#mini dodds
rosehathawhey · 5 months
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Hannah Dodd Who What Wear UK Summer Issue 24'
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xo-myra · 15 days
first times
istg this is so fucking bad, but here's a short aruden oneshot from my wattpad book.
Aiden peeked through his window and saw a girl across the street in her bedroom, apparently listening to songs and singing along while she cleaned up. Her long dark brown hair was tied into a loose braid, and her chocolate eyes were sparkling with excitement. She was beautiful, to say the least.
That was the first time Aiden had seen her.
The second time was at his new school during lunch.
"Who's that girl over there?" Aiden asked Brynne as he watched his apparent new neighbor take a seat next to another girl with glasses and short hair.
"That's Aru Shah, one of my best friends. I usually sit with her, but I pitied you and came here, since it's your first day." Brynne replied, smirking.
That was the first time Aiden heard her name.
The second time was when she was called upon in class.
It was the same day, and Aiden was about to quite literally doze off in his math class, when he heard the teacher call out a familiar name.
"Yes?" the girl-Aru-looked up from her desk and stared at the teacher.
"Do you know the answer to this question?" Mrs. Dodds asked.
"Uh, 63?" she said, skeptically.
Aiden smiled.
That was the first time he had heard her talk.
The second time was when she had bumped into him.
He was walking home, thinking about her, when he felt something press into his backpack. He turned around to see Aru.
"Hi." He said.
He watched as she opened her mouth, then closed it again.
Aiden smiled. "Don't I know you?"
"I..." Aru seemed to choke up. Then she punched her throat and coughed. Then smiled.
"I know where you live!"
Aiden stared at her. She stared at him.
"You what?" he asked.
"I...um...demons. Goodbye!" Then she ran away.
That was the first time she had smiled at him.
The second time was when they were picked to be partners in Social Studies.
Aiden smiled a little as he heard his name and Aru's being read off of the list of pairs. She looked at him, smacked her head on the desk, then stood up and walked over to him.
"Hi." she smiled, a little nervously.
"Hi." he responded.
"Listen, I'm sorry about that day, I was just so out of it, and-"
"It's fine. I don't really care about all that. But, uh, wanna get started on the project?" he said.
"Sure. What do you want to do it about?"
"Maybe demons, or something about the Underworld? You seemed really interested in that." he joked.
She laughed. "Sure, or we could do it about one of the constellations, and the myth behind it."
Aiden grinned as they continued to talk, although his heart wasn't really in it.
That was the first time he had heard her laugh.
The second time was when he sat with them at lunch.
"Hey, mind if I sit here?" he asked Aru, pointing at an empty spot next to her on the bench. She smiled. "Sure!"
After Aiden sat down, she started introducing him to the others and the others to him. "This is Mini," she said, pointing to the girl Aiden had seen her sit with the day before, " and that's Brynne, who apparently you already know, and that's-" 
"Rudy." Aiden cut her off, with an annoyed look on his face.
Rudy smirked. "Hey, cuz." 
Aru looked shocked, then burst out laughing. "You guys are cousins? Gods, Aiden, I feel bad for you."
Aiden grimaced playfully. "Yeah, I feel bad for me, too, Shah."
Aru looked at him, an eyebrow raised. "Well, if you have a nickname for me, I have to come up with one for you, don't I?"
"Please don't."
"Too late, Wifey." she said smirking.
That was the first time she had called Aiden that.
The second time was when they were walking home that day.
"You ready, Wifey?" she asked, waiting for him by the entrance of their school.
As the two started walking, they started talking and laughing about the randomest things.
That was the first time Aiden started to fall in love with her, just a little bit.
The second time was at the dance. 
Aru and Aiden didn't have dates, but the others were going together, Rudy with Mini and Brynne with her 'friend', Hira.
Aiden inhaled sharply as Aru opened the door after he knocked. She looked gorgeous, with her hair cascading down her back and her dress highlighting her features. And of course, white Converse.
Aru smiled that adorable smile of hers. "Ready?"
Aiden shook himself slightly, realizing that he was gaping, and said, "Yeah." Aru walked down her porch, grabbed his hand, and pulled him away.
That was the first time Aru had held his hand.
The second time was at Aru's birthday.
She had just come downstairs, and everyone was gushing over her dress and makeup and whatnot. Aiden hung back, blushing slightly. Aru then managed to make her way out of the crowd and grab Aiden's hand, leading him to the cake, Brynne and Rudy already there.
After she cut the cake, her and Aiden walked around and talked for a while, until he realized that he was in another room with her, alone.
Aru blushed slightly, and looked up at him after they stopped. "You know, you never wished me happy birthday besides the song. Kinda rude, to be honest." she said, a playful scowl on her face.
Aiden smirked and stepped closer. "Oh, really?"
"Yeah." she crossed her arms, obviously trying to look mad.
"Maybe I was just waiting for the right moment." he said, and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Really? And when's that?"
And before she could say anything, Aiden kissed her. A soft, gentle, but passionate kiss, as if the two had been waiting their whole lives for this moment.
Then Aiden pulled back, and rested his forehead against Aru's.
"Happy birthday, Shah."
That was the first time Aiden had kissed her.
And definitely not the last.
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dailyjsa · 1 year
The New Golden Age Continues...
Beginning in October, DC will be releasing three six-issue mini-series featuring founding JSA members Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, and Wesley Dodds.
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Alan Scott: The Green Lantern by Tim Sheridan (Flashpoint Beyond) and Cian Tormey (Superman: Son of Kal-El) will be Alan Scott’s first solo title since 1949. Through a twist in the timeline, Alan Scott: The Green Lantern revisits and recontextualizes the origins of the first Green Lantern through the lens of our modern understanding of the man. The story, which begins in the 1930s, is about an old flame – the kind that burns eternal – and the sometimes head-on, single-track collision of our personal and professional lives. This is Alan’s coming-of-age, in which he must embrace the man he is, to become the hero he’s meant to be. In the end, he’ll have gained a greater understanding of himself and his gifts – as he unlocks a new, previously unknown ability that could make him the most powerful Green Lantern in existence!
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Jeremy Adams (The Flash) and Diego Olortegui (Aquaman: The Becoming) are teaming up for Jay Garrick: The Flash. It’s hard being a parent, especially when your kid is a speedster! Jay Garrick has been reunited with his long lost daughter, Judy, but figuring out how to connect with her is proving to be difficult. They’ll need to work to find common ground when a mission that started in Jay’s early days as the Flash comes roaring to today. But will The Flash and The Boom be able to thwart a plan that’s been in the works for decades?!
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Wesley Dodds: The Sandman by Rob Venditti (Superman ‘78) with art from Riley Rossmo (Harley Quinn) shows the titular character as a pacifist. He has given up on the hope of a peaceful world, but he hasn’t stopped believing that people can be better to each other, if they’re only given the right tools. Possessing a scientist’s optimism and romanticism, he is convinced that humanity can invent cures for its own ills. Having learned about the battlefield horrors of World War I from his father, he sought to create a sleep gas that would allow for “humane” warfare. During his research, he recorded all of his attempts in his science journal - even those with horribly deadly consequences - swearing to never show them to the world. Now his journal has been stolen, and he must find the culprit and stop them before his deadly mis-inventions fall into the arsenals of the belligerent nations threatening to pull the United States into the next world war.
(Images and descriptions were taken directly from DC's press release)
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A preview page from the upcoming Wesley Dodds: Sandman mini-series by Robert Venditti from DC Comics.
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cherrylng · 4 months
Gears & Analysis - Manson 007 aka Blackie [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Black Peace [Correct name is Manson 007 aka Blackie] A jet-black bomb-making machine fully armed with a number of unique ideas.
The Manson custom model, known as the ‘Black Peace’, was introduced in 2001 and has been used to this day. The body shape and other basic guitar features are similar to those of the earlier Delorean, but the specifications are quite different. In other words, it is a further updated model based on the ‘DeLorean’. The specs shared with the Delorean at the time of production included front and rear pickups (the rears have now been replaced with bare knuckle ‘Mississippi Queen’ pickups), a piezo pickup system (which has also now been removed), and a built-in effects unit. However, the truth about the effects of pedals are not clear due to mixed accounts. It seems to have a ‘Phase 90’ and a Zvex ‘Fuzz Probe’ (or ‘Wah Probe’)…… In any case, the key point is the copper plate on the right side of the unit. It is a fact that by holding your hand over it, you can freely change the oscillation sound, just like a theremin. Therefore, there is no doubt that one of the ZVex ‘Probe’ series is incorporated. There is also a MIDI controller on the top left of the unit. This was a result of Matthew's question: "Can we mount a “Whammy” on it?" According to Hugh Manson, the original idea was to have a built-in ‘Whammy’ itself, but this was abandoned due to power supply problems, so only a MIDI controller was built in, which would be used to control the ‘Whammy’. The controller itself is a transplant of the ribbon controller originally set on the Roland ‘JP-8000’ keyboard. Incidentally, it can be assigned to any MIDI-compatible device other than the ‘Whammy’.
Pickups & Controllers The sustainer pick-up is located between the P-90 type front pick-up and the fingerboard. The rectangular object located to the left of it is a MIDI controller that works like a touch sensor. The toggle switch next to it is a kill switch. The copper plate located on the left side of the unit is the oscillation controller.
Controls The control system is as complex as that of the ‘Delorean’. There are many switches and knobs. The two knobs and switches at the bottom of the body are probably for the ‘Fuzz Probe’ (a sibling of the ‘Fuzz Factory’). The knob next to the bridge is the controller for the ‘Phase 90’, the mini-switch to the right of it is ON/OFF, the three mini-switches in a row vertically are switches for the sustainer, and the three knobs on the far right are controllers for normal guitar sounds. There is a strong theory that there is a ‘Wah Probe’ built in instead of a ‘Fuzz Probe’, but since Guitar Tech describes it as a ‘theremin’, it is probably not a ‘Fuzz Probe’?
SIM L.E.Ds On the side of the fingerboard, there is an LED that indicates the position. This is a system developed by Sim's Custom, a brand founded by Martin Sims, an engineer originally active in the field of Formula 1 racing cars, and is called Sim's L.E.Ds. Various specifications can be selected, including the colour and shape of the LEDs. The Dodd markers on the top of the fingerboard can also be illuminated, but Matthew seems to have opted for the side-only version.
Translator's Notes: I don't know why this typo error was never corrected by the STYLE editors. I thought I knew the guitar looked familiar to me, yet I've never heard it being called the Black Peace at all. To fans and Matt alike, the Manson 007 had always been 'Blackie'.
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
Newish Comics:
The Flash #7: The Linear Men? The Linear Men??? Si Spurrier, what is cooking in your brain and can you keep giving me a direct line to it? (I mean bringing the Linear Men in a series that also gave us Gold Beetle makes perfect sense because Rip would be so into her but wow. It looks like they've barely been used since Flashpoint too). Also it's fascinating watching the re-establishment of Max and Bart's relationship.
Barry seems to finally have risen out of his ennui a bit, only to notice Something Is Wrong With Linda and then immediately suspect (wrongly) it's Hartley. Still pretty sure Linda's main issue is PPD but it being imposed by an external source is certainly something.
Green Arrow #10: this is another issue that mostly exists for people to hug each other, while Williamson goes 'remember that these people had relationships?' Sean Izaakse's art is just so good in terms of drawing the memory backgrounds so well I can pick out the specific issues and storylines he used as references (Batman + Arsenal shoutout!)
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Also, remember when Amanda Waller didn't put bombs in people's heads, she just very occasionally put explosive collars or wristbands on the most dangerous and/or irritating Suicide Squad members? (Like Captain Boomerang?) Because I do. I remember Suicide Squad 1987.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #11: part of this is me just being contrary, I know, but I am extremely not convinced we are going to see Maps as an active Robin in a main title, given Kerschl is a Gotham Academy creator anyway, and she's currently getting appearances as Meridian over in Birds of Prey. Gotham Academy continuity is only about 1/4 linked to main book continuity. (Someone is going to try and point out 'they appeared in Robin War' or something but it was an active and new title then, and honestly, nobody writing most Bat titles cares about them. It's its own sub universe. Also this story has Bruce dating Isla MacPherson, something I guarantee will not be followed up anywhere else)
Also imagine being called Karl Kerschl and coming to DC to write? How much time does this poor man spend saying "no, not Kesel".
The Artemis story remains amazing and I am fully supportive of it retconning whatever character crimes it is currently trying to excuse as weird.
Also how did we get so unlucky as to have both a Bat Lash AND a Sgt Rock story in this issue?
Amazons Attack #6: and this tied things off nicely! Honestly for an event that didn't need to happen, Josie Campbell did well with it, featured a whole host of Wonder Woman characters that Tom King's barely interacting with, and added to some relationships between characters that needed additional work.
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #5: I am sure this is a far more meaningful issue if you care deeply about Green Lantern lore. Also DELIGHTED that the JSA team up in this series actually happens on page rather than in the final splash like in Wesley Dodds: The Sandman. (Wesley Dodds is still the best of the three minis to me, but I'm happy here that we're going to get JSA backup).
The Warlord #45: Previously on Lost World of the Warlord (I said I would) Travis set out to find out what had happened to his daughter Jennifer. He goes back to the village of dwarfs and gets his old sword back (since he chucked Hellfire into a lake), and ends up fighting some Cyclops' that took several of the dwarves to eat. Tragically nothing particularly fun happens here (though a skeleton IS tied to a cross, the bondage isn't involving any characters I care about AND it's just a warning threat)
Also something weird went on with the lettering this issue where what I think were script directions ended up as text boxes for all the scene transitions. If it was a stylistic choice on Grell's part it's a particularly odd one.
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soranatus · 1 year
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Three all-star creative teams will be bringing Golden Age characters Alan Scott, Wesley Dodds, and Jay Garrick to life in three brand new mini-series! —Alan Scott: The Green Lantern by Tim Sheridan and Cian Tormey will be Alan Scott’s first solo title since 1949. Through a twist in the timeline, Alan Scott: The Green Lantern revisits and recontextualizes the origins of the first Green Lantern through the lens of our modern understanding of the man. The story, which begins in the 1930s, is about an old flame – the kind that burns eternal – and the sometimes head-on, single-track collision of our personal and professional lives. This is Alan’s coming-of-age, in which he must embrace the man he is, to become the hero he’s meant to be. In the end, he’ll have gained a greater understanding of himself and his gifts – as he unlocks a new, previously unknown ability that could make him the most powerful Green Lantern in existence! 
“Tim has crafted a beautiful and shocking origin story for Alan’s greatest enemy, the Golden Age Red Lantern, that is both heartbreaking and inspiring,” added Johns. “Jeremy has created a fun, emotional adventure celebrating the reunion of Jay Garrick with his long lost daughter, Judy, set firmly in the DC Universe of today and Rob will present a mystery tale of The Golden Age Sandman’s earliest days through the lens of Oppenheimer. These three series will all tie back into Justice Society of America and a few other titles we’ve got brewing.”
—Wesley Dodds: The Sandman by Rob Venditti and Riley Rossmo shows the titular character as a pacifist. He has given up on the hope of a peaceful world, but he hasn’t stopped believing that people can be better to each other, if they’re only given the right tools. Possessing a scientist’s optimism and romanticism, he is convinced that humanity can invent cures for its own ills. Having learned about the battlefield horrors of World War I from his father, he sought to create a sleep gas that would allow for “humane” warfare. During his research, he recorded all of his attempts in his science journal - even those with horribly deadly consequences - swearing to never show them to the world. Now his journal has been stolen, and he must find the culprit and stop them before his deadly mis-inventions fall into the arsenals of the belligerent nations threatening to pull the United States into the next world war.
—Jay Garrick: The Flash by Jeremy Adams and Diego Olortegui. It’s hard being a parent, especially when your kid is a speedster! Jay Garrick has been reunited with his long lost daughter, Judy, but figuring out how to connect with her is proving to be difficult. They’ll need to work to find common ground when a mission that started in Jay’s early days as the Flash comes roaring to today. But will The Flash and The Boom be able to thwart a plan that’s been in the works for decades?!
All three of the first issues will be available in October at local comic book shops.
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Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief LEGO set ideas
Our new family tradition is building a LEGO Christmas Village together, so naturally my brain went - Percy Jackson LEGO sets. These are slightly easier to pop out than my dream unboxings, so I'm going to add a couple of these while I work on my annotations.
Fight Scenes
I love the connectivity of some themed LEGO sets, so I'm going to lean into that a little too much.  PJO culminates in a battle on Mount Olympus at the top of the Empire State building.  So I think each battle set should stack to be a floor on a giant Empire State Building (some can combine, think 4 floor tiles wide)
Book 1 gives us a bunch of fun fights.  Spoilers for book 1 and maybe for the series?
Nancy Bobofit and the fountain/Fight with Mrs. Dodds/Fury
Percy in Yancy clothes
Mr Brunner/Chiron in chair (he should have a red umbrella and a book)
Grover in hidden leg form?
Mrs Dodds/Fury (I'm not sure if this is a doable transformation or just two separate minifigs, my lack of LEGO knowledge fails me here)
Nancy Bobofit
Split this - fountain outside on one side, then stairs and a wall to room decorated with big marble frieze of greek gods for the Fury fight.
the fountain should have "grabby" water or moving tentacles of water somehow, the inside should have some sort of moving component - maybe the fury flying with her wings on clear posts
4 tiles wide for the set, 2 for each mini location
Fight with the minotaur 
Sally Jackson, Percy, Grover with satyr feet.  Percy should definitely have a bag with blue candy or cookies in it and his sword
Minotaur with removable horns
The car should be in this, able to be broken by lightning bolt, somehow incorporate the lightning bolt
Thalia's tree, several other trees for Percy to jump off of! Falling tree limbs could be cool.
this could probably be done in 3 tiles.  4th tile for that floor of the building could be the Fruit Stand with the Fates, old ladies in rocking chairs.  Is it a battle? no.  Is it eerie and comes back at the very end?  yes.
Bus fight with the furies - this to me feels like it could jump out of my Empire State Building dream to something separate that is mainly focused on the large bus.  Percy, Annabeth, Grover, 3 furies, a bus driver and 2 random people, luggage, Annabeth's cap.  I'm not going to give it a tile size because it isn't going in my Empire State Building.
Auntie M's and the fight with Medusa
This one is getting a full 4 tiles/entire floor.  all sorts of statues, a place to eat, a place to take a group "picture", the flying shoes, the reflective shield, a way to make Grover fly, INVISIBLE ANNABETH/clear minifig Annabeth.
St Louis Arch with Echidna and Chimera
The little kid who saw the monster has to be a minifig.  And the guide.  Probably no Annabeth or Grover here.  
Plus if the wall of windows can spin or break or something to launch Percy out of it. I really want this to be a full floor/4 tiles, but also that the back half of one of the tiles is an elevator tile that WORKS and can be rigged to create an elevator that goes through to other floors, because elevators show up in other areas too.  one of the tiles on each build would also have to be removable or not feature a bunch of items on it to make this possible... but it would be quite the feature, let's be real.
Waterland Tunnel of Love ride
obviously, the trap feature, the webbing covering it, the boat and then a ramp and a tunnel leading to a jump.  Grover being able to fly again (this feature comes up a lot).  The scarf, the cameras and creepy Cupids, the screen.
Our main three are now decked out in Waterland merch
Lotus Hotel
2 tiles, bright Vegas colors, lots of flowers and games.  Some lights or slides or something should happen here.  LEGO does some really cool "retro" mini builds of their historical sets that would be fun to incorporate here.  Also historical games and minifigs
Crusty's Water Bed Palace
lots of weird beds.  2 tiles.  Crusty and the main 3.  maybe some beds that can flip to have skeletons.  Idk, this one is less fun.
Fight with Ares on the beach.
Full 4 tiles, a giant wave for Percy to ride on, Ares's motorcycle, the helm of darkness, the master bolt, police and exploding police cars.
I skipped a lot there to get to the end battle, I know... but wait, there's more.
The Underworld
Obviously the Underworld is kinda its own thing, but has some parallels to Mount Olympus.  One might even say it is like... the basement of Mount Olympus.  We see more of the Underworld in other parts of the series, but here we do get some epic introductions. The color of the bricks should shift to reflect the underworldliness.
DOA Recordings and the barge/river
This deserves to be two levels and I'm going to make it two levels in this plan here, but I'm going to say that it is only 3 tiles wide.  One tile is an elevator tile that goes down to the river underworld area on the second level.  
Entrance to the Underworld - airport security level and Cerberus
another 3 tile wide - lines and security minifigs.  Could probably get away with just Annabeth, and then Cerberus. Obviously need to add the EZ death lane too.
Cannon launcher for the ball Annabeth throws to Cerberus.
Hades' throne room
the imprisoned Sally Jackson, Hades, the backpack and the masterbolt and the pearls - some sort of lifting/rising feature would be cool here. The three in their pearl bubbles would look really cool
this would be 3 tiles and could attach to...
The chasm to Tartarus
a small set with just one tile in width, but 2 levels high.  The chasm has a trap door feature that would actually swallow a minifig.
Just Grover and the shoes?  His face should show terror.
I really wanted to include the garden of Persephone, but I want that to be special much later in Nico's story.
Camp Half-Blood.
The Big House has some sectional qualities to it.  Percy wakes up in the infirmary, they play pinochle with Dionysus and Chiron on the porch, and there is the attic and the Oracle.  Later on the counselors have a meeting space and Chiron's room is mentioned.
The forest would also have its own theme to it.  There are a lot of battles and skirmishes that take place within it, the entrance to the labyrinth, etc.  Percy's first capture the flag game and the fight with the the black Hellhound near the river would be a great set.  And of course... the claiming of Percy by Poseidon.  All could be part of the same set or broken up.
As far as the rest of camp goes - the bathroom fight with Clarisse could be a cool smaller set with all the toilets exploding.
And finally - the cabins!  I really like how they have LEGO builds where a book folds out to a playscape, and I think there is a lot of opportunity there to mix in different parts of the books and of the camp training with the living situation of the campers with minifigs to match the characters of each.  So a Hermes cabin with plenty of space for an abundance of demigods, with spots to stow smuggled items and the Poseidon cabin with an ocean theme, and possibly having training items to pull out like the lava climbing wall or archery range (from Apollo or Artemis, obviously)
Anyways, that's where I am currently at with my LEGO dreaming. Looking back at this I want to amend my "4 tiles" thought for the size of each floor to a 6 tile thought. I think I have some LEGO building software on my ancient laptop, I might play around with that a bit. OH... or 6 tiles and it FOLDS. Now I want to decorate the outside with stickers of what is happening throughout the books.
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vivaciousoceans · 2 months
Mini Dodds death really fucked Liv up, she’s so afraid to lose another detective
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cardboardheartss · 3 months
Hannah Dodd Mini Personality Reading
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TRD : PoW, 7oP, 10oP, 4oW, 10oC
ORD : Moving, Open up your heart, Caution, Date Night
Hannah is a hardworking person. She is aware that in life when you wish to venture into something, it will take some time for you to gain success, she never lets any obstacles bring her down either. She could be a very giving person and provide to her loved ones. Very family oriented, could probably look up to her parents relationship and want that for herself too! Hannah is open to dating, but before she makes it official, trust she will do some background checks on her potential partner just to see if he is worthy of her time.
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waveblazer · 11 months
My computer broke so I haven't been able to talk about the mini Wesley Dodds renaissance DC has been having lately, but I am going feral over it. I loved him in Knight Terrors and I think his solo with Venditti is off to a great start. Wesley Dodds my beloved I am so happy DC remembered you exist. Now if only Sandy could get some love too
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ufonaut · 1 year
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Alan Scott: The Green Lantern by Tim Sheridan and Cian Tormey
Jay Garrick: The Flash by Jeremy Adams and Diego Olortegui
Wesley Dodds: The Sandman by Rob Venditti and Riley Rossmo
Ahead of Stargirl: The Lost Children’s last issue on May 9th, DC is revealing three brand-new titles that will be under The New Golden Age banner spearheaded by superstar writer Geoff Johns (Flashpoint). All-Star creative teams will be bringing Golden Age characters Alan Scott, Jay Garrick and Wesley Dodds to life in three six-issue mini-series, Alan Scott:The Green Lantern by Tim Sheridan and Cian Tormey, Jay Garrick: The Flash by Jeremy Adams and Diego Olortegui and Wesley Dodds: The Sandman by Rob Venditti and Riley Rossmo. Also a part of the Dawn of DC yearlong storytelling initiative, all three first issues will be available at local comic shops in October.
“It’s long past time that the heroes of the Justice Society had their own titles again,” said Geoff Johns. “At the same time, they had to be special, important, and emotional stories, each one exploring character, revealing secrets, and introducing new heroes and villains to the DC Universe. These three series will all tie back into Justice Society of America and a few other titles we’ve got brewing.”
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dirtyriver · 1 year
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Wesley Dodds: The Sandman, six-issue mini-series by Rob Venditti and Riley Rossmo
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altsvu · 2 years
currently rewatching law and order svu season 17 and why am i just now realizing how hot mike dodds is????
like yes dominate me mini dodds 😍😍
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kirbydots · 1 year
Have you heard the good news: New Wesley Dodds Sandman mini series coming out in October.
Yes! I’m so, so excited! The cover looks amazing, and from the previews I’ve seen, the art looks so good!
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