#mindy's writing
dizscreams · 1 year
Drunk n Love — Ethan Landry ★
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PAIRING: Ethan x gn!reader
SUMMARY: Ethans drunk and he says some cute and lovey stuff
WARNINGS: none :)
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You were walking around this stupid frat party wondering where your boyfriend went. You saw Mindy and Anika on the couch so you went to them first. “Hey guys, have you seen Ethan? I can’t find him anywhere,” you ask worriedly.
“Uhh I think he’s in the kitchen with Chad,” Mindy tells you and with a nod of your head you go to look for him. Pushing past all these sweaty people you wonder why you’re even here. Chad had convinced Ethan to go and Ethan didn’t want to go without you, he had practically begged you. You loved him but he was such a piece of work when he wanted to be.
You go to the kitchen and the first thing you see is Chad and Ethan chugging whatever’s in their red solo cups. “Heyyy Y/N!” Chad shouts as he slams his cup on the counter, clearly drunk. ‘Oh god’ you thought. You look over at Ethan who can barely stand on his own. “Chad, what have you made him drink?”
“Hey I didn’t do anyyythin’ he has a mind of his own and a very smart one too! What I do- or wait what HE does is not my fault,” he says defensively with his hands raised.
“Uh huh- right.” You go over to Ethan and put your arm around him. Fuck he was heavy. “Hiii y/n you look so pre-pretty,” he says with a hiccup. You mutter a ‘thank you eth’ and then look over at Chad, “I’m taking him home. You stay here and I’ll get your sister,” you say pointing to Chad with a stern look.
“Yeah yeah whatever mom,” he slurs and pours himself another drink.
“C’mon Eth, let’s get you home.”
“Yes ma’am.” You roll your eyes and make your way back over to where Mindy was. “Mindy! Your brother’s in the kitchen absolutely wasted I think it’s time to take everyone home.”
“Aw shit alright. Thanks, y/n.” You nod and try to get Ethan to move with you but he was too busy staring at his hands. “Ethan what the hell are you doing?”
“Look- look at my hands why are they so big? They’re like very large.” You try not to laugh and grab one of his hands. “Yeah they’re so strong now cmon let’s go home, Eth.”
“I don’t want to.”
“You have to.”
“Nuh-uh you can’t make me,” he says sticking his tongue out.
“Ethan I swear to god if you don’t move right now I will kick your ass.”
“Ooo i like you mad you look hot,” he says with a goofy smile and a giggle as he sways. “Ethan! Come on!” You’re now dragging him out of the door and he mutters an ‘okay okay’.
You end up finally making it to his dorm after a long walk that should’ve only been five minutes. You walk him to his room and place him on the bed. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans that probably weren’t going to be comfortable to sleep in.
“Ethan, do you have any pajamas or something more comfortable?” You ask pushing some curls out of his face.
“Mhmmm they’re in the sec- second drawer, baby.” The poor boy could barely hold his head up. You nod at him before going to the drawer and pulling out plaid blue pajama pants and grabbing a random gray t-shirt.
You sit the clothes in his lap, “Here go get dressed in the bathroom.”
“I don’t wanna get upppp,” he whines.
“Ethan I don’t wanna watch you change-“
“You’ve never had a problem beforeee,” he giggles.
“That’s when you’re sober dumbass,” You playfully push his shoulder and he falls back on the bed dramatically with a ‘so rude!’
“Fine, I’ll just turn around.” And you do so as he changes. You could hear him struggle trying to get his shirt off and wanted to laugh at him. He didn’t get drunk often, but it was slightly amusing to you when he did.
“Okay Okay im good now,” he tells you.
“Alright, let’s get you in bed,” you say and he crawls under the covers. You put a light blanket over him and kiss his head as you go to turn off the light.
“Wait-” he stops you as he gently grabs your wrist. “Are you not gonna sleep with me?” he asks with a pout.
“Ethan, I have to go.”
“Nooo! No you don’t. Can you just- just stay with me until I sleep? Please?” He says with his big brown eyes looking up at you.
“Okay, but only till you fall asleep.”
“Yayyy!!” You shush him for being too loud before you’re under the covers with him. He turns so his back isn’t facing you anymore and instead he wraps his arms around you while his chin is on top of your head.
“Hey Y/n?”
“Yeah Ethan?”
“You know I love you right. I love you a lot and thank you for takin ca- caare of me. You’re a good partner.”
“I love you too and you’re welc-“
He cuts you off, “I’m gonna marry you some day, did you know? We’re gonna have a weddin a faancy one too,” he smiles to himself.
You’re stunned for a moment before the biggest smile is across your face. You’re about to respond but you see he already closed his eyes and was ready to sleep. You lay there with him not wanting to get up and decided you were going to stay there all night.
Even though he probably wouldn’t remember this tomorrow, you would, and you’d treasure the memory.
That boy has your whole heart.
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this sucksss but I love him so much :( AND IM SORRY GUYS ILL WORK ON REQUESTS TMR!!
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measurelessdreamer · 30 days
Part II of my musings about my scogan kid fic idea (read part I here)
It’s very delicate. And Logan doesn’t deal with delicate. He can deal with force and dangerous and what-doesn’t-kill-you-makes-you-stronger. A four-year-old girl calling him “dad” is nowhere near any of these things.
And Summers must know how much of a deal this is because he’s quiet the whole time they walk to his office to talk, for which Logan didn’t ask but Scott offered anyway, without the typical stoic composure Logan was used to seeing on him.
Then they get there and neither of them can really sit down or start because where do you start after seeing something like this? After apparently living in a universe where time-travel is possible and it happens to be your damn luck that you have to live with its consequences?
And Logan realises that Scott could ask first. He wasn’t there when Logan talked about his timeline with Charles and as far as the little girl goes, calling Scott “papa” is on the same spot of “urgent” as calling Logan “dad” is.
But Summers speaks in the end and, surprising no one, he decides to be unselfish and asks Logan what he wants to know. Logan gives him a look that must speak for itself because Summers clenches his jaw but still waits and Logan hates him but not really and so he asks, “The girl. Who is she?”
And Scott says that her name is Kayla (because I happen to be a big fan of Wolverine: Origins and I always have been ever since I saw it when I was, like, thirteen, and despite all the sad stuff about Kayla, I loved the message of her words to Logan that he’s not an animal and I think it would be nice to have that message survive in a little girl who at some point learned to love him enough to call him dad because if that doesn’t say he’s not an animal, then I don’t know). It might warrant a reaction from Logan right away. He might know what the name means, the Logan of this timeline probably didn’t (but it’s possible he doesn’t know either).
So he asks who gave her that name, to which Scott replies that he chose it and Logan asks why they would let him and Scott says because he was the one who found her. There is something Summers isn’t saying, though, and although Logan can tell, he lets it go this time.
Found her? he asks next and Scott says I assume you’re familiar with the name “Stryker”, to which Logan lets out one of his claws, the middle one, akin to all those years ago on the Liberty Island and he doesn’t know what he expects, but the soft smile that graces Scott’s face before it is squashed down by the cold calculated look was definitely not it.
Then Scott reaches under his desk and unlocks one of his drawers and pulls out a thick file with the huge red stemp of “classified” written over it and he pushes it closer to Logan. It says “Weapon XII” on the front and Logan bristles and almost lets out all of his claws.
He doesn’t reach for the file and Scott probably didn’t even expect him to because he goes on, unprompted, and says that the project was meant to be a continuation of the previous one, of designing a mutant who would be able to hold and control multiple abilities at the same time. The previous project made them aware they could change one mutant. Now, they wanted to know whether they could fully create one and raise them to be their perfect soldier.
For that, they needed a suitable collection of DNA from mutants they knew existed because it turned out that not every ability was compatible with the rest of them.
When Logan asks how they found out, Summers says it’s in the file and then clenches his jaw when Logan just says he’s not reading it. Then Scott says there were multiple test subjects that were biologically engineered in different ways so they knew where to push their limits. At the time, Kayla was being referred to as “12.9” and she was the only one they found at the facility. The rest were defined in the file as “failed” and “closed” and Logan really feels slashing through something right now.
Scott says she was merely six-months old when she was found by them. They didn’t know who she was but the following days were a bit self-explanatory when she teleported a meter away right in front of their eyes and shot red beams from her eyes at a toy she didn’t particularly like.
Her powers were meant to manifest early so Stryker’s people knew if she could harness all the powers they engineered her with without dying. It was a long process of deciding which ones she had to have and which ones she didn’t. All of the children had Logan’s, though, and as much as there indeed is no adamantium in her body, it was the plan to put it into her once she grew up. Putting it into her now would prevent her from her natural development and result in her death. Logan says, “Don’t tell me they found that out the hard way,” to which Scott replies, “What do you think?”
So, what, is she a clone? Logan asks after Scott explains the rest and Scott says, Yes, in a sense.
What do you mean? She either is or she ain’t!
Clones are usually of “something” and are meant to resemble that something to perfection. She has so much of other people in herself that no one would be able to pin point what she is a clone of.
As much as it clears up a few things about her to Logan, there is a lot Scott doesn’t mention that day or the ones that follow. He doesn’t say that it was actually the two of them together who found her and not just Logan. He doesn’t reveal that her first days here were a pretty accurate depictions of hell and that Logan’s healing factor came especially in handy and she also sort of seemed to cry a lot less when she was in Scott’s arms compared to everyone else’s. And he doesn’t say anything about the fact that, yes, as much as her DNA is comprised of DNA of other mutants, the percentages vary and there are two sets of DNA she has more of than from others and there is a reason why her eyes are so blue and why she purposefully has weaker versions of all her mutant abilities aside from her healing factor and heightened senses.
Part III
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lesbianpepsi · 1 year
Fuck it I love you | Masterlist
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pairing: sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: when paired with Tara Carpenter for a project you were expecting a B or even an A. Not falling in love with Tara's older sister, Sam
warnings: swearing, bad writing
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊chapters✧⋆⭒˚。⋆
part I
part II
part III
part IV | coming soon...
part V | coming soon...
part VI | coming soon...
part VII | coming soon...
part VIII | coming soon...
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emiliehornby · 9 months
diesel is desire (you were playing with fire)
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pairing ethan landry x fem! riley-weathers! reader
synopsis the shadow of somebody you used to know comes back to haunt you in more ways than one when your ex-boyfriend takes part in a master plan to murder you
warnings canon typical violence, mentions of blood, mentions of death
author’s notes a friend of mine actually let me edit this and repost so if you think this fic looks familiar, it’s probably why!! no plagiarism involved i promise, just some fun writing exercises. hope you guys enjoy!! love you!!
Tara’s final blow to the masked killer falling to the floor made it incredibly hard to focus.
You and your friends shared a look, the realization that Kirby’s double crossing blindsided you all. You thought on your feet, turning the corner of the counter to try and find another way out, only for the lock to betray you. You kicked the door, knowing that the only way out was through the way you came, but you couldn’t take that risk of finding an accomplice awaiting your presence.
Walking back towards the unlocked exit, you watched as Sam’s hands cupped Tara’s cheeks, examining her. It was the reprieve you craved as you longed for your mother’s warmth to engulf you, but reality settled in and your heaving chest began to with every breath. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care too much when that was the least of your worries.
You just really wanted to get out of there.
Your fingertips barely touched the doorknob when Tara's scream cut through the air. Turning around, Chad was on his two knees with the two Ghostfaces going at it, stabbing him until his sweatshirt stained red.
Your eyes widened, “Oh shit.” Looking between Sam, who was struggling to hold Tara back from stepping in, and Chad, whose eyes pleaded for you to escape, the split second decision was made. You moved past the Carpenter sisters to grab a framed poster off the wall. Sam seemed to figure out what you were doing and reached out to stop you.
“Y/N, wait!” She barely brushed over your arm when you hit one of them over the head. Their grip immediately loosened on Chad, who fell limply while you kicked Ghostface One towards the wall. When you heard a hard thud from the impact, you threw the frame aside to turn around. Your gaze was on the second killer, who’s knife was dangerously close to piercing your skin.
You screamed at the sisters, “What are you waiting for? Go!” You lifted your arms to defend yourself, only earning yourself a stab in the thigh by Ghostface Two, who’d finally come to their senses. That was Sam’s wake up call, pushing Tara out the door despite her insistent screams to do something. It broke your heart, but when they disappeared, you let your guard down enough for them to take the knife to your shoulder. Screaming, they pushed you up against the wall before letting you slide down to the floor like a rag doll. You clutched your wounds, attempting to get up but you only scrambled yourself into a corner.
Bracing yourself for these last moments, you knew you couldn’t go down without a fight. Not if that meant Sam and Tara could escape, or the slim chance Chad could still be alive.
“You aren’t the first shitheads to try this, you know. And you probably won’t be the last. So kill me! I dare you to try…” You spat. 
The ghostface, who’s mask resembled much of Nancy Loomis’, pulled your head back to meet their gaze. Their knife slowly traced over your throat and you hissed when they nicked down towards your collarbone. The other ghostface, with Stu Macher’s mask, wanted to finish you off when the former’s knife cut through the air to stop them. Conflict vibrated between them, daring you to smirk up at them, “Unless you’re too scared to?”
That caught their attention, a sudden pain shooting through your torso in response. When the knife met your warm flesh, you gritted your teeth when they twisted it into you. The Nancy Loomis lookalike merely tilted their head at the action. Yanking the weapon away, the killers couldn’t be bothered to look back before they left. You rested your head against the wall as they traced down the Carpenter sisters, and you could only hope they were long gone from this killbox.
You started to mentally prepare yourself when the door shut behind them. Taking one big breath, you attempted to push yourself up from off the ground. Any small movement shot pain through your veins, but you continued to fight when thinking of Chad, who was lying only a few feet away from you. Slowly, you were able to reach him, falling to your knees to see how seemingly lifeless he looked. You immediately pressed two fingers to the pulse point in his neck, sighing in relief when you felt it beating weakly against you.
“Chad, can you hear me?” You slapped his face.
No response.
You gradually hardened your blows. Still no response. Tears began to fall down your face, dissolving into the bloodstains. Somehow, this made your stomach hurt more than when you were stabbed, but you weren’t one to give up easily. You checked his pulse again. It was slower than before, prompting you to grab his shoulders. Staying mindful of his head, you shook him until he squeezed his eyes shut and groaned heavily. You let out a choked sob, a laugh bubbling from you for the first time in days.
Reaching over to grab his hand, you thought out loud in hopes you could talk him through the unimaginable pain he was in, “Okay good! That’s good. Now listen-”
“Ta…Ta…ra-“ He cut you off with a whisper.
You frowned, “I don’t- I don't know where Sam and Tara went.” Fading gunshots and distant yelling then echoed through the building. You glanced at the door, then back down at Chad to tell him, “But you gotta listen to me. I’m gonna come back for you. okay? I'm gonna find them, and then I'll come and get you. I promise we’ll be okay.” You gave his hand a squeeze before gently placing it down on his chest.
You shifted all your weight to your uninjured leg, trying to hold yourself up despite the pain in your shoulder when you stood up straight. Lightheadedness momentarily rook over until you caught yourself with the corner of the counter. Slowly, you limped your way back to the main room, where the muffled voices finally began to make sense. But your gaze was drawn to the clear case that stored your father’s gun. You couldn’t help but pry it open and made sure the gun was loaded before stashing it in your waistband. Solemnly, you stared at his sketch, pressing a kiss to your thumb to run across his face. Cracking a small smile, you picked up the extra bullets to place in your back pocket.
“...Stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy on the train. I mean, they’re not dead yet, but I guess killing Y/N is going to be good enough for now.” You perked up at the mention of your name and decided to make fun of the masked killers.
“God, you guys are shit at playing your own game, you know that? I was unarmed and I was by myself, And guess what? I’m still not dead!” The Carpenter sisters turned around at the sound of your voice. You kept your gaze on them the entire time, heart clenching when Tara choked out a sob upon seeing you. Once you were close enough, she stepped forward and took you into her arms. Sam kept a hand on you both while Tara held you for dear life. You hugged back with just as much fervor, but couldn’t stop yourself from looking over her shoulder to see the robed figures without their Ghostface masks. You weren’t sure if it was the blood loss or the reality of the situation, but you couldn’t help but feel like you were seeing things. “Ethan? What the fuck?” You said.
“Hey baby.” He smirked. Okay, he was definitely real. You tensed up when he scoffed, “What’s the matter? Don’t you remember how badly you wanted me to be here?” His gaze grew sinister, almost as if you meant nothing to him.
This wasn’t the Ethan you knew. He had spilled coffee on your shirt and after apologizing profusely, offered to help clean it up with three spare tissues he had in his pocket. You thought he was going to be it for you But this wasn’t the Ethan you eventually grew to love over the years either. The boy was sweet, awkward, and absolutely nerdy but you soaked up every word he’d ever said because you loved the sound of his voice. Every day with Ethan was a good one…until all of that changed. A spring break you were meant to spend together was taken away from you when Woodsboro called. Ethan had said you’d come back a completely different person, and your emotions ran high, effectively straining your relationship. Your breakup was imminent, but you would be lying if you said it didn’t hurt.
Tara lightly shook you out of your trance, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You gulped.
“And- and Chad?” She hesitated to ask. You finally spared her a glance to offer her a small nod. Her eyes squeezed shut for a moment when Sam spat at Detective Bailey.
“Fuck you!” She smacked Billy Loomis’ mask out of his hands. Ethan retaliated quickly by slashing her shoulder.
“Hey, you stay the fuck away from them!” Tara reacted quickly. She kept one arm around your waist, the other holding the brick to defend you three. Sam continued to yell, questioning their motives and denying the murderous trio’s allegations of her masterminding the 2022 Woodsboro Massacre.
Your gaze instinctively went over to Ethan. The boy who once made you feel safe was the same reason you were fighting for your life. Fear flickered through your poker face upon being surrounded, a look of hurt glazing over him. Ethan’s lips momentarily twisted into a frown with his eyes growing glassy when he met your hard stare — the same look on his face when you broke it off. But Ethan’s facade faltered fast, his mood only shifting into something crazier.
“They’re still not getting it!” He pointed out.
You all whipped around at Detective Bailey screaming, “You’re a killer. Just like your father!”
“No I’m not!” Sam wailed.
“Yes you are, you motherfucker. You killed our brother!” Quinn seethed.
Tara furrowed her eyebrows, “You said your brother died in a car accident.”
“No…you said that your brother left for college when you were thirteen and he never came back. Or was that a lie too?” You spoke up. Ethan grew bitter, your words cutting him almost as deeply as your wound. But you couldn’t pay attention for long when Quinn strides towards you.
She ran the blunt side of her knife down your face with a sigh, “You’re getting warmer! Think a little harder, maybe you’ll figure it out before these dumbasses do.”
Tara's grip on you was almost bruising. Afraid to abruptly pull you away in case Quinn tried something, you barely batted an eye when the cool metal couldn’t compare to anything you’d endured prior to entering the main room.
You looked straight at Ethan while explaining, “You wanted to be just like him.” The wheels began to turn. A special interest in the 2022 Woodsboro massacre mixed with a brother whose fascination with the horror genre appeared almost genetic…had Mickey Altieri not died twenty years prior, you would assume they were related. But it didn’t add up until you noticed the striking resemblance in Ethan’s dark eyes and wicked smile.
You didn’t realize that you’d spaced out until Quinn tapped the knife against your face, instructing, “Hey! Eyes on me.” You clenched your jaw, turning back to her. She hummed in satisfaction, “Good girl. So, have you figured it out yet? The clock's ticking here.”
“You’re Richie’s family…” You revealed.
“What?!” Sam reacted.
Detective Bailey confirmed, “And we have a winner!”
“We knew you’d get it eventually.” The sweet cynicism dripping from Ethan’s voice made you sick.
“Wow. Real great parenting job you did, by the way." Tara said. Her sarcasm earned the three of you a large push. Sam broke your fall and you all stood in a circle to cover your bases against each killer. Detective Bailey began monologuing the mourning of his son’s death and seeking vengeance, something that didn’t make much sense to you.
“So what happens next? What happens after this? You guys just disappear?” You asked.
“No, we gotta make sure Mindy and Gale don’t pull through. Because everybody dies! Everybody who had anything to do with the death of my son suffers and dies.” Detective Bailey pointed the gun towards sam. He urged her to put the mask on, and Sam spared you a glance before her aura darkened. She looked up at Detective Bailey with a cold and calculated look in her eye while he pressed the barrel against her forehead. The act was your cue to hold Tara back with whatever energy you had left while they fought it out.
“Your son? He was a man baby who made his girlfriend do all the killing.” She started.
Detective Bailey fumed, “He was a strong, virile young man!”
“He was a limp dick little fuck who cried before I slit his throat.” She didn’t back down.
“You said Y/N helped kill Richie. They were there that night…” Ethan muttered. His family immediately glared at him. Your gaze switched between him and Quinn, who’s knife was now pointed towards you. She nicked your arm when she moved around to create a barrier between you two.
“Well you shouldn’t have believed the other fucking rumors then. Because he died under my hands. no one else’s. But if we’re talking about his little girlfriend Amber, then that’s a different story…” Sam responded.
Quinn seemingly had enough, yelling, “Shut the fuck up!”
She was ready to stab you when Tara hit her over the head with a brick. As if on cue, Kirby got up again and shot at Detective Bailey. You followed her lead, pulling your father’s gun out to shoot at Ethan. Narrowly missing, you couldn’t fire anymore when Tara called your names.
You made your way to her just as she reached the top of the balcony. You paused when Sam never followed, and Tara seemed to think the same to yell, “Come on Sam!”
Her body was hunched over Ethan’s, but she pushed him down and grabbed Kirby’s gun.
You waved at her to come closer. The moment you could reach her, you gave her a lift in order to reach the ladder. You wasted no time when Sam barely began making her way to the balcony by jumping up and grabbing onto it yourself. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, the pain nonexistent while your knuckles grew white at your tight grasp.
Around halfway to the top, your heart jumped out of your chest seeing how close the exit seemed to be. But reality ripped you far from it when a heavy weight pulled down on your leg. Looking down, Ethan was trying to drag you back down to the main floor. Trying to thrash your leg around to get him off of you, he only managed to grab a fistful of your jeans. Your hands, still stained with blood, started to slip from the handles. The sisters screamed your name and held their arms out for you. Sam’s fingers brushed your own, but one harsh tug caused you to fall and hit him on the way down.
You immediately tried to defend yourself, but your shoulder was killing you as you got off Ethan. Blindly, you began reaching for your gun while the guilt consumed you.
This was your fault.
It was you who couldn’t find it in yourself to fully cut Ethan out of your life and settled for a friendship. It was you who merged your hometown and city life by introducing Ethan to the Core Four the very day they came into New York. It was you who vouched for him time and time again, unable to escape from the old patterns and feelings that would never really leave. And it was you who was about to meet death when Ethan had the upper hand. He turned you around to face him, his legs resting on each side of yours.
His lips ghosted over yours, whispering, “Say hi to your dad for me.” You struggled and screamed in his grip when he stabbed you straight through your side. The knife left your body as quickly as it came in, the metallic liquid pooling in your mouth. It woke you up from your thoughts, finding a space to trap his foot between your own. Building enough momentum, you rolled yourself over and pressed your forearm against Ethan’s neck. His hands uselessly clawed the air.
You taunted him, “Hm. If only Richie could see you now, so helpless and defeated. You really are just like him…”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see your gun mere inches away from you. So you shifted your weight, barely grabbing the handle when shots were fired in your direction. You immediately ducked down, curses slipping from your lips while trying to scramble off of Ethan while picking the gun up. Ethan tried to grab you again, but you kicked him square in the nose and made a run for it. You shot back, trying to ignore the ringing in your ears while mentally counting each shot until you were sure there were none left.
You screamed when the glass cases surrounding you shattered. A bullet haphazardly came flying into a column nearby, causing you to duck. You caught a glimpse of Ethan, who was pushing his dad’s gun out of his hands mid-shot. You took that as a distraction and trailed into the dark corners just behind the wings of the stage.
Ethan was practically begging, “Dad…Dad stop! Please don’t hurt them.” Your heart beat faster, as the stupid part of you thought he would be willing to double cross the detective. But you were dead wrong when he continued with, “Y/N’s mine.” The bold statement sent shivers down your spine. You could even envision him lightly twirling his knife in pure delight.
Shakily, you pulled the empty mag out of the gun. You haphazardly placed it on the shelf in front of you before your hand reached into your back pocket for your extra ammo. Easily replacing it with a firm push, a soft click! indicated the bullets were in. You tugged downward to ensure they were seated safely just in time for you to hear Ethan’s voice echoing through the theater.
“You can’t hide forever, Y/N,” You could see his reflection in the glass cases that held a former Ghostface’s robe. Trying to remain silent when his ears were searching for you too, you exhaled deeply and crawled around another corner when the empty mag fell off the shelf. You covered your mouth and held the gun to your chest when his footsteps grew louder. It was like your heartbeat drummed in your ears when he laughed mockingly, “I bet that I won’t even have to find you! You could never stay away from me too long, after all, could you baby?”
You shut your eyes, taking yourself back to the late nights you shared long after your breakup, the days you dragged him along to see your friends, and everything in between as you craved his comforting presence while reliving your fears that were larger than life in the city that never slept. Those good times quickly faded into a searing pain when you watched Anika die in front of you at his hands, knowing your mother had been brutally attacked and almost left for dead by his sister, seeing Chad so still, and your own stab wounds. Your hands lightly traced over each wound Ethan inflicted, and you knew what you had to do.
You were gonna fucking kill him.
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dolokhoded · 1 year
my one season 4 complaint is Where The Fuck Was Aneesa
#never have i ever#i really wish her and fabiola had stayed together them not working out didn't rlly serve any purpose to the plot for the new season#fabiola's new relationship was barely rlaborated upon. as expected.#and aneesa was basically written out she was barely even part of the group#plus that scene of them at the staircase talking about fab's robotics team. they still have so much chemistry and they were literally just#talking about robotics#i understand she's not a major character and she can't have a separate plotline to herself but she wasn't even involved in anyone else's#her and fabiola were cute together and she would've at least been part of the plot if they were still dating#allison was barely a character what was the point of writing some random new partner for fabiola when she already had a perfectly good#love interest#it just doesn't make sense to me. whi decided it would be a good idea for them to break up#was it just an opportunity to shove in a nonbinary character who had no personality and was just there as someone's s/o and call it#representation#cause there are Many better ways to have nonbinary rep than this#but ofc mindy kaling wouldn't give a shit about this.#n e ways for this support my nonbinary aneesa hc . it's real.#fabiola torres#aneesa qureshi#OR AT THE VERY LEAST SHE SHOULD'VE GOTTEN WITH PAXTON. SHE HAD THAT NICE HOT JOCK LINE AT THE END OF SEASON 3#im fabneesa 4 life but i would honestly be haply with her dating paxton. they're both cool and they'd be fun together. and she deserves a#nice hot jock boyfriend.
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imakemywings · 5 months
What Comes Naturally
Fandom: The Silmarillion
Characters: Indis, Miriel
Summary: Two queens of the Noldor discuss motherhood.
Length: 2.9k
AO3 | Pillowfort | SWG
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“What a trial motherhood was,” said Míriel in the understatement of several Ages, leaning back with a huff, so that she almost knocked Indis’ nose with the back of her head. “Not that you would know.”
            “Not that I would know?” Indis echoed, her brows arched. However, she refrained from further remark, and Míriel elaborated. Since Míriel’s return, Indis had gathered that at times, Míriel would give explanation only if you kept quiet. (Other times, she would explain regardless of whether one wished it or not, but this was likely only with technical matters. On Míriel’s first day in the palace, Indis had received a three hour lecture on the function of various parts of a loom after fatefully inquiring how Míriel found her old tools.)
            “Well,” said Míriel, and despite her dismissive tone, Indis felt something rawer in her voice now, facing away from Indis, than she had heard from her all that day, more even than when she’d had Indis’ hands between her legs. “Elfinesse the realm over praises your sweetness and care; I assumed that motherhood and nurturing came naturally to you.”
            Indis resumed combing through Míriel’s sleek silver hair. Beyond the open windows, a dove whistled. The rest of the house was still and relaxed in the warmth of the sunlight as the day eased towards evening; perhaps the slowness of the day had led to this thoughtful (for so it was, even if Míriel feigned otherwise) conversation.
            “Perhaps,” Indis allowed slowly. “Though ‘naturally’ does not mean ‘wholly without effort.’ The joy of it came naturally, certainly.” Míriel said nothing else, and Indis, with great restraint, held back from probing or trying to change the subject.
            “For my part, I believe pulling teeth would have been a simpler and more rewarding task,” Míriel said at last into the silence of the bedroom.
            “Surely it was not so terrible,” Indis objected, then cringed. Míriel snorted mirthlessly.
            “Whatever Finwë told you of my efforts, certain I am that he was kinder to me than I deserve.”
            Indis worked carefully through a small knot near the ends of Míriel’s hair. “You were ill, Míriel,” she said gently, at length. Míriel grunted.
            “Yet still I was a terrible mother,” she said. “Even Fëanáro knew it, though he has since forgotten.” Indis opened her mouth, but Míriel silenced her before she could get in the air to disagree. “He always preferred Finwë,” she said. “Even as a babe in arms. How he wailed when I held him! And nothing could I do to calm him! At times I thought at the least he would eventually tire himself and then be content, but he seemed to have an endless reserve of energy for screaming, and the volume!” Míriel winced. “He could drive me to tears for want of a moment of quiet! So of course in the end I would give him over to Finwë, and it seemed at once he would be smiling and reaching out with his little hands and laughing! I cannot recall that he ever laughed for me. He must have, I suppose, but I…” Míriel trailed off, almost confused. Indis was not sure if her memories were muddled by virtue of her rebirth or the illness which preceded her death, or both.
            “Finwë had a way with children.”
            “I was told and told and told how naturally motherhood came, once the babe was born,” said Míriel, and Indis could picture the wrinkle of her flat nose. “Naturally! Not to me, but to Finwë, certainly. He seemed always to simply know what Fëanáro wanted, and if he did not, he would figure it out, or find some suitable substitute.” She shook her head.
            “You would have come into it,” Indis insisted. “If you had had the time. You would have learned.”
            “Perhaps. But if I must learn, then it was not natural.” Doubt shadowed her words. Again, she fell silent, and Indis forced herself not to fill it. Early evening light slanted through the windows, turning the mantle to gold, lighting up the dust motes floating around the bed curtains. Míriel lifted a hand as if to chase them with her touch; there were still times when she seemed amazed to be in the world again, to have physical sensations like touch and sight and sound (Indis, in the very new days, had found her by the fountain in the yard, weeping profusely over the sound the water made burbling up in the bowl of it, and often early she had touched Indis as if expecting her to dissipate beneath her fingertips.)
            “I cannot say I was ever one who weathered failure gracefully,” Míriel said then, as Indis slid off the bed and went to the bottles and jars on her vanity. “I was failing at motherhood and I could see it, and I felt sure the baby and the rest of the city knew it too. And do you know? I resented him. I gave everything of myself to this child, and he would only smile for his father, and he made everyone whisper behind my back—or so I thought, I haven’t an idea if it was actually true—and even when he was quiet for me, he looked at me with these great accusing eyes as if to say he knew I was the worse parent.”
            “Míriel…” Indis began uneasily, fingers lingering over the cosmetics. “Babies don’t…”
            “I know, Indis, I know,” Míriel snapped. “But as you say, I was ill, and in my illness I was convinced this child whom I had given so much to bring into the world loved me not, nor would, and every day it seemed I could not escape my failures. I asked for him less and less; I felt the more I left to Finwë, the better for the child.
            “Still he would come and see me, but even then I felt he disliked me. A-times I could hear him in the yard with his nursemaids, running and shouting and laughing as children do, but when he came to me, he had to play quietly, or not at all, for Mother’s head hurt, and Mother was tired, and Mother needed to rest. What joy is there for a child, sitting in a dark sick-room with a feeble shade of a woman who never knew how to be a mother?” Míriel lapsed into silence, scowling.
            “You know he loved you,” Indis said quietly, returning to the bed with a small vial. She dabbed a bit of osmanthus oil from the vial onto her fingers to brush through Míriel’s hair. “You were his mother, and he loved you without thought for your condition.”
            “What does a toddler understand of love? They know only safety and joy, or the absence of them. Love? What complexities of love could be grasped by such an infant? He knew that his father made him happy, and I did not; for him, what deeper considerations could exist?”
            “I disagree,” Indis said. “I think he loved you even then. Perhaps he did not understand it, but he did.”
            “Truly you think a babe can comprehend some notion of love?” Míriel asked, twisting around to look in skeptical astonishment at Indis.
            “I do,” she said firmly. “Truly you believe they cannot?”
            “A child who can barely string together a sentence, know love? Next you shall tell me mice and horses know it!”
            “Must one be able to articulate the feeling to feel it?” Indis asked.
            “I believe one must be able to understand it!”
            “I disagree,” was all Indis said.
            Míriel shook her head. “Yours is a gentle spirit I think,” she said. “Better not to comprehend an absence of love. I see why Finwë chose you.”
            “Gentle, perhaps, but I should think not naïve,” Indis replied with a hint of an edge. “I do not speak out of blind hope, Míriel.”
            Míriel regarded her a moment, and then said: “No, I did not think so. I would not accuse you of that. Perhaps it is only that I have grown cynical. No—perhaps that I always was.”
            There were things Indis could have said then—about the vain effort of cynicism to protect a weary heart, about Míriel’s struggles, about the necessity of not closing oneself off to feeling—but instead she just took Míriel’s hand and squeezed it.
            “I will not say I have never felt it, for that would be a lie. But you were telling me of Fëanáro’s infancy,” she said, and Míriel nodded. Still she was quiet a moment, and Indis thought the interruption would be the end of Míriel’s sharing, but then she continued.
            “Yes…the more my illness took me, the less reason girded my thoughts, as you can see. As my weariness grew, I convinced myself that I was doing him a favor; that he would, truthfully, be better off without me. One can always convince oneself that one’s desired course of action is also, coincidentally, the best for everyone else, isn’t it so?”
            Indis bit her lip against the desire to interject that that it could never have been that Fëanor or anyone else would have been better off if Míriel were dead.
            “What a little fool he was, too,” Míriel went on crabbily. “To think he had the fortune of a mother such as yourself walking into his life, and he pushed you away for want of me! I should pinch him if I could. The real tragedy would have been if you and I had traded places!”
            “I think you are too hard—”
            “All of that rather makes it sound like I cared not for him, doesn’t it?” Míriel let out another long sigh. “It isn’t so. He was the flesh of my flesh, how could I not love him? Or at least…in the beginning. At the end, I do not believe I loved anything. I had not the capacity any longer.” Indis was neither combing nor braiding, simply running her hands through Míriel’s hair in hopes of soothing her. “But there it is, you see? I think no matter how ill you were, Indis, you could not watch your children sobbing at your bedside, could not hear them begging for you to come home, to be a mother, and feel nothing.”
            “I do not think you felt nothing,” said Indis quietly. Míriel’s shoulders tensed.
            “Was it not near enough? Nothing he said, nothing Finwë said, would change my course. I broke his heart, and I knew I was going to do it. And out of sheer stubbornness, I refused to return once I had done it.”
            “You were—”
            “Yes, yes, I was unwell,” Míriel said forcefully. “And yet, I was myself still. I was not deprived of my faculties. I was aware of the consequences of my actions.”
            “Such knowledge may become subordinated to extended pain and discomfort,” said Indis. “We are, after all, still physical beings. True thought is difficult when one’s mind is focused on the struggles of the body.” When Míriel said nothing, Indis added: “I know not that I could have done otherwise in your place. I have never felt as you did then.”
            “I feel quite assured you would have borne it with more grace.” Míriel’s tone was breezy, and Indis could not discern if there was something heavier beneath it or not.
            “I know that you bore it a long time,” said Indis, beginning to weave Míriel’s hair into a set of braids. “I tend to doubt very much I could have managed so long.”
Míriel leaned back slightly into Indis’ touch, relaxing a little. “It felt like a long time,” she murmured. “Stars, it felt like such a long time. It was only a few years. But it felt so terribly, terribly long.”
            “I think ‘tis a credit to your love,” said Indis, “for Finwë and for Fëanáro, that you endured so long as you did.”
            Míriel said nothing, and Indis worked the second braid down to the tie. She thought back to what Míriel had said earlier. It had never occurred to her, in all her morose anxiety that she would never live up to the exalted former queen of the Noldor, that there was anything Míriel might have felt similarly about, looking at Indis.
            “I know you would have been a good mother to Fëanáro, if he had permitted it,” Míriel said at last. She twisted around on the bed to look at Indis. “And I am grateful, for what you did do.”
            “It was not much,” Indis demurred. Fëanor had not allowed it to be much, and at some point, Indis had given it up as a lost cause.
            “I fault you not for that,” Míriel said with a wry twist of her mouth. “When I died, I had hopes that Fëanáro would turn out to be like his father. Everyone likes Finwë. How could anyone not? In fact, I believe he was sometimes overconcerned with how well he was liked. And Fëanáro looked so like him, even as a child! Unfortunately, it seems he took after myself, and so I have great pity for you.”
            Indis could not help but giggle at this, try as she might.
            “I see you trying not to laugh,” said Míriel. “But you ought; ‘tis true. Finwë was liked and I was a bitch.”
            “You were liked!” Indis exclaimed. “Even still, you have scant idea how the Noldor lamented your absence.”
            “Mm. Liked, perhaps, but likeable? No, that was never me. If anything, I was liked in spite of myself. I never did understand why Finwë chose me.”
            “He was amazed by you,” said Indis with a smile. It was good, when they could speak comfortably of their pasts this way, without rancor or injury. “That never changed. Nor do I disagree with him.” Míriel’s lips curved into a smile as well, softly fond, and Indis found herself saying: “Do you remember how he would smile, that one particular way, where you could just imagine what he might have looked like as a child?”
            Míriel’s smile grew. “Yes, I know the look,” she said, flashing teeth. “Ah, but how he charmed me with that! He was a beautiful thing, wasn’t he?”
            “I will tell you,” said Indis, “I saw it very rarely, but once or twice, I have seen Fëanáro smile that way.”
            Míriel’s eyes grew distant, as if she were drawn into a dream, but her smile remained, close-lipped once more. There was such a silent ache about her that Indis could not resist throwing her arms around Míriel’s shoulders to embrace her from behind, squeezing her tightly as if to give physical reassurance that she was not alone. Míriel’s loose robe slipped down her shoulders at Indis’ touch.
            “But he was clever like you,” Indis whispered to her. There had been a time when she could not have spoken of Fëanor this way, when her anger and bitterness against him overbore any of the sympathy she had harbored for him in his youth. Half of her children and all her grandchildren he had stolen from her, and never had he missed a chance to spit in her face if he could. Yet there had been a time too when she had seen the better in him, and empathized with his pain, and there was almost relief, in speaking of him with Míriel, in purging the acidity of her wrath. It did little good, she reminded herself, to dwell perpetually in anger, even if the object of it would walk no more among them. Nothing in her garden grew of her anger. “I saw it in the work you left behind. Your minds ran the same paths.”
            “Pity the boy,” said Míriel ruefully. “And his father too!”
            “I think neither of them would have had it any other way.”
            Míriel put a hand over Indis’, and rubbed the back of Indis’ hand, slowly returning from that dreamy place where she at times withdrew to, as if her mind were still making sense of how much had changed since she last lived in truth. It was some moments before she spoke again.
            “I understand he was difficult for you,” said Míriel. “And for that I apologize...I am still…still learning of the full extent of all that transpired…” Míriel’s voice had grown thicker, and Indis could catch a glimpse of the grief that the queen tried so doggedly to shield from view. “I spoke again with your grandson several days past; he told me a little more of the fortunes of the Noldor in Middle-earth…” A place they never would have been but for Fëanor’s rebellion. Indis knew that Finrod would be cautious in what he shared, but Míriel was sharp enough to fill in many gaps. She knew how much ruin had come of Fëanor’s actions, if she did not yet know every detail of it.
“And I have spoken a short while with his wife.” Indis had hoped that Míriel and Nerdanel might share something of a grief the rest of the Noldor were not keen in hearing of, but as neither of them was particularly inclined to spill their hearts to a stranger, she could not say yet if introducing them had done any good. “But ‘twas you that knew him in his youth. Could you—would you—tell me something else of him, of my son?”
            “Of course,” said Indis, loosening her hold on Míriel. She eased back down onto the mattress and sat beside Míriel so that she could still hold her hand. “What would you like to know?”
            “Anything,” said Míriel. “Everything.”
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biblio-smia · 1 year
in a city of millions
warnings: mentions of murder, large crowds pairings: none explicitly stated, gender neutral reader
masterlist | requests are open!
[one.] [two.]
here is the times square scene we deserved <3
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The party had started by now, but you weren't worried. They never really got good until later.
The party was not far from Blackmore, but it fell just outside Sam's limitations for Tara by one subway stop.
You were understanding of Sam's sheltering of Tara but you were more understanding of Tara's craving of independence. She was more than capable of taking care of herself, even without the small army that accompanied her to the party.
If Tara was going, Chad would be there. Chad and Mindy were rarely separated and if Mindy was going, Anika would follow closely. Chad forced Ethan, who had completely forgotten about the party until approximately 9 hours ago.
As for you — well, it was Halloweekend.
The subway car came to a jolting stop, the person seated next to you roughly bumping into you. You got up and watched, doing a mental headcount of all your friends before getting out yourself. If all went well tonight, you all would have fun without Sam ever knowing about your little off-campus adventure.
You led everyone up and out of the station, for you were the only one who had traveled so far so frequently. With an occasional glance back to make sure your friends were all obediently following the leader, you trudged into the cool October air, the crisp breeze refreshing compared to the stuffiness of the subway.
Times Square gleamed as it always did, but it was always more beautiful at night. Giant lights illuminated the streets and the crowds of people moving to a unique destination, each one filled with determination and a little bit of impatience.
You joined this crowd, glancing at your phone briefly for a refresher of the address. With a final look behind you, you briefly considered making your friends link arms like in kindergarten; but there were too many moving pieces and you decided against it, settling for keeping your friends as physically close as possible.
The six of you moved as one, much to annoyance of everyone around you. The packed street was hard to push through, an influx of partygoers in different costumes forcing you to forcefully press on.
And then — some asshole in a mask rammed into your shoulder so hard your body turned sideways. Just as you were about to yell vulgar words at him he disappeared into the crowd. That’s when you realized — your friends were no longer behind you.
Sam was going to kill you.
“Tara!” You cried out, going back the way you came and shoving through the herds of people. You could barely see through the crowd, faces and costumes beginning to blur as the panic began to set in.
“Chad! Ethan!”
All manners were gone now. You yelled at pedestrians as you moved past them, curse words thrown your way in response. You didn’t care.
“Mindy! Anika?”
There she was! You sighed in relief, moving closer as the girl who was not Anika turned around. The panic hit heavier this time, hopelessness beginning to take over.
Your head flipped wildly from side to side as you finally found a break in the crowd, taking a second to recollect yourself. You pulled out you phone and sent a text to the group chat. They had to have realized you weren’t with them anymore and check their phones. You knew your friends; it was the most logical thing to do.
A sudden scream to your right caught your attention, already pounding heart going even faster. You watched as a girl slapped her friend’s shoulder, clearly embarrassed that she had gotten scared so badly. It was just a mask, after all.
Your phone vibrated in your hand and you answered immediately. A voice spoke, but you could barely make out who it was with all the noise, thick crowd making it difficult to move.
“Hello? I can’t hear you, give me a second-“
You weren’t sure how quiet the city of New York could ever get, but you tried, moving into a clearing.
Nothing. Yet the call was still going.
You looked around when you spotted a figure, clad in a black robe and a white face. A Ghostface costume. You rolled your eyes.
But this one might’ve been the one that bumped you, hard. This one was staring at you now, head tilting and although he was 30 feet away, his gaze on you didn’t break, not even when people disrupted his line of sight.
The figure sent a cold chill throughout your body. It could just be someone messing around but… something felt wrong.
You turned quickly and moved past all the bodies in your way. You were completely turned around now, unsure of your goal other than to get the hell away from whoever that was.
You made it out, into an alleyway. You looked around desperately for an alternative route, checking your phone for any missed messages. The lights were dimmer now, the creepy atmosphere making your skin crawl.
And then you saw it. A person — no, their body — slumped on the ground, a pool of blood underneath them. Above the body, a message written in crimson.
You did, anyway.
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dizscreams · 1 year
I wanna ruin our friendship PT 2 — Tara Carpenter ★
part one here!
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PAIRING: Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
SUMMARY: Tara’s confession to you after accidentally friend zoning you for so long
A/N: OKAY HERES PART TWO!! ty for all the positive feedback on part 1! :)
TAGS: @perfectartisanwerewolf @icarly23 @dogsayswoof @btay3115 @cartierdreamx
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“Hello? Y/n? I’m coming to your dorm right now can you meet me there, it’s important,” Tara spoke quickly and bit the nail on her thumb shakily while she paced back and forth.
“Um sure Tara, is everything okay?”
“It’s fine, just hurry,” and with that Tara hung the phone up leaving you dumbfounded. You looked at your date apologetically and gathered your things, “Shit, I’m sorry but I have to go-“
“What, Is something wrong?”
“It’s just my friend she wants me to meet her right away, I think it’s important,” you said standing up.
“Do you want me to bring you home?” They ask stuttering from the abruptness of the situation.
You turn to face them, “No, I’m okay, but thank you! I had a good time tonight,” you give them a sweet smile before hurrying out the restaurant’s door. You wonder what Tara could want.
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When Tara hung up she wasted no time in running out of her bedroom door.
“Mindy!” Tara yelled while walking in the living room where all her friends sat. “I’m meeting y/n at your dorm, could you come with me and let me in?” She talked so fast, Mindy almost couldn’t keep up with what she was asking.
“Can’t I just give you the keys?” Mindy asked raising an eyebrow at the frantic girl.
Tara rolled her eyes, she was annoyed and in a rush, “I mean you could, but I need you there with me so I don’t say anything stupid to her.”
“No buts Mindy! C’mon on lets go lets go!” Tara ran up to the girl and dragged her out of her seat, “this is important!”
“Okay okay!” Mindy groaned and put her hands up in defense, “I’ll go with you, Jesus.” She muttered.
“Thank you!”
And with that they both quickly left. Tara practically running while Mindy struggled to keep up.
When Tara and Mindy made it to the dorm they barely had time to settle in before you walked in, a worried expression on your face. Your eyes darted between Tara and Mindy, “Hey, is everything okay? Did you guys get hurt or something?” You asked out of breath, it was clear you ran here and that made Tara smile a bit knowing you still really cared about her.
“Y/n, hi,” Tara says softly, “um I just wanted to talk to you about something.” Your eyebrows furrowed, “So, nobody died? On the phone you sounded like you got hurt or something and what’s Mindy doing here?”
“Um hello, I live in this dorm too-“ Tara cut off Mindy’s sentence by lightly slapping her arm and giving her a look. Mindy sighed and rolled her eyes before sitting down, she might as well get comfortable if she has to witness this.
“I brought Mindy to let me in..” Tara started saying embarrassed, “…and cause I wanted her support .” She muttered and you barely made out what she said. She looked at you for a moment. Your breathing was more even than before and that confused look she found so adorable was still stuck on your face.
Mindy cleared her throat loud enough to snap Tara out of her trance. “Right, okay.“ You waited for her next words patiently, the poor girl seemed so nervous you thought she’d throw up. Tara composed herself, if she was going to do this she was going to do it right.
“Y/n, you’re my best friend and I don’t see you as a best friend. I mean you mean more to me than that.” Mindy resisted the urge to face palm herself and your confused state didn’t change. Fuck. “I mean I like you and I don’t like Chad. I flirt with Chad but I don’t mean it, I just like him- him as a friend. He’s my friend and you- you’re not. I mean you are!”
“Okay!” Mindy intervened getting second hand embarrassment. She turned to you, “I apologize for Tara. She can’t be romantic at all,” she said glancing at Tara then looking back at you. She said something to you that Tara couldn’t make out and left.
She couldn’t quite read the expression that was now on your face but she knew you were calm and that eased her a bit. “Tara why don’t you sit down and I’ll get you some water,” you said already walking to the kitchen. Tara nodded, “Yeah, sure.” She took a deep breath and when she made sure you were in the kitchen she pulled out her phone and texted Mindy.
Mindy 😘 ‎ I was getting embarrassed for you, T. Have you never confessed to someone before?
T 🤭 ‎ It wasn’t even that bad
Mindy 😘 ‎ Right that’s why Anika’s laughing at you rn
Dude I need your help
Mindy 😘 ‎ Just be like “y/n I’ve liked you for a long time I’m sorry I’m too stupid to realize you were flirting with me. I flirt with Chad as a joke and he feels the same. we don’t like each other like that. I really like you and I would like to take you on a date” boom it’s plain and simple babes
T 🤭 ‎ Anika helped you with that didn’t she
Mindy 😘 ‎ Can you stfu and go confess your undying love
T 🤭 ‎ Tell Ani thank you and that I love her
She put her phone down at the sound of you walking back in the living room, “Here.” Your gentle tone made her heart melt. “Thanks,” Tara sipped the water and put it on the coffee table. She took another deep breath, “Let me start over, y/n. I really want to make this right.”
You nodded at her to continue. Tara patted the spot next to her urging you to sit next to her on the couch, which you did. “Okay so, I like you. I like you as more of a friend, y/n. You just mean so much to me and I’m sorry I didn’t realize you liked me. I’m sorry you thought I liked Chad cause I don’t,” she chuckled softly before continuing, “and I’m sorry if I hurt you.”
You looked at her only to find she was staring right at you. The soft grin that took over your features had Tara’s stomach erupting in butterflies. It gave Tara the hope that she had made things right. You took Tara’s hand and put it in yours, gently tracing her knuckles with your thumb. “I like you too, T.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, “Thank you.”
She matched your tone, “You’re welcome.”
The two of you had a moment looking into each other eyes and grinning like idiots before you broke the silence. “So which one of them helped you rehearse that?”
“Huh?” Tara asked with a tilt of her head and you giggled. “I don’t know I was just wondering if Mindy or Anika helped you with that cause that was really good. It was definitely better than what you had said when I first came in.” Tara laughed loudly at that, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was Anika.”
When both of you calmed down from laughing Tara decided to break the silence this time, “Will you go out with me?”
You almost scoffed, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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YAYAY AND THERE IT IS! Hope everyone likes it, I had fun with it :)
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superbeans89 · 11 months
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smolmakerel · 11 months
Sam turned over on the couch, burying her face into the throw pillow beneath her head. She could faintly hear Danny speaking to her from the kitchen as he stumbled and hissed.
"Don't hurt yourself," Tara called out.
Danny didn't answer.
Sam was pissed, but any energy she had to put into being pissed off evaporated. Her exhaustion weighed on her shoulders like thousands of bricks.
Sam shook her head and sat up. Her arm cast shot out to catch herself when she wobbled and threatened to fall off the couch.
Tara watched her struggle with sad eyes. "Sam, you're not getting better."
"I don't need to get better," Sam whispered to her sister. "I have to take care of you. Don't you understand that?"
"By killing yourself in the process?" Tara stood up in anger. Her hands grasped at the air in frustration, face twisting. "You can't help me, Sam. Help yourself for once. Please."
Sam looked away with the clenching of her jaw showing her frustration.
"Help me help you. I love you! Te amo mucho, Sam, but you stopped going to therapy -"
"They never help," Sam weakly said.
"- and you're wallowing in guilt. It was an accident and there's nothing you can do about it now," Tara said. Her eyes closed, shoulders relaxed, and she sighed. "You promised me you'd keep going."
"B-But I can't - I'll stop -!"
Sam frantically stood up and ushered for Tara to return to her room. Danny watched the movement with sadness and didn't react to the slamming of Tara's door. He never reacted, not anymore. It was like Tara wasn't one of his priorities like she used to be.
He walked over and sat down on the couch, placing a fresh plate of eggs and toast on the coffee table.
"Sam... you should sit down," Danny told her and she hesitantly sat, hugging the throw pillow to her chest. "I know things haven't been the same since what happened, but you know I'm always here for you."
Sam huffed. "You don't have to be. You could leave, get out while you still can."
"And leave you all alone? Sometimes I think you want me to leave." Danny smiled without humor. When he noticed the blankness of Sam's face, he furrowed his eyebrows. "Have you been going to therapy?"
Shame lit a torch to Sam's face. Leave it to Tara to accidentally tell Danny about Sam's terrible adventures in therapy. And here she thought the two would never speak again.
She studied his face and saw nothing but concern for her. Her eyes drifted up to his hairline where the cut on his forehead was just beginning to heal. The stitches would dissolve soon. Her eyes drifted to the left where she was blinded.
Sam quickly snapped her vision back front and shuddered a sigh. Her thigh was gently grabbed for her own reassurance.
"No use for therapy," Sam spat. "I don't need licensed professionals telling me how I fucked up."
"Sam -"
"Can you just - Please leave."
"Sam, please, this isn't what -"
"Thanks for breakfast," Sam droned on, losing the spark of energy she once had, "but I want to be alone."
Danny nodded. He stood and left a thoughtful kiss to the top of Sam's head before leaving. The front door closed, and Sam slumped.
She stared down at the cast on her arm, tracing the words and the drawings of multiple cartoonish penises.
"You had to push him away, didn't you?"
Sam put her face in her hand. "You know I had to. He -"
"- was being too nice, but he's pushy sometimes about your health. I know, Sam, I know better than you think I do."
Sam twitched.
"Sam, come on! I know better than you think I do! Just once without a Ghostface threat, please!"
"Fine fine! Let me -"
"Don't tell me that. Don't you dare tell me that!" Sam yelled at Tara. The guilt immediately hit her in the chest, but Tara didn't appear fazed at all. She didn't react anymore. Both her and Danny have been acting weird.
"Go to therapy. You promised me that you'd keep going."
"That was before -"
"I know," Tara interrupted her again, voice soft. "I know."
Sam nodded and looked down. "I'll go. For you." Her stiff words did little to change Tara's facial expression. "I still have Wren's number, so I don't have to search for another therapist."
Tara nodded. "Good."
"And please change your clothes, you've been in that same outfit for days now," Sam teased her.
Tara only quirked her lip and began to go back to her room. Panic sparked in Sam's chest.
"Wait!" Tara stopped. She didn't turn around. "Can - Give me a hug first?"
Tara glanced back at Sam and smiled. Her eyes showed nothing. "Good night, Sam."
Sam breathed shakily as she plopped down so she was laying on the couch. She wiped at her wet eyes. It seemed like she wasn't ready to quit crying yet.
"Sam! Long time no see! Come in, come in!"
Sam shuffled into her therapist's office. She wished she could've taken Tara with her for support, but Tara never wanted to leave the apartment anymore.
"Sorry I haven't been by in a couple weeks," Sam apologized with a smile. It was crooked and awkward, but Wren wasn't disturbed by it. "Life, you know?"
Wren nodded. "I understand. Would you like to sit by the window today?"
Sam looked nervously at the window. The bright sun was shining through, but all Sam could see was -
"Sam, come on, open your eyes!"
She flinched.
Wren didn't comment when Sam took them to the seating away from the window. Usually Sam enjoyed the fresh rays of light warming her up, but now all it brought was dread.
"So," Wren started with a smile, "how's life been treating you?"
Sam shrugged. "I mean, it's been hard. I hit my head, broke my arm. You would've thought I was invincible with how many Ghostfaces I've dealt with."
"Five now, isn't it?"
"Yeah." Sam shifted in her seat. "Tara shouldn't have had to deal with either of them. I'll make sure she won't have to even hear about the next one."
"What makes you so sure there'll be a next Ghostface?" Wren asked to which Sam snorted.
"They always come back. I'm kind of used to it already."
Wren scribbled something down on his notepad while Sam drummed on her fingers on her leg. Words burned in her throat. This was for Tara. She had to do this for -
"I was in an accident a few weeks ago."
Wren looked up, surprise coloring his face. It was one of the first times Sam brought something up that didn't have anything to do with Woodsboro, Ghostface, or Tara.
"I um, I was driving us back to the apartment and we just. You know how accidents work."
"And did everyone get out okay?"
"Yeah. We're all fine." Sam picked at her cast.
We're all fine.
"Sam - Sam, stop, you're drunk."
Sam shook her head at Danny's words. She pushed him back to lay on his mattress and climbed on top of him.
"'M not drunk, jus' a lil tipsy," Sam slurred.
Danny sighed. "Sam -"
"Danny..." She grabbed his hand and dragged it to the hem of her shirt. His breath hitched at the way she easily guided his hand up to her bra. "You make me feel so good, I jus' wanna be happy."
"Sam, I want you too." He pulled his hand away and sat up, dragging Sam further onto his lap. "I want you so much, but you're drunk and I won't do that to you."
Sam's face twisted in anger. Her flushed cheeks became hotter from the embarrassing dismissal of her failed seduction attempt.
"But Wren told me - he told me to find a way to be happy! Sex makes me happy!" Sam's bottom lip wobbled. Her emotions switched from anger to immense sadness. "Do you not love me anymore, is that why you won't fuck me?"
Danny pressed a chaste kiss to her neck and hugged her. "I do love you, princess."
"Then why won't you make me happy..?"
"This isn't something sex can fix. You're hurting and looking for a way to fix it, but, Sam," Danny said, pulling back to stare into Sam's glossy eyes, "I promise this isn't the way to do it."
Sam began to cry. Loud and trembling sobs fell from her as Danny swept her up and wiped her tears away as best he could. She was apologizing, begging to be forgiven. She wasn't a monster, she wouldn't force Danny to have sex with her. Danny shushed her, he forgave her. He was the good one between the two of them. Sam didn't know why Danny was still there when all she did was destroy everything she loved.
"Te amo mucho... I'm sorry... I love you..."
"I love you, too. I forgive you, it's okay."
Sam wasn't talking to Danny.
Sam anxiously stared at Tara's closed door. It wasn't opening, Tara wasn't going to come out for game night. She even invited Kirby so the two of them could team up and pick on Gale who she also invited.
"Okay... Okay! 4 words!"
Sam drew her attention to Chad and Mindy who were continuing the game with the others. Mindy was holding up 4 fingers and shaking her head at Chad's words. She waved her hand and enunciated the 4.
Chad snapped his fingers. "Oh! Oh, I know!"
Mindy groaned.
"4 words!"
Gale gave Chad a look of disappointment. "Kids these days are unbelievably stupid."
Mindy nodded to Chad's dismay.
Danny noticed Sam's attention being drawn back to Tara's door. He leaned over and squeezed her knee. "You gonna join us?" Danny whispered in her ear.
"In a minute," she muttered. "Tara hasn't even come out to say hi."
"... Maybe she's tired. We should let her rest."
He was right - Sam knew he was right - but it was her protective instincts kicking into overdrive. Maybe she should just go check on her.
As she stood up, Mindy groaned. "Seriously, we only got one in a minute?!"
"It's not my fault you suck at the game, Minds."
"Chad, I swear I'll kick you from being my partner!"
"And replace me with who? Kirby?"
"Sorry, you two," Kirby said, relaxing into her arm chair with a smirk, "I'm already taken."
"You can have her." Gale eyed Kirby up and down with distaste. Kirby looked offended.
"Sam, maybe we should go next," Danny suggested as he stood up next to Sam. Sam worriedly eyed the door again, but Danny grabbed her uninjured hand and gave her a mischievous grin. "We can take the win easily. What do you say?"
Sam licked her lips. "I don't know how Tara would feel if we played without her."
Danny's grin shrunk to a soft lift of the corner of his mouth. "I won't tell her if you don't."
Sam's eyes slid to the door. She could sense Danny's concern for her, but all she could think about was how alone Tara must be. She could knock on the door and invite her, then she could linger in the room if Tara said no. Tara always laughed whenever Sam dramatically flopped next to her to cheer her up for game night.
But maybe she wanted to be alone. For now.
"Where have you been?!" Sam screamed at Tara when she finally appeared from her room for the first time in a week. She couldn't be guilty for screaming because she cared. "You haven't called, you haven't texted! What if you needed me and I wasn't there?!"
Tara watched Sam pace in front of her. She was still in that same outfit despite Sam asking her to change. Her eyes were still blank, and they made Sam slightly uncomfortable with how closely they followed her.
"You know I don't need you anymore," Tara claimed. "And you know it, too. Why do you keep doing this to yourself, Sam?"
Sam squeezed her eyes shut.
"I don't need you. You need me."
"Stop it. Tara, please -"
"It wasn't your fault. I know what you've been telling your therapist and even Danny - about what happened being because of what you did - but you need to stop. It's time."
Sam squeezed her hands into fists. Her fingers bunched awkwardly on her cast.
"I-I can't - stop -"
"You need to move on. You can't help me anymore."
"You want proof? I know where it is. You told nobody else where it was - nobody - but I want you to look under your bed."
Fear rose in Sam's chest. She knew what was under there. She tried to deny it.
"I-I can't! Tara, please, don't do this! Let me have this a little longer, please!"
Sam and Danny stared down at the box in silence. Sam's throat was thick, and her eyes were dead.
"Are you sure you're ready to do this?" Danny asked hesitantly.
Sam nodded. She didn't trust herself to speak.
Nodding to himself, Danny slowly reached into the box and pulled out the carefully tended to urn. He unwrapped it and gave it to Sam.
Sam stared at the urn in her hands. It was light. Sam knew it would be.
"I'm still not ready to say goodbye yet," Sam choked out.
Danny squatted down by the couch. He searched for the right words to say. "It doesn't have to be goodbye. It can be... see you later."
Sam passed her thumb over her favorite picture of Tara. It was one she took with her when she ran off after her 18th birthday. Tara was 10 in this picture and wearing Sam's old clothes. She was smiling, big and wide, and posing for the flash of the camera. She remembered this birthday as clear as day.
Tara had begged Sam to take her somewhere fun for her birthday - a happy birthday for once. Despite her angst, Sam couldn't say no. They had ice cream and went to the zoo. Tara bragged about how she wanted to go to a bigger zoo when she was older and work with the animals. She had a soft spot for snakes for whatever reason. Sam laughed it off and took her home so Sam could get high and spend the rest of Tara's birthday in bed.
She was ashamed that she did that for the last few birthdays Tara had.
"She was so young." Sam's throat was burning with held back emotion. The urn shook in her hands. "She didn't deserve that. I should've been more careful."
Danny shushed her. "Wasn't your fault, remember? That guy was drunk."
Sam growled as she remembered stumbling from the car. Danny had received the least injuries, only a small concussion and some bruising. He went to Tara first before immediately going to Sam to pull her away from the upside-down car.
Sam had a broken arm and a concussion. She was still healing in a cast, and her headache sometimes comes back in her grief. She had to lay down on the dirty New York street in shock as many different responders got the her.
Sam never actually saw what happened to Tara, but Danny said it was bad. She didn't suffer, that's what the doctors told her.
Sam stood. She walked around the coffee table and to the TV stand. She placed down the urn and turned it, deeming it the perfect spot.
Danny came up behind her and hugged her. All Sam could think of was Tara doing that with her.
But Tara was gone now.
Sam broke down and allowed herself to be put back together by Danny. Some of the pieces were missing, some she'd never get back, but she could find a way to fill the space.
That's what Tara would want.
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krikeymate · 1 year
Please except this as my random fic title “For the love of God… Put. It. Down!”
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Sam was having... the worst time. She honestly thought this night couldn't have gotten any worse... and then Tara took out the knife.
She thinks she must be losing her mind.
She's not crazy, right? This was not how the board game was supposed to go, right? There were rules... right?
Not according to anyone else, apparently.
Sam had been wary when Mindy barged into the apartment with a Monopoly box earlier in the day. She'd thought she was going to have to spend all evening joining them in an extremely boring and unfun game.
It turns out that her kids don't know the meaning of boring and unfun, and had their own methods to... liven it up a bit.
They forgot to warn Sam about how they play, however.
She'd spent the game so far irritated and horrified as she watched Chad - the banker - continuously miscount the cash in a way that she's now getting the suspicion may have been deliberate.
Her sister had proven herself to be the world's worst decision maker, which... tracks actually.
She can never repeat that.
The twins had been taking advantage of her sister the entire time, convincing her with silver tongues to make subpar trades or purchases. Sam had thought about intervening, but she's been trying to coddle Tara less, and besides, it's just a game.
It's. Just. A. Game.
Or, it was, up until Tara whips the kitchen knife out of nowhere - prepared and ready to be used - and holds it to Chad's throat.
"This is a robbery," she says, smirking.
Chad, to his credit, looks surprised, but not scared. He slowly raises his hands, plastic money slipping from his fingers and fluttering down.
"Please," he whispers, "I have a family. Take what you want, take it all, just don't hurt me. I'll do anything!"
Sam doesn't have time to digest the weird display or Chad's suddenly southern accent - and not a good one - before Mindy is groaning beside her.
"EUGH. Please keep your weird roleplaying to the bedroom!"
Sam snaps her head between Mindy and Tara, the implication making the room feel stuffy and her chest feel tight.
"ALRIGHT," she says - louder than intended - as she climbs to her feet. "I think that's enough for tonight." She needs to bleach her brain, maybe read a rule book.
"Aww what, but I was finally making money," Tara whines, knife held sloppily in one hand, the other bursting with fake cash.
"Yeah!" Chad agrees, despite being the one with a fucking knife to his throat.
Sam cannot be the only adult in this room right now. She looks down at Mindy and gestures to the scene, a silent beg for her to do something.
She does not.
"Nah," Mindy says, leaning back on her hands, "I want to see where this goes."
"No! No you don't- I don't- This is... the game is done," Sam stutters.
"But who won?" her sister asks, blinking up at her as if that's what's important right now.
Sam stares back at her for a moment, trying to determine if she's fucking serious. She is. Of course she is.
"Nobody won, you're all going to jail. Robbery, embezzlement, insider trading. You're all going down for it," she says dryly, wishing she could get the last four hours of her life back.
Mindy sniggers and Sam only has a second to be filled with regret before she says "Yeah, horny ja-"
Sam cuts her off with a box lid to the face.
With a heavy sigh, she turns back to the other two. "For the love of God... Put! It! Down!" she demands, gesturing at the knife.
Tara gets a look on her face, the one that says Sam's being unreasonable again.
She watches her roll her eyes and slowly put the knife on the floor with so much attitude that Sam feels the overwhelming urge to tell her that she's grounded.
Sam's too young to be a parent, look what they've reduced her to.
Bending down to snatch the knife from the carpet, she holds it up to her sister.
"Your knifework is sloppy and you could have easily been disarmed in a real combat situation, I'm disappointed in you."
The indignation on Tara's face kind of makes it worth it.
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blackwolfstabs · 11 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 13
Sam is notorious for struggling with modern text language, memes, etc. and is always teased for doing so, but when she misspells a word on the same token, the rest of the Core Four can't let her live it down. (AU: Dead characters are alive)
Primary help from @samcscreams, @dreamersbcll, & @zombiemeadow Other contributing writers: @alkivm & @fantasylandbitch - ty so much for the help!! i couldn't have written it without each of you ♡
Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪
Sam: Guys, I gotta question.
Mindy: What’s up??
Chad: Shoot
Tara: what is it?????
Sam: What does “IDK, LY,” and “TTYL” mean?
Tara: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Sam: Ok, love you too Tara ❤️ Chad, Mindy, do either of you know??
Mindy: omg 😂
Chad: I don’t know, love you, and talk to you later
Sam: Oh ok. Wow I guess I asked at a bad time. Everyone’s busy haha
Mindy: NO SAM THAT’S WHAT THEY MEAN!!! IDK means “I don’t know”, LY means “love you”, and TTYL is “talk to you later” 🤣🤣🤣
Tara: lmfao DUHHHH
Chad: #sendhelp4sam
Sam: Fuck..
Mindy: Girl keep up!! 
Tara: that’s hard for her bc she wasn’t born in this century. she’s like lowkey a boomer fr
Mindy: Ahhh right
Tara: ok, boomer
Mindy: just by a year, barely
Chad: wait… Sam are you related to Uncle Sam????
Sam: Are you serious… no, I’m not..
Mindy: OK gotta agree with Boomer Sam here. Just because they have the same name doesn’t mean they’re related, dingus
Sam: Stop.
Tara: lol “boomer sam”
Sam: . . . . .
Chad: 21th century got ur tongue there, old timer?? 😂
Tara: nah her dentures probably fell out
Sam: You don’t need your mouth to fucking text…
Tara: ah my bad, then is it the arthritis?
Mindy: Bet it’s the arthritis 100%
Sam: That’s not funny.
Mindy: No, T, don’t shout out her, you know how the ol’ elders feel about loud and obnoxious noises 
Chad: OHHH Sam’s that old fish from that one episode of spongebob that kept yelling “Too loud! Still too loud!” it’s so sam-coded 🫡
Tara: ahahahahaha fr tho!!!!
Sam: No, it’s ducking not.
Sam: *fucking
Chad: Ducking??????? DUCKING???!!!!!
Tara: poor thing hasn’t gotten reading glasses yet. I told u to get some a looooooonnngg time ago Sam! did u seriously forget again?? 
Sam: Give me a break, it was autocorrect…
Mindy: Uh.. of course she did! She probably hasn’t refilled her dementia medication yet smh
Chad: *WOULD YOU GUYS STOP?! - You forgot the question mark there, senior citizen
Chad: Now, she can’t grammar correctly.. Someone get her Life Alert before she does anything else!!!!! 
Sam: Fuck you.
Chad: Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌
Sam: You’re not even using correct grammar either so stfu.
Tara: oh man, I hope you’re sitting down, Sam. don’t want u getting so worked up that u fall and break a hip.. 🫣
Mindy: emphasized “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”
Mindy: replied to “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”: Oh my God, THAT’S IT!!!
Mindy named the group chat “Granny Sam’s LifeAlert Team 🚑🏥”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Granny Sam 🧓”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Chad: 👏👏👏
Mindy: Yesss! We must protect Granny Sam, she’s quite frail after all 🙏
Tara: true, very true
Granny Sam 🧓: 🖕🖕🖕
Chad: rude.
Mindy: Don’t take it personal. She’s just cranky because she hasn’t had her afternoon nap. Who wants to volunteer to take her to bed???
Tara: nose goes! 🫢
Chad: Not it!!
Granny Sam 🧓: I swear to God if I hear someone outside my door, I’ll fucking show you how to take it personal, starting with you, Tara.
Granny Sam 🧓: How’s THAT for cranky?
Chad: Oooooohhhh she mad now…
Mindy: It’s fine. By the time she would get across the room, she’d probably have to sit down. Bad back and everything yk?? Old people probs 🤷‍♀️
Granny Sam 🧓: Ok, Tara, you can thank Mindy because she just took your place in being the one I beat the shit out of first.
Tara: Thx Mindy, love u 🩷
Mindy: Is that supposed to scare me, grandma?
Granny Sam 🧓: It should.
Granny Sam 🧓: Change my name back. Change the group name back. And change the goddamn picture back!
Mindy: Uhhhh excuse you… magic word???
Granny Sam 🧓: Are you serious?
Mindy: Damn straight.
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine.
Granny Sam 🧓: Please.
Mindy: Nah, I’m good
Granny Sam 🧓: MINDY
Chad: I’m finna bet money. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Mindy: Okay, but I hope you have medicaid, Ms. Nancy Loomis II
Granny Sam 🧓: THAT’S IT
Tara: O-O 
Tara: shit just got real
Chad: yep. U shouldn’t have brought her real grandma into it.. It was nice knowing u, Mindy 💀
Tara: rip 🪦💐
Mindy: Okay guys, send help. I actually think she might be coming to kill me…
Tara added Billy to the group.
Tara: BILLY!!! ok u know I would never ask for ur help but… CONTROL UR DAUGHTER SHE’S GONE MAD
Billy: We all go a little mad sometimes.
Chad: Ok, well she’s dead
Mindy: Chef’s kiss perfection tho!! 🤌🤌
Tara: NO SERIOUSLY!!! she’s gonna kill Mindy any minute now. U need to stop her 😳
Billy: I’m guessing Sam’s pissed because of the group name, icon, and… her contact name?
Chad: YES!!!!
Billy: Sam, you’re not killing Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: You asking me or telling me?
Billy: Good point. I’m TELLING you. You’re NOT KILLING Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: Or what?
Billy: Well I’d tell you, but I don’t think you want the other 3 to hear.
Tara: 👀
Chad: 😳
Mindy: ?????
Granny Sam 🧓: ……
Granny Sam 🧓: You’re lucky I love you, Mindy..
Mindy: I know I am 😎
Billy: Good girl.
Granny Sam 🧓: Don’t even start.
Billy: Hey, they called me for you. You’re the one who started shit.
Chad: Hey Billy, if I paid you, would you tell us what you would’ve done??
Tara: O.o
Granny Sam 🧓: Hey Chad, if I paid you, would you shut up?
Chad: nope!
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine. Then Billy, if I paid you, would you get the hell out of here?
Tara: lol
Billy: Sorry Chad, but as tempting as that sounds, no. And Sam, how much are we talking?
Granny Sam 🧓: A dollar.
Billy: No.
Granny Sam 🧓: Get out.
Billy: Someone change everything that was changed back to normal first. If I leave and get dragged back into this, you’re all gonna pay. 😈
Chad: Yes sir! 🫡
Tara: that’s you, Mindy
Mindy named the group chat “Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪”
Mindy changed Granny Sam 🧓’s contact name to “Sam”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Billy left the group.
Sam: Thank you.
Chad: Don’t thank us, thank your dad
Sam: Take the win, Chad.
Chad: 🫡
Mindy: Okay sooooo what was all that about between you and your father, Sam???? He was like gonna.. Punish you or something?
Sam: Or something. I honestly don’t know what he was getting at, but I wasn’t about to let it get far enough to know so… 🤷‍♀️
Tara: OR you’re secretly a “daddy’s girl” and don’t want us to know?????? 🤔
Sam: Tara…
Mindy: Hmm that gives me an idea… 💡
Mindy named the group chat “Princess Loomis 👑🔪”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Daddy’s Girl”
Daddy’s Girl: FUCK
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this was so fun to write holy shit xD but my apologies if anything said by any of the characters offends you.
to all of my mentioned peeps above, i hope i did your ideas justice! ik i didn't do everything, but i had so much fun writing this that i know i will definitely be writing more text chats at some point. i'll get to the others! thank you again and blessings to you all. ☀
All my best! ♡ - parker
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luwritesomething · 1 year
Imma need a part two on that chad story. (When ever you can ☺️)
Chad Meeks-Martin x Reader: are you a scorpio or not?
Warnings: swearing (i think), (bad) flirting, chad is so fine, i still have no idea about college life.
Tags: fluffy, part 2 of if it’s meant to be…, reader can be read as plus size reader or non white reader, (bad) flirting.
Reader pronouns: Non stated.
Word count: 1009
Summary: Reader’s path and Chad’s cross again.
Author’s note: it took FOREVER, but here it is!! part 2!! part 3 anyone? lmao. help i’ve fallen for this man and can’t get up. graphic is mine and i dropped my chad playlist in case someone wants to take a peak!
taglist: @shisuishoe @15byrinth
criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas.
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College was… intense. It was nothing like high school, people were right on that, but sometimes you were doubtful about which one you really liked more. As you made your way out of your classroom and started walking through Blackmore University’s campus, your mind was already busy with all the assignments, projects and research you would have to do during the weekend. Halloween had been less than a week ago, and although short, you had already gotten used to being rather free although there wasn’t a specific break, so going back was really crushing you.
Hordes of students crowded the campus, some of them talked loud about their plans for the weekend — frat parties, private gatherings —, and others did just the same as you, walking quietly and with their mind set to something, like the humdrum around them didn’t exist. You would have continued walking that way if you hadn’t had to forcefully dodge a group of people who didn’t even try to make a little bit of a way for you, ultimately making you lean too much to the left and bumping into what felt like an immovable rock.
“Oh, watch it!” You exclaimed, as your hand came to your shoulder to rub the slight pain away, but when your head lifted to see who you had bumped into, all the ugly words waiting to be said disappeared and your mind went blank for a whole second. You knew him — hell, you had flirted with him. “Chad?”
Chad’s eyes widened as he realized who you were — that beautiful and funny person who had stolen all his attention during the Halloween party, to only be met in the end with a mysterious and too forward quote when he had asked for your number. He had bumped into you completely out of accident, too focused on what Mindy was telling Anika to realize you were there too; but as soon as his eyes laid on you he stopped walking. “Hey!”
Anika and Mindy only turned slightly when they realized Chad wasn’t following, and after taking a look at the way you two were looking at each other, both of them tried not to roll their eyes and continued walking.
You felt yourself getting a little bit embarrassed, after all, he had only asked for your number and you had gone on to say that if it was meant to be, you would meet again. You had cringed for a full day, only calming yourself to the thought that you would probably not see each other ever again. But there he was, with his school bag hanging from his shoulder, a calm smile, looking at you and with his friends walking away from him. It looked unreal.
“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” He said, as soon as he realized you hadn’t said anything.
“No, no, it’s alright.” You shook your head, and you forced yourself to stop rubbing your shoulder. After all, the bump hadn’t hurt that much — he must have some good muscles under that hoodie, you found yourself wondering before you could stop yourself.
Chad only raised his eyebrows, teasingly. Oh, was he worthy of being the front page of a male model magazine. “You didn’t sound like it was alright.”
“That’s because I thought you were some jerk.” You explained, letting your feet shift slightly. 
You glanced at his group of friends, almost impossible to see considering how further away they were, but you held yourself back from telling him about it — maybe it was selfish, but you didn’t mind talking to him for a bit more, so you didn’t say anything. It wasn’t like he looked worried about being left behind.
“So you’re saying I’m not a jerk.” Chad grinned, while tilting his head to the side. Ah, there it was, that damn smile. It warmed your heart, childishly.
“Well, duh.” You chuckled. “I wouldn’t be talking to you if you were, would I?”
Chad hummed slightly, before he shrugged. “No clue, it’s not like I know you that well, y’know? Not even your zodiac sign…” And his grin came back.
You could only laugh at the way he was mirroring what you had told him during that Halloween party, and for some seconds, you looked away as a big smile made its way into your face. Chad watched you closely, still smiling, tenderness filling his eyes — you looked really pretty, and that thought crossing his mind made his grin turn into the sweetest smile, almost pure adoration dripping like honey.
“Yeah, but see…” Shrugging, you looked back at him. “That can actually be fixed.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.” Chad said as his smile grew even bigger, something you didn’t expect to be possible. He took a look around you, watching how the crowd of students coming out of their classrooms was already disappearing. “Do you happen to be free for a coffee? Because, I don’t know if you remember, but I owe you a drink.”
“Oh, I do remember.” Suddenly, all the things you had to do weren’t looking as important as they did. They certainly weren’t more important than that smile before you, and this time you hoped your friend wouldn’t come completely drunk to stop you from going further with him. Still, you glanced at your watch before saying, “Sure, I have time. Know any good places?”
Chad nodded, and as he passed by your side, his shoulder brushed yours to encourage you to get closer to him. “Just the perfect one.”
You got the hint and made sure to walk on his level, without bothering every time your shoulders brushed him; until he shamelessly let his hand touch yours. Your heart made a little bit of a jump at that, but after smiling, you allowed that touch to happen again. Maybe your quote hadn’t been so cringy.
“So, time for the truth.” Chad said as he looked right ahead, but his gaze dropped to look at you watching him curiously. “Are you a scorpio or not?”
Laugh spilled from your mouth.
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cilil · 13 days
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AN: @niennawept reminded me that UFO can also be read as "unfinished object" among crafters which gave me an idea. Thank you, friend!
┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆★ Prompt: UFO | Indis x Míriel ┊ ┊ ★⋆ Synopsis: Indis holds on to Míriel's last work. ┊ ◦★ Warnings: / ★⋆ Drabble
The queen's last project remains unfinished. 
Indis holds it in her hands as she's done countless times, studying every detail of Míriel's masterful work. It's beautiful even in this state, and she knows how marvellous her other works are. This one would've been too. 
She's contemplated trying to finish it for Míriel; to honour her, to ease the pain that comes with leaving what you love behind. But Indis has decided not to, worried that she could never do it justice. 
Thus she keeps it safe instead, waiting for the day Míriel returns so she can give it to her.
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There's something about small acts of care and kindness between fellow ladies that has me in a chokehold. Anyway. Thanks for reading! ♡
taglist: @elanna-elrondiel @i-did-not-mean-to @urwendii
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writing-rat · 1 year
First Times
Pairing: Mindy Meeks-Martin x Reader
Content warning: Blowjob, Loss of Virginity, Hair gripping, Bruising, 18+ Content, Smut, AFAB Reader
Requested: @deep-fried-egg
Word count: 1382
Summary: Mindy hooks up with Reader for the first time
It was just a normal school day for you. You was sat at your dinner table, reading one of your favourite books with some headphones in, listening to your favourite band. You proceeded to grab a fry from your plate as you ate it before a hand slammed down on your table, then someone sitting besides you. You looked up confused as you pulled an earbud out and stopping your music. That’s when you had a full view of who it was and red immediately invaded your face. It was the fuckgirl of the school, Mindy, and she was looking you up and down like a piece of meat. 
You had talked before, but only when it was a project so you knew her a little bit, but you knew why she wanted you this time. She only selected certain girls after all, and you knew you was on the list, it was only a matter of time. “Hey,” you spoke shyly, looking at her as you was facing her and smiled gently. 
“Hey there pretty girl, was just wondering if you was busy tonight?” Mindy asked, looking you up and down again. “Uhhh, yeah I am. Why?” you ask, feigning innocence. You knew what it was for. “We can watch films tonight then and get high?” she offered. That shocked you admittedly. Whenever she went with other girls she just asked if they were down to fuck, but it seemed she was making an exception for you. “Yeah, we can do that,” you spoke with a soft smile. Mindy grinned handing you a paper then left. You proceeded to read it. It was her telling you to bring your favourite movies and her address in case you had forgotten. You blushed hard.
You had arrived at 6pm, sent by a text because she forgot to mention what time to come. It was currently 8pm, and you were on Mindy’s lap watching one of her favourite films, Stab. It was just the start due to watching one of the films you brought when she was rubbing your sides under your shirt. You let out a gasp at the warm hands before you pushed yourself against her, feeling her breasts against your back. Your breathing also quickened up as you felt a bulge grow underneath your crotch. “I’ve always wanted to choose the right person to fuck to this film,” Mindy spoke casually in your ear, causing you to let out a low whimper and feel Mindy’s hands travel up to your chest where there was no bra. “Such a good girl, you expected this?” Mindy asked, which you nodded. “Yes, I did,” you responded, a whimper coming out as Mindy rolled your nipples. You threw your head back as you let out a light groan. Mindy was soon pulling one hand down as she was putting it into your shorts. You blush harder, gulping as she feels no underwear too. “Do I need to prepare you for my dick? 6 inches and quite thick,” Mindy warned. You widened your eyes as you was nodding. “Please,” you mumble out to which Mindy nodded, kissing your neck as she was rubbing your entrance, her thumb rubbing the clit. Her other hand kept rubbing your nipple before she was pulling it out and tugged on your shirt. Taking the hint, you took it offf immediately as Mindy eyed your chest while kissing your neck still. You arched your back as she soon entered a finger inside, gently thrusting it in. You let out a whimper as she was being gentle. Slowly but surely she entered another one. By this time you had 10 hickeys on your neck and your side was bruising from a hold she had.
The spare hand soon trailed to your shorts and slowly started to tug them down, revealing your crotch to her sights. “You look so beautiful like this,” she murmured against your ear as she was sucking on your earlobe. You let out a grunt as you was humping against her fingers. “You can add another one,” you speak, moaning a bit more. Mindy did as told as she added a second finger, stretching you a bit more. After a little while she pulled her fingers out hile you was close. Whines slipped from your mouth as Mindy smirked, starting to take off her own clothes. She then changed your view from the TV to her body. Looking her up and down, you panted, the noise from the TV background noise at this point. “May I enter you?” Mindy asked, wanting consent. Hesitantly you nodded as Mindy was nodding and set you down slowly. You realised how thich it was once it was inside, and thought you would need to take a break. That was at least until you was fully down. “Tell me when I can move,” Mindy comforted you by rubbing your back. You was nodding, waiting ever so patiently. It took a minute of Mindy gently kissing your shoulders up and down, complimenting your body before you nodded. She was also rubbing your clit. “Be slow and gentle please…” you spoke embarrassed. Mindy was nodding as she was gently thrusting into you. She was still thick but knew you would adjust to it eventually. “Is this good?” Mindy asked letting out a moan as she kept thrusting inside of you gentle and slow. “Fuck, yes Minds. Yes, so fucking good,” you moan out as you start yo grip onto her more, scratching at her back as you bit her neck. She kept thrusting before she slowly sped up and got a bit more rougher. You was panting at this point, unable to stop the moans coming out as she soon was pinning you down on your back, going deeper before she was kissing you. You kissed back immediately as you arched your back into the couch, her thrusting harder. She was enjoying it as she soon found your sweet spot and it was obvious by the loud gasp (which gave her the chance to enter her tongue into your mouth) and the shuddering. 
Eventually you both pulled away for air as she was grunting and was holding you while rubbing your clit more harshly, soon sucking on your nipples. “I’m going to cum,” you moaned out before you came. Mindy kept going before she soon came inside you, both riding your highs. 
“Do you have enough energy to suck me off?” Mindy asked you, knowing from your body language that you couldn’t go for a second round. She also was wondering if she needed to teach you how to give a blowjob. You nodded, slowly slipping off of her lap and going inbetween her legs. 
You now had a clearer vision of her dick. You took note of the 2 veins that made an X at the top, and how her foreskin covered the head of her dick. You blushed hard at that as you used your hand to jerk her off, intrigued how it looked as Mindy let out a gasp, letting your curiosity run wild. Eventually you took the head in your mouth, sucking it while you kept rubbing her shaft. Mindy was gripping your hair as you was sucking the head, slowly taking more in. You talk about 4 inches in, your hands rubbing the other 2 as you sucked. You was about to try and take it all in your mouth when you felt something enter it suddenly. You was quickly swallowing it, blushing hard as you was pulling away once she was done. She smirked as she was looking down at you. “You were good,” she praised. You grinned happily as you nodded.
“Thank you,” you spoke, expecting to be kicked out after you was used.
“Want some takeout pizza and a drink then watch the rest of the movies for the night? Can share my bed too,” she offered. You was shocked before you was starting to nod. “If you don’t mind,” you spoke with a smile. Mindy nodded.
“Sorted, you are staying tonight. Mind wearing some of my pyajamas?” she asked. You shook your head. You hoped there was a chance to get with her at a later date. For now you just wanted to spend time with her.
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Scream Masterlist
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Billy Loomis-
Stuck in a snow storm w/little sister!reader
Stu Macher-
Stu with a Short!Hippie!reader
High sex with Stu
Christmas with Stu
Dewey Riley-
Cuddling Headcanons
Yandere!Dewey Riley
I’m not going anywhere: Reader gets attacked by ghost face and Dewey provides the best support he can
You Know Me: You don’t know what’s more important to you. Dewey or revenge. (Ghostface!reader)
Randy Meeks-
Valentine’s Day Drabble
We can be Fucked up together: You find solace in Randy after your best friend and boyfriend go on a killing spree
All I Have Left: you were in love with Randy, you had a life plan with him. But after his death, you cut out everyone in your life. It’s not until you take custody of his niece and nephew that you begin to live life again.
Sam Carpenter-
Yandere!Sam Carpenter
Perv!Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter-
Yandere!Tara Carpenter
Mindy Meeks-Martin-
Perv!Mindy Meeks Martin
All I Have Left Series(Chad/Mindy Meeks Martin x motherly!reader; past randy Meeks x reader)
Chad Meeks-Martin-
All I Have Left Series(Chad/Mindy Meeks Martin x motherly!reader; past randy Meeks x reader)
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