#mirena (oc)
mairen-marionette · 8 months
✨🌼🌺❤️ for the oc asks?
Neo thank you so much for the ask I appreciate it so much! I like talking about my ideas honestly, I need to do it more.
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Okay so for Mirena, she is a character I have had some variations of for years now in my head for my own original work, (very long story that needs its own post or two), but the name itself is one I came up with some time ago and turned out to actually be a name in Latin, and I've kept it for this iteration of the character. Her nickname is Mira.
As for Miah, that is actually a nickname I came up with and figured out an actual name not long after. His full first name is Jeremiah, btw.
Miah and Mira, the Nälkän and the low-level reality bender both unwillingly employed by the Foundation and essentially playing one of the most stressful irl games of Among Us possible. And then more of their colleagues figure it out-
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Still working it out along with the timeline. Both are about early to mid-twenties, a bit young for researchers but then again so are other colleagues at this point. A lot of odd and desperate circumstances and very hard work have gone into getting to where they are today, as well as a lot of luck.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Neo I am so glad you asked! This is actually one thing I have developed a lot, I just need to write it out more.
Mirena has a girlfriend, Shannon, a shining Mobile Task Force newbie who ends up turning traitor to join the Chaos Insurgency- and despite everything, the love is still there. Shannon wants Mira to join her, Mira both cannot leave and absolutely will not join the Chaos Insurgency. Shannon is forced to flee, and Mira's left to deal with the aftermath. How fun.
And then they just keep encountering each other after that, and it is a whole thing that I have a lot of fun with and need to actually write out.
As for Miah, things are messier and to start with, here is the very abridged version of the man we call Miah's wretched traitor ex: Miah's a research assistant to a doctor and while working under this very shady man he ends up meeting a very nice site security guard who also happens to be relatively new to the whole working for the Foundation thing and they hit it off!
It's sweet, things are lovely, Miah trusts this guy and loves him so very much and tells him oh so many things- and then shit finally hits the fan all at once and in the chaos, boyfriend's true allegiances are revealed as he is in actuality a mole and Miah is unfortunately in the way and loose ends must be tied up, with overkill since he knows Miah is a fleshcrafter and those types are infamously hard to kill. Needless to say, Miah survived, with begrudging thanks to his now late boss who was all too happy to at last put his illicit research into action before he 'terminated his employment' on his own terms.
Needless to say, Miah is still very, very mad at his ex for that stunt and while he is fine with never seeing the wretch again, he would be all too happy to finally confront him and
It's not the only romantic relationship I have in mind for him, mind you, but it is a fairly major one that has had its impact.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Okay, that is hard to say but I have thought about this before, actually. At least for Miah.
For Miah, one of the memories he holds closest is from not long after he came of age, when he was more formally initiated into the faith he had converted to all those years ago. It is one of the proudest moments of his life, and he remembers it well- the makeshift ceremony in the forest on the night of one of the High Holy Days, the pride in his teacher's eyes and voice, and the pride swelling in his own chest, the happiness.
As for Mira, it takes the form of when she finally realized that she was in fact very much love with the bright, wild, lively woman sprawled next to her on the grass, staring wide-eyed at Shannon as she laughed and laughed. And then Shannon finally looks at her, grinning that signature wild grin of hers, and the researcher feels as if she is drowning, as she's had so many times.
Anyhow, thank you for the ask Neo, sorry it took so long for me to finish answering it! Hope you like it, friend. Sorry if it's too long.
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aristobun · 6 months
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Ylenia ( e-lay-ne-a ) is an alaskan tundra wolf, mostly white in colouring with flecks of soot grey throughout her fur. I had her as a companion to Vlad the Impaler a decade ago when I was writing the Dracula Untold version of Vlad Tepes. Her allegiance lies only with him. If he calls her, she comes. If he requests her help, she offers service.
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weisshapt · 2 years
sometimes i think about how leliana (and cassandra) wrote to mirena when they were initially looking for someone to lead the inquisition and she flat out said nope. absolutely not. i did my part already and i’m busy. but then leliana asks her to at least come to the conclave. her voice, the voice of a mage who’s done such good, and lived such a life beyond the walls of a circle tower, could be instrumental in the peace talks between the mages and templars. so she goes. heads to the conclave. next thing she knows she’s waking up in a cell, her hand is green, there’s a hole in the sky and a voice in her head is saying “you really should have seen this coming” and i just. i feel like i should apologize. 
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junypr-camus · 1 year
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“The cameras aren’t watching you. You’re watching yourself.”
If you’re into dystopian science fiction, a feisty yet fragile aro-ace genius, found family, or the likes of Hunger Games and Ready Player One, you might like this story about fighting a government that no longer needs to use overt propaganda — because it can manipulate minds into creating a destructive social order.
Genre: Science Fiction Tropes: dystopia, propoganda & mind control, memories, cyberpunk, the price of change Aesthetics: moodboards
You can get it here! And it's free with Kindle Unlimited :)
More info below!
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Terry Silver doesn’t know she’s living a lie. Despite the feisty attitude that angers her university teachers, she’s unaware of the dissentious thoughts erased from her mind, or the half-truths fed to millions of Seranidians to maintain the paradise of the City. Even, of the fact that she may have taken a life. But when the mysterious Professor Camus Remin whisks her from the crosshairs of Seranid’s elite killing squad and into Slums, she finds stolen memories — including ones of her long-dead father — and a people trampled by innovation — who call her the Phoenix that will herald the rebirth of the nation. As Terry tries to foment an uprising, she faces more than her own mortality: resurfacing trauma, the deaths of loved ones, and the looming threat of all-out nuclear war. She’s forced to ask herself: what price would you pay for change?
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Terry Silver: Barely having known her father, with a mother who doesn’t notice her, Terry grows up contrarian, her feet planted on the ground in Seranid City, where everyone’s heads are in the skies. Her rebelliousness when the task force is sent to eliminate her for something she can't remember. Terry’s first memory | Sketches | Terry’s mirror
Camus Remin: First her physics professor, Camus becomes Terry’s friend and confidant after he whisks her out of the City and into the Slums, away from the government’s prying eyes (or so they believe). It’s only later that Terry realizes why… Quote | Sketch
Marco Luiz: An old friend of Camus and a resident of the Slums, Marco knows the injustices of Seranid’s system firsthand. Both idealist and kind-hearted, he’s quick to sacrifice himself to help those in need.
Janette Thornell: Hardened by past failures, the steely leader of the Resistance often clashes with Terry. But despite her stony countenance, Janette loves those she protects. And she hides a secret that only her lover Emmy doesn’t know. Janette’s Secret
Emmy Wood: A City surgeon who defected to the Resistance, Emmy is more a scientist than a fighter. But when fate separates her, Camus, Marco and Terry from the rest of the Resistance, the four must learn to fight – and survive – together.
OC’s a ten but…
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North America, in the distant future…
Three countries share North America: materialistic Seranid on the West Coast, militaristic Leifen in the East, and modest Mirena, caught between the two superpowers. Each has their own way of surviving in this cruel new world, and each has their own flaws.
Seranid sees itself as bold and innovative, and yet the Slums, where the workers hide, share more with the farms of Mirena than they do with the skyscrapers of the City.
More Descriptions | Sketches | Leifen | Mirena | Ideals
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Seranid’s Government rules Seranid by dividing the country. Knowledge workers: doctors, engineers, teachers, and scientists are kept in the City, a bubble of utopia, while the rest are cast into the Slums, where poverty, disease, and corruption run rampant. Status symbols implanted at birth label Seranidians and feed them propaganda, altering their thoughts and memories to keep them in line. The task force eliminates any remaining rebels. The Council, the coalition of the six business heads of Seranid, is the guiding force and source of comfort in many Seranidian’s lives. From controlling the weather in the City to providing aid to those in need, they are the sympathetic heart of Seranid. And the driver behind the City’s endless consumerism. Propoganda
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museiverse · 7 months
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pendragonheiress - Fandomless OC Daughter of King Arthur
enchanternamed - Syrena from POTC:OST
lucianasolaria - Tangled OC Daughter of Queen Rapunzel and Prince Consort Eugene Fitzherbert
warcaused - Lyanna Stark from ASoIaF/GOT
manorkept - Rapunzel from Barbie as Rapunzel (2002)
blackqueensdaughter - HOTD OC Daughter of Queen Rhaenyra and Harwin Strong
lovereincarnated - Mirena/Mina Murray from Dracula Untold
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DOB: July 23rd, 1989 (34 years old)
BIRTHPLACE: Oporto, Portugal.
SERVICE NO: 20040132
CALLSIGN: Brass Balls
SEX: Female.
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) by Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery.
LANGUAGES: English, Portuguese, Spanish.
BRANCH: Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC) - British Army.
RANK: Nursing Captain (O-4).
Notes: 7 NJP.
Past Medical History
Height: 5ft6in / 169cm
Current Weight: 170lbs / 77kg
Blood Type: AB
Extensive physical injuries.
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2x Surgical scars on lower abdomen (appendicitis and C-section);
1x Stab wound to the left shoulder;
1x Laceration down the side of the left lower extremity;
1x GSW to the left bicep;
Many small lacerations to the right hand.
Evaluated for hearing loss. Result: minimal.
Evaluated for visual acuity. Result: 20/20.
Family History
Spouse: Jonathan William Price. November 1st, 1982. Alive. SAS, Captain.
Child: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Child: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Father: Arnold Moore. December 21st, 1958.
Mother: Rose Moore. March 8th, 1960.
Sibling: Andrea Douglas. January 18th, 1986.
Sibling: Louis Moore. November 2nd, 1991.
Sibling: Peter Moore. November 2nd, 1991.
Sibling: Anna Moore. December 12th, 1999.
Note: Family medical history shows a tendency for diabetes, high blood pressure/cholesterol, and lung cancer. Continue to monitor.
Social History
Smoking? Yes. 1 pack per week. Camel.
Drinking? Yes, socially. Never binging.
Physically Active? Cardio, 3x a week. Yoga, 1 hour, 3x a week.
Sexually Active? Yes. Clear of STDs and STIs. In a long-term relationship. Currently on 2nd year of 5-year hormonal IUD (Mirena).
Psychological Treatment? No.
Religion? Catholic.
Associations? N/A.
Medication List + Indications
Cetirizine - Issued 18 years ago, for hayfever.
Triazolam - Issued 4 years ago, for insomnia.
Hayfever, every Spring.
* Ms. Moore was naturalised as a child. Original Portuguese birth certificate features Portuguese name: Catarina Maria Silva Moreira.
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keoni-chan · 4 years
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I’ve made some things :3 I was inspired by @oaksapling who uses the Momma Lisa bodyshape for her beautiful sim Mirena. So I made some everyday wear, athletic wear, and feet-swapped some swim/sleep/underwear. And I was going to release these one by one, but nah. So here’s everything, all at once: 
🌸 @joliebean‘s Wayfarer Overalls, converted 4t2 by ClaudetteCorleone. 4 colors, set as everyday. Mesh has all morphs.
🌸 @witheredlilies/amaryll’s Athletic Fighter. Comes in 5 colors, set as athletic. Mesh has all morphs.
~ Download Wayfarer [sfs] [dropbox] ~ Download Fighter [sfs] [dropbox]
The other 3 are barefoot meshes I edited to have block feet instead of BlooM’s sexy feet. These are only the meshes. I put the name of the mesh creator in the pictures. I hope that’s helpful... Get the recolors in the pictures at the links below:
🌸 @kaylynn-langerak‘s  edit of @whattheskell‘s Gemology Sleepwear. [link] original mesh name: MESH_jane_Gelydh_TatteredAlphaDressBarefeet_MommaLisa
🌸 @simhow‘s  edit of @needlecream‘s Patterned Sleepwear, Neena’s swimwear and Bruno’s Undies [link] [link] [link] original mesh name: moma_barefoot_mesh 
🌸 @sligpants‘ underwear [link] and @skulldilocks‘ shell undies [link], using  FrannySims original barefoot mesh, edited by JulieJ original mesh name: MESH-JulieJ-FrannySims-MommaLisa-NudeMorphs
~ Download Blockfeet Mesh Edits [sfs] [dropbox]
All meshes have all morphs.  ________________________________________________________________
Credits: JolieBean, ClaudetteCorleone, Amaryll/witheredlillies, Kaylynn-langerak, simhow, slig/sligpants, asaya/skuldilocks, FrannySims, JulieJ, Gelydh, Whattheskell/Skellington7d, needlecream, neena, lifa, Oce, 
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cranesofibycus · 4 years
My new OC for the campaign I get to play in (yes I know it’s all happening I can’t quite believe it myself) was part of an acting troupe and I just created all the other troupe members and aaaaaah I love them all so much already! There’s Adresin, nb wood elf, quiet soul, but a force on stage. They call them the Tide. There’s Ona, middle name ‘diva’, an emerald green Tiefling with a singing voice that carries a perpetual echo. They call her the Song. There’s Ekard, a deep gnome with a deep love for jokes and alcohol. They call him the Jitter. There’s Faradin, human man, who likes being famous a little too much for his own good. They call him the Flame. Then there are the troupe’s founders, Mirena and Kolrad, known as the Queen and the Rook. They’re married and live for the show. 
And then there is Zeda, known as the Tempest, female air genasi who will pull you in for a kiss while ramming a dagger into your side. We love a high charisma rogue (even one who’s a bit of a germaphobe). I can’t wait for you all to meet her!
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frangipansi · 4 years
oc q's if thats ok!! does evelyn have anything else going on besides freys? what about cornelius?
Hello! Yes, oc questions are totally fine! Thanks for showing an interest anon!!
Evelyn has a little bit going on.
Frey’s syndrome.
year-round hay fever.
several allergies; including, cats, dogs, horses and may grass.
mild conjunctivitis.
asthma (developed in adult life.)
eczema and dermatitis. Sensitive skin.
anxiety & mild depression (possibly more going on but doesn’t like talking to a psychologist, so she just ignores her problems [no, this is not healthy and she knows this].)
crippling periods. (on going testing/treatment) mirena has made it somewhat tolerable.
chronic tonsillitis throughout her life. Around age twenty, refused to leave gp’s office until she got a referral for a specialist. No more tonsils.
occasional migraines due to poor posture. Dancing helps remind her to hold herself better. Also does pilates to help... if she’s been real slack though, she’ll see a physio.
As for Cornelius; he doesn’t really have much going on.
might get a little hay fever during spring/summer.
wary of melanoma after having one removed in his early twenties.
short attention span/easily distracted if something doesn’t interest him.
took a tumble near a reefy/rocky area while surfing, and has a few scars from the ordeal.
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
RQOTH: Which OC of yours is the best liar?
There are a lot of contenders for this title amongst my OCs, but ultimately I think the crown would have to go to Roy. There have been many instances of Roy lying, particularly to his ex-wife Sonia, but one of his most stellar performances came in the wake of Freddie giving him the wrong information regarding the services provided by Penny, the Llamas’ Team masseuse. Penny was furious with him (below)
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and Roy could have lost his job if it wasn’t for his smooth-talking here. The lies rolled off his tongue as easily as massage oil spreading across warm skin. It was all about self-preservation, and he didn’t suffer even the slightest twinge of guilt about how his actions might have impacted poor Penny. Machiavellian bastard!
Thank you for the awesome question, Mirena!
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mairen-marionette · 8 months
💼 for miah, 🎯 for mirena :3
Thank you for the ask Vwoop Ranvwoop!
💼-What do they do for a living?
At the moment, Miah is a Researcher for the SCP Foundation. It was not his most willing career choice, at all, but like many of his colleagues he quickly came to understand that the offer was one he essentially could not refuse.
That, and of course, the allure inherent to lost history and the chance that he could gain access to whatever knowledge the Jailors have and make his escape later, returning triumphant to the Karcist who raised him, bearing old knowledge long thought lost and new information the Foundation had so selfishly hoarded for whatever purposes they have.
Long story short, things go wrong yet again and he is still not sure what he's going to do considering the… everything, that has happened and what he has come to know about many, many things, but in all honesty, it could be worse. He probably shouldn't risk jinxing it actually.
Despite everything, he is fond of his colleagues. He and Mirena are good friends, two allies who know the truth of each other and are both in too deep to ever leave.
🎯 -What do they do best?
What Mirena does best is hard to say, actually. A few things come to mind though, aside from being a researcher. She's good at going unnoticed, and at noticing certain things, namely when things seem to connect to each other, if that makes sense. At taking note of small details that for whatever reason just stick in her brain.
Another major thing is information gathering, and that largely comes in two forms: a tendency to drown herself in research, and being an attentive, careful listener.
She's also become very good at playing things cool and weaving some very convincing stories and lies to keep herself and her friend Miah from being terminated. Exciting times, very heart-racing, she can never leave whether she wants to or not and gods help if her employers ever figure out the real extent of her seemingly minorly anomalous nature. Like I said, exciting times.
Thanks again for the ask, Vwoop, I really appreciate it. Feel free to send more anytime.
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Ships I Will Write Requests for as of January 17th, 2022
Ships Listed Are in No Particular Order
1.    Robin x Regina (Once Upon a Time)
2.    Happy x Toby “Quintis” (Scorpion)
3.    Megan x Sylvester (Scorpion)
4.    Paige x Walter (Scorpion)
5.    Cabe x Allie (Scorpion)
6.    Daphne x Simon (Bridgerton)
7.    Anthony x Kate (Bridgerton)
8.    Benedict x Sophie (Bridgerton)
9.    Colin x Penelope (Bridgerton)
10.  Violet x Edmund (Bridgerton)
11.  Flynn x Eve (Librarians)
12.  Jake x Mabel (Librarians)
13.  Judson x Charlene (Librarians)
14.  Diana x Steve (Wonder Woman)
15.  Chloe x Jackson (Zoo)
16.  Kaliis x Aurora (Aurora Rising book series)
17.  Finian x Scarlett (Aurora Rising book series)
18.  Cat x Tyler (Aurora Rising book series)
19.  Saedii x Tyler (Aurora Rising book series)
20.  Elizabeth x Will (Pirates of the Caribbean)
21.  Jack x Angelic (Pirates of the Caribbean)
22.  Thor x Jane (Thor)
23.  Tony Stark x Pepper Potts (Avengers and Iron Man)
24.  Loki x Sif (Thor)
25.  Loki x Nebula (Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy crossover)
26.  Ryder x Grace (The Grace Year novel)
27.  Fletcher x Sylva (Summoner book series)
28.  Clint Barton x Laura Barton (Avengers)
29.  Wanda x Vision (Avengers and WandaVision)
30.  Bruce x Natasha (Avengers)
31.  Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter (Captain America)
32.  Peter Quill x Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)
33.  Scott x Hope (Ant-Man)
34.  Fitz X Simmons (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)  
35.  Coulson X May (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
36.  Trip X Skye (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
37.  Bobbi Morse X Lance Hunter (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
38.  Killian Jones x Female OC (Once Upon a Time)
39.  Will Scarlett x Anastasia (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland)
40.  Gendry x Arya (Game of Thrones)
41.  Tyrion x Shae (Game of Thrones)
42.  Sanji x Nami (One Piece)
43.  Zoro x Robin (One Piece)
44. Luffy x Vivi (One Piece)
45.  Jonathan Joestar x Erina (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures)
46.  Joseph Joestar x Suzi Q. (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures)
47.  Mista x Female OC (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures)
48.  Kit x Ella (Cinderella 2015 version)
49.  Joshua Faraday x Emma Cullen (Magnificent Seven 2016 version)
50.  Vasquez x Female OC (Magnificent Seven 2016 version)
51.  Gilbert x Anne (Anne with an E)
52.  Diana x Jerry (Anne with an E)
53.  Mary x Bash (Reign)
54.  Leif x Claude (Reign)
55.  Kili x Tauriel (Hobbit)
56.  Claire x Owen (Jurassic World)
57.  Mia x Nicholas (Princess Diaries)
58.  Joe x Clarisse (Princess Diaries)
59.  Maria x Georg (Sound of Music)
60.  Lara Croft x Lu Ren (Tomb Raider 2018 movie version)
61.  Maleficent X Diaval (Maleficent)
62.  Kate X Daniel Forsythe (The Spirit of Christmas)
63.  Tiger Lily X James Hook (Pan)
64.  Westley X Buttercup (Princess Bride)
65.  Chato X Grace (Suicide Squad)
66.  Logan/Wolverine X Mariko (Wolverine)
67.  Vlad X Mirena (Dracula Untold)
68.  Will X Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean)
69.  Jack X Angelica (Pirates of the Caribbean)
70.  Galavant X Isabella (Galavant)
71.  Richard X Roberta (Galavant)
72.  Gwen X Arthur (Merlin)
73.  Gwen X Lancelot (Merlin)
74.  Gwen X Merlin (Merlin)
75.  Merlin X Morgana (Merlin)
76.  Morgana X Male OC/Reader (Merlin)
77.  Lancelot X Female OC/Reader (Merlin)
78.  Marian X Robin Hood (Robin Hood BBC)
79.  Will X Djaq (Robin Hood BBC)
80.  Marian X Allan (Robin Hood BBC)
81.  Allan X Djaq (Robin Hood BBC)
82.  Ban X Elaine (Seven Deadly Sins)
83.  Margaret X Gilthunder (Seven Deadly Sins)
84.  Meliodas X Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
85.  King X Diane (Seven Deadly Sins)
86.  Arthur X Merlin (Seven Deadly Sins)
87.  Ana X Alberto (Velvet)
88.  Claire X Matt (Daredevil)
89.  Lilette X Robbie (Rise)
90.  Hardison X Parker (Leverage)
91.  Nate X Sophie (Leverage)
92.  John X Sara (Alienist)
93.  Mary X Laszlo (Alienist)
94.  Farkas X Female Dragonborn (Skyrim)
95.  Vilkas X Lydia (Skyrim)
96.  E’lara X Caddoc (Hunted: The Demon’s Forge)
97.  Rime x Ember (Degrees of Separation)
98.  Cody x May (It Takes Two)
99.  Frank x Karen (Punisher)
100. Makoto x Abigail (Great Pretender)
101. Robb x Talisa (Game of Thrones)
102. Tadashi x MK (Big Hero 6 and Epic Crossover)
103. Eloise x Sir Phillip (Bridgerton)
104. Francesca x Michael (Bridgerton)
105. Hyacinth x Gareth (Bridgerton)
106. Gregory x Lucy (Bridgerton)
107. Okabe x Mayuri (Steins;gate)
108. Okabe x Kurisu (Steins;gate)
109. Edward x Elizabeth (White Queen)
110. Liam Jones x Elsa (Once Upon a Time fan pairing)
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weisshapt · 4 years
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endless ocs + mirena amell
“Eyes of a desire demon, that one,” a Templar once said. “Got to be all the magic.” There was an old family saying: Amells born with purple eyes were destined for bigger things. How was she to know that greatness would be so heavy?
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junypr-camus · 2 years
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Wip Intro: SERANID
One outsider. One professor. A decades-old Resistance. And maybe a plan to change this nation. My name is Terry Silver. I'm tired of running from Seranid's government. It's my time to take a stand. This is my story.
Genre: Science Fiction
Tropes: dystopia, propoganda & mind control, memories, cyberpunk, the price of change
Aesthetics: moodboards
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North America, in the distant future...
Three countries share North America: materialistic Seranid on the West Coast, militaristic Leifen in the East, and modest Mirena, caught between the two superpowers. Each has their own way of surviving in this cruel new world, and each has their own flaws.
Seranid sees itself as bold and innovative, and yet the Outskirts of Seranid, where the workers hide, share more with the farms of Mirena than they do with the skyscrapers of the City.
More Descriptions | Sketches | Leifen | Mirena | Ideals
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Terry Silver: Barely having known her father, with a mother who doesn't notice her, Terry grows up contrarian, her feet planted on the ground in Seranid City, where everyone's heads are in the skies. Her rebelliousness gets her in trouble after she writes an essay that is reported to the government -- and the task force is sent to eliminate her. Terry's first memory | Sketches | Terry's mirror
Camus Remin: First her physics professor, Camus becomes Terry's friend and confidant after he whisks her out of the City and into the Slums, away from the government's prying eyes (or so they believe). It's only later that Terry realizes why... Quote | Sketch
Marco Luiz: An old friend of Camus and a resident of the Slums, Marco knows the injustices of Seranid's system firsthand. Both idealist and kind-hearted, he's quick to sacrifice himself to help those in need.
Janette Thornell: Hardened by past failures, the steely leader of the Resistance often clashes with Terry. But despite her stony countenance, Janette loves those she protects. And she hides a secret that even her lover Emmy doesn't know. Janette's Secret
Emmy Wood: A City surgeon who defected to the Resistance, Emmy is more a scientist than a fighter. But when fate separates her, Camus, Marco and Terry from the rest of the Resistance, the four must learn to fight -- and survive -- together.
OC's a ten but...
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The System of Seranid
Seranid's Government rules Seranid by dividing the country. Knowledge workers: doctors, engineers, teachers, and scientists are kept in the City, a bubble of utopia, while the rest are cast into the Slums (formally known as the Outskirts of Seranid), where poverty, disease, and corruption run rampant. Status symbols implanted at birth label Seranidians and feed them propaganda, altering their thoughts and memories to keep them in line. The task force eliminates any remaining rebels. The Council, the coalition of the six business heads of Seranid, is the guiding force and source of comfort in many Seranidian's lives. From controlling the weather in the City to providing aid to those in need, they are the sympathetic heart of Seranid. And the driver behind the City's endless consumerism. Propoganda
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Currently about a third of the story is posted, but almost all of it is written. I try to update Seranid every 2-3 days. Inkitt | Wattpad
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purplepxls · 6 years
Do you love another simblr's OC (original character) so much you would love your own OC to be in a romantic relationship with them? For fantasy purposes only (its all in your head) name your OC and the OC of another simblr you would love to see together. Tag your OC's crush and their creator if you dare.
Hey Nonny!Ohh, I love so much the OC’s from my mutuals!BUT, after a conversation in the comments, I’d say I’d love to see Victor from @shhhushhh with my Greta! HAHAHAHAHA LOL 😂I think they match soo well! And wow, I love Victor so much! ❤Maybe in an AU, Mirena? What do you think?hahaha
Thanks for the question, it was very fun to answer!
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(major thanks to @crashtestbunny and @thelaisydazy because I took full inspo from yours PLUS I love your OCs)
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DOB: October 27th, 1991 (33 years old)
BIRTHPLACE: Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America.
SERVICE NO: 230-13-24
CALLSIGN: Whiskey , Bravo 7-0
SEX: Female.
EDUCATION: French BA with a Minor in Russian. (University of Winsconsin, Milwaukee)
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, French, Russian.
BRANCH: United States Navy Sea, Air, and Land (SEAL) Teams.
RANK: Lieutenant (O-3).
TRAINING: Direct action, Counter-terrorism, Amphibious reconnaissance, Unconventional warfare, Hostage rescue, Underwater demolition.
Training Scores
PFT: 286
Rifle Qual: 300
CQB: 23.1s
Disciplinary Record: Clean.
- 1 foreign decoration (Légion d'Honneur) awarded by the French government for an act of heroism while off duty. (2017)
- 1 domestic decoration (Purple Heart) awarded by the American government for a wound sustained while in active duty, as a result of an act of a hostile foreign force. (2018)
Past Medical History
Height: 5ft8in / 172cm
Current Weight: 185lbs / 83kg
Blood Type: B+
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Extensive physical injuries.
1x 3rd Degree Burns (from prolonged exposure to flames) and lacerations after an explosion. Extensive injuries to the skin and soft tissue of the lower extremities. Surgical intervention performed successfully. *
10+ Stab Wounds with various degrees of gravity to the torso and upper extremities. 2 instances of antibiotics to stave off infection.
8x GSW. 5x in upper and lower extremities. 1x in upper torso (left clavicle). 2x in lower abdomen.
1x Laceration to the face. Extensive tissue damage and facial deformity. Surgical intervention performed successfully. Patient politely declined cosmetic intervention.
2x Concussion.
2x Hypothermia. 4 rounds of IV fluids.
2x Pneumonia. 2 rounds of antibiotics for treatment.
3x Hypoxemia and respiratory distress from smoke/toxic gas inhalation. 3 rounds of oxygen therapy.
2x Food Poisoning.
Evaluated for hearing loss. Result: minimal.
Evaluated for visual acuity. Result: 20/20.
Family History
Spouse: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ [EMERGENCY CONTACT] **
Father: Owen Callahan. August 14th, 1961. Deceased. 56 years old. KIA. United States Marine Corps, MSgt.
Mother: Evelyn Maria Callahan (née Montero). January 18th, 1963.
Sibling: Nathaniel Owen Callahan. August 29th, 1993. Deceased. 25 years old. KIA. United States Marine Corps, SSgt.
Sibling: Madilyn Anne Peterson (née Callahan). June 26th, 1989.
Note: Family medical history shows a tendency for diabetes, pancreatic cancer, and high blood pressure/cholesterol. Continue to monitor.
Social History
Smoking? No.
Drinking? Yes, socially. Never binging.
Physically Active? Yes. Swims 2+ hrs, 3 times a week. Boxing, 3 times a week. Cardio, everyday.
Sexually Active? Yes. Clear of STDs and STIs. In a long-term relationship. Currently on 2nd year of 5-year hormonal IUD (Mirena).
Psychological Treatment? Yes. Attends online therapy with Dr. Norbert Karbowski every two weeks.
Religion? Christian, Baptist. Non-Practicing.
Associations? N/A.
Medication List + Indications
Lidocaine – Issued for 3rd degree burns, 5 years ago, discontinued use.
Oxycodone - Issued for 3rd degree burns, 5 years ago, discontinued use.
* Patient shows a preference for the use of compression tights as additional treatment for burn wounds.
** Request clearance from Station Chief Kate Laswell, CIA.
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