#miles nation
moonybeam3 · 2 years
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Miles coming in with the jokes
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cats-and-cacti · 6 months
Miles fucking nation let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!!
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turtle-hearrrrrrrt · 2 years
Miles should be the new forth Try Guy it would be so natural everyone get ready Miles nation gooooooooooo advice that’ll go for miles
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kiwi-rocks33 · 8 months
We need more Miles Nation love on this platform
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chelsuh · 2 years
I still love the Try Guys, guys
This was a great morning radio DJ set 😆
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pillsopa · 2 months
truthfully he was pretty cool
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og below >:)
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it was begging to be redrawn
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blueeyeddarkknight · 3 months
Brad Koepenick (Facebook) just posted a new picture of Val ❄️ and Miles 🐓 on the set of tgm (funeral scene)! 🥹😭❤️🧊❄️
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isawken · 1 year
this is Total Time in Car. train trips don't count. do not count time spent in hotels. if you slept in your car you can put those hours towards your total tho. doesn't matter if you were the one driving or were just a passenger. and put in the tags where you went :)
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studioboner · 10 months
Tour art is amazing, I love tails too! :DD
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thank you so much!!
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fantasy-girl974 · 28 days
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His Trust...
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moonybeam3 · 2 years
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shivroy · 9 months
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what if the tomshiv baby wasn't aborted and turned out to be just like a weird cunt. this is my unadulterated vision
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sulfies · 2 months
Wolves in Romé pt1
Desmond ran. His paws trotting on the stone floors of Rome, with the wind licking at his maw, he did not stop. 
They were after him… the crazy furry cult.. the followers of Romu- Romunucu… or whatever Shaun had called them. They weren't so silly once they appeared to be real and very much after Desmond.
Desmond who had a tail and two furry ears and paws and a whole wolf body. Desmond who had woken down at the sanctuary that held that ugly armour, covered in fur, no longer human.
Did Rome even have wolves?
An arrow flew past him and he stopped his flashback with a sad inhuman yelp to keep on running. Didn’t these guys worship wolves, shouldn’t his species be considered sacred to them or something?
His paws slipped slightly on the smooth dirty stones as he took a left to an empty alley. He was glad it was dead of night, Desmond did not think crowds could handle a wolf running up and down the streets. 
Another arrow flew past as Desmond tried to plan his route, he remembered that there was an entrance to a forest he could maybe get to if he took a turn two streets down to the left… or was it to the right? He never had to do this without the animus map on his right corner before.
Desmond howled suddenly as pain shot through his back leg.
 He got hit… 
One of them had to hit eventually but damn it hurt. He took a sharp right, eyes blind in pain and crashed muzzle-first onto a dead end.
The kicked puppy noises that left his inhuman form were pretty sad.
“There you are finally! Come here doggy”
3 cackling shadows came over him as he backed into the end, laid low, teeth bared, snarling.
 Desmond knew he was fucked. His new wound was hurting and he was tired, he didn't think he could take all three of them with these odds but at least one would come down with him if he did.
One of the cultists, the one at the front, stepped up holding his sword between them to put distance between his very biteable arm and his sharp teeth. Desmond barked at him and bit the air… teeth clanking in a clear sign of step the fuck away but the man only grinned.
“We have been waiting for you little pup, come on now don't make this hard for us. Romulus is not the most patient…”
Desmond only snarled and growled back again, thunderous rumble from his chest never stopping as the other man swung his sword around his face.
Suddenly, a landing shadow on the clothesline above them caught the corner of his eye.  As he snarled and dripped sylva everywhere for his life he could see the shadow shift and move right above the other two wolf furries slowly, like a predator eyeing its catch.
“Come on you stupid dumb mutt…”
The sword's tip slashed at his muzzle and Desmond's attention shifted back to his main threat as he growled once more, his snarl fully on display as he started tasting blood from the dripping wound. Oh, how he wished he had his gear. 
Busy with keeping the sword in his line of sight, Desmond only saw a glimmer of metal before the two men staying behind, laughing at his desperation, crumbled onto the cold stone road behind his main attacker. There was no other sound as Desmond saw his savior rise from the bodies that cushioned his fall and make his way over in small steps.
If he had lips he would have the biggest grin right now.
“Why don't you leave the poor dog alone Amico, I’m sure we can find a lady that is more of your…taste”
Ezio spoke. 
Desmond knew that voice as if it was his own.
The remaining follower whipped his head around and Desmond saw his opening.
He lunged at the man's arm holding the sword, bringing the man down in a scream with his soft arm in-between his very sharp teeth. They slammed down to the hard ground in a roll and the man, to his credit, managed to land a punch on his nose, kicking him onto a stack of empty crates. Desmond would have been madder if he hadn't taken a chunk of the man's flesh between his blood-soaked muzzle as he was thrown across.
The man's agonized screams filled the alley and left as quickly and abruptly as they started. Desmond could not see what happened from where he was thrown into but he could guess where one or two pointy metal objects could end up in a screaming man on the floor.
When Desmond could get the dirty cover they put over the half-rotten crates out of his eyes and tangled limbs he saw Ezio leaning over the man with a chunk of an arm missing.
Ezio turned his head to where he was lying down, wiping his blades on the dead man's robes.
”You poor thing must have been scary to get chased by these lunatics.”
Yes, it was.
Desmond stayed where he was, breathing heavily as the adrenaline slowly started to leave him.
“Let me look at you little pup… I think I saw his sword hit but it's too dark.”
Desmond huffed what was supposed to be a snort when he saw Ezio slowly get on his knees, hand stretched out, crawling closer over to where Desmond decided to lay inside the old broken crates.
“Come here Cucciolo…” snapping his fingers, he whistled.
He whistled. He didn’t think Desmond was actually a dog…surely. It was dark but he was clearly larger than a village dog with way sharper teeth even in pitch black.
“Come on I won't harm you~”
Yea, I, might harm you! 
If he had been a regular wolf that is, Desmond thought.
Another whistle and Desmond gave up trying to teach Ezio common sense. 
“There you are mi Bello…” Crawling under the boxes and bits he could see Ezio take in his size. “You are a bigger thing than I thought huh, couldn't see much at this hour but not a puppy I recon…” 
Yes… He was very much not a puppy. Desmond rolled his eyes as he stopped in front of Ezio shaking his coat to get rid of bits and dust. Moonlight on his fur the assassin was now finally able to get a real good look at him. 
“Definitely not a puppy… oh boy… Not even a dog are you?”
The hand he held in front of him wavered a bit, clearly wasn't sure if he wanted to keep the limb so accessible now that he knew the animal in front of him wasn't the friendliest of spiciest or a man's best friend.
Ezio wanted to laugh, Desmond also did because why the fuck was Ezio Auditore alone in an alley at night face to face with a wolf he rescued from some crazed bastards. And why was his arm still out!?
“H-how about you don't hurt me?” 
Of course, only Ezio would try to bargain with a wild animal. Stubborn dumbass, but this was a better scenario than having Ezio put him down for a rampage a wolf could cause on the streets.
As the man tensed further, Desmond trotted closer with his eyes on Ezio. His hand was still but he could see from Ezio's face how much he wanted to move it away. 
Once again, stubborn dumbass.
He heard the man take a sharp inhale as he brought his wet nose to his palm, he waited a bit sniffing mostly for show and for Ezio to let go of the breath he held. Slowly, placed his maw onto the open palm, his blood-soaked fur dirtying the man's gloves.
“No way…”
He looked back up to Ezio to find the man's eyes twinkling with glee he had never seen in any memories he watched. Tilting his head into the palm Desmond felt the man finally get the courage he needed to start petting him as his fingers twitched between his sticky fur.
“Leonardo is going to lose his mind… Pazzesco! I am petting a real wolf…” 
He wouldn't be alone, Desmond was losing it for sure. Well, he had been losing it actively since the animus but becoming a wild animal in the 1500s Renaissance? I think he got to a point past therapy on day one of Abstergo kidnapping.
He was a wild animal in Ezio’s Italy…. He was getting pets from THE Ezio Auditore in THE Renaissance.
“Who's a good boy~ Look at that tail wag!”
Oh god, and his tail wagged…. 
Desmond turned his head to look at the betraying limb but when he did the twist bumped his back leg right onto Ezio’s knee. He jolted in a yelp as pain shot through him, he had almost forgotten he had an arrow to his glute.
“Oh Cucciolo... wait a second boy”
Desmond stayed in a low whimper as Ezio dug into his pouches. Getting bandages and a flask, he looked over to the wolf with sympathy.
Lips pressed flat Ezio spoke in a teasing tone his face did not reflect ”Facciamolo… we are going to make a little deal you and I” He placed a gloved hand to his own chest “I promise to help you heal…” then pointed at him…
Desmond looked into his eyes unimpressed as Ezio tried to bargain with, again, a literal wolf. He hoped his animal face was expressive enough to get his point across.
“...and you have to promise not to bite, Capisce?” 
His hands scratched at his ears and Desmond had to admit it felt nice, like a relaxing massage on just the right spot. “This will hurt, I am sorry.” Then the same hands moved slowly toward his legs. Desmond knew Ezio talked from experience when he said his warning.
God and he couldn’t even have alcohol to ease the pain that was about to come!
Ezio’s eyes darted between his wound and his face a few times.
 He was clearly expecting to be bitten.
 Then again what wild animal would not if you yanked an arrow out of them? Desmond could not blame him really for thinking of his limbs when he was making a chew toy out of one a minute ago…
Ezio's hand closed around the arrow shaft in a gentle pressure.
Both of them took a deep breath.
“Please don't bite me!”
Desmond was not proud of the voices that came out of him…
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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an anon requested a lil interaction between big and tails!
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hawktims · 9 months
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Either way, I can lose him forever.
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uwmspeccoll · 8 months
Fat Bear Week 2023
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Happy Fat Bear Week! A favorite event among the Special Collections team, Fat Bear Week celebrates the resilience and survival of Katmai National Park’s brown bear population. Running October 4 – 10, folks are invited to virtually visit Katmai and vote for their favorite fat bear. The park provides bear biographies, stats, and comparison photos between June/July and September so that viewers can make informed decisions before voting and learn more about the ecosystem of Katmai. The bear with the most votes at the end of the week will be crowned Fat Bear Champion! 
In celebration of Fat Bear Week, we are showcasing Eddie’s Bear written by Miska Miles (1889-1986) with illustrations by John Schoenherr (1935-2010), and published in Boston by Little, Brown in 1970. Eddie’s Bear is a cautionary tale about the strength and aptitude of hungry bears waking up from hibernation. A young Eddie happens upon a bear in Spring hoping they will become friends, but as the story unfolds readers are reminded that “a bear thinks he owns the world” and are unpredictable in their interactions with humans. The drama is complimented by Schoenherr’s lively illustrations depicting truly fat bears acclimating to waking life.
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View posts of Fat Bear Weeks past.
-Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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