#milano pride
charrednewt · 1 year
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Shout out to this incarnation of badassery that manifested at Milano Pride.
Crown this June.
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Vive la révolution! 🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️
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mmakeitmakesense · 1 year
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Pride month 2023
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crepesdifragole · 1 year
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Cause sometimes you just need to know you're not the only one
And today I know
I'm not alone
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temtamtom · 3 months
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Non capisco perché tutti quanti continuano Insistentemente a chiamarmi Donatella
Me and the pookies are going crazy over Feli's drag queen persona "Donatella",,, she is truly the mother of all Italians,,,
@renonv @starsmadeinheaven @felinenostalgic
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lovemkx · 1 year
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Miles Kane ig story - 03.06.2023
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khrenek · 1 year
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Augurando a tutti gli omofobi un mese super scomodo
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ryangravytrain · 2 years
So about last night….
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queefmagazine · 1 year
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samcosnever · 2 months
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bellalaufeyson69 · 1 year
Peter Quill x Reader
Enemies to lovers (sort of)
(Spoiler if reading this next sentence! Takes place after GOTG and before GOTG3. Gamora is with the Ravagers and is no longer with Peter in any way. Also meaning that as confirmed by James Gunn, we the reader can understand what Groot says because we’ve been with him so long 🥹)
Description: Quill and Yn hardly ever get along and it’s gotten on everyone’s nerves. Nebula comes up with a solution to the problem by making them spend time together in hopes of working out the differences.
Wc ♡ 3.5k
Masterlist ♡
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Rays of sunlight burst through the wide front windows of the Milano as the team sat around the table waiting for Groot to finish the breakfast. We all took a straw from a hat daily to see who had the duty, though when any one of us pulled the straw and saw it said groot, we’d discretely pretended it said someone else’s name. It wasn’t that we didn’t trust him to be a good cook, it was just that he can get a little… distracted.
“What day is it today?” The tree pondered, looking over to Mantis awaiting an answer all the while completely unaware that a twig from his arm has now caught fire from the stove.
I was quick to catch this and jumped from my spot to put it out, though as I ran to help him I came crashing into a tall, decently sweaty Peter. “Common Quill!” I hissed before turning back to Groot only to be halted by his annoying voice.
“Oh like that was my fault,” he complained throwing his hands in the air and looking to the team for reassurance yet getting none as they tended to zone Peter and I’s arguments out.
“Maybe if you payed any attention to anything you ever do!” I snapped turning back to face him feeling a rise of irritation come over me causing me to completely forget why I’d even got up in the first place. “Also, you’re disgusting. We have showers for a reason, you literally soaked my arm in your nasty sweat,” I made a disturbed expression whilst wiping the warm wet liquid onto my pants.
He scoffed with an eye roll while taking a glance at the ceiling. “Im sorry if I get a little sweaty when I work out, it’s natural, and I was going to take a shower, not that it’s any of your business; after we ate breakfast.”
“How convenient, so we can all join together and eat while inhaling your B.O.”
“Oh would you two please just shut up! I’m sick of all the incessant bickering you make me want to rip my ears off,” Nebula intruded from beside Groot. She and Rocket had been busy helping Groot put out the small flame that Peter and I had long forgotten about. “You’ve been irritating because Gamora’s gone, and you’ve been a living-breathing brat ever since you failed the last mission,” she called out our behavior almost in a motherly way. She’s been weirdly diplomatic when dealing with us instead of just telling us to go yell at each other somewhere else.
With a huff I went back to my seat and sank in the chair feeling a tinge of embarrassment overwhelm me at the memory of that last mission. I had never failed before, and this time put everyone at danger because I couldn’t control my emotions and attacked a guard too soon. I got a lecture about it from pretty much everyone except Mantis and Groot. That experience definitely hurt my pride quite a lot, so sometimes I might have a little extra sass to try and build it back up. “At least mines a real reason to be acting like a jerk,” Peter mumbled while sitting down in the seat farthest from me.
I snickered to myself at his comment. Sometimes he can be a real idiot. “You realize you called yourself a jerk too right? Nice one Einstein.” I clapped back not willing to let him win this argument, or really any in the future. Peter Quill just always has to be the leader, the cool guy, always right. Not when it comes to me.
“That’s it!” Nebula shouted in pure aggravation. She stomped over to the both of us and grabbed one of our arms with a decent strength considering she’s part bot. “You two are on breakfast duty, and if I hear you argue once while doing it then you’re both gonna be stuck cleaning the engine for two months,” she snapped, shoving us both toward the fridge. We often all had chores to do but we made it fun by having a spin wheel to see who has to do what. Cleaning the engine was always the worst one, but what made it easier was knowing you only had to do it once and then you could spin the wheel next chore week.
“Who said you were in charge? I think you’re forgetting this is MY ship,” Peter defended while crossing his arms.
“Yeah,” I added confidently. Who the heck is Nebula to tell us what to do.
“Nah I agree with that. You two are the most annoying a-holes I’ve ever had to share a space with. Mantis and Drax don’t even argue as much as you do,” Rocket chimed in matter of factly.
“It is true! I would much rather sit and listen to Mantis’s pathetic stories than hear you two fight anymore,” Drax said as he stood tall and serious.
Mantis glanced over to him with a bubbly smile. “Awhh thank you!”
“You are welcome idiot,” Drax replied with a pleasant smile. In his mind he was being respectful, and Mantis didn’t know any better.
Nebula turned her head back to us with an expression as of saying ‘that’s what I thought’. “So it’s settled. You two are gonna work this stupid stuff out, and if we hear so much as a bad tone, then you get stuck with Engine duty,”
We’d both surfaced a similar response between grumbles and eye rolls, yet had no choice but to accept our fate. Majority rules is how this ship functions, which was a feature I loved when it was in regard to someone else. Soon the rest of the group piled out, rocket on his way out mumbled on about how we’d better be quick. I gave a short glance to Peter which was a mistake as he’d so very annoyingly been standing there sifting through songs his Walkman and earbuds. Of course he’d tune me out, I wouldn’t be surprised if he just stood here the whole time too.
I started gathering some of ingredients and pans we’d need, already feeling angry at the fact that he hadn’t even attempted to move to help me. This was a clear indicator that my assumption of his laziness was likely going to be right. I semi aggressively dropped down the container of bacon onto the counter letting my current mood take the control of my motion. I grabbed the unused pan and placed it down and began putting strips of bacon on it. “You’re doing that wrong,” Peter softly mentioned. He seemed tired, I wasn’t sure if it was tired of the arguing or just in general but the tone definitely helped ease my anger a little bit.
With a huff I turned to look over at him and was surprised to find him standing so close, hovering just inches from my frame looking down at the pan, then making eye contact with me. His expression was blank, and calm which confused me. “I’m putting the strips out, how else am I supposed to do it?” I felt my brow still furrowed down in the looming frustration I felt before. We always fight, and one of us always takes it too far, those are times that make it hard to ever not be annoyed at the man’s presence.
He took an earbud out and let it hang by the cord before stepping closer until his body was pressed against my side. I stayed long enough to feel his warmth until I realize the normal thing to do would be to step out of his way, so that I did. Part of me wished he’d do it again, that he’d give me an excuse to accept his embrace. If I hate him so much why did that little ounce of intimacy feel so nice? A confusing mix of emotions. “You don’t put them all at once only do half so they cook more evenly,” he explained whilst taking off some of the already placed bacon. “Also put them folded like this so that- F*CK! AGH!” He’d instantly jumped back from the grizzling pan holding his hand in pain. “Stupid grease, ow!” He complained to the pan as if it were alive which made me laugh quite a lot. The whole scene was funny really.
I hadn’t noticed that through my laughing he’d been looking at me smiling ever so slightly, until I caught him, in which he looked back at the pan. “Are you alright there captain?” I amusingly teased his super strong title, while instinctively placing a caring hand on his shoulder with a soft rub. The moment I placed it I felt the mortified realization of my actions and ripped my hand back off. Too embarrassed to comment on it I’d redirected my focus to making eggs in the other pan hoping he wouldn’t mention it.
I cooked in silence for a little while until I felt as if I was being watched. Hesitantly I turned my gaze to Peter and surely enough was met with him staring right back at me. He looked to be deep in thought until I caught him when his lips curled into an arrogant grin. “Oh no no no, are you kidding me? You’re tellin’ me you can’t even cook eggs either? What can you do?” He provoked in amusement making me roll my eyes.
I waved my hands in the air in defeat. “Fine! You do it yourself then.” I stepped aside from the counter and began to walk away until I felt a warm hand take a light grip on my forearm and pull me backward. I stumbled back to my position in front of the pan where Peter was beside me holding my arm.
“Relax,” he soothed while slowly inching closer, it almost seemed like he was hoping his movements were slow enough for me not to notice. “You’re not gonna get any better with that attitude,” he continued, his hands slowly brushing my hips while I was too distracted listening to what he was saying. He moved cautiously almost trying to catch me in the distraction. “So much attitude all the time,”
I scoffed at his comment. “Attitude? I don’t have attitude, you’re the one who’s always moping around making little comments at everything.” his fingers now wrapped around my waist as he stood behind me, his breath tickling my shoulder.
“Let me show you,” he furthered, completely ignoring what I’d said and going on with his own point.
I’d attempted at pushing his hands off me. “No, I don’t need your help Peter,”
He stood there his grip strong as he looked down at me with a little ‘huh’. After the death glare I’d given he kindly explained the cause of the sound. “You called me Peter,” he pointed out with a grin.
I felt taken off guard at that comment and honestly a little flustered. I always made it a point to call him by his last name, I felt that first names were for people I respected. Why did that slip so easily? “I was just distracted…” I trailed avoiding his gaze and looking back to the pan. “Are we gonna cook the eggs or not?” I redirected the conversation away from the tension as I didn’t know how to react. My heart fluttered at his proximity but my mind reminds me of our dynamic. We’ve never got along let alone been close in this way.
He took my cue to move on and eagerly grabbed the spatula, handed it to me then paused and hesitantly slipped his hand on the back of my own. His other hand rested on my waist still as he guided the cooking. “It’s all about the wrist” he spoke softly.
I let out a breathe as I stood stiffly. I wasn’t sure what to do with this but I didn’t hate it. In fact it was quite the opposite. “This isn’t going to help you get over Gamora,” I bluntly stated without really thinking about it. I didn’t intend on being rude and my tone pushed that. Truth is that must’ve been an insecurity festered up. He’s a flirt and I can’t be his distraction.
He was silent for a moment but his position didn’t budge. “Why are you always so quick to push me away?” He quietly asked sincerely. He seemed hurt which was the last thing I expected from him. Was I reading our dynamic wrong? I couldn’t have been I mean we fight constantly.
“I don’t-“
“Don’t.” He interrupted. “Be real with me, just this one time,” he took the spatula from my hand and placed it on the table before grabbing the hand back again and bringing it to my waist to hold there. “What can I do to fix you and me?”
I didn’t know how to respond to that whatsoever because I didn’t know what that meant. You and me. As in no more arguing? As in becoming friends? As in something more? It doesn’t help that Peter is known for his flirting. “I-“ I sighed. “What do you mean?” I felt myself submitting to his touch as my body relaxed against his.
“Last weekend, we’re sitting on the couch. My arm was up around the top of it and if I moved it down just a little bit it would’ve literally been around your shoulder. Everything’s fine we’re all watching a movie, and I make a bad joke about your favorite character because I think it’s cute when you’re mad and you storm off cursing at me.” I couldn’t see the point he was pushing for but found myself blushing at the compliment. “Can’t you tell I do those things to get close to you? We don’t talk what so ever and the most I get from you is if I pull it out of you by making a dumb comment,” he explained his head now stooped closer to my shoulder, resting slightly against the side of my face and neck. “I know I can be childish, or a jerk but I don’t know what else to do when all I want to do is talk to you,”
“Oh really?” I perked up a little bit ready to make my point taking a step away from Peter. “What about the time we were here drinking and you made a comment about how I was ‘acting different to impress people’? How romantic,” I poked feeling his logic start to crumble.
He let out a huff. “You’re not remembering that the way I am and yeah I shouldn’t have said that but you spent the entire night all over that xandarian guy,” he expressed stepping forward to grab my hand and pull me back in. “You know how much I wanted to punch that dude straight in the jaw every time he touched you? Why should he get to kiss you?” He seemed to be getting offended just remembering the night, and honestly a little heated.
“Peter,” I softly tried to intercept.
“No, I’ve been here this entire time. For years it’s been me here with you, we go on missions, we’ve explored new planets, had ups and downs, and I have to sit there and watch some guy kiss you? Some guy who just came along that same day, put no effort into his relationship with you and got you,” he rambled on with pain in his eyes. I hadn’t seen him show that much emotion over someone since gamora. “It’s not fair,”
I felt horrible for not seeing this sooner. I couldn’t help but rethink everything but at the same time he definitely went about this in the wrong way to get my attention. He got it alright but it was never good. To me he was just constantly nitpicking me and all the things I liked and it drove me crazy. I guess that’s the fault in miscommunication. A lot of the stuff was pretty dumb to get genuinely mad at, often he’d just tease my favorite movies or comment on my fighting skills. Nonetheless in this moment I felt truly sad for him. “I didn’t know…” he was focused very intently on every word I said and I could just tell the anticipation anxiety was eating him up. In reality this was a confession of his feelings. “If I would’ve known…” I trialed off not wanting to press further as I’ve never been very good at expressing my feelings.
“If you would’ve known then what?” He softly nudged me to continue. He took our interlocked hands and held it on his chest.
“I don’t know, things would’ve been different. I didn’t know that’s how you felt I just thought you hated me honestly,” I admitted awkwardly.
He exhaled with a frown. “I could never hate you, and that mission…“ he got softer watching my expression because he knew this topic was sore for me. “It didn’t matter to me that we failed, all I could think about was how I could’ve lost you,” he admitted keeping eye contact as he spoke. “I can’t lose anyone else, and I just miss what we used to be like.”
This confused me as what he’s referencing is our friendship back when he was with Gamora. Is he trying to say he wants to be friends or is he being romantic? He’s so hard to read sometimes, but his actions are telling me romance. Clearly he could see the confusion etched on my face because he clarified all my questions without ever having to hear them. “You know, how close we were. Cracking jokes, playing pranks on the rest of them,” he explained. “I want that. But… something a little different…” he seemed a little more awkward now like he didn’t know how to word what he felt.
“How different?” I asked feeling my heart pick up just a little bit. Perhaps MAYBE the reason I got so mad at everything Peter did was because MAYBE I valued his opinion, because MAYBE I was sort of always secretly into him.
He perked up at the question surprised I hadn’t shot it down right then and there. “Well,” he started while taking my hand and giving me a dramatic twirl. The guy is smooth. “Maybe a little romance, I’m thinking Jim and Pam,” he referenced my favorite Earth show as I’ve forced him to watch it after our trip there.
A mischievous smile found my lips at that. “Ohhhh, so someone was lying about not liking the show?” I teased in a ‘I told you so’ kinda way.
He chuckled at my call out. “I told ya Y/N, I just love to mess with you.”
“Hmm, fine but you have to watch rom coms with me,” I laid out my terms matter of factly.
His eyes widened. “Fine? Fine what? Fine to the romance?” He double checked as I hadn’t made myself all that clear.
“I GUESS,” I dramatically excepted in a fake disinterested tone.
“Well then Mrs. Y/N” he pulled me into him yet again wrapping his arms around my torso, though this time I let my hands rest on his chest. “I’m gonna romance the shit outta you,” he grinned that same cocky little grin that used to make me wanna smack him.
I rolled my eyes at his over confidence but was thrown off at him leaning in closer to me. I couldn’t find anything sassy or witty to remark because now all my focus was on the fact that Peter Quill’s lips were so close to mine. The lips of always secretly wanted to kiss. I let out a breath feeling the tension before he’d made the move to fully go in. He kissed me softly, and slowly. His hand cupped my cheek and when he pulled away he gave a real genuine smile.
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me” rocket yelled out from the doorway next to a very shocked Nebula.
“I give them a week tops,” she jokingly murmured but I could tell she was genuinely happy for us.
Rocket groaned from his place clearly fed up with the fact that he’d suffered through our bickering just for us to end up into each other. “If I’d known all you two jackasses needed to do was bang it out- WHY ARE THE EGGS BLACK?” He ran over to the stove to turn off the switch as if that would save the already far gone breakfast. “that’s TWO breakfasts down the drain, that’s it! I’m done! We’re getting fast food from knowhere,” he flailed his hands in the air and walked out of the room in defeat making the rest of us chuckle.
“I’m glad you two figured it out finally,” Nebula gave a small smile. “Really thought you were blind,” she dryly joked.
Peter and I looked at each other in confusion for a moment before smiling and accepting the fact that apparently we’d been obvious about our unknown feelings. With that she left the room to follow Rocket to the controls of the ship to fly us all to knowhere. This left Peter and I alone once more, he stared down at me in amusement. “I knew you were into me.”
I fought the urge to roll my eyes for the millionth time, slipped my fingers into his and dragged him out to the main area of the ship preparing for the rest of the teams reactions.
My first Peter Quill fan fic! Sorta rushed so I apologize for any errors! Let me know if I should make more!
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rainbowsky · 7 months
GG and the Duomo di Milano
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Duomo 2019 (left), 2023 (right) and 2024 (top).
He has posted a photo of it whenever he goes to Milan, since his first trip there in 2019. Here's my CPN on that.
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
Of course, as an artist and a photographer it makes sense that GG is interested in this beautiful building. Gorgeous intricate architecture that is covered in lifelike statues, no doubt it is very satisfying to photograph. It's truly one of the most stunning cathedrals in the world. But we're turtles, so we're always going to look at things from a slightly different angle.
This CPN first came up back in 2019, the first time he went to Milan. GG said in an interview that he was excited to see the cathedral, and he posted a picture of it on his Weibo account. Turtles at the time speculated that GG was inspired by the photos that were all over the news in 2016, when same sex marriage was legalized there.
It was the location of massive LGBTQ rallies when same sex marriage was being debated and put to a vote, and was the site of equally massive celebrations when that vote won.
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Some people are skeptical of this connection because they feel that the time gap of a couple years is too large for it to be relevant, but to me those people can't possibly understand how significant the same sex marriage fight is to queer people who wish to marry (and who wish to have their human rights recognized in general).
Especially around that time in history, when the fight was at its most active globally. There was a period of a few years where the issue was constantly in the news, as more and more countries were gradually recognizing legal rights for same sex couples. Images of those protests and celebrations were inspiring and exciting for queer people all over the world, and those who cared a lot about the issue followed that news pretty closely.
This is an issue of significance to queer people everywhere, even those who don't want to marry. It represents a shift toward acceptance and toward broader legal recognition of equal human rights for queer people.
Same sex marriage is a huge hurdle toward equality for anyone whose rights are at stake, because most of the opposition to human rights for queer people tends to come from religious groups and conservatives with narrow notions of 'family values'. When societies acknowledge - even on paper - that queer families are legitimate, the biggest barrier has been crossed.
Based on a lot of things I've seen from GG over the years I believe he's very deeply invested in Pride and gay rights. He's not at liberty to be as open about it as he'd like to be, but I believe he shows what he can. I have talked about that in more detail in this post.
I also believe that marriage is something that both GG and DD care a lot about. They are each others anchors in life, and even when they don't get to spend a lot of time together, they are home to each other. DD has also talked about wanting a son, and GG has also shown interest in children and family and often talks about a simple life.
They just ooze domesticity on many levels, and I think that even if it doesn't fit within their lives right now, they probably talk about and think about building a family together one day. And given the culture in China their parents likely want that for them as well.
I talked about the possibility they might already be married in this post. I talked about the possibility of them wanting kids in this post about DD saying he wanted a son, and later in this one from an OOL interview where GG mentioned envying Gu Wei's life.
Both GG and DD strike me as being connected to queer culture, just given some of their jokes, attitudes, etc. and some of the people they're associated with. Even their experience with filming CQL (which I talked about in this post). They're also both from the younger generation in China, which is much more progressive and informed on these issues.
All of this leads me to believe that it's not an accident that this landmark has captured GG's imagination.
The Duomo is also a very popular wedding/romantic photo destination, and where couples often propose.
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I think that it's romantic that GG posted the moon over the cathedral this time. There are a lot of fake rumors and CPN around GG and DD and the moon, and turtles believe that they often send pictures of the moon to each other. They've both posted photos of the moon on social media in the past.
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There have been a lot of posts about their connection with the moon over the years. A few of my favorites are Pie's post from Mid-Autumn Festival, Pie's post about Midsummer Moon (among other things) and of course the LRLG rumor that talks about DD taking pictures of the moon for GG.
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Given what this landmark might mean to GG, it makes this photo even more special.
Or he could just enjoy photographing a pretty building. We'll likely never know for sure.
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jokeroutsubs · 4 months
🧊JokerOutSubs Iceberg Explained
Layer by layer
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Explanations below the cut 👇
First layer:
Three kaksi ananas lonkero: 
This is a fun anecdote told by Jan during our Tampere interview. They wanted to order three ananas (‘pineapple’) lonkero in Finland and… well, watch the video at 7:44 to find out :)
This is how Jan (again!) described his friendship with Nace when asked about the Damon Baker photoshoot during our London interview. Check it out here at 46:42 if you missed it!
‘JokerOutSubs: No one translates it better.’: 
Another reference to our London interview with the boys. This is something that Bojan said about JokerOutSubs. We loved it so much, we added it as an intro to our original content, and a tagline on all our platforms! See it here at 0:08!
Second layer:
‘We have a certain type of door locks.’: 
Another fun anecdote from our Tampere interview, this time from Jure! Did you know that Finland and Slovenia had such different door locks? We sure didn’t! Learn more about it here at 4:33!
JOS Stožice live: 
On the 6th of October, several of our members went to Joker Out at Stožice, and live streamed the gig for over 1000 people! You can find both parts of the livestream here and here
‘Ofcourse the best interview was done by joker.out.subs’ and ‘always a pleasure chatting with joker.out.subs: 
These are some lovely messages that Joker Out shared through their IG stories after two of our interviews.
Hvala, fantje. Radi vas mamo <3
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Third layer:
This was an award that we gave to the winner of our ‘How Italian ARE YOU?’ game during our Padova interview. Watch the game and find out who the lucky winner is here at 13:10!
Kiki the PR genius: 
This funny tale from the Padova interview here at 3:15 is about Kiki, their ‘beloved technician’ (Bojan’s words, not ours). It’s thanks to him that the whole JO fandom had a meltdown over the lyrics to Šta bih ja before we even heard the song live in Helsinki! Thank you, Kiki, you mastermind. 
Carpe Diem and Welcome to the Backstage translations:
Possibly the greatest pride for us at JokerOutSubs was being allowed to add subtitles to Joker Out’s Carpe Diem and Welcome to the Backstage series. Thank you boys and THANK YOU MARK for your trust. 
Translating Cvetličarna: 
Did you know how JokerOutSubs started? What the first big video ever translated was? It was this, the concert in Cvetličarna. If you want to know some lore, make sure not to miss our chat with Anja, who founded JokerOutSubs, and who came up with the idea of translating in the first place!
You haven’t really tasted Slovenia if you hadn’t had a sip of Cedevita, a fruit-flavoured instant fizzy drink, packed with vitamins. (Cedevita pls sponsor us). This drink is actually Croatian, but it’s so popular in Slovenia it’s a staple in every household. It was part of the ‘package from home’ we gave to Joker Out during our London interview - you can see the snacks we gifted them here at 3:18. One of our members was served a very generous portion by Jure!
Fourth layer:
‘Deeeeej mi vse.’:
This is referencing the original lyrics to Umazane misli, explained to us by Bojan himself in our London interview at 30:42. One of our members also sang this version in Milano during Umazane misli karaoke!
Damon Baker mentioned you in his story:
The moment that gave JOS members a heart attack. The wonderful Damon Baker shared our short interview with Kris on his Instagram story to 1.2 million people! We love you Damon! 
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'Your nipples are shining so much man.’:
One of the most cursed translations we have ever done - Bojan slow dancing with a mannequin during the London era.
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April fools:
On April 1st 2024, we decided to have a little fun with the fanbase and post some fake articles on our Tumblr. Kris and Jure even shared their articles on their stories! You can check them out here:
Bojan moving to Finland
Kris joining K3
Jure’s drumstick crisis
Jan and Nace’s new cat
Kris told us in our Tampere interview that one of his biggest culture shocks in Finland was that it’s always hard to find the lightswitch. You can watch it here at 4:19.
Fifth layer:
Pięćdziesięciogroszówka w klubie:
Jan told us in Finland that he liked long words, so we came to our second Joker Out interview in Poland prepared! This means '50 cents (in the club).' Watch the boys try to pronounce it here at 12:54
Translating made up words:
Joker Out enjoy making up words, which we then have to translate! That means we need to make up our own words in lots of different languages. We have hundreds of examples of this, but our favourite is probably sparklative - and here it is in different languages! 
Danish - Glitretivende (based on glitrende, ‘sparkling’, the adjective henrivende, ‘good looking/charming’ and the adverb rivende, which is an amplifying expression meaning something like ‘completely’)
Dutch - Sprankelijk (based on sprankelend, ‘sparkly’ and the suffix -elijk)
Finnish - Kimalleltava (based on kimaltava, ‘sparkling’)
French - Brilliantesque (based on brilliant, ‘sparkly’, and the suffix -esque)
German - Glitzernig (based on Glitzern, ‘to sparkle’ and the suffix -ig)
Hungarian -Csillogoló (based on csillogó, ‘sparkling’)
Italian - Scintalloso (based on scintillare, ‘to sparkle/shine’, the suffix -oso and an -a instead of on -i in the second syllable. The correct word for ‘sparkling’ is scintillante or brillante)
Japanese - かやがいてる, kayagaiteru (based on かがやいてる (輝いてる)/kagayaiteru, ‘sparkling/shining’)
Macedonian - Cветникаво, svetnikavo (based on светка/svetka, which means ‘sparkle’ and the suffix -никаво/-nikavo)
Polish - Iskrzające (based on iskrzące, 'sparkling')
Serbian/Croatian- Šljokičazmično (based on šljokičasto, ‘glittery/sequined’)
Slovenian- Bleščečitno (based on bleščeče, 'sparkly', and the suffix -no/-tno which serves a similar purpose as the suffix -ive/-tive in English)
Spanish - Brillantivo (based on brillante, ‘sparkling’)
Swedish - Glittererande (based on glittrande, ‘sparkling’)
Turkish - Fışıltılı (based on ışıltılı, ‘sparkling’)
Stožice project:
The fan project at Stožice, in which everyone held coloured hearts to their phone lights and held up signs with a message, was actually organised by JokerOutSubs members! We hope you liked it boys! 
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Another slightly odd translation from the London era. This means, ‘Nace, give me your cock’, and was said by Bojan! We made sure to check thoroughly before posting this out to the fanbase!
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Uno reverse card:
One of our favourite moments from the See You Soon tour was seeing the entire band sing Umazane misli, as Bojan was tricked with UNO reverse cards by our founder, Anja! You can watch the whole thing here
Gate trga:
In a Val 202 interview in August 2023, Bojan decided to use a piece of Slovene slang, ‘gate trga’, which literally means ‘ripping underwear’, to describe what Martin is up to these days. Cue confusion in all our non-Slovene teams!!! This is a prime example of how difficult slang is to translate, and has become a go to comment for our members when the boys use slang words: “It's another ‘gate trga’ moment!” We translated it as ‘kicking ass’, and you can read the original article here
Sixth layer: 
One of our favourite memes to come from our original content - Bojan holding the ‘no’ paddle in Padova looking extremely indignant at the idea of sweatpants in public being a fashion crime. We call him Nojan and we love it! Check out our Padova interview games at 13:10
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Only BoMartin hug video:
A fan favourite moment from Stožice was the hug Bojan and Martin shared after he appeared onstage for Kot srce ki kri poganja. It was an incredibly sweet moment, that was captured by the JOS livestream but cut out of the official Stožice documentary! Now it only exists in our saved livestream on Instagram! 
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‘You are and are amazing’: 
These were Bojan’s sweet words at the end of our interview in Tampere. It’s at 15:12.
‘Was some AI included?’:
The day of our first interview with Joker Out was also the release date of SSOL. For the occasion, we translated the song in 15 languages! Kris asked if we had done the translations using some AI - but we would NEVER at JokerOutSubs! You can check it out here from 0:31.
RTVSLO notice:
While in Helsinki during the See You Soon tour, one of our members recorded the first playout of Šta bih ja and Bluza and sent the videos straight to our discord server for translation, and they were posted up for everyone to enjoy overnight. We were so happy to see Joker Out themselves mentioned this in their press release about the songs, including the one to RTVSLO!! 
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Bojan’s fish hat:
Just some fun JokerOutSubs lore, but the now famous Women want me, fish fear me hat was gifted to Bojan by one of our members during the soundcheck in Milano! He posted a picture right after receiving it. We love to see!
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Seventh layer:
‘You don’t love me??’:
In our London interview, we asked Jan and Nace why they chose to do their Damon Baker shoot together, and Jan quite beautifully explained Damon’s vision of a portrayal of non romantic intimacy. Bojan then had to make a joke. You can watch the moment here at 46:43.
We love a good mistranslation here at JokerOutSubs, and many British fans were left confused when the boys posted that Kiki had lost his ‘bunda’ (coat), as it has a very different meaning in the UK! We discussed it in our fan interviews in London for episode 2 of Queue and A! Check it out here at 11:12!
Stolen Joker Rangers meme:
On March 9th, we posted the trailer to our new translation, which was a collaboration with the radio RadioAKTIVNO. For the trailer we used a moment in the interview where the boys talked about which Power Ranger they would be. Of course, we had to make an edit worth of Joker Out!
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The very next day, Joker Out posted a picture of themselves as Power Rangers to promote their gig in Kraków. 
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A funny coincidence? Maybe. Of course, we had to remark on it!
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Demoni karaoke:
During their gig in Helsinki in September, one of our Finnish members sang a Demoni karaoke! You can watch the video from 7:50 here. Way to go!
JokerOutSubs’ biggest fan Nace and second biggest fan Häärijä: 
We can count many important milestones during our first year of life, but nothing beats the moment Häärijä, and later Nace, started following us! Thank you for acknowledging our work!
As a result, we joke that they are our biggest fans. But is it really a joke?? 🤔
Umazane misli in Japanese:
Another amazing karaoke done by one of our amazing members, this time it was Umazane misli in Japanese during the gig in Ljubljana last December. How cool is that?? We posted a video of that on our IG with Japanese subtitles.
Eighth layer:
Wet towel removal and wonky flag tying: 
Our members who interviewed the boys in Padova gave the room a spruce up before recording, including the removal of a pile of wet towels and tying up a very wonky JokerOutSubs flag. We had to credit Anja for this hugely important piece of work, so we snuck some silly credits in at the end of the interview! 
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Do solzice: 
When we read a message to the boys at the end of our London interview to explain the impact they’ve had on Slovenian fans, we were all quite emotional! Bojan later posted the message with the caption ‘Tole je bilo pa do solzice’ - ‘This one was a tear jerker’. For us too, Bojan! You can watch the moment here at 56:37.
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'Che c***o! (in serbo)': 
We were super happy to see the band post about all the translations we did for the Carpe Diem series, but our Italian team had a giggle that THIS was the screenshot they chose to highlight the new Italian subtitles - this translates to ‘What the fuck? (in Serbian)’.
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Furious native English speakers: 
Our native English review is a hugely important part of our process, partly because there’s some things that are consistently mistranslated. Here’s a few that have become iconic within JokerOutSubs for the sheer number of corrections. 
Neki - it’s not ‘some’, it’s 'some kind of'
Dejmo en aplavz - not ‘give an applause’, it’s ’give a ROUND of applause’ 
po eni strani - not ‘on one hand’ but ‘on THE one hand’!
JOS Twitch stream: 
Only the OG’s will know! In the earliest days of JokerOutSubs, we actually streamed a few shows on twitch, where our team was working as fast as possible to live translate in the chat for all the international fans who were watching! The devil works hard but JOS works harder!!
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We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing a sneak peek at some of our history, lore, favourite moments and behind the scenes here at JokerOutSubs in honour of our anniversary! Here’s to many more years of translating for you wonderful Baby Boos!
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vadaviaaiciap · 4 days
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Sala ha già detto che ci vogliono più gay pride, più ZTL e più panchine arcobaleno, per combattere la percezione di Milano come città poco sicura?
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Hi love ur rocket fics! Can you do one where the reader flirts/ compliments rocket all the time and he gets so flustered and embrassed he just kisses them to get it over with (romantic HELLA FLUFF)? THXX
This is so cute
The drill bit came off the bolt, skidding down the side of the metal side of the machine.
Rocket huffed, biting his lip to stop from laughing with you. "Stop it, it's not funny,"
Adjusting the drill again, Rocket tightened it into place.
"I'm just saying," you're leaning against his desk, arms crossed and smirking down at him. "You're very good with your hands,"
He rolled his eyes.
"It's a compliment," You nudge his arm, enjoying the way he doesn't meet your eyes.
"I'd sat thanks if it wasn't messing with my work,"
"No, you wouldn't, you're too stubborn," You laugh, fidgeting with a loose screw.
"I know how to take a compliment," He retorts.
"Oh yeah?" He regrets his statement the moment it leaves his mouth. "Wanna prove it?"
Oh, how he hates his pride.
"Try me," He challenges.
You lean forward, running your fingers through the fur on his forehead, going past his ear and cupping his face.
"You're so smart, and you build the most amazing machine and inventions,"
He swallows thickly.
"...and you're the best pilot the Milano has ever had-"
He grabs the collar of your shirt, yanking your face down and kissing you.
You smile against him, moving closer to him. "You're doing this just to get me to shut me up,"
He laughs too, twisting your shirt around his hand, giving a solid tug.
"Shut up,"
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