#milk factory
scll · 1 year
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Milk Factory es una Empresa Tijuanense dedicada a la creación de personajes y productos de los mismos. Creada por Carolina Garcia, Nohemi Guarnero y Lilian Lozano. Destinadas a reivindicar a Tijuana por medio del arte, del buen diseño y humor. Nuestro propósito es crear personajes simpáticos con los que las personas puedan identificarse y sonreír... Agradecemos a Teresa Escobar por el soporte y llenar de vida a nuestros personajes con sus historias... De Tijuana con amor, para el mundo.
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peachandpinwheel · 7 months
The Sign has everything. Reincarnated gay soulmates. 'Everyone I love dies' curses. Drunk shenanigans. Hot sirens. Psychic visions. Vigilante serial killers. Butts. Gays with guns. Supportive ally bros. DRAGONS. Queer found family. Tourism adverts. Trans icon Yoshi Rinrada. It's like someone polled a bunch of queers about what they like, couldn't choose from the results, and just decided to go with everything. Phenomenal.
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sundove88 · 4 months
Cookie Run Kingdom- Beast Yeast Incorrect Quotes- There’s No Earthly Way of Knowing
“Pure Vanilla”: There's no earthly way of knowing... which direction we are going... There's no knowing where we're rowing... or which way the river's flowing... Is it raining? Is it snowing? Is a hurricane a-blowing?
Gingerbrave: Uhhh… Pure Vanilla, are you ok?
Wizard: You don’t sound like yourself.
(He turns around creepily)
Strawberry: I don’t think that’s Pure Vanilla.
White Lily: *Nods*
Pure Vanilla?:...Not a speck of light is showing, so the danger must be growing... Are the fires of hell a-glowing? Is the grisly reaper mowing?
Silverbell: What the..?!
Pure Vanilla: I’d never act like that!
(His deranged facial expression begins to show fully)
Mercurial Knight: Look!!
Shadow “Vanilla”: YES! The danger must be growing, for the rowers... keep on rowing... And they're certainly not showing...
All: *Gasp*
(He reveals himself to be Shadow Milk)
All: *Scream In terror*
Sweet dreams!
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Indie game girls who are REALLY fucked up
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steven-myself · 7 months
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"54" - Adel Bouteldja photographed by Baldovino Barani for FACTORY Fanzine
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lilwifeynextdoor · 8 months
We are home and because I missed the normal lunch time pump/feed, my milk collectors are full! I could feel that I was having leakage towards the end of brunch but I'm surprised it's this much
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biancalattei · 10 months
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Knives study 🔪
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romanceyourdemons · 7 months
i really enjoyed no country for old men (2007) and the way it reframes violence and lawlessness. in the film noir and western genres, the genres on which the film strongly draws, violence is generally portrayed as a broad but recent perversion of society, which stands separate from and in conflict with the american dream. this film, however, frames the horrible, dead-faced violence that drives the plot forward as the very foundation upon which america and the american dream are built. the film invokes and intertwines hunting, livestock agriculture, the vietnam war, and the violence with native americans and mexicans demanded by white americans’ colonial project. all four of these are considered foundations of american culture and especially of american masculinity culture; all are grotesquely violent, blended into the background as they may be, and the nonstop apathetic violence does not stem from a state of becoming blood simple as shown in the coen brothers film of the same name, but rather from the long cultural history of violence that allows the characters to shift responsibility for violence outside of themself. this is what makes carla jean’s ultimate refusal to call anton chigurh’s coin toss so powerful. chigurh speaks circles around his violence, his rhetoric forcing characters to accept the violence enacted against them without him having to actually threaten any violence, and as such absolving him of the act before it is done. playing his coin toss game, putting up your own life on the line in order to gamble for it, implies that it is acceptable for you to die if you lose, because those are the rules of the game. that is the way things are. ed tom bell’s great uncle stole native americans’ land and was killed by them for it, llewelyn moss still mexicans’ money and was killed by them for it, and violence and the violence it begets is just the way things are. but carla jean’s refusal to play forces a space outside of the rules and traditions that have the administration and acceptance of violence so deeply woven into them. the refusal does not save her, but it forces chigurh and the audience to see the rules for what they are. the loose and ragged ending of this film does not imply, the way the cathartic, last-man-standing structure of many noirs and westerns does, that the good men with guns have wiped out the bad men with guns in a brutal but necessary slaughter to end all slaughters, after which all violence will cease. there is no catharsis in this film. there is no payoff to obeying the rules and structures that demand the infliction violence. in its weighing of destiny and free will in the wild, rule-following west, no country for old men (2007) concludes that it is the worst of all worlds: people always have a choice, they just don’t let themselves see any option but the cruelest one
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yumivik · 3 months
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morethansalad · 1 year
No one told me Sorsha moved to TikTok! 👑 (@/sorshamorava)
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dreaminglain · 2 months
Making a Kin list because who's gonna stop me
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exotic-indians · 10 months
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worldhistoryfacts · 2 years
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Milk arrives at the Nestle condensed milk factory in Cham, Switzerland, ca. 1890. 
Photo © Nestlé S.A.
{WHF} {Ko-Fi} {Medium}
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anemourn · 2 years
now why isn’t my mouth attached to alhaitham’s titty rn 🤨🤨🤨
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terminabense · 3 days
  "Factory Farming: Cruelty Impacting Humans, Animals, and the Planet"
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Factory farming, the industrialized production of livestock, has dire consequences for humans, animals, and the planet. For animals, it means a life of suffering in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions, often without access to natural behaviors or environments. Chickens, pigs, and cows endure unimaginable stress, injuries, and premature deaths, all for the sake of maximizing efficiency and profit.
For humans, factory farming poses significant health risks. The overuse of antibiotics in livestock to promote growth and prevent disease leads to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, posing a serious threat to public health. Workers in these facilities face dangerous conditions, exposure to harmful chemicals, and exploitative labor practices. Furthermore, communities near factory farms suffer from polluted air and water, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues.
Environmentally, factory farming is a major contributor to climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. It generates large amounts of greenhouse gases, particularly methane from cattle, which significantly impacts global warming. Additionally, the industry consumes vast quantities of water and contributes to soil degradation and water pollution through runoff of animal waste and chemicals.
In summary, factory farming's quest for profit comes at an enormous cost to animal welfare, human health, and the environment. Sustainable and humane alternatives are essential for a healthier, more ethical future.
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avionvadion · 1 year
Can Leon eat chocolate?
He’s a fox boi. Foxes are canines. Canines are dogs. Dogs can’t eat chocolate. Chocolate is poison to them. Leon is immune to poison. Leon loves eating and drinking poison. Is chocolate poison to Leon but he eats it anyway because he enjoys the thrill? Wouldn’t surprise me.
My brain right now, thinking about giving Leon chocolate cookies for Valentine’s Day in RF4 when I start a new playthrough and romance him again, before remembering he’s a fox and therefore chocolate is poison to him, but he’s kinky and has poisonous rainbow trout as his favorite/loved gift and likes Charm Blues because they can be brewed into a poisonous tea:
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The poison for Leon. The poison chosen specially for Leon. Leon’s poison.
The poison he loves.
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That poison.
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