#might open requests again!
sparkledgroove · 5 months
Retheme done ! + a sort of ask game finally ,,
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wetterfishguts · 1 month
Oh shit, requests are open? can i request Justowen?
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theyre pretty neat
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ask-dices-cups · 3 months
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Well...one of the writers writing a DD fake marriage fanfic was not on my bingo card for 2024, but when has anything ever been! (Thank you for tagging me @anawkwardgalnamedtarazan )
I'm lucky that my students are on Spring Break this week, because I reaallly wanted to work hard on this piece! I referenced a really intimate Swing Dance pic for the pose so I hope that came across nicely! Also, if I remember correctly I believe it said that KD was in a pink and white suit, instead of his regular purple, and I just HAD to draw that! ^^ I couldn't decide if The Devil would be really extra and wear a gigantic princess style dress, or if he'd be really extra and wear a more revealing dress. Either way, he was gonna be extra! I hope ya like it :)
[Broken Contract AU Details and Rules]
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sweeteastart · 2 months
I love your art!! Could you maybe do Warriors for E2 for the outfit thing?
Y'all really want me to become a puddle huh ? Thank you so much,,, I'm happy people like my silly little things
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Someone finally gave me my boy !
He is feeling bonita :)
Thanks for the ask ♪♪♪♪
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philosophilia · 6 months
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I did the forbidden thing
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http-byler · 9 months
Ok so for the jargyle doodle requests could you draw them at a carnival? With Jonathan holding a prize that Argyle won for him? Thanks!
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☆ carnival nights! ☆
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taki-yaki · 1 month
Prompt: Tav that's somehow acquainted with Drizzt. I don't know where his situation fits in the BG3 timeline, so I don't know if Tav being Drizzt's daughter's friend or classmate would make sense. Maybe a neighbor, or the apprentice of one of his party members? I honestly just want to see Astarion fangirl over meeting someone who has close ties to Drizzt Do'Urden.
Briennelle Zaharina (Drizzt’s daughter) would be around the age of 4 during the events of Baldurs gate 3. But an apprentice adventurer who teamed with Drizzt would work.
Astarion x Drizzt Apprentice Tav
As an Elf, you were aware of how long your kind lived for, even outliving many other races in kind. Instead of being stuck inside the walls of Evereska, you longed to venture beyond them. Travelling from town to city, helping with any problems that plague the area. Until you arrive at Baldur’s Gate meeting the famous Drizzt the drow, offering to become his apprentice just for the time he is within the city on his quest. 
Although he was hesitant at first to accept, he agreed after seeing your innate magic abilities in combat. 
Despite your time as his temporary pupil only being short through the eyes of normal elves, the experience to you felt as if it was a main part of your long life.
After your encounter with the famous drow, you would continue your travels across the sword's coast, always returning to the gate to reminisce upon the skills that your mentor taught you. However, during one of these trips to the city, you were abducted by the mind flayers, soon having a tadpole forced inside your head.
During one of these first few nights with your new companions, Wyll was exchanging stories around the campfire of his travels as the blade of Avernus, he would bid you to tell tales of your travels throughout the sword coast, with nearly everyone's eyes on you, except for a pale elf who was pretending to read a book to act disinterested, despite his ears seemingly twitching whenever someone blabbed about others.
As you told your tale of your ventures in Baldur’s Gate, you offhandedly mentioned how you met the notorious drow when you noticed Astarion fully snapping his attention towards you, seemly engrossed for a moment of the comment you made before swaying his eyes towards the book once again.
The next few nights would consist of you telling a story or two about Drizzt casually to Karlach or Wyll with Astarion occasionally dismissing some of your tales seeing them as nothing but farfetched stories at first, “Yes darling, and I’m a princess of house Nightstar and married to a tarrasque named Johnathan, anything else you have to say?”.
However as the tales would start to sound more believable, he would start to inquire into them, asking questions such as what was Drizzt’s eye colour and other minutiae details, which would quickly devolve into an argument at camp about whether the drow’s eye colour was a lavender hue or aquamarine or other minor details.
During another late-night argument once again about Drizzt, Karlach spoke aloud “Fangs if I didn’t know any better I’d say that you’re a fan of Drizzt”, his mouth quickly shut upon hearing Karlachs words, “As if I would fawn over such a thing, dear that is for children, I’m only correcting your ‘mistakes is all”, before he attempted to smoothly retreat towards his tent for the night.
The next night, the arguments between you seemed to have ceased, with you both only acknowledging each other through silent glances across the camp. It isn’t until you confront him, once everyone else has gone to sleep for the night, that he attempts to withdraw to his tent once again, apologising for arguing over such trivial things, but it isn’t until he interrupts you with a soft sigh before stating 
“I- I never said I disliked your fables, my dear”
“When I was trapped under Cazadors thumb, I would daydream of the drow one day coming to save me from his hell, a revolution of sorts against him.” turning to avoid your line of sight, uttering in a hushed whisper “But that never happened”.
“You know, I’m not your exact ‘Drizzt’ type, but I promise, I’ll kill your vile master, I’m certain Drizzt wouldn’t have stood for such a thing as do I.”
As he looks down upon you, in silence, he lets out a little chuckle, before offering an outstretched hand towards you.
“You know, It would be nice not to have to rely on you as my great protector, but... well, I do appreciate the thought.”
Raising your head to meet him face to face, reaching out to clasp his hand softly. 
Throughout the rest of that night, the two of you spend the rest of the night in long discussions about your fondness for the legendary drow.
It isn’t until you arrive at the city that the two of you discuss Drizzt's latest adventures that were published within the new books. Reading the book together, actively discussing each tale that was told and just for a moment, true peace was found between you both, despite all the horrors you’ve been through with the absolute.
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
For drawing requests uhhh anything with Bryce? I just super adore the way u draw his limbs idk what it is about it !!! I'm just like 0-0 like a cat at him every time
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here he is!!!!! thank u :D!!!!!!!!!!
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cerealforkart · 10 months
We’re less than a month away from the 1 year anniversary of DnDads the manga. Anyone got any ideas for what to do to celebrate?
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wyn0rrific · 11 days
omg would you be willing to draw more sanguinius? 🩸🕊️
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i love my weird lil angel man
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revasserium · 9 months
so i made a list of all the fics that i wanna actively work on/have muse/ideas for in the next few weeks and --
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the zoro brainrot is still very much active but im trying to do some other things.... some....
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shokupanko · 11 months
Would it be okay to request a rana? She’d be so adorable in your style!
Order up! I did my best while I felt a little sleepy… I hope you like it! My hands aren’t handing today- feels like I can’t draw very well ( p′︵‵。)
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elysianstarl1ght · 6 months
The Night I Lied to You
"You're lying." There it is... They were expecting that. He gestured towards his bed, hidden behind a set of black silky curtains with the rectangular frame wrapped in sparkling fairy lights. "Sit."
Freminet did as they were told. What more could they do? Besides, they were not complaining. It wasn't the time to act. That adrenaline rush was long gone, leaving their bruised legs trembling to a point Freminet wasn’t so sure they could stand for much longer. It did not take long before Lyney had seated himself beside Freminet, routinely taking their hand in his own as he begun to inspect the damage done. Although unable to fully see it, the hovering presence of Lyney's hands over their bruised neck and legs didn't escape them.
"Tell me really; what happened?" Lyney questioned again, albeit with more force. Then came a different question, before Freminet could even respond to his first.
"Who, or what, did this to you?"
characters : Freminet (they/them), Lyney (he/him), Lynette (she/her) (mentioned briefly)
tags : family fluff, comfort, no angst
warnings : a little major character injury (nothing severe), Lyney not-so-subtly threatening people
wordcount : 1,198
a/n : first time I've posted writing on tumblr, and also the first time I've properly written these characters so please bare with any mischaracterization!! anyway enjoy <3
Wiping the steady trickle of crimson from their mouth, the diver took a deep breath as they came to their older brother's bedroom door. The door loomed over them, decorated in red ribbons, poker cards and glittering silver coins, such a mystical appearance that for once sent a chill down their spine. How would they even begin to explain what had transpired previously, especially knowing of the magician's overprotective nature? Ah, Freminet had no idea. Thinking was a daunting task with the ringing in their ears and the fuzziness of their vision. It was only a matter of time until--
The creak of a door swinging open sent their heart plummeting to the pits of Teyvat.
Wide eyed like a deer in the headlights, Freminet stared up at those sharp lavender eyes. They didn't have time to react before they were ushered into the room, Lyney barely sparing a second at the sight of the bruised and bloodied diver. Having experienced this time and time again, they knew any moment now, the questions would come flooding.
"What happened?" Lyney whispered, taking both of Freminet's gloved hands in his. His attempts at keeping the panic in his voice at bay had been proving futile.
"I..."  shoot. What to say? "I got caught in some crossfire while diving. Just some- some hunter rays fighting." they hoped that would be enough. Judging by the look on Lyney's face though, probably not.
"You're lying." There it is... They were expecting that. He gestured towards his bed, hidden behind a set of black silky curtains with the rectangular frame wrapped in sparkling fairy lights. "Sit."
Freminet did as they were told. What more could they do? Besides, they were not complaining. It wasn't the time to act. That adrenaline rush was long gone, leaving their bruised legs trembling to a point Freminet wasn’t so sure they could stand for much longer. It did not take long before Lyney had seated himself beside Freminet, routinely taking their hand in his own as he begun to inspect the damage done. Although unable to fully see it, the hovering presence of Lyney's hands over their bruised neck and legs didn't escape them.
"Tell me really; what happened?" Lyney questioned again, albeit with more force. Then came a different question, before Freminet could even respond to his first.
"Who, or what, did this to you?"
Oh, they could hear the resentment bubbling beneath the surface of that calm tone of voice. There was no point in lying, all it would do was provoke the magician. And with a raspy voice,
"I got into a fight." Freminet confessed. The very moment they opened their mouth, the steady trickle of blood continued to ooze at the corner of their lips. This time, they couldn't be bothered to wipe it away.
The silence was crushing. Freminet didn't expect the white and red walls of the bedroom to be more suffocating than the water pressure at seafloor. All that disturbed it was the thump, thump, thump of his heartbeat, steadily increasing as seconds ticked on.
"Let’s get you patched up first." and with that, Freminet let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. At least they had time to think up some way to answer the next inevitable big question. Lyney already had reached into the med kit, digging out a variety of medical supplies to begin treatment.
The following few minutes were consistent of that same tense lack of noise between the siblings as Lyney begun treating the wounds. Freminet never would get over how cautious Lyney was whilst treating his loved ones; the way he moves so delicately, as though they were a glass antique, priceless and fragile. It was a nice contrast to the stress-inducing, pressuring events they'd had the misfortune of enduring earlier that day.
"So... Where's Lynette?"
"She's out picking up props." Lyney replied, his tone lighter than previously. "I had some new tricks planned for our next show, I want to do more, well, flashy stuff."
"By that you mean...?" Freminet tilted their head to the left, wincing as the sting of antiseptic made contact with an open cut. Through gritted teeth, they muttered, "your shows are already very... Flashy."
"Yes, but I was thinking more balance-oriented acts." now that got their interest. "Lynette and I have great balance... Well, er, moreso her than I, but you get the point. I don't know what exactly we're going to do, but you know, trial and error always gets us places."
"Right." oh, how many times had they witnessed the spectacle that is Lyney and Lynette's Trial-and-Error Shows, as the siblings call it? It ranged from anything to mesmerizing perfection, something worthy of the biggest stages on Teyvat, to an explosive disaster that leads to either injuries or broken props. But that's the fun of magic, right? Unpredictable in every way, even to the magicians performing it. "And I assume I’ll be your audience?"
"But of course!" A hand affectionately ruffled through Freminet's already messed up hair. Then, to their surprise, a set of nails begun to comb through their messy strands of light blond hair. "Your opinion is always a great help."
Their heart might as well have stopped. Just as casually as Lyney said that he changed the topic. "So, how do you feel?"
Freminet hadn't realized just how quickly Lyney had gone through the treatment process. As they felt around their bandaged neck, they, well, couldn't help but be impressed.
"Better." the world was still hazy, but they didn't want to worry Lyney more than they already had. They added swiftly, "thank you."
All that they received was a "mm-hm." and with that, their heart sunk.
There it is.
Freminet bit their bottom lip. One word, spoken so innocently, but with a threat lingering underneath it. Classic Lyney. They had lied to Lyney's face so many times, but the magician always managed to see through it like Freminet were made of glass. At least, most of the time.
"It… was another diver." they murmured. Lyney didn't interject, but they could hear him tensing. "It was- it was somebody recently hired by the fishing association, but I think they got fired." Freminet paused. "And no, I didn't get a name."
"What about... An appearance?" they knew that was coming. "Any notable details?"
"I don't remember."
Seconds went by, feeling like hours to Freminet. They could feel his gaze burning daggers into them, and it was only though sheer willpower that Freminet didn't break. Lyney eventually sighed, shrugging with his hands. "Oh well, can't be helped, I suppose. Don't worry about it." a glint lit up Lyney's lavender colored eyes. "Say- how about we go catch up with Lynette? If you're feeling up to it, of course!"
Freminet knew damn well that Lynette would immediately be informed of what happened, if she didn't already know by some weird psychic identical twin thing. She always seems to know. "Sure... I guess."
Not a second was wasted before Lyney dragged poor Freminet out of the room, ushering them along with sparkling eyes.
That lie about the other diver worked like a charm, didn't it?
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mavariel · 1 year
Hi! Maedhros in E2 with color pallet "anxiety"?
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hi I'm still alive
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lavendergalactic · 2 months
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i dont have any ideas for edits, what characters do you guyz wanna see me edit? (make sure they're from my whitelist LMAO)
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
The Doctor turning into women and having romantic dalliances with men is every kind of queer...to me.
#EMH (pretending to be B'Elanna after having just SPRINTED down the hall): You wouldn't shoot a pregnant woman would you ??;;#Tuvok: (in the most 'give it up' tone possible) ...Come with Me doctor =_=#Tuvok gets docked points for falling for the ol' 'cough cough im sick' excuse but gains them all back by getting suspicious and starting#an investigation all on his own in the background <3#Also Janeway being held captive and being just kinda pissed about the whole situation...yeah#HEHEHE I like this episode it's funny but also the stakes are high#Janeway sort of smirking and doing the 'come here' motion when that alien man was like 'do you know how to fix this?' - her swag.....#Janeway (captive and stressed beyond belief about the warp core): Yeah I have time to serve dom vibes#Tuvok - Chakotay - Janeway: Each having uniquely bad days#(Worst Security disaster ever - Got put in a morgue for hours - Held captive and threatened with death: + Voyager stranded)#I know Chakotay was unconscious for the morgue thing but still#Chakotay: -opens his eyes to see Tuvok standing there-#(they share a look like 'yeah it's some LIFE THREATENING scooby doo bullshit again')#Hey Chakotay maybe next time don't tell the imposter that you know they're an imposter right to their face <3#Just some tactical strategy for next time <3 <- I love him I'm just being a bitch HEHEHE it was funny to me#Doctor: Hey I know we're in the middle of a serious thing here but like. Why don't we. You know. Hang out???#Janeway: -sharp intake of breathe- ......ohhhh I don't really...DO hanging out.#YAY NAR~!!!!! GET HIS ASS~!!!#Nar I hope you live a simple but fulfilling life as a junk dealer or whatever it is you were talking about god bless <3#Doctor: Now that I might die I have some last requests v_v Captain...throw my diary away. DO NOT. READ IT. Tuvok...I told Neelix about that#rash you got on your ass. We laughed about it for weeks. Sorry.#and then I smile and giggle and ass 'ass rash' to the Tuvok lore#SNRKEHEHE DAMN. HE GOT HARRY TOO???#'Sorry I said you sucked absolute shit at playing the saxophone. I should have phrased it more delicately...damn it. It all becomes so clea#when you face the end.' (Harry: You said w hat????) SEVEN-!!#Seven: Stay over there computer boy =_=#SNRKEHEHEHHEHHAHAHAH#Janeway:....Is he...? / B'Elanna: NO. I've got him =_= I just deleted all that spam. He's FINE.#livetweeting
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