#minster design
sytiart · 2 years
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another cdc illustration based on the yokai dodomeki. Bringing her into a mild horror game context
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livesunique · 11 days
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The Tent Room at Kingston Lacy,
Wimborne Minster, Dorset, United Kingdom
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itsaulgravy · 1 year
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Ornate ceilings from around the world
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 1 year
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Randum monster harem stuff (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
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The poetic senses and spirit of English Gothic Architecture
– Introduction video credit: Drone Video of Duomo di Milano Cathedral video of Kmeel Stock from Pexels. – Video credit: Cathedral video of Ambient_Nature_Atmosphere from Pixabay. The text below is the excerpt of the book The Splendor of English Gothic Architecture (ISBN: 9781783107940), written by John Shannon Hendrix, published by Parkstone International. The purpose of this book is to examine…
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rocknroll7575 · 3 months
Knight of Olympus: Titan's Lullaby - Chapter 5: Jaune Gets Jumped
Sitting in the white desert on a lawn chair, was a woman who appeared to be in her late 50s maybe early 60s, and behind her was a large tent, and inside the tent, a female figure slept peacefully in the tent.
The older woman's skin was a light tan color, she had raven black hair that was tied into long braids that rested on each side of her shoulders, and a golden headband around her head, her eyes were a piercing gold color, but you would have to look past her light purple circle sunglasses. Around her neck was a gold necklace with the peace sign on it, she wore a white sundress with grape vines on it for the designs, and around her waist was a golden belt, and finally, she wore a pair of black gladiator sandals.
Sitting next to her were two large lions, and in her hand was a book, however, there was no title on the cover, but she seemed to be lost in the world of the book.
However, she was taken out of her reading when she felt something appear not too far away from her, the presence of two gods, and with them was the presence of three demigods, however, there was something else, something that didn't belong and felt...Powerful.
Instantly, she knew what- Who it was, and a smile graced her face. She got up and set her book on her chair before looking at her two lions with a soft smile, "Come boys, we have guests," She said as she began to walk away.
The two lions got up, stretched, and yawned, before following their owner, wondering where she would be leading them, and they left the sleeping figure alone in the tent, as they dreamed about a knight...
"So let me get this straight," Thalia began as she looked at Jaune from the passenger seat. "Because you entered our world, the laws of the ancient Greek world are slowly crumbling away, and not only are the laws being broken and disappearing, but the gods are slowly... dying," Thalia said.
The group had arrived in New Mexico, and currently, they were still driving toward White Sand National Park.
All three Demigods said was a miracle that they had driven on the open road for so long without any Minster attacks, and Jaune couldn't help but agree, as he had heard it was usual for monsters to get in the way of Demigod's quests, yet, the only thing that had happened to them was Theia's attack at the start.
Jaune nodded, answering Thalia's question, "Yeah... but I don't think the gods are dying," He replied softly
"What else would you describe what Apollo called what he was feeling?" Drew asked with a raised brow.
Jaune shrugged, "I don't know... He said he felt more Human," Jaune replied. "Could it be they're just losing their immortality?" Jaune asked.
Will slowly nodded, "Maybe," Will replied, "Dad's been human plenty of times, but always regained his immortality afterward, maybe this time it's just more permanent," Will said.
Jaune could tell Will was only agreeing with him because the young boy didn't want to believe his father was dying, and Jaune didn't want to believe it either as Apollo seemed like a good God, and if he was dying... then so was Hestia.
Jaune didn't want that to happen to her. Yes, he had met her for a brief moment, but it had left a mark on him. He looked at the gifts he had been given by the Goddess and he thought back to her.
Her bright auburn hair and coal-burning eyes would forever be in his memories, and that loving presence she gave off was something that Jaune had never felt, it was as if his heart and soul were being warmed by her loving fire.
"If this is all true and if the Gods are either dying or becoming human, then does that mean the Titans are feeling the same?" Drew asked.
Jaune thought about it and slowly nodded, "I think so, it wouldn't make sense just to affect the Gods," Jaune said. "Apollo also mentioned that all of this could be because of people called Protogenoi, who are they?" He asked.
Hearing this, the two younger Demigods were shocked.
"Apollo thinks the Primordials are involved!?" Drew cried.
"Primordials?" Jaune and Thalia asked.
Will sat forward as he looked at the two, "Primordials are beings that surpass the Titans, and unlike the Titans and the gods, they are essentially sentient aspects of the universe itself and have absolute and total control over it, so they can never truly be killed, Gaea and Ouranos are two examples, there's a few more such as Tartarus and Nyx but the oldest and most ancient one would be Chaos," The son of Apollo informed them. "If Dad thinks that they are behind this then something big is going on, something that we don't have the answers to just yet..." Will said.
Hearing this, Jaune wondered just what these Primordials could do, if Will was right and they were all powerful beings that couldn't die like the Titans Or Gods, then surely they were a force that one did not want to mess with.
The conversation ended there for the time being as they continued to drive toward their destination, their minds back on the task that lay before them.
After another 30 minutes or so of driving, they had finally arrived at White Sand National Park. Even from the Entrance, they could see the White Sands, and Jaune had to admit, the Oracle's Prophecy was right, it was the whitest sand he had ever seen. They bought tickets to enter the park and when they saw the National park's white sand, the 3 demigods were shocked, as while they did have deserts in the US, nothing could compare to what appeared to be a vast landscape of the whitest sand they had ever seen.
"You know... I bet Annabeth would know so much about this place," Will said.
Drew nodded in agreement, "Yep, her and her monuments and parks," Drew chuckled.
Thalia looked at the two with a raised brow, "Is she really that obsessed with Monuments and Parks?" She asked.
Drew nodded, "Trust me, every time we visit New York and see an old building or statue, she knows who built it, the year, why it was built, everything," She told the Daughter of Zeus.
Thalia nodded and felt a little sad that she didn't know about Annabeth, but a part of her said she couldn't blame herself since the whole Tree thing. Thalia had hoped that when they arrived back at Camp, she could spend more time and catch up with Annabeth.
After buying a ticket, they drove in and around, before finding a secluded spot where they finally parked the Van and got out before huddling up to come up with a plan.
Once out of the Van, Will looked at Jaune with a raised brow, "So, now what?" Will asked.
"We look for a camp, Chiron said that some Titans and Titaness have been calling this place home for a good while," Jaune said.
"So we're looking for a camp... great," Thalia said with sarcasm, "At a place like this, it's gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack!" She cried.
Jaune couldn't help but agree, the amount of campers here was to be expected, and it didn't make their job any easier. "I know, but we're gonna have to do it," Jaune said.
"How do we even know the camp when we find it?" Drew asked.
Jaune opened his mouth to answer her only to realize that he had no idea.
"You have no idea, huh?" Thalia said.
Jaune nodded with a sigh, "Yeah..." He replied.
Drew chuckled, "Guess we're just gonna have to start looking, huh?" He said.
Jaune nodded, however, before they could do anything, they heard the the sound of a motorcycle closing in, and that's when the whole group felt something wrong. The Demigods felt waves of power hitting them, and it sent shivers down their spine, and they froze in place, unable to move out of sheer fear. Jaune quickly turned around when he heard the sound right behind a dune and that's when he saw the Motorcycle fly up in the air, and was about to crash right down atop of them, and thinking quickly, Jaune grabbed all three teens and jumped out of the way, helping the Demigods avoid the near-death experience.
When the three came to their senses they looked at the bike with shock as they and Jaune got to their feet, and looked at the bike along with its driver.
Jaune looked at the man and saw that he looked like the stereotypical biker, bald head, sunglasses, leather jacket, ripped jeans, and black boots. However, what stood out was the greatsword strapped to his back, one that looked too well crafted for some random warrior or a monster.
Jaune had only seen him once, but he knew who he was, he could feel the bloodthirstiness radiating off this man, and for a brief moment, Jaune was reminded of a certain Scorpian Faunus.
"Ares...?" Jaune asked with confusion and shock.
Ares got off his bike and turned to the knight and the three Demigods with a sinister smirk, "Hey punks," He said.
"Lord Ares? What brings you here?" Will asked with a raised brow.
"I'm here for him," Ares said, pointing at Jaune. "See, he's been causing some problems for us Gods that we can't let slide," He said.
Jaune grits his teeth, realizing that somehow, Ares knew about what his presence was doing to their world. "How do you know about that?" Jaune asked.
"Doesn't matter," Ares said. "I've been given permission to kill you, and that's what I'm gonna do," Ares told him with a smirk.
The young knight glared at the god of war, "Who gave you permission?" Jaune asked.
Ares continued to smirk and Jaune could have sworn he saw an orange glow behind those shades, "My father," Ares said.
Hearing this, Thalia glared at her half-brother, "No Way!" She cried.
"Yes, way!" Ares said with a laugh. "Now, why don't the rest of you lil brats runoff, or else,"
Will stood next to Jaune with his bow at the ready, "Or else what? Are you going to kill us? If you couldn't kill Percy, what makes you think you stand a chance against three of us?" Will asked.
Hearing about his previous loss to the son of the sea God caused Ares to growl in anger, "I'd watch that tongue of yours, kid," Ares told Will, "Jackson got lucky," Ares snarled.
'Percy fought Ares and won!?' Jaune asked himself.
Suddenly, they heard the hoot of an owl and Ares smiled smugly at the group. "Besides, I'm not alone this time," He told them.
Before they could ask what he meant, there was a flash of light for a brief second before appearing right next to him was Athena, all dressed and ready to fight.
"Lady Athena!?" Drew cried in shock.
Thalia was shocked to see the god of wisdom standing next to Ares, and Thalia had a gut feeling she wasn't there to help them. "What are you doing here?" Thalia asked.
Ares chuckled, "She's here to help me," Ares said.
Hearing that, the Demigods were shocked, after all, the two were bitter rivals and could hardly stand each other.
Athena looked at Jaune with her cold grey eyes, "I'm afraid that it has come to this, I would have loved to hear about your world and learn of it, however, your presence can no longer go on," Athena told him, "For balance to be restored, you must die,"
Thalia quickly summoned her shield and spear and stood next to Jaune, ready to fight, "Bring it on," she seethed.
"You're off limits, Thalia Grace," Athena told her.
"Dad said not to harm a hair on your pretty little head," Ares said with an amused tone before he set his sights on the other two Demigods, "But if you two decide to jump in, you're free game,"
Jaune quickly took a step forward as he glared at the god of war, "You're not touching them," Jaune told him.
"Let us kill you and they'll be sparred," Ares said. "Make this difficult, and I'll shove my sword through one of the brat's chests," Ares told him with a small chuckle.
Jaune's anger boiled over as he quickly activated Beauté brûlante and the shield. "The three of you stay out of this for now," Jaune told them, before turning his head to them, "Wait for an opening, Will, then fire, understood?" Jaune asked with a whisper.
Will looked at him and nodded.
Jaune nodded back, "Now get as far as you can, gain some distance away from them, if any of them get near you, they could use you as a hostage," Jaune told them again in a whisper.
Thalia wanted to argue and help him fight but realized that if she stuck with Will and Drew and either Ares or Athena tried to nab one of them, she could step in and fight, as they'd be forced to hold back in fear of hurting her. The three Demigods rushed to gain distance from the two gods, and as they did, Ares and Athena took fighting stances, and both realized what Jaune was making them do, realizing what he had whispered to them.
'Interesting, he very much knew what he might do should Ares or I get ahold of Apollo and Aphrodite's children,' Athena thought, 'But does he truly believe he can hold both of us off? If he does, he's a fool, and my plan should work, that is if Ares doesn't do anything stupid,' Athena thought.
Ares smirked at Jaune, "Ready to die?" He asked.
Jaune glared at him as he took a fighting stance, "Let's just get this over with," He said bluntly.
Ares didn't wait a second longer as he charged in first, closely followed by Athena, and when Ares was closed in Jaune quickly blocked him with his shield and then pushed him away before quickly deflecting Athena's jab with her spear. Jaune then backed up and saw the two try to attack once again, however, when Ares slashed at him again, Jaune simply used his shield to strike him in the rib causing the god of war to lose all the air in his lungs, and Jaune used his shield to bash him in the face.
As Ares stumbled backward, Athena charged in and jabbed her spear at Jaune multiple times but Jaune dodged and deflected each of her jabs, before his back struck the side of the van, and it was here that Athena thought she had him as she pulled her spear back and thrust forward, but Jaune moved his head to the side as the spear pierced the side of the van, and before she could pull it out, Jaune raised his right foot up and then kicked her in the gut, sending her back without her spear.
As the two Gods regained themselves, Jaune looked at them and twirled his sword. "Come on," Jaune seethed, "I'm not done with you,"
Ares stopped and glared at the mortal as he gripped his sword tighter, "Don't get cocky, mortal!" Ares cried as he charged in again.
Ares pulled his blade back and swung at Jaune, but Jaune blocked it with his sword, and then pushed his blade away, before he swung back at the God, however, Ares blocked the attack with his blade, and the two locked blades and glared at one another.
Athena quickly thrust her spear at Jaune's face, and sensing this coming, Jaune backed away, causing Ares's blade to strike the sand and Athena's spear to miss.
"Damn it!" Ares cried. "Stay still you mongrel!"
Jaune glared at them, "For a couple of all-powerful beings, your skill in combat is lacking," Jaune said. "You haven't fought in years have you? Haven't had a single person challenge you in a long time, huh?"
Ares growled, and even Athena glared at him, both unwilling to admit that he was right, and their skills were lacking for a long time, since for the longest time, they had no need to fight.
"I don't care about you trying to kill me, but you threatened the lives of my campers, you threatened the lives of innocent kids, and that pisses me off," Jaune said. "Fotiá,"
Flames burst out of the blade and the two gods were shocked, and both could swear that they could feel the heat from where they were.
"I'll give you one chance, walk away, or I will kill you," Jaune told them as if stating a fact.
Athena glared at him, "You believe you can kill a god?" She asked. "We're immortal you fool, we can not die, not by monsters, demigods, and surely not by the likes of you, human," She seethed.
"Are you sure about that?"
Hearing a new voice, all three turned their heads to the source of the voice only to see the old woman and her two lions, and with her were Thalia, Will, and Drew.
Ares glared at the older woman, "Who the hell are you!?" Ares asked.
The woman smiled at him softly, "Ah, I suppose none of you have ever really seen me before," She said. "Well, firstly, a pleasure to meet you, my grandchildren," She said softly.
Jaune was confused, 'Grandchildren?' Jaune asked himself.
Hearing this old woman call them grandchildren, Ares and Athena froze as their eyes widened in absolute horror, as they realized whose presence they stood in. The Demigods themselves looked at the older woman with raised brows at first before coming to the same realization as the two Gods and they quickly bowed on one knee.
The woman looked at the demigods and giggled softly, "Please, there is no need to bow, be at ease, children, we are family, are we not?"
Hearing this, the Demigod children seemed to relax and stand up, and as they did, Ares and Athena also seemed to relax, and when they did, the woman's head snapped toward them and her eyes glowed gold, "Did I say you could be at ease?" She asked.
Athena and Ares once again stiffened as they looked at her, and Jaune swore the two were sweating and breathing rapidly, which made Jaune wonder just who this old woman was.
The woman's eyes dimmed and returned to normal and walked toward the two gods still smiling softly, however, Jaune had seen a smile like that before, on his very own mother, when she was about to be strict and scary, but still kept that sweet and loving expression, which was the scariest thing to all the Arc children.
"Athena, Ares, would you kindly explain to me why you are here, and why you are trying to kill Jaune Arc?" She asked.
Athena looked at her, "You must understand, Jaune Arc is-"
The woman's eyes glowed golden once more as she turned her head to the Goddess of wisdom, "I asked for an explanation," She sternly said. "Not an excuse,"
Athena gulped, "Ares and I came here to kill Jaune Arc because he poses a threat to the order of all things," Athena said. "Father and Hera agreed to this as well,"
The woman's eyes returned to normal, and she let out a sigh, "Of course they did," she said as she closed her eyes. "Leave," She told them.
Ares glared at her, and he took a step forward toward the woman, "Wait a damn-!"
However, before he could say more, one of the Lions pounced on the God of War and snarled at him, bearing its fangs and ready to bite him when given the order.
"Leave," The woman repeated, this time in a more stern tone, one befitting a mother.
Athena nodded quickly and flashed away and the lion got off of Ares and the god of war quickly stood up and did the same as his sister, flashing away along with his bike.
The woman let out another sigh and shook her head slowly, "Ugh, why must my children make everything so difficult?" She asked herself.
"Um... excuse me?"
The woman turned to Jaune with a raised brow, "Yes, Jaune?" She asked.
Jaune looked at her, wondering how she knew his name, but there was a more important question on his mind. "Who... Are you?" the young knight asked.
Hearing this question, the woman realized she had forgotten to introduce herself to the man from another world and a bashful smile graced her lips, "Oh, how careless of me, please forgive this old woman for forgetting her manners," She began. "I am Rhea, Queen of the Titans and mother of the gods, a pleasure to meet you,"
Back at Rhea's little camp, Jaune, Thalia, Will, and Drew, sat in lawn chairs with Rhea, who had them gather around a dead campfire. Rhea sat and petted her lions as she looked at the group with a loving smile.
"It's been so long since I've crossed paths with Demigods, one who happens to be my grandchild and two who are my great-grandchildren!" Rhea said joyfully. "Ah, the fates have blessed me today,"
Thalia smiled at her grandmother, which felt weird to say, "It's great to finally meet you, Lady Rhea," Thalia said.
Rhea chuckled, "Oh no need for formalities, my dear Thalia, Grandmother is more than fine, I'd prefer it," She said with a bright smile.
Thalia nodded, "Of course, Grandma," Thalia replied.
Rhea's smile widened, "Ah, you are so cute! You have your father's eyes! Tell me, have any boys proposed to you yet?" Rhea asked.
Thalia blushed furiously as she looked at her grandmother, "I-I'm only fifteen!" Thalia cried.
Rhea chuckled, "I know, I know, just a little jest," She said. Rhea then turned to Will and Drew, "Now, how have you two been?" She asked.
"I'm doing well, Grandma," Will replied with a bright smile.
Drew nodded in agreement, "Same for me," She replied.
Rhea nodded, "Good to hear, haven't been doing anything too dangerous, I hope?" She asked.
Drew nodded, "Nope," She replied, however, the daughter of Aphrodite remembered something, "Well, except for that little run-in with Theia,"
Hearing her sister's name, Rhea sighed, "Ah, poor Theia," She said. "Please, forgive my sister, she has... not been the same since the passing of her children," Rhea said sadly.
Thalia rolled her eyes, "I'd forgive her when she apologizes for trying to kill us and curing Jaune," Thalia said.
Hearing this, Rhea turned to the older blonde, "Theia cursed you?" She asked.
Jaune nodded, "Yes," He replied. "She cursed me with seeing ghosts of my past," Jaune replied.
"How did she do it?" Rhea asked with a raised brow.
Jaune blushed a little and he could hear Will and Thalia holding back their laughter. "She... uh... well she kissed me," Jaune replied.
Rhea's eyes widened with shock before a small smile graced her lips, "I see... that is, one way to curse a person," She replied.
The dam broke as Thalia and Will began laughing loudly at how their grandmother was also shocked by how Jaune was cursed.
Jauen groaned as he looked to the Queen of Titans, "Is there a way you can remove the curse?" Jaune asked.
Rhea sighed, "Afraid not," She replied. "Only my sister can release the curse, be that by her own volition or her death," Rhea told him.
Hearing this, Jaune let out a heavy sigh as he looked to the ground.
"But I believe you didn't come here just to chat with an old woman, now did you?" Rhea asked.
Jaune looked back up at the Titaness and nodded, "Yeah," he told her. "I was sent here by the Oracle, but I... I don't know why," He told her.
Rhea smiled, "I know why," She said. "You're here for answers as to what is going on and why your mere presence is affecting our world... and you came for her," Rhea told him.
Jaune nodded and when he heard the last part of Rhea's sentence, he looked at her with a confused face, "Her?" He asked.
Rhea nodded, "Yes,"
Before Jaune could ask who the Titan Queen was referring to, he heard yawning coming from the tent and heard someone cry out, like a baby would try calling out to a mother without actually using words.
"I'm out here, dear," Rhea said with a smile.
"Oah!" Cried the person inside the tent.
The flap opened up fully and the person inside stepped out of the tent and revealed themselves to the rest of the group, the moment they showed who they were, Jaune stood up quickly in shock, knocking over his chair in the process.
Standing barefooted before the young knight, in nothing but a long white nightgown was Penny Polendina, who looked as cheerful as she always had before.
Penny's eyes landed on Jaune and a bright and big smile graced her features as she rushed over to him and leaped toward him. Jaune was in shock but quickly caught her as she wrapped her arms around her.
"Oah! Oah!" Penny cried as she held him tighter.
Jaune was shocked that she was hugging him, but he began to wonder why she was speaking like someone who could formulate words or speak any language, his eyes fell on the Queen of Titans and he looked at her with a questioning look.
"What... happened to her?" Jaune asked.
Rhea sighed, "You may want to pick up that chair of yours, Jaune Arc," Rhea began, "You are gonna need it," She told him, looking at him with her golden eyes, which now looked sad.
I am sickened guys, I'm absolutely disgusted! You know why!? Because Warner Bros. fucking shut down RT meaning RWBY, RvB, and Gen:Lock is in Limbo! That just fucking blows!
But no! Not only did I learn RWBY was now in Limbo waiting to be bought for god knows how long, no I learned that Akira Toriyama had passed! Like what the fuck!?
This week has just not been my week... This is also why I'm also choosing to torture you guys as well. (It was part of my plan for the story anyway~)
Hey! You agreed to be a part of the ride the moment you began reading and made it this far, don't back out now!
Anyway, Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know you'll be back for the next one, after all, how can you leave now with this major cliffhanger~?
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weepingwidar · 11 months
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Brice Marden (American, 1938) - Design for Basel Minster windows (1980-1985)
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ginandoldlace · 8 days
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It's easy to see why Byland Abbey was once one of the greatest monasteries in England.
that this abbey inspired the design of church buildings throughout the North, including the famous York Minster rose window
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Diversity in Church Architecture in Medieval England
Medieval English churches differed in size and layout. Their original and evolving role(s), financial and material resources, and architectural fashions helped determine variability. However, their look ultimately grew from a constant symbiosis between being a place for worship and practical matters. During the 10th-15th centuries, stone construction became firmly established, and that witnessed a golden era of church building.
Purpose & Resources
Immediate, mundane reasons for diversity were just as for any other buildings – houses, castles, offices – it depended on the purpose for which they were originally built and the financial and material resources available to the initial builders and to later owners who wanted to extend and/or beautify it.
Impoverished communities created basic churches employing the means and materials members of the settlement possessed or could source nearby using their own sweat and skills. Rich sponsors had the wherewithal to envisage and execute the most lavish projects money and authority could buy, transporting materials from far and wide, engaging the leading designers, technology, masons, metalworkers, carpenters, painters, and glaziers of the day.
Basic buildings might be erected as outposts of mother churches/minsters or by individual villages or minor landowners wanting a place, however humble, to express their faith, as a centre for the daily, weekly, and yearly cycles of devotion that dominated and led peoples' lives. They were simple rectangular structures, large enough for maybe 15 to 20 worshippers. The grandest undertakings were sponsored by major royal, aristocratic, or religious order benefactors to produce leading centres of ecclesiastical, administrative, and scholarly influence. Many of the great cathedrals, abbeys, and minsters, like Durham, Lincoln, and Old St Paul's London were wonders of the world at the time they were built, well over 100 meters long, 100 meters high, or more, and tens of meters wide.
Of course, the majority of churches fell in between these extremes. Some might not initially have been conceived on a grand scale, yet over the centuries they grew as patrons and communities responded to changing population sizes and advances in building technology that fed the desire to always have the bigger, better, more beautiful, the latest architectural fashion. In the economic climate of the later Middle Ages, fresh sponsors of church building and extension entered the scene. Newly rich guilds and merchants in many towns employed their wealth to craft ornate chapels or enhance an existing church with which they were associated. From unpretentious origins, many modest buildings thus grew into impressive houses of God – witness Leicestershire's grandest church in Melton Mowbray backed by wool traders' money, and the great wool churches of Norfolk and Suffolk.
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madameaug · 4 months
Scandal || KTH x OC
Pairing: Actor!Taehyung x !Actress! Mei Mei
Mei Mei and Taehyung are the leads for the spicy, hot, and jaw dropping spin off of NBC's Scandal. Instead of an affair in the Whitehouse, it's the love story of two political rival's children. The chemistry on screen and on the carpet is undeniable.
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Red Carpet, 8:05 pm, Hollywood California
Mei Mei looked amazing. The lights were hitting his skin perfectly. Makeup is flawless, pores absent. Large fluffy lashes complimented her hazel eyes. She was serving in every sense of the word. No one could take away her shine, not even if they tried. The designer dress wrapped her body like a second skin. The dress had a deep plunge, showing off bits and pieces of her cleavage. It was the perfect balance of sexy and chic. It was the complete opposite of the character she played. Her character was preppy, conservative, and always had her shit together. Daughter of a Prime Minster, it was expected of her.
Her character wouldn't allow herself to expose so much skin, for stranger's eyes to look at. The only man who would even look at her fully naked body was her steamy fling, played by Tae.
Taehyung stood at the other end of the red carpet. His hair was slightly crimped and dangling over his eyes. His lips were straight, but his eyes smiled wide and extensive. His head turned slightly, spotting his castmate Mei Mei. A smile cracked his stoic look.
In seconds he took to stride across the carpet to get to Mei Mei was comical. His big hands found a natural rest on her hip bone. The pair hugged, Mei Mei careful not to rub her foundation on his face.
"It's so good to see you, baby." Mei Mei's manicured nails touched the bottom of his chin.
"Likewise." Taehyung
The cameras were eating up the interaction. There were already hour long compliations of 'TaeMei' on the internet. Combining from their scenes and interviews they've done together. Pop culture was doing everything in its power to, make this ship sail.
"You look beautiful." Taehyung shamelessly checked out Mei Mei. The dress rucching tightening in the back. Making her figure even more goddess-like. Mei Mei was already on the taller side. 5'8 without her typical heels. But now on the carpet she was standing roughly at 6'1. A stallion was the most appropriate way to describe her.
Taehyung loved tall women (short women too), but tall women were now digging a special place in his heart.
With arms interlocked the pair walked down to where some of the interviewers were stationed. Individually they have done hundreds of interviews. Only when doing interviews together, was it actually fun.l
What is your favorite scene you've done together?
Mei Mei immediately started laughing. She liked simple questions that showed Mei Mei the person, not but on an act and answer how her character would.
"I think the scene we did when our characters first met. Our characters got held for ransom, technically."
Mei Mei trailed off, but Tae was not in the same room as her. He was in a different reality. His eyes were just looking over the beautiful woman beside him. He couldn't help it.
Mei Mei was a gorgeous woman. He wasn't blind. One of the reason he was glad he was doing this romance drama was because he didn't have to fake attraction to hi screenpartner. It was all natural. Although he maintained a professional aspect, but if Mei Mei wanted to explore something, Tae would be down.
"I'm sorry. What was the question?" Tae lowered his eyes at the interviewer. Even a blind man could see that Tae was making her melt. Melt so much, that she started stuttering to get out the next question.
"What are some of your favorite looks this season."
"I wore a body fitted denim dress, with a long sleeve white blouse underneath. That was a memorable look for me on set. The second one-"
"Damn I remember that. You looked good, baby." He stepped behind Mei Mei, his hands wrapping around the front of her dress. Not necessarily resting on her stomach but more on her belly button. His veiny hands becoming an accessory for her dress.
"I love it when he calls me that." Mei Mei let out a girly screech.
"Thank you, baby." She returned the comment. Neither one of them packed down from the eye contact they were holding. Not giving a second thought to the cameras, still capturing every moment they shared. The interviewer long forgotten, she was too stunned that Tae give his infamous 'fuck me' eyes.
Taking the cue to move on, Mei Mei led Tae to the next interviewer, hand in hand. Oh for sure they were going to be the talk of the night.
Commenter 1: I love seeing my parents together
Commenter 2: I just know Tae's girlfriend is sliding down the wall Commenter 3: I need someone to look at me the way Tae looks at Mei Mei Commenter 4: They just need to launch the relationship at this point. It's getting ridiculous Commenter 5: Mei Mei is so pretty Commenter 6: I love seeing black women happy :)
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clawbehavior · 7 months
what we do in the shadows
summary: judge kim gaon presides over the case of a recently apprehended serial killer, but not everything is as it seems.
pairing: kang yohan/kim gaon (the devil judge tv show). rated mature. cross posted to a03.
gaon rolls his shoulders, rearranges his expression to one of cool neutrality, and knocks twice. 
'come in,' comes the reply. minister cha cuts a striking figure from where she's leaning against her desk when gaon enters her office. she's dressed in all white today, a blinding and sterile shade designed to be unnerving, and could be if gaon wasn't so used to her little displays of power. 
'kim pansanim,' she says as gaon shuts the door behind him. 'meet judges oh jinjoo and kang yohan. they'll be presiding over juk chang's case alongside you.'
gaon tamps down on the tidal wave of frustration well before it reaches his face. he had advocated against this very thing, citing his early involvement in the case back when it was a string of murders in the downtown core starting with a homeless firefighter and an unemployed security guard connected by nothing but poverty and a strange MO, until the killer targeted a prolific businessman and the case was propelled into the public eye.
gaon holds her gaze unflinchingly, catches the brief gleam of something, irritation? excitement? anger? before she breaks eye contact and nods to the two people seated beside her. only then does gaon focus on them.
keep the legal expertise in house, gaon had advised minister cha, with officials who understood the context, who understood the conditions of the urban poor and what might drive a person to become a killer. but he could tell the longer he spoke, the more her dislike of him grew. she had hired him fresh off an early career win over a ponzi scheme so he could be a pretty face for the ministry. but the more he resisted that role, the more she attempted to force him into it. 
‘oh pansanim has a background in juvenile detention and poverty reduction efforts, so she can provide valuable insight into the legal strategies we’ll encounter in the court room,’ minster cha says.
oh jinjoo is a beautiful woman with straight hair, intelligent eyes, and a charming smile. gaon’s first instinct is to trust her. his second more battle worn instinct is to curb the impulse. he’s had enough experience with people in power to recognize when charm conceals ambition. he nods collegially, receiving an open smile in response, before his eyes land on the handsome man seated cross-legged beside judge oh. 
the man's posture is completely at ease but his gaze is disarmingly direct. he has lovely eyes, gaon notes before squashing that feeling too.
‘kang pansanim is a veteran of the criminal justice system,' minister cha explains as gaon takes a seat across his new colleagues. 'he joins us following a fulsome career in federal court spanning financial crime, international relations and security. he's accustomed to working high profile cases, and will take point on our communications strategy with the public.’
gaon’s eyes flick back to minister cha. he can read between the lines just fine: oh jinjoo will provide a compelling testimony for why a killer, even one raised in abject or inhumane conditions, is still a killer, while kang yohan exploits every legal loophole to put juk chang away for life. because that’s what’s going to happen, now that they have someone to pin the murders on. 
‘the blue house wants a quick resolution given the high profile nature of the case,’ minister cha says with a genial smile, already anticipating gaon’s pushback. he can empathize with the blue house. the killer's vendetta against corrupt powerful figures was very obvious.
‘in that case, what’s the rationale for hosting a public trial?’ gaon asks bluntly. ‘when we could expedite sentencing and control the release of information by preventing the public from attending.’ 
minister cha’s smile becomes strained but her voice remains collegial. ‘while i agree with your sentiments, we have to balance the benefits of a closed door session with the expectations of public service.’
‘and if the public uses this as a forum to host demonstrations over our recent safety measures, like increased police presence in already highly policed communities?’ gaon presses. ‘as you said, this is a sensitive case.’
‘i only want to be on the same page about managing expectations,’ he continues blithely and very undeterred by minister cha’s warning look. ‘lest we end up with public demonstrations inside and outside the courtroom and general unrest broadcast live.’ 
he feels almost bad for taking this approach when he is a known proponent for public transparency and accountability, but gaon wants to limit outside influence of any kind as much as possible for this case. 
‘if i may,’ cuts in an amused voice. 
gaon doesn’t respond to it outwardly.
judge kang continues after a beat. ‘the public will protest whether or not we provide them with an avenue to do so. but in conducting a public trial, we can restore public trust by reiterating our commitment to justice, including bringing all evidence to light.’ he manages to sound conciliatory and derisive at the same time. it’s an intriguing effect.
‘kang pansanim is right. we will give the defendant due process,’ says minister cha, failing to keep the patronizing tone from her voice as her supporters rally around her as intended. ‘all men are innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law.’ 
in any other situation, gaon would respond to her duplicitousness with well-contained fire. she’s making a show out of the justice system. he knows. she knows that he knows. it’s why they’ve been butting heads. but gaon has more important things to think of about than their vendetta right now.
‘it’s great that we have such passionate team members with diverse viewpoints,' judge oh says brightly. she says it so genuinely that it dials the tension down in the room. 
minister cha says something in response. gaon uses the opportunity to sneak a glance at his co-panelist, face giving nothing away --
-- only to find kang yohan staring at him. 
see, the thing is, gaon knows juk chang is innocent. not of crime -- the incidents of public violence and hate crimes that gaon can tie juk chang to number in the double digits, but what juk chang hasn’t done is murder a string of corrupt business owners.
the reason gaon knows this is because the real killer has been calling him. 
at first his killer had done it to taunt him. if only kim pansanim knew what the defendants on the bribery and corruption cases he was presiding over were truly capable of. but when gaon refused to back down or give up in fear, the calls had grown more frequent, accompanied by untraceable mail left at gaon’s house, the locked drawer of his office, inside the glove compartment of his car. all contained clues on his cases. it was info inadmissable in court, so gaon used it to dig deeper, to probe his defendants for answers, thereby turning cut and dry cases into lengthy investigations that made defendants sweat. 
why do you pick up when i call? the killer had mused over the phone one day while gaon was making his way to his car after a particularly grueling day in court. 
because you’re angry, gaon had said, a full day of work loosening his tongue. and i know that anger. if there’s any emotion i understand, it’s anger.
the killer had remained silent while gaon unlocked the car and stored his bag in the backseat.
how can you reconcile your anger with working in a corrupt system? the killer had asked quietly. it said a lot about his mental schema and his understanding of gaon that he had skipped over accusations of hypocrisy and straight into questions of intent. 
because that’s the system, gaon paused before getting into his car to reply. even if we hate it, that's the system.
whatever the killer was going to say next was cut off by the sound of a truck horn blaring at the intersection. except gaon could hear the sound over the phone too, clear as day.
where are you? he’d demanded but the killer had already cut the line, leaving gaon alone in a sea of faces milling around the courthouse. 
and so the calls had continued to evolve, as gaon used the information the killer provided to track the man down while making it harder for the elite to game the system. he was getting too invested he knew, the longer this clandestine relationship continued. the longer this secret isolated gaon from everyone around him.
‘do you know what i would do to you if i had you in my grasp?’ the killer had asked one evening over the phone. because that’s what it had come to, the killer calling gaon on his home phone, when gaon could count on one hand the number of people who had that number. 
‘kill me?’ gaon replied, picking up the knife.
the killer had scoffed.
‘shake me down for information?’ gaon had guessed, in the midst of preparing dinner. he deftly sliced the mango into thin slices to use as garnishing for his salad.
‘mm, no,’ the killer had replied so placidly that gaon was unprepared for the follow up. ‘i’d put you on top of me so i could eat you out.’
gaon had gasped, knife slipping from his clumsy fingers and clattering loudly in the sink. he hadn’t dropped his cell, however.
‘you’d like that, wouldn’t you?’ the killer had asked, clearly thrilled by that effect. his voice had dipped lower, trailing through the line like fingertips over gaon’s skin. ‘knees on either side of my face. i’d leave stubble burn along your thighs and cheeks.’
gaon’s body had gone tight at the words, tongue thickening in his mouth.
‘you'd go into work the following morning feeling me every time you sat down.’
gaon had turned and pressed back against the kitchen counter, clenching his pelvic muscles, hard. it was crazy. he was crazy. it was dangerous. the combination had been heady, unlocking something that had remained tightly latched inside him ever since his parents died with ferocious want spewing forth. 
‘think about it,’ the killer had continued. ‘you, a pinnacle of justice and dignity in a perfect suit and neat hair. no one would know you’d had me between your thighs the night before.’ he had sounded so unlike himself at that moment, different in a way that gaon couldn’t quite place his finger on and not because gaon had been reaching for the hem of his loose pants to get a hold of his throbbing cock.
‘oh,’ gaon had moaned in quiet relief when he finally got himself in hand, pumping his heated, silky flesh with sticky fingers.
‘kim gaon,’ the killer had said then, and his voice was -- it was affected. this cold killer could be undone by something, could want something other than vengeance and cruelty, and what he wanted was gaon.
gaon had come from that realization alone, eyes squeezed shut and panting softly before he slid to the tiled floor with shaky legs, cataloging the audible hitch over the phone. the speed with which he had become aroused then orgasmed had made him dizzy.
they had crossed some invisible line long ago, but now there was no turning back. staring at the white streaks in his palm, and with the killer still on the line, gaon had been only slightly surprised to find he didn’t care.
and this was the real reason why gaon was running interference on this case. it was why he had led minister cha to believe he was motivated by some misguided attempt to ensure the justice system treated everyone fairly, including suspected killers, in order to conceal his true motivations of pushing for time. because the moment word came down of the killer being apprehended was the moment a clock had started ticking. 
it was only a matter of time before the killer struck again. once he did while juk chang was in custody, it would bring all the heat of the criminal justice system down on him. 
it was only a matter of time before the killer was pulled from the shadows. 
‘i’ve heard a lot about you, kim pansanim,’ judge kang says with all the affability of a new colleague as minister cha moves to her seat. ‘it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.’
gaon’s lips part of their own accord under judge kang’s eyes that miss nothing, including the delicate flush to gaon's cheeks.
because that voice, that’s the voice of gaon’s killer.
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diogenesprintco · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This was actually the 4th or 5th linocut I ever made - it was between A5 and B5 size with this detailed foliate border that was, looking back, really ugly, so I've given this Three-Faced Lady an update and printed her on postcard-size Lokta paper. The design is inspired by one of the medieval grotesques in the Chapter House in York Minster.
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c-h-pictures · 9 days
Now that law is over, some of my favourite "my law teacher knows I'm an author and know random trivia facts" moments:
T: Chuuya, what do you think of when you read "occasioning"?
Me, not prepared for the game of word association I play when writing because I am not currently doing so: Uhh. Occasion.
Me, brain doing the slowest word association it's ever done:.... Events... A wedding.
Me: The language of the Offences Against the Person Act must be updated post haste.
Me: Or forthwith.
T: Are you doing that on purpose?
Me: Would the examiner find it funny?
T: Potentially.
Me: Then yes.
(After we go to break) T: Are you actually going to say that in your exam?
Me: Should I not?
T: I think you should go for it. If you said no, I would have told you to do it.
T: A good thing I don't see mentioned much when talking about the language is "actual". What synonyms do you all think of for actual?
T: Lyney?
Me, actually prepared this time: Tangible.
Me: Or real works too.
T: Can anyone think of a better word that would work in place of actual?
Me: Acute. That way they can keep the acronym.
K: What's a listed building?
T: It's -
Me: I know!
Me: Sorry.
T: Alright, Chuuya. You can explain what a listed building is.
Me: A listing is a restriction on what you can and can't do to a building, there's different grades with different restrictions. Typically, it's stuff like you can't change the exterior, or interior, or you have to get permission before doing so. Town or guild halls are usually listed and you can't change the exterior -
K: What's a guild hall?
Me: Where farmers and tradesmen used to trade when markets were the primary source of everything. You can't change the exterior but can change the interior with permission which is why town halls always become art galleries. Something like York Minster is the highest listing and you can't change anything which is why there's a masonry on site so they can constantly repair and restore the building without risk of changing the design.
K: What's York Minster?
Me: It's... It's the biggest gothic.. cathedral in.. the country. I don't - I don't know what I'm supposed to...
T: K, at some point you have to look at the country's history yourself and stop relying on your classmates. Lyney, thank you for your explanation, does everyone understand what a listed building is now?
T, reading a nuisance scenario: Chris owns a bird of prey centre.
Me: What species?
Me: Some hawks, eagles, and falcons require registration to be owned, so if he's not got them registered, it would be breaking the law and could be considered a malicious act.
J: Who would go into their exam and know that?
Me: You want to be a barrister and you keep talking about that friend who's a lawyer. The registration requirement is from an act, so at some point I imagine it'll be relevant to a lawyer.
J: But why do you care?
T: It is actually a good point, because it could be relevant to the question, but let's see if it mentions the bird later in the scenario.
(Later in the scenario) T: Kevin attacked Amy's dog Steve. Kevin is a peregrine falcon. Kevin is not registered.
Me: *smug smile at J*
J: Why do they expect us to know that's necessary?
Me: Well, I imagine if it didn't matter, they wouldn't bother telling us. Also, it wouldn't attack a dog unless something had happened so it sounds more like Steve attacked Kevin first.
J: What is with you?
Me: If you'd prefer, I can not tell you anything and get a better answer than you because I know more.
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it's been awhile, how did leone die in the manga?
Spoilers. It's been awhile for me as well but in the final raid. Leone took on the mission to take care of the corrupt prime minister. Unfortunately for her, the evil prime minster was revealed to be some kung fu GOD (because of course he was 🙄) and he beat the life out of her and tossed lifeless body off a palace balcony, like 10+ stories down to the ground, it was super depressing. But In her dying moments on the ground, Leone activated some super saiyan animal fusion technique and got up and literally hunted down the prime minster as he was pissing himself. She beat the absolute crap out of him with her new powers and in a karmic twist, threw him off the same balcony the exact same way he threw her off the balcony a few chapters prior.
When the bastard hit the ground. He didn't die but was unable to move his arms and legs, he became completely paralyzed. Later on, the common folk revolutionizing discovered his paralyzed body and took him, chained him up, and allowed every single citizen in the entire city to cut off a piece of his body. He was still alive and in pain but because he was unable to die easily because of his super kung fu body. He sat there wishing for a death that never came as he was tortured endlessly (good riddance).
Way prior to that, Leone walked away from the palace in her super saiyan mode that kept her alive to her favorite bar in her favorite part of town where she drank and partied with her now freed community one last time before she walked out, into the far outskirts of the now freed city and rested by a lonely crossroads with no witnesses as to not make anybody sad of her passing. There she died alone but happy in the snow knowing that she allowed many others to live happy carefree lives.
In retrospect, it's an optimistic death considering all the other deaths within the manga but it still sucks for the reader because it felt that no other main character that lived really remembered or recognized her sacrifice? She was the designated comic relief/fanservice character by the author and she had many opportunities to seek help and survive at the end but the author decided that it would be cooler if she died so she did despite bringing so much optimism to the main protag group that kinda lacked a source to rally behind :/. That's just kind of the manga akame ga kill was. I heard her fate in the anime was much more abrupt and random and I don't wish to ever know what it was.
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emblematicemblazer · 6 months
World building and theories of Engage
Elusia's architecture
Elusia’s architecture is a mixture of Gothic, Romanesque and Perpendicular Gothic and has the following features:
Large, grandiose stained glass windows
Pointed arches
Intricate decoration
Pinnacles and spires
Rib vaults
Flying buttresses
Destinea Cathedral is inspired by York Minster, England. The grandeur of the building makes it a magnificent setting for the first time Alear meets Sombron. It also demonstrates the ingenuity and skill of Elusia's artisans. Masons would have been responsible for the ornate stone carving and creating the blocks for the walks.The roof is wooden and supported by wooden frames which the carpenters would be responsible for. Both the lancet arch windows and The rose window would have been the work of glaziers, finally painters would apply the finishing touches.
All the features such as the stained glass windows, the screens, the organ and the altars are all designed to add to the splendour of the building. 
The shape of the building has great significance, it is in the cruciform or cross shaped design to symbolise religion. Statues of dragons seem to reference the Divine Dragon design. It makes me wonder if Elusia used to worship Divine Dragons or if earlier Fell Dragons were more skin to their Divine counterparts.
Elusia Palace is inspired by Westminster, in particular the central lobby. This is important because it serves as the political centre of Westminster in the same way, it serves as a centre for political intrigue, lobbying and backstabbing in Elusia. It has a vaulted ceiling, the panels between the vaults runs are decorated in glass mosaic floral emblems and heraldic symbols. The style is Perpendicular Gothic as can be seen by the large windows, arched top panelling, straight lines in tracery and four central arches. 
Givre Port is inspired by Dover. Just like Dover Port, Gives serves as the major port and the ‘lock and key of Elusia'. It is where most military ships sail from and most trade takes place. It is where Ivy suggests gathering intelligence on the enemy's activities. There are several forts for defence. The houses are known as Wealden houses. They feature timber frames and a married upper floor. Inside each would have a central hall and a variety of other rooms. 
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libertariantaoist · 5 months
News Roundup 1/18/2024 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 1/18/2024
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
OpenAI Cuts ‘Military and Warfare’ Ban From Permissible Use Policy AWC
Biden White House Set Up Secrative Court to Oversee Privacy Rights Politico
Defense Secretary: UK in Pre-War Phase With Several Nations AWC
Ukraine Ground Forces Commander Says His Troops are on ‘Active Defense’ AWC
Zelensky Pushes Unrealistic ‘Peace Formula’ in Davos AWC
North Korea Labels South Korea a ‘Principal Enemy,’ Will No Longer Work Toward Reconciliation AWC
Israeli Defense Minster: ‘Intensive Phase’ of Ground Offensive in North Gaza Is Over AWC
Biden Ignores Palestinian Deaths in Statement on 100 Days of Gaza War AWC
Israel Buys Tech for Mass Influence Operations Haaretz
Israeli Military Warns West Bank “On Brink of Implosion” Haaretz 
Israel Can Now Detain Palestinians Without a Lawyer for Half a Year Haaretz
Senate Votes Down Bernie Sanders Resolution to Probe Israel’s Gaza Slaughter AWC
Israel Government Divided on Making a Deal to Free Hostages and End the War in Gaza WSJ
War in Gaza Will Cost Israel About 10% of GDP BI
Report: Netanyahu Says Israel’s Campaign in Gaza Could Continue Into 2025 AWC
Israel Has Over 3,000 Detained Palestinians Without Charge or Trial France24
California Senator Says Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza is “Dehumanizing Language” LA Times
Israeli Forces Attacking Near Largest Reaining Hospital in Gaza and Cause Major Damage to Second Facility Reuters
Israeli Drone Strikes on West Bank Refugee Camps Kill 9 Palestinians MEE
White House “Looking Past Netanyahu” for Solutions in Middle East NBC News
Israel Pounds Southern Lebanon With Airstrikes, Artillery AWC
Middle East
Tehran Orders Strikes in Pakistan, Islamabad Responds with Strikes in Iran WashPo
New Caucus Forms in Congress to Support Iranian Exiles Formally Listed as Terror Group RS
Iraq, Pakistan Protest Iranian Missile Strikes on Their Territory AWC
Iraqi PM Says Country No Longer Needs International Soldiers WSJ
Iran Launches Ballistic Missile Strikes in Iraq and Syria AWC
New Jersey National Guard Prepares to Deploy to Iraq and Syria Amid Attacks AWC
Houthi Missile Hits US-Owned Cargo Ship in Gulf of Aden AWC
Two US Navy SEALs Missing After US Seized Alleged Iranian Weapons Shipment to the Houthis AWC
US-UK Airstrikes Force Aid Groups to Suspend Operations in Yemen AWC
Houthis Say Terrorist Label Will Not Deter Their Commitment to Blocking Israeli-Linked Red Sea Shipping Newsweek
US Re-Designates Houthis as ‘Specially Designated Global Terrorists’ AWC
US Conducts Fourth Round of Strikes Against Houthis APAWC
Houthis Attack Another US-Owned Commercial Vessel in Gulf of Aden AWC
Biden Admits Bombing Yemen Is Not Stopping Houthis But Says He Will Continue Ordering Strikes The Hill
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