choihaiyun · 3 years
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Txt was on an award show when the hosts shouted out your group’s name; everyone clapped politely except Yeonjun who absolutely obliterated his own hands. He shouted out loudly and cheered you on with a smile painted on his lips that were filmed closely by the video crew.
Beomgyu noticed how loudly Yeonjun screamed and began to laugh lightly, eyes twinkling by the massive lights.
Later that same week, the clip of Yeonjun cheering got viral and on his VLIVE he approached the subject.
“Am I a fan of Y/n? Yes, they’re my favourite! I love their group too, wahh… It would be really cool if we could collab one day,” Yeonjun said while responding to questions. “Don’t forget to stream their latest album RUN!”
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He was on a talkshow with the members when they had to answer quizzes. They had to choose a genre and being the nerds they are they chose KPOP.
“Who’s this in this picture?” Hueningkai spoke out loudly to the members and they all looked at Soobin who knew the most about other idols.
“Y/n! From C5!”
The staff tried to contain their laughter as Soobin’s eyes lit up at the picture of you.
“That was very fast!” The host said and they all laughed at Soobin while he hid in embarrassment.
“If you just knew how much he fanboys over C5…” Hueningkai mumbled and rolled his eyes, remembering the painful nights listening to Soobin ranting about why C5 deserved more coverage.
“Hehe…” Soobin answered and chuckled lightly; it wasn’t like he ever tried to hide the fact that you were his idol crush.
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You clicked on start live and sat back, waiting for fans to enter.
Soon enough the views reached 500k and you smiled widely at the camera.
“Helloo!” You said and waved while scrolling through your phone, viewing the comments. “Hmm… Oh, Beomgyu is calling!”
You pressed on answer and held the phone near the camera and microphone.
“Hi Beomgyu, I’m live right now. Say hi to the camera.”
“Oh, really? Hi! Uh, Y/n I need you to come here for a quick second.”
“Hm? What’s the matter?”
“I think I almost burnt down my kitchen.”
The viewers laughed at you as you hurried out of your dorm towards TXT’s dorm which was only a level below you.
“Choi Beomgyu!” You screamed as you entered their dorms, but Taehyun met you instead.
“Surprise!” He shouted and the rest of TXT ran out of their hiding places.
“Happy birthday!” Yeonjun said and loudly and engulfed you in a hug.
“Oh, thanks?” You responded, quite taken aback by the sudden surprise.
You placed your camera setup on a table for the viewers to fully see the whole ordeal.
“Aw, Beomgyu remembered!” One comment read and you questioned him about it.
“What does that mean?” You asked and Taehyun winked his eyebrows at him.
“Uh, last year I forgot to give you a present for your birthday so this year I decided to give you a larger one!”
Long story short, your fans put one and another together and quickly figured that Beomgyu was in love with you.
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Taehyun was on a mission in the city by himself as the group had gotten split individually.
“Get 5 unique souvenirs in Central London…” he read on a card and began looking around. “Oh, there’s a KPOP shop over there!”
Distracted after 5 seconds you may think, but you’re wrong. It was 3.
As he entered the shop he caught a glimpse of TXT’s album FREEZE. He was about to pick it up just for fun when he saw what looked like C5’s latest album RUN.
“Woah! They have C5’s plushies here!”
In almost childish excitement he grabbed the one that was yours specifically; A fox. He hugged it tightly and went to the counter to pay when he remembered his mission once again.
“Does this count as a souvenir?” He asked the staff and they all denied. “Damn it.”
The cameraman sighed and wanted to leave the store right then and there; oh how annoying it could be to follow Taehyun around when he was fanboying.
Taehyun exited the shop with a smile and looked into his camera passionately.
“Not paid promotion, but listen to C5’s latest album RUN!”
“You can’t- you know what, never mind,” the staff says and Taehyun winks at the camera.
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It was very obvious, to the point that it was brought up on talkshows and members tweeted about it.
“I can’t sleep and Hueningkai screaming to Y/n’s lines in Sweet and Salty is not helping,” Beomgyu tweeted with a pouting emoji.
Yeonjun started a VLIVE and secretly went into Hueningkai’s room to record him when he sang his heart out to your lines.
“YOU’RE SO SWEET YET SALTY OH WOAAAHH!!!!” Hueningkai sang (shouted more correctly, but I’d like to avoid an angry Hueningkai) and Yeonjun had to contain his laughter.
Not enough with the fact that your group just aired their album, the whole building had to listen to Hueningkai fanboying.
A week later Soobin and Hoseok came to help TXT put up sound isolation in Hueningkai’s room.
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Guess who my ult bias is??
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theaologies · 4 years
We’ll Continue (to be disappointed) [fic]
Fandom: Dragon Age Ship: Solavellan (implied) Rating: Gen Summary: Charter delivers some news Wordcount: ~1700 Notes: I haven’t written anything in... so long... god. A drabble, some character introspection mostly Read on Ao3
“Is that all?” Cassandra asks, dropping the bundle of papers that has occupied her hands for the past hour or so on the small, stained wood table their little group stands around.
The basement they find themselves gathered in this time is small and damp, the scent of fish drifting in from the port outside mixing none too sweetly with old ale that has spilled through the floorboards of the tavern above. The cramped space barely fits the four women with their table, which tilts precariously whenever something heavier than a dagger is placed upon it, and Leliana has joked more than once that if Cullen had joined them he and his pauldrons would have had to play door for them.
But this isn't a matter to disturb Cullen with. Not while he's enjoying his retirement and time with his family.
No, this little party is made up only of those absolutely necessary; Cassandra, Leliana, Lavellan, and Charter.
Charter, who is the one who retrieved this information for them.
The Elven woman nods as she watches Cassandra drop her notes, folding her arms across her chest. “That is all, yes. And since I was the only one spared we won't have to concern ourselves with cleaning up loose ends.”
Cassandra sighs, frustration evident in her voice. “I suppose you're right.” She nods, rubbing at her chin, “though I admit my confusion at your survival- he'd kill all those others in attendance, yet not you? Just because you... asked?”
“I had done nothing to wrong him,” Charter tells her, leaning over to gather the papers up once more. “The others had lied or slandered him or posed some kind of risk. I merely sought out information- and it was information he was willing to share.”
“He doesn't want to kill Elves,” Lavellan supplies, finally speaking up for the first time since their meeting began, “he will if he absolutely must, but Solas is... trying not to kill other Elves. He's still trying to recruit them into his army.” She glances up at the other Elf, violet eyes both hard and exhausted at the same time, “you said it yourself- he asked you to join. And it probably would have looked worse for him had you not returned.”
“He wants us to know he can be anywhere at anytime,” Leliana says, “even though we've officially disbanded he knows we're still working against him- he wants us to know just how big of a threat he, personally, is to us. Any of us. All of us.” The Divine, cloaked in a simple disguise, spreads a hand out over the small map of Tevinter tacked down on the table, looking over it dutifully. “We'll have to be more careful from now on- well, even more so than we have been.” She sighs, a frown etched across her lips, “I'm afraid our infrequent meetings will have to become... even more infrequent. And those of us who are traveling will have to do more to cover our tracks. It will be difficult but we can't afford to get lazy now- or ever.” Nimble fingers pluck at the tacks, carefully rolling the map back up before depositing it in a tiny canister. As she straightens she eyes both Charter and Lavellan, “I'm sorry to say, but that means being more careful around other Elves, as well- if he'd go so far as to attempt to recruit a known spymaster-”
“No, you're right,” Lavellan agrees quickly, though she doesn't meet her eye, “anyone could be one of his agents, at this point. There's no telling. Caution must be taken, especially with those Elves coming out of Tevinter.”
Leliana gives a single nod, seemingly pleased with her understanding. “Yes, exactly. We cannot, at the moment, take any unnecessary risks. Now-” her eyes sweep over the other women as she tugs at the hood of her cloak, ensuring her hair is completely covered, “I'm afraid I must take my leave. Cassandra and I must be present later tonight at the Viscount's banquet- there had to be some excuse for use to travel all the way to Kirkwall, after all.”
Cassandra makes a disgusted noise from the space by the door as she dons her own cloak. “Politics.”
“Now, now, Cassandra,” Leliana chides playfully, a smirk replacing her serious expression, “I'm sure Varric won't make it too unbearable for you. Perhaps our dear friend will even give you the next copy of his book.”
The dark haired woman rolls her eyes, turning toward the door quickly to hide the blush that creeps its way up her neck.
“Charter, if you wouldn't mind passing this information to Harding when you have the chance?” Leliana requests, “she'll need to know the details of this meeting in depth and what to keep an eye out for in the future.”
“Of course, My Lady,” Charter agrees, tucking the papers away into a leather pouch hidden inside her vest, “I will get this to her as soon as possible.”
“Thank you,” Leliana says, then turns to Lavellan, “I'm sorry you can't join us tonight,” she tells her sympathetically, “If there were a way-”
But Lavellan just lifts her hand to stop her. “It's fine,” she says, “I spent some time with Varric yesterday- we caught up then. Had lunch. It's no big deal.” She shrugs. “Besides, I'm to start trek toward the Arlathan Forest early tomorrow. Varric gave me information to catch up with one of his and Hawke's friends who's been working on dismantling the slave trade there. Thought I might be some help.”
Leliana doesn't miss the way she fidgets with the hem of her sleeve, though; fingers tugging at the fabric to try to hide the dragonbone contraption Dagna made to replace her missing arm. “You had said before,” the redhead starts carefully, “that you were considering stopping by Wycome on your way. Do you still-”
“I might,” she cuts her off again, still not looking her in the eye, “I haven't decided yet. I know reports have said that some of my Clan might still be out there- but-” she sighs, rolling her shoulders to try to stave off the shudder that threatens to run through her, “I just don't think it would matter if I went back. I doubt they'd want me back, after everything. If they even recognized me at all.”
Cassandra turns back to look at the Elven woman, a soft pity in her eyes, “Inqui-”
“Don't,” Lavellan says quickly, sharply, then deflates, letting the sudden anger rush out of her. “I'm not the Inquisitor anymore, Cassandra,” she tells her with a wavering smile, “let's not pretend I still am.”
The other woman frowns, though instead of her usual frustration it's one of sympathy. “Yes, of course.” She agrees softly, “I- just know- if there's anything you need-”
Lavellan nods, looking up at the human women, a fake smile plastered across her face. “I know, and thank you. But I'm fine. I'll be fine. Truly.”
There's a pause. Lavellan returns to her subconscious fidgeting. Leliana chooses not to say anything of it. “Very well,” The Divine relents, moving to join Cassandra at the door. “We'll be seeing you, then. Just be sure to keep in touch, wherever it is you end up. I've never met Fenris personally but I know he can be... a bit touchy, as Varric's said. And perhaps... don't mention your mage sympathies.” She then looks over toward Charter, giving her associate a nod. “And you know where your duties take you next?”
“Of course, My Lady. I will continue to inform you of any developments in the Imperium.”
“Thank you. Walk in the Maker's Light, both of you.” She tells them, and then follows Cassandra out the door, the dark haired woman giving a nod in farewell to both of them.
The door shuts with a click, leaving the two Elves alone together.
An awkward silence blankets the room as they wait until they are clear to leave. Lavellan has no idea if Charter is one for small talk- they never were more than acquaintances during their time with the Inquisition- but where Lavellan used to be, she's found she hasn't had the spirit to summon the casual lightheartedness that had been so central to her demeanor all her life.
At least not for the past year and a half.
So she lets the silence be. For about an hour the two Elven women simply sit in silence; Lavellan finding a discarded crate and fiddling with the more mechanical components of her arm while Charter perches on the table itself, pouring over a small, well worn notebook. Once, Lavellan briefly catches her sleeve in a joint and curses under her breath, waving Charter off when she looks up in question. It proves to be the extent of their interaction.
At least, until right before Lavellan rises to leave.
“Wait,” Charter stops her, just as she goes to tug her hood over her head. A scarred brow quirks in the spy's direction, watching as she tears a leaf of paper from the little notebook. She looks at it for a brief moment, as though second guessing herself, before holding it out for Lavellan to take. “I don't know that Leliana would... approve of me giving you this information,” she says as the other woman carefully takes it from her, “but for him to have said it...” she hums softly, tucking away the notebook, “he allowed me my life. Delivering it to you- it's a debt paid.”
Lavellan wills her hand not to shake as she looks down at the parchment, a sudden weakness trembling in the pit of her stomach.
“When you report back to the Inquisitor... Say that I am sorry.”
“For all that it's worth,” Charter continues, moving to stand, “it did sound like he meant it.”
There's the silence once again as Lavellan's eyes stayed glued to the page, that weakness trying to decide whether to manifest itself as sadness or anger. It's such a shock, for him to address anything directly towards her after all this time, that when if finally hits her throat it culminates as neither- a tiny, humorless chuckle escapes her mouth instead. “A teahouse.” Is all she can bring herself to say; just a whisper of the word, with an almost unwilling fondness trapped behind her teeth.
Charter smiles- just a little, with just a hint of pity- and lightly claps Lavellan on the shoulder as she slips past her and out the door, disappearing into the quickly setting sun.
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homesteadchronicles · 4 years
OC Theme Song Tag Game
Hello, o’ glorious writeblr community!
While I rarely have time to fill out lengthy tag games, I wanted to throw my hat in the ring and design a game that can take as little time or as long as you’d like!
Rules: Come up with the name of your OC’s theme song(s), were they to appear in a movie/show/game/etc. and tag one person per OC included! Musically-inclined participants can include how the songs would sound, such as what instruments or vocal parts would be included, but this is not required.
Royan Godewine: “A Path Premade” Oeden Sincairn: “Apocalypse Unshackled” Sigurd Godewine: “Phantom Pain” Isolde Godewine: “Frostbit Lips” Sigrid Godewine: “Birthright Revoked” Eirys Godewine: “Blind Eyes Can Still See Sin” The Theophany: “Ex Cathedra (Exalted Incarnation)”
Jerial: “Dance for the Damned” Farukh: “Smile, You’re a Rebel” Esmaire: “Desire is a Sold-Out Dream”
Carmila Ramos: “Love Speaks (But Money Preaches)” Cesar Ramos: “A Future Reforged” Emerico Castillion: “The Sun Still Shines (At Least on the Other Side)” Jacinta: “Three Shots, Two Swords, One Sail, No Soul” The Ambassador: “Currency of Niceties” Banker of Evelis: “Keep the Change”
Kasumi: “Darkness Unmasked” Yesenia: “Blood of the Beast (It’s a Feast for Me)”
Tagging: @ardawyn, @ratracechronicler, @incandescent-creativity, @lynnafred, @alittleyellowdinosaur, @perringwrites, @minawrites, @jewellsfrommaruss, @hannahs-creations, @writingamongthecoloredroses, @myhusbandsasemni, @cogesque, @fatal-blow​, @odysseywritings​, @lady-redshield-writes​, @paladin-andric​, @quilloftheclouds​, @songsofaleria​
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ao3feed-karabita · 6 years
Monsters Lurk
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HtQGPA
by Bunnini, MinaWrites
“They say there’s a disease going around,” The TV drones, the quote suddenly catching everyone's attention. “It seems lots of people have been disappearing lately while others have been seen speaking of monsters. We have yet to see any footage or pictures, but something serious may be going on. Please stay indoors until we get more information- stay safe!”
The news clicks off.
Words: 1222, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Matsuno Osomatsu, Matsuno Karamatsu, Matsuno Choromatsu, Matsuno Ichimatsu, Matsuno Jyushimatsu, Matsuno Todomatsu, Yowai Totoko, Hashimoto Nyaa, Iyami (Osomatsu), Chibita (Osomatsu), Homura (Osomatsu), Dayon (Osomatsu), Dekapan (Osomatsu), Hatabou (Osomatsu), Matsuno Matsuyo, Matsuno Matsuzo
Relationships: Iyami/Matsuno Osomatsu, Matsuno Choromatsu/Yowai Totoko, Chibita/Matsuno Karamatsu, Homura/Matsuno Jyushimatsu, Dayon/Dekapan
Additional Tags: Monsters, Apocalypse, Minor Character Death, Character Death, Gay
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HtQGPA
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terramina · 9 years
Base so deep My voice shakes Lights flash Wash away colours. Sounds press against My skin Heat bleeding Into me. Heart just Dancing to the beat. This drink Makes my skin Feel tight. Take me home Tonight.
Dance in the Dark - minanoe
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choihaiyun · 3 years
Teaser for coming story...
Beomgyu x f.reader, spies!au enemies to lovers...
Warnings/triggers: Blood, swearwords (?)
"Choi Beomgyu, if you do not leave this room at this very instant I am going to punch your brain out of your skull."
"I would say the same if it wasn't for us being placed on the same mission dickhead," he retorts and you roll your eyes, "I should be mad having to work with someone like you!"
"Get out."
"No, I'm not going t-"
You push him aggressively towards the door with teary eyes and sigh as his figure finally disappears when the door closes.
"Fuck you, Choi."
3 days before the large mission
You sat peacefully on your sofa, drinking pop and watching the latest episode of a drama when a crash was heard outside of your door. A sigh left your lips and as you came to the door, a thud echoed throughout the building.
"Who's there?"
No answer, not surprising. You looked through the peephole just as the door swung open, hitting your head harshly.
"Choi? Get out of here, I don't want to see you-"
"Please help," he murmured and you saw how he clenched his side while stumbling into your home.
"Why are you here?" The question left your lips while you hurried to the drawer with bandaids and bandages. Out of all times he had to bother you he chose during this peaceful Thursday evening.
"I didn't know where else to go," he answered shyly while slowly succumbing to the pain, tripping over himself and landing directly on the floor.
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choihaiyun · 3 years
Felix, Lee Know and Seungmin at the beach while watching the others swim
Felix and Lee know: If both of us were drowning, who would you save if you could only choose one?
Seungmin: ... You guys can't swim?
Felix: We can, it's only hypothetical. Who would you save?
Seungmin: My time and energy.
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choihaiyun · 3 years
Hyunjin looking through the fridge
Hyunjin: Hey I.N, do you know where yesterday's leftovers are?
Jeongin: Leftovers? What's that?
Hyunjin: ... You don't know what leftovers are?
Jeongin: I'm not a quitter nor a weakling.
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choihaiyun · 3 years
Han, Lee know and Bang chan in the practice room
Han: I wouldn't say I'm a fuck boy to be honest.
Lee Know: Yeah... sure you're not...
Han: I'm a male. I'm a grown man. I'm a fuckman.
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choihaiyun · 3 years
One that cannot be loved (a)
Yeonjun x gn! reader, idk how many words,
Warnings: Major character death, angsty and generally can be triggering if you are easily triggered or sensitive.
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When Yeonjun looked into your eyes and smiled, you thought everything would be fine. You thought the tear that slipped from his eye was out of love, nothing more. So when another tear fell, and yet another, you obliviously kissed his lips.
His smile widened as your fingertips touched his smooth skin that was stained and sticky. He moved back a bit, startled at the touch but quickly softened when you moved a strand of hair to behind his ear.
When your nails fingered at the hem of his shirt as you relaxed in his arms, he leaned his whole weight against you. It felt feather-light and pure as if nothing could stand in the way.
"Why did you do this to me?" He softly whispered as he sought for air. His eyes met yours and you could finally see those crystal clear eyes. They shone as light as a day but were glassy from the waters that had pooled out of them; his skin soon enough became dry.
You gulped and hovered your fingers away from his cheeks, not daring to touch his skin nor tears. It felt like a stone had formed in your chest that grew larger and larger, suffocating you internally.
"I only wanted to love you," Yeonjun began again and avoided your gaze. Oh, how he broke each time his eyes saw your dry ones. "I only wanted to live the rest of my life with you. I wanted to... just get an apartment with you, get a pet, and then live happily ever after."
"Yeonjun, I'm still with you."
"But," he began and sighed, daring to meet your gaze; "you're not. I know you're not. God, if you just knew what I would do right now if you were here, Y/n. I'd kiss you like there was no tomorrow and I'd tell you I love you."
Your dry eyes felt like the desert and his words were air spiking them.
"I regret so much. I regret not telling you I love you and GOD- god how I regret not kissing you like this."
"Jun... Why didn't you tell me all this when I was alive?"
And that's when it hit him. Your figure became lighter and he could see right through you as if you were a sort of gas.
"Because you couldn't be loved, Y/n. I couldn't love you enough to feel satisfied."
Yeonjun sighed and as he saw your eyes, they finally looked humane. They were glazy and looked exactly like he remembered them.
"Y/n, why was I not enough?"
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choihaiyun · 3 years
G/n S/O catching Hueningkai searching for advice
Summary: You (gn) suffer from an ED and Hueningkai, being the best boyfriend he is, doesn’t want to hurt you and secretly tries to get educated on the matter.
Warnings: Nothing except the fact that the reader suffers from an ED (although no degrading comments)
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You just opened the door to your shared apartment a bit later than usual to find Hueningkai sleeping on the couch. A pool of drool formed beneath his open mouth and you chuckled as you removed your shoes and jacket.
“Hyuka?…” You whispered and walked behind the sofa to see his laptop that was still lit. “Get up honey,” you said softly and pat his head. He didn’t even budge and you sighed with loving eyes at his cute form, shoved the blanket up to his shoulders and left a kiss on his temple.
Just as you were about to leave him to get yourself an evening snack, his laptop catches your eye;
Having a partner who suffers from an ED and how to help them
Your heart immediately swelled and you glanced once again on him, seeing that he was still sleeping. Did he really study and read several articles just to help you? A smile became evident on your lips and you closed the laptop before putting it on the coffee table.
“Hyuka… I don’t deserve you,” you mumbled and crawled beneath the blanket to cuddle up to him closely. “I love you.”
He snored silently for a second before smacking his mouth.
“Hmm… Y/n?” His voice was quiet as he shoved his head into the crook of your neck. “You’re finally home.”
“Yeah, I am. I’m home,” you silently whispered and slowly closed your eyes.
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choihaiyun · 3 years
Beomgyu x gn! reader angst
Warnings: Blood? Death
Not proofread, please no hate 🤗
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His eyes trembled like a vibrator once they caught sight of your frozen posture. You looked dead, like a dry piece of bread out in the sun.
Blood pooled beneath your mouth and your tongue stuck out as if you wanted to catch a water droplet from the sky. He coughed in disgust and wrenched his face at the odour.
With hasty steps he moved towards your body, tears falling like pee from his eyes. He bit is lip to contain his cries as he approached your body. The soft lips of his that were smooth like a baby’s butt touched yours and his tongue fought for dominance with your wet, slimy and bloody tentacle of a tongue.
He slowly opened his eyes once he let go and saw you try to form a word; I love you. Your eyes were tired and barely open but he still saw your pupils that looked like tapioca pearls.
“I love you Y/n, I’ll never forget you.”
*Alexander Hamilton played in the background and a car approached*
Alexander Hamilton
My name is Alexander Hamilton
“Please don’t go…” Beomgyu whispered into your ear and looked towards the approaching car with fierce eyes. “We’re going to get you help with all thongs!”
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choihaiyun · 3 years
Hello- this is absolutely not the same mf who requested two seconds ago- can you do something with Stray Kids and like summer dates? is that enough to go off of? eh
HELLO PERSON, hm i already know who you are but anyways
Stray Kids x gn! reader, summer dates (ot8) Prompt/s: What date they'd take you on during the summer
Warnings/triggers: none
N/sfw: sfw
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Bang Chan
Tivoli/amusement park
Look at this man and tell me he isn't oozing of confidence. He would throw himself onto the "scariest" rides and would enjoy it to the fullest; if you like roller coasters too it would be a plus but if you don't he'd love to play at the arcade with you.
Lee Know
Whatever comes your way
My dude would try to make it as good as possible but as everything fails, you just go to a fishing café. If you're lucky you get a few and a nice dinner, you get to eat instant ramen at your apartment if you're unlucky.
Help he'd be so scared but try to be cool and therefore goes on all of the rides- I just know he would be borderline crying before the ride but afterwards he'd pretend it was nothing to impress you-
Hyunjin would take you on a picnic with LOADS of sweets and several snacks for you to share. He'd be dressed in his finest summer clothes that are airy and a bit revealing. Hyunjin would, if possible, try to do as many cliché tropes as possible- feed you strawberries, lying his head on your thighs...
Self-explanatory. Pls- it might even be his own and call it a date.
He'd lie you between his legs and play with your hair while gazing at the stars. It would be very romantic but you'd still be joking around a lot; you would however have to cut the date short as it becomes too cold to lie outside with barely any clothes.
Sleeping on a trampoline
He'd JUMP when you say that tomorrow's a date day- he'd fix it to be cozy, have a monitor and everything prepared for the next day. When you arrive at his house you climb onto the trampoline and immediately throw yourself onto him. The date would be just lying together, watching movies and watching the night arrive above your heads.
Day at a fair and eat loads of food
He'd take you to a large fair and let you choose anything to eat from the stalls. There would be a lot of options, varying from sweets to regular food and he'd rate all of it. At the end of the day, he'd almost puke and you need to help him get home because he's so sick from eating <3
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choihaiyun · 3 years
Here is the template for personality requests!
- What groups (maximum of 3 at the moment)
- Your age
- Your height
- Your MBTI (keys2cognition)
- Your hobbies and interests
- Your approach on life
- Are you introverted or extroverted?
- Are you shy or nervous? Include that in your description!
Description: a text of who you are as a person and what you spend your daily life doing. Please be as truthful to yourself as possible.
Your type/s: What do you seek in a partner? What is your sexuality and gender? Would you want to get married? Do you have commitment issues?
State what you dislike and like, what you firstly notice in a person and what others would describe you as.
It is voluntary but I’d appreciate it if you would go into depth about yourself; I can then analyse your answers with how you form your sentences.
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choihaiyun · 3 years
BEOMGYU X F. READER angst+tiny bit of fluff TEASER
Warnings: honestly not a lot but mainly suicide
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Keep on reading from here.
He was always quite the moodmaker with his affectionate smile and laugh that sent birds chirping. It was more than unusual to see him in this state, numb with his eyes closed. His hands were crossed on his chest that didn’t heave the same rythm it usually did and his skin looked pale in the moonlight.
”Gyu?…” You whispered into his ear softly and his neck hair stood up. ”I’m back from the store. I’ll place the food here, okay?”
He didn’t budge or give you a single signal. He was merely a corpse with a beating heart and functioning lungs, but no more than that.
“I love you,” you whispered once and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.
Your cheeks were rosy from the cold weather, snow whirling everywhere. Oh how you miss the days you’d laugh in excitement with Beomgyu when the first snow for the winter fell; how you’d immediately make hot chocolate and tease him by putting mint in yours.
The memories were hazy but somewhat clear; as if they were stored within your heart rather than head.
You remembered how your hands would intertwine as his were always so, so cold. How he’d say that the only way for him to get warm was by going under the bedsheets with you.
You remembered the first Christmas you spent with him and his family; it was all a mess and nothing happened as planned. In the moment you couldn’t help but get angry at everything that went wrong, but now you treasure it. You treasure how the ham got slightly overcooked and disgusting, causing you to instead bake a pie. How the desserts were frozen solid and were like jelly once you warmed them up; it all still felt wonderful because you did it with Beomgyu.
The metal clatters as you make your way from your shared bedroom to your kitchen. You had planned on making your favourite food but it wasn’t as appetising now as when you were in the store buying ingredients. After all, you used to cook and shop for groceries together; now it was only a chore that bored you.
“I’ll go with aglio e olio…”
You sigh and prepare the ingredients, feeling tempted to slam your head into the boiling pot of pasta.
Silence filled every space of your shared house, swallowing you its depths of despair. You knew how you couldn’t give up, not when Beomgyu had fought for so long. But when the clock reached 8 pm and you weren’t even finished with the pasta, you slowly turned off the stove.
The water slowly stopped boiling and the frizzling sound of the oil got quiet.
“Beomgyu!” You shouted, as if he could even respond. You could barely remember his voice anymore, nor remember his last words.
How had your life turned into this endless circle of sadness, tiredness and guilt? You knew you couldn’t help it. But when Beomgyu had gotten his diagnose, of course you wanted to help.
In the beginning he looked quite normal, the only reason you went to the hospital was because he became unusually tired after performances. He thought he might’ve been depressed but the doctors quickly disregarded that theory.
He had an immune system failure, causing his body to attack itself. He was slowly dying and it was already too late; he couldn’t undergo any surgeries and the only thing keeping him alive was the IV-drips that were attached all over him.
He wasn’t allowed to leave the house and you had to sanitise everything daily. Even a small bacteria that usually could benefit you was now harmful to him.
You tried to live with it, all until his eyes became dark and matte. His skin seemed dry and flaky, his hair had grown long and was frizzled and his hands were skinnier than ever. His smile that usually painted his lips was gone. He didn’t want to live and neither did you.
So you knew that when you gripped the frying oil, he wouldn’t blame you. When you slowly stepped into your shared bedroom that wasn’t cleaned in forever, Beomgyu tried to tilt his head towards you but failed as usual. He smelt the frying oil and sighed, knowing what was about to happen.
He didn’t want to be the cause for this but it wasn’t a point in trying. Maybe you could live happily together once again in your next life?
You spread the oil all over the walls, sheets and yourself. Then you lit a match and looked at Beomgyu with no tears at all. No tears that could explain how you actually didn’t want to do it.
“Beomgyu, I’m sorry. I love you, let’s live a good next life?”
Beomgyu’s lips stretched into a weak smile to reassure you and then fell into a straight line.
You threw the match towards beneath the bed and huddled beneath the covers, hugging Beomgyu while in the process.
“I love you, okay?” You mumbled and smiled into his hand that you gripped. His hand was weak, yes, but somehow it felt like he gripped yours too.
When the flames reached the bed the house was already full of smoke. You coughed and Beomgyu copied, it was so painful.
The pain worsened and worsened until it all, in one second, turned blank.
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You sigh and slowly get out of bed, feeling your boner hit your abdomen. The usual- wait.
“What the fuck?” You mumble as you see the thing stick up through your boxers. “I have a dick!”
“Beomgyu what are you doing?” A voice mumbles and his older brother enters the room. “Put on a pair of boxers god damnit!”
He rolls his eyes and walks out, shouting something incoherent to your mum.
“Beomgyu? I… Where am I? And why do I recognise that name?”
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choihaiyun · 3 years
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Hi, my name is Mina and I’m restarting my tumblr. I’m mainly going to be writing about kpop from now on as I’ve lost interest in anime.
My ult bias group is Stray Kids.
Here are my biases because I want to share them:
-Skz Han, bw Lee Know
-TxT Yeonjun, bw Beomgyu
-BTS Taehyung, bw Yoongi
These are the groups I’ll write for. I’m going to make a separate post regarding rules. I will be doing ships so I will make a template for you to use!
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