#misc translation
stellarcanopy · 1 year
Magia Record - Witch & Doppel encyclopedia (Puella Historia etc.)
This should be the last time I have to split the posts up, right? …Right?
(Links to other posts: -Enemy creatures (Arc 1) -Enemy creatures (Arc 2) -Doppels (Arc 1 main cast) -Doppels (Arc 2 cast) -Doppels (majority of supporting cast) -Doppels (OG Madoka and spinoffs)
(*Full spoilers for post-Arc 2 content. Warning for buggly-looking things + macabre imagery, as per usual.)
In the post-Arc 2 “Puella Historia” event series, the cast visits various time periods where Iroha and co. have been recording the lives of historical Puella Magi. The following witches and familiars are encountered there, as well as Puella Magi who would've used the following Doppels if they made their way to the present:
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Minions of the witch of symbols. Their role is to proliferate. The witch of symbols has many minions, said to grow and change shape in accordance with the life force they steal from humans. This type is known as the Hominid Dweller. They grow and evolve through many different stages, using only a fraction of the life force that other witches' minions would use. Their goal is simply to proliferate. Those that grow to a certain stage can give birth to their own minions in turn, even without becoming a full-fledged witch. If you find 1, there's bound to be 30 more where it came from, so you'd better exterminate them before they multiply even further.
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Minions of the witch of symbols. Their role is to proliferate. The witch of symbols has many minions, said to grow and change shape in accordance with the life force they steal from humans. This type is known as the Bird Dweller. They grow and evolve through many different stages, using only a fraction of the life force that other witches' minions would use. Their goal is simply to proliferate. Those that grow to a certain stage can give birth to their own minions in turn, even without becoming a full-fledged witch. They assume the shape of a bird, and poke around at just about everything while vibrating their brains-- a unique world of development that humanity could hardly hope to reach.
KOMATSU (Master: Tsuyu Mizuna)
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The Doppel of divine punishment. Its form is a straw warrior. While the master of this emotion wishes for a bountiful harvest to provide salvation to her people, her heart also secretly hosts a self-serving desire to restore her family's authority. As if to express its master's hidden wish, this Doppel uses straw burning with the flame of desire to smoke out its enemies, and uses its rigid limbs to trap and prey upon them. Even its master's attempts to stop it won't halt its brutal onslaught, as it continues to seek out and hunt the prey it requires to increase its own value. Once all the straw burns away and the Doppel vanishes, only a ghastly landscape is left behind, but a scant few beautiful wildflowers also seem to remain.
KOGETSU (Master: Chizuru)
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The Doppel of avengeance. Its form is a vacant monk. As she gazed at the hands with which she cut down her beloved friend, the master of this emotion closed her eyes, in order to continue viewing the memories that had become impossible to realize forevermore. This Doppel is a round jewel of fantasy that sprang forth from her obscured field of view. It is filled with clouds of memory that spill forth from its skin, and sweet, fragrant flowers of joy. Its core is a fruit that none must ever touch; those who approach it are viewed as mortal enemies by the dragon, which devours them and reduces them to filthy ink. If one were to lock eyes with the being that peers out from within the jewel, the Doppel's hatred would strike through their brain, leaving them vexed by an unstable mind for some time.
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The witch of symbols. Her nature is revelation. A witch who simply continues to proliferate herself, as if charged with an inexorable duty. Because she has no consciousness, her place of origin and age are unknown, and she has never thought about what she wants to do. She simply obeys the hollow behavioural instinct to proliferate, working together with all of her previous offshoots to replicate herself ever further. But because she has no intent beyond proliferation, she's easily stamped out when discovered, no matter how many of her there are. Thus, prosperity for this witch is still a long ways off.
APEBIS (Master: Ebony)
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The Doppel of skepticism. Its form is a vulture. From the moment that the master of this emotion was born, she has been forced into a life of servitude to the Pharaohs. But upon realizing that other ways of life exist, she was wracked with conflict. This Doppel continually emits fluctuations in response to that conflict, and creates doubt in the hearts of those around it as it propagates the fluctuations with its wingbeats. These doubts quickly balloon into various opposing poles-- joy and sorrow, hope and resignation, veneration and contempt-- thus calling forth further chaos. As this chaos reaches its breaking point and overflows, it drags everything down with it into transience and uncertainty.
DREKKA MINNI (Master: Olga)
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The Doppel of loss. Its form is an empty ship. The master of this emotion bears a hollow heart due to the loss of her younger sister, who was raised together with her like two joined trees. She wanders aimlessly in search of her missing other half. Her Doppel thus carries its master on an endless journey, with a destination that both does and does not exist. Only the master can board the ship. Should any others approach it, the surrounding waves will swiftly swallow their hearts, dooming them to merely follow in the Doppel's wake like ghosts.
BLOT (Master: Gunhild)
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The Doppel of estrangement. Its form is a shipwreck. The master of this emotion is suffering from significant mental imbalance, as the heart of her elder sister-- raised together with her like two joined trees-- has begun to drift away. In response to the destructive impulses produced from this imbalance, her Doppel will brutally thrash and destroy anything and everything that approaches it. Whenever it manifests, it ceaselessly rushes across the dark ocean in search of prey, until the deep, murky emotions comprising it are put at ease. However, no peaceful rest awaits it after doing so.
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The witch of shipwrecks. Her nature is a dream gone astray. Her field of view extends in all directions, and she spends her time merely attempting to swallow any targets she perceives. Those who are swallowed are sent to her vast, hollow back, where a seemingly-endless nothingness awaits them. This witch's actions are driven by a deep, dry thirst, which she attempts to soothe by absorbing the dreams, hopes, and other feelings of "anticipation towards life" from those she devours. But her hunger never ends no matter how much she absorbs, so she simply continues to aimlessly wander, like a fallen leaf atop the ocean.
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The witch of symbols. Her nature is revelation. A more mature form of a witch who simply continues to proliferate herself, as if charged with an inexorable duty. She has grown rigid wings and become able to dance through the sky, as well as gained the ability to watch over 3 eras. But much like her immature state, her only behavioural instinct is to proliferate herself. She now unconsciously attempts to eliminate risks, and sometimes behaves as if to warn her other selves of danger, but the immature versions of the witch can't grasp her intent, so there's no point to it at all.
VIMALA UPADANA (Master: Heruka)
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The Doppel of zealotry. Its form is a sutra. The master of this emotion has lost sight of herself during her efforts to save people, and heavily depends on the zealous faith she receives from those around her. As if to embody its master's obsession, her Doppel races across the land to bestow divine providence on those who seek salvation, thinking itself to be garbed in all the karmic fires of this world. But far from being saved, those who witness its form have their eyes burned by its intense light, and are enveloped in flame. The Doppel believes this immolation to be true salvation, and its master's obsession prevents her from looking back, so she carries yet more new karma upon coming to her senses.
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The Doppel of corrosion. Its form is a giant snake. The master of this emotion is tied down by the ideal image that she desperately attempts to reach, in order to become closer to the mother that she admires, and sees a reflection of this in her Doppel's form. The Doppel grows from its master's limbs and is entwined with her nervous system, thus robbing her of the ability to move. When it senses someone experiencing mental pressure with its keen sense of smell, it bites them and begins to corrode them with its venom. None can escape from the venom, but they will forever be free from the pressure that was upon them. Having thus witnessed the very destruction and slaughter that she abhors, its master becomes even more tightly bound by the curse that surrounds her, but the Doppel will never realize this.
CASSANDRA (Master: Amaryllis / Junia)
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The Doppel of prophecy. Its form is a scale. By viewing her scale-shaped Doppel, the master of this emotion is able to see people's futures. In order to guarantee that its prophecies are objective, this Doppel is mainly composed of inorganic materials. One of its plates is engraved with a symbol meaning "hope," and the other with a symbol meaning "despair". The plates hold the respective weights of the lives that can be saved versus the lives that cannot, but since nobody other than its master can see them, few people listen to its master's prophecies. Such is the curse bestowed upon the one who prayed to "save everyone," but killed her own maidenly heart in exchange.
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The witch of symbols. Her nature is revelation. A more mature form of a witch who simply continues to proliferate herself, as if charged with an inexorable duty. Once she realized that it was pointless to announce danger to the versions of herself in other eras, the witch finally comprehended her situation, and became able to watch over 5 eras with her foot planted firmly on the ground. She has now learned how to properly guide others. When she sees a potential moment of growth for one of her other selves in one of those 5 eras, instead of alerting them to danger, she steals control of their body for just a moment and urges them in the direction she wants them to go.
(Meanwhile, the present-day Witch of Symbols takes advantage of the cast’s efforts to recombine Iroha’s lost essence, growing into an even larger form as it recombines itself alongside her:)
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The witch of symbols. Her nature is revelation. A more mature form of a witch who simply continues to proliferate herself, as if charged with an inexorable duty. In order to raise her parent witch to supremacy for the sake of proliferation, this witch has decided to feed herself to her parent. In order to make herself into the supreme meal, she has manipulated and consumed many other witches herself. The now-mature witch floats upon golden wings, can watch over 7 eras, and has even balanced out her essences of yin and yang to become a perfect dish with no peculiar or outstanding flavors. The lofty sound of her trumpet is directed towards the parent witch who gave her the gift of life.
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The witch of symbols. Her nature is revelation. A witch who attempts to bring herself to the pinnacle of prosperity, while interfering with every era in the dizzyingly-long line of history leading to the present day. By interfering with the system that overturns the fate of Puella Magi and absorbing its world-covering membrane, the witch's body has become a single massive city that spreads across the land, and her Labyrinth is vast enough to engulf the whole Earth. She is now only one step away from suffusing herself through the past and future, making herself into the only individual that exists in any era. The last step is to absorb the power of infinity into herself, but because she can no longer move around on her own, she's forced to rely on her own offshoots.
CAMPANELLA (Master: Yachiyo Nanami (Historia ver.))
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The Doppel of ticket-taking. Its form is a weatherwheel. The master of this emotion has inherited tiny hopes from the past, and has practically become a legendary being. Her Doppel has grown larger in proportion to its master's inherited hope, and has matured into a heavy stone building as if to represent the weight she carries. The Doppel is impatient to be released from this weight, so it's waiting for an opportunity to make hope a reality by unleashing its maximum power in one huge, instantaneous burst. Its disproportionate power is strong enough to control even the weather, so if this were to occur, the ensuing storms and volcanic eruptions would surely change the landscape into that of a newborn planet. Its master, who can sense its endless power, is thus constantly keeping watch to prevent it from stealing control.
Creatures from miscellaneous events after Puella Historia:
“VILLAIN OF CHAOS” RUMOR  A Rumor duplicate of Hanna Sarasa, created by Mikoto Sena shortly before breaking away from the Magia Record and going on the run. Since she's based on Hanna's behaviour after Mikoto died, she can use hypnosis magic by default. Due to an oversight in the wording of her Rumor, she literally "feeds on" negative emotions.
“ENDLESS MIRROR” RUMOR  A Rumor meant to serve as a vessel for Mikoto Sena, created by her shortly before breaking away from the Magia Record and going on the run. Traps people in a mirror dimension if they try to search for Mikoto.
 After Hanna and Mikoto run out of energy and pass away for good, Nemu removes their respective Rumors from her book, as a show of respect for how they chose to go out.
WINCHESTER (Master: Rumor Mikoto)
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The Doppel of seclusion. Its form is a mirror. The master of this emotion refuses to accept the loss of the person who she must convey her feelings to. This Doppel only houses beautiful memories, and is constructed from prisms that shoot light in every possible direction. The form of her loved one is hidden in the light, but the Doppel itself is unable to find it. After much trial and error, she reflected herself into the mirror in an attempt to peek inside, but all that was left was her own symmetrical form. The Doppel grows heavy with impurity as its master's depressed feelings collect inside. When its emotions overflow, light bursts from its illuminated prisms, and those who witness it will have their hearts instantly stained with darkness.
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"My, have you heard? Who'd you hear it from? The Peeping Castle Town, and the Rumor thereof! Take one quick leftward spin around Mizuna's old castle town, trot up the stairs, clap your hands in prayer… Then peek back through your legs at the town, and say "hello" to the houses of ye olden days! If you spend too long staring, you'll get dragged right over to the other side! It's a rumor that ALL of Mizuna's history nerds are talking about. Come one, come all!"
(*Makes a surprise appearance in one of Rumor Mikoto's character-story battles.)
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New Year's Emas up to 2024!!
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The witch of nutcrackers. Her nature is self-completion. Her teeth have spilled out, her skull has melted, and her eyeballs too have fallen. Only a promise lies planted in her pitiful head, no longer able to crack nuts, but because she awakened while still inside of her shell, she still bears strong traces of her form as a Puella Magi. Her minions call her a misshapen failure for this, and are quite ashamed of her.
LITTLE GOAT'S DREAM (*“Yagi no ko no yume”)
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"A poor, sad dream that a gentle-hearted girl saw in a corner of this night. Fill your big head with the stuffing of your pillow, wet with self-loathing, and cry and wail as much as you like tonight. The dancers alone will take your hand."
LITTLE BEAR'S DREAM (*“Kuma no ko no yume”)
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"A poor, tearful dream that a lonely girl saw in a corner of this night. Fill your empty belly with soft cotton stuffing, and dance around selfishly as much as you like tonight. The dancers alone know who you are."
Creatures that show up in Madoka Magia Scene 0:
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Minions of the witch of rose gardens. Their role is to surveil. When they find a human, they emit a bell-like warning noise and headbutt them mercilessly. They have 20/20 vision. They came to Kamihama from a place called Mitakihara, in order to guard the landscaping minions who likewise serve the Witch of Rose Gardens. They almost got wiped out by a fanged, red-haired Puella Magi along the way, but since their group only consisted of minions with no witch, they were lucky enough to escape her wrath.
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The witch of silver. Her nature is freedom. She lurks in a Labyrinth that moves at high speed, but the witch herself is extremely sluggish. She's unfortunately unable to use any sort of scientific power. Her whole body once gleamed with dazzling silver, but she became terribly rusty while gazing at the shoreline at sunset.
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The witch of birdcages. Her nature is rage. She loudly stamps her feet inside her cage, raging at all the things that never came true for her. This witch is extremely fond of alcohol, and her familiars are likewise extremely flammable.
????? (Witch of bulls)
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(*From the Different Story manga. Only appears in story scenes; identified as "witch of bulls" in Live2D parameters.)
(Ulla, Elsamaria, Michaela and Gotz also have encyclopedia entries, but they have the same descriptions and artwork as the OG show. ...Annnnnd there's a 30-image limit on Tumblr posts now. Oops. Oh well.)
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The witch of nighthawks. Her nature is to escape. This witch fled from a terrifying darkness. This witch fled from a blindingly-bright hope. This witch fled from those who she couldn't save. This witch fled from the future where she was meant to be saved. Up to her very last moments, this witch was unable to accept the part of herself that fled. She continually flies throughout her Labyrinth, her sights set on the mirage of a red star. But her wings and self-conception have melted like mud, blotting out both past and present, with all objective and meaning now lost. This witch is both there and not there. This witch does not connect with anyone else. She drowns all others in mud, and eliminates all individuals besides herself. Nobody is able to bestow anything upon this witch.
(*Kuroe's witch form from the anime, who appears as a boss fight when Kuroe breaks free from her Doppel during her, Yuu, and Shii's event. Her description in the anime booklet was simply: "an ugly hawk with wings of mud.")
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myusuchaa · 1 month
Alfons and Ring together are certainly a pair
-excerpt from 'Miss Fairytale Keeper, Come Play with Us' story event
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Ring: I did not think that!! ...You're exactly as the rumors say... a walking violation to public morals and decency!!
Alfons: I won't deny that, but you're overreacting like quite the virgin, aren't you, Ring?
-two minutes later-
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Alfons to Kate: ..I'd like to stick something other than my finger in that little mouth of yours and make you moan.
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archiveikemen · 2 months
Villain Compatibility Diagnosis
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games.
Crown Version.
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fell-e · 1 month
twst no context spoilers
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akq96618 · 5 months
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oyeicher · 6 months
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Chris: I've always liked Sam. We first met maybe ten years ago, and then he started doing more acting. After all, he's our BL senior. Today, we chatted and shot scenes together. I felt quite comfortable acting with him.
Sam: In this drama, I play Lin Zu Yuan, Dr. Lin. As soon as he comes on screen, you get the feeling that he's not your typical doctor. I actually wanted him to be more of a middle-aged uncle type of character, one that's unshaven and has bed head, looking as if he just woke up. And his legs… Someone who doesn't sit properly. He makes you question whether he's actually a doctor. But when it comes to practicing medicine, he takes it seriously. He has the heart of a doctor.
Kurt: He'll improvise very naturally, and then toss it to you.
Chris: Once he starts improvising, you can start improvising along with him, and it makes the scene much more fun and interesting. You can go beyond the script and create something that's uniquely you.
Sam: I hope that I can bring something different to this character and help add to this show.
Kurt: I felt very comfortable acting with Dr. Lin.
Chris: I think that we're very lucky to have met an actor like this.
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ad-hawkeye · 5 months
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an appreciation post for alkaid's earrings, in order from godheim -> eden -> spirit world -> modern -> misc
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cellgatinbo · 1 year
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yes i did just watch a thread of over 230+ guapoduo clips. yes i did mean to get in the shower like 2 hours ago. and what of it?
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nevermoorsource · 2 months
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The first half of the Nevermoor graphic novel adaptation will be released in German in November 2024. If you find out that it's being translated into any other languages, please share!
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hello! i'm a longtime fan of your translations, thank you for working so hard.
i have a usage request - i would love to perform your english translation of ~OSAKA BIG UP~ on stage as a real manzai act. would you allow me to do that? and if so, would you like credit if i post about it on social media? thank you!
I'm flattered (??) and pretty embarrassed. It's not exactly optimized for performing live, but... go for it! I don't care if you credit or not.
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seherstudies · 7 months
I finally got my mark for Theoretical Japanese 5 and... it's a 2. I failed that class a year ago and now I got the second best mark. I genuinely can't believe it.
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icys-junkyard · 2 years
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does my eelektross!emmet need a tail y/n
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somerabbitholes · 1 year
mist and fog are both imperfect and don’t carry the same texture or the lightness or the mystery or the elusiveness inherent in kohra, in this essay i will —
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archiveikemen · 2 months
Ikemen Villains Relationship Chart: Act 2
With Vogel
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©Cybird for original image
This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games.
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If you know Japanese, as a treat, Toshiyuki Toyonaga and Kouki Uchiyama previewed their version of Durdn’s “My Plan” today on their almost weekly “Buddy Daddies” Onsen internet radio. I listen to it every week but I nary understand a thing except for a few words that I recognise. I just want to listen to their voices. 🥺
You can listen to them singing around 19:52 time mark.
It is so cute!!! And their laughter is so infectious, especially Tosshi’s.
They talk about the episodes and their characters. Last week they entertained letters from viewers.
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prismatoxic · 3 months
hey anime-onlys now that we're on anime hiatus it's a great time to read the manga which you should do in general because it's so fucking good please please please please
hmu if you need a link to a site with the official translation
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