#mini muka
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mccbrackets · 1 year
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Ö889-8391-5788 (WA) Sajadah Muka Sajadah Polos
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Harga sajadah kecil untuk kepalasouvenir sajadah kecil. Sajadah empuk premium produsen sajadah souvenir murah ukuran sajadah harga sablon sajadah alas sajadah empuk sajadah bordir sablon mengenang 40 hari souvenir pernikahan sajadah kecil sajadah souvenir pernikahan sejadah tipis sajadah meteransajadah portable. Harga sajadah souvenir murah sajadah pria sajadah tebal lembut sajadah empuk jual sajadah travelsajadah kecil souvenir. .
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do you think it's too on the nose to make the police designation for the obligatory Case All Those Years Ago in the ace attorney au EV-0. do you think it's too on the nose to make it be a serial killer known as The Watcher and make the names of their six victims Taurtis Schell, Tom O'Hawk, Netty Plays, System Zee, Mini Muka, and Salem Lay Dee. do you though
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moeruyami · 2 years
If Jimmy really going to have a villain arc, I wish he can have special guest to help him like SystemZee, Mini Muka and Martyn for the fun. Just a little thought.
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I have a concept of how Listeners work.
The concept being Listeners act like puppets being controlled by watchers, and in order to create a Listener you have to use the body of a player (It's much easier to use a corpse as they cant fight back). Through a Listener, Watchers can easily infuriate servers, scout for interesting ones, and to find people they could ‘use’.  The Watchers happen to find Evo without using a Listener and it was a great find for them. Especially after Tartuis and Pearl joined. They could use nearly every player!
Grian (Watcher)
Taurtis (Watcher)
Pearl (Watcher)
Zee (Watcher)
Martin (Listener)
Jimmy (Listener)
Big B (Listener)
Mini Muka (Listener)
Jimmy was kidnapped after Grian, Pearl, Salem, Martin, and Tartuis went missing.(Tartuis was the first one missing then everything went downhill) Jimmy got tortured for weeks slowly becoming a vessel for the Watchers to do what they wanted. (He was sort of carved up and stitched back together so he didn’t die immediately, giving him a stitched together sort of appearance.) In the process he watched them kill Salem Lady because she wasn't useful.  
After weeks of constant abuse there was a breaking point.
Grian and Pearl finally manage to escape. Pearl is having extreme memory issues and Grian is in pretty bad physical pain. In the process Grian found Jimmy's body. Pearl had to drag him away before they were caught again (she doesn't remember Jimmy but she does remember his corpse and the way Grian clung to him).
After they escape, Jimmy is turned into a Listener and is used to infatuated servers. At one point he makes his way to the Season 2 Empires server. Everything is basically the same and then the Hermit cross over happens. The moment Grian sees the sheriff all his alarm bells go off, Pearl is the same way. The empire server gets told about Jimmy (Grian and Pearl have such a fun time with that) and there's a huge panic to get off the server before Jimmy the Watchers find out they know.
Now the Empires have to deal with the fact they never met Jimmy, only have met his puppeteer-ed corpse. Grian and Pearl now have to deal with the fact that one of their best friends' dead body is being controlled by the very people who killed him to do who knows how much harm. 
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 11 months
hey people who make taurtis angst having to do with evo. very interesting note about his whole… deal with evos that you might not know if you didn’t watch mini muka’s pov.
he stops logging onto the server long before the dragon fight where grian is taken as a watcher. however, when the evolutionists are going through the listener’s maze and find the portal to the final update (1.12), muka shows an animation of them jumping through it, and taurtis is in the animation.
in the event any of you want to do something with the implication that he was still… there, somewhere. or at least, that the listeners managed to find where he was and take him to the finale.
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A sketch I may or may not ink. From left to right, there’s Skizzle Man, Mini Muka, and Salem Lady, the leading rebels of the Red and Gold Uprising. In the Horizons AU, all three are parrot-folk who would eventually follow Grian across the Sea of Guardians to the Land of the Sunrise, alongside the rest of the Evo crew.
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babblingpipit · 1 year
was on Sunday and as usual I spoilt myself to death. Kurasa karena sehari-harinya kita hidup banyak compromise banget ya jadi biasanya pas hari ulang tahun I will eat and buy anything that I want without overthinking it. This is my little tradition and when Adit comes to the scene it became our ritual, I think he prefers it as well since he doesn’t need to think of gifts, we just need to allocate a budget to fund this (although this year he surprised me with a little koala doll that can function as heat/cold pack to help with menstruation cramp hihi). 
So, he made a reservation to ramsay’s kitchen (both of us are fans of Gordon Ramsay’s TV) and we biked to the city! Kebetulan blue bike (rented bike di Boston) lagi ada promo jadi gratis tiap hari minggu di bulan mei. The weather couldn’t be more perfect! It was sunny and warm but still breezy. I wore my new flats (given as a birthday gift from my ciwiciwi geng) and my favorite polene bag in the backpack setting. So convenient for biking. I want to ramble a bit for these two things:
- The flats are from allbirds, which is SO COMFORTABLE but I think I got a wrong size so I need to exchange this. It is light, machine washable, no blisters, empuk. 
- The bag is the perfect size and color and can be used to many occasion because it can transform to crossbody and backpack.
Right. So we arrived at the restaurant just 5minutes late from our reservation. Ordered crab cake for entrees, salmon for me and lobster roll for him (we ended up switch setengah-setengah because both are so good), and toffee pudding for dessert. Everything was superb, and not that expensive too which is surprising. Tapi ini emang bukan resto yang michelin-starred gitu sih lebih casual so I guess there’s that.
Then, we shop around. Masuk saks liat-liat tas edisi spring, coba-coba baju gamis sebagai alasan untuk masuk fitting room buat numpang solat wk. Terus ke sephora buat claiming birthday gifts (lumayan dapet blush stick sama maskara mini), terus ke glossier coba-coba dan beli beberapa item. Tokonya konsepnya lucu banget kita bisa nyoba segala yang ada disana dan kalo mau pesen tinggal panggil mbaknya. Jadi di tokonya gaada display stok barang. Semua yang didisplay bisa dicobain. Jadi kamu technically bisa masuk dengan muka bare terus dandan full didalem. I ended up with the brow gel and 2 shades of ultralip. The lip products are SO GOOOD now I want to buy more shades!! Beneran yang hydrating tapi berwarna dan glossy gitu love banget. Terus semprot-semprot parfumnya juga dan sampe malem masih awet terus baunya enak dipuji Adit. I will definitely buy the perfume once mine runs out hihi. 
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All of Grians lore (That i know of) (1/3)
To start off here’s the timeline of the lore/series:
YHS/TS -> Evo -> Hermitcraft + Life series
Evolution Smp / Evo (yes i’m doing this out of order, i do not care/lh)
The premise of this series is that everyone started on the Beta version of Minecraft and evolved though the updates. The people involved in this series are Grian, SolidarityGaming, InTheLittleWood, Netty plays, bigbst4, Salems_Lady, Mini Muka, Tomohawk, and systemzee. Pearlescentmoon and Taurtis joined later in the series.
The series started off normal, with everyone building bases, pulling pranks (mostly Grian), and general Minecraft stuff. Soon enough there were towers/buildings that these people called “The Watchers” placed. The towers they made had hints to the portals, the portals would bring the players to the next update of the world.
After a while it became apparent the at the Watchers wanted the plays to go to The End, with the signs hinting at it even in the early updates far away from The End.
When the players got to The End they all had to fight the ender dragon alone, even though they went through the portal at the same time. After Grian defeats the dragon, he becomes a Watcher.
For everyone else, after they all defeat the dragon alone they meet up thousands of blocks from spawn, without Grian. The series carried on without Grian and then ended soon after.
That is all for right now as i want to sleep, but thank you so much for reading!!
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mccbrackets · 1 year
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pixelfun20 · 2 years
fic title game: going home to the ashes
(This is a spinoff drabble from my fic The Coding Conundrum bc with this title how could I not haha. But warnings for spoilers from ch14 and ch18 below the cut (though you strictly don’t need to know the fic to understand), and trigger warning for mentions of death.)
(Fic title game)
When the Watchers destroy a world, they leave behind Ash.
Grian knows more about the process than he really likes to admit. How the Watchers take a world and pull up the Void through the very bedrock of a server, using the burning, black nothing to make the air unbreathable, to kill the plants and dissolve anything that remained into a snowy ash. To thin the very air itself, to fill it with poison and suffocate any player lucky enough to survive Macan's swinging broadsword.
Usually, you need to combine the powers of both a natural-born admin and a Watcher to cause this level of destruction, one use their commands to break the bedrock, and one to pull and manipulate the void itself.
Grian had thought, now that he'd escaped, that Exae wouldn't have been able to destroy Evo. Apparently, he was wrong.
There had been many things that had been changed, deep inside him, when he'd been taken. The mask, the clothes, even the wings, once he'd been accepted. In the past few weeks, he'd shed them all; left the mask behind, burned his robes, cut off his wings.
But he cannot rid himself of the ability to breathe the poison, End-filled air of Evo. It is a burning reminder of what he cannot destroy.
Burying the bodies is backbreaking work. It looks like Macan had gotten to at least half the server, in their attack. He counts them as he finds them, closes their eyes and whispers their names. Mini Muka. Tomahawk. Salem. Zee.
He finds their corpses scattered about the server, half-buried in the falling ash. The code of the world is broken, the chunks glitching in an out of reality at times, but Grian knows his creation, knows it well enough to find them from their lasted dredges of ones and zeroes.
He buries them at spawn.
Mumbo helps him.
Grian has never been more grateful for the existence of a single man in the entirety of his life. From noticing his disappearance, to getting Xisuma's help, to rescuing him and offering him a home and a shoulder to cry on and helping to find Evo and never ever expecting anything but friendship in return. Nothing but what Grian himself is willing to offer.
They bury the bodies together.
He doesn't know where the others are. Perhaps they escaped, made it out before Exae destroyed spawn. That's what Mumbo says, through the mask he needs to breathe here, optimistic comforts about Netty, his second-in-command, his replacement as admin, being among the missing. But it's also possible that their code is so destroyed that the trails that led him to the confirmed dead simply didn't remain for them.
It's hard to be optimistic, so Grian lets Mumbo do it for him, lets him whisper comforts about better places and escape. And then he lets him return to Xisuma's side, whispering something about plans as Hermitcraft's admin keeps his communicator open, practiced fingers throwing up protections to keep them from Exae's prying eyes.
He holds Taurtis' headphones in his hands, broken and frail in his hands, and grieves. He does not cry, but he stands there, looks out across these rudimentary graves, and grieves.
He'd let himself hope. Hermitcraft had been so extraordinarily kind to him, let him stay in their exclusive little server even though he'd only expected it to last a few weeks. He'd thought, that even though Exae had known about Evo, that his server would still exist, or that it would be intact enough for him to access the exit logs and find where they had gone.
Luck is not on his side, today.
Domrao had messaged him, back when he'd first escaped. An offer of refuge, a place to stay. They could go and live in his old creative worlds, or hide in the crowds of Wynncraft--Jumla or Salted had made it clear that he would always be welcomed there with open arms.
It's tempting. He might take him up on it. Maybe he'll stay on Hermitcraft. Or go off on his own. He's not sure.
Ash dusts the headphones, lands on his eyelashes and billows about with his breath. His home, once so vibrant and happy, is ash.
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inthelittefrost · 1 year
Oh god the implication gets worse if you add in the 30 days hardcore server
Oh god of course jimmy didn’t die first there! It’s his domain not the watchers
Oh god mini muka
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aksara-letter · 2 years
Libur di akhir pekan adalah hak istimewa, kadang keberuntungan yang tidak datang pada sebagian orang. Memiliki waktu tidur sedikit lebih lama, tanpa perlu mengatur waktu untuk mandi, sarapan dan makan siang bisa menjadi waktu yang anomali.
Semenjak menghuni apartemen, jam sembilan pagi bagi Aksara adalah waktu yang ingin dilompati. Selama satu setengah tahun, di jam itu manajemen apartemen membunyikan pengumuman ke setiap koridor dan kamar huni. Sebuah pesan tentang mewas diri dari pandemi. Saat kasus covid melandai, jam sembilan pagi menjelma sunyi, satu-satunya alarm yang berbunyi hanya di jam lima pagi. Belakangan, sejak penghuni baru kamar sebelahnya adalah sebuah keluarga dengan anak balita, jam sembilan pagi kembali menjelma bel sekolah.  Hampir setiap hari terdengar suara anak kecil menangis, kadang tertawa kencang sembari berlari di koridor, dan suara si Ibu yang memarahi. Dan hari ini, anak kecil itu tantrum di koridor.
Jeritan tangis anak itu tepat di pintu kamar huni. Mau tidak mau, suka tidak suka Aksara membuka mata, duduk di ranjang, membenarkan tali dress tidurnya yang jatuh ke lengan, menggulung rambut, menuang segelas air. Dibukanya pintu kamar huni.
“Hi kids, are you ok?” Seketika gadis kecil itu berhenti menangis. Aksara mengambil lembaran tissu, diusapnya air mata anak itu. “Kenapa menangis?” Tentu mereka bingung, kami tidak pernah bertemu sekalipun bertetangga. Mereka hanya menyapaku dengan jerit tangis dan tawa setiap pagi.
“Where is your mom? di mana ibu kamu?”
“mini market” jawab si gadis kecil.
“How about your dad?”
“sleep” Bisa-bisanya seorang ayah tidur dengan membiarkan pintu tidak terkunci. Bagaimana jika anak ini berlari dan jatuh di koridor? Bagaimana jika anak-anak ini mendorong pintu darurat dan jatuh dari tangga? Aku jengkel dengan orang tua mereka yang semberono. Aksara kembali masuk ke kamarnya, mengambil dua batang cokelat.
“Kamu kenapa menangis?”
“Dia menjatuhkan mainanku terus pecah” gadis kecil itu menunjuk anak laki-laki yang bersandar di dinding sebelah pintu kamarku. Kuberikan dua batang cokelat pada mereka.
“Kamu marah ya, boleh. Dia sudah minta maaf?”
“Sudah” sahut anak laki-laki itu.
“Kalian bersaudara?” Anak laki-laki itu mengangguk. “Sepupu” sahutnya.
“Mainan kamu rusak, kamu boleh marah. Tapi dia sudah minta maaf. Kamu mau memaafkan, kan?” gadis kecil itu diam menunduk.
“Hi, boy, sini. Coba, sekarang kamu minta maaf lagi. kamu ajak dia bersalaman” Anak laki-laki itu mengulurkan tangannya.
“Maaf Brenda. Nanti aku bilang mama buat ganti mainan kamu.” Gadis kecil itu menjabat tangan saudaranya. Mereka berbaikan.
“Sekarang kalian sudah baikan. Kalian berpelukan dong, kalian kan, saudara.”  Mereka berpelukan dan kembali tertawa.
“Jadi, nama kamu Brenda. dan kamu?”
“Aku Aksara. Boleh aku bicara?” Kedua anak itu mengangguk. “Tolong, sekarang kalian pulang, main di koridor tanpa ditemani orang tua bisa berbahaya. Maaf, jika aku mengganggu waktu main kalian, dan terima kasih sudah saling memaafkan. Tolong, maaf, dan terima kasih.”
“Tante cantik” Wah, anak kecil memang terlalu jujur. Aku terkejut dengan ucapan gadis kecil di hadapanku itu. Tiba-tiba aku teringat ucapan seseorang yang bilang “Bandung seperti kamu di pagi hari, cantik.” Dan kalimat itu mungkin tidak akan pernah ada lagi.
“Terima kasih Brenda. Let’s go, aku antar kalian pulang. Dan pintu rumah kalian ditutup, ya.”
Setelah mencuci muka, aku mengambil mangkok, menuang sereal dan susu, membuka pintu balkon. Langit mendung, hujan menyisakan gerimis, apa sebaiknya aku kembali tidur? Tidak. Jangan.
Setelah menonton berita, memotong buah, dan membersihkan kamar, aku menyeduh kopi. Ada yang berbeda dari seduhan hari ini, bagaimana bisa beans colombia menghasilkan aroma dan esapan earthy di awal. Kupikir, cukuplah hujan yang mencuatkan aroma tanah basah, tidak pada kopiku. Aku biasa menemukan aroma dan earthy taste, di Indonesia umumnya karakter earthy ada pada beans Sumatra. Entahlah, aku hanya ingin minum kopi dan hanya itu yang aku butuhkan.
Aku membuka link blog seseorang yang dikirimkannya melalui chat jam setengah dua belas malam tadi. Dia bilang “teman jelang tidur” Kupikir tulisan istimewa, ternyata buah pikir yang kurasa terlalu sederhana untuk seorang pewarta kritis. Aku memilih untuk membuka Twitter. Sekilas aku menemukan twit SCBD: Sudirman, Cibinong, Bojong Gede dan Depok. Sejak pusat Ibu Kota dipenuhi fenomena Citayam Fashion Week, aku merasa kata “Mbak-Mbak SCBD” tidak lagi menarik karena terminologinya yang sudah bergeser. Tidak ada yang salah dari fenomena remaja Citayam yang memenuhi kawasan Sudirman dan Dukuh Atas. Bukan juga pemandangan baru, berdekade lalu, Blok M menjadi area serupa dengan gaya berbeda. Fenomena Citayam fashion week adalah langgam yang menjelma subkultur tentang kelompok remaja hari ini. Tentang mereka yang tinggal di kota-kota penyangga dan akses yang terintegrasi dengan satelit kota.
Belum lama aku melihat langsung, gerombolan remaja dengan ragam busana yang menarik perhatian itu. Tidak ada alasan bagiku untuk merasa terusik, sebaliknya aku suka dengan cara mereka mengekspresikan diri. Lagi, itu karena aku melihat mereka sebagai sebuah subkultur. Kehadiran remaja Citayam fashion week di awal mungkin terlihat sebagai anomali, tapi tidak jika melihatnya dalam konsep antropologis dan sosiologis. Subkultur hadir dalam masyarakat industri maju yang umumya terbentuk dalam kelas, baik itu usia, tingkat ekonomi, dan budaya. Tapi, layaknya sebuah pergerakan, subkultur adalah cara untuk menentang hegemoni. Ketika bicara hegomoni, aku selalu teringat tentang Antonio Gramsci, seorang intelektual besar di kalangan kaum kiri. Dialah sang pencetus teori hegemoni yang membawa perubahan besar atas teori-teori perubahan sosial, utamanya bagi kaum yang menghendaki perubahan radikal dan revolusioner, dan itulah yang aku lihat dari fenomena remaja Citayam hari ini. Tak peduli dijadikan bahan ejek sekelompok orang yang menganggap mereka norak dan kampungan.
Kehadiran mereka adalah anti mainstream yang dalam sosiologis disebut sebagai kelompok dengan perilaku, kebudayaan, dan pemahaman yang berbeda dari induk kebudayaan mereka dan rekat dengan simbolisme. Bisa jadi, gaya mereka, gaya para remaja Citayam di pusat kota Jakarta adalah simbolisme dari entitas kelompok remaja suburban. Lagi, tidak ada yang salah dari itu, yang salah jika kehadiran mereka menimbulkan masalah sampah di Ibu kota.
Sudah sore, langit masih mendung, kuhabiskan kopiku yang tersisa seteguk. Akhir pekan masih panjang, dan aku harus bergegas. Selamat Sabtu.
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usabun-tl · 6 days
English+Romaji Translation
This track is from the new mini album being released on 6/26! Please enjoy this translation while you look forward to it!! The title is a secret until then!
The lyrics were taken from Endo Anri's Twitter.
te wo tsunagitakute boku wa
I want to hold your hand
kimi wa tenshi da to uso wo tsuku no
And tell the lie that you're an angel
迎えに来たの 足りない
mukae ni kita no tarinai
I went to pick you up, it's not enough
急いでいるの 足りない
isoideiru no wa tarinai
I'm hurrying, it's not enough
渦巻く美意識 救い出す君が
uzumaku biishiki sukui dasu kimi ga
Your sense of beauty swirling around
You who will rescue me
wakaranai to iu sugata mihoreta
I was captivated by you who said you didn't understand
subete hada de furenai no
I can't feel anything through this skin
mou yume de shika aenai kara
Now I can't see you outside of dreams, so
aenai kara
I can't see you, so
umareta kara ni wa mou inai
The shell you were born into no longer exists
umareta kara ni wa kimi no soba de
I was born to be by your side
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Penggiling Es Batu, Penggilingan Es Batu, Mesin Serut Es Listrik, Harga Mesin Serut Es Batu, Mesin Es Serut
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Pabrik Mesin Es Batu sebagai Leader dalam industri Machinery Indonesia yang menyiapkan bermacam ragam mesin pencipta es batu yang miliki pengalaman lebih dari pada 11 tahun.
Skema Automatic yang kami pakai adalah pendahulu dan pimpinan dalam industri pembikinan mesin es batu. Semuanya diterima hasil dari pengabdian tanpa henti kubu engineering tangguh yang kami punyai.
Salah satunya konsentrasi khusus Pabrik Mesin Es Batu ialah memberinya kwalitas terhebat dalam service dan produk.
Sekarang produk mesin hasil kami diketahui sebagai produk yang gampang dipakai karena prosedur automatis yang bisa secara gampang dijalankan serta didalami oleh penduduk umum juga tiada membutuhkan kursus profesional.
Oleh karena itu, apabila Anda tengah memerlukan sejumlah mesin es batu tak perlu kuatir,langsung Hubungi Konsumen Servis kami.
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Hubungi Kami: Bu Fara CALL: 0812-9393-9523
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Postingan Lainya:https://pabrikmesineskristallampung.wordpress.com/2024/03/07/mesineskristalgeabireuen/
Kulkas Es Batu Kristal, Harga Kulkas Es Batu Kristal, Pembuat Es, Alat Pembuat Es Balok, Pembuat Es Batu Mini
#HargaPenghancurEs #JualMesinSerutEsBatu #HargaMesinEsKristalMini #MesinGilingEs #EsBatuKristalSurabaya
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