#top cryptocurrency news sites
cryptonewspod · 8 months
Crypto Jackpot: Small Investment, 1.6 ETH and Huge Profit of $1.77 Million!
Recently a big jackpot was seen in the cryptocurrency market. A cryptocurrency trader investing in cryptocurrency turned a small amount of cryptocurrency into huge profits. With only 1.6 ETH (worth approximately $3,694), he made 770 ETH, which is approximately $1.77 million, in just 12 minutes. His incredible success and huge profits in a short period of time have astonished the crypto community…
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Real innovation vs Silicon Valley nonsense
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This is the LAST DAY to get my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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If there was any area where we needed a lot of "innovation," it's in climate tech. We've already blown through numerous points-of-no-return for a habitable Earth, and the pace is accelerating.
Silicon Valley claims to be the epicenter of American innovation, but what passes for innovation in Silicon Valley is some combination of nonsense, climate-wrecking tech, and climate-wrecking nonsense tech. Forget Jeff Hammerbacher's lament about "the best minds of my generation thinking about how to make people click ads." Today's best-paid, best-trained technologists are enlisted to making boobytrapped IoT gadgets:
Planet-destroying cryptocurrency scams:
NFT frauds:
Or planet-destroying AI frauds:
If that was the best "innovation" the human race had to offer, we'd be fucking doomed.
But – as Ryan Cooper writes for The American Prospect – there's a far more dynamic, consequential, useful and exciting innovation revolution underway, thanks to muscular public spending on climate tech:
The green energy revolution – funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act and the Science Act – is accomplishing amazing feats, which are barely registering amid the clamor of AI nonsense and other hype. I did an interview a while ago about my climate novel The Lost Cause and the interviewer wanted to know what role AI would play in resolving the climate emergency. I was momentarily speechless, then I said, "Well, I guess maybe all the energy used to train and operate models could make it much worse? What role do you think it could play?" The interviewer had no answer.
Here's brief tour of the revolution:
2023 saw 32GW of new solar energy come online in the USA (up 50% from 2022);
Wind increased from 118GW to 141GW;
Grid-scale batteries doubled in 2023 and will double again in 2024;
EV sales increased from 20,000 to 90,000/month.
The cost of clean energy is plummeting, and that's triggering other areas of innovation, like using "hot rocks" to replace fossil fuel heat (25% of overall US energy consumption):
Increasing our access to cheap, clean energy will require a lot of materials, and material production is very carbon intensive. Luckily, the existing supply of cheap, clean energy is fueling "green steel" production experiments:
Cheap, clean energy also makes it possible to recover valuable minerals from aluminum production tailings, a process that doubles as site-remediation:
And while all this electrification is going to require grid upgrades, there's lots we can do with our existing grid, like power-line automation that increases capacity by 40%:
It's also going to require a lot of storage, which is why it's so exciting that we're figuring out how to turn decommissioned mines into giant batteries. During the day, excess renewable energy is channeled into raising rock-laden platforms to the top of the mine-shafts, and at night, these unspool, releasing energy that's fed into the high-availability power-lines that are already present at every mine-site:
Why are we paying so much attention to Silicon Valley pump-and-dumps and ignoring all this incredible, potentially planet-saving, real innovation? Cooper cites a plausible explanation from the Apperceptive newsletter:
Silicon Valley is the land of low-capital, low-labor growth. Software development requires fewer people than infrastructure and hard goods manufacturing, both to get started and to run as an ongoing operation. Silicon Valley is the place where you get rich without creating jobs. It's run by investors who hate the idea of paying people. That's why AI is so exciting for Silicon Valley types: it lets them fantasize about making humans obsolete. A company without employees is a company without labor issues, without messy co-determination fights, without any moral consideration for others. It's the natural progression for an industry that started by misclassifying the workers in its buildings as "contractors," and then graduated to pretending that millions of workers were actually "independent small businesses."
It's also the natural next step for an industry that hates workers so much that it will pretend that their work is being done by robots, and then outsource the labor itself to distant Indian call-centers (no wonder Indian techies joke that "AI" stands for "absent Indians"):
Contrast this with climate tech: this is a profoundly physical kind of technology. It is labor intensive. It is skilled. The workers who perform it have power, both because they are so far from their employers' direct oversight and because these fed-funded sectors are more likely to be unionized than Silicon Valley shops. Moreover, climate tech is capital intensive. All of those workers are out there moving stuff around: solar panels, wires, batteries.
Climate tech is infrastructural. As Deb Chachra writes in her must-read 2023 book How Infrastructure Works, infrastructure is a gift we give to our descendants. Infrastructure projects rarely pay for themselves during the lives of the people who decide to build them:
Climate tech also produces gigantic, diffused, uncapturable benefits. The "social cost of carbon" is a measure that seeks to capture how much we all pay as polluters despoil our shared world. It includes the direct health impacts of burning fossil fuels, and the indirect costs of wildfires and extreme weather events. The "social savings" of climate tech are massive:
For every MWh of renewable power produced, we save $100 in social carbon costs. That's $100 worth of people not sickening and dying from pollution, $100 worth of homes and habitats not burning down or disappearing under floodwaters. All told, US renewables have delivered $250,000,000,000 (one quarter of one trillion dollars) in social carbon savings over the past four years:
In other words, climate tech is unselfish tech. It's a gift to the future and to the broad public. It shares its spoils with workers. It requires public action. By contrast, Silicon Valley is greedy tech that is relentlessly focused on the shortest-term returns that can be extracted with the least share going to labor. It also requires massive public investment, but it also totally committed to giving as little back to the public as is possible.
No wonder America's richest and most powerful people are lining up to endorse and fund Trump:
Silicon Valley epitomizes Stafford Beer's motto that "the purpose of a system is what it does." If Silicon Valley produces nothing but planet-wrecking nonsense, grifty scams, and planet-wrecking, nonsensical scams, then these are all features of the tech sector, not bugs.
As Anil Dash writes:
Driving change requires us to make the machine want something else. If the purpose of a system is what it does, and we don’t like what it does, then we have to change the system.
To give climate tech the attention, excitement, and political will it deserves, we need to recalibrate our understanding of the world. We need to have object permanence. We need to remember just how few people were actually using cryptocurrency during the bubble and apply that understanding to AI hype. Only 2% of Britons surveyed in a recent study use AI tools:
If we want our tech companies to do good, we have to understand that their ground state is to create planet-wrecking nonsense, grifty scams, and planet-wrecking, nonsensical scams. We need to make these companies small enough to fail, small enough to jail, and small enough to care:
We need to hold companies responsible, and we need to change the microeconomics of the board room, to make it easier for tech workers who want to do good to shout down the scammers, nonsense-peddlers and grifters:
Yesterday, a federal judge ruled that the FTC could hold Amazon executives personally liable for the decision to trick people into signing up for Prime, and for making the unsubscribe-from-Prime process into a Kafka-as-a-service nightmare:
Imagine how powerful a precedent this could set. The Amazon employees who vociferously objected to their bosses' decision to make Prime as confusing as possible could have raised the objection that doing this could end up personally costing those bosses millions of dollars in fines:
We need to make climate tech, not Big Tech, the center of our scrutiny and will. The climate emergency is so terrifying as to be nearly unponderable. Science fiction writers are increasingly being called upon to try to frame this incomprehensible risk in human terms. SF writer (and biologist) Peter Watts's conversation with evolutionary biologist Dan Brooks is an eye-opener:
They draw a distinction between "sustainability" meaning "what kind of technological fixes can we come up with that will allow us to continue to do business as usual without paying a penalty for it?" and sustainability meaning, "what changes in behavior will allow us to save ourselves with the technology that is possible?"
Writing about the Watts/Brooks dialog for Naked Capitalism, Yves Smith invokes William Gibson's The Peripheral:
With everything stumbling deeper into a ditch of shit, history itself become a slaughterhouse, science had started popping. Not all at once, no one big heroic thing, but there were cleaner, cheaper energy sources, more effective ways to get carbon out of the air, new drugs that did what antibiotics had done before…. Ways to print food that required much less in the way of actual food to begin with. So everything, however deeply fucked in general, was lit increasingly by the new, by things that made people blink and sit up, but then the rest of it would just go on, deeper into the ditch. A progress accompanied by constant violence, he said, by sufferings unimaginable.
Gibson doesn't think this is likely, mind, and even if it's attainable, it will come amidst "unimaginable suffering."
But the universe of possible technologies is quite large. As Chachra points out in How Infrastructure Works, we could give every person on Earth a Canadian's energy budget (like an American's, but colder), by capturing a mere 0.4% of the solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface every day. Doing this will require heroic amounts of material and labor, especially if we're going to do it without destroying the planet through material extraction and manufacturing.
These are the questions that we should be concerning ourselves with: what behavioral changes will allow us to realize cheap, abundant, green energy? What "innovations" will our society need to focus on the things we need, rather than the scams and nonsense that creates Silicon Valley fortunes?
How can we use planning, and solidarity, and codetermination to usher in the kind of tech that makes it possible for us to get through the climate bottleneck with as little death and destruction as possible? How can we use enforcement, discernment, and labor rights to thwart the enshittificatory impulses of Silicon Valley's biggest assholes?
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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gryficowa · 5 months
The most difficult thing about boycotting Google is that it is everywhere, seriously, it has bought YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, but if we do not use these platforms, the chance that someone will find out about the genocide that is taking place is too small, so unfortunately, we have to accept that there are things that cannot be boycotted, no matter how much we want to boycott them, alternatives to, for example, YouTube almost do not exist, or they are based on cryptocurrencies, because if social networking sites exist as alternatives, then we have a problem, YouTube is the dominant platform, so any information about Israel's crimes has a greater chance of getting through, unfortunately, YouTube was bought by Google at the very beginning of its existence, so Google gets something and that's the worst
The second problem is Intel, because it is usually found in cheaper devices (Notebooks), unfortunately, only those who have money can afford an alternative, seriously, many alternatives are expensive as hell, because even when buying smartphones you have more options to choose from, in notebooks it uses mainly Intel, which can be frustrating, because the Intel company is in the occupied Palestinian lands, so yes, the colonizers get money and that's the worst
Unfortunately, these two are the most difficult to boycott due to many factors, because in the case of food and smartphones you have a lot of alternatives, but here there are few of them, do you want to talk about Palestine so that people know about what Israel is doing? Use YouTube, you have a greater chance of reaching, you want to play and have equipment for e.g. graphics, but you can't afford it? Laptop with Intel
Seriously, many things can be boycotted, but these two are the hardest (Okay, Intel may be easier, but Google? Well, not so much)
I mainly use laptops (Because smartphones irritate me, yes, writing is a nightmare), so that's why I say I have a problem with Intel, I use a laptop, I listen to music on it, I look for information, etc…
People who use smartphones may think my problem is stupid, I know, it's strange, but I seriously don't like touch screens (phones used to have keyboards, I'm a zoomer), every time I write, I keep pressing the wrong letter and so on endlessly, which for me is irritating (I have ASD, risk of meltdown), so I prefer to avoid this type of problem, laptops, at least they haven't lost their keyboards, unfortunately, as I mentioned, the problem starts when you use notebooks, and they use Intel, alternatives almost do not exist, and when they do, they are expensive, which can be a big limitation, because if you don't want to use Intel, you can't , and laptops have a built-in graphics card, so you're screwed, I have laptops because I don't have room for a PC, so even if I wanted to build a computer, it's impossible
Unfortunately, I am doomed to Intel, especially when the laptop starts to die, which will force me to buy a new one (Because not everything can be replaced), and therefore, give money to Intel, which, as I mentioned, is in occupied territories, standard laptops are not enough, because I draw in digital and play games, something that an ordinary laptop cannot handle (I had it, so I know)
So if you can boycott it's ok, if you can't boycott it's ok too, these two are at the top of the hardest things to boycott, so it's nothing bad that you can't do it, the most important thing is that you boycott everything else (Including Eurovision where the tumblr people failed)
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mariacallous · 1 year
As the Israel-Hamas war escalated this week, WIRED looked at the conditions that contributed to Israel's intelligence failures ahead of Hamas' initial attack last Saturday, as well as the hacktivism and digital mayhem that has subsequently sprung up around the kinetic war. The situation has led to a torrent of misinformation across global discourse, particularly on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), where fake photos, old videos, and video game footage have exploded on an unprecedented scale. 
X’s Trust and Safety team claims it has been working to address the situation, but company CEO Elon Musk has been “posting through it,” sharing conspiracies and engaging with QAnon discourse on the platform. The chaotic situation on X has been difficult for the average user to keep up with. In one case, a graphic Hamas video that Donald Trump Jr. shared on the platform actually turned out to be legitimate, even though it seemed at first look like it might have been part of the broader deluge of misinformation. And beyond just X, rumors of a “Global Day of Jihad” on Friday unleashed a dangerous wave of disinformation across digital platforms—one that threatened to cross into real-world violence.
With the trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried in full swing this week, WIRED took a deep look at the day someone stole hundreds of millions of dollars from the ill-fated cryptocurrency exchange as it was declaring bankruptcy. And new evidence released by researchers this week indicates that the stolen FTX funds went through a chain of intermediaries that eventually led to Russia-linked money launderers.
As chaos in the United States House of Representatives continues over Republicans' inability to deal with far-right hardliners and elect a new speaker, WIRED reported that Republican Party leaders have imposed cell phone bans in an attempt to keep backroom dealmaking under wraps. The United Nations' top internet governance body may host its next two annual meetings in countries known for repressive digital policies and abusive information control, which risks normalizing internet censorship. And white supremacist “active clubs” are gaining traction in part through communication on the messaging app Telegram.
Meanwhile, Google announced this week that it will make the more secure password replacement known as passkeys the default login option for its personal account holders as part of the company's efforts to promote adoption of the technology. And a new internet protocol vulnerability known as “HTTP/2 Rapid Reset” impacts virtually every web server around the world and will take years to stamp out, exposing some sites and digital services to denial of service attacks long-term.
And there's more. Each week we round up the security and privacy news that we didn’t cover in depth ourselves. Click the headlines to read the full stories. And stay safe out there.
Vietnam Used Predator Spyware to Target US Congress
Notorious high-end commercial spyware like Pegasus and Predator has been used over the past decade to target human rights activists, protesters, and journalists. But a foreign nation using it to target the smartphones of US members of Congress represents a rare and brazen new appearance of those notorious tools. On Monday The Washington Post, along with a consortium of more than a dozen international media outlets, revealed that the Vietnamese government used that Predator spyware, distributed by the surveillance firms Cytrox and Intellexa, to target at least four members of Congress—representative Michael McCaul and senators Chris Murphy, John Hoeven, and Gary Peters—as well as Asia-focused experts at US think tanks and several journalists that include CNN’s lead national security reporter, Jim Sciutto.
In the hacking campaign, those individuals were targeted in replies on X (formerly known as Twitter) that included links to websites that would have infected their iOS or Android phones with the Predator spyware. That tactic appears to have been both reckless and unsuccessful: Anyone else who saw the tweets and clicked on the link would have been infected too, and the highly public nature of that infection attempt helped researchers and reporters to analyze the scope and targeting of the campaign. The attempted espionage was timed to US government meetings with Vietnamese officials, and it appears to have been aimed at understanding US intentions in the meeting, particularly related to relations with China.
The media consortium, along with security researchers from Amnesty International and Google’s Threat Analysis Group, were able to show Vietnam’s connection to the Predator hacking campaign through documents they obtained that detail the Vietnamese government’s contract with Intellexa in 2020, and later an extension of the deal to allow the use of the Predator software. The internal documents went so far as to capture the response of Intellexa’s founder, Israeli former military hacker turned entrepreneur Tal Dilian, when the deal was announced: “Wooow!!!!” Vietnam’s government would later target French officials with Predator before this year’s campaign targeting US congressmen.
Hamas Raised Millions in Crypto Ahead of Attacks
Despite efforts by Israel and other nations to cut off funding to Hamas in recent years, the group raised millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency before the past weekend’s attack that killed more than a thousand Israelis. An analysis by The Wall Street Journal found that Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah had collectively raised hundreds of millions in crypto over the past several years, with $41 million going to Hamas specifically. Given that the Journal learned of that funding in part through Israeli seizures of crypto accounts, however, it’s not clear how much of that money was frozen or seized versus how much might have actually been successfully laundered or liquidated by Hamas and other groups. 
In response to the weekend’s attacks, the Israeli government and the world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, both announced that a new round of Hamas crypto accounts had been frozen. Though crypto has helped Hamas and other groups move funds across borders, its traceability on blockchains has presented a challenge for designated terrorist groups. In 2021, for instance, Hamas asked its supporters to stop making donations via cryptocurrency, due to the ease of tracking those transactions and unmasking contributors.
Exxon Used Hacked Documents to Counter State Investigations
Last year, Reuters reporters Chris Bing and Raphael Satter published an investigation into Aviram Azari, an Israeli private investigator who is accused of using mercenary hackers to gather intelligence on the critics of major corporations involved in lawsuits against them. 
Now, prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, where Azari has been convicted on criminal charges, have filed a sentencing memo that notes that activists’ communications stolen by Azari’s hackers were later used by Exxon in the company’s attempts to head off investigations and lawsuits by state attorneys general. The memo still doesn’t name Exxon as Azari’s client, but it implicitly suggests a link between the company and Azari: Prosecutors point in their memo to leaks of climate activists’ private emails to media, which were later cited by Exxon in their responses to state attorney generals as evidence of underhanded tactics by activists as they tried to prove that Exxon knew and covered up the role of fossil fuels in climate change. A Massachusetts lawsuit against Exxon that resulted from the state’s investigation is ongoing.
Magecart Cybercrime Crew Skims Cards With New 404 Trick
Internet giant Akamai warned this week that the infamous Magecart hacker crew, long focused on credit card fraud, has developed a clever new technique for spoofing credit card payment fields. The hackers managed to hide their malicious scripts in the 404 “page not found” error pages of ecommerce sites, then trigger those pages to load a spoofed payment field that impersonates a checkout page to steal credit card information. “The idea of manipulating the default 404 error page of a targeted website can offer Magecart actors various creative options for improved hiding and evasion,” warned Akamai researcher Roman Lvovsky. Akamai noted that the technique was used on the website of significant brands in the food and retail industries but declined to name them.
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sarahowilliam · 1 year
Exploring the Potential Risks Linked to Cardano Gambling
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Many players worldwide have witnessed cryptocurrencies like Cardano as a significant invention in technology and finance for several years. Players try not to be left behind in finance as the crypto market develops. Gambling with Cardano (ADA) tokens is a good investment as players can enjoy multiple opportunities over fiat gambling. Using ADA for commercial or investment purposes is an excellent way of earning money. 
However, ADA has its share of risks that players must know before jumping into Cardano gambling. Furthermore, learning about the gains and losses associated with ADA gambling sites is recommended. Let's find out more about Cardano Gambling and why gamblers should be aware of the risks related to Cardano gambling.
What is Cardano Gambling?
Cardano gambling offers players many advantages of Cardano (ADA) 's blockchain technology, such as fast, cheap, and secure transactions. Players can also enjoy the anonymity and convenience of playing games with Cardano tokens. Whether you are a professional gambler or a newbie in the crypto gaming world, exploring the rules of Cardano gambling creates a whole new level of winning big by playing games with ADA tokens.
It ensures that the players can enjoy smooth transactions and put their primary focus on gambling. They can add their deposits using crypto like ADA or Fiat money through credit cards or bank transfers. Cardano gambling does not require a central authority to regulate ADA gambling sites, allowing for quick and cheap transactions.
Is Cardano Gambling a Risky Business?
Although playing games on the top Cardano gambling site offers many advantages, it can be risky for the players to gamble with ADA tokens because of the following reasons – 
Political and Institutional Pressure – For quite some time, governments and regulatory bodies have reviewed crypto like ADA calmly during its initial years as society barely used them. However, as ADA is growing in terms of popularity and the value of the currency is increasing exponentially, many government bodies have started to reckon with the powerful societal force. Due to this, many fear using ADA to gamble because of institutional and government pressure. Early gamblers found their valuation of ADA tokens to depreciate quickly. Hence, the government tried to ban the tokens in many regions or countries, which led to high volatility among other tokens.
Highly Volatile – When a gambler buys ADA tokens, he may also want to buy products or services with them. The issue with Cardano gambling is that the value of ADA is never stable. Cardano casino players may experience fluctuations of ADA value while playing their favorite casino games or withdrawing their winnings. All assets are volatile, but Cardano is the most volatile asset one can own. Hence, players on the top Cardano gambling site who buy ADA coins can experience a fall in the currency’s value. However, the volatile nature can also lead to a rise in crypto value and higher returns. Still, the problem arises when people convert fiat to crypto when the market is down.
Inadequate Government Supervision – Without a government license or regulation, players do not have any helping hand if they face problems while gambling with ADA tokens. But this does not necessarily mean that ADA gambling sites are not licensed. The top Cardano gambling site operates under the regulation of a gambling authority and possesses a valid license. However, several unlicensed Cardano gambling sites operate where players can become scam victims.
Irreversible Transactions – Once ADA tokens or any other cryptocurrencies are transferred from a digital wallet, there is no way one can get them back. If a player sends their ADA funds to the wrong address, recovering the fund is next to impossible, unlike other traditional banking methods, such as bank transfers or credit card payments.
Unfamiliarity – Although the cryptocurrency market has experienced exponential growth, many gamblers have still not performed transactions in ADA. It is not because crypto is difficult to use, but many gamblers feel intimidated by converting Fiat to crypto to play online casino games.
Are Cardano Fans In a Critical Danger Zone?
Cardano ADA tokens have walked on the tightest rope after plunging below $0.4. The crypto has shed another 0.8% to reach a critical support zone at $0.39. The founder of Cardano mentioned in a recent interview that every crypto has to go through periods of lows before it reaches its peak.
Although he did not admit Cardano’s underperformance in the current market situation, crypto gamblers believe the statement addressed Cardano’s issue. ADA tokens are not living up to the expectations of its users as the price has plunged 80.80% year-on-year and has stayed in the red zone for most of the year. These weaknesses can also be attributed to the weakness of the entire crypto market.
Why Do People Still Choose to Associate with Cardano Gambling?
Despite being in the danger zone, gamblers still play with ADA tokens. One of the reasons why gamblers choose to wager in ADA is the Ouroboros features that Cardano blockchain crypto casinos use to protect client information and funds from attackers. Ouroboros are mathematically verifiable security measures that guarantee the complete security of more than half of the ADA stakes owned by genuine gamblers. This feature adds a layer of security to the current novel security measures, such as the random selection process, encryption protocols, and two-factor authentication. 
Ouroboros is evolving continuously through new iterations and rigorous security analytical systems, which makes Cardano gambling more attractive than other major cryptocurrencies. This algorithm solves some of the biggest challenges in Blockchain-based casinos and creates more energy to make sustainable, ethical, and secure ADA gambling sites.
Gambling with ADA tokens gives access to bonuses and cost-effectiveness that is typically more significant than any traditional Fiat-powered gambling sites. Cardinal transactions are significantly less for casino operators and have better payouts in the crypto gambling market. When writing this article, the top Cardano gambling site charges around 0.1 7 ADA ($0.3), which is expected to get lower if the ADA value continues to increase.
In conclusion, the rising ADA involvement in the online gambling is quite challenging to dispute. Crypto gambling began with BTC and ETH, but it is now moving to Cardano, which offers the most exciting opportunities for players to enjoy seamless gambling.
ADA offers a highly secure network with high speed, reasonable trading fees, and responsive support agents. Gamblers can keep their gaming activities private and use lots of deposit bonuses, tons of online casino games, and free spins by gambling with ADA tokens.
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dtoken · 2 years
How to create an NFT for free
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So, you want to know how to create an NFT for free? This tutorial will show you how. It’s way simpler to create, or ‘mint’ an NFT than you’d imagine — and doing it for free is just as easy. In this tutorial, I will create a single NFT artwork, and not delve into minting generative NFTs or an NFT collection.
But, what are NFTs? I hear you ask. Well, these non-fungible tokens are everywhere but they’re not actually as complex as they first seem. Basically, NFTs are a way of registering a digital file on a cryptocurrency blockchain, to make sure it’s a unique item and demonstrate ownership. Need more? See our guide to how to make and sell an NFT, but here I’ll show you how to specifically create an NFT for free.
You might assume you’ll need a computer or laptop to create an NFT. While that’s obviously possible, you can also do it on your mobile device. The best NFT apps for iPhone allow you to create an NFT on the go, and check out how your collection is doing. Plus, you can track NFTs on different blockchains. With that in mind, some of the steps below for creating an NFT for free are applicable, but I’m using a desktop browser and Wacom Studio tablet.
Once you have your NFT you’ll want to show it off in style, so consider buying one of the best NFT displays. For more on the top end of digital art frames read my feature ‘Why Tokenframe is one of the best NFT frames for digital art’.
How to create an NFT for free: the steps
01. Creating a crypto wallet account
You’re going to need a cryptocurrency wallet to set up an account on any NFT marketplace in order to create your NFT. We’re choosing Metamask as it’s one of the most widely used and accessible. There are alternatives, such as Coinbase wallet.
When you create your wallet account you’ll be given a 12 word ‘seed phrase’, this is your unique password. Keep it safe and don’t share it anywhere, the seed phrase acts as your security code (handy if you forget your password).
02. Making an account on an NFT marketplace
For this tutorial I’m creating an account on Rarible, but the same approach applies to any NFT marketplace. Read my guide to the best NFT marketplaces to find the right one for you.
Once you set up our account (adding a user name, photo, bio, etc.) link your Metamask account to your Rarible account by following the instructions. Linking your two accounts ensures your NFTs will appear in your wallet and all transactions can be easily completed (you’ll need to go into Metamask’s settings to automatically bring in your NFTs). My Metamask account also acts as my Rarible login.
Spend some time personalising your NFT marketplace account, adding a banner image, and linking in your social media accounts. The more time spent ensuring your socials are connected the better; you’ll find your art is more visible the more time you take to add detail into your page.
03. Painting some art
For this guide to how to create an NFT for free I quickly create a new piece of art. I google some random photo references and create a sketch using the painting app Rebelle 5; it’s quick and I’m not focusing on detail but a general sense of the face and proportions. (Read my Rebelle 5 review to find out more about this excellent digital art software.)
An NFT can be any digital file so create the art you enjoy making, but here I’m choosing a digital painting. I save the new painting as a jpeg and prepare to upload it to my new NFT marketplace account and mint it as an NFT.
04. Uploading your art
It’s time to upload my art and begin creating an NFT for free. These NFT marketplace sites like Rarible have very user-friendly guides to uploading your art and the process is generally the same (some select NFT marketplaces may want verify you, and this can take a few days). Click the Create tab in the top right of your account and continue.
You’ll now need to choose a blockchain. On Rarible there are four choices, including the new low-carbon cryptos Flow, Tezos and Polygon. (We have a must-read guide to the most popular NFT crypto to decide which is best for you.) To create an NFT for free I choose Ethereum.
05. Choosing free minting
The next options help your decide the value and type of NFT you’re creating, for example choose Single to create a one-off unique NFT or Multiple to mint a series of NFTs to create a collection. (Take a look at my NFT trends feature for inspiration.) Set the price, add a name and description, and make sure you switch Free Minting to ‘On’.
Free minting, or lazy minting, enables you to put the fees for minting onto the buyer so you won’t be charged. Usually you’re charged ‘gas fees’ — the cost of transacting on the blockchain — to mint an NFT. The unit of gas is called a ‘Gwei’. Depending on the traffic on the blockchain as you’re minting the fee can increase or decrease; the greater the traffic the higher the cost. Often it can be cheaper in the late evening or early morning.
But… I’m not being charged if I choose Free Minting. The downside to pushing the gas fees onto the buyer is you may need to lower your asking price to anticipate the later cost, or mint your NFT as an auction and let the buyer decide.
06. The NFT is minted
On Rarible, when the NFT is minted you get a lovely explosion of digital confetti. Now the real work begins. It’s best to social and post about your new NFT as soon as possible. You can link the new NFT directly to Twitter, Facebook, and other social media channels from within the NFT marketplace.
You see, minting an NFT for free is easy but there are some things you need to know; the advantage of free minting enables you to quickly create an NFT for free but it can have some drawbacks as NFT marketplaces tend to make ‘normal’ NFTs more visible. Because of this you’ll need to make more of your own social channels for promotion. You can find this NFT on Rarible(opens in new tab) to see how it looks in the wild.
How to create an NFT for free: frequent questions
What’s a blockchain?
This is a database that is shared amongst the nodes of a computer network. Each block in the chain contains data and constantly check and update the data. This makes any assets on the blockchain immutable, which ensures the data is extremely hard to change or delete. These are decentralised networks, meaning there is no third-party involved and all data is freely available for view and tracking.
What gives an NFT value?
Rarity and / or status help an NFT achieve value. So, for example, an NFT created by established artists such as Beeple, Damien Hirst, and Takashi Murakami will be worth a lot. But NFTs are breaking the rules. New artists are finding new ways to ensure NFTs differ from traditional art valuations. Community and utility is a major factor. Think of an NFT such as a Bored Ape Yacht Club as a ticket to a club, and that club will have exclusive events, chat groups and projects to be involved with; these community driven NFTs have great value.
Why is an NFT jpeg worth so much?
An NFT jpeg is worth so much because it’s not the jpeg that is being bought, but the hash token on the blockchain. The Crypto Punk art is the visual ‘thing’ we can find easy to understand, but the true value of the NFT is its token and the benefits it can bring by being on a blockchain. This can include being invited to exclusive in real life events.
How much does it cost to make an NFT?
It can be free, if you use lazy minting. Standard NFTs can vary wildly in the cost of gas fees to generate and register on a blockchain, and the costs rises and falls as the blockchain is being used. A typical NFT can cost anywhere from $10 / £7 to ¢$200 / £170. We have known of fees to reach $2,000 / £1,700.
What kinds of NFTs sell the best?
NFTs that have utility will always sell well as they embrace the full functionality of the blockchain. This is why you will find the below NFTs are some of the most popular.
1. Bored Ape Yacht Club 2. CryptoPunks 3. The Sandbox 4. Art Blocks 5. Doodles 6. Cool Cats 7. Decentraland 8. World of Women
Can I avoid gas fees without using lazy minting?
Yes, to a degree. Newer NFT crypto blockchains such as Wax enable you to set the gas fee limit you’re will to pay to mint an NFT. It will be processed and minted at a time when the gas fee matches your set level. Also, consider avoiding minting an NFT on Tuesdays and Thursdays as these are historically the busiest days and so the costliest.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific financial or investment advice or recommendations for any individual for any investment product. The article is only intended to provide general information and opinions about NFTs. The views reflected in this article are subject to change at any time without notice.
Read more:
NFT drops: Everything you need to know
Discover the best NFT displays
NFT gaming: 10 things you need to know
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xlntwtch2 · 1 year
Pro-RFK Jr. Super PAC Has Deep Ties to Marjorie Taylor Greene, George Santos
The Super PAC is just one example of the nominally Democratic candidate running a campaign that's awash in support from backers of Donald Trump
Adam Rawnsley, Asawin Suebsaeng
June 23, 2023
Last month, supporters of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential bid created a Super PAC titled Heal the Divide. On its website, the group — whose name is borrowed from Kennedy’s own campaign slogan — advises voters that “Only Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. can unite the Nation to start healing America,” and allows visitors to donate both in dollars and cryptocurrency.
There’s nothing abnormal about a candidate getting a Super PAC, even a candidate making a long-shot bid like Kennedy’s. What is abnormal, however, is that Kennedy is running as a Democrat in the Democratic primary, while the creators of the Super PAC have a deeply pro-Donald Trump bent — including ties to arch-MAGA officials such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, George Santos, and Herschel Walker.
Federal Election Commission filings list Jason D. Boles of RTA Strategy as its treasurer and use RTA’s website and mailing address. In 2022, Greene’s campaign and leadership PAC, Save America Stop Socialism, paid the firm more than $372,000 for work on her 2022 congressional race, according to data compiled by OpenSecrets.
The Georgia-based RTA, founded by political consultant Rick Thompson, also worked for Walker in his failed 2022 Senate race in Georgia. Thompson served as custodian for Walker’s campaign committee and Boles worked as treasurer of the committee, earning the firm roughly $50,000, according to campaign-finance records. More recently, Boles and Thompson have signed on as treasurer and designated agent, respectively, for the embattled Santos after the indicted congressman struggled to find personnel to handle his campaign finances. 
Reached by phone, Thompson declined to comment on the Kennedy Super PAC. “We have a strict policy at our firm that we don’t discuss our clients,” he tells Rolling Stone. And the Heal the Divide site does not advertise its Republican backing. But a mistake on the group’s website gives away its origins: The site’s terms of service appear to have been copied and pasted from MAGA PAC, a Trump Super PAC, and incorrectly refers to the Heal the Divide site as MAGApac.com. 
It’s not just one MAGAfied Super PAC, however, that’s backing Kennedy’s run against President Biden in the Democratic primary. His bid is awash in support from Donald Trump’s allies in MAGA World, conservative media, and some of the Republican-donor elite. Broadly, they’re hoping Kennedy will make Biden look weak in the primary, hurting his chances against Trump — or whichever candidate emerges from the GOP primary.
MAGA influencers and longtime Trump associates such as Roger Stone have praised Kennedy’s candidacy as a way to “soften Joe Biden up.” Former top Trump political adviser and campaign strategist Steve Bannon also reportedly spent “months” encouraging Kennedy to run in order to energize anti-vaxxers who make up much of Trump’s base, according to CBS News.
...it continues in the current Rolling Stone issue from 6/23/2023
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Hold'em Site Guide: Where to Play and Win Big
If you're a poker enthusiast looking to play Texas Hold'em online, choosing the right site is crucial for an enjoyable and successful experience. The variety of Hold'em sites available today can be overwhelming, with each platform offering unique features, games, bonuses, and player pools. In this guide, we'll explore the key factors to consider when selecting a Hold'em site and highlight some of the top platforms where you can play and win big.
1. Key Features to Look for in a Hold'em Site
Choosing the right Hold'em site can make a significant difference in your online poker experience. Here are some important features to consider:
Reputation and Security: Ensure the site is reputable and secure. Look for platforms that are licensed, regulated, and have a history of fair play. Reading reviews and checking player feedback can give you insights into the site’s reliability.
Variety of Games: A good Hold'em site should offer a variety of game types and formats, including cash games, tournaments, sit-and-go’s, and more. This variety keeps the game exciting and gives you multiple ways to win.
User Interface and Experience: The site's layout and ease of use are important, especially if you plan to play regularly. Look for sites that are easy to navigate, visually appealing, and compatible with both desktop and mobile devices.
Bonuses and Promotions: Many Hold'em sites offer welcome bonuses, free tournament entries, and ongoing promotions to attract players. These bonuses can provide extra value, so consider what each site offers and how easy it is to clear the bonuses.
Payment Options: A good Hold'em site should offer a range of secure and convenient payment options for deposits and withdrawals, including credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies.
Player Traffic: High player traffic means more game variety and shorter wait times. Choose a site with a healthy player base, especially during peak hours, to ensure you can find games at your preferred stakes.
2. Top Hold'em Sites to Play and Win Big
Here are some of the best Hold'em sites that stand out for their features, player traffic, and overall quality:
PokerStars: Known as one of the largest and most popular Hold'em sites globally, PokerStars offers a wide variety of games, including cash games and large-scale tournaments with significant prize pools. The site is highly secure, has excellent software, and offers generous bonuses for new players.
888poker: This site is known for its soft player pool, making it a great choice for beginners and those looking to maximize their winnings. 888poker also offers a wide range of promotions, including no-deposit bonuses and frequent freerolls.
GGPoker: GGPoker is a rising star in the online poker world, offering innovative features like the integrated poker tracking tool and unique game formats. It has a diverse player base, frequent promotions, and some of the largest guaranteed prize pools in the industry.
PartyPoker: PartyPoker has been a staple in the online poker community for years. The site offers a variety of Hold'em games and regularly hosts major tournaments. It’s known for its user-friendly interface, great promotions, and strong security measures.
WSOP.com: As the official online poker site of the World Series of Poker, WSOP.com offers the thrill of competing in WSOP-branded events. It’s a top choice for players in the US, offering a solid variety of Hold'em games and the chance to win real WSOP bracelets online.
3. Tips for Winning Big on Hold'em Sites
Start with Low Stakes: If you’re new to online Hold'em, start with low-stakes games to get familiar with the site and the competition. As you gain experience, you can gradually move up to higher stakes.
Use Bonuses Wisely: Take full advantage of deposit bonuses, freerolls, and loyalty rewards. These can boost your bankroll and provide extra opportunities to win without risking much of your own money.
Study Your Opponents: Pay attention to your opponents’ playing styles and habits. Use this information to adjust your strategy and exploit their weaknesses.
Practice Bankroll Management: Set a budget for your poker play and stick to it. Avoid chasing losses, and always play within your means to ensure you can keep playing and improve over time.
Stay Updated on Promotions: Hold'em sites often run special promotions, leaderboards, and tournament series. Staying informed can help you take advantage of extra value and increase your chances of winning big.
Finding the right Hold'em site is the first step to enjoying a great online poker experience and increasing your chances of winning. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, choosing a site that suits your needs, offers a variety of games, and provides a safe environment will enhance your enjoyment and success. Explore the recommended sites, keep refining your skills, and get ready to play and win big in the exciting world of online Texas Hold'em!
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cryptoappfactory · 7 days
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iammarrycosta · 10 days
RussianMarket.to: Unveiling the Dark Web’s Hub for Illicit Trade
In the shadowy corners of the internet, hidden from regular search engines and browsers, thrives a flourishing marketplace of illegal goods and services. The dark web, notorious for its anonymity and lack of regulation, has become a breeding ground for cybercriminal activities. One of the most infamous sites associated with this underworld is RussianMarket.to, commonly referred to as "Russian Market." This article delves into the rise, operations, and impact of RussianMarket.to, one of the dark web’s hubs for illicit trade, from stolen data to counterfeit goods.
The Rise of RussianMarket.to
RussianMarket.to, as its name suggests, originated from Russia and quickly became one of the top players in the world of online illegal trade. While several dark web marketplaces exist, each specializing in different criminal niches, Russian Market carved its reputation by offering high-quality stolen data, hacking tools, and counterfeit items.
The site's popularity grew due to its reliability, customer satisfaction, and broad range of illicit offerings. Like other dark web platforms, RussianMarket.to operated on the Tor network, which masks users' IP addresses and provides a level of anonymity difficult to penetrate by law enforcement agencies. Additionally, cryptocurrency transactions—usually in Bitcoin or Monero—allowed users to buy and sell with minimal risk of being traced.
Its strategic focus on the sale of personal data, credit card information, login credentials, and counterfeit identification made Russian Market a hotbed for identity theft and financial fraud. Users who were adept at navigating the dark web and engaging in cybercrime flocked to the site, not only for the stolen data but also for the services and tools it provided.
Illicit Offerings: What Can Be Found on RussianMarket.to
RussianMarket.to is best known for the wide array of stolen personal information it offers for sale. One of the most sought-after items on the platform is credit card data, often referred to as “CCs.” These CCs include detailed information, such as the cardholder's name, card number, expiration date, CVV code, and sometimes additional identifying information like billing addresses and phone numbers. Buyers use this information to make fraudulent purchases or to engage in card cloning, creating counterfeit physical copies of the stolen cards.
In addition to credit card information, Russian Market also traffics in stolen login credentials for bank accounts, online shopping platforms, and cryptocurrency wallets. With access to these accounts, cybercriminals can drain funds, engage in unauthorized transactions, or even blackmail the original account holders. Another popular category on the site is counterfeit identification documents, including fake passports, driver’s licenses, and Social Security numbers. These documents allow criminals to assume new identities, evade law enforcement, or engage in other illegal activities like smuggling and money laundering.
RussianMarket.to also offers hacking tools and tutorials for those who want to get involved in cybercrime but lack the necessary technical skills. These guides range from beginner-level tutorials on phishing schemes to advanced methods for breaching corporate networks and stealing sensitive data. Such resources make cybercrime more accessible to a broader audience, contributing to its growth and diversification.
The Business Model: How RussianMarket.to Thrives
Much like other online marketplaces, RussianMarket.to relies on a simple and effective business model. Sellers upload their listings, offering everything from stolen data to counterfeit goods, while buyers browse the available products, making purchases through a secure, anonymous payment system. Russian Market operates on a rating and feedback system, where buyers can rate the quality of the data or goods they purchase. This helps to maintain a level of trust between buyers and sellers, ensuring that only high-quality items are sold on the platform.
Payment on RussianMarket.to is primarily done through cryptocurrencies, which provide an added layer of anonymity and are difficult to trace back to the buyer or seller. Bitcoin and Monero are the most common forms of payment on the site, with Monero being preferred due to its enhanced privacy features.
To access Russian Market, users need to go through the Tor browser, which encrypts their internet traffic and anonymizes their browsing activity. This combination of Tor encryption and cryptocurrency payments makes it extremely difficult for law enforcement agencies to track down the users and administrators of RussianMarket.to.
Law Enforcement and the Battle Against Russian Market
Despite the site’s sophisticated layers of anonymity, it has not escaped the attention of international law enforcement agencies. Like other high-profile dark web marketplaces, RussianMarket.to is a target for cybersecurity experts and authorities. Agencies such as Europol, Interpol, and national cybercrime units continuously monitor these platforms, infiltrating them when possible to collect information on users and administrators.
However, taking down such platforms is no easy task. The decentralized and anonymous nature of the dark web, combined with the global nature of cybercrime, makes it challenging to pinpoint specific individuals responsible for the operation of sites like Russian Market. Moreover, even if law enforcement manages to take down a platform, new marketplaces quickly spring up to fill the void, as was seen with other notorious dark web marketplaces such as Silk Road and AlphaBay.
The Broader Impact of RussianMarket.to
The existence of RussianMarket.to is a stark reminder of the challenges posed by the dark web and the evolving nature of cybercrime. The platform enables financial crimes, identity theft, and hacking on a global scale, impacting individuals, corporations, and governments alike. The stolen data sold on Russian Market often leads to financial losses for individuals and businesses, not to mention the emotional and psychological toll of identity theft.
Moreover, by providing resources and tools for aspiring cybercriminals, Russian Market perpetuates a culture of lawlessness and illicit activity on the internet. While law enforcement agencies are continually working to combat the threats posed by these platforms, the ever-evolving nature of cybercrime ensures that the battle is far from over.
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cryptonewspod · 2 years
Top 10 Cryptocurrency News Websites - CryptoNewsPod.Com
At present, the market of crypto currency is growing very fast, now people are investing more and more on crypto currency. In such a situation, the demand for new and trustworthy news about cryptocurrency has increased rapidly among the people. People are now everywhere looking for information related to crypto and at this time crypto news websites available on the internet are at the top.There…
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cryptorushsnap · 18 days
What Are the Top Crypto Analysis Websites for Accurate Market Insights?"
Cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, making timely and accurate analysis critical for traders and investors. Whether you're a day trader looking for real-time price movements or a long-term investor wanting deeper insights into blockchain fundamentals, the right crypto analysis website can significantly enhance your decision-making process.
In this blog, we’ll explore the top crypto analysis websites that offer valuable market insights, covering everything from price tracking and technical analysis to on-chain metrics and social sentiment. These platforms cater to various trading strategies and provide comprehensive data for both beginners and professionals.
1. CoinMarketCap
One of the most well-known crypto analysis platforms, CoinMarketCap, offers a broad range of data for nearly every cryptocurrency on the market. Launched in 2013, this site provides real-time price updates, market capitalization rankings, and trading volumes. CoinMarketCap is particularly useful for:
Tracking the overall performance of specific coins.
Comparing coins and tokens by different metrics.
Monitoring exchange liquidity and volume.
For newcomers, it offers a user-friendly interface that provides all the essential data in one place.
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In addition to market data, the platform also provides educational content for beginners and daily news on the cryptocurrency landscape.
2. TradingView
TradingView is the go-to platform for traders who rely on technical analysis. While it covers various markets like stocks, commodities, and forex, TradingView is a favorite for crypto traders due to its advanced charting tools and customizable technical indicators. Key features include:
Interactive charts with hundreds of customizable indicators.
The ability to publish and share trading ideas with a community of analysts.
Real-time updates and alerts for price movements.
Whether you’re analyzing candlestick patterns, setting up Fibonacci retracements, or looking for RSI divergences, TradingView is an essential tool for technical traders.
3. CoinGecko
Like CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko offers comprehensive data on cryptocurrencies, but with a twist. It tracks more than just prices and volumes; it also factors in community engagement, developer activity, and liquidity metrics. This holistic approach gives users a clearer understanding of a coin’s growth potential and long-term viability.
CoinGecko is especially useful for comparing cryptocurrencies side by side, using metrics like GitHub activity and public interest in addition to price performance. The platform also features a DeFi tracker, allowing users to monitor decentralized finance projects.
4. Glassnode
Glassnode focuses on on-chain data analysis, providing deep insights into blockchain networks. It collects data directly from blockchain networks, offering metrics like:
Network health: Tracking the number of active addresses and transactions.
Holder distribution: Analyzing the concentration of coins in large wallets.
Transaction volumes: Monitoring the movement of coins across wallets.
This data is invaluable for understanding the behavior of large holders, often referred to as "whales," who have a significant impact on the market. Glassnode is particularly helpful for long-term investors who want to gauge the health of a blockchain and its adoption rate.
5. CryptoQuant
CryptoQuant provides detailed insights into exchange activity, focusing on the flow of assets between wallets and exchanges. By tracking the movement of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies, CryptoQuant helps users identify trends such as:
Potential sell-offs: When large amounts of cryptocurrency are deposited into exchanges.
Accumulation phases: When major holders withdraw assets to cold storage.
Market sentiment: Analyzing whether traders are moving assets for sale or long-term holding.
The platform also offers alerts for significant market movements, making it easier for traders to react to sudden changes in sentiment.
6. Messari
Messari is one of the leading research platforms in the crypto space. It provides institutional-grade analysis through in-depth reports and daily newsletters. Some of its key features include:
Comprehensive crypto asset database: Compare various metrics across thousands of projects.
Research reports: Get expert analysis on major trends, market movements, and emerging technologies.
Customizable screener: Filter and track assets based on specific criteria.
Messari's professional approach makes it an excellent tool for serious investors and those looking for detailed market research beyond just price charts.
7. Santiment
Santiment blends on-chain data with social sentiment analysis to offer a unique perspective on the crypto market. The platform tracks:
Social media mentions: Gauging the overall buzz around a specific cryptocurrency.
Developer activity: Tracking GitHub commits to see if a project is being actively developed.
Network usage: Monitoring how often a blockchain is being used.
Santiment’s ability to combine these metrics makes it a great tool for traders who want to understand the sentiment behind price movements and identify opportunities before they appear on mainstream radar.
8. IntoTheBlock
IntoTheBlock leverages machine learning to analyze blockchain data and generate insights. Its analytics cover:
Transaction history: Track the frequency and volume of transactions.
Holders’ data: Analyze the distribution of coins among wallets.
Price correlation: See how different cryptocurrencies are correlated with one another.
One standout feature is its "signals" tool, which provides real-time alerts when there are significant shifts in the market, helping traders make informed decisions quickly.
9. LunarCrush
LunarCrush offers insights based on social media activity, focusing on how various cryptocurrencies are being discussed online. The platform aggregates data from Twitter, Reddit, and other social platforms to provide:
Sentiment analysis: Are people generally positive or negative about a coin?
Engagement metrics: How often is a coin being mentioned?
Influencer impact: Which influencers are driving conversations around a project?
LunarCrush is ideal for traders who rely on sentiment to make decisions, as it gives a clear picture of how a coin is being perceived by the broader community.
10. Skew
For those focused on derivatives trading, Skew provides in-depth analysis of futures and options markets. It tracks:
Open interest: The number of active contracts on a specific derivative.
Volatility: Understanding the potential price swings in the market.
Funding rates: The costs of holding a leveraged position.
Skew’s data is crucial for traders who focus on derivatives, giving them a comprehensive view of market conditions and potential price movements.
Navigating the volatile world of cryptocurrency requires accurate and timely insights. The crypto analysis websites listed here provide traders and investors with a wide range of tools to make better decisions, whether they rely on technical analysis, on-chain data, or sentiment analysis. By leveraging these platforms, you can stay ahead of market trends, spot opportunities, and minimize risk in your trading strategy.
Always stay informed and choose the tools that best suit your trading style to maximize your success in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency.
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coineagle · 19 days
Trump’s Vision: Making the US the Global Heart of Cryptocurrency
Key Points
Donald Trump has reiterated his commitment to making the U.S the global hub for Bitcoin and crypto.
Despite previous criticism, Trump has emerged as the only pro-Bitcoin presidential candidate.
Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, recently reiterated his pledge to transform the U.S into the world’s hub for Bitcoin and crypto. This pledge was made during his speech at the Economic Club of New York. He stated, “Instead of attacking industries of the future, we will embrace them. Including making America the world’s capital for crypto and Bitcoin.”
This statement simply re-emphasizes a similar commitment that the former president made previously.
Trump’s Shift towards Bitcoin
While serving as President, Trump was a well-known critic of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. He had previously referred to Bitcoin as a “disaster waiting to happen” and a “scam”. However, his stance shifted dramatically during his recent bid for the U.S presidency, positioning him as the only pro-Bitcoin presidential candidate.
A significant moment highlighting his pro-crypto stance was his appearance at the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville. Here, he announced a strategic national reserve for the asset. Furthermore, Trump’s family has been active in the crypto space, launching new DeFi projects with World Liberty Financial and ‘The Defiant Ones’ to make finance “great again”.
Despite mixed reactions to the family’s projects, Trump has managed to attract a considerable portion of the market. This is evident from the increased donations from crypto firms and individuals to Fairshake, a U.S pro-crypto super political action committee (PAC). Notably, top players like Coinbase and Ripple have donated to support pro-crypto candidates.
According to Polymarket, Trump’s odds of winning the election are still higher than Kamala Harris’s. At the time of writing, Trump led Harris by 7 points on the predictions site. However, political landscapes can change rapidly, and any new development can shift the balance.
Some market analysts, like Quinn Thompson from Lekker Capital, believe that if Trump wins the election, the current value of Bitcoin would be undervalued. He stated, “We are exactly two months away from the US election. Imagine how mis-priced so many assets are right now if Trump wins. 10yr sitting at 3.77%, Bitcoin at $57,000, and the commodity/energy complex trading in the dumps.”
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poojanegi99945 · 23 days
Essential Insights for Sports Betting Sites – from Clarisco
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The sports betting industry is thriving, with millions of users placing bets on their favorite teams and events worldwide. However, the success of a sports betting site depends on more than just offering odds; it requires a deep understanding of the market, advanced technology, and strategic development. Clarisco, a leading sports betting game development company, shares essential insights that can help new and existing platforms thrive in this competitive landscape.
1. Understanding the Market
Before diving into the development of a sports betting site, it's crucial to understand the market dynamics. The sports betting industry is highly regulated, with laws varying significantly across regions. A successful sports betting site must comply with local laws and regulations to avoid legal complications. Additionally, understanding the preferences of the target audience is key. For instance, certain regions may favor specific sports, and tailoring the betting options accordingly can significantly enhance user engagement.
2. Choosing the Right Technology
Technology is at the heart of any successful sports betting platform. From the backend that processes bets to the frontend that provides a seamless user experience, every aspect of the site must be robust and reliable. Working with a sports betting game development company like Clarisco ensures that your platform is built using the latest technologies, including blockchain for transparency and security, and AI for personalized user experiences.
3. Implementing Blockchain for Transparency
One of the biggest challenges in the sports betting industry is ensuring fairness and transparency. Blockchain technology addresses this issue by providing a decentralized ledger where all transactions are recorded and cannot be altered. This not only enhances trust among users but also reduces the risk of fraud. As a sports betting dApp game development company, Clarisco specializes in integrating blockchain technology into betting platforms, ensuring that all bets are fair and transparent.
4. User Experience Matters
The user experience (UX) of a sports betting site is crucial for keeping users engaged. A well-designed platform should be user-friendly, easy to navigate, and work seamlessly across all devices. Key features such as live betting, real-time odds updates, and convenient payment gateways can significantly improve the overall experience. Moreover, offering a mobile app version of the platform can expand your audience, as many users prefer to place bets on the go.
5. Security is Paramount
With the increasing number of cyber threats, security has become a top priority for sports betting platforms. Ensuring that user data is protected through encryption and other security measures is essential. Furthermore, integrating secure payment gateways that support multiple payment options, including cryptocurrencies, can enhance user trust. Partnering with a sports betting game development company that prioritizes security will help safeguard your platform against potential threats.
6. Marketing and Customer Retention
Gaining new users is just the beginning; keeping them engaged is just as crucial. Providing promotions, bonuses, and loyalty programs can help maintain user interest and encourage them to return. Additionally, using CRM systems for personalized marketing allows you to target users with offers that match their betting preferences. Clarisco's expertise in sports betting dApp game development includes incorporating advanced analytics tools that monitor user behavior and preferences, enabling more effective marketing strategies.
7. Regulatory Compliance
Managing a sports betting site demands strict compliance with regulatory standards. Since each jurisdiction has its own set of rules, failing to meet these can result in severe penalties or even the shutdown of your platform. It’s vital to collaborate with a sports betting game development company that is well-versed in these regulations and can guarantee your platform remains fully compliant.
Launching a successful sports betting site involves more than just offering a platform for placing bets. It requires a strategic approach that includes understanding the market, leveraging the right technology, ensuring security and transparency, and complying with regulations. By partnering with a trusted sports betting game development company like Clarisco, you can ensure that your platform is not only competitive but also built to last in this dynamic industry. Whether you’re developing a traditional sports betting site or a decentralized sports betting dApp, the right insights and expertise can make all the difference.
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tproblogs · 26 days
The Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin Scam Alert Services
In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin remains the most popular and widely used digital currency. However, with its rise in popularity comes an increase in scams and fraudulent activities. Protecting yourself from these scams is essential, and that's where coin scam alert services come into play. These services provide timely information and alerts to help you avoid falling victim to Bitcoin scams. In this guide, we'll explore the importance of these services, how they work, and what to look for when choosing one.
Why You Need Bitcoin Scam Alert Services
As Bitcoin gains mainstream acceptance, scammers have become more sophisticated, using various tactics to trick unsuspecting users. Phishing attacks, fake exchanges, Ponzi schemes, and malware are just a few examples of the threats that exist. Coin scam alert services are designed to identify these threats in real-time, providing users with alerts and warnings about potential scams. By staying informed, you can make safer decisions and protect your investments.
How Bitcoin Scam Alert Services Work
Coin scam alert services typically operate by monitoring various online sources, including social media platforms, forums, and news sites, for any suspicious activities related to Bitcoin. These services use advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze patterns and detect potential scams. When a threat is identified, the service sends out an alert to its users, often through email, SMS, or a mobile app notification.
Some services also offer additional features, such as detailed reportcoinscams.com on specific scams, educational resources on how to recognize scams, and even community forums where users can share their experiences and tips.
Key Features to Look for in a Bitcoin Scam Alert Service
Real-Time Alerts: The primary function of any scam alert service is to provide timely alerts. Ensure the service you choose offers real-time notifications to keep you updated on the latest threats.
Comprehensive Monitoring: A good service should monitor a wide range of sources, including dark web activities, to detect scams early.
User-Friendly Interface: The service should be easy to use, with a clear and intuitive interface that allows you to access important information quickly.
Educational Resources: Look for services that offer guides, articles, and tutorials on how to spot and avoid Bitcoin scams. This information is invaluable for both beginners and experienced users.
Community Support: A service with a strong community can provide additional insights and support, helping you stay informed about the latest scams and trends.
Reputation and Reviews: Before choosing a service, check its reputation and read user reviews. A service with positive feedback and a strong track record is more likely to provide reliable information.
Top Bitcoin Scam Alert Services
ReportCoinScams: Known for its comprehensive monitoring and real-time alerts, ReportCoinScams is a popular choice among Bitcoin users.
CoinScamWatc: This service offers detailed reports on the latest scams and provides educational resources to help users stay informed.
Understanding Different Types of Bitcoin Scams
Before diving into specific coin scam alert services, it's essential to understand the various types of Bitcoin scams that exist. Phishing scams are among the most common, where scammers create fake websites or emails that appear to be from legitimate Bitcoin exchanges or wallets, tricking users into entering their private keys or personal information. Ponzi schemes and fake investment opportunities promise high returns on Bitcoin investments, luring in victims only to disappear with their funds. Malware attacks involve malicious software that can access your Bitcoin wallet and drain your funds without your knowledge. By being aware of these scam types, you can better appreciate the importance of using scam alert services to safeguard your assets.
The Role of Machine Learning in Detecting Scams
One of the most impressive aspects of modern coin scam alert services is their use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies allow services to detect patterns in online behavior that might indicate a scam, even before it becomes widely known. For example, if a new phishing website is created, a machine learning algorithm can analyze its content, compare it with known scams, and flag it as a potential threat. This automated approach is incredibly effective in catching scams early, often before they have a chance to cause widespread harm. By leveraging AI, scam alert services can stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, providing users with critical warnings in real-time.
Evaluating the Cost of Bitcoin Scam Alert Services
While many coin scam alert services offer free basic plans, some also provide premium features for a fee. These paid options often include more detailed reports, enhanced monitoring capabilities, and priority customer support. When evaluating the cost of a service, consider the value of the additional features offered. For serious investors, the peace of mind that comes with premium services may be well worth the cost. However, even free services can provide substantial protection if they include real-time alerts and comprehensive monitoring. Weigh the benefits against the price to determine the best option for your needs.
The Importance of Staying Updated with Scam Trends
The world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is constantly evolving, and so are the methods used by scammers. This makes staying updated with the latest scam trends crucial. Some coin scam alert services offer regular newsletters or blog updates that keep users informed about new types of scams or emerging threats in the crypto space. Staying updated not only helps you recognize potential scams more quickly but also allows you to adapt your security practices as needed. In a landscape where threats are always changing, staying informed is your best defense.
How to Report a Bitcoin Scam
If you encounter a Bitcoin scam, reporting it can help protect others in the crypto community. Most coin scam alert services have a reporting feature that allows users to submit details about scams they've encountered. These reports are then analyzed and, if verified, added to the service's database to alert other users. Additionally, reporting scams to official bodies, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States, can assist in legal actions against scammers. By actively participating in scam reporting, you contribute to the overall safety and security of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Bitcoin scam alert services are essential tools for anyone involved in the cryptocurrency space. By choosing a reliable service, you can stay ahead of potential threats and protect your investments. Remember to look for key features such as real-time alerts, comprehensive monitoring, and educational resources when selecting a service. With the right tools and information, you can navigate the world of Bitcoin safely and confidently.
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newstfionline · 26 days
Friday, August 30, 2024
Can Tech Executives Be Held Responsible for What Happens on Their Platforms? (NYT) This month, X closed its Brazil operations after one of its executives was threatened with arrest for not taking down certain content. Last year, Changpeng Zhao, the founder of Binance, pleaded guilty to federal money-laundering violations that took place on his cryptocurrency platform. In 2021, Twitter executives in India faced arrest over posts that the government wanted removed from the site. And on Saturday, Pavel Durov, who founded the online communications tool Telegram, was arrested in France as part of an investigation into the platform’s complicity in crimes including possession and distribution of child sexual abuse imagery. For years, internet company executives rarely faced personal liability in Western democracies for what took place on their platforms. But as law enforcement agencies, regulators and policymakers ramp up scrutiny of online platforms and exchanges, they are increasingly considering when to hold company leaders directly responsible. That shift was punctuated by Mr. Durov’s arrest over the weekend, raising questions over whether tech executives like Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg also risk being arrested when they next set foot on European soil.
California has become a new center of political corruption (NYT) Jose Huizar, a former Los Angeles City Council member, is scheduled to report to prison this week to begin a 13-year sentence for tax evasion and racketeering. “He was the King Kong of L.A. City Hall for many, many years,” Mack E. Jenkins, chief of the criminal division at the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles, told the court. “And with his fall, a lot of devastation was left in his wake.” He is just one of 576 public officials in California who have been convicted over the past decade on federal corruption charges, outpacing states that are better known for influence-peddling like New York and Illinois.
Stealing to order (BBC) More than 430,000 shoplifting offences were recorded in England and Wales last year, the most since current police records began in 2003. And the British Retail Consortium reports a growing trend in "unscrupulous businesses taking on local product that has been stolen to order”. Ross, who has 15 convictions for shoplifting but has never been to prison, estimated he stole goods worth £300 ($395) every day, which he would then sell on to fund his crack cocaine and heroin addiction. He said perfume, cosmetics, alcohol and food were among the items he would regularly steal and sell on “as the cheapest wholesaler”. “If I had a bag full of stuff, I would know which shop to go to,” said Ross. “They’d take me into the back room, I’d lay it out on the floor and we would discuss a price.”
Surf before you worship at this church in Portugal (AP) Porto takes pride in its beaches, old churches covered in blue-and-white tiles and its famous port wine named after the city in northern Portugal. It’s also home to a different kind of church—located on its beachfront suburbs along the Atlantic coast near a fishing town known for some of the world’s largest waves. Parishioners attend in boardshorts, T-shirts, flip flops—even barefoot. They surf before they worship. Surf Church was established by a Brazilian-born Portuguese surfer and ordained Baptist pastor to spread the Gospel in a once-devoutly Catholic country—and top surfing destination—where about half of young people today say they have no religion. In less than a decade, it has grown from a few families to dozens of parishioners representing more than a dozen nationalities from across the world. Their motto: “ We love waves. We love Jesus.”
As the far right rises in Eastern Germany, companies struggle to attract skilled foreign workers (AP) Germany is facing a massive skilled labor shortage. Experts say that the country will need to hire about 400,000 skilled immigrants each year to maintain its economy, thanks to demographic decline and a shrinking workforce. Unfortunately, some parts of German society don’t care what the experts say. The far-right AfD party, which has focused on whipping up anti-immigrant sentiment to boost its support base, has garnered a massive amount of support, especially from rural Germans. “Even when there are no majorities so far, there are considerable minorities who vote for the AfD, either to express their protest or to openly express anti-immigration and anti-liberal positions,” said one German policy researcher. According to a recent poll of over 900 German firms, a majority of companies see the AfD as a risk to their workforces and garnering new investments in Germany. Recently, the International Monetary Fund rated Germany as the world’s worst-performing developed economy, adding to the economic worries in Berlin.
In Eastern Ukraine, Terrifying Bombardment and Near Total Destruction (NYT) In the darkness of the cellar in the eastern Ukrainian town of Toretsk, the soldiers did not know how close the Russian glide bombs were landing. But the sudden change in air pressure that accompanied bone-rattling booms testified to the bombs’ destructive force as they tore into nearby buildings. There are many ways to kill and be killed in Russia’s war with Ukraine, but Ukrainian soldiers say that glide bombs are perhaps the most terrifying. They are free-fall bombs, many left over from the Soviet era, but now outfitted with pop-out wings that feature satellite navigation, turning them into guided munitions. Referred to alternatively as “KABs” or “FABs,” they weigh between 500 and 6,000 pounds and are packed with hundreds of pounds of explosives. A single blast can reduce a high-rise apartment building to rubble and obliterate even concrete fortifications. In recent months, Russia has used the bombs to devastating effect, tilting the balance of fighting in eastern Ukraine in Moscow’s favor and allowing Russia to continue to make steady gains in Donetsk region. The bombs have also allowed Russian forces to raze whole towns and villages with ever greater speed.
Ukraine’s ‘flying furniture’ (BBC) Backed by Western tech and finance, Ukrainian firms are making hundreds of cheap one-way attack drones every month. Terminal Autonomy is producing more than 100 AQ400 Scythe long-range drones a month, with a range of 750km (465 miles). The company also makes hundreds of shorter range AQ100 Bayonet drones a month. It is one of at least three companies now producing drones in Ukraine at scale. The drones are made of wood and assembled in former furniture factories. Francisco Serra-Martins, a former Australian Army Royal Engineer, set up the company with his Ukrainian co-founder, backed by US finance. He describes his drones as "basically flying furniture—we assemble it like Ikea". The Bayonet drone costs a few thousand dollars. A Russian air defence missile used to shoot it down can cost more than $1m (£750,000). These drones have forced Russia to move aircraft to bases further away and reduce the frequency of their attacks.
Indian Doctors Lead Landmark Protests (Foreign Policy) For more than two weeks, doctors and medical workers have been protesting across India—the longest-running such movement in recent memory. The demonstrations were triggered by a horrific case of sexual violence at one of India’s oldest hospitals: On Aug. 9, a 31-year-old female trainee doctor was raped and killed at R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. The doctor had just completed a 36-hour shift and was resting in a seminar room. Police have arrested a hospital volunteer; however, the victim’s family alleges that she was gang-raped. In response to the killing, thousands of Indian doctors went on strike, declining to provide nonemergency medical care. In Kolkata, as protests continued this week, police responded with tear gas and water cannons. Sexual violence is a long-standing problem in India, but the Kolkata case has prompted unusual outrage, which protesters attribute to the shocking circumstances of the crime: The victim, sworn to caring for others and exhausted after a long shift, was targeted in a space where safety should have been guaranteed. Some female doctors say the tragedy underscores the prevalence of abuse of women in India’s medical system.
At Least 10 Killed as Israeli Military Steps Up West Bank Raids (NYT) Hundreds of Israeli troops backed by drones and armored vehicles carried out raids in the occupied West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian officials said on Wednesday, a growing third front in conflicts that extend from the Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip to southern Lebanon. At least 10 Palestinians were killed, the Palestinian Health Ministry said, in what Israeli officials described as an ongoing operation targeting militants and concentrated in Jenin and Tulkarm, two West Bank cities that an Israeli military spokesman, Lt. Col. Nadav Shoshani, said have become militant strongholds. The Israeli military said it had killed nine militants. The operation followed months of escalating Israeli raids in the occupied territory, where nearly three million Palestinians live under Israeli military rule. More than 600 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since the Oct. 7 Hamas-led assault on Israel, according to the United Nations, in violence involving both the Israeli military and extremist Jewish settlers. Israel has also arrested thousands of Palestinians suspected of involvement in armed groups.
Israel agreed to pauses in the war for polio vaccinations (NYT) Starting this weekend, Israel will temporarily pause its military operations in specific areas of Gaza to allow health workers to give polio vaccinations to about 640,000 children under the age of 10, according to the U.N. Israeli officials emphasized that the move was not the first step to a cease-fire, but rather an effort to stem a potential outbreak of the virus.
Food insecurity crisis (Foreign Policy) Namibia authorized the killing of more than 700 animals this week to help feed its population, nearly half of whom are facing acute food insecurity, according to the United Nations. The Environment, Forestry, and Tourism Ministry announced that hunters will cull 300 zebras, 100 wildebeests, 100 eland antelopes, 83 elephants, 60 buffaloes, 50 impalas, and 30 hippos “sourced from national parks and communal area with sustainable game numbers.” Namibia is facing its worst drought in 100 years due to this year’s record-breaking El Niño, which flooded some African countries and left others with extreme temperatures and drought. In May, the southern African country declared a state of emergency for the more than 1 million people struggling to obtain food and water. The drought has also caused high inflation and rising unemployment rates in Namibia as most households depend on crop and livestock farming.
African farmers are using private satellite data to improve crop yields (MIT Technology Review) Farmers in Africa are using space imaging to check in on the status of their crops, tapping into imaging from California satellite provider EOS to monitor the state of fields. Last year the company launched EOS SAT-1, which is solely for agriculture and has fees on the order of $1.90 per hectare per year, which makes it ideal for smaller farms and priced reasonably well for developing countries. Over 242,000 people in Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, the U.S. and Europe use the crop monitoring platform, with 53,000 joining the service last year.
Subsea fiber-optic cables (CSIS) Subsea fiber-optic cables, a critical information and telecommunications technology (ICT) infrastructure carrying more than 95 percent of international data, are becoming a highly consequential theater of great power competition between the United States, China, and other state actors such as Russia. The roughly 600 cables planned or currently operational worldwide, spanning approximately 1.2 million kilometers, are the world’s information superhighways and provide the high-bandwidth connections necessary to support the rise of cloud computing and integrated 5G networks, transmitting everything from streaming videos and financial transactions to diplomatic communications and essential intelligence. The scale and exposure of undersea infrastructure make it an easy target for saboteurs operating in the gray zone of “deniable attacks short of war.” In 2023, Taiwanese authorities accused two Chinese vessels in the area of cutting the only two submarine cables that supply internet to Taiwan’s Matsu Islands, plunging its 14,000 residents into digital isolation for six weeks. And in October 2023, a Baltic Sea telecom cable connecting Sweden and Estonia sustained damage at the same time as a Finnish-Estonian gas pipeline and cable. An investigation focused on a Russian-flagged ship and a Chinese-owned vessel operating in the area as the likely sources of the alleged sabotage.
Accidental falls in the older adult population (Journalist’s Resource) Accidental falls are among the leading causes of injury and death among adults 65 years and older worldwide. Globally, some 684,000 people die from falls each year, and the death rates are highest among people aged 60 and older. About 37.3 million people each year require medical attention after a fall, according to the World Health Organization. In the United States, more than 1 in 4 adults aged 65 or older fall each year, according to the National Institute on Aging. In 2022, health care spending for nonfatal falls among older adults was $80 billion, according to a 2024 study published in the journal Injury Prevention. Several factors, including exercising, managing medication, checking vision and making homes safer can help prevent falls among older adults. Removing fall hazards in the home—such as increasing lighting in dark hallways or adding railways to stairwells—reduced the number of falls by 38% among older adults.
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