#miles write
wronghandcomic · 3 months
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Decided to do something for Miles too!
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ebonyheartnet · 5 months
-Recording begins-
Spider-Man: Hi folks! I’d like to give a PSA to my usual villains, and anyone else with ideas for the next two months.
Spider-Man: *holds up a brick sized lump of metal* See this? It’s titanium!
Spider-Man: *starts flattening it out and shaping it*
Spider-Man: See, we all know that I’m crazy strong, but I never wanna really hurt anybody right? Right. While that hasn’t changed, something very important does right around this time of year.
Spider-Man: *pulls off a glove and pulls a chunk into a long stem with his nails carving lines for added texture*
Spider-Man: See, this is what we like to call exam season. Anybody who knows anything about college can tell you that it drives people up the wall, and I already climb mine when I’m antsy.
Spider-Man: *starts winding the thin sheet around the stem, delicately crimping petals in place*
Spider-Man: I do wanna be clear that this isn’t a threat, okay? I’m still not interested in crossing the line, which brings me to my point.
Spider-Man: *throws the titanium rose at the brick wall behind him, stem first, and embeds it all the way through*
Spider-Man: /That/ was restrained because I could focus enough to have full control. If I’m extremely tired or otherwise distracted, there’s just as much risk of me slipping up as someone operating heavy machinery. I’m probably not going to remember what sleep is for two whole months, so remember!
Spider-Man: *pulls out a brick and snaps it like a cookie*
Peter fucking Parker: Don’t.
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killlerfang1 · 1 year
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The Puerto Rican flag showing up when Rio snaps at Miles for getting a B in Spanish is such a fun little example of the incredible attention to detail in this movie
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british people im sorry for what we put you through
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hispanic ppl im sorry for what we put you through
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rendevok · 1 year
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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juneberrie · 1 year
duermete — earth-42!miles morales
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summary miles is great at getting his girl back to sleep
author's note miles is such a cutie patootie but like?? e42 miles??? he's sooooo 🤭
word count 0.2k
warnings fem!reader, pet names (mi amor, mami, querida), earth 42 au, mentions of a party
ᥫ᭡ little romantic gestures ; pulling them close while sleeping
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you and miles were laying on his bed; miles, scrolling on his phone; you, napping.
when you had come into the morales apartment, exhausted as all hell, miles had laughed and moved over on his bed to make room for you.
"tired, mami?" he'd asked, voice low and smooth as you buried your face in his neck. you had nodded and he'd chuckled, bringing a hand to rub circles on your waist.
now, he scrolled through instagram, catching up on all the posts he'd missed. he came across a video of some random classmate at a party.
the tinny club music blasted through the tiny phone speaker and miles swore, quickly shutting off his phone and throwing it across the bed.
he stayed perfectly still, watching your sleeping face. you twitched and his eyes widened. you twisted around, trying to get comfortable.
he made a soft shushing noise and gently brushed a piece of hair off your face. "duermete, mi amor. i'll be here when you wake up," he murmured, watching your chest rise and fall.
you mumbled something and pushed your face deeper into the crook of his neck.
he smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead, pulling you even closer to him. "te amo, querida."
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virgobingo · 1 year
more insight on miles’ puerto rican heritage for your fics or fanart
- traditional quinceañeras (or as they are often called by puerto ricans quinceañeros) are really not that common anymore, most girls nowadays have pool parties or go on a cruise. if miles were to go to one of his cousins’ 15 birthday party, chances are it would be casual— no big poofy dress (his mom probably had one like that though)
edit: some people disagree on this. depends on how traditional your family and friend group is I guess, as well as which part of the island you’re from. on average, it seems to be a far bigger deal amongst some other latines. in my class in pr only 3 out of approx 30 girls had a big event like that. not a single one of my cousins had a traditional quince either so you could say I’m partly biased bc of my own experiences. i personally just had a big pool party
- plantains are a big part of our diet. also, pr being an island in the caribbean, coconut is in a lot of our desserts. if miles had to pick a favorite fruit I hc he’d pick either one of the two lol also please google our food, our food isn’t actually spicy so much as savory
- we “celebrate” thanksgiving like other americans. it’s about the only time we eat oven roasted turkey. for winter holidays (christmas eve/day, new years eve/day, three kings day/eve) oven roasted pork. chicken might be offered as a second option for people who don’t consume pork for whatever reason
- you’re pretty much taught how to dance as soon as you can walk. most of us have basic rhythms down. chances of miles dancing with his mom or friends at parties? astronomically high.
- the reason why our flag is everywhere, besides pride, is ‘cause it was illegal to own it. look up the gag law that prohibited us from even displaying it at our homes. so it’s actually an awesome detail in these movies
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- this is my opinion/a fun fact but I feel like miles is basically an homage to black and puerto rican (specifically nuyorican) solidarity around the 70s-80s during the creation of hip-hop and rise of graffiti as a form of expression (you can easily read up on this or watch shows like the get down to learn more about this if you’re curious)
- whether you’re “nuyorican” or “from the island” spanglish is common so miles’ mixing english and spanish isn’t odd bc even rio does this as miles points out in the party scene. he isn’t a “no sabo” kid so much as someone with a strong accent. he understands his mom perfectly
- race ≠ ethnicity. there are plenty of black people in and from Puerto Rico, and miles’ pr family in the spiderverse films are designed to be for the most part afro-latine. so I wouldn’t really call him biracial
- the puerto rican day parade wouldn’t be a thing he skips, he’s gifted a special suit for it in a comic run. his puerto rican heritage is important to him!
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chitsangenthusiast · 3 months
red is to spider-man as pink is to miles, in that pink is the color of: self-expression, confidence, compassion. if you side with miles, if you want to support his growth, you're going to be in pink
that being said...a pink robe can be removed, and pink hairdye can be washed out
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parkerflix · 1 year
—cielo en la mente
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miles morales x gn!reader
genre: fluff, angst
wc: 4.5k
synopsis: miles morales had you seeing double. but what if it wasn’t your eyes playing tricks?
warnings: atsv spoilers! canon divergence
taglist: CLOSED as of 6/19!
part of my 1k celebration! & part two to this fic!
You had been ignoring Miles lately. It wasn’t that you wanted to see him, but you were confused. Nothing seemed to make sense, or add up.
You sighed, sweeping up the last of the hair on the ground. You mom had already packed up and gone home, telling you to finish the last of the cleaning while she got dinner ready. You went over to the wash bowls, rinsing the hair brushes from the barbicide.
The front door had been locked, and music was playing from the speakers. A bang came from the front door, and you turned around to see Miles standing there.
His hair was out of braids again, and he seemed to be wearing the baggiest jeans and sweater you’d ever seen. He waved at you awkwardly, and you walked over, standing in front of the lock. His eyes were pleading with you to open the door, and you sighed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to leave him outside.
You unlocked the door & opened it so he could come inside. The silence between the two of you was awkward, but neither one of you knew what to say.
You fiddled with the keys, and went to lock the door, stopping when he asked you a question.
“Could you do my hair? Please?”
It was such a simple question, but it still caught you off guard. Miles normally never asked you to do his hair, he’d just show up during regular hours or text you in the middle of the night and you’d do his hair in your room.
You steeled yourself, and nodded.
“Yeah. Follow me.”
Miles quietly followed you to the washbowls, and sat down at a clean one.
“Do you want me to use a different shampoo & conditioner?”
He was quiet for a moment,
“Can you use the ones you like the most?”
You hummed in agreement and pulled the mint scented shampoo and conditioner. You eyed the deep conditioning treatment, and grabbed that off the shelf.
Returning back to Miles, you leaned his head back into the wash bowl before starting the water.
“Let me know if it’s too hot or cold, okay?”
You quickly turned off the water and panicked before you heard Miles let out a laugh.
“I was joking. The water is fine.”
You started up the water again and flicked some towards his face.
“That’s what you get for scaring me like that!”
You both laughed, and soon it turned into a comfortable silence. Grabbing the shampoo, you made sure to lather his hair & rise it out. Miles was secretly a cry baby when he got shampoo in his eyes, so you covered his eyes with your hand.
Grabbing the deep conditioning treatment, you placed it in his hair, making sure to really get his roots. His hair had definitely seen better days, and you were confused how it got to this state when you were the last one to do his hair.
You finished with the deep conditioning treatment and went on with the regular conditioner, the minty scent hitting your nose as the cap opened.
“Smells good.”
Miles had been quiet up until now, and you genuinely thought he had fallen asleep.
“Yeah. Mint.”
He hummed.
“I like it, it seems to be very you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the comment, and nodded, knowing he couldn’t see you nodding.
You rinsed the last of the conditioner out of his hair, and wrapped it in a towel, tapping his shoulder to let him know you were done.
He opened his eyes and stretched out, reminding you of a cat.
“That was nice. You should do this as a profession, I think it would suit you.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Har har. You act like I haven’t been doing your hair and the neighbor’s hair since I could walk.”
Miles gave you a small smile and walked over to your station.
You got your tray ready with all your supplies, not noticing Miles was watching you.
You were different from Miles. He wasn’t sure if you existed in his universe, but he hoped that there was a version of you, hopefully near him. He had seen how you treated him, so gentle but had an edge with your words. He wondered what his counterpart in this universe meant to you.
“You know,” he started, catching your attention when he paused.
“You’re pretty special. You have a cool heart.” Miles inwardly cringed at that, wondering what the hell a cool heart could be.
“Mmm. Thanks.”
“Also, thanks for doing my hair.”
You nodded, ignoring the way something in your stomach flipped.
Miles was never one to outwardly express his gratitude, he was always the type to just show his gratitude and appreciation in smaller ways. He was more reserved with his words in that sense, and this change was different to you.
The rest of time you were doing his hair was relatively quiet, Miles asking you small questions here and there. You enjoyed the atmosphere, happy that you got to spend some quiet time with him.
You finally finished the braids after a little while, showing him the end result. It was the same style that you had done before, but you just thought he looked good in them.
Miles got up from the chair, and got closer to the mirror to inspect them.
He looked at himself in the mirror, unable to shake off a feeling of happiness that swam through him. His hair had never really been in braids before, it was something that he just assumed didn’t suit him, but here he was. He could tell that you put so much effort and love into them, it made his heart swell with joy.
He turned to you, and engulfed you in a hug. He wasn’t one to be affectionate with people he just met, but there was something about you that drew him in, and made him comfortable.
You froze for a second, before hugging him back, ignoring the nudging questions at the back of your mind.
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
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You had asked Miles that day if he wanted to come over for dinner, but had declined and said he had a few things to do. You understood, but felt a little sad that he wasn’t going to come over.
The rest of the night had gone by pretty unceremoniously, giving you time to think about Miles and his weird behavior.
You sighed and texted him, seeing if he was willing to meet you for breakfast in the morning at your spot. He quickly responded with a yes, and a small pit of anxiety formed in your stomach, nervous for the morning.
The next morning your alarm went off and you groaned, not wanting to get up. Turning your alarm off, you closed your eyes for a moment, before remembering you were meeting Miles for breakfast.
Swearing under your breath, you quickly got up and threw on a sweater and jeans, not even bothering to worry about anything else.
Your mom seemed to still be asleep, so you slipped out of the front door, quickly switching your slippers for shoes at the door.
Your spot wasn’t far from either of your houses, and the walk was always nice in the mornings.
Yosi’s diner was the place that you’d been going to even since you were little kids, back when there were 5 of you coming. Even after your parents stopped coming, you and Miles made it a tradition to only have breakfast there. It held memories of you guys sharing good news, and bad.
Miles had seen you cry because a date had stood you up the night before, and you had been his support when his dad passed. Yosi’s diner meant everything to you both.
You finally made your way to the entrance, the flickering sign feeling like a signal that you were home. Opening the door, the soft tinkling of the bell along with the smell of pie placed a smile on your face.
Yosi was standing behind the counter, telling one of the servers some instructions. She was slightly older than you & Miles, with an aura that made everyone comfortable around her. Her parents had opened the diner, naming it after her when they found the place, hoping for her to inherit it.
She glanced at you and smiled. Shooing away the server, she rounded the corner of the counter and came to give you a hug.
“It’s so good to see you! Donde estabas escondida? It feels like I haven’t seen you in so long.”
You chuckled, embracing her.
“I’m sorry. El salón está tan ocupado, toda la gente quiere su pelo arreglado. I’m sure quiñce season is right around the corner.”
She laughed a parted from you, turning her head to the booth at the end of the right side of the diner.
“He’s been waiting for you.”
You hummed.
“He’s in a mood, good luck.” She walked away after that, going back into the kitchen.
You took a deep breath and walked over to the booth. Miles had been watching you since you walked in, eyes never leaving you until you sat down.
“You’re late.”
You rolled your eyes.
“We never agreed on a time.”
“We always meet at the same time.”
Before he could respond, food came to your table, your usual and his usual.
He always got the same chocolate chip pancakes with some whipped cream and a few cherries on them. He never mentioned it, but you knew he got it because his dad used to get them and share with him. You assumed it helped him feel closer to his dad, and understood it was his way.
Both of you tucked into your food, not saying anything until he broke the ice.
“So, que quieres?”
“Damn, what’s with the attitude?”
“There’s no attitude here mamí, just asking a question.” He said, taking a big bite of his pancakes.
You dropped your cutlery, glaring at him.
“Seriously, qué te pasa? What the hell did I do to deserve this weird ass mood?”
Miles didn’t want to say what he was thinking, but he was jealous. He hadn’t seen you in forever, and he had passed by the salon the night before, seeing you doing someone else’s hair when you were closed. He could tell that you seemed comfortable with whoever the guy was, your smile the same you normally only gave him. He hated feeling this way, especially because you weren’t huge on jealousy. Previous partners of yours always were jealous of Miles, and you’d go to him and tell him how annoying it was, not knowing they had reason to feel jealous. He knew you better than anyone, and he wasn’t shy to show it.
You raised a brow, not buying his words.
He glanced up at you, seeing your eyes already trained on his face.
“Seriously, what’s with you?”
“Nothing, mamí. How was your night last night?” He had hoped that switching up the topic would divert your attention.
“Well, mi mama hizo pupusas, she left some for you. She missed you at dinner, you know.”
“I miss your mom too. Tell her I’ll try to come over one of these days for dinner. Did you miss me at dinner?”
Your face heated up slightly, and you cleared your throat.
Miles’ face had a huge grin on it, and you knew you were in trouble for it.
“Oh so you did miss me? Mamí, if you miss me that much, you always know where my house is, we could remedy that.” He winked at you, making you roll your eyes.
“First of all, you know I hate when you call me mamí. Makes me feel like those groupies Jaime has. Secondly, you wish I missed you. I haven’t climbed up your window since you decided you'd rather spend everyday with me, papi.”
He laughed at that, he knew you knew he hated being called papi by anyone but his mom. Somehow, whatever tension that had grown between you two had dispersed and left you both pushing away any budding feelings. The rest of breakfast had gone without addressing it anymore, and Miles was thankful.
When it was time for the bill to come, Miles stopped you before you could even pull your card out. You thanked him, and he waved you off, not too worried about it.
“Well, thanks for breakfast.” You said, grabbing your things and getting ready to leave.
“Can I walk you home?”
You nodded and you both got out of the booth, waving bye to Yosi when you left the building.
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“So, what’s with the gentleman act?”
Miles clutched his chest like he was wounded and gave you the saddest look he could muster.
“Amor, cómo puedes decir eso? I’m always a gentleman.”
You pushed him slightly, making him burst out into a fit of laughter.
“The only time I’ve seen you be a gentleman was when you were dating that cute enby.”
“Which one?”
“The one with glasses??? God, I can’t remember their name but they really were like your polar opposite, I have no clue how you managed to date them.”
Miles thought about it, and nodded his head.
“Ah, I know who you’re talking about. They were cool. Liked science, and wanted to major in it. We still talk now and then.”
“Mírate, keeping friends who aren’t just me! Rio should be proud.”
“You’re annoying, you know that?”
“Yet you still hang out with me. Admit it, me amas.”
You were too busy looking around the neighborhood to notice Miles’ face get flustered, and he shrugged it off, knowing you didn’t have any hidden meaning behind it.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m stuck with you.”
You glanced at him and smiled, before realizing you guys had already made it to your apartment building.
“Well, this is me. Te veo mañana?”
He nodded and you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking into your building.
Once you had disappeared into the building, Miles groaned and ran his hand down his face. His feelings for you were going to be the death of him.
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The next day you regrettably had school.
Both you and Miles went to different schools, him getting into Visions and you going to the local highschool.
You slipped into your uniform, never quite getting used to how annoying the polo shirt looked on you. Fixing your hair a bit, you ran to grab your shoes from the doorway before Miles showed up.
Your mom was sitting at the dining room table, sipping a cup of coffee watching you frantically grab all of your stuff for the day.
“Llevaste comida?”
You grabbed an apple from the counter & a couple bucks off your piggy bank in your room.
“Yeah, totally.”
“Don’t be lying to me. No puedes ir sin comer, te vas a enfermar.”
“I’m not! I’ll see you when I come home?”
She nodded and you gave her a peck on the cheek, running over to your window and making your way down the fire escape.
Miles was already waiting for you, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Two days in a row, I’m starting to think you’re hiding a boyfriend up there.”
“Oh shut up.”
The walk to your school was fairly the same except today he bought you a breakfast sandwich. You gave him a questioning look, and he just ignored it.
Making it to your school first, you both stopped at the entrance, shuffling to the side to not block the doors.
“So, any big plans for today at school?”
Miles shook his head.
“Nah, there’s a bunch of lectures and maybe a lab or two. The school’s not that much different than yours.”
“Mmmm, well. Don’t forget to make friends!”
Before he could respond, someone behind you called your name and wiggled their brows.
“Nice boyfriend! Maybe that’s where you sneak off to all the time!”
You flipped them off & took a deep breath, turning back to Miles.
“Maybe you should be worried about making friends.”
“Nah, they just know you and I are close.”
“What’s that about though?”
“You sneaking off?” Miles tried to hide the jealousy that was creeping into his voice.
“Oh that.” You scratched your neck and gave him a bashful smile.
“Everyone thinks I’m seeing someone but I go out and grab lunch nearby and then come back. We’re technically not supposed to leave campus so…”
Miles laughed and you felt some pride in your chest.
“That does make more sense.”
You both idly chatted for a little longer before the first bell rang, and you knew he had to go.
“I’ll see you after school?” You said, hopefully.
Miles shook his head and gave you a sad smile.
“Sorry amor, I gotta help my mom and my uncle with some stuff at home.”
You nodded, understanding.
He ruffled your hair and you swatted his hand away, annoyed.
“I’ll see you around then!”
He saw you walk into his school and checked his phone, seeing he was late for school. He didn’t really care though, knowing he would rather spend time with you than be on time.
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On your way home from school, you decided to stop in at a bookstore.
You were strolling the aisles, trying to find something that you were interested in. You had found a book, and someone accidentally knocked into you.
You turned around and saw Miles there, in a completely different outfit from when you saw him leave for school.
“Oh hey! I thought you were helping your mom with something at home?”
Miles scratched his neck awkwardly and nodded.
“Yeah, turns out she didn’t really need my help.”
“Oh did Aaron have it under control?”
“Yes!” He coughed and glanced around the store.
“Yeah, she had him helping so there wasn’t that much for me to do.”
“So you decided to come to a bookstore?”
You hummed and turned around again, looking for the book again.
You could tell that Miles was still hovering behind you, hearing the shuffling of his Jordan’s.
“Miles,qué quieres?”
“Uhh… I was wondering if that book was good? I’ve been trying to find something new to read that isn’t an action type of book.”
You whipped around, stumbling into him not realizing how close he had been behind you.
“Are you asking me for a book recommendation? Because if so, we should do a book swap!”
“Book swap?” He tilted his head and gave you a confused look.
“Yeah! We can find books from our favorite genres for each other! I know they have a little cafe area and we can read them there!”
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Great! Do you wanna meet up front in like 15 minutes?”
He nodded and you clapped and walked off to a different section of the store.
15 minutes later you both met up at the front, both with books in your hands.
Getting to the register, you plucked Miles’ book out of his hands and paid for both of them. He gave you a look and you just shrugged.
“Think of it as payment from breakfast yesterday.”
You thanked the cashier and both of you had made your way to the cafe.
Miles watched you order a drink, and declined your offer for anything. Both of you sat down at a couch, and you put the bag with the books in the middle.
Pulling out both, you handed him the one you picked out for him.
“Six of crows?”
“Yeah! It follows like a group of thieves and you get to see all the different perspectives, I really enjoy it.”
“Oh, sounds cool.”
You smiled and looked down at the book you held.
“Oh hey, Lord of the flies!”
“You’ve read it before?”
You shook your head, a small frown tugging at your lips.
“No, you and I used sparknotes to write my essay on it?”
Miles’ eyes widened.
“Right. Right.” He cleared his throat.
“Well, after that, I decided to read it and I think you’d enjoy it.”
You hummed and nodded, opening the book and beginning to read.
Miles opened his book as well, and was reading, until he felt your head on his lap. He looked down and you and you smiled, seemingly not thinking anything of it.
Miles on the other hand, his heart was racing and he was hoping you couldn’t hear it. He wasn’t uncomfortable per say, he just didn’t know if it was normal between you and his counterpart. You didn’t seem to notice his inner turmoil and were fixated on the book.
A little while had passed, and Miles had seemingly got more comfortable, mindlessly playing with a strand of your hair. You were halfway done with the book when your phone had gone off. You sat up, Miles’ hand dropping down to his side.
Picking up the phone, you saw your mother had texted you to come home, she needed you to run an errand for her.
Packing up your stuff, Miles stood up when you did.
“I gotta head home, my mom needs me to run a few errands for her.”
“Want me to help?”
You looked at him and smiled.
“Sure. I know mom would love to see you anyways.We can talk about the books on the way there.”
You both quickened your pace, and you grabbed Miles’ hand dragging him along with you.
Neither of you had realized the whole way to your house that you were still holding hands, fingers intertwined.
Miles had told you what he thought about the book so far, and he was interested in it. You explained some things he wasn’t sure about, and gave him some fun facts about the characters and the author.
In turn,he told you about the book he had recommended and about the movie that they had made based on the book. He hated the movie.
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Finally getting to your apartment building, you climbed up the stairs to your apartment, dropping his hand to look for your keys.
You opened the front door and the smells of cinnamon permeated your senses.
“Ya llegué! Traje a Miles también!”
You kicked off your shoes and Miles followed suit, staring at the photos on the walls. The walls were covered in pictures of you and your mother, of you and him, and your families together. He pulled his attention away, following you into the kitchen.
You gave your mother a hug from behind, kissing the top of her head. She let out a laugh and shook her head. She would always say you’re her favorite child (you were her only child).
“Dónde estabas? Necesito que lleves esto para mi.”
“Estábamos en la tienda, quería otro libro para leer.”
Your mother turned to Miles, giving him a big hug. He hugged her back awkwardly and you snickered at his eyes pleading for your help.
She parted from him and pointed to the fridge.
“Te dejé algunas pupusas, llévalos a tu mamá también.”
“Uh gracias, I’ll make sure to take them to her.”
Both you and your mom shared a glance and she shrugged, before walking over to hand you a package.
“Just this?”
“Yes, and then no getting sidetracked, you have to come home straight after. I trust you will be with them, right Miles?”
He didn’t miss the way you bit your lip, trying to hold in a laugh. You both bid your mother farewell, and went to deliver the package.
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The walk to the place was quiet, Miles had no clue where you were going. You cleared your throat, eyes still forward.
“What was that back there?”
“What was what?”
You stopped walking and Miles stopped a moment after, turning to look at you.
“That accent, Miles!”
“My mom literally side eyed you, she was definitely confused as to why you were trying to pull a joke on her…”
“Oh, right.”
“I found it funny though, mainly because I do that to her all the time.”
Miles started walking again, and you followed behind him, grabbing his hand that was just swinging.
“Estás enojado conmigo?”
Miles stopped and looked down at your hands that were intertwined. He had a strange feeling in his stomach, he wasn’t sure if he could pinpoint it. He was trying to get home, to figure out how to even get back there, but he didn’t even know how long it had been. Time was relative and he wasn’t sure if he was too late.
He also didn’t know why he felt attached to you, a sense of comfort while being around you. He secretly hoped, that even at home, you would be there.
“I’m not mad.”
“Good. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”
He squeezed your hand, giving you a small smile.
“Nah. You’re good. Don’t worry about it.”
“Hm, okay. But let me know if I do okay?”
“Got it.”
The rest of the walk to the place was filled with you two talking about different things, laughter from the both of you, once again never letting go of the other’s hand.
Miles realized that the area you guys were going to seemed familiar. It was his uncle’s place. His hands started to get sweaty, and he was panicking. He had actively avoided his family, watching from afar.
You, on the other hand, seemed perfectly fine. You hadn’t seen Aaron in a while, and you always wondered if he was doing okay. Miles always seemed on edge when you asked what he and Aaron did, which made you suspicious but you also knew he didn’t have to tell you everything.
You both made it to the hallway, and Miles squeezed your hand once more. You assumed it was an unconscious thing, but Miles did it to reassure himself.
“Why don’t I wait here for you?”
“Come on, I’m just gonna knock on the door and if he’s not there, we’ll leave it on his doorstep.”
He nodded and took a deep breath following you.
You knocked on the door, fully assuming no one would be home. Miles told you beforehand that he was helping Rio, so you just did it to reassure Miles. You weren’t sure if they had fought beforehand, but you didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable.
You knocked once more, hearing a voice on the other end yell for someone else to open the door. You straightened yourself up, plastering a smile on your face. Miles rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb, taking another deep breath.
The door creaked open, and when you made eye contact with the person at the door, your heart fell to the floor. Miles Morales stood in front of you, still wearing his uniform, his smile slowly dropping as he looked at your hand, being intertwined with someone. He looked at the person, eyes growing wide and jaw clenched.
Miles next to you felt his heart stop for a second, unsure what to do. He was staring at himself, who if looks could kill, would have him 6 feet under.
You dropped your hand from Miles’, thoughts going a million miles a minute. The main thought though was:
What the hell is going on?
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taglist! @nameless-beanie @carmendanny2 @kukigirli @rayendrop @lovefks @anuncalledbridge @immortal-t @riki-gf @shuriri4life @starboychanyeol @sakura-onesan @the-smut-plug
if your name is in bold i was unable to tag you!
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11vr1 · 1 year
Been Away ⭒ Miles Morales
Synopsis › You were tired of his secrets and lies, so you did the one thing you promised you’d never do and walked away. But Miles Morales wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
Pairing › Earth-42! Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
Inspo › “Been Away” - Brent Faiyaz
Includes › ATSV SPOILERS, Angst, the tiniest bit of fluff, pet names, spanish, a microscopic amount of manipulation, toxicity, going back to your ex, stalking, harassment, mentions being mugged, mentions being stabbed, mentions the police
P.S. › I do my best work when I’m sleep deprived.
P.S.S. › Reading comments and reblogs really make my day, even if you’re telling me my commas suck. Requests are also open.
Y/n pulled down the sleeves of her crocheted sweater as she stepped out of the bodega, white plastic bag of chips and candy in hand. The sun was close to setting behind skyscrapers and plunging New York City into its usual state of terror. It was dangerous to be alone on the streets, but Y/n figured she’d be fine walking a few blocks to her friend’s place. She pushed through sidewalk traffic, passing others who were just as eager to be safe in their homes.
Her phone chimed with a text.
Unknown: Turn left.
She paused, looking up to scan her surroundings. There was nothing strange or out of place. Just stores closing up for the night and people minding their own business. Despite how normal everything seemed to be, Y/n knew better. She spared a glance at the alley to her left, immediately deciding against it and kept walking.
Another chime. She ignored it and the next. Stopping wasn’t worth possibly ending up on the eleven o’clock news. At least that’s what she told herself. The less rational part of her mind had a thought. In some ways more terrifying than being mugged.
Tucked away in her pocket, her phone rang. This time she checked. Unknown. Y/n scoffed, rejecting the call.
Unknown: One more chance.
Unknown: Take a left.
Unknown: I won’t ask again.
Her phone rang once more. With a long, begrudging sigh Y/n swiped to accept. “I thought you weren’t going to ask again,” she said, her eyes darting warily to the darkening street.
“Make a left, Y/n,” a deep distorted voice ordered from the other line. Her heart dropped. Maybe the irrational part of her brain wasn’t as off kilter as she thought. The call hung up like she didn’t need anymore convincing.
The yawning mouth of an alley stared back at her. She took a calming breath, inhaling the morning rain before stepping away from any potential witnesses. Her footsteps echoed in the eerie silence of the alley. Her skin heated in either fear or anticipation, she didn’t know. “I don’t have all night,” she spoke into the open air. “I will leave.” Y/n attempted to hide the tremble in her throat.
Her ringtone was shrill in the alley. She jumped. The bright smiling photo of her friend illuminated her face. She did not hesitate to answer. “Hello?”
“Thank god! You’re still alive. Are you close?”
“Yeah, I’m almost there, Ellie,” Y/n began to exit the alley. “The bodega line was long.” She rustled her haul of snacks.
“It’s getting dark. I can send my brother to meet you. Ya know he’s always had a bit of a thing for you and now that you’re single…” Ellie trailed off. Y/n could practically hear her smile.
She rolled her eyes, laughing nervously, “You don’t have to make him come get me. I’ll be—” She was cut off by her own scream ripping from her throat. A streak of darkness and neon flashed in front of her, swiping the phone from her hand. Her grocery bag tumbled to the concrete as she stumbled over her heels. Cold metal met her back. A well defined arm snaked around her waist, held her impossibly tight.
“Y/n? Y/n!” Her friend’s voice rose over the speakers.
The smooth phone screen pressed against her cheek. “Tell her you’re okay then hang up,” the same warped voice demanded in her ear.
Y/n felt her lips move before he ended the call. Some quick lie about a monstrous rat. Blood thrummed through her skull along with her ragged breaths.
“Let me go!” Y/n wrestling out of his grip with no resistance, finally turning around. She halted. Pixelated eyes narrowed at her. What had she been expecting? Was a mask better?
Getting slashed for the money in her wallet and being left for dead by a dumpster was starting to sound more appealing than her current situation.
Mechanic panels whirred and parted open. Rich, penetrating dark eyes took in every inch of the girl in front of him, peeling back layer after layer in that calculating glare Y/n knew all too well. “Hola, mami.”
She hoped to never hear that name fall from anyone’s lips. Much less his. Y/n allowed a selfish moment to let her gaze wander. His braids were fresh, obviously not her work. Fade clean. Jay’s untied. Bronze skin annoyingly flawless. He was the same, except for the faint bags decorating his eyes. His chuckle bounced off the brick walls, catching her. It was sobering.
“You have one minute, Morales. One minute before I run screaming and call the feds on your ass,” she crossed her arms.
“Morales?” Miles raised an eyebrow. “Damn. Is that what we doin’ now?”
He circled her like the predator he was, each footstep deafening. “You look good, ma. Where you goin’ so late? It’s not safe.”
“You know where! You’ve been following me, remember? How long have you been doing that for? Just another secret, huh?” Y/n was on the verge of yelling, her initial fear replaced by pure rage. “You’re not even going to deny it.”
Miles dared a step forward. Y/n took two back. “You’re afraid of me.” Her lack of an answer was a shattering confirmation.
“I’m afraid of what you do, Miles,” she motioned to his suit, the spray painted insignia physically painful to see on his chest. The Prowler. She would have never fathomed the possibility if she hadn’t seen him in action herself. “You’re a criminal. You steal. You’ve killed people,” she choked trying to swallow back tears.
He dragged a gloved hand down his face. “You don’t understand.”
“You’re right! I don’t get it. You changed and I don’t understand why.” Her waterline welled. Three months of suppressed feelings threatened to rear their ugly heads when he was near. Because of him, of course.
It was ironic how much he made her feel, even now. Ellie, other friends, Y/n’s family never fully warmed up to Miles. He was unfeeling, nonchalant, closed off. They couldn’t see how a girl like her could fall for him and stay. At least that’s the promise she made.
“So did you. You walked away. Left me. What happened to our forever, Y/n?”
“You expected nothing to change? In what world would I not react or feel some typa way?” She tensed. Another wave of anger seared through her veins. How dare he turn this on her? “Oh wait,” her laugh was humorless. “I was never supposed to find out.”
“I have to do this. The world ain’t right and I need to protect the people I care about,” he placed a hand over his armor, over his chest. “I couldn’t do shit about my dad, but you…” He stalked closer. This time she didn’t back away.
Miles grasped her hand, placing it over his heart. She couldn’t face his intensity for too long, not without air. He wore the same musky cologne she gifted him for Christmas.“Mirame,” he tilted her delicate face towards him. “Mi corazón, I can keep you safe. You gotta let me. If something happened to you I don’t know what I would do.” His chiseled features twisted, barely able to utter the words. He finally closed the space between them, resting his forehead against hers.
“One minute,” Y/n whispered. It had been more than one minute.
Without separating, he slowly slipped her phone into her back pocket, letting his fingers linger by the waist of her jeans. “Call them. I’ll stay right here and you can end this. You’ll never have to see me again. Prometo, mi corazón.”
She should have listened when Ellie told her to stay away. Undeniably gorgeous, genius level intellect, sexy accent. There was always a catch, she said. She was right. But there was one drawback not even her best friend predicted.
Y/n pulled away. Suddenly the autumn air was too chilly through her sweater. She unlocked her phone. Typed 9-1-1. She looked up through her lashes at Miles as if he would melt into the shadows and escape. She didn’t expect sheer defeat to paint his face, unhidden behind his usual mask of indifference. Her thumb froze.
Miles Morales had Y/n entranced. He’d woven himself into her being, hollowed out a space in her soul just for him. Those titanium claws were in deep and she didn’t know if she had the strength to pry them out or wanted to.
Y/n pocketed her phone. She resigned to every emotion she harbored for the boy in front of her. She chose every wrong decision. “Go, Miles.”
His grin was smug. “Should I call you?”
“Don’t push it, Morales.” He draped his arms around her shoulders, dragged her into his warmth. “I’ll unblock you. Sound good?”
Miles angled his head. His smile stretched to his eyes, showing those rarely seen dimples. “Sí, mami. Whatever you want.”
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wronghandcomic · 4 months
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Soulmate time! Miles is up first since he’s Lio’s soulmate. He’s a vegetarian and also likes popcorn.
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u3pxx · 1 year
⚖️☀️🌻 we always hear about propaganda from the fans... but how about from the characters? luckily interviewer, anita knough, is here to ask our lovely ace attorney cast!
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little comic for this poll from @theyrebasicallycanonpoll !!! (no being toxic to em! we're here to just have fun oki!!)
you heard the aa cast!!!! now go vote nrmt go go go!!!
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dizscreams · 1 year
Possibly a hobie x reader where miles meets her for the first time?
— Hobie Brown ★
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PAIRING: Hobie Brown x GN!Spider!Reader, Miles Morales x Reader (platonic)
A/N: love this ideaaa 🤭
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“So, am I gonna get to meet this significant other you’ve been talking about or what?” Miles asked as he playfully nudged Hobie. Hobie shook his head with a slight smile, “They should be in Miguel’s lab. That’s where they said they’d be anyhow.”
“Don’t get too excited aight? They can be kinda shy with strangers, I don’t need you freakin em out.” “I wont!”
“I’m serious. You freak em out and I’ll hurt you.” “Alright I won’t I wont,” Miles says sticking his hands up innocently, “Jeez”
“Hey, Y/n!”
You turned around to see Gwen, Hobie, and a stranger walking in. “Hobie!” You exclaimed as you ran up and hugged him. “Hey,” he patted your back and gave you a smile. “Hi Gwen,” You said smiling at her. She returned the smile and gave you a small wave.
You turned back to Hobie, “Missed you,” you told him and he responded with a small, “Missed you too.” You were going to say something else before you noticed the stranger again who was shifting his balance from one foot to another nervously. “Y/n, this is Miles. Miles this is Y/n,” Gwen said introducing you both.
“Hi Miles, nice to meet you.” “Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too.” He gave you a smile and an awkward wave. He seemed friendly. You examined him by walking around him in a circle. “Uh what’s happening?” Miles asked looking at Hobie and Gwen with wide eyes.
“Don’t worry, they’re just gettin a good look at ya,” Hobie explained with a smirk as he shook Miles shoulder. Miles nodded with an awkward smile and jumped slightly when you jumped in front of him. “I like your suit! It’s super cool, did you make it yourself?” You asked excitedly and Miles grinned.
“Yeah, I did! You know I think you might be the first one to compliment it. I like your suit too.” “Thanks! I actually-”
Hobie tuned you both out as he turned to Gwen. “Didn’t think they’d kick it off right away, did you?” She shook her head, “No, not at all.” “Alright! Wrap it up you two,” Miguel’s booming voice was heard above causing you and Miles to stop your chatter. Miguel starting talking about something you and Gwen payed attention to.
Miles and Hobie did not pay attention.
Miles hit Hobie’s arm to get his attention. “They didn’t seem so shy to me.” Hobie glared at Miles who had a stupid smirk on his face. “Shut up.”
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lokorum · 7 months
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so....................i've read unraveled the other day.................... and then ive re-read it.........and now im in the middle of re-reading it again????
honestly cant promise that im not gonna keep coming back to it until someone would steal my phone and then i'll just log in from the pc lets be real here (¬‿¬ ) but!!! what i wanted to say is that its just such a good fic?? so well written? it has all the right words in just the right order and i can and will argue till late night that it healed part of myself that i had no idea existed. these descriptions of hugs??? gonna stay with me untill the very end  (*_ _)人  
and drawing something is the least i can do to show just how much your work means, @2btheanswertothequestion  (/▿\ )
"unraveled" became my spiderverse canon since the moment ive finished chapter one and it will stay this way!!! thank you so so much for all the long hours and all the hard work you clearly had put into it!! you're amazing!! ♡
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rendevok · 1 year
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“Take my hand” pages 5-11
1 - day 2 - truth - 3
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juneberrie · 1 year
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summary miles' childhood crush comes back to new york.
word count 0.6k
warnings fem!reader, vaguely implied hispanic!reader but not really, sunshine!reader
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miles groaned when his mother told him to clean his room.
"we have guests coming over, mijo," rio said. "what will they think if your room is messy?"
"i didn't know that we were eating dinner in my room," he muttered.
"i heard that," rio called. miles shuffled around his room, mostly kicking his (probably dirty) clothes under his bed and closing the closet door as the smell of his mom's cooking wafted around the house. "they're family friends, mijito. remember the l/ns? they moved away a few years ago but they're back! i think their daughter goes to your school," she added, bustling about the tiny kitchen.
miles' brain immediately started going through every girl he had ever interacted with at school, but he came up short. "que es su nombre?" he asked (what's her name?).
"oh, y/n. you two used to be so close before they left," rio answered. miles tried to remember a y/n, and he managed to drag up a memory of the two of them watching movies as their parents laughed and drank and ate at barbecues. the doorbell rang and she jumped.
"mijo, get the doo—" she started, but miles interrupted her.
"already on it, ma," he said. she smiled gratefully and disappeared into the kitchen again. he opened the door, and his brain short circuited. there, outside his apartment, stood a very, very, pretty girl. she was flanked by a man and a woman who miles assumed were her parents, but his eyes were locked on hers.
"hi!" she smiled. he prayed to literally any god that would listen that she couldn't hear his heart beating a mile a minute. "i'm y/n!"
her mother interrupted her. "oh, miles! it's been so long!" she walked in, her daughter and husband following behind her. "you're so big now!"
"yeah," miles chuckled awkwardly. he watched as y/n looked around their small apartment. "nice to, uh. see you again?" he tried. why was he suddenly being awkward? he was never awkward with girls.
she turned, a smile on her face. "yeah!! i mean, since we moved its been like," she paused and glanced at the ceiling, her fingers twitching as she mentally counted. "seven years? i think?"
"damn," miles said. "it's been forever." y/n nodded with a laugh. rio called them to the dinner table, which miles noted was set with their fancier plates. as the two families ate and reconciled, memories rushed at miles.
he remembered chasing her around her family's yard, dunking her into the community pool during the summers, grudgingly playing mermaids with her, graduating kindergarten with her, and so much more. but the memory that he remembered most vividly was the big fat crush he'd had on her.
"so," he asked, pushing his food around his plate as casually as he could. "are you guys here to stay?"
y/n's dad nodded and replied, "we're staying for good."
y/n cut in, "or at least 'till i finish high school." she had a twinkle in her eye as she said the words, and miles noticed her glance flicking down to his lips.
"cool," he said. "cool."
she smiled and it felt like they were the only two people in the world. "yeah. cool."
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