#miscarriage tw
mysharona1987 · 4 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
Pokemon Sleep would tell you if you had a miscarriage during the night. This was done by just popping up text that said "miscarriage" next to the other sleep tracking stats with no tact or emotional weight whatsoever.
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duchessofferia · 1 year
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The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel / Ana Torrent in The Other Boleyn Girl / Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel / memorial for Catherine of Aragon’s children at Hampton Court / Henry VIII, William Shakespeare / Love Slowly Kills, borda / Catherine of Aragon: Infanta of Spain, Queen of England, Theresa Earenfight / Houses of Power, Simon Thursley / Portraith with a serpent, X-Ray , unknown painter / Henry VIlI and Anne Boleyn's initials, King's College Chapel, Cambridge / Catherine of Aragon: Infanta of Spain, Queen of England, Theresa Earenfight / 29 January 1536 – Anne Boleyn “Miscarried of her Saviour”, Claire Ridgeway / Natalie Dormer in The Tudors / The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel / Postcard, Amazon Quarterly / Roman Marble Relief of the Three Graces, circa 2nd Century A.D. / Catherine of Aragon: Infanta of Spain, Queen of England, Theresa Earenfight / Poster for Mother!, James Jean / The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel / Unfinished portrait of Jane Seymour, after Hans Holbein the younger / This Is Not The Portrait Of Jane Seymour, Edoardo de Falchi / The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel / Emma D’Arcy, House of the Dragon / The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel / Henry VIII’s vault, A.Y. Nutt / The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel / Saiorse Ronan in Mary, Queen of Scots / 1782 depiction of Katherine Parr’s lead coffin, unknown / The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel / a piece of hair cut from the head of Katherine Parr, collection of Sudeley Castle / a piece of Katherine Parr’s burial gown, collection of Sudeley Castle / The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel
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multifandomgirl08 · 10 months
A Flower Bud In Concrete - MV
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Max Verstappen x Pregnant!Reader
Summary: You were lucky that you didn't lose Max as well that day.
Warning(s): Miscarriage (stress induced), mention of head injury, discussion of miscarriage, putting blame on someone (Lando) who isn’t entirely at fault
A/N: Title from More by Halsey. This was Anonymously sent in. I started getting ideas for it right before I was going to post, saying that I wasn't going to write it. Odd how things work out. This was fun to work on even if it was very sad to write. Please don't take anything to heart about what it written about Lando at the end. I like him, I just need Max to put blame on someone even if it is completely misplaced.
Words: 1.3k
Formula 1 Masterlist
You had been in Imola during the race when the crash happened.
You watched on from the garage with the engineers holding onto the little growing bump on your abdomen when you had seen Max's car flip over a couple times before going into the barrier after colliding with Lando's car on one of the sharper turns.
There was silence before there was commotion from everyone in the garage.
You kept your eyes on the screen hoping to see Max moving. But as you saw the marshals make their way to the car you could see that there were flames coming from the back of the car.
"Y/N." You had heard from one of the female engineers who was in the garage with you.
You could feel the tears falling down your face watching, waiting for Max to get out of the car but nothing. You could start to see one of the marshals putting out the flames.
"Come on, Y/N." You could feel your arm being pulled, trying to take you away from watching what was unfolding on the track.
You knew that you should have gone with her, you knew that you shouldn't have stressed yourself out given that you were pregnant. You had stayed there waiting to hear something when you felt the tight pain in your abdomen, like the worst type of period cramp that you could have. You clutched at your abdomen, slightly hunching over at the pain.
Your eyes dropped to the floor, the headphones that you were wearing were placed on a table and you rushed out of there, someone following behind you.
You found the closest bathroom before you saw the blood, dark and thick. That was when you knew...
You had lost the baby.
"Y/N!" You heard from behind the door. The tears that had started to fall out from your eyes wouldn't stop now. You couldn't do anything but sit on the floor. You wanted to yell, tare your clothes from your body, but you just stayed there and cried.
It wasn't much long after that Hannah had found you in the bathroom, she stood there before you with open arms and you cried into her shoulder.
"Max is okay. Small head injury, but nothing more." She said. You pulled away from her, seeing that she knew something was wrong, that you weren't crying because of Max.
Hearing her say that Max was okay made it better but also worse in some way. You had lost the child that both you and Max had been so excited to welcome into the world. You didn't even know if you could tell him.
"Can you take me..." You trailed off.
She just nodded.
"Do you want me to get you anything?" She asked. "Something to change into?"
You closed your eyes, you were probably covered in blood. You nodded not saying anything.
The team had become your family once you had started dating Max, and although you weren't particularly close with anyone, everyone treated you well.
You had followed Hannah where she had given you a spare pair of pants and underwear, leaving you to clean up before going to see Max.
You didn't want him to know yet.
As you changed and cleaned up, you couldn't help but be grateful that Max was the only other person who knew that you had been pregnant. It was still too soon in your first trimester to tell anyone, and now there was nothing to tell.
You had followed Hannah to where Max was sitting getting checked over by one of the medical staff. Max took his eyes off the doctor to look you over and could see the concern flood his face.
"Schat?" He questioned.
You just shook your head. You couldn't even get the words out.
You looked and saw the expression from his face fall, his hand reached for your abdomen and you tried your hardest not to force his hand away from you.
"I'm sorry." You sobbed while pressing your forehead into his shoulder.
Max dropped his hand before placing them both on your back.
"You don't have anything to be sorry for. This is on me," You could feel Max's hands go stiff against your back, his thumbs still slowly painting circles on the fabric of your shirt.
It would be too easy to agree with Max and let him take the blame. He was the one behind the wheel driving, he should have paid attention to what was going on on the track. You could have blamed anyone that was involved in the crash... Your body couldn't handle the stress this early on in the pregnancy.
"Will you let them check you over?" Max asked.
You nodded. You probably should have gone to a hospital and had an OB check you over, but the medical team here should be okay for now. They would make sure that you weren't still bleeding at least.
You had gotten checked over, and they had just confirmed what you already knew. Max held your hand as one of the female doctors looked you over, and you saw the pity on her face.
You wanted to hide from them all, and just buried your face in Max's shoulder in the end, as he held you while you cried and mourned what could have been.
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"This is your fault!" Max yelled at Lando.
"My fault? You crashed into the barrier!" Lando pointed his finger at Max.
"You caused this, I lost... because of you I'm..." Max didn't finish his sentence aware of the people and the cameras. He knew if he said anything it would reveal too much. It would cause speculation about things you didn’t want people to know.
"You crashed into me, and now... You're dead to me."
You had heard Max's words and you wanted to tell him to take them back, to tell Lando that Max was only angry about the race and what had happened to you, but you didn't have the strength to go and do it.
Lando looked at you as if you had an answer to Max reacting like this. It was as if everyone was looking at you to go and say or do something. To pull Max back in and tell him that he was overreacting.
It was only when you met Lando's eyes that you couldn't help the tears from falling again. From there Max made his way over to you and pulled you away from the scene.
"I'm sorry Schat, I'm so sorry." He kept saying into your ear as he held you.
The rational side of your mind knew that Max was blaming Lando because it was the easy thing to do. It wasn't really his fault.
"It's not his fault..." You whispered.
Max pulled away a little.
"Yes, it is, he crashed into me." Max was quick to fire back. "He put you under stress."
"But I didn't leave when the engineers tried to pull me away from the garage, I stayed waiting to see if you were okay."
Max's eyes were still hard, not giving you any room to fight him on this. He was going to blame Lando since he caused the crash. In Max's mind, it was his fault.
"Hey, Max." You heard from behind you. You turned in Max's arms to see Lewis standing there, out of his Mercedes gear.
"What was that out there?" he asked.
You didn't want to answer Lewis' question. Luckily you didn't have to.
Max's hand went to your middle, lightly brushing over your shirt. You wanted to flinch.
"You're pregnant?" He asked.
"Was." Max clarified. "She was, before the crash."
You could tell that everything Lewis wanted to say had left his mind. He knew that Max hadn't said what he did because of the race but because of something else. Something had been taken away and there was no getting it back.
"I'm sorry. For both of you." Lewis said sincerely. "I promise not to tell anyone."
The three of you had never talked about it again. And Max's friendship with Lando had never recovered from that day.
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musingsoflulu · 2 months
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After a loss, it’s sometimes hard to accept joy again. Over and over the past few months, I’ve had to keep saying to myself “but what if it’s good??”
We are so excited to be expecting a little bébé this fall! 🥰
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scrunchie-face · 3 months
In your kindness please remember a friend of mine from church. She had a late miscarriage (17 weeks) and is being induced to deliver her little one this afternoon.
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kathrynhoward · 10 months
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wrixie · 6 months
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Sometimes the world is just too cruel
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trinitysyndrome · 8 months
I know this is barely relevant anymore, but I’ve been going back and forth on what the continuation of shiv’s story would be after the finale. Doomed as she is to be a mother and a wife, there are three very compelling narratives that arise from the options listed above.
-A baby boy would mean she gets to birth the next generation of male CEOs, continuing a legacy her father fought so hard to preserve. A pinnacle figure of motherhood, shiv will be equally revered as a queen mother, and ignored and condemned to her household. She gets to mold the next generation of leaders, while knowing his very existence supersedes her own, making her irrelevant. She has as much influence as she possible can in the patriarchal system - she wins, and she loses, like her mother before her.
-She has a baby girl, and she gets to sit back and watch her fail. This is inevitable. Shiv would hate her so much for being walked on, belittled, victimized, while also being painfully sympathetic. She would be hard on her, because shiv has always been hard on women. Daisy Buchanan comes to mind: “I hope she’ll be a fool… a beautiful little fool,” and if she is her life will be easier, and shiv will hate her even more. But wouldn’t it be poetic if, like Anne Boleyn’s sacrifice before her, her daughter would do what she could never do: crown herself, and end the bloodline entirely.
-Lady Macbeth kills the king and crowns her husband. It would be remiss to ignore her parallels with Shiv, and famously, Lady Macbeth is unable to bear children. This separation from her womanhood is what molds her as a person, and one can’t deny Shiv’s similar internal androgyny. Like all of Logan’s children, ironically, Shiv could turn out to be infertile, thus fully condemning Logan and his empire to this never-ending game of kings and queens, a bloody, continuous scramble for the throne, the snake eating its own tail, so the speak.
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orthopoogle · 5 months
I’m sad thinking of the baby I lost. She was due around Christmas, so she would’ve been turning 1 right about now. We would’ve been getting together cute pink balloons and a cute baby birthday cake for her to make a big mess with in her high chair and wrapping up baby presents in pastel wrapping paper. She would have teeth and be crawling around, maybe even starting to learn to walk. I would’ve picked out adorable little Christmas dresses for her to wear to church and family Christmas get-togethers. I wonder what she would’ve looked like.
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mysharona1987 · 6 months
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The state of Texas: making frigging Afghanistan and the Taliban look positively progressive.
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tamiisnthere · 9 months
Altaïr ❤️ Reader Oneshot - Miscarriage
Summary: Reader has miscarried and Altaïr comforts her. Trigger Warning: Mention of Miscarriage (Also sorry for bad English as always. 😓)
I wanted to write something like this for a long time, but writing suddenly stopped being fun for me because my fanfics are always trash. 😭
[Name] was lying on the bed, hugging her legs to chest and staring into nothingness. Her eyes were red from constant crying. Her broken heart ached from the recent tragedy. She felt like she had lost a part of herself. She closed her eyes once again and whimpered quietly.
Altaïr watched his partner in the shadows of their bedroom. He hid his emotions, but inside he felt pitiful for her. Soon he slowly walked over to the bed, laid down next to her and hugged her gently.
"Habibti…" he whispered softly in her ear and snuggled closer.
"Altaïr… I-" [Name] stuttered, fighting against her tears, "I'm sorry…" "For what?" the young assassin wondered, gently caressing her cheek to make her look into his golden eyes. "For not telling you I was pregnant." He shook his head slowly, "No… It's not your fault."
"But it is! That's why I miscarried!" "Shhhh… Calm down, [Name]…" Altaïr comforted her by hugging her tighter, "I understand that you were afraid of my reaction because I told you I'm not ready to be a father yet."
Altaïr snuggled closer and kissed [Name’s] cheek. "But that doesn't mean I'm mad at you."
[Name] continued to be silent and sighed, starting to relax in his embrace. "You know… We could have had a baby boy," she whispered to him. Altaïr gently stroked her hair and pressed his face to her neck. He placed his hand on her belly.
He couldn't believe there was their child, who could be born in a few months. His eyes began to sting from the tears. The day before he was on a mission and received a message that his beloved had miscarried, he quickly returned to Masyaf as soon as possible. He could become a father. He could finally have a family. Their son was a part of both his parents combined.
The miscarriage was caused by [Name]'s stress due to pressure from her master and fear of her partner's reaction to announcing her pregnancy. Even though Altaïr wasn't with her the whole time, he could imagine her pain and trauma that she experienced.
"[Name]…" Altaïr broke the silence, "Please, don't blame yourself for what happened. I should have taken the responsibility when we made love for the first time."
"No, Altaïr," [Name] spoke up, "I should have stopped you, I shouldn't have enjoyed it."
They were silent for a moment in their embrace, listening to each other's breathing. Altaïr leaned his elbow against the pillow to look at [Name]'s face: "[Name], you know very well how much I love you." She looked at him, "I-I know you do..." she whined softly.
Altaïr smiled sadly and caressed her cheek, "Habibti, you're the only one who got my eyes…" He leaned his face towards hers and their lips touched while closing their eyes. [Name] placed her hands on his cheeks, slowly pulling down his hood so she could feel his hair.
Shortly after the kiss, they leaned their foreheads together and looked at each other's eyes. "Altaïr…" [Name] whispered with a small smile, "I'm glad I still have you. But…" she got nervous, "But what if we never manage to have a child in the future?"
Altaïr nuzzled into the side of her neck to comfort her, "You don't have to worry, dear. When you become my wife, we'll try again. And if you get pregnant again before marriage, please tell me and I will ensure you will be healthy and stress-free. I know you will be a great mother one day."
His words encouraged [Name], she smiled and cuddled closer to him. "Thank you, Altaïr… This is the main reason why I love you so much." "I love you as well, my gorgeous dove…" ♡
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petrichoremojis · 13 days
(triggering content anon)
We'd like an emoji representing miscarriage for a headmate of ours whose been having a really hard time talking about it verbally
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[ID: A bust of an emoji yellow person holding a long white space in the shape of a baby. They are crying and there are blue emphasis lines around the empty space. End ID]
I hope that this works for you. If it does not, let me know and I'll happily do something else. I don't currently have any ideas for a miscarriage symbol that has an emphasis on a fetus rather than a baby, but when I do, I will try to get that drawn as well.
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Love the implication that trans women are not in possession of the kind of womanly compassion necessary to assist with a medical emergency (not to mention how holding someone’s bag and helping them clean up are the priority actions in such a situation)
Like ???? Even cis men are capable of being compassionate? And do they seriously think cis women are never capable of being cruel to or not caring about each other?
Why are they so convinced afab people all have these inbuilt detectors in our vulvas or something that makes us all kind and good? And amab people all have something inbuilt in their penis that makes them all cold and evil? Like ?????
I’ve had cis women and girls be cruel as fuck to me so you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t buy that all of them would automatically care in an awful situation like that 🤷🏻
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Amanda Tapping and Richard Dean Anderson, Paris Manga & Sci-Fi Show 2022
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heartscfvalor · 13 days
@lettherebemonsters cont.
"Ah yes, you've mentioned that before." Always on her high horse, Sera. Always looking down on those she thought were beneath her. Looking into those eyes, it was hard to believe that she ever considered herself maternal. Lilith could not remember seeing genuine love in Sera.
She glanced at Adam, curious as to why he looked so cowed, before Sera mentioned her own tiredness. Another failed pregnancy, but she didn't need to know that. Sera did not deserve to know of Lilith's anguish, losing yet another beloved and desperately wanted child.
So she said nothing, only giving a blank smile. "It's nothing to be concerned over. Hell business, you understand. May I inquire as to the notion for this visit?"
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