#minor fiveya
Me: It’s fine, I’m over Umbrella Academy, I can enjoy the show like a regular person-- Brain: Plot an au where Vanya starts her own superhero team. Me, tumblr text file already open: Fuck you.
Vanya discovers her powers after running away from home in late high school and running out of pills. She can’t get a refill since her pills were created by Reginald for only her and “hey, kid, where’d you get these mysterious drugs from? I’m calling the cops.”
She spends most of her time trying to earn money by playing the violin. 
She has a panic attack in an alley bc she’s out of pills and she can’t go home and oh, god, what should she do--    That blows up the alley. When the destruction is over, there’s a person standing there--a person with no identifiable gender staring at them with wide eyes. “You’re just like me,” they gasp. 
This is the first of multiple OCs in this verse, provided that I work more on it. Maybe... 5 major OCs?
This particular OC is Taylor, one of the other 43 kids born October 1st, 1989, and they are a shapeshifter from France. If you follow me, you might recall they were briefly mentioned in this short post. They can shapeshift into any person, animal, or combination therefore at the cost of an extremely high metabolism. 
Taylor immediately drags Vanya off to their hotel which they are staying with another one of the 43, Mason. Mason is an Empath from England. He and Taylor met online. His power allows him to both feel and manipulate other people’s emotions. He can even affect large crowds of hundreds of people.
Taylor and Mason have been scoping out the Umbrella Academy for the past week, trying to decide whether or not to approach them with the idea of joining. Mason thinks it would be irresponsible to not volunteer to help people (having grown up on “with great power comes great responsibility”. Taylor doesn’t actually care beyond preventing Mason from getting shot, but has slowly grown to like the idea.
Vanya immediately goes, “You naive idiots, here’s a million reasons why that’s a bad idea”, thoroughly explaining her backstory to boot. And then remembers that she suddenly has powers now and oh look! Another panic attack.
Mason puts a stop to that. No blowing up hotel rooms here, thank you. 
But now, Mason and Taylor are up a shit creek because the only known superhero group is run by an abusive asshole and they still want to help people. And Vanya’s like, “Hey, I was basically right next to Reginald in the Umbrella Academy’s training for my entire life, I know how to train ppl to be superheroes. I can train you guys!”
And Mason goes, “Fantastic, also we should probably figure out why your literally exploding shit despite being powerless for your entire life. bc wtf man.”
Vanya: “That is a fantastic idea, also I’m having an identity crisis.” Taylor: “That’s literally my entire life, let me help.”
But all is not well in the city of Townsville, for you see, another person saw Vanya blow up an alleyway. It was... The Conductor!! 
(No, it’s not jenkins, and while I haven’t read the comics, the Conductor isn’t going to be here long enough to matter). 
The Conductor has been kidnapping and brainwashing musicians into joining his Orchestra of EVIL to play his Apocalypse Suite that’s totally going to end the world, guys. 
(let’s just say the Conductor is lowkey psychic. Like, he knows this song is going to be the song that ends the world, but not when it happens or who plays it)
So, he was stalking Vanya, to save her from a life of homelessness by drugging and brainwashing her when he sees her blow up the alley and thinks “oh. that’s the missing piece.”
Vanya has only been training Taylor and Mason for three days or so when she gets kidnapped by the Conductor and Taylor and Mason are like “oh shit, we should probably get her back if we want our dream to become reality, also because it’s the right thing to do.”
It takes them a while to track her down, because they’re not heroes yet, and they get captured while looking for her, because they’re not heroes yet. 
By this point, Vanya’s been drugged and being forced to learn the first chair part for the Apocalypse Suite, and some memories have been knocked loose. Like bby!Allison rumoring her. The dark room in the basement. And bby!Vanya killing a nanny or two. She’s very emotionally overwhelmed right now. 
But she’s resisting the Conductor, who is not having it. So he threatens to kill Mason and Taylor if she doesn’t agree to play. So she does. 
And She Brings Down The Building.
Vanya manages to keep herself, Taylor, and Mason alive in the destruction, but the same cannot be said about the Conductor, probably (IDK, if I decide to continue/write this, he seems like he could be a good reoccurring villain). 
Vanya is very overwhelmed at this point because All she ever wanted was to be accepted by her family, to have powers like them, so the fact that her father deliberately took them away from her is devastating. Fortunately, she managed to get most of the rage out of her system by blowing up the Conductor’s building. 
Mason and Taylor drag her out of there before the police show up because they blew up a building. By the time they get back to their hotel, Vanya has decided. 
“Can I... can I join your superhero team? If you guys want me?”
Of course they say yes because they’ve bonded now, but Vanya is still very iffy about being on the front lines. Like, she JUST had a guy try to brainwash her into destroying the world with her powers and it was revealed that she kept killing nannies in her childhood, she’s not in a good place involving them. 
But, again, she’s been next to Reginald Hargreeves for a long time. She knows about both training and leading a superhero team. So Taylor suggests she takes the head. Or perhaps... the First Chair. 
Because that’s what the Conductor made her. She was to be the first chair of his Orchestra of Evil, to lead the apocalypse. It’s only right that she takes that back. Plus, as part of their job, the first chair is a leader. 
And Vanya is a leader now.
Since I don’t know if I should continue this, here’s my OCs, their powers, their hero names, and their jobs on the team.
Taylor Devereux Power: Shape-shifting Hero name: The Chimera Job: Infiltrator, Tank Note: Has the world’s biggest crush on Vanya. 
Mason Gaines Power: Empath Hero name: The Aura Job: Crowd Control, Can Wipe Out Large Amounts of Enemies Note: Both Taylor and Mason named themselves after Vanya’s siblings in an act of solidarity. Was the one to suggest it, along with the group name, “The Parahumans.”
Saniyah Best Power: Technopath Hero Name: Hijack Job: Hacker, Information Gather Note: Saniyah was the next to join. Discovered them through her hacking after being kidnapped to use her powers for evil. Sent an SOS, agreed to join if they rescued her. 
Luiz Rocha do Amaral Power: Elemental Breath Hero Name: Drake Job: Heavy Hitter/Lancer Note: Found them on an online forum of all places and tracked them down from there. Is working on an animated cartoon of their adventures as a superhero team.  Until he started training with the Parahumans, he thought his power was Fire Breath, but in truth he can breath multiple elements. 
Sang-Kyu Choi Power: Shadow Manipulation Hero Name: The Shade Job: Leader on the ground, Sniper Notes: Vanya saved his life. While Sang-Kyu didn’t originally plan to be a hero, he couldn’t not repay that debt. Somehow, he ended up leading the entire team. He and Vanya are very close, almost as close as Taylor and Vanya.
Vanya Hargreeves Power: Sound Manipulation Hero Name: The First Chair Job: Team Leader, Eyes in the Sky, Trainer Notes: She cried the first time their group celebrated their mutual birthday and she got presents since she rarely got them before. Still remembers every note of the Apocalypse Suite over a decade into the future. Misses Five Hargreeves more than anything else in the world. 
If you want to be added to a possible taglist, please use the replies or my ask box and make sure you call it the “parahumans au” so I can find it fast. 
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favorite incest ships
(asked by @pantastic-peach​ on my main - feel free to request a gifset of any you like!)
disclaimer because this is tumblr: i don’t support incest irl. obviously.
1. Wincest (Sam/Dean)
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Obviously this had to be number one. Where else are you going to get codependent, enmeshed, homoerotic brothers written to be intentionally weird with incestuous undertones? Where else are you gonna get gothic tradition combined with American folklore and masculinity to create this trauma-induced but designed-by-fate love? Saving each other again and again, unspoken confessions and longing glances and growing up with only each other and canonically soulmates? I love this ship so goddamn much.
Status: Canon / Non-canon ???who even knows??
2. Sharpecest (Thomas/Lucille)
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I really gotta commend Guillermo del Toro for bringing back gothic-horror-romance to the big screen. Old houses, naive heroines, and family secrets (incest) and all. The interesting thing is that Thomas and Lucille’s romance is given a sympathetic light, and we learned that they are both victims of abuse. So the trauma in how they got here makes it interesting to read about. Plus, Jessica Chastain and Tom Hiddleston are extremely hot, of course.
Status: Canon / Non-canon
3. Harcest: Horrance/Kliego/Benkliego, Fiveya, Aluther (Umbrella Acad.)
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So many siblings, so many pairings to choose from. As with Wincest and Sharpecest, the relationships between the siblings that skew romantically are due to bad parenting and messed-up childhoods. Are the siblings or are they classmates? Do THEY even know? Not to go off about gothic tropes again (are we sensing a theme?) but again we have the old house, the messed up family, supernatural elements, secrets kept from children (Vanya), secrets kept BY children (Alluther), and not knowing how to put back your family again when it wasn’t even there in the first place.
Status: (partially) Canon / Non-canon
4. Junincest (Jun-ho/In-ho) - SQUID GAME SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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This one’s extremely new--from Squid Game. The whole movie I thought that Jun-ho and the Front Man would make a very interesting couple, say, if Jun-ho had to worm his way into the Front Man’s good graces to get information on the Squid Game and seduction and the like. And then! We find out--they’re brothers! But oh! As we’ve seen above, that ain’t gonna stop me...if anything it adds more angst. And we love that. ;)
Status: Canon / Non-canon
edit: thorki gets an honorable mention because while i don’t really ship it, i have read fanfic for it (i like jotunn loki content and that’s really the only place i can find it) and the fandom has really cool artists and writers. i just prefer gen/platonic thor&loki :)
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Fiveya Week Master List
For @fivevanya‘s Fiveya Week 
August 26: Day 1 - Apocalypse  August 27: Day 2 - No Powers AU August 28: Day 3 - Time August 29: Day 4 - Family  August 30: Day 5 - Jealousy August 31: Day 6 - First Kiss/Last Kiss September 1: Day 7 - Free Choice 
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kkultokkie · 3 years
why are people so bothered about others shipping incest ships in the umbrella academy when the show literally has allison/luther.... like why are you watching this show if incest bothers you
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ikea-lingonberry · 3 years
Fiveya is a horrible ship. Terrible. So, so cringeworthy. And creepy??
- They're siblings, y'all.
- In the show, Five is in a 13-year-old's body. Even if he wasn't, he's still 58. Like... Come on.
- LASTLY, while shipping the actors is totally separate, what bothers me is that Aidan is ONLY 17 YEARS OLD. Stop weirdly shipping the smol minor please.
I live for Five and Vanya's PLATONIC relationship. But, the ship?? Hell nah.
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jubberry · 3 years
I actually got in to tua cause I’m so sick of romance. I love the platonic relationships so most of the art of the stuff in my tua tag is platonic.
But honestly, the tua gen fandom is so vile. There’s a difference between hating something, so you block it cause you never want to see it again, and going out of your way to send death threats and more to other people. And the people who do nothing, but also dont go out of their way to discourage behaviour like this is even worse. I would literally rather be friends with someone who creates the grossest, nastiest things known to man but tags it extensively so I dont have to see it. Then be associated with someone who sends literal death threats, and hopes real people die, despite shipping the ‘’purest’’ ship in the world. You guys are so out of touch its ridiculous.
Fiveya fans dont have much content or much support, so we created our own community. If you guys want content for the stuff you want to see then make your own and block us.
ANYWAY my ask is always open to the ‘’freaks’’ in the tua fandom. If you guys want to request your ships then feel free to do so. I am not comfortable drawing minor/adult stuff though so I will age it up. But I’m sure you guys can respect tags and triggers more than anyone else.
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circumstellars · 3 years
Lol a friend sent this to me
I have a stalker, I'm the luckiest gif maker alive...
So anyways this weird kid is really crazy... And saying some really weird claims of a public discord that anyone can easily look with their eyes and disprove... I guess they're really mentally ill.
They got banned from the server actually ages ago (I wasn't there for it I don't think but iirc they were spamming unhinged stuff about instagram five/ya shipper stuff it was creepy? Idk.) So. I guess they stopped enjoying the secret five/ya channel and miss it.
Anyways erm, I'd keep my distance from this user. They're also on tumblr by a similar username, be mindful of where you step there be really ....really crazy loons in this fandom. They draw Tua fanart but most of their energy is being obsessed with five and Vanya anti stuff... I think.
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So uh... I'll return to....my secret fiveya minor(?) porn distribution ring(?)...... That was my plan all along....through....gifs. yeah, gifs. Follow @stellargifs for 80s movies gifs that may also be random ship porn. Cheers!
- your friendly paedo gifmaker
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queeenpersephone · 4 years
can you imagine fiveya as a hades persephone thing? or with similar vibe?
hmm!! i think you can make it fit, if you’d like. but if you’re going do the greek myth thing i think there are better options. 
namely, gimme vanya as ariadne and five as either dionysus or minotaur (aka her brother lol) but in since that’s tragic let’s do dionysus. 
smart, sweet, quiet vanya who’s the daughter of a king and never been loved. leonard as thesus, using her to find out how to kill the minotaur, but ofc she falls in love with him bc he’s the first to even look at her. five as the chaotic, messy, caustic god that always watched over the beautiful shy vanya and the way she faded into the background, who became her imaginary friend bc she didn’t expect a god out of him
but when leonard leaves vanya on that shore, he becomes one. 
threatening poseidon within an inch of his life, the sea god brings a storm. five’s crazy grin is the last thing that leonard sees before he drowns. 
five arrives quietly on the island and asks vanya to be his wife. says he’s always seen her bc she makes him feel ordinary. he’s already put her constellation into the sky to convince her, and she agrees, quietly, shyly. 
queue five bent over his throne, smirking. vanya is perched on the arm of the chair with five’s hand wrapped around her thigh. luther, zeus, goes ‘five she’s a minor goddess she can’t be here’ and poseidon, ben, is like ‘i think they’re cool’ bc he hasn’t forgot how five threatened to burn his underwater kingdom to the ground, to make him mad, to end the world, all for this slip of a goddess that he bent the stars for. 
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rappaccini · 3 years
my underrated fave chaos au to come out of the fiveya discord has gotta be the flight 29 down au. it’s weirdly easy to translate the tua gang into the castaways with a few minor adjustments and it gives us the absolute gold of:
diego spending several days fighting a coconut tree to prove his manliness and nearly dying twice while luther and five simply collect fruit that isn’t 30 feet in the air
klaus digging a hole at gunpoint
ben accidentally becoming leader because the group elects him out of spite
five immediately springing into survival mode and bossing everyone around
vanya being the ultimate wingman to diego
luther having an existential crisis about their impending death while ben simply minds his business carving wood
klaus summoning allison back from a bout of intense catatonia by fucking up so royally that she laughs her ass off
five, vanya and ben single-handedly keeping the entire group alive while luther and diego measure dicks and klaus and allison sleep all day
luther and diego nearly dying chasing a pig while the rest of the gang save allison and vanya from nearly plummeting to their death, and having no idea they nearly died
everyone miserably spooning in a tent
klaus nearly dying after slurping the forbidden shellfish and the group not being able to tell because lying around and groaning is just how he’s like normally
allison shampooing the solar panels
luther and diego having the slurpiest makeout on a raft after two straight weeks of yelling at each other
diego turning into a needy puppy after one kiss and going on long angsty walks on the beach to Think About Love
allison digging a latrine and weeping the whole way
five nearly causing a lord of the flies-style collapse over one videotape
diego losing his mind only four days in and hunting five for sport with the flare gun
klaus resorting to blackmailing vanya to avoid having to work
vanya seizing her chance to get revenge and tricking the group into yeeting klaus at a komodo dragon
klaus befriending the komodo dragon
luther strutting around in allison’s miniskirts to air his balls out
five getting ready to literally murder everyone to protect his emotional support chicken
fun fiveya first date ideas: building a HELP sign out of coconuts on the beach
vanya fantasizing that the grenade box is filled with kittens
city boy ben not understanding how fishing works, nearly impaling his foot with a spear, and then screaming incoherently and going to take a rage nap
allison teaching city boy ben how to fish by giving him her earrings to use as bait
the main seven having a whole holiday while the sparrows are literally about to commit cannibalism in the jungle five feet away
+everyone: desperately searching for food before they literally die of starvation
klaus and allison, two feet away, also starving:
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essiestarr · 4 years
On Fiveya (which 100% notp for me) ppl pull the whole not blood related thing. Also, the "we understand them better/are enlightened" is classic bullshit from taboo shippers. I've been around fandoms for awhile, in my experience incest shipper usually come in two flavors: defiant "Yes, I ship incest, your disgust amuses me!" (usually with blood related) and deniers: "It's not *technically* incest*" (Fiveya also sexualizes a minor which is just wrong (the actor is even if the character isn't)).
Ah technicalities, of course. Wow, ppl can be really selective.
Thnx for explaining btw
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spikeymarshmallows · 4 years
new followers?
....Okay, so I somehow have managed to gain a bunch of followers in the last 72 hours. Like, not just one or two, but like, more in 72 hours than I have in the history of this blog...
First of all: are you lost? I promise, I do not post much quality content.
I wonder if I should make a “Before You Follow”.....
I think I’m gonna make this my “before you follow” lololol.
Anyway, if you’re not lost! Welcome to my blog!
I’m Spikey, but because we’re friends, you can call me Spikey.
I am a ~mixture~ of things. I love TUA, and specifically ship Kliego. But I’m also a dirty, filthy multishipper and love me some Horrance, Even Trio, among other things. But the important bit to know is: I ship the TUA siblings together. If that is a squick, or a trigger, please, just unfollow. I don’t mind.
If you are only interested in my writing, maybe this is the blog for you! It’s 99% fic updates, and the occasional thing that reminds me of my fics.
I’ve also started a misc “hippy/witchy stuff” blog. It’s pretty disorganised rn.
But if you’re here for other stuff, I have....
An ADHD infodump + an ADHD tag
A “lol” tag
Stuff on asexuality
And then some politics kinda thing.... like “eat the rich”
I have been on the interwebz since I was Too Young, and am a big fan of “curating your own experience”. As such, I believe in liberal blocking of people. If you’re blocked by me, and you’re wondering why, it’s probably because you posted something anti-like, or reblogged a lot of anti-posts. Soz brah.
I have a background in psychology/sociology/anthropology, and am a dirty filthy liberal who supports controversial ideas such as “universal healthcare”, “free education”, and even “universal basic income”. I don’t hate all of capitalism, and I think that arguments conservatives make about lefty’s are bullshit, but I try not to get into that in what is meant to be, overall, my happy place.
Despite the crippling depression and sometimes very sad posts, I am a firm believer in aggressive positivity and think that, unless they’re nazis, you should always choose to be fucking kind.
I think a nice way to welcome people to this blog is to share some love with other people and their fanworks!
So, here! Have a few recs!
UnrememberedSkies’ “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea”. Honestly, I cannot rec Rem’s writing enough. I put off reading this series because it listed horror, but honestly, I’m a fucking baby about anything remotely scary and I adore this series. I want to shove it in my mouth and keep it there forever.
sweetstuff’s “The Fools’ Journey”. Okay, so I haven’t read this (YET), but I know sweetstuff and without even having read this yet, I know it’s going to be spectacular. The only reason I haven’t gobbled this fic up yet is that I’m very trapped in depression and also writing my own epic rn.
achilleees is someone everyone in the Kliego fandom probably knows about, and their fics are *chefs kiss*. But if you feel like trying something new, their Five/Diego fics introduced me to a whole new world. [Please note--Five is aged up!]. My favourite is definitely “a win-win proposition”.
achilleees may have gotten me interested in aged-up!Five/Diego, but Electra-XT kept the flame going. I am particularly fond of “Need a Vacation” because it has some glorious wit and snark, but it also has this one particular scene with Five that I have maybe sent to numerous people with a series of keyboard smashes. I won’t spoil it. You’ll know it when you see it.
If you’re interested in meta, and also salt, rappaccini is where I suggest you look! I’ve never known anyone to notice things like she does, or to think about things in the way she does. I am constantly blown away by her mind. Also, she’s a neato writer! She writes a lot for Fiveya, but “family feud” will forever be one of my favourites.
sarkywoman also has some amazing fics! “The Price of Parenthood” destroyed me. She’s also an incredibly lovely, lovely person and I enjoy our interactions and her blog a bunch!!
c0ffeebee does some of the most beautiful fanart I’ve ever seen. Also, turns out we used to run in the same fandom many years ago! How neat is that???
I’m certain I’ve forgotten some amazing people....
Some other Good Eggs are:
freshgratednutmeg | god-shuffled-his-feet | weareinastormoffuck | ativanpire | acespacepilot | punknatch | letsbakethatcake | cultleaderklaus
Anyway. Thanks to all the new people for the follow. But uh, yeah! If you’re an anti... or a minor... or just hate harcest....... this is probs not the blog for you!
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"In my early childhood, for as long as I can remember, I thought that I wanted to be loved. Now I know and tell everyone: I don't need love, I need understanding." - Marina Tsvetaeva
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b-rainlet · 5 years
Salty Ask 1 and 2 for TUA?
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
In general? All the bigger ones. I am a multishipper so I can get behind everything as long as the dynamic fits the story that's being told but.... some ships just don't peak my interest as much.
Kliego for example. Fiveya too. I get the appeal of Horrance but mostly enjoy it because of Ben.
You could say I like to fixate on minor ships with less popular characters (Ben and Luther especially).
Oh! Totally forgot but out of all the popular ships I really don't get Klave. I mean, yeah, it's queer rep but what do we know of Dave? Nothing. And I also dislike building that relationship up to be on the level of actual soulmates, I believe Klaus gave it more meaning than it actually had for other reasons (I hc he latched onto the first person being nice to him, he's clingy in general, he probably had no intention of returning to his siblings and talked himself into having 'reasons' for it by saying he's deeply in love, also Vietnam was traumatic, of course he's gonna feel this relationship as something especially intense). So I prefer the canon ships that have at least some kind of foundation.
Even Diego/Patch had more visible chemistry and they weren't together during Season One.
I just hope this does not escalate into people being mad when he doesn't come back for Season Two because he is, in fact, a minor character.
3. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Not really, I can see everyone being involved romantically but I prefer Allison/Luther as a BroTP? At least when I am writing them. Sure, Alluther is my fave canon ship but I just like the idea of them curling up in Allison’s room and gossiping with each other, maybe having 'boy talk' that's really just talking about people just being too hot for them to handle because those two are Bi/Pan(ace) solidarity.
I also really enjoy Luther/Vanya and Diego/Vanya as a BroTP! I mean, y'all know I ship the hell out of Lunya and Diego/Vanya is my guilty pleasure but a fic with other ships (even ones I don't usually read) having any of those two as buddies? I would read the hell out of that.
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@fivevanya’s Fiveya Week - Day 1 - Apocalypse:
"The world is a goddamned evil place, the strong prey on the weak, the rich on the poor; I've given up hope that there is a God that will save us all. How am I supposed to believe that there's a heaven and a hell when all I see now is hell." - Aaron B. Powell
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"Shouldn't it be muscle memory by now? Shouldn't it be easy?" - Rebecca Cooper
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“And I’ve realized that the Beatles got it wrong. Love isn’t all we need - love is all there is.” - Morgan Matson
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