#miraculous season 2 is superior
mAAAArInEEEEttee tU vEuX cOnNaItRe MoN sEcReT? jE sUiS aMoUrEuX d'UnE fIlLe Et ElLe S'aPpElLe CHLOOOÉÉÉÉ
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The Reveal is Worthless
I entreat the reader to remember the earlier period of the Miraculous fandom, back when Ladybug and Chat Noir were something like actual partners instead of superior and subordinate.
There was something special about their relationship. They were friends who cared for one another, who relied upon one another and trusted each other in a way they could no one else, despite neither knowing the true name of the other. They didn't fully know one another, but their relationship was a one-a-kind friendship based upon a unique experience between them that no one else could relate to.
And of course, there was that ironic romance, the Love Square whose dynamics underpinned the plots of so many of the early season episodes. Marinette loved the boy she thought she knew, and Chat Noir loved the heroine who he fought beside: neither necessarily saw the full value the other had to offer because they were blinded by the idealised image they had of the other's alter-ego.
Thus the reveal and teasing thereof was an enticing prospect: these two closest of friends and allies could finally merge their lives together without professional boundaries. Adrien could get to know the clumsy girl who wasn't a perfect heroine and Marinette would finally be able to actually know who Adrien was, as opposed to being infatuated with his model image.
A true basis for a true relationship.
And something they could never have so long as their mission continued. For until then, Ladybug and Chat Noir could only be partners and friends, but their responsibilities would always have a barrier between them.
What a shame how this premise has been so utterly devalued.
There are three aspects to consider here:
1: Romance
2: True understanding/personal development
3: Exclusivity/Trust
The first is the simplest and quickest to cover.
The nature of the Love Square was an ironic circle of attraction, Marinette loved Adrien, but Adrien loved Ladybug- so they were in effect rejecting each other to chase after one another. The only seeming solution was for the identities to be revealed and thus allow the two to actually bond fully and resolve the entire mess by getting together knowing full well that their attraction was reciprocated.
That was not what happened.
Instead, the show decided that Adrichat would finally move on from Ladybug and onto Marinette. And after a bit of back and forth, the Love Square was resolved by having the two unknowingly date their co-workers while Ladynoir cooled to platonic.
This was certainly a choice.
It also rendered any reveal entirely moot in regards to romance. Adrienette is canon, what does them finding out they're co-workers achieve?
True understanding/personal development
The core of the Love Square was that neither Marinette or Adrien could see the other's alter-egos within them. Or at least, Marinette outright found it laughable that Chat Noir could be Adrien.
Adrien meanwhile outright called Marinette the "everyday Ladybug" and was unsurprised to put the pieces together himself in Chat Blanc.
But the point of the matter is: in theory the secret identities are barriers to a full bond between the two (alleged) protagonists. That by overcoming them, they could fully "be themselves" with another person.
A Marinette with full confidence and self-assurance, but who also didn't need to be the heroine and could be sad and share her burdens. An Adrien who was allowed to be expressive, silly or imperfect himself without being reprimanded.
This is not what happened.
At least not for Adrien.
Marinette has achieved that goal, with Alya. She has a friend who cares for her with whom she can be completely honest with and who she can share her emotional burdens. Chat Noir meanwhile has steadily learnt to restrain himself as Chat Noir and if anything, grown more compliant and less self-deterministic as Adrien.
Moreover the two have gone from partners, to superior and subordinate. A strict hierarchy where all power, information and authority exists in the hands of one person, and the other person has none whatsoever beyond leaving the ring behind. And it has to be said: Ladybug does not have some special fondness or trust in Chat Noir that would enhance their relationship as Marinette and Adrien.
Nor is there any exceptional trust that Marinette has in Adrien that would enhance their relationship as Ladybug and Chat Noir, indeed the opposite might be true, given just how much she is hiding from him already despite it being critical to his very existence (eg: the whole Sentimonster business). Most likely any reveal between the two at this point would just introduce that power dynamic and secrecy into their personal lives, and likely extinguish what independence Adrichat still possesses.
Because all the reveal would do now is give Marinette even more leverage over Adrien as his superior. Marinette would continue to hide her full self from Adrien, and Adrien having already learnt to ignore and suppress his own feelings for Ladybug's sake would do so constantly for Marinette (if he didn't already, I see precious little of Chat Noir in the Adrien of S5 compared to S1).
The third is the most extensive to cover, the most important secret either Adrichat or Maribug have are their identities. Thus either letting another know it willingly is (supposedly) the highest sign of trust. The less people who know that secret, the more valuable the act of the reveal is as it creates an incredible vulnerability that did not exist before and proves that the revealer trusts the revealee more than almost anyone else.
It was seemingly inevitable that if Marinette were to willingly reveal to anyone, she'd first choose Chat Noir. He was the one who she supposedly had that unique bond with, and vice versa. It was even a fandom staple back if you search back far enough.
Now of course, that staple is more dated than The Dab.
Marinette's identity now seemingly free space for anyone but Chat Noir. She first willingly spilled the beans to Alya, despite Alya having been Akumatised multiple times before over what are relatively minor affairs (I sure hope she doesn't get caught canoodling with Nino again!) and her being a known target for Shadowmoth thanks to her own identity being known to him. From there on, through either her own choice, accident or observation Ladybug's identity has spread to at least half a dozen other people including Gabriel Agreste and possibly Lila.
But not Chat Noir.
This is important, because that bar of trust and exclusivity has been continuously lowered, to the point where Marinette seemingly has no problem with Felix "Genocide" Fathom being the in the club of people who know her on both sides of the mask- even if he and Kagami have no business doing so. But her supposed partner? He's not even considered.
There are some arguments as to why... but they don't stand up scrutiny:
"It's because of Chat Blanc! Marinette is traumatised over Chat Noir knowing her name!"
That would make sense, alas: it's also fandom staple. Not part of canon itself.
References to Chat Blanc are few and far between, and Maribug has had precisely one sign of any possible trauma from the event and it was as part of a nightmare induced by revealing her identity to Alya. There's nothing in the show that demonstrates that she has any lasting harm from Chat Blanc, or that it's the cause of her actions.
"Chat has the Black Cat Miraculous, they can't know each other's identity because their Miraculous have to stay safe!"
This would be reasonable.
Up until the moment Marinette spilled the beans to Alya. At that point her security had been breached so severely that there is no longer any value in maintaining her secret from Chat Noir. You cannot say the multi-time Akuma victim who Hawkmoth knows was a Miraculous wielder is a better secret-keeper than Chat Noir, even if she broke from Akumatization from a few hours ago: she also got Akumatized a few hours ago.
The only valid part of this argument is that Chat Noir maintaining his secret to Marinette would still be required.
"Chat Noir gets mind controlled every Tuesday, his mind will be an open book!"
No. No it will not.
It's true that Chat Noir is mind-control themed. However- unless I've missed an incident- for all those many times he's been brought under someone else's power he's never given up his Miraculous or identity barring direct use of his Amok. Unless Ladybug has somehow discovered Adrichat's identity, there's no reason to expect that he'll spill the beans- and certainly no more than Alya.
Then there's the final nail in the coffin:
As of "Ephemeral": we know perfectly well that if Marinette knows Chat Noir is Adrien, she'll quickly decide to throw caution to the wind anyway. So by evidence alone, it's not a matter of security or trauma, it's a matter of favoritism.
By evidence: Chat Noir is not one of those favourites. Forget the actualization of a special bond, he's less trustworthy than Felix.
What is the value of the reveal at this point?
Adrien and Marinette are together. The barriers are gone, but there's no special exclusivity to this shared experience anymore: there's an entire team of others after all and Rena's the one Ladybug shares her feelings and secrets with while Chat Noir barely knows anything. The "Ladynoir partnership" has cooled to a platonic working relationship where all the trust and authority goes one way, so there's not exactly some great romantic addition to be made to the Adrienette relationship.
Exactly what difference does it make to their relationship if they know each other's identity? What would actually change beyond them not having to make awkward excuses about where they're hiding for any given Akuma battle?
Because unless there's going to be some kind of Ladynoir conflict in the next season to provide a new, negative potential impact to the reveal:
The once brimming potential of The Reveal has been completely wasted.
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theerurishipper · 1 year
Ladynoir and (In)Equality
For me personally, the most important thing in any relationship is that both partners are equals in that dynamic. I think that's a reasonable expectation to have. And Ladynoir did fulfill that requirement for me in the first 3 seasons. Even though Ladybug did most of the leadership stuff by making the plans and directing Chat Noir on what to do, it was understood that this was a mutual agreement. They both understood what they were good at, and their dynamic evolved accordingly. Chat Noir was content to follow her lead and Ladybug was content to make the plans and direct Chat Noir.
Season 2 saw the introduction of the inequality that shattered this balanced dynamic between the two, and quite frankly the later seasons only made it worse. It started in Syren, as we all know, where Chat Noir first expressed his displeasure at being left out of the loop when Ladybug was privy to important information that was being kept from him. Of course, Master Fu arrived to barely smooth things over before the issue was dropped for the season and never brought up again. Their dynamic remained as it was, but the cracks began to form here.
The introduction of Ladybug being the Guardian in Season 4 changed this established dynamic, obviously, and Ladybug began to give the Miraculous out to other holders. Keeping Chat Noir out of the loop began to become her MO, and she effectively replaced him with Rena Furtive in all but name. The central conflict of the season was the cracks forming in their relationship because of her new responsibilities and her secret keeping. And the resolution to this, as stated in Kuro Neko and Risk, is that even if he's no longer her partner, she still likes him best.
Now, the previous Ladynoir dynamic was one of equality, where they knew their roles and acted upon them. They were equals, and Ladybug's leadership in their pair was an informal one, one that was mutually agreed upon by them. The introduction of the Guardian role for Ladybug changes this from a mutually agreed upon dynamic to one where Ladybug is, for all intents and purposes, his boss. She is officially his leader, in the sense that if she so wished, he would be obliged to hand his Miraculous over to her. In the sense that she would be well within her rights to replace him if she so desired (which she does do). She is his superior, and he is no more important than the other temporary holders, with the sole exception that he holds his Miraculous permanently (which has now been exacerbated by the fact that all of them are permanent holders now).
Chat Noir received a demotion for no fault of his own, which he did not want, and someone else was promoted to replace him in the position he once occupied. Rena Furtive is Ladybug's special partner. Chat Noir is not Rena Furtive's equal, and he is definitely not Ladybug's equal.
This is not about a woman making more money than a man. She isn't just more successful than him, and this isn't about him being insecure about her being better than him. The problem is that Ladybug is Chat Noir's direct superior, and she has power over him. She has the power to call him when she needs him, and if not him, she'll get someone else. She has the resources to figure out his identity without him being none the wiser. She has the power to replace him if she wishes. Far be it from him to allow her to lead of his own accord, now he is obliged to follow her orders. She has the power to control what he knows and how he acts, and she has the power to keep vital information from him.
None of this is inherently "bad." But when you look at it from the context of them being on a path to a romantic relationship with each other, that's where the problems begin. Two people in a relationship should not have a dynamic where one has so much power over the other. Ladybug has so much power that she is able to slide a third teammate into their partnership and slowly push him away from his role at her side. She, quite unfortunately, can and has abused his trust because she had the resources to do so. The only opportunity he had in Season 4 to make his own choices that were not dictated by Ladybug's rules was when he quit. The final takeaway from this Ladynoir conflict is that Chat Noir is her favorite subordinate now (because Rena Furtive has replaced him), and just because they aren't equals anymore doesn't mean she doesn't want him around.
And, no, this was not corrected in Season 5. Season 5 was a return to their original dynamic, not because Ladybug and Chat Noir worked around this new shift in their relationship to find a way to overcome this new power imbalance. It's because Ladybug's power was forcibly taken away from her by a third party, and the only reason Chat Noir is her special partner again is because there is no one else left. But the end of Season 5 sees everyone come back, as permanent holders no less, and Chat Noir is once again demoted to his role as "just another holder like any other."
With the establishment of the Ladybug and the Black Cat Miraculous as two halves of a duo, equals in power, you'd expect them to be, well, equals. Me being upset about the inequality of these characters isn't with regards to screentime, or my wish for Adrien to be the main character or anything. My wish is for Adrien to be a character of his own. My wish is for the show to stop promoting such unhealthy dynamics as cute and fine. If they had simply made Adrien's role out to be the love interest, if they had just literally made him Ken who is content with just being Barbie's trophy boyfriend from the very beginning, if that was all his role has ever been and was meant to be from the start, I wouldn't be complaining so much. But the one they reduced into the role of Marinette's prize, the one over whom she has so much power, is the abuse victim whose arc is about self-actualization. And it paints a very disturbing picture. That far be it from Chat Noir to expect any kind of equal treatment from Ladybug, he's going to have put aside any discomforts or issues he has with their relationship to settle for being her favorite by virtue of nostalgia.
And it's just... bad, on a narrative level. Despite its ambitious introduction of so many plot points, the focus of this show has always been its romance. The main narrative goal of the series is for Ladybug and Chat Noir to get together. So, when your narrative hinges on these two characters getting together, and you decide to introduce such a power dynamic into the mix, saying "I still like you," isn't the fix that it's cracked up to be. If they are supposed to be the relationship around which the show is built, Chat Noir should be Ladybug's special partner, he should be her equal and not just another holder whom she likes better than everyone else. Ladynoir's relationship is directly tied to their partnership, and their dynamic as partners is the basis for any future romantic relationship between them. Introducing such an inequality between them in their partnership does affect their ability to be able to get together, and not in a good way.
This isn't a bad plot point. I like Ladybug being the Guardian, I like that they didn't just brush off the fact that there would be some changes in their dynamic. What I dislike is the way it was resolved, with Ladybug essentially saying that they would never be equals but she still likes him. A power imbalance does not a healthy relationship make. Ladynoir do not have a relationship where they are both completely aware of everything they should know. Chat Noir really cannot do anything in their dynamic, because Ladybug has all the control over everything. It's Ladybug controlling this information and Chat Noir accepting that he'll never be treated the way he wants to be treated, because he's been conditioned to believe his feelings don't matter. And she never did end up correcting this, and the conflict as it is ended with him forgiving her for everything even though she never apologized, and accepting that this is how it's going to be.
And it's not good. This isn't the Ladynoir I signed up for, honestly. I signed up for the Ladybug who accepted Chat Noir unconditionally and the Chat Noir who supported Ladybug through everything. I did not sign up for Ladybug trying to pull a Gabe and Chat Noir only being her emotional support who suppresses his own needs for her. The Ladynoir conflict and its less than satisfying resolution caused irreparable damage to the Ladynoir dynamic (it's irreparable because the writers don't see a problem with it and so they'll never fix it), and this has only continued into Season 5, which said "why fix it when I can make it worse."
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marvelights625 · 9 months
"And then you get these two together, and they're this couple that like never quite got there and they're still working things out. And I think it's just messy and emotionally true. And it's not quite neat and tidy. That's what I like about romance. It's never neat and tidy."
how is this even real??
they are not a messy romance, they are just messy.
sylvie walked away when loki was on the verge of tears, twice.
sylvie blamed him for the situation (conveniently).
sylvie gaslighted him into believing her opinion on his friends’ life and the tva, and tried to convince him of her fixations. she forced him to admit his feelings and then dismissed it by saying,
‘we’re both selfish’
she made it clear that she did not need loki and was perfectly content without him. not to mention how she conveniently refused to help him to fix her actions.
yes, it was her fault. the timelines colliding, dying, was her fault. yet no one felt the need to hold her accountable.
and when loki did call her out at the automat, the writers decided to let sylvie be the victim portraying
‘no she can’t trust because her life was tough so it’s okay if she believes she did nothing wrong and just aggressively insults everyone around her’
she’s not a badass, or a girlboss. she literally had to do nothing to kill hwr. he sat there, got it over with. walked right into his trap. she’s not determined, she’s vengeful. she killed minutemen, innocents, anyone who got in her way. she doesn’t want a throne, but like any other loki would, she would recklessly get what she wants.
and it angers me that she never got an arc to notice this. never got a reason to feel the need to become a better person. i’m not sexist (ik that’s something a sexist would say). i don’t hate sylvie because she’s a strong female character. but strength also comes with wisdom, maturity, humility, appropriate trust and so many more admirable qualities they never gave her. they gave her a knife and loud voice and they were like ‘there’s the superior loki variant!’.
and it doesn’t make me a hater to blame sylvie for how toxic sylki is. she is indeed the manipulative, aggressive, dismissive person. no excuse can fit in for treating loki the way she did. yes, she doesn’t want a relationship. but loki ain’t grabbing her and begging for her love, he just asked for help, and she didn’t even have the decency to respect him.
why is the crew glorifying this? why is anyone at all promoting this? why is she justified? while loki got years of mistakes, punishment and realisation, sylvie got a two minute backstory and miraculously became loki’s love interest in the span of one episode, and everything is just justified. there is no depth to her whatsoever. if this is what they reduce loki to a ‘clown’ for, then they should’ve done better.
i’m more of a ‘leave the saliva exchanging, enjoy the show person’ but for one of the first times, i was watching a show about a character i was attached to for years and this is it. i loved him throughout his journey, and i loved his arc, and i loved his friends, but him and sylvie just make me sick cuz like, they can’t even decide.
‘she’s a loki but also not a loki because she hates them. but the show is about loki so she has to be a variant of loki. but only a variant because people can’t call it incest/selfcest. season 2 is driven by their deeper relationship and is emotionally true, but the show is basically her having trust issues and disrespecting him, saying she doesn’t want him. and loki just being sick and tired of all the shit and in the end, doesn’t get a break. thank you’
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baenyth · 5 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episodes 3-25 and 3-26: Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen
So, this is it. Goodbye, Chloe.
You ever think about how weird it is that Miraculous season 3 still uses the season 2 opening despite all the new heroes and kwamis introduced? We got to see 6 more Miraculouses here out of the 12 of the Chinese Zodiac.
So that's where pizzaboy Luka came from! Seems to be a delivery boy more than anything.
Yes! Luka! And hopefully Lukanette!
pfffft Gabriel really busted out the "Our get along shirt"
Yes! Kagami and Adrien having friendly interactions with Marinette!
Andre needs to divorce his garbage heap of a wife. Does he know about the affair?
Yes! Kagami and Adrien spending happy time with eachother!
Yes! Silly Kagami and the three having mischevious antics!
Ooh, the ballpit pool as well! The three of them are so cute and fun together. Now all we need is Luka and we'll have the superior love square! One that's actually a square as well!
Kagami might have feelings for Marinette too?! Whoopee!
Marinette with her hair down is peak.
The Evil Egg that Eats Everyone
So the ice cream guy isn't really polyamorous, but just concerned about having too many flavors? I mean, peppermint and orange kinda sounds like toothpaste and orange juice, but searching it up there are people who think otherwise,
Marinette letting Adrien and Kagami be happy together. Yippee!
Master Fu's monologue really went back to normal halfway through, huh?
Steals your girlfriend
And there it is. Honestly it's less of a jape and more of a downward spiral. Chloe wants to help in deakumatizing her parents, Ladybug broke her own rules by bringing back Ryuko when Hawkmoth knows her identity as much as Queen Bee's, and paralysis being a better fit for this fight than Logias. Girl felt abandoned by her crush, and Hawkmoth only manipulated her in person because he couldn't do it with an akuma, as well as it giving her the special treatment she craved.
And the superior ships fall into place.
The bees actually stinging people wasn't in the budget?
Now that's what I call a hive mind!
Oooh, and the moth's back as well!
I'm glad the water voices aren't back. Oh yeah. A lot of stuff's coming back. This really is a season finale!
Love me a good boss rush!
Again with the baldness.
And yet, Ladybug tries to get Chloe back on her side. What an angel.
Pfft she's really putting on everything
And there's Chloe's villain meltdown. Ladybug didn't even tell her she couldn't be Queen Bee anymore. Chloe broke ties with Ladybug on her own.
Why and how are they in love again? One's a karen and the other's a pushover.
mmmm, crumbs of Julerose.
And so we get Lukanette and Adrigami. They should've stuck with these ships and abandoned the love square, but no. Not even for one measly episode.
It's been said a bajillion times before, but it's weird how Miraculous says a grown adult terrorist with too much beef with two 14-year-olds can be redeemed but a 14-year-old with blatant issues is irredeemable and the scum of the earth. Admittedly this wasn't as bad as expected. I know the first two episodes of season 4 are going to make this look like paradise. So much disrespect. I'm probably going to watch the two specials in this season, and move on to rereading that fic I decided I still love and take a long hiatus to review a different Franime series. One I've known for much longer, and feel much fonder about as well.
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quillyfied · 1 year
Things I’m noticing on this rewatch, which I’m hoping to take slow and ponder on but we will see how it goes, PART TWO (obviously major Good Omens season 2 spoilers throughout, specifically for S2E2)
- Immediately the first thing I notice and love is the old-timey grainy way the Job storyline was shot with. Aziraphale’s holy background thing is so fun and dynamic, omg. There’s something very Terry Gilliam about the visuals.
- Also want to point out that the different shades of red of Crowley’s hair is a CHOICE, because he’s back to s1 color in this flashback. Also noticed last episode, but the new hair seems to have much darker roots or lowlights visible in some shots. Deliberate?
- Crowley can just summon a small sun. Nbd.
- The idea of a permit. The continuing hysteria of inserting modern parlance into the past. This is why I love this show.
- Thing I notice now: the crows flying away after the goats are struck by fireballs. Originally unnoticed ambiance. Now incredibly funny.
- “You know, geese? Big, cross ducks?” I LOVE MURIEL.
- Hello, Jerkface McGee Gabriel.
- My brain, when Gabriel talked about witnessing the first human birth: oh, he was there for Cain? Weird, but—oh. Oh he meant Eve. Oh NO. Aziraphale your superiors are incompetent.
- The marks of irritation the archangels have with Aziraphale…phew. Eye rolling, huffing, the whole shebang. Poor guy.
- The fact that Jim is trying to be helpful and makes the bookshop less comprehensible delights me, actually. As does his hideous sweater.
- The fact that there are edges to Jimbriel’s memory, that he has snatches of himself but can’t encompass the whole…weird. Why won’t his whole self fit back inside of his amnesiac mind? What’s taking up the room? Unless all the room is stored with the rest of his memories? This is a silly train of thought and I’m getting a bit too deep
- Wondering how Hell’s miraculous tracking system works tbh.
- Another note about the opening: last season, we got to the crowd actively falling off the edge of their cliff path and the good ones going up, the bad ones going down. This time…credits end before they reach that summit. And they’re climbing towards something brightly lit. Interesting.
- I love that the seemingly throwaway line of all albums turning to Queen Best Hits when left in a car for too long turns into more of an actual plot point with the jukebox and Buddy Holly. Almost feels taboo.
- The needing an invitation to get in thing is so subtly done, too.
- Keen?? KEEN???
- Yeah the attempt to kill the fly does sort of overly dampen the reveal later. Better foreshadowing would have been to him trying to catch it tbh.
- Dirty Donkey pub. Something about that is tickling my brain. No idea why. Like I know its utility as an elevator in s2 but I feel like there’s something important about it I’m forgetting? Or missing?
- Jane Austen as master spy and novelist is the exact flavor I’m looking for, thank you. XD
- Ehm. Aziraphale. The ball part isn’t where the love realizations happened, from my memory. They’re highly charged events, but they’re for feeding chemistry, not realizations. Idk man.
- Aziraphale almost closes the shop door on him. Noticed it the first time. Noticing it now. Mistake? Or meant?
- Pride and Prejudice is what is zoomed in on. Nice.
- Feels like Crowley is possibly probing Jim’s mind at this stage. Miraculously? There’s a partial little hissing chime when he starts doing it but I can’t tell if that’s a tension builder or an actual miraculous signifier.
- Note to self: go back to first episode and see if any sound effect played during the dual miracle. Result: yes, normal miracle chime.
- Going back to e2, not a full miracle chime but definitely a hiss of something. Don’t think Crowley is rooting around in his head but unsure how Crowley can evoke these episodes in Jimbriel but Aziraphale can’t. Hmm.
- Wondering if there’s a female voice layered under Gabriel’s, or if it’s his own pitched up.
- The fact that Jimbriel has some awareness of himself though!! He KNOWS whatever he can’t quite remember is too big for him right now, but he doesn’t know what it is and goes back to being a happy sieve in no time. Weird!!!
- Aha. Subtitles are wrong, Aziraphale does still call him Crawly in the Job minisode.
- “Technically you can—“ “oh, then technically I will” I SEE YOU, JOHN FINNEMORE. REUSING VERY GOOD LINES.
- GOSH the ACTING I am in a SWOON
- okay but: very important conversation about sides and desires and knowing (gosh that sounds dirty), unfortunate side effect of validating to Aziraphale that the angel he knew as Crowley Before is still in there and still reachable, the demon no different but just more stubborn for some reason. Massive flaw in his cognition to work through in s3, the universe willing.
- The kids being brats feels so…appropriate, somehow. All but the youngest. Who is adorable.
- Aziraphale showing faith in Crowley, though, and being proven correct. My tender heart.
- Crowley being obliging and turning Jemimah into a blue lizard. I cry.
- Aziraphale having a gag reaction to wine is hysterical actually
- The sensuality of the tempting Aziraphale to eat though.
- I…really can’t tell God’s tone or intent in talking to Job? Might just be telling him off. I think that’s what They’re doing. Job and I are on the same page at least.
- Gabriel’s game show host way of announcing this poor middle aged woman can have seven more kids. The Supreme Archangel, folks.
- Crowley stepping up at the nick of time to stop Sitis from committing blasphemy in front of the most powerful angels of Heaven: incredible power move. Only to be topped by his subsequent act of “midwifery”
- The “yes, and”ing of this scene. I’m agog.
- “Reach into his robes—higher, higher” THE LOOK ON JOB’S FACE
- Okay but the very neat forcing of Aziraphale to directly lie to his superiors, to take an active role of disobedience for the actual greater good. Mmm. Tasty for his character.
- THE WAY AZIRAPHALE’S HEAD JUST POPS OUT FROM BEHIND THE BENTLEY. Also had a little miracle chime to it so he definitely just. Popped up. Good grief.
- OUR car. Passed his test 90 years ago. Just like it’s technically my shop but we both get plenty of use out of it. MARRIED. BICKERING.
- The whole conversation at the end about falling and being lonely…SO many emotions. So many layers. Such setup. I just want to pop it in my mouth and gum on it for hours. This is the second time Aziraphale has lied to his bosses, but he wasn’t near as torn up about lying to God as he was about lying to Gabriel and the rest. Possibly because he had no proof that God DIDNT want him to give the sword to Adam to protect themselves with, and in this case he DID have more substantial proof that God wanted those kids dead. Or, Gabriel and Michael did, at least.
- Once again setting up to Aziraphale that Crowley is a good demon, that trusting him is a good idea, and pitting that against his ingrained trust in Heaven. Difficult dichotomy, difficult situation. Still hasn’t fully untangled that one in the present day. Obviously.
- “I’m a demon. I lied.” The absolute POWER.
Okay that’s it for tonight. More later!
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imthepunchlord · 2 years
Do you think Hawkmoth was at his best when he was more mysterious (or pretty just during season 1)? Also, do you think he should have stayed mysterious for longer?
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I say he was at his best in s1, not so much that he was mysterious, but he was intimidating enough with his power, but it was also the most believable and having clear limits despite the OPness (like miraculous based akumas had about the same level of power as the actual, but clearly the real was superior; OP akumas had clear limits like Mime and Timebreaker). And as it was s1, I could better humor and enjoy his dramatics and monologues. While there was some fun to the mystery of who HM was, I would vote not dragging it out unless they had more red herrings to play around with to keep us guessing. But as it was planned to be Gabriel, I'd say they should've just went ahead and revealed it at the end of s1, especially as they went ahead and confirmed it in the first ep of s2. The fun of who was HM wasn't fun enough for dragging it out for long. Especially as they weren't really going to work off Marinette and Adrien working off suspected adults. Adrien hardly interacted with his father, and Marinette interacted with him even less.
Having more villains wouldn't have made HM a better villain, especially if working off that he'd be the same as canon. At most it would've made him more tolerable as he's not the main focus, but chances are good people might've gotten fed up with him and want more focus given to other villains, and his stick could've still gotten old and many could wish that they just wrap him up as clearly he's not meant to keep Butterfly.
And he doesn't work as the big main villain to stick with as he wasn't always meant to be the big main villain. Just like the dragged out love square, his set up gets old. Especially as it goes on for 5 seasons straight with hardly any changes, our heroes hardly getting closer, and while Gabriel achieves more he also still fails which just makes him look like an idiot that we all have long lost respect for. He should have been done s2 or 3. He is not scary or charismatic enough to want to stick with as THE big main bad for a long time.
Another big issue is that he's very removed from our 2 main leads. It's no blow to Marinette whether Gabriel is HM or not, and at most, he's more of an annoyance to her day to day life than something to stress over (until later seasons but that's more having so much piled onto her than HM himself, he just doesn't help). And Adrien, despite having that personal connection, has done nothing and has been uninterested. It would be a blow to learn his dad is Gabriel, but he's not looking into anything, he doesn't care to find HM, and he's not suspecting his father. He's literally just vibing and enjoying how things are. He's not going to move anything forward.
So HM isn't much of a personal baddie to either of them, so how does he work as the big main bad when there are no personal feelings there?
Zag actually built up Mayura as the bigger bad, saying that she was HM's boss and would "make him look like a baby". There's also the factor that miraculous aren't meant to face off against each other, so that opens up a non miraculous villain to come later for them to face.
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berriusagi · 1 year
Bunny's Masterlist of Fics
Finally got around to compiling all the fics I've posted so far into one master list. All of these have been posted on my Ao3 as well so feel free to check them out Here.
Current Fandoms Included:
Miraculous Lady bug and Batman Crossover: ( 1 ) Fic(s)
Call of Duty: ( 5 ) Fic(s)
All of my fics and links to their chapters are under the cut. Hope you enjoy!
Miraculous Ladybug and Batman Crossover
Stomach Bug
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 64,779
Summary: Marinette and Damian try to keep their relationship secret from their two families but that all goes up in smoke when Marinette comes down with a stomach bug. Marinette is panicking, Harley and Ivy are supportive, Damian is happy, the batfam is insane.
Notice!!! Discontinued Rewrite in Progress but slow going!!!
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 ) ( 12 ) ( 13 ) ( 14 ) ( 15 ) ( 16 ) ( 17 ) ( 18 ) ( 19 ) ( 20 ) ( 21 ) ( 22 ) ( 23 ) ( 24 )
Call of Duty
A Good Night's Sleep
Rating: General
Word Count: 505
Summary: After a long job, all Soap wants is a shower, his bed, and to sleep for an undetermined amount of time. Ghost helps him get what he needs.
( Oneshot )
A Name's Worth
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 7,377
Summary: "Give me yer name,” Soap said leaning in close, "Give me yer name and it’ll be like it never existed and you’ll see just how much the name Simon really means to ye.”
Ghost chuckled rolling his eyes as he took another slow drag of his cigarette before stubbing it out in the ashtray, "Is that so?"
Soap nodded looking as serious as a drunk could while spread out over their superior's lap, "Can I have your name Simon?”
Ghost chuckled readjusting Soap in his arms, "Yeah you can,” he nodded leaning back as Soap calmed down and settled back in his arms.
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )
Target of My Affections
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 10,681
Summary: The man stumbled back thrown off by Johnny’s sudden spike in energy and watched wide-eyed as the man fell to his knees clinging to him and practically begging him to murder his husband. He felt a small smirk tugging at his lips as he looked down at the wide blue eyes still shining with a few remaining tears in the corners, "I shouldn’t like this as much as I do.” he chuckled.
Johnny paused in his begging to blink up at him and tilted his head slightly almost like a curious puppy, "uh… killing?” he asked.
"No,” he grinned reaching down and running his fingers through his mohawk, "having a soon-to-be widower begging at my feet.” he chuckled gripping his hair, "How about we head somewhere more private and talk shop on how you want this to go.”
( 1 ) ( 2 )
SCP-1221 "Ghost"
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 7,096
Summary: "Hey Ghostie,” a man with a Scottish accent said, the sound of him settling onto the floor on the other side of the door filled the silence of the hall, "Oof my knees aren’t what they used to be.” he chuckled leaning back against the wall beside his door, "So how was your day of testing? I heard they were seeing how your uh… tentacles worked?” he asked, his tone changing on the word tentacles as if he was unsure if that was the proper word to use.
Ghost didn’t reply but felt a small smile pull at his lips as he listened to the Scot ramble on about everything and nothing at the same time. It had been a few months since he was found by the SCP Foundation and he turned himself in. It took only a week for him to start getting his late-night visitor, unprompted and he never needed to speak, the other man was happy to chatter away on his own. He was thankful for a sense of companionship, it helped him from going completely crazy while locked away in the dark all alone at night.
( 1 ) ( 2 )
Snowy Escape
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7,671
Summary: As the winter season comes into full swing Roach starts to feel its effects. He isn't able to effectively work in these conditions so like years prior he's sent on leave and naturally his boyfriends have to accompany him. Tucked away in the English countryside amongst the comforts of home and with his lovers, there isn't much to do besides the obvious.
( Oneshot )
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shyamrajasthancabs · 5 months
Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji Cab Service: Your Ultimate Guide for a Hassle-Free Pilgrimage Journey
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Traveling from Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji is a journey filled with devotion and peace. As thousands of pilgrims and tourists plan their visit to the revered shrine of Khatu Shyam Ji every year, finding the right cab service becomes essential to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free trip. This detailed guide explores the best cab services, travel tips, and everything you need to know for a memorable jaipur to khatu shyam ji cab service.
Understanding the Importance of Choosing the Right Cab Service
When planning your journey from Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji, choosing the right cab service is crucial. The right service not only ensures safety and comfort but also enhances your overall travel experience. Whether you're traveling alone, with family, or in a group, understanding your needs and expectations from the service provider is vital.
What Makes Khatu Shyam Ji Special?
Khatu Shyam Ji is a significant religious site in Rajasthan, attracting devotees from across the country. Known for the miraculous idol of Khatu Shyam Ji, it is a place of great faith and miracle. The temple's lore is linked to Barbarika, grandson of Bhima and son of Ghatotkacha. Pilgrims visit this temple to seek blessings and witness the spiritual aura of this sacred place.
Best Time to Visit Khatu Shyam Ji
The best time to visit Khatu Shyam Ji is during the cooler months from **October to March**. The weather during these months is pleasant, making your journey and stay comfortable. Additionally, visiting during the annual Khatu Shyam Ji fair can be a unique experience, although it's advisable to book your cab and accommodation in advance due to the increased number of visitors.
Choosing Your Cab: Types of Services Available
### 1. **Standard Cabs**
Ideal for small families or groups, standard cabs offer comfort without a hefty price tag. They are perfect for budget travelers looking to save on costs but not compromise on comfort.
### 2. **Luxury Cabs**
For those looking for a bit more comfort or wishing to travel in style, luxury cabs offer plush interiors and superior amenities. These are great for longer distances, providing an elevated level of comfort.
### 3. **Group Travel Cabs**
If you're traveling in a larger group, opting for a bigger vehicle like a minivan or a tempo traveler can be more convenient and cost-effective. These vehicles offer more space and comfort for everyone.
Key Features to Look for in a Cab Service
When booking a cab service from Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji, consider the following features to ensure a safe and pleasant journey:
- **Reliability:** Choose services known for their reliability and good customer reviews.
- **Cost-effectiveness:** Compare different services to find one that offers a good balance between cost and comfort.
- **Vehicle condition:** Ensure the vehicle is well-maintained to avoid any breakdowns during your trip.
- **Driver experience:** Experienced drivers mean safer travel, especially on routes that might be challenging.
Route Information and Sightseeing
The distance from Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji is approximately 80 kilometers, and the journey typically takes about 1.5 to 2 hours. The route is scenic, with several interesting stops you can make:
- **Sikar:** Known for its majestic forts and havelis.
- **Reengus:** A small town where you can experience the local culture.
Booking Tips and Tricks
To get the best deals and ensure availability, follow these tips:
- **Book in advance:** Especially during peak travel seasons.
- **Check for hidden charges:** Ensure all costs are discussed upfront to avoid surprises.
- **Read reviews:** Check customer feedback before finalizing a booking.
Safety Measures for a Secure Trip
Ensure your chosen cab service adheres to these safety measures:
- **Proper Sanitization:** In light of the current health scenario, ensuring that the cab is sanitized before use is crucial.
- **Health Safety:** Drivers should wear masks and maintain hygiene.
Choosing the right jaipur to khatu shyam ji taxi service trip can make your pilgrimage not just a journey, but a delightful experience. By prioritizing **safety, comfort, and reliability**, and booking through a reputable provider, you can ensure that your spiritual journey is smooth and memorable. So plan ahead, choose wisely, and get ready to experience the divine serenity of Khatu Shyam Ji with utmost peace and comfort.
0 notes
sportyconnect · 1 year
Introduction Damar Hamlin is a security for the Buffalo Bills of the Nationwide Soccer League (NFL). The Bills drafted him within the sixth spherical of the 2021 NFL Draft. Hamlin performed school soccer at the College of Pittsburgh. Hamlin's College Career Hamlin was a four-year starter at security for the Pittsburgh Panthers. He was a two-time All-Large East choice and was named to the All-American third crew in 2020. Hamlin was recognized for his hard-hitting fashion and his capacity to make superior performances. Hamlin's NFL Career Hamlin had a direct influence in his rookie season with the Bills. He began 14 video games and led the crew with 100 tackles. Hamlin additionally had two interceptions and two compelled fumbles. Hamlin's Cardiac Arrest On January 2, 2023, Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest throughout a sport against the Cincinnati Bengals. He collapsed on the sphere and was taken to the hospital, where he was in a medically induced coma. Hamlin spent several days in the hospital. However, he finally made a complete restoration. Hamlin's Recovery Hamlin's restoration from his cardiac arrest was nothing in need of miraculous. He was able to return to the soccer area just nine months after the incident. Hamlin's story is an inspiration to anybody who has ever confronted adversity. Hamlin's Return to Football Hamlin's return to soccer was met with nice fanfare. He was greeted with a standing ovation by Bill's followers when he took the sphere for the primary time since his cardiac arrest. Hamlin went on to have a strong season in 2023, beginning all 17 video games and recording 85 tackles. Hamlin's Impact on the Buffalo Bills Hamlin has dramatically influenced the Buffalo Bills since he was drafted in 2021. He's a hard-hitting security known for his capacity to produce superior performances. Hamlin can also be a frontrunner on the Bill's protection. He's a vocal chief who's at all times encouraging his teammates. Hamlin is a worthwhile asset to the Bills and a key member of their protection. Hamlin's Future with the Bills Hamlin is underneath contracted with the Bills using the 2025 season. He's a younger participant who remains to be growing. Hamlin has the potential to be a star in the NFL. He's a participant who the Bills can construct their protection round. Conclusion Damar Hamlin is a rising star within the NFL. He's a hard-hitting security known for his capacity to make superior performances. Hamlin can also be a frontrunner on the Bill's protection. He's a vocal chief who's at all times encouraging his teammates. Hamlin is a worthwhile asset to the Bills and a key member of their protection. Hamlin's future is vibrant, and he's a participant who the Bills can construct their protection round. What was the cause of Hamlin's cardiac arrest? Hamlin's cardiac arrest was brought on by a situation referred to as commotio cordis. This can be an uncommon situation that may trigger cardiac arrest when an individual receives direct pressure to the chest. In Hamlin's case, he was tackled throughout a soccer sport and suffered a blow to the chest that brought about his coronary heart to cease. How did Hamlin recover from his cardiac arrest? Hamlin's restoration from his cardiac arrest was nothing in need of miraculous. He was positioned in a medically induced coma for several days. However, he finally awakened and made a complete restoration. Hamlin credit his fast restoration to the rapid motion of the medical employees at the stadium and the College of Cincinnati Medical Middle. What impact has Hamlin had on the Buffalo Bills? Hamlin has dramatically influenced the Buffalo Bills since he was drafted in 2021. He's a hard-hitting security known for his capacity to make superior performances. Hamlin can also be a frontrunner on the Bill's protection. He's a vocal chief who's at all times encouraging his teammates. Hamlin is a worthwhile asset to the Bills and a key member of their protection.
What's Hamlin's future with the Bills? Hamlin is underneath contracted with the Bills using the 2025 season. He's a younger participant who remains to be growing. Hamlin has the potential to be a star in the NFL. He's a participant who the Bills can construct their protection round. What are Hamlin's goals for the future? Hamlin's targets for the long run are to proceed to play soccer at an excessive stage and to assist the Bills in winning a Tremendous Bowl. He additionally needs to make use of his platform to boost consciousness of commotion cordis and to help different younger athletes who've been affected by this situation. I hope this solution your questions. #SportyConnect
0 notes
The Problem with the Miraculous Ladybug Fandom, Feri Gonzalez interview pt. 6
The translator finished translating part 6 of Feri’s interview. Feri is the colorist for Zag and the ambassador to Miraculous Ladybug in Latin America. This was an interview done at the end of season 3, The translator gave permission to post their translations on other social medias so I will post it here.
Feri:I think the message more or less is that every mind is stuck in their own world, every mind has their own opinions, their likes, what they expect to see, what they feel was fulfilled and what wasn't fulfilled. That is to say, every mind is their own world and so every mind thinks differently and obviously not everyone can agree on everything in life, and that’s ok, there's nothing wrong with that, but the problem here is when you try to influence others to think the same way you do, and that is to say, I don't like that, and whoever does like that has bad taste, and to the one who enjoys this well, f*uck them.
Even if they don't tell you, they will make you understand, that is to say, there are certain people who have a certain way of expressing themselves and make you understand that if you don’t think like them then you have awful taste, you don't know how to see things, your not observant , they are the people who observe things the least, they are so blinded by their ego that they don’t understand that its possible to have another interpretation of a scene or a story. And yeah, I admit that in the beginning I was also very opinionated from my point of view, I learned, and what’s important to me now is what I like and I know not everyone is going to like me.
On the one hand, I can accept what "Stormy Weather 2" brought, that is to say, it was an inside look at what each character was thinking, to some people it might have been very useful, but for me in general I already understand the characters very well, so I felt it was a bit of an extra, I didn’t really see it necessary for me, to others they liked it a lot, they enjoyed seeing how Natalie felt, they enjoyed seeing how Adrien felt when he discovered the letter( from "Dark Cupid"), but I just didn't enjoy it as much, to plenty of other people, they thought it was pretty cool and I respect that, but I just didn't thing it was that big a deal.
It's great that you're enjoying the series because that’s the whole point, to enjoy it, if you didn't like it then fine, I don’t care, I didn’t make the show, its not my story, so I don't really care. But I do feel like there are people who try to take advantage of things to expand their reach, they try to influence their followers as much as they can. On one hand you have those who give very constructive criticism, its valid, its mature and its unbiased. but on the other hand, you have people who only like to mock things, they only mention the errors and say it in a sarcastic and shameless manor, they spread that sarcastic and shameless attitude.
Interviewer: Mhm (Yes)
Feri: You feel that air of superiority certain people have developed, and sure maybe at that age I also felt like I was a big deal, because I think everyone goes through that phase.
Interviewer: Heh
Feri: Your so sure of yourself and think, "Oh my dad doesn't know anything! and I know everything!" ugh!
Interviewer: Haha! XD
Feri: And right now I feel that a lot of them are at that stage where they say, "Oh!, I can write the show better, I know what’s best!",
Interviewer: Haha! XD
Feri: And its like, yours just a sixteen year old poser, what do you know!?
Interviewer: Hahaha XD
Feri: You don’t know anything about the industry, you don’t know about everything that needs to be changed in order to please hundreds of different broadcasting stations. They are people who act high and might through the influence of others, they see someone they consider an idol act that way and then they imitate them, I have seen it happen plenty of times in this fandom where people are like, "Oh! "so and so" thinks this so I should think this to, I admire them a lot, so they'll notice me" NO! its not worth loosing yourself by trying to win over someone who generally does not care for you in this world, your just another "like ", another "retweet", your just another burden, do not lose yourself just to gain the favor of someone that doesn’t know you, the truth is its just not worth it, and please don’t do this we me either. If your going to send me a comment then be truthful.
Interviewer: mhm(yes), be honest
Feri: We might not agree on things, and we might not think the same, but I prefer that rather than see you try to lick my feet. I prefer people be honest with me, I don’t like boot lickers. So for me, a long time ago, and I'm not embarrassed to tell you this, that when I found out Chloe was going to be Queen bee three years ago I remember that, and I still have the conversation memorized, the first thing I messaged Thomas about when we became friends, the first thing I told him was how disappointed I was (with Chloe being a hero, because I felt Chloe didn't deserve it. And Thomas told me, "No, it's just that", and he said in a calmly manner, "No, you see what's going on is that we're going to do this, and the message we wanted her to portray is that" and I was all, "OOOOH!, ok, yes, yes, I understand now". There’s things that I know of that make more sense because I have more information than others, and so for me there’s a consistent story and that’s why I will defend it when I feel its valid or when I feel its a good opportunity to do it, and whatever I don’t agree on, I wont comment about it, I wont defend it, I wont talk about it. I'm more about, "you know what, rather than spread negativity and talk about what I didn’t like, I'm going to talk about what I did like because by the end of the day, what I liked is bigger than what I didn't like". I watch the series to enjoy it, not to pull it apart to criticize it or analyze it, that's not my job, I'll summarize if its needed but that’s not my job, I'm not paid to be a show critic.
Interviewer: It's an interesting topic, and I'm glad your opening up about it and are very sincere. Can you be a little more direct about , well, who "those types of messengers" are?
Feri: A lot of adolescents and a lot of people who say, "It's constructive criticism, they dont even know how to do things!", that’s not how it works guys, how do I explain to you that your "constructive criticism" is 1.not reaching them because there's an infinite amount of people on the internet and 2. by the time your criticizing things, they're already a season ahead of you, they're already done with season 4, I tell you this because I already know how season 4 is going to end, everything's already written. Whatever complaint, whatever "constructive criticism" you could have towards season 3, its not worth anything because 1. you don’t have all the information , 2. it could be that whatever you believe wasn't done well, will have repercussions in the future, and 3. even if you have a real valid criticism, at this point its not something that can be changed, everything's already written.
Interviewer: Mhm(Yes)
Feri: I can like things and whatever I don’t like I will criticize them but only with the people closest to me, I'm not spreading around poison, what do I have to gain by giving my outdated “constructive criticism” (about things she doesn't like), I don’t gain anything, I'm only making people notice errors and make them think, "'Oh, I don’t like this anymore", it makes you enjoy the series less, little by little, because a lot of people start thinking that the show isn’t perfect, but of course its not perfect!
Interviewer: Just like everything else.
Feri: And neither are human beings!. I have my fanfics, there’s people who don’t like them for their own personal reasons and I will respect that, not everyone in the world likes the same things. Those people who tell me, "I don’t really like your fanfics", I can understand that but don’t think its necessary to give me your "constructive criticism", just stop reading my fanfic and be done with it. If the constructive criticism is about the style of writing like improving on descriptions or characterizations then ok, that's something I can do to improve on in the future, but if its, "I don’t like that your story is heading in this direction", I'm not going to pay attention to you because I already have it planned. What you think is constructive is not constructive, your telling me how to do my job and how to do things so it can go in the direction you want it to go, when its supposed to be my story, not yours! People confuse constructive criticism with, "They're not doing what I want them to do" a lot!. And I feel that a lot of them have that line clouded by all this external influence, the internet is a powerful thing and people forget there's a person behind the screen whos reading everything you say and its hurting them, ok.
Interviewer: Mhm(yes)
Feri: It's still something that’s important to them and your destroying it. Their professionals, you should just accept that, and because their professionals their not just going to answer to you, they'll ignore you, you don’t get a say in what can and cant hurt them, ok. And then their all, "well if we're hurting them, then why don’t they change things?", they can’t, how do I explain to you that they just cant, they cant just take action for you, because they simply cant! These people lack empathy, they lack humility and know that we cant do things perfectly. So when they say, "oh, well I could have written it better!", well then go ahead, write yourself a fanfic and see how many views you get, how many likes and how many commenters and settle with that, be happy with the work that you've done and leave the show alone, and leave the people who work on it alone, this isn’t the product of just one person ok.
interviewer: Mhm (yes)
Feri: An animation is the product of a whole lot of people, it goes through a lot of eyes and a lot of people in that group decided that the episode worked well the way it is. Tone down the intensity, be a little more humble, be a little more empathetic and don’t react to abrasively and violently, which is what a lot of people do. Me and Thomas, we have our differences and I know I've been upset with him before, but we talk, we resolve things and were still friends, I appreciate him and I appreciate his work despite our differences. And just because your idol or your youtuber or whomever your favorite is, didn't like it, it does not necessarily mean you should feel the same. Analyze it, does it really bothers you that much?, are you sure you agree with them? what does your heart tell you? what does your mind tell you? what do you like? . I think the older crowd who are more objective, like it when people are honest with them rather than have them be, "yes! yes! its whatever you say!", because that's when you know someone isn't being honest, their Sabrinas. I would much rather have an Alya that tells me my truths rather than have a Sabrina that says yes to everything, it's such a drag. And so a lot of people treat their idols(like youtubers and other influencers) like Sabrina would, that is to say, their the Chloes(Idols and other influencers from youtubers and other social medias) and they are the Sabrinas(the people who follow them). People have their own personality, their own likes, their own thoughts, they don’t need to fully agree with who they admire on everything, it's not an obligation, you can disagree with your idol, you don’t have to imitate them, you don’t have to echo them unless they feel the same way you feel, then its valid. One of the best person who is very close to me, we've had our disagreements and she will know that I'm talking about her.
Interviewer: Haha
Feri: For example, "Cat Blanc", I love that episode, I freaking love it! and her, well, she doesn’t see it the same, but because of the theme, I already know she doesn't like it.
Interviewer: Hehehe
Feri: And she's told me her reasons towards why she doesn't like it and she's told me why she didn't like the direction it took, and I completely respect why she didn’t like it, its something that didn't catch her attention, I'll respect that. I'm fascinated by it, I love seeing people suffer, that’s’ why I loved watching Cat Noir suffer, but she didn’t like it, she didn't like seeing him suffer, and so we have our differences there but it makes the conversation all the more interesting because your exchanging ideas and you see things through another persons eyes and your all, "I see, you have a point, I understand why you didn't like it", instead of saying, "AHHH! I LOVED IT TO AHHH! FANGIRLING!"
Interviewer: Hahaha ! XD
Feri: And yes, we all have a right to celebrate whatever we like, but there’s also value in someone who doesn't like everything you like. There’s a lot of people who have taken a stab at me in the comment section, but I get along with her, I don’t hate her or anything, I'll tell her, "no!, no!, no!, no! XD", and we still talk, she still talks to me and I still talk back to her wrong hahaha!
Interviewer: Hahaha XD
Feri: But I don’t dislike her. And I'll tell you right now in general about the people who follow me, if at any point you say something and I respond to you in a short sarcastic manner, don't take it personally, I may disagree with you, but I don't hate you. If I dislike you, believe me I'll let you know, I'll block you or I'll put you on silent, I'm not going to deal with you. I will tell you when I don't like you, but if we have a disagreement and I'm still talking to you, its nothing personal, we'll have a disagreement and be done with it, I may know your name, but I don’t know your life, I don’t know how old you are, I can't fully hate you because I don’t know who you are. If I don’t block you or put you o silent, we're good, but if I do block you or silence you, its because you really crossed a line.
part 1: here
part 2: here
part 3: here
part 4: here
part 5: here
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emsylcatac · 3 years
Hey, I wanted to hear your pov on this because I've heard it being brought up many times by people. Do you view Zoe as a Mary Sue? Because to my knowledge, a Mary Sue is someone who has no struggles or flaws, but Zoe's intro ep showed that she was a liar who attempted to please everyone and was exhausted by constantly acting
Heya  😊
So before joining the fandom I wasn't familiar with what a Mary Sue was, and I learned that kinda as I went. But from my understanding of it, there are more factors that come into play regarding Mary Sues and they're not necessarily just a character without flaws or struggles! The French wikipedia page was explaining it pretty well imo but I don't find the English one as thorough on the subject weirdly enough (usually its the opposite), I'll translate some of the main points I read in the French at the end of the answer under a "read more"!
Regarding Zoé I don't consider her much a Mary Sue but I consider more that the introduction of her character went really fast because they wanted to brooch a lot of aspects of her character in only 2 episodes. By that I mean that it seemed that they had all this backstory and personality for her that they wanted us to discover in only her introduction. And I think that's probably what make people consider her a Mary-Sue? If we had followed her journey pre-her arrival in Paris, and if her struggles on finding what she really wants to be and who she really is wasn't all packed in one episode but expended on all the season, I think people would have reacted differently to her.
I personally consider it more as ML wanting to give insight on this new character so she doesn't totally look like she comes out of nowhere but being a little clumsy about it. For most secondary characters, we got to learn more on them on a "special" episode where they become heroes, but we had already peaked at their personality before while for Zoé it happened all at once. So yeah I don't think she's a Mary Sue but more that since the main plot doesn't revolve around her, they didn't want to spend more time on developing her character throughout the season if that makes sense?
Hope I was clear! 😄 and as I mentioned earlier some quick translations from main "Mary Sue" traits I read in the French wiki:
Having traits very similar to the author's (not the case for Zoé here lol 😂)
Having only qualities and strength, or having flaws and weaknesses shown in a positive light to generate sympathy from the audience
Having an exceptional & strong sense of moral justice especially for the universe they're in
Having divine or just as well skills allowing them to always defeat their enemies, succeed in whatever they undertake, always having a positive influence in their universe, etc.
Always being right or presented by the author as always being right
Winning over without effort the admiration and support of the other important characters
Having a superior or spectacular destiny
They also mention other types of Mary-Sue that I won't develop because I'm lazy such as the "angsty sue", the "anti sue" and the "villain sue" (I guess you can probably look them up for more details on google? I haven't checked the results in English though)
In that regard my guess is that what made people interpret Zoé as a Mary Sue is that:
we're told she has struggles but we don't see her struggling more than an episode until it's solved
she instantly has the support of Marinette and soon therefore of the rest of her friends
her flaws of being mean to everyone at first are explained by a "tragic backstory" of having been bullied at school and not being appreciated by her family, or trying to prove herself to her sister, hence gaining the sympathy of the audience
being nice and morally better than Chloé, and getting a miraculous right away
she has struggles a bit similar to Adrien's yet solves them in 2 episodes while Adrien hasn't solved his yet for 4 seasons
Anyway these are just some of my guesses but again to me it's less her being a Mary Sue and more the character being introduced real fast and the writing not supposing to spend more time on developing these aspects and her struggles as it's not what ML's main plot is about!
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jooniix · 3 years
Scisscom Season 10!
Ep 1 - Traitor Sitcom
Ep 2 - The Greatest Show (Sylvio Centric)
Ep 3 - C'mon Vicky Sing! (Vicky Centric)
Ep 4 - Project Daniel (Daniel Centric)
Ep 5 - The Arcade Episode
Ep 6 - Amusement Park of Chaos
Ep 7 - Color Me Impressed (Colored Pencils and Scissors)
Ep 8 - Miraculous Scissors!
Ep 9 - Damnit, We're Lost in Ikea
Ep 10 - Get a job! (Jessica Centric)
Ep 11 - Get Drunk and Evicted
Ep 12 - Sitri Moves In (Sitri and Stefan Centric)
Ep 13 - Go The Fuck Away Please (Ares' Scissors and Sitri Centric)
Ep 14 - Scissorella (Sitri and Everyone)
Ep 15 - Sciss-
Ep 16 - Enzo Moves In (Enzo amd Sitri Centric)
Ep 17 - Fuck It, You're All Paying Rent (Tsubasa and Jessica Centric)
Ep 18 - Congratulations! You get a Name!
Ep 19 - Annoyance (Sitri and Ares' Scissors Centric)
Ep 20 - Snowed In, Great
Ep 21 - Hand Holding Marriage (Shǒu and Thing Centric)
Ep 22 - Yearbook Embarrassment (Stefan and Everyone Centric)
Ep 23 - May They Rest In Peace, Not (Jessica, Tony, Antasma, and Everyone Centric)
Ep 24 - We Killed a Sucklet?! (Sitri and Chikame Centric)
Ep 25 - Little Sciss Superiority (Little Sciss Centric)
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flightfoot · 4 years
You know watching the season 3 finale at first I didn't get it but now I do. Chloe's character development and redemption were never ruined. The latter never happened and the former was so obvious. Chloe felt entitled to the miraculous, it was tied to her self worth to feel good about herself and she only wanted to be a hero for the prestige and to feel superior to others (like in Miraculer). At every turn she referred to the bee as her miraculous and demanded it everytime she saw Ladybug. The finale is just the culmination of Chloe being denied what she wants and behaving like a selfish spoiled brat. Until she learns to do good work on her own and actually want to be a person people can rely on she'll never earn her miraculous back. Some people see this as Chloe's character development being ruined but I think this could be the start. Losing her miraculous will force Chloe to examine her life and what she wants and the choices she makes. She can change by helping people with her privileges (her wealth and social influence) and become a nicer person instead of bullying them (she did that to aurore as late as stormy weather 2). Sometimes things have to hit rock bottom before they get better.
AGREED. We can see Chloe’s potential in her striving to be a hero, can see a bit of her mindset in Malediktator, with feeling useless and like no one wants her around... which wow, now that I think about it sounds remarkably like Adrien. And like Adrien, a lot of the insecurity stems from one of her parent’s treatment of her (though people not wanting her around is because, well, she’s treated them horribly).
But unlike Adrien she does not, as of yet, make helping people because it’s the right thing to do a priority. She ONLY seems to view the Miraculous as a method proving her worth to people, especially to Ladybug, who she’s looked up to as an authority figure of sorts. I suspect that when Ladybug kept on denying her the Miraculous, and especially told her that she wouldn’t be able to have it back in Miraculer, it felt to her like her mom refusing to give her any thought or consideration. 
Which came to a head in Heart Hunter, with seeing Ladybug yet AGAIN choose someone else over her. I’d say that it was especially because Kagami’s identity had ALSO been revealed, but Chloe doesn’t actually know that.
I don’t know how a redemption arc for Chloe might go. I don’t think she’ll start being nicer and start helping people just yet - not without being strong-armed into it anyway. We know there ARE people she values as friends, who she cares about deeply - we’ve seen that with Adrien, especially in Felix, with her parents when they were under threat, like in Malediktator, Heroes day, and Heart Hunter, and even with Sabrina who she treats pretty badly, but seems to have some genuine fondness for as well, thinking back to how she was shown protecting her in “Ladybug”.
What will get her to extrapolate giving a crap about other people AS people to, well, everyone else? I dunno. I don’t think she’ll just think about what she’s done and that’ll cause her to change. There’ll need to be something else.
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adrinoir · 4 years
✨ Why Marichat is the superior ship ✨
I’ve been analyzing a bunch of different Miraculous topics, so why not touch on my (and 90% of the fandom’s) favorite ship? (Scroll to the bottom if you’d rather not read the entire thing but want to know my important points.)
How it got started
Ah, Evillustrator. That episode. STILL one of my favorite episodes. Dates way back to the beginning of season one.
Ladybug does a fake out saying she’s got “a top secret mission” to take care of and tells Cat Noir to look out for Marinette.
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That face says “hold the fuck up, I KNOW her! (And low key have feelings for her... *panic*)”
He then goes to her house and starts being super over the top and flirty: kneeling down and kissing Marinette’s hand, saying how she’ll be his ladybug for the night (ohh the irony), and flexing his muscles.
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Did he have to go that far? NO. But it’s wonderful that he did lmao.
He doesn’t know she’s Ladybug, BUT he knows her as Marinette. So, isn’t it kinda funny that his first instinct is to FLIRT with her?
He legit just did it because he WANTED to.
And I love how she just teases him back in return and laughs at his stupid flirting. Like the chemistry was just there even in the first interaction.
Naturally, they were also good at working together to get away from Evillustrator in that episode. (He was still being low-key flirty with her for a bit of it!)
Then, at the end of the episode, Adrien WANTS Marinette’s opinion on Cat Noir and is hoping it’s a positive one. Why would he care about her opinion if he DIDN’T like Marinette?
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What really *launched* the ship
This should be obvious: the Glaciator episode!
It’s really made clear in this episode that Adrien feels a good sense of comfort around Marinette (especially more so when he’s Cat Noir because Marinette doesn’t know who he is underneath the mask.)
Cat Noir sets up his super romantic rooftop date, expecting Ladybug to show up. Of course she doesn’t, because Marinette was waiting on HIM to join her and their friends to get ice cream. He gets really sad and then sees Marinette being all mopey too on her balcony nearby.
Again, I LOVE what he does when he first sees her. His instinct is to go be with her because he doesn’t want to be alone - precious.
Then, he quickly opens up to her, which is crazy considering how little he’s opened up to his other friends. Like, admitting he got turned down and that he’s upset since he’s super in love with Ladybug is not necessarily a “light” subject to open up about to someone you’ve only interacted with once before (in his superhero persona, of course.)
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Marinette doesn’t go into specifics, but at least she admitted that she got her heart broken too, that night (*sigh* if only Marinette hadn’t been so mean to Cat Noir and if only Adrien understood why Marinette is heartbroken.)
Then, Cat Noir CRADLES her in his arms and takes her to the rooftop setup that was originally meant for the love of his life, mind you. Like, excuse me, who does that? Are we just not gonna talk about that?
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That’s so personal, thoughtful, and low key romantic that his way of helping Marinette cope with her heartbreak is taking her to the romantic rooftop setting.
Sure Cat Noir was still upset over Ladybug not being there, but you can tell he genuinely enjoyed Marinette’s company and that he trusts her enough to tell her about his deeper feelings.
You can tell Marinette genuinely liked it too, because she smiles and blushes as he carries her and even makes an effort to thank him for his sweet gesture. She also lets him protect her when Glaciator first attacks her.
More “fluff”
There’s some other cute moments here and there between Marinette and Cat Noir. It mainly involves Cat being extra protective over her when an akumatized villain shows up. (Mainly in Befana.)
He’ll ask her about what happened and sometimes carry her or put her in a safe place. Very cute and sweet.
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Then - one of my all time favorite moments - is when he cuddles Marinette in his arms in Chat Blanc, right after she finds out Adrien is Cat Noir. She’s so happy with this news and just falls right into his arms.
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How the writer tried killing off the ship
Oh good ol Thomas Ass Truck (not a typo, I mean it.) Considering how petty this man gets when interacting with the Miraculous fandom, I’m going to make a bold assumption. I feel he purposely created the Weredad episode because he’s sick of hearing us talk about how amazing the Marichat ship is, when most of the time it’s not canon.
One of the main plot points in the episode is Marinette pretending to have feelings for Cat Noir because he realizes she’s usually there after his missions with Ladybug. She’s all worried he’d figure out she’s really Ladybug so this is her stupid excuse to cover it.
Of course Cat Noir is thrown off guard by her sudden love confession and can’t POSSIBLY try dating Marinette because he’s still madly in love with Ladybug (ohh how he could’ve taken Plagg’s advice.)
So, of course, he tells Marinette he doesn’t want to be her boyfriend, and Marinette is ECSTATIC because she doesn’t have to fake being in love with him and she gets off the hook for getting caught after their missions. (Jeez, Marinette. Would it REALLY be that awful if Cat Noir DID want to date you?)
But, Cat Noir shows he still cares about her (even not in a romantic sense) because he continuously fights Weredad despite how ridiculously strong Weredad is.
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Thomas is trying to kill off any potential of Marichat becoming a thing, because his precious ego is hurt by his fans’ views of THIS being the best ship. But, that was stupid to set back the strides forward this relationship made in Glaciator and Chat Blanc - two emotionally heavy episodes.
Final Thoughts
To tldr this, I’ll highlight the important points:
1) Marinette and Cat Noir are their most comfortable, most true selves in these roles and it’s clear there’s good potential for a healthy relationship to blossom between them (despite what Thomas Astruc thinks.)
2) The wonderful chemistry and good, raw moments are there as proof that this ship could just WORK.
3) The ONLY thing that is keeping this ship from being fully canon is Marinette and Cat Noir not allowing themselves to get over their feelings for themselves in their more “forced” identities as Adrien and Ladybug.
4) Marinette now knows Cat Noir has a sensitive side and she needs to be more understanding that there’s so much more to him beyond his goofy demeanor.
Hopefully this gives some good background and has convinced you to like this ship for what it is. Thank you for reading and good night.
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helenfl92 · 3 years
Yashahime meta/analysis
Will Kirinowa become a thing (part 1)?
So after watching the last episode of Yashahime I decided to write my own meta/analysis about who the main couple from Yashahime will be. And before antis will jump at my throat, I will say that I don’t condone pedophilia in any way, shape or form. But just like Sesshomaru and Rin, I think Kirinmaru and Towa will become a couple in the future or at the end of Yashahime (when Towa will be of age). Below I will explain why I think so. 1) Their first appearance:
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So Towa first appears in episode 1 of the series and the first shot of her it's her back. Then in the next shot her face, it's obscured to the viewers, with a small point/circle of light on her right cheek, while her left cheek it's illuminated by the light. Also, she appears in a submissive position (kneeling and with her hands tied behind her back). As for Kirinmaru, the first shot of him (in episode 7) it's sitting on a chair like a throne. When his face, it's shown, the first thing it's shown, it's his mask which covers his face, with the exception of his left eye which it's like a black hole. In the last shot, his left eye, it's shown, with the left side of his face covered in shadow, while the right side (which represents his true self... more on that in part 2) it's illuminated by the moonlight. Also something to point that here, it's the fact that Kirinmaru made his official appearance during a night with a crescent moon. The crescent moon being the symbol of the dog demon clan. So when they are first introduced, they are in opposite position to each other. Also it’s a coincidence that Kirinmaru’s left eye was the only one shown through most of season one, while Towa’s left eye was the place where the silver pearl was and will start to glow when she used the power of the pearl? As opposite to Kirinmaru’s first shot of his left eye which seemed like a black hole. 2) The eye color:  So, according to the color wheel, the opposite color to green it's red. Kirinmaru does have green eyes while Towa does have red eyes. This is another element that puts them in contrast to each other. Coincidence or foreshadowing? 3) The chinese astrology: So, according to Chinese zodiac’s relationships, certain animal signs are highly compatible and harmonize well together, while others find it impossible to get along with each other no matter how hard they try. One of the incompatible pair it's the dragon and the dog. So in episode 5, when Myoga was talking about Kirinmaru, he appeared as being depicted as a dragon (in Myoga's flashback...which was more like a mural picture than an actual representation).   And as of the last episode of season 1, it was pretty confirmed that Kirinmaru's true form it's that of a dragon. 4) First meeting in the feudal era Their first meeting it’s rather peculiar, to say the least. So first of all I would like to bring up the fact that this is the first episode since he appeared in the series, that find Kirinmaru outside in the broad daylight, unlike the other episodes where he was seen in a dark room. So Towa and co. are chasing the last loser (sorry, I meant peril),Totetsu, who runs to seas to get help from his superior, Kirinmaru. Of course Kirinamru is not happy about the uninvited guests, so after he uses a psionic attack on his underling and threatens him, his underling makes himself scarce pretty fast. As soon as his underling it's out of the picture, his attention it's focused on the girls.
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Well, and this is where it gets a little bit nonsensical, to say the least. Kirinmaru uses another psionic attack to knock down the girls from Takechiyo's back and Moroha still ask him who he is.  😑 I don't see the sense of this question since he attacked them. I mean it's pretty obviously at this point who he is. Well, after this moment that made no sense to me, whatsoever, Towa asks him about the dream butterfly (since in the last episode Konton told them that the dream butterfly was designated by Kirinmaru... and Towa took it at face value, no questions asked). Of course, Kirinmaru doesn't oblige with a reply, so Towa uses her best weapon for feudal era....talk-no-jutsu (because this helped her so much in the past 😒), trying to convince Kirinmaru return the dreams and the sleep to Setsuna.
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So I think every watcher out there had this face when Towa used talk-no-jutsu on Kirinmaru. Followed by an argument between the girls where Setsuna and Moroha didn't want to engage Kirinmaru because there was no reward for them. Up to this point only Towa wanted to solve the matter of the dream butterfly. Kirinmaru, who, at some point had enough of their bullshit, challenge them to a fight (due to the prophecy), even if Towa it's reluctant to fight him (due to her pacifist nature). Moroha and Setsuna are taken out pretty easily, while Towa it's the last one to face him and manage to leave him with a souvenir, until she it's also defeated. I won’t enter in details regarding the fight between Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru because is not important (maybe only the final of their fight). What I found strange about this episode is that Kirinmaru mostly acts like a teacher rather than an enemy. During the fight, he comments on the girls's weaknesses and uses very weak attacks (compared to what he uses in episode 24). 5) Osamu Kirin
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So because of the fact that Towa always got in fights, while in the modern era, she changed schools often. Osamu Kirin it's the goofball English teacher (and homeroom teacher) from the christian academy Saint Gabriel (Saint Gabriel it's a saint in both the orthodox and catholic religion and the both of them are religious christian minorities in Japan, so yeah....), the last school where Towa got enrolled before she left in the feudal era. Their encounters are pretty brief. The first time, when Towa arrives late at her classes, he keeps her after school and say something pretty strange to her: When in Rome, do as the romans do.  Meaning that if you are in an unfamiliar place, you should behave like how the people behave there. And the second time when he tells Towa to stop daydreaming and to focus in classes. The first one was an useful advice for Towa since she went to the feudal era and had problems adapting there. And also he was the only teacher who didn't call Towa's adoptive parents to talk to them about the fact that she was late in her first day at school due to getting into a fight. Pretty strange right?  🤔 Everything seems normal with this teacher up until to episode 23.
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So in this episode, Osamu Kirin goes to the airport (I wonder why... though I may have an idea that I will bring up in part 2) where he met with Sota Higurashi and his daughter, Mei, who came to pick up Moe. After asking about Towa, Osamu Kirin asks about the grim comet out of nowhere. Sota asks him where it's the comet because he can't see it. So this leads to my theory: Osamu Kirin it's Kirinmaru in the modern era. The first hint would be their names which are similar. Then the fact that only Osamu Kirin can see the grim comet, but a normal person can’t. Lastly, in both English dubbed and Japanese version Osamu Kirin and Kirinmaru do have the same voice actor (also in Miraculous Ladybug, in English version Gabriel Agreste and Hawkmoth have the same voice actor or Vergil and Urizen from Devil May Cry 5 and in the first given example they were the same person). And I also believe that there, it's a telepathic connection between Osamu Kirin and Kirinmaru. Like Wolverine in X-Men: Days Of Future Past type of thing. Also, I believe, there it's a time loop (more on that in part 2). So I think this analysis/ meta t's pretty long already so I will stop here for now. The next points that I want to bring it up will appear in part 2. So, see you all in part 2. 😌
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