#mlp flower wishes
paula-li · 6 months
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Flower ponies
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peaceandlove26 · 3 months
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daisy <3
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casually-salad · 3 months
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With the last shreds of hope for ponyvill gone, wheres a pony supposed to go? the sick and injured may be freed but at what cost. to add more food to the deranged or to get cold feet and wither away admits the corpses of those whos bodies were mutilated. much as setting a bird free from its cage only to be trapped in the endless hallways of an abandoned home, where the feral cat stalks. in times like these how can you be certain you really are safe, when you cant perceive what lays beyond the vale of safety.
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djghoulz · 2 months
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water cuties !! ^^
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alucard-iz-gay · 7 months
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Iz a gender which iz connected 2 pinkie pie water cuties toy!!
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Iz a gender which iz connected 2 diamond mint water cuties toy!!
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iz a gender which iz connected 2 rarity water cuties toy!!
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iz a gender which iz connected 2 applejack water cuties toy!!
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iz a gender which iz connected 2 flower wishes water cuties toy!!
[Note: I did theze flagz in one year ago]
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mlpgen6 · 3 months
The Main Cast's Families
In this post, I'll be explaining the families of the G6 main cast, as well as discussing the family dynamics.
Firefly is adopted and has two moms, Cloud Climber and Paradise. All three are pegasi, and they live in a tiny village called Gossamer on one of the Butterfly Archipelago's many islands. While they no longer live in the same house — Firefly moved out pretty recently — they're still within walking distance from each other. While Firefly has never felt unloved or unwanted, she does wonder what her biological parents are like, or if they're even alive. She has no memories of them, and while the whole situation doesn't bother her that much now, it used to tear her up as a filly. She didn't feel comfortable talking about her feelings with her moms, so she tried looking for information on her parents on her own, with no results. Still, she considers herself lucky: not every foal gets adopted, after all.
Silver Swirl initially lives with her parents in Prismtopia, the capital and largest city of Unicornia. Her father is named Copper Glow, and her mother's name is Silver Rain. She also has an older sister, Silver Glow, who lives in Ponyville. Silver Swirl and Silver Glow were never very close; in truth, Silver Glow was jealous of the attention her "perfect" little sister got. After Silver Swirl botches the ceremony and is sent to Ponyville, she moves in with Silver Glow. It's a bit awkward, to say the least.
Minty was born to a mare named Mistletoe and a stallion named Peppermint Crunch. Mistletoe eventually died, however, and Minty only has a few (treasured) memories of her. Peppermint Crunch remarried, pairing up with a mare named Blossomforth, and the two had a foal and named her Flower Flash. Minty doesn't get along too well with her stepmother and half-sister, and though her father says he wants the whole family to get along, Minty can't help but think that really, her father just wants to put the past — including Minty — behind him and replace it with something new. Minty moved out at a rather young age, and she now lives on the opposite side of Ponyville from her family. She still has a very good relationship with her maternal grandmother, Candy Cane.
Wind Whistler has two little sisters, one of which (Whistle Wishes) is a unicorn. The youngest, Thistle Whistle, is a pegasus. The parents are Windy Wisp (a pegasus) and Moonstone (a unicorn). When they divorced, Windy Wisp took the pegasi daughters with her to her home village of Morpholu in the Butterfly Archipelago, while Moonstone took Whistle Wishes with him to Prismtopia, leaving the house in Ponyville empty. The two sides of the family don't get along and rarely interact. Wind Whistler moved to Ponyville as an adult, since it reminds her of her early foalhood. She still feels like she could've done something to stop her parents' divorce, though she tells herself that this sort of thinking is irrational.
Sweetie Belle's parents are two unicorns who moved out of Unicornia before she was born, and Sweetie Belle now lives in Ponyville, far away from them. She doesn't talk about them much, and her friends don't even know their names.
Bright Eyes lost her father when she was just a filly, but she doesn't really mind. Her mother, Gingerbread, is her closest confidant and is always there for her. Bright Eyes feels like she doesn't need any other family, and she'd rather not have anyone disrupt the perfect balance between her and her mother.
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kidneyscone · 11 months
Day 13: Forest
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In retrospect, the flower ponies would’ve probably been better for Hanahaki. Also Go Me for drawing a background
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glimmette · 6 months
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Some of the easter ponies from G3.
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zipzittyart · 8 months
Mystic Corruption Au
Twilight Sparkle
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Mystic Corruption - MLP Infection Au
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Having gone looking for Fluttershy due to her sudden disappearance, Twilight decided to venture out to the evergreen forest to see if she could find any traces or tracks left behind by her beloved friend. Upon seeing the mutated and disease ridden pegasus Twilight was taken aback. She had to find out what happened to her beloved friend. She began to patrol and survey the area her friend resided in, wishing to find a way to remedy the disease before it got worse. By this time Fluttershy was at Stage 2 of the infection, able to move but beginning to release pollen and spores off the spotted divots on her dulling pelt. One night while investigating Twilight got a bit too close to Fluttershy, spores/pollen flying into her nose and eyes. She began to get an immediate reaction and fled the scene as soon as she realized she had been exposed. She fled to her castle.
As the disease began to take over Twilight decided to begin documenting her changes. She recorded tapes stating all her symptoms, showing examples of exposure. Due to her now sealed fate, she made an effort to gather up evidence and specimens of what led to her infection, gathering pollen, spores and flowers from the infected area and her own body. She would then lock herself in a private room to prevent herself from exposing anyone else to the disease. Before reaching Stage 2 Twilight sent out an emergency broadcast urging ponies to stay far away from the Everfree Forest. A mass hysteria would ensue.
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rosemarymonths · 1 year
Introducing Rosemary Month 2023, all throughout October!
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You can submit art, fanfics, music, cosplays, meta analysis, shitposts, etc, for the prompts!! I’ll be keeping track of the tags: #rosemary and #rosemary month2023 for submissions!! Or you can simply just @ this acc so I don’t skip over yours by accident!
Day 1: From The Start
Imagine rosemary at their very beginning of their dynamic or at the first step of their romantic relationship!
Day 2: Turtle Consorts
Rose and Kanaya hanging around Rose’s consorts would’ve been pretty cute!
Day 3: Meteorstuck
Imagine any Meteorstuck shenanigans Rose and Kanaya got into together!
Day 4: Hurt/Comfort
Obligatory sadstuck day, but with added comfort for safety measure!
Day 5: First Kiss
Either imagine Pre-Retcon Rose and Kanaya’s first kiss, or the unseen post-retcon kiss! Or maybe you want to explore a different way they could’ve had their first kiss?
Day 6: Quadrants
Time for some rosemary quadrant smearing!
Day 7: Birthdays
How neat would it be to see Rose and Kanaya celebrating each other’s birthdays?
Day 8: Cats
Imagine Rose and Kanaya playing with a bunch of cats!
Day 9: Rain
Rose and Kanaya going through rainy weather, or just explore anything you want to do with rain.
Day 10: Rays
After the rain, Kanaya and Rose finally get some sunshine.
Day 11: Game Over
Explore the absolute heartbreak that is Rose and Kanaya’s deaths, either during the catastrophe or the aftermath within the dreambubbles.
Day 12: AUs
Any AU you want!! Been thinking about a MLP AU lately? A Little Prince AU?
Day 13: Family
Explore either Rose and Kanaya with their own little family, or just them with the other Strilondes/Maryams! Or both!!
Day 14: Alpha Timeline
Imagine either Alpha Rose x Beforus Kanaya, or post-retcon rosemary! Whichever one you like best!
Day 15: Tropes
Explore your favorite rosemary tropes!! Or a trope you’d love to see with rosemary!
Day 16: Scars
Rose and Kanaya bonding over their shared scars, either literal or metaphorical.
Day 17: Flowers
Either Kanaya simply infodumping about her botanic skills to Rose, or just pretty flower art, you decide whatever!
Day 18: Stars
Perhaps Rose and Kanaya stargazing, or aesthetic pieces! Go crazy!
Day 19: Date Night
Imagine Rose and Kanaya finally going on a somewhat decent date this time around.
Day 20: Robots
Assigned meat rosemary day, or just do whatever you wish with robots and rosemary!
Day 21: Double Date
Imagine rosemary going on a double date with another ship you like!
Day 22: Dreambubbles
Either Rose and Kanaya having dreambubble fun times, or perhaps more Game Over angst?
Day 23: Domestic
Explore Rose and Kanaya’s sweet domestic life, as they deserve!
Day 24: Strider Third Wheeler
It wouldn’t be Rosemary without Dave trying to tag along like he’s their five year old son, right?
Day 25: Proposal
Who do you think proposed? Rose or Kanaya?
Day 26: Wedding Anniversary
Rose and Kanaya celebrating their marriage!!
Day 27: Snow
Imagine Rose and Kanaya undergoing snowy weather!
Day 28: Fnaf Day
Exactly what it says. Happy Fnaf Movie month
Day 29: Beach Episode
Imagine Rose and Kanaya just having some beach summer fun times
Day 30: Clothes/Style Swap
A good ol’ fashioned clothing/style swap between Rose and Kanaya!
Day 31: Halloween
Happy Halloween!! Are Rose and Kanaya trick or treating? Passing out candy? Going to a party?Scaring little kids to death maybe?? Do whatever halloween fun you want with these two!
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blues-of-randomness · 7 months
could you do more headcanons for the Smiling critters please
(Maybe when they’re Sad )
Good suggestion and yes I can.
Cw for self harm and involuntary age regression
Catnap - When Catnap gets really sad he retreats to his home and hides there for who knows how long, it could be days or even months before he comes out again. All the curtains drawn, not a single like in the house, if you're hoping for Catnap to eat or drink during this time peroid, other than a cup of juice or two...it's very wishful thinking. he'll most likely just be laying around on the floor or on the furniture. This is also when involuntary agere sets in, during this time he just feels so small and even simple tasks are two scary or frustrating for him (like brushing his teeth or even turning on the lights). During this time he might just were a bathrobe or his pajamas for some form of comfort. He'll hug himself and squeeze his arms very tightly, most of the time his claws are out when he does this so it leads to him cutting himself frequently. I have a feeling he might also wear dresses as a comfort.
Dogday - Remember that MLP episode where Pinkie pie lost her color cause she thought her friends didn't like her anymore? Yeah that's basically Dogday when he gets sad, any bright colors drain from his fur and his smile fades from his face. In my Dogday headcanons I mentioned that his fur feel like a warm mini sun, well when he's sad his fur becomes frigid cold. Unlike Catnap though Dogday still spends time outside, looking for anything that could cheer him up as quick as possible. He still has a hard time talking about what made him upset but he'll try. if what made him said was say him disappointing his friends he'll have a lot of self depricating thoughts (specfically about falling them in some way). he's not nearly as self destructive as Catnap is though, he still takes care of himself. I'll be honest though I could see Dogday having a tea party with stuffed animals when he's sad.
When Kickin gets sad he just gets angry. Like any kind of sorrowful feeling will vented through aggression before the tears eventually come. You can't tell me that Kickin hasn't gotten super overwhelmed thrown himself to the ground and started having a tantrum like a little baby. Kicken grew up with a father with very toxic views on how men should behave so he's not very comfortable crying in front of anybody. The only one who's seen him cry is Bubba, Bubba is reall the only one he's go two if he's sad. he might all himself stupid or an idiot depending on what he's crying about. He also has a teddy bear that he talks to when he's upset.
Bubba is a man who doesn't were his emotions on his sleeves per say as he always tries to keep his cool. You wouldn't even realize he's upset unless he get's really upset. Like Kickin, his sadness comes out as anger, he does cry but not often and not in front of his friends. Bubba would probably be the type to just pick of book or try to do some brain puzzles in order to take his mind of what he's upset about, if that doesn't work he tries to solve the problem on his own.
Hoppy is another critter who i imagine can get very aggressive when she's sad. Her first instinct is just to walk away, blow off the steam and come back when she's ready. She might yell or hop and down depending on how frustrated she is but she would take a deep breath and say "I need to go for a walk" or something like that. She prefers to do this alone but she wouldn't say no if you offered to walk with her and talk about it. It actually means a lot to her that you'd wanna help her.
Picky's ultimate coping mechanism is food though contrary to when she's stressed and stress eats, i feel like when she's sad she makes treats for everyone else. Since she already makes an unholy amount of food for everyone, espically when their doing an activity or going on a trip this just seems like her normal behavoir. Other than baking she might do something calming like apple/berry/flower picking. A nice picnic is also a good way to calm down.
What does any Artist do when they are upset or down in the dumps? Dump every single raw emotion on anything that doesn't move. Craftycorn has had her far share of vent pieces, some she's actually proud of, some that are just nonsensial scribbles soaked in tears. The only vent pieces her friends have seen are the ones that look cute and don't have any concerning elements to it. All the others go straight into the fire, those are not for the critter eye to see. Music, blankets and toys also help.
Bobby is a very emotional person, when she gets really upset it is instant tears or instant bawling. It's real easy to calm her down though, give her a hug, a flower, take her somewhere safe, play a game with her, and voila! If you couldn't tell she does not like being alone when she's upset, She'll cling to the closest person until she isn't upset anymore. If she's bawling she'll be begging you for a hug, she won't make yu hug you if you're uncomfortable with that though.
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skywlshes · 7 months
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Buckle up folks. It's time for musical jewelry box Skywishes (and baby Flower Flash!)
I do not remember exactly how my obsession with mlp started as a kid. What I know is I had Serendipity from McDonald’s, i had watched Dancing in the Clouds on Teletoon and at some point I got her as a present and she was my very, very favorite.
To the point where I took her everywhere with me, except from school. One day when I was about 7, I took her with me to my grandmothers funerals, which occurred pretty far from home, and when I came back, I realized I had left her there. My mom called the funeral home, but my Skywishes was nowhere to be found; I was devastated. I would draw her on cardboard and pretend I still had her with me to play with my other ponies.
Because we only knew her french name from Dancing In the Clouds, Dancilia, my dad could never find her on the web. Nothing would show up for Dancilia. But after a year and a half, he found her on ebay, from Hong Kong, and on Christmas that year, she was gifted to me!
I really, really wish I still had the video. My house burned about a year later and I think we lost it at this moment, but my mom was recording me as I unwrapped my present. It was such a beautiful moment. I cried, i screamed out of joy, jumping and running around the house for a good five minutes. I don't think I'll ever forget that.
Though I still wonder what happened to my OG Skywishes! I think she might have been at a park nearby. Hopefully another little girl picked her up. As for my Christmas Skywishes, we cleaned her after the fire and she's at my parents in my bedroom. I bought a MIB Musical jewelry box to unbox in 2018, and this one is from 2020.
So what about it? It has to be my favourite set ever. The music box tune is so cute, and I love how the box opens up with the magnet! And the jewelry is adorable. (12/🦄)
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casually-salad · 3 months
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i dont have a cool caption for his one. go back and look at how cute baby spike is. ok bye
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Every MLP G3 Special In a Nutshell
A Charming Birthday: A bunch of ponies construct a 50 ft tall friendship bracelet for the village hermit's birthday cos she've never been surprised before. I think that would surprise anyone tbh.
Dancing in the Clouds: Two ponies ride a rollercoaster, immediately get inspired to do a dance routine and then GOD APPEARS to summon butterflies to make the ponies fly. Cos why dance in a routine when you can cheat?
Friends are Never Far Away: This is the first time I've seen in a kids cartoon where the main characters meet indigenous people with the offering of friendship and not colonisation and seizing their land. Funny how MLP G4 completely spat on that idea.
The Princess Promenade: A pony becomes princess because she was given a flower by a stinky old lizard...oh and she also has to organise a flower parade as well because a pixie couldnt do it....Nah, being a princess is boring, let's make everyone princesses!
A Very Minty Christmas: Minty's OCD caused her to break a magic candy cane and thinks she's ruined Christmas for everyone so she goes on a perilous journey to fix things when all her friends want is her to be home. Awww.
The Runaway Rainbow: A unicorn filly who's a part of The Rainbow Justice League is teleported to Ponyville, spends a day rolling around in mud and eating cake and then says im tired i wanna go home. Oh and this filly is apparently a vital element of nature because without her making rainbows, THE COLOURS OF THE WORLD ARE FADING THIS IS A SIGN OF THE END TIMES
The Ladybug Jamboree: Pinkie has a brain blast that makes all her band members play successfully for the first time...moments before they go on stage
Greetings from Unicornia: Rainbow Dash and Rarity fuck around in a castle for a few minutes
Come Back Lily Lightly: A unicorn is scared of being judged because her horn lights up when she giggles... I have no idea what kind of metaphor this is supposed to be.
Two for the Sky: A lesbian couple desperately want to fly. They get their wish but they quickly hate it cos they cant sleep together with those giant wings in the way.
Positively Pink: The ponies pink-ify the entire town for Pinkie Pie's birthday but realise they just wasted a whole day because her birthday's not until tomorrow.
Pinkie's Special Day: Oh so this is what they did for her birthday: they gave her a clipshow! Wow, that's cheap. That's like the giftcard equivalent of birthday surprises.
Star Song and the Magic Dance Shoes: Starsong and Pinkie try to do a dance routine without their shoes but realise its they cant dance without them. THE SHOES ARE A CRUCIAL ELEMENT IN DANCING WHERE'S THE SPARKLY PINK SHOES?!
Pinkie Pie's Party: Pinkie Pie has an anxiety attack during a trip about party and then goes to speedrun prepare for a party. Then her friends decide to make a party out of preparing for a party. Yknow Ponyville can make even paying taxes sound like a party.
Rainbow Dash's Party: Dash hosts a hat fashion show for all her friends where she likes everyones hats so much, she lets them all win. Even though one clearly should’ve won. I mean come on, Starsong’s has functioning piano notes on it. Do you know how much wiring goes into that? No, in fact Toola Roola's should win, its got the best motif and why arent easel-style berets a thing yet? Im way too into this. Lets carry on.
Cheerilee's Party: The ponies have a sleepover where they refuse to go to sleep. Hey, why dont we let Crane tell the scary stories. That'll help them stay awake.
Scootaloo's Party: Scootaloo hosts a sports day party for her friends and they decide to give her the trophy. Awww.
Starsong's Party: A pony gets stage fright about singing on stage but her friends encourage her to try anyway at a concert and whilst the pony is singing off stage, the curtains go up, revealing her talented voice to the world. And then G4 remade this plot into someone's nervous breakdown.
Toola-Roola's Party: Toola Roola spends a whole day waiting for her friends' painted plates to finish drying cos she doesnt know what a kiln is. Then she gets them mixed around cos the namecards are lost when its clearly obvious which is which. What a disaster horse.
Sweetie Belle's Party: The ponies put their own ideas for a cake into one batter, end up making something that even Buddy the Elf would have a heart attack and then Sweetie Belle suggests making them into a cake with separate layers….that’s still gonna taste like shit.
Twinkle Wish Adventure: A dragon steals a star Pokemon from the ponies because she thinks its a toy and by her logic, will help her get more friends. And then the ponies sing about how great their friendship is. Girls, she stole your property. Punch her.
Waiting for the Winter Wishes Festival: This is literally just a deleted scene from Twinkle Wish adventure. If you want to see Scootaloo fumble around doing a holiday tiktok dance, here it is.
Sweetie Belle's Gumball House Surprise: The core 7 ponies spend 5 minutes searching for Sweetie Belle in her house via scavenger hunt only to find she's just in the backyard. The little gremlin.
Pinkie Pie's Ferris Wheel Adventure: Pinkie creates/manages an entire theme park by herself just for her friends to visit. Pinkie, where did you get the money to create this theme park? Are you a rich kid? Do you have a trust fund?
So Many Different Ways To Play: Baby Scootaloo is just pure chaotic gremlin mode and drives her sister and her friend ragged. This is the content I want to see.
Over Two Rainbows: The baby ponies find out baby Sweetie Belle has god-like powers but just wants to have a dress up party. AND APPARENTLY BABIES ARE MADE WHEN TWO RAINBOWS FUCK
The World's Biggest Tea Party Live: It's weird to see me watch this without 3 ex-bronies screeching at the screen for how 'cringeworthy' it is and then go completely off the rails to talk about Tumblr memes and have nipple fights.
....Oh yeah, the plot of the show is that Pinkie and Minty have a miscommunication boo-boo and now their tea party's fucked cos they aint got a teapot. Then they ask the audience to summon a giant teapot with the Tea-necronomicon. There was much rejoicing
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hyperfunky · 7 months
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some of my mlp new gens! more about them below
wishing star is the daughter of starlight and trixie! she works as an oracle (although most ponies thinks she’s a scam, she’s actually very good at what she does!)
confetti dust is the child of pinkie and twilight! they work as a stage director. they are lil cheese’s half sibling since twilight and pinkie get divorced later on (they are obviously still close friends)
zap cider is the daughter of applejack and rainbow dash! she plans activities for the farm during holidays and special occasions, plus makes a mean zapple cider. she takes after her uncle by not talking much!
zany is the daughter of fluttershy and discord. despite her name, she does know when it’s not the time to be..well…zany! she has a very good green thumb, her favorite flowers being hydrangeas due to how unique they look, just like her!
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sketchy-tour · 9 months
Please list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here! I do wish you a wonderful day or night! Btw, cool art!
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OH! I got three of these!!! HELLO HELLO!!!! @crocchompers @kawaiialeisha SPINNING ALL THREE OF YOU IN MY ARMS!!! Thank you so much for the sweet words and the silly little asks! Funny, I had to recently list likes of mine in another ask. But hey, why not do this again!!!
First and foremost of course my friends make me VERY happy. I've been in a rather sappy mood this new year so my poor friends have been dealing with me gushing constantly about how much they mean to me. I'm a sentimental guy!!!
Then of course there's my comfort medias! Slapping them all in one category so I don't just list a bunch of shows and stuff for the entire list! Welcome Home, The Muppets, Fraggle Rock, MLP FiM, FNAF, Fallout 3, creepypasta, CentaurWorld, The Backrooms, and Undertale! I'm sure there's more that I'm not thinking of but that's what I can think of off the top of my head!
Oh if I write paragraphs for all of them, this answer will end up too long. Okay okay speed running. Nature, flowers, trees, bugs! Those all make me incredibly happy!
SEEING PEOPLE EXPRESS THEIR JOYS! I can't describe to you how much I FEEL when I get to see or hear someone gush about stuff they love. Fills me with so much! Feeling!
A special category to plop in my oc x canon. My self indulgence. My art I make for me to make me happy~ Oh! That makes five! Almost added another cause I suppose I cannot count. Haha.
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