ayanna-tired · 1 year
Le redoublage de Fullmetal Alchemist et POURQUOI la version 2005 est meilleure que Brotherhood ! ^^
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kitsunetsuki · 5 months
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David Bailey - Penelope Tree Wearing a Dress by Walter Albini for Misterfox (Vogue Italia 1970)
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 years
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Walter Albini
Gloria Bianchino  con testi di Bonizza Giordani Aragno, Francesca Zaltieri
CSAC dell’Università di Parma , Parma 1988, 309 pagine,
euro 220,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Catalogo della mostra, Parma, Salone delle Scuderie in Pilotta, 1988
L’archivio di Walter Albini ha qualcosa di piu, di diverso dagli altri; infatti è costituito oltre che da circa 1300 disegni e settanta abiti, dalle “relise”, da contributi scrittografici, da fotografie, da una collezione di oggetti raccolti da Albini come testimonianza di un procedimento conoscitivo e di un amore per la moda francese nel periodo di fulgore degli anni 30-40 come cappelli di feltro o di paglia, una serie di borse dalle forme curiose con accorgimenti originali, nelle chiusure, nelle cerniere, nei manici, dai materiali poveri e pregiati e poi varie fogge di scarpe, di fibbie, di bottoni. Un insieme di oggetti che testimonia un certo modo di archiviare “idee” e di come l’accessorio sia importante nella moda di Albini. A questo va aggiunto il riferimento costante ad un certo cinema americano degli anni 30-40, al mondo culturale della Parigi di quell’epoca : il reverente culto di Albini per le figure di Coco Chanel e di Elsa Schiaparelli, essenzialità e stravaganza, argomenti contraddittori nella tematica dello stilista. Un interesse che si rivolge anche alle avanguardie artistiche da Man Ray a Cocteau, Vertès, Picasso, Van Dongen. Legame sempre auspicato da Albini tra moda e cultura con uno scopo ultimo : la ricerca della “donna ideale” del total look.
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Take a walk
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The morning feels cold, you won’t get out of Lakenland watching the greyish sky. 
You just feel like tearing your blanket up to your nose, covering your bare body with the warmth within the cozy mountain of flattering, closing your eyes and dreaming yourself to the time where the soft sun kisses you in the morning.
You look for distraction and there ain’t anything to help. You urge yourself to get into a kind of daily routine, answering emails, scrolling through job offers.
A phone call. Time in common. Sharing the greyish feeling of being stuck. How to build bridges in such times?
After the phone call I think of my profession. It’s ten years now that I discovered where I am good at, just remembering after finishing the call.
A short message. Following intuition. A short answer “2 p.m.?”
The grey sky ain’t that greyish any more. The mission of hijacking your mind begins. A walk beside the usual routes, beside usual routine. I’m happy to feel you are really in this moment. Present. With all your mind and body. That makes my smile shining bright. I’m spending you my warmth, my smile, my softness. 
Always remember: 
whether the sky is grey or blue there is always a smile from me for you.
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jaffre · 4 years
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web-scope-net · 7 years
Comment Gagner de l'argent avec Misterfox ?
Comment Gagner de l'argent avec Misterfox ? #Misterfox
Gagner de l’argent avec Misterfox ? Misterfox : une application de réclamation qui vous fera gagner de l’argent Si vous disposez d’un compte de messagerie Gmail, Hotmail, Free, Orange, Yahoo, etc ce dernier pourra vous faire gagner de l’argent à chaque fois que vos commandes arriveront en retard. Misterfox réclame des indemnisations à votre place en cas de retard de livraison Il est possible que…
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byothe-fr · 2 years
OuiReward : obtenir facilement une indemnisation en cas de retard ou d'annulation de votre vol
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kitsunetsuki · 3 months
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Walter Albini for Misterfox Ad (Vogue UK 1974)
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 years
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Walter Albini
Lo stile nella moda - Style in Fashion
a cura di Paolo Rinaldi,  "La coerenza dello stile." di Nicoletta Bocca
Zanfi, Modena 1988, 144 pagine, illustrato in nero e colori, brossura, formato 23x24, Italiano/English,
euro 120,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Catalogo mostra Venezia, Prigioni Vecchie di Palazzo Ducale, San Marco Ponte della Paglia, 28 settembre - 16 ottobre 1988
"This volume of images, the catalogue for a traveling exhibition, is in homage to Walter Albini. He was the great fashion stylist who profoundly influenced fashion during the Sixties and Seventies. He was able to predict trends and through his choice, showed creators and industrialists the way to success for Italian pret-a-porter. The exhibition and the book are organized around designs for newspaper articles, for promotion and for advertising, a recurrent part of fashion work, closely connected to the major task of creating clothes. Walter Albini was gifted with exceptional design technique and an extraordinary evocative power."
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twitter:         @fashionbooksmi
instagram:   fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano tumblr:          fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano
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daddys-chaton-noir · 6 years
@misterfox-and-bunny is a v cute blog, but also doesn’t feature v much that i’m passionate abt
[send me a blog name & i will tell u something abt them!]
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edoardojazzy · 7 years
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Walter Albini, Misterfox, Milano, 1971
@ Alfa Castaldi
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Let’s talk about...
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the pants...
Ich bin verärgert und ich ärgere mich darüber, denn es ist kein positives Gefühl. Ich ärgere mich, in die Passivität gedrängt zu sein, den dritten Korb innerhalb 10 Tagen oder so zu bekommen und dadurch in Gedanken zu rutschen, in die ich nicht rutschen will.
Im Grunde reduziert es sich auf eins, und das ist genau das, was mir fehlt und was mich verärgert. Es fehlt an Kommunikation. An Zeichensetzung. An Signalen. Zwischen uns. Gemeinsam. Da wir uns heute nicht sehen, muss ich jetzt wieder zu diesem Medium greifen, mich dir mitzuteilen. Eigentlich wollte ich mit dir reden. Dir in die Augen gucken. Deine Linien lesen. Als du eben angerufen hast, kam ich grad aus der Dusche. Erfrischt und in Freude auf den Abend. Tja. Jetzt ist mein Ego verletzt. Und das ärgert mich. Es ist nun mal gerade so, dass ich nach Sozialkontakt und Bestätigung lechze und sie suche, weil ich ein ziemliches Eremitenleben derzeit führe. Also suche ich Sozialkontakte. Und ich freue mich, wenn mein Eremitenleben ein paar kleine Lichtblicke hat. Da es seit einiger Zeit so ist, dass ich immer wieder denke, wie wahr “Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn” ist, muss es aktiv bekämpft werden. Und da somit das Ganze für mich in Unausgewogenheit ist, ich aber nicht vereinsamen will, muss ich gerade mehr als je sonst das kleine quengelnde Kind spielen, was fragt “Hast du Zeit für mich?” und da sind wir auch direkt wieder beim Ego, dem das auf Dauer nämlich nicht gut tut. Schließlich bin ich ein attraktives, unterhaltsames, charmantes und gar begehrenswertes Wesen. Dass ich als solches der Aufmerksamkeit hinterherrennen muss, is doof.
Was die Nicht-Kommunikation in deinem speziellen Fall auch hervorruft ist ein Gefühl in mir, als müsste ich auf der Bremse stehen. Muss ich natürlich nicht. Tu ich aber gerade, unter anderem auch, da nach meinem letzten hier Hosen runter lassen (nichts anderes sind diese Texte hier ja) zwar schon eine Reaktion von dir kam, die mich aber auch etwas mit den Hosen unten stehen liess. Da kommt meine künstlerische Seele ins Spiel. Und die braucht einfach Feedback. Auch Kritik.
Da es in letzter Zeit keine Kommunikation gab, fasse ich die 3 Körbe als Kritik auf. Und bei Kritik ist immer erstmal bei mir die Reaktion mich verletzt zurück zu ziehen, Wunden zu lecken und gerne auch mal teeniehaft an anderer Stelle für schnelle Bestätigung zu sorgen. Sie einzufordern. Nur zum Verständnis: Ich denke, Hosen runterlassen ist superwichtig. Gerade dir gegenüber. Du bist dieses Vertrauen wert. Zugegebenermaßen habe ich das aber auch schon in den letzten Tagen bezweifelt. Eben weil: keine Kommunikation. Und mit “keine Kommunikation” meine ich nicht, einfach nur mal ne Woche nix voneinander zu hören. Das ist an sich nix. Und erst recht nix Wildes. Wenn denn die Grundkommunikation, die Basis stimmt.
Irritiert hast du mich ja das erste mal bei der leidigen Weihnachtsfeier. Nur so im Vorbeigehen Hallo sagen, du? Diese Coolness war sehr seltsam für mich. Sehr viele andere sind mir um den Hals gefallen, haben mich zur Seite gezogen, mich ausgefragt, naja. Der Abend war nicht einfach für mich. Für Stunden an dem Ort, der mir so viele Probleme bereitet hatte. Da zeigt sich immer noch mal, ob man schon abgeschlossen hat, oder nicht. Zwischendrin ging es mir dann auch gar nicht gut. Es war anstrengend. Hatte ich dir auch vermittelt, was du aber erst Stunden später wahr genommen hast. Völlig ok. War ja deine Weihnachtsfeier. Naja jedenfalls hab ich unter anderem deswegen auch einfach den Polnischen gemacht und bin gegangen, ohne Tschüss zu sagen. Ich war eh länger geblieben, als gewollt, einfach um dir mehr Zeit vor Ort zu geben. Wie meintest du? Abhaken und besser machen. Ja, ist so. Wobei ich das mit der Coolness jetzt doch noch anmerken musste.
Zurück zum Thema: dass mir gerade Bestätigung fehlt, ist mein Problem. Ich arbeite und reflektiere sehr viel in und mit mir, und da ist Selbstliebe ganz großes Thema. Das klappt schon sehr gut, verhindert aber nicht, dass ich doch auch mal wieder in die Achterbahn steige und mir die Talfahrten und Kurven sehr im Magen liegen. Vorhin war das wieder so. Ist ja auch nur ne chemische Reaktion. Der Hormoncocktail in mir war schon auf “juchhu, heute Abend schön mit Mister Fox um die Häuser ziehen” und dann *bäm* “nee, is nich.” Und das auch einfach nur so aus deiner Perspektive. Aus meiner Perspektive des absolut begehrenswerten Bondgirls ist eine Absage ohne sich im Staub zu wälzen und ohne mir zu vermitteln, wie unwiderstehlich ich eben bin, streng genommen ein absolutes No-Go. Vor allem wenn es der dritte Korb ist. Freitag, der 13. nicht, Frankfurt nicht und heute nicht. Pfffftft.
Ich habe nicht viele Ansprüche bei solchen Konstellationen wie der unsrigen. Ich habe nur einen und der ist nicht mal besonders. Mein Ideal ist, dass in dem Moment, wo wir Zeit miteinander verbringen, nur ich zähle. - Gleiches gilt für dich. Die Welt bleibt draußen. Und doch noch einen: ich will einfach nur ich sein können. Ich weiß nicht, ob du das abkannst und ob du das mitspielen willst. Ich weiß es eben nicht, wegen weil der Nicht-Kommunikation in letzter Zeit.
Ich weiß, du bist nicht so der Typ, der redet. Ich wiederhole mich einfach: ich will, dass unser Spiel ein leichtes, unbeschwertes bleibt. Unvoreingenommen. Luftig. Und ja, auch leidenschaftlich. Dafür auch süß und lustig. Mit Lachen. Und dennoch auch mit den Momenten, wo ins Feuer geguckt wird. Wo man wegen der Schwere des Lebens sich einfach nur drückt. Nix sagt. Ein Spiel der Ausgewogenheit. Der Ausgeglichenheit.
Willst du das? Willst du dieses Spiel mit mir spielen? Überleg’s dir.
Ich werde den Abend und das Wochenende jetzt wieder anders verbringen. Mal sehen. Vielleicht n bisschen Thomas Ulsrud anschmachten, vielleicht mich von Y unter den Tisch trinken lassen, von I auf die Tanzfläche ziehen lassen, mit S eisigen Wind um die Nase wehen lassen, mit A zur Tortenschlacht gehen, … 
es a ver.
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fashionsummedup · 4 years
Fashion designer, Gualtiero Walter Albini was born in Busto Arsizio, Italy, on March 3, 1941.
Although his family preferred ifhe coursed classical studies, such as law and medicine, Albini decided to join the Institute of Arts, Design and Fashion in Turin and at 16 he was the only man on the course.
At just 17 years old he started to contribute to magazines and newspapers, which published his drawings of haute couture fashion shows in Rome and after Paris.
In 1961 he moved to Paris, where he met Coco Chanel. Over the time they spent together, the designer helped him increase his knowledge of fashion, polished him and sometimes helped him by editing his collections. She was also one of the sources of constant inspiration for Albini.
In 1963 he created his first collection for Gianni Baldini.
Soon after he met the fashion designer Mariuccia Mandelli known as Krizia. In 1965 he moved to Milan, and formed a partnership with the designer that lasted three years. With this partnership he gained a lot of technical and industrial knowledge, learning to deal with everything from knitting to the study of threads, from the production of clothes to the study of fabrics. In the last year of the partnership, Walter Albini also worked with the fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld who was at the beginning of his career.
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Walter ALbini for Krizia. Second half of the 1960s.
In the late 1960s he worked for major Italian houses like Billy Ballo, Cadette, Cole of California, Montedoro, Glans, Annaspina, Paola Signorini and Trell.
Albini began a collaboration with Gimmo Etro, creator of Etro (who at the time worked as a fabric manufacturer), in which he was responsible for the design of the fabrics made.
In 1969, like Karl Lagerfeld, he participated in the “Idea Como” event, sponsored by the Italian Silk Producers Association, with the intention of showing which items would be used in 1970, with a union of color and style.
In 1970 he presented the Anagrafe collection for Misterfox with eight brides in long pink dresses and eight widows in short black dresses; shortly afterwards he presented a PréRafaelita collection that made clear his power to mix cultural passions and fashion; another example was the following collection, called Rendez-vous, which featured fabrics with prints and embroidery inspired by Art Deco.
By this time Albini was very successful and was one of the most sought after Italian designers, but unfortunately in many cases he was unable to sign his work, maintaining his own brand as a dream.
Until the Ftm group bought the right to distribute clothes made by him. Thus, for the first time Albini worked with 5 different brands from different sectors in a single project, creating a union and helping him to consolidate his style.
Creating an unique line, to present it also in a unique way, he chose, instead of the Bianca room in the Pitti Palace in Venice, to parade it in Milan, at the Circolo del Giordino. Caumont, Ken Scott, Krizia, Missoni and Trell also adopted the new place, creating what is considered the birth of the Italian ready-to-wear and Italian fashion week as we know it today.
This was an important moment for fashion, as the way the clothes were produced and the relationship with the consumer was changing. Haute couture as it was in the 1950s, for example, was giving way more and more to ready-to-wear and the new relationship with the fashion designer.
Milan was also closer to the factories for both fabric manufacturing and the machines and tools used to produce a fashion product. It was a time when all fashion production was being rethought.
With the Fall / Winter 1971-72 collection he also innovated in the way of exhibiting products in specialized magazines. Now he presented only drawings and used the concept of “groupage” in which the clothes were displayed in a single block, according to the designer; magazine pages were also paid by suppliers and not by brands or designers.
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In the following collection, Spring / Summer 1972, known as “La Bardierine” or “Le Marinarette” Albini presented a model with bare breasts and some male models. One of the highlights paraded by the male models was the loose shirt, which until then had always been tight. In addition, he also worked with Etro designing the fabrics they produced.
The media now followed him calling him the “new Italian star”.
In April 1972 he presented the Fall / Winter 1972-73 collection, which was very rich and long.
The international media hailed him and considered him as strong as Yves Saint Laurent. Meanwhile, the Italian media treated him more coldly.
Discouraged he broke the contract with all suppliers and distributors with the exception of Misterfox, for which he presented the Spring / Summer 1973 collection, with it’s fashion show in Milan.
The dream of having his own brand was still alive and he decided to create the Walter Albini brand, within Misterfox, and for that he created his famous WA logo.
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Walter Albini’s WA logo.
Finally, with the help of Mrs. Joan Burnstein, owner of the Browns brand, walter Albini was able to present his own collection in which 6 male and 27 female models were presented in London. The collection was titled The Great Gatsby, in honor of one of his heroes, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
In this show he presented the unstructured coat and the shirt coat, important pieces for Italian fashion. It was the first time that the strategy of presenting a first line of the collection with stronger and more significant models with restricted sales, which was later supported by a second line of the same collection with more basic and easily accepted models, with sales pretensions for the mass, was used.
In 1973 he opened a showroom in Milan. The space was all mirrored and used to showcase Misterfox collections.
In Venice he bought a house, and presented the WA Autumn / Winter 1973-74 collection at Caffè Florian, which was presented again in New York.
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At this point Walter Albini had international recognition, but even so he did not have the support of any solid commercial organization, so the following years, 1974 and 1975, were years of crisis, even though he continued to amaze people with his collections, creating even paisley and millefiori prints and those inspired by cashmere, which were successful in the clothing and furniture department.
Throughout his career Albini created several prints ranging from polka dots, stars, stripes to faces, dancers, dogs and even the face of the Prince of Wales.
He specialized in creating a total look, and even went so far as to create coordinated collections that combined his clothes with home furnishing accessories published in Casa Vogue magazine.
For the Fall / Winter 1974-75 collection he decided to make an exhibition, in his showroom in Milan, of illustrations of the clothes made from 1962 to 1972.
Shortly after the exhibition he ended the contract with Misterfox and left the Milan showroom.
He then traveled extensively, especially to India. These trips inspired his next collection. And yet in 1974 he innovated again by parading a men’s collection alone, separate from the women’s.
In 1975, in partnership with Giuseppe Della Schiava, a silk supplier, Albini presented his first haute couture collection for Spring / Summer. The collection was inspired by Chanel and the 1930s, two of his passions. Next came the Fall / Winter collection from 1975-76, in which the fashion show’s soundtrack consisted of 25 different versions of the song La Vie en Rose, it was completely pink and was also inspired by Chanel and Paul Poiret. As for the ready-to-wear collection, he again partnered with Trell and presented some of his most famous collections such as “Guerriglia Urbana”, “India” and “Folk”.
The fall / winter 1975-76 men’s collection was presented in a restaurant in Milan. The clothes were worn by both men and women, reinforcing the concept of unisex.
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The Spring / Summer collection was also presented in a restaurant this time featuring beige and black busts that reproduced his image. For the Fall / Winter 1976-77 collection he presented a series of portraits of himself wearing clothes from the collection; these photos were taken by his photographer friends.
Among the collections made by Albini that are considered “cult” is the one made in 1977 at Galeria Anselmino in Milan. To display the collection, 12 panels were presented with a mix of clothes that were lent by friends and even by himself, reinforcing the concept that what really matters is the art of knowing how to mix clothes and accessories.
In 1977 he was responsible for an exhibition of penis personalized as celebrities and signed with their names; some of the “honorees” were Karl Lagerfeld, Yves Saint Laurent, Mickey Mouse and even the devil.
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In 1978 Albini ended his contract with Trell and relaunched his brand, Walter Albini, with Mario Ferrari, presenting three more successful collections.
The Fall / Winter 1978-79 collection was long awaited, was showcased in front of 3 thousand spectators and was a great success. The subsequent collection, Spring / Summer 1979, was also a success.
The Fall / Winter 1979-80 collection was the last with the partnership with Ferrari.
With the arrival of the new 1980s the media was looking for something new, and started to put Albini aside. In the midst of day-to-day anxieties and financial difficulties, the designer’s creativity was shaken.
He still made collections for Helyette, Lanerossi, Lane Gravitz and Peprose, but the media had already lost interest.
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Walter Albini lost his motivation, and on May 31, 1983 he died in Milan at the age of 42.
The fashion designer was responsible for several collections that liberated women with clothes inspired frequently by Chanel, the 1920s and 1930s, the designer Poiret and the exoticism of places like India and even some aspects of Chinese culture. He innovated not only with pieces of clothing but also in the way of presenting them, innovating in the use of soundtrack and show locations; in the use of unisex models as well as in the decision to hold a male-only fashion show.
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Bibliography: Allan, Georgina O’Hara; Enciclopédia da Moda: De 1840 À Década de 90: Companhia das Letras, 2010.
ALbini, Walter Fashion designer, Gualtiero Walter Albini was born in Busto Arsizio, Italy, on March 3, 1941. Although his family preferred ifhe coursed classical studies, such as law and medicine, Albini decided to join the Institute of Arts, Design and Fashion in Turin and at 16 he was the only man on the course.
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adngold · 8 years
Misterfox : la plateforme de réclamation qui boostera votre pouvoir d'achat
Misterfox : la plateforme de réclamation qui boostera votre pouvoir d'achat C’est dans l’ombre de la Journée Mondiale des consommateurs qui a eu lieu le 15 mars 2017, que la société Misterfox a dévoilé une nouvelle fonctionnalité sur sa plateforme du même nom. Le service propose rien de moins que de vous faire gagner de l’argent, en vous aidant à faire des réclamations d’un simple clic et à obtenir une indemnisation.
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