#mmbn headcanons
noeggets · 21 days
I wrote a whole thing about Sal but i had a lot of what i was thinking was true debunked because the battle network wiki is incomplete and somebody really needs to go and put all the information about the Anime in it cause it’s missing a lot of information.
I was under the impression that Sal who is a “Net Agent” which apparently is a third body group from being a NetSaver/NetPolice which is a second body group from SciLab???
it’s probably explained in the anime but there is 0 information about these things on the wiki because someone needs to write it up there cause i can’t be trusted to put up information like this cause im not intelligent enough + im not the person who edits wiki so this is what i thought
Originally i was under the impression that Sal who is a NetAgent was part of SciLab’s group of NetSavers but they were a secret faction, her Miyu and Masa THAT IS NOT THE CASE. What im understanding by reading what is on the wiki is Sal is a NetAgent and a NetAgent is a third body group like i said earlier it’s a independent group that deals with Netcrime so im assuming they don’t or do have permits? i don’t know.
A NetSaver/NetPolice works with the cops under  Commissioner Keifer and Superintendent Manuela it says.
"SciLab also cooperates with Officials in dealing with netcrime and other catastrophes related to network society."
"NetPolice are headed by Commissioner Keifer and Superintendent Manuela, who recruit Lan Hikari and Chaud Blaze as “NetSavers”, specially deputized citizens who can cross fuse and tackle situations that normal police officers can’t. "
this is 3 groups of people potentially more.
My original writing of this post was just me talking about Sal but it’s gone deeper then that.
i was under the impression that SciLab was somehow the police force/scientific research facility at the same time but that is not the case, i was going to argue that SciLab hired children because they were better at net battling but all this got debunked when i was going over things in the wiki trying to understand.
Now that everything is figured out now i can talk about Sal
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"She is the owner of a boxed lunch stand near the Government Complex to earn money for nature conservation activities with her Navi. As she is 13 years old, she only works during after school hours and on holidays. Although it seems she is keeping this job a secret from her school. She also assists Megaman with training."
with anime logic i can see a 13 year old hiding all of that but it also says
"In Mega Man Battle Network 4, it shows she's the leader of a 1,500 person environmental protection organization."
again, anime logic i can see it but it makes more sense to me if she was older and doing these things so i vibe closer with the Sal being 17 idea. I wanna say they tried to hire her as a Netsaver but she’s got so much under her belt she would rather not be a official and instead be a secret agent
“in the anime she was revealed to be a NetAgent that goes by the name Black Rose. The Net Agents are a group from the anime, they are secret agents who act like everyday people while fighting criminal organizations.”
but eventually she is hired by the official’s to be a real Netsaver like Lan and Chaud. (because i want her to crossfusion and she can’t do that legally if she’s not working with them because only SciLab has the synchro chips)
Working here she learns about how most people these days are hiring children like Chaud and Lan, iTcould go on about how there could be group(s) in this world not wanting them to hire basically child soldiers because the stuff Lan and Chaud deal with is like adult level missions. Lan got electrocuted several times and put into situations where if this was an adult it would be a lot less dangerous but im not talking about that, im talking about Sal
Im going to say she was made a offer when she was 13 and if she took it she would have been the first children they allowed to join which isn't very right but kids in this world are just better at net battling then adults tell me im wrong with all the times lan outdid ACTUAL ADULT PEOPLE IN A NET BATTLE. im assuming since they couldn’t hire Sal they thought it ok to hire Chaud instead but they were probably in contact with his father and his father is ok with this as long as it doesn't get in the way of their business idk i need to remember the lore more to talk about Chaud
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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camotherogue · 2 years
I feel like I have probably asked this before? But uh, LGBT+ headcanons for MegaMan NT Warrior characters, go go go! At least for World Three characters and/or your fav characters from the series. :D
ill do the main characters and then ofc world 3 bc ive thought so much more about them than the main cast fr. Putting it under a cut bc its gonna get rlly long
Lan - Aims my trans beam at him. He/they.
Maylu - Demigirl type beat. She/her.
Dex - Cis guy but questioning bigender. He/him
Megaman - Also trans. Bi. He/him
Roll - Transhet girl! She/fae
Gutsman - Not sure but tbh vibes as a closeted pan cis guy. Might hit him w the they/he beam too.
Mr. Match - Bisexual trans man, has he/spark vibes to me. Mistah neopronouns
Maddy - Clowngender girl, bi/pan ace for sure. Uses she/it/bang pronouns and will stab anyone who misgenders her co-workers.
Count Zap - Do I need to say it. He's trans aight you can't be a character i fixate on and not be cisn't somehow. No-op by preference, also he's a gay man he doesnt know it yet. Grayromantic acespike. He/zap/⚡
Maha - This guy radiates huge agender energy. Gender, whos she? Never heard of it. Oriented aroace. Mirrored pronouns.
Torchman.EXE - He/him gay man, Wackoman introduced him to gender hoarding and he now collects xenogenders and neogenders related to fire.
Wackoman.EXE - PROJECTION TIME. GNC genderfluid and pronounfluid genderhoarder, collects whatever suits his fancy and loves to experiment with their presentation as well. Also definitely pan. He/they/she + many many neopronouns.
Elecman.EXE - Nonbinary icon, electrogender and sparklexic. Unlabeled attraction, often called themselves just queer as a whole. They/shock/he/she
Magicman.EXE - Also nonbinary, wizard edition. Wizardgender supreme, collects genders to do with magic (calls his collection his Grimoire). Confused about his orientation but knows for sure he's polyamorous and poly-attracted. He/nicht/au/vey
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ijuuin-pet-company · 11 months
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ichilemonwritruoo · 25 days
3, 12, and 31 for the Hikari twins (headcanon)
Ooo our first Hikari Twins Ask! Thank you very much Anon let's do this!!
3. Obscure headcanon
This one mainly pertains to Saito/Hub particularly in my AU, but that he has the subconscious ability to block anything from hitting his chest. Like he doesn't even have to be aware, and this mainly stems from his HBD. So like if Netto throws a bag of chips at him, Saito is automatically going to block it with his hand before it touches his chest. Dex kicked a soccer ball to far? Saito could be talking to Mayl and his hands just SYOOOM and block the soccer ball and he never even turned his head. Netto thinks it's hilarious because he doesn't even realize what he's doing.
12. Crack headcanon
Saito is always hungry. No matter what. Even as a navi. He just wants to eat.
Netto is a huge cuddler. But no one is ever supposed to know that because he's a "strong grown man" that doesn't need cuddles. But let Saito mention he's cold, Netto is like a rocket going zoom under the blankets with him for some twin cuddles. He would die if anyone found out.
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
Ooooo I think Saito would have an aesthetic themed tumblr. Lots of animals, peaceful images, some settings he's take himself, and cooking recipes because I headcanon he likes to cook. He would definitely have a good vibes kind of tumblr, somewhere you can go for a safespace and have good thoughts.
Netto's tumblr would be as chaotic as possible (kinda like me haha). No organization, random images everywhere, a million different fandoms, blurry shots of him and Saito, that one time Dex ripped his swim trunks, a video of him falling down the stairs, etc. It's so random and without many captions and explanations and everyone loves it. As long as you can deal with the color chaos haha.
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devouring-hive · 2 months
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"Infra, eh..? That's novel, I don't see it catching on really though except as a convenience. ...I guess in that case I do see it catching on, nevermind." Shanghai.EXE takes place around the timeline of MMBN 1 and 2, ish. So nothin' but plugs and wires for their PETs!
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suranet · 1 year
How's MerNavi!MetalMan's backstory? Some kind of MerNavi equivalent of a martial artist?
in the MerNavis AU... Metalman's pretty much similar to how i view him in canon.
he was a regular MerNavi who befriended Tamako Shiraizumi when she was young. Tamako's older sister Kimie eventually grew up and married into the Urakawa family, making Tamako Mamoru Urakawa's aunt. Metalman became a close family friend to the Urakawa and through that mutual connection, he and Serenade got acquainted.
no martial arts involved.
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elecalice · 8 months
I like to imagine Prosecutor Ito singing MGMT's "Little Dark Age".
But when that song is slowed, that's JudgeMan.EXE singing it instead.
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mikzhyu · 2 years
Can you draw a mmbn headcanon for me? Saito is physically stronger than Netto, it just doesn't seem that way. Can you draw Saito showing that in some way? (If possible have both Saito and Netto in the same drawing)
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Mmbn headcanon
Megaman unironically loves mystery solving games.
He likes to theorize and look for clues, motives to figure out what happen and find the culprit.
Lan likes them too, but not to the degree Megaman does
Lan playing along: This is kinda difficult…
Mega: No it’s just trying to trick us. We got this Lan!
Game Character: I have evidence to prove this!
Lan: WE DO???
Mega: Yes Lan it’s the clock remember?
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askroahmmythril · 1 year
Speaking of Mega Man Battle Network, I was surprised is that Megaman.EXE voice actor (Andrew Francis) in both English dub of MMBN anime and MMBN Collection also voiced character in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" as Twilight's brother.
Huh, don't think I knew that. Surfer Dude Megaman at least doesn't bother me as much as Lan's dub voice did, that just really didn't seem fitting to me for such a young kid. Also I still headcanon Mr. Match as having a cajun accent rather than BLESS ME BAGPIPES CART FULLA KILTS scottish.
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tomahawk-swing · 2 years
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Happy activation day to my digital son ♥
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fenikae · 3 years
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Bass.exe from Megaman Battle Network is Daroric!
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ijuuin-pet-company · 11 months
give me your mmbn headcanons I'll go first
if you manage to befriend enzan and he's comfortable with you, he will turn into a mischievous piece of shit, get pranked idiot
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ichilemonwritruoo · 1 month
Prompt List for Beyond the Net Mini Fics
A series of ficlets surrounding (mostly) the Hikari Twins that mainly take place in the Beyond the Net!AU that I couldn't fit anywhere else. Join Hub/Ssito and Lan/Netto as a number of shenanigans abound!
AKA: A collection of Beyond the Net Vignettes/Ficlets that I couldn't fit in anywhere so now they are here haha.
Prompt #1: Homework Troubles
Prompt #2: Bittersweet Memories
Prompt #3: Hospitalization
Prompt #4: Coughing
Prompt #5: (Regular BN AU) HBD with a Twist
Prompt #6: A Fated Meeting with Mamoru
Prompt #7: A Case of Airsickness?
Prompt #8: If we go, we go together!
Prompt #9: Loneliness
Prompt #10: Side Effects
Prompt #11: BN 3 Ending
Prompt #12: A Cybeast Inside
Prompt #13: (Regular BN AU, Original Character) Did Someone Say N1 Grand Prix?
Prompt #14: Party Shy
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tsukushicakes · 2 years
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Merry Christmas, this may not really be christmas themed but it is a gift for this time of year.
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cinnamononions · 5 years
Today in your new weekly programme, "Cinnamon has 20 000 headcanons about Enzan", some stuff about his family:
- his mother was from Syacclea, the area mentioned in Stream to excist inbetween Sharo and Creamland. I hc there's a small population of natives in Syaccleas south parts.
- his mother was a chemist working in Creamland. Her name was Eva and she met Shuuseki, Enzans father, during a business trip he had. After moving to Japan she specialized in working in the pharmacy industry and medicine development.
- Shuuseki had another wife before Eva, and two sons with her. Though he never talks about this and thus Enzan nor his mother never found out about this. The sons were never even told their fathers full name in order to protect them, so they have no idea the famous Enzan is related to them.
- Enzans father is awful. Not only is he neglectful and cold, but also abusive in every way. He sees his son only as a tool for his goals and does not shy away from harsh punishments and strict discipline.
- Enzans mother died to a chronic disease that slowly made her lungs collapse. She was already sick when she got pregnant, and her illness only got worse after she gave birth. Due to this she was often very tired but nonethless tried her best in parenting. In Shuusekis view the disease made her suffer too much and when it became a matter of months until she'd die, he paid for the doctors to stop her treatments early.
- Eva knew she'd die soon, and hoped to have someone take her place in looking after Enzan. Enter Blues, a prototype netnavi from yeeeeaaars ago that Shuuseki had kept as a memento of his final project in Zephyram before forming IPC. Eva personaly approved the navi and hoped he'd provide comfort to her son after her death.
- Enzan barely knows his relatives. His father never saw it as important for him to know about his relatives, and had a tense relationship with his own parents. As for Enzans mothers relatives, her parents were too poor to travel and Shuuseki didn't pay for them to even attend their daughters funeral.
- Enzan does get curious about his heritage as an older teen and travels to his mothers homeland just to find out more about his mothers side of the family. He is finaly reunited with his granparents that last saw him when he was born. They love Enzan deeply, even if they can't keep proper contact with him, and Enzan gladly listens to stories about his dear mother.
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