#missing death theory
songbird-of-eden · 11 months
A CLUE?! The Missing Death Theory
Good Omens S2 SPOILERS below!!!
Okay, it has been the nocturnal habit of mine over the last 3 days to suddenly dwell on the Good Omens finale and scrutinise every detail in a sleep-deprived thought soup.
And apparently, tonight, my last two remaining braincells fired up their little engines and decided to put something rather interesting together.
One thing that got me when I watched the finale was the book that Muriel was reading. "The Crow Road."
So I decided to give it a quick Google, and realised the opening line of the book is one that Gabriel, or Jim, stumbled across earlier in the season. It goes like this:
"It was the day my grandmother exploded. I sat in the crematorium, listening to my Uncle Hamish quietly snoring in harmony to Bach's Mass in B Minor, and I reflected that it always seemed to be death that drew me back to Gallanach."
Now, you may be thinking, okay, but what does this have to do with anything? And you would be right to be confused, but hear me out.
Death has a major, reoccurring influence in S2.
Yes, we have the obvious coffee shop "give me coffee or give me death" reference (this has a major point that I will get to a little later, but please, bear with me). But that is not the only one.
Throughout each episode, Death has been raised and eluded by numerous characters. In ep2, Jobe's family were saved by our ineffable duo. In ep3, we have the incident with the graverobber and stopping her from calling it a day. In ep4, we have the rise of the nazi zombies. In ep5, our unfortunate fellow from the ball gets thrown to the demons and appears to die, only to make a reappearance later on in ep6, albiet looking a little nibbled on.
And then there's the fact that miracles, as Crowley points out, are measured in "the power required to raise people from the dead."
Still with me? Okay good. Because its gonna get a little more crazy from here. Time to break out the funky tinfoil hats.
So, yes, many of the characters seemingly ellude death, right? Not a big point at first glance, considering the upbeat nature of the show... until you consider this.
Whilst in the coffee shop, the Metatron asks whether anyone ever chooses death instead of coffee. A weird line to be sure - perhaps an awkward statement of an angel unsure of how to interact with mortals. Totally plausible, right? Well, what if it was a test?
Nina claimed to remember everyone by what they order, and replied that no one has ever chosen death. I mean, I would hope so, but what if Death was no longer a thing that happened?
What if our devious Metatron wrote Death out of the Book of Life, considering that Death is a being instead of a simple concept as shown in S1 - and so the Metratron was asking as a test to gauge Nina's response. To figure out if his alteration had taken effect?
Okay, yes. It sounds a little wild, but if that is not the case, it does not mean that something is not going on with Death.
Going back to The Raven Road book, the plot follows a boy in pursuit of uncovering the mystery around his missing uncle. So perhaps, it is not so crazy after all to believe that something, or rather, someone is missing.
Which leads me to another missing creature.
Remember that heartbreaking line from Crowley? "You hear that? No nightingales?"
It was the dagger in many fan's hearts, but potentially held another meaning. Because in the poem: "Ode to a nightingale", the bird is used to represent, to an extent, death. As well as the concept of immortality.
Which means it's disappearance may be signalling a strange shift in the world.
Which brings me to my final point. We are in the home stretch now kiddos!
The second coming. The Metatron's grand plan.
In biblical text, it states that the Second Coming will be a sudden and unmistakable incident, like "a flash of lightning".
Now, where else did we see lightning? Hmmm. What about Crowley's enraged outburst that sealed poor Maggie and Nina in the coffee shop?
Which makes their line an episode or two later even more interesting...
Maggie: "Did it all start with the lightning?"
Crowley: "No, way before that."
Does this mean that events were starting to be influenced and set in motion way earlier as the Metatron began to tinker in the book?
We also have the name of S2 ep1 being called "The Arrival" - a name the Second Coming is sometimes referred to as, along with the text: "For the Lord himself, with a cry of command, with the archangel's call and with the sound of God's trumpet, will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise."
So, just take a moment to digest that.
An archangel's call. Well, we've had two of those - Gabriel calling on Aziraphale as well as Aziraphale being called to heaven. Then we have the trumpet that plays whenever Micheal and co descend from Heaven, a sound Aziraphale actually asks whether Maggie could hear.
Which leads to the final part: the dead in Christ will rise.
People are not dying as they should, be it from the influence of our ineffable duo, or perhaps, it is the Metatron's plan after all. A way to start the second coming.
Even the opening credits alludes to this with Crowley and Aziraphale seemingly leading a crowd of humans out of hell and through various time periods, but perhaps I really am getting ahead of myself.
So yep. Something is very up with Death.
Anyway. I need to be up in 5 hours for work. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk before the incoherent babbling begins.
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thequibblingking13 · 8 months
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Im connecting dots here. Ik is probably very obvious but Chirithy, a dream eater, ushering you into the next life in KHUX and then arriving to the station of awakening in the Drop pose is so fucking clever.
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monitorkernelaccess · 4 months
does anyone remember when team salvato had that “for fans by fans” fanart merch contest, but like it had a backstory that monika “wasn’t allowed to participate” cause “she always wins and it would be unfair :(” but like all images of her and mentions of her name were glitched out, and in the background of the promo art there was a piece of paper with her poem “Hole in Wall” mostly erased (and not even in her font asset, just in the neutral/MC handwriting font) so all signs pointed to monika’s file being deleted
but then literally none of that was ever directly acknowledged in the posts or the merch for the contest, or in ddlc+ lore, or on other posts from team salvato’s twitter or monika’s twitter account? so, though it probably wasn’t intended to be lore to begin with, we never got any context for it, even within the constraints of the “backstory” for this specific contest?
…no? just me? ok.
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Misa about L: "L is kinda like a dog. He doesn't really think about me when I am gone. But he is so happy when I show up 🥰"
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peppermintpegis · 7 months
netflix one piece live action feels a little like fanfic in that it makes sure it hits all the important notes but doesnt do all the work to make them hit which works in fic where the reader is supposed to bring all the emotional story investment from the original but doesnt work in a multi million adaptation that is supposed to be able to stand on its own or even serve as an intro to the series. it even does this in service to have more koby and helmeppo gay moments in this essay i w
#one piece#opla#the fleshing out of koby and helmeppo is like honestly good its a beacon of light its truly really fun#and all the actors are great it is just what they are given .#they didnt let nami do any real betraying. they didnt even have her steal the merry!! she just stole the map that they added in!!!!#ddont get me started on the gutting of sanjis intro. i dont give a shit about if don krieg appears or not i need to see this guy fuckin#feed the hand thats about to kill him im going to start shaking like a dog.#im almost madder krieg appeared for just a little id rather have that time be used for. anything else really.#like have one of arlongs guys starved half to death when they get to arlong park!or idk anything! no gin appears look its gin! you know him#sanji doesnt even get to beat the shit out of a shitty guest. like i guess he does a little but it feels so blink and you miss it#+the first like two eps were good!! buggys great hes scary and weird and fun. i dont mind that he sticks around longer in theory#but the way he is comedic relief instead of basically every character having funny bits is like. ahghhhgggg. its a symptom of this really#mean and edgy feeling the whole thing has. like the removal of people missing usopps pirate calling :( and how cocoyashi didnt know#nami was working to help them. like p. please. can we have caring and bonds in this world?? trust and love???#anyway. sorry for having expectations of a netflix show im so close to putting this into a more proper form rather than tags. just to get i#all out of my system cause fuck man.#anyway solid 7/10 not as bad as it couldve been
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Miss Holloway can just bounce back from death, but how does that work if there's physical harm involved?
The Killer Track didn't physically do anything to her (that we know of), she just dropped dead on the spot after the song came like the other victims.
And in the morgue, she very likely looked the same as she did when she was alive, just paler and dead.
But what if she was shot or stabbed or something? She'd probably still be able to come back, I'm pretty sure that the only thing that can actually kill her is the black blade, but how would that work?
She's dead, her blood flow has stopped, her body can't repair itself the way it's supposed to, and if somehow it still could, a wound severe enough to (instantly) kill someone definitely needs more than two hours to heal on its own.
Does the reviving process take longer depending on her physical condition?
Does the wound just close when Holloway comes back to life?
Does she (even in death) heal very fast?
Do injuries need to be patched up while she's dead or she can't come back?
Alternatively, do injuries need to be patched up while she's dead, because otherwise she'll come back to life, her blood flow starts up, and she almost immediately dies again?
Someone call Nick and Matt, I need to know this
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mari-lair · 1 year
This is a random thought but what if akane is the reincarnation of the previous clock keeper of the present 
That’s an interesting idea! I haven’t seen it before, but considering an average human lifespan the previous clock keeper is probably still alive while Akane is in school.
Though we could assume they died young, or the moment the contract ends, since what Mei says is extremely suspicious, and add more to Akane’s death flags.
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Still, there wouldn’t be enough time. He would have to be from at least three incarnations ago, and that’s assuming Akane isn't the first keeper of the present.
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apocalypticdemon · 1 month
godd i'm so. compelled. by the audio in this show. i'm finally allowing myself a re-watch, now that school is out of session, and i finally got to 'the ladder' episode. and i noticed that, right after sir john gets thrown down the ice hole, that the audio gets strangely muffled.
almost like it's underwater. the only thing that isn't muffled is the music in the background.
#that and the fact that it's preceded by another piece with a 3/4 meter much like the first music we hear in the show#like on the one hand the audio distortion happens after fitzjames and company find sir john's leg#so on the one hand it could very much be an auditory distortion of what people are going through. how the stress makes everything slippery.#distorted.#but it could also be a representation of the location of his grave.#his death is preceded by a lot of other scalar motion in a 3/4- esque time meter. which is the same meter as the music that we first hear#it's not like. a waltz really. it's missing the characteristic weight of the meter#but it is tonal. or at least tonal-adjacent.#and i wonder if that's a representation of the last vestiges of british civilization dying in that moment#bc when all is normal we have a similar tonal-ish slant. but when sir john is off-screen there is very little of that same sound.#the rest of it has much more unusual harmony and little to no harmonic movement#very experimental and drone-esque.#this is all very off the top of my head with little to no serious music theory analysis. esp bc most of this is decidedly post-tonal#idk. it's compelling. bc i'm pretty sure after sir john dies all of that scalar movement and tonal-ish melodic structuring goes away#sorry this is literally just me rotating the audio of the show in my brain but out loud now. just rambling and throwing out ideas#before they're fully formed#but they are ideas.#the terror
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moongothic · 5 months
I need to make a confession
I genuinely do not understand Buggy simps
Like I thought y'all were joking with the whole rooting for Buggy-thing but. No. People are actually seriously rooting for him. And I just don't get it.
Like. I can't tell if I'm missing something or if people are somehow completely misinterpreting his actual character. Like clearly it's meant to be one or the other and I can't tell which and I feel like I'm losing my mind because of it
'Cause the thing is that. Like. Until now, Buggy has been a pure gag character. He's no different from characters like Ceasar Clown and Spandam in that sense, he's just nowhere near as vile a human being as those other gag characters so he's marginally more lovable in what a pathetic fuck he is. But in the end, Buggy's just been there to be a punching bag (quite literally), because it's funny as hell to watch him eat shit And the reason it's funny IS because Buggy is a piece of shit. Again, not nearly as bad as Spamdam and co, but he's still a lying, cowardly, spineless douchebag who uses others for his own benefit and is willing to ditch anyone to save his own skin. Like Buggy was going to ditch his entire crew and flee by himself when the Shichibukai System was taken down and the Marines came for his head. He was going to leave his crew to die by themselves, without participating in the fight at all. Buggy was the one telling them to do the hard lifting while he'd escape, while the crew had no idea their beloved Chairman was going to abandon them. Literally the only reason Buggy failed to do that was because he was too slow and Crocodile got there before he managed to skedaddle.
He is essentially Usopp if Usopp wasn't willing to get beaten to death to protect his friends and their honor. Even fucking Luffy thinks Buggy is a pathetic idiot, and Luffy is the biggest indicator in the whole series on how to tell whether or not the readers should like a character or not. Not to mention, all the in-universe Buggy simps have been portrayed as (precious) idiots who can't see through Buggy's bullshit. Like every step of the story Oda has been trying to tell us that Buggy is an absolute loser.
So when people are like "Mihawk and Crocodile are going to see Buggy's ambition and become full Buggy supporters themselves!" I just
Are we reading the same comic???? HELLO????
Like I'll give you this, it would be objectively the funniest fucking outcome imaginable, which would be on-brand for Buggy and his trend of falling upwards.
But between Mihawk respecting people who are willing to abandon their honor to protect someone dear to them, and Crocodile's deep trust issues (possibly rooted in being betrayed in the past), I can not fucking fathom the two ever genuinely siding with Buggy the "I will leave you to die by yourself to save myself" Clown. Not when the two (and most other characters, including fucking Galdino and Daz) have been able to judge Buggy's character accurately (like how Crocodile was like "I thought you'd have ran away by now" when he arrived at Emptee Bluffs, and Buggy was like "yeah no shit")
Not unless Buggy grows enough of a spine that he'd be willing to sacrifice himself for someone (or at least get hurt on someone else's behalf to protect them), more specifically Mihawk and Crocodile. And let's be real, right now, Buggy probably wants nothing more than to run away from the two before they do actually kill him.
I just
Buggy simps. I do not understand you. I don't understand how you've reached your reading of the character.
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dubuthecat · 1 year
im trying to piece together the actions of the binary entity and the motivations behind them. so far most of its communication with the players is its name changing and the early on book that translated to "LEAVE". the pattern of its actions seem to be consistent, [get rid of eggs = get rid of players] if you only take a look at its recent actions, fully targetting the eggs, it becomes more of a tool used to kill the eggs. there hasnt been anymore communication other than its name change. additionally, what happens to it when it gets downed ? is it teleported away or does it teleport itself.
the actions of cucurucho/QSMP Census Bureau seem a little more fuzzy now. the motivations ultimately unclear. with bbhs past tense realization, is it true that they are prioritzing the players enjoyment/happiness in the island? cucurucho/fedration kidnapping the brazilians (thought whether or not they are meant to be in then island is still under question) does seem to contradict that principle. is the book for philza advice ?
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mossrockpog · 9 months
I watched a few videos on We Happy Few a few years ago and q!Forever is reminding me of it which has me thinking. What if, rather than bring coerced or forced into taking the meds, he saw something so bad he took them willingly? ...Such as egg death?
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mishtershpock · 2 months
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madwheelerz · 1 year
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Lonnie didn't call Joyce back, and he doesn't have a solid answer as to why. His answer is literally "I don't know," and then he proceeds with what seems to be a fake explanation.
He then proceeds to say that Joyce should get Jonathan, singular pronouns, out of Hawkins and into the city. Confident that Will won't be found much, Lonnie?
He then proceeds to show up right when things seem settled. A body is found, a funeral is being held, and he's here for the money. Why is Lonnie tracking things this closely, though? He's in the city, and Jonathan literally has to explain the gravity of the situation to him in s1.
But also when Lonnie tells Jonathan to behave at the funeral, there's a light in the closet. That light is similar to the one that turns on when Will disappears from the shed, but Lonnie is literally talking about his funeral here.
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paper-gold-theories · 2 years
Villainous Musical Headcanon: Flug and GoldHeart (Stalemate)
Note: The song Stalemate belongs to Death Note Musical, the only edit made is to include most of the parts of the song that fits the headcanon.
I feel like the best way to describe Flug's and GoldHeart's rivalry is like L and Light, respectively. As mentioned in the previous theory, both use plans and strategy to try and outwit and best each other.
I kinda imagine them singing this song when they are fighting each other as Arch-Enemies and afterwards when they meet each other after many years and rekindle their rivalry again.
Both of them are at stalemate, which means a situation in which further action or progress by opposing or competing parties seems impossible. But they are trying their best to outdo and defeat each other.
Similar to a game of chess.
GoldHeart: I wonder if this guy's for real. I wonder is he who he claims to be. And if he is, then what's the deal? Why would he make a point of telling me?
Flug: He doesn't rattle easily. He's such a calm and cool collected guy...
GoldHeart: His name is obviously fake.
GoldHeart: He's waiting for my first mistake. So I'll wait also but more patiently.
Flug: Just like two actors on a stage. Go through the motions that we both rehearse.
Flug: Eyeball to eyeball...
Flug & GoldHeart: We'll see who blinks first!
Miss Heed is just like Misa in the situation.
"Song" can refer to her perfume.
"Find each other in a crowd" can refer to her trying to find Flug for GoldHeart in order to make the formula.
Then she just goes on about her huge speech about her obsession with GoldHeart.
...But GoldHeart just ignores her and focuses on Flug.
Flug & GoldHeart: All or nothing so, let's get to it. This time's stalemate but, just you wait.
Flug & GoldHeart: Clock is ticking so, let's just do it...
Flug: Let's begin!
GoldHeart: Light the fuse!
Flug: Go all in!
GoldHeart: Win or lose!
Flug: Lose or win!
Flug & GoldHeart: This is it!!
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empressofthewind · 2 years
Analysis of Mello’s Death
(Possible TW for suicide)
I’ve been reading a lot of theories on why Mello died lately and I’ve had one for a while that I haven’t seen anywhere, so I want to get it off my chest. I’ll start by stating the theory, and then I’ll go into my explanation for it. Oh and also, I’ll be specifically referring to the manga in my analysis, since there is a little more information given there that isn’t mentioned in the anime (although I think the theory still works in the anime as well). Forewarning, this is very long.
I believe Mello suspected that Takada had the power to kill, and he also thought that Kira was intending to use her as a backup plan if anything went wrong at the warehouse. Having the SPK or the task force conduct an investigation into her would be unreliable as any evidence would likely be well-hidden. From Mello’s perspective, it was more efficient to kidnap her, lock her in a truck and have her kill him using the Death Note so that she would be found with all evidence in her possession. Near didn’t know that ripped out pages/pieces of the Death Note worked, but Mello had the notebook for a period of time and could have known this - and even if he didn’t, he could have suspected that Takada had a book of her own, that the Shinigami was with her, that the real notebook had been handed to her for safekeeping... any number of things. Even if Kira killed Takada after Mello died (which is what ultimately happened), she would still be out of the way for Near’s confrontation, so it’s a positive outcome either way.
So firstly, it’s pretty clear to me that Mello intended to die. He didn’t use a tinted helmet, he removed the helmet once he got into the truck, he let Takada use a blanket to remove her clothes rather than ensuring that everything she had on her was put in the box, and he did all of this knowing that his name was already out there. These are simple oversights for someone so intelligent, so it makes sense to think that it was deliberate. He told her that she needed to strip to get rid of the tracer on her clothes so her bodyguards wouldn’t know her whereabouts, but let her cover herself with the blanket once it had been removed to keep any physical killing method hidden.
Near wasn’t planning to do anything to get rid of Takada on the day of his plans. He sent Misa to a hotel room, had all the members of the SPK and the task force be present, had Mikami come to the warehouse with the fake notebook; Takada was the only person he didn’t seem to account for. It’s unclear exactly whether Mello knew about Near’s plan in that much detail. All Lidner told Near was that Mello didn’t know about Mikami, and that he knew Near was going to have his name written in the Death Note (I’ve included the panel below for reference).
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After that, he said, “I guess I’m going to have to do it”. All of this leaves a lot up to interpretation. I assume he was told that a notebook had been altered and that Near would have Kira use the fake notebook to write everyone’s names down, or something to that effect. The line he says to Lidner suggests that he had already thought of his plan to kidnap Takada beforehand, and with the context of my theory, he was waiting to see if Near would do anything to get rid of her first before he enacted it. So he was essentially saying, “I guess I’m going to have to die”. Regardless of what Lidner had told Mello about Takada, it was common knowledge that Takada was Kira’s spokesperson, so not unreasonable for Mello to suspect that she was involved, even though that wasn’t the case.
Of course, any theory has its flaws, and the main one I thought of was that if Takada were a backup plan for Kira, Kira might call off the meeting at the warehouse if she were kidnapped, which would interfere with Near’s plans; this is a very logical assumption, so it's a bit cheap to say that Mello simply didn’t think of this. The best explanation I can come up with is that calling off the meeting makes Kira look extremely suspicious, so Mello figured he would go through with it.
I’ve also considered why Mello would want to save Near’s life after literally dedicating his existence to hating Near and trying to beat him, and I can think of a few reasons for this. It’s important to recognise that it’s not just Near whose life was at risk. All members of the SPK and the task force could die (including Lidner, who Mello lived with for a while and was in regular contact with). I don’t think letting all those people die is a very satisfying victory. His investigation would also be infinitely harder without the information fed to him from these people. It would be only him and Matt left alive. Even if he still hated Near at the end (which I don’t think he did, but that’s another discussion), there was a lot at stake; more than just his pride. Although I think there is a case to be made that sacrificing himself was considered a win in his books, I find it hard to imagine that he was all that pleased with it based on how dejected he seemed at the end. Lidner said there was a “long silence” after she told him about Near’s plan, and this is what was shown:
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That doesn’t look like a man who knows he’s about to win a competition he’s been losing since childhood, but I guess I’m getting a bit off-track.
The last thing I want to do is compare this idea to others I’ve heard (not for the sake of criticising anyone else’s theory of course, but because acknowledging other theories is an important part of developing one). The two most common ones I’ve seen are that Mello suspected the truth - i.e. that the notebook Near altered was fake - or that Mello wanted to die, and used Takada as a means to do so. The first one heavily depends on how much Mello knew about Near’s plan. Near states at the end that he doesn’t believe Mello thought that far ahead, and it’s true that he would have needed a lot of information to deduce this, especially since he didn’t know about Mikami. I definitely think it’s possible though.
As for the theory that Mello wanted to die, that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. For one thing, it seems very out of character for Mello to simply give up, and the plan was also very elaborate if that was his intention, not to mention the fact that he risked Matt’s life as well. The statement, “I guess I’m going to have to do it” strongly suggests that Mello’s plan was done for a purpose that he knew would benefit Near’s investigation.
Wow, I didn’t expect this to be so long (is there a text equivalent of being out of breath?), so congrats if you read all of it. I have so many little theories and headcanons but this is one that’s been festering for so long, I needed to dump it somewhere.
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archietransdrews · 1 year
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and if i said archie was marked for death from the very beginning? and if i said that whenever he wears the letterman jacket the narrative starts treating him like jason, which is to say it starts trying to bury him alive?
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