#minecraft haus
suzimiya · 2 years
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Minecraft Gebäude 2* Text to Image | #Stablediffusion #craiyon DeepAI #text2img #craiyon #dalle #dalleMini  #LookingGlassAI #Minecraft
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chryza · 11 months
Discussing the new Minecraft changes
Me: I mean the thing I think autocrafting might be useful for is dispensers—I hate having to manually place every bow into the table
Dad: Well yeah but are you really using that many dispensers?
Me: yes!
Dad: for WHAT
Me: ….projects……..
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cheemken · 1 year
Hi hey have c3 of my lil found family au
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quozy-exists · 2 years
Because I'm working on building this in a server, here's a picture guide to building RaPsCaLLioN1138's MIS version 4.2, from the last chest upwards.
Please ignore any signs you might see, those were just as reference for me to remember how many items in each barrel.
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This is how it looks when slices A and B are next to each other (this is to sort to 8 chests)
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Reblogging to add more images.
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wacaic · 2 years
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acronym-chaos · 2 months
Phantom (Minecraft) Inspired ID Pack
[PT: Phantom (Minecraft) Inspired ID Pack]
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[ID: A purple thin line diivder shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Adrian, Aiden, Alaric, Aria, Ash, Asher, Astrid, Aurora, Bram, Calypso, Casper, Celeste, Ciaran, Corvus, Dahlia, Damien, Darius, Dorian, Echo, Eirwen, Elara, Elias, Elysia, Ember, Erebus, Faye, Felix, Fenris, Finn, Gideon, Haze, Hunter, Ingrid, Iris, Jett, Juno, Kai, Kane, Kiera, Lark, Leif, Lila, Lucian, Luna, Lyra, Magnus, Mara, Marlow, Niamh, Nyx, Oberon, Ophelia, Orion, Pandora, Persephone, Phoenix, Raine, Raven, Rook, Rowan, Ryder, Selene, Shade, Skye, Soren, Storm, Sylas, Talon, Thalassa, Thorne,, Veda, Vesper, Willow, Wraith, Xander, Zephyr, Zephyrine, Zora
[PT: Pronouns].
Ae / Air / Airs; Astra / Astral / Astrals; Bat / Bat / Bats; Clo / Cloud / Clouds; Dark / Dark / Darks; Dusk / Dusk / Dusks; Ethe / Ether / Ethers; Gho / Ghost / Ghosts; Gloo / Gloom / Glooms; Hau / Haunt / Haunts; Mist / Mist / Mists; Moon / Moon / Moons; Ni / Night / Nights; Noct / Noct / Nocts; Phan / Phantom / Phantoms; Shade / Shade / Shades; Shade / Shadow / Shadows; Sky / Sky / Skies; Spir / Spirit / Spirits; Star / Star / Stars; Sto / Storm / Storms; Twi / Twilight / Twilights; Veil / Veil / Veils; Wind / Wind / Winds; Wisp / Wisp / Wisps
[PT: Titles].
A Ghostly Specter, A Haunting Presence, A Nocturnal Flyer, A Silent Stalker, A Wraith of the Night, The Dark Avenger, The Dusk Dweller, The Ethereal Entity, The Ghostly Menace, The Haunting Phantom, The Moonlit Terror, The Nocturnal Menace, The Shadowy Apparition, The Skybound Haunter, The Spectral Being, The Starry Wraith, The Veil Wanderer, The Wisp of Night, [Pronoun] From the Night, [Pronoun] Who Flies in the Dark, [Pronoun] Who Haunts the Skies, [Pronoun] Who Hunts by Moonlight, [Pronoun] Who Lurks in Shadows
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
Made for @rwuffles' 700 followers event!
Day 2: least favorite video game character (sorry for all Phantom lovers out there, i dont hate it but its definitely bottom tier)
Also tagging @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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auckie · 1 year
I used to see posts about ppl being like omg I love my girlfriend ahaha and I would scowl. Especially when I had a boyfriend. Because like shut up idiot. But now that I have one and have had one for years and years I will say I get it and I’m always about to post a gif of a guy ripping his shirt going I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND. And we’re gross too like we can’t play minecraft with other people because we will silently bend over and get close to one another and start moving our heads as if we’re nuzzling. It’s awful, and we suck, so bad. Disgusting people. Horrible awful bad people. I can only imagine what having a wife fucking does to you. ‘Fuck women’ no. Fuck people who love and are in a relationship with women. Whatever kind of phobia that is I have it because I LOVE WOMEN. And fuck men. And animals and all life. Sorry. This post sucks. I’m gonna draft it and then I’ll see it later, frown hard, and then post it oh shit a zombie is in my mc haus watching us sleep lol wtf. What the hell lol!
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zz-chikorita · 11 months
While I know that videogames might not be everyone's cup of tea, let's just pretend that ALL your characters actually do like playing certain videogames. What kind of games do each of them like the most, and are they any good at it?
This one had me do some real thinkin'... 🤔💭
I think Guzma actually really enjoys playing any kind of co-op game with the grunts, even if he's not really good at them. But the grunts think it's funny when he starts raging at a game and he knows it. As far as games he plays alone in his freetime, I feel he prefers adventure/rpg type of game. He doesn't play a whole lot, but when he does find a game he likes, he plays it obsessively and tries to find every little bit of lore and secrets it has. He also always ends up becoming obsessed with games barely anyone's ever heard of and often he pesters Plumeria to play whatever game that is so he can discuss it with someone. (He also likes chill games and farming simulators like stardew Valley and animal crossing, but he's embarrassed about it and will deny it if asked)
Plums likes rhythm games and strategy/puzzle based games mainly. It's definitely worth noting that she's, like, INSANELY good at them, too. Long story short, all the grunts know to never to take her bet if it invloves beating her high score. She also really enjoys any kind of game that implements any kind of branching path mechanic, so she's definitely played games like Zero Escape, Hades, and any of the telltale games multiple times.
Definitely any kind of resource management game. So stuff like slime rancher, oxygen not included, factorio, terraria, et cetera. He's actually had to self ban himself from playing certain games because he missed too many league meetings literally playing for hours without realizing it. It bums him out because they were super fun, but he knows he can't trust himself.
(Other characters under cut)
He likes minecraft and other sandbox games. He likes playing co-op with friends, but when he's at home, he doesn't have a great internet connection.
Like the little gremlin she is, she likes horror games. She especially likes making Gladion and Hau play horror games with her. Or rather, not telling them it's a horror game until it's too late
A & B:
B is stellar at platformers. A is the best at fighting games of all the grunts. They are both equally trash at racing games.
Kalani (oc):
When he was much younger, he spent a LOT of time playing FPS. By the end of high school, he kind of got bored with them and played more MMO RPGs.
Mo also like MMO RPGs. He also likes games like Elden Ring and Bloodborn. He has, very discreetly, played a variety of dating sims and, no, no one knows about this but him.
The professor plays a lot of battle royale games. He's also very bad about getting sucked into gotcha games.
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omgpoindexter · 2 years
my years of exposure to boys at university means i know for a FACT there is a haus minecraft server and i have thoughts about it:
nursey is absolutely useless at the game and spends 99% of his time taming cats and collecting flowers. he also plays it on his ipad
everything chowder builds looks like a 5 year old built it but if you challenge him to a fight you will lose. every single time
dex makes those overcomplicated villager trading markets for all the overpowered tools
ransom always goes on adventures 100000 miles away to collect resources and gets completely lost
holster dedicates all his time to making elaborate redstone contraptions. some of them are useful but most of them are not
shitty starts off as a pacifist and refuses to kill any of the animals - this slowly evolves into him building and running a fight-to-the-death tournament involving real life money
lardo is the annoying player that sets fire to people’s houses and builds traps to explode things
bitty refuses to play it - “i’m too pretty to play those games” - but he watches minecraft youtube videos and backseat plays over everybody else’s shoulders
somebody asks jack if he wants to join the server and he says “what’s minecraft?” and it’s genuinely not a joke. he’s never heard of it
the server is called MINEBROS because holster made it and refuses to change it even though the name sucks
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theenemyod · 13 days
Introduction post
My name is Alexander-Grace. Call me that or shorten it idc.
I AM A MINOR. I am not comfortable sharing my age online but please keep the fact that I am a minor in mind when interacting with me.
I am autistic.
I age regress, range from 0-8
I am transmasc, genderfaunet, and use a lot of neopronouns. I might add the list to this post eventually but currently can't be bothered. The main pronouns I use are he/they/it/xe/rat.
Things I like:
The magisterium books, the land of stories books, Minecraft, drawing, writing, Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, creepy/cute stuff in general, anything fluffy, rodents, the hunger games books, fidget toys, weirdcore, sea glass.
Credit to @stevienixxes for my pfp (sorry I couldn't find your main account to tag you)
DNI: homophobic, transphobic, ablist, racist. maps. If you think it's okay to send death and sa threats and tell someone to kill themselves over fiction. If you make fun of trauma. Kink and/or nsfw.
Pronouns list
He/him they/them it/its fa/fall lea/leaf/wa/warm co/cozy doll/dolls haunt/haunts ki/kill gho/ghost boo/boos tomb/tombs spi/spirt dea/death ai/ai app/apps beep/boop bot/bots bolt/bolts gli/glitch e/exe gear/gears mal/ware swi/switch sol/solar wire/wired cell/cells cha/chaos wi/wifi met/metal robot/robots gla/glass wing/wings li/light colour/colourful col/colour bright/brights toy/toys cu/cute char/charm bow/bows horr/horror miss/missing fog/foggy eldri/eldritch wat/watch uncan/uncanny swe/sweet mou/mouse rat/rats key/keys win/window cli/click da/data scr/scroll er/error scre/screen wi/wire fi/file zhe/zher ha/hate loa/loath hau/hostile ra/rage kni/knife po/poem si/sick pill/pills gore/gores rot/rots rib/ribs gut/guts zomb/zombs bite/bites bone/bones death/deaths bleed/bleeds scar/scars decay/decays alien/aliens star/stars dus/dust gal/galaxy glim/glimmer spi/spin ro/rock Lu/luck ri/ring vi/virus ca/cable ga/game da/data web/webs com/compute net/network cy/cyber drip/drips tile/tiles wade/wades clear/clears step/steps flu/fluid soak/soaks spiral/spirals browse/browses click/clicks connect/connects font/fonts disk/disks hack/hacks lag/lags http/https page/pages net/nets pixel/pixels web/webs tab/tabs site/sites tech/techs upload/uploads wire/wires snarl/snarls dog/dogs fear/fears hu/hunts brain/brains tu/tune wa/walk si/sing sea/search fer/feral meat/meats teeth/teeth mew/mews ring/rings ⚙️/⚙️ 🔧/🔧 🤖/🤖 th⭐️y th⭐️m h⭐️ h⭐️m 404/404 💻/💻 👁️/👁️ 🌕/🌕 ✨/✨ shy/hyr ze/zer sea/seas rain/rains pond/ponds yippee/yippees void/voids moon/moons star/stars blur/blurs skull/skulls grave/graves night/nights bug/bugs gut/guts paw/paws honey/honeys mush/mushroom stone/stones mud/muddy creek/creeks Gold/golds fun/fungus frog/frogs snail/snails silver/silvers moss/mossy fae/fare thon/thon blossom/blossoms buzz/buzzes pop/pops worm/worms sting/stings ladybug/ladybugs pumpkin/pumpkins
No I do not expect all of this to be memorized that's why I have it written down.
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techniktagebuch · 9 months
2. Januar 2024
Das Haus brennt, geh nach draußen!
Für eine zu schreibende Kolumne über Kommunikationswege befrage ich mehrere Verwandte, auf welchem Weg man sie am schnellsten und zuverlässigsten erreicht.
Joghurtkanone (13): Anrufen oder WhatsApp schreiben. Discord hab ich auf stumm gestellt, sodass ich die Benachrichtigungen nicht seh, außer wenn ich drauf geh. Und E-Mail schau ich zwar immer wieder, aber nicht so oft, dass man mich da drüber schneller erreichen könnte als bei WhatsApp oder so. Oder Telegram, wobei ich da nur so alle zwei Tage oder so draufschaue, weil da innerhalb von zwei Tagen nur 20 Nachrichten reinkommen.
Spätere Ergänzung von Joghurtkanone: Qwertziquolo (14-jährige Cousine von Joghurtkanone), die ist wirklich schwer zu erreichen! Wenn ich sie heute frage: Qwertziquolo, willst du heute spielen? (Minecraft oder Genshin Impact), dann kann ich darauf warten, dass sie drei Tage später antwortet. Ich hab ihr am Samstagabend geschrieben und sie hat bis heute (es ist Mittwoch) die Nachricht nicht gelesen. Wenn ich ihr schreib, liest sie es gar nicht, bis ich sie anruf, und wenn ich sie anruf, das kriegt sie auch nicht mit auf dem Handy. Das heißt, ich muss bei denen anrufen auf dem Festnetz, und dann wissen sie schon: Du willst die Qwertziquolo, oder?
Kathrin Passig: Spezipfütze, wie würde ich dich am besten erreichen? Wenn ich dir zum Beispiel sagen will: Das Haus brennt, geh nach draußen!
Spezipfütze (15): Auf jeden Fall WhatsApp. Oder anrufen wäre natürlich noch schneller.
Annette Schaal (49): Und sobald du zu Hause bist, Discord.
Spezipfütze: Na... ja, aber Anrufen wäre noch besser. Telegram würde auch gehen, weil da seh ich Benachrichtigungen. Bei Discord seh ich keine auf dem Handy.
Kathrin: Auch absichtlich, so wie bei Joghurtkanone? Weil es zu viele sind?
Spezipfütze: Ja, ich bin auf zu vielen Servern. Danach vermutlich Discord und danach noch Snapchat, aber die hab ich beide stumm.
Annette: [Meinen Mann] erreicht man über keine sozialen Medien, nur über SMS, die kommt aber leider nicht immer an, da kann man ihn ganz schlecht erreichen. Und bei den E-Mails sind dann immer die Postfächer voll.
Kathrin: Annette, und wenn ich dir sagen will, dass das Haus brennt? Was ist bei dir der beste Weg?
Annette: Anrufen. Auf dem Handy. Festnetz macht gar keinen Sinn mehr.
Kathrin: Warum?
Annette: Weil das im Erdgeschoß steht und Joghurtkanone und Spezipfütze meistens in ihren Zimmern sind ...
Joghurtkanone: Womöglich auch noch mit Kopfhörern, sodass du klingeln kannst und man hört es nicht.
Kathrin: Aber dann hört ihr doch das Handy auch nicht? Ach so, der Kopfhörer hängt am Handy dran?
Joghurtkanone: Genau. Wobei, an meinem Computer hängt der manchmal auch. Problem am Handy ist noch mehr, dass das meistens stummgestellt ist, und man dann nicht mal hört, dass eine Benachrichtigung reinkommt.
Annette: Also dich kann man tatsächlich schwer erreichen, das stimmt. Aber über WhatsApp krieg ich ganz schnell eine Antwort.
Joghurtkanone: Oder ich seh die Nachricht und lauf nach unten.
Annette: Bis ich die Treppe raufgelaufen bin und laut JOGHURTKANONE gebrüllt hab und du dann die Kopfhörer abgenommen hast, hast du schon längst dein WhatsApp gelesen.
Joghurtkanone: Oder wenn du hochgelaufen bist, sag ich "Ja, bin gleich da", und schau noch 20 weitere Videos.
Annette: Also meine Energie fürs Trepperauflaufen ist wirklich verschwendet. Und als Nächstes ... auch die Nachrichtendienste. Bei WhatsApp hab ich die Benachrichtigungen ausgeschaltet, weil ich da zu viele Nachrichten krieg.
Kathrin: Also du benutzt es, hast aber die Benachrichtigungen aus?
Annette: Genau. Aber trotzdem, die ganzen Nachrichtendienste, da reagier ich am schnellsten. Auf SMS auch, aber das ist, weil ich da so konditioniert bin, dass ich gleich schauen muss, wenn da was kommt. E-Mails schau ich einmal am Tag an. Da würd ich nicht aus dem brennenden Haus kommen. Und ich schau jede Stunde nach meinen Nachrichtendiensten. Nach jeder Behandlung schau ich, ob was gekommen ist, und beantworte die.
Kathrin: Und wie lang hast du dann Zeit?
Annette: Je nachdem. Fünf Minuten, so was.
Kathrin: Aber da kommt man doch gar nicht dazu, die alle zu beantworten?
Annette: So viel kommt da nicht. Das ist dann schon so, dass ich es beantworten kann. Aber eben, dass ich dann extra E-Mails abruf, das auf gar keinen Fall. Das mach ich irgendwann.
Kathrin: Also du hast keine feste Zeit zum E-Mail-Abrufen.
Annette: Nein.
(Annette Schaal / Joghurtkanone / Spezipfütze, befragt von Kathrin Passig)
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suzimiya · 2 years
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Minecraft 3* Text to Image | #Stablediffusion #craiyon DeepAI #text2img #craiyon #dalle #dalleMini  #LookingGlassAI #Minecraft Haus /Gebäude
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agentbobr · 2 years
current fixations -
ROTTMNT‼️ (rise of the TMNT)
stardew valley‼️
minecraft ‼️
normal interests -
undertale ‼️
FALLOUT 4‼️‼️‼️
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kin list -
ROTTMNT - Leo, Raph.
INSCRYPTION - Lonely Wizard
POKEMON - Hau, Hop
OSOMATSU-SAN - Karamatsu
AMPHIBIA - Marcy, Sprig
GRAVITY FALLS - Mabel, Stanley Pines
PORTAL 2 - Wheatley
TF2 - Scout
UNDERTALE - Flowey, Papyrus
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cheemken · 1 year
I just finished reading the third chapter and
do I love the kids being kids. Iris and Hau aren’t even adults but yet they’re expected to act like one. These two fuckers still have a strong “do it for the vine” mindset that they have to keep down when in public. Also the dedication it takes to build a whole region in minecraft by themselves is astounding. I get bored after one week
Also Steven is the kind of person who would have a legitimate chest full of every kind of ore. No cheating he mined it all himself. Most likely to die from a warden though, imagine his panicking when he encounters his first one
Omf I'm so glad you like it cjmdnd
But yeah the Leagues do be a lil fucked up for letting kids just become fucking champions but hey at least Hau and Iris have each other, and the other champions are letting them enjoy their childhood wc is nice uwu
And the do it for the vines mindset😭😭🤣 that's so real tho they would recreate vines fr ncmdndmd low-key wanna draw that now too😭
And yeah holy shit y'know bc it was getting a bit long for me now I actually planned on writing in how Steven already saw diamonds and even iron while exploring the cave they found, and Hau says smth along the lines how if Steven's a pokemon he'd probs have Super Luck as an ability as he got spawned in a world w a cave and finding diamonds early on. Cynthia would be jealous w that tho she'd probs steal his diamonds and iron for herself when he's not looking and when they're playing together tho let's be real—
Hau and Steven not being equipped to fight mobs like the Wither or the Warden that they just start panicking and they call in Iris and Cynthia hahaha
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sneep-snarp · 2 years
So I just want to get some thoughts out, both for people out of the loop and just some general advice. Just to make sure I’m clearing things up with the rooster teeth situation and myself (not that I’m anyone important, I just know this is reaching people outside of what used to be their fan base) rooster teeth is a large company, they make shows like the old halo red vs blue, Rwby, and others, they own several gaming channels (like let’s play stuff) like fun haus and achievement hunter. There are a lot more then that I only payed attention to achievement hunter and after some fucked up things happened they, to the outside world made it look like they were doing better (I’m mostly referring to the Ryan Haywood incident, he was a member of achievement hunter who was eventually caught being a fucking predator) there were time I didn’t watch much, mostly just Minecraft but there were huge chunks of things I didn’t watch, never any of their updates and I never followed anyone on social media. I would just see an update on “Fiona’s leaving because she had a better opportunity” and think “cool good for her” and leave it at that. I never watched the animations so I wasn’t in the loop. And for a long time I rarely saw anything on social media. From the outside, the one window I was looking into, things looked like they were getting way better. But obviously they did not. I wish I had known about the Glassdoor reviews, I wish I had known about the shit still being done to employees. I though that there was some Shit stuff in the past that unfortunately was common in early 2000-2010 humor online (not that it ever made it okay) and I though people had grown, they had trans/queer/POC coworkers! Obviously things were better! And obviously I was wrong, very wrong. There are a lot of people who are angry that some people didn’t know these stories, I wasn’t exactly googling “hey what shit is Gavin free doing to his coworkers” or “hey what’s it like to animate for a company who’s shows over never been interested in”
But I know now, and I’m sure they’re plenty of people in my position who feel the same. We can’t change what we didn’t know a year ago. We have to keep our heads on with what we say on social media. Stop assuming that someone is in the clear because you liked them, or because one person had a better experience with them that they weren’t awful to others. Stop also coming up with theories that we cannot back up. There are times when someone around us does something terrible and we don’t know about it until it becomes public news. There are also some people who may not have seen certain posts from x creators who make a post without the full info. Make your anger known, but do it in a way that’s not going to make this worse for everyone.  I have one last point, if you have a post about a member, and are posting it to inform people about what is happening, ( this isn’t for like a vent post or personal post)it’s better to say what it is that the did, or that was said that they did, rather than just “this person is (racist)” because when info spreads around this fast the context is important, not because it automatically clears things up, but because having all the correct info helps to get these people called out and gets the problem addressed.
I have no idea if any of this is coherent. I’m not someone who usually posts like this, or posts at all. I just needed to get some thoughts out.
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rivasraf · 13 days
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