#mindspace (referring to sleeping all day)
svnny-day · 2 years
lmaoaooaoaoaoa guess who's going to possibly start working a job!! :D
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iamthewoowoo · 9 months
Something cool happened last night.
(Note: Wrote this three days ago and drafted. Decided to post it today.) Today is a boring day, and I need to write something. I need practice. So to pass the time I figured I'd share an anecdote on what I experienced last night. I need to put this in my records anyway. I also wanted to make an introductory post. So I figure I can wrap the two into one that way - a lot of what I write will be like the anecdote below. With that said here's a little bit of background. You can call me Vigil. I'm a polytheist and eclectic magician who really digs chaos magic.
To be honest, I'm not sure what else to put here? Saying anything else makes me feel weird. I'm going to be talking about myself enough.
I just want to say I've been at this for a while, and it's where I picked up how to do what follows. Anyway this anecdote is about an experience I had while I worked on visualization, bordering on full-on astral projection after inducing hypnagogia.
tw: description of death
First off I just want to say: I wasn't alone during all of this, I am a polytheist after all. Due to certain agreements however I'm not at liberty to really write about that. So while I won't be getting into it, I do want to point out I was under protection as I experienced all this. I may have been in the forest, but I had someone lurking in the canopy with a high powered rifle. If it got too far they would have intervened.
Keep that in mind as you read further.
So I was doing some visualization in bed last night, where I basically work on an internal temple through my imagination. Think something akin to a memory palace. However the goal of this practice in particular is to bring on a hypnagogic state, which I've noticed over the years helps with achieving lucidity, or just having more beneficial, occult-y dreams. However it's been a while since I've done this, I'm getting into my mid thirties. When I lay down these days I just want to sleep. But last night I was feeling inspired and wanted to work on the method a little.
So I laid down, got into the proper mindset, and 'awoke' in my temple.
There I worked on moving around and so on. Did some squats. Walked a bit. Tripped and smacked my head on the floor. The usual.
Once I felt good and ready, properly in-sync with the place I was occupying, I decided to check out this library/reading room I used to frequent. While I won't be getting into all that, it's a pretty neat place. Has this kind of Backrooms vibe to it. Very beige and brown and fuckin' weird. It's a circular place lined with shelves of books and a square workspace in the middle with a table and chair. It's like a collective archive of various grimoires, most of which I can't ever seem to read. But I still like to visit and check it out.
So I walk in, and the place was loud. Unusually loud. Typically in the past it's stone silent, but this time it was like a fully loaded cafeteria. Just a bunch of voices talking over one another. I looked around and noticed no one was there though. It was as if the books were talking - or rather repeating all of their contents. Reading themselves aloud in some weird telepathic cacophony. So I muted it. Cause y'know, fuck that. I don't need a cafeterias worth of noise echoing in my head. I took this as a good sign though, it meant I was really melting into that ~mindspace~ if things were reacting dynamically to my presence as opposed to being prompted. Anyway I checked out the desk in the middle, and to me it seemed like there was a grimoire currently in progress of being written. On the table there was an open book that had text scrawled within it, along with reference books strewn out in piles over the rest of the surface. I decided to take a look at the open book but only saw the flash of a sigil, before the text on the pages swirled into nothingness. I guess it didn't want me to read it. Then I decided to check the books on the table. There was one in particular that stuck out to me. It was bound in a red cover, with gold text on the side that was in some kind of imposing, gold font. It almost looked like Latin letters with the roman numeral for 1. followed by a title that was all jumbled. Naturally, I opened the book. Cause I mean - why not? It was right there. In it I saw more text that was mostly jumbled. And then like a train it hit me. Hypnagogia began to kick in. The image of the library in my imagination was kind of blacked out as I had a close-eyed hallucination. It was a bright light, that turned into the sun, and then the image of a humanoid corpse raising itself in front of the light, effectively eclipsing it with its narrow head. Its skin was dry and grey, like all of the moisture had been sucked out of its body. A kind of sickly smoldering light enveloped the space around it. But this thing didn't have human eyes, this ones were vertical slits with two holes underneath where it's nose used to be. Then I could feel it. The descent into sleep, a kind of brain zappy sinking feeling in my head. And I did not want to fall asleep while I was currently enmeshed in whatever business that was. So I refocused once more in that place, and quickly shut the book and threw it back on the pile. Whether it was some cursed bestiary or something else - I was having none of it. I quickly returned to my temple, banished, and then roused myself awake. Ate some food, went out for a smoke, y'know. Put this event to bed by touching grass. All in all I feel like that was a pretty productive session. It's definitely given me an avenue for further exploration, though next time I'd be going in better prepared. So yeah, that's it. I just felt like sharing a neat experience. :-) Anyway here's All My Exes Live In Texas by George Strait.
Stay safe out there.
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How to do better in class
Sometimes, I don't go to class. Other times, I go but my mind wanders. How to deal with this; my 101 on it:
Write notes during class even if you don't need them: this prevents you from going to sleep in the middle of class and also aids focus. I mean it, try it once!
Power off your phone: you probably don't need it, so turn it off. You're here to learn and not get distracted by the million things on your phone, right?
If your mind wanders, put those thoughts in brief on the margins of your notes and revisit them after class. That way you clear your mindspace and don't lose focus following those lines of thought. Also, you don't lose those brilliant ideas you had out of nowhere lol. (Fun fact: this blog post struck me today in my Operating Systems class)
Sit at the front of the class. If you're sitting somewhere else you're not in the professor's radius so much. So, just go sit nearby seriously.
Sit straight: you're less likely to get lousy and lazy and all those things if you sit straight. This is a hard one though for me so I put it here coz umm I am not following this too often either who am I to preach.
Ask questions: if you engage with the teacher in this way it just makes for a more wholesome experience, and seriously - if you don't understand something it's better to clarify it than to spend the rest of the class gazing off into the unknown because now nothing makes sense and you're obsessed with that little/big detail.
Get that attitude right: you're going to be quizzed on this one day, or write an exam or do something with it, right? Like, there's got to be some goal. So keep that in mind. If the exam is far away, ask yourself how much attention you would be paying if it was like the next hour. All of the attention in the world, right? Yeah, so give it that attention, and you can thank yourself later (during exam time lol).
Outside of class:
1. Try to stay caught up on what's going on in class: ask friends, refer to class notes, etc.
2. Sometimes staying ahead of class helps a lot, that way the information you're getting is not so new and you can connect to it easily which really aids focus.
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nadiestar · 4 years
Sides Appearance and Power Headcanons
When the sides are outside, when they are with Thomas, they all look alike. They all look like Thomas. Like a white, brown haired, brown eyed, 5’10 tall man.
But within the Mindspace the sides are different. They take a form which fits their personality most. They can change it to some extend but often the changes happen subconsciously. As children they all basically looked like Thomas, as it was the only reference they had, but as Thomas grew, as he met new people and learnt about the world their horizon grew and they began to take on different forms.
They also have a special set of abilities they can use on the other sides. And some other unique traits that divide them from actual people. And each other.
- Logan always looks closest to Thomas. He doesn’t feel like he needs to change his appearance, as he was an aspect of Thomas and therefore should look like him. He also is very comfortable with Thomas’s body but he would never admit it.
- Logan always claims that he has no special powers, as he doesn’t need them since he’s logic and that itself was enough to make him special, but it isn’t quite the truth. In reality he has the passive ability to clear the others minds. He makes the other sides remember what Thomas had learnt. His presence made it easier for them to focus and think coherent thoughts. Also, he’s able to paralyze the others for a minute with his falsehood cries, when he’s overly agitated and need everybody to calm down and be quiet for him to regain his posture. As of yet he had used that power three times in Thomas’s life.
- Unlike the others Logan doesn’t need to eat. His hunger has to be satisfied with knowledge. So, at lunch he sits at the table with the others, sometimes eating something to make Patton happy, but mostly just reading about a new topic that has caught his interest, if he doesn’t feel the need to participate in the others conversation.
- In the Mindscape his eyes are indigo.
- Patton hasn’t changed his appearance too much since collage. He is smaller, a little chubbier (just the perfect size for hugging in his opinion) with a rounder face and bigger eyes, than Thomas. His hair is a light shade of brown and incredibly fluffy. His skin is white and sprinkled with millions of freckles and he adores every single one of them.
- Patton can always feel the others sides’ emotions. He always knows how they feel and is able to make them remember specific memories of Thomas’s life, if he wants to. He also has the best healing abilities of all sides and even Virgil says that even Patton’s hugs were able to make them feel physically and mentally better.
- Patton doesn’t experience gravity and weights not more than a feather. Within the mindscape he can walk up walls, sit on the ceiling or simply float in the middle of the room. It had spooked Logan so much as a child that Patton asked Roman to make him a pair of shoes that were heavy enough to keep him on the ground. He has been wearing them ever since
- In the Mindscape his eyes are sky blue.
- Virgil has been skinny in each form and has always had black hair until Thomas had dyed them purple. Since then his hair is always purple. Otherwise his form has changed often. He has been tall but also rather short. He has a tendency to choose androgyne body types and face structures but has probably tried out every ethnicity Thomas has seen so far in his life. As of now he has chosen to present as a Japanese American, who was rather short. He likes that form a lot.
- Virgil’s power is to agitate, to frighten the others. Just like his room he can make the others anxious and activate their fight or flight response. If he gets too stressed, he tends to do that accidentally, which has led to bizarre mishaps. He also is able to tell when the other sides are frightened and sometimes helps them through little panic episodes.
- Instead of drinking Virgil needs to listen to music, ideally for two hours a day. Less makes him dizzy and leads his mood and energy to drastically drop. More than ten hours at once make him act as if he was drunk (and he is not a fun drunk) and so he has a timer on his phone that stops the music when he comes close to those ten hours. Remus has turned off that timer in the past.
- In the Mindscape his right eye is purple and his left eye is black.
- Janus prefers to be slightly smaller than Thomas. His bodies usually are agile and smooth and he has a weakness for Filipinos or Chinese Americans features, short, black hair and for the aesthetics a split tongue. His looks don’t change quickly, they tend to slowly transform from one form to another. He has been second to the twins to take the form of a woman.
- Janus always knows when the sides were lying, and also knew what form of lie they commit. Additionally, he also has the ability to notice the twins’ illusions. He isn’t capable to tell what is beyond it, but he knows when they are there. It has made living with Remus a lot easier. He also is able to make the others fall asleep through placing a small portion of his spit on the others skin (aka kissing, but he didn’t like to call it that).
- Janus is always cold. Even if it is hot outside, if he doesn’t wear some layers of clothing, he gets cold, which makes him more and more tired until he simply freezes. So, it was not so much of a snake characteristic he portrayed, but the fact that he needed multiple layers in order to feel secure.
In the mindscape both of his eyes are yellow.
- Roman and Remus work a little different from the others. Their appearances are connected due to the split and they both need to identify with the body they have at a time. As children it wasn’t hard for them to jump from form to form within days. Everything was fascinating, they wanted to try everything out and had been the first to ever change their bodies from Thomas’s form. They also were first to turn into girls when Thomas reached his teenager years. They always like to be taller and at least a little stronger than the others. As time went by and they grew further apart, they both found a liking in Chilean features and settled for that form and black curly hair, which has been their appearance for a bigger part of Thomas’s adulthood.
- Roman feels it when the other sides are hopeful and positive. He technically possesses the power to awaken the others sides’ hopes and ideals, as well as their passion.
- Remus detects intrusive thoughts, doubts and nightmares from the other sides. He technically possesses the power to evoke disturbing imagery in the other sides’ minds.
- The problem with their active powers is that both of them need to be stable in order for them to work correctly. But since Remus hasn’t been stable for years, neither is able to evoke anything without feeling sick and weak afterwards.
- Both twins don’t need to sleep. Instead of sleeping they need to create something small for themselves like doodling, humming or brainstorming stupid ideas. Additionally, they are both unable to heal themselves, which they haven’t told the others yet. If they are hurt their wounds heal a lot quicker than they would with people, but they can leave scars, which both just cover up with illusions. Also, when they are in the imagination or in one of their rooms at the same time they can hear each other’s thoughts and always feel if the other is in great distress.
-In the mindscape Roman and Remus’s eyes are still brown.
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dloveg · 4 years
I kept on seeing the post about eurus impersonating the women john and sherlock were attracted to when she came to meet them, but now that I want to reference it, I could not find it. I’ll link up later
it inspired me to take a second look at faith. it was already discussed that eurus took on a woman who was lonely and needy when she came to sherlock (vs a vibrant confident woman with john) and equated that as sort of sherlock’s type which was successful in eliciting sympathy from him. because, seriously, why would he care for a stranger who is about to suicide, enough to leave his flat, eat chips with and walk around with until morning. I would concede that the walking stick is john, and that the things I’m writing here would also apply to him, but I dont have enough mindspace to include him.
so I am rewatching faith and there is too much similarity. Sherlock deduced that Faith just came out of a relationship and is now alone, faith likes the kitchen too. or was that really a deduction? maybe it was more of an attribution? faith asked him earlier how he is able to find things out from just a piece of paper. he said, he doesn’t know, it just happens, like reflex. which begs the question: where did that paper come from anyway? real faith did not look like she had conflict with her dad. Eurus must have stolen that paper, and then what? folded it in a book, hanged it on the countertop and let the sun rise on it? maybe. but the thing is, if eurus did that, she must have had an inspiration, a sort of model that she knew would affect unemotional apathetic sherlock. or she could have simply allowed drug laden sherlock to weave the tale. give sherlock a piece of paper and let him fill the blanks with his own story, his own weakness. Unmarried, alone (faith had also shunned away family and friends), practical about death (if faith could not get help from sherlock, she wont suffer living anymore and will just kill herself). Those are the traits, eurus just had to find/confirm the real person who fits those. eurus did say that she finds the way sherlock thinks (sweetly) to be interesting and he says he’s just high (and unable to control his thoughts). either way lead to molly. Eurus could have taken the model from molly, or more interestingly, allowed sherlock to do the talking and then deduced that sherlock must be projecting someone, aka, molly.
i’m incoherent, but the list is: 
broken relationship
not having sex for a while now - my headcanon sherlock is really annoyed that tom and molly were having a lot
kitchen - I am reaching here. the kitchen sizes of faith and molly are different. they are under different circumstances after all: molly has a stable job while faith is cut off from job and rich dad. but sherlock says faith like to cook. molly’s kitchen is big which would be consistent with “to impress”.
depressed (molly looks different in this episode. at first I thought she was just not getting sleep from babysitting Rosie, and that she’s worried about sherlock. but I read this theory that molly is sick/dying and that is now my headcanon and Sherlock’s “I’m worried about you Molly, you seem very stressed”, and at the finale wherein Molly looked physically drained for having a bad day. Sherlock has a hunch that something is wrong with molly but had too many things going on and was too high to often to sort things out)
chips - this felt like grabbing into that lost opportunity. Molly wont go with him to chips because she was engaged. faith just got out of a relationship, ask her out instead.
this post is too farfetched. sherlock was grieving for mary here, it cannot be all about molly. but it works the other way too. not all can be not all about molly. molly is not in the center, but she is still somewhere in there :)
add: at the end of his interaction with faith, who was he reminded? molly. starting off that anyone montage. it could be said that he had molly on his mind while walking around with faith.
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x-nerdingss-x · 4 years
Guilty as Charged - Intrulogical
A one shot that isn’t angsty? Huh, turns out I am capable of writing some form of fluff/crack after all. 
Intrulogical is good shit alright?
Blurb: Upon hearing a secret relationship between Logan and Remus, the others wanted to unravel the truth in a courtroom. 
Okay no seriously: Here are some trigger warnings in case any of you need them. - Swearing - Remus, just, Remus - Sexual name calling - Courtroom scenario - Mentions of murder/suspected murder - Pet names
(You can also read this on ao3 too). 
22:00 (PM). Sunday, 27th September, 2020. Courtroom (1).
Roman settled himself on the highest point of the room, the judge’s chair towering over the rest of the valley of seat benches in front of him. A weight scale was displayed in front of the judge’s seat, with the witness stands nicely tucked beside the judge’s space. The room had its same cream and brown structure, the dark wood fitting nicely with the formality of the scene. His red sash was pulled over his white robes, gripping onto the gavel he broke a year before.
Janus seemed smug in his side of the courtroom, chilling near the prosecutor’s benches of the scape. His partner in juristical crime, Patton, stood in his side of the room. Adjusting the silk white tie that laid on his dress shirt, he glanced curiously at the prosecutor. His own black suit fitted nicely with the yellow he adored, as well as the bowtie and bowler hat that he wore as his signature style.
Patton gave the other a small grin, a hint of mischief evident in his giddy behaviour. Wearing his own blue, white and cream suit for the event, the preppy side brushed the specks of dust off his outfit and gave a small, knowingly nod to Janus. The prosecutor of the trial nodded back to his partner, his own smirk curling onto his snake-sided face. Janus later scoped around the room for the little emo he again appointed as the jury. Given that it was early night, the tired side sprawled across the few chairs of the gallery, his hand resting over the table top and his leg hanging for room space. Roman slammed his gavel loudly near Virgil’s direction, and Janus stifled a laugh when a thud was heard nearby.
Virgil climbed off the floor to sit on his jury seat properly, huffing as he hunched over his figure. His eyes were darker than usual, his low energy reflecting his tired mood. The patched purple tie loosely hung from his purple button up shirt, and his black hoodie had its familiar, warm weight on his shoulders. It was a Sunday night, and the others thought it was a perfect time to introduce the new agenda of the week, starting fresh before the new Monday.
Logan (compared to the others) looked pissed. The last place he wanted to spend his night was in a courtroom to entertain the other sides. He was abruptly summoned from the warmth of his bed into a bright blinding room. Still in his fluffy, stark white unicorn onesie and blue flannel pyjamas, he hastily stood up in order to properly change into his daily attire. Clearly, his day has not been finished yet. With his black polo shirt and blue striped tie, he also summoned a black cardigan to keep the nightly chill off his shoulders. Logan heard shuffling noises around him, and he assumed everyone else was getting ready for the trial to commence.
Speaking of trial - What the heck is this trial meant to be? Why is it held at a late time? On a Sunday no less. Logan assumed he was to receive these answers to the questions swimming in his head throughout the fiasco the others called a court scenario. He took a quick wander around the room and noticed he sat in the defendant’s seat rather than in the back of the room where he was last time in the public gallery. At least he had a more significant role than the last courtroom event, but himself sitting in the defendant’s seat and not as a lawyer like the snake-father pair did confuse him. Was he in trouble for something? Or was it the group’s dramatics to engage themselves into a topic the answer to his questions?
Nevertheless, Logan continued observing and noticed there was a lack of Thomas in this room, so he safely deduced that the sides weren’t working with another late-night moral dilemma. He also spotted a lack of green that would often appear in the same room as the others. Perhaps, he was asleep and kept away from the mess the others would engage themselves into - although, knowing the other side’s curious and unpredictable behaviour paired together, it would have been tricky to hide away from him.
Logan’s thoughts trailed to the whereabouts of Remus instead of the sounds in front of him, his pondering kept short when he heard the gavel slamming for attention. He vaguely heard Roman’s shouts and almost missed the others sitting in their seats. Logan decided to pay attention to the situation instead. At least he can answer his own questions of Remus’ whereabouts later when he sees him again after the situation, whereas it would be more difficult to gather answers for his questions about the courtroom if he missed the trial.
“Alright ladies,” Roman said, beginning the court case. “Are we all ready to discuss the charges?”
“Yes, your honour,” both Patton and Janus said in unison. Virgil rolled his eyes as his response, and pulled his hood over his eyes.
Clearing his throat, Roman opened the conviction book and began reciting the lines from the last court trial.
“The state of… Logic Sanders v. uhm…” the judge began trailing off, staring at the imaginary lines. Patton tilted his head at Roman’s confusion, whereas Janus sighed as a response.
“Logan ‘Logic’ Sanders v. Mindspace, Roman.”
Roman perked his attention at the snake, whispering a quick thank you before clearing his throat again to restart his lines.
“Apologies, everyone,” He said, before speaking again. “The state of Logan ‘Logic’ Sanders v. Mindspace in the name and by the authority of the state of the Mindspace,” Then picking up his gavel in the process, he pointed the mallet towards the stylish lawyer. “Janus ‘Deceit' Sanders, prosecuting for the state of the mindspace, under oath information makes the trial for Logic Sanders.”
Roman saw the wording, and grinned at the page he was to say aloud. “Count one…” He said. “Did conspire suspectful activities  with Remus Sanders, the Duke of Creativity, without mentioning it to other sides who reside in the mindscape.”
Logan quirked an eyebrow at the mention of Remus. “Count two, is convicted of creating and performing numerous chemical concoctions that are, as of, dangerous to handle and human dissection without a license, whilst experimenting said ideas on an idiot the judge then refers to as a 'brother’.”
Listing off the convictions, Virgil laid his head on the jury bench to rest before the lawyers could provide their opening statements. Logan wanted to do the same as the jury, especially as the false claims of his activities are listed throughout before the case could properly commence. He took note of how most of these activities, if not all, involve Remus in some way. It’s not as if they figured something out, right? Logan handles the braincell after all.
Well, so he thought.
“And count 5. Is engaged in an illegal secret relationship with Remus Sanders, the Duke of Creativity,” Roman huffed, finishing his lines. “Remus should be glad I read his name in such formality and not as ‘Stinky Trash Bastard’.”
Logan’s attention piqued as he heard the last conviction, conscious to not give any facial expressions away for the courtroom. The others may own a brain cell between them after all, although, in Logan’s situation, it is not the best thing to appreciate. Lifting himself off the seat to call on their bullshit, Logan fell back almost instantly as if he was restrained. Noticing the chains linked from his wrists to the seat, he quietly growled as he tugged on his arms.
“What is the meaning of this, by chance?” He asked the others who stared back at him.
Roman opened his mouth to repeat the charges, for Janus to interrupt him instead. “Did you seriously forget that you were charged for suspectful murders with Remus?”
“Are you… for sweet Newton…” He muttered under his breath. “I did not try to kill anybody, I can promise the court that.”
“Sorry Logan, but that’s for the jury to decide,” Virgil mumbled, resting his head down away from the bright lighting of the room. Logan grumbled from his seat, crossing his arms and leaning back on his seat. Yawning, Logan rested his head back as he listened through the court procedures. Janus’ work for an accurate scenario, he was sure. There was no doubt Roman wanted to join him, with his theatrics for drama. Patton was most likely involved for a majority vote. Virgil however? He wasn’t too sure as to why he’s in the room, more preferring sleep than anything.
He heard the judge banging his gavel again to wake Virgil from his attempts of slumber, and he felt someone shaking his arm awake. Opening one eye to spot a concerned Patton, he shrugged his lawyer away and went back to closing his eyes, concentrating on the sounds instead.
“Logan ‘Logic’ Sanders, how do you plead?”
“Not guilty, obviously,” He said. “However, I do have a question for the judge.”
With the silence in the room, Logan took this as his opportunity to speak. “Hypothetically, for some odd reason I was to be found ‘guilty’ for any of these charges, what is my sentence?”
Patton leaned against the edge of his side of the bench, fiddling with the tie tucked into his vest. “Full fairness, we were aiming to get you to cough out what you were hiding with Remus and give you a minor sentence. We would agree on the sentence, right guys?”
Logan began tapping his foot on the tiled floor, his impatience slowly growing. “But what is that minor sentence you were thinking of? A rough idea, Patton.”
Everyone hummed at the question, thinking of an idea. It wasn’t till Roman had an idea did he share with the court.
“If you are found guilty on any of these charges, we take your crofters away for a month for not telling us and uh...”
“A group discussion about opening up to others when we figure out why you were so secretive to us, and work towards building trust,” Patton said, silently congratulating himself on his idea.
They’re going to fucking what?
Not the crofters. Not the trust exercises.
“You are not touching my crofters, nor am I going to participate in a ‘trust bonding exercise’”.
“Logan, that is for the Judge to decide after your trial. Gosh, I thought you were meant to be the smart one,” Janus said, waving away Logan’s protest. “Now, can the judge continue this trial? I do like continuing my 8 hour sleep schedule.”
“Alright,” Roman puffed out his chest, opening a different book to read from. “Prosecutor, your opening statement…”
The trial was running along smoothly as the lawyers gave their statements, and Logan decided to at least entertain the idiots for a while. If he cooperates, the better chance he has to both escape charges and sleep in his lovely cushioned bed with Remus. It wasn't as if he were not guilty with all of them, but he wasn’t going to tell the others which charge it was. Although, he wouldn’t say their relationship was illegal either, per se.
“Prosecutor, call your first witness to the stand,” Roman said.
Janus nodded, summoning Logan into the witness bench. He noticed the chains around his legs, meaning he couldn’t teleport anywhere beyond the courtroom, but he appreciated the fact that his wrists were free. Janus waltzed over to the other stand, to begin questioning his first ‘witness’. First? Does this mean there are other witnesses? Would that mean the other witness is Remus? Logan doubted that Remus would be kept away from the courtroom in the first place due to his nature, but the fact that he was included in the charges meant the others would interegotate him too.
Oh gosh, Remus doesn’t even know what a filter means.
Logan silently wished for Remus to remember the fact that it was a shared secret, and therefore his partner can keep the unharmed crofters.
“Witness, state your name, age and role as a side.”
Logan cleared his throat. He should at least follow along to their shenanigans if it meant he gets out quicker and freely. “Logan Sanders. I am 31 years old, and represent Thomas’ Logic.”
As he finished his sentence, a book appeared beside him as Janus took the initiative to recite the vow for the court. With everyone’s hand on the book (except for Virgil, who Logan could assume was soundlessly asleep), the book disappeared and the question could finally begin.
“Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” Janus asked.
Logan stared back at Janus, giving the other a small smirk. “Objection, that would be leading the witness.”
“Well objection, the witness does not object.”
Roman fiddled with his red sash for a moment before noticing the pair. Picking his gavel up, he gestured to the two men. “Sustained. Janus, watch yourself with your blunt honesty. Logan, do your job as a witness.”
Apologising to the judge, Janus sighed as he posed straighter in his stand. “Very well, we shall do this the long way.”
“We shall, yes,” Logan spoke back. Sneering at the logical side, Janus adjusted his bowtie and began his work.
“Alright, if you insist,” He began. “I’ll like to remind the court of the date of which the case commences. It should be Sunday, 13th of September, 2020, and this date is when participants of this room recognise some signs of a… relationship, between the pair.”
Janus cruised around from the stand towards Logan, resting his arm on the desk. “How would you classify your bond with Remus?”
“I would say it is a close platonic relationship between us.”
Smirking, Janus clicked his tongue at the statement. “So close, would you say you do activities together that you, or Remus, wouldn’t do with the other sides?”
“Provide examples to the court, Janus, and I’ll decide on that question,” Logan leaned over, staring at the snake. No way would there be any evidence that would suggest their relationship together, or anything else like doing chemistry experiments together, or dissection as a pair. The homicide case however, was questionable, since Logan didn’t remember killing anyone - unless they assume he was suspected to contribute into some homicide cases; again, questionable. What was the 4th conviction again? Now he thought about it, Logan should’ve paid more attention to the charges Roman was reading aloud to everyone.
Nearby an empty space in the courtroom, Janus clapped his hands together to summon a table. Logan felt the blood drain from his face as he saw the table. An assortment of items laid on the desk, from fingerprinted evidence to even photos with him and Remus together. A few objects were on the table too, which included small bags of jewellery and the coats the pair wear whenever they do their science experiments. How is Logan getting away with any of this both smoothly and quickly?
Janus adjusted his yellow gloves and picked up a small ring from the table. The glint of gold shined from the reflection of the lighting, and Logan instinctively looked over his left hand to realise there was something missing. His glance was quick, but both Janus and Patton caught his stare to confirm that it was his own ring. Logan stood up to walk over to the table himself and snatch his ring from Janus’ grip, only to remember he was restrained to the ground.
“So eager Logan… But do tell the court what this ring means to you.”
“Janus, I request that you give it back to me as it is my belongings.”
“But you have stated earlier that you would discuss the activities you do with Remus to the court once I provide examples, and this is your first only example. The rest is for Patton to decide when he interrogates you next,” Janus leaned onto the bench while inspecting his gloves, turning around to wink at the defence attorney awaiting for his go. Patton glanced to the side, covering his hand over his mouth to suppress his giggling. Janus patiently waited for Logan to dig himself out the figurative hole he just dug himself in, smirking as the opportunity for the real truth seemed bright.
“For your information, the ring has no relevance to this case, and no relevance to the previous statement you provided to the court about some weird, nonsensical ‘symptoms’ of me having feelings,” He retorted, sitting gayly-straight on his seat. "Get lawyered."
“But here’s the thing Logan, it does, in fact have relevance,” Janus said, grabbing a snapped photo earlier of the ring. “In this ring is engraved a date. Assuming this ring is yours due to your reaction earlier of checking if you have the ring, do you want to share the connection of a suspected bond between you and this ring?”
Logan gulped, shifting away slightly as Janus held up a photo for the judge to see. He knew what the ring was. Although the ring was gold, there were speckles of dark blue sapphires and emeralds that were entwined together, with detailed swirls danced around the ring. Inside the ring had a date. 13.9.20. That was the day him and Remus celebrated their 3 year marriage anniversary.
“It’s not as if you provided any details about these signs of a speculated relationship,” Logan said. “What are these figurative ‘connected strings’ between our friendship and the signs? Obviously a ring could be a part of the friendship, but do you care about sharing anything else to the court?”
Janus strolled back to the table and picked up another object from the layers of evidence he could show Logan. While gathering a few photos to display, he also held a stained cooking apron in his arms both respectively coloured blue and green. The few photos were of the pair baking or cooking dishes (captured from a corner due to Patton’s photography skills). Looking over at the evidence table, Logan’s eyes trailed across to another empty spot of the courtroom, where Patton’s side was. The logical side only realised then, that both sides had enough evidence to prove their points.
He hopes that Patton’s defending skills were better than Janus’ prosecuting.
“I’m pretty sure besties don’t wear cooking aprons together and make things. Not even Virgil and I cook together like you guys and I consider ourselves good friends,” Roman quipped as he saw the evidence.
“Well, what do you think of this new evidence, jury?” Patton asked, spinning around to face Virgil. Unfortunately for them, Virgil was softly snoring from his comfortable position. Roman grabbed his gavel again, slamming it close to the edge of the table to Virgil’s direction. The anxious side perked up from the sound, turning his gaze towards the judge before huffing. He lifted his head back, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes.
“Alright, what did we find from Logan? Brief recap please,” Virgil asked.
“We found out that Logan’s bromance can be proven as a romance,” Roman said.
“Cooking aprons,” Patton clapped. “Oh Jannie, didn’t you also find their cookbook? You got real good recipes there Logan.”
Logan’s attention reverted back to the black-tux wearing lawyer in front of him. “Jannie?”
“We’re meant to make fun of you, you know,” Janus sneered, throwing the cooking aprons at the judge. “Anyways, I can also supply a fully documented report conducted by the side who feels… well, feelings of what was being observed during that day and now, in this very courtroom,” Janus held the case file in his hands, blowing a quick kiss to Patton’s direction. The other closed his hand as if he caught it, holding his hand to his chest while smiling. Virgil grimaced at their loving affection, whereas Roman waved the lawyer’s shenanigans away. He opened the file, finding many pages of notes instead of the expected few words Patton would’ve written.
“This is about the both of them, right?” Roman asked himself rather than Patton.
“No, your honour,” Patton heard the judge. “That is of Remus alone.”
Roman chuckled at the notes he read as Logan sunk on his seat, his confidence disappearing. His defence attorney created a case file for his prosecutor. How would Patton defend his own words? How would Patton defend? Yes, Logan felt himself getting screwed over by the two lawyers. Until, that was, an idea popped in his head.
“Hold it,” Logan stood up, pointing a finger to the prosecutor. “I thought we were discussing about me, your witness, if you remember. How would that contribute to my case?”
“I’m so glad you asked Logan,” Patton said, getting up from his seat to join Janus. “Jannie and I waited for this moment.”
Virgil, Roman and Logan looked at the both of them, each wearing their own puzzled expression.
“What moment?”
Janus stepped aside, bowing to Patton to guide him to the stand like a gentleman. “I’m afraid that’s for my clever pumpkin to tell you,” He said before strolling off to his own seat.
“Thank you Jannie,” Patton summoned his own evidence table, with more of Remus’ belongings rather than Logan’s. Still a concern for the witness, who wanted to walk away from the case with a ‘not guilty’ verdict. Preparing himself, Patton waltzed towards Logan with a grin on his face, his bunny teeth coaxed with a glint of mischief. “So do you happen to remember… the specific details… of what both you and Remus did that day… on the 13th of September?”
“In fact I do, Patton,” Logan said, adjusting his glasses. “Both he and I cooked dinner together since the rest of you were out from 5:30 PM to 8 PM, and watched a documentary to accompany each other since neither of us were busy and wanted to relax because we're good friends.” He technically  wasn’t wrong, so why did Patton look as if Christmas came early? He held up a photo album for the court, flipping through the pages with the couple together.
“This is found in Remus’ room, and evidence of his handwriting on a separated written page on the evidence table confirms that it is his handwriting and even pen ink.” He smiled brightly, trying to find the specific page in question. “There was a page of the both of you together that describes his feelings perfectly with the book I gave to judge Roman, with Remus talking a lot about your… marriage anniversary.”
Although Roman gasped for dramatic effect, Logan’s shock was shadowed from under him. His case will be blown if Patton found the page. Logan knew what he had to do, but he had to be discreet so he wouldn’t be caught. Inspecting his uncuffed hands, he rolled his wrists before flicking his fingers, making an object move from across the room. The object fell from the table and clattered on the ground, and Logan took his chance to eradicate the evidence in the photobook from where he sat. A temporary disappearing 'spell', but it would last long enough for the case. Patton looked away from the clatter to return to the photo album, frowning as his evidence had disappeared.
And a score for Logic.
Janus noticed the smug expression on Logan and the confused face on his partner. Even from a distance, he saw the lacking bulk of pages that would describe their ‘anniversary’ date, and slammed his hands on the table. It could only mean one thing, and he pointed to the witness.
“Objection,” He shouted. “Logan tampered with the evidence when the object coincidentally clattered on the ground.”
“Overruled. Unless you can prove the coincidence, then it will be dismissed,” Roman yawned. “Patton, I’m afraid your time with the witness would be over soon if you cannot gather any other sustainable evidence.”
“Oh,” Patton said, replacing his frown with a cherry grin. “No worries, my question would be finished if that were the case.”
Roman slammed his gavel down to announce the end of the questioning, and both the lawyers sat in their designated seats. Logan was teleported back to his defendants’ spot, sighing when the cold metallic shackles were connected to his wrists once again. He looked aside to Patton, and furrowed at the lawyer.
“Patton, who are you exactly in my case? I doubt you’re my defence attorney.”
Sitting down and sliding towards Logan, Patton adjusted his jacket and summoned some cookies for a quick bite. “That’s the thing, I’m not.”
Gulping down the cookie, he hummed at the sugary chocolate chip before turning to Logan. “Both Janus and I collaborated on the case together. He would just be the leading prosecutor whereas I’m more on the side-lines waiting for your undying confession,” he explained to Logan. Before Logan could object how it was an unfair trial and therefore should be disbanded completely, Roman slammed the gavel to call for silence and prepared for everyone’s attention.
“I call for the second witness to the stand.”
Janus nodded, flinging his wrist to open the doors automatically, revealing the second witness. Seemingly in his green and black striped pyjamas, Logan assumed that one of the others forced his husband to wear some form of clothing before entering the courtroom as boxers may not have been enough. He trotted to the witness stand, also in shackles (considering the convictions were about him too). Remus yawned and glared daggers to the others that dragged him here, and took his heating (Logan) away during his peaceful slumber. Logan internally prayed that Remus wouldn’t do anything stupid during his testimony and questioning, and that the neither of them would contribute to the endless trust bond exercises if the either of them were caught guilty.
Remus seemed to not notice Logan at first, expecting his husband to wear his unicorn onesie. Landing his eyes onto Logan however in the accused's bench, a grin broke in his face and waved to his lover.
“Hey Honeybun, how’s it going?” He shouted, wanting to jump over the witness stand and cling himself into a bear hug before falling down from his seat, the shackles bonded to the floor. Nobody reacted at Remus’ fall, and each instead had their own form of surprise.
Roman saw Remus and thought that his brother could never act like an excited dog, at 11:23 PM no less.
Virgil was jolted awake from the statement, and stared at Remus in shock. By that, he had decided the verdict.
Patton was internally screaming in glee. Their plan had worked.
Janus was horrified, with his mouth open at the words that came out of Remus’ mouth.
And Logan?
Pale with rage in his eyes.
He did whatever he could to divert the case for almost an hour and a half, only for his idiot of a husband to blow it in no less than one sentence. Maybe… just maybe, he would be found guilty on all charges after all, including an attempt of homicide. Logan wished his crofters goodbye when he heard the lawyers fall from their surprise to their laughing cheers, celebrating with a quick kiss shared between them.
Janus spun around after Patton kissed him, smiling with a dopey expression before glaring at Remus. “Hold it for a second,” He said. “How the fuck-”
“Language.” Patton chided in.
“Apologies Patton. Where the fuck did you learn pet names from? I sure as heck never taught you any.”
Remus leaned over in his witness stand, wanting to be close to his best friend as much as possible (whilst being restrained).
“Did you just forget I’m also Creativity, dumbass?” He sighed, looking up to his brother on the judge’s seat. “Do repeat my title for me, ‘oh mighty judge of dick sizes.’”
Roman grumbled, crossing his arms while leaning back on his seat. “Stinky Trash Bastard?”
“No you bitch, the other thing.”
“Remus Sanders, the Duke of Creativity?”
“Ha, there’s your evidence from your ridiculous question Anus. Get lawyered.”
Logan sighed, banging his head on the table before grumbling curses under his breath. Virgil swung his legs on the table by that point, now awake more than ever since Remus stepped in the courtroom. This is what he signed up for. The drama - and he wanted to see it personally.
“Don’t worry sweetie,” Remus noticed Logan’s upset mood. “I’ll steal more crofters for you later once the trial ends and we’ll hide it in the secret stash.”
"And there goes the 4th conviction..." Roman muttered. "Count 4; thievery."
At least he remembers what I like, compared to who I love.
“Remus, you do remember the two sentences carried for this case, right?”
Getting himself comfortable on his seat, Remus tilted his head. “I mean, I know ‘the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’, Star-fly, and something about crofters?”
“No Remus, we have to explain everything, including our feelings.”
Remus’ eyes widened at the words, hissing. “Aw Shit. You’re not gonna do that to us, right guys?”
“I dunno Remus,” Roman said, spinning his gavel. “That is the sentence if you are found guilty on one charge, and so far you’re going to be found guilty on two and a half charges?”
“Two and a half?” The partners said in unison.
Virgil smirked, pointing to Logan. “Do you see the murder in Logan’s eyes when you said that, Remus? I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
Remus cursed under his breath again, whining to the emo. “But he’s my heater. Do you know how cold it is when you’re in bed alone?”
Patton squealed quietly, covering his mouth. “Oh my gosh they sleep together. You’re both so adorable, oh my god look at you Logan - all grown up and living with your life partner- hey wait a second.” He stopped talking, looking between the both of them.
“If you're both married like the photo album said, then why did you never invited us to your wedding?”
“Hey yeah - Where are your wedding papers if you’re both married?” Janus asked. Logan hummed while processing the memory of the papers, shrugging as a response.
“I remember signing mine, and I was actually fairly surprised when the last count was announced,” Logan quipped to himself, sighing when he may of realised something. “Remus, what did you do to your papers?”
“What papers? The wedding papers?”
“No Remus, we were talking about your funeral arrangements- Yes you’re marriage papers you idiot.” Virgil rolled his eyes.
Remus tapped his chin, furrowing in thought before letting out a small sound in realisation.
“Oh. Okay Logan, believe me when I say I did sign the papers.”
“Mhm, do go on defending yourself in a courtroom,” Logan said while shaking his head. He knew where this was going.
“But I may or may not… ate-our-papers-a-few-weeks-ago-with-the-new-deodorant-stick-you-gave-me?”
“You fucking WHAT?”
Virgil snickered at the couple as they began bickering, looking over to Roman and waved to him for attention. “Your honour, I came up with a verdict.”
Roman leaned over to Virgil’s side, hammering for the others to quiet down before Virgil could announce the verdict.
“Not guilty.”
Remus stared at Virgil for a moment, a grin slowly forming on his face as he whooped in joy, celebrating as Logan let out a breath of air. They can finally sleep. Both Janus and Patton stared at him in ‘are you kidding me?’ expression. Virgil watched the husbands have their moment of glee before he could speak again.
“Nice try fuckers, it’s a guilty verdict by a landslide.”
The lawyers nodded as that made sense whereas the partners groaned in unison. Roman slammed the mallet down to announce the end of the case and the sentences carried out. Although the shackles were off the pair, Roman quickly snapped his fingers together to keep the shackles on Logan’s wrists.
“Do you mind, Roman?” He asked the judge as he descended down the stairs.
“Dude, by looking at your face, you’re probably going to kill someone for taking your crofters. Or, well, murdering your 3 year husband? From announcing your secret relationship? Platonic relationship my ass…” He muttered the last part, beckoning Virgil to join him from the jury stand. The lawyered-couple followed from behind, and Logan sat seated as Remus waved from the witness stand.
“Hey Remus?” Logan asked once the door clicked closed when Patton was the last to leave.
“Yeah Cherry-Nerd?”
“What? 5?” Remus tilted his head.
Logan summoned Remus’ morning star in his hands, gripping onto it as he stared at Remus. “4.”
“Oh shit-” Remus scrambled to jump off the witness stand to the door. He slammed it open and checked behind him briefly.
Even if Logan is pissed, he can appreciate the feeling of finally be called his husband. But now, Remus is going to stay on the couch tonight.
"2... and 1-"
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logansanderslove · 5 years
Logan 3.0  12/?
CO-AUTHOR: @demented-dukey
Summary: Remus is an incorrigible flirt, and Logan can only bear the innuendo for so long until something has to give. Passions erupt, but there are more lasting repercussions than either could have predicted, including a significant transformation to Logan himself! How will these new changes affect the delicate balance of Thomas’s mental state? When a new dark side threatens the lives of several of the other sides, will Logan and Remus’s love be strong enough to save everyone, including Thomas?
Sanders Sides: Logan, Remus, Thomas, Roman, Virgil, Patton, Deceit
Fic type: Drama, Romantic, Action, Flirty
Trigger Warnings: no character deaths, but a lot of very close calls. Consensual knife play and blood play, and lots of bloody fighting and monster attacks. If you’re sensitive to unsympathetic characters, some parts flirt pretty close to that, but there’s also a lot of extenuating circumstances to explain the situation, and there’s a happy ending once you get through the angst and misunderstandings. Self-harm and references to such, and suicidal tendencies.
Chapter 12: Logan’s Return
Roman glanced at the clock on the wall - it was late, and most of the sides were asleep. On the TV screen, Moana was silently singing her heart out, closed captioning rolling across the bottom of the screen, but Roman wasn’t really watching it anymore. Virgil had taken Thomas back out of the mindspace and was keeping an eye on him while he slept. Patton was sitting on the floor next to the couch where Deceit was stretched out - they’d decided not to move him too much until after he’d had a chance to heal a little more. Pat had been keeping vigil with Roman until about an hour ago when he’d started nodding off, and Roman turned down the volume of the movie so it wouldn’t disturb him (Roman had started the movie marathon hours ago, turning the volume up to drown out the yelling coming from Logan’s room).
Now, the mindscape was quiet, and the muffled yelling had long since faded. Roman hesitantly considered it a good thing, hoping that the plan had worked. Standing up and stretching, Roman padded over to Logan’s door and quietly cracked it open, slipping inside. He braced himself for the worst - finding his brother cold and dead and bloodless in the chair next to Logan’s bed - and was deeply relieved to see the two figures entangled on the bed, deep in slumber. There was more blood than Roman would have liked to see in congealed puddles and dried splotches all over the tarp and under the chair, but the reward seemed to be worth the price paid. Roman crouched down and waved his hand, using his powers to make the blood and the tarp vanish. He picked up the now-sterile knife and set it gently back on the side-table, and looked around to see if there was anything else he could fix. Remus’s shirt was in a discarded pile of bloody tatters, and Roman removed the stains and repaired the tears, folding the shirt neatly and draping it over the back of the chair.
Nodding his approval, he looked around one last time and saw that Logan’s eyes had cracked open, deep blue irises watching him. “Hey,” Roman whispered, waving shyly. “Sorry to wake you.”
Logan smiled faintly, slowly glanced back at his boyfriend, then he very gently scooted forward and sat up on the edge of the bed, leaning his forearms on his knees. 
"Don't worry about it, Ro. You didn't wake me up. I've been nodding in and out of it for a while." He turned his head. "Re, on the other hand, was out seconds after his head touched the pillow." he sighed. "To think what he did just to get me back is incredible."
Logan then turned back to face Roman, who had sat down on the chair. "I'm sorry."
Roman raised his eyebrow. "For what?"
"For everything that I did. I remember now. In the Subconscious, I basically hunted you and Dee, now Deceit is barely functioning because of me, I could have killed my boyfriend, I probably would have killed you and Deceit if I had found you, and all of this was just a huge mess." Said the neutral side.
Roman was quiet for a moment, then he sighed and shook his head. "No, Logan...no, no, don't blame yourself. That wasn't you. We all knew the day that Fury built himself up enough would be a day of pain. We all knew that. And I am just so sorry that you were the one who had to be weighed down by it."
Logan sighed, nodding, then he took Roman's hand and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you. For all that you've done...for all of us. You care about me, you care about your brother, about Dee, Patton, Virge, Thomas...I swear, there are times when I admire how well you handle taking care of us."
Shaking his head, Roman waved off the praise, “You give me too much credit. I’d probably still be searching for you in the subconscious if Dee hadn’t shown up when he did, and I’m pretty sure he saved my life telling me to manifest the dragons and then hiding us from Fury. He’d be dead if not for Patton’s healing powers - there’s nothing I can do to help them, or to help Virge take care of Thomas.” He sighed, staring at his empty palms, “My skill set… it’s useful, but it’s also severely limited. I’m great at helping Thomas write videos, but when it comes to this… I can’t do much, but I can try to take care of your guys while you do the important stuff.”
"Speaking of," Roman looked up, "Can I get you anything? Food? Water?"
Logan smiled. "You've forgotten your other incredible gift. Kindness." He nodded. "A glass of water would be fantastic, thank you, Roman." 
The Prince nodded and stood up, walking into the Common Area to grab Logan some water. The intellectual turned slightly, looking down at his boyfriend sleeping so peacefully, no doubt dreaming of some beautifully gorey situation where he was the blood-covered victor. Logan brushed his hair gently, sighing.
Staring at his shirtless torso, Logan smiled as he traced his finger over the constellations that marked Remus as his own that weren't under bloody bandages. Putting a hand to his own chest, he almost felt empty without the scar that Remus had branded him. His lips twitched up in a subtle smile. He'd just have to have Remus give him a new one.
The door opened again and Roman walked in with a glass of water, handing it to Logan then sitting back down. It was quiet as Logan took a few sips of the drink, then Roman sighed.
"Logan, are you okay?"
Logan set the glass down on his nightstand, turning his head with a confused expression. "How do you mean?"
"I mean, how are you feeling with Fury and everything? How are you managing it? And...what does it feel like?" asked the Prince.
“I don’t know,” Logan answered honestly. “Most of it is still fuzzy, but a few bits and pieces are starting to come back.” He closed his eyes, trying to focus, trying to remember, but his head just started to pound. Logan rubbed his temples, “I’m… scared. I’m horrified at what Fury has done, at the lengths he pushed Remus to go to get me back, and I’m terrified that it’ll happen again.” He smiled crookedly at Roman. “I believe it’s mostly the lack of knowledge about Fury’s powers and triggers that are the driving force behind my current anxiety. Similar to Dr. Beck’s theory that it’s a patient’s distorted view of reality - for example, the inability to understand the objective causes and effects operating in the concrete situations facing them - that lies at the root of their psychological suffering.”
Roman blinked, offering an easy grin, “You’ve lost me, specs, but it sure is good to hear you sound like yourself again.”
Logan rolled his eyes, but smiled back fondly, “Dr. Aaron T. Beck - he’s the psychiatrist regarded as the father of cognitive therapy, and his pioneering theories are widely used in the treatment of clinical depression and various anxiety disorders.”
“Okay…” Roman nodded slowly, “I’m kinda following… What’s that got to do with Fury?”
“One of the most common types of psychotherapy is cognitive-behavioral therapy. The purpose of the treatment is to help an angry person recognize the self-defeating negative thoughts that lie behind anger flare-ups.” Logan explained, waving his hands animatedly as he talked.
Roman tapped his fingers thoughtfully, “So, you think that if you can predict what will cause Fury to 'flare-up', you can keep him under control?”
Logan shrugged, “It’s a working theory, and will need further testing before a functional plan can be implemented.” 
“Fury said…” Roman trailed off, and Logan waited patiently for him to continue, “He said he was bonded with you, that it was impossible to separate him from you.”
“He may have been telling the truth,” nodded Logan, “The transition I went through when I became a neutral side could have permanently merged us together, and it may be only a matter of time until we fully integrate.”
“I was thinking about that,” Roman said, “Integrating with Fury might be the only way to fully control him and to stop him from putting Thomas and the rest of us at risk again. But I wanted to know how you felt. Do you want to fully integrate with him?” Logan paused, considering, and Roman continued hurriedly, “If you don’t, I’ll find a way to separate you, Logan. I swear it. I don’t care how impossible it is. Deceit managed to get rid of Fury once, and we can do it again. We’ll keep doing it as long as we have to, for the rest of Thomas’s life. You don’t have to do this.”
Logan gave a pained grin. "Again, your kindness never ceases to amaze me. However, what you brought up... I'm not entirely sure what I want. I do want to be able to be my own person again, but then I lose all of this," he gestured to himself and his new appearance. "And I don't want to lose this. It feels good. But I'm also nervous about what could happen if Fury and I fully integrate."
He then rubbed his chin. "You said that Dee was able to do away with him in the past?" Asked the scholar and Roman nodded. "Perhaps I shall see him when he wakes up and ask him to suggest a way. He knows Fury better than anyone, therefore he'd be the one with the most knowledge."
Roman leaned back in the chair, nodding. "Makes sense. I'm just happy to see you functioning again." He then sat up straight. "We should probably go see how Thomas is doing!" He said with a slightly panicked tone. "When Fury took over, he caused Thomas to basically crumble into the worst panic attack I have ever seen. Even Virgil was absolutely terrified. He's watching over him now."
Logan immediately rose to his feet and strode to his dresser, opening a drawer and retrieving a black polo shirt. After slipping it on he spun around with a nod. 
"Let's go."
Pausing by the bed, Logan leaned down to kiss Remus, carefully eluding the hands that clumsily reached out to pull him back into the warmth of the sheets. "Gonna check on Thomas, love."
"Mmmkay." came the sleepy, slurred response, "Wah m'cm w'th?"
"No, go back to sleep," Logan said, stroking his love's hair. "I'll be back soon enough. Dream of me?"
Remus hummed happily, snuggling back down into the pillows. Tucking the blankets around him, Logan gave him one more kiss on the forehead before pulling himself away.
He followed Roman as they sank out of his room and into Thomas's bedroom. Virgil looked up, the eyeshadow deep and dark under his eyes, but he smiled in relief to see Logan, "Welcome back."
Logan offered a small smile. "Apologies for being gone in the first place." His eyes moved to Thomas and his smile disappeared. "How is he?" His voice was more of a whisper now.
Virgil sighed, his hand on Thomas' shoulder. "Better. It'll take some time, Logan. What he went through, what Fury did to both him and Dee, it's going to take time to mend." He looked up to see the guilt in Logan's eyes. Virgil sighed, then took Logan's hand and sat him down next to him. "Logan, you need to get it out of your head right now that you are to blame. This was not your fault. Had any of us been inflicted by Fury, no one would be in control either. That's what Fury does. He basically rips the power away from the host and takes the wheel, steering them any which way he wants. Typically violently."
Roman sat down on the floor, crossing his legs. "So, how did Deceit get rid of him years ago?" He asked, Logan's gaze moving to Virgil to await the response. Virgil sighed.
"Well, believe me, it wasn't easy. He and I had talked about it for days, weeks even. We knew we had to do something, but we soon discovered that only Deceit was strong enough to face him down." Virgil lifted up his sweatshirt and his shirt to show a large, jagged scar that ran across his chest. Both Logan and Roman's eyes dilated in shock as Virgil closed his eyes, letting his sweatshirt fall.
"The thing about the wounds from Fury? They don't heal like normal wounds would. Deceit and Remus' wounds will leave permanent scars, not ones we can just vanish." He pursed his lips. "When he found out that Deceit and I were planning to entrap him, he basically took me 'hostage', you might say. Told Deceit that he'd kill me if he didn't back off. Of course, I told Deceit to ignore him, that we needed to do this, and so Fury just ran his sword right across my chest. Next thing I knew I woke up in Deceit's room in excruciating pain with bloody bandages covering my chest. I don't know what Deceit did, but when he got back, he told me that Fury was gone. I still have no clue how he stopped him."
Virgil looked up at Logan. "You need to understand that now that Fury is latched on to you, your life is never going to be the same. I hate to be that person, but if you don't keep a handle on things, people will die." Said Virgil matter-of-factly. 
Logan didn't realize he had stopped breathing until his head began to pound, and he choked a bit, then he nodded to Virgil's point. "I have every intention of doing my very best and everything I can to keep Fury in check." 
Roman nudged Logan's leg with his boot. "And we're all here to help, Lo. Anything we can do, we'll do. We all want what's best for Thomas. Not only that, but what's best for each other, as well." He then smirked. "Besides. I'm pretty positive that from now on my brother isn't going to let you out of his sight after losing you." 
Virgil shrugged. "I doubt you'll mind, though." He winked, and Logan chuckled with a nod. He glanced to the side at the still sleeping man. 
"We should let him be. He needs sleep to heal and rejuvenate."
Roman yawned. "I think we should all head to bed." He said as Logan stood and offered his hand to Virgil. 
Virgil and Roman sank out, headed to their rooms for some much-needed rest. Logan hesitated, taking one last long look at Thomas’s sleeping form, before sinking out. He rose up in the common room, wanting to check on Patton and see Deceit’s wounds with his own eyes before he headed back to bed.
Patton was still slumped next to the couch, snuffling softly in his sleep. Logan’s gaze was caught by the figure stretched out on the couch, the torn and blood-soaked clothing peeking out under bandages, and his own battered face resting on a cushion. He crouched down next to Patton, gently shaking his shoulder. “Hey.”
Snapping awake, Patton blinked several times behind his glasses before he recognized who had woken him. “Logan!”, Patton cried, and suddenly Logan had an armful of the puffball knocking him back on his butt. “I’m so happy to see you!”
“It’s nice to see you too, Pat.” He chuckled softly, returning Patton’s hug, “How are you doing?”
“Better now that you’re back!” Patton smiled, but the expression fell when he looked at Deceit. “And better than Dee’s doing, by a long shot.”
Logan took another look at the bandages, but it was hard to see the extent of the damages without removing them. “He looks like he’s pretty stable at the moment?”
“He is!” Patton assured him, “He’s a lot better than he was! But… he hasn’t woken up yet or shifted back, and I worry.”
“It’s still a good sign. Give it time.” Logan rubbed Patton’s back, trying to comfort him. “The others neglected to mention that Deceit was wearing my form when he was wounded.”
Patton nodded. "Yeah. He wanted to distract Fury, so he took on your old form to prove that Fury wasn't fully you, that Logic wouldn't do what he had done, and I think he also did it just to get on Fury's nerves." He said, and Logan sighed, then tussled Patton's hair.
"Why don't you head to bed, Pat? I'll watch over Dee for a while. I owe him that." Logan said, and Patton nodded as Logan helped him to his feet.
"Okay, Lo. Thanks." He said through a yawn, shuffling off to his room. Logan moved to the couch, sitting on the edge and feeling his shoulders sag as he stared at the man before him.
It was odd to be looking down at himself when he was really looking at one of his friends, and it was even stranger that it was him from years ago.
Logan brushed Deceit's hair back, shaking his own head as the immense guilt flooded over him. He knew it wasn't really his fault. Fury had basically pulled him out of the driver's seat and jumped behind the wheel. 
But Logan still had a part of him that blamed himself.
"I'm sorry, Deceit. I swear, no matter what it takes, I'll make sure that we get you back. I'll take care of you."
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the only mcr songs i’ve listed to r black parade and na na na na na but u make me wanna listen to them lol do u have any suggestions? what r ur favorite songs of theirs?
Oh boy. Alright. Ok. Everybody sit down, we’re about to have a masterclass in everything MCR.
The thing about My Chemical Romance is they’re a concept album band, which means each of their albums tell a story as a whole. For that reason, I can’t just recommend my personal favourite songs because they’re all part of a big whole. I’ll do my best to break them down in order of personal preference.
TL;DNR: For those of you who don’t have all day to scroll through full album analyses:
My Faves:
(Absolute all time faves are in bold; *** indicate I love these songs too much for my own good and I must be stopped.)
The Black Parade:
***Welcome to the Black Parade***
Famous Last Words
The end. / Dead! (you can’t really listen to one without the other)
Kill All Your Friends (TBP B-side)
Heaven Help Us (TBP B-side)
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge:
***I’m Not Ok (I Promise)***
Ghost of You
***Cemetery Drive***
You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison
Thank You For the Venom
To the End
The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You
Hang Em High
I Never Told You What I Did for a Living
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys:
***Planetary [Go!]***
***Na Na Na***
Bulletproof Heart
The Only Hope For Me Is You
Party Poison
Vampire Money
Conventional Weapons:
***Tomorrow’s Money***
Boy Division
Kiss the Ring
Make Room!!!
***Desolation Row***
Fake Your Death
Common People (BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge Pulp cover)
***Hazy Shade of Winter***
Happy Together*
*these last two are just Gerard Way covers, but considering they’re featuring Ray Toro, that’s half the band right there…
The Black Parade
Concept: A man known as The Patient dies and accounts his life and death, dealing with his struggles with war and disease, and his fears about where he’s going to go in the afterlife.
Track Listing:
The end.
This is How I Disappear
Sharpest Lives
Welcome to the Black Parade
I Don’t Love You
House of Wolves
Famous Last Words
The whole album is honestly so good. It’s worth a listen from start to finish at least once. I’ve got absolutely no bad things to say about the songs that aren’t my faves, as they’re equally as explosive as everything else. That said…
Personal Faves:
Famous Last Words
Welcome to the Black Parade
If you want the stuff that’ll psych you up/empower you, go for Welcome to the Black Parade, Teenagers, Famous Last Words, Mama, and Dead. If you want some real sad shit, go for Cancer, Disenchanted, and I Don’t Love You. I have yet to find out how to not weep all the way through WttBP, Famous Last Words, or Cancer, so you have been warned.
Dip your Toe in the Water With…
Welcome to the Black Parade
Famous Last Words
Things to Keep in Mind
Mama’s got an extra special guest appearance by one Liza Minnelli, and oh man, is it absolutely worth checking out. Next to Welcome to the Black Parade, this one might just be the most theatrical song in the entire album??? Bold statement, but I like to call it the Bohemian Rhapsody of MCR. It’s SO. GOOD.
Blood is the hidden track at the end of the album. There’s about 2 minutes of silence in the original album before it starts. If you want the version without the false start, nab the version from The Black Parade is Dead live album.
If you’re madly in love with this album, you can find their Black Parade concert live in Mexico, The Black Parade is Dead for free on their youtube channel. Throw it up on your tv screen and it’s like you’re there in person.
Kill All Your Friends
Heaven Help Us
My Way Home is Through You
All the Black Parade B-sides are great, but Kill All Your Friends is the real standout (and has the biggest connection to Umbrella Academy, if that excites you reference-wise).
Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
Concept: This is a bit of a split narrative, partially a loving tribute following Gerard and Mikey Way’s grandmother’s passing, and partially a revenge plot. The full plot Gee had in mind took a bit of a backseat after they shifted focus on the grief side of things, but the full original concept is worth the price of admission either way. The revenge plot follows a man who makes a deal with the devil to reunite with his lost lover, if he can collect 1,000 evil souls. He sets out on his murder quest and finally reunites with the woman he loves, only to find she never loved him. He vows to take her down with him, but discovers he’s the 1,000th soul.
Track Listing:
Give ‘Em Hell, Kid
To the End
You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison
I’m Not Okay (I Promise)
The Ghost of You
The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You
Thank You for the Venom
Hang 'Em High
It’s Not a Fashion Statement, It’s a Deathwish
Cemetery Drive
I Never Told You What I Do for a Living
This one is loud and dark, and fast as fuck. I use it almost exclusively as workout music because it will make you want to punch everything in the face. You wanna feel like you could take down all your enemies at once? Listen to this album. This one’s a lot easier to break down in terms of listening to songs here and there instead of all at once.
Personal Faves:
Cemetery Drive
You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison
Thank You For the Venom
I’m Not Ok (I Promise)
Ghost of You
Some Underrated Gems:
The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You
To the End
Hang Em High
I Never Told You What I Did for a Living
Dip Your Toe in the Water With…
I’m Not Ok (I Promise)
Ghost of You
Things to Keep in Mind
Helena is essentially what got the band off the ground. The music video is really something and really set the tone for what early 2000s emo culture would become. If I didn’t love The Black Parade as much as I did, I’d recommend starting with Helena above everything else.
The Ghost of You music video is also a masterpiece. Gerard went to his director and asked for Saving Private Ryan, and that’s what he got! This video also happened to come out around the same time Green Day’s Wake Me Up When September Ends video came out and Gee was worried the anti-war rethorics in both would be too similar, but Billie Joe Armstrong sat him down and gave him a pep talk about how even though their concepts are similar, they’re always going to be coming at it in different ways. 
If you want to get a really solid insight into where the band came from, see the boys goofing off, and see how Gerard’s struggles with mental health and addiction drives so much of what he does, check out Life on the Murder Scene, also free on youtube. It also gives a brief sneaky peek about early days concepts for the Umbrella Academy comics!
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
Concept: In a post-apocalyptic California in 2019(!!!), four rebels who call themselves the Killjoys (Party Poison, Fun Ghoul, Kobra Kid, and Jet-Star) set out to recover a young girl from the evil corporation, BL/ind. Their progress is narrated by Dr. Death Defy, a radio dj who maintains public morale in an otherwise gloomy new world where electricity is a rare commodity and people worship at the hands of Destroya, a giant dormant robot expected to deliver everyone from evil.
Track Listing:
Look Alive, Sunshine
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
Bulletproof Heart
Planetary (GO!)
The Only Hope For Me Is You
Jet-Star And The Kobra Kid/Traffic Report
Party Poison
Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back
The Kids From Yesterday
Goodnite, Dr. Death
Vampire Money
This album is radically different than the others in that it’s much mellower. The songs are interspersed with narrative interludes by Dr. Death Defy to better explain the storyline. Danger Days came after one scrapped compilation album (which I’ll get to soon enough…) At this point, Gee’s comic career had started to take off with Umbrella Academy, and things had started to naturally wind down with the band. Gee’s mindspace was clearly in comic-mode, and he upcycled a comic book idea he had kicking around with a comic writer friend of his, Shaun Simon for the new album. After the band’s breakup, Gerard took whatever concepts they couldn’t realize through the lyrics and music videos back to Shaun Simon to make a Killjoys comic. Much of the concept backstory explained above is pulled from this.
Personal Faves:
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
Bulletproof Heart
Planetary [GO!]
The Only Hope For Me Is You
Party Poison
Vampire Money
This is the album where I tend to get bored halfway through and switch over to The Black Parade (whoops…) But it is 100% worth listening to it from start to finish, again, at least once, if anything, because Destroya and Vampire Money are something else… Bulletproof Heart, SING, and The Only Hope for Me Is You are, at least in my opinion, the standouts of the more mellow songs. S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, Summertime, and The Kids From Yesterday are also super mellow if you’re into the vibe of the previous three and want more of that. 
Planetary Go! is… possibly one of my favourite MCR songs of all time??? (Considering how much I love The Black Parade, that’s a pretty bold statement). It’s the only dance track they ever made, and is it ever a Bop. This is one of my go-to’s when I just need to take a break from whatever’s stressing me out and have a silly little dance party. 
Dip Your Toe in the Water With:
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
Planetary [Go!]
The Only Hope for me is You
Bulletproof Heart
Things to Keep In Mind:
Danger Days is an incredibly visual album! You really need the music videos to get the whole story. Na Na Na and SING tell the whole story pretty succinctly.
If you’re really feeling that cliffhanger from the end of the SING music video, check out the Killjoys comics. It’s a single volume under the same name as the album, following The Girl a few years after the music videos’ timeline.
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W was inspired by Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds by the Beatles, which really speaks to the overall vibe of the song.
Something I literally just discovered now, looking up the album, there’s an EP of basically fight scene tracks off a special edition of Danger Days called The Mad Gear and Missile Kid. I’ve not listened to them yet, but from the looks of things, it’s got a pure punk rock vibe and they’re apparently what the band imagined the killjoys listened to on the road.
Fun trivia that I personally get a kick out of: Vampire Money was written out of spite after Gerard refused to contribute a song to the New Moon soundtrack for Twilight (Stephenie Meyer was a huge MCR fan and approached them numerous times to get involved in the films). 
Conventional Weapons
Here it is! The scrapped compilation album! These songs were written pre-Danger Days and were presented at a concert in Japan, at which point, Gerard realized it wasn’t the sound they were after and it was promptly nixed. It’s a real shame, because there are some jams up in here, but at least they (or their record label, I can’t remember which at this point) eventually did decide to release the full “album” in 5 two-single EPs at a time.
Number One:
Boy Division
Tomorrow’s Money
Number Two:
Number Three:
The World is Ugly
The Light Behind Your Eyes
Number Four:
Kiss the Ring
Make Room!!!
Number Five:
Surrender the Night
Burn Bright
Personal Faves:
Tomorrow’s Money
Boy Division
Kiss the Ring
Make Room!!!
Things to Keep in Mind:
I often like to give a shout out to AMBULANCE and Kiss the Ring for having opening chords that sound exactly like they’ve come straight off a Queen and Green Day album respectively.
See Tomorrow’s Money for the spectacular way they rhyme “vampire/empire/brush fire/tap wire” all in one verse.
See also Gun. for the far sillier way they rhyme “gun/sun/fun/run”. 
You can tell with some of these songs that there was the stirrings of Danger Days in here. Make Room!!! is the most obvious, with the same mantra of “everybody wants to change the world” from Na Na Na making an appearance toward the end.
I think in some iteration between Conventional Weapons and Danger Days, there were some songs that did make it to the Danger Days album that were called something else. Party Poison, for example, had originally been Death Before Disco.
My Chemical Romance, in one form or another, have done some spectacular covers over the years. I’m including the Umbrella Academy covers Gerard did with Ray because that’s basically half the band right there.
Desolation Row (Watchmen soundtrack)
Hazy Shade of Winter (Umbrella Academy)
Happy Together (Umbrella Academy)
Common People (BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge)
Under Pressure (ft. The Used)
Those are the ones I’m aware of. If there are more good-quality covers I’m missing, please, send them my way– I would love that!
I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
Ok, look, I’m gonna upset some people by having this on the bottom of my list. I’m sorry, I feel bad about it, but the fact of the matter is, I’m only now getting into their earliest stuff. Bullets is a bit of an acquired taste because it’s incredibly raw both sound-wise and in terms of content. They recorded it before they had the resources to really put out a crisp sounding album, and they were still learning about how to construct songs, but there’s still a lot of beauty in that that I know plenty people appreciate far more than I do. MCR wouldn’t have gained an underground following without this album, after all!
I have exactly zero stakes in this album, so I’m sure someone else out there has a better grasp of this one than I do.
Concept: I know very little about what’s going on in this album, aside from the fact that Gerard was driven to create the band after being in New York, watching the Twin Towers fall during 9/11. A bunch of his more end of the world storylines from many of his works (including Umbrella Academy) are inspired by 9/11. This is a prevalent thread throughout the album, though I’m not familiar with the how beyond Skylines and Turnstiles.
Track Listing:
Honey, This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us
Vampires Will Never Hurt You
Drowning Lessons
Our Lady of Sorrows
Headfirst for Halos
Skylines and Turnstiles
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville
This Is the Best Day Ever
Demolition Lovers
Personal Faves:
Headfirst for Halos
Honey, This Mirror isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us
Vampires Will Never Hurt You
Our Lady of Sorrows
I’m playing fast and loose with my faves here. I’ve only heard these songs a handful of times, but they’re the ones I’m inclined to at least listen to for the guitar work, which at times, is quite fantastic. I will say though, from what I’ve seen of the lyrics, there’s some stellar stuff in here I hope to properly get into some time soon.
All the guys are still plugging away and releasing music either in their own bands (most recently, Frank Iero andthe Patience and Mikey Way’s band, Electric Century) or solo (in the case of Gerard Way and Ray Toro). I wish I was more well-versed in their goings-ons, but I’ve not been following their musical careers beyond Gerard’s (come back and talk to me if you want to get into his Hesitant Alien solo album and his more recent releases).
And that is your crash course in all things MCR.
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lackadaisycats · 6 years
I don't know if this a bit of an inappropriate question, but how do you deal with procrastination in terms of art. I'm an artist myself but I often draw things months apart and I wanna make myself draw more. Any advice?
It’s not inappropriate. It’s a good question.  Different things work for different people, and I’m not sure my thoughts about it will be helpful, but here they are. (Pardon the excessive verbiage. I didn’t edit…because I should be working >_>)-Break the work into pieces.  Staring down a sizable comic chapter or complex illustration like you have to charge at it wholesale can be daunting. Even if you’re excited about it initially, reality eventually sets in and whatever reservations and anxieties you have stored at the back of your mind quickly become tactics for negotiating yourself out of doing the work. Sometimes even a smaller project can have that effect if you’re thinking of it in terms of how many total hours you’re bound to spend poking at it.  So, parcel it into whatever bits make it manageable, whether it’s looking at the writing, layout, penciling, color flats and final polish as separate tasks or deconstructing it into time segments like ‘however much painting I can get done during the 2 hour duration of this podcast I’m listening to’, then break and strategize your next move.
-Take breaks and reward yourself.  Sometimes I’m really in the zone and I’ll happily work a 10-14 hour shift on something without distraction. More commonly, though distractions do arise, the cat keeps trying to sit on me, my neck hurts, I’m not firing on all cylinders on a given day or I’m not feeling too enthused about the work.  That’s when it helps to use breaks like mini-rewards for each completed task. Stop and watch a half hour of Netflix, play a game, take a walk, stretch, have a snack.  Reward progress. 
-Do stuff you love and are interested in.  Mix as much of the “want to” into the “have to” and “ought to” work as you can. Granted, if you’re doing art for a living, it’s not always an option to focus on your personal interests, but if you’re trying to do your own creative projects, working on a school assignment in which you have some license to choose your subject matter, or if you’re able to be a bit selective with your freelance gigs, pick things that genuinely interest you, or add some of your pet topics to the mix - whatever will heighten your emotional/intellectual investment. I find I’m far more eager to do the work when there’s something about it that I can really glom onto, be it a favorite character, an animal I like to draw, a certain mood I want to translate, a historical setting or costume, a color palette or motif I want to toy around with, etc.
-Step away if it’s not coming together.  Struggling with a frustrating piece of art can be a lot like having a heated argument with someone.  Eventually it devolves into irrational appeals, antagonism and hurt feelings and any chance of productive discourse leaves the scene. Instead of sticking around and making it worse, turning the project into miserable drudgery, set it aside and come back to it later with your composure and sense of perspective intact. That’s not to say all projects must be or should be followed through on, and not all projects will be a continuous bowl of cherries to bring to completion, but it might not be as hopeless or unappealing as it seemed upon returning to it.
-Mindspace and workspace matter.  Find things that help you get into the rhythm of your work. Listening to podcasts, audiobooks and music helps keep me focused when I’m in the midst of the long-haul on comic pages - doing all of the value and toning work that takes hours.  Being in the right place with a comfortable seat, in a comfortable (but not so comfortable you fall asleep) position, with minimal distractions, tools within reach and good lighting is important too.
-Collect inspirations.  Keep things on hand that you can look at for ideas or simply for that motivation to keep on trucking. Personally, I have a lot of art books around, a lot of historical material like 20th century fashion books, books about old cars, books about flappers, comics with great art, funny collections of syndicated strips, character sketches hanging on my walls, and many gigabytes of inspirational and reference images collected off the internet. Sometimes just browsing through one of those folders sparks ideas and makes me want to pick up my stylus.
-Sleep right and eat right.  I have had a deep seated, lifelong terrible relationship with sleep. I’m still working on that part. If you’ve got a pretty consistent sleep schedule, though, you’re probably off to a good start.As for food - it seems perfunctory to say that it matters what you eat. On some level, we all know that, but, yeah, it really truly absolutely does matter..a lot.  When I was 20, I could live on ramen noodles, goldfish crackers, microwave ravioli and energy drinks. I could pull all-nighters on top of that and still keep chugging merrily along.  Boy, the years run like rabbits, though, and eating like a deranged dumpster goat catches up to you sooner than you might think.  I eventually found myself struggling with perpetual malaise, brain fog and a sour mood that made it hard to do anything or to enjoy doing anything. I’m ashamed to admit to how long it took me to realize - after blaming it alternatingly on allergies, anemia, depression - that my apathetic diet was not conducive to basic life functions, let alone fueling creative fires. I started putting some effort into food selections and it has made the difference between fumbling through life in a semi-conscious state and feeling bright and motivated and - in spite of myself - even happy.(And, contrary to the way society romanticizes connections between depression and artistic impulse, most people work better when they feel better.)
-Practice self-discipline.  Here’s the thing no one likes to hear.  Sometimes, no matter how many devices you have in place to make work fun and comfy and something you look forward to, you just won’t feel like it. You will have to be an adult about it. You will have to simply muster the willpower. You can be that “creative” person who has lots of ideas but never anything to show for them because a million vectors for instant gratification circle around you constantly like distracting little red-devil imps. Or you can be a self-starter building toward something, playing the long game with goals in mind; you can dig your heels in, grit your teeth, take a swig of coffee and get down to work, dammit.
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gayfurever · 5 years
Important¡! (Long, I know)
As some of you may have guessed, the other day I posted a pic of some PeekABU's .
Now this wasn't done for no reason. I think there's something y'all need to know
for years. Years
I've been hiding something. A part of me. Something y'all never knew, but I think should. I've been experimenting lately with the DL lifestyle.
But why is this important, Sky? You may ask.
Because I'm tired of hiding. Hiding hurts me. I've been hiding my true self for 7 years. 7.
Now don't get me wrong, I know ABDL's in general kind of have a bad name. But I want to change that. I want to stop hiding. It all started when I was about 10, I was having a problem with bed wetting. And so my mom (and I, due to embarrassment) were tired of cleaning up my sheets and bedding. She had suggested I wear goodnites, "they're like diapers but more big boyish, just for bed". I reluctantly agreed. And since night numero uno, I knew something was up. I liked it. I didn't want to take it off. I was very comfortable, and felt like I was my inner self. Like a security blanket you could say. My mother (after a couple weeks) was tired of buying goodnites and I don't blame her to be honest.
After we stopped buying them I was alright, and forgot about it for a very long while. [Keep in mind I was only 10 at the time] And so after about a couple months, I remembered my cousin was wearing tab-style diapers (for his actual incontinence) and curiosity got the best of me. One night when he went to bed I snuck in and grabbed one. Tena ones I believe. I put it on and there I was, back in that all-safe mindspace (which later I learned is called little space). I couldn't get enough, and every night he went to bed I would get another. And let me tell you, when I went to bed all padded up I slept like a fucking baby. Like nothing I've ever been able experience until lately. Ever since that day, I've been on and off with diapers.
First, it was ABU Spaces. My first real diaper purchase ever ($60 tho). I hid them so extensively because I didn't want mom or dad to find out. I loved my "goods" (as I'll refer to them from here on out) and I slept like a child every night. Still, I didn't ever want to wear in public because I knew if anyone saw I would most likely be pointed and laughed at.
Then we come to more recently; I purchased Crinklz Aquanauts and those were excellent as well! Only problem? the only time I could ever order goods is when Mom and Pops were out of town. Which was almost never so every time they left I took the opportunity. this is the first time I ever began to experiment wearing in public. And by that I mean cover the pamp with two pairs of underwear, and wear my really baggy hoodie over top. And after the first real success, and no pointing or laughter, I decided to give it another go. I wore to work, that was also a success. Next up, school. Another success (but I may have a slight advantage, because I go to a mechanic school so I have a big mechanic's coveralls). After all these successes I was thinking about becoming 24/7. But at the same time, I don't like that idea because I would run out of pamps pretty quickly.
One night, I couldn't sleep and I was experiencing my first full mental breakdown. I was tired of hiding, it was finally coming back to haunt me. The next morning my mom asked me what was wrong, why I look all red and puffy. I basically addressed it like this: "hey Mom do you remember that show called my strange addictions? Yeah well there's something I've been hiding for a little bit that I think I need to tell you because it hurts that I haven't, remember that episode where there was an adult baby? Lately I've been getting into that a little bit but not really baby like, more of the diaper side" and to my complete surprise, she said "oh ok honey, no need to worry about that. Everyone has they're little thing. Why is it that you do this, may I ask?" And that's when I told her "but because it makes me feel safe, secure. It's not like I'm going to make it super obvious or anything, it just puts me at ease and it's easy to get away with" and she just accepted it. Gave me a big hug and told me everything was OK and there was nothing wrong with me. "Just don't tell your dad, or make it obvious enough he notices". I wouldn't. God help me if he did 😂
I've really been wanting to make a sideblog
Because lately I've been taking a lot of pictures
They really help with my self-confidence, and I feel better about myself everyday
Plus I have the cutest pamps you've ever seen
Only problem is, I need a good blog name. I don't know how those other tumblr's do it, this is a whole new world for me to venture into. And if you're up for it, if you're up for the ride, lend me tips n tricks on how you do it. I would like a good blog name, bc it took me a while to come up with gayfurever 😂
If you disagree with my lifestyle, or think it's wrong or gross, I don't blame you. Because every now and then I question myself 😂😂 but if you are not having it, simply do not follow my new blog. Because gayfurever is never going to contain any pictures of me or the things that I like. Just what you're used to
If you read all the way through that, I love you. I'm sorry it's super long and I know you didn't ask for a life story but I just really needed to get that off my chest. Thank you again, for being so kind and understanding and loyal, gayfurever wouldn't be possible with you guys. ❤️ ~Sky
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slashesotron · 6 years
Avery Masterpost & FAQ Part I
CLICK FOR PART II | TAG LINK | Work in progress! Will be updated!
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IMPORTANT: Miscellaneous asks are no longer being added unless they’re deemed essential. Please use control-F or the search function on the blog to find what you’re looking for.
The art and fan works sections are still being updated!
🚑 Summary / Primer 🚑
Avery is a sweet, friendly paramedic who suffers from powerful delusions and horrific jealousy issues. He's also a stalker with some very dark kinks. His dearest dream and primary motivation is to find the one and to keep them safe and with him forever. He essentially has two separate personalities: One is kind, loving, and bound by a strong moral code; a person who doesn't want to hurt anyone and just wants to love and be loved. The other is a dangerous, disgusting, lascivious maniac who adores sex and violence and lives for the snap of bones breaking. He's in a constant, unconscious battle to keep that monster suppressed and controlled.
🚑 Profile 🚑
Name: Sebastian Avery Wynter Age: 30s Birthday: May 3rd ♉ Gender: Male Occupation: EMT/Paramedic (Advanced Care) Height: 6'3" Build: Lean, lanky; stronger than he looks Hair: Ginger (’strawberry blond’ depending on the light) Eyes: Blue-green Skin: Light, freckles. Burns/blushes easily.  Orientation: Pansexual Nationality: Irish (yes, he has an accent) Residence: Ontario, Canada Dominant hand: Right Favourite colour: Red Personality: Sweet, soft-spoken, quietly confident, doting, expressive, a little nerdy. Laughs often, very touchy-feely; seems very kind; most people find him charming. The subject of many crushes, but never seen with a significant other. Role: Mostly a service top but versatile; Stage V is entirely top  Kinks: Blood, screams & other sounds of pain, broken bones, masochism, thigh highs.... not all of his shit is awful, okay? Just most of it Full kink lists: [Stage I-III] [Stage V]
LEGEND ⭐ ESSENTIALS 🎨 Illustrated 📷 Visuals 📝 Fic / Ficlet 🔉 Audio 💘 Sweet 💉 Gross 👀 NSFW
🚑 Supplements 🚑
Aesthetic Tumblr  📷
Playlist  🔉
Fan music recs
Chat bot
🚑 Official art 🚑
Reference [1] [2] [3] [4]
Clean [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
Cheeky [1] [2] [3]
Filthy [1] [2] [3]
WIPs  [1] [2] [3] [4]
🚑 Alternate Universes 🚑
The Dog
Incubus Avery
🚑 Basics 🚑
The Avery Scale ⭐
More reading on the Scale ⭐
Tags: Stage I, Stage II, Stage III, Stage IV, Stage V, Stage VI
Stage IV & V warning signs
Motivations ⭐
Falling for someone ⭐
Why he hurts his beloved
How conscious is he of his tendencies? ⭐
Where did his kinks come from?
Role reversal [1] [2] [3] [4] ⭐ 📝 👀 💉
Pet names 💘 ⭐ 
Attraction & Selection [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Could you talk him down from Stage V?
Could he get sick of you?
The Traumatic Backstory™ tag
🚑 Kidnapping 🚑
How & when does he do it? ⭐
Weapon of choice
Why kidnap people when you’re that hot??
Pet rescue 
Does he let people go? 
Has he killed?
Body disposal / Jealousy
🚑 The Facility 🚑
Comfortable & Safe
‘Romance’ 📝 👀 ⭐
How long do you stay there?
Are you going to kill me?
When do I get the d??
An escape
Stockholm syndrome
Medical play at the facility
Would you ever be taken back?
Your first time together 📝💘
Aftercare 📝💘
You’re so beautiful  📝💘
Watching you sleep 📝 👀 💉 
Show me  📝 👀 💉
🚑 Ankles n’ Bones 🚑
Fantasies 📝 👀 💉 ⭐
His ultimate turn on is super gross 💉
What does he break the ankles with?
When are the ankles NOT broken? 
Metal prosthetics
Does he set your ankles so they can heal?  📷
Are they always broken?
Please don’t break my ankles?
Setting bones
Does he fuck you while your ankles are healing?
Someone breaking their own bones
CPR/Dislocations 📝💉 
Best bone?
Has he broken any bones?
🚑 Cutting sessions 🚑
Session 📝
Sessions: Tools & process ⭐
Could ask him not to use scalpels?
Where does he keep his gear?
Best cutting spot? ⭐
Does the cutting continue as his partner?
Talking to him about it [1] [2]
Syringe phobia
💘 Domestic 💘
His loft / the bath / can anyone see in?
House layout 🎨
Doctor, dentist, barber [1] [2]
Letters from him [1] [2]
Why the fuck does he live in an apartment?
Domestic Avery 💘
A hard day
Movies [1]
Vines and chill
Daddy [1] [2] [3] 🎨
Nicknames for him
Doting on him
When you’re sick
Home alone while he’s out
Bathing together [1] [2] 
Helping you bathe while healing 👀
Justifying that you can’t leave
Going out at night
Could you go out disguised?
Can you use the phone or computer?
Sleeping & nightmares [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
The GPS bracelet [1] [2]
Ordering food
The holidays 💘
Marriage [1] [2]
We need to talk  📝 💉
The apron / Baiting you
Stage IV & V at home [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 
Contacting loved ones
Preparing him to come home
Hide and seek
🚑 How would he react to.... 🚑
A serious masochist?
Getting caught?
Regenerative abilities?
An immortal?
... A neko??
Someone inhuman? [1] [2] 
Someone flirting with him?
A virgin?
Someone cracking their back/knuckles?
Impregnating a captive?
Stockholm syndrome?
The BTD boys? [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
A captive who wanted to stay?
A captive in a pet mindspace?
A captive with a medical condition?
A captive who was a doctor?
An untrusting or uncooperative captive?
A very clingy captive?
A very stoic captive?
A nervous captive / someone who cries easily?
A blind / dead / mute captive?
A touch-starved captive?
A touch-repulsed captive?
A shy captive / someone who didn’t like their body?
A paraplegic/paralyzed captive?
An amputee?
A victim of attempted suicide?
His beloved being abused by someone else?
Hearing about past trauma?
Someone playing tough but isn't?
Being overpowered?
Another yandere?
Being sent nudes at work?
Something going wrong while he was away?
Pretty red underthings?
His partner doing something nice for him?
His partner being eager to get busy
His partner being unconsenting?
His partner gettin’ handsy when drunk?
His partner accidentally cutting themselves? 📝
His partner being trans?
His partner finding his syringes? 
His partner picked up some of his kinks? 📝💉
His partner playing with his hair?
If he was being stalked?
283 notes · View notes
jetbootcollection · 7 years
The Bar with no Name on the Astral Plane
This is a fic focusing on the Voltron Lions. Because the Lions deserve to be main characters too. I’m sure there is a typo in there somewhere. Happy hunting!
For the first time in ten thousand years, Voltron had been formed. The newly minted Paladins did not even know where the Lion’s hangars were yet, instead meeting Princess Allura at the front gate of the Castle. Once the adrenaline of the fight had worn off, Allura directed each Paladin to their hangar hidden in the Castle’s spires. Hunk is the last to be guided into place, nearly colliding with the hangar walls twice. He disembarks, and Yellow watches him disappear through the door on his way to meet the others.
Yellow feels a tug on the edge of his mind. Red is inviting him to the mindspace they share. It takes time to focus enough to project himself into the mindspace, seeing how they have been apart for so long. The Lion’s massive mechanical body seems to melt away as he reaches out for his brothers and sisters, eager to be reunited with them.
By the time all the Lions arrive, the residents of the Castle are asleep. They choice their physical forms, each defaulting to a glowing version of their new pilots. Even after ten thousand years, it takes only a moment to recognize one another.
Yellow is big and boisterous as ever, with no indoor voice unless the situation is serious. He finds Hunk’s form much more agreeable than his last Paladin. She had been thin as a rail.
Red has fire in her eyes and a good natured but wicked smile. She likes Keith’s form for what it is, but lacks a certain something. A tail would be great for balance if she decided to do some running.
Blue is relaxed and high strung at the same time. Always ready to leap into action, but prefers to just lay around lounging until the time comes. Lance’s form is too tall for her liking, but adores the voice.
Black is an imposing and protective presence. Not that he tries to be, it just happens. Shiro’s form is far too small, but even Zarkon’s younger form reminded him too much of was he had been forced to do.
Green is quiet and reserved, but can still take the lead of a conversation if she is interested. Pidge’s form was… odd. She did not know what it was, male or female. It was both, yet neither. It must have to do with her Paladin’s mental image of themselves.
The Lions greet each other and begin building an environment to interact within the void that is their mindspace, but are interrupted by an unfamiliar presence. One that was pink.
“Where…am I?” Allura asks. She sees the luminous humans before her but knows they are not the Paladins that had awoken her from cryo sleep that day.
“Well THIS is most unexpected! Come, Princess, and know us better!” Yellow blasted, startling Allura. He picks her up and rests her on his shoulder with gentle but infinite strength.
“Are you… the Lions? How can this be?” Allura wonders aloud, looking from one Lion to another from her new perch. Red knows she has nothing to contribute to the coming conversation and goes off to build a place to congregate while they catch up, with Green following right on her currently nonexistent tail.
“We are ‘magical space lions,’ as our Paladins like to say. This place a representation of our shared bond to one another. Even we do not understand how it came to be a traversable domain.” Black explained. “But even a Paladin would need a strong bond and an invitation to join us here. Your presence is most puzzling.”
“It could be that Alfor linked her lifeforce to our own. That was how Yellow and Green were found.” Blue offered as a solution. “Such a link would not require an invitation, and would certainly be a strong enough bond.”
“It matters not. She is welcome as my guest.” Yellow protested, seeming to sense an unwelcoming tone in Blue’s voice that simply was not there. He turns to his older brother, and seeing Black give no objection to Allura’s intrusion, he continued. “Now, let us see what Green and Red have been constructing in our absence.”
In the near distance of the void stood several tables, light fixtures that floated in midair, and a long countertop with stools. Behind this countertop was several shelves that were packed with a multitude of bottles. Not a single wall was to be found, but the arrangement of furnishings gave an impression of a closed room.  
“This looks interesting. What has the handiwork of the arms of Voltron wrought?” asked Blue as they approached.
“Keith calls it a ‘bar.’ It is a place of libations that requires a level of maturity to enter.” Came the response from Red, forming a series of sturdy looking chairs with a wave of the hand. Allura is slightly put off by what appears to be Keith referring to himself in the third person. Even more off putting was ‘his’ body language being clearly feminine. She had known Keith for mere vargas, yet she knew enough for the Red Lion’s actions to feel unnatural.
“Shiro knows of these ‘bars’ as well. He would not think highly of Keith’s knowledge of such things if he knew. This seems like a strange choice of venue.” Blacks said, concern edging into his voice. His knowledge of such a place came solely from Shiro, who saw them as places of debauchery.
“It was my idea. Red informed me of the effects of a place such as this and I decided it would be a benefit to us all. However, I was not expecting Alfor’s daughter to join us.” Said Green. Black had watched over the small lion since before she was built, and knew something had to be troubling her to choose such a place to meet.
“Allura is most welcome!” Yellow decreed, taking the Princess from his shoulder and lifting her as far away from the others as he could, as if expecting them to have any intention of sending her away. Allura squeaks in surprise as she suddenly feels several times higher off the ground than her eyes would have her believe.
“Put her down, Yellow. You are scaring the poor child.” Blue said gently, motioning for him to lower his precious cargo. Green and Red both nod their approval. Finally content that Allura was staying, Yellow’s expression softened and he set her down. Allura gives Blue a thankful smile.
“With that settled, show me what this ‘bar’ has to offer.”
Allura had recognized the smell of alcohol when the first bottled had been opened, and made the wise decision to abstain from whatever the bottles contained. Surely anything powerful enough to alter the mind of a Lion would be enough to hospitalize her. And alter them it had; they had loosened up so much that they spoke more like the Paladins they resembled, even using some of the same strange phrases.
Yellow, Allura, and Black are seated at a round table, sharing stories of the time before the war and their thoughts on the new Paladins. Blue is fascinated beyond words with the billiards table, more than content to simply roll the balls around and watch them bounce as she sips her cocktail.
Nearby, Red experiments with the ‘jukebox’ devise. Of the memories she had seen from Keith, how to operate this contraption was not one of them. Small black disks were carried by a mechanical arm that brought them to a central data retrieval station, allowing their contents to be heard. The music the disks contained was foreign and lacked the ebb and flow of Altean music, but not unpleasant to listen to.
Green is slouched over the bar, demanding another drink from the faceless bartender she had conjured into existence after it became clear that none of them knew what to do with the bottles. The combined knowledge of the Paladins came together to form a competent servant. Black notices the three glasses already crowding around her and kicks himself for being too wrapped up in his stories to have seen it. He goes to see if she is alright, bracing for whatever acidic comments she may have for him.
“Quiznakl’ku you old cat.” Green spits as he nears.
“Tha’s no way to talk to Black, missy!”  Yellow called from the table, tankard of ale in hand. “Now get your bobtail over here where we can see ya. You’ve had enough.”
Green looks like she is about to explode with anger. Black wisely takes a step back. “Don’t call my tail short ya fat bastard!” Allura could almost see Green’s head morph into a more lion-like shape as she turns to face Yellow, but the only true change to Pidge’s form was the sharp teeth that were brought to bear. She had almost forgotten that the people around her are far more powerful than they appear, capable of altering every facet of their environment.
Black moves to put a hand on her shoulder, half restraining and half comforting. She calms down enough to sit back on her stool, teeth returning to normal. After a moment, Black holds her arm to lead her to the table. “No.” she protests weakly before the tears start to well up.
Blue and Red watch from afar, distracting themselves from the commotion by playing an actual game of billiards. They share a look to wordlessly agree that the boys could handle the ramblings of a drunken Green.
“Pidge…I mean, Green, whatever is the matter?” Allura asked the small Lion. It had not been the first time she mistook one of them for their Paladins, and it would not be the last. Green looks as if she is being led to the gallows, sobbing by the time she sits at the table.
“I g-gave up.” She cried wetly as her face rested on her arms.
Black isn’t sure what to make of it. “Gave up on what?”
“ME!” Green yells as she snaps her heads to look at Black with angry red eyes before limply falling back into her arms to continue sobbing.
Everything stops. The bartender freezes mid step. The music hangs in the air. Even the billiard balls ricocheting around the table come to a standstill. Allura could feel the wall-less room become smaller as the Lions focused on Green and what she had said.
“Come again?” said Yellow, so softly that Allura nearly jumped at the new, smaller voice beside her.
Allura didn’t see Red close the distance between them but she was holding Green a tick later none the less. Green cries deeply into her sister’s shoulder. “I’m not like you guys. It was so l-lonely.”
“oh.” Said Yellow, quieter still.
The Lions let her work through the tears and the tension slowly falls. The billiard balls lazily resume their motion and the bartender slowly returns to his duties.
“We all get it, but you’ve scared Allura.” Red said softly as Green continued to cry into her shoulder. “She can’t feel you like we can.”
“Okay.” Green said with a shudder, sniffling as she tries to dry her face with her sleeve. Seeing how distressed the small humanoid was made Allura want nothing more than to comfort the Lion. But by the way Blue was circling Green as a mother circled a wounded cub, she knew to keep her distance.
“I never knew what it was like to not have a Paladin before.” Green started, face still moist. “My Paladin had been there the day I came into the world. I didn’t even have legs yet.” Green chuckled sadly as she remembered her first Paladin.
Black had a similar experience. Zarkon had been a part of his construction, after all. The difference being that he had been quite happy to turn away from his former Paladin when he betrayed them. Blue, Red, and Yellow had all lost a Paladin before the war broke out and remembered how hard that had been. First the loss, then the emptiness that could only be filled by a Paladin. They had learned to cope with it, but had done so with the support of the others. None of them come fathom going through such pain alone.
“Alfor sent us away, told us to wait. And I waited, and waited, and…” Red had to rock her gently to keep Green from crying again. “…and I gave up.”
Allura thought back to the time before the war. The first Green Paladin had been inseparable from his Lion. The Green Lion was the last of the Lions to be built and had been only a few decapheebs old by the time Zarkon betrayed them. She was by no means a child, but inexperienced nonetheless.
“How long did you make it?” asked Blue, sounding as if she was trying to encourage a failing student.
“After 7000 years was when I put my particle barrier down. 7400 before I let the vines overtake me.” Green said, sounding ashamed of herself. “I just laid down on that temple and let those dumb sloth things worship me like a statue.”
“But you got through it, sis. Remember how bad Yellow was the first time? He found a new Paladin within a quintent and still spent the next three nights crying.” Blue said teasingly.
“Hey now. There’s no need for that.” But it was too late. Green was already a giggling mess.
Allura was amazed by how fast things had turned around. Green joined them at the table for more stories with only puffy eyes to even hint that she had been a wreck mere moments ago. At some point, while Black was telling an embarrassing story about the time they had visited a slime planet, she drifted off to sleep.
Allura awoke to the squeaking of mice. She had a strong desire to return to her dream, but could not remember what it had been about. A quick glance at her bedside ticker informed her she had slept in.  It’s not like they know my sleep schedule anyway. She thought to herself.
Making her way to breakfast, she finds the Paladins already poking their way through their plates of food goo. She takes her place at the head of the table, next to Pidge. Shiro starts to brief the team on plans for a training regimen to get them all into fighting shape. As Garrison cadets they were by no means fat or lazy, but it was clear they all needed combat training if they were going to save the universe.
Pidge goes to raise their glass to their lips when Allura puts a hand on their wrist to stop them. “I think you have had quite enough, Pidge.” She says without knowing why. Everyone gives her a questioning look, including herself.
“Princess, it’s just water.” Pidge said while swirling the contents of the cup. “You make it sound like I’m some wino coming off a bender.” Shiro’s eyebrows shoot up. Surely Pidge was too young to know about such things. Lance and Hunk have similar reactions.
“I’m sorry.” Allura says, withdrawing her hand. “For some reason I…I’m sure it was just a dream.”
In the depths of the Castle the Lions share a knowing purr.
Quiznakl’ku translates to ‘go quiznak a thorn bush.’
I’m not good at writing drunk people. I’ve been to a bar a grand total of ‘once’ and only had a single hard lemonade. The friends I went with had work in the morning, so I didn’t exactly get a lot of data.
I like to think that the build order for the Lions went Black, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green. And that Black’s wings were a late addition, the same time Red was built. Hence the color.
My friend @zephynight is entirely to blame for this fic coming to fruition. At least someone understands how I feel about AU oversaturation. Seriously, how many coffee shop and university AUs do we need? Canon compliant works just fine for me. 
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starlitsea · 7 years
The first part of the finale.
Listen to monotone robot man. Why would anyone follow this dude?
Baby Elizabeth is soooo cute. ;__;
This conference looks SO AWKWARD with the Enterprise crew just … standing on the stairs in the background. Phlox is the only one who looks cheerful and everyone else looks like they’re waiting for the dentist to pull out their wisdom teeth.
Clap clap clap.
Archer KNOWS they look bad so makes everyone clap harder.
Trip REALLY doesn’t want to clap. If you watch carefully, it looks like T'Pol caught a stray thought from Trip and is just sharing in his sullenness. Archer probably made them stand away from each other because it would be waaaay too obvious otherwise.
Aw, look at this crew. Sourpusses together.
Trip says something. T'Pol answers, but even her words sound completely unconvincing.
They are totally having a private mental bitch session and none of you can convince me otherwise. T'Pol has a bit of a delay before moving down the stairs too, as though she’s finishing listening to Trip grousing in her mindspace. Also, it looks like she’s zoning out a couple of times on the stairs. LOL.
Random woman staggering in wearing a jacket from 1970.
T'Pol is backing Trip’s POV up to Archer. My babies have come so far since Season One! Also, that quick amused look Archer gives her. Like, oh, backing up Trip, huh?
Look, the bad jacket lady is shoving something at T'Pol while saying, “They’re going to kill her.” She looks like a bomber or a shooter.
Is there NO SECURITY at this Very Important Conference?!
T'Pol looks very concerned by the words of this person who has wandered in off the street.
But no, she’s a dying, emotionally disturbed good Samaritan who has a DYING MESSAGE.
Or a vial with hair in it. Doesn’t the hair look TOO LONG for a baby?
T'Pol has the facts about Susan Khouri and has clearly been doing some digging. Trip just looks befuddled. He’s more concerned about who the hair belonged to. Clearly he thinks there’s some sort of hostage situation.
Trip and T'Pol as a duo standing together is a good thing because this is a crazy truth bomb that is about to be dropped on them.
Phlox is like, yes, I know exactly who the hair belongs to. It’s a baby that contains Vulcan and human DNA.
T'Pol’s face is very calm and considering.
Phlox: I did everything possible to verify these shocking hair results.  It’s TnT’s baby!
Trip turning to T'Pol all: Wait, we had a baby?!
T'Pol looks a little unsettled by all the looks but is otherwise like, yeah, of course? in her demeanor.
Of course, the very next scene she is meditating so she isn’t THAT calm about it. Aaaaand obviously she knows who is at her door.
Trip strides in all: “We gotta talk about this.” We can only wonder how they left the conversation after sick bay but it doesn’t look like they got anywhere with it if this is where they’re starting. I assume there was a lot of Trip going, ARE YOU SURE? And Phlox going: Did I stutter?
Anyway, Trip sits down and steeples/smooshes his hands against his face. This is not an easy conversation.
T'Pol’s like, OK, I am not sitting next to you as it appears you may behave irrationally. Also, I dunno what’s going on either.
Trip’s all: Science! DNA! Verifiable facts! Logic!
T'Pol: Are you calling me a liar? I’ve never been pregnant. Like, ever.
Trip: Then WTF is going on?! I’m so confused and distraught. (Though really, if we look at the date of the first time they had sex, unless the Vulcan gestation period is VERY short, I don’t think they could have a six month old? Like, I guess human females pregnant with a half Vulcan baby actually have a TEN month long pregnancy? And she would have probably had to get pregnant when they were chasing the Xindi and like … hidden it for months as their ship was on the verge of breaking down???)
T'Pol can’t explain how it’s possible and Trip is just … not dealing very well.
T'Pol: Do you believe me?
This is a really important question. This is a crisis here. Like, this is basically her LIFE PARTNER (and father of her child(ren)!) questioning whether she is telling him the truth.
And we don’t see her expression but we see Trip’s expression, and slowly, slowly, he says, “Yeah.” He believes her. Phlox must be wrong.  If she’s never been pregnant then she can’t have a baby.
He is having some MIXED feelings here. On the one hand, we KNOW he loves the idea of having kids with her. He LOVES THEIR KIDS. He was SO DAMN HAPPY about Lorian. On the other hand, at least T'Pol is not a giant liar McLiar McLying face who had his baby and hid it from him only to have dangerous people kidnap it?
And ever since he said that he believed her, she’s been moving closer to him. And she sits down in front of him now, so close, now that they are finally able to be in the same space, and she tells him, she knows that it’s their baby.
He’s like, Wait a minute, did you NOT just tell me two seconds ago that you’ve never been-
She hasn’t.
And now he’s all angry and confused and going crazy again. WTF is going on?!
Here you can hear the emotion leak out of her. She can’t explain how their baby exists, but it does.  There is definitely a baby out there that is theirs.
And Trip’s face is just a picture of WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING? How do you know that?!
She just rapid-fire responds with: I’m Vulcan.
His disbelieving face is the best. It’s like she said, I know because I’m a witch. And he just slumps a little like, Samantha, why didn’t you tell me you were a witch BEFORE we got married?! (Okay, I actually dislike so many things about Bewitched, but this is just the example that popped to mind!)
Archer has faith in humanity. Yes, reference that theme song!
He’s rebutted with: We can’t afford to operate on faith.
Archer: No, ‘cause I’ve got faith of the heart! I’m going where my heart will take me! I’ve got faith to believe, I can do anything!
Archer is like TnT are going bananas, please tell me what you found out.
Yeah, now Archer has to call on Malcolm for a shady favor.
Malcolm hanging out at the actual docks. LOL.
Ugh, now Malcolm is back in the shady covert organization. All for Archer.
Everyone’s like: where did this baby come from? The mysterious secret dude doesn’t even know.
The bad guys are plotting. The TnT baby is so cuuuuuute that no one can resist. She’s a cutie patootie.
Terraists are always totally crazy (see LoGH, I mean Terraists).
Megalomaniacs always have scale models of buildings in their rooms.
I still don’t see any security at this conference!
Why do politicians always look so sleazy?
Archer is being pretty decent at getting information for once. Not enough underlying threat, though.
Travis’s subplot again. Hi, subplot. Travis is mad because Gannett broke up with him.
Trip needs some one to talk to so he goes to Phlox, because as you know, starships were not equipped with Counselors back in the day.
Trip gets right to talking about the baby. He wants to know about it, if it’s a boy or a girl. After what T'Pol said, it’s become real to him.
He’s so gobsmacked that she’s a girl. He’s in awe. He is fucking INVESTED. Immediately. Instantaneously. As soon as he let himself believe in it. (He is gonna back SUCH A GOOD DAD.) Now he wants to know if she’s okay, being a hybrid. (I mean, he’s seen Lorian so he knows it’s possible for her to be fine.)
Phlox says humans and Vulcans are pretty similar (yeah, all that Seeder stuff) so to the best of his knowledge, she’s perfectly healthy. (Nuuuuuu, whhhhyyyyyy.)
Trip is relieved and smiles a little bit. Then Phlox is a little TOO free with the info and tells him that she has his eyes. He laughs. Lorian had his father’s.
And T'Pol’s ears. Lorian had those too.
Trip’s still flabbergasted. It’s so much to take in.
Phlox is like, yeah, it’s totes weird since T'Pol’s never been pregnant. (And as her DOCTOR, he should know.)
And then Trip says: She could have gotten pregnant and not told me about it.
I will cut him a little slack because the situation is so completely bizarre and they were definitely having their fair share of problems, but, seriously Trip, you need to have more faith (of the heart)! That was beneath you.
Phlox does not bat an eye that they’re clearly sleeping together (well, he half orchestrated the whole thing), but the way he says, “Ah,” is so heavy and chiding. “And she had the embryo removed, also without your knowledge. I believe you know the answer to that theory, Commander.” Phlox is shaming him for his line of thought and Trip acknowledges it and that he’s wrong to think it. He knows that he should believe in her.
Phlox is like, OK, I will give you a pass this time, but you better not be a dumbass about it and say anything like this to T'Pol.
Trip thinks hard, nods, and says that’s good advice. He just won her back after a hard fought struggle. He’s not enough of an idiot to throw that away again.
Trip shares the fact that his father always wanted a granddaughter and bothered his sister about it all the time. (Was Lizzie married? I think originally he might have been supposed to have an older sister, but she got wiped from canon, so it must be Lizzie who’s being referenced.) For once, talking about his sister doesn’t seem to be painful for him. He’s smiling.
Phlox plays along and says it seems his father got his wish.
Trip shakes his head and blows out a breath, feeling overwhelmed. Here he is, dealing with sudden fatherhood. But to his credit, he already loves this baby he’s never met.
Ugh, listen to these xenophobic Terraists. Watch this robo-dude shoot himself up.
Travis and subplot checking out the shuttlepods. Ah, Shuttlepod One. The scene of many close encounters. You guys should close the door at least? C'mon, Travis.
Trip and T'Pol are the only ones sitting at the table. Like everyone else is standing around giving a presentation and the two of them need to be sitting in case there’s more bad news. Trip immediately volunteers to go on the undercover mission to the moon. T'Pol looks conflicted for a second, listening to him, but makes up her mind that she also wants to go. They’ve gotta get to their baby. Archer sees their resolve and doesn’t argue.
Doctor dude from earlier is the end result of ROCKS FALL.
Why are we mining the moon? Poor moon.
Trip and T'Pol are apparently the ONLY ONES on the undercover mission. Like, uh, you couldn’t send a couple MACOs??? These people have their baby. DON’T YOU THINK THEY’RE KIND OF RECOGNIZABLE?
Anyway, they are quibbling over directions while dressed in truly ugly jumpsuits.
Trip accuses T'Pol of downloading an outdated map.
She’s affronted. The map is fine!
Trip: “Maybe you’re reading it wrong.”
She is so peeved right now. She is pursing her lips in annoyance. THIS is the man she’s in love with? Really? But she restrains herself like a Vulcan and offers gently, “We can ask for directions.”
Trip is NOT asking for directions and tells her to give him the map.
He tells her that he’s figured out the problem and she clings on to this glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. “What?”
“We’re lost.”
Her irritated face is a delight. They’re lost. Also hilarious.
He suggests going in one direction and she inquires as to his reasoning.
He doesn’t recognize the tunnel and she bows her head and gives in.
Well, they’re alone in this tunnel so she wants to have a heart to heart. She knows he’s not convinced that she told him the truth about the child.
He looks really serious here when he asks her what she means.
She looks both sad and a little testy as she says, “You think I might have gotten pregnant without your knowledge.”
He can’t really deny it and looks away, but tries to defend himself anyway. “I never said that!”
“I know.” Jolene’s delivery here is so good? She is acknowledging that he didn’t say that even if he was thinking it, and she knows it was because he didn’t want to hurt her, even if she is still hurt by it. She does a little swallow after she says it too.
He’s not mad or anything but the first thought that comes to his mind just pops out of his mouth: “You’ve been talking to Phlox.”
And by this T'Pol is a little skeptical as to where the conversation has gone and turns it around on him. “Nooo? Have you?”
Now he’s kind of frustrated but not mad. “Look, it’s because you’re Vulcan, inn’t it, that you know all this?!” Like he’s at a perpetual disadvantage and T'Pol is full of some witchy secret mind-reading knowledge that he’s not privy too. She knows that the baby is theirs. She knows that he has doubts. (Darlin’, she could read you without the psychic bond. And don’t forget, you once told her the same thing.)
He’s sick of the bond!
Now, this riles her up. She doesn’t particularly enjoy it either. Especially when it tells her her partner is doubting her!
But the way Trip handles this really shows how much he’s grown and that he really took his talk with Phlox to heart. He tells her that for the last time he DOES believe her and that if she gets any more feelings (I think he was probably going to tell her to talk about them with him first rather than stewing in her own juices) – but he gets distracted by T'Pol staring over his shoulder.
Yup, they finally found the area they were looking for. So Trip was right about that. And then they have to table the conversation because finding their baby is more important.
Also, hasn’t it been a day or two since you guys were originally having sex? You were the one with the friend on the moon base so TnT could sneak in so you had to have been productive at SOME point. Were just helping out between bouts of having sex in the shuttlepod?! Has Gannett just been hanging out on the ship the ENTIRE time?
Hoshi is fixing the universal translators. Malcolm is getting antsy.
Trip’s been singled out and is playing along to get in good with the good ol’ boys club. Uh, Josiah is being a Xenophobic butthead, but the rhetoric sounds so familiar. It’s not lost on me that they have multiple black men AND an Asian being xenophobic buttheads, BTW, but in Star Trek race isn’t an issue anymore. It’s species.
T'Pol comes up and without preamble starts to tell him that she’s figured something out. He grabs her, makes a gesture for silence, and hides her behind him to make sure everything’s clear. Gotta protect his lady.
T'Pol’s telling him about the dead doctor with the air of someone revealing the set up of a murder mystery.
Trip immediately knows that she’s not buying the cover up and they agree to split up and figure out what they can tonight.
Ugh, I don’t want to listen to the alt-right meeting, I mean … no, that’s exactly what I mean.
T'Pol is checking out the scene where the doctor’s body was found and of course she gets shot.
5 thousand unregistered aliens on Earth. Could be 10 thousand. Humanity won’t exist in the future because of aliens among us. Wow is this episode timely. Like LOOK, THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS SPOUTING THIS BS.
Trip, you’ve been found out. Your face is too famous.
Yeah, Archer and Malcolm have found out that your girlfriend is a spy.
Trip gets thrown in the room and the first thing he sees is T'Pol sprawled on the ground, struggling to get up. “Are you all right?”
“I think so.”
When he hears that, he is so upset that she didn’t respond with “Yes.” That means she got hurt or worse. He sees the guard and rushes at him, demanding to know what he did to her. He is about to go to town on this guy but is held back.
The guard smirks at him and says, “Not nearly enough.”
Trip’s face right now? This is the face of a man memorizing all of your features, buddy. So that he can find you later and beat the ever-living crap out of you so that even your own momma doesn’t recognize you. HOW DARE YOU.
Now Paxton comes and is just so ludicrous with his delivery, comparing them to Romeo and Juliet, (Seriously, you guys were SO NOT DISCRETE – EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT YOU), ranting on about them being starcrossed lovers …
Trip is wondering if this is all a huge joke. Is he being punked right now?
He and T'Pol both come to the realization that Paxton is the man in charge.
Then he rambles on about their baby being fine.
T'Pol is so pissed. Trip is so pissed too. He demands to see her.
Paxton yells: “No!” and then starts ranting some more. Trip’s face is like, WTF is even happening?
Paxton starts dissing Vulcans in particular. Then he starts dissing Trip and T'Pol’s relationship in general.
T'Pol wants to punch Paxton in the face and she is logically considering whether it will be worth it. Emotionally, it will be SO worth it. But logically, it could put the baby, Trip, and herself at risk.
I have always thought this, but apparently Trip and T'Pol are SO NOT discrete that even an organization of xenophobic whackjobs knows about them. Goodness.
TnT exchange a look, like, is he serious right now? This is the guy who’s the threat? THIS yahoo?
Yeah, the moonbase is mobile. He’s just letting Trip and T'Pol stand around with no guards? Like, really?
Gannett is being interrogated and wants a lawyer. Travis cannot believe this is happening.
Hoshi is only slightly judging.
Yeah, that’s correct, the entire mining facility is taking off.
Trip and T'Pol thinking that they’ve been caught by an absolute madman here who’s going to warp INSIDE the system.
Trip is like, WTF is holding this together, spit and string? Why would you even make this monstrosity?
TnT are a unit here.
Since when did we arm Mars?! With, like, the outpost from The Martian and lasers shooting out of the satellite dish?
Why are we ALWAYS firing on our poor Moon? Like, LEAVE THE MOON ALONE.
T'Pol literally feels sick standing next to this man.
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spejoku · 7 years
Work does not mean just producing
If youre studying the arts or writing or any other creative activity and you want to make it a career, the advice you always get is “always work. make sure you’re producing things regularly, things that challenge your talents and force you to grow”
now while that’s good advice in it’s own way, I and many people I meet frequently interpret that to mean “if you are not drawing that one project you are wasting your time and are a failure. If you are not actively producing, you are wasting your time and everyone else’s”
this isn’t true.
You’re human. Your attention, your energy is a resource you need to manage. You need to eat, sleep, move around! if you don’t take the time you need to rest, you’ll make yourself sick. 
so allow me to expand the definition of work. Work isn’t just producing, work is also brainstorming, reference gathering, experimenting, researching, and sometimes even just having artistic fun! Work is finding artists you love and analyzing them, making thumbnails and outlines, throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks. Yes, work on that project, but also allow yourself to loosen up, let your mind and pen wander, and warm up before you start firing on all cylinders!
And if you know and want to work on a big project but can’t get yourself started? then you need to practice a little Creative Inertia. An artist in motion will stay in motion. so doodle! draw little windows and what you see beyond them! write nonsense sentences or throw words together! if you lower your barrier of entry, you’re more likely to get started.
Every teacher I have ever met has taught and retaught me that the intensity of your effort matters much much less than the frequency of your efforts. a 7 hour drawing session and then nothing the rest of the week is less helpful than 7 one hour sessions, where you’re bringing yourself into the “I’m making stuff now” mindspace every day.
And remember, sometimes in order to be the best artist you can be, you need to be still. rest, compose yourself, allow your mind-silt to settle before you start diving in again. Take care of yourself! 
I believe in you! you can do it!
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