#mk1 character study
midnightanxietytm · 8 months
Kitana muses about her creator
A/N: I'm back lovelies, and this time with a Mortal Kombat snippet. I had this one laying on my docs since like a month after release so enjoy! Requests are open btw
"The man tilted his head at her with a smile, standing beside her on the balcony. She turned back at the horizon, resting her arms on the railing and pulling one of her fans, absentmindedly spinning the blades. “Why did you make us?” She asked, finally.
Liu Kang looked at her, puzzled."
Kitana doesn't really know how to feel about the alternative versions of herself and Liu Kang.
Contents: Liutana mentions, MK1!Kitana thinking about Titan!Kitana, character study, introspection, Kitana pov. Listen she's been my main since forever im lowkey obsessed with her.
Word count: 699
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For as long as she could remember, Liu Kang has been there.
Officially, she was very young when she first met him, just old enough to start mingling in court business, what earth realm would define as a teenager.
She remembers he was polite, that he had intense eyes and that he never looked down on her, not that anyone ever dared to, but Liu Kang had something in his eyes that resembled a mixture of pride and pain, as if he was mourning what she could become. He had told her things about earthrealm then, about its champions, its people, then about the outworld, the places she didn’t really step into as a princess. He always had a lot to say. Now she knows why.
"You and my Titan version seem awfully close!" She had mentioned it once, and he refused to elaborate.
Not that he needed to, Kitana had eyes. 
The definite confirmation came in training with an alternative version of herself; an idea given by Liu Kang himself. 
"A god?! He's my consort!" She heard her own words with muted shock, but it made perfect sense now.
It was weird to think about; the fact that in multiple timelines, her and Liu Kang were… together. And it explained the weird glint in his eyes every time he looked at her. The protector of earthrealm had been mourning the lover he thought he lost, while staring at a perfect copy of her. How painful it must have been, she thought as she stared at the sunset.
“Ah, good evening, princess.” Said the subject of her musings, in his usual polite tone. “Am I disturbing you?” 
She turned to face him, the remaining sunlight casting shadows on her face. Liu Kang was a handsome man, and he had always been polite and kind… “Not at all, In fact, I was thinking about you.”
The man tilted his head at her with a smile, standing beside her on the balcony. She turned back at the horizon, resting her arms on the railing and pulling one of her fans, absentmindedly spinning the blades. “Why did you make us?” She asked, finally.
Liu Kang looked at her, puzzled, so she continued; “It brings you pain, I can see it. You look at us and you see eons of history, yet you know it wasn’t really us there, at least not the ones you knew, we are constant reminders of everything you lost, or worse, everything you could have had.”
The god turns away from her, once again silent. He wasn’t angered by her question, that Kitana knew. The silence drags, the sun is almost gone.
“It pains me, yes.” He said, finally. “But it brought me a certain peace, knowing that I could give those I loved a better, more peaceful life. Even if it was in a completely different reality.” Liu Kang looks down at his own hands, Kitana does too. Those hands had created the universe, the realms, created her. “I won’t exactly tell you what happened in the previous timelines, but trust me, it was nothing but pain for all of those I loved, every ounce of happiness we achieved was snatched from us…”
The princess touched the tips of her fan blades. “From us…” she quotes him in a whisper, and again the silence engulfs them for a heavy moment. “I know about you and… the titan me.”
Her creator only let out a soft laugh, almost tender. “Every version of you is too smart for their own good.”
“You are the one who could have made me less smart.” She laughed too, and they turned back to face the last rays of sunshine disappear. “Can you at least be with… the one you love?” Be with me, or titan me, a version of me, was what she taught at first, but it felt too intimate to say, too confusing, she wasn’t his Kitana, and he wasn't the one for her either, not in this reality. 
“Not all the time, as I would wish, but it’s already better than nothing.”
And that’s comfort enough, she thinks, for all of them.
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Thanks for reading! My request are open and i added some fandoms including MK, the lists and rules are pinned.
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lordsanguiney · 9 months
Syzoth - I went a lil too realistic w this one
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I have to note this: Reptile has always been my all-time fav mortal kombat character. Seeing him get so much love and actual care for his character has been a blessing. I do still love mk10 reptile. He has a special place in my heart.
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fandomiplier · 10 months
bi-han and affection
pairing: character study; no pairing
genre: angst; no comfort
warnings: intergenerational trauma, death
hi there! this was just something i wrote in a hurry because i desperately need more bi-han characterization/character studies. also, yall can snatch autistic!bi-han from my cold, dead hands. hope you enjoy!
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bi-han is not a conventionally affectionate person.
as far as he recalls, he never was. bi-han doesn't dwell on childhood memories as much as his brothers do - he doesn't see the usefulness of reminiscing, especially on memories he sees as useless. but, as far as he recalls, he's always been distant, even in the beginning of his training.
(bi-han doesn't have any memory from before he began his lin kuei training; his oldest memory is holding a bo and learning how to use it as a weapon by his tutor. he was 7).
he does not enjoy physical contact. he never enjoyed it, even as a kid - being touched without consent is something bi-han despises with a fiery passion. the cryomancy does not aid in that aspect; the warmth of the touch is bothersome and sometimes painful. but it feels uncomfortable in a different way, almost as if his bones ache inside his body once people touch him without consent or warning. it often leads to an angry discussion or someone leaving with a broken nose. kuai liang tends to deal with the situation for him, especially when the perpetrator is an important figure or of interest to the lin kuei. but sometimes his reaction time gets the best of him - and confrontation is inevitable.
at the same time, bi-han is not verbally affectionate. when necessary, bi-han can lecture his students on fighting techniques, on weaponry, on war strategy and philosophy. he has done it before countless times, each time more eloquently than the last - bi-han is an excellent teacher, even though he lacks patience most times. but when it comes to interpersonal relations, bi-han is a complete disaster. surely, he can converse with other clan leaders, can discuss politics and trade deals, can and has secured alliances with other clans ever since he became grandmaster. he looks smooth - but, in private, bi-han falls flat every single time he has to interact with someone. it feels odd and weird and uncomfortable, both for the person and for him. it feels just like being touched, like his bones creak under his muscles once the awkwardness sets in - it feels physically painful.
so he refrains. he refrains from most celebrations or social gatherings, he does not interact with people outside of work or training. he leaves his bedroom in the early morning, works and trains until exhaustion and, once he's satisfied with his productivity, returns to his chambers to bathe, eat and sleep. that is, if he doesn't sleep at his table, in the grandmaster's office - kuai liang finds him unconscious on top of stacks of papers, sleeping over lin kuei documents and mission reports.
(on those nights, either kuai liang or tomas leave him a cup of tea and some food for once he wakes up. bi-han never thanks them for it, but they know he appreciates the care).
even before he became grandmaster, bi-han had the exact same routine: wake up, train, classes, train again, eat, bathe and sleep. his cryomancy interfered severely with his sleep - something about his metabolic rate trying to compensate for the cold, so he feels constantly awake. insomnia has accompanied him for years and the easiest way to sleep is to just exhaust himself enough that he passes out and sleeps until the next morning. it doesn't always work - but it does the trick on most nights. his mother was desperate seeing her son exhaust himself to sleep, but they had no other solution to the issue.
his mother worried about him. she knew bi-han was the most dedicated of all her sons, even though kuai liang and tomas have always been as devoted to the clan as the eldest. but bi-han's obstinate nature worried her. it worried her that bi-han would exhaust himself to the point of death to fulfill his father's demands. the lack of physical contact and verbal communication, even with his own family, terrified her; and realizing how closed off bi-han had and would always be made her worry for his wellbeing even in her last days.
kuai liang and tomas don't talk about it. they know trying to argue with bi-han is futile - and would end badly for both of them. tomas knows bi-han is closed-off because he feels uncomfortable and would rather die than force his brother into an uncomfortable situation. kuai liang still worries and wishes his brother would open up more, even if only with his brothers, but he also knows bi-han is not the type of person to verbalize concerns or issues. his brother is practical and methodical; the type of person to solve the issue before telling anyone about it. so he knows that, if someone were the matter, he would know sooner or later; but his mother's worry rubbed off on him.
bi-han may not be verbally or physically affectionate, but one can clearly tell when he is worried. bi-han cares for very few people in this world and he unconsciously dotes over them a little when worried - which is a lot, considering bi-han does not dote on anyone in normal circumstances. questioning on their welfare and wellbeing is a very clear sign bi-han is worried (at least for his brothers, who are often at the other end of the question). tending for wounds and aiding with training unprompted are also possibilities, while less common. openly admitting worry is the final and rarest event, only reserved for his late mother.
for bi-han, worry and doting are a display of affection. not that he realizes it consciously, since he rarely dwells on the reason why he acts like this with specific people. but ensuring their safety and wellbeing is how he shows people that he cares, even if he can't verbalize it properly. (he doesn't verbalize it at all; bi-han does not do feelings).
bi-han may not be conventionally affectionate - but he worries plenty for the ones he loves. and that is enough, at least for him.
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(c) fandomiplier. do not repost.
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mader-spotz · 10 months
You know what, I’m still gonna talk about MK9 Johnny ending concept cause it be really cool.
The ending of having him gain power is still interesting to me because just look at Johnny’s reaction
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He looks unstable. There’s rubble around him as he just screams. In the game ending it says how he can’t control it and everything around is destroyed.
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THIS IS WHAT MAKES ME THINK ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY! He looks so defeated, he looks ashamed of the damage he has inflicted (assuming he destroyed the buildings around him)
I saw YouTube comments saying how Johnny in this ending became a literal star and I agree. He did get what he wanted, he became a star.
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lyraeeee · 11 months
I can’t stop drawing him help
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his pretty eyes + small angry bi han
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might make a chibi set just for him
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stabby-biscotti0152 · 10 months
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Some Bi-han and Kitana studies
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chewbokachoi · 8 months
Gotta Get Away
Bi-Han staggered away, sweat pouring off him. He couldn’t tell if there was something wrong with the air or him. His ice suddenly refused to come to him; his hands remained their normal flesh as he tried again and again to summon something, anything cold. Even a snowflake would tell him he was still alright, still himself.
But the sweating continued.
And then the shakes began.
Bi-Han had known for sometime now something in him was broken, as if his very soul was cracked. He cursed Liu Kang, their so-called creator of everything, for putting something so inferior in him. Was this divine punishment? A ticking time bomb set to go off if Bi-Han failed to please Liu Kang’s grand design?
He gripped the tree he stood near, its bark cutting into his puckering fingers. The world began to spin and he could feel an unnatural, dreadful heat deep within him. It had no physical source; it just Was.
His vision began to blacken and he knew something deep and dreadful was trying to make its way out from him. Worse, Bi-Han realized this thing in him was his own self. It was something in him that he always knew was there, always aware of but had no way of looking at or examining. And worse, it was something he had no way of escaping.
And now it was making its claim to his body and flesh, and it would be the one making the decisions now.
Written to "Gotta Get Away" by The Offspring
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laismoura-art · 5 months
Ok so, months ago @meme099 asked me what Harumi would be like if she was a playable character.
And I got carried away to the point I made A HUUUGE POST as I brainstormed! So what I mean to ask is:
Edit: Huge post for the win!
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shinshoyu · 11 months
this song is so kenshi core and i have an entire essay explaining why but essentially i feel like it's representative of his time in the yakuza (more analysis under cut)
the song title そのまんまそのまんま、そのままずっとそまま translates as "as it is, as it is, without change." to me, this is probably how he felt following orders: day in, day out, it's all the same, without change.
the verses all follow the same pattern:
as it is, as it is, without change
it's always been the same, so let's go back to sleep
have a good night, have a good night, have a good night
now please rest peacefully*
*this part of the verses change with each verse. they're usually subtle parts of a day (i'm tired now, there's a ramune salad waiting for me, i have school tomorrow). every time this verse repeats, it's a new day, a new night, but it's all the same, except for such minute differences that it barely matters.
there are two bridges in the song, and to me it sounds like a maddening cycle-- and really, i'm only calling them "a bridge" because they're the only part of the song that doesn't follow the verse structure. i'm not sure if that means what i'm calling the verses are choruses, or if what im calling the bridges are choruses, and i don't care. i'm just using these words to describe them.
the bridges give a bit more story to the song, a break from the maddening cycle of day in, day out, as it is, as it is, without change.
bridge 1:
"The way home is disappearing
School's already out for the day
Ahh, I've got to get back quickly now
There's a Ramune salad waiting for me
I don't think I know anything
Being run over by flounder and sea breams
Stuffed into a tortoise shell
And once again it's timе to go back to school"
again, this song represents a cycle without change. the first bridge feels like the fall of his sanity; working for the yakuza, day in, day out, without change has to take a toll on your psyche. the lyrics "the way home is disappearing", "i don't think i know anything", and "and once again, it's time to go back to school" strike a particular chord in this chorus. kenshi likely doesn't have a sense of self working with the yakuza, all he knows is his life of bloodshed. i interpret the "way home" as his family, the taira clan, and how deeply rooted they are within the yakuza. on top of that, all of the lines that relate to "going back to school" i'm interpreting as going back to work and working and working and working.
bridge 2:
"I've been dreaming about it for so long
Your voice is the only one I can hear
The road in my head is rotten and decayed
And I still hear you talking to me"
now, i don't know a super whole ton about kenshi's backstory, and i'm basing most everything i know on MK1 and bits and pieces i've read about him. in my mind, this verse applies to someone who made him want out. there had to have been a moment, or person, that made kenshi snap and want to leave the yakuza and free his clan. maybe he fell in love, or maybe he took an innocent life and it weighed heavier on his conscious, something like that.
sure, he's likely dreamt of freedom before, but being born into a criminal empire doesn't normally constitute a rebellion. something happens that makes you think and question your loyalties. i think this was a person, maybe someone he cared about or someone he killed, but i think that was what finally inspired him to leave. maybe the voice talking to him is his conscious! either way, i think this is his breaking point
after this verse, the song starts to repeat the day in, day out mantra again. as it is, as it is, without change. at this point though, the rest of the sound and music is very chaotic. to me, this could apply to internal turmoil- the background, the sounds, they're chaotic, uncoordinated, emotional, but on the outside, everything is fine, the words repeat and stay the same. inside, turmoil, outside, calm. he's keeping up appearances as he plans his escape.
again, most of this post is about my limited knowledge of his character from mk1! that's the only game i've played so far, but i think the new timeline probably gives me a bit of leeway here LMAOOO
this post is very all over the place and i apologize because my thoughts are very much not organized. this is just an info dump abt a song i love and a character i love. ok love u bye
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batstickblog · 1 year
6 archetypes of characters and themes for won’t want Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack
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Greeting fellow followers. Been awhile has done one of these. Isn’t rant or anything. It’s been a year since. I shared my thoughts on animation or a topic related to a certain issue related to a certain company sided with a party, one of the states against allowing discussion about social ideology like sexuality and gender identity. Ain’t talking, that’s my most popular post from last year and I want to try something different rather rely on old posts. Share my thoughts about the release announcement reveal trailer for Mortal Kombat 1 from NetherRealm Studios themselves. They put out that trailer and several outlets already released articles and breakdowns of what's well came from the next installment from the franchise. Already I've been a casual fighting game player. I Have played variations of fighting series across different franchises like Mortal Kombat, Darkstalkers, Tekken, Streets Fighters, Virtual Fighters, King of Fighters, Marvel vs. Capcom, Super Smash Brothers. Can list the rest of fighting’s games that I play. Would make a list of everything that’s played in my entire life. That’s for like any moment when I get around.
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Already Mortal Kombat fan’s talk about guests characters. As pointed out, these are what they’re ever talking about. Besides the stories, characters and mechanics of the game, the team felt NRS was aware of this and teased fans to expect what guest characters will entertain mortal kombat like so many others, from God of War to Rambo. Between that is bunches of horror icons, comic books characters like Joker and Spawn and sci-fiction characters like Xenomorph, Yautja and T-800. Also with gaming outlets not confirmed. Speculating that Mortal Kombat 1 guest’s characters are Peacemaker, Homelander, Omni-Man and Conan. Everyone was excited about these and thak to the Elder Gods for that.
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If the peaks are true, hope not. Don’t know there a majority of small MK fans that are not disappointed or not a fan of these early lists of guest fighters they are getting soon in Mortal Kombat 1. From their perspective they are excited for this because…What’s the point? Homelander and Omni-Man? They already have Evil Superman for Injustice, minus brutality in their shows. Well Injustice’s Superman is near lawful evil as Omni-Man and further than Mortal compass as Homelander (if you read the comic’s or watch the show’s to learn some horrible, terrifying and right-up mess actions that Homelander had done in both mediums).
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Injustice Superman is good guys compared to Homelander. and they’re going to play the same type of fighters, again as Superman from previous games and they’d completely from the comic’s as strength and backstory, still going’s recycled or Tweak up there move sets make fans can’t tell difference a-little. Peacemaker, the show was popular (and don’t it either the show or the characters. Really fan of Peacemaker). Already a DC character appeared in Mortal Kombat and one Pleated completed about this because it’s Joker in the last Mortal Kombat. Why are they why the creative team wants to repeat the same theme for Kombat Pack.
For example, look at Mortal Kombat (2011) for download content of guest fighters Kratos (Greek Version) and Freddy Krueger. So Mortal Kombat 9 was a mix of both video games and horror representation. Mortal Kombat X was led into more horror with their kombat packs with guest characters like Leatherface, Alien, Predator and Jason (well action-horror with Alien and Predator. Both respected franchises, sequel and crossover are action orientated with horror elements mixed with. Jason X was part horror and part action/sci-fiction).
Mortal Kombat 11 has superior guest characters than X and 9. Spawn, Joker, Rambo, Terminator and RoboCop. Kombat Pack for Mortal Kombat 11 was a throwback of classic 80s action flicks and comic books. Now with Mortal Kombat 1. Kombat Pack already doesn't look that good, felt Kombat Packs are retaining the same idea from previously downloaded content packs. Ain’t felt different or has a theme to stand out from the rest of the Kombat Pack. It’s kind of like cooking your favorite kind of meat like beef, chicken or pork. Cooked anyway you like it. Would looks the same. In result it’s would end-up taste differently. That’s what Kombat Pack are each different flavors from a new Mortal Kombat game when released. Always a bit different from the previous entry in the title.
Return the Discussing on the Peacemaker. Let's be saved for when NetherRealm possibly make a next injustice after Mortal Kombat 1 (possibly when it would ever happen, sometime around mid-late 2020s). It’s great that Ed Boon and his team at NetherRealm Studios are listening to the community closely on most requests. At the same time boom and his studio really needed careful consideration when what third party they wanted included in Mortal Kombat. Ain’t saying is possible. Remembering has guests from other franchises ain’t easy. There needs to be a deal to be made and other parties are willing to allow any of these characters to make appearances outside their series, that's the company's own. Isn't an executive. Now has made a list of mixers of characters and type of themes for Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack. That’s won’t or didn’t happen when revealed trailer for line-up of Kombat Pack after the game release afterwards.
Reused Old Guest Character
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Not characters. Character. Has seen a lot of people and even articles that brought up many one character outside of the Mortal Kombat universe. Requested his return to Kratos from God of War. Everyone needs to be calm and reasonable. They want Kratos back, not as old rage-destructive, ruthless, violent, brutal Sparta from Greek saga. Norse Kratos from 2018's God of War and God of War Ragnarök. More wise and civilized, still a berserk fighter when either those closest to him are not in near danger.
These aren't third-party games. A guest isn’t a major character. They're one time appearances despite different versions of them. Don’t bring-up echo/clone characters or two were versions of characters like Regular Mario or Dr.Mario in Smash they’d be completely different. As much like Kratos. His right-up aside many established franchise characters like Master Chief, from the sixth generation era. Kratos or Norse Kratos is not personal for me. Rather want new guest fighter instead rehash old guest fighters from previous titles that came before it.
Horror Characters
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Right of the bat. Is horror. Mortal Kombat has a well known reputation within the Horror community and embraced the genre as a whole. Freddy made his guest appearances in Mortal Kombat 2011, following with its 2015 sequel Mortal Kombat X with Jason and Leatherface. Since then fan’s requested other horror characters in the next Mortal Kombat. Seen a lot of popular suggestions for icon horror and slasher’s characters, even recently new ones from a wide variety of potential guest characters like Michael Myers, Pinhead, Ghostface, Pennywise, Chucky, Megan and plenty horr. Sadly alongside seemingly fan’s requests ever since Mortal Kombat X or 11? Is groovy chainsaw-wielding, boomstick-blasting wisecracking Ash Williams (believe less few years back around 2019-2020 that’s Bruce finished with character, and didn’t respire his in live-action or probably included video game anytime).
Michael Myers, Pinhead and…Pennywise would believe visuals could believe those three would translate into the world of Mortal Kombat. Ghostface or Chucky can’t imagine those two stand against…No go against one of fighters who are literally god or have element mythos abilities that can set you on fire or rip-out your soul from y’all, physical body. Horror has worn out the meriden in Mortal Kombat. With nine and tenth main installments in the Mortal Kombat or first two games of NetherRealm Trilogy. It’s preferable that NetherRealm Studios shouldn’t put any horror or slashers killers in Mortal Kombat 1 or any future games for a while if they’re chosen. Horror is everyone's favorite type of genre, myself included. In the game (isn’t Deaf by Daylight) as Mortal Kombat. Definitely not for a while.
Movie Licenses Characters
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Mortal Kombat narratives felt when watching a movie. Fitting during the early development days way back to the first original Mortal Kombat. Originally the team at Midway was going to adapt Bloodsport in the game. All that’s changed thanks to the commercial success of Capcom's Street Fighter II: The World Warrior. Midway Games allows Boon and his team to create their own arcade fighting game, known as Mortal Kombat and cultural influence has had in the gaming industry for 30 years. Gone this strong after these years. Even though Jean-Claude Camille was announced in Mortal Kombat 1 as Kameo Fighters, with complete likeness. Since then with the last release Mortal Kombat 11 with 80s action characters from The Terminator, RoboCop to Rambo himself. Alongside the three appearances after Mortal Kombat 11. Quickly floated by fans, many movie characters wanted to be seen in Mortal Kombat games like John Wick, Mad Max, The Bride (Kill Bill), Riddick, Voldemort and “Sigh” Darth Vader. What’s any scenario is that Disney, Lucasfilms, NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros. Games negotiated an agreement to make a deal allowing one of the Star Wars most iconic villains ever like Darth Vader in Mortal Kombat. No way unlikely will happen unlike pre-Disney Star Wars did with Soul Calibur IV.
As much love as characters from my favorite movies engage in Kombat one versus one fight. Mortal Kombat should have laid-back these cinematic influences. Includes NetherRealm pouring how much money through getting these actors' approval allowing linkness to be used by the characters they portrayed from films to appear in the game. Maybe Mortal Kombat Fans would see John Wick pinned against someone like Scorpion, Liu Kang or Johnny Cage. Don’t get me wrong, it's flawless to see that with creativity the way badass fiction cinematic stars would do with their own fatalities. I am good that’s should leave out any more movie’s characters for Mortal Kombat 1. Three action stars are enough for Mortal Kombat 11. Let's find new gimmicks of guest characters for Kombat Pack. Please. Found better options for guest fighters including license out movie characters. Known studios would want either Neo or John Wick in one of their games. Even as Reeves fans I had to no. I love The Matrix and John Wick. Those are favorites of Keanu Reeves movies, strongly disagreeing on them being in Mortal Kombat.
Comic Books Characters
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Homelander or Omni-Man, that's this leak to be rumored. Not if confirmed. Seems people on the Internet believe and accept any information is true or not, that’s their beliefs. That era is currently where we are now. Mortal Kombat 11 when first announced that Spawn and Joker were coming. I was massively excited for these. Mostly Spawn, in classes during the course of winter semester the trailer with that incredible song playing during gameplay’s footage Spawn fought Scorpion. If’s was during the 90s that’s a dream crossover from my inner 90s younger self would rationalize most early entertainment mediums between comics like Spawn or video games like Mortal Kombat across together. Now since Mortal Kombat 11. Began seeing a lot of fans suggesting and wanting guest comic’s books in Mortal Kombat. Judge Dread. The Mask, Crow, V, WitchBlade, Shredder and of course, DC characters DC likes Deathstroke and Harley Quinn. So what’s i think about the whole thing, with honest opinions of me?
Homelander and Omni-Man are too similar and would play the same archetype of Superman from similar, besides being twisted dark take on Man of Steel while they pretend to be heroes. They also both only been talked about because if leaks are true not be true or not. Either Warners Bros: Games or NRS only allowed these to capitalize both series popularity on Amazon Prime and due to massive fan’s demands. Plus got Peacemaker, why not save for the next Injustice then ever be a sequel to Injustice 2 or something like that. Isn’t because the show found popularity because with Injustice restrictions some of these violent comic books characters personality…Already not their personality. Movesets and not get to see all that bloody fatalities, that’s not seen in Injustice’s games. Didn't go against Comic Books Characters in fighting games like Mortal Kombat. My two characters want to see not in Mortal Kombat. Injustice instead. Jackie Estacado and Judge Dredd. Sure those two fit much better within Mortal Kombat. Judge Dredd and The Darkness are different and make sense. Because both series have connected with DC in the past with crossover issues from Judgment on Gotham to The Darkness/Superman. Invincible and The Boys have no connections and no context, for large amounts of fan’s requests. NetherRealm uses Homelander or Omni-Man as an excuse to allow developers to create brutal, impactful and bloody move sets for both Superman Analogues, which they couldn't do with the actual Superman from Injustice game.
Video Games Characters (the rights picks)
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Past decent now or less than that’s since Kratos made his appearance in Mortal Kombat reboot 2011 game. Everyone Mortal Kombat wanting any video game’s characters to appear next in Mortal Kombat. Has seen suggestions of characters as Altair, Alex Mercer, Marcus Fenix (originally planned for MK9 for only Xbox exclusive, ultimately got scrapped), Raiden (MGS), Gabriel Belmont, Sweet Tooth, Akuma, Fulgore, Reaper, Sephiroth, Talion, Nemesis…Springtrap seriously and among the rest why Springtrap, from Fives Nights at Freddy? Don’t get the joke of it. This is what any fighting game fan dreams of. A roster filled with their favorite icons characters like in games like Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat is like Smash Bros. If Smash bros were T or less M rating. I read one reddit post complaining about how Mortal Kombat fans discuss guest characters from different franchises from other games.
Past decent now or less than that’s since Kratos made his appearance in Mortal Kombat reboot 2011 game. Everyone Mortal Kombat wanting any video game’s characters to appear next in Mortal Kombat. Has seen suggestions of characters as Altair, Alex Mercer, Marcus Fenix (originally planned for MK9 for only Xbox exclusive, ultimately got scrapped), Raiden (MGS), Gabriel Belmont, Sweet Tooth, Akuma, Fulgore, Reaper, Sephiroth, Talion, Nemesis…Springtrap seriously and among the rest why Springtrap, from Fives Nights at Freddy? Don’t get the joke of it. This is what any fighting game fan dreams of. A roster filled with their favorite icons characters like in games like Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat is like Smash Bros. If Smash bros were T or less M rating. I read one reddit post complaining about how Mortal Kombat fans discuss guest characters from different franchises from other games.
Really nothing against the idea of video games representation in Mortal Kombat. All guest video games characters have a chance. For a while make your own list of guests that are not definitely. Thought’s made sense from both technical and gameplay perspective-wise. If you don't accept them, that’s fine. While suggestions of some of the characters like Sephiroth, Raiden (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance) or Reaper are fun to imagine, I didn’t really find myself to be pleased or happy if NetherRealm announces any characters that feel out of place. Specifically satisfied that’s small percentage of fans wanted their favorite game character without a second thought throughout development.
Doom Slayer
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Everyone needed to hear me out first. Hear me out first! Calm downs. These my personal hot takes, known how’s internet rioting up that’s you didn’t agree with the majority of people with them. Already. Don’t want Doom Slayer in Mortal Kombat. I Have a very good reason. Before grabbing your chainsaw and wanting to Rip and Tear for my heresy against my thoughts for not wanting Slayer in Fighting game, let me explain why I don't think that Doom Slayer is not a bad fit but isn't the first choice of characters. I want to see Mortal Kombat.
How I disagree fan-favorite requested guests characters like Michael Myers or Homelander that’s has seen multiple times are highly requested characters from everyone felt like no one thought up any original guest characters for Mortal Kombat. They’d agree to that person list and copy off that person and add that one character place to aid those guest characters that everyone who’s all agreed want to see. For me. I am not following the same list or feeling in the same mindset on it. As a fellow fan of Doom. From playing all mainline games, collecting novels/art books and following the Doom community. Since then it has appreciated old-school shooters like Doom in recent years. Learn the acknowledgement about the development game cycles due to how this one of not the greatest but important games to gaming industry and culture revolution. Those who made some good arguments and points why Doom Slayer. Thought maybe instead about one of the Slayer ancestors? Would explain that later for another time.
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atlasofthestaars · 11 months
I can’t tell if your requests are open or not, so i’m sorry if they aren’t and just disregard this <3 Can I request ANYTHING with MK1 Bi-han, i’m down ASTRONOMICAL for him. if you want me to get specific something where he’s learning how to be affectionate and (ironically) less cold with you 😭 to me it seems like he’d be more of a physical touch/actions kind of person, even though that may be few and far between especially at first. also can i just say you’re the best mk writer i’ve seen ♥️
NOTE: They are! I just struggle with writing them sometimes, so I’m MUCH slower at making them than my New Era chapters, but they are!
<3 Thank you for requesting and being so lovely <3 Sorry for how long the wait was! I kinda treated this like a character study + my headcanons for the man.
Also I couldn’t tell if this was s/o or not so I just defaulted to crush?
The fic is set to be kinda ? told in his POV, but in second still. You’ll see! Also I kindaa got carried away at the end so maybe ??? a bit ooc. I just like writing people pining.
Doing small things for others' convenience was not something Bi-Han was used to doing, nor was he known for doing these things.
“Get up.” Bi-Han stood over you, from where he had swept you and sent you tumbling to the floor. There were a few moments of silence as he watched you hesitate, staring up to him bewildered. Why were you confused? The command was simple enough. You stared at his hand, seeming lost in thought. He rolled his eyes.
How was this the person who could go toe to toe with him? 
“Are you deaf?” He asked you, his stare turning into an icy glare. 
Why did you look so lost? 
Sure, he had never helped you off the ground before, Bi-Han could give you that. The reasons behind this was simple, he was just simply tired of hearing his brothers nag him for leaving you on the floor. It’s not like he helped any others up during sparring. They were capable of getting up themselves, they did not need their grandmaster to coddle them. 
Just because he’s known you for a while, why should you be the exception?
Still, their complaints were tiring and bothersome, so he decided to try to help you up for once. Maybe that would settle their complaints. They were always pushing him to be a little less…icy. Plus, out of anyone, he supposed doing this for you would not be the worst. Sure, you tried to hang around him constantly, but your company wasn’t unpleasant he supposed.
Bi-Han growled as he watched you still lay on the ground, staring at his hand. With a huff, he lunged forward, grabbing your hand for himself. He was going to help you up one way or another, dammit. You were not going to be the person to deny his kindness. Hoisting you up, he was caught off guard as you collided with his chest. 
Did he hit you so hard during training that you were acting dumb all of a sudden?
With a grunt, he steadied you, holding you by your waist. His hands settled quite nicely there, and his hands instinctively squeezed. Your hands were on his chest, as you righted yourself properly. He sent you another glare, this one more instinctual than intentional. You seemed caught off guard, confused, and so many things all at once.
You were confusing.
What was even more confusing was the fact that his mind seemed to want to capture this moment, wanting to sear the memory of you being in his arms permanently in his head. His hands twitched, and his lips pursed at the thoughts that invaded his head. He pushed them away, shooing them away like annoying flies.
A grandmaster should not be plagued by such…odd thoughts.
He sighed as he let go of your waist once you seemed steady enough. You shot him that sunny grin of yours, and commented on how his heart was finally defrosting. It seemed that you finally had your senses back. In return, Sub Zero frowned as he crossed his arms. You always had a knack for trying to make puns out of his powers. Still, despite the disapproving looks he always sent you, you never stopped.
Bi-Han wasn’t sure to think of you as brave for not caring for his warning glares, or stupid for ignoring them. He was inclined to think of the latter. Would you so brazenly ignore a wolf staring you down with predatory eyes? And yet, a small voice in his head told him otherwise.
He didn’t quite like nor agree with the voice. Honestly, he didn’t even know what to make of the voice in the first place.
“Satisfactory job for today.” Bi-Han said, and he felt a strange sense of satisfaction as you beamed at his words. You were always too eager to accept any positive words from him. You gave his shoulder a pat and scampered off, probably to eat since it was around dinner time now. 
He stood there for a bit longer, watching you disappear, and watching the place you last were before you turned the corner. He frowned as he realized he had been staring. How ridiculous, why had he been staring? With a grunt, he turned around and stalked off to his office.
He couldn’t get the feel of your hand out of his head, no matter how hard he tried.
Bi-Han was not known for little acts of kindness.
“You need to eat.” Bi-Han scolded you, shoving a bowl full of food in your hands. Your fingers brushed, and he pursed his lips, not knowing what to make of the tingle it left on his skin. He’s been more oddly aware of his skin whenever he was around you lately, and he wasn’t quite sure why. 
He watched as that stupid confused look overcame your face again as you took it. It always happened whenever he did things like this, but never with anyone else. He felt a bit offended every time. It wasn’t as if he was incapable of kindness. It didn’t sit right with him the idea that you thought he was incapable of it. You looked at him, opening your mouth to speak, but he cut you off. 
“You didn’t eat breakfast this morning.” He mentioned, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Which it was. Anyone, if they were paying even a smidge of attention to you, would notice how you failed to eat this morning. It actually has been a few days since you’ve eaten breakfast, leading to you complaining and being famished by lunchtime. It had begun to bother him.
Was it just him who noticed these things about you? You even seemed surprised by the information he told you.
How foolish.
“Did you make this?” You asked, peering at the food as you prodded the rice congee with the spoon. Bi-Han nodded, and he felt a strange fluttery feeling in his chest as you took a bite and hummed in delight. You were too pleased by this simple cooking, this was a meal that a child was capable of making. He didn’t like how he craved more of your approval. “This is really good! Thanks Bi-Han!”
Your praise made him feel content. Much to his chagrin, Bi-Han felt his mind churn out some ideas. How would you react if he made you something special instead of this simple breakfast? Certainly you would be more impressed, why shouldn’t you be? His cooking was sufficient. Maybe you’d even praise him more.
Maybe he should make you some more food, sometime.
“You should be eating breakfast, it’s stupid to skip meals.” The cyromancer continued to berate you with a frown. He didn’t like the idea of you skipping meals, it felt…wrong. He watched as you, through a mouthful of food, tried to excuse yourself. He sent you a glare. “There are no excuses. Even a child knows not to skip a meal.” 
“I just said no excuses.” Bi-Han said, shutting you down with a tone of finality. You sent him a sheepish look, one that told him that you were honestly, and truly sorry. You didn’t have any malice behind your actions, at least. He sighed, leaning forward to meet your gaze. “Just so you don’t go running around without at least some food in your stomach, I’ll make you breakfast.”
“Really?” You said. You blinked in surprise, and he nodded. You smiled at him, and he closed his eyes, ignoring how his mind wanted to save that imagery. “I’d like that a lot Bi-Han, thank you.” He nodded, opening his eyes to send you a small glare as he ignored the flutter in his chest.
“You need to wake up earlier though, so you have time to eat.” 
“That’s worth it.”
Bi-Han was not known for letting others close to him. 
“Hold still!”
You swatted his shoulder, huffing as you glared at him. Your confidence around the grandmaster was almost astounding to the rest of the Lin Kuei. Not many would not even think of glaring at the man, let alone swat his shoulder in annoyance. And yet, here you were, doing just that. The oddest part of it all was that Bi-Han was letting you.
Well, more like tolerating you.
Your efforts were not without some push back from Bi-Han. You received your fair share of glares, huffs, and scoffs. And yet, you ignored all of those. The glares he sent your way were deflected, as if they were mere stares. His huffs and scoffs were like entertainment to you. He watched as your grin grew whenever he did these.
When did you stop fearing his intimidating presence? 
Did you ever fear him in the first place?
Bi-Han was left brooding as you tended to his wounds. He felt like a sheltered, pampered dog with a person who fussed far too much over him. His lips pulled into a frown as you pulled his arm into place, making sure to grip it tightly so he could not move and mess up your delicate work. 
“I’m trying to stay still.” Bi-Han grumbled, his voice sounded resigned as he let the arm you worked on go limp. He had learned well enough from your previous efforts that resistance was futile. You would probably chase him down to the ends of the earth to dress his wounds. The thought alone seemed ridiculous.
Then again, it was you. And he wasn’t sure when he stopped minding it when it was you. 
“Well, try harder!” You sassed, rolling your eyes. The grandmaster kept his eyes on yours, finding them more interesting than anything else in the room. No, he was not fawning over your eyes. Such a notion was unfounded. He simply didn’t think anything else was interesting.
That’s it. That’s all.
Your eyes were simply just more interesting than the same old training rooms he’s known since he could remember. Honestly, most things were. But your eyes were especially a standout. They held a certain quality to them. A warmth that could not be replicated, not even by his younger brother’s pyromancy. No, it was unique. Something he couldn’t quite place. 
Bi-Han felt his breath catch as your eyes, the ones he definitely did not find fascinating, met his own eyes. You certainly had to have some sort of magic within your blood. It was impossible that you didn’t in some capacity. After all, why would he be unable to look away if that wasn’t the case?
“What?” Bi-Han asked, his voice rumbling as he continued to look at those strange eyes of yours. He watched as they narrowed once again at him, like he did something wrong. He couldn’t have, though, all he did was stare at you. And you never once complained about it.
“Did you even hear what I said?” You nagged. Realization trickled in, and Bi-Han’s first instinct was to frown. He most certainly did not hear what you said. It wasn’t his fault though. He was far more focused on trying to figure out your eyes than to hear whatever you had been going on about.
Not that he disliked your voice. It was nowhere near ear splitting and headache inducing. He’d never admit it, but it was the complete opposite of that. And by complete opposite, he meant it was tolerable. Nothing more, nothing less.
“No.” Bi-Han bluntly replied, knowing that you’d chew him out if he even bothered to lie. You seemed to read him better than he could read you. It was a bit frustrating. He wasn’t exactly an open book, yet you made him feel like one. Meanwhile, you were open with almost everything and almost everyone. So why could he not figure you out?
“I said you need to be more careful.” You repeated, an exhausted tone in your voice. He frowned, both at your insistence and your condition. Have you been skipping out on sleep again? After searching your face, he determined that no, you were just exhausted by him. 
“I am careful.” He retaliated, dropping his gaze to look down at his hands. They were clasped together as he hunched over. He detested the way his mind started to drift back to thoughts of you again. How would your hand fit in his? Were your hands soft and gentle? Or were they rough and calloused like his? Were they warm? Cold?
Why did he always think of you?
“Clearly, you’re not careful enough.” You nagged. For emphasis, you tightened the bandage you were wrapping around his bicep. He should not like the fact that you were concerned over him. He didn’t need you to be concerned over him. “Honestly, for being grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, I thought you’d be more careful.” You muttered.
Bi-Han sent a half hearted glare your way, being met with one of the same intensity. He couldn’t even muster up a retort to send your way. It was just because he knew you wouldn’t care whatever harsh comment he had. That’s it.
His mind fixated on the gentle way you smoothed out the bandages. Your fingers tracing over his muscles such care that was foreign to the cryomancer. It felt…domestic. His heart skipped a beat at the idea of a domestic life.
Since when did he crave for those kinds of things?
“Someday I might not be here to patch up your wounds.” You threatened, but both he and you knew it was a half hearted lie. You would always be there to bother Bi-Han. Whether it be to nag him, make stupid jokes, or just to…be there.
He’s grown soft, he realized, if he’s actually grown to tolerate you and your presence without too much thought. Looking back, the man realized that, he’s actually grown to be used to you being with him for a while now. This realization would have made the man angry or terrified long ago.
Now he was just…okay with it.
And so Bi-Han sat there, with the overwhelming realization that he’s grown to trust you.
Bi-Han was not known for being vulnerable.
The grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, as much as he would never admit it, is very much human. 
He had dreams. Dreams of ascending to higher things than just being a member of a clan that listened to a god to a drop of a hat. He had aspirations of growing stronger and better than he was now. He had flaws, much like any other person. He was ambitious to a fault and was too harsh and blunt, even to his own kin. 
But most of all, Bi-Han felt weaknesses.
It wasn’t often, but he sometimes thought of his parents.
Bi-Han’s relationship with his father was strained. To be the firstborn of a clan that was so revered meant he had a lot of expectations on him since he was born. He had to command respect without being harsh. He had to be confident, but not cocky. He had to give up who he was, or wanted to be, for the clan. Because Bi-han was now the clan’s life blood.
The cyromancer never asked for such a destiny. But who was he to deny a path to power since birth? He supposed it was only worthy of him, as he rose to the challenge when he knew many would crumble under the immense pressure. He alone withstood the harshness of his father’s teachings when others did not see that side of him.
No one else had to see the sheer disappointment in his father’s eyes everytime he did not live up to his expectations.
It was suffice to say his father expected much of him. Bi-Han, after all, was going to inherit a lot of power and responsibility. It was only fair. Still, bitterly, the cyromancer remembered how much easier his brothers’ expectations were. But it was fine. It was not as if they were trained to be the next grandmaster of a clan.
It was probably for the better, for now he was a man who could hold his own.
Still, sometimes he wished, deep down, that he had a father instead of a teacher.
Bi-Han’s relationship with his mother was better. Where his father surmounted a lot of pressure upon his son to forge him into a diamond, his mother took care and time to polish him. The man was ever thankful for and adored his mother.
When father had been harsh, she had always been there to provide guiding words to help quell his fears. She gave him compassion and kindness in his times of need. His mother had always been proud of him, even when he felt as if he fell short.
Bi-Han had been hit the hardest by his mother’s death.
Tonight was one of those nights where his weaknesses managed to snag their claws into him and tear at his chest. Lying down on his bed, he stared up towards the ceiling. It was dark in his room. He preferred it that way. But the cover of darkness did not help his mind as he looked into the inky black darkness. 
Though he did not feel the chill of his own powers, he knew that the temperature in his room was dropping quickly due to his lack of self control. He should have better control than this. The old man would despise this as much as he despised him.
He needed water. Water would help him get back into the right mindset.
Bi-Han trudged towards the kitchen, a layer of frost following in his wake. Thoughts of the parents he no longer had filled his mind as he went, trying to drag him down. Shards of ice born from his irritation grew on his forearms. 
Why were the dead haunting him so much?
It was irrational for him to allow them to have such a chokehold on his thoughts, even after all this time. The cyromancer owed them nothing. He had no need for them to whisper into his mind, telling him how he needed to be more than he was now. How Bi-Han was still not enough,
The knob on the kitchen grew icy as he gripped it. Fragile shards dropped as he turned, shattering like glass on the floor. His steps felt like molasses as he walked towards the sink. The glass he grabbed immediately grew cold, almost threatening to shatter in his hands.
He glared at the sink as it refused to relinquish the water he desperately needed. Bi-Han felt his frustration grow, and he clenched his fists. He trembled and shook from anger. He was the grandmaster, dammit! He should not be struggling with any of this.
The glass shattered in his hand.
“Bi-Han?” A voice rang out amongst the whispers in his head. He froze, the ice on his hands sticking to the sink like his father’s teachings stuck to him. Like a cornered animal, Sub Zero’s head whipped around and he glared instinctively at the intruder. 
It was you.
You stood in the doorway, eyes wide as you looked at the mess that was Bi-Han. He cringed inwardly, detesting how you saw him at his lowest. Slowly, you stepped into the room, looking at the shards of ice and the frost that had overtaken the room.
“Are you okay?” You asked, now in front of Bi-Han. Instead of the fear he had imagined in your eyes, you only showed concern. Slowly, you reached out a hand to cradle his now bleeding hand. You examined his hands, taking out the bandages you seemed to always carry for his sake and began to patch him just like you always did.
The words Bi-Han wanted to say caught in his throat as he stared at you. He was bewildered. Why were you not running? Why were you still here? It was illogical for you to be staying here when he was like…this. 
“I saw all the ice.” You said, your voice gentle and soft. It soothed the pain. It silenced the whispers in his head.  “I was worried for you.” You murmured, your gaze focused on his hand that you held so carefully, as if it would break if you breathed too hard.
Normally, he hated being treated lesser than he was. But he knew with you, that wasn’t the case here.
“Sorry if I’m overstepping but…” You said. You paused, uncertain over something. Then, slowly you wrapped your arms around him, giving him a warm gentle embrace. For a moment, Bi-Han stood there stiffly, not knowing what to do. This type of affection was lost to him.
Slowly, though, he wrapped his arms around you too. 
And he sobbed into your shoulder.
Bi-Han, most of all, was not known for being soft.
Standing outside in the garden, you stood by his side. You always seemed to find your way there. Bi-Han could not think of a better place he would rather you be. It only felt right that you were there, after everything you’ve been through with him.
The cyromancer glanced at you, letting out a breath as he saw the frost nip at your nose and cheeks making them flush. Bi-Han, in that moment, was jealous of the gentle snow and cold and how it brought the color to your cheeks.
It should be him. 
If he made a light snowstorm like the one surrounding you both, would you look at him with even a fraction of the admiration he held for you? If he made an ice sculpture dedicated for you, would you swoon for him and fall into his arms?
No, none of those felt right.
He watched silently with thinly veiled admiration as you spread out your arms, embracing the cold weather. A large smile pulled at your lips, and it also pulled at his heart. The joy on your face was nearly infectious, and he had to fight to keep his lips from quirking up. And yet, if you were to open your eyes and look over, you would see the ghost of a smile on his lips.
No person should have this amount of control over another over a damned smile, and yet here you were. You were able to make the icy grandmaster smile without lifting a finger. All you had to do was to have to smile. By the Netherrealm, you could just look at him at this point and his heart would be jumping for joy.
You had him wrapped around your finger, did you know that?
No. Of course not. You were too oblivious to his feelings. If you did, you would and should be trying to hug him, and not the snowflakes that surrounded the both of you. So instead, Bi-Han just admired your all too perfect face, trying to commit the sight to memory.
By the elder gods, he really wanted to kiss you.
“Isn’t the snowfall just wonderful?” You asked, peeking open an eye to look at him. Bi-Han, snapping out of his stupor, crossed his arms like he guarded his heart. He paused, trying to think of something, anything. 
What should he do? Should he try to flirt? No, knowing you, you’d probably laugh at his attempt and think he was trying to make a joke. That, and flirting wasn’t really his style anyways. That was something the arrogant actor would do, and he wanted you to fall for him, Bi-Han. Not Johnny Cage.
So instead he just nodded.
It seemed a sufficient enough answer for you. Your smile grew, and Bi-Han wondered for a moment if you were the embodiment of the sun. No, of course not. You were far more radiant than that stupid star, if anything, the universe should revolve around you.
His world already did, anyways.
“It’s nice to have something gentle for once, it’s usually a blizzard out here!” You exclaimed, and Bi-Han’s mind couldn’t help but to run in circles over your words. Did you prefer a gentleman? The ghost of a smile on his lips disappeared, replaced with his usual frown. 
He wasn’t exactly a shining definition of a gentleman.
“Aw, you stopped smiling.” You pointed out, and Bi-Han’s heart skipped a beat. So you weren’t as oblivious as you seemed. You noticed his smile, and even seemed to mourn the loss of it. Did you like it? If he were better at it, he’d smile just for you. His lips pursed, and he suddenly wishes he could smile on command. He’s never wanted that before.
Bi-Han’s eyes wander, and they look towards you hair and the snowflakes that decorate it. You looked absolutely ethereal. It was like the universe was trying to set him up for failure. How could the universe decorate you just so…perfectly?
“Man, I should have brought gloves.” You complain. You bring up your hands, which were trembling slightly from the cold. You exhaled into them before rubbing them together to try and bring back some warmth into your body.
“Here.” Bi-Han said, and his body worked faster than his mind as he grabbed your hands. For a moment, he was pleased with himself. Then, in the next, he felt foolish. His hands were probably cold, what was he thinking? He stared at you, trying to gauge your reaction to his impulsive actions.
At first, it was shock. Then, that melted away into something that felt…bashful? Bi-Han’s heart skipped a beat, and he forced himself to engrave the look on your face into his brain. He never knew someone could look so breathtaking.
“Oh, thank you.” You said, your face becoming ever more flushed. The grandmaster’s heart swelled with pride and joy. He made you feel this way. Certainly that had to mean something, right? You bit your lip, and he couldn’t help but be entranced. How could someone have such kissable looking lips? “I…um…I need help with something else too…” You trailed off, swallowing as you nervously looked away.
“Hm?” Bi-han hummed, entranced by the usual shyness. He leaned ever closer, eyes searching your face. Whatever it is you wanted, he would give. 
“My lips are cold too.” You managed to mumble out, before giving him the most hopeful smile he’s ever seen. Bi-Han’s lips grew into a soft smile as his stomach did backflips. He leaned forward, until his lips hovered just a breath away from yours.
“I can help with that.”
Then, he gave you a kiss.
Bi-Han was not known for doing small things for others, nor for his kindness. He never was known for letting others in or for vulnerability. And most of all, he was not known for his softness.
And yet, he’d be all of that and more, if it was for you.
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doki-doki-imagines · 5 months
hello there!hope you're doing great!! if you take resquets, may i ask for hcs about mk1 characters(maybe earthrealm champions, liu kang, syzoth, ashrah; sorry that's too much, you can choose those who you like best) reacting to gn reader suddenly hugging them really tight, and when they ask the reader, they explain themselves feeling cute agression and an urge to squeeze the life out of them,, sorry if it seems weird or anything, you can ignore it if you wish so!
author note: went with the last three and johnny! If you want you can request other characters too! You are lucky to have that kind of reaction, usually I either want to jump out of the window or punch them in the face LOL
Johnny Cage: -He is cooking, or better putting stuff together, hoping it will turn edible, when he feels your tight hug. -Your arms encircling his waist, your head laying on his back. -"Mh? What happened?" Johnny asks, with mirth in his voice. "You are so cute cooking for us. I had to impulse to hug you. You are just so fucking cute." You say into the back of his grey shirt, ending your speech with a kiss on his neck. -If you could see his face you would notice a smile taking most of Johnny's face. He so wants to kick his feet in the air like some schoolgirl. -But instead Johnny punches the kitchen wall cabinet, before turning around finally ready to give you the same amount ot sweetness. -It seems like you aren't the only one suffering for cute aggression.
Liu Kang: -He was simply helping one of the monk in daily chores when he hears you calling him. -Liu Kang excuses himself, a god that has his dna imbued in humilty, and walks toward you in a secluded area where usually nobody comes. The ruin of old temples all around, nature overflowing from every corner. -Liu Kang doesn't have the time to ask what is going on, your arms around his neck, grip tight. Your lips smack in between his eyebrows before you stick your face in the nook of his neck. -"Oh wow. I suppose thanks?" He says, lips near enough to your ears that you feel inside you the low chuckles that bloom from his throat. "You were so nice out there. You are a god but you still help us anyway, you are so nice Liu." You say, whining in his neck, leaving another kiss there. "You are so good Liu, you are such a good god." You keep blabbering, but without any other reason that thinking it for real, wanting to make him feel good. -You see, Liu Kang doesn't suffer of cute aggression, but being told he did a good action, that he is a good boy sparks…something else. -"Liu? Is your temperature rising? Are you fine?" You ask, looking up into his eyes. He nods, before breaking the hug, but now holding your hand, pulling you who knows where. -His won't be the only temperature rising.
Syzoth: -He is studying in the library and you are sitting in front of him, bored out of your mind. -You start to look at your boyfriend face, noticing how the little ray of sun lighted his face, making his green eyes shine under those long blond-ish lashes, the hood of his uniform covering his head, but some of his hair brighten under the sun. -The points of his tongue wet his lips while turning page after page, searching more and more of his origins. -Syzoth is concentrated, eyebrows furrowed, almost looking angry, but you could only see cuteness radiating from his body. -So you do the obvious next step; sitting next to him and hugging his neck till he almost chokes. -"Oh! What is happening? Did something scare you?" Syzoth asks, mostly worried. You kiss the top of his head, still covered by the green hood before saying "No, you are just tremendously cute while studying. My hot nerd." You mumble, still hugging him. -Syzoth doesn't really understand this, not used to these acts of affection, but you seem happy. You called him cute, doezn't know what a nerd is, so he relaxes under your touch. -When you let him go, Syzoth goes back to his book, but will keep an arm around your waist to feel you close to him.
Ashrah: -You are preparing tea for both of you, while Ashrah is sitting on grass, at the entrance of Wu Shi forest. -When the hot beverages are finally ready, you exit the kitchen, and you see her. -Ashrah is surrounded by nature, obviously, but you see some magic in there. The bees seem to create happy dances in the air, butterflies, so big and colourful flying from flowers to flowers and then- -A cute bird lay on Ashrah's shoulder. She turns around and smiles at the creature that chirps before flying away, leaving a happy smile on the demon's face. -She looked like an angel. -You throw the cups on the grass (thankfully, they don't break in million pieces), and run towards her. The hug is so powerful that she ends up laying on the ground with you on top. -"Hey! Is everything fine?" "Yes, you are simply the most beautiful being ever." You say, before kissing her fully on the lips. -She pats your head, happy at least that you are not hurt. -"I'd still like tea-" "Yeah, yeah I'll make it again. Just let me rest in your arms a little longer…" -You soon fell asleep on her.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 month
Hey, hi! You have very cool works, I really like reading you and always wait for your works. Please, do not leave us here alone.
I have a question: what can you say about a reader in the Mortal Kombat world (yandere) who has absolutely no emotional intelligence (like me)? Which yandere would be the scariest for such a reader, and which ones are the softest?
I don't mean that the reader will be cruel or heartless, but he is simply not in tune with emotions and cannot understand what others are feeling. As someone who suffers from this, I can say that I often don't notice how someone falls in love with me, and sometimes this leads to awkwardness
P. S. Who is your favorite fighter, if it's not a secret?
A/N: aww thank you for requestinggg. This is so camp. I struggle with empathy and similar things too. I went a little more broad with it. Alsooolo between mk11 and Mk1 there’s a big personality jump with a lot of characters so my answer is different depending on the game. Hopefully I did this request some justice.
(P.S. Kung Lao is my 1 fave and then Johnny. For female characters it’s Mileena and then scarlett. I like them crazy lol.)
Characters: I only did the ones I actually care about lol.
Warnings: This is purely my opinion based off of my interpretation of yanderes. Please bear in mind that when I write Yandere, it’s at extremes.
Requests: always open
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Safe Zone
Mk11 Fujin, Kotal Khan, Night wolf, Kuai Liang, Jax , MK1 Reptile, Raiden, Smoke, Baraka, both Liu Kang, Kenshi, both gerases
While you maybe aren’t intentionally trying to discard them or hurt their feelings, it doesn’t seem like it at first. Why are you so blank? How can you just shrug off a confession like that? Do you hate them?
Once they get to know you better by studying and observing your habits, they realize that this is simply the way you are. They are compassionate enough where they don’t really let it bother them anymore.
They have not only a legitimate love for you (under their deranged behaviors), but a lot of emotional intelligence. At their core, they have a bit more maturity on things like this compared to their counterparts. Especially Fujin and Kotal Khan, they’ve been here for ages and have dealt with many different personalities before. You’re not really the first person who has been emotionally shut off like this. Besides, it’s not like you’re showing someone else more love or attention than them so..whatevs
(If you do discard them for another person tho, they will raise hell about it and retract their compassion.)
They will be more direct and intentional about what they want and their feelings so it's not so confusing for you. I can also imagine them guiding and helping you understand them more by maybe taking a different approach towards empathy? Emotional intelligence can be improved and I think they’d be rather good at this. You might not be fully there on everything (depending on where this is stemming from) but you’d have a better grasp at least.
I will say though that at times they might get sad when you don’t initiate affection or respond emotionally how they’d ideally picture it. Especially if there’s absolutely no improvement after a while, they’d get manipulative. They’d make you believe you feel something that you actually can’t. Also might get a bit frustrated by your impulsivity, outbursts and isolation.
Danger Zone
Mk11Shang tsung,Kano,Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Erron Black, Hanzo Hasashi, Kabal, Dark Raiden,Baraka, Noob Saibot, Shao Khan MK1 Bi-Han Johnny Cage, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, General Shao, Kuai Liang, Kung Lao
They. Do. Not. Care.
All of these men have a massive ego that needs to be stroked and inflated by you. They want praise, love and affection. They want 100% of you. Yes, that includes emotionally.
They really don’t care what the reason is for why you are ignoring their advances, you will reciprocate. Their demands will be met and you are in love with them. Fake it good!
I hope you’re a quick learner because you have to pick up on their cues. You should know exactly what they need and when they need it. Your words should be ever so carefully chosen and your actions should have much enthusiasm.
There is no room for your mistakes and accidentally offending them, you will be punished for it. Mood swings and impulsively can result in reactive behaviors on their end.
Don’t make any of your interactions with them awkward in front of others. It isn’t funny to embarrass your “lover” like this.
No. you can’t be self centered. They are the center of your life. No. You cannot hold grudges against them. You should always forgive their actions. Aaaaand no. You really cannot ignore/not listen to them. How dare you.
Wait…it almost sounds like they are just as emotionally immature. Nahhh. They’re worse.
Yeah there’s no room for your Low EL, they need you to be a stable sounding board or else this relationship is going to be far more toxic than anything you’ve ever seen.
They’re completely far gone, no amount of explanation can save you. They will use any means necessary to get something out of you that isn’t even there in the first place. You are going to be everything they imagined you to be and more.
Conflicting feelings
Ngl kinda wanted to put Mk11 Johnny up top because I just am stuck on the fact that MK1 Johnny is a far worse Yandere. Like MK1 Johnny is older, mellowed out and is very mature at this point…but then I remembered his younger self. His mk11 younger version would be far more menacing than MK1. Mk11 Johnny Cage’s younger self would come out of him during his obsession. He can’t help but be an absolute asshat and forget all about his growth when it comes to you. Once a playboy always a playboy.
Kinda wanted MK1 King Lao in the top category aswell but…do I have to further explain. He’s definitely not as cocky and arrogant as his MK11 counterpart but he’s young, immature and impulsive. I don’t think he’d understand your low EL. It would drive him insane thinking that his darling isn’t reciprocating. He’d become rather aggressive and an egotistical monsterrrr in the process.
Kotal Khan really got me too because like he’s absolutely a lover boy but his heart isn’t as warm as it used to be.😭😭 debated putting him in the danger zone because there is so much potential for him to be cray cray but rewatching him and Jade interacting with each other made me choose the softer route. I think once he realizes you are just emotionally immature he’s just unphased by you. Like I can’t see him being that upset by his darling or something like that?? He’d be patient and understanding. He might’ve once been just like you but with time and age, he changed. So can you. Maybe I’m just being too generous?
Dark Raiden. I mean Raiden himself isn’t very intelligent when it comes to emotions. He’s goal and logically focused so I think he’d understand you. BUT what made me change my opinion was that dark! Raiden is completely corrupted and so is his way of thinking. He’s twisted and probably can’t really register your low EL. I think he’d perceive it as you being purposefully defiant towards him.
Mk1 Kuai Liang. People make him super soft and cuddly but Idk I feel like if I’m putting Bi-Han in the danger zone that it makes sense for his brother to be. They grew up in the same environment and Kuai is shown having similar or even worse traits to him. I don’t think he’s a saint. Smoke stands out more to me as someone who’d be softer. His voice lines and personality reflects that.
How do I even tag this 😩
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theemissuniverse · 1 year
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if you haven’t read the story, go check it out. This is based on that story
Pop Goes the Weasel
(Y/N) will rip out her opponent’s intestines. She will then spark the intestines, making the whole head explode. Mileena will pop up behind her. She will then feed the intestines to Mileena
Shock Value
(Y/N) will kick her opponent’s stomach out. She will then use her whole body to go through the hole where the stomach is at and shock the entire body, making the whole body explode
Electric Chair
(Y/N) will shock her opponents entire body until they fall to the ground dead
(Y/N) will kick her opponents head off with lightning
DTE Bill
(Y/N) will rip her opponent’s arm off and use that arm to shock the entire body
“That was shocking”
“You weren’t even trying”
“Team loser”
“I’m not breaking a sweat”
“I bet you’re seeing stars”
The Chosen One
Shockingly Awesome
Mileena’s Girltoy
Earthrealm’s Best
(Y/N) VS (Y/N)
#1 (Y/N) : Am I this good looking every timeline?
#2 (Y/N) : Of course
#2 (Y/N) : No way I end up with Mileena in your timeline
#1 (Y/N) : Way
#2 (Y/N) : Let’s see if you can beat your elder
#1 (Y/N) : Oh you’re going down!
#1 (Y/N) : How does it feel to be a literal God?
#2 (Y/N) : Oh honey, you’re missing out
#1 (Y/N) : Is our brother always a stick in a mud even as a god?
#2 (Y/N) : Yes. Very much so
Ashrah : Tell Kung Lao that I am spoken for
(Y/N) : Aw. Just give my bestie a chance, Ash
(Y/N) : So do you and Syzoth do it with the “monster” face on or…
Ashrah : I advise you to stop talking
(Y/N) : My ego isn’t that big
Ashrah : Big enough to be insufferable
(Y/N) : I can’t believe you and lizard dude are together
Ashrah : He makes me feel that I am good
(Y/N) : Sorry I had to kick your boyfriends ass
Ashrah : You will be
(Y/N) : A tarkatan and lightning rod walk into a bar…
Baraka : What is the punchline to this joke?
Baraka : I prefer Raiden over you
(Y/N) : Boooo! You whore
Baraka : You are lucky you get to live in harmony with Mileena
(Y/N) : I cherish it everyday, Baraka
(Y/N) : Is it really that bad? The Tarkat?
Baraka : It is the worst thing imaginable
(Y/N) : You don’t look like a “good guy”
Baraka : There are no “good guys” in war
(Y/N) : *gags* I see you haven’t taken my advice on the toothpaste
General Shao : Enough of your talk
General Shao : I should’ve killed you when I had the chance
(Y/N) : Ha! You never had a chance
General Shao : I’ve had it with you Earthrealmers
(Y/N) : If you’re tired of losing just say that
(Y/N) : Let’s remember who won the tournament
General Shao : You won’t win this time
General Shao : I will kill you and everyone you’ve ever met
(Y/N) : You got too much time on your hands
Geras : I’ve studied you for many years, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : Then you know you can’t beat me
Geras : Your God counterpart is most impressive
(Y/N) : I’m impressive all the time, Geras
Geras : I cannot reveal anymore information than I have already from previous timelines
(Y/N) : Oh come on! Was Mileena really that obsessive over me?
Geras : I have been training several of your lifetimes
(Y/N) : Which means it’s just going to be even more embarrassing when you lose
(Y/N) : Will Mileena become the beast she was in previous timelines?
Geras : With you by her side I believe not
(Y/N) : You are one ugly motherfu-
Havik : Silence!
(Y/N) : It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s -
Havik : Stop!
(Y/N) : You’re so easy to mess with
Havik : You can never “mess” with me, Earthrealmer
Havik : They call you the “chosen one”?
(Y/N) : Let me show you why
Havik : You bore me
(Y/N) : Stop flirting with my girlfriend, asswipe
Johnny Cage : Sorry! Sorry! But have you seen her? Kinda hard not to
(Y/N) : *imitating Johnny* You got Caged!
Johnny Cage : Hey! You sound just like me
(Y/N) : I don’t see why people compare me to you
Johnny Cage : Kinda hard to compare to perfection like me
Johnny Cage : This is the part where you fall down
(Y/N) : Why? One of your movies about to play?
Johnny Cage : *deep voice* (Y/N) wins
(Y/N) : *plays along with the deep voice* Flawless victory
(Y/N) : So a blind man and a lightning rod walk into a bar-
Kenshi : I am not hearing this joke again
(Y/N) : On the bright side - you can get the handicap parking spot
Kenshi : That’s your idea of a bright side?
(Y/N) : You think you can beat me Ken-doll?
Kenshi : Raiden was right. You do have the worst nicknames
(Y/N) : I was gonna say “I’ll be the last person you’ll ever see” but…
Kenshi : *laughs hysterically*
Kenshi : I’ve been looking forward to this battle
(Y/N) : Looking forward? You’re blind
Kitana : Looking for a challenge, (Y/N)?
(Y/N) : Yes but you will do, princess
(Y/N) : I think my brother has a crush on you
Kitana : While sweet - I have no time for “crushes”
Kitana : If you hurt my sister it will be the last thing you do
(Y/N) : Does that mean I’m invited to the family cookout?
Kitana : I do not know what my sister sees in you, Earthrealmer
(Y/N) : A pizzazz of a personality? A sexy lighting rod? Someone that isn’t a pain in the ass?
(Y/N) : No offense but if I could beat Mileena, I definitely can beat you
Kitana : Are you challenging me?
Kung Lao : *singing* Mileena and (Y/N) sitting in a tree-
(Y/N) : I will shock you to death
(Y/N) : Please! Please! Please! Please-
Kung Lao : You are not getting my hat (Y/N)!
(Y/N) : Okay fifty bucks for the hat
Kung Lao : No!
Kung Lao : I should��ve been the chosen one
(Y/N) : You couldn’t even beat me
Kung Lao : How did you end up pulling an Empress?
(Y/N) : The same way I pulled all the girls that dumped you
Li Mei : Tell Raiden he’ll get nowhere near Kitana
(Y/N) : Who told you about that?
Li Mei : I actually find you amusing
(Y/N) : *fake cries* I’ve always wanted your approval
Li Mei : Do you ever run out of jokes?
(Y/N) : Yes but when shit hits the fan I steal some from Johnny Cage
Li Mei : You and Mileena are beautiful together
(Y/N) : Finally! An Outworlder that doesn’t hate our relationship
Li Mei : I challenge you, Earthrealmer
(Y/N) : Be prepared to lose then, cupcake
(Y/N) : Just be honest and say you like me more than my brother
Liu Kang : I find you more amusing
(Y/N) : Are you the reason Mileena and I are together?
Liu Kang : The two of you chose to be together at free will
(Y/N) : Being the chosen one is exhausting
Liu Kang : It is not a task for the weak
Liu Kang : I will now demonstrate why you sanded those floors
(Y/N) : I really am the karate kid
(Y/N) : Raiden came close to winning
Liu Kang : All the more reason to keep practicing
Mileena : My love
(Y/N) : I love it when you call me that
(Y/N) : What were you and Tanya doing behind the palace last night?
Mileena : I only have eyes for you, darling. Not her
Mileena : It doesn’t bother you that Cage flirts with me?
(Y/N) : He’s not even in your league. I’m not concerned at all
Mileena : I can’t help but want to taste your bones
(Y/N) : I should not be this turned on right now
Mileena : Your brother is annoyingly humble
(Y/N) : Glad someone can share my pain
Nitara : My people will come from the shadows and we will -
(Y/N) : By the gods, If I want to hear someone monologue, I’ll put on a Johnny Cage movie
Nitara : My hunger craves you
(Y/N) : Uhhh I’m taken
(Y/N) : Am I suppose to be scared of a vampire?
Nitara : Very
(Y/N) : Ugh. Your voice is like nails on a chalkboard
Nitara : It will be the last thing you hear
Nitara : Down on your knees!
(Y/N) : The only woman I go down on is my girlfriend
(Y/N) : Let’s get our Kung Fu Hustle on Rai-dawg
Raiden : *sighs* By the Elder Gods I hate that nickname
(Y/N) : I saw you giving Kitana the googly eyes
Raiden : Am I really that obvious sister?
(Y/N) : Come on! Double date with me and Mileena and get Kitana
Raiden : I don’t think she feels the same way, (Y/N)
Raiden : I am surprised a woman like Empress Mileena is willing to put up with you
(Y/N) : Haha so funny
(Y/N) : I will now show you why I am the chosen one
Raiden : Making a big mistake, sister
Rain : I deserve your respect
(Y/N) : You deserve my foot in your ass
Rain : Repulsive Earthrealmer
(Y/N) : That’s a little racist
Rain : You and your girlfriend will suffer
(Y/N) : Whatever you say Mississippi River
Rain : You’re worse than Johnny Cage
(Y/N) : That’s gotta be the worst insult
(Y/N) : Where’s the lifeguard when you need him?
Rain : Every time I’m around you - I get annoyed
Reiko : You beating me was just luck
(Y/N) : That’s a odd replacement for the word “embarrassing”
Reiko : You should have not been able to beat General Shao
(Y/N) : You can get up from your knees Reiko. Lord knows they’re tired from you sucking
Reiko : Ready to face Outworld’s greatest soldier?
(Y/N) : Give me a date and time when he’ll be here and I’ll gladly face him
Reiko : I will fight you until my last breath
(Y/N) : So you’re prepared to die in a span of under five minutes?
Reiko : You and the Empress will fall!
(Y/N) : Speaking from experience?
(Y/N) : Yes. I’m here. Hold the applause
Reptile : I advise you to stop talking to imaginary friends
(Y/N) : So do you and Ashrah “do it” with the monster face on
Reptile : What kind of idiotic question is that?
Reptile : Should I start calling you Empress (Y/N)?
(Y/N) : *laughs evil* Yes. Bow down before me
(Y/N) : Okay be honest. Who’s better? Me or Raiden?
Reptile : You do not want me to answer that
Reptile : I was thinking you and Cage were going to get together
(Y/N) : I think I’d rather kill myself, thanks
(Y/N) : *dramatic deep voice* GET OVER HERE!
Scorpion : It was funny the first time, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : *dramatic deep voice* GET OVER HERE!
Scorpion : You’ve been saying that for an hour
(Y/N) : Sorry Bi-Han turned out to be an ass
Scorpion : I am too
(Y/N) : If I win, you have to let me use your weapons
Scorpion : They are not a toy, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : For the record, I think you’re hotter than Bi-Han
Scorpion : Was that a pun?
Sindel : I don’t think you’re good enough for my daughter
(Y/N) : Damn. What did I do?
Sindel : If you hurt Mileena - you will pay
(Y/N) : I would never, Empress
(Y/N) : I think “Empress (Y/N)” has a nice ring to it
Sindel : *laughs hysterically* By the gods- no
(Y/N) : *imitating Sindel* Who’s your queen?
Sindel : Do you imitate everyone?
Sindel : You don’t act like a chosen one
(Y/N) : I’m rebranding
(Y/N) : *gags* And I thought General Shao needed toothpaste
Shang Tsung : He was right. You are annoying
Shang Tsung : Your girlfriend will do well for an experiment
(Y/N) : Do all Outworlders have a death wish?
(Y/N) : *dramatic deep voice* Your soul is mine!
Shang Tsung : I sound nothing like that
(Y/N) : I beat your Titan’s ass
Shang Tsung : You won’t beat mine
(Y/N) : Quan Chi is basically your sidekick. Why do all villains get sidekicks?
Shang Tsung : Is Raiden not yours?
Smoke : Where there is smoke there is fire!
(Y/N) : Do you have anymore lines than this?
(Y/N) : *dramatic voice* Where there is smoke there is fire
Smoke : You’re right. That does sound annoying
Smoke : I anticipate a difficult fight
(Y/N) : That makes one of us
(Y/N) : Hey Smokey Bear
Smoke : You and Johnny both call me that
(Y/N) : Don’t tell anyone but you’re my favorite
Smoke : Me? Really?
Sub-Zero : I will destroy Raiden
(Y/N) : You touch him and you’re dead
(Y/N) : What’s up frosty the snowman?
Sub-Zero : Your time!
Sub-Zero : Liu Kang made a mistake picking you for champion
(Y/N) : He made a mistake trusting you
Sub-Zero : We are no longer allies
(Y/N) : Aww. So sad I’m not invited to your birthday party anymore
Sub-Zero : Raiden is more worthy than you
(Y/N) : Who are you? My mother?
Tanya : You and Mileena won’t last
(Y/N) : Just keep being a good little bodyguard and be quiet
Tanya : Mileena deserves better
(Y/N) : And who’s a better fit? You?
Tanya : I don’t like you
(Y/N) : We’ll that’s one way to greet someone
(Y/N) : Admit that you got a thing for my girlfriend and I’ll go easy on you
Tanya : Your ego holds no bounds
Tanya : I’ll be right there when you break my Empress’s heart
(Y/N) : You’re delusional
General Shao : I will have your sister’s head
Raiden : Funny you say that considering she beat you
Liu Kang : I wish you and (Y/N) the best
Mileena : How kind of you Lord Liu Kang. Now I’ll feel bad after I beat you
Johnny Cage : What’s (Y/N) got that I haven’t got?
Kung Lao : A personality not at all like sanding paper?
Kung Lao : Tell (Y/N) to give me my hat back!
Raiden : There is no convincing that woman
Kitana : If your sister hurts mine, I will raise war
Raiden : I could say the same to you, princess
Kitana : Your sister says that you’re nterested in me
Raiden : *sighs* I’m going to kill her
Kung Lao : *sings* Mileena and (Y/N) sitting in a tree-
Mileena : I will tear off your limbs!
Kung Lao : All this for the hat?!
Mileena : Whatever my lover desires, she’ll get
Tanya : I do not believe (Y/N) is a good fit for you, Empress
Mileena : Worry about your own, Tanya
Mileena : (Y/N) and I love each other, mother
Sindel : I feared for that
Mileena : Please go easy on (Y/N), mother
Sindel : She must prove that she is worthy of my daughter
Kitana : I normally don’t question you sister but really (Y/N)?
Mileena : You should stick to not questioning me
Mileena : Go near (Y/N) and you will perish!
Reiko : As if you can beat me
Tanya : Your sister is annoying
Raiden : Hey! Only I get to call her annoying
General Shao : You will fall, Earthrealmer
Kung Lao : Ugh. (Y/N) was right. You do need toothpaste
Being The Chosen One has it perks. I mean, defeating Titans has gotta be my number one greatest achievement. But it also had its faults. I couldn’t help but try to be perfect. I felt as though Lord Liu Kang depended on me. If I had fallen short one time, we’d all be doomed.
I couldn’t handle the constant pressure anymore. Not only that but I felt like nobody appreciated the hard work I put in. So, I challenged my brother Raiden to a fight. If he were to win - he’d become Earthrealm’s champion.
We fought. I made it look like I was trying but really I wasn’t. He had me onto the floor, lightning in hand. I conceded.
Liu Kang was proud that Raiden had defeated me. It was a win for all of us. Raiden got what he truly wanted. To be the hero. While I got to be on the sidelines.
My beautiful Empress girlfriend Mileena, made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. She wanted to marry me. Marrying her however, would make me leave defense of Earthrealm and Outworld would be my new home.
I couldn’t say no. I wanted Mileena more than anything. So, I said yes.
Guess I’m Empress (Y/N) now. Hey, kinda has a nice ring to it.
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Ok so… My friends and I are working on a small project, more like an AU that we created together. We call this AU MK University and well… it's about the MK characters being university students. XD
In this AU, my OC is a goth girl, shy and a fan of paranormal and horror stuff and art student, while Johnny is a high school football player who constantly bullies everyone, especially her, calling her weird and some other stuff. Although they secretly love each other -yes, I like clichés hahaha- they have a love/hate relationship.
Johnny has a secret rock band called Meat Puddle. Araceli knows this secret and makes Johnny buy her drinks so she doesn't open her mouth about it XD this is inspired on that dialogue on MK1 where he says that he had a college band :D
Araceli and Johnny Cage try to show themselves as enemies in public, they do not show affection in front of everyone because that could ruin the reputation of both of them since the two of them belong to different groups.
Johnny Cage studies sport classes, but he wishes to study acting and theater (and he will do it at some point)
They are all still working on their designs and this is mine :3 we are planning to post more stuff of this AU and the hashtag will be MKUniversity
Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Araceli Cage (my OC)
Mortal Kombat (c) Netherrealm Studios / WB / Midway before
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sinimake · 6 months
Whats your favorite character or ship besides johnshi and will you write about other characters?
*rubs hands* hehehe ok listen—
Nitara and Ashrah - solidly for their aesthetic parallels (um angel wings and bat wings?? Hello?? Good vs Evil??)
Kuai Liang and Hanzo - mk11 death and the tower ending do not exist to me.
Kitana and Jade - they have always been my fav duo. I just want Jade to come to the roster soon and rock tf out of Kitana's world.
Tanya and Mileena - obviously, bc Forbidden Love trope is so good! The stole glances and kisses. And the angst of Mileena wanting to disband the Umgadi to finally be with Tanya but Tanya is so devoted to Mileena that she would rather prioritize her safety and well being over her love. DO YOU GET IT?? Like choosing Mileena over her own selfish want to have her only to herself. THE DEVOTION OF LIFETIME 😭
Liu Kang and Shang Tsung (MK1) - enemies-to-lovers is spicy and delicious with these two 😩🤌❤️‍🔥 and the amount of character study i can do to Shang Tsung, development of i-blame-u-for-my-every-misfortune-u-will-atone-to-what-u-kept-from-me to suddenly-i-feel-complicted-to-kill-u-bc-u-seem-just-as-human-as-i-am. On the other hand, Liu Kang knows he can't trust Shang Tsung and should abide to his own moral value but something makes him deviate, something makes him drawn to the sorcerer. And its just 😩❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Raiden and Kung Lao - im not really friends-to-lovers girlie but they are so darn cute. The feeling slowly morphing into love but too afraid to risk their friendship then MUTUAL PINING?! I got a scene in my head that Raiden and Kung Lao are snuggling together, all tangled idk maybe watching a movie but then suddenly one of them kisses the other on the cheek then both freezes bc what just happened? this has never happened before, what does this mean?? they're both freaking out silently as they awkwardly detangle themselves from each other 😆😭🤌
As for fanfics, i always have plot bunnies jumping around everywhere, i just need them to fully mature and start producing actual coherent sentences into my head.
Rn I'm fully planned to write Railao one that's set in TMOAW&TEOAL universe. Additionally, i have an idea for a medium length Shangliu fanfic but it's only on the ✨️vibes✨️ stage. These dont have any set scedule unfortunately. I wish i was a fast writer, alas 😭
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