#minor marichat
Adrien: Oh, wow! A kiss can break curses in real life, too?! I didn't know that.
Adrien, sweetie, what do you mean you don't know?
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anxresi · 4 months
I Beg To Differ.
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Okay, now just because I'm about to embark on an epic rant does NOT mean I think anything bad about you as a person, OP. It's just on this one teensie-weensie most minor of points, I happen to think you're 100% wrong. Just thought I'd clarify that, so no offense intended. Anyway, on with the show...
Nah, they did us SO dirty with Chloe. I hear your above argument a lot, and it WOULD be a fair point��� if it wasn't for the fact that there are SO many clear signs this wasn't what was intended from the beginning that it makes your reasoning completely null and void. Chloe's 'arc' was the most blatant case of in-show character assassination I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing, and I'm about to explain why. Read on! (If you want to, that is.... no pressure).
They strung us along for at least three seasons with various hints about her 'traumatic past', her problems with her often absent mother (which Marinette didn't help by encouraging them to bond because 'they're both such awful people'), showed her genuinely apologizing to her victims, protecting Sabrina from akumatization and having times when she treated her as a real friend, sacrificing herself to save the day occasionally, hugging Miss Bustier in a moment of genuine emotion, telling Ladybug how 'useless' she felt in a teary rooftop encounter, saving lives both as a superhero and a civilian (check back if you don't believe me), giving Adrien a moving speech on his phone about how 'she'd always be there for him', sharing a really close bond with her father, telling her butler Jean it was time she started doing things for herself, loving Mr Cuddly, adoring Pollen… I could go on. Not the best person in the world, true.... but a promising start. Green shoots, and all that. Her name literally means that.
S4 simply forgot any of this happened, and literally pushed her burgeoning development off a cliff with Sisyphu's boulder tied to it's big toe. There was NO build-up, NO foreshadowing, NO precedent for Chloe suddenly becoming a one-dimensional total-sociopath irredeemable-monster AT ALL, they simply made her that way on a whim. They had her start acting like a complete psycho for the evilz, made her the most stupid person in the show BY FAR, severed ALL of her few close relationships, wrote AN ENTIRE FLASHBACK EPISODE in incrimate her newfound nastiness even more and 'punished' her by sending her off exiled on a plane in tears with her abusive mother to… what else? Get abused, of course. GREAT MESSAGE TO ALL THE VULNERABLE TEENAGE GIRLS OUT THERE. (I won't even get into how utterly useless and blandly boring her 'replacement' of a plot device Mary S... oops, I mean Zoe is).
And we're supposed to believe the former corrupt mayor Andre, the terrorist Gabriel Agreste and Thomas Astruc (you know him) are the GOOD guys here? Well, I'd like to tell you what I'd like to do to them… but for fear of censorship, I'd better withhold that particular information for now.
The upshot of it is… if Chloe had been bad from the beginning and terrible at the end, I'd have accepted it. Heck, if her so-called damnation arc was even halfway well written and gave us an accurate and compelling look at the moral descent a person who's capable of redemption could take to the light but ultimately chose to stay on the Dark Side, this would've been highly disappointing to me but fine from a storytelling perspective.
But they didn't give us anything like that, did they? It was just… 'pretend the last three seasons never happened, develop amnesia, hit yourself repeatedly on the head with a shovel… we don't care. Just accept this is the NEW Chloe without question despite past evidence, because you won't be getting any answers. Now let's go back to what we're REALLY here for… Marichat, Ladynoire, Adrinette and that other stupid ship name. SWOON!'
Thanks, but no thanks. Did I ever tell you how much I HATE this stupid show? Apologies if I didn't make that clear enough.
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What do you say about 2 most despised characters in the fandom: Andre the Ice Cream Man and Thomas’s self-insert?
Are they the most despised characters? I feel like that honor goes to more prevalent characters like Gabriel, Lila, or André Bourgeois, but I could be wrong. Either way, my thoughts on the two you asked about are as follows:
Andre the Ice Cream Man
Andre reminds me of the weeping angels from Dr. Who. Great - or in this case fine - initial concept, but the more they show up, the less sense they make because the rules keep changing.
If we go by his initial appearance, then he's just some guy who can magically sense who you're supposed to be with and who gives you ice cream to point you to them. That's a cute concept for a rom-com. I can even accept him getting akumatized when he first shows up because, if you're a magical match maker who delights in love, then it makes sense that you'd be sad to see someone giving up on love even if it's just a teenager being dramatic. Those feelings are still quite real plus this show is aimed at little kids. They're going to view Marinette's heartbreak more seriously than an adult audience.
Unfortunately, every subsequent appearance ruins the initial setup by changing Andre's rules, turning him into a pretty obnoxious character. If he can sense perfect matches, then why does Marichat set him off? Shouldn't he be able to sense that this is a perfect match? And why didn't Adrigami set him off in the season three final? They got ice cream without him throwing a fit while Marichat was refused service once and caused an akumatization another time! That makes no sense. Does this man sense true matches or just support whatever couple comes to see him? And what happened to the whole, "anyone who eats his ice cream together stays together forever" thing? Consistency matters, people! Pick a lane! Obnoxious shipper who can't take a hint or true magical match maker. Which is he?
Based on his initial appearance and rules, Andre should be the only person in Paris who knows the truth of the square right from the start. If they'd done that, then he could have been a fun character that was used to subtly push the square together and give them an odd feeling of hope in dark moments where their love is wavering. After all, who doesn't love ice cream when nursing a broken heart? It could have been a cute running gag where Andre shows up with ice cream every time a part of the square is moping. Instead we get whatever nonsense canon is doing with him because even the super minor characters suffer from how wildly inconsistent canon is.
I'll end the Andre discussion by saying that I'm not sure if I'll ever forgive the writers for having Andre be the one to out Marinette's crush on Adrien. Five seasons of waiting and that's it? That's the big reveal? You are not getting me hyped for the actual big reveal, guys. Between this and the what-if episodes always making someone look terrible, my feelings about the eventual square reveal are basically just low-key dread. Thank goodness there are so many solid reveals in the fandom to give me the satisfaction I crave!
Thomas’s self-insert
Confession time, I didn't know that this was a self-insert when I watched this episode. I thought that Thomas' character was just a gag about how most people don't really know what directors do because that is certainly a thing. The fine details of individual roles in the entertainment industry are kind of nebulous to industry outsiders. We can see this in the fact that people often attribute way too much power to individuals and ignore how many people are involved in making movies and TV shows.
One of my favorite stories about this is the fact that a Star Trek writer had his episode win a Hugo only for him to completely disavow the episode because they changed his script so much after he turned it in. This is not a unique story, btw. Stuff like this happens all the time. It's why I've mentioned that I use "writers" as a bit of a catch-all term for "anyone who effects the story telling" for simplicity's sake. Though I will note that, outside of season one, every season of Miraculous was written by a team. Members of that team are then credited as directors, so these guys have a lot more powers than the guy who won the Hugo. The guy who won the Hugo won it because Star Trek was apparently being run like Miraculous was in season one when the show was written by a bunch of different writers who just sold scripts for individual episode and those scripts then got worked into a final version by a smaller core team. Film is a complicated industry like that.
Anyway, back to the character question!
I now know that this was a self-inset, but it doesn't really change my initial feelings about the episode. All of the problems come from Marinette's writing, not Thomas' self-insert character. I'm actually not sure why his character gets so much hate. As far as bad self-inserts go, it was pretty tame. I'm not sure if I'd even call it bad. Thomas wasn't painted as a god or anything like that. He was the butt of a running joke that I didn't find very funny, but I do think that it indicates a level of humility to let your self-insert be seen as less than perfect. He doesn't even take credit for being both a writer and a director:
Jagged: Ladybug is one of my best buds! I can't wait to see her movie! Thomas: Well I'm— I'm the director, so actually it's more my movie, so to speak. Jagged: Oh, so you're the one who created the story? Thomas: Well, technically the screen writers wrote the story, inspired by Ladybug's exploits. Jagged: Oh, ok. So you did all the drawings? Thomas: No, no. The animators do all the drawings. Jagged: So what do you do then? Thomas: Well I—
Now that I know that this character is a self-insert, also I find this moment at the end a lot more cute:
Thomas:(after seeing the conversation) You know what. Take my seat and enjoy the movie. I've seen it ten times or more. What matters the most for the movie is to be seen by people who really want to see it right? Marinette: (stutters) But... I-I... Uh... But... Thomas: Sorry, I guess you don't know who I am either Marinette: Of course do. You're Thomas Astruc the movie director! (hugs him) Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thomas: She recognized me. Somebody actually recognized me! (wipes away tears) This is the best day of my life! 
I may not like major elements of this dude's show, but I really don't see this as an ego trip. I see it as a nice moment between creator and creation, possibly because I got to view the episode without any biases when I first watched it. I'm not sure if knowing the full story would have changed my read, though, because I really do think that it's fine for writers and directors to put themselves in minor roles in their creation. You have to come up with so many characters for a story like this, why not let a random akuma be based on you?
To give you a little perspective, the head writers of the show RWBY both voice characters in the show. Once again, I have no problem with that, especially since RWBY didn't have the massive budget you need in order to hire a bunch of voice actors. The thing that I do judge them for is the fact that both of their characters get unnecessary romance plots with major characters. One of the writer's characters - a guy named Jaune - even gets an obnoxious amount of screen time to the point where he feels like more of a main character than some of the actual main characters.
This whole video analyzing that show is excellent and may be worth a watch even if you've never watched RWBY because it plays with some of the same general genres as Miraculous and suffers from some similar writing problems, but I'll give you two specific time links to parts that talk about the self-insert problem so that you can see what I mean if you'd like a little more context:
The RWBY issue is the kind of setup where finding out that it's an author self-insert makes me uncomfortable. These two characters have some pretty clear writing problems, so learning that they're also self-inserts? Not a great look. It makes it feel like the writers were prioritizing their self-insert characters over telling a good story. That's not what we got in Miraculous so Thomas' character seriously doesn't phase me. I doubt it would phase most salters if the overall show was actually good.
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glitterpensupremacy · 3 months
In a lot of rewrites I’ve looked at tend to water down the romance aspect of Miraculous by either not making Adrien and Marinette like each other, removing secret identities, or otherwise not really focusing on the love angle. And that can be a good thing, (especially if you actually fill the space with more focus on the different interpersonal relationships of the show). At the same time, I… kinda feel like it’s missing the appeal of ML in the first place? It’s an action romance show (a act-rom? Rom-act? Idk) which is actually pretty rare in the general media (usually it’s either mostly romance with a bit of action or vice versa with a shoehorned love interest), not to mention that the love square focuses on one of the core ideas of the show (relationships and they affect both your perception and trust).
So yeah, not only are we keeping the love square, but we’ve actually planned out how it progresses through the show (which I think is the main challenge with the concept: creating proper pacing). Therefore, I (finally) give you…
MTS Love Square:
To start, Adrien and Marinette will behave very differently with their crushes than in the original.
- Chat Noir is a lot more hesitant about being open with his feelings initially (due to various events before and in the first season) and prefers to hide behind ironic declarations. When he eventually does confess and is rejected, he is a bit disappointed but takes it well (if anything he’s more worried about LB not wanting to be his friend anymore). It’s actually because of CN that the secret identities are a factor in MTS (the identities are never a concrete rule, but he doesn’t trust himself enough to learn who LB actually is, and LB wants to wait until he is ready before she learns who CN is).
- Marinette gets more time to know Adrien before falling in love with him (and becomes aware of how over-the-top antics from admirers make Adrien uncomfortable due to his celebrity status), therefore, she tries to be a lot more subtle with any approaches she makes. Marinette still might stammer (as she does in most stressful situations) around Adrien when getting used to her crush on him, but doesn’t really make complex plans or usually swap words around. When she confesses to Adrien and is rejected, she also handles things fairly well despite her disappointment.
As for the general timeline for the square, we have:
- S1 (first half): Adrinette meets each other and becomes casual friends. Marinette initially just thinks Adrien is okayish (not super interested in supermodels), which actually makes Adrien more determined to be her friend (as she’s one of the few people who treats him like a normal person). Ladynoir meet and DO NOT GET ALONG, both due to representing opposite concepts, and then reminding each other of certain people in their lives who they have issues with (and Tikki and Plagg egging on their rivalry). They prefer to handle things on their own.
- S1 (second half): Adrienette become even closer as they have a few silly interactions (chiefly in Befana, Stormy Weather, and Guitar Villain). Ladynoir learn to work together and start seeing the other person for who they truly are (Timetagger, Puppeteer). They develop a strong bond due to their mutually stressful situation (Copycat also happens, which increases their concern for each other and CN’s fear of hurting LB). In Glaciator, the ACTUAL love square begins (Marinette falls in love with Adrien, Chat Noir falls in love with Ladybug). We get a handful of Marichat interactions (briefly in Timetagger, Befana, Puppeteer, and especially Weredad). Ladrien makes a minor appearance in Style Queen.
- S2 (first half): Both CN and Marinette work up the courage to confess their feelings to their counterparts. CN doesn’t want to become obsessive and harm LB with his feelings, while Marinette worries about potentially losing one of the few friends she has. Various romance related occurrences happen in their class that affect how they think about their crushes (Stoneheart, Evillustrator, Dark Cupid). When they finally do admit their feelings, a mutual friendzoning occurs (whether they have no romantic interest in their other selves or simply do not know how to process having a second crush is up to interpretation) and they try to figure out how to interact with each other post rejection. (Oh yeah, and we get a bit of Marichat in Evillustrator.)
- S2 (second half): Kind of a continuation of the last plot thread for S2’s first half. Adrien and Marinette navigate their friendship after Marinette is rejected, and Ladybug and Chat Noir try to ensure that their bond remains unshakable as ever. However, extreme circumstances (especially on the hero side) keeps them from fully processing their feelings.
- S3: Pretty light on love square content. Lots of interactions between sides (Even some Marichat with Gamer and some Ladrien with Gorizilla), but they’re trying to move on from each other. Adrien and Kagami (who was introduced in S2) fall in love, as do Marinette and Luka (also introduced in S2). We get the occasional hint that there is still some lingering feelings between the protagonists, but not much aside from that.
- S4: Lukanette and Adrigami play out over the course of S4 (and eventually break up near the end of the season). While there are other reasons why the couples don’t end up working together, the fact that Marinette never 100% moved on from Adrien, and vice versa with the hero identities, may be a factor in why they weren’t able to make things work with the alt ships.
- S5 (first half): Marinette and Adrien process and recover from their break ups. Eventually they discover their feelings for each other (Marinette learns that Adrien is in love with Ladybug and CN learns that LB is in love with Adrien). This leads to Ladrien dating (controversial, I know) but issues continuously crop up in their relationship.
- S5 (second half): The various issues with Ladrien are explored (mutual guilt over feeling like they’re lying to the other one by dating them after being friendzoned in another identity, trying to hide why they know so much about each other despite barely interacting as Ladrien, Ladybug worries about endangering the civilian Adrien, Adrien worries about not being able to help Ladybug as CN because she’s trying to protect him as Adrien). They manage to (indirectly) share some other problems as Marichat, but then they begin to realize that they’ve also developed crushes on each other as Marichat, which causes EVEN more problems! Things seem to be getting better when CN is finally ready to learn who LB is (after confronting a nightmare of a LB who thinks he’s a monster in Sandboy), and reveals himself as Adrien, inviting LB to do the same. Unfortunately, this shakes LB pretty badly (as she had a Sandboy nightmare of Ephemeral, a potential Adrien Akuma), and she isn’t ready for her half of the reveal yet.
- S5 (finale): When LB is able to put the pieces together on who HM is, she attempts to fight him on her own (due to knowing CN is Adrien and not wanting him to deal with that), unfortunately, this does not go well for her when (big spoiler I probably shouldn’t reveal yet), causing (even bigger spoiler I DEFINITELY shouldn’t reveal yet). When they two reunite (and Adrien finds out who LB is), they need some time to deal with everything, but finally get together completely at the end of the show.
For anyone disappointed about not getting post reveal dating, I don’t blame you (we have vagueeee plans for a sequel show where there is post reveal dating, but the plans are a lot hazier so I can’t say as much about it).
So yeah, that’s the brief rundown of the MTS love square. If you want more information about a specific side, feel free to send me an ask!
After this I’ll probably write my character notes on Felix MTS, but we’ll see.
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astriddestelle · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug is an interesting show. I feel like if I was younger I would eat this show up but I just can’t fully invest. That being said. Those kids deserve the world. Fanon Chloe is my favorite.
I’m weird though I like ship Alya/Adrien and Chloe/Adrien and Luka/Chloe, Chloe/Marinette more than I ship Marinette/Adrien.
Out of the love square I’m in the minority I ship Ladrien most of all even though it’s like the least likely to work.
Marichat is just so cliche and Adrienette is very cutesy but oh so basic
But yeah just my random ass thoughts.
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d011zk1ll · 3 months
Welcome to my blog ♡
My name is Atticus, Felix, Reece or Doll! I use He/They and im an unlabelled trans man!! <3
here's my meet the artist/author post!
My tik tok, spotify, and Ao3 and fic tag as well as my playlist tags where you can see all the playlist i've made for characters or ships
My ask box is always open for art asks or random rambles :)) but please don't send gofundme links I'm a minor I cannot help
My current interest is school bus graveyard, all the content from the cool as fuck fanbase and miraculous ladybug and a lot of the AU's made by the wonderful people in the fandom!
I have the basic DNI (listed in this post because I've gotten two asks about it at this point) !! As well as W1lbur, Dre@m etc fans as I know this was once a blog where MCYT were the main focus ♡♡ (Still love cream crew!!)
My Dm's are open if you want to make friends!! Especially my moots!
I'm autistic, have ADHD, depression and anxiety so be warned I may not always be the easiest to deal with but I try ♡
School bus graveyard
SBG/school bus graveyard: tag(s) for all things sbg! Fic's, playlist, art, Brainrotting ideas
Miraculous ladybug
The ladyblog discord server: An Au where they have their powers still, but Adrienette are online friends! An on going, multi chaptered fic
The History book on the shelf is always repeating itself (And the other tag since I put it under two different ones by accident!!! Agh!!): A future Au ft Emma Dupain-Cheng as Feyline and maneki-neko and Anthea Cesaire as Adalia! Also an on going multi chaptered fic
Could you stay awhile : An Alyanette au where Marinette ended up with the black cat miraculous and Alya, the ladybug. They're a year older in this au, as it happened a year after canon and it's a collection of oneshots
I won't say (I'm in love): Marichat au with Mari hating Adrien, and Chat hating Ladybug. Still a WIP, and the first fic (either chapters on oneshot) will be out sometime soon.
MLB twitter au!: This is basically me being silly! It is CYSAW but i thought it nice to give it it's own tag! :D 90% crack tho
mini comics i've done!
Mao and Scarabella meet their future counterparts (Complete, 5 pages, just sketched no colour)
Kitty blanche (incomplete currently, expected 10 pages, coloured)
And my general miraculous ladybug tag!!
More to be added!!
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 6 months
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w-stachu · 1 month
Hello everyone ✨️
Joined: 14/06/2024
Call me Stachu :)
Marauders, Stranger Things, Miraculous, Ducktales and Shrek fan ^^
My other account: @wujek-stachu
Multishipper :>
Poland 🇵🇱
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Aquarius ♒️
Gen Z
Marauders Era
Favorite characters
Regulus Acturus Black
Sirius Orion Black
Remus John Lupin
Pandora Rosier
Lily Jade Evans
Favorite ships
Wolfstar (Remus/Sirius)
Jily (James/Lily)
Moonkiller (Remus/Barty)
Moonwater (Regulus/Remus)
Moonchaser (Remus/James)
Rosekiller (Evan/Barty)
Marylily (Mary/Lily)
Pandalily (Pandora/Lily)
Dorlene (Dorcas/Marlene)
Favorite platonic ships
Prongsfoot (James/Sirius)
Bartylus (Barty/Regulus)
Lovekiller (Luna/Barty)
Moonwater (Remus/Regulus)
Moonflower (Remus/Lily)
Regulily (Regulus/Lily)
Fairyseeker (Pandora/Regulus)
Moontail (Remus/Peter)
Regupete (Regulus/Peter)
Moongift (Remus/Pandora)
Peterpan (Peter/Pandora)
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Stranger Things
Favorite characters
Robin Buckley
Edward "Eddie" Munson
Steve Harrington
Dustin Henderson
Maxim "Max" Mayfield
Favorite ships
Steddie (Steve/Eddie)
Byler (Will/Mike)
Ronance (Robin/Nance)
Lumax (Lucas/Max)
Favorite platonic ships
Stustin (Steve/Dustin)
Stobin (Steve/Robin)
Elmax (Jane/Max)
Reddie (Robin/Eddie)
Willel (Will/Jane)
Mileven (Mike/Jane)
Willmax (Will/Max)
Hellcheer (Eddie/Chrissy)
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Favorite characters
Luka Couffaine
Chat Noir
Marc Anciel
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Favorite ships
Adrianette (Adrien/Marinette)
Ladynoir (Ladybug/Chat noir)
MarcNath (Marc/Nathaniel)
Marichat (Marinette/Chat Noir)
Alyno (Alya/Nino)
Feligami (Felix/Kagami)
Favorite platonic ships
Plikki (Plagg/Tikki)
Mariplagg (Marinette/Plagg)
Alyanette (Alya/Marinette)
Marichat (Marinette/Chat Noir)
Marigami (Marinette/Kagami)
Adrigami (Adrien/Kagami)
Lukanette (Luka/Marinette)
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skateboarding 🛹
crocheting 🧶
playing the guitar 🎸
reading 📚
doodle 🖊
sketching ✏️
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angelsafez · 2 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng's Harem
explaining some things, especially with regards to possible future haters' comments
What it counts to MLB I'm in my MDC's harem era, which means I ship her with a few of the men in MLB world, plus crossovers.
Favorites: Daminette, Felinette, Jasonette
Honorable mention to: Chloe/Mari friendship & Lila exposed
This is fiction, if you want to read "socially acceptable" that's good for you, but stop being entitled and thinking that you can demand others to follow you - and your beliefs, ideas and opinions. They're fictional characters, they aren't one-dimensional therefore there's no such thing as only being acceptable in one way, like... That's not how it works.
In MLB, I started by shipping the square love, then I only shipped marichat. The 3 others parts of the square love are toxic, it involves obsession, stalking, among others [from both sides]. I still like marichat a bit, but it's tainted by 3rd season and the "Mr. High Road". Therefore I searched for other things and I found Maribat fandom and Felinette, I'm literally obsessed with those.
I know that people are toxic about these choices of pairings and there might be so many "arguments" that are easy to refute, but instead of it I'm going to give an advice: if you don't like something, block it, "not interested on", whatever you need to clean those things off your timeline. You are not being the bigger person by publishing those 15s hate videos, you're just spreading abusive behavior. You're just making sure that someone doesn't feel safe in the internet tru cyberbullying, and if you think that's ok you need help!
You're free to have your own likes, opinions and ideas, but you have no right to try to impose your beliefs on others: that's the same that people do with religion, politics and even LGBT community. Some of you are committing crimes without realizing: cyberbullying, slander/defamation...
You're only going to be happy when concentrating your life and time in what makes you happy. If spreading hate makes you happier, seek help urgently! These are all fiction characters. It's ok if you want to read vanilla, especially if you're a minor, but you're entitled as fuck if you think you have any say in what others enjoy in their free time.
Have a good day, with love...
ღ Viicktoria ♡
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The Marichat hate is sometimes just as bad as some of the other ships get.  
In the end, Ladrien and Marichat both get canon scraps and it rarely ever canonically lasts or goes well for us.  Most of us know all too well whatever minor victory we get is short-lived.
What really doesn’t need to keep happening is that people need to be genuinely rude about it.
Personally, I am a LadyNoir fan first and foremost, but I thoroughly enjoy all of the ship moments because they are *looks down at notes* the same two people after all.
It’s the same relationship that is only going to be all the more rich and have all the more internal worrying factors because of moments like these (as opposed to say sudden reappearance of ship rivals to add conflict) to drive the plot along for the rest of this season.
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jennagrinsoverml · 1 year
Could you gimme some fic recs where Marinette works as a fashion designer and where we get a description of her work life?
Somewhat like The Other You; Satisfaction Brought It Back and Chasing the C/h/atwalk.
Thank you!
(Feel free to ignore if you don't want to, it's cool with me!!)
PS I love love love love love your fic recs <3
Oh, this is a tough ask to answer! A lot of the fics that focus on that aspect don't actually tag for it, and a lot of the fics that are tagged Designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng don't go into it in a lot of detail. (And sometimes fics did focus on that aspect, but I just wasn't feeling it and DNF.) Sorry if this rec list isn't long enough/you've already read these fics. But hopefully you are able to enjoy these!
be your july by Reiaji
Two years after leaving home, Adrien has a room, a loving found family, and a thankless job with Audrey Bourgeois, the only figure in fashion with enough clout to bypass his father’s blacklisting.
He also has a zero percent success rate when it comes to courting Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Audrey’s relentlessly brilliant protégé.
With two miraculouses in the mix, it all gets a little complicated.
Multi-chapter. This fic is a canon divergence where Marinette went to New York in Style Queen and Adrien leaves home/Gabriel when he’s legally able. This is after she’s returned and they’re both adults here. The love square has always been reversed, and each chapter focuses on a different side of the new square, showing how these changes have impacted the different dynamics. It’s absolutely gorgeous, and the way Adrien is so earnest and heartbreakingly insecure shapes the story and hurts in the best way. Also the identity hijinks asdfghjkl
Madame Snare by jettiebettie
“Sounds like a lot of work for nothing. She should take this as a sign to have a relaxing weekend with no responsibilities.”
“It's a lot of work she put her whole heart into. It wouldn't be right for it to go to waste,” Adrien whispers to him. The look on Marinette's face is enough to cause Adrien's own heart to ache. If anyone deserves the satisfaction and pride from a job well done, it's her.
“Too bad there isn't anyone else who can walk in those death traps,” Plagg says. Adrien hums in thought, tapping his chin.
“I could.”
One-shot. Chat Noir steps in to model for Marinette when her model has to drop out at the last second. This one is fun and full of romantic tension and just really well done. And, as Marinette's participating in a design competition/fashion show, we get to see that designer side!
The following fic is amazing and absolutely worth reading, but does feature sexual content, so minors beware.
Sommeil by @ao3bronte
She’d noticed the bags beneath his eyes even with the mask over his skin and had asked occasionally how he was feeling and it was always the same response. ‘I’m fine,’ he’d say, ‘I just didn’t sleep much,’ he’d say, ‘I’m just such a party animal,’ he’d say. She’d always let it slide in the past because she’s his partner and friend, not his mother, but it’s kind of getting to the point where something has to be done.
He yawns too often to be sleeping properly.
He smiles too much to be happy.
A MariChat Story
Multi-chapter. This fic is absolutely amazing! Marinette's development as a designer definitely gets a lot of showcasing and, as I recall, she and Chat bond over design. The relationship development is among the best I’ve read. This fic is definitely worth a read!
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ladysunamireads · 6 months
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ladyofthenoodle · 2 years
Not that I don't know what shit people in this fandom are trying to pull, but could you like share your thoughts on this whole narrative where MC stans are behaving like they were so oppressed and that everybody made fun of them for liking MC. I've seen some of the worst part in the fandom namely ml YouTube and no where did I see salt on MC.
is this still happening? i thought we left this drama in last week.
i mean i had someone coming into my inbox saying elation was fanservice with no development so i do believe there is a small minority of marichat salters. now the victim complex they’ve built up and narrative that they’ve always been the underdog is totally fake, yeah, but that doesn’t mean that no one has been rude to them ever.
as annoying as some marichat stans have been (and definitely were during Release Week), i have seen an increase in vitriol towards them especially recently, and just because some particularly loud stans are annoying doesn’t mean we need to start name calling the whole group when plenty of them are just minding their own business.
coming into my inbox and trying to get me to rant about them is the kind of behavior that will make them double down on their “marichat is oppressed” narrative. let’s stop adding fuel to the fire.
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
I really like what you said about the Love Square dynamic and the comments in the fandom about how people are upset that their side of the square is not canonical in a romantic relationship. I especially liked the words that after the reveal it will be a new ship with its own unique dynamics created from all LS sides. But there are things I worry about after the reveal.
I hate these arguments about which side is better and I fear that even after the reveal, these arguments will get worse. There will be people who will complain about their dynamic after the reveal because it doesn't look enough like their favorite side of LS pre-reveal dynamic, while on the other hand there will be people who will claim that this dynamic is completely taken from their beloved side of the LS. Like, recently I've seen salty Ladynoir's shippers claiming that the post-reveal dynamic will be entirely pre-reveal Ladynoir.
And their statements stand in stark contrast to the show itself, as it teaches Marinette and Adrien to embrace their civilian and superhero identities as one, not to give up parts of their personalities to fulfill their dreams of their romantic dynamic.
First off, that last bit is the best take I've seen in a while, so thank you for that.
Because you're absolutely right. Their arguments are not rooted in canon. People in this fandom have never truly grasped the full concept of the love square. Ever since s1 there has always been this divide among fans of the show. I think other franchises like Twilight or THG series set this weird precedent of dividing people into "teams" for their favorite ships, even though one of them is bound to win out in the end, but the problem with doing that with ML and the love square is it doesn't work. The love square is so appealing because it subverts the typical love triangle because they're the same two people sliced 4 ways because of secret identities. Which is super great and fun and refreshing. But the problem is, people in this fandom have never quite fully grasped that concept, and people fell into the same pitfalls by treating each side as its own entity rather than a part of a whole. It's why MC stans for the longest time bolstered the "true selves" argument because there was a mental disconnect between the sides. Yes, there are unique dynamics to each one, but there is also an incredible amount of overlap because, ya know, they're the same people. But the issue has always been that people put the square in such rigid boxes and fail to understand why the love square is so great. It reminds me of Uncle Iroh's speech about the 4 nations and how you should pull wisdom from all of them. It's the same thing here. There is nuance to every side, but at the end of the day, the love square isn't 4 separate ships, it's one ship with 4 parts working toward a collective whole.
That's why I shake my head at a lot of posts I see around the fandom because people are upset over their own lack of understanding. I've seen it here, on twitter, on Instagram, on tiktok. "The love square is dead because Adrinette is canon" "rip LadyNoir marichat and ladrien" "I've wasted 7 years waiting for Ladybug and Chat noir to get together and it's Adrien and Marinette instead" Like, babes I have some news for you 😂😂 And I'm not saying people have to love every decision canon makes, I know I don't, but the amount of tantrums I've seen people throwing over the flagship of the show getting together is mindboggling. I made a joke to some friends in private about how prior to Elation, MC stans were the most obnoxious group of LS shippers, but truthfully I haven't heard a peep from them since after Elation aired, and it seems LN stans have moved up in their place. I didn't have LN stans becoming the new obnoxious MC stans that ruin the ship for everyone else on my bingo card last year, but here we are. And it's not all of them, just a loud minority I feel. But the annoying thing about loud minorities is that they're, well, loud.
To me, my intrigue with the love square has always been in blending the dynamics between the sides, even in pre reveal. Having a dash of LadyNoir banter and puns in Adrinette, having the sweet and gentle side of Adrien coming out in Chat Noir. They're the same two people, so all of that is inside them all the time. They're both an amalgamation of their two egos, and canon has never shied away from that. That was a huge point of Kuro Neko for Adrien. He's not one or the other, he's both. For Marinette I think specifically of Pretension when she confidently tells Gabriel to go fuck himself then goes outside and has a panic attack. She is both the confident superheroine who helps others and the anxious young girl trying to figure life out just like Adrien is both a goofy furry that makes bad jokes and a gentle and respectful boy who tries to see the best in other people. Canon has been screaming that at us, but some people just are not paying attention.
To assert that they will only be a representation of one dynamic post reveal is just misguided in my opinion. It stems from the lack of understanding that they are both Ladybug/Chat Noir and Marinette/Adrien. I firmly believe the post reveal dynamic will be a blend like I was talking about. Adrinette will confidently flirt. LadyNoir will have deep conversations about life that they never could before. MariChat will makeout on the rooftops. Ladrien will kick each others butt at video games. They'll be silly and sweet. They'll be serious and brave. Each side's development will shape the new dynamic, and I think that new dynamic will have elements we haven't seen yet but also a lot of the elements we've grown to love. It's not going to be just one side prevailing because that has never been the love square. Truthfully, I think a lot of people in the fandom are just too angry to see that right now. A lot of their posts are reactionary and ranty and angry, and the way I see it, those people will either calm down eventually or leave the fandom. Get over it or die angry, as I say. I'm not too overly worried about fandom after this season because I know a huge chunk of people aren't going to stick around. But maybe that's what this fandom needs. Salt and negativity are so easy to come by, and anyone who dares post anything nice or positive are mocked and scorned. The amount of people that have either sent me asks or messaged me privately about being scared to post about liking pre reveal Adrinette openly for fear of LN stans writing posts calling them stupid or blocking them is sad. But that's what our fandom has come to.
So, yeah, I can't say I'll be sad if the aggressive salters leave bc they're mad about pre reveal canon Adrinette. No one should be afraid to post about liking canon for fear of being ostracized. That's incredibly fucked up, and it makes the fandom worse. So, ya know what? I'm happy to take the brunt of it for other people. Salters can vague post about me all they want, but I'm not the one making people feel unwelcome for just trying to have a good time. My ask box is always open if people want to talk about how much they love Adrinette or canon or anything they're not comfortable posting on their own blogs. Fandom is supposed to be fun, so I'm here if anyone wants to just enjoy things. And I'm sorry to anyone who's been made too uncomfortable by salters to enjoy things openly. You guys don't deserve that.
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flightfoot · 1 year
Alya HC asks: Have some ideas but looking for more.
Alya in a Hawkmoth inactive but not captured world: Investigating his ID religiously? Happy to let it go and be a hero for more minor criminals? A third thing?
Alya in a world where adrienette did not fire, yet both parties are happy with their new normal: whistful? Shipping the new ships 200%? Getting out of the ship building business?
Any other fun thoughts on an Alya who is part of a small hero team where everyone knows everyone, except CN. The 'ace in the hole'.
Oooh, in a world where Hawkmoth's inactive but not captured... I think she'd have an investigation board for trying to track down his identity still, but it'd be in storage. She'd still be interested in doing so, but without any additional clues, she'd file it away as a cold case for now. She'd be fine with being a hero for more minor criminals, and if Alya had access to the Space Macaron, I could also see her commuting to the US to join a hero team and fight some baddies over there.
"Adrienette did not fire"? I'm not sure what that means. If you meant that they got together in Marichat, I think she'd be happy for them, once she was convinced that Marinette really had gotten over Adrien and was into Chat Noir now.
Personally I love the idea of Alya going out to different parts of the world while conducting investigative journalism and helping out with anything she can as either a journalist or a superhero, and calling the Miracuteam for backup if things get especially bad.
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ohifonlyx33 · 2 years
So I realized I probably haven't seen a lot of the episodes in English and in order. And since I was bored the other evening, I started rewatching ML starting at season 3. Some thoughts...
(long post)
Chameleon: Evil, psychotic Lila who pretends to be nice is actually an amazing premise for a villain. But the class should know better, at least to SOME degree, or her lies should be more believable. Poor sweet Adrien continues to believe Lila just lies for attention and that he can change her. Marinette facing serious threats from Lila and almost getting akumatized was very dramatic. The kissing akuma is thematic, but still very uncomfortable to witness. Adrien looks at Marinette and smiles, leaving us all dead. 7/10
Animaestro: Marinette may be absolutely off-the-wall doing some bat-whack things in this episode, but the genre-savvy 2D/3D fight is just too much fun to hate the whole episode. 5/10
Bakerix: My dad is basically this man, but with less talent for baking bread. HARD pass. 2/10
Backwarder: Good akuma concept with Lenore's powers and the lucky charm solution. Miraculous history/backstory. Adrien and Gabriel both transforming in a train bathroom is comedic gold. A little Adrienette and a Ladynoir hand kiss. 6.5/10
Refleckdoll: Sigh. Again, Juleka? Ok ok. The senti/akuma is kinda lame. But I do like Juleka, regardless of hating Refleckta. And we got classmates in a reasonable setting. Adrien helping Marinette because he's best boi. Then we have Mayura serving A Lookë™. Not to mention Kwami SWAP. We love to Mister Bug AND Lady Noire... (although SMH, let Mister Bug figure out his own dang Lucky Charm) 7/10
Weredad: Now here's a fun episode to watch after Elation. SO MUCH MARICHAT AWKWARDNESS. I do have a few problems with this episode lie the contrived setup for the plot, the dialogue that keeps explaining people's previously-established motivations, and the rushed conclusion to Marinette's "crush" Still, an absolute DELIGHT. Love the fairytale motif too. 8.5/10
Silencer: I liked the premise of the music industry being brutal and a villain using your voice. But I hate the execution. I don't like Luka's declarations. Or the use of a montage as a replacement for relationship development... although I don't like the chemistry between Luka and Marinette, so I'm happy not to see more of it at the same time. There's some fun or clever moments, throughout, but I'm not sure I'm sold on this episode overall. 3/10 Onichan: Possibly one of the weirdest akumas, but Adrien IMMEDIATELY recognizes her. Kagami being akumatized over Adrien also felt too sudden given how little we've seen of them together this season. Lila being her worst self even while being hunted down... typical. Adrien as Chat Noir watching girls fight over him is hilarious. But the girls themselves, including Marinette, are all being..... well, deranged. 5/10 Miraculer: Gabriel teaming up with Lila to manipulate Chloe... only for Sabrina to get upset.... Miraculer could have been the most difficult villain to defeat, but alas.... Sabrina. We have some interesting momenst with Nino and Alya, Sabrina, and even Chat getting cataclysmed, but alas not much to keep my attention for long. 5/10 Oblivio: Such a fun episode start-to-finish. Almost nothing here I don't like. I love the way it starts mid-fight and shows us only what Chat and Ladybug know. Everything is great, but it somehow feels like it could have been just a little.... more. 9/10 Desperada: Some parts of this episode are a little ridiculous. Especially with the messy and confusing Luka/Marinette/Adrien/Kagami dynamics. And Adrien's snake outfit hurts me. But I do love seeing Ladrien as a superhero duo and seeing the necessity of having Chat Noir helping Ladybug at the same time. I just feel the story is muddled. 6/10
Chris Master: I don't care what anyone says, this episode is a hoot AND a holler. I absolutely consider it iconic. Yes, this is stupid. I don't care 7/10 Startrain: Minor moment with cute, wholesome Adrienette, a good akuma concept, plus Max kills it. But really Sabrina? and RIP to everyone's braincells when Adrien and Marinette both just happen to go missing before LB and CN appear. 7/10 Kwami Buster: Mrs. Mendeleiev is whack and the Kwamis are horrifying, but Multimouse is bae. PLEASE. Marinette is on some next-level brain juice with her entire elaborate plan. Meanwhile, Adrien just plays dumb. There are two types of people here.... and there are both idiots in love with each other. 6.5/10
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