#mind of listen to YAH
todahyah · 10 months
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i love YAH tooo much. halleluYAH
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faithofyahyah · 11 months
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kierancaz · 1 year
I don’t know if this is actually a spoiler but just in case.
So the spider that bit miles is from earth 42 right ??? Well in the first movie
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There’s this.
Idk man i just think it’s hella sus that 4 and 2 were the letters to fall off and in that order 🤷🏼‍♀️
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vidovy · 1 year
Dozing off on Frank must be fucking. magical. imagine.... MATRESS SIZED HUSBAND...... I'll be walking in circles on his belly like a puppy.... weheheheeeee omg i gotta press my face on his belly and caress that sweet sweet happy trail.. like ugh his extra messier hair and half lided eyes cause he's tired.. his soft smile as he scratches my scalp.. mm.. yah post
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portokali · 2 years
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also!!!! @thegarlicbreads tagged me to share my most recent, current & next read!!! ty lett that's a v fun game! 🍃
tagging @mothvhs @pherelpis @pinknoisemp3 @quillsand @catboyparrish @librarybi @byrons and everyone else who wants to do it!!!
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yanderenightmare · 8 months
♡ TW: noncon/dubcon, bullying, reader wears glasses
♡ gn reader
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Thinking about jock bully hunting you down after the bell rings...
You hurry – haphazardously shoving your books and pens into your bag before slinging it over your shoulder – ready to get out before the chimes are even done singing.
Thankfully, it seemed fine for now as you couldn't hear the roaring of buzzing students in the hallway just yet, only your own class packing up their belongings with movements rather lazy compared to yours. 
But you couldn't afford to take your time – even with the free period following the end of your class. You needed to leave before he could find you.
"Where’ you off to in such a hurry, Specs?"
You ought to have knocked on wood before finishing your thought – you admonished yourself with eyes squeezed tightly shut and a punishing bite to your lower lip.
It's funny – you winced – how his voice is so casual, so breezy and laidback, all cool and friendly – funny how it sends such spiky goosebumps down your spine.
You ignore him, trying to squeeze past him – quick and dexterous as you attempt to slip away and disappear out the door – maybe be so lucky to lose him in the crowd.
"Whoa, whoa- you tryna run off on me?" He joked. His large hands held up to block your way. 
You watch the rest of your classmates leave – leaving you to fend for yourself. But you couldn't really blame them… none of you wanted to explain new bruises to worried parents at home.
He was like a shark circling, and if he smelt blood in the water, you were as good as done for. And you were like an open cut.
"Now, what did I do to deserve a disappearing act, huh?" He pouted. His head tilted, blocking out the lights in the ceiling, shadowing his already scary face. 
You nearly squeaked instead of speaking. "Please- I- I-"
"Calm down, will yah?" He dismissed. Flashing you a wide smile – the one that nearly fooled you into believing he was a good and decent guy. "I ain't come to pick on yah…"
You didn't listen. Once again, you bravely tried to push past him with your bag squeezed tightly to your chest – trying to rush to the door.
But his size was like the door itself. Big and squared. Muscly and tough as he blocked your way effortlessly. Though, no less bothered with your insistent attempt at running away from him.
"Now, when I tell you to do something-" He laughed passive-aggressively as his hand reached out to clutch the handle on your bag, yanking you back. "You should perk up and listen, yeah? Use that head of yours for something useful for once."
His knee rode up between your thighs – making you whimper where you stood, caged between his thick arms and the desk behind you.
"Wouldn't wanna make me angry now, do yah?"
His breath tickled your face, and you bowed your head under his gaze – unable to take your eyes off of the veins flexing along his beefy arms as his large hands gripped the table’s edge, sleeves rolled up like usual – the sight of his knuckles whitening, making you queasy with unease.
You tried ducking away once again. "Please, I need to-"
But he just clicked his tongue at the measle effort. Cutting you off yet again. 
"You don't need to do anything but stand here and entertain me." He decided with a voice a bit more biting than before.
You jolted, your eyes round and wide as you looked back up into his glare.
He laughed out a lighthearted chuckle before his hand broke off from marring the desk – scratching the back of his neck with an apologetic smile – serving a small effort at easing your worries where you stood tense and rigid in your place in front of him.
"Thing is…” He started once again, his tone back to normal – or whatever he wanted you to think was his normal. “Coach is gonna kick me off the team if I don’t get my grades in order.” He explained. “So’s thinkin’ since you’re such a good little nerd, you wouldn’t mind helpin’ me out.”
His hand reached out to tickle your chin.
“M’sure havin’ a cute little nerd-tutor like you is exactly what I need.”
Your throat was so tight you thought you might just choke. “I don’t-”
“Good!” He boasted over your pitiful protest. “Since y’got nothin’ better to do, how ‘bout we just head straight for my dorm right now?” He asked – though you knew better than to think it was a question. “Le’me carry that for yah-”
He yanked your backpack from your chest, ripping it out of the tight hug before throwing it over his own shoulder.
“I can carry you too if yah want?” He posed – smirk loud on his face as he placed his large paws at your waist – followed quickly by you shooting your arms forward to shove him off in protest.
But though you thought you’d put in some strength behind it, the boy in front didn’t budge at all. 
He just arched a brow as though asking if that was really all you had. And you hoped dearly he couldn’t see how the stiff muscles of his shredded chest had actually strained your wrists instead.
“What do you say, short stuff?” He leaned in, his breath foggy on your glasses and hot on your cheeks, as his hands clawed themselves into the fat of your waist, pulling you off your feet just a bit.
“N- no, thank you.” You stuttered out, stumbling a bit as you braced yourself against him. Your eyes squished close as you bowed your head away from him in a mix of fear and embarrassment while you suppressed the mortifying feeling of nearly pissing yourself.
But the tall boy realized little of your inner turmoil – rather enjoying it as he scoffed out an amused laugh at you. “A'ight then, come on.”
He yanked you along – his large paw gripping your arm as you struggled to keep up with his long strides. Nearly needing to resort to jogging where you otherwise tripped when the gap between the two of you became so large you had to skip a step or two to catch up – and before you even realized it, you were already standing outside the boy’s dorm waiting for him to find his keys.
He unlocked the door and welcomed you inside with the same grace of a warden showing a prisoner to their cell – with the weight and breadth of his warm hand on the small of your back as he nudged you inside.
The room had an overwhelming dank scent of both bodyspray and sweat and other things you’d only expect to smell in a boy’s locker room.
“Yo.” Came another voice from inside.
“Sup, roomie.” Your bully replied lazily. Grinning at how you gripped his shirt, all but jumping into hiding behind him. 
You’re cute…
“Who’s that you got there?” His friend arched a brow at you, where you peaked at him from behind your bully’s sleeve.
“I’mma need the room.” He announced, not really answering the question.
The roommate then scoffed with a grin, beholding you with slim eyes for a moment, then scoffed once more before he got up to leave.
“Don’t hit the books too hard – Coach’ll have your ass if you don’t bring your A-game later.” He warned, pulling his gym bag up on his shoulder as he excused himself.
You looked around once he was gone, spotting dumbbells and other equipment – and quickly realized how there must be many more muscles beneath his shirt than what you’d already borne witness. 
“So- uhm-” Swallowing the lump in your throat, you awkwardly turned to the boy. “Where're your books?”
Your bully smiled, taking a casual step toward you. “My books?” He asked, nowhere near even trying to sound the least bit genuinely confused.
“Your- uhm...” You paused, feeling uneasy. “Textbooks?”
His smile sharpened. “That’s cute.” He mocked sweetly while buttoning up the small black buttons of his white uniform shirt, giving a flash of those muscles you’d been anxiously anticipating. “You actually thought we were gonna study?”
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♡ BNHA – Bakugou, Kirishima, Shigaraki, Dabi, Hawks ♡ JJK – Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, Naoya, Toji ♡ HQ – Kuro, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Miya twins, Tendou, Ukai ♡ AOT – Eren ♡ DS – Akaza, Sanemi ♡ WB – Togame
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
Full fic with smut available here:
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kayewrite · 1 month
Want so Bad
genre:; fluff and (..) word count: 3.9K
Minho x reader! Minho x fem. reader!!
wherein: Minho is everything you never wanted in life. But he wants you….so bad.
(an: this is my favorite and i had fun writing while listening to Minho and Jisung's "Want so Bad" again and again and again. so i hope you enjoy reading it!! a comment, like, and reblog is very much appreciated)
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"Why are you here?"
You roll your eyes, barely glancing up at the person standing in front of you, your voice dripping with boredom.
"I'm here because I miss you," he replies, winking at you in that infuriating way that always makes you cringe.
You’re in your living room, buried in your textbooks, when this boy suddenly appears in front of you, as if someone summoned him from nowhere.
He’s your brother Jisung’s best friend in the entire world—or so they claim. There’s a three-year gap between you and them. They’re in their final year of college, while you’re just a freshman.
You would give him a proper introduction, but the truth is, you can't stand him. You’ve hated him ever since you were 15. He and Jisung have always loved teasing you, making your life miserable whenever they could.
"Jisung! Your favorite family member is here!" you shout, unable to handle Minho’s relentless teasing any longer. Sure, you’re in college now and supposed to be more mature (or so you tell yourself), but after years of dealing with them, you’ve become accustomed to hating their antics.
"I wasn’t even part of the family… but I guess I will be after I marry one of the family members," Minho smirks, his voice dripping with mischief.
"Then go marry my brother," you retort, your expression as nonchalant as ever.
He laughs and casually snatches the book you were studying. You’re so used to his flirty teasing by now that it barely fazes you.
It all started back in high school when Jisung teased you relentlessly, convinced you had a crush on Minho. He found it on your pink diary and read it out loud, complete with the cheesy music that played whenever you opened it. (Well, you did have a crush on Minho back then, but it faded over time.)
Jisung teased you so much that you cried your eyes out, and then he told Minho all about it, sparking years of torment.
"Oh no, my sister might actually ace her exams now that she’s seen her only inspiration," Jisung chimes in as he walks down the stairs, pulling on a t-shirt. You roll your eyes at him too.
"I think I should come over more often. I might just make your sister the top student," Minho adds with a grin.
There goes your peaceful day.
But thankfully, they don’t bother you too much, as they soon move to the kitchen to eat. You try to refocus on your studies, but chemistry is giving you a hard time, so you pop in your earbuds and pull up a tutorial on YouTube. Just as you’re getting into it, a glass of orange juice and a muffin appear on your table (or rather, on top of your notebook).
"Eat, little devil. Food helps you focus more," Jisung says, placing the snacks down.
You mumble a quick thanks, thinking he’ll leave, but instead, he plops down on the couch behind you. You’re sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch, your books and notes spread out on the coffee table in front of you. Then, without a care in the world, Jisung props his legs up on the table, acting as if your things are invisible.
You were almost touched by your brother’s gesture… but never mind.
"Yah!" You glare at him, but he just shrugs and turns on the TV, putting on a movie. A minute later, Minho joins him.
"What are you studying, kid?" Minho asks, even though he’s already glanced at your book.
"None of your business."
"Oh, is that a new subject? I’ve never heard of it before."
"You should help her, Minho. I heard from her professor that she scored low on a quiz," Jisung says, his tone annoyingly casual.
How does he know that?
"Really?" Minho leans forward, peering at what you’re writing. "Well, chemistry is indeed tough."
"Help her out. You always got high scores in that subject back in the day."
You’re listening to them while half-heartedly writing, your earbuds now turned down low. You’re trying to pretend they’re just ghosts, but hearing them talk about your struggles in chemistry makes you want to join the conversation.
"Sure, if you give me that game console," Minho quips.
"On second thought, I think my sister will manage just fine."
You can’t take it anymore. You gather up your things, smack your brother’s leg, and stomp upstairs.
Later, you’re back in your study area, trying to focus again when there’s a knock on your door. It can only be one of them since the three of you are the only ones at home. Your parents are working, even on a Sunday.
"What?!" you yell, your irritation clear.
You’re about to open the door when it swings open on its own, revealing Minho.
"You shouldn’t talk like that to your tutor," he says, flicking your forehead.
Tutor? Jisung must’ve given him the console.
You don’t bother complaining because, aside from being tired… well, yeah, you’re just too tired.
"You should listen well, okay? If you don’t, we won’t get married," Minho teases, treating you like a child as always. You hate it, but you’re too drained to argue.
"Okay." You roll your eyes for the ninth time and settle in to listen as he starts to explain.
The tutorial is full of bickering and Minho’s relentless teasing, but unexpectedly, you finally understand the material. Your questions are answered, and for the first time in a while, you feel a bit of relief.
"Thank you," you say as you bid him goodbye.
"Goodbye. Let me know when you get home. And say hi to your baby cats for me," your brother says, waving Minho off.
"How did your chemistry exam go?"
You’re happy with your results and you share them with Minho.
"I got an almost perfect score!"
"Really?" He messes up your hair. "Then you should thank me. You owe me."
"I’ll get Jisung’s console for you," you joke
Minho is at your house again. He says they have a group study session, but Jisung isn’t home yet. You both settled into the living room, the hum of the TV in the background as Minho lounged on the couch, his legs stretched out comfortably. You took a seat on the floor, leaning against the couch, your study materials spread out on the coffee table.
“So, what else do you need help with, little genius?” Minho teased, nudging your shoulder with his foot.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “I don’t need your help again, Mr. Top Student. I can manage just fine on my own.”
Minho chuckled, the sound light and teasing. “Sure, you can. But remember, you owe me for that almost perfect score. I think I might start charging for my tutoring services.”
“Don’t push your luck,” you shot back, a smile tugging at your lips.
Minho leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand as he looked at you, his expression softening slightly. “You know, you’re pretty impressive. Balancing all this studying and still managing to have a sense of humor.”
You felt a small flutter in your stomach at his words, a sensation that caught you off guard. You quickly masked it with a smirk. “Flattery will get you nowhere, Minho.”
He grinned, leaning back against the couch. “Who says I’m flattering you? I’m just stating facts.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but the words got caught in your throat when you met his gaze. There was something different in his eyes, something that made your heart skip a beat. The usual playful glint was still there, but beneath it was a warmth that made you feel… special.
You quickly looked away, focusing on the notes in front of you, trying to shake off the unexpected feeling. “Anyway, where’s this group of yours? I thought you were supposed to be studying.”
Minho shrugged, casually twirling a pen between his fingers. “They’re running late. I guess they’re not as eager to study as I am.”
“Right, because you’re so eager,” you muttered, the sarcasm clear in your voice.
He chuckled again, the sound warm and familiar. “Maybe I just wanted an excuse to hang out with you. You’re much more fun than Jisung.”
Your heart fluttered again, and you bit your lip, trying to keep your cool. “You’re just saying that because I actually study, unlike my brother.”
“True,” he agreed, his tone light. “But also because you’re interesting. I never know what you’re going to say next.”
You were about to respond when you heard the front door open and Jisung’s voice echo through the house. “I’m back! Did I miss anything?”
You quickly straightened up, feeling a strange mix of relief and disappointment that your brother had arrived. Minho, however, just smiled, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes as he leaned over and whispered in your ear, “We’ll continue this later.”
Your breath hitched at the closeness, and for a moment, you couldn’t think of a single thing to say. As Minho pulled back with a wink, you felt the butterflies in your stomach take flight.
Jisung entered the living room, oblivious to the tension that had suddenly filled the air. “Hey, what are you two up to?”
“Just studying,” Minho replied casually, as if nothing had happened, though the smirk on his face told a different story.
You nodded, trying to compose yourself. “Yeah, just studying.”
But as you glanced at Minho, who was now chatting with your brother like everything was normal, you couldn’t help but wonder if things between you had just shifted in a way you hadn’t expected. And as much as you tried to deny it, you couldn’t ignore the fact that, for the first time, Minho’s teasing had made your heart race in a way you couldn’t quite understand.
You were walking through the university courtyard, your thoughts scattered as you mentally planned your study schedule for the rest of the day. It had been a busy week, and you were looking forward to some peace and quiet when you suddenly spotted Minho across the way. He was chatting animatedly with a girl, her laughter ringing out as he carried a stack of books for her.
You instinctively slowed your pace, your eyes lingering on them for a moment longer than you intended. The girl was pretty, with a bright smile and an easygoing vibe that made her seem instantly likable. She playfully nudged Minho with her shoulder, and he grinned back at her, that familiar teasing spark in his eyes.
For a second, you considered changing your route, avoiding the interaction altogether. But then you stopped yourself. Why would you do that? It’s not like it mattered. It wasn’t like you cared who Minho was talking to, or how close they seemed. Right?
So you took a deep breath and kept walking, your expression carefully neutral as you approached them. As you got closer, Minho caught sight of you, and his grin widened.
“Well, well, well, look who it is,” he called out, his voice full of mock surprise. “You just couldn’t resist, could you? Saw my handsome face and had to come over.”
You rolled your eyes, a smile tugging at your lips despite yourself. “Oh please, I just happened to be walking by. Don’t flatter yourself.”
The girl next to him laughed at your banter, and you noticed the way she lightly slapped his arm, a gesture that spoke of familiarity. It was clear they were close. Your eyes flickered to her, and you couldn’t help but feel a tiny pang of something—what was it? Jealousy? Annoyance? Whatever it was, you quickly pushed it down.
Minho noticed your glance and, as if reading your mind, raised an eyebrow. “Ah, sorry. Where are my manners? This is Seoyun, a friend from my class. Seoyun, this is my little genius here,” he added with a teasing smirk.
You gave her a polite nod, trying to ignore the way your heart skipped at the word “friend.” “Nice to meet you, Seoyun.”
“Nice to meet you too!” she replied cheerfully. “Minho’s told me a lot about you. He says you’re quite the brainiac.”
You shot Minho a look, and he just grinned, clearly enjoying your reaction. “Yeah, well, someone’s got to keep him in line,” you said, your tone light but with a hint of sarcasm.
Seoyun laughed again, and you couldn’t help but notice how comfortable they seemed together. It was… unsettling in a way you couldn’t quite pinpoint. But you weren’t about to dwell on it.
“Well, I’ve got to get going,” you said, glancing at your watch. “Places to be, things to study.”
“Always so busy,” Minho said, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “But you know, all work and no play…”
“…keeps you out of trouble,” you finished for him with a smirk. “But don’t worry about me. I’ll manage.”
Seoyun smiled at you again, giving a little wave. “It was nice meeting you. Hopefully, we’ll see each other around.”
“Yeah, maybe,” you replied, waving back before turning to continue on your way.
As you walked away, you couldn’t help but glance over your shoulder, just once, to see Minho and Seoyun laughing together as they continued their conversation. You tried to ignore the uneasy feeling that settled in your chest, brushing it off as nothing.
‘She must be his girlfriend,’ you thought to yourself, trying to sound nonchalant even in your own mind. And then you shrugged, forcing yourself to focus on your day ahead. ‘Why would I care?’
But even as you walked away, you couldn’t quite shake the image of them together, the way they seemed to fit so naturally. And for the first time, Minho’s teasing didn’t just annoy you—it made you feel something deeper, something you weren’t ready to face just yet.
You looked up at the voice calling your name. It was Jeongin, your classmate.
“We got paired for the presentation,” he reminded you. Oh! You remembered now, probably too occupied with other subjects to focus on this. “If you don’t mind, can we start after class? That way we’ll finish early and can focus on other things.”
“Sure,” you agreed, appreciating his practical suggestion.
“Great. We should head to a coffee shop after this.”
After class, you walked together, discussing the presentation details. Jeongin had some good ideas, and you found yourself easily slipping into a productive conversation. The atmosphere between you two was relaxed, and soon you arrived at the coffee shop.
“What do you want?” Jeongin asked as you both approached the counter.
“Latte, please,” you replied, smiling. “Thanks.”
As Jeongin went to order, you scanned the room, your eyes landing on a familiar figure. Minho. He was with a group of friends, casually chatting. When he looked up, his gaze met yours. He smirked at you, and you were about to wave, but then he broke the eye contact and turned his attention back to the person next to him. You scanned the group quickly, noticing your brother wasn’t there.
You tried to focus on your work, but you kept catching Minho glancing at you from the corner of your eye. For the first time, you wondered what he thought of seeing you with another guy. The idea made you smirk a little, enjoying the small twist of the situation. Minho, always so sure of himself, might just be a little thrown off by this.
Jeongin returned with your latte and his own drink, setting them down on the table.
“Ready to get started?” he asked, pulling out his notes.
“Yeah, let’s do this,” you replied, pushing the thoughts of Minho to the back of your mind—for now, at least.
You were studying in the living room, the soft murmur of a video tutorial explaining organic chemistry filling the space. You were too focused to notice Minho entering your house until his voice broke through your concentration.
“Hey, my favorite person,” he greeted with a playful smile.
You glanced around, looking behind you and to the sides. “My brother’s not here,” you stated, raising an eyebrow at him.
He laughed, shaking his head. “Of course you are the one I meant. My favorite person.”
You rolled your eyes, though a small smile tugged at your lips. “If Soonie, Doongie, and Dori were people, they’d be your favorites.”
“Of course,” he agreed, his tone light.
You returned to your studies, but Minho didn’t leave. Instead, he plopped down on the couch, stretching out as if he had all the time in the world. You tried to ignore him, but it wasn’t long before he broke the silence again.
“So, who was that guy you were with at the café earlier?” His tone was casual, but you could feel the underlying curiosity.
You hesitated, not sure how to respond. You didn’t have to be honest, but something made you want to see how he would react. “He’s a suitor,” you said nonchalantly, not looking up from your notebook.
Minho’s expression shifted slightly, but he quickly masked it, leaning back with a smirk. “A suitor, huh? I should tell your brother. Maybe he’ll confiscate your phone so you can focus on studying.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, feeling a spark of irritation. “I’m not a kid, Minho. I can decide who I want to spend time with.”
He chuckled, clearly enjoying your reaction. “Oh, really? You’re still just a freshman. You should focus on your studies instead of getting distracted by things like relationships.”
Your irritation grew. “What about you? You’re in a relationship with that girl you were walking with, but I can’t be in one?”
Minho’s eyes widened slightly in surprise before he quickly composed himself. He knew you were jealous, and he had to hide the smile threatening to break through. “So, you were jealous?” he teased, leaning forward.
You felt a flush of heat rise to your cheeks, and you stood up abruptly, gathering your things. “I’m not jealous,” you snapped, turning on your heel to head back to your room.
As you walked away, Minho couldn’t help but smile. He knew you were, even if you wouldn’t admit it, and that only made him like you more.
Life continues as usual, with your brother Jisung and Minho still finding every opportunity to tease you. Tomorrow is their graduation day, and as you walk into your brother's room to borrow a math book, you decide to ask him a question that's been on your mind.
"Jisung, what’s your plan after graduation?"
You’re genuinely curious, even if you’d never admit it to his face. Despite all the sibling rivalry, you’re proud of him for making it this far.
"Probably end up unemployed," he replies with a shrug.
You give him a deadpan look. What answer did you expect, anyway?
"Obviously, I’ll take the board exam first, then start job hunting," he says while folding his clothes. Then he glances at you, squinting. "You’re not asking because you’re curious about Minho, are you?"
You quickly throw a pillow at him, trying to hide your flustered expression. "Do you really think my world revolves around him?" Jisung catches the pillow and smirks, clearly not convinced.
"Even if you don't ask about Minho, I'll tell you anyway. Remember when I told you to spend more time with him? You should’ve listened, because after graduation, he’s going abroad. There’s a job offer waiting for him."
You manage a nonchalant nod, but as you leave his room, the news weighs heavily on your mind.
That night, as you lie in bed, you can’t help but replay Jisung’s words over and over. Minho is leaving. The thought sends a strange ache through your chest. You try to tell yourself that it’s not a big deal, that his absence won’t matter—but deep down, you know it will.
Graduation day arrives in a whirlwind of excitement. Your parents are there, beaming with pride, and you stand among the crowd, clutching a bouquet of flowers. You watch as your brother and his friends, including Minho, happily pose for group pictures, congratulating each other and hugging in celebration of finally finishing their studies. The joy is infectious, but there's a tinge of sadness in your heart.
Minho is leaving.
The thought lingers, even as you force yourself to focus on the present moment.
"Hey, little devil, take a picture of us," your brother calls out to you. You roll your eyes at the nickname but comply, grabbing the Polaroid camera hanging around your neck. It is his day, after all.
You snap the picture, capturing their bright smiles and laughter. The moment is perfect, but it tugs at your heartstrings.
Minho is leaving.
No matter how much you’ve pretended to hate him, the truth is, you’re going to miss him more than you’d like to admit.
"Are these my flowers?" your brother asks, reaching for the bouquet in your hands. You quickly hide it behind your back.
"They’re not yours! Mom has your flowers," you retort, giving him a playful glare.
He chuckles, his eyes sparkling with mischief, probably know what you are planning. "Okay, okay, I get it."
Just then, Minho approaches you, his usual teasing grin in place. "Can you take a picture of me? So you’ll have a souvenir picture of me," he said with a wink.
Pushing aside the urge to roll your eyes. Today, you’re happy for him, even if it’s bittersweet.
"Ha ha ha, I’m honored," you reply with mock sarcasm, but you can’t help laughing with him. You snap the picture, trying to ignore the fluttering in your chest.
"We should take a picture together too," he says suddenly, taking the camera from your hands. He hands it to one of his classmates and stands beside you, draping an arm over your shoulder. You try to hide the blush creeping up your cheeks, secretly pleased to have a picture with him. You’re going to miss him.
After the picture is taken, you slowly extend the bouquet toward him. "These are for you. Congratulations."
Minho’s eyes light up with surprise and genuine happiness as he takes the flowers. "It’s my first time receiving flowers. I’m blushing," he says with a laugh. Then, with a mischievous grin, he adds, "Are you asking me to be your boyfriend? Wait, I need to think about it."
He presses a finger to his temple, pretending to be deep in thought.
You slap his arm lightly, laughing. "It’s a farewell gift, you idiot."
"Wait, you should give me more time to think," he says, closing his eyes dramatically. After a few seconds, he opens them with a playful glint. "Yes. I will be your boyfriend."
You freeze, caught off guard. What?
"So from now on, you’re my girlfriend," he declares, and before you can react, he leans in and plants a quick kiss on your lips.
Your mind spins as his words sink in. "I promised myself I’d wait until you graduate, but I can’t help it—especially since I’m going far away, someone might take you from me." he says softly and laughs, messing with your hair. "So wait for me, okay? I promise I’ll come back to you."
It takes a moment, but you finally manage a small nod, a smile tugging at your lips.
Minho smiles back, his eyes filled with warmth.
You realize then,
more than ever,
that you want him
just as much as he wants you.
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honeylations · 6 months
Prompt: You let her bully you but you know deep down she doesn’t mean it because she’s just trying to uphold her reputation as the school’s IT girl
Warnings/Notes: secret relationship, smut, fingering, F Grade reader, red flag Harin, smoking, reader gets burnt with a cigarette
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A/N: IT’S HAPPENING PEOPLE. It’s time to showcase how down bad I am for this woman.
Your eyes were glued to your feet in fear as you were corned in the classroom by Dayeon and Wooyi, each holding a pair of kitchen scissors.
As always, everyone minded their own business, knowing that they shouldn’t interfere with whatever an A Grader is doing. You started to shake, tears welling up in your eyes when Dayeon took the sharp end of her scissors and dragged it lightly from your jaw to your chin.
“You know when I was younger, I loved styling my Barbie doll’s hair. My dad would always buy me a new one because I’d cut each one’s hair until they were bald and ugly….wanna be my new Barbie doll, Y/n?” Dayeon whispered.
Wooyi brushed her knuckles against your smooth face, admiring how clear and flawless it was. “It’s such a shame you got 0 votes. You’re so pretty Y/n-ah…all of that beauty about to go to waste”
Harin gripped her book as she remained glued to her seat, trying to mind her own business like she always does, but hearing the two girl’s threats/back handed compliments was slowly boiling her blood.
She’d allow any A Rank to bully anyone but once it came to you, her rule would change.
You’re her special girl.
That’s only for you to know at least.
Harin can’t bear to imagine how her reputation would be if the truth was out. She truly loved you but she loved this pyramid game just as much.
And you couldn’t argue with her about it. Whatever made your Harin happy, made you happy.
“I think we should give her short hair like Do-Ah” Dayeon winked, making Wooyi laugh.
Your clenched fists stayed by your sides when the took a chunk of your hair and steadying the scissors against it.
“Yah, that’s enough” Suji spoke up with arms crossed, making Dayeon roll her eyes.
“Don’t you have anything better to do other than meddling with us?” The green haired girl scoffed but Suji pushed the other two away before standing in front of you.
“How am I supposed to do well in class when I can’t even focus? Are you that dumb to not complete a simple test, Dayeon-ah? And Wooyi, if you’re gonna try to be the prettiest girl in this school, then find a better cardigan”
Wooyi cursed under her breath and held the scissors like a knife, taking a step closer to Suji just before Harin slammed her book on her desk and stood up.
“Kim Dayeon, Bang Wooyi. Enough.”
The two looked at Harin and gulped, seeing her approach them with her bitchy stare.
“She needs to know her place, Harin. I think she’ll look good with blood all over her body” Wooyi growled but Suji didn’t falter, only sending the short haired girl a middle finger.
“If you two don’t listen to me right now, I’ll make sure you move down to D Grade in the next voting.”
Looking between all of them, you noticed Harin was now staring at you as her minions ran off to their designated seat but Suji remained in front of you.
“You too, Sung Suji. Everything’s handled, you can go back to your seat” Harin ordered.
“And what, let you torment Y/n? I don’t think so”
“What makes you think I’ll do that?”
“I can see through you, Baek Harin. I’ll seriously kill you if I see burn marks on more people like you did with Jaeun”
With a shaky hand, you tugged onto Suji’s uniform. “S-Suji, it’s fine”
Harin’s eyes darted down to your hand that was on her rival, not accepting the small skin ship. “Don’t touch her, Jeon Y/n.”
Suji held your hand and interlocked your fingers. “Don’t listen to her Y/n. I can help you”
Fire flashed in Harin’s eyes and she instantly yanked you away from Suji, pulling you behind her. “Don’t touch what’s not yours, Sung Suji!”
“Who are you to claim her? I’m not letting you hurt this girl anymore!”
You saw the taller girl point her finger in the shorter’s face. “Try to ruin the game all you want, Suji. But don’t you dare touch Y/n or get her involved in it”
Without hearing another word, Harin dragged you out the class and into an empty room, locking the door and sitting down on one of the chairs while pinching her nose bridge.
You stood awkwardly in front of her and played with your fingers. “H-Harin..”
“Are you trying to make me jealous on purpose?”
You looked up at her with wide eyes. “What? N-No! I was going to tell Suji to go away I swear!”
Harin sighed and shook her head. “I don’t know, baby. It seemed like you wanted Suji’s attention more than mine. Don’t you love me anymore?”
“No no I love you, Harin! So much!”
She bit on the tip of her thumb before tapping her lap. “Come. Sit”
You quickly did as so and held onto her shoulders for support.
“You’re such a bad girl, baby. Letting the other girls touch you like that. Tell me, did you enjoy having Wooyi’s fingers on you?”
Your lips were sealed but you shook your head.
“That’s right. The only fingers you’ll be getting are mine, okay?”
“Y-Yes Harin”
She tilted her head at you. “We’re alone now, honey”
You gulped and flickered your gaze at her plump lips. “Yes mommy”
Harin held your hips and forced them to move back and forth against her lap. “Don’t kiss me, Princess. That’s your punishment as of today, got it?”
“Yes mommy” you gasped when Harin moved you to sit on her thigh, letting you continue riding it.
“M-Mommy, feels so good”
“I know baby. Don’t be loud, okay?”
You nodded and watched the girl remove her cardigan, taking out her usual cigarette and favourite golden lighter. Quickly lighting up a stick, she hid the lighter back into her cardigan and moved one hand underneath your skirt.
“My good girl. Not wearing panties like I told you to” she smiled, taking a big puff of her cigarette and blowing the smoke into your face.
You didn’t like passive smoking but with Harin, you did not mind one bit.
Her ring finger and middle finger were flat against your soaked entrance, causing you to whine. “Mommy…Mommy please can I ride your fingers?”
“Always having manners, baby. That’s what I love so much about you…” she trailed off and leaned up to place light kisses under your jaw. “…go on ride me”
“Thank you mommy” you choked and felt full from her two slender fingers pushing into you.
Your grip on her shoulders tightened while you moved up and down, feeling her digits dig deeper inside your walls. You threw your head bag and murmured a bunch of incoherent words while Harin stared up at you with fascination, still going through her cigarette.
“God, you’re so pretty Jeon Y/n. I’m so glad you’re mine. My beautiful F Grade” she whispered, leaning her cigarette to your shoulder. “You know what to do, my love”
You undid the 3 top buttons of your shirt and pulled down the left side, exposing your black bra strap and the left over burn marks from your previous private sessions with Harin.
She hummed at your obedience and struck the lit end of her stick against a new space on your skin. The mix of the pleasure of her fingers plus the stinging hot cigarette was enough to bring you to your orgasm, clutching Harin so hard that her uniform could’ve ripped.
“Yes…cum for me, sweet girl”
“Fuck fuck fuck yes mommy thank you”
Admiring your fresh burn, she flicked the cigarette away to hug your hips and pull you closer, letting her continue kissing all over your neck and collarbones, even kissing your old burn scars.
She was about to move to your other shoulder, pulling down the shirt to expose your skin but she was met with a big bruise.
“Is this from Kim Dayeon?”
You were still recovering from the intense orgasm but managed to nod your head. “Y-Yeah..”
“Does it hurt alot?”
“Not alot. I’ll put ice on it, don’t worry”
Harin slowly pulled her fingers out of you and sucked it clean, noticing your face going red. “Don’t be shy, baby. You’re so cute”
“T-Thank you”
“I can punish Dayeon for you, my love”
“No I don’t want that, seriously it’s okay” you chuckled and held her face, tracing her bottom lip with your thumb. “You worry too much”
“You’re my girl. Why won’t you let me help you move to A Grade?”
“Just ‘cause…I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you”
Harin nodded in understanding and kept smiling at you. “If you say so, my love”
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
Ethan Landry as a Boyfriend Headcanons (SFW AND NSFW)
I was bored so rewatched Scream 6 and these just popped into my mind, hope you enjoy!
Warning/s: 18+, Fem!AFAB!Girlfriend, language, mentions of smut, oral, p in v, riding, sub!Ethan, begging, mentions of orgasm denial, degrading kink, praise kink, sweet and soft Ethan, you get the picture
Word count: approx 600
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Very, very clingy. Feels completely out of touch when he’s not around you. The boy will follow you around like a little lost puppy
Big on physical contact. He likes to always be holding your hand or have your arm tucked into his
Yah, he’s touch starved
He’s literally obsessed with you.
Like, to the point where it’s probably concerning to those around you
He’s a shy little bastard though
Gets overstimulated in large groups of people so will absolutely cling to you for dear life in malls
But he really likes going shopping with you and helping you pick out clothes
He absolutely LOVES when you play with his hair
He’ll lie with his head on your lap for hours just relishing in the feeling of your fingers running through his curls
Likes to fall asleep with you in his arms, or the other way round depending
He’s a big spoon little spoon switch for REAL
He blushes every time you pay him a compliment
“You look really nice today, baby”
INSTANTLY RED. How cute is he?
Bless his heart, he’s not a good cook at all so you’re the one who ends up doing the cooking
But he’ll try his best to help until you have to kick him out of the kitchen for somehow burning water
But he’ll sit at the table and watch you cook away with a big old smile on his face
Doesn’t really use pet names himself, but loves it when you call him “baby,” “babe,” and “honey.”
His love languages are quality time, physical touch and words of affirmation
He could sit and listen to you talk about your day forever
He’s the best to gossip with
“And then he told her to fuck off!”
“Shut up, no he didn’t? What happened next??“
Such a good boyfriend, right?
He’s a needy little fucker
Like HONESTLY so fucking needy
Such a sub it’s not even funny
He’ll literally be begging to eat you out until you cum
Over and over again
Will always want to make sure you’ve had at least a couple of orgasms before he even gets his cock out
LOVES when you fuck his face, I don’t make the rules
Absolute master of eating pussy
Guys got the kind of mouth invented for going down
Loves messily sucking on your clit and getting your juices all over his face
He’s such a slut for you, he’d go out of his way to make you feel good
Don’t ask me why, but he’s a thigh and tits kinda guy and pussy obviously
He likes when you’re on top when having sex, completely dominating and taking full control
He himself doesn’t have a dominant bone in his body
Begs really prettily
He absolutely 100% whimpers
He’s so fucking vocal
Likes when you pull his hair when you’re fucking him
Really riles him up
Won’t say it, but loves to be denied of release
Actively wants you to deny him so that when you grant him permission, the satisfaction is just oh so much better
Again, won’t say it but he loves when you’re blowing him and after he already cums you keep sucking
THAT kind of over stimulation? He likes
He’ll be sobbing, saying “thank you, thank you” over and over again when you let him cum
Likes when you look into his eyes while blowing him too. Does all kinds of things to him
Goes absolutely wild when you praise him
He’s playing with your clit just right?
“You’re such a good boy, baby.”
He’d be trying not to bust then and there
He also loves being degraded
Call him pathetic and needy and he’ll be a whimpering mess, almost sobbing from your words and especially if you’re overstimulating him
But balance out the praise and degradation
He’s a very sensitive guy in more ways than one
When you’re riding him he’ll be gazing up at you, hands on your hips watching your tits bouncing and just feel like he’s in heaven
Loves loves loves when you touch yourself in front of him
Really enjoys lazy, early morning sex
But loves long sessions in the afternoon even more
As I said, deny him and he’ll last as long as he can
Don’t deny him? Baby will cum just from eating you out alone he fucking loves it
What can I say? He’d do anything that brings you pleasure. He’s just that kinda guy
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muwah-mumoo · 2 months
Not a bad idea…
Ryōmen Sukuna x f!reader
18+ MDNI
warning - brat!sukuna, mean!reader, humiliation, degradation, brat breaking, edging, blowjob(m! and f! receive ;), msub-slight mdom-heavy msub, rimming, fingering(m!receiving), sucking dildo, pegging, fem pronouns might have been used!
< ( this is was the winner for the poll for here yah go~ ) >
a/n : WELL THIS WAS SMTH. jt took me a bit to write but finally done LOL i got it done in three sitting so YIPEE and im pretty proud of it. sukuna isn’t like canonical bc… lazy… and also MEHH but this was pretty nice to think about and share w yall😽 also! next fanfic will be: subby!laois ;3 but anyways enjoy my sluttiesss B) also not prof read😺 sorry..!
wrd count : 3k.. (woah)
the calming sound of silence filled my ears, laying down on the couch as i breathed in the scent of the house.
Sukuna had gone out for a bit so it was just me, and when i’m alone with my thoughts it’s never a good thing. rushing thoughts of sukuna rushing my mind as i began to imagine different scenarios with him.
and for some random reason, there was nothing i wanted to see more then such a great man like the king of curses to be bent over your knee whining for more.
i chuckled to myself as i began to think about it more, what noises would he make? his faces.. and before i knew it i was waiting for sukuna to get home, patiently.
after a couple hours he finally arrived, “i’m home” he called as he opened the door. i smiled and walked to him, “hey kuna! i’ve missed you” i said as i kissed his cheek as i creased his face.
he took noticed the change, you seemed to be more needy and happy then normal. he removed the thought from
his head and continued to smile at you, “really? how come” he asked as his eyebrow cocked upwards.
“well.. i’ve just been thinking..” i said in a hushed tone, making sukuna become a little upset, ‘why won’t she just spit it out’ he thought to himself. “just spit it out” he said, making me become more nervous.
“W-well i was thinking about us and i’ve been wanting to try something new…you know” i said as my cheek got a little pink, look omg away shyly. making sukuna chuckle to himself as he nodded listening to you speak, clearly amused by the obvious embarrassment.
“And i wanted to see if you’d let me take the more dominant role during sex.. just to try it out.. i’ve just been into it and never had to courage to ask someone” i asked as he gave got red. leaving sukuna with a blank expression, prossesing what you just told him.
“You wish to have be me kneel before you?” he laughed out, as i shamelessly nodded looking away. he smiled and laughed, “i’ll think about it” he said as he left to the shared room, leaving you in the living room embarrassed.
he began to think to himself as he laid himself down on the bed, why would you ever think it would be attractive to… that. his mimf rushing of thoughts, thinking of your hand roaming his body as he lost his mind with your simple touch. how your kiss on his neck would feel so good. calling him, good body as he looked down at you as you licked strips down his hole.
his cock twitching in his pants slightly as he was turning himself to mush with such lewd thoughts. he sighed to himself as he began to consider to let you take control oh him, for one night.
i mean if you wanted it so badly why couldn’t he let you since your always such a sweet thing with him.
“Y/n” he called from the room, making the hair in your arms rise. i get up and walk to the room, opening the door slowly as i walked in and looked at him, “yeah?” i asked, looking at him. noticing the way his cock began to twitch slightly under your gaze, making you gain a little more confidence.
“have you been thinking about it kuna~?” i laughed as i smiled softly at him. making his face crunch up, yet his cheek couldn’t help but light up, “of cours that’s what i said id do.” he huffed out, frustratedly. i walk closer to him and cup his face, “no need to be so frustrated~” i chucked.
he grunted, making you giggled, “well what have you through about?” you asked making his face become red. “i thought about it and i don’t see any harm in letting you take over.. it’s once.” he said as he looked away clearly beginning to get embarrassed.
i crawl in the bed and kiss his forehead, “yeah you want me to make you feel good ?” i asked as i looked at him with loving eyes, watching his body twitching under your touch. making him glare at you, earning a giggle from my lips, “what’s wrong? we can stop if your not comfortable” i said as i backed up and sat up, causing him to grunt and grab it our hand. “No. don’t stop… your just make it even more embarrassing.” he huffed out as he put his hands in his face, an attempt to hide it.
i laughed, “you think this is embarrassing? i’m not even close to being done with you. imagine how embarrassed i must feel when you fuck me, now that’ll be you~” i whispered into his ear, making his cock leak pre. “now why don’t you be a nice slut for me and undress yourself, hm?” i asked as i cocked my head to the side watching him.
he clentched his teeth, yet following the order and stripping off his clothes and underwear. putting himself on display for you, spreading his legs as he sat looking at you with a red face.
i smiled, “your so good aren’t you? you want this bad don’t you?” i asked him as i crawled closer to him, placing a hand on his chest and touching his shoulders and arms, making him wince. i took notice of his small reactions to the touches, smiling to myself.
“What convinced you to do this kuna?” i asked kissing his shoulder and watching his reactions, his face hot and sweaty from the touches, making his mind turn into mush. “I-i thought about how stupid it would be to let a mere human be beneath me.” he said harshly, then looking away “but your not just any mere human. so i don’t see the harm in doing something like this with you, since you have let me do this to you before~” i laughed then being cut off from you licking his nipple.
“why don’t you focus on now, isn’t that more interesting?” i asked him as i looked up at him still playing with his nipples. He bit his lip and his toes curled, how could such a small thing make his mind go so blank?! i kissed his nipples and then moved down his body, hovering above his aching red cock. i look down at it, peer oozing out from
your glare earning a small switch from his cock. “Don’t stare. do something atleast” i blurted out, already clearly irritated.
“Kuna i need you to be patient. if your good and listen to me ill be nice but if you disobey me i will punish you.” i said as he glared up at him, making him grunt. “what could you possible do to someone as powerful as me-“ he said only to be cut off by your mouth sucking his tip harshly, making him moan out. i stopped and looked at him, “do
not thrust into my mouth, and you can’t cum without permission.” i said as i looked at him and he nodded, “uh huh sure, just get on with it” he said as he looked down at his aching cock, admiring the way your eyes glare up at him to make sure he’s behaving.
i wrap my lips spring his tip and swirl my tongue, then taking him in and bobbin gym head up and down making him moaning, watching you “so so pretty when you suck my c-cock so well” he groaned out, placing his hand on the back of our head.
as i took him down my throat one last time, he thrusted into my mouth and gripped my hair. i grab onto his knees and look up at him, and he looked down at you with a grin as he moaned out, “Fuck .. just like that.. yeah yeah i’m going to cum~” he said as he thrusted faster and gripper your hair tighter.
tears began to form in my eyes as he cock hit the back of my throat so harshly. i dug my nails into his knees, a warning to stop but he continued. ‘i don’t care about whatever dumb punishment you had for me’ he thought as his jaw hung open as his seed filled your throat.
with a loud grunt he came down your thrust and released your hair. i take his cock out of my throat and swallow his seed and cough. “sukuna.” i said glaring at him, “you know i hate that.” i said as i stood up and looked down at him.
sukuna sighed, “alright im sorry, got too carried away.. you just felt too good~” he smirked and i continued to glare at him. “lay down and hold your legs up” i said in a serious tone. making him stare at you, “serious-“ i cut him off with me, “you heard me bitch” i said making his eye twitch. although the hated the.. uncomfortable position.. he was interested to see how’d you punish him.
as he got lost in his thoughts, he felt a wet, warm tongue lick his hole, making his eyes widen at the sensation and look at you only to see your head lowered and your hands holding his thighs. he spread his arms out and gripped the sheet as i entered my tongue into his tight hole, earning small whines from him.
i look up at him, a beautiful scene before my eyes, sukuna laying in his back as he held his legs up, his stomach muscles flexing with the pleasure with his head thrown back. his adam’s apple moving as he gulped. i took my tongue out and inserted a finger into him.
his head shot back up as he looked at you, his eyes watering and foggy with lust. i curled my finger as it discovered his insides making his head hang back down. his mouth hung open, whines and moans rolling out his mouth as he rolled his eyes back as you inserted a second finger.
i laughed and smack his thigh playfully, making him moms out. “you liked that didn’t you?” i smiled as i then rubbed his ass making his nod shamelessly.
i took my finger out making him grunt, “N-no don’t sto-“ he sod only to be cut off by my fingers entering his mouth, playing with his tongue and sukuna drunk of the pleasure couldn’t help but let your fingers play with him.
“Lay down and count for me, alright~” i said as i rubbed his ass, giving it a sweet kiss. “don’t even thin- AH-!” he yelped out due to my hand smacking his ass.
“One..” he said lowly.
my hand raised and smacked him harder.
“Ah FUCK! T-two..” he whimpered
i giggled while rubbed the red mark that began to appear, then spanking him again.
“T-THrEE..!” he said, some pre oozing out his tip.
my hand raising again, smacking him, “FOur!.. fIve~!… siX… sevENN.. a-ah fu-Eight! Eight… mhmm NinE!… T-ten..~” he whined out, making me rub his ass and kiss his leaking cock, “good job~”
as he laid on the bed, in a haze from the slinging from
his ass. i got up and before he knew it i was standing behind him with a 8in strap attached by a harness to my hips. “Kunaa~~” i said as i pressed the cold tip onto his hole making him breath out heavily.
“W-what is that..” he asked as he looked over his shoulder, making me giggle. “it’s one of my dildo~ i choose this one specifically for you since your such a slut im sure you can take this cock hm?” i raised an eyebrow as i slapped the tip on his hole.
“O-Of course i can… I am the king of curse-… ah- fuck.. yes keep in doing that” he said as he arched his back the dildo slamming into his prostate making his tongue roll out. “yeah? you like that you slut?” i said as i grabbed his hands and held with with a hand behind his back, with my other hand grabbing a fistfull of his hair as i slammed my hips into his, drilling into his hole so nicely as he moaned out.
i laughed, “look at how slutty you became? all with a dildo in your ass?” i said as i whispered into his ear, i lift his head from his hair and force him to look at me. his face is red and hot, his mouth hanging out as pornagaphic moans left his lips. eyes rolled back as the toy hit all his sweet spots, “y-you keep.. ah fuck.. filling me up so.. s-so well” he mumbled out, becoming high off the pleasure.
i smiled and looked at him as he looked into my eyes blankly, his mind is to foggy, thoughts melting away as you stare down at him. head full of how beautiful you look with that confident look in you eye looking down into his eyes, making his body feel good.
i leaned in and kissed his lips and he moaned around my lips, i began to thrust harsher into him making him part the kiss and moan out, “y-yes! please please! oh lord im going to cum keep going” he whined out as he looked at you, then groaning and whining. “What? why’d you do that! keep making me feel good” he tried to threaten only for me to stare back to him as i laughed.
“remember you deserve to get punished. so i don’t want to be too mean but im edging you once and then your going to cum the dildo to show me how bad you want to cum” i said as i stared at him, smirking as i watched his eyes roll.
he then got up and kneeled in between my legs, “fine then~ im not shy” he huffed out as he then looked at the thick 8in dildo staring back at him. he gulped and then took the tip into his mouth, looking up at you almost as if he was looking to see if you were enjoying the view.
“you can take it deeper, kuna~” i said as i put my head on the back of his head and lowered his head slowly making him gag, but he kept going to make sure that you didn’t think he was less then. “there you go good boy” i smiled then bobbing his head on the dildo, “look at how pretty you look with your lips around my cock” he mocked sukuna as he told you early. then thrusting into his throat, making his eyes open wide, “you can take it” i said as i thrusted my hips in and out of his mouth.
he closed one eye and kept the other open as tears began to form. “yeahh there you go pretty boy. look at you doing do well hm?” i said as he now slowly began to bob his head on the dildo, his mind so melt now. all he wanted was his dildo to make his mind tune to mush, it felt so good to have you take such good care of him.
“here why don’t you sit in my lap, and ride my cock until you make yosield cum, yeah? show me how bad you need it slut” i said as i grabbed his hips as he sat down onto my lap, slightly embarrassed but at this pint not caring anymore.
he’s gone so far at this point he didn’t even care anymore, all he wants to be able to feel and hear you making him feel good. he just needed you to be inside of him stretching his insides out as he moaned out as your dildo hit his sweet spots.
“you can do it. show me how bad you need to cum” i said as i kissed his shoulder, helping him lining his hole with the tip of the dildo, sukuna sinking down on it starter quickly withh a sigh, “so full” he said as he sat there getting used to the feeling of being so full again.
then slowly he began to lift his hips up and down, trying to find a rythym that was comfortable for him. after some slow thrusts he found a pattern and ride your cock rather fast, “a-ahh~~ yess fill me up” he said as he rolled his tongue out. i thrusted up into him as well, out hips making loud claps as his hole let out lewd, gushing sounds from being stuffed to the brim.
with all this sukuna felt his high intensising, indicating that he was close, his thoughts clouded his mind ‘need permission..’ he thought. he opened his lips to beg to cum only to have moans leave his lips, “Please..! please i’m so close.. i’ve been good! please.~~” he begged as he continued to slam down into your hips, making you smile and nod.
he continued to ride te dildo, his pace becoming faster and sloppier but the second. then with your hand grasping his aching cock, he couldn’t help but cum all over your stomach and chest.
he rode his orgasm down, then removing the dildo and plopping onto you making you, huff out from the huge man on top you, only for a thank you to be heard from his lips.
i look at him and he avoids eye contact, “thank you.. for that..it wasn’t as bad as i thought and maybe we can try to again” he said his face red from the strong orgasm. making me laugh as the pet his head, running my hands though his hair, “really?! i’m glad your enjoyed yourself” i smiled as i kissed his forehead and held his hand with giggles leaving my lips.
“mhm yeah thanks..” he said as he cradled you and held you as you both ended up falling asleep in each others grasps.
welp it’s 2am… i’m.. tired and i didn’t proof read sorry if it’s sloppy -_-
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which a shameless ex-lover makes your bad day worse and jungkook can’t help but to go wherever you are.
> fluff, dashes of angst / wc: 4k
> warnings: mention of blood bc oc gets scratched :( + is ready to throw hands at jk’s ex and then cries lol, taehyung cameo and mentions of yeontan :P + a line of jk reminds me of the orpheus drabble <3
note: last one for a while as i take a rest from writing and process jimin’s album <3 reblogs and feedback are always appreciated! it goes a long way :]
“jungkook, you’ve been in there for an hour! answer your phone!”
you click your tongue in annoyance, bouncing your thighs up and down as you fiddle with the controller and collect your kills with reckless tenacity. the ringing of the third phone call he’s receiving in the past ten minutes is overpowering the volume of the game, which you turned all the way down just enough so that you can faintly yet clearly hear it. well, right now, you can’t anymore. again.
“baby, you’re home?!” jungkook yells in surprise, and you spare him a glance.
half of his naked torso is peeking out of the bathroom door, and he looks like a maltese puppy who heedlessly jumped into a swimming pool, hair still dripping wet and pure excitement painted all over his face.
“who’s calling anyway? you can answer it for me!“
“can’t. i’m playing call of duty.”
“you’re what?!” he exclaims, but his voice enters your ear then escapes from the other as you remain deeply absorbed in the game. he disappears for a minute before emerging from the bathroom, half-naked with a striped white and khaki towel wrapped around his waist down to his knees.
you’re situated on the floor with your back leaning on the couch. he stands beside you with his hands on his waist, watching the television screen in sheer curiosity, which then morphs into astonishment. “wow, you’re actually playing it… i haven’t seen you touch your controller in months. but why are you sudden- yah! what is this? how are you doing so good?!”
the phone lying on the center table lights up once more. the incessant noise is seriously getting into your nerves and you’ve had enough of it, gritting your teeth as you snap. “i’m begging you. answer it. or i might break something.”
the irritation embedded in your voice makes him jut out his bottom lip sadly. more than that, your facial expression and body language evidently scream that you’re feeling on edge. you didn’t even bother to let him know that you’ve come home, and he’s uncertain if you nearly muted the volume because you don’t want to listen to the ear-shattering sounds of ammunition being fired or you don’t want him to hear them.
he picks up the phone per your request, eyebrows knitting in confusion when he fails to recognize the number flashing on the screen.
“it’s an unregistered number. i don’t know who- oopsie-” he scrunches his nose, chuckling because he accidentally ended the call when he muted the device. it vibrates with a new message from the same person not too long after.
“it’s my ex?” he blinks with a blank expression on his face. he intently reads the content of the text, tugging at the silver ring piercing the corner of his lower lip. “uhhh- she’s… asking me to put in a good word for her… because she applied to be an in-house choreographer at- at the company.”
on the other hand, you feel like a bucket of ice water was dunked over your head at the mention of your boyfriend’s ex-lover. your vigorous focus on the game wavers, but luckily, you’re already so close to finishing, and you still maintain half a mind to end the game in your own terms. the word ‘victory’ flashes on the giant screen, and you almost break down into tears because god knows you needed a fucking win today.
jungkook gasps in amazement, whipping out the camera app to capture a photo of your achievement. “did you just fucking win solo versus squads?”
the thing is… you’re not the biggest fan of these games. sure, you play occasionally (only using his accounts because you like how he already has most items unlocked and you can freely play around… you like to pretend that you’ve never been scolded for making him rank down before), but you prefer the relaxing types with adorable and colorful graphics. and just like he said, you haven’t touched your controller in months, which must be the reason why he’s pleasantly surprised. you won’t be shocked if you get bombarded by his gamer friends to play with them tomorrow, by the looks of your boyfriend proudly typing away at his keyboard while smiling from ear-to-ear.
“don’t move on too fast.” you breathe out a deep sigh before standing on your feet. “which ex? that bitch you broke up with because she kept on picking stupid fights with your friends? and now she wants to work with them?”
the combination of your harsh intonation and the recollection of dreadful memories make him wince. that relationship didn’t end on good terms, so this is confusing to him as well. it was a person he wholeheartedly liked, but they barely lasted six months because the way she treated those who are near and dear to him, unkind and discorteous, eventually turned him off and made him nothing but angry. she tried to convince him that she could change, but it was his decision that could no longer be changed.
does it even matter? he didn’t dwell on it too long, anyway. because then, he met you.
“yes,” he shortly answers, flipping his phone so the screen is facing you.
your brain chooses to not register any of the other characters used in the text except for those at the end: the flirty ‘Thanks babe! I miss u so much. See u around soon. Let’s catch up’ and winking emoji blowing a red heart next to it. you release yet another sigh, this time shaky and frustrated, and you gently move his hand aside to get the phone out of your sight. a headache is beginning to blossom at your temples, and you truly do not have the energy to deal with this bullshit right now.
“you must know how i feel about this, right?”
“i’m not sure-”
“like if she calls you ‘babe’ infront of my face i won’t hold back and i will claw her eyes ou-“
“okay, okay, baby, i got it!” he chuckles, taking a hold of your arms to pull you closer to him. he plants a sweet kiss to your lips, hoping that would aid in putting your mind at ease. “i won’t let her call me that again, hmm? or do anything that will make either of us uncomfortable for that matter.”
“good. i trust you. do whatever you want.” you speak softly, giving his rosy cheek light pats. he always looks a dash more attractive when fresh from the shower, so entrancingly hypnotic when bare-faced that it makes you want to fall on your knees and worship the stardust making up his existence.
unfortunately, your mind is too clouded and restless and you can’t stay to admire him some more. you withdraw from his hold, the cold drops of water from his hair sliding down to your forearm and you wipe them away on his towel.
“i’m going out for a bit. i need to buy something at the convenience store.”
you don’t wait for him to answer. you head straight to the bedroom to collect your essentials.
“wait for me. i’ll go with you!”
you return wearing a long purple jacket over your blue t-shirt and white sweatpants, also carrying your phone, wallet and pepper spray.
“i’ll be fine alone. i got this.” you wave the small bottle infront of him before stuffing it in the pocket of your sweatpants.
the front door rings as it opens and shuts, and jungkook despises the weight sitting on top of his chest— heavier and heavier with your absence. he still wanted to insist on tagging along, worried because it’s already late at night, but he gave up when he sensed that you really need to be left alone.
“shit, let me take care of this first.” he tilts his head to the side, and then the other, cracking his neck before he scrolls through his contact list to make an important call.
the soles of your sneakers scratch the rough asphalt as you lazily drag yourself to the convenience store. you’re having one of those kind of bad days- you woke up this morning mad at the world for a reason you couldn’t decipher, and it only got worse after you left the house for work. you brushed against someone while chasing the bus and the zipper of their bag scratched your arm that it bled uncontrollably. the nearest restaurant to your workplace was closed and you had to walk an extra kilometer. you didn’t have the time to text jungkook and complain about the shitty day you’ve been having. and you had to suffer the bus ride home beside an old teacher from high school who never ran out of uninteresting stories to tell.
oh! and how can you not mention that you were subjected to remembering that your boyfriend fell in love with other people before he knew you? the mere mental image of jungkook being emotionally and physically intimate with somebody else is a strong punch in the gut that makes you want to run in a corner and hurl.
and to rub salt on the wound, his ex-girlfriend, who is more than comfortable to reach out to him with an old term of endearment, wants to work at close proximity with him after saying ‘i miss you so much’… was the ‘so much’ necessary? was saying ‘i miss you’ necessary at all? you don’t know her intentions or if she even has any, and you don’t care if they’re good or bad. you simply cannot bear the idea of having to be constantly plagued by these vexatious musings.
maybe a good cry would help, but the tears won’t come out of your stinging eyes blinded by bright and flickering neon shop signs lined up beside the street. they’re saltwater in your lungs, making it difficult for you to breathe and to make sense of why you don’t feel like yourself today. it’s hormones. it’s always the hormones, you try telling yourself.
you’re sitting infront of the glass wall separating the sidewalk and the convenience store, watching the humans and the cars speeding past without much thought in your head… except for the hellish torture you’re inflicting on yourself. you sniffle loudly as you chew the spicy noodles in your mouth. your tongue is tingling and almost numb, but you lift up the flimsy wooden chopsticks to eat more of it because somehow, this is exactly what you needed. perhaps, it wasn’t accidental when you ended up pouring most of the buldak sauce.
however, your own little bubble gets popped by a tattooed hand you recognize all too well. it sets down a bottle of cold water infront of your cup of noodles.
“hi there.”
jungkook kisses the top of your head before occupying the stool on your left, which is the second seat farthest from the door that chimes every time a new customer walks in. he is very much not naked anymore, wearing a plain white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. his hair is still damp, bangs forming a perfect comma on his forehead, and the thin silver chain dangling from his delicate neck sparkles when the light grazes it.
“aigoo, why are you so messy?“
the doe eyes behind his glasses smile at you warmly as he wipes your swollen lips, the paper napkin you’ve been neglecting now stained with the dark red sauce.
“you’re here?” you ask dumbly, wanting to slap yourself right after the words escape your mouth because yes, what the fuck, he’s here. he’s touching you, and he’s real.
“of course, i’m here,” his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek before he answers, sounding upset. he removes his glasses and places it on top of the long white table. “i just wore the first things i saw then speedwalked here. i was sorting out the laundry and your handkerchief had blood all over it! care to explain?”
you guiltily avoid eye-contact, reverting your attention to the food as you poke and mix the noodles that have gone dry due to the cold air. “you didn’t have to. i already cleaned the wound twice- my left arm just got scratched.” you shrug your shoulders meekly. “i had a bad day, that’s all.”
“who do i have to fight, huh? who hurt you and ruined your day?” he takes your chin between his thumb and index finger, lifting it up to make you look at him. his sincere concern is written all over his widened round eyes and creased forehead. “tell me, baby. i’ll make them pay.”
“well,” you anxiously sink your teeth on your bottom lip, a hesitant effort to control yourself because the particular word tastes too sour on your tongue. “your ex was just my last straw, you know? i don’t even want to call you ‘babe’ anymore.” your voice gradually quiets down in exasperation.
“why not?!”
you roll your eyes with a huff, pushing his hand away. “you’ll just remember her every time i say it.”
you grab the bottle of water, twisting off the cap and hissing when its ridges scratch the heel of your palm. you take big gulps of the beverage, feeling refreshed after the burning onslaught that assaulted your mouth.
“oh, come here. you- i need you closer.”
you squeak when you feel the heavy metal chair moving closer towards jungkook’s direction, one hand flying to your mouth and the other gripping his shoulder in fear of falling. he jokingly copies you when you send him a sharp glare. he puts an arm around you to affectionately hold the curve of your waist, anchoring his elbow on the table to rest his face on the palm of his hand.
“i took care of that, alright? i asked the company and they told me they put her on the waitlist. pretty sure she knows, too- that she’s not getting the job.“ he raises his perfectly shaped eyebrows in jest, playfully sticking out his tongue. “i told her i can’t help her, and not to contact me again in the future because i’m in a committed relationship. with you.” he squeezes your hip to reiterate his words. “then i blocked her number. i thought i did it before, but i guess i forgot to? ah, i don’t know!”
a small smile tugs at the corner of your lips and he happily grins when he notices, deep dimples making an appearance. unable to resist the urge, he briefly draws closer to kiss your cheek.
“besides, i forgot she even existed. why would i think of her when my favorite person is right infront of me? that’s absurd.”
he was truthfully flabbergasted at the foggy memories that resurfaced when he read her name, had one of those ‘oh, that’s right, this happened,’ and ‘why the fuck did i like this person again?’ moments.
“you’re the only one i think of when i hear the word ‘babe’. and when i hear love songs, or breakup songs, because they make me imagine us breaking up and i get so fucking sad.” his expression crumples into a look of sheepishness after spitting out the unplanned confession.
it’s terrifying at times, how an imaginary breakup with you feels more painful than his past heartbreaks combined. he almost lost you once, and he won’t let that happen again. he removes his hand on your waist to tenderly caress your hair when you bury your face in your hands.
shaking your head, you giggle at the genuine distress lacing his voice when he said the last sentence. “what are you saying?”
and then it finally happens.
restrained sobs replace the carefree giggles racking your body. your hot tears soak the palm of your hands until they drip down to your wrists. your frail voice comes out trembling, shattered, and disgustingly vulnerable for a space scattered with prying eyes and ears.
“…i just- fuck, i don’t want to say this but- i don’t think you understand- that i’m selfish. and i want you all for myself. i can’t stand that everybody wants to have you. i hate it, jungkook.”
your name rolls off from his tongue with a soft sigh as he pulls you in for a tight embrace. the comfort of his love and warmth further breaks you down, and you almost make yourself bleed to keep your cries quiet. his silken lips brush against your temple before he puckers them for a kiss that lasts four, five, six… seconds. you begin wondering if he might just stay like this forever, not that you mind, until he detaches himself to speak and you hear the smooching sound that signals the end of it.
“shhh, trust me, baby. i do.” he rubs your shoulder to soothe your tensed up body. “but i don’t care about that. they can die trying because i only want to be yours.”
you swallow the lump in your throat as his reassuring words tug at your heartstrings. you wiggle out of his secure arms, wiping your tears with the paws of your jacket as you force a smile. “it’s embarrassing. i don’t want to cry here.”
“how about in there, then?” he teasingly undoes the third button of his shirt, exposing more of his honey skin to the cool air. it reveals the rest of his silver chain, and his defined pecs are also peeking out. you whine in protest of his scandalousness, pounding his chest lightly with your closed fist.
he chuckles, corners of her crinkling with mischief as he buttons himself up again. “i’m kidding, i’m kidding-” he cradles your face in his hands, gingerly wiping away the tears still rolling down your cheeks.
between the two of you, he admits that he’s the one who cries more easily. it takes a colossal build-up of emotions for your tears to be released, and today’s influx caused your sink to overflow at long last. seeing you weep, it feels like a direct stab to the heart— especially unbearable, twisting deeper, when he’s part reason why. even so, it’s a big relief when the weight you’re carrying is being unloaded. but he understands that you don’t want to do that here… not here.
“as if you’ll let someone steal me away from you, huh? i know you, you cunning minx.”
you feign innocence, batting your eyelashes. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“that’s exactly what i’m talking about.” he smirks before planting a chaste kiss on tip of your nose. “don’t cry anymore. i love you.”
“i love you, too. but-” you sniffle, frowning at him as you motion at the cup of noodles infront of you. “why did you have to go and make me feel better? i don’t feel like finishing this anymore. it’s too spicy.”
“yeah, i can tell. look at your face. oh-” he squeezes your puffy face in one hand. “you were already crying eating that, poor baby… i’ll just finish the rest, how about that?”
“please,” you smile sweetly, delighted with his preposition. “i’ll buy ice cream. do you want anything? beer?”
“beer-” his face lights up like a christmas tree when it dawns on him that you said the word simultaneously.
you beam proudly, recounting the time you’ve been well-acquainted with every nook and cranny of jungkook’s essence of being. “did i pass the test? i’m taking my master’s degree in kookology.”
after jungkook finished your spicy noodles, he claimed his appetite only treated it as an appetizer and it demanded to be served ramyeon for the main course. that brings you to this moment, your boyfriend applying bandaids on your arm while he waits for his food to be cooked. concurrently, you devour your cone of vanilla ice cream.
“babe, i think two is enough.“ you attempt to stop him from opening another one of the teddy bear patterned bandaids. he found them displayed by the counter when he paid for the ramyeon, and only then did he realize that he forgot why he ran to you in the first place.
“they’re not- it goes all the way down your elbow.”
and you can’t argue with him because he looks undoubtedly pissed off, his expression instantly darkening when he saw the damage that damn zipper did to your skin. if this happened to him, he would be in a terrible mood for the rest of the day, too.
he plants a healing kiss on top of each one and your heart flutters at the loving gestures, but you feel a little ridiculous walking around with three bandaids running across your arm. you decide to wear your jacket again in order to hide them, since you’re freezing beside the airconditioner anyway.
jungkook starts eating his second round of noodles, but not before boasting that he perfectly separated the wooden chopsticks unlike you. you roll your eyes at his cocky grin and tiny dance of celebration, taking another bite of the cone you’ve consumed halfway.
the two of you comically freeze at the same time when a familiar ringtone tickles your ears.
“who would be calling at this hour? it’s 1am!” jungkook puts down his chopsticks to fish out his phone from the depths of his pocket, his thick satoori accent slipping out as he chides the person on the other line. he shakes his head with a laugh when he sees the name written on the screen. “ey, of course, it’s him again. i knew it.”
you watch him with an amused smile, his reaction giving you an inkling of who it is.
he answers the video call and props up the phone on his tall can of beer, grabbing his chopsticks to resume eating. “hyung, did you just wake up again?”
judging by the background, taehyung is in his gaming room. the given keywords being messy hair and eyes as puffy as yours, you’re pretty sure the answer to your boyfriend’s question is yes.
his deep and rough voice rumbles through the speaker. “jungkook-ah, i just caught up to our gc. where’s ___?”
“with me. why?” jungkook answers, words muffled as he chews and bounces his legs with the pleasure of having his food craving beyond satisfied.
taehyung ignores his question for the second time, instead calling out your name to catch your attention.
“whyyy?” you mimic his sulky tone, slightly shifting the phone to the side to show him your face.
you snicker when he flashes you his famous boxy smile, almost choking on your ice cream when his following remarks cause jungkook to throw a fit.
“play with me. no one else is awake and i’m getting bored of jungkook. he doesn’t want to play new games.”
“yah! you know i can still hear you, right?!” he takes a break from chugging his beer to throw his retort.
“i know, i wanted you to.” taehyung blows a raspberry at his best friend.
you grimace, stealing the opportunity to butt in before their banter lengthens. “listen, i’ll play with you if you let me play with tannie again.”
he opens his mouth to answer, but he quickly closes it again to stare at you nonchalantly. you impatiently quirk an eyebrow at his silence. “soooo?”
“wait there. i’ll think about it.”
and then he ends the call.
jungkook throws his head back, bursting into vibrant laughter after witnessing the interaction, and your head drops on the table with a pitiful whimper.
with bam staying at the training center for the meantime, you awfully miss the rush of happy chemicals flooding your brain in the company of man’s best friend. it was two weeks ago when you and jungkook hung out at taehyung’s house. you spent some time with yeontan at the park after you complained about getting bored watching them play ‘i’m on observation duty’. and he wasn’t… very happy when his dog started flat-out ignoring him in favor of your presence ever since you came back from the walk. tannie was adamant on sitting on your lap during dinnertime, even almost following you past the front door when it was time for you to leave.
“aww, my baby.” jungkook strokes your back with faux sympathy. “he hasn’t moved on from it yet. give him some time… maybe, like, five more minutes?”
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A Gentle Touch
Installment 1 of The Catlike Tendencies of Matthew Murdock
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader 
summary: Matt doesn't know how to ask for physical affection.
warnings: none that I can think of!
a/n: long story short this is inspired by my wife’s orange cat. He loves her but only tolerates me most of the time, unless I’m the only one home when he wants attention. However, he doesn’t really know how to cuddle with me since we don’t do it often so he just awkwardly lurks wherever I am until I invite him closer. It happened earlier and I thought it was hilariously Matt-coded so I wrote this. (It’s set in the Of Oak and Ivy verse because I love them, but you don’t need to read that story for this)
w/c: 2.3k
You were absolutely enthralled in the story Foggy was telling when the noise caught you off guard. A small puff of air, sounding almost like a voiceless sigh. Glancing toward Matt who was the closest to you, one look at his stony expression told you it had come from him. He was clearly irritated, despite his face being blank. You’d known him for long enough that you could tell when something was on his mind. 
Maybe he’d heard this story too many times? You leaned more heavily into his arm, which was parallel to yours. 
Turning your attention back to Foggy, you flinched with a laugh as he gestured wildly when concluding his story, spraying beer at you from his mostly full bottle. 
“Geez, Fog. Reaching your limit already?” Matt smirked, his icy exterior fading away as you giggled beside him. 
“He is, he’s all flushed. This is just like that party at the Beta house sophomore year.” You shook your head, looking at Karen with an exasperated expression. “Have they told you the possum story?” 
Smiling gleefully, Karen shook her head. “The possum story?” 
Both Matt and Foggy groaned, protesting and blushing furiously, but Karen was adamant. And who were you to not indulge her?
“In the fall of our second year at Columbia, Matt and Foggy got absolutely plastered on some disgusting concoction of cheap alcohol and Hawaiian Punch,” You began, rolling your eyes as Foggy gagged across from you. 
“God, even the thought of it—“ The blond mime-retched. 
“Yah the smell of Hawaiian Punch still makes me nauseous.” Matt shuddered next to you. 
Karen stifled a giggle as you continued to illustrate just how inebriated you’d found them when you’d come to pick them up. “I was studying and had sat the party out, but offered to drive them home when Fog called me screaming at someone to chug alcohol. I figured they’d both be in no shape to get home.”
“You were correct.” Foggy nodded. 
“I don’t remember anything from that night, but I assume I was the one chugging.” Matt grimaced, laughing sheepishly. 
“So I drove over to the house, somehow got ahold of Matt and managed to convince him to herd Foggy and himself into my car. When they get there, they’re holding this bundle, right? I figured it was dirty clothes or something. But as we were driving home the clothes start hissing.”
“Oh, NO!” Karen cackled, propping herself up on her elbows as she listened to the story. 
“Oh yes. Naturally, I ask Fog what he’s holding and he says ‘my dog’.” 
“We didn’t have a dog,” Matt clarified, looking incredibly guilty. 
“No you did not.” You squeezed his arm, hoping he could hear in your voice that you had no resentment over the incident. “Foggy unwraps the thing a bit and introduces it as ‘Spot’. But instead of a dog,”
“It’s a possum.” Karen finishes for you, nearly in stitches over her coworkers’ mortified faces. 
“An angry one at that. I have no idea where it came from or how they managed to catch it, but there it was.” You shook your head, still amazed at their ability to wrangle the creature while piss-drunk. 
“What happened to it?” Karen asked, and the men erupted. 
“That’s classified.” Foggy stated firmly, lips pressed together. 
“A story for another time,” Matt rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. 
“Don’t tell me you killed it!” Karen gasped, whirling to look at the out of them sternly. 
“Of course not! No possums were harmed in the making of this story, just mildly inconvenienced.” You assured her. “They’re just clamming up because they can’t remember whose fault it was that it got loose in the science hall.”
Trailing off into a fit of laughter, Karen was quick to follow you as the two men started arguing, pointing fingers. Sitting back and enjoying the show, you shot Karen knowing glances as Matt and Foggy fought, no real heat behind their words. 
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You’d had so much fun that night, reliving one of the funniest moments of your college years, that you’d completely forgotten about the aggravated sound. Until about one month after, when you were sitting next to Matt on a bench in the courthouse. 
The case he and Foggy had been working on was tedious and full of metaphorical landmines that threatened to ruin any shot your client had at escaping her abusive husband. The entire firm had been on edge, struggling to keep everything in order. Given your lack of steady employment at the moment, you’d been helping out wherever you could, and had been working this case from day one, right alongside Matt. Which is how you’d ended up beside him rather than Foggy. 
The blond had flown out of town a few days before to attend an extended family reunion, leaving the rest of you to man the fort, so to speak. Usually, that wouldn’t be an issue, but Matt had been increasingly temperamental leading up to the ex parte hearing. His normal reserved demeanor had rapidly been replaced by a moody, antagonistic version of him–driving poor Karen to her wit’s end. 
After Matt had incited a screaming match over a spilled cup of coffee, you’d told her to take her lunch early, giving her a couple hours where she didn’t need to walk on eggshells. The plan seemed to be working so far, Matt responding with less hostility to your persistent support rather than Karen’s eager suggestions for an aggressive approach. Something about this case had rubbed Matt the wrong way. His invisible hackles were standing on end, posture almost bristling as he sat beside you, twisting a white-knuckled fist around his cane. And, though you understood why Karen was pushing for another solution, you agreed with Matt that this needed to be handled quickly and quietly. 
Scowling at the floor, Matt’s joints rolled beneath the delicate skin of his hands. His jaw was clenched, shoulders curled inward, as if he expected the judge to request a fist fight to grant the protection order. Christ, that could not be comfortable.
Carefully, slow enough to not spook him when he was in this state, you slid the pads of your fingers over the back of his hand. Prying his firm grip off the handle of his cane, you cradled his massive, calloused hand in your lap. He visibly relaxed at the touch, twisting to face you as you traced gentle patterns over his skin, careful to avoid the line of freshly healed cuts on his knuckles. Your curiosity would have to wait for now. There was no way he was in the mood to explain those.
A breathy rumble sounded in his throat, akin to a sigh but less obvious. The same noise he’d made all those days ago at Josie’s–the quiet indication that something wasn’t right. 
Bottom lip jutting out in sympathy, you squeezed his fingers with your own. “It’ll be ok, Matty.” 
He swallowed roughly, hazel eyes darting around behind his red lenses. You could practically see the thoughts forming in his mind before he buried them, the stress forcing him back into bad habits. Sweeping your fingers over his wrist, you studied him, satisfaction thrumming in your chest when his breath hitched. “Hey, talk to me, trouble. What are you thinking?”
“It’s not going to go well.” His voice was pitched low, angry, but there was a brief undercurrent of fear within it. 
“We don’t know that.” You chastised lightly, knowing this pessimistic streak was a coping mechanism and not confirmation he’d become a nihilist. 
“I can feel it. Can’t you feel it? It’s like every officer is laughing at us. We’ve already lost.” Watching Matt, the perpetual optimist, crumble at the thought of things not going the way you’d planned nearly broke your heart. 
“Oh trouble, don’t say that.” Threading your fingers with his, you knocked your knees together. “It’ll be ok. Even if the judge doesn’t grant the order today, we won’t stop trying, right?”
“No but she needs legal protection now. Truthfully, she needs an armed guard.” Matt spoke bitterly.
“We can get her temporary protection.” You suggested.
“They’d never grant that for a simple DV case. Besides, those are his coworkers. Do you really trust them to keep her safe from him?” Matt scoffed, raising a brow at you. 
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you jabbed your pinky into the flesh of his palm. “I wasn’t suggesting we go to the police, Matthew. You and I both know how little good that would do.”
Deflating as he realized you weren’t being as naive as he suspected, Matt frowned. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright. Not everyone knows the flaws in the system.” You reassured him. “But I do. To some extent, at least.”
He hummed in agreement, but said nothing. 
“What’s really bothering you?” At your insistent question, Matt’s face flashed with rage, his spine straightening as he tried to pull out of your grasp, but you held fast. “Don’t you dare, trouble. Please, talk to me. It’s eating you away, I can’t sit here and let that happen.” 
Sighing harshly, Matt ran a hand over his face. “I just..this case feels different. I don’t know why. But if we can’t help her…”
“All we can do is try our best.” You reminded him. 
He let out a single humorless laugh. “I suppose that’s true.” 
When you let his hand drop, he made that pitiful, choked noise again. 
“What?” You asked, slightly worried. 
“Nothing. Just tired.” He lied, wrapping his hand back around the handle of his cane.
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It was only once you were truly together that you realized what that specific sound was meant to signify. 
Since you’d officially started dating, or rather labeling whatever you two had as a relationship instead of dancing around each other, that stupid noise had cemented itself in your life. It seemed like Matt was making it every damn day and it was driving you up a wall. 
Not because Matt wasn’t entitled to his feelings or to expressing said feelings. But because your brain registered that the sound had a specific meaning, and you could not for the life of you translate it from a mere Matt-ism into a language you actually understood. Every little quirk and charm about Matt inherently made sense to you, they always had. Yet this little growling exhale seemed out of your reach. Not to mention, anytime you tried to ask him what was up, he shut down faster than a computer chip dunked in pool water.
Sitting on his couch as he typed on his laptop, he snarled out that sound, eyes darting towards you and away before you could blink. Brows furrowing, you peered at him over the top edge of your book. A muscle in his cheek twitched, a blaring omen that he was holding himself back from saying something. 
“You ok?” You asked, nose scrunching as Matt brushed off your concern. 
“Yep. Hungry.” He grumbled. 
One word answers. Great start. Really breaking down his walls there, champ. 
“Oh, gotcha. I’ll order something. Have a taste for anything in particular?” Setting your book across your thighs, you opened up a delivery app on your phone. 
“Okay...” You drawled, stifling an eye roll at his grouchiness. “How about that Lebanese place we liked?” 
Receiving nothing but a thumbs up in response, you submit an order before Matt reached another stage of hangriness. 
Once Matt had eaten half of his shawarma, he was more agreeable. Smiling and chuckling sweetly as you read him cheesy snippets of your romance novel. Crawling across the couch until you were seated beside him, you stretched over his lap to snatch a piece of pita bread for your plate of hummus. Matt blew out a breath, tickling your ear as he grunted. Now that you were close, you could hear the shrill, whimpering undertone. Hidden, nearly silent, as if the growl was to compensate for the whine, to conceal it. 
Craning your neck towards him, you planted your free hand on your hip. 
“Alright. Out with it.” 
“Out with what?” Matt gave his best ‘befuddled’ impression, but you saw past his feigned innocence. 
Snorting, you prodded his firm chest. As your finger connected with his solid pec, he whimpered again, this time almost moaning. Something clicked. 
“Matthew Michael Murdock,” You gasped. “You are not making that sound instead of asking to cuddle.” 
Blushing furiously, Matt dipped his head, ashamed–though he made no attempt to deny the allegation.
Laughing incredulously, you tossed your plate aside and settled into Matt’s lap, threading a hand into his hair. “You are a ridiculous man.”
Matt rumbled happily, leaning into the touch until his head landed against your chest. Clutching his face between your palms, you trailed soft touches over his cheeks, around his ears–scratching tenderly down his neck when he practically melted beneath your fingertips.
“You could’ve told me that’s what you wanted, all this time…” Shaking your head, you planted a kiss atop his thick hair. “Why suffer in silence?”
“Didn’t want to force you. It’s been different. Since..everything.” 
Snuggling in close, you maneuvered his chin with two fingers, kissing him deeply. His stubble brushed over your skin roughly, making you smile. “You can always always ask, trouble. No need to be a martyr with me.”
“Sorry,” Matt murmured against your lips, chasing your mouth with a mournful noise as you pulled away. 
“Don’t be sorry. Now come here.” Tugging him on top of you, you laughed brightly as he squirmed over you, finally relaxed when his face was tucked against your neck. “That’s it. Better?” 
“Much better.” He whispered, going limp under your touch as your fingers stroked up his back.
Taglist: @marytheweefrenchie @cheshirecat484 @siampie @xxdrixx @gracethyomen @ignore-mp3 @silas-aeiou @screechingphantommaker @spiderstyles04 @paradox-brody-chase @blue-devil-of-the-lord @pigeonmama @shouldbestudying41
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jenscx · 10 months
ATTENTION 30 — alpha side (half-written)
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you had almost just rushed out of your dorm, eager to see minji, but a certain bunny was blocking your way.
“oh? unnie, where are you going?” wonyoung stares at you awkwardly. she’s your confidant, your saviour in this group.
“going to see minji…” you confess. wonyoung’s eyes brighten and you can sense that she’s about to unload a tsunami of questions.
her face suddenly turns conflicted and she turns to you with a look of determination, “unnie!”
“yes?” you reply, a little wary of your group mate now.
“you have to ask minji-ssi on a date today, if you come back and don't do so, i’m not letting you in the dorm!” your eyes widen at her demand. asking minji…?
“wonyoung-ah, don’t act so rash… minji and i are still a little hesitant around each other—”
“no? danielle told me that you two are really close now? texting almost every day! and you even said goodnight to her on bubble!” if you weren’t so taken aback by her proposal, you would find her little tantrum cute.
you slowly nod to her request, “it’s true that we are becoming closer now but i’m planning to let minji take the first move again.”
“don’t you remember that stunt she pulled on me?” you scoff, “wonyoung, I’m giving her this chance to finally show me that she’s serious. if she doesn’t take it, i’ll know what type of relationship we truly have.”
the tall visual stares at you, unwavering. you can already sense what she’s thinking, i don’t remember unnie being so calculating before.
“psh, unnie! you should have just said that from the start!” wonyoung rolls her eyes. you laugh awkwardly.
“can i go now? minji’s probably waiting for me.”
wonyoung steps aside and salutes you, her childish yet adorable side showing as she cheers you on, “don’t do anything rei would do!”
“of course!”
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your manager doesn’t ask any questions about your budding friendship (or relationship?) with minji. it’s quite drastic to be frank, so you wouldn’t have minded any curiosity, especially from someone that witnessed firsthand your hatred for the young leader.
you pull up your mask at the thought of how brazen you acted. hating each other for nothing… well, at least it led to this.
this? what could you call this? even the thought of minji makes you flustered. the car’s air-conditioning works perfectly fine, but you’re still flushed to your neck and even your ears. thank god it’s dark, if not your manager would witness your similarity to a tomato. if over text she already makes you a blushing mess, in real life… you would probably be reduced to putty just by her voice.
it’s shameful to admit this, but you watched minji’s lives just to listen to her voice and sometimes even fell asleep while doing so. luckily none of your members have caught you yet, you would not be able to live peacefully afterwards.
“yn-ssi? we’re here.”
you thank your manager and pull your cap further down your head, hoping no one would recognise you and ask for an autograph. it was kind of vulnerable being out so late without any bodyguards or security.
you make quick steps to the group’s apartment, having visited once beforehand when the leader wasn’t around. hanni and danielle had invited you over to celebrate your birthday then, but minji was out doing a photoshoot with the maknaes of the group.
feather knocks resounded on the door, contrast to the obnoxiously loud pounding of your heart.
“minji-yah, it’s unnie.” if you were any more bold, you would have called her by her nickname. but you knew, chances are that hyein would be on the other side of the door and the poor leader would have to suffer a lifetime of teasing.
the door quickly swings open and gasps immediately leave the lips of the other members.
“yn unnie!” hyein being the first one to speak. she’s dressed in cute dinosaur pyjamas— you wondered where they got one fit for her height.
“hi! can i come in?”
the girls all step aside, revealing a bashful kim minji watching you from the couch.
“ah… you’re here already…”
“you knew about yn unnie coming? what type of unnie are you?! i’m dressed in some ridiculous pyjamas!” hyein whines. you try to argue that you find it adorable but someone else butts in.
“why else would minji unnie be so happy? hyein-ah, use your brain,” haerin retorts, dressed in an equally charming cat onesie. your eyes wander over the girls, realising they’re all dressed in some sort of animal pyjamas.
all except for…
“minji even took off her onesie because it was too embarrassing!”
“i took it off because it was too hot!”
“no, you probably thought you looked silly in front of yn unnie,” hanni retorts in english.
minji groans, “bro, i am not arguing with you right now. go bother haerin or something.”
you laugh, finding their whole interaction even sillier than how they looked in their animal onesies.
(and maybe a little attractive since minji’s voice while speaking english just feels so much more enchanting.)
the eldest has a pout on her face, arms crossed as she sits on the couch, unwilling to face hanni, who’s currently making kissy faces at minji.
“i’m sorry you had to witness that,” minji mumbles as you take a seat next to her.
“oh? it was funny though? i liked it,” you lean in particularly close to whisper the next few words, “especially the part where you spoke in english.”
minji turns to you, startled and cheeks ablaze.
you lean back on the couch, satisfied with minji’s response and reaction.
“what’s up with this onesie occasion though?” you ask, genuinely curious.
minji looks baffled as she speaks, “haerin wanted to have a costume party… and everyone got roped in.”
“where’s yours?”
she sighs, “i took it off. it was so embarrassing having to wear that, and you were coming over, so it would be a bit awkward to greet you in such a silly costume.”
your eyes sparkle at the thought of minji in a onesie.
“let’s go to your room, i have to see you in a onesie.”
minji, a little hesitant, eventually caves in when you give her your best puppy eyes.
(the rest of newjeans watch on in disgust, happiness and envy, but that last one is mostly from hyein.)
minji’s room is spacious and clean, you realise. there’s barely a speck of dust and her bed is filled with plushies. on top of her desk is a cork board, one plastered with pictures of her group mates on various trips.
“i’ll go to the washroom to change,” minji clears her throat, “just sit on my bed.” you nod and take a seat on her well-kempt bed.
there’s a theme of bears repeated in her daily items; bear slippers, bear stickers, bear mugs…
you wondered if her onesie…
“oh my god, minji!” you exclaim, “you look so cute!”
truly, at that point in time, minji held all your affection. a clumsy and awkward kim minji, dressed in an adorable brown fuzzy bear onesie… you didn’t know how she managed to be so lovely.
you don’t even resist the urge to hug her anymore. minji was already your weakness. with the addition of the bear pyjamas, you could barely hold on.
throwing yourself around her, you snuggle into the faux fur, squealing, “jinnie, you’re so fucking cute, holy shit.”
minji, cautiously places her arms around your waist, returning the embrace.
“ah… unnie…”
“minji, please let me take photos of you,” you beg, and how could minji say no to a face like that?
“don’t post them though,” she mutters.
you stare at her, boldness in your eyes, “of course not, these photos are solely reserved for me, and only me.”
“unnie, don’t say things like that!”
after using up your whole storage on minji, you’re finally done snapping photos of the now shy bear that’s hiding under her bedsheets.
“unnie, are you staying the night?” she asks softly.
“i didn’t bring any pyjamas though?” you say.
minji seems even more shy now, as she whispers out, “want to borrow mine?”
ah, you think, gazing at the girl, i’m screwed.
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TAGS ! @ky-yk @urmom2314 @nasyu-kookies @limbforalimb @yoontoonwhs @be0mluver @lesleepyyy @eunhhh @edamboon @sewiouslyz @haerinfangs @impossiblesharkcashrebel @mightymyo @dexthzone @pandafuriosa60 @dmndtears @awkwardtoafault @hyehae @sserajeans @haerinkisser @chaerybae @yukianism @urwyf3 @manooffline @yerisdumbass @jeindall777 @jiwoneiric @justme-idle @imthisclosetokms
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juniperdugong · 3 months
In Your Dreams - Yoon Jeonghan
Warnings: Suggestive, mentions of "smut" but no actual smut, gn!reader but there's the use of the phrase "ladies' man"
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"Yes? My love. You're right next to me, just say what you want to say, I'm always listening", a slightly annoyed smile formed and curled upwards on his lips before Jeonghan took another slurp of the Shin Ramyun in front of him.
"Lose the attitude babe...", although he doesn't turn Jeonghan knows when you're glaring lasers into his head, he's claimed it's been his "superpower" since you've gotten together.
"You know I could never y/n - anyways as you were telling me..."
"Right! As I was telling you, look at this." A small scoff escaped your lips as you shoved your phone in front of Jeonghan's face. His eyes take a second to focus before he slumps his shoulders and looks at you with defeated eyes.
A large sigh comes from him as he speaks between chews, "Why are you looking at that?".
"I was just curious what Carats think of you these days, is all" A mischievous smile on your lips as you muse at him.
"That is not an accurate way to find that answer and you know that. Plus, I'm eating! How could you shove that in my face when I'm literally stuffing my face? Love."
"I'm not the one eating and you NEVER talk to me when you're eating, I have to entertain myself some how hannie."
"But with Smut? Of me?"
"C'mon~ It's funny!"
"It's not y/n..."
"Yes, it is! They think you're so nasty~!"
Another defeated and angry look is shot your way as he takes a spoonful of rice, dips it into the broth, and then shovels it into his mouth.
"Like I said not a good way to find what Carats think of me. If you really want to know you should look on Twitter or something, babe."
"But that's no fun" You give a small pout and he can't resist leaning over to give you a quick peck to make it disappear before his eyes.
There's a pause before the mischievous smile now spreads on his face with his little devilish squint in his eyes, "Or."
"Or you're showing me that stuff because you want me to do that to you..." His eyes meet yours and now you're the one with the disgruntled expression. A giggle from him turns into a laugh as you lightly punch his chest.
"As if, Yoon Jeonghan...Seriously, in your dreams" You let out a harsh scoff as you turn your head and roll your eyes in annoyance.
"No baby...In your dreams." He waits for you to turn back towards him before attempting to give you a wink.
"Oh woah, look at Mr. Seducer here everyone! A real ladies' man, Y'know I wonder if Carats know how much of a loser you are Han." This time you give him a smirk with your sarcastic tone.
"Loser! Ha, never been a loser. I win the games, I win the awards..." He starts listing things off on his fingers, slowly inching towards you before grabbing your shoulders and turning you to fully face him. "And I win the most wonderful person in the world to share my life with."
You roll your eyes but your mouth betrays you as it curls into a smile.
"See and I keep the love of my life smiling too~ I never lose."
"Shut up, Hannie."
Another giggle comes from him before he finishes the last bit of food before him. Well satisfied he leans back into his chair, gives out a big huff, and pats his stomach.
You're still scrolling on your phone when Jeonghan leans over and encircles your waist with his arms before resting his chin on your shoulder.
A whisper reaches your ear and you can practically hear the smile that accompanies the words, "I think you secretly do want me to do that stuff with you y/n..."
"Yah! Yoon Jeonghan!"
{If you're interested in being on the Taglist for my Seventeen works please let me know!!}
{A/N: Just a quick thing I wrote in like 2hrs between watching Bridgerton lol. This was supposed to include a pimple patch at some point (iykyk) but then I kept writing and it never happened lmao, my hands and my mind do not communicate, the story writes itself most times. Anyway...thanks for all the love my loves! Requests are open as of me posting this btw!}
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tiyoin · 6 months
heartbeats to the drum
floyd x reader
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sigh floyd being a softy for you and only you
sighhhhh floyd treating you like a glass flower one day and a stress toy the next. ofc he’s unconventional with his love, the slightest bit of worry fogging his mind as he wonders if you’ll leave because of his many quirks.
but that wasn’t always the case
he follows the beat of his own drum, not once stopping or changing it for anyone or anything. if they don’t like it- who cares! not their drum, go find another or whatever…. yet you followed him, followed his rhythm, danced to it sometimes. tripped and fell flat on your ass too, a a fleeting sense of satisfaction felt as he figured you’d had enough and would leave him be like all the other unimportant minnows.
but whenever he looked back, you were still there, a little further, but still following him… jade and azul were just as surprised as floyd when you kept following him. through his rough pounding of war drums, to the soft lonely pings of a bongo that suddenly switched to a war snare, then to a smooth jazz rhythm- he was unpredictable.
switching his styles, rhythms and interests on an impulsive whim. that was floyd. jade would follow sometimes too, though he created his own too. straying from floyd’s more often than not.
so one day, when floyd stopped drumming, stopped walking to do something he normally hate doing on a ‘bad day:2 (which was standing still.) he opted to listen for once. just once. expecting to hear the usual pitter patter of your feet, or the soft humming you’d usually let out, but there was nothing. nothing but silence and stillness around him.
a comet of a thought raced through the night sky of his mind. maybe he marched too fast, or went to far- he scoffs
‘finally,’ he thinks with a heavy mind ‘you got the hint that he wasn’t stopping or changing for no one. that you should just give. up. and go home.’
but like orpheus in the one tales of old in your world you would sometimes divulge him in. there’s a dying need to just turn around and look, to see if you were still following.
he shouldn’t though… he shouldn’t let his mind wonder and his heart pick up a pace. you reality that you weren’t there was already a preconceived notion in his mind. the inner workings of his soul not sensing yours. the voice in his head telling him he was free to march on without anyone bothering him.
yet… there was a feeling, and itch somewhere. he couldn’t place where that itch was and it pissed him off. was it inside or outside his human form? maybe it was his mer instincts taking over? the hunter in him subtly telling him to turn around? nah, that couldn’t be it, right? i mean logically, that would make sense, but… it couldn’t be…
floyd does what he wants when he wants. so he’ll look on his own chagrin thank you very much. yet, like slowly ripping off a bandaid, he turned his head.
he could almost howl in laughter.
because there you were, sitting down and playing with your hands. he couldn’t hear you cause you were taking a break, waiting for him to continue drumming so you could follow along, like how a whale calf would cling and follow their mother.
floyd was good with his emotions, he’d like to think- but anyone around him would disagree. but for him it was simple, if he was happy, he was happy, if he was sad, he was sad yadda yadda yah.
he sometimes couldn’t understand how people couldn’t feel like him or understand him, excluding jade and azul on numerous occasions. he was emotionally intelligent enough to realize that his mood swings weren’t convenient or conceived as normal behavior, especially to humans. that there was an irrational logic or a spring loose to the compass that dictated his life.
yet here you were, always right behind him, following him, almost clinging to him. like a barnacle. a pesky, useless barnacle…
his shadow blocked the light that was once illuminating your figure, looking up at him with a smile as he just stared down at you. his neutral, bored expression slowly churned and morphed into a boyish/ teenage expression someone your age would normally sport.
floyd would tell you that he held that neutral expression, that you were hallucinating when his neutral frown grew into a lazy grin or how his brows lifted into an almost, almost softer expression. no there wasn’t any crinkle in his nose either!! or in his eyes!!
but despite his protests and self proclaimed emotional maturity he’d talk to you about. sometimes, when our mind is too busy processing, our body’s will usually give away our intentions, our true thoughts that we aren’t aware of. a lot of the times, without our consent or knowledge.
you call it habitual responses while floyd calls it inconvenient lies.
but that doesn’t matter, because that day he handed you a triangle and a little metal stick along with it. helped you up, and continued marching.
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idk where i was going with this, i wrote as i thought.
i’m gonna try to get better at symbolism because i love that style of writing. hehe
sorry if this is poo poo i wrote it in a combined 30 minutes, before and after therapy 🤷🏻
idk if it’s too short to put a ‘read more’ cut in, or not
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wonuwrites · 4 months
Heyy, can you do the “you calling them pretty” prompt on svt too? 🤩 i just know it’ll be so soft for some of them and i need that 😁❤️
omg Sn0wy 0wl you read my mind LMAOOO I was going to do this bc it's such a cute idea like eeee <3
You Calling Seventeen Pretty <3
Got7's version here: x
Warnings: Fluff, didn't really read it over or edit. If it's shit im sorry lmaoooo
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ღ S Coups:
Listen, Seungcheol is both the most cocky and softest member of Seventeen and we love it. Honestly, peak Leo energy. He's the only male Leo I would let ruin my life atp. He often gives the alpha vibe but when it comes to you, oh man he is a certified simp. On days when he is already extra soft for you, if you called him pretty he would be super bashful and just hide his face while saying thank you.
ღ Jeonghan:
Look, everyone knows Jeonghan is pretty. Even Jeonghan knows. HOW FUCKING EVER- when you of all people call him pretty he gets speechless?!? He just giggles and literally becomes putty in your hands andd it's the cutest shit ever.
ღ Joshua:
Jisoo is similar to Jeonghan where everyone, including himself, knows he is attractive and pretty. When you tell him he is pretty just out of the blue, he will just stare at you with such adoration in his eyes and call you pretty back before giving you soft kisses. He wouldn't be one of the shy ones but he would be soft because that's just what you did to him.
ღ Jun:
Tell me why Jun would start an "I know you are but what am I" battle? I can just see you both just doing that until you are both snuggled up into each other. He'd press a soft kiss on your forehead and call you pretty and would kiss you before you could call him pretty.
ღ Hoshi:
You would be snuggling in bed in the morning and he would just be snuggling into your neck and just acting really cute. It would slip and you would just be like "Soonie you are so pretty." He would just become even more soft and blushy with you. He would kiss your face all over and soon you both would just be having a "no you" battle for rest of morning until you ended the battle with a soft makeout session. <3
ღ Wonwoo:
Wonwoo usually would be big spoon but tonight he wanted to be the one to be held so he would just be hugging you while you played with his hair. You were both in your own little world until you just found him to look so pretty. The way his eyelashes fluttered close just made your heart do jumping jacks. "Wonu~" you would whisper. "Hmm?" "You look so pretty." This would make his cheeks, ears, and neck go instantly red and he would hide into your chest or neck which would make you coo. Normally, he was the one making you bashful so it felt good to make him soft like this.
ღ Woozi:
You would just be sitting across from him with a love struck look on your face and just that look alone would make Jihoon soft. However, when he would ask "what are you looking at?" He would get all bashful when you were just like "You are pretty." He would just thank you and be extra soft for the rest of the evening lmaoooo
ღ DK:
You both would be at a cafe somewhere and just eating your food in a comfortable silence. You would look up and see Seokmin just looking so gorgeous and pretty in the lighting. You couldn't stop yourself and would just be like, "yah, Seokminnie you look so pretty right now." He would get red and look around before looking at you and whispering, "yah, you are one to talk." asdfghjkl. You both would end up in a compliment battle for rest of the day because of how down bad you both were.
ღ Mingyu:
There are many adjectives to describe Mingyu and let's be real he's heard them all. However, if he was just sitting there just like you know... existing. You would find him to look pretty especially if the light was shining just right. When you gasp and tell him he looks "pretty" he will get all shy and just be like "baby what?!" He would be all giggly like ???? omg. I'm about as soft as this pretty big bish would be bc imagine the giggles?!!?!?1
ღ Minghao:
You would be looking at Minghao's most recent photoshoot and you were FLABBERGASTED at how your perfect boyfriend could be sexy, handsome, gorgeous, beautiful, and baby at the same time. You couldn't find the best word to say so you just kept whispering how pretty he looked which would make him giggle while wrapping his arms around you. He would feel like the prettiest person ever because of you.
ღ Seungkwan: You know I could be boring and just say we've seen this happen already and just link this: x buuuut I will give y'all more~
You would be playing with Seungkwan's hair while he was telling you about his day. You would be paying attention, but not necessarily to the words he was saying. Instead, you would be staring at his lips moving as he talked. He noticed your "mhmms" were sounding similar so he looked up at your eyes and noticed you were not fully there. "So, then I tied Chan to a train track and threw tomatoes at his face," he said to see if you were paying attention. "that's nice." He scoffed before sitting up and looking at you which made you look at him confused. "(Y/N), are you listening to me?" You blushed a bit before whispering, "sorry Kwannie, I got distracted by how pretty you looked in my lap." This made him blush before giggling and laying back in your lsp. "why what did you say?"' "I said I tied Chan to a train track and threw tomatoes at his face." That made you laugh before you pressed a kiss to his nose. "If it was true, he probably deserved it." That made him laugh before pulling you back down to give you a proper kiss.
ღ Vernon:
Honestly, it takes a lot to fluster Hansol. You can say a lot of things and he will just give you a loving smile or a judgemental mock side eye. However, when it came to calling him "pretty" the man would be nothing short of flustered. He would turn bright red and would just try to throw it back at you or just tell you to shush. He honestly would eat it up if you called him pretty though. It would just make him feel so so so so good. <3
ღ Dino:
When Chan and you started dating, he never thought that you would join in on the teasing with his 'twelve useless hyungs' but here you were. He was just sitting there and you were just so attracted to the man sitting all pretty in front of you. He would cock an eyebrow up and ask if you were good. Forgetting that it was just not you two, you would just be like "Channie, you're so pretty." This would cause him to blush and those that heard to start laughing and gassing him up. "our pretty maknae," Mingyu would tease. You would mouth an apology but the damage was already done. He'd come sit by you and just kiss your cheek to let you know he wasn't mad at you and would be clingy with you for rest of the day. Truth be told, he loved when you called him pretty.
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