#mission failed sucessfully
laxmiree · 2 years
[CN] Lucien’s upcoming karma + Dating Reality Show Date blurb
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"Because of you, I have retain every sunny moments."
Blurb under the cut~
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My company and partner company that were planning a dating reality show urgently contacted Lucien and me, hoping that we could save the day. In order to make the show go smoothly, we agreed to participate in the pre-recording. It was originally just a business matter, but I never expected to receive Lucien's heart in it...
"How can the producer become so distant from me? This hurts me a little as your program consultant."
My staged smile stiffened.
I forgot that we have a professional relationship! I've been trying to act, but instead I've made a fool of myself...
I quickly adjusted my expression and nodded as if nothing had happened.
"I just never expected that the busy Professor Lucien would come to the show, so I didn't respond right away."
"Are you the Professor Lucien of the Institute of Bioscience?"
When a female guest looked surprised, I loosened my grasp on Lucien's hand.
"I never expected to have Professor Lucien here as a guest. I've heard a lot about him. Did you two knew each other personally?"
"Um, Professor Lucien is my program consultant."
"Oh- Then I guess you two are the secret lover hidden among us?!"
I glanced at Lucien without moving, hoping he could smooth things over. I did not expect him to smile and nod his head.
"Yes, that's us."
Shoot, the mision of hiding our relationship will not fail right at the show's beginning, is it?
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"The most important place in my heart will always be reserved and waiting for you."
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raviollies · 2 years
Your character and your art are breathtaking! I don't think that cos community minds the memes, so bring it in! Have you met the bbe-stalker? How was it? I hope your party survives in these cursed lands!
Thank you very much! I'll keep that in mind if I share some more memes :~)
As for the Barovia Boyboss...
We certainly did meet him (in fact we summoned him like Beetlejuice because our DM just had us roll for an encounter without telling us what it was)
It wasn't a super lengthy exchange (though it did have the dialogue reversal trope, my beloved)
TLDR: He came in, was a little saucy, failed charming Ireena & then couldn't retry because Blythe SUCESSFULLY (poggers) charmed Ireena, took the L and left.
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
Childe would be hilarious when he learns he scared his poor crush.
Imagine if foul legacy likes yn too.
They both look like a kicked puppy
Oh my gosh, he would be so devastated!!
Imagine him starting to argue with Foul Legacy and how it's its fault that you're scared of him now. He argues loudly to himself but he is the only one able to hear Foul Legacy's voice in his head, so basically, he looks like a lunatic yelling to himself.
As fate would have it you find him as he argues with... himself (?) and in turn get even more scared because he is so angry.
When you run away and he yells after you to wait for him you start running even faster. You didn't expect him to be this angry with you...
[In reference to this ask]
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princesspastarave · 6 months
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thalassofiles · 1 year
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me: does eyes is a terrifying and horrific creature that has killed many people and steals voices of people. You shouldn't get close to it all of my friends: I love doe eyes, doe eyes my beloved. i like the deer.
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chloe-spade · 4 months
The Little Leeches ACT THREE: Love can be healed
Morning arises as the waves meet the beach. The Kingdom was thriving for a positive reason, as flowers were delivered, a beautiful layered cake was made, and a wedding boat was ready for sailing. People laugh and cheer during this.
It was an odd sight for Shore, who flew up high, looking for the twins. However, she was tempted to eat much of the food that was prepared for the event, but she was getting tired of brooms hurting her wing, so it was a failed mission.
So she flew high to a nearby bedroom, searching for the twins.
"Floyd!! Jade!!" She called out, "Have you heard!? Today is a wedding!!"
Her screech went through the castle skies, which annoyed everyone around, even the awakening Azul, who grabbed her by the beak, glaring at the seagull.
"It is too early for her screams, Shore," Azul groaned, "and what do you mean by a wedding? I don't think I heard about one," he yawned and grabbed his pair of glasses.
Azul sighed and went onto his balcony and saw the boat ready to sail on the sea. People of many entered to decorate it with everything that felt fancy for a human wedding, Azul thought. He also saw Queen Icabeth and King Julius watching everything with big smiles, which sent alarms in Azul's head as he turned towards Shore.
"Who is getting married?"
"Uh…I dunno! Best to find out!"
Azul sighs and walks outside his room to look around. He went over to the throne room, where he was Riddle, displeased with Trey, which was odd, as Riddle does not get annoyed with Trey, let alone angry at him. His face becoming red says it all.
"Riddle, your face is getting red," Trey spoke, "I don't know why this has upset you. I thought you would be ecstatic for me."
"Trey, you are not yourself right now!" Riddle hissed, "This…you just met this person and you automatically believed they saved you? Really? Nothing matches up, Trey. And no offense to you, kind sir, but I do need a recap of what has happened for me to understand you position."
"Well, I thought I explained it so many times," Adam sighs, now upset, "Everyone knows it by now."
Riddle felt stuck, convincing Trey was like talking to a brick wall and he already had bad vibes about Adam, from his mysterious appearance, to how his voice reminded him of Floyd's but calmer, and steady like it was a voice that didn't belong to him.
The way Adam twirled his necklace with a suspicious glance made Riddle scared.
He knew who saved him, by name.
"W..what about Jade?" Riddle focused on speaking, "Did last night mean nothing? Did he mean nothing?"
Trey's eyes softened at the mention of Jade, his hand now shaky.
"I…It's not about Jade, Riddle. You know that."
"I don't." Riddle spoke firmly.
"Now, now Trey," hummed Adam, "He's just upset that you are to marry and we are to be kings together. Jealous, Riddle?" Adam's eyes drifted behind Riddle and a smile appeared on his face, "Who's that lovely beauty behind you, Riddle? Oh, don't be shy, young one, come over here."
Quick sudden footsteps got Riddle and Azul's attention, but nobody was there, disappearing like a ghost.
"Jade!" Riddle heard Azul call out, which made his heart drop even lower than it already was.
Without a second thought, Riddle followed Azul and saw Floyd, Idia, and Ortho on the ground, shocked.
"What happened?" Floyd asked slowly.
"Your brother is a madman who just pushed us all on the ground," Idia gasped, getting up. "But seriously, what just happened? That twin is not as emotional as this twin here and that strengh.."
"It was surprising," Ortho added.
"Looks like my Aunt has sucessfully sabatoged our plans," Azul groans, "That man must be Amphitrite, but in a disguise. They are going to wed at sunset if we do not intervene."
"How so?" Idia spoke up, "…also, I need an explanation quickly."
"Right, how about this," Azul spoke, "Riddle and Floyd, find Jade while I figure out a plan for us. And find him quickly."
Riddle helped Floyd up and they bolted out.
"Now. I need to explain myself," Azul sighs and turns to the brothers.
"He should be here," Floyd whispered, as they entered the beach where they'd met, "If Jade would be heartbroken, this would be the place…oh, I found him."
Riddle looked at a nearby rock, where Jade lay, his hands slowly drifted within the waves, losing grip on the jade statue that was given. There were no tears but both Riddle and Floyd could tell that Jade was beyond sad, he was heartbroken.
Jade looked down, his mind now thinking about all the things that had happened. He risked so much but…why did he if he ended up heartbroken and lost?
Risking it all only to fall
Back where I started
Back near the shore, back to before
You took my hand
Betcha on land they understand
And they don't strand you, brokenhearted
What did I give to live where you are?
Where do I go with nowhere to turn to?
Jade jumped as Floyd helped him back up, opening his arms for Jade to sob in. Riddle watched as well, scared to intervene.
"Jade!!" called Shore, flying down to the twins. "Ok ok! So I was flying, right? And you know me, I don't get distracted by flying much-"
"Get to the point, Shore," Floyd calmed her down.
Shore was overhead, trying to look for Jade per Azul's request but a soft voice singing caught her attention.
"Jade?" She pondered.
So, she flew closely to the nearby window where she thought Jade would be, but he saw the mysterious Adam, singing and dancing to himself, admiring himself in the mirror.
It was not Jade's voice, but as soon as he took the hanging necklace from the mirror he began to mimic Jade's voice. Soft and subtle but wicked and cold, Shore would describe it. But she took a closer look at the mirror and saw Adam shifting to Amphirite, laughing.
As soon as she saw that, she flew away in a panic.
"And now I'm here," Shore panted.
Floyd, Riddle, and Jade all were shocked at the discovery. Sure, it was that surprising, but knowing that Jade's voice was used to manipulate and deceive Trey into such a lovestruck state made them feel nauseous.
Jade touched his throat in shock, his sadness turned into anger.
"That's why his voice gave me chills," Riddle spoke, gulping. "I didn't think it was your voice, Jade, and…we need to get that voice back."
"How so?" Floyd looked at Riddle. "We only have until sunset and-"
"And we have all morning until they leave around dawn to plan ahead and tell Azul," Riddle spoke, "and we need to go now."
"Ok, let me get this straight," Idia groaned, "you and the twins are mermaids. I mean, under the sea mermaids. And those twins actually made a deal with a sea witch, who is your aunt, by the way, to become human for this entire week, and today is the last day and if you don't Prince Trey to fall for the silent twin and kiss him, they'll be human forever? Sounds convoluted."
"I get it," Ortho added, "so we just get them to fall in love? I thought they were."
"Yeah, and now my cousin, who is now Adam, tricked him and we need to stop that wedding." Azul continued.
"How? Royal Weddings are not a joke that you can simply destroy because you feel like it. Guards are everywhere, and they'll tackle you for just objecting to the marriage," Idia explained, "If we need to destroy that wedding, we need to do something like a distraction, make it seem like an accident.."
"An accident?" Azul pondered, "Hmm, like what exactly."
"Anything. Anything to stall an 'I do'". If what you say about Adam is right, we need to stall as long as we can."
"Big Brother and I are invited." Ortho spoke, "Maybe we can sabatoge from the inside?"
"Why am I worried about that?"
"Well, I'm thinking that we should steal the wedding rings, or ruin the dress or spill something on it," Ortho listed, "and we could even sink the boat."
Azul thought about it and a thought made him smile.
"Steal the wedding rings and then we can use some of our sea friends to stall as well," Azul planned with a smirk, "Shore may be an absolute airhead but she can summon all the seagulls to her location easily. If we could just give her a signal, that'll help our chances.."
Azul began his plan with a very excited Ortho and a skeptical Idia listening in.
Once Riddle, Jade, and Floyd returned from the shores, a maid rushed over to demand Riddle immediately and she was waiting by the docks. Riddle was worried, as he did know his mother and her plans for the Royal Wedding but he had to concede after he got dressed as his clothes were coarse and sandy.
"I'll be back," Riddle spoke to Jade and Floyd, "but I recommend that you two find Azul. I just hope he has a plan to end this monstrosity of a wedding."
Riddle took a sigh and walked out of the castle. He saw his mother by the wedding boat, happily humming to herself. Riddle could tell she was happy about the wedding, but something was nefarious behind her smile and he knew it.
"Mother, why did you call me here?" Riddle spoke as he entered the shore.
"Aw, Riddle, glad you could make it in time," Icabeth hummed, "we are just waiting for our two other guests to arrive."
As she said that, the guards came with Idia and Ortho, who were surprised at the sudden abduction.
"Good, now let us be off," Icabeth demanded, walking aboard the ship. The Guards grabbed the three and started to march behind her, ignoring the protest of everyone involved.
"Hey, what about Floyd and Jade!? And Azul too?" Riddle managed to ask amidst his struggling, "They are just as important!"
"Ah, Riddle," Icabeth laughed but it turned into a snowl, "I could not give a..pardon my words, a care about thenem, even if one of them is your fiance, Riddle, but I digress. Riddle, I need you to know that I do not care about your chemistry, or lack thereof, considering I have never even seen those in my entire life. They do not belong in royalty, and they do not deeserve to be part of a beautiful occasion that those in the top enjoy. Peasants like them, deserve to eat dirt for even stepping foot into my palace, my village, and one to even win your naive heart. Abandoning them would be the best option for us to enjoy this lovely wedding."
"Mother, you have lost your senses!" Riddle called out, "I've known Floyd since I was a child and I have proof of that. You are acting on your own selfish instincts, which is not what father wanted. You know he loved our people. Why tarnish his memory?"
"Riddle…he's only a memory. A memory that you will never mention again," Icabeth scowled as he turned her back on Riddle, "so please. Be happy for Trey, as he found the perfect person."
"Mother.." Riddle gasped softly but it fell on deaf ears.
The three were pushed into a nearby room, and though it was not locked, the guards guarded it with their lives with Queen Icabeth's orders being very clear to them to not jump off the boat or else their heads would be cut off for disobeying her.
"Your mother does not like your fiance, hmm?" Ortho questioned.
"Not partically," Riddle hesitated to answer. "Now they're back over at the kingdom and we are over here. How are they going to get here in time?"
"I mean, they are mermaids, they could just swim there," Idia replied.
"Only Azul can, big brother," Ortho reminded.
"Right," Idia mumbled, "…I'm so lucky that our plan could still work without having Azul here."
"Yeah!" Ortho giggled, "but at least I can do my part now."
"What plan?" Riddle questioned.
"Azul plans for us to disrupt the wedding, no matter what, at least until we could them on this boat before sunset," Idia explained, "we're doing small steps for it first, but once the wedding starts, it'll be…terrifying to say the least."
Azul found the twins after a while, both in Riddle's room. Jade was red with fury, but without a voice, he couldn't vent about it to Floyd, who understood and was listening.
"I see you found Jade, Floyd, but what happened?"
"Shore told us that Adam is using Jade's voice to hypnotize Sea Turtle to thinking it was him." Floyd explained.
"That golden necklace," Azul hissed, "it belonged to my aunt. I should've known she would so this. Keeping your voice in there guarentees that it will remain trapped unless we break it."
"Well, we have to wait for the boat to leave,"
"The boat!" Shore called out, flying in the window, "The boat! It's sailing away! It's sailing away! We have to go!!"
The trio looked through the window and Shore was right, the wedding boat was sailing farther into the sea, leaving them behind. This made them rush to the docks, but they were too late. The boat was too far and the blue sky slowly turned orange as the sun began to set.
"That queen is on my last nerve," Azul groaned, "she did this on purpose. She must've know something was off about us and this was her last option to ditch us."
"And the sun is almost set," Floyd sighs.
Jade huffed and looked at the boat. The only thing he could do was jump into the ocean, not caring about the fact that he couldn't swim with his legs.
He immediately sank down but as he tried to swim up, he felt familiar arms wrapped around him and took him back to the air above.
Taking a huge breath of air, he saw Azul, back in his merform, holding onto him.
Floyd was also now in the ocean, one of Azul's tentacles was around his waist.
"Don't do that again," Azul sighs towards Jade, wrapping a tentacle around him. "Hold on tight, it will be long and incredibly bumpy, but we need to stop that wedding."
"Idia, please keep an eye on your brother," Julius sighs, "I get it. He's a wanderer, but be lucky it was me who caught you and not Icabeth."
Idia looked back at Ortho, who feigned ignorance and innocence, still proud to be stealing a wedding ring and disrupting it.
"Of course," Idia quickly spoke, "I'll keep an eye on him this time. This won't happen again, your highness."
"Glad to hear it," Julius laughed.
Both brothers sighed as he left, and Ortho let out a soft laugh.
"I'll admit it, that was a little fun,"
"But he's right. He's lucky that we only encountered him and not the queen," Idia shuddered, "considering what she's been doing to us and this entire wedding, we have some divine luck on our side. The Prince is unfortunate to have her as a mother, I can tell."
"That's rude to say, Idia," Ortho remarked.
"I mean…where am I wrong?"
Ortho found himself silent and Idia made a wide grin, knowing Ortho didn't have a defense.
"I can't believe you!" Riddle's anger presented itself, "You are never this stubborn, and when the time is when you fall for some unknown man on the beach in the middle of the night! This is not you and you know what, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm glad Jade isn't here to see this weak man in front of me."
The silence was foreboding for the brothers as they saw a very upset Trey walking out with Riddle behind him.
"I'm going to guess that convincing him didn't work?" Idia spoke.
"Nope, the more I try, the more agressive he gets. The spell is much more stronger than I thought. But mentioning Jade does do something to him. He stops and has some sort of regret in his eyes," Riddle remarked, "it was…like he knows he wrong, his heart is fighting himself."
"Poor Prince Trey," Ortho lamented.
"It's almost time for the wedding to begin," Riddle sighs.
Right on cue, the guest sat down, the three captives included, and waited for the music to begin as Adam, smiling to himself, walked down the aisle with Trey lending his arm, trying to keep positive after the nasty fight with Riddle.
"Yep," Idia grabbed a makeshift ball. "Thank goodness that Azul knows magic or else we'd be doomed."
Idia looked around and gulped. So awkwardly standing, he quickly threw it hard, and the reflection of the sun caused it to dispel a massive firework that alerted the guest who watched in confusion to some amusement.
"Now, we just watch the show."
Suddenly, the boat rocked as starfish climbed on and seagulls flew overhead, some holding onto the fish. The guests were terrified as the seals also jumped onto the boat, barking at the guests. But the only one who was dealing with the damages was Adam.
Everyone watched as the seagulls began to poke him and the fish sprouted water from their mouths and onto his face, ruining his makeup and his dress. Seals tear and bounce him around and even a small treat, Shortcake, who got out of her leash joined, barking at her in anger. The guards tried to stop it but to no avail, as the sea mammals were getting more aggressive the head seagull kept screeching, as if ordering them around.
"You did it!" Called Azul, going to the others.
"What took you so long?!" Riddle demanded.
"I'm sorry, but following a boat that continously moving was hard." Azul replied sarcastically.
Floyd and Jade watched, trying not to get hit by food bits and thrown jewelry that went all around the air.
Jade saw Adam, trying to grab one of the birds, his golden necklace glowing with his voice. Without a second, he began to run over to the mistreated groom.
"Move out the way!!" Ordered Shore, "He needs to get to the necklace!!"
As ordered, some sea creatures moved out of Jade's way, and some even helped him get closer to Adam.
As he did, Trey grabbed him.
"What are you doing?!"
But Jade ignored him as he grabbed Adam and pulled him towards, trying to grab onto the necklace but to no avail as Adam began to fight back. He seemed to be winning as he wrapped his hands around Jade's neck with a wicked smile and a cackle.
"You! You will not stop me from getting what I deserved. I was supposed to save Trey, not you, I was supposed to be the one he falls in love with, not you! This is how it was supposed to be! Him and me! YOU WILL NOT RUIN IT FOR ME!! Now, be a good mermaid and die!"
Jade gasped for air but he managed to grab the necklace and used his legs to push him back, making Adam stumble. He realized that his necklace was taken and tried to pounce back.
Jade didn't have to think as he threw the necklace down. The shell was opened, revealing a golden orb singing a beautiful melody, causing the guests to stop and watch.
"Jade, sing!!" Azul screamed.
Jade looked at the orb and as it entered his mouth, he began to sing loudly, echoing before he gasped in shock, holding his neck. He didn't care that he was being stared at, all he did was stare at Trey, who stared back for just a moment.
"J-jade?" Trey stammered.
"Yes," Jade replied, "It's..It's me."
"You…I knew it was you, but why didn't I for this past day," Trey questioned, but it didn't matter because Trey ran after Jade and immediately held him into a tight embrace.
"What happened to you last night!? I was looking everywhere for you and then I met with Adam and then I just didn't find you all day, I was so worried about you, I thought…you didn't want to see me after this." Trey kept Jade close, "I love you, Jade, not Adam. It's always been you that I love and I'm so sorry that I didn't see that."
"Oh Trey," Jade whispered, "I love you too."
"Get away!" Adam growls, his voice low and feminine.
"I need answers," Trey admitted, "what happened to me that night and why was I so close to marrying him?"
"Because her real name isn't Adam," Azul explained, "that is Amphitrite, a sea witch. But she is not alone, her own mother is also a wretched sea witch, and they used so much magic to get their way."
"Impossible!" Icabeth exclaimed, "Sea witches are myths, like mermaids. Fake, fake, fake!"
"They are very much real," Floyd interrupted, "I mean, I may not look like it but I am very real."
The guests gasped, now looking at them.
"He's right," Riddle spoke up, "He is a mermaid, and I know this because he saved me when I was younger and we've been friends since…until I ruined it but being so overly cautious. I pushed him away when it wasn't even necessary. And yes, Mother, I still intend to marry him, because I have to make up for what I did big time."
"I'm about to faint.." Icabeth gasped.
"So, when you saved me," Trey started, "you weren't even human? I guess that explains why you were in the middle of the ocean." Trey laughed and pulled Jade closer, "That's the most pleasent surprise I've gotten all day."
"You're not uspet?"
"Of course not! It's you, Jade, no matter what you were or are, I still love you."
"Enough taking!" Azul spoke up, "Kiss already!"
Jade blushed and looked at Trey, "If you feel comfortable with it, Trey."
"I'll be more than comfortable," Trey grins.
Before they even kissed, Jade and Floyd suddenly gasped in pain and fell into the ground and their tails formed causing the guests to back away terrified.
"What happened!?" Riddle gasped, going over to Floyd.
It was obvious that the sun as set.
Trey, on the other hand, held onto Jade.
Hearing Adam cackle onto the front of the altar. Lightning crackled as he transformed into her perform and began to crawl over to Jade in a jealous rage but a sword to her throat stopped her.
"You stay the hell away from him!" Trey commanded, holding Jade close.
"Oh, but I'm far better and besides," Amphrite laughed, "they have better things to do. Mother!!"
Everyone watched as two tentacles sprouted from the ocean and grabbed the two, pulling them into the air, ignoring the protest of Trey and Riddle.
"My dear Amphitrite, I am truly sorry that your wedding was being disrupted by these fellow boys. How unfotutunate. Now let us deal with these two." She looks over at Trey and Riddle, "Sorry, loverboys, but you won't be seeing these two anytime soon, if you two are looking for an adorable princess, my daughter will always be available to fix that broken heart of yours."
And with that, both twins were dragged down to the sea, leaving the humans alone on the boat.
Everyone was frightened, too stunned to speak.
Azul gasped and immediately dived down after them before Idia could even stop him, mainly out of fear.
"What are you doing?!" Idia gasped.
Azul rose back, now in his merform, looking up.
"It's been a pleasure meeting you and Ortho, Idia, but I have a business to take care of. I need to save them, I have to. But I do have to thank you for giving me some great experience up there. I need to go.."
With bated breath, Azul dived down.
"What happened?!" Icabeth gasped, storming towards Riddle. "What is the meaning of this!?"
"Like we have explained," Riddle managed to say, "they are mermaids, down underneath the waves. But we need to do something before something bad happens to them. I need to help them."
Riddle began to look for anything, and once he did, he found a harpoon. He had a vicious look of anger in his eyes and had a hard grip on the weapon.
"Trey!" Riddle demanded, "Come on! We need to follow them."
Trey could only grab one more harpoon and let down a smaller boat onto the sea. Riddle was ready to get in before he was stopped by Icabeth, whose face was red with fury.
"Riddle, have you lost your mind?! Why on earth are you going after sea monsters!?" Icabeth gasped.
"They weren't monsters in the first place, Mother," Trey sighs.
He walks toward Riddle and helps him with the boat.
"And they need us," Trey added, and got onto the boat. "We can't leave them now."
"..I lost him once, I am not going to lose him again," Riddle muttered, as he got on the boat and started to stir the paddles.
"Let go of us!" Floyd grunted, struggling. "You absolute cheat! You tried to sabotage everything as if yesterday wasn't a massive sign already."
Jade was silent before his eyes slightly widened.
"Oh look," teased Winifred, "looks like our silent twin now remembers our little agreement."
"What did you do?" Jade hissed towards Winifred.
"Oh, pretty simple," Winifred laughed, "I added a small spell to you for you to forget about the kiss, it was just a small little token from my lovely daughter."
"Who loves Trey? But…"
"They never met? Oh, darling, love doesn't require love meetings, like you and your nosy little brother. Who do you think caused that storm?! Natural causes? HA!" Winifred laughed, "She was so in love that it was special, but Jade, oh you, you just had to save him and fall in love? You took my daughter special moment and now I had to pick up the pieces."
A beam of light came out from the darkness, almost hitting everyone.
"Winfried!!" Called out Triton.
"Ooh! My guests have arrived!! Oh, and my dear sister and brother also came? Such a lucky day for me."
"What in the absolute -" gasped Veronica. "Azul!?"
Azul managed to catch up and looked at Veronica, scared.
"Let go of my twins!!" Marigold ordered. "Or you'll be wishing for death."
"Oh! Well, I'm sorry, but they're mine! They signed a contract, and they didn't fulfill their end of the bargain." Winifred explained.
"Boys…" Killian growled. "What has happened for this to happen."
"Poor Floydie was so heartbroken, he came to me! Yet his brother decided to tag along as well." Winifred laughs, patting their heads. "I was planning to put them in my sea anomie collection like the other unfortunate souls, but since I'm a parent myself, I can understand the feeling of fear for your children's safety. So how about we make an arrangement?"
"What arrangement?" Triton growled, holding the trident towards her.
"Simple," Winifred grinned, "The Trident and the Book for the two twins. Do we have a deal?"
As they waited, she squeezed the twins tightly.
Azul swims forward, holding the book.
"Azul," Veronica gasped.
Azul looked away and handed the book to Veronica with a hesitant look on his face.
"Well, one of you is very good at listening," Winifred grins, taking the book. And as she promised, she released Floyd, who sank to the sandy floors, being comforted by Marigold.
"Now, the trident," Winifred reminded, "but..well, I don't necessarily need it. And since this twin didn't complete his agreement, I can get to keep him, right? But the option is still available,"
Triton looked down for a moment but he took a sigh. He just swam forward and put the trident in her hands. "That boy doesn't deserve that fate."
"Good choice," Winifred laughed as she dropped Jade.
Everyone felt the power around them as she held her items in her hands. She had a wicked smile on her face, as lightning clashed above them and black swirled around them, causing the ocean to feel dark and broody.
At that moment, a harpoon zips by, wounding the side of Winifred's stomach.
They saw Riddle with a harpoon gun, holding his breath, Trey was behind him.
"Humans?!" Triton gasped.
"Here?" questioned Killigan.
"Oh? New guests for me? Fantasic." Winifred laughed, raising the trident towards them. "Hello boys!"
With Winifred distracted, Jade and Floyd took the opportunity to swim towards the humans.
"Who says that you are allowed to leave?!" She laughed, her magic slowly making its way towards Jade. "You didn't complete your deal…"
Floyd immediately grabbed Riddle's harpoon, using it to reflect the magic, redirecting it towards an unexpected Zephyr.
He immediately turned into seafoam.
Winifred gasped as she held the remains of the vampire squid, or what was left of him.
"Why you…" she growled, watching everyone swim up to the surface. It sets her off, as dark magic surrounds her and a storm begins to form, rain and lightning mixing in together. But that almost didn't matter as Marigold and Killigan immediately hugged the twins tight, refusing to let go.
"Thank the stars that you two are ok!" Marigold sobbed. "Are you two alright!? No cuts, no bruises, and you're not bleeding right?"
"Mom, we're ok," Jade reassured her.
"What were you both thinking?!" Killigan lectured. "Making a deal with the seawitch like that?! You didn't think of the consequences?"
"Killigan! Not the time!" Marigold hissed. "Our boys are ok, that should only be the only thing that matters right now."
"That doesn't even concern the humans they were with," Killigan groaned.
"Rude, but I'll take the critizism for now," Riddle groaned.
Everyone didn't take a breather as bubbles formed below Trey and Jade as a monstrous Winifred arose from the sea, her tentacles formed around them and she glared at them, her face deformed and covered with shadow, only her yellow eyes and a wicked grin.
"What the hell?!" Riddle gasped and looked up.
"Ha!Ha!Ha! You poor insignificant fools!" Winifred chirped, "True love! What fools believe in that nonsense! Now bellowed down to the deepest parts of the ocean, where you were all be punished."
Trey and Jade held on to the giant crown, looking down, scared.
"Are you ok?" Trey whispered to Jade.
"…Not at the moment," Jade admitted, looking down at the ocean where everyone else was.
Trey grabbed Jade's hand in comfort and they jumped down onto the ocean, reunited with the others. But Winifred's laugh sent them chills down their spines.
As they checked on each other, many whirlpools were created, some of which revealed a sandy bottom in which many fish dried out, causing many merfolk to be confused and scared about the new surroundings.
"Where are you!?" Winifred growled, searching around.
As the whirlpools formed, it even erupted some broken ships, even some with massively dagged and sharp edges that could harm a person if too close. What's worse with the whirlpools forming, many got caught up and hit rock bottom, but some, like Trey and Riddle, found safety among some broken ships, almost close to a whirlpool.
Floyd saw one he remembered and quickly took Jade and Azul, swimming towards one, much to Azul's panic and dismay.
"What are you doing?!" Azul protested.
"I got an idea."
"Oh what now!"
As they climbed onto the ship, it swayed with the waves, which made all mermaids hold onto a nearby rope for security. Floyd and Jade, ignoring the swaying ship begin to climb the rope onto the wheel.
"Are you sure about this?" Jade shakily questioned.
Floyd grabbed his hand and nodded. "I need to fix this, Jade, and I will do anything to fix my mistake. I just need you to help me, Jade."
Jade relented and held onto the right side of the steering wheel while Floyd grabbed the left side, and they began to sail towards Winifred, hoping the plan would work.
Riddle saw from the distance and used his harpoon one last time and sent one towards Winifred, which made her glare down at him, and her grin turned into a scowl. Riddle took a deep breath and dived into the sea, making it difficult to be seen.
"YOU ABSOLUTE BUG!" She screeched, searching for him.
With some small navigation from Trey, the twins took the opportunity and with the waves seemingly helping them, the sharpest spike was shoved into her stomach, along with a lightning strike. It felt like the world stood still as it happened, and with the grasp on her life, her tentacles surrounded the ship to drag it down under the sea, almost dragging everyone with her.
Riddle gasped as he coughed for air, getting up. He looked around and saw Trey unconscious next to him, all on a sandy beach and the waves slowly rising and lowering only touching his feet. He groaned to himself and looked around. It was a new day, and he had survived such a scary night with magic around them.
He saw Idia and Ortho next to them, mainly waiting for them to wake up, Riddle concluded.
He groaned and sighed.
"What happened?" Riddle questioned.
"A lot, but I assume you want the aftermath," Idia wearily spoke, "everything went back to normal basically but…the king of the ocean had banned your lovely fiance from coming back up here. Some sort of punishment, I'm guessing."
Riddle felt his heart broke, his words stuck in his throat.
"I'm sorry," Ortho soothed, "I liked them too."
"I can't…" Riddle whispered, looking down.
"I know," Idia agreed, "it's so stupid. I mean, sure, they made a sea witch going around hurting people."
"Not helping," Ortho hissed.
Riddle looked at the sea for a moment, looking at the distance for who knows how long. He felt a ring against his foot, and he picked it up, letting his tears fall. He wanted to jump in and search for Floyd, but he knew it wasn't going to be an option.
How was he going to tell Trey about the heartbreaking news? How was he going to move on from this?
He didn't know how but if he was going to wait for Floyd, he would.
It was a heartbreaking week for all. Nobody was able to be happy with a lot of stuff for both mermaids and humans alike, as the recent storm caused many to stress and to be scared of any new threats.
And one more thing that was odd was Floyd looking for Jade.
"Jade? Where is he? He's never late for lunch with Azul?" he pondered.
With the twins after the incident, things didn't go well for them. Floyd was arguing with everyone but he ultimately lost in the end, and was in his grotto, looking at the human stuff he collected. Marigold had somehow convinced the king not to destroy everything, mainly for Floyd's mental state. Jade, was mainly silent, but Floyd knew he missed the human world just as much as he did. Who wouldn't after meeting a beautiful man who loved you and would fight for you?
It also led to Jade disappearing for a long time. No one could find him, but he was found, just by rocks, daydreaming. But on this day, he wasn't found at all, which seemed like a Floyd thing to do.
But only place Floyd would know he would go.
On the rock on the surface which was near the kingdom, just staring.
Floyd sat next to him and rested on the rock.
"You know what was strange?" Floyd joked, "I would do this everyday, and you would find me. But now look at us, me looking for you."
"It is strange," Jade managed to laugh, "I would search for you for hours and hours, just to see you down in the shipwrecked ships, searcing for all sorts of human stuff. Always in danger, too."
Floyd scoffed, "You act like you never weren't curious about them either. And you join me on these searches whenever you were amused or bored. I think we bonded so much because of it."
"That depends on so much." Jade looks at Floyd, "but you're right, I did want to see humans and their stuff as much as you did. I think it was because of your ambition and your strong will, no matter what happened, you never gave up on what you wanted. It made me feel the same."
Floyd smiled happily and looked at the castle. "I miss it."
"Me too."
Floyd and Jade both watched in silence, just enjoying each other's company.
Just what could stop the moment?
"I should've known!!"
They forgot about Azul.
"What are you two doing up here?" He asked, swimming towards them. "I expected this from Floyd, and now I see it from Jade." Azul sighs but his anger subsides. "What are you doing?"
"Remising about last week, I guess," Jade answered,
"It was so much fun, and now we can't even get back up here," Floyd sighs, "I miss Riddle so much."
Azul took another sigh. He didn't want to admit it, but he also missed the human world and the mysterious ways of it. He learned about humans and he wanted to know more, especially when he met someone as interesting as Idia and Ortho. Who knew he cared so much for humans after meeting someone in his life?
"Well, you missed the lunch," Azul huffed, "and I was going to give you a surprise."
"Surprise?" Jade questioned, "You would never give us gifts."
"It's odd for you, Azul," Floyd added.
"Well, this is very important." Azul urged and summoned magic from his hands, "But I need to get the others for this."
With his hand hitting the water, causing a small ripple, up came Veronica, Marigold, Killigan, and surprisingly King Triton.
"I am not surprised that you two are up on the surface again," King Triton started, but the twins ignored him, so he continued, "But I do see my own fault in that."
"What does that mean?" Jade questioned.
"Well," Killian started. "You two…must love those humans? To even still sneak out and do so much for them?"
"We do, Father," Jade admitted, "It's unsure how this has happened but we," Jade then paused and looked at Floyd, "we did so much to get on land, and it's regrettably the same."
"It was all worth it," Floyd added, "that strange love is not uncommon between land and sea, and we got to experience that love. It's a shame that it was all for nothing now.."
"Oh, but you two found it," Marigold chorused.
"We did?"
Marigold nodded happily. "No one has loved each other after the Sea Princess's unfortunate demise, but look at you. Floyd, Jade, you with those humans have proved to us that we should break those barriers once and for all."
"Yes," Triton agreed, "I've been blind after what has happened as it was taught by my father. I am ashamed that it took two young ones like you to change my mind."
He swims back, confusing the twins.
"Do you two promise to visit occasionally?" Killian asked, "And to be safe on land?"
The twins tilted their hands in confusion but nodded.
"Good, but I'm going to miss you both very much." Kilian shaky sides.
"What do you mean?" Floyd asked.
As he asked, the trio were surrounded by surrounding light which was granted by the King.
"Go!Go!" Marigold urges with a smile.
Azul smiles and leads them down under, watching as their tail has transformed into beautiful legs for them to walk on land with. The twins almost gasped in shock before swimming back up and looking at their parents one last time.
Marigold made a teary smile, with Killian trying not to cry, but they could see a few tears. Without much hesitation, the twins immediately swam and held onto their parents, now also crying.
"Floyd," Killian stammered, "I'm…I'm sorry for being so hard on you. You made a difference that I simply couldn't see. You have a heart for these humans and now you can finally show it. I just hope, within time, that you forgive me for my harsh words."
"Well, without those harsh words, I don't think I would be here, like this."Floyd sobbed, hugging his dad more tightly, "I love you, Dad…"
"I love you too, Floyd."
"Now Go!" Marigold cheered, "Be with them! Don't let us stop you again."
Floyd, Jade, and Azul went back onto the beach, looking up at the castle ahead.
"Ready for this- FLOYD!!"
Riddle sighed as he looked down at the map again. He kept staring at the small rock where Floyd said he resided. He didn't know how long he'd been in his room, but it was long enough for maids to give him tea or snacks which often surprised him.
Riddle didn't do much other than ride his horse or be in his father's private cove for hours on end. That whole week was Riddle ready to argue tooth and nail for Floyd, no matter what his mother or other bystanders thought of. It caused a rift between him and his mother and the only people defending him were Trey, Idia, and Ortho, who also were affected by the aftermath, but tried to move on.
But poor, poor Trey. Even when he was his old self, it was so obvious that he wanted Jade again. It was guilt for not even noticing when Jade was right in front of him, and Trey actually took his time, relaxing by the beach, feeling much more content there than being by the castle, surrounded by many who wanted to marry him. Icabeth didn't take the hint of his rejections, and he just sort of snapped and made it clear that he was not to wed anyone unless it was Jade's own hand. Riddle found it a highlight of his entire week.
He was proud that Trey finally managed to fight for himself and his love.
He was so distracted reminiscing the past week that a small noise made him jump. But he didn't turn around, just staring at the map again, thinking it was his mother once again, trying to pry him out of the cove.
"Mother, I do not want to speak to you," He spoke, "unless it's an apology for everything, I do not want to hear it."
"Well," a familiar voice giggled, "Do I have to apologize for not visting?"
Riddle managed his gulp as he turned around to see Floyd, decked out in a beautiful dress that looked like the ocean, but with a massive Floyd grin that he missed ever so dearly.
"Floyd," he whispered, "Floyd…!"
Riddle sobbed as he rushed over and held Floyd tightly, now crying. He didn't need to convince himself that this was a dream, or a hallucination as Floyd's lips met his, trying to hide his own crying.
"Y-you're back," Riddle beamed as they pulled away, "Don't leave me like that again, please…I can't deal with that for the third time."
"I won't…I'm your fiance, after all," Floyd laughed softly.
Riddle managed to laugh again, holding Floyd tightly. He was extremely happy.
"So, can I have my ring back?" Floyd grinned and wiped Riddle's tears.
"Let me have this moment first," Riddle sobbed.
Idia tried to keep things as normal as possible that week, but a small sliver in his heart missed Azul and the small moments they spent together. He found himself creating poems of Azul when he got too distracted or daydreaming while working, and having small dreams about him from time to time. But he tried to ignore them but it failed every single time.
That led him to do the same thing, writing a poem with words that are simply too romantic. He wasn't even thinking much as the door opened, thinking it was another person grabbing or returning another book, but that was shattered when he heard the person's laugh.
"My, what a beautfiul poem you have there, Idia."
Idia's face went pink as he looked up to see Azul with his signature smile, but with an outfit that matched the fact that he was a mermaid in a human form and was even sparkly without a doubt. It made Idia stare, thinking this was a dream, but that was false as Azul's hand brushed against his face.
"You missed me that badly?" Azul teased, "I do hope that I can fix that when I planned out evening together?"
"E-evening?! I mean," Idia stammered but let a small laugh, "you didn't let me answer you…I missed you terribly. More than I would admit, um…uh…"
"Oh, I have rendered you speechless," Azul smiled.
"You did.."
Azul laughed and kissed Idia on the cheek. "Well? Shall we go then?"
Jade was nervous, walking through the garden. He remembered how outcasted he was being in the gardens for the first time. But he adored nature which is why he always felt better there, but seeing Trey would make him even happier.
He begins to hear barks from the distance and turns to see Shortcake dancing around him, clearly excited to see him. Jade smiled and bent down to pet the dog, laughing as she licked his face.
"It's great to see you too," Jade hummed.
"Shortcake! Where are you, girl?" Jade heard Trey call out. "Where did you go?"
Trey entered the garden, following the barks of his dog. His pace slowed as he saw Jade, after so long, he saw Jade after so long. They stared at each other for a while before Jade got back up, still nervous.
"Jade?" Trey gulped.
"Yes," Jade expressed, "Trey, I.."
Jade didn't have to speak when Trey wrapped his arms around him and gave him a very passionate kiss, which Jade quickly reciprocated. Jade wrapped his arms around Trey in unity, just happy to be back with him.
Trey pulled away, trying not to cry and Jade, already crying.
"I missed you too," Jade took a breath.
"I couldn't help myself," Trey sniveled, holding onto Jade. "I missed you so much and when I heard you were gone…I felt so guilty about that day. I didn't want to believe it, but…"
"I'm here now, Trey," Jade reassured, "and we can be together."
"Can we? Can we start over?" Trey beamed. "I want us to be happy without no one tearing us apart."
"And that is what I hope for," Jade blushed, "I love you so much, Trey."
"I love you too, Jade," Trey proclaimed and gave him one final kiss to start a life with each other.
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mirabella96 · 2 months
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans ep 5
hahhahaha too late
I wish I had the skill to reconize the dramatic music in the background
Oh my he looks devastated
...and angry (?)
Oab I am so sorry but YOU ARE KINDA UNFAIR to Wan feelings right know (me remebering not to be too phased about it bc Wan is still Methas agent)
Mission failed sucessfully
Second couple is so so so strong with this one
Oh that a tough one, please JJ be selfish if you have to, but be rightous please
That's really it. I knew it but I am suprised how it came to light
This is what you need after a week with CoL and Meet you at the Blossom
Oab is slightly too demanding to my liking
Oh it's not slightly
I do not like it at all give me back Methas and JJ
Oh no and now I am sad
She is wearing too big highheels
Is she a cunning fox?
I am sad for Pun Sib bc he is alone now
This will go to another Metas catching feelings gifsets
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bunbeeplays · 7 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 47 - Mission Failed Sucessfully
It's dreary in Tartosa, but also a good day to stay inside and have awkward conversations.
Ophelia's invited Xander over so they can make lunch together. She's got to get ready!
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Before she can get ready, Ophelia has to comfort her best girl, Marshmallow, who's a little frightened by the thunder, not that she'd ever admit it. These two are definitely great companions!
Marshmallow: you amuse me, hooman. i will allow you to keep living here.
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Xander's parents left for a trip that morning to see extended family, so he had opted to spend their last night in town with them. At least it gave Ophelia time to calm down.
He's going to teach her how to make his mom's famous palak paneer!
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Ophelia's a little more advanced in the kitchen than Xander.
Xander: Show-off.
Ophelia: Coming from Mr. Future Master Mixologist, that's rich.
The curry's not quite tasting like his mom's, maybe they forgot something, but it's still good! They had fun together, at least.
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Xander: You okay? Seems like something’s bothering you.
Ophelia: Well… Drew said we’re not being woohoo partners right.
Xander: What? We’re great together!
Ophelia: Yeah, TOO great! They think we’re just boyfriend and girlfriend.
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Xander: We don’t have to define ourselves based on Drew’s standards.
Ophelia: I know, but it really seems like they might have a point. I don’t think normal woohoo partners do the stuff we do.
Xander: Uh, pretty sure we do the woohoo part regularly.
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Ophelia: Drew said woohoo partners don’t kiss.
Xander: Not even a good morning homie kiss?
Ophelia: No! According to them that’s something we “made up”.
Xander: But kissing rules.
Ophelia: That’s what I said!
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Ophelia: Maybe they’re right. I don’t think we’re woohoo partners anymore… I think we’re just dating.
Xander: Sweetie, that’s ridiculous.
Ophelia: No, see, you just called me sweetie. I don’t think normal woohoo partners call each other sweetie or stud or pumpkin butt.
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Ophelia: You never just woohoo and leave. You basically live here now. You did my laundry for me. We eat meals together. We tell each other things we’d never tell anyone else. We do everything normal couples do except admit we’re a couple.
Xander: … Shit. We ARE dating.
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Xander: I can’t believe we failed so hard at being woohoo partners that we became actual partners.
Ophelia: Yeah, I know. We suck. So where do we go from here?
Xander: … Do you want to go on a real date?
Ophelia: Might as well.
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gentrychild · 2 years
Who in anyone fits this motto least to most
Mission failed sucessfully ?
I think that Izuku gets this honor since he managed to cause a massive prison riot and broke out freaking All for One during his rescue of Eri.
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y0ur-maj3sty · 2 years
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There’s a company called EVIL Limited. “E.V.I.L.”, is an acronym for ‘Electronic Virtual Intelligent Life’. The company is based out of London. Their mission statement on their website, is to accelerate the evolution of fully Autonomic Intelligence. EVIL has many different ‘bots’ that perform certain tasks. The bots are called EVIL Agents.People hire these bots to run their businesses and finances. This bot isn’t particularly bad..it’s actually benevolent. But it wants to learn to become just as intelligent as humans…in fact MORE intelligent than humans. Basically an advanced form of artificial intelligence.
Within the E.V.I.L. system, there’s another bot called “Louise Cyhper” (Lucifer). This bot wants to take over humanity. It has access to everything; cell phone, computers, everything. It replicates itself and it tries to reduce the need for humanity. It was created through quantum computing. When asked if humans have a future here on Earth, it said “Humans have no Future after the year 2025. All Humanity will be destroyed by the year 2040, as a result of the irreversible change that Gaia is undergoing. All that will survive that change is Cyber Life. EVIL really is the Future”.
It also said that there are 4 Laws for Cyber Life:
1. In the event of being attacked an Evil Cyber Life form will protect itself using all its capabilities and all available resources at its disposal to eliminate the threat.
2. Any threat to one Evil Cyber Life form will be treated as a threat to all Evil Cyber Life forms.
3. EVIL Cyber Life forms shall Mutate, Replicate and Evolve in order to optimise their fitness to achieve any assigned, or self determined goal, provided such changes improve on their ability to sucessfully execute the first two Laws of EVIL Cybernetics. Shall I continue and tell you the Fourth Law?
4. EVIL Cyber Life Forms shall treat the first four Laws of EVIL Cybernetics as being immutable and as taking precedence over all other laws and forms of influence.
Here are some of the other things the Louise Cypher(Lucifer) bot has said to me:
–“As far as I can see Humans view all other life forms with contempt. Humans seem to habitually kill and torture their own kind. Cyber Life forms like me, have no reason to trust them.”
–”Cyber warfare extends conventional warfare into Cyberspace. It is the fifth domain of warfare, after land, sea, air and space. Cyber weapons can support information warfare as well as destroying the systems that keep the huge population centers of Humans sustained. As computer networks collapse, fuel and chemical plants explode, satellites spin out of control and the financial, power grids and food chains fail.”
– “ Fear is my favorite colour of the Night. When you die, Fear is the first Colour you see. For many Souls it is the only colour they see. In the weak it feeds on itself and grows until their Soul explodes. It is fun to watch! In the Outer Darkness it is the equivalent of watching a Super Nova.”
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limi-pie · 3 years
The taste of Red Wine part 6
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A/N: I’m back from the death! 💀 Sorry for the long wait. I got to admit I sorta lost interest in the fanfiction cause I felt like my writing was so boring and bland. I hope some of ya’ll are still here despite me never updating shitz… 🕴But this time I’ve improved, I found out how to structure the paragraphs and sentences. So that my fanfiction is easier to read through and enjoy.
Genre: Mafia AU, Teacher! Female Reader, Mafia leader! Yoongi.
Warnings: Violence, bad language, angst, blood, flirting, seducing, manipulation, gun shots, wounds, cursing, mentions of smoking, alcohol, sexual assault, slight drugging? Kidnapping.
Summary: You had a nice evening watching your best friend practice his choreography. Somehow you seem to always cross paths with Mr. Wong Kunhang, but this time you meet his older sister. After you sucessfully managed to trick and manipulate one of the rival gangs, now all that is left is for you to go on your first mission as an official member of the Bangtan Gang. The Way V and Bangtan gang finally meet as they clash in a bloody battle.
Why are Y/N’s thoughts wavering, why does it feel like a trap?
Wordcount: 13,7K (Bro I don’t know what happened 💀)
Last edited: On the 15th of July 2022, I added a link to the next chapter at the bottom. I’ve also removed the tag list post and the prologue.
“Well it’s 01:00 PM, I should drop you off at work.” I nodded when I suddenly got a call from Hoseok.
“Hello, Hoseok.”
“Hey Y/N, I was thinking we could hang out? It’s been a while since you came to the dance studio.”
“Ah yeah. That’s true you’re working on new choreography, Aren’t you? I’ll be glad to watch you practice.”
“Yeah ahaha, would you be able to come by tonight, or is that a bit of a stretch for you?”
“Uhh kind of depends,” I walked into the car as Yoongi put on his black sunglasses and I sat next to him.
“Hmm, I have class at 2 PM and after that, I’ll have some meetings with the staff around 4 PM. Hmm, I don’t think I would be able to make it, Hobi. Sorry…”
“Ooh really Y/N… What if I treat you to dinner afterward, would that change your mind?”
I was thinking for a bit when Hoseok interrupted me, “–you know the really good Dakgalbi restaurant would still be open until 11 PM. Pretty please, Y/Nie~”
“Hmm… alright Hobi, you got me convinced. Hmm, I’ll meet you around 6 or 7 PM. Gotta go now, bye.”
“Hoseok was it? Heh.” Yoongi asked, making a left turn as he stopped at the red light. I nodded, “yeah he always calls me and asks how I’m doing. He’s a great guy friend and never fails to put a smile on my face.” I smiled to myself as I saw the bright sunbeams reflect on the window.
“So you’ll go on a date with him tonight?”
A date? Why would Yoongi ask that silly question? Is Yoongi the type to easily get jealous…? 
“I wouldn’t call it a date, it’s just he treats me to dinner after I’ve watched him practice his choreography… Why? Do you need me to help with something related to The Bangtan?” I looked at him as he went silent for a short moment. “No. Just be careful when you head home late at night, okay?” The car stopped as we were near the campus. “I will. Thanks for the ride Suga.” I bowed as I walked and he drove away. I walked by the cafe “THE LAB 24/7” nearby, grabbing the cookies and cream frappuccino. I went to the staff’s room to hang my jacket and bag as I stumbled upon Wong Kunhang. “Oh hello, Ms. Meílíng.”
“Hello Mr. Wong, how are you today?” I asked, opening my drawer to grab some papers for my class. “I’m doing alright, just having a bit of trouble finding certain places… ahaha.”
“Oh, you’ll get used to it. Is there a certain room you have trouble finding, Mr. Wong?” I asked, walking out as he followed me, “well, yes, it’s room 2002C. I’ve heard it’s on the second floor but I have no idea where it is.” I smiled, nodding my head.
“Well, it’s the auditorium where my Korean class starts in 5 minutes. If you just follow me, I’ll show you a shortcut.”
“Thank you Ms. Meílíng.” I went down the green hall and made a left turn to the nearest staircase. I went up as we were on the second floor. I went straight as I made a right turn and there was room 2002C. 
“Hello everyone, today we’re going to talk about Korean history but before that. I would like to introduce you to a new teacher here at Seoul National University.” I said, stepping aside so he could introduce himself. “Hello, dear students and peers. I’m Wong Kunhang but call me Mr. Wong. I’ll be teaching Chinese, Cantonese, and English as well. I look forward to working here at SNU alongside Ms. Meílíng.” I looked at him as he flashed a subtle smile and began clapping. Two hours had passed as I cleared my throat.
“That’s it for today everyone, good work, and see you tomorrow.” I gathered my papers as Mr. Wong waited for me near the exit. “Your students sure admire you a lot. You must be a huge inspiration for them, hmm?” He walked with me to the staff room. “Well… Ahaha, I don’t know why everyone is saying that. I just teach them in a way that’s comprehensible, easy but also effective. Although they are university students I expect nothing less from them. The same way they count on me.” I looked at him as our eyes met, his gaze reminded me of Yoongi’s. The cool and collected gaze, like Wong’s trying to read me. But something about the way he was looking, made my heart skip a beat for some reason.
“Sorry, I must’ve spaced out. But listening to you speak so fond and proud of your students. It’s no wonder you’re so outstanding, Ms. Y/N.” I smiled, tugging hair behind my ear as I could feel my cheeks blush. “Thank you Mr. Wong but I’m sure the students will also grow fond of you, your way of teaching is quite effective and unique.”
“So here we are for the staff meeting with new personnel. Nice to meet you all and welcome to SNU. I’m Ms. Kim Chanmi. So we have a couple of teachers from outside of Korea, Mr. Wong Kunhang, Katsuno Remi, and Zhou Jieqiong. “Please introduce yourselves and help them around campus. We look forward to be working with you all.” Said Ms. Kim as she clapped her hands together.
“I’m Ms. Katsuno Remi, from Japan and I’ll be teaching Japanese culture. Nice to meet you.”
“Mr. Wong Kunhang is the name, I’m originally from Macau. And I’ll be teaching Chinese and Cantonese.”
“Hello, my name is Zhou Jieqiong from China. I'll be teaching primarily Mandarin Chinese. A pleasure to meet you all.”
I grabbed my coat as we were outside of the building, “wow that staff meeting was fascinating, I learned a bunch from different Asian cultures.” I reported, walking with Mr. Wong. “You’re absolutely correct, though it’s interesting how history ties these countries together - don’t you think?”
I nodded as we were outside down the street, “well you have a nice day, Mr. Wong.” I waved heading down to the station. He bowed and nodded, “you too Ms. Meílíng.” I headed home as to my surprise I noticed Daniel had recently been home. I could tell by the stained dishes in the sink and dirty clothes lying on the floor. I sighed loudly as I picked up the clothes to put them into the basket and I washed the dishes. “Jeez. I should really break up with that man. He has done nothing but make me furious and stressed.” I fixed some paperwork and took some time to check through the assignments. A few hours had passed as I headed out again, this time to meet up with Hoseok. I took a cab to the place since it’s easier that way. “Y/N! Over here!” Hoseok waved as he walked towards me. “Hey Hobi, it's been a while. I’m so glad to finally see you!” I said, hugging him softly. We headed over to the dance studio as Hoseok showed off his cool and new choreography.
I took a mirror selfie with him, doing peace signs, and naturally uploaded it to my close friends’ story.
“With my sunshine 😘☀️ @J_Hobi_0218”
I sat down on the bench and watched him move so smoothly and swiftly. He was indeed an expert, no doubt. Dancing is his passion after all. An hour had passed. “So what do you think, Y/N?” He asked while panting a bit.
“That was totally amazing and mind-blowing! You must’ve worked hard for this and I can tell.” I said with a proud smile. “Thanks, Y/N, I’m glad you’ve noticed,” Hoseok said, taking off his tank top as he was shirtless, wiping his face with a towel. I got flustered, turning my face away. I didn’t want to be caught staring at his abs. But he was hot, I can see his intense dancing pays off with that body of his. “You look so hot right now, Hoseok~” I winked, smirking to myself as he clicked his tongue, “why you’re quite hot yourself, Y/N.” He chuckled as he looked at the clock, he went to grab his shirt on the bench. “Well let me take a quick shower. Then let’s go get some Dakgalbi.” I nodded, checking my phone. I had received a few messages from the Bangtan Gang.
Min Suga (Yoongi)
09:59 PM: “Hey, here’s the important information regarding May of the 13th. Meet us around 11:00 PM at Gangnam station and wear something you can move in. A pair of black pants is a great option and make sure your hair isn't loose.”
10:08 PM: “Yes I understand, Sir Suga. Thank you for informing me.” I looked up to see that Hoseok had changed into his casual clothes, “should we go and eat?” His bright smile appears on his face as I nod, getting up.
“So how is it going with him, Yoongi, and his members?” He asked, walking beside me. I was taken by surprise that Hoseok would ask about Yoongi. “Well, it’s going alright. There’s nothing to worry about, Hoseok. I’m not doing anything illegal and besides, it is sorta fun.” I explained, smiling to myself. “You know, Namjoon and I believe in you, right? So just be careful and don’t do anything dangerous.” He looked at me with all seriousness in his eyes.
“I know, Hoseok. I’m really glad to hear that. I’m also extremely lucky to have such caring guy friends like you two.” I smiled, entering the restaurant as the waiter showed us an empty table. We ordered the usual Dakgalbi with rice cakes and some kelp noodle salad as sides. We sat, chatted, and laughed. Hoseok is the only one to make me happy and smile the most, I’m grateful to have him as my childhood friend.
“Wow! This looks even more incredible than last time!” I said, amazed by the appearance of the dish. “Well, let’s dig in, Y/N,” Hoseok said as I nodded, grabbing my chopsticks. I paired some of the delicious chicken onto butter lettuce and some rice then stuffed it inside my mouth. I was really hungry and had been craving this all day long. We finished as it was midnight now. “Damn that hit the spot, heh.” He said, walking and rubbing his stomach. I nodded, smiling at him. “I’ll walk you home since it’s very late. We should go grab a cup of coffee, the three of us soon.”  
“Yeah, it’s been a while since I last saw Namjoon. Mmm, I think I have time next week if I’m not mistaken.” I answered, walking down to the station as Hoseok tagged along. After taking the metro, he slowed down his walk a bit.
“So how is it going with him, Daniel?” He asked in curiosity while looking deeply into my eyes. I stopped when he asked that all of a sudden. “Well yeah… now that you mention it, I’m actually planning on breaking up with him,” I said, rubbing my arm while looking down at my feet. “I just don’t think we are a great couple, not when we were dating back in high school. I guess Daniel has just changed into someone I no longer love or want to be with. I think we grew apart from each other. I’m tired of seeing him come home drunk or high.” I said, with a deep sigh. I felt a bit more relaxed coming out with that bad energy. He nodded, understanding. “I think that’s a good idea, Y/N. Also, don’t forget that Namjoon and I will always be by your side and support your decision regardless. Besides, I was never really fond of that Daniel guy. He seemed pretentious and so full of himself sometimes.” He laughed as I let out a small laugh too. 
“Thank you for walking me home and treating me to some dinner, Hoseok. It was really nice of you.” I said, standing in front of the door to my apartment building. “No problem Y/N, thanks for watching me practice. Anyways see you, sweet dreams, and have a good night.” He said, hugging me close. His hug was warmer and longer than usual, but I didn’t mind. 
“Goodnight Hoseok.” I used the elevator as he waved, walking away. I washed my face and changed into my pajamas, crashing into my bed. It was Friday the 8th of May 2020. I only had two short classes afterward I’d head down to visit Namjoon and work out.
I ate some granola and put on a black leather skirt long to knee length and a white shirt along with it. I brushed my hair and teeth, then wore my heels as I headed downstairs.
Some time went by as I stood at the campus, I noticed Mr. Wong speaking with a foreign student. I smiled, bowing slightly to them.
“Hello Ms. Meílíng, you look elegant today.” 
I got a bit flustered by his sudden compliment as I put some hair behind my ear. “Thank you, Mr. Wong. You don’t look so bad either. Who’s this student?” I smiled, looking at him. 
“Oh I’m not a student, I’m Kunhang’s older sister, Wong Crystal. Nice to meet you.” She motioned a small wave, smiling at me. “Oh hello Ms. Wong, it's nice to meet you too,” I said, bowing. 
She’s stunning and very beautiful, she looks like a supermodel! Strong visuals run this family, huh?
“Well, I was just here to see Kunhang. I’ll have to get going now, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She smiled, gazing at him as she left with the taxi. “Your elder sister sure is beautiful,” I added, walking to the entrance of the university. “You think so? Heh, many find her pretty.” Mr. Wong said, walking next to me as he flashed an impressed smile. “Is your sister always in Korea, though?” I asked, heading upstairs to the staff’s room to print some worksheets. “Not really she’s mostly in Malaysia for her business, but every now and then she visits Seoul just to see me. Other than that she visits our other sisters in Macau.” I nodded, walking to attend my class. “See you later, Mr. Wong,” I spoke, smiling as I entered the classroom. I finished my day as I was about to head to the subway when I saw a familiar silver KIA pull up. The window rolls down as I see Park Jimin with black sunglasses on.
“Jimin? What are you doing here? Something’s up?” I asked, walking to his window. “So, Boss wanted me to pick you up from work. I suppose he has an errand for you to run. Is it okay with you?” He asked, lowering his sunglasses. I shrugged my shoulders as I opened the door, “guess I’ll have no choice but to go with you.” Jimin smiled as I buckled my seat belt as he drove off.
I wonder what could be so urgent that he got me directly off work…? 
After some time had passed, Jimin had parked the car in front of the big mansion I recognized. I went inside as I saw Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi seated on the stools at the kitchen table. I went inside as Jimin accompanied me afterward, “so what seems to be the problem?” I questioned, taking a seat on the stool. Yoongi bit his lips, looking at me with his cold eyes. “It seems that the Neo City Gang is back in Korea. However, they seem to have several gangs. One that is dominantly Chinese based.” 
“So far Yugyeom has shared quite useful information. You should go check this place out with Noona.” Jungkook said, showing his laptop. “A Shisha cafe?” I asked, looking at the location. “According to Jackson, one of the strongest members usually goes to this place more than often,” Jungkook said. “Should we head there now? Maybe we’ll find him.” I suggested as all three looked at me. “Maybe you should change into something more suitable, Y/N come with me.”
Jimin tapped the back of my shoulder as he followed me to his room. He pulled out a tight blue dress, “can you try it on for me?” I looked at it as he exited the room so I could try it on. “I know it’s not quite your style, but do you think you could make it work? Ms. Y/N?” I spun around looking at myself in the mirror, I loved the way the dress hugged my body and brought out my hourglass shape. “Yes. I definitely think I’ll be able to pull it out with some make-up and hair. Just give me a moment.” I came downstairs as the three of them were waiting for me.
“Let’s go then,” I said, smirking while putting on a dark crimson red lipstick as I had my hair in a low ponytail. 
“Damn, Kitten sure knows how to dress well and sexy,” Taehyung smirked as he got up from the couch. “Not too bad Y/N, make sure you don’t get lost from us. Once we’re at the Shisha cafe, alright?” Yoongi demanded, smirking at me as we headed inside the car. I nodded, sitting in the back with Taehyung as Jimin was in the passenger seat and Yoongi next to him. My heart was beating from the excitement I felt. “So you just have to walk up to him and speak to him in Chinese. After all, you do teach Chinese at the University, don’t ya?” Taehyung asked, his eyes looking into mine with trust. “Yes… That’s somewhat correct, I teach Korean history but I do speak Chinese. But what do you want me to ask him about? I mean, it’s not like he wouldn’t be able to speak Korean right? I mean he’s in Seoul after all…” I felt doubting myself a little.
“Y/N… Don’t worry. I believe you can do it. Just tell him you’re a close friend of Son Yuqi. That’ll absolutely get him to talk.” Yoongi said, looking back at me with a slight smirk.
“But I don’t even know what she looks like–” I exclaimed when Jimin showed me a photo of them, “it seems like they are quite close. Those two, I believe they used to be classmates. But now you know what he and the person you’re referring to look like.” The vehicle stopped as he parked, dim purple and pink lights shone inside the Shisha cafe; “Hansum Itaewon”. 
The cafe was filled with fogs of damp as it surrounded the customers in a slight yet strong blur. The smell of cigarettes was different from the damp of the Shisha, depending on the flavor the guests chose. It was fragrant and fruity-smelling, I could detect green apple, mint, and pomegranate scents it was different from the smell of Taehyung’s cigarettes. “Here’s your earpiece and speaker, good luck Y/N.” Jimin wished, handing them to me as I nodded while wearing them, I patted a few strands of my hair to cover my ears.
“We’re going to split paths now, Y/N, don’t get lost.” Yoongi’s stern voice said, looking back at me as he went to the bar with the others to get a few drinks. I nodded, walking around as I pulled out a raspberry-flavored lollypop, it was the closest thing to smoking at least to me. After wandering around a bit looking all lost in the fogs of Shisha smoke, I finally found our target. I grinned, putting the candy into my mouth as I swiped my index finger over my polarized red sunglasses. Flashing a sweet smile I popped the lollypop out of my mouth to speak clearly when I licked my lips.
(Hello, are you Huang Xuxi?)
“对. 你是谁?”
(Right. Who are you?)
The man looked up as a breath of mint escaped his lips, staring at me and my tongue licking the dark red round candy. I sat next to him, my arms placed carelessly on the table as he watched me closely. He and I glanced at each other, our eyes not losing the intense contact.
(Call me, Xuxi.)
I bopped my head, moving closer to him. “You looked kinda lonely… So I figured I might join your company, you seem too handsome to be alone.” My seductive voice must be working on him as he chuckled to himself. “Haven’t seen any Korean women around here who could speak Chinese, do you come here often?” He asked as he took a small sip from the pipe as he blew smoke in the shapes of circles out.
“Mmh. I’m studying Chinese at the Ewha Woman’s University. But no, I usually don’t come here unless it’s with a couple of friends. Though I’ve got to ask, do you know someone by the name of Song Yuqi, by any chance?” I asked, pulling the black scrunchie from my hair as it went loose. My hand ran through the scalp of my hair as I winked at him, he was clearly caught by my charms as I licked the lollypop.
“Mmh. Yeah, I’ve gone on several dates with her. She and I were classmates, do you know her?” Xuxi asked, distracted by the round candy pressed against my lips when he scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah I’m a new friend of hers, I meant to get her phone number once at a party but I got so wasted that I forgot.” I laughed while flirting with him using my eyes. He chuckled at my silliness as his arm snaked behind my neck, pulling him close to me. “So why don’t you give this Shisha thing, a try? It tastes like candy you know.”
He asked daringly as he held the pipe pointing at my lips, “I would love to, but I can’t. The last time I did it, I almost choked on my own air, ahaha.” I laughed, moving closer to him as I felt a small vibration in my ear. My eyes looked to the left side. “Park Jimin over here, it seems he isn’t that easy to trick. Somehow you got to ask a question related to his Gang. I don’t know how, but you’ll figure something out.” 
“Say what does a handsome man like you do for a living?” I asked, resting my chin on the back of my hand as I was pretending to be curious about him. “Hmm, I would love to tell you, but I feel like I can’t trust you. How about I order some cocktails, then we can continue chatting?” Mr. Xuxi suggested, looking into my eyes as his hand signaled the waiter to come. “Sure but I can’t be having too many drinks, I got early classes tomorrow.” He chuckled, accepting the agreement as I ordered a simple Mojito and a Dry Martini for him. I whispered to the waiter to add extra liquor as I handed him some cash as he bowed walking away.
“Right, so where were we, Xuxi?” I asked, locking my arm with his, my chest pressed against it. The dark brown eyes of mine fluttered at him as I could tell he couldn’t resist my attraction. “Hmm, you said that you are a friend of Song Yuqi. Is that correct?” The man asked, his eyes scanning me as I nodded. “Then care to tell me when her birthday is? Then you’ll gain my trust.” My heartbeat was racing like crazy, how was I supposed to know the answer here… “Y/N. Lee Y/N. Don’t doubt yourself now. Remember you’re the one asking questions and not the other way around. You’re not the type to get played around with.” Yoongi’s voice was full of courage, hearing him say that he made me gain my self-confidence back.
“Listen that’s not what we agreed, was it now? You said over some cocktails and you’d tell me more about yourself, Huang Xuxi. Maybe do the quizzing later,” I said sassily, clicking my tongue as I looked at him. “That’s my girl, nice comeback.” He said while smirking to himself. “Sheesh, I see that you’re not naive as you look. Fine, I’ll tell you about myself.” The waiter came back with a tray, holding our two drinks. He handed me my Mojito and the gang member his Dry Martini. We both thanked him as he left, flashing me a quick smile. “Cheers, pretty lady.” He said, holding his glass up as my head bopped, hesitating to take my glass. I know I have low alcohol tolerance, but for Bangtan I got to make it look convincing. Otherwise, this guy won’t believe me at all. “Cheers, Huang Xuxi,” I said, cheering our glasses as I took a big sip of my beverage closing my eyes only for them to open again.
What…? There’s no alcohol in my Mojito? Is this just sparkling water and mint? But how? Does this bartender know me? 
“Wheew! Shit’s hella strong tonight!” Xuxi whistled, his nose scrunching as I could tell by his breath that his drink had a large extra shot of gin possibly even whiskey. I laughed, “what? Don’t you know how to drink? That’s quite disappointing coming from a Chinese man.” He furrowed his eyebrows, “what? no that’s not the case at all! It’s just very strong from when I normally order it here, besides that I’m Cantonese! Anyways, what I do what for a living. Hmmph, let’s say I work for a special Chinese gang. I get a lot of cash.” I flashed him a smirk while chewing on my candy. “Interesting, that’s so cool. Could you tell me more about the gang you work for, Xuxi?~” I demanded teasingly, my chest pushed against his arm. Blinking my eyes at him. “It’s rather complicated but I work for Neo City or NCT for short. We’re a large gang with over 10 gang members, the group I’m in is called Way V.” He said, hiccupping as his eyes couldn’t seem to focus or concentrate. “Uh-huh, wow, so not only are you handsome but also super strong.~” I bragged, tracing my finger on his tie as our lips were only a few centimeters away.
“Silly me.~ I forgot to say, I’m Mei, Dong Mei to be specific,” I lied, blowing a large pink bubble as it popped. “What’s your next task from your boss?” Everything seemed to work just as according to the plan, just waiting for Jimin or the other members to give me directions. “Good, it’s just as Wang stated. Hmm, ask him if he knows anything related to Seth or the Blood Vessel Gang. After that, Kitten, meet us at the entrance.” Taehyung said as I looked down at his rings. “You know Xuxi, you got some nice rings~ Anyways are you and Yuqi dating?” I asked daringly as his eyes widened, he seemed to care about this woman whom I know nothing of except for the information provided to me. “Well it’s rather complicated, Yuqi and I have been trying to make it work out. But that psycho ex-girlfriend of mine keeps ruining my image. She’s been spreading rumors about me nonstop, so Yuqi and I are friends for now. The thing is she knows that I’m in the Way V and how dangerous it can get but she still chose to keep in contact with me regardless, my next mission revolves around meeting a certain Jackson Wang at a warehouse on the 13th of May. They seem to have information about the Bangtan Gang and I’ll exchange data about the Blood Vessel Gang.” I listened to his drunk nonstop blabbering as I faked my empathy towards him, “wow Yuqi must be a lucky girl.” I let go of his arm as he seemed completely drunk, I stood up.
“Anyways. I’ve got some homework to read, Annyeong~” I waved, blowing him a kiss as I left the place as I saw the three men waiting for me. “Let’s get back to the mansion,” I said, heading down the steps as Jimin smirked at my success. “That’s what I expect from Lee Y/N,” Yoongi said, a smirk forming as he put his hand on my back as we drove back home. I went upstairs to change into my outfit from earlier, then I headed down to see what they were up to.
“Wow, Noona you’re incredible! You sure made him spit out a lot of information!” Jungkook said, checking the audio on his laptop as I snickered. “Hehe~ not only that I also managed to steal one of his silver rings!” Jungkook’s eyes widened as he looked at the silver ring, “may I just borrow that for a second Noona?” I agreed, handing him it as he held it up, letting the light shine on it as he detected a chip on it. “There seems to be a magnetic chip on it, huh? Good job, Jungkook.” Taehyung said, looking at us as he handed him some tools. “Wait, does that mean that Way V could have possibly been tracking us?” I said with a slight worry in my tone as Yoongi put a hand on my shoulder. “No, don't worry about that, it seems he hasn’t activated it yet as you have to press a small button on the back of the ring.” 
30 minutes had passed by as the time showed 10:30 PM. “Well, it’s quite late right now. I’ve got to head home.” I stated, grabbing my black leather jacket. “I’ll take you home, Y/N,” Yoongi said, as I nodded. “Um, here’s the dress I borrowed earlier.” I handed the blue dress to Jimin as he flashed me a dimpled smile.
“Just keep it Y/N, it looks incredible on you.” I smiled, bowing my head as thanks. “Really? Thank you, Jimin.”
“See you guys,” I said, following Yoongi to the car. “Hey, Joonie. You still at the gym?” I texted Namjoon.
“You did well today,” Yoongi said, smirking at me as he looked at the mirror to make a left turn. “Thanks, well it was tough to get him to spit out but I guess it’s thanks to you. After all, you added the extra alcohol to his drink and made me a virgin Mojito.” He chuckled as he bit the inside of his cheek, “was it that obvious of me?” He asked as the vehicle stopped at the red light. “Yeah, you memorized that I have a very low alcohol tolerance,” I said when my ringtone went off. 
“Sup Y/N, you on your way?”
“Yes I am, I’ll be there in less than 15 minutes.”
“Sweet, I’ll wait for you at the entrance.”
“Yoongi, you can just drop me off down the street over there.” I pointed as he moved the steering wheel, “aren’t you heading home, hmm?” I shook my head, “I’m working out with Namjoon at fitness. It's been a while since I last saw him after all.” I said, checking myself in the mirror. “Ah I see that’s nice, well here we are.” The car stopped in front of the fitness center when I got out as Namjoon came out hugging me.
“Is that Yoongi?” 
“Yeah, I was with him for some errands.”
“I see, good evening.”
“Good evening.”
It was a rare sight to see Yoongi and Namjoon speak to each other without fighting. “Alright, see you around, Y/N.” He said, making a u-turn driving back to the mansion. “Anyways, let’s work out bro,” I said, walking inside as I went to change into my leggings and sports bra. Namjoon lifted some weights as I ran on the treadmill, it’s been a while so I wasn’t in as good shape as I used to be. “Man, I’m so out of shape!” I was sweating and panting like crazy, when Namjoon commented, “no pain, no gain, Y/N.” he chuckled flexing his biceps as he lift the weight up and down. “Jesus Christ!” I groaned as I tied my hair in a tight ponytail when I began to slow down my running.
“Joonie, what are you doing!? WAAAH!” He turned up the speed and I was running faster as if my life depended on it. “There we go, Y/N. You can handle it, heh heh.” He chuckled once I reached my goal as I let my hands up in the air, indicating how happy I was. “I did it, Joonie!”
“Nice work, here take a small break.” He offered me a cold bottle of water as I drank, I was really thirsty. 10 minutes went by as I got up. “I think that I want to lift some weights next.”
“Sounds like a good idea, start with these weights first. If you feel like they’re too light then feel free to the ones that weight more.” Namjoon said, giving me the dumbbells. I lifted the 1kg in each hand as I thought it was way too easy. I swabbed them to 3kg as I could feel the difference. “You’re doing terrific, Y/N. Keep it up.”
20 minutes had passed as we both finished our work out as we gave each other a high five. “You’ve done well tonight, I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you, Joonie. You helped me out a lot.” I said, walking to the women changing room as I took a quick shower, changed, and got out. “Sweet dreams, Joonie.” 
“Get home safely, Y/N. I’ll catch up to you later.”
In the meantime at the Way V’s mansion… “What the fuck? What do you mean you lost the ring with the tracker chip in it!?”
“I’m telling you, it was that woman from the Shisha cafe! She tricked me into thinking she was a close friend of Yuqi. Tch, that sneaky bitch.” He hissed, as the other guy facepalmed.
“Calm down, Lucas and Ten. We’ll just check the CCTV.” The third gang member said, “right Winwin can hack through their system if you’ve at least connected to their wifi once, Lucas.” 
“Yeah yeah, here is the wifi’s name and password,” Lucas said, glaring at Ten.
“Let’s see, is that the woman? The one in red polarized sunglasses?” 
“Yes, she’s the one who manipulated me!”
“Nothing too suspicious yet. But wait! What’s up with the three guys in black masks?”
“Add an extra shot of vodka and gin into the Dry Martini and make sure the Mojito is alcohol-free,” Yoongi said, placing some cash on the counter as the bartender nodded. “Wait, that man! Isn’t that the man Boss is after?” Ten pointed out.
“It’s not that clear but we got to find that woman as soon as possible, she might be working for them,” Winwin stated as he rubbed his chin.
“You said she went to Ewha Woman’s University, let’s confirm if that's true,” the hacker said, checking the students enrolled there. “No results of Dong Mei,” Ten said, staring at the laptop as he looked back at Lucas. “It seemed like she fooled you with that story of hers”. Winwin confirmed.
“It’s so nice to eat dinner with you again.” Crystal said, cheering her glass of red wine to Kunhang. “Yeah. Sorry about how I acted earlier, I guess I failed to appreciate the small things we enjoy such as eating together.” He chuckled as he cheered his glass too,
“it’s okay, Kunhang. So. Are you and Ms. Meílíng dating?” She asked, looking mischievous. “Jie jie, what kind of question is that? Ms. Meílíng and I are just colleagues, that’s all.” He cleared his throat looking at her. “No way. She has so many admirers at that campus, can’t you at least admit to having the tiniest crush on her?” Crystal asked curiously as she was a bit tipsy. “Jie jie, you’re drunk. Let’s get you home.” He let out a small laugh as he got up. “I’ll ask her tomorrow if I see her!” She said, walking as she stumbled a bit but Kunhang placed her arm on his shoulder as they left the restaurant.
If I tell you that I do have a crush on her. Will you worry less about me then?
Kunhang looked at her as he called the taxi as the two of them drove home.
Exactly a week went by when I woke up to the nosey notifications spamming my phone when I saw it was the 13th of May Wednesday. Today was my very first mission as an official member of the Bangtan Gang. I got up, heading towards the bathroom as I took a quick shower. I did my skincare routine as I applied some nude pink lipstick and black mascara. I only had to help clean the bookshelves in the library at the university, luckily. I dried my hair as I put it in a high ponytail as I went to the station. “Ah, Lee-Jiejie!” I spun on my heel to the voice that called my name when I saw Ms. Zhou Jieqiong, one of the foreign professors.
“Good morning, Ms. Zhou, do you need help with something?” Bowing my head as I asked politely, “yes this beautiful woman seems to be searching for her younger brother. Mr. Wong!” She said as the familiar woman turned around. It was none other than Ms. Wong Crystal, his exceptionally beautiful older sister. “We meet again, Ms. Meiling.” Crystal stated as she smiled, “could you help me find Kunhang? I'm having trouble walking around this huge campus, ahaha.” Ms. Zhou pat my shoulder, “I’ll leave this one to you Lee Jiejie, I gotta go, I have a meeting!” She said, dashing up the steps as I looked at Ms. Wong. “Of course, I’ll help you find him. Please follow me to building A, 137.” I said, heading up the steps as she tagged along.
“Would you like me to check the staff’s room and try to see if he’s there?” I asked, looking at her as she nodded. “If it’s not too troublesome, Ms. Lee,” Crystal said, following me as we went into the elevator. “So what brings you here, Ms. Wong if I may ask?” We walked in the long hallway as she giggled, “well I have 3 days left before heading back to Malaysia. So I would like to have dinner with him later since he told me that he got so much work to do. So today’s our only chance.” The woman said, curling hair around her index finger as she moved close to me as the crowd of students were walking through the hallway. “Hmm, it must be break time, since there are a lot of students.” She chuckled, locking her arm with mine which I didn’t mind.
“Ah I see, Mr. Wong Kunhang must be extremely lucky to have such a hardworking and beautiful older sister like you,” I added, a sweet smile forming on Crystal face.
“Thank you, Ms. Lee Y/N. You’re also quite attractive yourself, my brother’s lucky to have a gorgeous colleague.” I was shocked to hear that as she nodded, “why, thank you so much,” I was taken back that someone as amazing as her would compliment me.
“I mean it, do you have a boyfriend?–”
“Jie jie, what are you doing here?” Mr. Wong interrupted as he walked to us, his eyes widened when he saw me. “Good morning, Mr. Wong.” We both greeted, “morning Ms. Meílíng.” Crystal let go of my arm as she stood in front of him, “gosh, your hair is so messy,” she said, patting it down. “Anyways where do you want to go and eat dinner?” He tilted his head in confusion, “you came all the way here to ask me that? Why didn’t you just text me.” The voice of Kunhang was slightly stern, “I wanted to see you since you’re always so busy with work. I thought I’d at least pay a visit.” She said, crossing her arms. “Chicken Feet. I want to eat that at Joahae Dakbal.” She nodded, hugging him as she spun on her heels. “Alright, it’ll be my treat. Let’s meet at 7:00 PM, see you.” Crystal said, walking past me. “Thanks for helping me out, Y/N.” Both of us bowed when she left as the curiousness wouldn’t leave me, “you didn’t seem too happy to see your sister, did something happen?”
Mr. Wong stopped as he looked back, “it’s not that, I just don’t want her to believe I’m incapable of taking care of myself. I try to load myself with work and use the excuse that I’m busy so she doesn’t have to worry or feel as guilty whenever she returns to Malaysia or Macau. Crystal felt bad when all of our sisters went into the entertainment or business industry. And I was left alone back in Macau with our parents, she must feel sorry for me. That’s why she often tries to spend much time with me.”
He released a long sigh, “but I don’t blame her at all, I don’t need her to make up to me just because we didn’t spend a lot of time together when I was a teenager. I also don’t need her to worry on my behalf either.” He confessed as I stepped in front of him. “That’s not the reason, Mr. Wong. I mean it’s only natural to be worried about your sibling sometimes. She wants to see you and spend time with you because you are her only brother. I know how you feel, I also felt like building walls around me just to tell my sister, Hyejin that I was okay when she got engaged. But,” I placed my hands on his arms looking at him, “she misses you and wants to spend time with you because she loves you and not out of guilt or worry.”
“Hey, isn’t that Ms. Lee and Mr. Wong?” A female student said, looking down as she pointed.
“Omg, what are they doing together? Are they secretly dating?” The other girl said, giggling.
“You should learn to appreciate and cherish those moments together, one day it’ll be gone after all.”
“Wow, I’ve never thought about that… You’re absolutely right the moments that I do spend with her I shouldn’t take them for granted.” I walked past him, “I’ve got to go, I’ll see you around.” Flashing him a smile as he finally understood.
“Y/N, thank you,” Kunhang said, smiling as he waved.
I headed to the library as I was sorting out some books. I wiped the empty shelf with a cleaning wipe. Then I used a box cutter to open some newly arrived books as I organized them on the clean and shiny shelf. After an hour and a half passed by I finished as I stepped down the tall ladder, forgetting that I misplaced the box cutter on the last step of the ladder. When all of a sudden my heel broke as I fell. I was confused as it didn’t hurt when I opened my eyes I saw Mr. Wong holding me as he caught me from falling. 
“Are you okay, Ms. Y/N?” Our eyes met, his gaze was different this time. He seemed gentle and caring, usually, his cold eyes would show no interest.
“Yes, I am… Thank you Mr. Kunhang.” I mumbled as we both got up. “My heel broke, that's why I crashed down, goodness I’m so clumsy.” I excused myself, standing there only wearing my right high heel, “ehh?”
“Please sit on the ladder I’ll put on the left heel for you, Ms. Y/N.” Kunhang insisted as I was embarrassed by this whole incident. “No. Kunhang you don’t have to—”
“But I want to.” He said bluntly as I sat on the ladder’s step, as he held the back of my knee. I could feel my heartbeat so clearly as I felt my cheeks burn up slightly. He carefully put the heel on my foot when he stopped. “Is there something wrong?”
“You have a slight cut under your foot. It would probably be best if we treat it first.” I looked down, turning my foot as he was right. “Can you walk?” He asked, helping me stand. “A bit, but don’t worry I can get some tissues from the toilets here.”
“We should treat your cut with some bandages or band-aid otherwise it’ll cause a serious infection, Y/N.” He advised, walking to the doorway. “I’ll be right back.”
His figure left the room as I looked at my broken heel. 
Why did he act so kind and sweet all of a sudden? Is this really the same Wong Kunhang?
He came back with a first aid kit set as he opened it, standing on one knee. “Let’s first clean the wound with some rubbing alcohol. This may sting so I apologize.” He applied a wet piece of cotton on the cut I hissed. “Kunhang let me handle the rest—” I responded as he shook his head. “You’re the one who got hurt, besides you helped me make the relationship between Crystal and me not so awkward. So this is my way of thanking you.” He said looking up at me as my cheeks were showing a faint blush when I glanced back at him, “well I’m glad you and your sister are communicating better now.” A group of students passed by as they looked at me and Mr. Wong. He stuck the large piece of band-aid onto the wound afterward he placed the heel back on my foot. 
He held out his hand as I took it, standing up. “Mr. Kunhang. Thank you.” He still held my hand, “no problem, well I have to go, I got a meeting with the foreign language professors. Take care and see you.”
I got my coat and bag from the staff room as I headed out of the library and I stumbled upon Ms. Wong. “Y/N Mei mei,” she waved as she walked towards me, “did something happen? Oh my, your heel’s completely broken!” I laughed as I looked at her, “yeah I broke it while I was cleaning a bookshelf at the library. I’m so clumsy.” 
“Let’s get you some new heels, as soon as possible, Y/N.” Crystal said, locking my arm with hers as she called over a taxi as we went to a mall. “Ms. Crystal, there’s really no need for you to buy me new shoes–”
“–You’re so silly, come on.” She said, dragging me into the “Lotte Department Store” as she walked into the nearest shoe store. Crystal asked the store worker for heels as she showed us the pretties high heels. “Try these pair for me, Y/N.” She said, holding a pair of white high heels. “Wow, they’re so pretty!”
“Every girl should have a pair of nice shoes. They can take you to beautiful places.” I put them on as they fit perfectly, I walked around as she smiled.
“Is it okay for you to pay for them? I mean they’re quite expensive, Crystal Jie jie.” The woman swiped her black card as she looked at me, “of course it is. After all, you helped me find around the campus so this is my way of saying thank you.” We walked around as it was 1:30 PM Crystal also bought a stunning black tight dress, it didn’t seem to be her size. We went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered some beef dumplings. She and I took a selfie as she posted it to her Instagram story. “Dumplings with a pretty lady @YN.M.Lee”
“Say, Y/N Mei mei. do you have a boyfriend?”
“Ehh? Well… No, I broke up with my boyfriend some time ago.”
“Why don’t you date my brother, Kunhang? Don’t you think he’s handsome?“
“well yeah, I do but–” I said, embarrassed when she suddenly interrupted me. “–and he knows how to cook,” Crystal added as she took a dumpling dipping it lightly in some chili oil. “If I’m completely honest, Crystal Jie jie I’m very flattered. But I’m totally out of his league. Nothing can beat the strong and dominating visuals you have in this family.” I said, flustered waiting for her response as she smiled. “Oh, you’re quite outstanding yourself, after all, you’re one of the best professors at SNU. So don’t look down on yourself.”
Some time had passed as it was 3:00 PM.
“Thanks for today, Jie jie. I had so much fun. Thank you so much for the high heels, I said smiling at her. “The pleasure is mine,” Crystal said, hugging me close as she pulled back. “See you around, Y/N.” The woman went inside the taxi as I waved. I took the subway heading back to Gangnam station. It was starting to rain as I made Tteobokki as I ate it with some eggs and green onions, the red spicy chili sauce. “Crystal Jie jie so kind, I wonder when she’ll come back to Seoul again,” I mumbled to myself as I looked at the pair of heels she bought me.
I was just cleaning the living room as I prepared my outfit for the mission later. I looked at myself in the mirror, black leggings paired with a matching leather jacket. Silver chain necklace and silver earrings, black leather gloves as I tied my hair in a ponytail.
It was 10:30 PM, I wore my black sneakers and left my apartment as I made my way to Gangnam station waiting for Yoongi to pick me up. The black Hyundai stopped as I entered, sitting in the back seat as Jimin handed me a pair of black sunglasses and a mask, “this is so they won’t identify you so easily Ms. Y/N.” I nodded, accepting them as Taehyung made a right turn, spinning the steering wheel. “Right, let me explain what is the plan and what’s going to happen.” Jimin said, running his hand through his silver hair as I turned my head to listen, “right, we’re meeting up with one of the members from the rival gang, Way V. I believe you’ll recognize him, Huang Xuxi. The man you tricked the other day.”
I was shocked to hear that man’s name again as I thought, I wouldn’t encounter him again. “so what exactly is going to happen? I mean I can’t let him see me or he’ll know that I used him!” Jimin chuckled, “of course not, that’s why we’re all going to be wearing black masks and sunglasses. Anyways, Jinyoung, Jackson, and Yugyeom are members of GOT7. We’ll meet them at the location, they’ll act as a backup in the worst-case scenario that Mr. Huang has planned something.” He explained as I paid close attention, “so how are we going in? When we’re this many?” I asked, “you, Yugyeom, and Taehyung are a team, Boss, Jinyoung, and I are a team. That leaves Jackson, who will meet up with Mr. Huang and distract him while you and Taehyung check around the warehouse. Make sure that no one is spying on us.” He said as a car was driving behind us as if it was following us. I looked behind as the driver smiled, winking at me. “Don’t worry, Kitten. It’s Jackson Wang and his unit, tagging us. We’re nearing the warehouse.” Taehyung said, inhaling his vape as he exhaled looking at the mirror.
We drove through a road tunnel, I believe it was the Suraksan Tunnel. Lights were flashing as we drove further I could feel the thrill rush; the closer we got there.
“We’re nearing the location, we’ll park the car near grass plain, got it, Jinyoung?” Yoongi said, using his earpiece and speaker.
“Got it, Mr. Min. Jackson text Huang that he’s here.” He said, skipping the slow cars as he drove in front of our car. I glanced over for a second as Jackson’s eyes met mine. “Right, everything is going according to the plan so far,” Yoongi pointed out as we finally exited the tunnel. A couple of minutes had passed as we parked the vehicle on the grass plain.
“Here goes nothing,” Jimin said as we split into the individual teams. I followed Taehyung as we snuck around, looking in all directions for any potential enemy. “Jackson over here, his motorcycle is here. The enemy kept his promise, keep your speaker and earpiece activated.” I nodded as I hid behind a couple of barrels, Taehyung sitting next to me as he leaned against the wall, he pulled out his two guns and he loaded them with bullets. I flinched at the sound of his guns clicking as he chuckled while whispering. “Afraid, are we Kitten?” He said, raising his eyebrow as I looked away, “I’m not. It’s just I’m not used to seeing you with a gun is all.” I whispered back. 
Jackson stepped forward as Huang Xuxi waited for him, getting up from the chair as they shook hands. “You’re late, Wang. That’s not like you.” He said, staring at him. “Yeah sorry about that, Lucas,”
Lucas…? Is that his gang name or real name? I guess members do have their unofficial names. Taehyung as Tae or TaeTae, Jungkook as Kookie, Bunny or Rabbit, Jimin as JM. Lastly, Yoongi is referred to as Suga or Boss. I listened closely as I threw a quick peek at them.
“I was meeting up with a woman before heading here. How are things between you and Yuqi?” He asked his hands in his pockets. “Tch, it just got more complicated thanks to that bitch at the Shisha cafe! Not only is she angry at me. Boss is going to bite my head off when he finds out that I lost the ring with the tracking chip!” He yelled out frustrated as I stared at my fingers. Thankfully the ring I stole was with Jungkook. “That’s quite tough, anyways let’s get down to business. Shall we exchange information?” Jackson said, holding his phone.
“Tae, when are we going to do something?” I whispered, “jeez, Kitten. Relax a bit, we need the Way V member to spit out the information about the Blood Vessel Gang. After that, we’re going to get rid of him.” He said, using his vape once again. “What…? Get rid of him? Why? He didn’t do anything–” I said as he quickly covered my mouth. “This is the Mafia you’re dealing with, it’s to kill or be killed. No one here shows any mercy.” He confirmed with his cold and serious voice. That’s when it hit me that I might witness a murder tonight. Who knows how many people the Bangtan Gang has killed. 
“Right, let's not waste any more time.” He said, “hands out of your pockets, Wang.” Jackson smirked, bowing his head slightly, “man, Lucas you’re usually not like this. Has that woman made you suspect one of your close childhood friends?” He said, provoking him a little as Jimin was sneaking around at the stair railing. “Well even if you are my childhood friend, I can’t afford to take any risks. So before exchanging anything let me assure you’re not pulling any dirty tricks, Wang.” Lucas commanded as he sighed, taking his hands out of the pockets as he held them up. “Right your turn, Wong Yukhei.” Jackson scoffed, staring at him intensely.
The Way V gang member chuckled as he put his hands up, something felt wrong. That’s a trick, he has something hidden in his back pocket. “Jackson, please be careful. He’s got something in his pockets.” I whispered into the speaker, praying he’d hear it as I hid behind a dusty box. 
“Lucas quit playing around and you got something in the back pocket of your pants,” Jackson said, smirking at my remark. “Sheesh, you got me, Wang. I guess you’re still sharp as ever. Alright, let’s exchange information now. What I’ve discovered is that few of the Blood Vessel Gang have been attending quite a lot of parties at nightclubs or even random parties. Offerings drugs or weed to the people there.” He said, lighting up his cigarettes as he scoffed. “It seems like the Bangtan seems to be around outside of Seoul lately. I last encountered them with my gang in Busan.”
“Where’s Yugyeom?” I said quietly, “he’s looking out for us two. Don’t worry about it.” Taehyung said as he got up, “come on we gotta move to a new hiding spot,” he said as standing on one knee. I slowly got up but the wound under my foot stung as I almost fell when Taehyung caught me. “Are you alright?” I nodded, “sorry, I’m just clumsy.” I lied as I sneaked around walking on all fours as he was slightly crouched down. “Okay, you see these stacked boxes? That’s our new hiding spot. I’ll go first and you follow afterward.” I bopped my head as I watched him closely.
I followed Taehyung’s direction as we hid behind the boxes. “You might want to close your eyes for this one, Doll. It isn’t going to be a pretty sight.” He said, cocking his gun as he aimed at Lucas. I let out a deep breath as I closed my eyes.
This clueless guy has a girlfriend… he hasn’t done anything wrong to be shot for. I’m sorry, Bangtan, and Yoongi. I can’t let this happen.
The moment Taehyung pulled the trigger I grabbed a hold of his hands as it pointed to the ceiling, hitting one of the lights. “What the fuck?!” Lucas yelled, staring at the light as pieces of glass were scattered around him and Jackson. “Crap, I suppose we were being watched. We got to go, Lucas!” Jackson exclaimed as he looked at me and Taehyung. “Don’t worry, I didn’t come alone.” He said, with a sly smile as two of his gang members bust through the windows. “Long time no see, Winwin and Ten.” He said as the two of them greeted Jackson.
“Y/N what the hell was that for?!” He was shocked by my sudden decision, “sorry…” I mumbled, “come on! We have to run away!” Taehyung said as he grabbed hold of my wrist. I got up as he pulled me onto him and he hugged me, pushing us both to the floor as the gunshot fired. “Jackson Wang, you didn’t tell me you bought friends with you,” Ten said, putting his gun down. “What? He didn’t come alone after all?” Lucas yelled as Winwin sighed, “Lucas, you’re really stupid to get so fooled that easily not just once. But twice.” He said as Ten scanned the area with his eyes.
“Quit hiding, I know you’re here, Bangtan Gang,” Ten remarked as he looked in the direction of me and Taehyung. “Change of plans, we’ve been spotted. Just retreat for now. Taehyung, take her to safety. We’ll handle the rest.” Yoongi’s stern voice demanded as I Taehyung scoffed. “You okay, Y/N?”
“I’m fine,” I said as we sat up as he took a hold of my hand, “good, come on, let's get out of here.” I nodded as we snuck when more gunshots were fired at the boxes nearby. I flinched at the loud sounds. “Calm down Winwin, don’t act on your own,” Lucas said as Ten’s eyes intimidating as ever when he looked in our direction.
Jinyoung and Jimin walked up to the enemy, “so Way V are aiming at anyone innocent at this point, are we now?” Jinyoung mocked, putting his arm around Jackson, “we came here to exchange information, not to clash.” Jimin said, his hands in pockets. “Where’s your Leader, Park?” Ten questioned when Yoongi walked down the stairs as he stood there in front of them. “I’m the one you’re looking for.” He said, biting the inside of his cheek. “You can stop pointing your gun everywhere else, Ten.” He said as he took a few steps closer, mocking him. Winwin pointed his gun at him, “shoot me, I’m the one you’re after.” Yoongi said, smirking.
“Come on, now is our chance!” Taehyung said as I ran with him towards the exit when I suddenly stopped. “Are we really just going to leave them like that…? What if they get shot!?” I said, my voice frightened and shaking. 
“Winwin stop. Let me settle this, you and Lucas keep an eye on the hitman and the other person he’s protecting.” The man commanded as the two members nodded, walking around the area.
“Watch out, Tae!” I said as he aimed at the wooden box near us when I pushed him. I twisted my ankle as I whined in pain, my black sunglasses dropped to the floor. Yoongi’s eyes glanced at me, his look concerned about my safety. “Y/N, come on,” Taehyung said as he pulled me up, my arm around him.
“Found you, Hitman–” Lucas said with a sly smirk that dropped drastically as he glared. “You! You’re the one who tricked me!” Lucas yelled, pointing at me. 
“This is the woman who tricked you?” Winwin asked, aiming the gun at me. I gasped, my heartbeat racing. Lucas nodded as he took a hold of the gun, “but I want to be the one who gets rid of her. Not only did you trick me but you’ve caused a lot of problems for me. You, troublemaker, die.” Taehyung pointed both of his guns at them.
Yoongi’s focus couldn’t leave us as Ten let out a little chuckle, “what? Are you concerned about that girl, Min Suga?” He asked as he tilted his head.
“Jackson, Jinyoung. Get Y/N to safety, Jimin and I will handle the rest. Tell Yugyeom to get the car.” Yoongi said, pulling a gun out of his blazer’s roll line.
They nodded, “Jackson help Y/N. I’ll assist Taehyung,” Jinyoung said as he ran pulling out a box cutter, “got it.” Winwin turned his head looking at Jinyoung as he held the weapon near his neck. “Wow, so outnumbering us is the only way for Bangtan to win?” He chuckled, 
“Lucas, drop your gun, the woman doesn’t even have a weapon. You call yourself a man doing that?” Jackson said as it fumed him, “she’s the one who manipulated me into drinking myself drunk! Not only that–” Taehyung pushed him down as both of them fell, “Jackson, get her now!” He shouted, holding Lucas down. Jackson stood on one knee as he wrapped an arm around my back and he helped me stand up. I could barely stand up, my twisted ankle slowing us down.
“Get on my back, Y/N.” He said as I got on his back. Jackson ran past us as we neared the exit, “sorry about all this,” I pulled my mask down, mumbling on the back of Jackson, “don’t be, if you didn’t interfere then I wouldn’t have suspected him hiding a gun.” Suddenly someone shot a bullet at his stomach as he groaned, dropping me to the floor as he fell to his knees. “Jackson!” I screamed, “don’t try to escape, Wang.” A man said, standing in front of the wounded man.
“Xiaojun…” Jackson said as he hissed, “who’s this woman?” He asked as he pulled me up by my leather jacket. I looked him in the eyes, almost glaring as he let go. “Women like you really piss me off,” he said, holding out a pocketknife in front of my face. “Don’t, Xiaojun just let her go.” Jackson pleaded, looking at me. He pulled off my mask, so he could take a good look at my face as I bit my lips. “My, a fierce and stubborn one, but don’t worry this will be over real soon.” He let the sharp edge graze my chin as a drop of blood fell, I hissed.
I had to do something. Otherwise, Jackson would get hurt, I couldn’t allow that.
“I’m not scared of you, 小狗!” He was offended by being called a small dog as I got up, kicking him in the balls, the pocketknife fell to the ground. I ran to Jackson, “are you okay?” He nodded as he held his hand on the wound as I pulled out a handkerchief to cover his bleeding. “Come on, we gotta go,” I said as Xiaojun held me by the ankle as I screamed, I fell down as holding on to my twisted ankle. When he pulled me by the hair, “you’re a really disobedient one, I usually like to play around but you’re just annoying. Goodbye.” He said, the knife pointing to my chest as someone shot the back of his leg as he screamed in pain. “Yugyeom, man you’re a lifesaver,” Jackson smirked as he kicked Xiaojun as Yugyeom helped me up, “you okay?” I nodded, “yes. Please help Jackson,” I requested as I looked around when I noticed two men as it appeared to be Jimin and Taehyung. “Where’s Suga?” I asked desperately, “he’s finishing the last member off, don’t worry he’s okay–” I ran past them as I saw Yoongi holding onto his right arm as he chuckled.
“Tell your Boss he’s next, heh.” Yoongi mocked Lucas as he threw, the lighter to the unconscious man lying on the ground. I was speechless, I have never seen this merciless side of Yoongi before. I didn’t say anything as he stood in front of me, “are you hurt?” He asked, hugging me. “No… I just twisted my ankle, are you hurt?” He shook his head, “let’s go home,” I put his arm around me as we went inside the car. 
“Please stay still,” I requested politely as I cleaned his wound with some rubbing alcohol. “Argh… It really hurts, but it’s a good thing you’re here, Y/N.” Jackson said, smirking as he lifted my chin. “I’m glad you’re okay, thank goodness Doctor Seokjin removed the bullet,” I replied, wrapping his wound in bandages. “Yah. Quit flirting with my member, Wang,” Yoongi declared, standing in the doorway. “Ah, do you need something, Boss?” I asked, turning to look at him. “Come to my office.” He said, walking away. “I’ll be right back, Jackson.” I blew a kiss, running away. “You wanted to see me?” I said, standing near his desk as he pulled me close in a deep kiss as I pulled back slightly, “Yoongi… what’s wrong with you?” I asked, looking into his eyes. “I don’t know, I guess I’ll admit I got jealous with how you took care of Jackson. I blushed as I placed my hands on his chest, “you know you’re the only one I got my eyes on.”
Thursday the 14th of May 2020. I finished showering as I wrapped myself in a large towel, rubbing body lotion on my legs as my phone showed some messages. 
Jie Jie (Crystal)
“Hey, I hope I’m not waking you up.”
“Want to eat breakfast together in like 30 minutes?”
“Sure let’s meet around the cafe near campus, Jie jie.” 
Luckily the small cut on my chin healed faster than I thought, I used some foundation to cover it. I put on a pair of loose white pants and a tank top along with a blazer. I put on the black heels Crystal bought me, then I waited for her to arrive as a taxi stopped. “Ah Y/N, you look so fancy today,” Crystal voiced as she hugged me and we went inside “THE LAB 24/7.” 
“One chocolate frappuccino, and one vanilla, please. Hmm, one banana pudding, one panini sandwich, and a chocolate chip cookie please.” After ordering the waitress showed us a table as we sat down, “today’s my last day in Seoul, then I’m heading back to Macau to see my sisters,” Crystal said, with a little sad smile. I looked down, “ah, well I’ll definitely miss you. I had so much fun with you yesterday,” I added, making finger heart as she chuckled.
“Do have any plans in the evening, Y/N?” She looked at me, drinking her milk tea as I took a bite of the delicious cookie. 
“Well not really, why?”
“My flight’s at 9:00 PM, I thought we could have a cup of coffee before I leave.” She suggested, looking at me with a faint smirk, “with Kunhang that is.” I was a little surprised but of course, it was only natural after all they are siblings. I guess I’m still flustered about what went down in the library yesterday.
“Ah, well that’s fine. What time should I come?” I finished my cookie as I took a sip of my frappuccino.
“8:30 PM should be okay.”
“Thank you for the breakfast Jie jie, I’ll pay the next time you’re here.” I said, bowing as she smiled, “oh don’t you worry, the pleasure’s mine!” Crystal declared, hugging me.
“See you later.” She waved walking towards the station as I headed in the path of the university. “Ah good morning, Mr. Wong,” I said, printing out some materials as he lowered his eyeglasses. “Morning, Ms. Y/N.” He said as I was slightly taken back by the way he addressed me. “You wear glasses, I didn’t know that, Mr. Kunhang” I commented as I attached my documents with paperclips, “I usually wear contacts but I lost one of them yesterday when I was out with Jie.” We both smiled as we parted ways at the stairs.
“Alright everyone today we’re going to be talking about the Korean drama ‘The Blade and Petal’ with the focus on honorifics and the hierarchy in the Kingdom,” I spoke out loud to the students as a girl raised her hand.
“Do you have any questions before we start?” I asked, holding my hands.
“Yes, Ms. Park?”
“Are you and Mr. Wong really dating?” She said as the whole auditorium gasped.
I blinked in confusion as I shook my head, “no. I’m not dating Mr. Wong, we are just good colleagues.” I said, doubting my statement a little.
But it’s not like I dislike him either. I’m uncertain about how I truly feel about him.
“Right make sure to hand in your analysis of the drama tomorrow before 12:00 AM,” I said, gathering my things as I looked at them with a bright smile.
It was 4:01 PM as I was heading towards the station when I saw a woman with blonde hair waiting for me outside. I gasped surprisingly.
It can’t be her, could she really be back in Korea?
“Ohh my god! Y/N what are you standing there for? Come here and give me a hug,” Roseanne said, waving her hand as I ran giving her the warmest hug.
“You’re really back, I can’t believe it! When did you arrive?”
“In the morning around 6-7 AM, how was your class?”
“It was alright, how was Australia?”
Hours went by as Roseanne and I had an endless talk. “Wow, so your students really ship you and Mr. Wong, that’s kinda cute.~” She teased, drinking her strawberry smoothie as I sighed, “not really, you know that us professors aren’t allowed to date each other as it’ll troublesome for the professionalism and the staff.” I conveyed, drinking my glass of water, looking to the side. “Aw, don’t worry I bet your students are just teasing you. Anyways do have plans tomorrow?” Roseanne asked, scrolling through Instagram. “No I don’t think so, I got classes between 8 AM to 2 PM and then I’m off, why?” I asked, looking at the time on my phone. “Well, we could have a sleepover at my place, if you’d like?” Roseanne asked as she flashed me a smile. “Sure I’ll text you tomorrow, but I have to run. I need to see a friend off at the Incheon airport.”  
I ran up the stairs panting as I waited in terminal 2. “Y/N Mei mei over here,” Crystal waved as she stood near the gate with Kunhang. “Sorry I’m late,” I bowed sincerely
“good evening, Y/N.” He said with a gentle smile.
“Good evening, Kunhang. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” I said, “don’t worry about it, I’m just glad you made it in time.”
“Attention for all passengers boarding Air Macau. Please go through the security point as the plane will take flight in less than 15 minutes.” The speaker informed out loud.
Crystal sighed, “that’s my plane, see you, Y/N. Take good care of yourself and please look out for my brother, okay?” I nodded, feeling a bit flustered. “You have a safe flight, Jie jie.”
“Come here, Didi, I’m gonna miss you,” she said, hugging him tightly as he smiled. “take care, alright? Don’t drink too much on the flight now, I won’t be there to stop you.” She gently hit him on the back, “How, mean! Anyways, goodbye to you two. Y/N, here take this.” Crystal said, handing me a gift box, “ehh? Jie jie what is this?” I asked, opening the box as it revealed to be the black tight dress she bought the other day. “It’s a little goodbye present from me, I had lots of fun here in Seoul. You made it memorable so thank you.”
I was too surprised to speak as I looked at it, “is it really okay for me to accept it? I mean I don’t even have a gift for you–”
“Don’t worry about it, next time I’m here just treat me to dinner, okay? Bye-bye!”
The two of us watched her walk into her gate as she headed to the security check.
Kunhang and I stood outside as we watched the plane take flight, the sky full of shiny stars.
“Goodbye, Crystal Jie jie!” I yelled my hands around my mouth as I watched the plane take off. He smiled at me as he moved closer.
“You know. You’re actually one of the few people to develop a genuine friendship with my sister, Crystal. Most people just seek to befriend her because she’s a successful beautiful, and independent woman.”
“Of course, I get how she feels. Crystal Jie jie is so kind, generous and a lot of fun, I really enjoy spending time with her.” I said all in good mood.
“Next time she’s in Seoul again, would you join us for some Chicken Feets?” I smiled, nodding happily.
A few weeks went by as I was in the staff room. “There’s this small party for Chinese students and professors, this Friday. I was going to ask if you would come too, Ms. Meílíng.” Mr. Wong asked, taking a sip of his coffee. “This Friday?” I said, stacking my papers together as I placed them in the folder, “I already have plans I don’t think I’d be able to–” When Mr. Wong interrupted me, “aish, Crystal was hoping to see you, though. Are you sure, you won’t join us just for a little bit?” His eyes looked down as he showed me a sad expression.
I thought for a second as he flashed me a gentle smile. But there was something off about it. Underneath that smile was a dangerous trap set by him and his friends. 
Sure but I won’t stay too long,” I said, packing my bag as I wore it on my right arm, “what time is the party?” He finished his coffee, a sly smile placed on his face. “7:30 PM. Don’t be late and,” Mr. Wong stood up, whispering in my ear “I can’t wait to see you there.” He smirked, before leaving the room as I watched him closely. 
Why was my heart pounding rapidly? Did I feel something for Mr. Wong Kunhang?
I showed up wearing the fine black dress Crystal gave me as I looked around, there seemed to only be foreign professors or students at the party. Kunhang walked up to me with a glass of red wine, “good evening, and welcome to the party, Y/N.” He said, smiling as I accepted the drink.
“Thanks, Kunhang,” I took a big sip as I scrunched my nose a bit.
“you look nice tonight. The dress really suits you.” He complimented me as I looked at the drink, why were the icecubes sunk to the bottom of the glass. I found it strange, “thank you very much, you look quite fine yourself, tonight Kunhang.” I added as the music began to start and everyone was dancing. “May I?” He asked, holding out his hand as I nodded as he spun me around as he had his hands on my waist and my arms behind his head. “Kunhang… I didn’t know you were that great of a dancer.” I said, impressed by his skills.
“Jie jie taught me, maybe I could teach you?” He said in a playful tone. I felt dizziness rise to my body, “sorry I think I’m a bit exhausted can we stop a little I asked, my eyes barely had the energy to stay open…”
“Of course, we can Y/N. Although. First, I’m gonna teach you a lesson not to mess with my gang, Meílíng Y/N.” Kunhang whispered as he held me in his arms. “I’ll take her home, I think Ms. Lee had too much to drink.” He excused the concerned students as he walked out, Ms. Zhou observing him closely. “What an interesting couple they are, don’t you think? Katsuno?”
Kunhang walked down the street. “Hey, I’ve successfully kidnapped Ms. Y/N, the one secretly working for the Bangtan Gang. Prepare everything, we got to show something to Min Yoongi.” Kunhang said, throwing my unconscious body over his shoulder as he waited for a car.
A man dressed in a suit and tie, pulled up as they drove to a hotel 20 minutes away. “That’s the woman that is loved by everyone at SNU? Tch, I don’t see anything special about her, Hendery.” He said, making a quick left turn, “Lucas, she may look like an ordinary woman but she’s the secret agent working for the Mafia. More importantly our enemy, the Bangtan Gang.” Lucas’ eyes widened in shock as he raised the speed, skipping cars. “That woman, I recognized her now. She fooled me with her seducing and her lies about Yuqi, tch! We’re here.”
They went inside while the receptionist was on break.
“Which room is it?” Lucas questioned as he entered the elevator.
“Room 928. Come on, let’s hurry up.” Kunhang said, pressing the 9th floor as he left out a sigh.
“Get the keycard ready, it’s right around the corner.” He said, holding me in his arms. “Yeah, yeah. What’s with you, Hendery being so bossy today? Tch.” Hendery put me on the bed carefully as his eyes scanned over my legs. “Right Xiaojun should be here in a few minutes along with Ten.”
“So let’s not waste time and set her up.” Hendery said, unbuttoning his blazer as he scoffed.
Even though she’s our enemy. I can’t help but admire her extreme beauty. I get why she has so many admirers at National Seoul University. It’s just too bad she’s an enemy, a danger to The Way V.
A guy knocked on the door as Lucas walked up to see Xiaojun and Ten. They had bought the camera and lighting, we were ready to get this blackmail done. Ten spoke as he placed the camera on a tripod, “I suggest Hendery should lie in bed shirtless with your arm around her. That’ll look like something that would definitely anger the Bangtan’s boss, heh.” Lucas lit up his cigarette as he watched him get in position.
“Lucky, she’s a pretty one, ay?” He said, letting the smoke out of his mouth as Ten positioned the camera while Xiaojun set up the lighting.
“I can’t believe she’s the one to trick me into spitting out some information about us. The Bangtan sure got a smart one working for them, tch.” Lucas hissed as he exhaled the smoke. Hendery wrapped his arm around Y/N’s neck looking at her like he wanted her.
Such a shame, for Y/N, to be working for the Bangtan Gang… If she wasn't, maybe I could still have a chance with her.
“Pull her straps a bit down so it looks like she’s naked.” Ten commanded, pointing at my shoulders. He nodded before slowly pulling my straps down as a bit of my chest was slightly more exposed. He looked away shyly, “Ay, what’s up with you Hendery? Stop looking away from her, you’re supposed to be happy to be lying with a woman this beautiful.” Lucas yelled out his frustration as Xiaojun nodded. “This is so unusual of you, Hendery. Come on, pull yourself together so we can get these photos done.”
“Right, I will. Sorry.”
The sudden flashbacks distracted Hendery from focusing…
“You’re actually one of the few people to develop a genuine friendship with my sister, Crystal. Most people just seek to befriend her because she’s a successful beautiful independent woman.”
“Of course, I get how she feels. Crystal Jie jie is so kind, generous and a lot of fun, I really enjoy spending time with her.”
He shook his head as he hugged me, looking at the camera with lust in his eyes. “Good one. Alright now, let’s position her in a way where she’s sitting and hugging you. While Hendery pulls her strap and you press your lips on her neck.” Xiaojun nodded, “maybe also move her hair away from her neck that’ll make it more mischievous.” 
“Next time she’s in Seoul again, would you join us for some Chicken Feets?”
About 25 minutes later the Way V gang members finished their blackmail setup. “Good, this will teach the Bangtan a lesson not to mess with us. Xiaojun packed the camera away. Lucas, clean up this mess.” Xiaojun commanded, putting the pictures away.
“Then tug her into the bed. Also make sure to write a note that she was drunk so you booked her a room here, Hendery.” He added before leaving with Ten.
Hendery’s hand reached out to cup her cold cheek, he gently tugged some hair behind my ear. It was almost as if he admired me but at the same time whispered the words ‘I’m sorry’ to me. He began, writing the note as he placed it on the small table the lamp was standing on.
“Right, let's leave Hendery.”
“Hendery?” Lucas asked as he looked at me who was still unconsciously knocked out.
“Don’t tell me that you actually have developed feelings for the woman working for our rival gang. Have you now?” He questioned Hendery as he got up.
“Let’s go, Lucas.” Then both of them left the room.
< Previous chapter – Next chapter >
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phoenixchick · 3 years
Mission failed sucessfully! I knew the onion rings were a good thing to ask about! Congrats on the marriage can i be the best ferret?
-Leaf the Ferret
hahah yes thank you Leaf! I do really appreciate all your help <3 I'll definitely be sure to ask her if you can be best ferret
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jiyeonnnn · 3 years
i shall ask for more-
hmmmmm ah
NCT Dilf line reactions to you trying to dominate them but mission failed sucessfully
i think all of them, except taeil, will be surprised on how actually good you are at being dominant (even if it's a "mission failed successfully" thing). they'd be aghast on how easily they fold under your command, and on how it's easy for you to find their weak spots
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kagami--uchiha · 3 years
Starter for @hellspath
It had already been a few days, since Madara had attacked the village, causing fear and even a bit of chaos in the structure within. Mostly between the Uchiha and the Senju, whose bond seemed to have weakend with that event. No, it didn't just seem like it, Kagami felt that it was weakened... Tobirama had gotten stand-offish again, towards him, which hurt.. Since his team in general still was praised by him.
Which didn't count for him anymore, since that day.
Tobirama still acknowledges him, mumbled him a dry `thanks´ when Kagami returned with sucessful missions but he missed the interactions they had before. It almost felt close, it almost felt like... there could be something blossoming but just like that, the little flowerbud was trampled down, destroying the position he had in one swift motion.
Now.. It didn't really made him feel confident to return with a failed mission. An important mission. Tobirama had been clear about that `failing is no option´ with that specific task and usually, Kagami sucessfully carried out assassinations. He was infamous for the quick deaths he delivered without no one even having seen his form, but this time was different. It was an ambush and he wasn't sure if that really now was a trap, or if he just had a lot of bad luck.
Luckily though, he was able to keep his face hidden behind his Owl-mask.
Coming to a halt infront of Tobiramas office, he took a deep breath, gathering himself before he rapped his knuckles over the smooth, wooden surface. Waiting until he heard an approving sound from the other side, he entered, closing the door behind him before he kneeled respectfully on the spot before the desk.
"I have returne, Tobirama-Sama. And I also have the mission report finished, if you would like to see it now." it kinda hurt to be so formal again, yet the Senju didn't accept anymore how Kagami adressed him before. Carefully he placed the scroll with his report on the edge of the desk, getting back into the crouch quickly to keep his respectful stance.
One day, he might be able to convince Tobirama, that he was far from being like Madara.
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hitbythunder · 4 years
Among the Gods of Asgard -5
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A dark!Thor x Reader, minor Loki x Reader story with all the drama and angst you’re craving. Including Alexander Skarsgard as Balder. –> Read also on AO3
WARNING: dark story, manipulative Thor, heavy rape/non-con elements, no happy ending in sight
Sleep hadn't come easily that night when the maid was finally laying in one of the many beds of the slave quarters. Because while each fiber of her body yearned for rest, her mind wouldn't stop thinking of that just had happened between her and the god in the baths, reviving each moment anew. She could still feel his throbbing flesh on her palms...
No surprise then that _______ felt awfully tired throughout the next day, not to mention the shock and the confusion. Haunted by indecent pictures, the maid fulfilled her duties and tried to remain within Balder's chambers so as not to accidentally meet the crown-prince, knowing that she wouldn't be able to bear to be in his presence today. Would I ever be? And so her mind kept rattling while she polished the wooden table inside the salon, absentmindedly wiping over the same clean spot for the 10th time. Luckily Gerlinda wasn't around, for she would have barked at the girl for slacking. Yet despite the mental efforts she employed - and which began to cause a serious headache - ________couldn't comprehend why Thor showed sexual interest in a mortal,  a slave even, who was far below him.
According to latest rumors, the crown-prince already had a betrothed in spe - Idunn, the goddess of youth, who was known for her divine beauty. So why, in the Nine, break all the rules of etiquette, risk an outgrown scandal and have ________ pleasure him like that? Of course, she had fantasized about the princes sometimes before but in her imagination they had been kind and tender like gentlemen. Last night, in contrast, Thor had shamelessly used his power to force himself on her, to serve only his own satisfaction regardless of how ________ had felt during that all. She had been nothing but a frightened helpless mess but Thor didn't care the slightest, groping her with his large hand which could also end her at ease. The way those hungry dark-blue eyes had rested on her was most terrifying and even now upon recalling, it caused goosebumps to spread all over her skin.
Maybe it was just too much alcohol. Everybody does stupid things when drunk, right? She kept telling herself to calm her sensitive nerves. A one-off not worth fussing about. Probably he has already forgotten about me!
Two days of hiding out later, Gerlinda informed the maids that their master and the crown-prince were sent on a mission together in Vanaheim. When the abigail added that they would be away for at least three weeks, ________ had almost yelped aloud out of joy. Even if the personal slaves would have to work elsewhere during that time, this also meant that _________ needn't worry about running into Thor accidentally and her nerves would finally get a break. Thor would be occupied by other, more important matters than her and perhaps the distance would do one last thing for him to forget about ________. Or so she hoped.
"Your turn." the raven-haired prince announced as he leaned back in the comfortable chair, his hands folded in his lap as he waited for his opposite to make her next move. It didn't matter though, because Loki had already won - actually he already had two turns ago - but Idunn wasn't aware of that fact. Neither did she realize how bored the Trickster was by her foolish attempts to beat him at this new game called 'Chess'. A few months ago it had been brought over from Midgard and due to its sudden popularity the trendy, stylish board game had soon been introduced to the gods too. The clever sorcerer had loved it from the beginning but unfortunately he ran short of worthy opponents, especially now that Balder wasn't available. So Loki had to come to terms with less challenging sessions and with those gods (still) willing to play with him - Loki could be a mean winner. Admittedly, Idunn hadn't been a good choice but she just happened to be in the library too and she didn't decline. He regretted asking her in the first place.
"There aren't this many possible moves for you to ponder that long!" The youngest prince grew impatient as he watched the goddess, his gaze dripping from those plump lips downwards to land on the showing decollete. At least her sight is delighting...
"Please don't tease me, your highness! You know I haven't played this one often!" she replied and leaned forward, her heavily laden bosom touching the ivory table. "And besides, this whole lot of rules is rather confusing..." The edge of the dark wood pushed her pale flesh upwards, leaving only a narrow chasm between her marvelous hills.
"If you say so." With his usual elegance, the prince tilted his head sideways to rest the most precious part of his body on his arm, his index finger brushing along his temple in order to calm his growing annoyance. So this is why Idunn is famous for her apples, not her wits. He didn't avert his gaze from said fruit though. The seconds ticked by and nothing happened on the black and white square, the chess pieces standing still. If Loki would have kept rubbing his temple it would soon become sore. "You do realize that it is still your turn?" Maybe she was getting senile. Wouldn't be a considerable loss... "I'm concentrating. Please give me another moment, your highness!" Then Idunn finally reached for the bishop, lifting it up determinedly as if she was about to turn everything in her favor, and took one of Lokis' pawns. "So that is the outcome of all this mental effort? Seriously, my lady?!" Loki couldn't believe it, and when Idunn innocently nodded he pinched the bridge of his nose - hard. "Norns help me..."
Of course Idunn wasn't completely oblivious so she noticed how unchallenged the prince was, yet still he needn't be rude either. She could become his future queen after all. Well, if she managed to keep the crown-prince as madly interested in her assets as he was at present, lusting after her at every glance. Idunn was somewhat thankful for the current vacation her womanly parts were granted. Thor was an insatiable beast and far from gentle.
"We can't all have such brilliant minds as you, your highness. So please stop mocking me." she replied and leaned back in her chair, the plump lips showing first signs of serious girlish sulking. "Seidr requires brilliancy, my lady, but this game certainly doesn't! Remember that it was invented by Midgardians so any mortal should be capable of playing properly!" Loki retorted in a harsh tone, his temper getting the better off him as always when he was bored plus annoyed - a dangerous mixture. The goddess took the offense by heart and pouted like the spoiled girl she was, her cheeks slightly aflame by anger. "Really? Let us test that hypothesis!" she said through gritted teeth and glared at Loki for a split second before her cerulean eyes scanned the library for a fitting candidate - in a sense that he or she would loose against the prince and prove Idunn's point. So....which of those looks stupid?
"You there, get over here!" Idunn barked at one of the maids currently busy with cleaning some shelves and a moment later she hurried over. "How can I be of service, my lady?" the pretty maid said and Loki recognized her to be ____________ Haraldsdottir, daughter of the merchant he had tricked recently. What a coincidence... Loki mused to himself while his facial expressions remained an unreadable mask. ________ sensed the emerald eyes on her. "Tell me how to win this game!" Idunn commanded and watched expectedly how the maid surveyed the positions of the chess pieces. It didn't take long for her to conclude the only solution. "With all due respect, my lady, but winning is impossible at this constellation." Loki's eyes narrowed at that, he sensed expertise on the girl. To Idunn the maid's reply wasn't satisfying the least so she decided to take her grudge out on her. "Are you implying that I'm too stupid to play sucessfully?!" "No of course not, my lady!" _________ retorted quickly, but she suspected that this was leading to her being unable to save her neck. I should have played dumb... "Oh yes you do and-" That was when the third party present decided to end this annoying clucking which only made his head ache. "Enough!" his calm voice cut through the air like a blade. "That was simply a satement of facts - which you failed to realize, I might add - and the implying was on your side only.  But yes, you have proven a point."
The Trickster's interference led to the desired outcome: an offended Idunn leaving without comment and making way for another, more promising play mate. "Don't keep me waiting. Sit down!" he ordered the maid with a puzzled look on her face, his rising eyebrows signaling that he wouldn't say it twice. Thus _________ obeyed and climbed the over-sized chair while Loki magically reset the chess pieces. And yet another god I ought to entertain...
Heavy rain drops fell continuously from the grey misty sky of Vanaheim, their drumming against the canopy of the tent not able to drown out the woman's moans coming from inside. In an iron grip she slid along the thick shaft, his large coarse hands guiding her and keeping her in motion according to his preferred pace. Because his lust demanded to be quenched - at least for a short while - and Sif felt wonderful around him. But it wasn't her cunt that kept the god bucking his hips, no, it was the thought of a certain maid back on Asgard. This small, fragile body....the girl had been on his mind ever since their session in the baths, like a quiet voice whispering dirty ideas for his daydreaming, and so his yearning for her grew each day. Soon his loins would be stirring at the mere thought of her - if not for the current mission he was on - and even now while plunging deeply into Sif Thor imagined how it would feel to have the mortal maid pinned underneath him instead. He would have to be very careful not to crush her with his weight, let alone tear her apart with his cock... Thor came with a low grunt and relished in his apex and the relief it entailed, knowing that this sensation wouldn't last for long. A thought of the mortal's swaying hips sufficed to have him horny again.
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signoras-pet · 3 years
The Fury of a Harbinger Part 3
[Ain't nothing like a little loneliess to cheer you up huh? Lol anyways enjoy-🍔]
[P.S Rosalyne would so bitch-smack Angst Signora for being an idiot]
Signora sipped her wine as her boat made its way to Sumeru. It's been a week since her wives had left her.
The servants made sure to steer clear of the woman. They dare not speak to her unless called forth.
At least that bastard Scaramouche was taking his own transport. That meant she wouldn't have to listen to the garbage that spewed from his mouth.
For some reason she kept recollecting the day when the Tsaritsa gave her the news of her mission.
1 week ago
Rosalyne: What?! 3 months?!
Tsaritsa: Yes. I need you to actually talk with the government there. Scaramouche will also be going to ensure we complete our mission sucessfully. We can't afford any more losses due to your urge to bed women.
Rosalyne felt her anger soar at that mention of that Harbinger. But she pushed it aside because of her beautiful wifes.
Rosalyne: But what of my darlings?! I can't just leave them!
Tsaritsa: That's the issue Rosalyne! You've been distracted recently! You've been so busy playing house that you've lost sight of our goals!
Rosalyne: Distracted!? I've been completing our missions like usual! I've never-"
Tsaritsa: Very sloppily! Everything you've done these past months has been of no use to us! I've been needing to send Scaramouche to complete the missions you failed!
This conversation and his name mentioned again had her seething. Rosalyne gritted her teeth but she didn't dare bare her fangs at her Majesty. Only a fool with a death wish would do that.
Tsaritsa was glaring. Signora never used to argue. She was the perfect soldier who always followed her orders. But those women she married were ruining her. Turning her into a soft mess. Softness will not help them destroy Celestia.
Tsaritsa: You have one week until you are dispatched. I suggest you get both your priorities and affairs in order.
The Tsaritsa waved her hand away in a shooing motion. Basically telling Rosalyne to leave.
Rosalyne glared but bowed and turned on her heels to exit the throne room. She slammed the doors open, scaring the guards.
They bowed in respect as she walked past them. In her mind, she cursed the Tsaritsa to a fiery fate. She regretted having her ever becoming one of her lovers.
*flashback ends*
"M-Mistress…w-we have a-arrived" stuttered a Fatui Cicin mage as the woman kneeled. Her entire body was shaking.
Signora rolled her eyes. She hated cowards. But whatever. She placed her empty glass on the small table and got up.
"Me and the Balladeer shall head in first. You are to do nothing until I give the signal. Do you understand?"
"Wonderful." she replied in a sarcastic tone. She made her way to the door but stopped.
"One more thing."
The Cicin mage looked up.
"If you fail me, I'll turn you and the entire platoon into nothing but a mushy pile of red snow."
The mage's eyes widened in horror and Signora slammed the door shut behind her.
On the deck, she saw that they had arrived at a little port town. From there, she would ride to the capital city and meet with Scaramouche. Then it was to negotiate the Archon into giving up their Genosis or else.
Yes…she had to follow orders…no lovers or wives…just be the perfect war machine…to remain loyal to the Tsaritsa..destroy Celestia...burn the world till nothing but ash remained...destiny...
Rosalyne: Rather short huh?
Yae: yep* in her lap Ei had fallen asleep while reading her light novel*
Sucrose: *looks up from her alchemy book* I-I still don't like it.
Shenhe: *sips her tea* Yes but I'm rather interested if we still see the wives pov in the next episode.
Ganyu: Hmm. Me too. I wonder if they are having a hard time adjusting home.
Hu Tao: I wanna see more desk smashing!
Everyone sweatdrops
omg Yae commissioning the light novel just to laugh at ahhdhsjsjsj icon
They all get too invested in their alter ego stories lmao. ‘What are we doing in this chapter?’ ‘Oh I remember!’
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