rkdvanguard · 2 years
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Commission for Loving_NSFW (twitter)! This is their Minotaur Kane entering a rage! 
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demigods-posts · 1 year
percy jackson has a driver's license. i would just love to know how that went for him. how many times he had to take the test because his instructor kept being a monster in disguise. or better yet. him making undocumented turns and routes to avoid the hydra a couple of blocks ahead of him, or the minotaur that miraculously senses anytime he's in a car and won't leave him alone since he was in sixth grade.
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mercy-love-joy · 3 days
Small Snippet of BAAU mini-fic idea
BAAU belongs to @cuppajj
premise: Frigid Cacao Cookie sees a tiny baby
He stands over the crib, his face shadowed by his lock locks while his hands stay by his side. He dares not move nor touch the crib, even though he has control over his frost powers- he would rather not turn the infant into ice and the boy merely wiggles and flaps his arms at the king. His small chocolate eyes stare at the silent king while small horns poking out from behind his curly whip of chocolate icing. He is almost a picture-perfect image of his father while he holds his mother’s dough. The king blinks slowly, trying to keep himself from falling into a pit of rage or frost that could kill everyone in the room, including the weakened mother. Choco Bow hasn’t moved since she finished feeding the small minotaur. 
Her body was weak from the long hours of labor and even when she was feeding the infant, she was drowsy and nearly falling faint from holding the infant. The king received word from the oozes who peeked into the room to see the advisors and Second Watcher helping the new father adjust his newborn in his arms while also attending to the mother as she finally fell asleep to recover from her motherly duties. 
None of the cookies were expecting to see the king at the door to the mother’s room until the First Watcher opened the door and shouted in surprise. The infant was just placed to sleep, although awoken by the shout, and the cookies quickly bowed or stood off to the side to give the king his space. The quiet king didn’t do much beyond bowing back to his advisors and then moving towards the crib, where Chocolate Yule had to be warned to not approach the king. 
The miniature minotaur snorts a puff of warm breath as he wiggles his arms, reaching for the king who stares so blankly at the boy. It makes the boy whine then start to cry, unhappy about the lack of attention he was receiving from the king. The frozen cookie didn’t react upon the small wail but the mother did. Choco Bow woke from her slumber and turned her head to see the king hovering over her newborn, watching him cry and wiggle for some warmth or love from someone. Choco Bow strung herself up and it caused a few to whisper shouts at her to lay down but even when her beloved stepped forward to grab her, the frost started to crackle along the floor. The king warned the cookies to not come near him. Choco Bow ignored the others and appeared by the king’s side, she scooped up her newborn and tucked him to her chest, her loose clothing on her top becoming undone by the infant’s wiggling but he quickly stopped when he recognized his mother. 
The infant giggled. It was loud and clear, like bells ringing in a courtyard. The king raises his head to the new mother and the baby who snorts and giggles, the room filled with sounds of joy and happiness shining like the sun. Choco Bow bows her head to the king as she looks at her son, who blinks at her with such wide eyes, then her eyes glanced to the king who stared solely on the infant. 
Maybe she was singing a death wish to herself and her child.
Maybe she was delirious from the medicine and the long labor hours. 
Or perhaps she was someone who recognizes a cookie who wants to hold an infant. 
The new mother stepped to the king, her feet touching the ice but it did not swallow her being, she steps closer to the king who adjusts his body to face her, neither speaking as the mother is mere inches of turning to ice or dying by the king’s silence. The mother stands before the king, her arms shakily offering the infant who immediately is fascinated by the king, the cold king doesn’t respond- as he stands there- unmoving. The advisors would have said that Choco Bow was asking for an early grave but yet, they were surprised to find the infant boy being scooped up by the king and held in the perfect position. His part acting perfect to support the baby’s head, he holds him with such ease and it reminds the cookies in the room that the king had to do this once before with the prince. 
Now he does it again with an infant of another cookie. 
The smaller cookie giggles, laughing as they reach up to the king, wishing nothing more than to touch his face. But his Majesty does not allow him to do such, so the baby grabs onto one of the long strands of the king’s hair and he grips it like an iron grip, refusing to let go as he kicks. The king blinks slowly at the boy, watching the life in his eyes gleam like the sun while his face illuminated the room with a tender glow. He pats the baby’s back who squirms at the ticklish delight, and then, the boy is returned to the mother. Choco Bow takes her son and holds him as the baby takes the warmth of his mother to feed. 
The quiet cookie steps back and bows to the mother, silent as he arrived, he leaves. Choco Bow relaxes instantly as her beloved comes to her side and scoops her in a hug. The two look at the feeding infant who nuzzles his face into the warmth of his mother’s dough. Both smiling as they looked at one another, a hope bloomed in their chests as they hoped this newborn will bring light to the darkness within the cold palace. 
Atticus Fruit Cookie paws the ground with his cloven hooves, clutching to his mother as he hesitates to touch the snowy ground. Choco Bow holds her son’s hand while Chocolate Yule stands in the snow, patting it to show that it wasn’t dangerous. Atticus Fruit whines as he looks around the courtyard, unhappy being outside the room of warmth but also curious about his surroundings. The minotaur boy looks at the incense wafts into a gentle smell of lavender and salt, and he sees the trail of ooze on the snow from the licorice oozes that came in early that day. The boy whines as his mother steps into the snow and tugs at him to follow along. The bull cookie whines again but when he looks across the courtyard, he sees a hulking figure in the shadow of the halls. 
Atticus Fruit perks up at the sight of the king and starts to clop to the king, stepping onto the snow which then makes them shout and jump into their mother’s arms in alarm. Choco Bow laughs at the boy’s plight and holds him as he whines about the cold. But he only goes quiet when he sees the hulking figure again, he sees the outline of the crown in the dim light of the wafting incense and he waves, hoping for the king to notice but the king only turns away and disappears to his chambers. But a small smile lingers on the king as he thinks of the boy's little wave.
Atticus Fruit Cookie frowns, wishing the king would play but he quiets himself as his father takes him up and tosses him in the air. The Citadel was filled with childish laughter. 
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cutiecakery · 1 year
So basically, you need ingredients from the beings you want to transform into to make the transformation process more... Stable.
Pretty much!
Think of it somewhat akin to coding on a computer
Magic itself is pretty dumb unless you give it pretty specific instructions
In short don't use milk from a grocery store for a cowgirl potion unless want to rent out a barn
Also don't use minotaur milk unless you want to be used as a sweatrag
unless you're into that
like me
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marv3l-drag0ns · 11 months
hey jesties does anyone have any ideas for minecraft ocs i want to have more fun in my silly little empire
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[thinks about joel and maribelle and melts]
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werecreature-addicted · 3 months
sam the minotuar masterlist
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six (coming soon)
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cxptain-capsicle · 8 months
Beyond the Sea | Luke Castellan | I
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Unclaimed Poseidon Daughter!Reader
Warnings: Claustrophobia, near death, angst, fluff
Series Masterlist Taglist
Two days had passed, at least you thought it had been two days although there was no way to know for sure considering no light was able to reach you. You had been chased across upstate New York by a Minotaur that you couldn’t seem to shake. He cornered you into a small cave in the woods, so small the Minotaur couldn't get in no matter how hard he tried. The Minotaur scratched and clawed to reach you until the rocks of the cave cascaded down over his head forcing him to pull away, trapping you indefinitely in the cave. You screamed and pulled at the rocks but they wouldn’t budge. Panic set in, you were trapped and there was nothing you could do about it. So two days had passed, no food, no water, no light. You fought to stay awake past your growling stomach and dry mouth. White spots started to appear in your vision. “This is it,” You thought. “Death by starvation.”. You were finally seeing the light. Wait, you were seeing the light. Real light, sunlight coming through the cracks in the rocks. Voices shouting on the other side were muffled from your exhaustion. More light continued to shine through until there was a hole in the rocks big enough for the strangers to fit through. You couldn’t hear well, your vision was blurred, and the sudden light after so long of darkness was painful. A girl came through the hole first, her hair was long and curly but you couldn’t make out much else. Then a boy, tall with dark hair. Finally a second boy, and you knew you were hallucinating when you swore he had hooves. They all wore the same bright orange shirt as they rushed to your side. The dark haired boy went down to the ground, pulling you into his lap to prop your head up. The girl crouched down next to you and pulled something out from behind her back. A flask, she tilted your head back and poured the contents into your mouth. Immediately the aching and pain in your body was relieved and your dry throat stopped burning with every breath. The muffled voices started to become clearer.
“Is she even alive?” The girl asked impatiently.
“Real sympathetic Clarisse.” The boy holding onto you responded. “Hey,” He shook you slightly. “You there?” You tried to speak but the words couldn’t come out. You kept trying but nothing was working. “It’s okay, don’t worry. You’re gonna be fine.”
You’d never met this boy before, but for some reason you believed him.
“There’s a Minotaur!” Someone shouted from outside the door of your cabin. “On the hill!” 
Luke and you simultaneously looked at eachother. You hadn’t seen a Minotaur in 3 years.
“Why is there a Minotaur on the hill?” You asked.
“Nothing good.” Luke said as he hauled himself off of the floor by your bed.
“Do you think it has to do with Grover?” You questioned. “He’s supposed to bring back that kid.”
That was enough to get you both in motion, following everyone to the boundary line. When you reached the boundary line you realized it was raining. Weather didn’t affect camp unless Mr. D, camp director, let it. Everyone was crowding at the edge, too hesitant to step out into the rain, into possible danger. You and Luke broke through the crowd, passing the boundary line and rushing to Grover who was crouched down. Grover was hovering over a boy who laid on the ground, he was young, long, curly, sandy hair that stuck to his face.
“Where’s the Minotuar?” Luke looked around frantically. Grover looked up at us, squinting through the rain
“He killed it.”
When you woke up you were in some type of infirmary. Morning light shone through the stained glass windows and painted colors on the floor. You were in the same orange shirt that the kids in the cave wore. When you looked around you saw the boy, the same one from the cave. He was sound asleep, slumped in a metal chair next to your bed.
You struggled to sit up in the bed but somehow you managed, waking the boy in the process. He jolted in the chair, rising to his feet in less than a second.
“You’re awake” He sounded shocked. “I’m sorry… Hi.” He smiled. “I’m Luke.”
“Hi,” You said, your voice too raspy to say much else and honestly not knowing what else to say.
“Oh, of course, water.” He reached over to the nightstand to grab a glass of water. You drank it in seconds, whatever they had given you in the cave had revitalized you but it didn’t even come close to this.
“Better?” He chuckled at your eagerness.
“Much.” You nodded. “How long was I out?” 
“A few days. Your body was exhausted, who knows how long you were trapped in there.”
“Where am I?” You changed the subject quickly, the thought of the cave made you feel sick.
“That’s a long story.” He didn’t seem to know where to start. “Let’s talk about it over breakfast.”
Luke led you out of the infirmary and you realized it was a house, a massive house. So massive in fact that they called it the “Big House”. You left the big house and walked down a path that led to a cluster of houses in the shape of a U. Past the houses a pavilion, it radiated the smell of maple syrup and orange juice. Just the smell made you pick up your speed. 
In the pavilion there were a few kids, all wearing the same shirts, sitting down for breakfast. When you walked with Luke into the pavilion everyone turned and stared but you were too busy taking in your surroundings. There were tall columns with flames on top surrounding the pavilion. There were tables all around it each with a white table cloth laying over it with a vivid violet trim. 
“Here,” Luke gestured to a seat at one of the tables. “Sit here, I’ll grab you a plate.”
You sat  down without hesitation, desperate to start eating. Luke was only gone for a minute before he came back with a full plate and a large chalice. As soon as the plate hit the table you started eating.
“Plenty more where that came from.” He couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sure you must be starving.” You took large gulps out of the chalice but no matter how much you drank there always seemed to be more.
“So…” He started slowly. “This place.” You were listening to him but you were significantly more interested in the pancakes.
“This place is called Camp Half-Blood. It’s a safe place for kids like us… half-bloods, demigods. Children of-”
“Greek gods.” You cut him off. He stared at you wide-eyed. “Like the ones from the myths.”
“How did you-?” 
“Yeah it put it together when the giant bull man chased me across New York, and when the scorpion cat thing caught my house on fire when I was 15, and the massive bird chased me for five miles when I was 11, and-”
“You’ve known for that long?” It wasn’t really a question, more of a shocked statement.
“I’ve been chased around since I was a kid. I just never knew a place like this existed.” You looked around with admiration. “How did you guys find me?” 
“Grover, he’s a satyr his job is to bring Half-Bloods to camp safely.” Luke explained. You felt a lot better knowing that the hooves weren’t a figment of your imagination. “When Chiron, oh- he's the camp activities director. When Chiron heard about the minotaur he thought it would be best to send Clarisse and me to help.”
Somehow reality just seeped in. Luke saved your life. You would have died in there, slowly, alone, afraid. You were going to die, then he found you, he held you in his arms and he told you everything would be okay. And for some reason, you believed him.
Please give me your feedback! <3
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rs-hawk · 29 days
Healer in the Dungeon
CisMale!Reader x Intersex Minotaur Women
Word Count: 2,649
Commissioner: @gviridian
Contains: mpreg, slight non-con, oral, multiple partners, and a lot more
Male Healer adventurer gets separated from his party, ends up getting captured by minotuar woman. Uses healing magic on himself to survive and eventually get accustomed to her large Womanhood, only realize top late that she is a distinct form of Minotaur and he is now pregnant. Fast forward to him happily suckling her cock, pregnant with her sisters child. Word got out in the dungeon, so he now looks forward to a life of being a Minotaur breeder and spends his days caring for his many daughters or being railed by the various musky bull women community in the dungeon. Nothing could make him happier.
The dungeon you and your party chose was supposed to be off limits for humans, but because you were the only human in your party, you managed to trick your way inside. The rest of your party warned you that human free dungeons usually are that way for a reason, but you didn’t care. The reward for clearing this dungeon was more than you could spend in a year, and you were your party’s only Healer. You needed to be there. No silly warnings with no explanation was going to keep you from earning enough to live off of comfortably.
It started off normally enough. Your party fought the upper level creatures and handled them with ease. Tentacle monsters. Small mimics. Goblins. The usual dungeon starters. You didn’t see anything special about this place so far. Why had there been so many warnings for human adventurers to stay away? It was even easy at parts. There was nothing weird or unusual in the slightest. You started to get the creeps when a goblin realized that you were a human, and started laughing so hard that even when he was impaled on the Cleric’s staff, he didn’t stop. Your party was also unnerved by this, and asked again if you were sure you wanted to go to the lower levels. After a moment of hesitation, you insisted that you still wanted to go. You were strong, and more than a Healer. You could hold your own. Of course, your arrogance was your mistake. Or rather, you mused looking back, your luck.
In the lowest level of the dungeon, the Bard, captivated by a Fey who had turned a corner, tripped a booby trap. You were the only one of the party who ended up on the side of the wall that you did. You could hear them, and they could hear you, but none of you had any idea how to get back to each other. After what little muted conversation you could have, it was decided that the group would try to just complete the dungeon as is, and meet at the entrance. If worse came to worse, you all had respawn potions and could respawn back at the entrance.
You have no idea how long you were wandering around the depths of the dungeon when you heard movement behind you. In seconds, your torch was knocked from your hand, and you were pinned to the ground. Even though every instinct in you was screaming danger, and your mind was reeling, trying to think of a way to escape the heavy weight on top of you, your cock hardened at the hot breath on the back of your neck. In the flickering light of your torch, you saw the shadow of a large Minoatur pinning you down.
“A human,” a breathy, feminine voice almost purred in your ear. “I haven’t had one in so long.”
Your face flushed as large hands groped your body. She tugged you into her lap, her fingers trailing along the clothed bulge. Your breathing became more rapid as she repeated the action, drawing precum from your twitching cock.
“I can smell your arousal, little human,” she chuckled as she began to bounce you in her lap, only then realizing that instead of her leg, which you thought you had been leaning against, it was her massive cock.
In seconds, she ripped your clothes off of you, several of your potions scattering and smashing to the floor. She forces her fingers into your mouth, praising you for how well you take them before she slides one into your ass, trying to prep you for what’s still grinding against you. You can barely draw in a breath, pushing your body back against her finger. Despite yourself, it feels so good that your mind is turning to mush. When she adds a second finger, you can’t help but start stroking your cock in time, rolling your hips both back onto her fingers and forward into your hand.
“If you’re so eager, you must be ready,” she ran her tongue up your neck, your hand flattering as goosebumps sprung up in the wake of it.
You barely have time to whisper a preventive harm spell before she’s pushing her fat cock into you inch by inch. You’re already whimpering and panting by the time she’s halfway inside of you. Her warm, silky voice praising you for taking her so well as she continued. Once she finally bottomed out inside of you, you both cry out. Tears prick your eyes at the full feeling. You didn’t know that you could actually feel that full. You’re falling forward, barely able to keep your face from slamming into the rocky floor.
You struggle to remember what it felt like just an hour ago before you were stuffed with a Minotaur’s cock. Part of you felt ashamed for how much you liked it. You didn’t even know if the rest of your party was okay. What if they were hurt, and you were here almost cumming from a woman shoving herself inside of you over and over? There was another part though, a much bigger part, that was just thinking about how good it felt. It was all you could do to not entirely focus on the feeling of being stuffed. You had always prided yourself on being a strong man, but you never realized until this moment how much you wanted a much stronger woman to put you into your place, and this was where it was. On the ground. Under her. Being used like a plaything.
“What a good human,” she grunted as she gripped your hips, holding you there for a moment as she gathered herself. You felt so tight and warm wrapped around her cock that it’s taking everything in her not to fill you already.
All you could do was moan in response, your neglected cock dripping precum since you couldn’t even try to stroke yourself now. Without warning, she started thrusting into you. The pace she set was steady at first, allowing you to grunt out a few spells to heal the minor injuries she caused you as she picked up the pace. By the time she was at the pace she wanted, where she was basically using you as a living sex doll, pumping her cock in and out of you so hard that you were on the edge of cumming without any additional stimulation, you were half out of your mind. She seemed to still have enough wits about her to scoop up some of the spilled potions with her fat fingers to shove them into your propped open, drooling mouth.
“There we go. I don’t want my new toy broken yet,” she cooed as you lazily sucked on her fingers, relaxing as the potions took some effect. Almost instantly after the potion started to take effect, you came. She chuckled again, nosing and licking your neck. “Do you like that, little human?” The only answer you could manage to get out was a nod, almost gagging on her fingers that were still in your mouth.
Shouldn’t you be humiliated? The creature that you had come down here to protect the rest of your party from, the creature you had come to kill if push came to shove, was claiming you as her own. That train of thought was hazy as it crossed your mind, because it was being fucked out of you by the giant woman behind you who was muttering about what a good piece of breeding stock you would be. At the time, you couldn’t properly understand what she meant. All you could really focus on was the pleasure of her sliding in and out of you, stretching you so deliciously that you thought you might pass out from pleasure.
You don’t know how many times you cum before she dug her nails into your soft skin, making you wince. Her breathing got harder, faster, as she was basically rutting into you at that point. Her cock was stuffed so far inside of you that your stomach was slightly extended. Then, she came. You groaned, panting and pushing back against her as if that would stop the seed from dripping down your legs.
She slowly drug her cock out of you, licking along your back, fingering her cum back into you. “Don’t waste all of that, human.”
Your head wasn’t clear enough to see why it mattered. After all, human males can’t get pregnant, right?
You quickly gave up trying to find your way out of the dungeon, satisfied with your new Minotaur Mate pounding into your holes whenever she pleased. You were basically always filled with her cock, and you loved it. You never were that much of a fighter, only wanting to be an adventurer for the money and travel. You liked healing people, and you cared about your party, sure, but this was heaven for you. Your greedy hole always sucked her in, milking her dry. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that you realized, even though she hadn’t stuffed you in nearly a day, your stomach was still extended, as if still full of her cum.
“Love?” you called for her, making your way out of her nest to the edge of the dungeon, peering into the darkness.
She came to you quickly, sounding worried. “What is it, little human? Are you hurt?’
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as she looked over you, patting your head and stomach. After a moment, she visibly relaxed. “I’m okay. I’m just still feeling a little full and nauseous,” you explained as you put a hand over your almost bloated looking stomach. “I was wondering if maybe there was any ginger so I could make a healing potion so I could feel better.”
It surprised you when she laughed, scooping you up in her arms. “Little human, morning sickness is completely normal. Don’t even human breeders get that?’
“If you’re pregnant, sure,” you laughed back, though still confused.
She nuzzled into your neck, breathing in your scent. “And you’re pregnant, so it seems completely normal, no?”
You froze, going rigid in your arms. “What?”
It was time for her to look confused as she pulled back from you, her bull head cocked to the side. After a few moments, she set you down, sitting down beside you. She explained that after the original Minotaur was nearly killed, his descendants all became able to breed or be bred, regardless of gender. It was a way for Posiden to ensure that the embarrassment and curse of Minos lived on. The gears in your head were turning as you realized what she was saying. Her cum literally turned you into her breeding stock.
“Humans are always the best at adapting. I’ve wanted my own for so long,” she said wistfully. “I’m so glad that you came to me.”
You don’t respond, trying to wrap your head around it. You had a million questions, but weren’t sure you wanted the answer to any of them. “I’m going for a walk. I won’t leave the dungeon,” you promised as a concerned moo left her lips.
She stood up, wanting to stop you, but the look on your face made her falter. You knew easily how to leave by now, but you didn’t want to. Not really. You were happy with your new Mate, your new life, but being pregnant? You never even thought about it. The other Minotaur women came to check on you, obviously having been told by your Mate what happened. You assured them all you were okay, trying to ignore their hungry gaze now on your stomach and body. Did they all want to see you swell with their young?
It only took a couple of hours for you to return home, crawling into the hay beside your mate. She wrapped her arms around you, licking your hair as an apology, cleaning you and nosing you. By the time you have your first daughter, your now wife had made sure that there was plenty of potions and ingredients for you to cast spells or make any potions that you might need. It wasn’t as long of a process as you expected, and the healing potions made the recovery easy. Seeing your wife nurse your daughter, cooing and peppering her with kisses, made your heart swell almost as much as your stomach had.
By the time your first daughter could walk, the other women had already decided that it was only fair for your sister in law to be the next to breed you. The other women watched your daughter as your head was shoved down on your wife’s cock and her sister’s was stretching your tight human ass. You gagged, looking up at your wife through blearly eyes. She was stroking your hair, telling you how good you looked choking on her cock, and how well you were taking her sister.
Her sister wasn’t as gentle with you as your wife had been the first time, giving you no time to adjust to her size. You were immediately stuffed with her cock, her nose ring leaving indents on your back as she kept her face pressed against it, fighting the urge to cum inside you after just a few thrusts. Your wife stroked your hair, encouraging you to relax your throat so she could get as much pleasure out of you as her sister.
It didn’t take long for your stomach to be swollen with your sister in law’s daughter, but of course that just meant that she used you even more often, knowing that her claim on you was waning. Your wife, of course, was always involved, cumming down your throat and having you thank her for letting you be her birthing and breeding mate anytime you were dripping cum. Sometimes she was even kind enough to stroke your cock, teasing you when you came before her sister filled you.
The women all fawned over you. They brought you treats, and insisted that when you were heavy with child that you should rest. Your wife, of course, doted on you the most, even as busy as she was with your daughters. She would stroke your cock, telling you what a good boy you were for taking whoever had fucked the most recent daughter into you. She licked and kissed your neck and hair, soothing you when you cried out from the overstimulation of her reward.
“Little human, you’re doing so well. You were made to be a breeder,” she whispered with clear affection, pressing a kiss to your forehead as she drew another orgasm out of your poor cock.
Some of the other women stopped to watch, their cocks hard and eager to get the chance to breed your little human hole. Your head lulled to the side as your wife picked you up to carry you to her bed. The others were shouting out cheers when your tunic slid to the side as well, showing off your swollen stomach. Your wife hadn’t even taken the time to fully undress you.
“You will look even better when it’s my daughter,” one of them laughed, stroking her cock to the sight of you.
“He looked best swollen with mine,” your sister in law argued, her throbbing cock dripping precum as she licked her lips, eyeing you like prey.
And that’s how you hope to live the rest of your life. Belly swollen with yet another daughter to dote on and nurture, teaching magic that normally Minotaurs wouldn’t be able to access, and being stuffed by your loving wife and her many sisters and cousins, being passed around like the absolutely desperate and aching breeding bitch she made you into. Who cared about treasure and riches anyway?
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backyardboytoy · 2 months
You are offered to get pregnant from a minotuar. Growing heavy with all five of his spawn. Your chest bursts into large milk makers, and there's something growing on the underside of your belly. You're growing an udder. Do you say yes?
Hm. Idk how I feel about extra udders... I usually am okay with it when it's coupled with other things I find extra hot. And having a big heaving belly full of minatour spawn after getting dicked down by heavy bull cock. And huge heavy milkers to match is definitely HOT.
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Imma say YES.
Artist: mallymal
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nugatorysheep · 2 months
Wip Title Game
Tagged by @novantinuum
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs
I am not tagging 50 million people so @extranuts @flaretheskywing @dragonuva @roseetube post some WIP titles cowards
I have several docs that are just meant to be informative that I'm not listing because there's not much to talk about with them, and a TON of unfinished art that is like pre 2022 that will def not get done ever so its been yeeted into my Untouchables folder and also isn't listed here lmao
For convenience, I've taken out any duplicate files that are the same thing but in a different format
As you can see I have three brands of naming conventions for my files: Objective, Boring Name that just Is What It Is, Song Title and/or Lyric, and Shit Post Cause I Was Tired
Lord help me I have SO many WIPS
(Non-Informational) Writing Wips:
Bad End FOM Fic Beguiler of Wills Burning despair does ache Chapter 9: What does it matter how my heart breaks Drabbles Druidbreak Ficlet FOM WIP Doc Glimpses of life denial WIP IDK what to call this but yeah IEOE stuff idk Intermission XXX: Separate Ways Intermission XXX - Last moments of pure recall Intermission XXX - Look in my eyes she still holds the power Intermission XXX - The way ahead feels lonely Intermission XXX - Loss of want back there Pit AU - Editing Prism R&C Soundtrack Breakdown Six Forty Seven Slug it out Tell Me Something Good
Art Wips (I have a million of these):
[shoves hand in abdomen for the symbolism or some shit].clip ask.psd Axel Sketches.clip baneful bunker.png beat up boys.clip Beyond Bliss Gems Lineup.clip Bliss rose stuff for later.clip break the bank.clip chompers.png Connverse dump.clip Cupid dump.clip Druid x Sven x Sonny.clip Dryad sketches.clip EINF Steven.clip evil boi.clip evil leo doodles.clip Eye contact.clip Fab fly floret.clip failure 01.clip Frame of Mind Sketchbook.clip Fusion Chart.clip gay as fuck to be a test subject. what are you testing, your capacity for homosexual desires.clip (this is one long ass title lol) goober.clip Haven't you noticed I'm a star.clip He can say it cause i said so.clip he yeeteth and yoinknth away.clip HEARTBREAK SPINEL REF.clip homie rolled a nat one on genetics fr.clip HONEY REF.clip i am so fucking hungry bro imma make noodles 1.png (there's 4 it's a comic) I have made a new boy.clip Illustration (2).clip Illustration (3).clip Illustration.clip Illustration2 (2).clip Illustration2.clip Inner Demons.clip it triggered his flight or fight response.clip Karma Sketchbook.clip lazer_eyes-3A4E6.clip Lemme tell you what it's like to be a Zero.clip Loss Dot Jaypeg.png me.clip Mermay HB.clip mermay.clip MINOTUAR MAN.clip mirror_gem_designs.clip ML Stevonnie.clip munchmunch.clip Nova Artfight 2.clip Now that it's raining more than ever.clip old man lizard.clip oops all pain lol.clip open arms.clip Pasture crew.clip rare dizzy art.clip Real.mdp Ref wips.clip Sarkhan's Dragonfire.clip Save a horse ride a cowboy.clip Say that again i dare you.clip Screenshot 2023-09-23 001021.png Senkywenky.clip SFW Sketchbook.clip ShatteredStar.clip Show off those guns.clip Slugman the second coming.clip Snaps and snarls.clip so what's the point of holding tight onto my feet.clip Soap.clip some mtg quote.clip Space faggot.clip spongebob window meme.clip Starnheim_Unleashed.psd STEVEN ON LION.clip SU AU Battle Cuts.clip SUDF page redraw.clip Suneater.clip SUTREK.clip Take A Breath.clip Talking to Myself Redraw 1.clip (there are several of these it's a comic) THE SUN IS GETTING LOW.clip THERE IS NO MANA IN THIS AIR.clip they love each other.clip this was supposed to be shoes idk what happened.png Throwing boys at the wall to see what sticks.clip Tourmaline.clip Tower of boys.clip Trolls bullshit.clip tumblr bait purple rabbit man but the lame version [springtrap did it better].clip uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit idk.clip Union of Love.clip wahho.clip Welcome to the grid user.clip Welcome to the grid user.png Will you be satified.clip wip 02.clip You're MINE.clip zoo doodles.clip ZOOLOGY GEMS REF TWO.clip
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demigods-posts · 8 months
the rain in the show representing poseidon. sally comforting percy in the rain before he fights the minotuar. both of his parents were there for him that night.
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stim-burrow · 8 months
can we get a uuh ,,, minotaur ? mynotar ,, ultrakill ,, thnak you !! sorror y if I may be , incommprhensibl e,
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Minotuar (Ultrakill) stimboard for Wifeballsboy! I know nothing about this boss so I hope these fit, I just went off looks skdjhg
🥩 🥩 🥩
🐏 🐏 🐏
🩸 🩸 🩸
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keysorsomething · 4 months
Back to the rodion as a best friend what happens when he starts to catch feelings for said friend 👀
Okay okay I see you !!
Request Page !!
Rodion starts to fall for you slowly, but he falls hard
Harder than he ever had before
And that makes him nervous
Rodion had never felt that before, either. He was always an outgoing, confident guy
His hands never used to shake when he asked someone attractive for their number!
But when he thought about confessing to you it would make him nothing but more stressed.
Everything was perfect the way it was, you were so close
Now when ever he pats your shoulders or head his hands shake
His face is pink when he lays next to you on the grass, staring up at the stars
He spent many, many nights yapping at Bale and Nikto about how worried he was on ruining his friendship with you
It's Minotuar who pushes him to confess, though
It's nothing too out of the ordinary when he asks you to see a movie with him
You go there, sat next to him in the dark movie theater
It's some boring, cheesy film that doesn't interest you at all
Eventually, rather shortly into the film, Rodion wraps and arm around your shoulders and leans over, whispering to you as softly as he can
"We can get out of here and go on a real date if you would prefer that."
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toxycodone · 2 months
..i need to confess my sins and your the only other bitch crazy enough for me to talk to.
in the golden country, Beastkin Reader walking around at night. bc they're in the golden country, they're reduced to mostly base instincts like Izutsumi.
so they're walking around, barking at the other monsters like an annoying dog before they hear some suspicious sounds from the minotuar enclosure/barn building that sound suspiciously familiar.
they pull up like 'ayo?' and find Laios bent in full mating press by a male minotaur. Its obvious hes been there for HOURS being dicked down by this minotaur. Hes covered in sweat and drool and cum and beastkin reader is like;
cue a fight for dominance over Laios which consists of beastkin and minotaur snarling and snapping at each other like they're about to throw down while ones fucking his mouth, ones stretching out his ass and Laios is like; :○ ... :]
thank you for coming to by ted talk
[if possible, may I be an anon? skull anon if thats okay? gotta shoot my shot lmao]
oh man,,,can you imagine beastkin reader beforehadn though,,,maybe all clingy with Laios and snarling at the other monsters before getting all affectionate with him. Marcille is freaked by Izutsumi but Laios is just eating up this attention,,,
at first hes embarrassed to be caught but then quickly realizes wait. reader is NOT in their right mind. and when reader and the minotaur get into it he's just sitting there enjoying the prospect of it all. reader's claws digging into his skin as they fuck his mouth, baring their fangs at the minotaur while the beast at his other end snorts in annoyance, the warm breath strong enough to ruffle his hair,,,
JUSR. YEAH. he is not recovering any time soon. he needs an extra day to just recuperate after all that shit.
Also, yeah ofc you can be an anon! Welcome to the squad skull anon 🫡
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it will come back by hozier and maribelle and joel is this anything
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