#ml streamer au
guest-1-2-3 · 3 months
Biggest discovery is that my favorite trope is just any kind of reveal. Secret relationship reveal. Coming out. Celebrity AU for a public relationship or friendship reveal. Fake rivals/enemies with eventual “We don’t actually hate each other” reveal. Superhero AU with identity reveal—ESPECIALLY when two characters have an incredibly different dynamic in and out of the suit because they don’t know each others identities. I’m such a sucker for secrets being unveiled it is my favorite thing ever
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noelle-holi-gay · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
heyyyy I was tagged by @snarky-wallflower for this thingy, and I don't typically do stuff like this but what the heck! This one looks fun, and I need a small break from finals.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Sixty-six! Nice round satanic number.
2. What’s your total word count?
Uhhh... 1,164,238. I think I broke a million back with Dream Come True. Wild stuff! Guess that's what happens when you do this nonstop for like four years.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Deltarune these days, obviously, but I also had a wonderful time in the Splatoon and DuckTales fandoms, as well as Miraculous Ladybug, My Little Pony, and a ton of smaller ones here and there.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Dare to Dream (Deltarune): A fun little Susie x Noelle romcom that takes place in a divergent chapter 2 timeline where Susie kisseed Noelle on the Ferris Wheel. Also the first fic in my mega-series Dream Come True, a 300,000 word epic that really kind of went off the rails. But don't worry about that! It's just a funny little romcom! Come closer!
F@#!, Marry, or Kill (Miraculous Ladybug): I am so mad that this is up here. This fic sucks. I wrote it when I was fourteen (hence my reluctance to say "fuck" in the title) and it's just the main characters of the show getting caught up in a game of Fuck-Marry-Kill that involves their own superhero identites, but nobody else knows that. It's a good way to leverage the dramatic irony of Miraculous Ladybug, I guess, but I hate that this was my most-kudoed fic for so long. I wrote it over SEVEN years ago. The only reason it got so popular is because back in 2016, the Miraculous Ladybug fandom was a sea of piranhas starved by the seemingly endless will-they won't-they of the show, ravenous for whatever scraps they could get their grimy little teeth on. Perfect example of why popularity doesn't always equate with quality.
People Write Fanfiction About Me? (Miraculous Ladybug): This one is actually good, even if it's also incredibly old. Basically, Marinette finds online RPF of her and her superhero partner that was obviously written by her superhero partner, and they get into a whole meta fanfiction war, and it gets worse from there. I like this one a lot even if it's in an outdated style: I think it's a good take on the identity reveal genre for the ML fandom.
Stealing Kisses (Deltarune): Not much to say on this one! It's a direct continuation of Dare to Dream, still part of the Dream Come True series, though it functions more as a drama than a straight romcom, which is only one of many tone shifts that this series eventually takes. It also contains Locker Biting Challenge (if you know you know), which I think is, to date, one of the funniest bits of situational comedy I've ever written, so it gets special notes for that.
Crossing the Streams (DuckTales): And this is my most popular DuckTales fic, to round out the set! It's a low-stakes / no-magic AU, where instead of going on daring adventures, the DuckTales kids stream FPS video games online, and are, like, famous streamers. I think its popularity was artificially boosted just a tad due to being in-progress when the series finale dropped, but I think it holds up! I had some good fun playing with identity, fame, and hidden relationships.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I--sometimes! Just not very often... Look, if someone asks me a question, or if I have something to actually say in response, or if the comment is particularly touching, I'll reply, but I'm just really bad at taking compliments! It feels very awkward to me to reply to every comment when I would basically just be going "Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it!" ten times in a row. That's the only reason (<-Definitely doesn't have anxiety)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to do unhappy endings. Cold Case for sure, if it were finished, lmao. Although--I guess you could argue Stealing Kisses has a very angsty ending, though it isn't actually an ending since it's just a sequel-bait cliffhanger. But yeah, I'm going to cheat a little and say Cold Case. It should be finished soon, anyway! Hopefully!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's hard to say considering the amount of romcoms I've written, but I think I'd actually have to go with the final mainline entry in my Splatoon series, Operation 24, which was The Wedding. It ends on a really sweet and poignant rooftop scene that I think is particularly uplifting, even compared to the endings of my other long-form romance fics.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely. I've gotten my share of transphobic comments -- welcome to the Internet! -- but thankfully they've been few and far between. I just delete them when they show up.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, I have; no, you can't see it :p
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have written at least two crossover fics, so yes! I wouldn't exactly call it my genre, though. They're a little too niche and I like attention.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh boy. Yes, twice; the first was my Fuck Marry Kill fic for miraculous ladybug, which was ripped off and horribly butchered into a terrible version of the story by someone who IMMEDIATELY abandoned it to Orphan Account. Which is wild to me.
But the real creme of the crop was some kid on WattPad who copied large portions of my Operation 24 series, and then changed small and seemingly arbitrary details throughout to be more...train-centric? Like, all the characters would have strange and OOC dialog about trains in the middle of the romance. And then after a few chapters of that it did a total left-hand veer into a Thomas the Tank Engine / Harry Potter crossover that was utterly wild to behold. This whole saga is probably one of the weirdest things that has ever happened to me in my life and I'm honestly more bewildered than mad about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Wow, wouldn't that be cool! But no, along with getting a podfic this is one of those big fic-writer experiences that has elude me thusfar.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I don't really know how to co-write outside of RP, and I haven't ever really done RP. I'm not opposed to the concept of co-writing, but I think it's sort of difficult to make work with my writing style.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
While I'd love to give the PR-friendly answer of Suselle, I think it's gotta go to Miraculous Ladybug's Love Square. That show has haunted me for seven years and is showing no sign of stopping, and the fuckery it does with its main relationship is some utterly unrivaled Shakespearian nonsense. The way the fandom has built around the relationship is also very interesting, especially the way the fanfic scene has shifted as the show develops and its audience grows up.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
If I want to finish a WIP, I will finish that WIP. The only ones that don't get finished are the ones I don't want to finish. This is the power of believing in yourself!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialog for sure--always has been--and also just, like, grammar? I do words good, as they say. I like to think I have a pretty well-rounded writing skillset at this point, though.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely descriptive stuff like setting the scene. I have to really work to make sure my scenes are embodied in physical reality, and sometimes I just forget to describe new locations. It's just a fairly boring part of writing for me, so I don't like doing it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I took six years of Spanish and have forgotten all of it, so this is unlikely at best. Spanish also uses em dashes instead of quotation marks to denote speaker changes, and while that is very linguistically interesting, it is also very confusing to me, specifically.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uhhh... the first fandom I published was Miraculous Ladybug, but I think the first fandom I wrote for was My Little Pony. My MLP stuff is on a different site, and also pretty freaking bad, but it was my first large-scale fic and it really helped me develop my skills and voice.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Easy: Dream Come True. That was a monumental journey to go on, and seeing my readerbase follow along as that story morphed and twisted and just kept going and going was such a unique and satisfying experience as a writer. It truly feels unreplicable.
I'm not going to tag anyone because I am a coward, and get horribly anxious at the prospect of @ing people. But if you see this and you wanna do it, use me as an excuse! Say I atted you! Live freely!
Okay good bye. I must return to my endless studies...
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frill-s · 3 days
ahhhhhhh, i'm having when the third wheel strikes back fanfic ideas without actually having the motivation to write them out.
Most espers/guides take on different names so that they can have a private life. Jung Yeseo of Juliette Palace learns that the hard way when he only assumes the name Jesse after two S-Class espers take an interest in him. Now, Christelle and Cedric are trying to make him their personal guide. They don’t want to share but Jung Yeseo has other plans.
Among Us/Streamer AU
Cedric and Christelle constantly simp for Yeseo no matter what he does. Cedric always kills Christelle first when he's an impostor, and Christelle always thinks that Cedric is an impostor just because. Yeseo will say he’s not the impostor, and everyone will trust him even if there is definite proof otherwise. Cedric is a very good detective but bad at convincing others of his theories. Christelle loves being an impostor, she’s known for being bloodthirsty. Jibril definitely starts some shit too.
I’ll Make Them Fall in Love
Jung Yeseo is transmigrated into one of his sister’s beloved novel obsessions. He knows what to do: make the ML and FL fall in love. Except they appear to be fighting over him instead. That’s quite odd. He’s been making sure that they hit all of the plotlines.
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megatraven · 2 years
aged up ml au where adrien is a streamer with the tagline 'Professional Catboy' and he wears kitty headphones, paints on whiskers, all that good stuff. everyone thinks it's just for the bit.
and then the identity reveal happens between him and marinette.
after dating for a little while, they're asleep together one night when marinette snaps awake, shakes adrien awake, and she's like
"oh my god. you are. LITERALLY. a professional catboy."
and adrien is just like
"well, yeah, i wouldn't lie about that"
adrien ends up falling back asleep in a few minutes but marinette is wide-eyed the rest of the night her revelation around in her head like a hamster on its wheel
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avaetin · 1 year
Streamer Nico AU pt. 1
Category: Episodes
Nico: /launches Episodes/ So, you guys have been pestering me to play this. It’s definitely not a horror game to the general crowd, but this is horror for me. Ugh.
Nico: “What’s your first name?” Wait, do I have to give my real name? (reads comments from chat) Ohh, you can throw in a random name. OK, so we need to think this through since this will be used for the rest of the episode...
What’s your first name? (types) OK
Nico: There we go. “What’s your last name?”
What’s your last name? (types) Boomer
Is your name “OK Boomer”? (Confirms yes)
Nico: “What’s the name of your male love interest?” Ok, is this the entire game? When are we going to start the actual gameplay? (reads comments) This is part of the gameplay? Ugh, yeah, this is horror for me. I’m going to stop thinking. All of you, give me a name to put in here.
(chat spams comments)
Nico: I’m seeing a lot of Percy, Jason and Luke. You people are obsessed with those three idiots. Hmm... let’s go with Percy for now.
What’s the name of your male love interest? Percy Jackson.
(game launches into the scene where the ML and FL meets)
Nico (reading the dialogues where ML introduces himself to FL) “I’m Percy. Percy Jackson.”
Nico: “OK Boomer.” (takes out his headphones and starts laughing in the background while his chat spams his comments with LOLs.)
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radiomanique · 2 years
Les TERFs, leur discours, et en quoi les discours "matérialistes" en France et notamment sur Twitter commencent à y ressembler un peu trop
Ceci est une version longue et en post du thread que j’ai fait sur Twitter, dans le contexte du débat sur un streamer Twitch trans qui a fait une vidéo sur les TERFs, et sur sa légitimité en tant qu’homme trans à aborder le sujet. Au sein de ce débat, certaines personnes, qui tenaient un discours proche de celui des TERFs, ont réfuté ces accusations par le fait qu’elles sont des femmes trans, d’où un disclaimer important : ce post n’a pas pour but de "traiter des femmes trans de TERFs", mais de faire une critique à mon sens cruciale de la rhétorique ML/WG/matfem/radfem, qui n’est pas spécifique aux meufs trans sur Twitter. TW transphobie très violente, biphobie, sexisme etc. Ceci est une analyse.
1 / La naissance du mouvement TERF
Le terme TERF est apparu en 2008 sur un forum tenu par des "féministes radicales" ou radfems, pour séparer les radfems qui excluaient les femmes trans des autres. L'idéologie est, en elle-même, née avec la 2e vague du féminisme, dans les années 70 : elle est directement liée à l'avènement du séparatisme lesbien et à celui du lesbianisme politique, le noyau idéologique en étant le même, en simplifiant : "homme = mal, prédateur, femme = pure, à protéger".
On notera la perméabilité de ces discours envers les essentialismes d'extrême-droite: on notera également, et c'est important, que considérer toute proximité avec l'homme comme sale, c'est aussi la naissance de la biphobie, en plus de la transmisogynie. Les TERFs, au fil du temps, ont repris cette idéologie et l'ont développé pour dire que les femmes trans sont des prédatrices qui "violent le corps des femmes en se le réappropriant et réduisant la vraie forme femelle à un artéfact" (Janice Raymond, The Transsexual Empire), et que les hommes trans sont des traîtres à leur genre ("les lesbiennes qu'on a perdu") et qu'ils sont endoctrinés à mutiler leurs corps, avec souvent l'argument de la désirabilité ("des seins qui n'ont jamais connu la caresse d'un-e amant-e", Allison Bailey de la LGB alliance). Le livre "Irreversible Damage" inclut l’argument de l’autisme comme une raison de plus d’empêcher les transitions des "jeunes filles autistes" qui sont mal à l’aise avec leur genre à cause du patriarcat.
Je tiens à souligner, si ce n'était pas clair, deux choses : la première, il s'agit là d'un développement à l'extrême de l'argument de base du masculin comme répugnant (cf. l’argument très misogyne de la désirabilité perdue d’un homme trans) et prédateur. La 2e, il est indéniable que les hommes trans sont profondément affectés par les discours TERFs (on pensera au livre "Irreversible Damage" qui est une pierre angulaire du TERFisme, au sujet... des hommes trans), donc dire qu'un homme trans n'a pas le droit d'en parler est erroné et indécent.
2 / La proximité des discours matérialistes avec les discours TERFs
Cette partie est à replacer dans le contexte de l’existence, sur Twitter, d’un groupe appelé les mean lesbians (ML) et watermelon gays (WG), parti à la base d’un groupe d’amis et dont la portée politique s’est répandu au cours de l’année 2021. Ce groupe, bien que plutôt présent sur Twitter, n’y est pas exclusif, et de nombreux espaces queers en France sont affectés par ces rhétoriques.
A la base, les ML/WG/matfems (appelons-les MF pour l'abréviation) ne sont pas un groupe politique et n'avaient pas vocation à le devenir ; c’est leur principal argument contre les critiques de leur idéologie, nier totalement l’existence du groupe politique lui-même. il est indéniable cependant qu'actuellement un consensus idéologique s'est formé parmi les membres du groupe. En partant du principe que la réalité matérielle précède l'idéologie (par imitation de la dialectique de Marx :
1. Les catégories de genre sont immuables à l'échelle sociétale et l'appartenance à l'une ou l'autre des catégories par l'apparence précède une autodétermination ;
2. L'hétérosexualité est un terrain d'oppression et il faut la combattre (reprise du lesbianisme politique des années 70)
3. Les oppressions se réduisent à l'exercice brut, quasi mathématique, de différences extérieures de privilèges.
Sur les débats twitter, ça se traduit grossièrement par :
"Il faut transitionner de façon visible et subir la transphobie pour être trans" (cf. 1 & 3)
"La biphobie n'existe pas mais est encourageable" (cf. 2 (en analysant la bisexualité comme hétéro + homo)) & 3)
"Les hommes trans ne peuvent pas parler de féminisme" (cf. 1 & 3).
Le problème avec cette idéologie, c'est que les 3 points susnommés sont totalement, mais alors totalement, perméables au TERFisme. Sans mentionner de façon individuelle les quelques personnes qui sont passé de l'idéologie MF à l'idéologie TERF, le féminisme MF n'a pas vocation à anéantir les normes genrées, mais à se positionner dans une supériorité morale de pseudo-réappropriation de celles-ci. Le concept de devoir transitionner complètement et adhérer totalement aux classes de genre pour être pris au sérieux est compatible avec l'idéologie TERF, pour laquelle le monstrueux est tout ce qui sort de la division genrée de la société, qui justifient leur dégoût biaisé des personnes trans par cette non-appartenance aux divisions de sexe.
Le fait de placer les relations lesbiennes entre deux femmes comme pures, souhaitables, et au-dessus des autres, colle à la réutilisation par les TERFs des lesbiennes, et correspondent au même noyau, "mâle = mauvais et sale".
Le fait de dire que les hommes trans ne peuvent pas parler des terfs, parce que, et je cite, "tu as voulu être un homme, assume", c'est une reprise quasi IDENTIQUE de l'argument TERF comme quoi les hommes trans sont des "traîtres à leur genre", car ils ont quitté la catégorie femme, à protéger, et qu'ils sont devenus monstrueux.
La citation que je reprend est un tweet d’une matfem concernant le débat en cours à l’écriture de ce thread.
Mon but final, en faisant ce post, c'est d’expliciter en quoi le rapprochement MF-TERF n'est PAS un ad hominem ni "traiter une femme trans de TERF", mais une critique du discours sous-jacent.
Je tiens aussi à mettre en garde toute personne en construction politique contre ce genre d'idées : peu importe combien les MF attaquent moralement, leurs idées restent réactionnaires. les 3 points susmentionnés sont compatible avec les TERFs, et la pente est glissante...
Critiquer de pipou pour ridiculiser et infantiliser tout opposant intellectuel, c'est pas un argument, c'est un ad hominem. réfuter toute critique par "vous êtes transmisogynes" ou "vous êtes lesbophobes", c'est bas au possible.
Je tiens à finir le thread par une remise en contexte très importante : l'idéologie MF, tout comme l'idéologie TERF, est centrée sur une conception blanche, bourgeoise, valide des classes de genre, et que leur analyse en est très limitée. Leur conception de la-femme à défendre correspond à l’idéal réactionnaire de la femme, et leurs erreurs, évidentes même au sein de milieux privilégiés, sont encore plus apparentes quand on parle de personnes racisées (dont la relation au genre et aux normes de genre est forcément très différente), ou dont l’accès à la transition est conditionnée par la précarité, ou des personnes handicapées pour qui l’humanisation nécessaire à l’assignation de genre est parfois absente…
En guise de conclusion, je vais revenir, quitte à passer pour « pipou », sur le point le plus important : reprendre les discours réactionnaires en se positionnant comme réaliste, matérialiste, c’est exercer et projeter de la violence, qui n’a rien à faire dans nos espaces. Ce genre d’idéologie est dangereuse, et vouloir passer pour « les bons queers » ne vaut pas de jeter sous le bus tous ceux qui ne rentrent pas dans des assignations, pour le coup, hors-sol, et très, très loin de toute réalité matérielle.
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monarchteen · 3 years
kagaminette streamer au - introduction
-name: ladybug
-1mil twitch followers, 7k twitch subs, 900k twitter followers, 750k tiktok followers, 200k instagram followers
-averages 5-10k per stream
-her peak was 50k when she did a baking stream for her birthday (she made a cake, cookies and muffins - all very aesthetically pleasing) ft. adrien agreste, alya lahiffe and nino lahiffe
-streams about two or three times per week since she’s a uni student (studying video game design)
-variety streamer
-plays valorant, animal crossing, stardew valley, slime rancher and other small indie games
-usually very wholesome except when there’s valo
-is down to play the occasional story game however (life is strange anybody?)
-she does art and baking occasionally (old habits die hard)
-met alya and nino irl in middle school
-also met adrien in middle school but it was an online friendship until adrien became a legal adult and they met irl (duo name/subtwt: umbrelladuo/umbrellatwt)
-met kagami through adrien (duo name: kagaminette)
-met rose (and juleka and luka) because they have a large overlapping fanbase
-her fanbase is very wholesome, but would also kill for mari
-demographic is mainly 12-22 year olds, young gays, non-males
-subtwt: bugtwt
-started streaming in her first year of university
-name: renarouge/ladywifi (name for her alts)
-500k youtube subs, 250k twitter followers, 100k tiktok followers, 100k instagram followers
-uploads once a week since she’s a uni student (studying journalism)
-streams on youtube once in a millennia (horror games usually)
-video essays, vlogs and life advice for days
-grew up next to nino, started dating him in high school, married him right before university (duo name: djwifi)
-demographic is women of colour, feminists and activists
-started uploading video essays at the beginning of high school
-(nino’s not a content creator and assumes the role of cameraman most of the time, however he’s a fan favourite whenever he appears in alya’s youtube videos or adrien/marinette’s streams)
-name: chatnoir
-1.7mil twitch followers, 15k twitch subs, 1.3mil twitter followers, 300k tiktok followers, 500k instagram followers
-averages 8-12k per stream
-peak was 60k when he did his face reveal
-streams about 5 or 6 times per week
-exclusively a valorant/fps streamer
-played stardew valley and animal crossing with marinette a couple times
-if he’s not playing valo, he’s just chatting most likely
-that is, until the sims era in which this man played sims 4 for twelve hours everyday for a month
-he has millions of fanedits made per stream
-met marinette on valorant years before either of them started streaming
-met nino in college before adrien dropped out to be a full time streamer (met alya after that)
-has known kagami since childhood since they’re family friends; they both started streaming because of each other (duo name/subtwt: fencingduo/fencetwt)
-his fanbase is very funny and are constantly making fun of their streamer
-demographic is gay 14-20 year olds (gender is evenly mixed)
-subtwt: puntwt
-started streaming in high school and was originally faceless, but face revealed on his 18th birthday
faceless streamer!kagami
-name: ryoku
-1.5mil twitch followers, 10k twitch subs, 1mil twitter followers, 200k instagram followers
-averages 8-12k per stream
-her peak was 50k when she was in a valo tournament with adrien and marinette (they won btw)
-streams three or four times per week
-valorant streamer
-plays chess occasionally when she gets bored of showing off in valo
-also because she’s a simp for marinette, she’ll play the occasional indie game with her
-her fanbase is filled with ruthless killers and their girlfriends who are balls of sunshine (her demographic is very sapphic)
-subtwt: dragontwt
-started streaming in high school
-she’s a faceless streamer and has never shown her face on the internet
-no one except adrien and marinette have seen her face so far
-she keeps her personal life very separated from her streaming life
content creator!rose
-name: roselavillant
-250k twitch followers, 1k twitch subs, 200k twitter followers, 250k tiktok followers, 200k instagram followers
-averages 2k to 4k per stream
-peak was 15k when she announced that she was in a band called kitty section AND that she was dating juleka AND that she was joining an org
-streams almost every single day
-lowkey a minecraft streamer
-she’s always playing small indie games though
-she has art and baking tuesdays on her channel
-met juleka in middle school and developed a crush on her pretty quickly, but they didn’t start dating until university (duo name: julerose)
-her fans have always shipped juleka and rose, and her fans were ecstatic when the two announced that they were dating
-rose’s fans saw many similarities between her and marinette, and brought it up to the two streamers in their donations, sub messages and dms
-when rose and marinette spoke for the first time, fans were excited to see more content from the pair which the two readily delivered (duo name: niceduo)
-her fanbase does baby her sometimes, but rose loves them anyway
-subtwt: pinktwt
-started streaming in high school
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mysleepdeprivedass · 4 years
Another ML fanfiction idea
And here we go for another prompt fic idea that I got while reading a fanfiction on AO3. I want to write this idea but I’m too lazy for writing a whole fanfiction.
And just want to keep in my head but it was driving me crazy sooo let's go.
Btw I inspired by the fanfiction MDR by Yilena  (on AO3) (@xiueryn on tumblr)  (also I haven’t finish the fanfiction yet but I need to let go the idea of my head)  
(let's go for translate everything a wrote again T^T and I just saw how long a wrote, the translation it's gonna be looong x.X also idk some term are correctly translate sorry if it's not)
Also warning, i’m going to talk briefly about eating disorder, bullying and suicide so skip the part in italic if the idea or the word can triggered you.
Have a nice reading on my 2.am writing idea. \0/ 
AU steamer / youtuber Marinette
Marinette begging steaming around her fifteen, and she become quickly know for her skills for some game
Marinette have now like 19 yrs old, almost 20.
She plays a lot of different games.
At first (when she was 15 ) she wasn't doing face cam steaming. After a years and a half, she start face cam but disguise. Her disguise is, a clothes always in polka dots red and black, and she have a mask which hide almost all her face and she wear a red wig (she have different wig, pixie cut, big curly, straits, ect,... But they're all red)
On twitch she is know as Ladybug, and she have a YouTube channel where she post all her rediffusion of her twitch live.
Marinette have a big community verry supportive and nice. She's the kinda of girl that going to play with her fan during live if she met them on the game.
She doing some explained and tip live on game that she's really good at or that she's love.
Her favorite game are Ultimate Mecha Strike saga. And a new independent MMORPG game call " The Tale of Miraculous" a kinda fantasy/fantastic game, that's become more and more difficult when your reach a levels.
Also it's a no-miraculous idea
At first, when she started live’s, qhe was doing a lot, like every night she was doing a live which ended around 4 or 5am. But after a big meltdown on live (she was around 17 years olds) she make a calender, which sometine change depending on he mood.
Monday Night : Games of her choice, most of the time she play at TTOM (The Tale Of Miraculous) or fighting games. From 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. or 2 a.m.
Wednesday Night : if she started a let’s play, she is doing the let’s plays, if she not she’s doing two or three games, most of the time horror games or strategy games. From 8p.m to midnight or 1 a.m.
Calender most of the time : 
Friday Night : chill night, she talk or debates with viewers while playing at Minecraft or she opening fan mail or for some occasion she is cooking. From 8p.m to random but between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.
Sunday Night : Let’s plays or games selected by the community. From 8p.m to Midnight.
 Marinette has become very hermits and go out just a few time. She works at her parents bakery and has her own shop (known as Ladybug) her community know that she makes homemade clothes and she has a lot of customers from her community but also from famous people. 
Every other week she doing a live between 9 p.m. and 12 a.m. in addition, where she plays indie games or flash games or during fashion week (or any fashion show) she like to do reviews about it and commentary.
Marinette finished school at home because of harassment, she had ended up making several suicide attempts, and had a severe eating disorder and was anorexic 
She suffered bullying very early, already in elementary school, and it got worse in middle school where the physical attack was violent. She got kicks, push down the stair, she got a lot a fractures, spit on, etc,..
After a big lynching after school, she try to kill herself, she got hospitalized and her parents finnaly knew about what she suffered. After that she become homeschooled.
A lot of cosplayers ask for commisions.
Chloé had started insults her in primary school but had stop everything before middle school except that others took over, like Lila.
Chloe apologized to Marinette after her suicide attempt. Even though Marinette and Chloe are not best friends, the two get along. Chloé always feels it's her fault that things got there
During her convalescence it’s when that she became Ladybug but was not in face cam.
She started streaming after being released from the hospital
She had a general ES bac (it’s a degree in french school, if you want i can explain french school in a other post... because I’m french ._.) and she studied fashion by correspondence.
For the 3 years anniversary of her twitch channel, she explain her firt years as the stramers, he past, and explain that twitch literaly save her live.
She self-harm for a long time (betwenn 11 and 16 years old)
She still have drugs and antidepressant, and she is follow by a doctor for her eating disorder.
During her depression, she developed agoraphobia, she doesn’t go to convention where she’s invited because of that, also because she wants to avoid overloading Tikki.
Fu is her psychologist.
Tikki is her service dog because she have anxiety attacks and panic attacks and she can hurt them during those.
Tikki is a Labrador, viewers sometine see her during live (try to climb on Marinette lap’s)  or hear her bark (very rare but can alway happen) 
Marinette loved roasted the clothing collections and clothing choices in video games. She also loves talking about RuPaul Drag Race.
She’s  openly bisexual and gender fluid,
She lives in a small apartment not far from her parents to be able to stream quietly.(And without disturb her parents)
Viewers know other room of her apartment. She stream on green screen, but when she live and do open fan mail she is in front of a wall with drawings and gifts from fans that she received. They also know her kitchen but she rarely on the kitchen. 
She don’t do much live on the Kitchen but she doing some videos edited on cook video for explain some bases and some recepis. It is to teach the beginner how to cook or the person who is on a tight budget.
Her first cooking live become a meme. She fall several times, managed to stick an egg to the ceiling (god know how), set fire to heroven, and spilled milk and flour all over her floor.
In her live chill, call “let's talk little, let's talk well” in her playlist of rebroadcast on her youtube channel, she brings people on discord to give their opinion on the subject or their experience. She has with subjects from religion, the LGBTQ community, mental illness, to motor disease, to lighter subjects like which animal people find the cutest or whether or not she should go and throw eggs at her neighbor that she hates or she talks about the series or TV show she watches.
Marinette only go out, for work, appointment or hang out with Luka, Juleka and Rose, all are her childhood best friends.And all know that’s she is Ladybug.
Marinette is known for screaming when she plays horror games and there's quite a lot of compilation of her falling off her chair or screaming, often accompanied by Tikki who jumps on her knees think of a panic attack and suddenly she falls off her chair because of Tikki.
Marinette after a litlle jump scar : 
“ son of bi-”  * Tikki jump on her laps*
Luka is also a stramer mostly music related, but he some night doing game stream. He also have a youtube channel dedicate to music. He is call The Viperion Silencio.
 “what the fu- !”  *fall off her chair with Tikki on her, Tikki laying on her*
Luka and Marinette dated for a year and a half before realizing that they were better as friends that as couple. Their get along even better after they break.
Hours : 
Tuesday night: 8:30 p.m. to midnight, play video games
Friday evening: 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m., review and play with Marinette at Minecraft
On twitch he sing or do some music reviews that viewers recommend. And if not play
He always showed his faces.
On youtube he does covers, original songs, has critical videos. All the videos are directed by him and edited by Juleka, him or Rose.
He also have odd jobs 
Saturday: 8 p.m. to 2:30 a.m., sing, some reviews and a the end he play video games
Nino, Alya and Adrien, are TTOM players, and Adrien is a huge Ladybug fan along with Alya.
He has always been close to Marinette and helped a lot especially for her eating disorder. It helps her eat and regain a healthy relationship with her body and food.
Nino and Alya hang out in each other's apartment in turn
Nino is not a big fan of Ladybug but likes to watch her lives sometine.
Nino and Alya live close to each other and are dating
On the other hand, he's a huge fan of what Luka does.
 Nino meets Adrien on a dating site, he made a account for joking (before he dated Alya) and the two got really well, and they started exchange discord, and phone number, playing together, and they already saw each other.
Sometine, Alya and Nino go to Paris and sometime Adrien go to Bordeaux.
Nino and Aly live in Bordeaux.
Alya joined them and the three are very close and have already met in Paris.
 Nino, Alya and Adrien are 20 years old, soon 21.
Inside joke between Adrien and Nino, on the fact that Nino “cheats” on Alya with Adrien or vice versa.
Too many “bro” between Adrien and Nino, and too many bro joke
Like, I imagined, Alya hant out  at Nino place, the three playing at TTOM.
Nino die
Adrien it’s like “Noo bro, you’re my whole world bro, you can’t live me broo”
Nino is like “ Broo I hace to leave, Bro my end is close, I love you soo much broo, live my life broo”
And Alya his laying on her stomach on Nino bed, head buried in Nino sheets and she growls and insults both them and call them "drama queen"
Alya is a huge sore loser and a salty loser.
In the evening and especially when he is tired Nino is a big game trollers.
Alya is a Ladybug Twitch Admins, she was one of the first on Marinette's channel and she quickly was in her Discord. She chats a lot with her on Discord. And she helps Marinette to make special videos where there is real editing. Other admins do it too.
Adrien, Nino meets Marinette thanks to TTOM because Marinette has created a beginner party where no one knows her, she becomes friends with Nino (whom she quickly destroy) and TIN TIN TIN group chat between the 4 (with Alya in it).
Kim is Nino's childhood friend and he started playing TTOM to spent time with his bro, and ended up in group chat (with Alix because he drag her in the game too), he's not good at games and and just a cannonball but he like let off frustration by beat out the hell of the enemy
Baby step by baby step, the group chat add more people
 He live with Alix in Toulouse, their roomate.
Alix plays a bit at TTOM but plays a lot of flash and horror games.
Ivan and Mylène have 22 years old and are a couple, they don't know Ladybug much, but they've already received a lot of donation from her for their environmental association and Marinette has advertised for them for free
Alix likes Ladybug but she is not her favorite streamer.she understand Marinette's struggle on her eating disorder  because she had eating disorder since she was a child, Kim helps her a lot with it
Nathaniel lives in Auvergne with Marc, the two work together on comics but Nathalie also works as a freelance illustrator and he has already made the banner and stickers for steamers and youtubers, including Marinette.
Ivan and Mylène do vlogs and have a site and an environmental association that Marinette really appreciates.
Max is a little streamer well known to be one of Marinette's best rivals, especially on Ultimate Mecha Strike 3. 
He also does video thumbnails and cover video illustrations for a lot of youtubers including Luka.
Nathaniel started chatting with Marinette because of this (Marinette commissioned him for her website, and her channels) and the two became very good friends.
He lives in Strasbourg and works in engineering stuff.
He does very little live but has a very loyal audience because he's a goddamn god on some games.
And some compilation of their best roasted and sassy moment are on youtube.
The two fight each year for the prize of UMS3
The two like to throw shades at each other  when they playing together.. Very big sassy and roasted moment.
* A bit like RuPaul's Reading season 5 between Alaska and Alyssa Edward * (Yeah i’m kinda in some fever of RPDR right now)
Like : 
There is a roasted meme running in their respective communities, because Max had been champion for two years when Marinette arrived and took that cup from him.
“Hey Bug In !  Here Ladybug, I'm with our dear friend The Gamer, undefeated champion of UMS3 oh whait -
They talk on discord
Okay I finish to translate everything, and shame on my I finish juste by copy paste from google translate. 
* gasp then clap * bravo, it was a good one, Miss [insert thing that Marinette lost or meme of her]
And their conversation is basically shades and meme.
Bruh I wrote a lot :o
I don’t know if I’m going to do some update on it. Give me your opinion on it ! Also you can take some idea just tag me and let’s me see what you have do ^^ !
Good Night  
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bgsdraws · 2 years
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I never ended up posting this, did I? Uh
It's a redraw of an oldish drawing of a /j au that I ended up treating /srs.
Basically, Adrien becomes a twitch streamer as a marketing ploy, to get him more "connected" to the people, because the more the public likes you, the more easy will be to sell them stuff. His chat noir hero persona ends up become his streamer persona, which ends up becoming one of his copying mechanisms, he's prolly do a lot of "just chatting" with a lot of reacting and some gameplay of popular games
I've discussed with some friends what other characters role would be in this au, like marinette ending up becoming his twitch emote artist etc...
But I might share that another time
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lycorogue · 3 years
Yet Another Plot Bunny Joins the Masses
I’m 100% blaming @chibisunnie for this one. 🤣🤣
So, I have no clue if this AU idea has been done yet or if/when I’ll have the energy to attempt it myself, but a new plot bunny concept just popped up.
Non-Magic Streamer AU.
Marinette and Adrien are both streamers (maybe on Twitch, maybe on YouTube, maybe on some made-up site... don’t know).
Adrien is afraid that his inherited celebrity would artificially inflate his viewership or cause toxicity in his chat section, so he keeps his identity hidden. People know virtually nothing about the streamer who uses a commissioned anime dude icon everywhere and goes by Chat Noir as his handle (probably will have to change that up, same with Ladybug for Marinette’s handle, but we’ll run with it for now). Maybe I’ll just fully lean into the fanon that Chat Noir is Adrien’s fursona and have his icon be a black catboy.... Adrien enjoys cutting loose on his streams; his canon Chat Noir personality shining through with his bad puns, constant joking around, strict seriousness if the situation calls for it (like when he’s yelling at toxic fans), impulsivity, more relaxed nature, and semi-flirtatious manner. He also tends to deepen his voice a touch when he streams (or has his mic set to really catch the bass tones in his voice to give it that more mature and silky sound).
Marinette has a gaming stream, but she knows how much female gamers can get harassed, and she fears potential doxing. So she keeps as much personal info about herself as she can disconnected from her streaming handle. She plays off-cam and only uses a logo she designed as an icon. She never shows off her fashion designs despite the large platform, because she wants to be able to launch those under her own name someday. However, she is slowly warming up to the possibility of designing her own line of merch for her fans. Maybe even name-drop her fashion line as a “partner” she worked with to design the merch??? Her canon Ladybug persona shines through her streaming persona. She’s a lot more decisive, she doesn’t shy from showing off her intelligence and cunning (often even getting borderline cocky about it), she is a strategic mastermind, she is a lot more confident, and she displays incredible hand/eye coordination, dexterity, and just sheer luck. To further help protect herself from getting recognized, she puts on her Streamer Voice, which is a bit more mature sounding than her everyday voice. Maybe the main “flaw” of her streams is that she has a relatively low-quality mic that distorts her voice slightly?????
Not long after he started streaming, Adrien stumbled upon Ladybug’s streams (who was also new to the hobby/career) and ADORES her. He might not know much about her personally, but he’s enamored. On more than one occasion, the two of them have paired up in MMOs (maybe they met in MMOs first and then he tracked down her stream from there????), and have quickly grown to be close friends. Marinette even considers Chat Noir one of her best friends despite the two of them not really knowing much about each other. They now purposefully seek each other out in games. Their fans ping-pong between shipping them or calling them long-lost twins that share a single brain cell.
Adrien tried to slide into Ladybug’s DMs to confess who he is and find out who she is. She refused though. She knows that a face reveal is a big decision, and doesn’t want him to do so haphazardly with her. Also, she loves him dearly as a friend, but she’s still uncomfortable about letting ANYONE know who she is IRL. She does eventually let him know she lives in Paris; assuming there are too many people in the city for that info alone to reveal too much. He’s ecstatic and tells her he’s in Paris as well. He wonders if they know each other IRL already, and vows to find her. She makes it a game (because she also gets a bit more competitive as Ladybug) and challenges him to try and find her.
While Adrien gladly accepts the challenge, he also respects her wishes for them to stay anonymous, so he doesn’t probe too much when they continue to DM back and forth. He does still routinely let her know how much he loves her, though, and makes sure she knows the amount of respect he has for her. He wishes they could be a couple, and reminds her of how many people started their romantic relationships online. Eventually, Marinette breaks it to him that, regardless of whether or not they were comfortable enough to reveal who they were to each other, it wouldn’t matter. She’s already in love with someone IRL. This breaks his heart, but he can’t get her to reveal who she loves, for fear that it would lead him to her off-line (she, of course, doesn’t realize how true that is).
Turns out that, yes, Marinette does indeed know Adrien. He’s a super close friend that she’s been in love with nearly since day one. He has a great deal of fun with Marinette, and even comments on how skilled she is at gaming; pointing out that she would do great as a streamer. She just blushes and tells him she’ll think about it. When he sees her designs he desperately wants to ask her to design his merch, but doesn’t want to reveal to her that he’s Chat Noir (he’s afraid it might make things weird since even his streamer persona is a celeb).
The two dance around each other as normal Love Square shenanigans ensue.
I just need to figure out how to work Tikki and Plagg into the mix, because I don’t want to lose those dynamics... but if Marinette refuses to let ANYONE know who she is IRL, then how could Tikki know that Marinette is Ladybug? Same with Plagg and Adrien. I’m open to suggestions. (Also, do I pull a “Gang of Secrets” with Alya for this????)
Gabriel is secretly a gamer as well (streamer handle Hawk Moth), but the complete asshat toxic type of gamer that’s only out for the most rare items so that he can then lord over everyone else. Ladybug and Chat Noir are constantly at odds with him.
OH! And if this has inspired you, by all means, go for that story or fanart or comic or whatever. Please just tag me so I can see it! I’d love to see where you took this idea!
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team-leo-v · 3 years
It's Streamstress, y'all
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Well, this isn't their first time fighting as a team, so this should be easy...
Finally, something for my sblnau 😭 It's been a long time since I made art for it 🤡 This is both for the October event over at @mlwritersguild and Day 6 - AU over at @mlcorefour ! Thought I should strike two birds with one stone:D
So the akuma name is Streamstress, like I said earlier, and her name is streamer (the party ribbon kind), stress, and well, seamstress. She's basically ribbon dancer Spiderman who walks kind of like Vexana from the other ML. She can trap people with her ribbons and/or sew their body parts together, and suffocation is... not very fun.
She's an intern at those party planning organizations whose boss basically overloaded her with work. She had to redo the decorations for the ceiling and the tables, and when she got fed up, she went over to a break room and an akuma fluttered into her rings (which is where the streamers materialize from!).
I originally made her for my groupchat fic (which is currently sadly dead) but scrapped the chapter. She's too cool not to resurrect tho. Drawing her was awesome, her design is so blocky and I love it
And as usual... we have Scarabella, Lady Noire, Carapace, and Goupil (name to be decided) battling her! yay
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Full Force ‘22 !!!
Big thanks to @ssc-chico for making the event happen and big thanks to @fivegrandcardinals for letting me play with his Modern!AU!!!
All the Grand Cardinals share a shitty apartment now and Mithos is their tyrannical landlord. Pronyma is trying to make a career as a streamer, but the guys keep walking in on her streams for dumb reasons (they have their fans in her chat, tho, so maybe it’s ok). Rodyle’s cooking always looks exactly like this, but actually it’s really tasty?? (Kvar’s food, on the other hand, is toxic poison that only he enjoys.)
Pronyma did not take the hair conditioner. Maybe she moved it slightly to the left when cleaning, if anything at all. Maybe Rodyle took the conditioner because it makes his dragons’ scales shine. (I don’t know where he keeps the dragons, tho. Hopefully not in the apartment. I keep thinking they live on a ranch out of town or something??) Or Magnius took it because he likes how his hair feels after using it. But Kvar can clearly see if even one singular ml is missing from the bottle.
Cardinals!!! @fivegrandcardinals got me REALLY invested in the Cardinals!!!
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lycorogue · 3 years
Master List of WIPs and Plot Bunnies (as of Jan 2022)
(roughly a 40min read)
As a means to try to get myself re-inspired to write, I've spent some time trying to collect all of my plot bunnies and WIPs in one place. Thus, I created a master-list.
Turns out, if you include things like my "365 anthology of daily writing prompts" that I’ve never completed, I have 22 WIPs (stories I have at least started, but haven't finished), and another 16 Miraculous Ladybug fanfic ideas (plot bunnies) that I haven't started yet. 
Not to mention any Encanto plot bunnies that have been playing along the edges of my mind, but haven't quite formed enough yet for me to list them on the Plot Bunnies tally.
Speaking of, the current tally looks like this:
- 4 ML fanfics started - 1 Hey Arnold fanfic I never meant to abandon - 5 X-Future (X-Men with OCs) stories - 1 D&D character study - 1 recounting of a World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade) character (probably forever abandoned) - an attempt to novelize the Cirque du Soleil show Varekai - an on-going attempt to convert X-Future into an original series called Glitches - 5 stories within my original fantasy world of Gyateara - 3 writing anthologies built from writing prompts (at least one is probably permanently abandoned)
Plot Bunnies (in order of how far I’ve gotten with the plot build)
- The PV of ML (Felix as Chat Noir and Bridgette as Ladybug) co-exists with canon - Adrien is in need of a fake girlfriend, and decides on Marinette -  Rewrite of canon so that Gabriel is actually a decent father who loves his son - Non-magic game streamer AU - 3 different continuations of my story Ladybug’s Simp Squad - Adrien tries out the concept that “if you want the truth, ask the same question 3x” on both LB and Marinette, to surprising results. - Another retelling of the 12th chapter of Remember That Time When.. by @mostlovedgirl-writes This time focusing more on Adrien’s isolation after Marinette literally locked herself away from him. - 2 stories involving the New York Special - Plagg’s POV of the episode “Puppeteer 2″ (a companion piece to my story Painfully Close) - Alya (as either herself or her superhero persona) pinning Adrien against the wall as she accuses him of hurting Marinette - Master Fu backstory filling in the time between the fall of the monastery and when we meet him in Origins. Mostly focusing on the 1940s and WWII. - Adrien discovers that Ladybug is Marinette, and tries to figure out who this boy is that she’s in love with - Adrien finds out HE’S the boy that Ladybug keeps turning Chat Noir down for. (may or may not end up part of the above plot bunny) 
Now to get motivation to actually WRITE some of this stuff.... Maybe if people bully me???
Honestly, the following detailed list of all my WIPs and plot bunnies is mostly for my benefit. That way I have a reference online for times I don’t have my computer on-hand. But if you want to join me down the rabbit hole (and get more of a feel of what I have in the fire), I’ll gladly see you under the cut.
WIPs - Fanfics
Miraculous Ladybug:
One and the Same - The sequel to my story Peeping Tomcat. I’ve been struggling to get this story done since 2018. I have some great moments here and there, but the overall story just isn’t coming together. This time, instead of the story being exclusively Adrien’s 1st person POV, I am tag-teaming Adrien and Marinette as 1st person POV narrators. In this sequel, Adrien is trying desperately to get Marinette to fall in love with him, and she’s not sure how to handle this....
I Don't Care - I already have 2 chapters of this story posted because I wasn’t planning on it being a multi-chapter story, and yet, here I am. It’s my interpretation of Gabriel and Emilie’s romance: how they met, them dating, their marriage, and their years with Adrien before Emilie fell into her coma. The title is a nod to the inspiration of the second chapter: “I Don’t Care” by Ed Sheeran. Mostly because I see that as Gabriel’s attitude towards Emilie.
Seduce With Caution - A smut story I started writing the summer of 2020 that has become a slow-burn MariChat story.  Chat Noir tries to show off his new flirting/seduction techniques on Marinette to prove that he can get Ladybug to fall for HIM. He accidentally hits the mark perfectly without realizing. Marinette fights against her newfound attraction for Chat Noir while Adrien tries to figure out why he keeps picturing an unmasked Ladybug as Marinette in his fantasies. Some extra awkward Adrienette moments as Adrien wonders if he can also get Marinette riled up as himself, and Marinette tries not to combust as Adrien flirts with her!
Love Square Fluff Week - Back before the pandemic truly hit, I was working on the 7-day Love Square Fluff Week writing prompts. I have the first 5 chapters up before I fell into my pandemic-induced writing funk. I just need to figure out those last 2!
“Hey, Arnold!”
What is Truly Meant to Be - Using the premise of the never-produced spin-off series “The Patakis” as a guide, Arnold had broken up with Helga when his parents moved away from Hillwood. He had assumed it was selfish of him to ask her to keep up a long-distance relationship. Now that they have both graduated high school, and nothing is keeping them apart, Arnold rushes back to Hillwood so he can tell Helga he’s still in love with her and ask her to be his girlfriend again. Unfortunately, Brainy has already helped Helga mend her broken heart, and she’s been dating him for the past two years (? it’s been a while since I went back to this story. I think it was 2 years). Now Helga has to decide between the sweet and supportive boyfriend she currently has and the boy she’s been in love with since she was 3. I got 8 chapters (and over 60k words) into this story before I unintentionally abandoned it in 2013. 😅 Each chapter was based on a song - which became that chapter’s title - which is why I subtitled it “A Hey Arnold Musical”. 
X-Future (an X-Men RPG created by my husband)
Please, Let Me Explain - Originally a short story that my friend Ronoxym wrote, and I sort of unintentionally hijacked it. It’s SUPPOSED to be a collab between the two of us, but neither of us have touched it since 2016. In the roleplay, my character Willow thought Rono’s character Devon had betrayed the X-Men to an attack from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, which resulted in the Xavier mansion blowing up and killing at least 3 students. PLME has Devon trying to explain the situation to Willow, and how he had no clue what happened with the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. If he had, he would have come home. Willow isn’t sure she can trust him, though. After a LOT of work, Devon finally convinces Willow to use her psychic abilities to delve into his mind to prove he’s telling the truth. That’s about where the story derailed and we haven’t been able to get it back on track yet. Still, I did post the first two chapters back in 2015. I do want to go back to this story eventually, and it does tend to invade my thoughts on occasion.
Some Like it Flame-Broiled - Another story that was originally written by Ronoxym. This was probably the first bit of smut I have ever written. Not sure if it will ever see the light of day, but I am still periodically tweaking it. I had written a solo scene on X-Future (a play-by-post RPG) where my tertiary character Trish masturbated to a gas tanker explosion (she’s a pyrophile). Now, the players were all over 20yo, and even so, the scene I wrote was more a simple T-rated “she masturbated”, as opposed to NC-17 explicit descriptions. Anyway, since Trish was originally created as a potential love interest for Devon when he joined the Brotherhood (she ended up being a rival bent on killing him.... whoops....), Rono wrote a smut AU where Devon truly did turn evil (instead of playing a double-agent) and Evil!Devon had a weird sexual relationship with Trish. I took Rono’s story and RAN with it. But, like I said, I still have some tweaks to do.
Untitled battle between Devon and Trish - A battle to the death between the canon versions of Trish and Devon. Trish and the Brotherhood were holding Devon’s girlfriend’s parents hostage. Devon went to save them, and ended up in a knife fight with Trish. This battle is canon to explain what happened to Devon during a time jump in-game, but the only bits that were canonically posted were the fact that there was a fight, and the result. I went ahead and wrote out the full battle, but I’m still learning fight choreography, so I want to go back and tweak it. Haven’t touched this story since 2017 or so, though. I also want Ronoxym’s input, since it does involve his character, even if we aren’t playing that RPG anymore.
X-Future: The Second Generation Begins - My attempt to adapt the roleplay into a more traditional narrative. Our method of tracking time - and what scenes happen when - was poor at best, however. So the conversion ended up a more intense undertaking than I originally thought. The RP went on for about 2 or 3 years, and I only covered the first 2 months or so (which was still over 67k words) before this project got shelved. Still want to finish it, though.
X-Future Snippets - As my way of doing character studies and sorting out what to do next with my characters in the official RP, I wrote a series of one-shots using my X-Future characters Lia, Willow, and Trish. I last updated this 15-chapter/35k+ word anthology of one-shots in 2016. I hope to get re-acquainted with my characters, and hopefully add more shorts to this collection.
Too Many Names, Even For A Gnome - A character study for my gnome Elymoxa. A way to learn who she is by figuring out what all of her names are, and how she earned them. As of right now, I only have three chapters up. I also haven’t played this D&D character since 2018, so I’m not sure when I’ll be going back to learning about this character.
World of Darkness
Lottie's story - This was my NaNoWriMo attempt back in 2014. I was playing the World of Darkness game Vampire: The Masquerade. Lottie was my Brujah vampire that was turned in the 1940s. I wanted to capture our gameplay. I failed to do so, as I only wrote 3000 words. I will probably never get back to this story, sadly. It was fun, though, to re-read that opening chapter. I instantly remembered who played which character based on how the characters interacted. Good times.
Adaptation of the Cirque du Soleil show into a novel - Since the early 2000s, when I first saw the Cirque show Varekai, I fell in love with the story of Icarus falling into a mythical and magical forest instead of plummeting into the sea. For my birthday in 2017, I got a DVD of the show, and wanted to write a novelization of the story Cirque du Soleil told. I even watched it live that summer to help inspire me. It was also the year I fell in love with Miraculous Ladybug, though, and I ended up working on Peeping Tomcat that NaNoWriMo instead. So I have yet to write more than the opening chapter of this Varekai story.
WIPs - Original Works
A rework of the X-Future world and original characters (the player characters) as an original story with no ties to X-Men or Marvel. I’ve done a lot of world-build thus far, and character reworks to turn Marvel-owned characters that are significant for the X-Future story into original versions. I’ve also written a couple of scenes. I’m still debating between trying to write this as a comic (which requires an illustrator) or a series of novels (but it feels like such a visual story). I just miss my X-Future characters and the other player characters they interacted with. I want to go back to writing them again in some shape or form.
Case and point - maybe rework the above X-Future stories so they are more original stories within the Glitches universe?
Lost Loves and Paramours - My 2016 NaNoWriMo story where I explored the backstory I gave my D&D character Jolene Crisslebalm. While I stuck to the backstory I gave her for the campaign, I also reworked a lot of it so it could be original. There’s still a few bits that were original world-builds of my DM that I have to edit out, and I might also rework some of the canon backstory. Either way, I did hit 50k+ words, making this my FIRST NaNo win! I’m not even half-way done with her backstory, though. So it definitely needs a lot of reworking, and I need to actually finish writing out her story. I do poke at this WIP periodically. Aug 2021 I created a Spotify playlist that tells Jolene’s story. Maybe someday I’ll post something publicly. 
The Race for Destiny - My first-ever attempt at NaNoWriMo, way back in 2012. The story itself was first formed shortly after I played the Xbox game Fable back in 2004. This story (with its terrible working-title that desperately needs to be redone) originated as a Frankensteined cross-over fanfic between Fable, Inuyasha, Vision of Escaflowne, Legend of Zelda, and Fushigi Yuugi. The story was a classic isekai where Natalie is from a sleepy New England town, and stumbles upon a stone platform with strange runes etched into it. As she inspected the runes, she got teleported to Gyateara. There she was saved from monsters by hero-in-training Connor. The duo find out a Big-Bad is attempting to unlock a fabled artifact to rule the world, and only Natalie (who is assumed to be a messenger of a lost goddess) can stop the baddie with the aid of Connor. During their trials, Natalie and Connor fall in love, and Natalie becomes torn between staying with him and going home when Gyateara is saved. The story was so horribly cliche, but I had pumped so much into the world-build, I hope to one day find a way to salvage anything from this story and complete it.
The People of Gyateara - An anthology of the various cultures that makes up the world of Gyateara. As of this posting, though, I haven’t updated since 2016, and I only had 2 chapters written. Whoops. I should probably get back into this....
The Divine Legends - the various myths and legends that the people of Gyateara tell. I haven’t touched this poor anthology since 2014. I really should get back to this. I should also go back and edit the 3 legends I already have up, now that I have a better understanding of myth structures.
Amara's backstory (untitled) - My first-ever D&D character. Unfortunately, I only managed to play her for 2 sessions, despite her living rent-free in my brain since 2003/2004. Her backstory does keep changing as I grow and learn how problematic different bits truly are (I originally had her as a fantasy version of a g*psy). Amara is still evolving, and as she does, my need to work on this backstory continues.
Writing Prompts
365 Stories: 2017 - Back in 2017, I received a book that provided a new writing prompt every day for a full year. I tried to stick with the practice of doing a writing prompt a day, and create an anthology of these one-shots. Unfortunately, I ended up tapping out at only 26 prompts (27k+ words). It was a good start, but I want to give this challenge another try at some point.
Ronoxym's Flash-Fiction Challenge - Also back in 2017, I lamented to Ronoxym that I can’t seem to write short and succinct stories *side-eyes this whole post* Seems I still can’t.  He challenged me to write stories that are under 1000 words. I only managed about 6 of them - which I collected in this anthology -  before I waved my white flag. I feel like I should try to start up this challenge again, though.
Writing Prompts: An Anthology - Another anthology of one-shot short stories. This time, the collection comes from various writing prompts. Most of the prompts were given out at my local writing group, but some were from random friends, my husband, or interesting prompts I found online. I again only got 11 prompts in before abandoning the challenge. I really should get back into finding prompts....
ML Fanfic Plot Bunnies
1. Concept: The PV (where Felix is Chat Noir and Bridgette is Ladybug) co-exists with canon
This story is FAR from ready for ANY writing to be done as I still try to world-build, but my world-building does already fill 4 pages in OpenOffice Writer.
The main idea was based off of the Smile Fruit in One Piece. Namely, that the Miraculous that Felix and Bridgette get are artificial, which is why the jewelry itself looks different (especially the cat ring), why the “kwamis” are roughly triple the size of canon Tikki and Plagg, why the power sets are different, and why Felix is cursed (as well as the antagonistic dynamic Felix has with his “kwami”). 
I talked about the idea in full detail in this blog post, but here’s a “quick” recap:
A prominent wealthy humanitarian and philanthropist in London is secretly a criminal mastermind a la Marvel’s Wilson Fisk, DC’s Lex Luthor, or Disney’s Gargoyles’ David Xanatos. This man is the PV version of Hawkmoth. Somehow, someway, there are artificial “Miraculous” made, but deemed failed experiments. By some weird circumstance, Felix - now aged about 15 or 16 - ends up with the cat ring and puts it on before discovering it’s cursed. He is now tormented by a magical black cat creature that can go invisible so Felix is the only one who sees it (maybe only those wearing that specific “Miraculous” can see the corresponding “kwami”???). The creature loves to cause bad luck around Felix, but Felix can’t remove the ring without first getting a kiss from the faux-Ladybug. 
Coincidentally, Felix’s classmate Bridgette, who has been obsessively in love with him, ends up with the artificial Ladybug earrings. Her “kwami” is much kinder, and they become fast friends. London’s HM sends out his first minion (I might have to nix Mr. Pigeon and Mime since their gimmicks are such classic Parisian tropes, and are both reused in canon anyway). Bridgette is taught how to become Ladybug, and runs into the fray (she’s the impulsive fighter in this duo).
Discovering what his ring is, the curse, and how to remove the curse, Felix also learns how to become Chat Noir, and joins Ladybug in battle. His priority, however, is to get the kiss and end the curse. After being reamed out by Ladybug, Chat Noir focuses on the battle (he’s the calm and calculating one of this duo, but Ladybug is still the crucial one needed to execute Felix’s plans to save the day). Basically, I wanted to balance out their partnership a bit more: Felix’s Chat Noir can’t defeat the villain by himself, he needs faux-Ladybug’s powers (be it her own version of purifying the akuma or whatever). Meanwhile, while Bridgette has the powers needed to defeat the villain, she needs Felix’s tactical strategy to get even close to winning.
The story continues with the normal affair: Bridgette is in love with Felix, who is annoyed by her constant romantic advances. Meanwhile, Chat Noir is quickly falling for Ladybug, and his requests for kisses become less about ending the curse and more about genuine desire. Ladybug is as put off by his advances as Felix is of Bridgette’s; she accuses him of caring more about spending time with her than saving London... she’s not exactly wrong. Eventually, Felix and Bridgette start to become friends, and Ladybug starts to fall for Chat Noir. Problem now has become that if Chat Noir ever accepts a kiss from Ladybug, it will end his curse, but he can no longer be her superhero partner. Does he accept his lady’s love, and end his curse? Or does he suffer through the curse and reject his partner’s feelings so he can remain by her side as they battle London Hawk Moth? Also, does he (can he?) tell Ladybug about the curse???
This is clearly a MASSIVE undertaking, so who knows when I will have the time to start this project....
2. Concept: Adrien is in need of a fake girlfriend, and decides to ask Marinette
Another one where I have a lot of building to do before I’m ready to actually write the darn thing.
I go over the whole concept in this post, but, again, here’s a quick recap:
For ReasonsTM, Kagame suggests that Adrien gets a fake girlfriend. After going though a few options, Adrien realizes that Marinette would be perfect. It takes some convincing, but Marinette eventually agrees. The two go through a lot of the classic “fake dating” tropes, and Adrien is starting to realize his true feelings for Marinette. 
HOWEVER, before fully realizing he’s fallen for her, he first discovers that Marinette has been in love with him more-or-less since they first met. He hates the idea that he’s been playing with her heart (even if it was unintentional), and instantly breaks things off.
Problem is that he breaks up with her by telling her he’s already in love with someone else.... using almost the exact same speech Ladybug gave Chat Noir at the end of “Glaciator”. Of COURSE Marinette recognizes her own speech, and now has to deal with the knowledge that Adrien is Chat Noir.
Honestly, I don’t know where to go from there... would Marinette battling with her half-reveal knowledge be its own sequel story? Or do I have that be part of the overall tale? What is the reason behind Adrien needing a fake girlfriend in the first place? What “fake dating” tropes should I indulge in? How does Adrien find out that Marinette isn’t faking, and has been in love with him all along? Just so many questions I still need to answer before I can start writing.
3. Concept: Rewriting of canon where only one thing is changed: Gabriel Agreste is actually a loving and attentive father. Potential Title: When Love Matters
The trickiest bits of this one includes figuring out what continuity order I should put the episodes in - production? air order? streaming-service order? Piece them together into my own order based on in-episode clues? - as well as how to rework episodes like “Chat Blanc” and “Ephemeral” without completely negating them (since most of the plot of those episodes revolve around Gabriel being a complete asshole of a human being).
I talk more about the project as an answer to this ask from good lord 2018
4. Concept: Non-Magic Game-Streamer AU.
This was another one that I need to iron out the world-build, but I’m already 2 pages deep into building it.
I posted the original concept back in May 2021, but here’s the “quick” recap:
Adrien is afraid his real-world celebrity will taint his success as a streamer (he wants to claw his way to the top like everyone else so he knows people like him for his streaming, not his celebrity). So he only ever goes by his handle “Chat Noir”, adjusts his voice via his mic somehow, and only ever streams off-camera with a catboy icon, or he’s a vtuber using a catboy avatar.
Marinette knows how much female gamers get harassed, and she’s afraid of getting doxxed. So she also hides behind a handle - “Ladybug” - adjusts her mic to hide her true voice, and streams off-camera. Despite getting a fairly large following as a gaming streamer, she purposefully keeps that life separate from her fashion designing.
Chat Noir and Ladybug meet in a game, and become fast-friends. Adrien actually gets quite enamored with Ladybug, and becomes one of her biggest fans. He tries to meet up with her IRL, or do a private face-reveal via DMs, but she refuses, too afraid to let anyone know who she truly is. Eventually, she also admits that, even if they did meet IRL, they could only be friends since she’s already in love with someone.
Of course, that someone is her good friend Adrien, who is oblivious to her feelings. He does suggest that she should start streaming since she’s such a great gamer, and she kind of awkwardly laughs and shrugs him off.
Hawk Moth is also a streamer, but one of those toxic ones who riles up his chat, isn’t much of a team player in MMORPG or MOBA parties/teams, and kill-steals or takes cheap shots whenever possible. Ladybug and Chat Noir are constantly butting heads with him to help protect the other gamers from his toxicity.
I haven’t decided yet if I need to change up everyone’s handles, since “chat noir”, “ladybug”, and “hawk moth” feel too generic to be available as-is. I’ll have to think more about their gaming handles. I also need to decide if I’m keeping Gabriel as Hawk Moth, or if I should hand the reins over to Felix instead.
Lots and lots of other questions need answers, but it’s a fun AU to tip my toes into now and again until I’m ready to write the dang thing.
5. Concept: Continuation of Ladybug's Simp Squad, but a bit angsty as it centers around Adrien and Plagg.
This plot bunny is courtesy of @BFG_blueapple303 on AO3. In the comments of my story Ladybug’s Simp Squad, they asked me why Adrien didn’t include his swan-dive off the Montparnasse Tower while battling for Simp Supremacy with Alya.  (real answer: I forgot about that somehow)
This story would follow that train of thought: why didn’t Adrien mention that when he literally mentioned battling Gorizilla? 
Plagg would ask Adrien about that omission, mostly because, after knowing everything Adrien actually does for Ladybug, Plagg is a bit offended that Adrien walked away with the #2 Simp spot.
Adrien reflects, but I think he’ll eventually land on 3 things: 1) he didn’t want to stress out his friends by letting them know/reminding them that he leapt off one of the tallest buildings in Paris simply at Ladybug’s say-so. 2) he knows in his heart who he is, so it doesn’t bother him that everyone thinks he’s #2. In fact, it may be better to cover his identity as Chat Noir. Finally, 3) Alya probably won’t be able to be Rena Rouge anymore (the story takes place between seasons 3 and 4), and Adrien felt she needed a win to prove that she’s still able to assist Ladybug, even if she isn’t a superhero anymore.
BFG_blueapple303‘s original idea had this conversation between Adrien and Nino instead of Adrien and Plagg. I think I prefer it with Plagg because Adrien could be more open about more things only Chat Noir would know, but I do also love the original idea with Nino. Plus, we don’t get enough Adrien and Nino just being buddies content. So I might go back to that convo instead.
Either way, I have most of the components all sorted out for this story. I just need the motivation to write it. (and figure out who Adrien is having this conversation with)
6. Concept: Continuation of Ladybug's Simp Squad where Marinette makes Nino a “#1 Rena Rouge Simp” sweatshirt.
This plot bunny is courtesy of @livrever over on AO3 when she mentioned Nino needing a sweatshirt as well.
Again, the story I originally wrote - Ladybug’s Simp Squad - is supposed to take place between seasons 3 and 4. So, as far as Marinette and Adrien are concerned, Alya’s and Nino’s identities as Rena Rouge and Carapace have been compromised, but those two were mind-controlled at the time, and probably don’t realize it.
So Nino asks for a #1 Rena Rouge Simp sweatshirt. He thinks he’s being clever, not realizing Marinette knows EXACTLY why he’d want that shirt. He also thinks it would be a great surprise for his girlfriend.
Poor Marinette is torn, because it almost feels cruel to make Nino a “#1 Rena Rouge Simp” sweatshirt when Alya may never again get to BE Rena Rouge.
Eventually, she caves, and it does make DJWIFI super happy. 
I just need to figure out all the middle bits of this story.
7. Concept: Cuddly Ladrien fluff continuation of Ladybug's Simp Squad.
This one is just straight out of the story Ladybug’s Simp Squad when Marinette cuddles with the sweatshirt she made Adrien. However, I did have a couple of comments on the story of people wanting to see Ladybug actually snuggling Adrien in his Simp shirt. And how can I deny the people? (especially when I’m one of them)
Ladybug, now knowing how large of a "fan" Adrien is, visits him. They start pseudo-dating and ALLLLLL the fluff.
Alternatively, I could go with ALLLLL THE ANGST (MWAHAHAHAHAHA!). 
A little while back, I read Comfort from Each-Other by ScarletRedFox. The basic concept is that Ladybug was concerned for Adrien’s safety if they were to date, so she breaks things off. Soooooo, what if Ladybug at FIRST goes to have sweet Ladrien cuddles with her #2 Simp, but then realizes how much danger she could be putting Adrien in, so she breaks things off????
I’m still pondering the potential of Super Fluff Story vs Super Angst Story....
8. Concept: Adrien tries out the concept that “if you want the truth, ask the same question 3x” on both LB and Marinette, to surprising results. Potential Title: “The Rule of Three”
Adrien found out about a conversational tactic called “the Rule of 3”: whenever asking someone an important question, the first response is the knee-jerk, socialized response they have on standby; the second response is the calculated, defensive response; the third is the fully honest answer.
He tries the tactic on Ladybug to figure out if there is ANY hope of her loving him back. She admits she's torn, and that - maybe - if there was no chance with this other boy, then she could consider it. Chat Noir can't use the Rule of 3 to convince Ladybug to admit who she's pining for, but he does find out that she's never officially told him her feelings because she believes he's in love with someone else anyway. (She’s just hoping he moves on as much as Chat Noir is hoping the same thing of her)
Unsure where that leaves him with Ladybug, he turns to Marinette. She's always felt like more than a friend to him. She always seems so unsure around him though, sending mixed signals like avoiding him but also fighting for him to join them in New York. He decides to use the Rule of 3 to figure out where he stands with her.
Chaos ensues when he does get the truth from her, especially when she acknowledges that she knows he’s in love with someone else and that she has no chance of them being together, despite her hoping he’d pick her instead.
I’m.... not quite sure where to go with this story, but it does feel fun to explore....
9. Concept: Another retelling of the 12th chapter of Remember That Time When.. by @mostlovedgirl-writes
This time, I want to go back to Adrien's POV. While that’s the POV MLG originally wrote the chapter in, she also kind of breezed past that awkward night that Adrien and Marinette packed for the NYC trip: They packed, Marinette hid in the bathroom while Adrien watched anime, Marinette changed for bed and promptly locked herself in her studio, and cut to the next morning. 
I want to delve in again and focus on how Adrien tried to handle the isolation of Marinette literally locking herself away from him. What was it like to be in that big bed and empty bedroom by himself after waking up with Marinette in his arms?
Darn. Guess I’ll just have to reread RTTW again so I can get back into that mindset.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10. Concept: A companion story for the New York special. Potential Title: See Through My Eyes
I’m a bit less compelled to write this one anymore now that it’s been over a year since the NY special aired, and the salt has died off. However, this was largely inspired by the fact that there was a lot of unspoken subtext that I felt a lot of the fandom was missing.
I wanted to show the "missing" scenes of the special (scenes that would help with character growth, but wouldn't necessarily help with plot progression, which is probably why they weren't written into the special), as well as scenes from other character POVs to better showcase what I interpreted as that unspoken subtext in the special. 
A way to kind of explain it better to those who were a bit salty about how some characters/scenes were written.
Knowing that Adrien going to NYC would leave Paris without Ladybug OR Chat Noir, why didn’t Tikki try to talk Marinette out of confronting Gabriel? Why did Plagg suggest not telling Ladybug about Adrien being forced to go to NYC with his class? Why did Adrien agree? How did Adrien react to Marinette switching seats with Ms. Mendeleiev on the plane? Why did Alya keep pushing for Marinette and Adrien to get together despite Marinette claiming she was getting over Adrien? Why was Adrien so excited to hear that slow song, and want to dance with Marinette again? Why was Ladybug so mad with Chat Noir, and how did that anger seem to ease with a quick cry? Where were Marinette and Adrien as they wandered NYC in the rain? How did Adrien react after Marinette refused to ask him to stay in NYC? Why wasn’t Nino’s plea enough? Why did Alya send Marinette after Adrien alone while the city was in a lock-down? Did Alya feel guilty afterwards? Why did Alya’s attitude towards Marinette confessing change? (I feel like there were more questions I wanted to answer, but those were the ones I can recall off the top of my head almost exactly 16 months later)
11. Concept: AU ending to the NY Special
Uncanny Valley actually couldn't figure out who Ladybug or Chat Noir were under their masks, and so she couldn't return Chat Noir's ring to him.
I used this concept for my last “Plagg Appreciation Story” I Need Him Back. Basically, the premise is that the magic actually blocks Uncanny’s scans, as opposed to her being able to see through them. So she still sees the mask and suit, she just doesn’t have the extra glamour to prevent her from piecing 2 and 2 together. Given a bit more time, I’m sure it would be easy to figure out that the French superheroes that just so happened to be in NYC were one of the French students that were visiting (or chaperones), but for the purposes of this story, she couldn’t figure it out before the end of the battle.
ANYWAY, the story more-or-less picks up the same way I Need Him Back does, where Marinette is lamenting that she lost HER Chat Noir. Due to the magic, neither Plagg nor Tikki - the only ones left who knew who Chat Noir was - can tell Marinette who her Chat Noir was. So they devise a plan to convince Marinette to give Adrien the ring as a “replacement” Chat Noir.
She’s hesitant after the problems Adrien had as Aspik, but Tikki offers that perhaps that was because Luka was meant to be the snake wielder, and Adrien DID try nearly 26k times to save her as Aspik. He’s determined. Plagg adds in how brave Adrien was to be bait for Gorizilla until Chat Noir showed up.
Since Plagg has to pretend he doesn’t know Adrien, he only chimes in for times that “Chat Noir” and “Adrien” could have met up, and Tikki largely leads the charge for making Adrien the “replacement” Chat Noir.
Lots of angst as Plagg misses his boy, but can’t say anything to anyone but Tikki. And Marinette mourning the loss of “Her” Chat Noir as she struggles to either a) find a way to circumvent the magic preventing the kwamis from telling her or b) cave in and just choose someone new.
In the end, she decides to give Adrien the Miraculous, and he tearfully transforms back into Chat Noir. Upon realizing Adrien was HER kitty all along, Ladybug drops her transformation, completing the reveals.
There is SO MUCH to sort out with this story before it’s ready for me to officially work on, but it’s a fun one to think about.
**UPDATE: Soooooo not even 2 hrs after I published this list “Kuro Neko” airs.... >3> Nooooot sure what to do with this story now....
12. Concept: Plagg's view of “Puppeteer 2”
Oddly enough, this dreaded “cringe episode” is my guilty pleasure. Feed me that sweet, sweet second-hand embarrassment.
I’ve already written a companion story for this episode, where Tikki narrates the events of “Puppeteer 2″. I am curious about Plagg’s take, though. Especially that painful drive home when Adrien tells Marinette “the girl I’m in love with doesn’t like [jokes] either.”
13. Concept: Alya (as either herself or her superhero persona) pinning Adrien against the wall as she accuses him of hurting Marinette
I posted the original seed of inspiration - the scene where Alya (in some form) rage-pins Adrien in defense of Marinette - here on Tumblr back in Oct 2021. 
Honestly, nothing new has come to me since, so who knows when I’ll actually do anything with this scene?
14. Concept: Potential collab with Taurus Pixie telling the love story of Fu and Marianne leading up to their departure during WWII.
This was a project that @thetauruspixie and I tossed around briefly after the episode “Backwarder” hit Netflix. That was back in summer of 2019, and we haven’t really come back to this idea yet. But it is still brewing all the way in the back of my mind. Maybe one day....
What did Fu do after fleeing the monastery? When did he stop aging normally? When did he decide to become the official turtle Miraculous bearer? How often did he protect people as Jade Turtle? How public was he? How did he meet Marianne? How did their romance go? How long were they together before we saw them part ways? How does Marianne know so much about the Miraculous? Was she a wielder? Which one did she use? Were there other bearers while Fu had possession of the Miracle Box? How did the Nazis find out about Fu, the Miraculous, and the Miracle Box? Where did Fu go to hide from them? When did he return to Paris? Why didn’t he reach out to Marianne? Why didn’t he feel safe after WWII ended? Was he ever planning on returning to Marianne, and if so, when would he have felt safe to do so? So many more questions to ask and answer. This would definitely be a major project. 
15. Concept: Adrien discovers that Ladybug is Marinette, and tries to figure out who this boy is that she’s in love with
Adrien finds out that Marinette is Ladybug, but doesn't confess his love (as he did in Chat Blanc) because he still believes Ladybug/Marinette is in love with someone else (Luka????). So he tires to figure out who this other boy is, in part to make sure this other boy is good enough for his lady, but also in part to see if Adrien has a chance of wooing her away from him.
At some point in the story, he finds a way to reveal himself to her as well (maybe he feels guilty about the half-reveal, or it’s a situation like in “Chat Blanc” where the reveal happens while he tries to save her). 
Marinette then laments how often she turned him down for... him! She confesses this, and Adrien is blown away that the man she was in love with was himself! Likewise, Marinette is baffled that the woman he was in love with the whole time was Ladybug!
Yeah... I have no clue where I’m going with this. Parts of this concept come up in various parts of One and the Same, so this just kind of grew out of the scraps from that WIP. Maybe I’ll do something with it eventually....
16. Concept: Adrien's shock that the boy Ladybug has been rejecting him for is.... himself! (may or may not end up part of the above plot bunny)
As mentioned, this plot bunny may or may not get rolled into the above one. It could also easily work as a jumping point for a Ladrien story as Ladybug finally confesses to Chat Noir that she loves Adrien. Not sure where I want to go with it, but it’s still hopping around up there in my brain, waiting to mature.
Aaaaaaaand there you have it! All 38 works of fiction currently battling for attention... and here I am with no energy to really work on any of them (although, I have been periodically poking at Seduce With Caution lately).
Feel free to ask me questions about any of the above. Poke me. Bully me. Get me talking about these projects. Maybe that will finally get me re-motivated to write. Because I miss it so much, but my brain just blue screens whenever I attempt to write any sort of fiction.
Also, if you are reading this, thank you for taking this trip into Wonderland with me.
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lycorogue · 3 years
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The Rogue’s Scribe: Where Did Last Week Go???
Oh! Uh... Seems I forgot to actually write up a blog post last week... Welp. I remembered one this week. Most of my free time has been spent building up the NPCs that populate the many worlds of the TTRPG Scum and Villainy as I prep to run a campaign in the next month or so.
Come join me on my journey down the rabbit hole of fleshing out the NPCs the rulebook provides (and ignore that the game specifically provides these NPCs so the Game Master wouldn’t have to take time to build these possibly never used side characters. 😅😂 )
The Rogue’s Scribe: Where Did Last Week Go???
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