#mildew growth
davidl2001 · 10 months
5 Signs You Need Your House Repainted
repaint your house A fresh coat of paint is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to give your home a facelift. Whether it’s to improve its curb appeal or to spruce up your interior, repainting can transform your home and make it look brand new again. But how do you know it’s time to repaint your house? Here are some signs to look out for. Peeling and Flaking Paint If you notice paint…
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foldingfittedsheets · 12 days
Oh man! This hasn’t come up in any of the bed asks but: DO NOT KEEP YOUR MATTRESS FLAT ON THE GROUND. DON’T.
Get a flat ikea frame. Get a cheap Craigslist frame. Fortify yourself and get that fucker some ventilation by getting it off the ground.
Your humid human body creates the perfect conditions for mold and mildew growth, even in dry climates. You wouldn’t believe how many people mold up their bed by leaving it flat on the ground. It’s about airflow. It’s about heat dissipation. If you must have it on the ground at least put it in box springs.
Don’t have a moldy bed. Get a bed frame.
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theotherwesley · 7 months
I've been thinking about Spring Horror.
Autumn Horror is a given, and Summer Horror is its own genre. Winter Horror acknowledges the expected dangers of the cold and dark.
Spring Horror is a bit of a rare breed, spring being dominated by the association of new life and rebirth, but before the rebirth, there is the hungry gap, the starving time. It comes after all the provisions stocked for winter have run out, and the new growth has yet to begin. Animals are pregnant but have yet to give birth, birds are still returning, fish are half under ice. Early spring is when you find the bottom of the barrel. Winter of course will kill you in its serene way, but where the dead stay frozen in the snowy months, they must eventually be revealed by the thaw. The dead leaves from autumn are a carpet of slime yet to be reclaimed by soil; carrion that has been desiccating under the snow emerges again as husks and bones, sleeping where they last rested still wearing their skin like a loose costume; rivers unlock the sodden corpses of the unlucky, anything that had stumbled and was claimed by frozen currents under the ice. The spring ice will claim even more victims as it thaws, when the solid sheets across lakes are no longer trustworthy, and the rivers burst with snow melt. In the spring, water is at its most treacherous; things that were missing return changed. Whatever was hidden, floats up.
Snow becomes rain, icy ground becomes mud, old vegetation becomes mold, cold becomes wet; clothes that kept you warm in winter may be less suited to keeping you dry, and the firewood is damp. As the sun gradually returns, staying in the sky longer but with no more heat than in December, the first things to grow are mildew and fungus; the first flourishing crop of the year is spores, the second is illness. Whatever solidarity or peaceful isolation came from the necessity of sheltering through the winter is less pleasant when fasting becomes a regularity. The outdoors remains hostile, but the home is where madness and melancholy have been fermenting through the longest nights. By spring, habits may have become obsessions, and any small repeated annoyances will have long since grown intolerable. What has grown tight must snap.
Spring will always bear an association with birth and rebirth; it goes without saying that birth can be a source of horror, and before there can be rebirth there must first be a confrontation with rot. Spring Horror is about gnawing the bones that winter left, scouring the empty cellar to find the last shriveled apple; it's finding the corpses you buried staring you in the face, your bloated crimes rising to the top of the old well; it's about watching the world digest the dead; its about planting sins and picking the flowers that come up wrong.
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mitsies · 1 year
clementines ; aki hayakawa
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aki hayakawa hates your guts. unfortunately for him, he's stuck with you for an investigation.
aki hayakawa x reader, forced proximity, huddling for warmth, rivals to lovers, confessions, fluff fluff fluff! - wc: 2.5k
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aki hayakawa doesn't see your appeal.
you're pretty, sure, and you can be funny sometimes (not that he'd ever dignify your humor by laughing at your jokes), and you've got a good head on your shoulders- but he just can't bring himself to like you. he's not too sure why.
you make him feel weird, in a way he's not very familiar with. his stomach turns when you're near and his palms go sweaty, and his throat runs dry. it feels like his heart is on fire and his blood is burning beneath his skin when you're near- he doesn't think he likes it.
and so, when aki realizes that you're the only person left to accompany him on an investigative mission, he's not the happiest in the world.
"hurry up," he states dully, as you flit around the devil hunter's headquarters in search of your coat.
"forgive me for not wanting to freeze my ass off outside."
"you don't have an ass to freeze off."
you freeze. "that was a low blow."
aki shrugs and turns, beginning to walk towards the exit. "you're taking too long."
"okay, okay, jesus. fine. i guess i'll just get hypothermia and die."
you're tailing him now, as he opens the door for you. "thank god."
you shoot him a wordless glare and his stomach drops- he isn't sure why. he doesn't talk to you again as he enters the driver's seat of the car.
you slide into the passenger's seat as he begins to drive. "so.. we're going to shinjuku? what for?"
he side-eyes you. "did you even read the information about this assignment?"
you shrug. "i skimmed it."
aki exhales. "we were given an anonymous tip about the gun devil's whereabouts."
you straighten at this, and he continues: "there's a system of old underground tunnels at the location we're headed to. we're checking that out."
aki wants to punch you at that moment, because he looks over and sees you mulling over your thoughts and you look so good even when you don't mean to. he returns his eyes to the road.
the drive is quiet, except for your occasional statements or questions. aki's responses were brief and rude, and typically deterred further conversations. silence had settled around the two of you by the time you'd arrived at your destination.
the entrance to the tunnels is located on the outskirts of shinjuku. they were overgrown with ivy, and puddles of murky water are splattered around the entrance. aki watches you as you frown at the entrance.
"this looks like it's going to be gross." you dip the heel of your shoe into a puddle experimentally, watching as greenish sediment swirls around.
"you're going to have to get over it." your eyes shift to him at his words and suddenly aki's skin is burning, despite the chill of the tokyo night.
you're visibly irritated by him, and you roll your eyes and march into the tunnels. "of course. you're so right, as always. what would i do without you, the great and powerful aki hayakawa?"
the way you say his name sends a thrill of ice down his spine. aki pretends it was just the cold as he follows you inside.
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you were right. the tunnels are indeed disgusting. they were obviously occupied at one point- the main passageway branches off into many different rooms.
each room, though, was either empty or lost to time. skeletal furniture and unidentifiable plant growth is all that's left. cobwebs gather in the corners and more filthy puddles collect in divots on the floors. the air smells heavy of mildew, and it's enough to make aki's skin crawl. he wonders how many people have died down here.
to your credit, you don't comment on the apparent ick-factor of the location. you diligently search every room, attentively leaving no stone unturned and pushing aside your own discontent.
aki might not like you, but you're undeniably good at your job. he can't fault you for that.
eventually, though, the both of you reach the end of the tunnels. at this point, you're deep underground. the light of your flashlights is the only thing illuminating the path forward.
"so, that intel was a bust," you state with a tight grin. aki scowls at you. "no shit, idiot."
you huff and turn away. "there's one room left. if we're lucky, that'll have what we need."
you open the door and, to both of your surprises, this room is fully furnished. aki is quick to enter behind you, letting the door close after him.
it's a small, cramped space, with a dust-covered desk in the center. the walls are lined with bookshelves that look like they haven't been touched in years, and an ancient rug that undoubtedly carries a disease or two lies on the floor.
"would you look at that," you start, turning to aki with glittering eyes, "maybe i'm magic."
he looks away from you, his heart burning under your gaze. "start looking."
you pour over the books, skimming covers and leafing through pages, while aki examines the desk. ultimately, though, he comes up empty-handed. he turns to you and sees that you've also found nothing of interest.
"i guess we got led on," you sigh.
"damn it." frustration bubbles up within him, and aki exhales heavily. he doesn't want to yell at you. he really could, and he kind of wants to, but he knows it's not your fault that he's pissed off.
he pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket, and you raise an eyebrow. "you can catch as many diseases as you want, aki, but let me and my nice clean lungs have their peace, please."
he wants to make fun of you. he wants to call you a coward, or some other trivial insult, because his blood is suddenly smoldering underneath his skin and it's all your fault for looking at him. but he just shoots you another glare before beginning to the office to light his cigarette in the hallway.
but as soon as he opens the door, a deafening crush of rock rains from the ceiling. the earth trembles and aki must've really, really pissed mother nature off because he's sent crashing back into the office's filthy stone flooring.
the collapse of the tunnel's roof ended almost as soon as it began. the thunderous rumbling ceases, and you're suddenly at aki's side.
"you're hurt. don't move." you stand, on edge, to try and survey the scene.
"i'm fine," aki tries, attempting to get up- but the world begins to spin and his leg hurts really fucking bad and he's back on the floor.
you let out a snort of laughter. "sure you are."
aki wants to say something but he snaps his jaw shut, watching from the ground as you pull open the office's door. a wall of massive rocks encases the entrance- some smaller ones begin to tumble back and you hop away with a small noise.
(aki thinks he might have brain damage, because he's smiling now. he bites the inside of his cheek to hide it.)
"okay," you declare, "we're kind of stuck here."
(aki is no longer smiling.)
he tries to stand for the second time, only to be humbled by gravity yet again- this time, you catch him before he slams into the stone flooring again.
"god, are you okay? do you have a concussion?" he grumbles something incoherent in response to your concerns. he sits leaning back against the wall as you fuss and examine him. (he hopes you don't catch how he has to look away because his face is undoubtedly flushed over your meticulous gaze.)
"oh my god," you start, as your eyes trail down to his left leg.
he tries to see what you do, pulling the pant leg up a bit, revealing his gnarled ankle. it's bruised and already bluing, with an ugly gash on the side. he's not sure how he didn't notice the blood before.
he pulls his pant leg back down. "whatever. we've got to find out how to get out of here."
you stare at him, unimpressed. "we're definitely stuck, aki. promise."
he wants to protest but he knows you're right. "god."
he tips his head back and closes his eyes in frustration- he has to have the worst luck. the sound of rustling clothing brings his attention back to you.
you're unbuttoning your plain black vest, which was your own addition to the devil hunter's plain uniform. aki always thought it looked good on you, though he'd only ever chided you about it for violating the dress code.
you pull it off of you and roll up the sleeves of your white button-up. he stares. "what're you doing?"
you glance up at him, and there's mirth in your eyes. "saving your life from the infectious diseases down here, hotshot."
aki rolls his eyes. he hates how helpless he feels, being unable to walk and underneath your watch. he can do nothing but observe as you wrap your vest around his cut leg deftly. your fingers brush against his skin, sending sparks throughout his nervous system.
once you're done tending to his wound, you retreat, and sit on the desk after dusting it off a bit. aki didn't realize how warm you were until you'd gone away.
"how long do you think we'll be here for until the other two come to get us?"
"probably a few more hours. they won't come until morning, at the earliest."
you purse your lips. "unfortunate. i was going to have chinese food tonight."
aki raises an eyebrow. "you can cook?"
"no," you say with a crooked grin, "but i have a takeout place on speed dial." i'm a horrid cook."
"i can imagine."
you laugh, and aki feels like he has just been given a warm hug. "what, are you a professional chef or something? who are you to judge me?"
he tries not to smile, but he thinks he does a poor job of it. "i could be a professional chef when compared to you."
you're grinning now, tilting your head with amusement as you tuck one leg underneath yourself on the desk. "you should teach me how to cook sometime."
and there's that feeling again- the unpleasant burn of every blood cell within aki's body, the thundering of his heart, the whirlpool in his gut. he impresses himself when he's able to form a coherent response. "maybe i will."
conversation flows between you and aki like a dam has been removed. he's still a little rude, and you still respond a little passive-aggresively, but it's easier to talk to you than aki remembers it ever being.
he begins to realize that he's not too sure why he disliked you in the first place. you were pretty, and you were intelligent. you had musical laughter and a sense of humor to match. you cared about things and people, and aki dared to think that he was one of them.
you were lying down on the desk now, hair fanning out behind you when you asked him what his favorite food was. you were hardly visible in the dim lighting, only discernable due to the white glow of the flashlight.
"i think oranges."
you pull yourself up. "oh. same."
"oranges are good."
"they are."
you pause for a second before brightening. "actually, wait-"
hopping off your desk, you fish around in a small messenger bag that you'd left on the floor at some point. you produce a small, brightly-colored fruit- a clementine.
"not quite an orange, but," you smile, moving to sit near aki on the floor, "i always keep one on me just in case."
you hand him the fruit, and he looks at you. "in case of what?"
(aki doesn't realize, but all the cruelties and demeaning words have died off his tongue. he doesn't care for them anymore, he's content with your company.)
you shrug. "bonding moments. i tried to give one to power before i realized that she's more of a... y'know. blood fan."
aki laughs.
(he's just as surprised as you are.)
he tries to compose himself as swiftly as possible, peeling the clementine gingerly. he splits the fruit in half, giving you the larger one.
the two of you eat your share in silence, an unspoken bond forming like ice over a freezing lake. aki thinks he likes clementines more than oranges now.
"you know," you say, after you're done with your slices, "i'm pretty sure you hate me. am i wrong?"
he freezes at your bluntness. "i don't... hate you."
he steals a glance at you. you're sitting with your knees pulled close to your chest, and aki takes in your side profile. he sees the curve of your lips, the slope of your nose, the taper of your chin- and he realizes that he could never hate you, not when he's in love with you.
aki hayakawa is in love with you.
"really? because you're kind of mean sometimes." you say it like it's a joke, but he can tell you're serious. he's still taking in his own realization, so for a few seconds, he just opens and shuts his jaws like a fish out of water.
he notices you shivering, and he realizes that you must be freezing- you lost your coat, after all, and your vest was currently tied around his bleeding leg. he shrugs off his blazer, and drapes it across your shoulders.
"i don't hate you," he struggles to get out. he looks away, and you blink.
"i don't hate you, too."
he expects the conversation to end there, but you keep going.
"i like you a lot, actually." you say it like it's a fact, like you didn't just put your heart out on a table for him to dissect. you don't look at him, either, even when he whips his head around to stare at you.
aki doesn't know what to say. you seem content with the silence. he is not.
"you're cold," he states after a brief lapse in conversation.
now you look at him. "i mean, i was. but you gave me your jacket. i'm good now. thanks, by the way."
"no, i think you're still cold." you tilt your head at him, confused, before realization sparks behind your eyes.
"oh. oh, you're right. oh, great and powerful aki, i am so very cold and in need of warmth this fine, frigid winter night."
he rolls his eyes, awkwardly shuffling closer. until your shoulders touch and your legs are in line. he barely stops himself from exhaling sharply when your head falls onto his shoulder.
your body is warm against his, like a space heater, and aki doesn't think he's ever felt more alive. his hand absentmindedly finds its way around your waist and he feels your heartbeat pick up.
"goodnight," he finds it in himself to whisper a few minutes later.
you're already asleep.
(the next morning, aki wakes up to you standing up by the carpet, which you'd moved to reveal a wooden trapdoor, leading to daylight- an escape hatch.
you stare at him. he stares at you.
"we suck at this," you whisper as if it's not just the two of you in the room.
aki grimances.
"you do," he says, even though he doesn't regret a single thing.)
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author's note: plz ignore anything wrong i have not watched csm🤭
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keshetchai · 2 months
Okay listen to me very closely (again): the Jewish biblical prohibition against seed mixtures is not simply a poorly thought out banning of all companion crop planting. [My sefaria sheet: The Halakha of...Gardening?]
Basically the quick summary is this:
The prohibition against the planting of diverse seeds (any kind) in a field is maybe limited to Eretz Yisrael (Kiddushin 39a:10)
— unless you are specifically referring to intermixing wheat, barley, and grape seed in a vineyard (Kiddushin 39a:12-13) which is definitely prohibited everywhere.
Sufficiently similar plants of a kind may be planted together and not be considered a mixing of diverse seeds in a field/garden (Pesachim 39b:4)
Even companion planting requires appropriate spacing between plants to maximize efficacy, and minimize your crops strangling each other. Which, incidentally, is what is recommended!:
With regard to a garden bed that is six by six handbreadths in area, one may plant in it five different types of seeds, four types on the four sides of the bed and one type in the middle. This mishna teaches that it is permitted to plant different types of seeds in one garden bed, provided that one maintains the appropriate distance between them.
Pesachim 39b:1, but also
Mishnah Shabbat 9:2
From where is it derived that in a garden bed that is six by six handbreadths, that one may plant five different types of seeds in it? He may do so without violating the prohibition of sowing a mixture of diverse kinds of seeds in the following manner. One sows four types of plants on each of the four sides of the garden bed and one in the middle.
There is an allusion to this in the text, as it is stated: “For as the earth brings forth its growth, and as a garden causes its seeds to grow, so will the Lord God cause justice and praise to spring forth before all the nations” (Isaiah 61:11). Its seed, in the singular, is not stated; rather, its seeds, written in the plural.
Apparently, it is possible that several seeds may be planted in a small garden.
Mishnah Kilayim 3:1
A furrow of vegetables measuring six handbreadths by six handbreadths: it is permitted to sow in it five [different] types of seeds--four [species], one on [each of] the four sides of the bed, and one in the middle. If it had a border one handbreadth high, one may sow in it thirteen [different species] three on every border, and one in the middle. It is prohibited to plant a turnip head in the border since that would fill it [completely]. Rabbi Judah said: [it is permitted to sow] six [species] in the middle.
In the Talmud the relevant section is Shabbat 84b:4 — 86a:1. A handsbreadth is the measurement of 4 fingers breadthwise. Roughly 2.5-4 inches long (my own hand is about 2.5 wide above the knuckle.)
If we assume the wider end of what Google told me is the average range, then 6 handbreadths (6 * 4 inches) by 6 handbreadths is 24 inches by 24 inches, or only 2 cubic feet.
Now if you've ever gardened you will learn that seeds NEED spacing in order to grow, obtain proper air circulation, and avoid a host of problems (disease, mildew, pest infestation going unchecked, sunlight competition, etc).
If you've ever gardened in the US specifically you may have seen things like this:
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A square foot seeding planter template (above is an image of a green template laid over garden soil. The template has holes placed to guide ideal seed plant spacing, which someone is demonstrating by placing seeds into a color coded hole.)
or this square foot gardening foundation spacing recommendation image for a "typical 4 x 4 square foot garden."
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This image shows a garden that is 4 feet by 4 feet square with suggested plants for each square foot.
The leftmost column is "extra large" plants that need at least a full square foot: broccoli, cabbage, pepper,tomato.
The next column (moving left to right), are Large plants (suggesting no more than 4 of each planted within a single square foot): leaf lettuce (listed twice for varied options), swiss chard, & marigold. Leaf lettuce is continually cut back for the leaves rather than allowed to grow a full sized head, hence the need for less space.
Column #3 is medium plants (9 to a square foot): bush beans, spinach (listed twice), and beets.
Column #4 is small plants (16 to a square foot): carrots, onions, and radish (listed twice).
This means that if I were to draw out a 2x2 foot garden over this chart, there would only be 4 different types of plants within that 2x2 area.
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In this case, I drew a square around 2 mediums & 2 smalls, for a garden of bush beans, carrots, spinach, and radish (which is a recommended limit of 50 total individual plants within that space.)
The Talmud is stating that you are permitted to plant one type of seed on each of the borders and then another type in the center, which is 5 different types of plants in 2 cubic feet. To follow this guideline I would adjust the total numbers of each type of plant down so that I wasn't going above about 50 individual plants (which is already very crammed!)
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(Image just shows the previous 2x2 feet garden with each side labeled 1-4m in the center I wrote 5, and then circled it.) This is a LOT of plants in a small plot.
People frequently see this prohibition and immediately say something like: "BUT THREE SISTERS INDIGENOUS COMPANION PLANTING IS GOOD!!"
And yes, it IS good!! Great, even!!
Native Seeds Search helpfully illustrates three separate 3 sisters garden layouts for us, actually.
The classic mound style plants corn spaced 6 inches apart in the center. Then from a corn plant, beans are planted at least 4 inches away. Then later, the squash is planted 24 inches away from the center (which is roughly halfway between the two corn stalks) Meaning if you have 2 corn stalks in the center (6 inches apart) and then add the distance of two squash from the center, we now have a generic diameter of 54 inches, or about FOUR AND A HALF feet for THREE kinds of plants.
If you made a square by using the 54 inches measurement (the Talmud really likes square gardens as opposed to circles or triangles), rather than a circular mound, it would be a space slightly bigger than the above referenced 4x4 foot garden with 13 different plant types suggested. The suggested spacing for 3 sisters gets much bigger in the other examples at the link because squash needs a LOT OF ROOM to grow!
TL;DR in Judaism, you can absolutely plant squash, beans, and corn in an appropriately sized garden plot without violating the prohibition of mixing seeds.
People like to explain this mitzvah as like, preserving the order of the world (meh) or preventing weird plant hybrids (which IS actually useful in gardening. Cross-pollination can be great but sometimes it can ALSO lead to worse, less tasty produce over time, or even compounding like, stuff that can make us sick to our stomach. I'm looking at you, cucurbits!!).
But in reality it seems to MOSTLY be like "don't plant wheat and barley together in your grape vineyard in Eretz Yisrael, and don't mix grapes with other stuff outside of Eretz Yisrael" and then like, "differing plant types need appropriate spacing in order to grow into something you can eat."
Which is extremely mundane, as far as gardening rules go.
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iloveyou8600 · 19 days
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digital scan of kodachrome slide from 1969 with mildew growth
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reviewinghiccup · 1 year
Blog Post Series: Breaking Down Hiccup
Title: When Lightning Strikes
Ep/Season: Episode 13, Season 1 (Riders of Berk)
A strange and fierce lightning storm besets the village, and angry suspicions rouse claims that Toothless is to blame.
HICCUPS HYPER-FIXATIONS He's so fixated on the new perches that he nearly drinks dragon poop infested water. Love how Stoick stops him, knowing that his son is so obsessed over the new developments, he ain't thinking.
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Hiccup is an ideas man. In todays age, he could be anything. Software designer, architect, engineer, pilot? I mean, the list of career opportunities is endless.
We know that in the final instalment of the franchise, they set out to find New Berk. I feel like that was indicative of the kind of forward trajectory having a chief like Hiccup would cause. Playing to his strengths is what allowed Berk to modernise and who knows, maybe his style of village / town planning is the kind we see in the old Scandinavian Countryside.
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It's possible, all the ideas he intended to build on Berk for the dragons he ended up doing at Dragon's Edge like the landing areas and stables. And it's such a clever way to learn and improve designs in their "mock" village during the RTTE season before implementing the same in Berk as we see in the opening of HTTYD 2.
Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but I think a lot about what Stoick tells Hiccup are probably lessons on chief-ing he picks up as he goes along. Learning mostly through observation and spending time w his dad.
We know that Hiccup's decision in HTTYD: The Hidden World, i.e., to leave Berk to find new pasture, is because Berk is no longer a safe place for its people. The threat from enemies is endless.
This eminent danger is heightened if you watch the TV programmes. Because apart from Drago Bludvist and Grimmel the Grisley, we have Alvin the Treacherous, Dagger the Deranged, Ryker & Viggo Grimborn, Krogan and Johann. The other more treacherous than the last.
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At the end of The Hidden World, Hiccup knows that he must let go of Toothless and all the other dragons for everyones safety.
Hiccup becomes a good chief by virtue of all these little moments w his dad. I can even recall a moment in Episode 7, Season 1 (Riders of Berk) : How to Pick your Dragon where Stoick releases this inner monologue. Maybe that's what caused Hiccup to put the village first in the end.
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No doubt Hiccup becomes one of the best chiefs because he has learned from the best. Pick and chosen which lessons to keep and which to improve.
When a society lacks understanding, it is guided by fear. The village, after incessant accusations by Mildew, goes on a witch hunt for Toothless. They believe that keeping a Night Fury has angered Thor.
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They are in a sense, a deeply religious society. And because they don't understand the science of nature i.e., that metal attracts lightning, they believe any explanation pitted against a certain cause.
HTTYD series conflicts go beyond bad guy v good guy. Sometimes, it is your own people you need to deal with.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. ROB has some of the best comedic lines of the franchise.
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I know we've discussed Snotlout previously. I know we all agree he's not all that bad. Just a damaged viking really, with a lousy father. His relationship w Hiccup is very up and down. But, I love how he took revenge along w Tuffnutt, who in a sense are pretty mellow in terms of defending Hiccup, until the series progresses.
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A real point of growth here for Stoick to stand between the village and Toothless.
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He's a pretty great dad. Don't you think so?
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smooth-lizard · 5 months
In the crevices of the bathtub, its growth thrives
Inside shower walls, filthy water keeps it alive
The fragrance infects every garment I own
Cheap cigarettes and mildew, like a shitty cologne
Capture this memory in a bottle, a marketable endeavor
Commercialize my pain, make this feeling last forever
Food decaying on the bedside table
Sticky soda spills, hide from it all if you are able
In the crevices, mold spores play
Dancing along with the mist from infected water spray
Blood trickles down into the drain
Yet all you did was slumber away that strain
Is this fair? Do I have any right to scream?
You were barely even there, always stuck in your dreams
Can it truly hurt me if I don't remember?
My memories devalued, burned to an ember
In the crevices, clumps of hair remain
Bits of scalp and bedsores, devoid of shame
Like it was forbidden to touch you, disease remained
A nauseating lifestyle you chose to maintain
Bleeding until there was nothing left to drain
Memories you choose to hide, dozens of pills to numb your brain
A craving for this filth, a sick love for this grime
Sure, your childhood was ruined, but why'd you have to take mine?
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onetouchheat · 1 year
10 Health Benefits of Air Conditioning
Discover the numerous health benefits of air conditioning and why you should consider AC installation in Brampton with One Touch Heating & Air Conditioning. Call 416-844-4783 to experience these benefits today!
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Improved Indoor Air Quality: AC units filter out pollutants, dust, and allergens, ensuring cleaner air for you and your family.
Allergy Relief: By reducing airborne allergens, AC systems alleviate symptoms for those with allergies or respiratory issues.
Temperature Regulation: Air conditioning helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, promoting relaxation and better sleep.
Decreased Humidity: AC units remove excess moisture from the air, preventing mold and mildew growth that can trigger health problems.
Asthma Prevention: Controlled humidity levels and filtered air reduce asthma triggers, minimizing the risk of attacks.
Enhanced Respiratory Function: Clean, cool air improves lung function and reduces breathing difficulties.
Heat Stroke Prevention: AC provides a cool environment, preventing heat-related illnesses during hot summer months.
Improved Focus and Productivity: A comfortable temperature enhances concentration, leading to increased productivity.
Better Sleep Quality: Cool air promotes restful sleep, allowing you to wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.
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dreamycastaway · 1 year
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The Grass House, built by Anacostia-based architecture firm BLDUS, is the first code compliant bamboo building in DC. BLDUS embraces a "farm-to-shelter" approach to building Eco-friendly homes. Their use of materials like sheep's wool and bamboo reduces utility bills as well as discourages the growth of mold and mildew.
Photos: Ty Cole for Axios DC
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whirlpoolsingapore · 12 days
Dehumidifier: Do You Really Need One for Your Home?
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Singapore, only 1.5 degrees away from the equator, has a tropical climate all year long. It's hot, humid, and has rain showers throughout the year. Imagine stepping into your home after a long day, only to be met with a stifling and damp feeling you cannot escape. This discomfort is a sign of excess moisture in the air, which can lead to a host of problems. Dehumidifiers work by removing excess moisture and controlling humidity levels, creating a healthier and more comfortable living environment for your family in this tropical climate. But, do you actually need one? Let’s find out.
How Do I Know if Excess Humidity is a Problem?
According to studies, the ideal level of humidity in your home should sit between 30% and 50%. Anything above this range leads to dust mites, mold, and mildew, which not only leave musty odors but can also trigger allergies and respiratory problems. Best-rated dehumidifiers for the whole house draw in moist air, condensing the water vapor into a collection tank, and then releasing drier air back into the space.
If you're unsure whether you need to buy dehumidifier for your house, there are simple ways to check your home's humidity levels. Signs like condensation on windows, a musty odor, or visible mold growth can all indicate excessive moisture. Humidity monitors are also readily available in the market that can provide you with the necessary data for surety. 
Dehumidifier and its benefits
There are other benefits of using a dehumidifier beyond just preventing mold.
Dust mites and other allergens thrive in humid environments. A dehumidifier helps control these allergens, making breathing easier for those with allergies and asthma. It also saves your electricity bill for running an air conditioner. In humid climates, a dehumidifier can ease the burden on your AC, potentially lowering your energy bills.
Excess moisture can damage furniture, books, and electronics. If you buy a dehumidifier, it will prevent warping, peeling, cracking, and rust on your household items by keeping humidity in check.
Last, but not the least important benefit of buying a dehumidifier is that it boosts the comfort of your home. Dehumidifiers create a more comfortable feel by removing dampness from the air. Dehumidifiers are particularly useful in areas prone to high humidity, such as basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Dehumidifier
Hopefully, we have convinced you to buy a dehumidifier. But here are some factors to consider when deciding the best dehumidifier for a house.
The size of your home:  Larger homes may require a more powerful dehumidifier.
Your lifestyle:  Taking frequent hot showers or drying laundry indoors, and other such activities can contribute to increased humidity. You can consider smart dehumidifiers with ionizer technology. It releases negative ions that attach to airborne particles like dust, allergens, and even some germs, making them heavier and easier to capture by the dehumidifier's filter or fall to the ground. This can result in improved air quality without needing an air purifier.
So, if you're struggling with excess moisture in your home or office space, consider investing in a dehumidifier and breathe a sigh of relief. You can find various best-rated dehumidifiers in the market. Consider your needs and budget, and keep this blog in mind while buying a dehumidifier and create a healthier and comfortable home for you and your family.
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
I like the new kids! Tom seems a mixture of Hiccup and Astrid, Jun isn’t a copy-paste Astrid and provides knowledge and myths beyond Viking history, Alex is a ray of sunshine who gives me aro/ace vibes, D’Angelo is unfortunately the weakest development wise in my opinion. I thought Eugene was obnoxious, but now he’s grown on me as that annoying, idiotic, comic relief brother carácter. I hate Buzzsaw. His motivations (?) are stupid. I like the parent cast, but I’m not a big fan of the dragon designs.
I also feel like some of the dialogue between the cast is forced and unnecessary, but I don’t mind the plot as much as I thought I would. Oh, also I’m starting to wonder if the realms are entrances to different worlds and not just supposed to be caves deep inside earth because they all have their own atmospheres and ecosystems. Plus doesn’t realms mean worlds? As in dragons are from a different world than humans originally, but the entrances are crossovers?
I enjoyed reading all this and I'm really happy to discuss things like this with other dragon nerds. I'm going to respond to topics with bullet points. Each one of these bullet points could be its own separate conversation. XD If anyone wants to keep babbling!
TNR Character Cast: Kids
The kids are good! I have appreciation for all, especially when considering their personality set-ups beyond the writer's execution. Each kid is built off good concepts.
Plus, the interests and beliefs each character has would allow for fascinating duo and team dynamics (did TNR do a better job handling it). For instance - Tom's impulsiveness contrasted with D'Angelo's rigidity and respect for regulations means the two have opposing values sets, the perfect set-up for interesting interactions.
I find Tom the weakest character concept because they bank too hard on the "Hiccup is Tom's ancestor" concept. Having your protagonist be a character who's conceptually copied off of your last protagonist, and where his main character conflict is a quest to find his ancestry (an external conflict as versus something that promotes internal character growth) is weak.
I love Jun's concept. She has tons of unrealized potential. *SHE* is set up with good character conflict. She has a mother who wants her to live in the practical world and a brother who doesn't share her interests, whereas Jun's greatest dreams and desires lie in mythology and mysticism. The fact that running into the dragons allows her to pursue her desires (against the desires of her mother, who's the head of the research facility) is way cool. And Jun being a voice for dragons in Chinese culture and the broader world of mythology makes great expansion to HTTYD-dom.
D'Angelo is a cinnamon roll, too good, too pure, to darling. The idea of a lawful good character and a character who has veterinarian knowledge is fantastic. I agree with you they haven't developed him as much as they should, especially the last few seasons. This holds true for all TNR characters, but especially D'Angelo.
Alex is a ray of sunshine in our hearts, but let's be clear: her character is one with fantastic darkness, too. That element helps make her refreshing. Like her saying, "Big business would exploit them [dragons], reducing them to a tiny column of profit margins on an ENDLESS SPREADSHEET OF DOOOOOOM."
I love Eugene because he's obnoxious! Give me all your obnoxious children! Give me your team tensions! His portrayal's a bit lame (and they partially intend that), but I can get down with the concept of a reincarnated wet rat pathetic Elvis Presley. I don't like how hard they've had him want to be leader (or the idea of "we need a leader" in this group at all). Also, I never am a fan of making a character be only comic relief. I want them to give Eugene serious and heartfelt moments, too.
The adult cast: Buzzsaw is so annoying he makes me wish Mildew were back. I do not like what they're doing with his character arc. Let's also bring up the angering stupidity of Evil Science Lady. In what world do scientists act like catty ten-year-olds? Please drop her into the abyss and forget she appeared on the show. Lots of the adult cast I have less attachment to, but their concepts are fine, and I like that we're following both a kid group and an adult group.
The dialogue is extremely poor in TNR. Agree with ya. I'm also in the same boat with you about plot: it's not something I care for, but I'm not offended by it as some people are (some things in S4 went over my very lenient allowances, though). I'm fine to chill and let things be as they are. Just sit back and get more Dragons content.
As far as entrances to other worlds: yes, that could be one explanation, especially banking on the underlying Norse concept of nine realms... but one of the things that's a hallmark of HTTYD has been its underlying realism. It's a world where dragons fill ecological roles and you can observe their evolutionary adaptations to survive in the world. HTTYD hasn't been a story of magical portals or other fantasy-driven elements. Ergo, having realms be literal would be stepping outside the worldbuilding boundaries we've had since the first movie, in my opinion. It'd be a way cool concept in a fanfic, but not something that I'd want to see in my official lore. Especially given the heavy focus on environmental adaptations to our world.
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incarnateirony · 4 months
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Cernunnos and the fuckin jericho blossom. [rubs temples]
You know this woman constantly talked about having a black thumb and killing plants? "I can't even keep a cactus alive." She didn't even want to be assed to water her grandmother's plants and she had like one potted vine thing that she let grow like a ragdoll until it'd start dying and water again. Second I got my own place I planted my own garden that she couldn't kill. I start a weed business. I start banging around in her brain and she's suddenly a big plant master with her holy water
fuck me running
You are being replaced.
Also "the jericho rose only behaves if" holy fuck. It's literally a plant. The plant, with its revival function, should work anywhere there is water, and a climate that won't develop mold or mildew/rot from oversaturation. You're fucking up if you can only make it "work" in one place off of your weird biases.
That's not magic Shea, that's incompetence.
Jericho blossoms have no native property that would make them affiliated with Cernunnos beyond you being too ignorant to find a more locally appropriate plant. Jericho Blossoms are from the other side of the fucking WORLD.
You didn't pick it because it's a Flower That Represents Cernunnos. You picked it because you learned what it was from me, and it was the Closest Associable Thing You Could Imagine for Cernunnos.
Anyway thanks for communicating things I couldn't dig out of your mind, like another way to jack your altar. Odds are your flower freaking the fuck out any time it's not being charged actively is me, so lmao ok. Sis it's all me. You literally signed your address to me, there ain't shit for warding you can do about it. I own that house, not you.
I need you to keep in mind you're the same dumb cunt that made the lemons and alkaline post, because you're too retarded to understand that plants need different levels of acid in their water. Or that Al-Qali started in alchemy like all these motherfucking processes as above so below you understand negative fucking zilch of. Yeah, KC region has chokingly high alkaline, what you're experiencing is you Put The Metaphorical Lemon In The Holy Water and now it's acidic enough for your plants to break down the native minerals in the city deposits as food and make a better biodome
Thanks for coming to my Ted Fucking Talk of "projects Shealyn has negative IQ points in but tries to mimic me on anyway"
What you're experiencing is your holy water is turning acidic. There's no pre-installed Make Plants Grow Just Cuz blessing included as a feature on holy water as a default, life itself is a complex art. Again, not something you can just wish vaguely at. Your holy water is turning acidic, Shealyn.
The plants you are describing, by and large, thrive in a 5-7 ph, depending, with about 6 as a sustainable average that most could do ok in. The regional tap water runs 8.5-9 or even higher depending on where you are, so without the acid, they get rootbound and that's why they dwarf. You were growing dwarfs. Your holy water is turning acidic and ironically, MY plants are thriving now, see how that works?
You are being replaced.
Even your holy water is adding to the breaking down of the minerals. As above, so below, bitch, you're being broken down. It's all acid and lemons in here, baby.
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immortalbutterflycos · 2 months
Oh the lengths I go for the growth of my record collection...
So my collection is pretty fresh. I started by first collection ones from musicals like Brigadoon and The Sound of Music and since my mom gave me the record player we've had since I was little, it's only grown from there to the point where every paycheck I receive, I allow myself to get a single album as a treat. (if they're preowned and only cost a couple of dollars each, I allow myself more than that one but finding those without actively searching for it is rare.)
A couple of weeks ago, my family and I were preparing for a garage sale and my mom had finally found her old record collection. (there's a lot of Billy Joel. Just a lot of Billy Joel.)
Unfortunately, over the 10 years we've been in this house, we've had out fair share of floods from various sources; Hurricanes, water heater practically exploding, etc. My mom's room is right by the water heater and the garage so this could be from any and all of the above.
Anyway, she pulled out the records and the covers were so water damaged that they were stuck together, and mildewed and just overall, ugh.
Now I've finally found the motivation to try to go through them and see if there's anything salvageable and all it took was one 45 cover that had some unidentified spores on the outside of it to make me run to grab a mask and gloves because I'll be damned if I get myself sick doing this.
I'm only on the 3rd 45 and I'm starting to think that I'm going to need a lot more of my record cleaning fluid...
Wish me luck guys. <3
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dwellapumicestone19 · 3 months
Pumice Stone : Information, Benefits, Use
Most people these days go to the bathroom as soon as they wake up to freshen up. However, if your bathroom isn’t clean, your life isn’t clean either. As they say, “fresh bathrooms means fresh mornings.
But it’s not as simple as we might imagine to clean a bathroom. The majority of individuals make mistakes when cleaning their bathrooms, such as not using the right cleaning cloth, starting from the wrong area, scrubbing too hard, or using dangerous chemicals.
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1. Using powerful chemicals or an excessive amount of bleach
We don’t read the labels of the poisonous and chemical-laden cleaning products we use because they are packed with harsh chemicals like phosphates, ammonia, and bleach that can be harmful to our health if we are exposed to them.
These substances have the potential to irritate respiratory system, skin, and eyes — especially in those with allergies or sensitivities. Long-term use will have negative consequences on health and indoor pollution. Impede the well-being of your kids and family.
Prevent any negative effects from this. Introducing Dwella Pumice Stone, a chemical-free cleaning solution. Without the need for extra chemicals, its abrasive texture effectively eliminates stains, hard water deposits, and soap scum, lowering the possibility that hazardous residues may remain on surfaces. Protect your skin, interior air quality, and keeps you safe from allergies and respiratory and ocular irritation. It also uses less water, which is better for the environment.
2. Ignoring to maintain hidden places
Cleaning frequently overlooks unseen places such under the sink, behind the toilet, and around fixtures. Finally, because these spaces are not adequately cleaned and maintained, a variety of illnesses and health-related problems arise.
Cockroaches and viruses live in unclean locations. We must constantly clean those areas to protect our health from these kinds of germs and viruses, but sometimes hazardous liquids and powders are ineffective at doing so, and sometimes scrubbing with a brush is just not practical.
Another frequently disregarded area that needs attention is tile grout. routine upkeep. It’s common knowledge that the grout lines between tiles collect debris, moisture, and soap scum, which can result in discoloration and the development of mold and mildew.
Even though they are little, these obscure spots need care to keep bathroom surfaces looking nice and clean. The spaces around bathroom fixtures like towel racks, showerheads, and faucets are additional hidden spots. Particularly in difficult-to-reach areas, these tiny joints and fissures are prone to accumulating dirt and grime.
However, Dwella Pumice Stones execute this task efficiently by eliminating 100% of bacteria and thoroughly cleaning those hard-to-reach areas. Because it is a 100% natural product to clean bathroom sinks, hard water deposits, and soap scum, it is also safe for the environment and human health. Is it worthwhile to tidy your house with environmentally friendly goods.
3. Ignoring to clean bath mats and shower curtains
Bath mats and shower curtains getting dirty is a common mistake that can erode your bathroom’s hygienic standards. If left uncleaned, shower curtains and bath mats become perfect breeding grounds for bacteria, mold, and mildew since they are constantly exposed to moisture, soap scum, body oils, and other residues.
Shower curtains, whether they are made of plastic or cloth, are especially vulnerable to the formation of mold and mildew because of their continual exposure to moisture and humidity. Mold and mildew can grow on a curtain’s surface over time, causing unattractive stains, discolouration, and foul smells. Moreover, body oils, shampoo residues, and soap suds might stick to the curtain’s surface reducing its neatness and aesthetic attractiveness even more.
Similar to this, bath mats create a warm, humid atmosphere that is perfect for the growth of bacteria, particularly in places where moisture collects beneath the mat. Daily use can cause dirt, hair, and debris to build up on the mat’s surface, leaving it dirty and ugly if not cleaned.
The damp and unclean environment can be a breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and other diseases that can seriously harm people’s health, especially those with weakened immune systems.
To maintain a clean and hygienic bathroom environment, it is imperative to regularly clean bath mats and shower curtains to get rid of dirt, stains, and microbiological contaminants.
Shower curtains made of fabric can usually be cleaned in a washing machine using warm water and detergent, while curtains made of plastic can be cleaned with a moderate cleaning solution or a vinegar and water combo. After shaking out or vacuuming bath mats to get rid of any loose dirt, wash them by hand or by following the manufacturer’s directions for laundry.
Although conventional cleaning techniques can be successful, the Dwella Pumice Stone is an excellent substitute that is non-toxic, mild, and adaptable, offering a productive way to maintain these products fresh and clean.
4. Do Not Turn on Your Exhaust Fan
It’s a typical mistake that can seriously harm your bathroom’s structural integrity and cleanliness: refusing to use the exhaust fan in your bathroom.
By removing extra moisture, smells, and airborne particles from the bathroom, the exhaust fan plays a critical function in ventilation by preventing the growth of mold, mildew,and microorganisms. But a lot of people don’t use this easy-to-use but powerful tool, which causes a lot of problems.
In addition, inadequate ventilation can result in the accumulation of disagreeable smells in the restroom and the dispersal of airborne particles like bacteria and dust. The restroom may feel stifling and unwelcoming due to the lingering scents and particulates in the air. Due to extended exposure to moisture, deteriorating bathroom fixtures and finishes — such as peeling paint, warped wood, and corroded metal — may also be caused by inadequate ventilation.
The exhaust fan in your bathroom needs to be used properly in order to prevent these problems. Turn it on to assist remove extra moisture from the air before and during baths or showers. Permit After taking a bath, leave the fan running for at least 15 to 20 minutes to provide adequate ventilation.
To further ensure reliable and effective performance, think about adding a humidity sensor or timer switch to automate the exhaust fan’s operation. You may reduce moisture-related issues, keep your bathroom clean and healthy, and extend the life of your bathroom fixtures and finishes by including appropriate ventilation techniques into your daily routine.
5. Selecting incorrect merchandise
Making the incorrect cleaning product choices for your bathroom can have a negative influence on the environment and cleanliness. In addition to posing health concerns to you and your family, many conventional cleaners contain harsh chemicals and pollutants that worsen the environment and cause pollution.
The Dwella Pumice Stone, on the other hand, provides a natural, chemical-free substitute. That minimizes harm to the environment and human health while efficiently cleaning surfaces.
Selecting harsh chemical cleaners can have a number of unfavorable effects. First of all, a lot of these cleansers include chemicals like bleach, ammonia, and phosphates that, when inhaled, can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system.
Long-term exposure to these substances might worsen respiratory ailments and allergies, especially in people with weakened immune systems or sensitivities. Furthermore, these cleaners’ emissions have the ability to remain in the air, causing indoor air pollution and possibly long-term health problems for those who live in the home.
In addition, conventional cleaning product production and disposal contribute to pollution and environmental damage. When these items are manufactured and used, they emit harmful pollutants since they are made of synthetic compounds sourced from fossil fuels. Furthermore, These cleansers pose a threat to aquatic life and biodiversity because they can pollute soil, streams, and ecosystems when they are flushed down the drain.
As an alternative, the Dwella Pumice Stone provides a more environmentally friendly and secure cleaning option for your bathroom. Because it is made of naturally occurring volcanic rock, the pumice stone is safe to use around children, pets, and those with sensitive skin because it contains no chemicals and is non-toxic.
Without the need for extra chemicals, its abrasive texture effectively eliminates stubborn stains, soap scum, and mineral deposits from surfaces, lowering the possibility of hazardous residues and environmental damage.
Furthermore, compared to traditional cleaners, the Dwella Pumice Stone’s manufacture and disposal have less of an adverse effect on the environment. Pumice stone is a naturally occurring resource that comes from volcanic rock and is biodegradable .i.e., it decomposes organically over time without producing any hazardous by products or contaminants.
Selecting the Dwella Pumice Stone instead of abrasive chemical cleansers will help you lessen your environmental impact and leave a better earth for coming generations.
Brief Description about Dwella Pumice Stone
For efficient cleaning in your house, the Dwella Pumice Stone provides a natural, chemical-free alternative.
This environmentally friendly cleaning tool is sustainable and made entirely of genuine volcanic rock.
This 100% natural product is best for both your skin health and your bathroom health.
The Dwella Pumice Stone’s abrasive texture easily eliminates mineral deposits, filth, and stains from a variety of surfaces without the need of harsh chemicals.
Whether battling stubborn buildup in the kitchen, bathroom, or other parts of the house, this multipurpose cleaning tool offers a mild yet effective solution that is safe for the environment, your family, and you.
With the Dwella Pumice Stone, bid dangerous chemicals farewell and welcome to a cleaner, greener house.
In conclusion, choosing the incorrect cleaning supplies for your bathroom can have a negative impact on the environment and human health. Strong chemical cleansers damage the environment, cause pollution, and endanger human health.
On the other hand, the Dwella Pumice Stone provides a safe, chemical-free, natural substitute that cleans surfaces efficiently while posing the least amount of risk to human health and the environment. You may enjoy a cleaner, healthier bathroom environment, lessen your environmental impact, and promote sustainability by switching to the Dwella Pumice Stone.
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theunlimitedgreens · 3 months
Green Thumb Guide Essential Care Tips for Healthy Herb Gardens
Herbs are not only flavorful additions to our culinary creations but also versatile plants that can thrive indoors or outdoors, bringing freshness and fragrance to our homes. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, mastering the art of herb cultivation requires a blend of knowledge, care, and a touch of green-thumb magic. In this guide, we'll explore essential care tips to ensure your herb garden flourishes year-round.
Choose the Right Location: Herbs thrive in environments that mimic their natural habitats. Select a location that receives ample sunlight, ideally 6-8 hours per day, for optimal growth. Additionally, ensure proper air circulation to prevent humidity-related issues such as mold or mildew.
Provide Adequate Drainage: Herbs dislike soggy roots, so it's crucial to plant them in well-draining soil or containers. Consider adding perlite or coarse sand to improve drainage in your garden beds or choose pots with drainage holes for container gardening.
Water Wisely: Finding the right balance of watering is key to herb care. While herbs appreciate regular moisture, they dislike being waterlogged. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings, and aim to water the base of the plants to avoid wetting the foliage, which can lead to disease.
Prune Regularly: Regular pruning not only encourages bushier growth but also helps maintain the flavor and aroma of your herbs. Pinch off the top growth regularly to promote branching, and remove any yellowing or dead leaves to keep your plants healthy and vibrant.
Fertilize Sparingly: Herbs are generally light feeders and can thrive in nutrient-poor soil. However, a little boost of fertilizer can encourage robust growth. Use a balanced, organic fertilizer sparingly, following package instructions to avoid over-fertilization, which can lead to leggy growth or diminished flavor.
Watch for Pests and Diseases: Keep a watchful eye for common herb pests such as aphids, whiteflies, or spider mites, and take prompt action to prevent infestations. Regularly inspect your plants for signs of disease, such as yellowing leaves or powdery mildew, and promptly remove affected foliage to prevent the spread.
Conclusion: By following these essential care tips, you can cultivate a thriving herb garden that not only enhances your culinary adventures but also adds beauty and fragrance to your surroundings. Remember, a little attention and care go a long way in nurturing your herbs to their full potential. Happy gardening
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