#mikko with kids mikko with kids mikko with kids mikko with kids mikko with kids mikko with kids mikko with kids mikko with kids
watdrin · 17 days
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Michael Leprechaun!!!
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suterbuyout2024 · 11 months
on that note do u wanna know what stupid thought sneaks up on me every so often. it’s that i am so incredibly lucky to be from minnesota
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lucidloving · 6 months
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Girlpool—Before the World Was Big // memorial bench quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse // Iain S. Thomas, I Wrote This For You // Zadie Smith, Swing Time // Fall Out Boy—The Kids Aren't Alright // Audrey Emmett // Mikko Harvey, "For M" // Mahmoud Darwish, Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (tr. Ibrahim Muhawi) // Langston Hughes, "Poem"
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The Smile - A Light For Attracting People
Che sia arrivato il momento di sapere cosa sarebbe successo se Fela Kuti avesse suonato nei My Bloody Valentine? Beh, non proprio.
Etichetta: XLPaese: UKAnno: 2022
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asunsetgrace16 · 3 months
Died of a Broken Heart ⎥ NM29
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Pairing: Nathan MacKinnon x fem!reader
Summary: It turns out that it is possible to die of a broken heart
Warnings: sad sad sad, swearing,
Notes: I take it back. Kind of. I don't think my groove is entirely back, or maybe it was just the fics I was working on. I wrote this in four hours around midnight and this is my first attempt at writing something sad. I will say that it was hard to not cry writing this, so hopefully 🤞 you guys feel some emotions too. There isn't much dialogue in the beginning. Also, broken heart syndrome is in fact a real thing
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Word Count: 3.7k
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Nate is numb. He’s been numb since about 10:30 last night, when the police knocked on his door. He had been home for 20 minutes max, having just gotten back from Cale’s house, supper with him and Gabe and Mikko. Tracey was up in Calgary for a few days. Y/N had dinner plans with her work friends, it was Shannon’s birthday. The world tilted on its axis as he was told that Y/N was killed. They soberly tell him what happened forty-five minutes ago. Hit-and-run…they are looking for the driver…happened in the restaurant parking lot…no, she was the only one. Nate’s pretty sure he stops breathing, because he feels a firm hand on his elbow guiding him back into his house, coaxing him to take deep breaths. Blood rushes in his ears, and he thinks, Australia, their honeymoon. He lifts a hand to wipe his face. When did he start crying? 
The police stay for a while, watching him carefully until they are sure he won’t spiral into a panic attack, ironic all things considered. When he is semi-into it, they explain everything again. 
Ok,” Nate says, “would you...you mind, um, coming back in the morning? I need to hear this once some of the shock wears off.” His voice is quiet and strained. He doesn’t fight the tears silently rolling down his cheeks. They agree to his request, leaving with a handshake and squeeze on the shoulder, hints of agony shining through their masks of professionalism.
Nate stays sitting at his kitchen table, head in his hands. Sobs shake his body, uncontrollable and awful. He cries so hard he thinks he might cry himself sick. Eventually, he leans back, face twisted with emotion and damp with tears. Slowly, he heads to bed. Each movement is mechanical. He tosses and turns, his sleep is plagued by once-sweet memories of Y/N turned into cruel reminders that she was ripped from him.
Eventually he gives up and moves to the guest bedroom. He cries more, more than he ever has. He wants Y/N, he wants to kiss her, and hold her, and take her to games and-.
Next thing Nate knows, he is waking up to the sun streaming through the curtains. He is confused at first, the stiffness of the bed isn't what his bed feels like. As he opens his eyes, last night comes rushing back. He doesn’t want to believe it. They had just started their life together, with promises of love and kids and 60 more years. The tears start again, slower than the previous night but no less gut-wrenching. Reluctantly he heads to the bathroom. He looks worse than imagined. Red and puffy eyes that unfortunately make the blue pop, pale skin and chapped lips. Nate’s hands shake as he splashes water on his face. 
Taking a deep breath, he tries to get some semblance of a list to make sense in his mind. He shoots off a vague text to Bedsy, letting him know that he might be late for practice, not knowing how long the police will take. 
It turns out that it only takes half an hour. The same officers from the night before knock on Nate’s door at 7:30, introducing themselves and Parker and Walker. They recount the night before in more detail. Y/N was killed at 9:48 pm, during a hit-and-run in the restaurant parking lot. She was the only one, none of her friends were even injured. They tell Nate that it was an instant death, painless…that she didn’t suffer. Nate is frozen in his chair, back ramrod straight and hands clasped tightly. Walker leaves a copy of his first report, and his phone number in case Nate has questions. He walks them out, shaking their hands and thanking them for coming over again.
Returning to the kitchen, he pulls out a notepad and pen. Nate lists off the things he needs to do. Call his parents. Call Y/N’s parents. Call the funeral home. Talk to C-Mac and Bedsy and the team. Get through practice. 
He decides to wait on calling his parents, saving that for the afternoon. Same with the funeral home. He is in a daze the whole time he prepares for practice. He makes his usual protein drink, but he thinks that he used orange juice instead of water. Nate’s not sure. He also isn’t entirely sure how he made it to the arena without running a red light.
His whole walk to Bedsy’s office is stressful. He dreads the thought of having to have this conversation more than once. He knocks on the open door, seeing C-Mac there as well. 
“Hey Nate, I got your text.” Bedsy starts, looking at Nate, concerned, “You ok? Respectfully, you look like shit.”
“Feel like it too. Can uh, both of you come down to the dressing room? Like now? I have some, some uh,” Nate stops, swallowing, “some news, and I want to say it as few times as possible.”
“Sure, all right.” Bednar and C-Mac glance at each other, worried. They’ve seen Nate be not ok before, but this is new. Nate is silent during their trek to the dressing room, still holding his orange juice and green protein powder monstrosity. Bedsy opens the door, gesturing for Nate to go through first.
“Hey Nate, you forgot your jacket at mine last night. You didn’t pick up when I called.” Cale tells him. Nate is standing where Bedsy usually stands.
“Uh…ok thanks, Cale. I was um…I was a little preoccupied last night. Sorry” He responds. His voice is shaking, his hands are shaking, Bedsy and C-Mac are getting increasingly concerned and Nate feels on the verge of a panic attack.
Cale grins suggestively at him, “Ohhh, I see, I see how it is. Getting a little lovin’ on with Y/N I s-”
Nate interrupts abruptly, cutting straight to the chase, “Y/N is dead. She’s dead.”
The whole locker room freezes. Cale’s jaw drops. Someone's water bottle hits the floor.
“Holy shit-” 
“Oh my god.”
“Nate, you need to sit down.”
The voices swirl and blend around him. Nate’s vision loses focus, and cotton balls are stuffed in his ears. Hands find his elbows, easing him into a stall. Someone kneels in front of him. Nate stares, glassy eyes unseeing. 
Slowly, he comes back. His throat is raw and scratchy and he needs water. Mikko tosses over a water bottle and a clean, damp towel.
“Start from the beginning, Nate.” Jo urges softly.
So Nate recounts the story. The entire team is close around him as he repeats what he was told this morning and last night. Their faces reflect the horror and agony Nate feels. Tears fall when he says that her death was instant. He hears sniffles from somewhere, and everyone else is crying now, too.
“It’s good,” he says, “knowing that she wasn’t in pain, but it is awful knowing that there was no chance of saving her.” His voice breaks, he covers his mouth with a hand sobs as quietly as he can. Cale hugs one side and Jo’s on the other. Once the tears slow, he takes the towel that Mikko’s holding. 
“Practice is canceled, today and tomorrow.” Bednar says, “I don’t want Nate to be left alone. Cale, Jo, Mikko, go with him and grab Gabe too. I will talk to the league, see about rescheduling the game tomorrow. I will have to tell them, Nate.”
“No, you guys play. Say I’m out day to day or something. A practice muscle strain.” Nate objects.
“Nate, your wife died less than twelve hours ago. We will not be playing hockey. I’ll phone in and say we forfeit. I will tell Bettman that the news doesn’t go out until you, me, and C-Mac give an interview.”
The afternoon follows a similar pattern. Cale drives Nate home, Jo phones Gabe. Mel brings soup when she comes with Gabe. She folds Nate into a hug as he cries. He makes the excruciating phone call to his parents and hers. Cale smartly suggests doing a triple call so there’s only one conversation. 
“Where should I bury her?” Nate asks, “Here, or should she be back home?”
“Nate, her home has been with you for years. Keep her close to you.” Y/N’s dad tells him. Nate nods forgetting that they can’t actually see him. Gabe takes notes while they discuss the funeral over the phone. Granite headstone, brown casket, service at St. Andrew’s and burial in the graveyard nearby. The reception will be held in the hall near Nate’s house. He doesn’t want people in his house. The date is set for March 5th. 
The media has a field day upon the announcement that the Avs have forfeited their game against the Stars. Sid calls him within a minute.
Nate forces the team to play their next game three days later on February 28th. It’s at home against Buffalo. They lose in an uncharacteristic fashion, so much so that the Buffalo players notice something is really wrong.
Gabe takes care of most of the funeral arrangements, and Nate is forever grateful. He meets with the funeral director, sending with him the clothes he picked out for Y/N to be buried in. Before he leaves, he hands Nate a box.
Opening it, Nate finds her purse. Her phone. A box with her wedding rings. Jo finds him with shaking shoulders and his head in his hands.
On March 2nd, a week after Y/N died, Nate asks for a press conference. The Avs lost both games they played in that week, with Nate a very conspicuous absence. Bedsy asks over and over if Nate is sure that he wants to go through with it.
“I’m sure. It won’t be a secret for much longer.” Nate says. Bedsy just nods. The trio of Nate, Bedsy, and C-Mac file into the media room.
Nate starts, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible. “I’m aware you all have been wondering where I have been this past week.”
The reporters nod. Nate takes a deep breath.
“On February 23rd, I received news. News that my wife was killed in a hit and run accident. It happened in a restaurant parking lot as she was heading to her car.” He stops as hands fly up. C-Mac picks someone.
“Nate, I am very sorry for your loss. Is this why the game was forfeited last week?”
“Yes, it was. It was a shock to all of us, and none of us were in any condition or mental state to play.”
“How is this going to affect the rest of your season?”
Nate scoffs quietly. His wife is dead and they are concerned with hockey. “I have decided to take an extended leave of absence from the team. I won’t be playing in the game tomorrow night, nor will I be for the rest of the season. My life was completely torn apart a week ago, I have more important things right now. I do ask that I be left alone right now, no reporters at my house or on the street. I want privacy.”
With that, Nate walks out. Cale is waiting to drive him home and he takes one look at Nate and pulls him in for a hug. He is tired of crying and tired of people saying they are sorry and tired of missing Y/N and tired of being tired.
No. 1 
February 24, 9:09 pm
Nate: Hey guys, I have some news.  Davo: Period at the end of the sentence. This won’t be good Nate: Y/N was killed last night, hit and run Sid: Oh my god, Nate Sid: Are you ok? Were you hurt? Davo: Oh shit Nate: I’m fine, but I guess that’s relative right now Nate: I wasn’t there. She went to dinner with friends. It happened in the parking lot Auston: I am so sorry, man. I realize that that is probably not what you want or need to hear, but I don’t know what else to say Nate: No no, it's ok. I appreciate it. I think I’m still in shock, so not much room for anything other that devastated right now Ryan: Is there anything we can do? Nate: No, not right now. Funeral’s on the 5th, if anyone wants to come. My place is full, but any of the guys would let you stay with them Sid: Of course we want to come, it's just a matter of whether we can Ryan: Even if any of us play, once the news is out most teams will probably want a player there for support Davo: I checked and it's in the middle of a break for us. Ryan and I will be there, Leon too probably Jack: We’re out west on a road trip, but I could try and pull some strings to come. Nico will try to be there too Owen: We are at the end of a homestand that day, but I’ll probably get to come. Can’t do much worse than we already are Owen: That was bad, sorry. Lame-ass excuse for a joke Nate: Don’t be. It almost made me not frown. Thank you Juraj: I’ll be there. We are in LA the day before. Newy will want to come Baby Connor: I’ve got a break before our trip down there. I’ll be there. Dammit why am I baby Connor again? Nate: Cause you are a baby. I really appreciate it, guys. Thank you Baby Connor: Dude obviously. You can’t just drop the worst news of your life and not expect your number 1 buddies to rally the troops and support you Nate: The kid’s gonna kill us all. I didn’t need to cry again but everything makes me cry now, I guess Baby Connor: Oh my god, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to Nate: I know, just messing with you
The funeral goes perfectly. Nate’s and Y/N’s parents arrived a few days ago and have been staying with him. It’s a comfort to have them there, though most days he feels like he’s wading through quicksand. There is usually a teammate there, or two. Sid flies in the day before, same with all the guys from the groupchat. Naz comes from Calgary. EJ and Tyson come, and other Tyson and Bo make the trip out with Owen. Alex comes with Juraj. Nate spends the day crying silent tears and hugging more people than he cares to remember. Mikko, Cale, EJ, Jo, Tyson, and Sid are pallbearers at the funeral. He gives a speech, short as he can get away with. His voice breaks and wavers the whole time. Y/N’s parents and Nate’s say a few words, and the priest reads the eulogy. 
The weather is mild for the burial, Nate almost wishes it was miserable. The day passes in a daze, making awkward small talk with people he barely knows, Thankfully they leave within an hour. The rest of the people there manage to lift the mood a little and Nate moves from crying to barely frowning. Connor Bedard sticks close to him most of the time. Nate is grateful for him, he’s a good kid with a good heart. He hugs Connor extra hard before he leaves to catch his flight to Utah.
“Nate!” Cale calls, knocking on his door again. He’s normally never late, but things still aren’t normal. Nate was the one who suggested that they go skate, not practice, but just to skate. A change of scenery. Cale finally gives up and digs his key out of his pocket. He’s a little confused when he sees that none of the lights are on. Nate hasn’t been himself, but this is weird. Nate’s dog Aspen appears from the hallway. 
“Hey buddy, where’s Nate?” Cale asks him. Aspen circles Cale once before heading back towards Nate’s bedroom. Cale follows him. Nate’s door is shut tight and Aspen has his nose shoved in the corner. Opening the door, Aspen bounds to Nate’s side, where he looks to be still asleep. He whines, getting his nose under Nate’s hand.
“Oh my god.” Cale whispers. Nate is a shade of gray no living person should ever be. “Oh my god.” He moves to the bed. Nate is cool when Cale touches his wrist. He fumbles for his phone, dialing 911 when he doesn’t find a pulse.
“Sid…” Kathy calls up the stairs, “Get down here, you have to see this.”
Sidney hustles down at the tone of her voice. Kathy is standing behind the couch, remote gripped in one hand. He stands behind her, hand on her waist. Her hand drops the remote, coming up to cover her mouth as they hear the news.
"... and now we have saddening news coming from Denver, Colorado. It is with our deepest condolences that we announce the death of NHL star, Nathan MacKinnon. He was found early this morning after failing to meet teammate Cale Makar, for morning skate. Makar called 911 when he found MacKinnon in bed after he didn’t answer the door. According to law enforcement agencies, MacKinnon died peacefully at home overnight, but suddenly, with no chance of resuscitation once they arrived on the scene. His death comes just weeks after the death of his wife, Y/N. What this means for the Avalanche and the rest of the season, we don’t know. More, after the break.” 
Sid thumbs open his phone to the news app. Every headline is the same variation of announcing Nate’s death. Tears fall on the screen.
Colorado Avalanche teammates of Nathan MacKinnon, coach Jared Bednar, yet to speak on the star’s sudden death.
Breaking News: NHL Superstar Nathan MacKinnon, dead at 29. What does this mean for the Avalanche?
“The NHL offers its deepest sympathies and condolences to Nathan and Y/N MacKinnon’s families during this time of tragedy.”
“Nathan MacKinnon, announced dead this morning weeks after his wife, Y/N MacKinnon, was tragically killed…”
Details about Nathan MacKinnon’s death are expected soon.
Details emerge on the death of Colorado Avalanche star Nathan MacKinnon
J.P Burrow, 12:00 pm March 30th, 2025
Four weeks ago, the hockey world was shocked when Nathan MacKinnon, 29, appeared in a press conference after being notably and unusually absent from two home games, both lost in depressing fashion to weaker teams. What he revealed that day was the furthest thing from what anybody expected.
We were told that a week prior, MacKinnon’s wife Y/N, 27, was killed in a hit-and-run car accident. Her funeral was three days later. Understandably, MacKinnon withdrew from the public. His teammates were a constant source of support, but that only goes so far when grieving your spouse. He decided to take the rest of the season off.
MacKinnon and Y/N were married for three years, and together for nearly ten. They were fan-favorites throughout the league, despite them being notoriously private. MacKinnon never smiled as much as he did when he was talking about his wife. 
Now, thirteen days ago, the world was rocked again when it was announced that MacKinnon was dead. Details surrounding his death have been revealed after an autopsy. The report revealed that his heart sustained damage after Y/N’s death, caused by a sudden, constant surge of adrenaline in the days following. This causes a disruption of blood flow in the heart, similar to a heart attack. It is fittingly called Broken heart syndrome, where the death of a loved one can trigger the condition. Death is rare, but it happens.
We reached out to friends of MacKinnon’s across the league, his own teammates commented in a press conference earlier today.
Connor Bedard: Nate was a close friend of mine, he helped me a lot when I first got into the league. I looked up to him a lot. Once I got to know him outside of hockey, I learned just how amazing of a person he is– was. I was shocked to learn that he died. We had just landed in Denver for our game against them when Cale [Makar] called me.
Sidney Crosby: It was a lot for all of us, the whole month. I’ve been close with Nate for ten years, he's my best friend, so to say that I’m going to miss him is an understatement. I saw how much Y/N dying crushed him, they were made for each other. Hockey was his first love, but Y/N was his true love.
Gabe Landeskog: The season changed for all of us after Y/N died and Nate took time off. There will be no replacing Nate, his skill, his passion…it left a hole. I’m not going to sugarcoat things. This will be really difficult to come back from. It won’t be this season, maybe not even next season, but we are going to fight, for Nate. He would want us to.
“He really died of a broken heart.” Cale says before turning to bury his face in his wife’s hair, crying silently. He hasn’t been the same since finding Nate, taking his own leave from the team.
For the second time in a month, the Avalanche and company are reunited, standing in black around a grave beside the one they stood around three and a half weeks earlier, but another person short. Y/N’s headstone will be put in the same day as Nate’s. EJ is holding Aspen’s leash, who took him in when Nate died. He’s retiring, he told everybody when they gathered the second time. The past month reminded him that life is short. He is moving back to Denver to take over Nate’s house. They had found a notebook in his bedside table that had the beginnings of a will written in it. He wanted EJ to have Aspen, and the house if he wanted it. Pictures, his suits, and Y/N's wedding dress were to go to his parents, donate his and Y/N's clothes, and box away his Avalanche gear and ship it to Sid in Nova Scotia. Their wedding rings go to Sid too.
“But now they are together again.” Jo says, smiling through his tears. The thought brings some comfort to them, knowing that Nate has been reunited with the love of his life, and won’t spend the rest of his life missing Y/N.
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withwritersblock · 7 months
Dog Days Are Over
~Dog Days Are Over by Florence + the Machine~
Author's Note: saw @kaleforcale888 say something about how he'd react after the game. I could write a thousand different versions but this feels SO Cale coded to me. Summary: Cale scores his first hat trick Warnings: mentions of bo byram being traded lol Word Count: 1,250 Cale Makar x fm!reader
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For the past few games, Cale has struggled with his confidence. His entire career, he’s been seen as a superstar. Suddenly, for the first time in his professional career he hasn’t had a great game. He’s had several average games, not up to his personal level of where he needs to be. People were starting to think he was nursing an injury because of how he was playing. He was frustrated and disappointed in himself for how he was playing.
Sure, he got rid of his pointless streak but they were only secondary assists. He wanted more, he needed more. He wanted to contribute to the team and build back his own confidence. 
He left his house, stoked for the game giving Y/N a thousand kisses before he left the house. He wore a new suit, for a new Cale. Or rather Vintage Cale. It was a suit that Y/N picked out and he gladly wore it. If he plays well with it, he’ll happily add it to his rotation.
It was a beautiful ceremony before the game with the celebration of Darren Helm. The ceremonial puck drop with Nathan Mackinnon and JT Compher brought tears to her eyes. 
“Cale’s flying,” Gabe muttered to Y/N as he leaned his arms against the small table. For the night, Gabe was sitting with the wives and girlfriends of the players. His wife and kids were also in the suit hanging out. 
Not long after the Red Wings get on the board, Cale wrists one to the net and scores. The suit erupts into cheers.
“He’s back,” Gabe mumbled before he wandered towards his wife in the center of the suit. Y/N smiled to herself as she watched him skate towards the bench. A simply group celebration is all it took and he was back in the zone. He was pumped and ready to win.
The second period started and for the first nine minutes of the game it was back and forth but the boys were playing well and something was going to happen. Artturi scored to give the boys their first lead of the game. 
This was the best game she’s seen them play in a long time. It was the best game she’s seen Cale play in a long time.
With only three and half minutes left in the period, Cale fought hard around the net and scored another goal. “Oh my god,” Y/N muttered as her mouth fell open as she watched him smile for the first time during a celebration. She leaned her body against the table as she smiled and felt a bit of tears filling her eyes. “He’s back,” she mumbled to herself, knowing that he was finally back to who he sees himself to be. He was confident. He was Cale Makar.
They were up by two and on the powerplay. She intently watched Cale pass the puck to Mikko and see him wait for the pucks return. Mikko sends it back as Cale holds for a few seconds before letting it rip towards the net. It was as if the puck went into the net in slow motion. She jumped up and cheered. At first she thought it was Artturi’s goal since he was near the net but hats starting flying onto the ice as Ball Arena was louder than it’s been in a long time.
“Was that Cale?” she found herself asking as her chest ached.
Gabe nodded with a huge smile on his face. She stared towards the ice as the hats continued to rain down and the jumbotron showed Cale smiling widely and talking with Mikko as they skated around the ice waiting for the hats to be collected. Her heart filled with so much admiration and joy as she watched him celebrate. Even if it was just a smile, it was more than he’s done in the past.
The boys ended up winning 7-2 and she was anxiously waiting outside the locker room for Cale to exit. It was a nightly routine for Cale to be the last one to emerge from the locker room but tonight was vastly different as he had more interviews and some social media obligations. 
She couldn’t wait to see him and was getting anxious as Nate walked out of the locker room wearing his warm up attire. He beamed towards Y/N, “He’s almost done,” he let out as he walked towards her giving her a hug. She gladly accepted it, “I knew he’d pull himself out of it,” he mumbled against her hair. He pulled away before he continued his walk out of the arena. 
After a few more anxious minutes, Cale emerged wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. She smiled when she saw him and quickly jogged towards him. He chuckled nervously as she wrapped her arms around her neck. He gladly wrapped his arms around her waist as he lifted her up into the air excitedly.
“I’m so proud of you,” she whispered into his ear. His cheeks were bright red as she pulled away, keeping her arms rested on his shoulders as his hands stayed looped around her waist. 
“The boys played really well,” he let out with his lips curled upward. She rolled her eyes playfully as she took a hold of his cheeks. 
“Stop being humble,” she muttered before she kissed him. He returned the kiss with urgency as he pulled her towards him. She pulled away, keeping her lips a mere inch away from his. “Be proud of yourself,” she let out before she kissed him again. 
“I guess it was pretty cool,” he mumbled as he pulled away, a toothy grin on his face. 
“You guess?” she teased as she ran her fingers through his hair. “It was incredible.” she let out.
His smile widened, the longer he looked into her eyes. He was trying to contain his excitement. “Yeah,” he mumbled, pressing his lips together. He pulled her against his chest again as he rocked her body back and forth. “It was a little unbelievable,” he muttered against her hair. He reluctantly released her from his grasp as they began walking towards the parking garage together.
“Comph came up to me after the game and gave me a hug,” he let out as they walked side by side, their hands interlocked. 
Her lips fell into a pout as it had been a difficult day filled with so many complex emotions. JT’s first game back at Ball Arena, Darren Helm ceremony, and Bo was traded away a few days prior. It was a bittersweet feeling.
“You’ve been overdue for a while now, Darling,” she mumbled as she knocked into him slightly. She began walking faster as she began dragging him towards their car, “We’ve got celebrating to do,” she mumbled. He raised his eyebrows, a shy smile forming to his lips. 
“Oh yeah?” he asked teasingly. She hummed as she pursed her lips forward.
His phone began to ring in his pocket and he pulled it out to see Bo was calling him. Cale smiled widely as he brought the phone to his ear.
“Caler congrats, man!” she heard Bo shout through the phone, she shook her head slightly a small chuckle leaving her lips. 
“Thank you,” he chuckled, “Have you met any of the guys over there yet?” Cale asked.
She rolled her eyes playfully. Cale always puts someone else first even on one of the best nights of his career.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
andrei “all star” svechnikov , andrei svechnikov
note, finally my all-star fic is here! this year, it was between sid, svech, ilya and petey. i did write a petey blurb, so go check it out. if you want. anyways, i hope you enjoy. another note, this fic is part of the "mr. and mrs. svechnikov" series. check out this masterlist for more. in this fic, theo is around 4 while ana is 3. pair, andrei svechnikov x reader summary, the svechnikovs go to their first all-star game together. warnings, children/kids word count, 2717 words
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gif credit to bestie @ryanpulock
(gif not mine)
Andrei, the entire way home, was tying to figure out a clever way to tell you he had been invited to the All-Star games. It came to him as he turned down the street of your house.
He quickly pulled into the dirveway and hooked his phone up to the speakers. He made it to the doorway when he finally pressed play on the song.
"Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid"
He heard you let out a scream when the song first started and laughed, pushing the door open to find you gaping at him from the living room, "What the hell?!"
"I'm an All-Star, baby!" He exclaimed.
"There are so many better ways you could have done that." You tried to slow your beating heart. Even your watch was asking if you were okay due to your elevated heartrate.
"Oh, come on, it was funny." He pointed out.
"We'll get back to that when I'm not about to have a heart attack."
After the initial shock, you were excited. You were going on a paid vacation, most expenses were paid for (most) and the climate was set for hot and even hotter so you were excited, to say the least.
Because the Canes were playing till the very last second, you didn't get into Florida until Thursday morning, but you were set to stay until the next Thursday.
The moment you stepped off the plane, there were cameras everywhere, all part of the Canes media or the NHL media. Andrei held Anastaisa's hand and helped her down the stairs, flashing them a professional smile. You stood behind Theo, watching him carefully climb down the stairs behind his sister.
After you got settled into your hotel room, you went with Andrei to media. You weren't normally allowed to be with him, but exceptions were made.
The three of you stood off to the side, watching him and looking around at everyone else who was doing media. Theo ran up and hugged Andrei's leg, looking up at all the reporters nervously. Andrei, not wanting to lose his train of thought, only placed a comforting hand on Theo's head, acknowledging him.
When all the questioning was over, the Canes media wanted to get some shots of him "Is it okay if we ask Theo and Anastasia a question?" One of the media people asked, "We're asking all the kids questions and putting together a little compilation."
Once they were given the okay, the cameras were on Theo and Anastasia. Andrei was crouching next to them as Theo held an iconic tiny microphone for both of them.
"So, Theo, tell us, who are you most excited to see this weekend?" Theo looked around at all the other tables to see who else was at the event.
"Crosby." He answered, "And Ovi, oh, and Marner!" Theo exclaimed happily.
"And what about you, Anastasia?"
Anastasia pondered the question for a second before answering, "Moose and Juice," She stated.
Andrei smiled in response before translating, "Mikko Rantanen and Juuse Saros."
Theo tugged on Andrei's pant leg, grabbing his attention and everyone else's as well, "Can we go swimming now, daddy?" Theo asked.
Everyone laughed, "Yeah, we can go swimming, buddy."
Theo had stated that he wanted to walk the carpet with Andrei where all the fans would be and all the paparazzi would be before the Skills competition.
You got him dressed in his best outfit, one which he chose specifically for this situation, "Will people ask for my autograph?" He asked excitedly.
"I don't know, buddy." You tied his shoe as he answered all his questions best you could, "But I do know you're gonna get your picture taken by all those people with cameras."
"Really?" His face lit up.
"Yeah, really." You nodded, a smile finding its way onto your face.
"Like daddy?"
"Just like daddy." You nodded, smoothing down his hair.
When both Andrei and Theo were ready, both you and Anastasia sent them off, with a promise of seeing each other in a couple hours. You got yourself and Anastasia ready before you headed over to the arena.
She was sporting one of the jerseys you had customized with "Little Svech" on the back with the number 37. You waited for Andrei and Theo in the hallway near the locker room.
As more and more players started filing out of the room, her eyes would go wide as they walked past, giving each of them a high-five, even if she didn't know who they were.
"Mommy, you see?" She jumped up and down as she gave Kirill Kaprizov a high-five.
"I did." You nodded, before spotting Andrei and Theo coming out of the locker room, "Look, there's papa and Theo." She whipped around and ran over to greet them.
Andrei was wearing a reverse retro Canes jersey and a hat while Theo wore his matching "Little Svech" jersey.
"Mommy, mommy!" Theo ran over to you the best he could in skates.
"What, what?" You asked.
"I met Breadman and Hughesy," Theo told you excitedly.
"Did you really? Wow."
"We missed Sid and Ovi." He frowned.
"That's okay, I'm sure you'll meet them soon." You reassured. You turned your attention back to Andrei who was smiling so big, and opened your mouth to say something but switched your attention to Theo and Anastasia who were excitedly talking to each other about all the people they met.
"Hey, I have an idea," You grabbed their attention, "Do you guys wanna be with papa out on the ice or do you want to sit with me in the stands?" You knew the answer before you asked the question.
They each latched onto one of Andrei's legs in response, to which both you and Andrei both laughed, "All right, I'll see you both later. Be good." They both nodded, "Listen to the adults in charge." They wrapped their arms around you, "Love you." You kissed their heads.
"Bye, mommy." They each kissed your cheek.
You stood up to meet Andrei. You wrapped your arms around him, "Skate really fast." You told him.
He laughed, "I'll try." He responded, "And don't worry about them, I've got them. Have fun, or as much as you can."
"I'll have two beers in your honor." You pulled your head away, with a smile on your face, so you could look him in the eyes.
"Sounds good." He leaned down and kissed you softly before you both pulled away.
You found your spot rather quickly and took a sip of your beer. From the ice, Anastasia spotted you and waved enthusiastically. You laughed, waving back to her.
"She's cute." The woman sitting next to you commented.
"Thank you." You beamed.
Down on the ice, Theo and Anastasia were having the time of their lives, hanging out with all the other kids and meeting all the other hockey players.
Theo and Anastasia were sitting on the bench, Ilya Sorokin sitting in between them, babysitter. At the same time, Andrei participated in his skill, snacking on ice cream bars as they watched the fastest skaters.
"Ooh." Anastasia winced when Cale Makar tripped and went flying into the boards. She looked up at Ilya, who laughed at her reaction. She giggled in response.
Kevin Fiala skated around the rink, and both Anastasia and Theo enjoyed it, but when they saw their dad step up to the starting line, they jumped up off the bench and started cheering.
"Papa!" They both jumped up and down, garnering the attention of people around them, who simply smiled at the two of them.
They didn't stop once as he skated around the rink. They only stopped when he skated over to where they were. They all looked up at the jumbotron and saw that he was now in first place.
"Wow." Theo gasped, and Andrei smiled proudly.
After Stephenson and Larkin went, Fiala and Andire were announced as the two finalists, "Go fast, papa." Anastasia told her father
"I will." Andrei laughed, kissing each of their heads once again. He skated out to the center of the ice with Fiala.
Andrei wanted to win it, but in the back of his mind, he knew that his 3 biggest supporters would be proud of him regardless of what happened.
Kevin Fiala went first and got 14.114. Andrei lined up behind the line and took a deep breath before he skated as fast as his legs could carry him.
He blocked out the sounds of people cheering and all the eyes on him and just skated. He skated until he made it back to the starting/finish line.
Once the timer stopped, he slowed down and looked up at the big jumbotron to see his time. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the 13.699 in big numbers.
He could practically hear Anastasia and Theo cheering from their seats and jumping up and down. He skated back over to the bench to do the interview but waved over across the bench to Theo and Anastasia whose smiles were almost as big as his.
"Andrei you realize, with Brady looking at you, you just outworked every single guy here with that lap. How do you feel right now?" Kevin, the reporter asked.
"I think I just got lucky, to be honest." He could hear his own voice come through the loudspeakers around the arena, "But I would never expect to win this, and I'm kind of excited."
"You know everybody around the league now is going to look at you as a Speedster. Are you ready for that title?" Kevin asked.
"Ah no, I'm not sure if they're gonna look at that" Andrei chuckled.
"Wow, great job congratulations, your first All-Star Game. You're the fastest skater." Kevin shook his hand.
"Thank you so much. Appreciate it." Andrei nodded.
After the tournament and the rest of the challenges, you waited in the tunnel near the locker room with a few of the other partners. You were talking with Johnny Gaudreau's wife while you waited for the rest of your family to come out of the locker room.
When Andrei finally exited the locker room, he was dressed and carrying both sleeping children in his arms. Your heart swooned when Andrei smiled.
He handed Anastasia off to you, "I have to get my bag, but I'll be back." He turned to head back into the locker room, but you grabbed his hand gently to stop him.
He looked confused as he turned around, "I'm proud of you, All-Star." You whispered, leaning up and kissing his cheek.
The next day, Anastasia and Theo were up bright and early. Jumping out of their bed and into yours, "Wake up!" They both shouted, jumping up and down.
You groaned, shoving your head under the pillow, "You promised us chocolate chip pancakes last night." Even though your eyes were closed and you couldn't Theo's face,
"Why did we do that again?" You reached over and softly punched Andrei in the shoulder who was in a similar position as you.
"To get them to sleep." He replied, his voice muffled by the pillow.
"Come on, come on!" Theo jumped off the bed and grabbed Andrei's arm, trying to pull him out of bed.
You both eventually pulled yourselves out of bed and got yourselves ready then took Theo and Anastasia down to get breakfast. After breakfast and spending some time at the pool, it was time to get ready for the game.
Andrei got ready a little quicker because he had to be at the arena a little earlier than you had to be, but he helped Theo get ready before he left.
"Goodbye, I love you both." He kissed each of their heads, "Be good for your mom. I'll see you on the ice." He booped Anastasia on the nose, making her giggle.
"And I love you, too." He turned his attention to you, "I'll see you later."
"See you on the ice." You kissed him, hugging him and savoring the feeling of him being there with you, "Love you, too."
Theo was sitting next to you chowing down on some popcorn while Anastasia stood on your legs, dancing to the music blasting through the speakers.
"Stormy!" Theo pointed a few rows over to the familiar mascot. That caught the mascot's attention, and he looked up. Theo waved erratically. Stormy finished the interaction he was having and then made his way up to your row.
You were luckily sitting at the end of the row, so Stormy sat down on the steps next to your seats after giving Theo and Anastasia big hugs. Theo and Stormy talked (which was more just Theo talking and Stormy nodding along) while you waited for the first game to start.
Al the set pieces were set up on the ice already so you waited excitedly as Anastasia babbled and danced away. The lights eventually dimmed, and Theo screeched, clamoring into his seat, holding tight to Stormy's hand.
The Central Division was announced first, then Atlantic, then finally Metropolitan, "From the Carolina Hurricanes, Andrei Svechnikov!" Andrei skated out from the big monitors.
Theo stood up in his seat and cheered loudly. Stormy jumped up and down with him, "Look, papa." You laughed, pointing down to the ice. Anastasia followed your finger down to Andrei. She giggled, looking up at you.
After all the games and Takchuk was named MVP, Andrei was in media, Theo sitting happily in his lap, "How was your first Al-Star game, Svech?"
"it was great, I had a lot of fun, and getting to bring the kids along is a plus."
"What're you gonna do now that you have a week-long break?"
"We're going to Disney World." He laughed, eliciting a laugh from the reporters in the room.
"I'm sure Theo and Ana are excited."
"So excited." Andrei nodded.
Theo tugged on Andrei's shirt sleeve and Andrei bent down, his ear to Theo's mouth, "Ovi and Sid." He whispered, but his whispering wasn't very quiet.
The reporters chuckled, "We'll go find them later." Andrei whispered back before turning back to the reporters.
"We won't keep you for long, Andrei. Seems like Theo is excited." Andrei nodded appreciatively.
"Thank you." He picked Theo up and exited the room.
The TikTok of the kids answering who they would want to see the most went viral, and in particular, Theo and Anastasia went viral. Most of the comments were saying that now Theo and Anastasia had to meet their favorite players, so the media set it up.
You and Andrei led Theo and Anastasia to the ice where Sid, Ovi, Mikko, and Juuse were waiting to meet their Number one fans, media all around you.
Theo let out a gasp when the rink came into view and he saw Ovi and Sid standing on the ice. Anastasia heard and turned her head to the ice.
"Juice and Moose!" She announced your presence, causing the four players to turn to you. All of you laughed as they skated over to meet you halfway.
Theo, suddenly shy, hid behind Andrei's legs as Sid bent down in front of him, "Hi, Theo."
"Hi." Theo waved shyly.
"I heard you were a big fan." Theo nodded. Ovi produced a puck and handed it to Theo. Theo reached out and took it.
"What do you say?" Andrei whispered down to him.
"Thank you," Theo responded.
"You're very welcome." They both smiled.
Anastasia was just as starstruck as Theo, hiding her face in your neck as Mikko and Juuse stood in front of her. They both smiled as Juuse produced a puck and handed it to her.
"Thank you." She responded.
"You're welcome, Ana." They both smiled, "It was nice to meet you."
She only smiled, clutching the puck to her chest. You smiled down at her, "Wow, Ana. You met Juice and Moose." She beamed. Theo bounced up and down as he flashed you his puck, "Wow, look at that! They both signed it!"
"We have to add it to my collection." He told you.
"We'll do it at home." You brushed a hand through his hair, "Now, come on, Disney World is waiting for us."
my taglist: @mitch-slap @kolsmikaelson @ashleymarine @typical-simplelove @rosesvioletshardy @laurenairay @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @lam-ila @catahshart @stars-canucks @drei-mrssvechii @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @nicohischierz @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @Pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @sammysworldddd @mista-svech @paintlavillered @Hyppeln-agnes @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @tkachukswife @hockeyunits @sidcrosbyspuck @dumbxblond3 @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoit @seventieswhore @michellekirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @cuttergauth @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @jayda12 @yangofyang @lifeofpriya @beccaiscold
add yourself to my taglist!
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yokyopeli · 10 months
Today, December 8th, is the day of Jean Sibelius, Finnish national composer, and the day of Finnish music, so I am finally gonna make this post I've been meaning to do for months:
Finnish music Käärijä fans should know.
Basically this is a collection of some music Käärijä refers to in his music. I'm mostly gonna do the songs on Fantastista and Cha Cha Cha Mixtape and the new singles.
Bomfunk MC's
Bomfunk MC's Freestyler (Viulunkieli) (1999/2019)
One of the biggest songs in Europe in '99/-00. They made a remake in 2019 that made people mad because the lead character in the music video was now a girl.
They had other hit songs you might have heard if you were alive in the early 2000s. The rapper, Raymond Ebanks, was one of if not the first black people to make Finnish rap.
(Darude Sandstorm 2000)
(Quick shoutout to fellow Eurovision participant Darude for this actual banger. Yes this is Finnish. The music video was shot in Helsinki)
Frööbelin Palikat
Frööbelin Palikat- Sutsisatsi satsaa. (1990s-)
Remember when Käärijä bought a shirt of A fan's back during a gig? Yeah, it was a Frööbelin Palikat shirt.
This is a kid's band from the 90s that was a part of all Finnish kids' childhoods. I chose this banger but there are many more.
Mikko Alatalo- Känkkäränkkä (1981)
This is the 'känkkäränkkä päivä' Käärijä talks about in Hirttää kiinni.
Anssi Kela
Anssi Kela 1972.
Kiertävä sirkus and Menestynyt yksilö refer to this song.
Matti Nykänen
Matti Nykänen Elämä on laiffii (2006)
It's Crazy It's Party.
Fintelligens Kaikki Peliin (2003)
Today's new song Toiset Samanlaiset is a feature with Elastinen, one half of Fintelligens. One of the early people seriously making rap in Finnish. Käärijä has said he was a fan of them when he was young. This is a hockey song, so I went with that.
Moottoritie on kuuma
Pelle Miljoona Moottoritie on kuuma (1980)
Kinda referred to in Kiertävä sirkus but it's a fun song.
Laiva on lastattu
Huh hah hei starts with 'rakkauden laiva on lastattu' which is a reference to this game of 'ship is loaded with' and you pick a topic and then everyone adds to it. Idk if other people play that game. Anyway someone made a song for the game.
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lurlur · 8 months
If you ask me (no one did), the skills competition was exactly what we should have expected. Letting Connor McDavid design/influence/dictate/whatever the structure of the competition was always going to result in a pretty sterile, whimsy-less experience. I mean, we've all seen his house, right?
I'm sure that he thinks this was a great move and that everyone has enjoyed it as much as he did. And he clearly did enjoy it. If he likes it, it must be good and everyone agrees.
But this is not how you grow the game.
I don't want to watch GIFs of Leon failing at the accuracy shootout or Kucherov just gritting his teeth against each new embarrassment. I want to see the players having fun, showing personality, messing around in between events.
This is only my third all star weekend. But do you know what I really missed? Seeing the players hanging out, letting their kids on the ice, laughing with each other. I want them to be visibly enjoying themselves rather than sitting in their designated seats, waiting for the next round of McDavid's Trials.
So. Here's what I think they should do, in no particular order:
Split the competition into "cumulative" and "solo" events. Let Connor keep his Trials but interspersed with more fun events.
Half the players do the Trials and half the players do the more gimmicky events. This gives both groups a chance to recover more between events.
Involve all the players who are at the weekend. Last night was a wash of blue jerseys and Pastrňák.
Pare down the Trials. That was too many dry events.
Let the goalies compete in something they don't usually do. Hell, let them compete in events usually reserved for skaters! Get them involved rather than just using them as props.
Don't bow to the desires of one man who is afraid of fun.
Mandatory dunk tank event.
Undoubtedly, there are people who really enjoyed just seeing a straight skills comp. I just think we can have it both ways. The Florida and Vegas events competitions had character and joy in them. We deserve joy. We deserve giffable moments. We deserve Mikko Rantanen in a sopping wet t-shirt.
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nothingbutnowhere · 3 months
Hockey Player AU! Captain John Price Headcanons
Center. Long time captain (obv.), long suffering captain. 1000+ games. Someone get this man a cup already ffs. Defensive offenseman; has like three Selke trophies.
Not a big goal scorer, under reactive cellies, does the stand and point at whoever was the assist. But he does tally a few good assists per year and his cellies for his boys are intense. A little slower these days but will not back down from a crushing hit or dropping the gloves when he makes the occasion call for it. MEAN slapshot.
Leads by example... which... can lead to some crowded penalty boxes- you do NOT cheap shot these guys. They can and will drop the gloves. Price holds his team to the same standards and isn't afraid to enforce it internally. He'll drag Soap out of a pile as many times as he needs to. They play hard and physical, but clean.
Similarly, he wants to hold the league to high standards as well. If he feels there's been too many bad calls by the refs he's ready to cut a check to the league for scalding criticism post game.
Loves his boys so much. Always yelling encouragement on the bench. Would and has run through a wall for them. Physically affectionate. Known to give a little kiss on the cheek during cellies or on the bench 🥹 Gif sets of those are very popular. We love to see it.
He's a hockey veteran though and though, made some deep playoff runs, knows his shit, knows they can win a cup.
His team may be down but they are never out. Do not turn off the game, do not leave the stadium early, because you will regret it. Price will lead the team though the most nail biting comeback you've ever seen. He's fully taken the clipboard from the assistant coach to draw up plays before and it WORKS. Down three with three minutes left? One goal per minute, easy (this is, in fact, not easy).
Gaz is set to be his predecessor for captain. Price could not be more happy about it; he took Gaz under his wing the second he was drafted. Even though their play styles aren't the same, Gaz learns a lot from Price's leadership skills.
The kids think he's trendy with the 'bucket hat'... has to explain it's not.
Not a media favorite. He doesn't use the stock hockey responses and is a little too real. Has accidentally sworn multiple times live on air :( Used to avoid interviews and pressers when he was younger, but once he took on leadership roles he had to make peace with it. He gets asked the 'why are you so pissy' comment that Drai did a couple years ago. Reporter got a death glare for that.
Yet a fan favorite. We can't help it he's so handsome!! Competency is hot!! He's loyal and passionate! What's not to love about him!
Locker room menace- walks around naked and does not give a fuck. Much to the chagrin of the media. (Pls one shot of his ass just one please we're begging you)
Hockey hair status: yes with his facial hair. Keeps the chops shorter during the regular season, but lets it all grow for the playoffs
Roster pic status: he's giving that one face. His promo videos are also 😵‍💫
Mic'd up: he'll do it and knows people like his voice (for some reason?) but he doesn't prefer it
WAG status: has been with the same women for years and years. She enjoys games with the other girls, but doesn't party as much as she used to. His family was SO cute at his 1000th game ceremony 🥹 
His number WILL be retired one day and I WILL cry at the ceremony.
After retirement will stick around to coach, probably after taking a few years off to be with his family.
I do NOT consent for my works, part of my works, or my ideas to be used for ANY form of AI.
Note: WAG stands for wife and girlfriend or the plural, used to refer to sports guy's significant others. Yes it is heteronormative. (Read as self insert if you so desire). Hockey Price is somewhat based on my previous fav (now retired) player Mikko Koivu.
More hockey au: Ghost | Soap | Gaz
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Rocoroi Markus Mikko [Heyhoo Slipper! @forever-singing]
Mikko is a 7-year-old Hungarian Romani boy, living in a Children's Home from the age of 5. The Hungarian childcare system is highly dysfunctional to the level of chaos and absurdity, which he recognises and sort of uses to his advantage. Mikko's intelligent and sarcastic, his peers describe him as grumpy, his teachers as a trouble-maker, one of "those bad kids." He is mischievous and enjoys messing with others, he has a keen sense for the vulnerable spots of others, but never touches upon them. He is in fact protective of people, with a strong sense of justice. He would never admit it, and his trust was betrayed and broken so often that he tries to avoid it, yet he often grows faithful to the ones his loves. In the Children's Home he teaches the younger kiddos to "swear" by making up creative non-swear alternatives, which by the time he's 18, results in a whole generation of kiddos yelling "flop", "flipflop" (which is a type of slipper), and various (often word-play-i) alternatives. (Otherwise the older kids and teens, and so often the toddlers are cursing 3x within the most mundane sentence.) He wears a worn-down blue hoodie every day that he refuses to take off, even on the hotest summer days, as underneath he is made to wear a t-shirt with a smiley face and some stupid print about happiness and positivity on it. To top things, the good-willing lady who gave them in donation to the Home made sure that he won't outgrow them and donated various sizes. What a bliss and blessing! Mikko is an idealist who had every tale and hope he believed broken by the age of 5. He used to believe that Mom-Dad-and-Children going to the zoo was one of the fairy tales made up for fun in kindergarten. Turns out, life is a whole mess. His fear is that everything they say is true, and he'll end up like "all the others."
Ryphl [Songs of the Fallen @ethanjhake]
Ryphl was raised as a soldier during the Children’s War. After being discharged, he continued work as a royal guard in order to provide for his younger sister and pay for her medical expenses.
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frikatilhi · 11 months
Last spring, I listened to Viisupodi a lot, and they have been making some new epsiodes in the fall as well.
The last two were especially great! They had Tapio Hakanen on, who is the chair of the selection jury for UMK, and he had lots of insights on how the whole process works. Also some nice words about Käärijä and how special last/this year was. (He heard CCC for the first time while he was at an amusement park with his kids, becuase he just couldn't wait to listen when he found out Käärijä had applied, aww.)
The last ep was an interview with Mikko Silvennoinen, the Finnish ESC commentator and known Bojere enthusiast (exhibit A, exihibit B). He does a ton of research for the postcards (it's really quite impressive), including sending dm's to contestants to ask about stuff. The host told him to drop some names, so he mentioned sliding into Bojan's dm's (and getting a response as well) 😍 Mikko is such a fanboy, I love him.
ANYWAY is it Eurovision time yet??
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freetheshit-outofyou · 7 months
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March 6, 2000 actor John Colicos died at 71. He portrayed the first Klingon ever seen in the Star Trek franchise, Commander Kor in the Original Series episode "Errand of Mercy" (1967). He also portrayed Count Baltar in the original Battlestar Galactica movie and television series. Over a quarter-century after his initial appearance in the Star Trek franchise, Colicos reprised his role as the 140-year-old Kor in three episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, telecast between 1994 and 1998. Several years after his Battlestar Galactica tenure, Colicos again ventured into science fiction. In August and September 1981, he portrayed Mikkos Cassadine, a demented, power-mad businessman bent on freezing the world, on the ABC soap opera General Hospital. He was also the voice of the X-Men villain Apocalypse/En Sabah Nur (1993–1995) in the Fox Kids animated X-Men television series in the nineties, and twice played rogue alien Quinn in the first season (1988–1989) of War of the Worlds.
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vieraslaji · 1 year
Hello fellow Finnish learners!
I've been meaning to put this post together for weeks and I kept thinking it wasn't ready, but now I've decided to just keep updating it after I post so here it is, in its unfinished form:
While I do enjoy Käärijä's music and I think it's a great way to learn vocabulary, I have difficulty with auditory processing and sometimes I can't understand rap even in my native language. Also, as someone living very far away from Finland, listening and speaking are the hardest things for me to practice.
So! Here's some random assorted Finnish media that I think are nice listening practice and also (most importantly) not Peppa Pig. I cannot professionally vouch for any of these as a learning tool; all I can say is that I've watched/listened to/read them and I feel like maybe I learned something.
Katri Ylander (check out Pandat, Älä kysy miks, Sano mulle jotain kaunista, Kyselen) - she has a pretty low vocal range, which is great for understanding, and she has a lot of repetitive choruses
Ollie (check out Ainakin mä rakastin, Aavikolla, Älä riko mua enää) - we've got kind of a downtempo sadboy thing going on here, which is excellent for our learning purposes
Mikko Harju (check out Meidän puolella, Oon nähnyt unta, Mä olen tässä, Sinä riittää) - there tend to be clear breaks between words in his songs and he uses less puhekieli than a lot of artists
Younghearted (check out Kuljetaan, Tässä ja nyt, Sun numero) - literally I just like them idk
Antti Tuisku - Koti - I wouldn't put Antti Tuisku as an artist in general on this list, but Koti basically feels like an Ollie song
KatChats - great educational content for all learner levels, speaks very slowly and uses very little puhekieli. I also think she has a facebook and/or discord community?
Nedde - mostly a Sims and Sims-esque gaming channel, which is great for vocab building and comprehension because she narrates what she's doing onscreen
T I N K E - lots of life vlogs and sims videos; I think she speaks really clearly and understandably
Herbalisti - he speaks a lot faster and more colloquially, but his minecraft and random-pelit videos are good for the same reasons as Sims videos. also he has a really cute cat
Aleksi Rantamaa - specifically his TLDR LIVE videos are easiest to understand because he's talking to chat so he repeats himself a lot and takes a lot of pauses between his sentences
Opi Suomea! - hasn't been updated in a long time but it's great listening and vocab practice about everyday topics
Soturikissat Kastepilven kanssa - I am about to make another post about this whole phenomenon but just trust me on this one
Miksei kukaan kertonut? - the host speaks very understandably and, way more importantly, her guests always have decent microphones
NETFLIX (it's what I have sorry)
Julie and the Phantoms - it's honestly very well done for a teen drama and the music is stupidly catchy
Zero Chill - another netflix teen drama; I liked it less than julie and the phantoms but it's fine
Heartstopper - don't lie to me, you're on tumblr. you've heard of heartstopper.
Carmen Sandiego - genuinely super engaging as far as kid's shows go; it reminds me of the educational cartoons I watched as a kid
The Dragon Prince - literally by the creators of ATLA, you don't need my elevator pitch for it
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tapejob · 2 years
putting sid in the tank was the funniest possible decision. of course mikko was sniping with pinpoint accuracy. half of the players shooting at the event probably had a poster of him in their rooms as a kid. no focus group in the world hungering more for wet croz than the men standing in florida right there
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
back to the ball , tyson jost
note, apprently, the game on the 27th (of sep) was tyson's first game (as well as his first time) being back in the arena, so this was born. and when i explain the goals, they are very loosely explained. i'm horrible at explanations, ironic i know. let's move on. this fic is part of "the jost family" series. check out this masterlist for more. pair, tyson jost x reader summary, tyson jost and the jost family return to the arena they once called home. warnings, kids/children word count, 937 words (short but sweet ;))
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gif credit to @gabelandeskog
"We're going back to the Ball?" Noah asked.
"Yeah, we're going back to the Ball." You nodded, a smile on your face as you packed up your suitcases. He
"Will Linnea and Naylah and..." He went on to list a couple more kids.
"Linnea and the Helm kids and a few others, but Naylah's dad got traded, bud." You explained, trying to explain it to him as easily as he could.
"Traded?" He was aware of what a trade was because his dad was traded to another team, but he was still only 4.
"Yeah." You nodded.
"Calgary." You sat down in front of him.
"Can we visit?" He asked.
You smiled, "Yeah, we can visit." You kissed his head.
Walking back into the arena you once called home was strange. You hadn't been there since March, but everything was still the same. The crack in front of the family area of the glass was still there, the same smell still permitted the arena, the same security guard stood in the parking lot and greeted Noah with the biggest smile and a warm hug, and the same food stand was still there with the same workers who Noah loved.
"Snack?" Noah asked.
"We'll get a snack after we see dad. Sound good?" You asked, and he nodded his head eagerly.
You took a seat at one of the seats in front of the glass, Noah sitting on your lap, but you knew the moment Tyson skated out, he would stand up on your lap.
He kept his eyes on the ice, and when he saw the lights dim, he knew what was about to happen. It was something he had seen dozens and dozens of times.
The Avs skated out onto the ice, and he slapped his little hands on the glass, laughing and bouncing in your lap, "Look, mommy." He pointed to all his uncles.
The first to spot him was his Uncle JT, who skated over and slammed into the glass, his arms open wide in a hug. Noah laughed, stood up in your lap, and opened his arms, giving him a hug back.
JT winked, then skated off. Soon after, all the other boys skated over. Newy, Mikko, EJ, Landy, etc. They all waved, playing little games to entertain him.
When the Wild came out, Noah’s attention was quickly stolen away, in order to search for his father. But Tyson found you first, and playfully barreled right into JT, sending him into the glass, and shaking the entire section in front of you.
“Daddy.” Noah giggled his face widening in a smile, one identical to his father’s. Tyson broke out into the same smile.
He waved, and Noah waved back. Tyson tossed a puck over the glass, and Noah caught it, cradling it to his chest like it was a prized possession, and in his eyes, it was.
"Guess who's back? Back again?" Sydney, JT's girlfriend, sang as he rushed up to hug you. Noah ran off to play with the other kids while you were enveloped in hugs left and right.
You took your seat and were surprised that Rory was still asleep. She of course had headphones, but usually, she would wake up when you moved around a lot.
You were settled in your seat, eating some popcorn and enjoying the game.
7 minutes into the game, Boldy passed the puck to Steel, and they passed it back and forth. Steel looked around for someone to pass the puck to.
Tyson moved closer to the net, so Steel passed the puck to Tyson, who shot it into the net, and ended up tripping on someone's stick and ending up on the ground.
You jumped out of your seat, trying not to jostle Rory too much, but failing, as you cheered. You pulled whoever was sitting next to you into a hug.
The guys patted him on the shoulder and back while pushing himself off the ice.
Only 10 minutes later, you watched the puck go around the goal as Boldy skated toward it. He passed it to Steel, who, again, passed it to Tyson, who skated around the goalie and shot it into the next.
Noah had gravitated to the spot in between your legs as he watched the ice in front of you all. He started jumping around when he saw his dad score the goal.
"Daddy goal!" He cheered, jumping up and down.
"Yeah, daddy goal." You laughed, kissing his head as Tyson skated down the bench, getting his much-deserved high-fives.
After the game, you met him down in front of the locker room. Rory was asleep but Noah was very much awake due to the slushie he had in the second period.
He was running around, making himself busy and tiring himself out. While you waited, Tyson was doing media, "So, Tyson, how does it feel coming back here after all this time? Is this your first time back?"
"It's definitely weird being back here and it is my first time back. I almost walked into the wrong locker room, not gonna lie." He laughed.
"We saw your family up by the glass, is it their first time back here too?"
"Yeah, it is. Our son, when he heard we were coming back here, started jumping around and started packing his little suitcase." Tyson smiled at the memory.
After media, Tyson made his way out with his bags. You looked up and smiled, "How was it?"
"Weird." You admitted, "I miss it here."
"Me too." He smiled sadly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and kissing your head.
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