#mike solana
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As much a self-refuting tenet of faith as the Xian belief that god is both good and mysterious.
In reality, the faithful know that their safe, prosperous, constitution and bill of rights-governed countries aren't "oppressive." Or they'd move. They know for a fact it's just histrionic, hyperbolic language to get their way. We just have to stop giving it any credence. They're the most privileged people who've ever walked the face of the planet. People flee their own countries to come to western ones. Nobody flees in the other direction. And they know that. It's just tribal signaling, a form of inverted exceptionalism.
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cryptonewspod · 8 months
Crypto Jackpot: Small Investment, 1.6 ETH and Huge Profit of $1.77 Million!
Recently a big jackpot was seen in the cryptocurrency market. A cryptocurrency trader investing in cryptocurrency turned a small amount of cryptocurrency into huge profits. With only 1.6 ETH (worth approximately $3,694), he made 770 ETH, which is approximately $1.77 million, in just 12 minutes. His incredible success and huge profits in a short period of time have astonished the crypto community…
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greendayauthority · 23 days
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Foxboro Hot Tubs at Belly Up Tavern, Solana Beach, CA, 26 May 2008
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stayandcozy · 6 days
Chapter 0: Birds of…
Chapter Summary: Solana navigates a difficult situation as she seeks to support herself and her mother. Facing tough choices, she has an unexpected breakthrough that brings a sense of hope and change, offering her a glimpse of a brighter future.
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“You’re missing a hundred and seventy three dollars Solana. I made an exception for your mother last month but I can’t do it again. I need you to get the rest to me by tonight.” 
Fuck. Saturdays. What a shame such a beautiful day had to be ruined by that god awful, unrelenting fire in me every other Saturday seemed to bring. I could hear my mom’s voice in my head as the feelings bubbled to the surface. Think of the best thing that happened to you today. Even with her aged face, Mom’s beauty never faltered. That’s because it shines brightly from within. Something that wasn’t biological, apparently. 
I looked Mr. Romaro in the eyes, gauging if there was any way he was bluffing but I only found his lips thinned in a line and the hint of sorrow behind his spectacles. 
When I leaned my head back to take a breath, I saw the water damage littered on the ceiling. He needed the money just as badly as I did. I tried to think back over my day, quick flashes of blurred memories passed behind my eyes. Then one came in clear. It was of my favorite old lady, other than my mom, smiling fondly at me as I tried to get change for my pack of gum. When she realized I didn’t have enough she slid it across the counter and nodded her head in acknowledgment. 
“Alright. I’ll see you later then Mr. Romaro. I’m sorry about th—”
“It’s okay Solana. Tonight, alright?”
The need to scream and slam my fist against the brick wall outside tempted me. But we didn’t need a broken hand on top of everything else. 
Navigating the streets of New York should have been second nature to me. But it wasn’t. I hated the way sweaty bodies pressed up against me. I hated the way men walked through the streets like they owned it. I mostly hated that it was Saturday in the city. And I couldn’t enjoy the warm weather and blue skies because all I could think about was how later that night I’d have to see my mom’s exhausted and downhearted face. 
Mom knew me better than anyone and because of that it was no surprise she could see how miserable I’ve been the last three years. Whenever I’d manage to get cast, our rent would be due and I’d have to leave the project to take on odd jobs. It wasn’t mom’s fault, she provided the best she could. But I know those nights of hearing me sob ate her insides alive until she was nothing but skin and bones. 
I should have rejected her proposal. I knew better. But when she was sitting on the couch, her knees touching mine, with my face in her hands… I don’t think even the coldest of men could have said no to her. I wish I could have been cold. Because now we were here on a miserable fucking Saturday. Missing rent money, behind on credit cards, all because mom wanted me to chase my dreams. But when have dreams ever paid the bills?
“Mom, are you home?” I called out while entering the apartment.
Nothing but the leaky drip in the corner and the muffled dialogue of some old rerun on the tv. I clicked it off and sat on the couch. The metallic thunk of the water hitting the bucket was beckoning me into a sleep state. One I so desperately wanted to give into. Just as my eyes became too heavy to fight, a jingling of keys and mumbled curse words sounded just behind the front door. My body went on autopilot trying to sit up, arising like a vampire and trying to blink the verge of sleep away. 
“—you know that's not fair, Mike. I have been with you guys for years! Fucking years! You can’t just—No I won’t, you don’t—No, Mike, you fucking don’t—I’ve been a great team member—Then what is it about? Don’t you dare end this conversation—Mike!”
Mom threw the mail in her arms and kicked at one floating down. “God damnit all to hell!” Mom never used to swear. She did a lot these days. It was surreal to see first hand what the pressure of money did to happy people. 
“Mike fired you?” I asked. As if caught with her hand in the cookie jar her eyes widened and she flinched. 
“Jeez Lana, you scared me. Aren’t you supposed to be at a reading?”
”Went with another actor. All good. Hey momma, did you accidentally leave out some money from rent?”
”I thought he’d maybe let it slide. He wasn’t mean to you was he?”
”No. Do you happen to have it? Mr. Romaro says he’ll give us until midnight to get it to him.” 
She started rummaging through her purse, frantically pulling out ones and a few fives. “Come here Sunshine, can you help me count while I look?”
I hummed a response and crawled over to where she had thrown the mail. Picking it up and tapping it on the counter, I stacked the pile and set it down. Large red letters glared back at me. I used to love the color red, until I found out the way banks highlight phrases in red to scare you. Now all I can see in it is a threatening undertone that makes me uncomfortable. I flipped the top one upside down. Mom then handed me the cash from her purse and walked into the kitchen. I sat and counted. One, two, three, four, five, ten, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. She opened the fridge and brought out a short metal cylinder. One of those ones rich people liked to make ice cream in. God, what I would give for her only worries be about what kind of ice cream she was going to make this week. 
“I swear I had something here—Lana did you take it?”
”We used that to pay for electricity. What about the safe in your room?”
”Yeah… Let me go see.”
Time was against me. Drive I had, and passion consumed me. Yet my time to break into the industry never came. If I didn’t land something consistent soon, Mom was going to die in this shitty apartment. She does so much for others, the very least I could do is take her far away from here. Somewhere where the rain is a welcomed friend, not a deathly worry. 
“I needed to pay back Mrs. Esters for the food she gave us. The safe money is gone too.” She paused, her eyes scanning the kitchen and living. “Okay! Um.. What about…the couch! We find money in there sometimes!” She finally says. 
Before I could get up, she was already tearing off the cushions of the loveseat and throwing them near me. A half laugh fell from my lips seeing her pull an old pair of glasses from the depths of the worn couch. She tossed them aside and kept digging. The pile of cash felt magnetic to my eyes. I vowed to myself and Mom that I wouldn’t go back to that abomination they called a “Dance House,” but seeing the crushing desperation in Mom, it became clear. I was going to have to go back to Danny if we wanted to keep good standing with Mr. Romaro. 
She finally stood up, her hair flying out in wild ways, she was breathing a little heavy. Fuck. Not in the shitty apartment. She deserves better. “I think I’d rather have found nothing than a few coins and a dollar.” 
Mom’s pupils were blown and though she held a positive demeanor, I could see the panic swirling behind them. So I did what she taught me to do, smile when you think people need it. Her shoulders dropped slightly and her eyes got shiny.
“It’ll be okay Momma. I think Mrs. Abbadi has some work for me. I talked to her earlier at the gas station. I’ll go swing by. Can I borrow your backpack?”
“Sure Sunshine.”
She headed towards the bedroom and I leapt up. One of Mom’s quirks, one we often laughed about, was her short term memory loss. The backpack was hanging on the hook near the door. I had probably two minutes before she got upset and came back out. The problem with living in a one bedroom apartment with your parent was the lack of privacy. All of my clothes were in a big trunk we used as a coffee table. I opened it and dug through the piles until I found the lacy black set I was looking for. That set always made me the most money. It was my desperation set. I snagged a jacket and bundled the lingerie inside, checking over my shoulder just in time to see mom coming out again.
“—tell me how a backpack just disappears!”
“All good, I don’t need it.”
“Why are you bringing a jacket? It’s 85 out.”
“Just in case, you never know.”
She narrowed her eyes, and it felt like I was cemented in place by some sort of maternal magic. Her gaze was reaching deep into my soul, and I begged, pleaded, for some divine power to blind her just this once. Only when she released her breath did I release mine. I turned on my heel, desperate to get away from her all knowing eyes, but before I could reach the door, she stopped me.
“Come here.” She said. I felt panic rise in me. Then she turned me around and planted a soft loving kiss to my temple. “I’m sorry. I love you. Better days will come for us.” 
The panic morphed into guilt and my eyes felt tingly. “I love you too Mom.” I hoped she couldn’t hear the quiver laced in my voice, and even more so, I hoped she didn’t see the backpack hanging. 
Red Lights was the name of New York's scummiest strip club. The building itself was actually really clean for such a dirty place. If it wasn’t for slimy men and god awful management, the neon lights and dancing girls would have been a welcomed scene. Before my dreams of voice acting, I saw myself like many young girls do, as a ballerina. Dancing was rejuvenating. But when the hard times came, it was one of the many things tainted for me. 
The street that held Red Lights wasn’t the safest. People lingered around the bars. A drugged out woman would pass by swaying into you trying to pick a fight. A man would cat call you across the street, then get angry when you ignored him. It was always the worst nights at the club when they would follow me in. They never gave money and always got too handsy. 
Dusk was coming as I turned the corner to the infamous street. A group of men stood outside the club with their arms crossed. I could see Danny, a man much smaller than them, push one back. He only tripped a little but it was enough for it to clearly offend the drunk man. I walked up to them just as Danny’s meathead came out. He chased them off and returned to a position by the door. 
“No fuckin’ way, ain’t it the brightest day in hell whens you come around Sunny.” Laughed Danny as he opened the door for me. 
“I’ve told you to stop calling me that.”
“Awww—Ma still the only one allowed?”
“Do you have room for an extra dancer? Tonight only.”
“Just your luck. Destiny called in, told me shes got herself the fuckin’ clap.”
“Yeah. Lucky me.”
“Though you wanna only do tonight yeah? I’ll have to charge an uprated fee for the space. I’m feelin’ nice. Sixty.”
“Jesus Danny, last time it was only forty dollars—”
“No, no, no, no. You misunderstand me. Sixty percent.”
“What the hell? Since when?”
“Since now. Or ya know,  you could always sign with the club. I’d be happy to drop you to the normal rate then.”
“Fuck you.”
“ Now that’s a pretty idea too Sunny. Maybe if you suck me off real nice I’ll think about dropping it.”
“Fuck. You.”
I balled my fist in my hand, using every ounce of will power in me to not slap Danny’s smug face. The brute outside surely wouldn’t have cared if he had to hit me. He’s done it to plenty of the other girls when Danny didn’t get his way. I turned to leave but the jacket in my hands became heavy. Mom crossed my mind. Would she be horrified to know what I was doing to stop our eviction? It was stupid of me to even entertain. I could feel Danny’s presence behind me. It was as if I had an angel and devil sandwiching me. The angel was calling to me in my subconscious telling me not to turn around. But the devil behind me, painted images in my head of my mom, sick and starving on the streets. So I turned around.
“You can have your sixty percent, but I’d sooner die than blow you. Poor Destiny probably got chlamydia from you.”
I braced myself for the slap I thought was inevitably coming but he just laughed off the insult and tapped my butt a few times. 
“Better take some private rooms tonight. You may not be fuckin’ me tonight but you will be fuckin’ someone.” He howled with more laughter as he walked off. 
When Danny’s soul was being created, I like to think that they added too much narcissism and slime, then accidentally sent him off unfinished. Because that’s all the man was. Plump like a  ball of disease, horniness and an ego that rivaled even Napoleon. Don’t let him shake you, Solana. A cold shower could wash off the sweat from dancing. But it would never take away the dirt he slathered on me.  
While walking to the back I peeked into the main room. Flashing pink and red lights lit up the audience, and within the crowd I could see a few of the regulars. They paid well for private dancing except rooms with them often held little dancing. So I agreed with myself, to only use them as a last resort. I waved to a few of the girls I knew and made my way to the dressing room. The Red Light Club made an obscene amount of money, so I knew it was simply Danny's perverted idea to have no bathrooms, stalls, or any sort of privacy for the girls in the club. If the dancers needed to pee, they would go to the public one where men could get a free mini show. Or if the dancers needed to change, they would have to strip in front of one another. It was an act that didn’t bug most of them. I wasn’t most. 
I felt humiliated as the girls watched me undress in the mirror. None of them ever said anything negative to me, in fact they often would try to boost my confidence before my turn. What kind of sick person does something so dehumanizing, complain about it, then comes back over and over again. Red Light had its claws in me. And much like how my mom gave her life to that diner, if I didn’t get out, I was going to give my life to this club. 
Latex was a very popular choice for the dancers to wear. Every single time I brought out the same simple black lace teddy, I felt insecure. Looking in the mirror, I figdeted with the fabric near my breasts. I only needed to do a few hours on stage and maybe a few private dances. I could do it. The corners of my eyes started to itch and I stared as the stray tear rolled down my face. 
“Hey Solana, Danny says you’re on in two,” said a short and curvy blonde woman. 
I tapped the wetness on my face away and she gave me a sympathetic look. I didn’t need her pity. I needed to make money. Because it was Saturday and on Saturday the bills were due. 
We started to head out of the room when a phone started ringing. I looked behind me but a few of the girls were looking to my phone and then me. Fuck, Mom is probably trying to check in. I should let her know I’m okay. I’d just be lying to her again. 
“Sorry it’s my mom. It’ll just be a second.”
The blonde tightened her lips in a line as if my request was personally affecting her. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and turn to my phone. On the screen I expected to see my moms little emoji, but it wasn’t her. It was my talent manager Audrey. Maybe she was letting me know about another role gone from me. Bitterness swept through me like a wave and I thought about rejecting the call. However, the angels voice, who sounded so much like mom, asked me to answer. What if this was the one. It kept ringing, and I couldn’t make up my mind on time. Soon the ringing ended. 
“Solana, come on. Dannys gonna freak.” The girl said. 
Angel and devil.
I hurriedly looked throughout the room until I recognized one of the girls.
“Nicki! Can you switch slots with me?”
“Um. Yeah? Everything okay?” She asked.
“I don’t know yet. Ask me when you get off stage.” 
There was only one other girl in the room after they left. So with a deep breath I clicked Audreys number. The phone rang and rang. Then when I thought it would click off she answered. Five seconds passed before she spoke.
“Solana Pavlov, oh the woman you are. I’m freaking out for you. God I have such great news. You know that stoic character we sent in for like five months ago?”
“I thought you said they went with other actors?”
“Well, I just didn’t hear from them. I mean after three months would you keep waiting?”
“No. Exactly. Anyways they got back to me. They want you Solana! They really, really, really. Want you!”
All of the air in my chest felt like it was punched out of me. No way. Me?
“A—are you positive Audrey? Wasn’t this the international one?” 
“Yup and yup! Don’t hate me for this but I’ve already told them yes.”
Something new inside me sparked. I felt bright. My tears welled again, but finally for a good reason.
“That’s…perfect. Thank you Audrey. This is a lot to take in. I need to go share the news with my mom.”
“Tell Mama Pavlov I say hi. We’ll talk more tomorrow. Theres a lot of information you’ll want. But for now, enjoy your moment. I’ll be in touch—”
“—wait! Audrey I have a huge favor to ask. Can you ask them for an advancement of payment? Just like two hundred dollars?”
She was quiet on the line for a bit and I worried if I had overstepped. “I just sent you five. Go take your mom to a nice dinner on me.” 
“What? No, that's way too generous—” Click. She had hung up on me. A sliver of me wanted to feel uncomfortable with the gesture, but the excitement won over when I heard the ding of a notification. It was Audrey’s venmo coming in. Attached was a little note, ‘I knew you could do it.’ 
I don’t think I could have changed out of my clothes faster. If there was an olympic sport, I surely would have been a medalist. Giddiness tingled over my body, and noises of excitement spilled from me like a child unable to control their emotions. 
It was easy finding an ATM to deposit the cash. It was easying making my way to Mr. Romaros office. And it felt blissful to see his surprised face when I came in with an envelope in my hand. We didn’t exchange many words, he just held a small smile as he watched me count it out to him. 
“You seem happy tonight,” he said.
“I am,” I responded.
Taking the bus at night was better than the day. Less people meant more energy for my mind to wander. My normal grey thoughts were exceptionally vibrant and I thought about the potential future overseas. In this moment, I felt like I was dancing with life once more. 
I started walking towards our building and shifted the weight of my jacket. Doing so unbundled the lingerie and out fell the black lace. When I reached down to pick it up, the garbage bins caught my eye. If I was wrong about this… If it didn't work out… I turned off my thoughts and threw the set into the bin. A token of trust. A new promise for me and my mom. I’ll do it this time. For us.
I didn’t mean to barrel into our apartment like a bullet. I was just excited. Can you blame me? I was nearly leaping up the stairs to the fifth floor. Inside, my mom groggily awoke from her slumber on the couch. I bounced over to her and kneeled by the couch. She had the pair of glasses she found on. I smiled at her. And she knew, like her all knowing eyes always do, that something had changed in me. She placed her hand on my cheek and I placed mine atop hers. 
“Good day?” She asked.
“A perfect day.” I said. 
“I’m glad to hear that Sunshine.”
“Can I sleep out here with you tonight?”
“Of course.”
I went to grab a blanket from her bed. On her nightstand she had a small digital clock. It read 11:57 pm. It was still Saturday. 
I came back to the living room with a smile on my face and a lightness in my heart. My makeshift bed next to mom wasn’t perfect. Hell it was barely comfortable. But seeing her sleeping face, with a ghost of a smile made everything perfect. That night I fell asleep holding my moms hand and I couldn’t wait to tell her about how good Saturday was.
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Wow! I can’t believe it’s finally here. I’m so happy to introduce you to Solana. I hope you follow us through this story. It’s a long one. (:
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firstaidspray · 2 months
It’s time for some OC chatting over coffee! ☕️ When you get this ask, feel free to share one fun fact about an OC of your choice. Then, share with 10 (or fewer — no pressure!) others to spread the OC love.
Waaaah ty!! Okay so I'll share a fun fact for each of the BCS girlies!!
Mari: Asked Mike repeatedly to take her out into the desert and practice her skills with a sniper rifle. He almost always said no, until finally Nacho asked him to do it to make her happy (even though he wasn't too pleased with the idea). Mike did, but he was so strict with Mari that she got really mad and decided she wouldn't go shooting with Mike anymore. Nacho was secretly happy with this outcome.
Angelina: Usually a very picky eater, but once she met Lalo and he would cook different things, she became more open. However, she won't try new things unless it's Lalo suggesting it. Like she was so picky she wouldn't eat a damn tortilla, but when Lalo made her soft tacos for the first time, she was like okay yayyy ^_^
Solana: She has a scar across her lips, and that is from a bar fight. It's the only time she's ever acted out and been "bad," at a bar with Mari and Angelina after work, and someone started harassing her so she started fighting him. Problem was, she ended up cutting her OWN FACE with a broken bottle by accident. She did end up putting the guy in his place though.
Tysm for the ask!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
Far right ideologues, like DeSantis buddy Chris Rufo, like to refer to themselves as the "dissident right". That is a euphemism to hide their true anti-constitutional pro-dictatorship nature.
Chris Rufo, a rightwing culture-war celebrity and close Ron DeSantis ally, has maintained a close relationship with IM-1776, a “dissident right” magazine that regularly showers praise on dictators and authoritarians, puffs racist ideologues, and attacks liberal democracy. The outlet’s editors and writers – many of them so-called “anons” working under pseudonyms – have variously advocated for the repeal of the Civil Rights Act; celebrated figures such as the “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski and the proto-fascist Italian nationalist Gabriele D’Annunzio; and advanced conspiracy theories about the Covid pandemic, and what they term the “regime”, a leftist power structure that they imagine unites the state, large corporations, universities and the media.
Rufo and his cohorts are working to muddy the difference between themselves and the less extreme right.
Last month a “manifesto” written by Rufo – The New Right Activism – ran in the online and print versions of IM-1776, and Rufo has publicly urged his audience to buy and subscribe to the outlet. He has also co-hosted a series of Twitter spaces with the magazine’s editors, beginning in July last year. In one of them, recorded in October, he indicated an interest in incorporating the “dissident right” more fully in mainstream political discourse, saying: “I think there is a room for engaging the dissident right and the establishment right. I think we need to have a bridge between the two and and engage in thoughtful dialogue.” More recently, he has expressed a personal interest in expanding the range of acceptable political discourse. On the Pirate Wires podcast earlier this month, he told host Mike Solana of his own activism: “I try to play that game, I try to lay traps, I try to provoke certain reactions, I try to launder certain words and phrases into the discourse.”
Rufo's rag IM-1776 glorifies domestic terrorists.
Last June, IM-1776 published an obituary of Ted Kaczynski by another pseudonymous author calling themselves “The Prudentialist”. Kaczynski died in a federal prison last year at the conclusion of a life sentence he received for a 17-year mailbombing campaign that killed three of his targets and injured 23 others. Describing Kaczynski as “allegedly a lone wolf terrorist, but also a mathematical genius”, the IM-1776 author relativized his crimes and explained that Kaczynski’s “iconic status on the contemporary right can be partly attributed to the devastating critique of the left included in his famous manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future”.
The Republican Party is now the Trump MAGA Party. It refuses to call out extremists and is cozy with foreign dictators like Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán. Permitting Republicans to gain power puts the country under the control of the anti-constitutional "dissident right" who advocate Red Caesarism.
The ONLY way to defeat Republicans/MAGA/the "dissident right"/Red Caesarism is to vote Democratic. Any talk from the third party curious about impotent minor party candidates should get an instant reality check; the last presidential election won by a non-Democrat or non-Republican was in 1848.
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dre4mers · 1 year
SHANNON COOPER , " the it girl. " bisexual , rachel bilson / ella purnell. pos: loyal, outgoing, creative, efficient, bubbly. neg: dependent, melodramatic, tonedeaf, needy, arrogant.
SID WALTZ , " the menace / single dad. " bisexual , garrett hedlund / harris dickinson. pos: adventurous, humorous, protective, brave, persuasive. neg: childish, flirtatious, smartass, party - animal, loud.
SUNNY POPWELL , " the delusional. " , bisexual , katie douglas. pos: friendly, forgiving, compassionate, optimistic, curious. neg: delusional, sensitive, gullible, obsessive, dramatic.
ZACHARY POPWELL , " the realist. " , heterosexual , alex fitzalan. pos: realistic, protective, alert, selfless, witty. neg: impulsive, despondent, smug, cynical, secretive.
ESTELLA UNDERWOOD , " the bookworm. " bisexual , alexis bledel / zoe colletti. pos: bright, amiable, helpful, witty, creative. neg: naive, neurotic, awkward, push-over, cowardly.
WILLIAM LERMAN , " the himbo. " bisexual , rudy pankow. pos: joyful, humorous, loving, optimistic, caring. neg: immature, overly - sarcastic, dim-witted, lazy, chaotic.
JUNIPER CREEK , " the philosopher. " bisexual , bethany joy lenz / tbd. pos: intellectual, honest, patient, organized, adaptable. neg: feisty, clumsy, petty, anxious, aloof.
WYATT SOUTWARK , " the reclusive. " heterosexual , mike faist. pos: inventive, observing, romantic, easy - going, rational. neg: quiet, broody, guarded, lonely, blunt.
RAYNE JIMENEZ , " the rockstar. " queer , lizeth selene. pos: humble, idealistic, creative, honest, self - less. neg: rebellious, stubborn, loud - mouthed, feisty.
FINLEY HOOVER , " the egotistical. " heterosexual , gavin casalegno. pos: social - butterfly, optimistic, persistent, passionate, dreamer. neg: vain, clueless, possessive, critical, self - assured.
SUTTON CAMERON , " the mirrorball. " biseuxal , olivia scott-welch. pos: family - orientated, productive, ambitious, sharp - witted, understanding. neg: over - achiever, insecure, short - tempered, impatient, sensitive.
REGAN GILBERT , " the athlete. " heterosexual, michael evans behling. pos: athletic, focused, out - going, protective, head strong. neg: competitive, jealous, impetuous, arrogant, contemptuous.
SOLANA CUEVA , " the fashionista. " bisexual , zion moreno. pos: charming, understanding, focused, hard - working, witty. neg: stubborn, petty, blunt, smug, domineering.
MAUDE CLIFTON , " the primadonna. " heterosexual , rose williams / tbd.
DODIE WESTON , " the poet. " pansexual , rose williams.
ALERIE LANNISTER , " the scornful. " heterosexual, celina sinden.
KENDRA MASON , degrassi: the next generation, lola lung.
ADAM TORRES , degrassi: the next generation , fc tbd.
BENEDICT BRIDGERTON , bridgerton , luke thompson.
DAPHNE BRIDGERTON , bridgerton , phoebe dynevor.
THEO SHARPE , bridgerton , calam lynch.
EDWINA SHARMA , bridgerton , charithra chandran.
JAMIE SULLIVAN , a walk to remember , mandy moore / tbd.
BROOKE DAVIS , one tree hill , sophia bush.
ELLIE WILLIAMS , the last of us , bella ramsey.
FREDDIE MCCLAIR , skins uk , luke pasqualino.
SANSA STARK , game of thrones , sophie turner.
ROBB STARK , game of thrones , richard madden.
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coineagle · 2 months
Justin Sun Advocates Strategic WBTC Participation Amid Custody Controversy
Key Points
Tron’s founder, Justin Sun’s involvement with WBTC custody operations has sparked decentralization concerns.
Despite the concerns, there has been no significant impact on WBTC’s total value locked (TVL) or flows.
Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, has been the subject of attention due to his association with Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) custody operations. His company, BiT Global, has collaborated with BitGo to promote the ‘first multi-jurisdictional and multi-institutional custody’.
Decentralization Concerns
This partnership has sparked concerns about decentralization among community members, leading Sun to defend his involvement. He stated that his involvement with WBTC is purely strategic and he does not control the private keys to the WBTC reserves. He further expressed his dedication to projects focusing on decentralization, security protocols, and safety.
WBTC, a significant DeFi collateral token, is backed 1:1 with Bitcoin, bringing BTC’s liquidity into Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem. The partnership between Sun and WBTC was flagged as a risk by Maker, a key DeFi player. Maker cited a lack of transparency in Sun’s other projects and labeled BitGo a counter-party risk.
Reactions and Future of WBTC
In response to Maker’s concerns, BitGo CEO Mike Belshe dismissed them as a reaction to Justin Sun’s name rather than facts. Others in the industry encouraged the use of decentralized wrapped BTC with decentralized custodians. Austin Federa, a Strategy executive at Solana Foundation, emphasized the need for decentralized wrapped bitcoin.
Despite the concerns raised about Sun’s involvement, there was no significant decline in WBTC’s TVL or outflows a few hours later. At the time of writing, WBTC had $9.4 billion in TVL.
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cryptogids · 3 months
Nieuwsupdate: Bitcoin Dips, Volatiliteit, Ripple’s SEC Strijd en de Trump Memecoin
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Welkom bij de nieuwste update! Zo volatiel als de Crypto industrie mag zijn, zoveel gebeurt er evenzo. Wil je weten wat er voor spannends is gebeurd in de afgelopen dagen? Lees dan snel verder want deze nieuwsupdate brengt je weer helemaal up-to-date! Bitcoin Prijs Daalt naar Nieuw Maandlaagtepunt van $64K Bitcoin keerde terug naar $64.000, een niveau dat voor het laatst werd gezien in midden mei. Deze prijsdaling markeert een nieuwe maandlaagte voor BTC. Volgens gegevens TradingView zorgden de volatiele marktomstandigheden ervoor dat Bitcoin zijn recente heropleving niet kon vasthouden. BTC bereikte lokale hoogtepunten van $67.250, maar de opwaartse beweging werd al snel tenietgedaan door verkoopdruk, waardoor de prijs terugviel naar $64.050. Populaire handelaar Skew gaf aan dat de recente prijsstijging voornamelijk werd gedreven door spot aankopen op Coinbase en Bitfinex, terwijl Binance spot nog steeds verkoopdruk zag. Skew stelde dat het gebied van $66K-$67K cruciaal is om te bepalen of er voortdurende absorptie is, anders zullen lagere prijzen volgen. Een andere handelaar, Credible Crypto, identificeerde een "droom" koopzone rond $63.500, hoewel hij waarschuwde dat het niet zeker is of de prijs daadwerkelijk zo laag zal dalen. De huidige omstandigheden toonden aan dat Bitcoin zijn kortetermijnhouder gerealiseerde prijs (STH-RP) rond $63.700 aan het testen was, een belangrijk steunpunt sinds het begin van de bullmarkt in 2023. Bitcoin’s Afnemende Volatiliteit Wijst op Marktvolwassenheid Ondanks de recente prijsschommelingen wijst de dalende volatiliteit van Bitcoin op een toenemende marktvolwassenheid. Volgens een wekelijkse marktrapport van Kaiko, ondersteund door gegevens van CoinGlass, daalde BTC met iets meer dan 4% vorige week, waarbij verkoopactiviteit op bijna alle beurzen de overhand had. De netto cumulatieve volume delta (CVD) voor top BTC-handelparen bereikte $518 miljoen tussen 10 en 14 juni, met Binance en Bybit als de grootste verkoopactiviteiten. BTC's 60-daagse historische volatiliteit bleef sinds begin 2023 onder de 50%, wat een sterk contrast vormt met de aanzienlijke schommelingen van 2022 toen de volatiliteit meer dan 100% bedroeg. In 2024 bereikte BTC een historisch laag volatiliteitsniveau van 40%, veel lager dan de 106% piek in 2021. Deze afname in volatiliteit suggereert dat Bitcoin als activaklasse aan het rijpen is, mede door veranderingen in de marktstructuur en een geconcentreerde liquiditeit rondom de Amerikaanse handelsuren. Ripple’s Strijd om SEC Boetes te Verlagen Ripple Labs heeft een nieuwe kennisgeving ingediend bij de Southern District of New York, waarin het pleit voor een verlaging van de SEC-boetes. Ripple's advocaten verwezen naar een vergelijkbare zaak tegen Terraform Labs, waarbij de boetes veel lager waren in verhouding tot de verkoopopbrengsten. Ripple betoogt dat de voorgestelde boete van $2 miljard door de SEC buitensporig is, vooral omdat hun zaak geen fraudebeschuldigingen bevat. De SEC daarentegen betoogde dat de omstandigheden van de twee zaken verschillend zijn. Terwijl Terraform Labs in faillissement verkeert en activa teruggeeft aan investeerders, heeft Ripple geen soortgelijke maatregelen genomen. De SEC benadrukte dat Ripple geen enkele vorm van verlichting heeft overeengekomen, in tegenstelling tot Terraform, en daarom niet in aanmerking komt voor een lagere boete. Ripple stelt dat een boete van $10 miljoen redelijker zou zijn, maar de SEC is het daar niet mee eens en houdt vast aan hun hogere boetebedrag. Opkomst van de Trump Memecoin op Solana De cryptomarkt werd recentelijk opgeschrikt door de lancering van een nieuwe meme-coin genaamd "Trump Coin" (DJT) op de Solana blockchain. Ondanks de speculaties en de initialen van voormalig president Donald Trump, is er geen officiële bevestiging van zijn betrokkenheid bij deze coin. Mike Solana van The Pirate Wires meldde dat hij niet direct met Trump had gesproken en dat de bronnen onbetrouwbaar leken. Blockchain-analisten hebben hun zorgen geuit over de hoge concentratie van tokens bij een enkele houder, wat kan duiden op marktmanipulatie. Deze situatie heeft ook invloed gehad op andere Trump-gerelateerde memecoins, zoals de TRUMP-token (MAGA), die een aanzienlijke prijsdaling zag. We hopen dat we jou weer helemaal op de hoogte hebben gebracht van het allerlaatste nieuws en de ontwikkelingen in de industrie! Blijf ons volgen en blijf op de hoogte! Tot snel! Read the full article
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market-news-24 · 5 months
In a bold prediction, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and Square, has forecasted that the price of Bitcoin will soar to $1 million by 2030. This optimistic forecast has generated buzz among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, with many eager to see if Dorsey's prediction will come to fruition. If the prediction holds true, early investors in Bitcoin could see a significant return on their investment in the coming years. Stay tuned as the cryptocurrency Market continues to evolve and shape the future of digital currency. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Jack Dorsey, the Twitter co-founder and head of financial services firm Block, has made a bold prediction about the future price of Bitcoin. In a recent interview with journalist Mike Solana on Pirate Wires, Dorsey forecasted that Bitcoin could reach a price of at least $1 million by 2030, with potential for further growth beyond that point. Dorsey emphasized the collaborative nature of the Bitcoin ecosystem and the efforts made by its participants to enhance the network, ultimately driving up its value. He recently departed from the board of Bluesky, a decentralized Twitter alternative he helped launch, citing concerns that it was deviating from its original vision of decentralization and censorship resistance. Instead, he expressed support for Nostr, an anonymous, open protocol with no centralized control, aligning more closely with his goals. Despite facing a federal probe into alleged compliance violations, Dorsey's fintech firm, Block, has committed to reinvesting 10% of its gross profit from Bitcoin-related products into buying more BTC every month. This bullish sentiment comes amidst significant price fluctuations in the crypto Market, with Bitcoin trading at around $63,000 at the time of writing. Dorsey's long-term outlook remains optimistic, highlighting the decentralized and censorship-resistant nature of the Bitcoin ecosystem as key drivers of its value. His confidence in Bitcoin and ongoing investments demonstrate his commitment to the asset and its underlying technology. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is the Bold BTC Price Prediction? Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and Square, predicts the price of Bitcoin to reach $1 million by 2030. 2. Why does Jack Dorsey believe the price of Bitcoin will reach $1 million by 2030? Jack Dorsey believes in the long-term potential and value of Bitcoin as a decentralized digital currency. 3. How reliable is Jack Dorsey's prediction of Bitcoin reaching $1 million by 2030? Predicting the future price of any asset, including Bitcoin, is highly speculative and uncertain. 4. What should investors consider before making decisions based on Jack Dorsey's Bitcoin price prediction? Investors should conduct their own research and consider various factors before making any investment decisions. 5. Is it recommended to invest in Bitcoin based on Jack Dorsey's price prediction? It is always recommended to carefully consider all factors and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
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Sanjana Friedman: Solana, you actually had a really good tweet on this that kind of sums up how I feel where, I think you were quote-tweeting Mark, where he was talking about you know, this hypothetical situation where you have a company with 30 black women, and you decide you want diversity of perspective, so you decide to hire a white man. Is that, you know, should that be illegal?
Mike Solana: Right, he asks that, cause he asks that question to the rabbit, and he was asking it like, obviously it should be okay to hire the white man in this case because you want that diverse opinion.
Friedman: And you’re pointing out how like incredibly patronizing it is, and of course incorrect, of Mark Cuban to assume that like somehow 30 black women are all going to be this perspectival monolith, right? They’re all gonna have the same views on things and, you know, you can understand that like, white man is gonna have X opinion and black woman is gonna have Y opinion, and like you wanna have roughly equal representation of those two opinions.
I just think the only way out of this is litigation, I agree. Like, someone needs to basically take a company that’s proven to be engaging in racist hiring practices to court and basically get enshrined, yet again, that there are penalties for this, this kind of thing.
But on a basic sort of, what does this say about the people who are pushing these hiring practices? I think it’s just patronising and as we always say, it’s really racist. Like, why are they assuming that because of your racist sexuality you have a certain set of opinions it’s just definitionally racist.
Solana: Yeah, I wanna actually underscore that point that you just raised on the 30 black women thing. Because it is crazy that he said this casually out loud. He said, I mean Matt, pull up the tweet.
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He is saying that if you have a room of 30 black women, you really only have one opinion there. And there is, there’s a benefit to your company in bringing in another “diverse" opinion. He’s trying to sort of turn this on the anti-DEI people, because his assumption is that the anti-DEI people are actually white supremacists, and they will see this and they will think, "oh wow, there’s a dangerous possibility there of 30 black women, like we better bring in a white opinion."
But of course, the anti-DEI people are like, that’s crazy that you think all black women think exactly the same, and that you said it out loud, and that you’re the one who is over here pretending that you’re anti-racist. It’s fucking bananas and I think it’s just, that stuff is definitely over culturally and now there’s really, really fascinating fight to save face.
Like, Mark is someone, Mark Cuban is someone who has, you know, put a lot into this conversation publicly and to just kind of give up and be like, okay you know the federal government is now telling me I am potentially at risk of litigation here, I better just back up and apologise for my racism and try and do better. Like, he’s really trying to just kind of just rewrite history here, and get to a point where, I don’t know, he hasn't just taken another massive L in what was really just like, I mean this was 24 hours straight, he wouldn’t let it go. But it’s been at this point I think months of this.
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cryptonewspod · 8 months
Crypto Billionaire's Next Big Bet: Why Solana Has Stolen the Spotlight in 2024!
Crypto Shake-Up: Former BitMEX CEO Bets Big on Solana’s Future! As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, billionaire and former BitMax CEO Arthur Hayes has expressed his deep belief in Solana (SOL). Despite news like the collapse of FTX some time ago, Arthur Hayes sees a bright future for Solana. FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has also been a strong supporter of Solana. Despite this,…
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greendayauthority · 6 months
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Foxboro Hot Tubs at Belly Up Tavern, Solana Beach, CA, 26 May 2008
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drewssam · 7 months
Mike Alfred Finds 10 Million ADA Bought in 2018
Mike Alfred, a board member of Iris Energy and Eaglebrook Advisors, disclosed on Twitter that he acquired 10 million ADA in 2018 but forgot about it until recently. In a tweet, Alfred announced his intention to give away all the ADA to a random person, as he does not want to hold onto it.
Despite Alfred's announcement, some individuals on Crypto Twitter expressed skepticism, with Bitcoin author Jason Williams even creating a parody of the tweet. Alfred, known for his humorous tweets mocking alternative cryptocurrencies like ETH, ADA, and SOL, maintains a strong advocacy for Bitcoin. He previously stated that not owning Bitcoin could lead to significant financial loss compared to Bitcoin holders, and criticized other cryptocurrencies like Solana and Ethereum.
While Alfred's announcement may have garnered attention and skepticism, it aligns with his previous stance on altcoins and his belief in Bitcoin's superiority. Whether Alfred's offer is genuine or not remains unclear, but it has sparked discussions and reactions within the cryptocurrency community.
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speedyposts · 8 months
Grammys 2024: Here’s a list of top winners at the music awards
The Grammy Awards, the highest honours in the music industry, were handed out at a ceremony in the United States city of Los Angeles on Sunday.
Here is a list of winners:
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Dabiri-Erewa warns Nigerians against irregular migration, Especially to Canada
The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has urged Nigerians travelling abroad to go legitimately and with proper documentation
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ALBUM OF THE YEAR Midnights, Taylor Swift
RECORD OF THE YEAR Flowers, Miley Cyrus
SONG OF THE YEAR What Was I Made For?, Billie Eilish (from the motion picture Barbie); Billie Eilish O’Connell and Finneas O’Connell, songwriters
BEST NEW ARTIST Victoria Monet
BEST POP VOCAL ALBUM Midnights, Taylor Swift
BEST MUSICA URBANA ALBUM Manana Sera Bonito, Karol G
BEST COUNTRY ALBUM Bell Bottom Country, Lainey Wilson
BEST R&B SONG Snooze, by SZA; Kenny B Edmonds, Blair Ferguson, Khris Riddick-Tynes, Solana Rowe and Leon Thomas, songwriters
BEST POP DUO/GROUP PERFORMANCE Ghost in the Machine, SZA featuring Phoebe Bridgers
BEST R&B ALBUM Jaguar II, Victoria Monet
BEST AUDIO BOOK, NARRATION AND STORYTELLING RECORDING The Light We Carry: Overcoming In Uncertain Times, Michelle Obama
BEST REGGAE ALBUM Colors of Royal, Julian Marley and Antaeus
BEST LATIN ROCK OR ALTERNATIVE ALBUM (tie) Vida Cotidiana, Juanes and De Todas Las Flores, Natalia Lafourcade
BEST LATIN POP ALBUM X Mi (Vol 1), Gaby Moreno
BEST RAP ALBUM Michael, Killer Mike
BEST RAP SONG Scientists & Engineers, Killer Mike ft Andre 3000, Future and Eryn Allen Kane
BEST COUNTRY SONG White Horse, Chris Stapleton
BEST FOLK ALBUM Joni Mitchell at Newport (Live), Joni Mitchell
BEST POP DANCE RECORDING Padam Padam, Kylie Minogue
BEST ROCK ALBUM This Is Why, Paramore
BEST ROCK PERFORMANCE Not Strong Enough, Boygenius
BEST ROCK SONG Not Strong Enough, Boygenius
BEST AMERICANA ALBUM Weathervanes, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
BEST METAL PERFORMANCE 72 Seasons, Metallica
BEST JAZZ INSTRUMENTAL ALBUM The Winds of Change, Billy Childs
BEST JAZZ VOCAL ALBUM How Love Begins, Nicole Zuraitis
BEST COMEDY ALBUM What’s in a Name?, Dave Chappelle
BEST MUSIC VIDEO I’m Only Sleeping, The Beatles
BEST MUSIC FILM Moonage Daydream
BEST GOSPEL ALBUM All Things New: Live in Orlando, Tye Tribbett
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Dabiri-Erewa warns Nigerians against irregular migration, Especially to Canada
The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has urged Nigerians travelling abroad to go legitimately and with proper documentation
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ailtrahq · 1 year
After a strong start to the month of October 2023, the first week remained quite volatile for Bitcoin and the broader crypto market. Bitcoin delivered flattish gains and is trading around $28,000 levels. On the other hand, altcoins have seen some selling pressure. Developments in the traditional finance market have dented the rally in the crypto market, with the 10-year Treasury yields shooting to their 16-year highs. Key Macro Developments for Bitcoin Investors This week, a slew of crucial macroeconomic data is set to be unveiled. The United States will reveal its Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) data for September, while the Federal Reserve will release the minutes from its September meeting. Additionally, numerous Federal Reserve officials are slated to deliver speeches. Investors will be carefully reading into the Fed commentary going ahead as the US central bank prepares for one more rate hike in 2023. As a result, investors are moving cautiously with no clear trajectory in sight. Bloomberg’s senior commodity strategist Mike McGlone suggests that Bitcoin is displaying a “risk-off” inclination following the recent escalation between Hamas and Israel. He believes that the downward-sloping 100-week moving average is more likely to prevail over the upward-trending 50-week moving average. McGlone also notes that the surge in crude oil prices is contributing to liquidity pressure in the market. Courtesy: Bloomberg Some Positive On-chain Developments for Bitcoin Over the last weekend, Bitcoin recorded one of its biggest outflow days in over a month’s time. On-chain data provider Santiment explained that Bitcoin has witnessed its largest movement of coins, totaling over 10,000 BTC, away from exchanges since September 7th. Meanwhile, the leading cryptocurrency, with the highest market capitalization, is making a second attempt to breach the $28,000 price threshold. The significance of utility is emphasized, particularly as the number of distinct addresses has reached its lowest point in six weeks. Courtesy: Santiment Along with Bitcoin, the altcoin market has been under selling pressure with Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA) and others correcting by 3-5% over the last week.
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