sergle · 8 months
some ppl are scared of ebay, and I think it's so funny because it'll be like. one of my sisters wanted to know where I got a particular lotion, I sent her the ebay link, and she's like omg I'm scared, what if they take my card information..... GIRL. amazon is worse!!!!
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spacebubblehomebase · 3 months
Shit post!
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Don't take this too seriously, but LMAO XD. -Bubbly💙
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 2 months
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Come a little closer...
A Breeze Of Love
Dark Blue Kiss
Love Mechanics
You Make Me Dance
A Boss And A Babe
Choco Milk Shake
The Sign
Jun & Jun
Bake Me Please
My favorite pull-scenes (Part 1/?) as part of my favorite bl-tropes-collection in no particular order.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 25 days
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wahgifs · 5 months
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userdramas event 13: team spirit — choco milk shake (2022) ♡
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clown-creep · 21 days
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My first time drawing Meatwad!
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ichigomaniac · 8 months
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They're reading this week's melusine's letters for Neuvi
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dekaydk · 4 months
Support the folks who make the content we crave
Producer of QL and BL content, Korea's Strongberry is small but scrappy and brought the world a lot more content than you might expect. The CEO had a live session a little while ago, and it was reposted with English subtitles yesterday. Among the takeaways: they have a lot more interest from actors than they used to. Also, some of the content they have distributed was produced by others but needed a distribution outlet, so they are clearly a part of the ecosystem that might not otherwise exist.
It's nice and short, and he says there will be a live session with the actors during March (date TBD). Watch this and drive up the stats! Make their investors realize they have a great audience! 😀
Above all, check out their other content on Gagaoolala and YouTube.
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gatabella · 1 year
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Hedy Lamarr, 1940s
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comfortless · 3 months
God könig and his only worshipper who doesn't try to get him more followers cause she wants all of his attention on her
another strange vaguely Greek/Roman au?! ^^ (also to your other message: no worries!! being too nice would make me lazy!) this prompt is like a reversal of this and i am here for it!
content/warnings: suggestive, König may or may not have killed some guy no big deal..!
It isn’t as if he bestows great blessings upon you or grants your deepest, most guarded wishes…
It’s just that he’s lovely in all forms: the very apex of some marbelesque, masculine statue made flesh. Warm to the touch and so very real and alive that it was difficult to focus on worshiping him proper when your very being sang for him.
He’s probably only some great god of war, Ares, but without the long list of lovers and offspring - only you. There was nothing that he could do to benefit you much, just a humble citizen that had no need of taking up a weapon…
Yet he was so heart achingly beautiful with the docile look in his eyes, the contrast to his stature that bore the look of a proper hunter, you could not keep yourself from returning to him.
All of the other men in the city pale in comparison to the god you pray to, nestled up in the foothills where you make your trek day by day to speak… knowing that nightly he comes to you in dreams with little glimpses of futures or pasts: the things you can not comprehend yet those in Olympus could parse together with such ease.
As his only worshiper, you are never apart for long.
He descends that mountain each time to meet with you in green meadows with the gentlest look in his eyes.
He has no temple in which to pray to… but, you’ve made a temple of your own within yourself all for him. He knows it, knows well when you pray at your feet and he sheepishly orders you to stop that, stand, face him, and he would lend you his mighty weapon any day if you would just ask for him to use it.
Your god deserves and army of men to fight and scramble for his favor, a harem of women to tend to his needs… but the thought alone is enough to leave bitterness on your tongue.
You don’t want to share him, only savor the honeyed words and touches between the two of you, never muddy what is sacred with another’s prayers or offerings.
… Are yours not already enough?
You only find out that they most certainly are the day a suitor begins his arrogant courtship and… within that very hour he is no longer. A stray spear from the pit pierced right through him…? What a strange way to go out. You don’t even think to question it until you find yourself meandering through soft grass for your meeting with König.
He’s a warrior, too, he should know the intricacies of how a weapon that heavy might rise up on the wind just to strike some poor, silly man down before he could even take your hand and lie with you.
You tell him of this odd occurrence whilst you whittle away at a tiny carving of him with a paring knife, König sat just adjacent to you.
First, he tells you that a blade meant for herbs and vegetables is no good for wood. The dull blade is pried from your hands with ease and tossed aside into the foliage surrounding you both. No need for little idols when your god willingly comes down to grace you, anyhow…
Then, he tells you that… it isn’t fair for you to have eyes for any other. Is his presence not enough? Is he not stronger and more capable than any of your puny, mortal men? He could protect you, haul you up to Olympus and make you his bride, give you as many children as you want… Wouldn’t you like that more?
Your stare is so telling, hands shaking as you set the unfinished figure aside, and the words do not come, not when the look he gives you goes from adoring and sweet to near deadly in an instant. It’s the first time he’s offered to bless you with anything but bloodshed in your favor… a peculiar promise of love in return for your selfishness and gifts of milk and honey…
“I do not think I am worthy of that…” The words come tumbling, clumsy and weighty on your tongue. Could he detect the yearning there..? Surely he knew with the way he invaded your dreaming, and even now as his hand finds your shoulder to push you back down into the soft bed of the earth.
“You wish to make yourself worthy, little one..?”
You only nod, once, as your heart finds its way into your throat and your robe is torn away to flutter out with the wind.
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 10 months
Korea really likes their "boy sleeping on a table aesthetic".
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Further evidence...
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Sleeping pretties... [These are the ones I remember but there are probably more. If there are more please let me know. I wanna collect them all.🙂]
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so there's this fan idea where Shadow Milk takes Pure Vanilla's appearance (credit to obernice's CONFRONTATION animatic)
But what if, to add extra misery and silliness, Shadow Milk also made Pure Vanilla look like him?
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 10 months
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"I wished I could spend the rest of my life... being slightly crushed by someone who loved me.”
- Gail Carson Levine, Ella Enchanted
Stay With Me
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
We Best Love
My School President
His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta
Choco Milk Shake
Tokyo in April is...
Love In The Air
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner
Cherry Magic
Favorite hugs (Part 2/?) as part of my favorite bl-tropes collection, as always in no particular order.
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forkaround · 2 years
BLs in 2022 didn't kill me but they gave me kinks that are difficult to explain
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blmpff · 5 months
The actor playing Milk in Choco Milk Shake is back in another Strongberry production!
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boysslove · 5 months
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정우야 Ep11 Choco Milk Shake 초코밀크쉐이크
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