#roma pride
unodistratto · 1 year
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akudamalive · 1 year
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AKUDAMA -- QUЭЭЯ ⛓ K1ИK 🦾 C¥BЗЯ 🔊 TЭСHИØ #60 -- PRIDE Last Saturday I had the pleasure of experiencing the Pride in Roma 🇮🇹 seeing the trucks, people and supporters passing the Colosseum was such a beautiful image 🌈 every time when joining a pride parade, I can see so much love and can’t help but imagine a world where love abounds in every corner and every moment 🫶 a world we aspire to create and a world we should never stop fighting for 🖤 ⁠ ⁠ QueeResistenza was / is this year’s slogan of pride in Rome / Italy - a word that means queer resistance and existence. A march for the rights of queer people and recognition against a government that wants to erase them. The pride showed beautiful diversity with 34 amazing floats, music and speeches - and a million people strong, according to the organizers. Also, the mayor of Rome joined and supported the families of same-sex couples. It was a beautiful day of love and solidarity and I’m even more excited to join this weekend’s pride parade in my current home base Torino 🏳️‍🌈⁠
In my previous post you saw the start of the pride parade at Piazza della Repubblica and this video is the last hour before the end of the parade at the Colosseum - hopefully the videos get at least a small percentage of the actual feelings across at this great festival ✨ The artwork on the images is my idea of a futuristic Techno afterparty after the Roman Pride, I hope you like it 💋
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thefelineofaveb · 1 year
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went to the Rome Pride Parade with my husband today! had fun with our Tom of Finland fans :3
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ltneonsigns · 2 years
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Roma pride 2022 (only the brave 🌈)
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coriolisunset · 1 year
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hello new followers, here's a picture of today's slutty pride outfit
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Bella merda...
Quasi quasi adesso vado a dare fuoco a Roma oseervando il tutto dall'alto mentre canto "Free Fall" degli Slot Machine!
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mmakeitmakesense · 1 year
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Pride month 2023
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maredirabbia · 1 year
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Ho scattato qualche foto, al Pride di Roma.
11/06/2023 🌈
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binosaura · 1 year
Siamo noi la meraviglia.
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shesgonnabeanangel · 1 year
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Happy Pride!! 🏳️‍🌈
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novemaggiomp3 · 7 days
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stupid spineless cunts. I genuinely hope you get hatecrimed, I wish that with all my heart.
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a non binary pride sign i saw yesterday in rome
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evansdoodles · 1 year
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Going to Rome’s pride parade this Saturday!! My first pride parade ever lol last years i was too busy with work
SO I MADE SOME SHOES!! each side has one of my flags + the inclusivity one, and I painted the laces to match :)
For those wandering;
Oswald’s side: Trans and inclusivity flags
Edward’s side: Bisexual and Genderqueer flags :)
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ilpianistasultetto · 15 days
Anche quest' anno, come succede da anni, sentiremo molti politici lamentarsi di tanta ostentazione da parte di chi e' gay (o lesbica).
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No! Dico! E che vogliamo dire di quelle migliaia di processioni religiose che ogni anno si tengono lungo tutto lo stivale italico? A che serve ostentare Santi e Madonne portati in spalla per tutte le strade di quartieri e paesi? Non basterebbe una bella messa tra le quattro mura di una chiesa?
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djuvlipen · 11 months
Studies from 2016 show that at least 15% of Roma people have a disability, amounting to over 1.6 million people between the European Union, the Western Balkans and Turkey. The available data highlights a high prevalence of disabilities among Roma communities, also due to the health inequality gap and poorer health condition of the Roma population. However, the information on Roma with disabilities is very limited.
To gain a better understanding of the discrimination and social exclusion that Roma with disabilities face in Europe, we have conducted a research study based on the data collected by the EU Agency on Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the research from the European Roma Grassroots Organisation (ERGO) Network. The outcomes and analysis are published in a joint EDF-ERGO Network briefing on discrimination and social exclusion of Roma with disabilities.
The briefing highlights a comparatively high risk of intersectional and multiple discrimination for Roma with disabilities, with the disability marginalisation adding to the systemic racial discrimination and antigypsyism that keeps them at the margins of society. Discrimination affects their access to basic services such as inclusive education, healthcare and long-term care, their integration into the job market and, in turn, their overall socio-economic condition.
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Available data clearly show that Roma with disabilities encounter more obstacles than the average to complete quality education, 81% of them dropping out of education early. Early school abandonment and inequalities in educational outcomes are partly encouraged by the bullying and harassment that young Roma people with disabilities endure in school settings and that, according to the FRA, affect 27% of them, as well as by a general trend to falsely diagnose Roma children with developmental and learning disabilities, leading them to be placed in segregated schools with reduced curricula.
As a result of the low average educational attainment, young Roma with disabilities encounter numerous issues entering the labour market. Within the age bracket 16-24, 63% of Roma with disabilities is neither in education, employment or training – with the percentage raising to 84% for the people of the same age with high support needs. The situation is further worsened by discrimination during job search and on the workplace: many respondents claimed to have felt discriminated against when looking for a job, largely because of being Roma.
The limited access to education, lower access to employment, and unequal access to social protection make so that Roma with disabilities stand an exponentially higher chance of living below the poverty line: 82% of persons with disabilities with moderate support needs, and 90% with high support needs, are at risk of poverty. The marginalisation of Roma with disabilities also reflects on their access to the housing market: inability to pay rent and anti-Roma discrimination when looking for housing are part of the reason why 55% of Roma with disabilities experience housing deprivation and 75% live in overcrowded housing.
The Roma experience an overall poorer state of health than the majority of the population, with a higher prevalence of chronic illnesses and a lower life expectancy. Deterring them from accessing healthcare and long-term care are not only the high cost of treatments and the lack of information, but also discriminatory attitudes informed by antigypsyism. The ethnic discrimination intensifies for those with some form of disability: 18% of Roma with disabilities with moderate support needs and 17% of Roma with disabilities with high support needs felt discriminated against in accessing healthcare, compared to 12% of Roma without disabilities. It is also important to note that the inaccessibility of healthcare system and healthcare services create another discriminatory barrier for Roma with disabilities.
While some of the issues highlighted in our briefing could be addressed by separate Roma and disability policies, the current legal framework adopted by the EU does not offer a comprehensive protection for people facing intersectional and multiple discrimination, e.g. on grounds of ethnic discrimination and disability. Because of this, Roma with disabilities are left with limited protection of their rights and limited legal remedies to respond to their marginalisation.
We therefore, together with ERGO Network, recommend the EU and Member States to adopt targeted actions, in particular:
Increase the visibility of Roma with disabilities and address policy gaps at the European and national levels
Adopt a comprehensive EU equality law to prohibit intersectional and multiple forms of discrimination
Collect equality disaggregated data on people living in institutions in the EU;
Invest in housing first initiatives and targeted outreach measures to improve access to healthcare and long-term care services for Roma with disabilities;
Involve Roma with disabilities and their representative organisations in designing, implementing and monitoring policies that affect them.
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azspicegirlstimeline · 11 months
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7/10/00 - geri performs at world pride roma, a gay pride event in rome, italy that was protested by the vatican. in her performance, halliwell dances with a preist as a middle finger to the catholic church.
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