#millipede rants
mrmillipede · 6 months
LMMAAAOOOO I just blocked this guy so u know my giomis shippers DNI thing yeah well guess what. This dude went on a full sized RANT ABOUT CROSSING BOUNDARIES 😭😭😭 DUDE. you are beefing with a highschooler who draws fat boys. I WASNT EVEN TRYNA BE MEAN THE WHOLE THING WAS A HUGE ASS SATIRICAL POST LMAO
and then his ass went onto my latest Gyjo piece and said ‘yea I have a big dick’ so I blocked him lol
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murruspins · 6 months
I love millis so so much, I want to keep some as pets one day :0 probably an American giant millipede and maybe one or two ivory millipedes, they're both native where I am!
My favorite milli, tho, is Apheloria virginiensis, for their vibrant yellow and pink stripes and cream bellies!! They're so pretty :3
tell me abt your favorite millipedes or cool facts you have :D
HELLO!! Apheloria virginiensis really are pretty!!, however, my favourite as to be Archispirostreptus gigas, Otherwise known as the Giant African Millipede! I find them really interesting. Also, they have an impressive size!
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I’m going to be calling Archispirostreptus gigas GAM for short as that’s easier to say. GAM are actually relatively easy to care for! They require a heat range of 20-24°C or 98-75°F.
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One thing to note about GAM is they’re scavengers! They commonly feast on damp and decaying or rotting wood, manure, grass clippings, and decaying fruits. In captivity, a large part of their diet consists of leaf litter and quality millipede substrate. Supplemented with millipede safe fruit and veggies ofcourse! As all millipedes do, GAM require calcium. This calcium should be either given to them by supplementing their soil, or providing cuttlefish bone for them to nibble on over time.
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• Millipedes don't have eyes; they use a pair of antennae to sense what's around them!
• GAM are small, and usually confident with handling. However, you should still be careful with holding and handling small animals!
• GAM will die if their soil becomes dry. They require damp soil as that’s how they drink! They also benefit from a small shallow water bowl. Emphasis on small & shallow!
• GAM can live up to 10 years! It’s a big commitment, but worth it in my eyes.
• Their soil must be deep enough for them to fully submerge themselves to molt.
• The body of the giant African millipede has 40 or more body segments, with four legs (two pairs) per individual segment. Each time a GAM molts, it adds one body segment with four legs!
• however being small compared to other things, they’re the largest millipede species alive. They can grow to 1 foot long!
Thank you for listening to my info dump!
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aria0fgold · 11 months
I do have to wonder exactly what the fuck is up with centipedes and Where Do They Come From??? I got jumpscared by another long ass centipede yesterday hiding in the corner in the bathroom AGAIN. And like... Where and How. Did you come from the ceiling? (hopefully not cuz ill be having a new fear during baths then). Did you come from the drain? Which adds a new question cuz that thing is just pipe, dirty water. There's no hole at the sides?????? Where do those centipedes come from bro why do they always appear in our bathroom???
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sorrowandacrow · 3 months
sides as things I have done:
Patton: call everyone kiddo when I was younger. It sounded very condescending at I got punched for it once.
Roman: read trashy romance just to heckle it. Also was on Wattpad for the better part of my middle school years.
Janus: emotionally manipulate a toxic friend into leaving me alone (they were Horrible)
Logan: got really into Greek mythology and infodump on everyone around me until I eventually had no friends (it was Really Bad. I would just go up to people I heard even mention it and launch into a rant.)
Virgil: hid in a trash can throughout my whole class. Was discovered crying because I couldn’t get out.
Remus: Everything I do is Remus. I think the most notable one is when I put three millipedes in my mouth and then pretended to throw up for a prank. Two millipedes came out. I accidentally swallowed the third. He writhes in my bowels and judges my sins.
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angelheaven7 · 2 months
Fun fact for people who aren’t deep into the insect pothole !
Did you know that spiders aren’t technically insects?
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Insects are classified as having 3 body regions, and spiders only have 2, making them arachnids !
It’s the same kind of situation as the common habit of fruits being called vegetables !
Another fun fact about spiders, did you know that most of them get around by picking up their third legs an amount and push forward like humans, while some insects like millipedes only left their legs a teeny tiny bit up 2 move ! ( im totally gonna make a post ranting about millipedes and centipedes and how much i love them )
Even if these little guys aren’t technically insects I still love them so much ! They get constantly demonized by media and it hurts my heart :(
To every spider out there, i love u sosososo much smooch mwah
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baphomuttt · 6 months
hi wanna listen to my short rant about creature-fied subspace and what species he would be represented as
wasn't a question
okokok so ik most people like representing subspace as a scorpion [which i see working completely cmon his whole thing is poison] but imagine him as a shocking pink dragon millipede ,,,
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to add to the subspace part of this stupid bug just know that it shoots HYDROGEN CYANIDE IN SELF DEFENSE .
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joemomrgneissguy · 3 months
Horsetails and Moss, a rant
Forgive me if I'm a bit scattered here, but I've got to talk about horsetails. Where I live in the Pacific Northwest, I see these little guys all the time:
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They grow everywhere there's water: ditches, rivers, roadsides (through asphalt), gardens, you name it. They grow like crazy, are really hard to get rid of, and every time that I see them I am reminded that these humble weeds were once trees.
They are the last surviving members of the family Equisetaceae which had at one time had such illustrious members as Calamites:
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It looks so similar to the little plants today, but it could get up to 160 feet tall! An actual, woody tree that reproduced via spores and had nodal root networks like a plant that has been a never ending nuisance to countless backyard gardeners. These trees were everywhere during the Carboniferous (360-300 mya), and they weren't alone.
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This is a member of Lycopodiopsida, a class with such members as clubmosses and quillworts. None of the members today grow all that large, but, much like horsetails, they used to be much taller.
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These trees are so well preserved we know a lot about how they grew, what their life cycle was like, what all the different organs they had were. A good bit of that preservation is due to being in swamps, but its also because bacteria which could break down wood DID NOT YET EXIST!
Because not only were these little guys once trees, they were the first trees ever. They were some of the first to invent wood. So these trees fell over, and then did not rot, because there was nothing on earth that could eat them. They then got compressed, buried, and eventually became coal. This is where the grand majority of our coal supply comes from, that small period of time where nothing knew how to break down wood. It is firewood that has waited 300 million years to be burned, and we are returning carbon to the atmosphere that had once been breathed by giant dragonflies and 8 foot long millipedes.
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m6lotov · 1 month
I LOVE UR ART SM!!! what r ur top 3 bugs?
Thanks very much ! My top 3 bugs …
1- centipedes , I really like every type of centipede ever, I know a lot of stuff about them and I would really like to have one but I’m a really messy person so it can go bad. I also love how “sharp” they look
2- moths ! Not a lot of science behind the fact that I like them, I find them really pretty and the fact that they can be really different from each other … I love it ! (Some can look hairy, other colorful, other dark, etc !!!)
3- millipedes , I find them very amusing and cool, it’s like a fat and round version of centipedes , Ik they’re bugs but they look if they were nicer than centipedes … like if centipedes were their EVIL twin !…
Fun fact ..! Millipedes, unlike centipedes, they aren’t venomous at all, they can end up irritating you but nothing too serious like centipedes 😁
Thanks for letting me rant anon ….
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crowcussion · 3 months
i will never fully understand arachnophobia cuz i LOVE SPIDERS and i always have!!
below is me ranting about my love for (most) bugs
i used to let spiders crawl on me as a kid and it would freak everyone out
i like most bugs tho (MINUS BEES AND WASPS THEY SCARE ME)
me and this one kid (we didn’t like each other) would bond over getting bugs out of the classroom all throughout elementary school
like we would work together just for thag other than that we fucking HATED EACH OTHER
he turned out to be a huge bigot i’m not even surprised but anywayssss
i just saw a tiny spider crawl across my tablet while i was drawing and i snapped a few photos!!
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so cute AAA
one time i picked up a huge centipede or maybe it was a millipede idk and kids in the classroom just kinda stared at me like i was crazy liek calm down!! bro belongs outside and im just helping!!
but yeah bugs are super epic and cool and awesome and i love them and that’s why one of my ocs is a spider human hybrid who’s fucking BLUE FOR SOME REASON
fun fact on how he was made
my subconscious made him, not me
i had a dream that i went to a psych ward and they sold merch (??) and there were like 5 people on a shirt and he was the one i remembered the most vividly when i woke up, so i made him into a character and he works at a place called big burger and he hates it there
yk i should make a post with his lore he’s cool
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z0mp13ss · 4 months
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`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`-----------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
All of our accounts from Q:
Main- z0mp13ss
Pos rant account- Struggled
Alter accs-
softIy (softiy)
(i dont think there were anymore)
!! ALSO !!
Not all of my headmates are listed on here, you don't need to know anything about littles or anyone who won't be using the platform ! :3
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`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`┈┈About us !┈┈ ╰┈➤
-->did system
-->bodily 14 (Jan 16)
-->f referring to us collectively please user it/its and the name Cloudy
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`┈┈DNI/DNF >:[  ┈┈ ╰┈➤ 
-->You interacted with/followed these users on Q:
-->Over 19 or younger than 13
-->You're a zionist and/or support zionist celebrities/brands
-->You're neutral on the genocide
-->You aren't sys-safe or don't support neopronouns
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`┈┈ATF/ATI :[  ┈┈ ╰┈➤ 
-->We had negative interactions on Q but you aren't on my dnf list ! 
-->Or if I had you blocked but you don't know why (I can tell you why if asked)
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`┈┈Boundaries ┈┈ ╰┈➤
--->  Do not ask any littles to front.
--> Do not try to figure out our triggers, we do not post them publicly for a reason. 
--> Do not try to contact me (You know who you are) now that I am on another website. Stop sending your friends after me too. You're a creep. 
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[no proxy]
Preferred Names: Arden/Topher
Other names: Zander/Millipede/Cameron
Nicknames: Zompiss/Argay (Close friends only gang, sorry)
HOST !! (wowza)
Host is Transmasc, Questioning (for sexuality), and uhm I forgot what else I put here sorry. <33
He/It or Crawler/Crawl pronouns, you can use either if you dont like using the others :3
[Reminder that we are bodily 14 !!]{#E8C5C5}
🥳 <- proxy
Preferred Names: CREEPER
Other Names: No
Nicknames: No.
[Source; Minecraft]
Agender + Asexual. Not interested in romantic relationships of any sort, also strongly dislikes sexual topics.
It/Its pronouns >_<
sourcemates: oti (Sourcemates
[Creeper doesn't front often, but is usually nonverbal when it does front.]{#E8C5C5}
👽<- proxy
Preferred Names: Elijah
Other names: None
Nicknames: Alien Guy, Bleep Blorpp, Eli, Lili, Jahhhh (im just having fun atp sorry)
COHOST [Currently Dormant .]
Male, 15, and in a relationship so like sexuality doesnt matter ig !! (Bro is cishet)
He/Him prns
[uhhh alien guy. Bleep bloop.]{#E8C5C5}
🪦<- proxy
Preferred Name: Dizzy
Other Names: None
Nicknames: Diz, Number 8. [brainmade]
CARETAKER (She's so kind)
Nonhuman + Really oldd (Like over 100 gang I mean like fucking ancient)
She/Her/Angel prns (Use herself instead of angelself please !! ^_^)
[Angel, also somewhat motherly, ig? ^_^ ]{#E8C5C5}
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🐙<- proxy
Preferred Name:NIGHTMARE
Other names: None
Nicknames: None (Heh, Night. Spookyyy)
[Source; Dreamtale]
Nonhuman + Legal (He's also really old)
Demiboy, He/They prns, sexuality is
sourcemates: ati (Strongly dislikes some individuals ^_^)
[Nightmare is a dry texter, in my opinion. But he is pretty nice, on a good day! :3 ]{#E8C5C5}
🍝 <- proxy
Preferred Name: Horror
Other Names: None
Nicknames: None, I think :3
[Source; Horrortale]
Nonhuman, (obvii) and ageless!!
Male (?), He/Him!!
sourcemates: ati
[Refrain from mentioning source please! But he's also really sweet and silly >_<]{#E8C5C5}
💥<- proxy
Preferred Name: 4
Other Names: Creepy
Nickname: None I think
19 + Questioning everything (Bro is so edgy for what)
Put fictionkin list for 4 here
[Four can be aggressive at times, if it's too much, just say something. They also used to talk about tak]{#E8C5C5}
🩸<- proxy
Preferred Names: Infected
Other Names: None
Nicknames: None for now
[Source; Regretavator]
Male+He/Him+ Pansexual
sourcemates: oti (We know quite a few, but doubles dni please!!!)
[Infected doesnt front often, and is usually pretty irritable when he does, also has a heavy typing quirk [ie. "h1 guy5 my n4m3 15 1nf3ct3d.] but can provide translations if needed/wanted.]{#E8C5C5}
3 / PRINCESS (both just her names idk)
Legal ; 20
she/her ;
[Calls other people commoners, and also likes to be treated like royalty. She has 2 knights (Huffie and a headmate) .]{#E8C5C5}
📦<- proxy
AE3803/RED BLOOD CELL/ALLAIRE [Source: Cells At Work !]
Legal + Female
She/Her prns
oti !
sourcmates: oti
[Allaire/AE3803 has romantic mems of U-1146, so please dni if you're uncomfy with that, or you're U-1146 and you're over 15 or younger than 14 bodily]{#E8C5C5}
🎧<- proxy
FLOWER MASK GUY [brainmade] (@flowermaskguy)
Nonhuman + Ageless + Male
He/Him/Plant/Weed prns
[He appeared in my dream once !!. Wasn't a very nice encounter. ]{#E8C5C5}
🎀<- proxy
Hiyoko Saionji/Harmony[fictive] (@ultimatetraditionalhater)
Minor+ Female
[I updated my own shit what do I put here. ]{#E8C5C5}
`𓏲 ࣪₊-----------------`𓏲 ࣪₊
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Chapter Ten: Thank You For The Venom Pt. 3
 “Now, this was about I would say eighteen years ago, roughly when Freddy was ten. The household was still very much a functioning generational home, so there were a lot of relatives living there at the time. One of them living there was Oscar. Oscar had married into the family many years ago to Joel’s aunt and at first, Oscar was alright, quiet, but alright.” Dolly began as Envy perked a bit at the name. “Right, you mentioned this Oscar back in the museum.” Envy commented, hoping this guy turned out to be a serial killer or something neat like that. “One and the same, I was approached by Oscar about two or three weeks before the incident happened. He had wanted to draw my blood, promising me that he’d figure out what I am if Oscar were allowed to do it. I’ll admit that it was pure naivety on my end, I had always wanted to know what I was, so I agreed to the blood withdrawal.” Dolly paused a bit to think on how to better explain the next part.
 “I think it would be necessary to mention this one, Freddy had a pet hamster at the time. We couldn’t get a dog since we have a lot of fragile items that have been around for a very long time, so Freddy was given this hamster instead. He loved and adored this hamster very much. Of course, unfortunately, hamsters have incredibly short lifespans and Freddy’s hamster was starting to reach the conclusion of its life. Apparently, Oscar was a very opportunistic little shit and convinced Freddy to give his hamster over to Oscar.” Dolly looked over to Envy, who for a change was curious about where the story was going.
 “Freddy was hopeful for the first three days that Oscar would make his hamster feel better and recover, but when a week had passed without any words about that hamster, Freddy started getting depressed. I had Freddy in the kitchen with me on that day, figuring that an easy cooking lesson would help to take his mind off the hamster. Oscar, though, figured that particular day was an excellent day to show what he had discovered to the rest of the family. You know what that lying bastard did? He used my blood and injected it into the hamster.” Dolly said as Envy responded almost immediately after the last part. “Please tell me that the hamster exploded from it.” Envy was hoping for violence at this point as the story was interesting enough. “Unfortunately no, though that would’ve been a far kinder fate for the hamster. No, the hamster ended up mutating into this millipede like monstrosity after being injected. The mutation, however, caused Oscar to pretty much snap and lose all sort of touches with reality. He was ranting about how this would be the next step in human evolution, making death a relic of the past, and the lovely little remark of wanting to sell me off to the government. This of course sparked a full on fist fight from Joel, who inadvertently knocked over the container for the hamster and let it loose into the household.” Dolly explained, Envy finally went silent at the outcome.
 “I’ll never forget Freddy’s face when he saw what happened to the hamster as it broke into the kitchen. I guess it was the combination of the trauma that was inflicted on Freddy and the threat of selling me out, but Joel took Oscar out to the skeletonization room and let the acid take care of the rest. As for the hamster, that one escaped into the walls and had been living there ever since. Reasonably, a massive amount of family members didn’t want to live in a home with a wall monster and began moving out shortly after. It simply just dwindled from there on until it was just Joel and his small family along with Oscar’s skeleton.” Dolly concluded, allowing some time for Envy to formulate a response.
 “Wait, you’re telling me that our blood could do something like that?” Envy asked, surprised that apparently homunculi have mutagenic blood. “I’m not sure to be fair, but, my blood was used to make Ernest and Dorian, so I don’t think it's entirely mutagenic.” Dolly explained as Dorian gave a smile at that part. “Looks like I’ll have to test Lust, Gluttony, and my own blood then, I’m fully curious now. I’m sure I can get some lab rats if I tell Dante it's for a new disease.” Envy said, completely glossing over the fact Dorian and Ernest were made with Dolly’s blood.
 “Good to see you’re not freaking out over that factor.” Dolly remarked, sort’ve surprised that Envy was going to test this theory out and wasn’t questioning the Dorian tid bit.
 “And it sounds like we’re reaching an end to the elevator ride, you’ll be able to see the city soon from here.” Envy said as they got Dolly to look over to where the cityscape would be visible.
 “....Looks like no electricity and basic heating will be the next ones to be added to the rules…” Dolly said as the view of the underground city came into view. Confused, Envy looked out to the city and was flabbergasted at what they saw. Before, the city had been made of stone, but now, it was the same carbon structure that made up Greed’s ultimate armor. Dante had clearly stopped using her rotting brain at this point, the city was now more inhospitable than before with various lung diseases awaiting those who lived down there for too long. Dolly was, likewise, concerned about the sudden development and the fact now drinking water down here would be a potential health hazard. There was no way the homunculi could live down in the underground like this as the elevator completed its descent down into the workers right violation. Immediately, Envy left the elevator as Dolly hesitantly followed them out, clutching the Dorian in a backpack. “Envy, where are we going?” Dolly asked as she grew more concerned with how long they’re both going to be staying down below. “Our home, I’m going to gather Lust’s, Gluttony’s, and mine’s stuff to bring back to the apartment. Even I have my standards and this really crossed a line just now.” Envy said in a bit of a huff as they made their way to a mansion-like building. “I’ll help teleport the items back to the apartment then, this is just absolutely appalling conditions to live in.” Dolly offered, clearly the elevator being out of the question to go back and forth for loading. “Good plan, I’ll need you to tell Lust what happened then while you do so.” Envy said as they kicked the door wide open thanks to the Carbon restructuring causing the doors to jam.
 The doors breaked away due to the density of Envy and the warm honey gold interior revealed itself as Envy started marching towards the stairs. The mansion had been a rather nice living space given its location with the space and the lavious decor. It didn’t change the fact, however, that it was now an air hazard with a combustible element acting as its building material. Dolly’s eyes followed along the numerous corridors of the mansion as though it may have housed many more homunculi at one point as Envy stopped in front of a room, getting the door opened immediately. Shockingly, there was barely anything except for a bed, a nightstand, a small closet, and a lamp as Dolly followed Envy inside. It was surprisingly minimalistic as Envy went to the small closet to gather items out of it. Out of the closet came a katana, a small safe box, an aged medical journal, a hooded lab jacket, and a small portable cooler for likely highly questionable dealings. Very swiftly, Envy started loading the items into Dolly’s arm for transport. “If they ask, tell them the underground is uninhabitable right now.” Envy instructed after finishing loading Dolly’s arm with their belongings.
 “Fair enough, stay right there and I’ll be right back.” Dolly said as she teleported off, items in arms.
 Back in the apartment, Lust had been listening to the radio given what Gluttony had told her about losing Lior when Dolly suddenly appeared. Acting as though she hadn’t just materialized like a ghost, Dolly placed the items on the table with Lust nearly choking on her tea. Regaining some composure, Lust stopped Dolly before she could teleport back.
 “What happened?” Lust asked after seeing all of Envy’s belongings be unloaded.  “The underground was made uninhabitable, that wretched creature transmuted everything into carbon.” Dolly explained, still rather mortified by what pretty much transpired down below.
“Damn it, I’m going to call Sloth and let her know about this.” Lust went to the phone to try calling Sloth back up, more for Wrath’s sake rather than Sloth’s.
Dolly gave the thumbs up as she teleported back to the underground to continue helping Envy out with the impromptu evacuation. Once Dolly left, Lust attempted to call up Sloth who, once again, took her sweet time to answer. There was a growing nail line on the wall as Lust tapped her fingers against it waiting for Sloth to pick up the phone. Nothing, no answer, no signs of Sloth picking up the phone. A part of Lust was tempted to just let Sloth live in the hazardous underground, but, instead, Lust continued trying to contact Sloth. As the wait time was getting out of hand in the apartment, Envy and Dolly were heading for Lust’s room to gather her belongings with Dorian eying the wallpaper to rip up. Even with tapetum lucidum on their side, the darkness of the halls were becoming difficult to navigate in as Envy’s hand traced along the wall once again before bursting into what could be assumed Lust’s room. Similarly to Envy’s room, Lust’s room was weirdly minimalistic, though the dresser had makeup spread out for her daily needs.
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gunnies-gummies · 2 years
Omg I also want to receive homophobic anons in my asks too 🥺😞✊
But idk if my asks are on, can someone pls check that thank you 🫶 send me anything in my ask box xx (I’ll even accept rants about how much milkyways hates byler etc etc) :D
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someone talk to me about millipedes i’m going to explode
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doomstonee · 3 years
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He is voiced by Patrick Seitz, the same guy who voiced Dio in JJBA English dub
This is about Thrillipede, but I may add in the Buzz Wing
All gameplay screenshots are my friend’s images from Amino
Thrillipede is a military pilot millipede that is a Skylander, he used to serve in the Great Greeble War.
His bio:
Thrillipede served in the Millipede Military in the outer regions of Skylands. As the top pilot in his unit, Thrillipede was responsible for single-handedly blasting over 300 Greeble warships out of the sky! When the Great Greeble War came to an end, he returned to his hometown of Flutter Bay as a celebrated hero. He was the talk of the town and everyone wanted to shake the many hands of the famous young pilot. News of his heroics eventually made their way to Captain Flynn at the Skylander Academy, who set out to determine if the stories were true. In a series of friendly challenges, the two pilots raced, soared through obstacles, and performed incredible stunts in front of a cheering Flutter Bay crowd. In each event, Thrillipede stood victorious, and was asked to join the Skylanders shortly after. Of course, Flynn later admitted that he “let him win” so that Thrillipede wouldn’t be embarrassed in front of his hometown.
He’s also described as very modest and very reserved, and either makes it better or worse because he’s very close friends with Buzz and Buzz likes to talk about their adventures. He’s fearless and loves to fly in the sky without a care but is also highly observant both on land and in air. Interestingly enough, on the fandom wiki page, it says he loves to “wow the crowds”.
In terms of abilities, he mainly uses grenades and sometimes flies around with a pair of wings that he gets from cocooning. He is also incredibly skilled in combat, and will win a fight. He has a vast knowledge on machinery and flight mechanics.
He is very good friends with Buzz, as they both went on many missions together. Also speaking of Buzz please marry me-
Nothing else is stated much, he’s not in any of the comics or even in RoH, which is really weird because he’s the ONLY supercharger that’s left out.
Going onto his Easter variant, it’s a giant cursed Easter bunny.
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As you can see, he’s plastered white, literally. His eyes are also black like bruh. It unsettles me but get it bestie 🐛
In the flavor text of his Eggcited outfit is:
Thrillipede is all suited up and is ready to defend his title as the reigning Dragon Egg Toss champion. After last year’s controversy, when Kaos wrongly accused him of costing several Dragon Eggs in sticky tape, Thrillipede is eager to show everyone that his egg tossing supremacy was no fluke. And to prove his point, he agreed to enter the competition with one hand tied behind his back!
I’m sorry this shit is funny-
There’s no other info I got on him and that’s really sad, because I love him so much and he’s a great character if you think about it. I love his concept art too they kept his overall body shape and-
Dad energy 100%
Some headcanons:
He’s Bi and Poly, most likely in a relationship with Buzz, hints at it but hasn’t told anyone
He’s a great cook, it takes a lot off his mind and keeps it from going into the darker pits of his mind
He’s a good listener and gives good advice, would def help you with anything
Pretty strong, he can carry the entire team in his arms if chose so. Tying into that he’s the tallest and the largest, and technically can punt the shorter ones but is terrified
He’s great friends with Fiesta, they vibe really hard
Tired, hasn’t gotten proper sleep in a while because he physically and mentally can’t relax
Doesn’t help because Buzz also doesn’t sleep for some god forsaken reason
He knows what’s going on, caught on many things
He gives some really good hugs, full on embrace you with his four arms and lifts you in the air
He’s super sweet and polite, it’s hard to get him angry
Has been asked many times by kids to adopt them
Be friends with him, he’s just really nice
Don’t fight him if you value your life and dignity, he’ll 『Za Worldo』 your ass
Relationship wise, he loves you dearly and is highly protective, is also a big cuddle-bug and loves to cook for you and Buzz
In all, he’s handsome and cute. Despite the lack of spin-off appearances and his flaws I still love him. He was one of my first fictional crushes, next to Charge Man, if not the first.
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ratcandy · 3 years
Alright before I sign off for the night I just got something to say. Lil rant incoming.
A message to those who do not own arthropods (bugs, spiders, myriapods, etc) or gastropods (snails/slugs):
in a conversation with someone that DOES own a pet like that, or breeds them, or just generally cares passionately about arthropods, it’s not cool nor funny to say that you would willingly kill that persons pet if you saw it.
If you’re arachnophobic or entomophobic, that’s totally valid and understandable - those are very common fears! But to tell someone in casual conversation that you would not hesitate, even in jest, to kill their pet,,,, its not cool!! At least to me!! That just insults me! aside from how distraught the very thought of you killing my pet makes me, it just also tells me you care so little about my connection to an animal that you would figuratively spit in my face at my mention of it. Especially if you keep pressing and joking about it afterwards!! If I express discomfort over you talking about how effortlessly you’d squish my pet, it would be appreciated that you wouldn’t continue to talk about how great it would be if my critter was dead.
No I’m not talking about an experience in particular what do you mean /s /nbh
regardless. i dont care if it’s a bug, I feel like it should be basic human decency not to tell someone you’d stomp on a creature they’d care about.
i mean, it’s generally unacceptable for someone to come up to you and say they’d kick your dog or purposefully step on your cat’s tail, so whys it okay for someone to. Say they’d kill your pet. If that pet just happens to be a millipede or tarantula or mantis or whatever. I don’t understand
other arthropod owners feel free to elaborate. I’ve just had so many experiences telling friends “I own a millipede” only for them to follow up with “oh I’d kill that thing if I saw it.” Like. okay. Thanks? What am I meant to say to that honestly
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swords-and-chaos · 2 years
While I am not an expert on the subject, It really bothers me when people conflate centipedes and millipedes. There is a difference between the two, and not just the number of legs.
Centipedes tend to be flatter, faster, more aggressive, and venomous (it bites you and you die rather than you bite it and you die). They are often bright colors and will never curl up in a ball.
Millipedes on the other hand are effectively just cyanide squirting poisonous lapdogs. MOST (i’m not going to say all because like I said I’m not an expert and I don’t want to be responsible for someone getting hurt.) do have chemical defenses in the form of emitting a poison that would only hurt you if you eat it. Despite this, they are actually quite friendly. I would describe the way they tend to look as what you would get if you took a pill bug and stretched it. Millipedes actually make great pets. They can’t even bite you as far as I know. When they feel threatened will curl up in a ball/circle thing. They are mostly round in shape, though there is a certain amount of them that are flat in an attempt to look like centipedes I think.
Long story short, there is a difference, it’s just complicated and confusing. This was a pointless rant but if you got all the way to the end…. Uh… thanks? You certainly have a longer attention span than I do.
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