a laugh as I kiss his head, which is below my face, laying on my chest. He’s so huge as he sits on me, his whole body leaning on me. His face and whole upper body against mine.
“This is how it feels when you come and sit on me, wrapping your legs around my waist when I’m sitting,” He says into my chest.
I chuckle.
“Well, it’s cute when I do it,” I tease.
He playfully gasps.
“See look when I do it at least I make it comfortable for the both of us. I wrap my legs around your waist and my arms around your neck. While you, just sit on my lap,” I laugh. “You’re not even hugging me or placing your legs anywhere comfy,” I say.
“Well seeee. I would buttt you’re doing your makeup so I can’t really get comfy or else you won’t be able to get it done cause I’d be in your way,” He says looking up at me. “I’m like wayyy bigger than you, so I’d be in your way of you doing your brows.” He says emphasizing on brows. “Anddd you’d make me get off of you so that’s why I’m doing the bare minimum!” He defends and mocks.
I laugh.
“Right ‘bare minimum’ when you’re literally sitting on me,” I say with a chuckle.
He lets out a laugh.
“Wellll when you put it like that…” He trails with a bright smile. “Alright I’ll get off of you now,” He says, going up to kiss my cheek.
“Okay! But only if we do this later when I’m not trying to do something,” I chuckle.
“Deal!” Louis says with a chuckle.
He gets off me and lays beside me slightly placing his head on my thigh. He trails his finger up and down my thigh in boredom. I let out a shiver and he looks up at me and smirks.
I smile and roll my eyes.
He looks back down and continues with his antics.
I finish off my brows and start to add concealer onto them to fix them up and complete them.
As I do, Louis continues to trace his fingers along my skin causing me goosebumps.
I could hear Louis giggle from below.
I shake my head and smile.
After a few minutes, I grab some blush and highlighter.
“Okay, I know you’re bored! So if you’d like you can add these onto my cheeks.” I trail on. “BUT, carefully!” I warn as his eyes widen.
He sits down immediately onto the bed and grabs the blush.
“Okay so be careful with the blush because it’s really pigmented,” I warn.
He makes a face of confusion.
“Okayy.. I think I know what that means,” He says, patting the brush onto the blush.
My eyes trail to his facial expression and his eyebrows and face seem really tense. I smile as I see that he really is taking this seriously.
“Okay..” He trails as he carefully swifts the brush on my cheekbones.
“Go on!” I assure and he nods.
He continues on with the highlighter and really seems to be concentrating on it.
I couldn’t help but smile.
“Why are you smiling?” He questions.
I open my eyes and they immediately meet his worried ones.
“Nothing. It’s just you really seem focused. It's cute,” I smile and peck his lips.
He smiles and grins. His white teeth showing. It was adorable. He looked adorable. Damn, I really am lucky to have Louis.
“Okay, now I just gotta curl my lashes and put on mascara,” I explain. He nods. “And then once I’m done you can spray on my setting spray,”
“That sounds exciting!” He exclaims and I let out a laugh.
I curl with my lashes and proceed to put on a couple of coats of mascara. Once they’re where I want them to be I get Louis to go on with the final step.
He was already ready at hand, with the setting spray.
I chuckle and nod, giving him the cue to spray away.
I close my eyes and he clicks away. I instantly feel the wet sprays, which come to a stop once Louis is finished.
“Finally!” He sighs and lays down cuddling into me.
I chuckle.
“Louis, I still have to do my hair,” I say with a laugh.
He looks at me and lets out a loud groan.
“I’m sorry,” I say and get off the bed, heading to the bathroom.
“I’m just going to quickly curl my tips,” I say brushing my hair.
“Okayyy.” He says with a sigh as he finds a comfortable position on his empty bed.
I giggle and start to curl the ends of my hair.
Once I’m halfway through my hair I call out to Louis.
“Babe. You might want to start getting dressed. I’m almost done with my hair, so if you want some spare time for me to baby you, finish getting ready!” I say as he shifts in his bed.
“Okay!” He says getting off of his bed and going to grab his clothing for the day.
I go back to doing my hair and from the corner of my eye, I see him taking off his shirt.
I smirk but continue to do my hair anyways.
I hear his hums from the restroom as I finish curling the last end. I grab my outfit from the bag and start undressing.
Louis’ eyes make it to his girlfriend and sees that she's taking off her bottoms. He doesn’t know whether to continue his gaze or look away.
Eventually, he goes back to getting changed himself.
I look over at Louis and see that he’s only in his briefs.
I smile at how alluring and good looking he is.
“You’re so handsome,” I blurt out.
His eyes widen as they meet mine. He then chuckles.
His eyes meet my exposed shoulders as I’m only in a bra as I’m trying to get the straps on.
He smirks.
“And you’re so beautiful!” He says with a cheeky smile.
I smile and blow him a kiss.
As I’m finished putting my dress on, I head into his room and go in to hug him from behind. He has some khaki pants on, a nice dress shirt, a small gold chain, and sneakers.
He looks impeccable.
“Wow. You look amazing Louis!” I say and wrap my arms around him from behind.
I can see his smile from the mirror in front of him and he instantly turns over to me.
He picks me up slightly and kisses my lips.
I giggle and pull away.
“You’re adorable,” I mention and look at him in awe.
“No. You’re adorable!” He chimes.
I smile and kiss his lips right before pulling away.
He chuckles and puts me down.
“Now, you’re the one that looks amazing!” He says as his eyes trail down to me.
I blush and smack his chest playfully in response.
“Ow.” He winces.
I giggle and go in to peck his lips once more.
“You truly look amazing!” He says, not letting his eyes off of me.
I giggle and thank him.
I had on a casual floral dress. It wasn’t over the top but it wasn’t simple either.
“Thanks, bub,” I say cheekily with a wide smile.
Louis chuckles and bends down to peck my lips.
I giggle and straighten out his dress shirt.
“Should I wear a crew neck over the button up?” Louis asks as he looks down upon himself.
I think for a bit.
“I think you’d look good both with and without it. But take it just in case it gets chilly.” I advise.
Louis nods and goes to grab a charcoal brown crewneck.
“Perfect,” I say with a smile as I grab onto his arm.
He looks down at me and grins.
We both head over and lay on his bed.
He chuckles.
I roll my eyes, knowing he’s excited cause I can finally give him my attention.
He lays his head on my shoulder.
“Come here, birthday boy,” I say and motion for him to lay on my lap.
He does so and lays his head on me.
I go in to play with his hair, which I love.
“God, I love it when you do that!” He sighs as he closes his eyes, his head against my lap.
I chuckle and continue to roam my fingers through his hair, gently tracing my fingers through his scalp.
He rubs his head into my lap, as he cuddles deeper into me.
I smile knowing he’s enjoying my touch.
He looked adorable as his eyes were closed in bliss.
I lowered my head down to his lips and he puckered up his lips to connect the two. I smiled before proceeding to give into his lips. I grabbed onto the side of his face with the palm of my hand as I gently massaged it, as our lips created their own magic.
We were so into our own little world that we didn’t even realize that Issie and Millie had just entered the room.
“Aww! Look at you two, all dolled up, and sucking each other's faces off. Nice scene to walk into huh Iss?” Millie’s voice echoed through the room.
My eyes widened and Louis and I both broke off the kiss.
“Oh yeah! Definitely, Mills, especially since our brother is the submissive one in this case,” Issie says.
I bit my lip, trying to hold in my laughter.
Louis was still in my lap, rolling his eyes.
“And what? It’s my birthday!” Louis shoots back, sitting up.
“Eww! Gross! I don’t want to hear that!” Millie shrieks.
“I would prefer not to hear about your sexual life and how you want it on your birthday!” Issie says in disgust.
“What?! I didn’t even say anything like that!” Louis says to them in defense.
“Well.. you kinda did imply it, babe,” I say as I wrap my arm around his shoulders and give him a peck on his cheeks.
He rolls his eyes at his sisters again.
“Well, we’re all ready now. We’re just waiting on mom,” Millie says, completely changing the subject.
She shudders as she’s about to sit on the bed but backs off.
I laugh, shaking my head.  
“We didn’t even do anything! You were literally jumping on my bed not so long ago!” Louis speaks, with an eye roll.
I reach over to grab Millie’s hand and pull her into the bed.
“Here, I'll give you a kiss too,” I say and kiss her cheek once she falls into the bed.
“Gross! I don’t know where those lips have been!” Millie says.
“OH MY GOD!” Louis says as he lets himself fall back into his bed with his hands in his face.
Issie is dying of laughter, so I pull her in quickly and send her a kiss.
“Oh nooo!” She complains as my lips meet her skin. “No! No! No!”
“We are neither confirming nor denying your allegations,” Louis says with a smirk as he sits back up.
“Louis!” I shriek as I feel my cheeks go red.
Millie starts making gagging noises and Issie scoots farther away from us as possible.
“What!” He says with a growing smile.
“You know what!” I scold.
Louis pulls me by the arms and causes us to both fall back into his bed.
“As much as I’d like to admit you guys are cute. That was no fun topic to speak about!” Millie says with a worried expression.
Louis laughs evilly.
James peeks his head through the open door.
“Time to go!” He smiles and heads off.
We all stand up from the bed. Louis goes to grab my hand, he intertwines them and squeezes our hands gently.
I smile and pull our intertwined hands to my lips and give them a little kiss.
He cheekily smiles and we start heading out his door.
“You girls look beautiful by the way!” I say to them as we all walk down the hallway.
“Thank you! You look gorgeous,” Issie says to me with a huge smile.
“You do look amazing y/n!” Millie smiles.
“Aww thank you, guys!” I smile and we all make it down the stairs.
Liz gasps once she sees us all.
“You all look wonderful!” She gushes.
We all thank her.
“You look lovely, Liz!” I smile.
“Thank you, darling!” She smiles.
“Come on, let's take a few pictures before we head out!” She pleads.
The four of us pose for the picture. Louis and I in the middle, Millie beside me, and Issie beside Louis.
After a couple of photos were taken, I let them take a couple of photos of just the three of them. I then offer to take photos of them all.
James and Liz join in with Louis, Millie, and Issie. I snap a couple of photos to get everyone's good sides.
“Come on y/n!” James calls me in. He swifts his hand signaling me to join them.
I nod with a smile and Liz leads me over and squeezes me in next to Louis. I blush and thank her.
James was in the corner ready to take a couple of photos, camera held up high to capture us all.
Louis wraps his arm around me and I lay my head on his chest. I put one of my arms behind his back and one on his chest as I lay my head on him.
We all smile for the picture and James takes a couple.
“Alright let's head out. We’re taking the car even though we might get more traffic but going on the train is going to be a hassle,” Liz explains.
“Mum. There’s no rush!” Louis assures her.
“Louis, well what’s the purpose of a breakfast if we’re not going to eat early?” Liz comments.
Issie and Millie let out a laugh.
“Alright. Alright. I guess we are in a rush. Speed away father,” Louis says once we’re all settled into the car.
Louis is on the left side of the car, I’m beside him, and to my right is Millie and then Issie.
James starts the car and drives off.
Louis puts his arm around me and pulls me in by my shoulders. He puts his lips against my temple and sweetly kisses it.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” I whisper to him and he nods with a vibrant smile.
“So where are we eating exactly?” Issie asks her parents.
“To a nice restaurant that’s famous for their breakfast selection,” Liz explains.
“Famous?!” Louis says. “Oh mum, choosing an expensive place, am I right? Mum you didn’t have to. I’d be happy with anything!”
“Nonsense! It’s your special day,” James exclaims.
Louis smiles.
“Well thank you, nonetheless. You didn't have to but thanks,” Louis smiles.
James continues driving for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, the four of us in the back decided to play Who’s Most Likely To.
“Louis is definitely most likely to jump into a dumpster!” Issie exclaims.
Louis opens his mouth but nothing comes out of it. He’s just left with his mouth agape.
I giggle and nod.
“It’s definitely you, Louis! You literally have dove into a bunch of trash bags,” I say with a laugh.
“Literally everyone has seen that video!” Millie says in between laughs.
“Okay. Fine. I’ll take it I guess,” He says with a little eye roll.
I let out a laugh, as everyone in the car does as well.
We continue to foolishly ask questions which leads everyone in the vehicle to erupt in laughter.
James pulled up to a fancy looking restaurant. It looked full and impacted with many guests. It had both outdoor and indoor seating.
James found a place to park the car and we all stepped out of the vehicle. Louis hopped out of the car before me and lent me a hand to step out. I smile out at him and place my hands on him. As I make it out of the car, Louis closes the car door behind me.
“M’lady,” He cheekily says.
I smile and let out a cute laugh
James smiles at us as he exits the car himself.
“Okay let’s head in. We have reservations. Thank goodness cause look at the place,” She sighs in relief as we enter the doors.
Louis walked beside me as his hand was placed in my lower back. I smile at how he’s such a gentleman.
“Six for the Partridges,” James notifies the fancy main entrance.
Louis lowers his lips to my ear.
“See they already see you as a Partridge,” He whispers deeply into my ear.
I blush and look over into his eyes.
He has a huge smile placed on his lips.
I giggle and as I was about to respond we were already being led to our table.
Louis pulls out my chair and leads me to sit. I blush and sit on the comfy fancy looking chair.
Louis pushes me in a bit and pats my hair and he goes to sit beside me and across from his parents.
Right as we’re getting seated a couple workers were already handing us freshly squeezed juice.
I smile in thank you and simultaneously Louis and I reach for each other’s hands, from each other’s chairs.
We both laugh within each other and take in the freshly squeezed juice, which was delicious.
“Wow, mum. This is really good!” Louis shockingly says as he places the cup down.
Liz smiles and seems proud of her choice of breakfast.
We get handed the menus that we made of thick rich paper.
“Wow mum, even the menus are expensive!” Millie says as she opens it up.
I giggle and open up the menu myself.
I look over the breakfast selection and see they have everything anyone could ask for.
“Look over the menu if you’d like but we’re ordering the platter that gives us all the main dishes the restaurant offers for breakfast,” James notes to us as Liz nods.
“So we’re like having our own little buffet? Here at our table,” Issie questions.
“Precisely,” James smiles with a nod.
“Wow. Ok,” Louis says in amazement.
“You deserve it,’ I whisper to him with a smile.
He looks at me with love in his eyes.
“Thanks love!” He whispers back and he squeezes our hands.
I smile and we both face the table again.
Liz is ordering the platter and we all continue to drink the delicious not too thick juice.
We all start to converse once we’re settled and have placed our order.
“How does it feel to be an adult now?” Issie jokes.
“Oh! You know, life changing!” Louis claims.
I let out a giggle.
“I feel like a totally different person!’ He exaggeratedly says.
We all let out small laughs.
Soon various workers came over to our table. They all had huge platters of different breakfast dishes in their hands. They set it all down at our table. And man, let me tell you! There was sooo much food!
There were pancakes of all sorts of flavors with unique shapes, waffles, french toast, crepes, fruit, syrups of all kinds, breakfast burritos, bacon, mashed potatoes, hash browns, bacon, eggs.
“Mum! We are never going to finish all this food! I feel like I'm eating with the queen!’ Louis exclaims as his eyes gaze through the variety of food.
“Wow! I feel full just by looking at all of this food,” I say with a giggle.
“Let’s dig in!” Liz says, grabbing a plate.
We all nod in agreement and reach over to grab empty plates.
I reach to grab a plate but Louis was already handing me one.
“Here ya go,” He says with a bright smile.
“Wow what a gentleman,” Issie teases as she goes to grab some waffles.
I smile and grab the plate from his hand.
“Thank you, Louis!” I say with a pout. He’s so sweet and thoughtful.
“As he should!” Millie demands and I let out a laugh.
“I will always treat her right,” Louis says, grabbing a plate for himself.
“Well, I’m glad you do, Louis. I have always told you to be respectful and to treat a girl right and I am really glad and proud of you for treating y/n this way,” Liz says with a proud smile.
I turn over to Louis with a smile and he looks over at me. He looks straight into my eyes and squeezes our intertwined hands three times. I smile. Gosh, he makes me melt every time. I blush and smile a thank you to him.
Every time one of us squeezes each other's hand three times, it indicates us secretly saying I love you, to one another. Each squeeze represents each word. It was our thing.
I love him too.
I turn away as I feel my cheeks warm up.
“Aww she’s blushing,” Issie teases as she pokes my sides.
From the corner of my eye, I see Louis turn once he hears Issie’s statement.  
James and Liz laugh in awe.
Once Louis realizes that I certainly am blushing he lets go of our hands and pulls me into him.
“Aww. C’mere!” He smiles as he kisses my temple.
They all laugh and continue filling up their plates.
As they all place their attention on serving themselves breakfast, my face no longer turns red.
Louis gives me another temple kiss before letting me go.
I smile and go to serve myself portions from different platters.
As I finish filling my plate, I dig my fork into a pancake.
They look so delicious.
I placed the fork into my mouth and I was already in a food coma. The food was incredibly delicious. The pancakes were so fluffy and warm. Without a doubt, they were the best pancakes I’ve ever tried.
I continued digging into the other portions and it was all too delicious.
“Wow, this is really delicious mum!” Louis says with a full mouth of eggs and bacon.
I giggle as his parents scold him.
“Okay okay! I’m sorry!” He says quickly swallowing his food.
“This is why we can’t have nice things, Louis!” Millie scolds.
Louis is left with his mouth agape.
“It’s literally my birthday guys. I was trying to show my gratitude mum!” Louis defends.
I roll my eyes at him and Liz shakes her head.
“Point was you were talking with a mouth full of food and we’re in a high end restaurant, Louis,” Issie adds.
“I feel really attacked,” He says and digs into more food.
James and I laugh.
“Just eat your birthday breakfast, babe,” I say, patting his back.
“Mhm.” He says pretending to be hurt.
“Oh stop!” I say with a smile.
He couldn’t hide his smile anymore and let out a laugh.
“You’re such an idiot,” Millie says with a playful eye roll.
Louis lets out an adorable laugh and I couldn’t help but smile and feel warm on the inside.
He was my idiot.
Towards the end of our meal, an enormous group of employees surrounded our table.
“Oh no…” Louis whispered loud enough for me to hear.
I giggle and hold his hand.
“Who in this table is Louis?” A worker called out.
We all pointed at Louis and he rose his hand.
“That’ll be me,” Louis calls out.
They hand him a candlelit dessert.
As it was placed in front of him, all eyes in the restaurant were on him.
The employees erupted into a song to wish Louis a Happy Birthday.
“Woohoo!” James and Liz cheer from across the table.
I let go of Louis' hand and began to cheer him on.
We all clap our hands as the singing ceases.
“Thank you,” Louis kindly says to us all.
The workers nod and reply with ‘you’re welcome'.
Liz stands from her seat and goes to hug her boy.
Louis smiles appreciatively and goes in to hug her, as well.
He’s so sweet to his parents. He hugs her tightly and whispers words of gratitude only for her to hear.
She goes on to kiss his cheek and he flushes.
Her mom lets go and James goes in to pat Louis.
“Happy Birthday son. You know we love you and we’ll always be here for you. We believe in you and here’s to many more,” James says pulling Louis in.
“Thanks, dad!” Louis says holding onto his father.
“Happy Birthday Louis!” Millie calls out from her seat.
“Love you!” Issie smiles.
“Thanks, guys. Much appreciated!” He says gracefully.
We all stood up and headed out of the restaurant.
Louis and I walked behind everyone as we headed to the car.
“What are we doing now?” Louis cheekily says.
I turn over to look at him and smile.
“It’s a surprise!” I beam.
“A surprise?!” He exclaims.
“Mmhmm!” I nod.
“What kinda surprise?” He questions placing his lips on my cheek, hoping I’d give him more information.
“I can’t tell you,” I giggle.
He lets out a whine and lets his head fall back.
“Nope. Not happening!” I smile looking at his impatience.
“Can you at least give me a hint?” He pleads.
“You’ll eventually find out. As of right now you just can’t know,” I giggle.
“Ughh!” He groans as we make it to the car.
I roll my eyes and laugh to myself.
Louis opens the door for me and heads into his seat after me.
“Why is he being annoying this time?” Millie asks.
“Y/N won’t tell me my surprise!” He desperately says.
“Well it’s supposed to be a surprise,” James says, turning on the car.
“Wait! So you know what it is?” Louis says as his eyes glow.
They all nod.
“This sucks!” He says, crossing his arms.
“Alright here. I was going to wait until we got home. But since you’re upset about not knowing y/n’s surprise. We can give you ours right now,” Liz says, pulling out a black box from her purse.
“What is this?” Louis says as he holds the black box in the palm of his hands.
“Our first surprise,” James says looking at the back seat from the rearview mirror.
‘Why thanks guys,” Louis smiles as he opens up the black box, revealing an elegant watch.
His eyes widened in amazement.
“Mum! Dad!” Louis lets out in shock. “Thank you! I don’t even know what to say! I don’t even know how to react.” Louis says attentively, laying his eyes on the watch.
“I got my first watch on my 18th birthday and I wanted to do the same for you. Keep it going you know?” James says from the driver's seat.
“It's very grand. I can’t thank you enough!” Louis says looking up to his parents.
“Well put it on!” Issie clamors.
Louis carefully pulls the watch out and unclips it, placing it through his wrist. His other hand clips on the watch to his hand.
Louis flicks his wrist and smiles.
“Thank you, dad! Thank you, mum! Looks good doesn’t it?” He says to them and he shows them his arm.
“It looks great honey!” Liz smiles.
“It really does! It goes perfectly! James says as he looks at the watch on Louis’ wrist.
His eyes turn back to the road as we pull up to the Partridge’s neighborhood.
“Ahhh! Okay, time to close your eyes!” Liz says as she jumps in her seat.
“What?” Louis laughs nervously.
“Close your eyes quickly!” James warns.
“Bloody hell! What’s going on?!” Louis says not closing his eyes.
“CLOSE YOUR EYES!” Millie and Issie yell.
“No! Not until I know what’s going on!” He replies.
“Oh my god!” I reply as I see that the house is nearing our sight.
Everyone in the car is yelling for him to shut his eyes, so I do it for him.
I quickly place my hands over his eyes, right in time for him to not see his other present, parked in the driveway.
I gasp as I see the black sports car lavishly parked on their driveway.
“WHAT! What’s going on?” Louis questions as he tries to open his eyes, once he hears my gasp.
We all choose to ignore him.
Now I knew he was getting his first car but seeing it now in close proximity, I was excited. It was nice, really nice.
James parks on the sidewalk that leads to the driveway where Louis’ sports car is.
Everyone excitedly gets out of the car. James and Liz open the door so Louis and I can get off.
“Okay, step out of the car,” James speaks.
“Well I mean I can’t really see,” Louis mutters.
“Just get out of the car! Hurry!” I exclaim.
“Okay okay!” He rushes.
He places his feet out onto the ground and carefully stands, with me behind him. Eyes still covered by my hands.
“Keep walking…” I trail as I lead him from behind.
He does so and we all lead him to the front of the car.
“What is going on?” He asks.
“Okay in 1… 2…. And 3… !” We all yell and I let go of my hands. He flutters his eyes open and gasps in surprise.
“Bloody hell! Is it mine? No way!” He says as he runs his hand through his hair walking towards the black vehicle.
“All yours!” James smiles.
“No way!” He says in shock.
“But… As of right now. It’s y/n’s,” Liz says, handing me the keys.
Louis looks over to me in confusion as I smirk.
“I’m soooo confused right now!” He says as he looks around.
I walk to the driver’s side of the car.
“Get in, loser!” I say jingling the keys over the car.
He furrows his eyebrows with a growing smile as he walks over to the passenger side.
I smirk as I open the door hopping into the car. I grip the steering wheel once I’m seated and I take a look around at the black interior.
I hear Louis open the passenger door. He bends down, half of his body in the car, taking a look at it in astonishment. Hand on the open door as he looks in.
Fuck that’s hot. His large hand gripped onto the wide open door of the passenger seat.
Louis looks over at me, face close to mine.
“Is it actually mine?” He says with a smile.
“Yes!” I beam with a huge smile. “Now come on!” I say excitedly for him to come in.
He furrows his eyebrows and smiles.
“What are you planning?!” He asks deeply as he reluctantly gets in the car.
As he shuts the door I fasten my seatbelt.
“Be safe!” Liz yells from the driveway.
I start the car and lower the window. I wave out to them and nod.
“Why is she saying that? Why do we have to be safe?” Louis bombards with questions.
“BYEE!” They all shout.
“BYEE!” I yell with a huge smile.
I start reversing out of the driveway and Louis confusingly waves bye to his family.
“What’s going on y/n? Tell me!” He says with a huge smile.
“We’re going… somewhere…” I trail off and we wave goodbye before I drive off.
“Where are we going?” He questions annoyingly as he grabs my hand.
“You really want me to drive with one hand in your brand new car?” I question with a smile as I look over at him for a split second.
“I can’t even believe it’s my car. I haven’t acknowledged it as my car. It hasn’t hit me yet,” He explains, his eyes fixated on me.
“Well, it’s your car! Take it all in!” I say as I turn over to him, looking at him with a cocked brow and smile.
“Hmm.” He hums looking around.
“This day has been like no other! It's been fantastic!” Louis beams.
“I’m happy for you, baby,” I smile looking over at him and away from the road.
He looks at the road and sees that it's clear, so he quickly goes in for a kiss.
“Thank you, baby!” He says right after he pulls away.
I smile and continue to drive.
“God. I can’t believe this is my car! That’s crazy!” He says as a wave of shock comes back in.
I laugh and keep my eye on the road, Louis still not having a clue as to where we're going.
“Now I’ll be able to bring you food when you’re hungry, drop by your room uninvited, take you on more dates, and all the things we can get away with while we’re in this car alone. By ourselves…” He trails getting quieter at the end.
I let out a snort.
I shake my head and giggle.
He laughs too.
“That's all I’m sayinggg!” He says in a singsong tone.
I giggle and shake my head as he holds onto my hand.
“Okay, we’ve been driving for a while now! Where are we going?” He chuckles, looking over at me.
“We’re spending the day in London!” I shouted with a giggle. “We can go wherever you want and do whatever you want!”
“That sounds delightful. I get to spend the day with you in my town. What more could I ask for?” He says sweetly.
I blush and he goes to grab my face proceeding to squish my cheeks.
I giggle and pat his hand away.
“I’m trying not to crash your car,” I say with a giggle.
“Oh also did I forget to add that we’re staying the night in the city?” I say with a smile as we start nearing the big building of London.
“What? Louis baffles.
“I got us a room. So no need to worry about heading home or worrying about curfews. We’re all alone, to do whatever we want,” I smile brightly.
“Y/N! You’re literally the best! You know me all too well!” He smiles and takes my hand to his lips.
I feel all mushy as he places his lips against my skin.
“I knew you’d want a day all to ourselves, so I planned it out just like that. We have extra clothes in the back for the night, that Issie placed earlier this morning. And now it's just up to you. What would you like us to do!” I reckon.
“You’re perfect! Literally perfect!” He expresses and he continues to add kisses to our intertwined hands.
I blush and hide away as I focus on driving.
“Well, we can walk around the streets, sightsee, grab some drinks, some snacks. As of right now, all I want to do is walk around, you by my side as I hold your hand or have my arm around you,” He says with a twinkle in his eye.
“Aww Louis!” I say with a pouty face.
He chuckles and marks a kiss on my cheek.
I drive into the big streets and look around for a parking spot.
“Birthday luck,” Louis calls, pointing towards an empty parking spot.
I sigh.
“Thank goodness!” I say in relief.
Louis chuckles and I go to park his car in the street.
As I successfully parked I turn off the car.
Louis immediately stops me from doing anything.
“Don’t move!’ He ordered.
I chuckle and stay seated as he exits the car and goes to my side to open my door.
“M’lady,” He says in a posh accent, which really is just a deeper British accent for him.
I giggle and place my hand on Louis’ as he has it out for me.
I smile sheepishly as he’s bowed down.
“Louis…” I trail shyly.
“What? I’m being a gentleman to my girlfriend, soon to be wife,” He remarks.
I laugh and shake my head.
“You’re adorable!” I whisper as I have my face millimeters away from his. He smiles as he looks me in the eyes, his eyes full of love and adoration as he looks into me. I went in for a kiss, it was sweet and slow.
Louis pulls away, our lips still pressed on one another.
“I love you,” He whispers.
I swift my eyes down and smile. I look back up into his brown eyes and peck my lips onto his once more.
“I love you, too,” I murmur into our lips.
“Come on. Let’s go,” He says and grabs my hand, leading me into the streets of London.
He walks fast with his long legs.
“Louis!” I shriek. “You’re speed walking over here. While I’m like being dragged!” I say with a laugh.
He looks back at me and laughs.
“Sorry!” He says. “I just want to take you to this place. I’m excited.”
I giggle and go in to kiss his cheek.
“I fucking love you. You’re just too cute and adorable. I can’t handle it!” I say as I giggle into his cheek.
He lets out a laugh and turns his head causing our lips to interlock, as I was previously kissing his cheek.
He longingly kisses me and pulls away with a sly smile.
“I saw what you did there!’ I say with a smirk.
We eventually made it.
“Okay this place has the best and I mean best ice cream!” Louis thrills.
“Alright. I’ll take your word for it!” I say and I walk straight into the shop.
We both order a sundae that gives us the option of 5 scoops of our choice of ice cream.
“Okay we’ll get chocolate,” Louis starts.
“Vanilla,” I continue.
“Rocky Road.”
“Chocolate Chip.”
“And strawberry,” Louis ends.
The worker nods and starts preparing our sundae which has whipped cream, peanuts, chocolate syrup, and a couple of cherries.
“It looks delicious!” I say as I grip Louis' hand and lay my head on his arm.
He looks down at me and smiles.
“You’re so cute!” He says, looking down at me in awe.
I look up at him and blush.
I tippytoe barely reach his height and go in to kiss his beautiful lips.
“I love you,” I murmur into the kiss.
He smiles and murmurs it back.
Our names are called and we head out with sundae in hand. We find an empty bench that gives us a view of London’s Tower Bridge and its waters.
After a bit of silence and our sharings of the sundae, Louis lets out a sigh.
“I love this day,” He says, looking out into the distance.
My gaze stays fixated on him and he looks out into London’s waters.
I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him. I look up and his neck calls out to me. I smile and press my lips against his neck.
He immediately looks down at me as my lips are pressed onto his neck.
“You’re really going to tempt me in the middle of London?” He smirks.
“I’m not even trying to tempt you,” I say with a playful eye roll. “Your neck is just right here as I’m laying my head on your chest and I just can’t help but kiss you.” I cutely say.
He chuckles and shakes his head.
After a couple of seconds of silence, he speaks up again.
“I could live like this forever and never complain,” He says and he puts his arm around my shoulder.
“As long as I’m in your arms I’d never complain,” I respond.
“As long as you’re in my arms I’d never complain.” He replies.
I smile into his chest.
Our ice cream sundae, now gone.
After a while of looking into the water and the Tower Bridge, we stood up to further our walk.
“Where to now?” I say from beside him.
He shrugs.
“I’m not sure.” He says as he holds onto my hand.
I nod and we continue to walk until we make it to the shops.
We randomly walk into a clothing store and we look around for a bit.
“Do you want me to buy you anything?” I gently ask, trying not to interrupt our comfortable silence.
He looks down at me like I’m crazy.
“Definitely not!” He exclaims.
“Louis. It’s your birthday!” I say.
“It’s okay! You've already done a lot for me today,” He explains.
“I haven’t done much!” I say looking up at him.
“Well you’ve done more than you know,” He says, bending down to kiss my lips.
He pulls away and I pout.
“Sorry sweetheart!” He says regarding ending the kiss. “I just need to get this point across. You’ve done a lot. A lot more than you think! Because all the little things you do, mean everything to me. Like your little surprise at midnight, the way you smile and look at me like I’m the only one you see, when you give me cute random kisses, hold my hand, when you baby me, when I ask you for clothing advice. Like the things you do, don’t go unnoticed. Because I notice and I’m aware of it all. You’ve done so much and now you bring me to London and tell me you got us a room. It’s more than I could ever ask for. Really,” He says as he holds both of my hands and looks at me as he speaks.
“Louis,” I say as I look up at him in awe. “I do all these things naturally. I don’t keep my eyes on you because I expect you to notice or because I want you to pay attention to what I do. When those small things happen it’s because I genuinely do them. Like they just happen at the moment. It happens because I care for you because I’m in love with you. I hold your hand and kiss you randomly because that’s what my heart and soul desire. You’re the one that my heart desires. It will always be you and I will always love you. This little trip to London is nothing compared to how much I feel and care about you! We could spend the day in Bora Bora or in your bed and I’d be happy just to be with you,” I say, intertwining our fingers as our hands are already being held.
“And I feel the same way. As long as I’m with you I’m happy. It doesn’t matter where we are, I’ll always be glad to be with you. My heart desires you too. Like if the body was ruled by the heart instead of the brain I’d be kissing you 24/7, nonstop, all the time. I’d have you on me and against me for like ever!” He says with a cheeky smile.
I shake my head and smile.
“The workers are probably wondering if we’re going to buy something or if we’re just going to longingly look into each other's eyes the whole time!” I say with a chuckle.
Louis lets out a laugh. “Yeah. Let’s get out of here!”
“Before we leave. Are you sure you don’t want you to get anything?” I ask before we exit.
“Definitely not!” He says with a chuckle.
I giggle. ‘Okay.”
We exit the shop.
“Now the real question is do you want me to buy you anything?” He says holding onto my arms as he moves in front of me blocking my sight.
“If you don’t let me buy you anything, I’m not letting you buy me anything!” I say with sass.
Louis snickers and rolls his eyes.
“Why do you make things so complicated?” He says as we continue to walk.
“What? I’m not even making it complicated!” I say letting out a laugh.
He stays quiet and tries to hide the smile that’s daring to show.
I smile and roll my eyes.
He quickly shushes me and places a finger onto my lips.
“I’m not complicated!” He immediately says as he injects my sentence.
My mouth is left agape.
“If you weren’t complicated and extra, you wouldn’t have shushed me!” I interject.
He rolls his eyes.
“Whatever,” He says.
I look away from him with a smile, shaking my head.
We walk around the shops with our hands intertwined.
“I still can’t believe I have a car now. That’s insane!” He beams as he looks down at me.
“I know, right? It’s quite nice,” I smile up at him.
He nods and hums in amusement.
My eyes wander around and I gasp once I see a bakery.
“What?” Louis questions at my gasp.
“We have to go here! Come on! Come on,” I demand as I pull Louis towards the direction of the cake shop.
Louis takes a look inside the large windows and realizes it’s a bakery in which you get to decorate your own cake.
He sees my large smile and shakes his head.
“If you insist,” He says with a laugh.
“Oh come on. It’ll be fun. We’ll get to eat the cake that we decorate!” I say knowing he wants to do it just as much as me.
“Oh alright.” He says with a playful eye roll.
“Yayy!” I say and tippytoe to kiss his cheek.
His cheeks flush and we both enter the shop.
We get handed a cake and get told where all the decorations and supplies were located.
“Let’s get started!” Louis smiles as we comfortably sit across from each other.
The round cake that’s covered in fondant is placed on the table.
Louis opens up a package that contains more fondant.
“I’m thinking of getting these cutters and shaping the fondant into random things,” Louis says as his focus is on trying to open up the fondant. I giggle at how hard he’s trying.
“Yeah, I grabbed a couple of cutters too!” I say placing them on the table.
“Ooo let me see!” Louis curiously says.
I smile and start explaining what each cutter is.
“So I got this star because you’re my star and because you’re becoming an excellent star in the business. Everyone’s going to know who you are!” I start and pause as I notice how interested Louis is in my choice of cutters, making me blush.
Louis hums for me to go on. His head in the palm of his hands.
I nod and go on. “Then I got this heart to represent how I feel about you,” I say, holding it up for him to see.
“Oh now you’re making me feel so basic about mine,” He gushes, causing me to laugh.
“I’m sure they’re great!” I say.
Louis picks up one of his cutters with a huge smile on his face trying to suppress his laughter but completely fails letting it all out.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” He says in between laughs. “So this one is of a little boy,” He says, holding it out for me to see. “I don’t know why I got it but I just did. I guess it can be me.” He dumbly says.
I furrow my brows and let out a smile.
“Okay?” I say letting out a small laugh. “Makes sense.”
“And then I got a ‘1’ and ‘8’’ He ends, holding the two numbers together to make an ‘18’.
“You’re so adorable you know that?” I say grabbing the fondant that Louis previously opened.
“Yeah, I think so,” He arrogantly says with a playful shrug.
I roll my eyes.
We start placing the cutters on the fondant and sticking them onto the cake.
“It’s coming along nicely,” Louis says as we finish adding all the shaped fondant.
I nod in agreement.
“Time for the icing!” I excitedly say, grabbing it.
“Take full reign,” Louis says, eyeing my next move.
I smile and start writing ‘Happy Birthday Louis’ on the face of the cake with an exclamation point. But instead of the exclamation point having a period at the bottom it has a heart.
“There,” I say with a proud smile.
“Perfect!” Louis softly says at the finished product and looks up at me. “You’re perfect.”
I melt at his compliment and pout. He goes to grab my hand from across the table and sweetly smiles.
“I love you,” He says with a voice to die for.
“I love you too!” I say softly to him. I lean over the table and sweetly peck his lips. He smiles.
“Shall we go now?” He asks and I nod.
Our cake gets placed in a box to go and I pay for the cake.
Louis frowns.
“It’s your birthday okay?” I say holding onto his hand.
He grunts to himself, causing me to laugh.
“Thank you!” Louis says to the worker as he gets handed the box.
We head out of the shop hand in hand. One hand was holding mine and his other was holding the box of cake.
“What time do we have to check into the hotel?” Louis asks as we walk mindlessly through the city.
“There’s no specific time,” I responded.
He smiles like he’s got something up his sleeve.
“Why?” I inquire.
“I have the perfect spot!” He beams with a huge toothy smile.
“Alright.” I say slowly waiting for him to reveal more of his ‘perfect spot’.
“So there’s this perfect place we can go to. It has a perfect view, it’s secluded, and we can eat our cake there!” Louis elated with beaming eyes.
“That sounds wonderful!” I say in awe as I swing our interlocked hands.
He chuckles and nods in agreement.
“We’ll have to take the car to our special destination,” He charmingly says.
I smile in favor and hand him the keys.
As soon as we make it to the car he lets go of my hand and jogs over to open the passenger side door.
“Aww. You’re so sweet, babe!” I say pouting and going in for a quick kiss.
He chuckles and closes the door for me once I’m seated in his car.
He gets in the car and places the cake in the backseat.
“Okay.” He says once he fastens his seatbelt. “It’s not too far from here but we’ll probably get stuck in traffic. Which isn’t that bad because we’ll kill time and make it right on time for the sunset,” He rants, pulling out of his parallel parking and onto the road.
“Wow, babe. That's kinda hot,” I let out. My eyes were on his hands that were placed on the fine black steering wheel.
He quickly looks over at me and chuckles.
His right hand leaves the steering wheel and firmly makes it onto my thigh.
“Hey! Both hands on the wheel sir!” I remark.
“Oh shove off!” He says with an eye roll which ends with my chuckle.
I place my hand on top of his and I see the smile that grows on his face making me feel the butterflies all over again.
“I can never get over the fact of how lucky I am to have you, Louis,” I softly say looking over to him.
“If anything I’m the lucky one, y/n,” He says looking over to me, taking his eyes off the road for a slight second.
I shake my head.
“I’m being serious, Louis,” I say just as soft. “I really am amazed with you. Everything about you,” I say intertwining over fingers and bringing our hands to my lips.
I sense his blush.
“Thank you.” He softly whispers. “I really appreciate it, love.”
I nod and hum in response.
I shift in my seat and lay my head on his right arm.
“You tired?” He asks, concerned.
I shake my head.
“No. I just feel comfortable is all.” I mumble out.
Louis nods cutely looking down at me in awe.
“This feels so surreal,” Louis says regarding driving his brand new vehicle.
“I’m sure it does!” I say standing up from my past position. “The sun seems to be going down,” I say looking out the window.
Louis looks out and looks at the sky.
“Good thing we’re here then,” Louis beams, turning off his car at the side of an empty street.
“Where are we?” I say unbuckling my seatbelt.
“You’ll see. Now come on!” Louis says getting out of the car and reaching out for the cake.
I chuckle in confusion as I get out of the car, following his lead.
“Come here,” He calls out to me with his hand out.
I skip over to him, grabbing his hand.
He leads me across the street to what seems like an abandoned parking building.
“The view looks amazing from up there!” Louis says as he leads me into the first floor of the parking structure. We make it to the stairs and start the venture up it.
“It’s a bit long but it’s worth it, I promise!” He says excitedly.
I laugh and nod.
Everything is worth it when I’m with him.
The flight of stairs was lengthy, it was around a dozen floors worth of stairs.
The sky was in full view when we finally made it to the rooftop of the building.
“Nice, right?” Louis says pulling me into him.
“Yeah. Nice.” I say looking around at the beautiful setting sky. “It looks beautiful.”
“It does and just wait for it to get dark! You’ll see all the lights from here. It really is an incomparable view,” Louis explains and finds a spot for us to sit that catches the view perfectly.
The sky showcased a nice array of deep colors. I hold onto Louis' hand and lay my head on his shoulder. I lay comfortably on him and he puts an arm around me.
“God I love you!” Louis sighs after a moment of silence.
I blush and look down.
“You’re adorable.” He lovingly says once he realizes I’m a blushing mess.
He pets the top of my head and looks out into the dazzling city of London.
“I wouldn’t trade this for the world,” I softly let out into the air.
“Me neither,” Louis hums, looking down at me and smiling.
“Your smile always kills me,” I say with rosy cheeks.
“My smile is just my body expressing and saying what I can’t form into words. I just look at you and I’m like damn.” Louis says, his voice lowering towards the end.
I smile and leave kisses on his hand.
“Shall we open our cake?” Louis asks, grabbing the box.
“Yes!” I beam out and situate myself up
Louis opens up the box and takes out the cake.
“Let me take one last look at it before it’s gone,” He says to himself as he takes one last look at it.
“Hey!” He calls out. “I didn’t know you added this?” Louis says with a surprised look on his face, pointing at the crown shaped fondant.
I geekily smiled.
“I added it while you weren’t looking! It signifies you being my prince, my king.” I shyly say, placing my hand on the opposite side of his face and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Aww. Baby!” He says slightly putting his body over mine, causing me to lean back. “You’re my queen,” He whispers against my lips, his body threatening to push me against the floor.
He looks down at my lips and they flicker back up to my eyes and without hesitation he presses his lips against mine, causing me to fall back. Our kiss deepens once I’m in between the ground and Louis.
Louis' hand makes it to my neck and jaw, holding it softly. We were there laying on a rooftop with our cake awaiting us. Louis lays on top of me and he pulls away, looking deep into my soul.
“Come on, let’s eat some cake,” He mumbles, sitting up and holding out his arm for me to grab. I do so and he pulls me up and we both sit.
He hands me a fork and we both dig in.
“This is delicious!” Louis says with a mouthful.
I giggle as he has a mouthful of the cake.
“Gosh, it looks beautiful out here!” I say, mesmerized by the bright lights of London in contrast to the now dark sky.
Louis nods and wraps his arms around my waist.
He looks over to me and then back at the view.
He prompts a kiss on my head and smiles.
I turn to look at him.
“What’s in that head of yours?” I ask curiously.
Louis shakes his head looking away.
“Just thinking of how amazing this moment is,” He lets out.
My heart warms up to his sweet thoughts.
I look down and place my hand over his hand that is placed on his lap. While the other is still wrapped around me.
He smiles at my small gesture. Loving how it felt to have my fingers tracing along the top of his hand. It gave him a nice ravishing feeling.
He couldn’t lie, he did feel a bit irked when the tickling of the tracing stopped when I went to get another fork of cake.
I giggle once I notice the disheveled look on his face.
He wasn’t good at hiding his thoughts.
“Come here,” I say with a laugh as I go to grab his free hand.
He laughs and I start tracing my nails along the top of his hand.
“I’m not looking forward to walking down that long flight of stairs!” I groaned out.
“We should just stay here,” He chuckled.
“Or…. You could just carry me.” I smiled jokingly.
“Do you want me to die!” He exclaimed, but his eyes immediately widened once he realized how that came out.
“What?!” I rose my brows at him in surprise. “Are you calling me-”
“No, no, no! Not like that! I swear! I just meant like it’s a long flight of stairs and it’s tiring walking down it on your own. I- I swear I wasn’t calling you anything like that! Carrying even a baby would be tiring because you’re holding something. Oh, fuck me.” He sighs as he tries to explain his horrible wording.
I let out a laugh and roll my eyes at him.
“You have such an amazing way with words, don't you Louis?” I tease.
“Oh stop!” He says, rolling his eyes at me. His smile curled up into his cheeks after he let out a huge sigh in relief, knowing that I understood that he was in no way saying anything harmful.
“You’re such an idiot!” I say playfully shoving him.
“Wellll I’m your idiot!” He beams.
I giggle and nod.
“Okay. I'm just glad you didn’t take it the wrong way!” He says with another sigh.
I giggle.
“I know what you meant, Louis,” I smile, pecking his lips in reassurance.
“Oh thank god!” He says with another huge sigh, holding his hand over his heart.
I let out a giggle with another eyeroll.
“Come on. Let’s get going before room service ends!” I smile standing up and lending my hand out for Louis to grab.
“Alright.” He smiles idiotically.
I hope you all enjoyed it!!. This was my first Louis imagine. So if you all want more let me know and request! Love you all!
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Love you all and thank you!
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