#mikihisa shaman king
datlokibumtho · 2 years
Keiko: "I wrote whoreraddish instead of horseraddish."
Hao: "Oh, no, that's something different."
Yoh: "No one wants that."
Mikihisa: "It would explain the spiciness, though."
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skhub · 1 year
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Shaman King Official Fan Book (2004) Asakura family profile pages and Q&A, Italian edition.
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sweetbrunch · 5 months
mikihisa was super creep in episode 29 (shaman king 2021) and fans call marco creep? seriously? wth!
no idea 'bout japanese or english versions, but in latino (spanish) he told matilda he'll be her dad and can tell him everything?
he slapped her and marion and kana and tamao and jun?
he lied to two kids?
I thought he was cool, but ew...
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sanny-chan5 · 2 years
Happy B-day!! 9/10
Main: No(r)land
No(r)land (I still doubt about its writing. I prefer "Norland", but I get the joke of "No-land"). From OP. One of my personal favourites of the whole series, TBH.
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Others: Mikihisa (SK)
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diet-poison · 4 months
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Liking a beautiful woman's photo
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valhala90 · 2 years
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My fav chapters of SK were Yoh and Anna’s story. Not ‘cause I was searching for romance in shonen manga, believe me I don’t pay attention to that when reading shonen, but I always wondered if there was more to it than just arranged marrige. So, imagine my friggin’ surprise when I read the thing more than a decade ago and got blown away with the beautiful bond they created and continued to share, which 2001 anime didn’t explore at all. It blew me away how for Yoh it was love at first sight and how Anna is a complicated character with shitty past and extremly dangerous powers (like Hao). So, we get to the reason why I pushed watching the new adaptation for more than a year. I was so afraid they would cut that out or shorten it.
And when I started watching anime, my fears came true. Most of the fights and extra scenes were shortened and omitted since they had a limited number of episodes and had to cram as much as possible. 
I actually enjoyed Yoh and Anna’s story and thankfuly they animated it properly.
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To me, it’s the core of the story, especially Matamune (character omitted in 2001 anime adaptation) and mentions of the man Hao once was.
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 I like Matamune’s manner of speaking and the poems, and it was so much better than I imagined it when I read manga.
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At certain point it brought me to tears to see the anguish and pain not just Anna’s but Matamune’s because he had to turn against Hao.
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And most of all, they did this justice.
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I didn’t want to make Shaman King posts or for any other anime I watched/will watch because I felt like I’m too old for that shit haha, but it’s so nice to know that what I once loved I still love no matter the age. And I believe Shaman King is more mature manga than people give it credit for. So many life lessons and at one point Mikihisa answered why children were involved in such terrible trials/fights and he said something like- because adults can see their ceiling. Children can’t, so their potential is unlimited. Basically, our adult brain set our limitation and we think we can’t do things we once wanted, our dreams remain unfulfiled because we think “it’s too late for that,” “I’m too old for that” versus children who still have freedom to dream big and achieve anything.
Which makes the ending heart-breaking when they grow-up and realize they can’t change the world. 
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queasyghosts · 2 years
Ch 9 Shaman King
Volume 2 lets gooooo!!
super cute ;o;)/ they’re already teasing more of my faves aaaa
also look how cute bason looks at the very left :,)
alksdfjlasjfd i still can’t get over that yoh’s symbol is the weed plant laskdjfalskdjf XD
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: ( I know this is explained but its always nice to know that spiritual things and non-tangible efforts can strain the body. remember to stretch and rest not just your body, but your mind too folks!
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cool scene :3c
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its kinda funny how yoh is surrounded by really intense personalities and he’s just here coasting it and not letting other people’s intensities and expectations get to him, even at baby years old.
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LOOK AT THEM ;O;)/ i’ve always like these little dudes. they look super cute in the anime :,) 
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bonk bonk bonk
babies fights baby  lol
the bottom spirit looks like it’s grinning because of the placement of the leaf.
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good ol grandpies scolding yoh when he doesn’t want to really try. 
grandpa showing all the career cards like look at all these people you can be and paths you can take in the future.
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back on topic but im really happy they shown this because i absolutely do not remember what the mom did after watching the anime twice 
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yoh >: (
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aw look at this stubborn bb! 
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grandpa put so much effort to tell yoh about what he and the family does and the different good deeds yoh can provide to people and after getting shoved off, just casually talking about the cool shaman king and yoh is sold.
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he’s like “gotcha” right here lol
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look at him ;o;)/ yoh is so precious alkdjsfakls
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lol i mean he isn’t wrong?
his intentions are pretty selfish but he has a good heart 
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and he’s back, folks!
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!!!!!!!! anna is here!
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and thats it :3c
its exciting seeing more and more characters :,)
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himebushou · 1 year
A quick update; some more thoughts on Shaman King 2021 — and this time, it's Episodes 33-37!
Episode 33
The last instalment of Mt Osore La Voile and wow... I was just on the verge of weeping the whole time. It's so sweet to see the reciprocated feelings between Yoh and Anna (and the fact that Yoh was the one who doki'd first? 2001 made their relationship feel a bit one-sided, somehow) and this flashback makes it pretty clear that no, Yoh loves his bride-to-be a looot.
The revelation that Anna can read minds is one that I have to come to grips with because it raises questions about everything that's gone before; I think the lack of foreshadowing makes it a bit iffy but whatever, it just really illustrates how much of a powerhouse Anna is.
But damn — the origins of the 1080 beads and Yoh's necklace? My heart...
I love Matamune. I am so sad about what passed between him and Hao and how he holds it in his heart even now... I'm trying not to scroll through the Shaman King tag too much in order to avoid spoilers but sheesh, it's hard when I wanna reblog fanart! But yeah, I definitely love Matamune... sobs...
The ending poem really got to me. I loved the way it was sang.
Episode 34
And that just makes it seem like I'm making a lousy joke but for reaaaalll, he's such a cool character — "I suck at math!" — and a good person, guh!
And his dad just being right there?? What??
(Glad to see Pirica finally getting some screen time; she was so much more prominent in 2001.)
And poor Ren being traumatised at the thought of being Sleeping Beauty'd good grief HIS EXPRESSIONS ARE TOO FUNNY
Ren: As far as I'm concerned, I owe you another one
Yoh: But if you died, how would I call in those favours?
Episode 35
KOORI NO SEKAIIIII. Hyoutei intensifies!
Love the way Horohoro (the coolest) pulled off that combination attack — and I think it says a lot about his power that he flawlessly worked with strangers' spirits. Once again, he is just a top-notch kid.
Marco has issues, man. Why is he always hitting Lyserg fjgkfk MARCO STOP
And my first intro to Gandhara! They definitely have a presence! I can't wait to see more of them!
Ooft. I did wonder if the babies' dad might've been killed by Joco.
Mikihisa is still adopting everyone.
Episode 36
I saw a post that reflected that all of the past few episodes have taken place on the SAME DAY and wow, what a wild day it's turning out to be!!
I literally cannot believe my job is keeping me from watching more Shaman King right now SOBS
But bloody hell!!! Muntzer possessing Seyrarm the whole time? MY JAW DROPPED
Team Bleeding / Dying / Throwing Up showing up to save the day at the end OH MY HEART
Episode 37
Hao just. Hopped away. Just like that. We didn't even see him leave. He was just gone.
Wow... so everyone is gonna die and be reborn again to boost their mana, huh? Gandhara are pretty kind to be freaking healing everyone every 5 seconds (though! It wasn't explicitly stated that Yoh was healed by them so huh, maybe our boy did manage to heal himself after all).
Man, Joco losing his eyesight... his upgrade was seriously cool.
The Golem arc wrapped up a bit toooo quickly, but it was still good stuff! There was a lot of drama and it was nice (?) to see Lyserg work with the team... but I have to say that the X-Laws are freaking lenient to be letting him run off all the time, lol
And it's nice to have clarification that Anna can't read minds anymore!
Phew... Manta. It's hard to take the depth of his and Yoh's friendship that seriously because he spends so much time getting overwhelmed by the situation, complaining ("Why didn't Yoh tell ME about his past?") and just plain running away. The friendship has probably been one of the victims of the intense pace but... I know Manta is Yoh's first human friend, but the poignancy just doesn't feel like it's there, which is really sad.
And even Yoh is a bit of a funny one. I love him a lot but it feels like his values flip-flop depending on who he's talking to; his ideals seem to change according to what works for the narrative in that very moment. And then you have Anna (and occasionally Ryu or Ren or someone) giving a speech about why Yoh is so powerful, and sometimes it lands, but other times... boyo's values feel they lack conviction (probably because, "Everything will work out in the end."). And while that is SUPER understandable for a 14-year-old, it is a bit distracting for a protagonist...
So while I loved the Yoh of the flashback, I wish that I could really love the Yoh of the actual Shaman Fight...
I still have 10+ episodes left, so I hope I get hit with a wave of emotion!
Oh, and Lyserg has very Lelouch-like features. The chin!
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neiyuki · 3 years
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lordsmaf · 3 years
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Yoh’s dad shows up half-naked, bitch-slaps the villain team and decides to become their new dad just like that
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kuroi-tsuru · 3 years
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The Asakura Clan
Soul Salvation - Shaman King (2021)
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datlokibumtho · 2 years
Hao: "I don't like tomatoes."
Mikihisa: "Oh, come on."
Hao: "I don't. I don't like tomatoes."
Mikihisa: "Now you sound like you're brother."
Hao: "Yoh likes caprice salad, he likes tomatoes."
Mikihisa: "That is true."
Hao: "Yoh is living a terrible lie when it comes to tomatoes, I'm being honest about it."
Mikihisa: "That's fair."
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sweetbrunch · 4 months
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fans saying luchist battle suit is creepy and bdsm... do they say the same 'bout ryu, mikihisa, chocolove and ren?
I'm sure there's more men wearing crop tops in shaman king but you get my point
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redhatmeg · 2 years
On the scale from abusive douchebag Yuan/En Tao through tsundere Lycan Usui to laid-back, but absent Mikihisa Asakura how well-adjusted is your shaman dad?
But seriously, why there is no good father in this anime?
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blog-lady-vi · 3 years
Mikihisa literally came to the field half-naked, slapped them on the face with his dick and said ‘You can call me daddy’
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megahorous · 2 years
Tonight’s Shaman King was Team Flower vs. Tamao and Jun !  It looks like it’s the first one without Yoh
Back when I read the books, I wondered if it was kind of unfair that, the one time there’s a girl-on-girl Shaman battle, some guy shows up and slaps them for fighting.  When of course the guys are getting in fights all the time
I noticed that in 2003 series, some of Hao’s men liked to fly during the battles near the end [Turbine, Zang-Ching] maybe this was them using Shamanic Oracle without it being named as such
It feels like there’s a lot more standing around and talking during fights in 2021 series, probably from being a more literal adaptation of the source material.  Ashcroft in particular is certainly more loquacious here; he didn’t say a word nor show his face in 2003
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