#mo pop festival
pharawee · 2 months
🎬Battle of the Writers - YOUTUBE - I finally had the time to start watching this but I'm not 100% on board yet.
🎬First Note of Love - GAGAOOLALA - I'm only in it for Jame Kasama my beloved and he hasn't popped up yet. :(
🎬Addicted Heroin - Jinloe's remake of Addicted has already garnered some controversy due to one of the actors being underage, but the trailer seems to suggest that they changed much of the tone of the original novel. This currently has no release for inter fans, but I'll keep you updated.
🎬I Saw You in My Dream - GAGAOOLALA - I trust Dee Hup with my life. But also Putter my beloved!
🎬Monster Next Door - WeTV | GAGAOOLALA - After years of third-wheeling and manifesting, Big Thanakorn finally got himself a main role. Thank you Kongthup I owe u my life!
🎬This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - IQIYI (region-locked) | YOUTUBE - This might be too slice-of-life for me atm.
🎬4 Minutes - VIU - Not sure what to think of this quite yet, especially since I'm fighting for my life every week trying to find the uncut version. I'm also a bit miffed that BOC seems set to typecast Jet as the irredeemable villain. :(
🎬SunsetxVibes - IQIYI - Mos as a naga, Lin hallucinating a whole hook-up, JJ with the best faces... but that's about it.
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⭐The Paradise of Thorns - CINEMA - Technically, this is a queer movie and not a BL. Also, this will release in cinemas and on festivals first, so it might be a while before we can watch it.
🎬The Rebound - GAGAOOLALA - I'm going to miss this show. And I'm going to miss this version of Frank Thanatsaran.
🎬Knock Knock, Boys! - GAGAOOLALA - This show is definitely one of my favourites of 2024.
🎬Century of Love - GAGAOOLALA - I loved everything about this show. Except for the director who can go step on a lego.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
Clan of Three - Chapter 16
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Chapter Sixteen: The Mines of Mandalore
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers and a heavy role to bear. Now reunited their journeys across the galaxy are just beginning to complete their final mission.
Word Count: 5.5K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: some wholesome moments, light violence/blood, Din being such a father
The Boonta Eve is in full swing the festivities fill the streets of Mos Eisley as you fly through your home planet. Reaching the familiar hangar both you and Din land and you see Peli watching a wide grin on her face as both of your canopies open. “Whoohoo! You hear that? She’s purring like a nuzzle shrew.” Peli says
“No complaints. Still faster than I know what to do with.” Din comments and Peli laughs, “Well, I’ll tune her up, just the same. So, uh, where’s my guy?” Grogu perks up from his small port before worming his way to Din’s seat.
“Huh? There he is!” With a leap and flip in the air, he’s caught by the mechanic that exclaims in glee, “Now who taught you how to leap like a Lurmen, huh?” Both you and Din climb out of your ships as Grogu babbles at Peli.
“Was that his first word? I think he’s talking to me. Did you hear that? He said Peli.”
“We’re here on business.” Din says and Peli moves the child to her hip as she leads you further into the hangar, “Oh, are the Hutts back? Are you takin’ out Boba Fett?” She asks and Din shakes his head,
“I need a droid part.” Peli groans before turning to her pit droids, “Ugh. Boring! Hey, get the Jawas back in here before they hit the cantina. You know how Mos Eisley gets during Boonta week.” She makes a drunken impression and you smirk.
“Oh, I know my share of Boonta week.” You say, a holiday celebrated during your childhood your parents taking you to watch the pod-racing but during your time as an orphan using that time to get your latest coin and item to trade off with Jawas. Many aristocrats and wealthy figures would make appearances for the Tatooinian holiday.
“I’m looking for a replacement IG memory circuit.” Din says and Peli laughs as the Jawas are brought in, “Oh. Hey, Grandpa. They haven’t made those for a while,” She turns speaking Jawaese though much faster for you to translate you do pick up ‘memory circuit’ in the conversation. The Jawas speak amongst themselves before replying with the bad news,
“Sorry, pal, no chance cubes.” Peli says and Din looks at the Jawas, “They can’t find the part?”
The mechanic shakes her head, “Nope.” She says popping the ‘p’ in nope.
“I need my droid fixed now.” Din explains and Peli’s eyes light up as she returns the child to Din before standing beside an R5 droid, “Which is why I think you should buy this beauty here.” She pats the droid on its head as it clanks and gives frightened beeps. 
“I can’t use an astromech. I need a droid that’s rated for spelunking.” Din explains and Peli gives him a look, “Spelunking? What are you spelunking?”
“I’m going to Mandalore. I need a droid that can explore ahead of me and test the atmosphere, make sure it’s safe to breathe.” Din explains and Peli nods but you see R5 start to retreat beeping nervously,
“Okay, well…Uhuhuhuh. Hey! Get right back here. Right back here, scaredy droid. Come on now, you gotta shine,” Forcing the droid to stand in front of you and Din as she laughs, “This R5 astromech is built for adventure.” The droid beeps completely disagreeing.
“What? Of course, you are. You’re supposed to be piloting starfighters across the galaxy and fighting tyranny.” She says and the droid continues giving worried beeps, “It’s falling apart, and besides, I got no room for it on the N1.” Din says.
“We have R4 remember Di-” You start but Peli cuts you off still in businesswoman mode trying to get a good deal,
“Nonsense. R5D4 is as good as the day it came back from serving in the Rebellion. And I’ll reinstall your droid port and this little baby here can even copilot,” She says and you see the droid trembling in fear, “Hey if you don’t settle your bolts, I’ll sell you back to the Jawas. And because it’s Boonta, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna give you this for half the price and throw in a free oil bath.”
As night falls Peli reinstalls the droid port as R5 beeps fearfully to the side before it's being put in the ship “Oh, come on now, don’t be a coward. You’re an astromech, act like one,” The droid beeps fearfully and Peli looks at the two of you as you sit in your ships, “I wouldn’t rely too much on this one. Its circuitry is a little fragile.”
“I thought you said it was built for adventure.” Din says as Peli closes both of your canopies shaking her head, “What? Sorry, I can’t hear you!” She holds her hand to her eye as the engines of both of your ships startup. You begin your take-off as Peli waves off to you,
“May the Force be with you!”
The fireworks of the city fill the dark night sky in a multitude of colors reflecting off the glass and your face. Looking over at Din seeing the colors reflect off the beskar as Grogu looks at them in awe as they go off right beside you from your height. “All right. You ready for an adventure?” Din says as you leave the planet your mission begins to travel to Mandalore. Exiting hyperspace and reaching the Mandalore system you follow beside Din as he heads toward Mandalore you can see the planet and the storms that cover the planet. R4 beeps slightly grumpy still mad at Din for bringing a new droid when it was truly capable.
“I know R4, you are more than capable of this mission. Din just does things his own way.” You say and R4 grumbles in his beeps. Looking over the planet you couldn’t help the nerves seeing the planet.
“So this is Mandalore..” You say. “Yes…it looks scary but it was once green and beautiful, back when the songs were written. It’s Mandalore, the homeworld of our people. Every Mandalorian can trace their roots back to this planet, and the beskar mines deep within.” Din says as he speaks to the two of you.
“So you were raised there like Bo-Katan?” You ask and you see him shake his head from his ship. “No, I was not raised there. I’ve never been to Mandalore. I grew up on that moon. Concordia.” You see the moon beside the planet that was Concordia, that was Din’s home planet where he grew up and was raised.
“And that’s Kalevala where we visited Bo-Katan. It’s in the same system.” Din says and you see the other planet though further away but you could see it on your navigation map. You hear Grogu babble through your comms as you move closer to Mandalore, “A Mandalorian has to understand maps and know their way around. That way, you’ll never be lost.” Making your descent instantly entering a storm as the rain pellets down on your ship harshly, the thunder rumbling as your ship shakes. Looking at your maps seeing them jam and glitch.
“Din? Din, can you hear me?” You call through your comms getting and you get cuts of his voice though mainly static, “Ke-...ep G-Gooing…d-d-don’t tur-” It cuts off as the ship continues to rattle and you hear R4 beep worried as you try looking through the storm and the failing screens,
“I think the fusion bombs disrupted the magnetic field around the planet. We might not be able to communicate with anyone outside of the atmosphere. Keep your eyes peeled R4…down here, we’re completely cut off from the rest of the galaxy.” You say as the rattling of the ship through the storm finally breaks through and you reach the planet seeing the crystalized planet all of its shards of green glass just like the small piece you got from Jawas.
“K..kid?! Can you hear me?” You hear Din’s voice cut through your comms and you sigh in relief, “I can hear you where are you?” You respond by seeing a large dome but it’s destroyed. Everything here felt familiar though you’ve never been to Mandalore before, it still felt right being here.
“Sending coordinates now,” Din responds and you get through pretty easily, and soon you find a clearing surrounded by jagged pieces of glass landing happy to see the N-1. The child coos happily seeing you in one piece inside your ship, “I’m happy to see you too.” You say as Gorgu taps on the glass.
“R5, you ready? I’m gonna need you to scout ahead and analyze the atmosphere.” Din says to the droid apart of his ship and R5 beeps fearful and disagreeing to go, “That wasn’t a question. Go over to that split in the rock, and take an air sample of the ruins below.” R5 nervously but slowly leaves the droid port as it moves a bit further away before looking back and beeping.
“The droid will be fine. I just need him to take some readings to make sure it’s safe. Don’t be a baby. Just get the samples we need, and hurry up.” Din waves to the droid and it looks at the split in the rock nervously. You hear the droid port in yours open up as R4 quickly speeds past it grumbling in binary about needing to be the only droid. Reluctantly R5 joins the other droid glad to have a companion. You look over at Din as he watches the two droids leave around the corner.
“You got R4 jealous,” You comment and he gives you a look, “Jealous it’s a droid.” The child whimpers and Din points at the scope, “Here, look. You can watch him on the scope.” You can see on your own the two blinking dots of both droids as they head further out before they completely disappear.
“R4? Buddy, you hear me? R4?” You call out in your comms as you only get static, you would jump out there to go after your droid if you knew the air was safe, “R5, come in. Do you read me? It’s probably just interference.” Grogu babbles before Din sighs, “Fine. I’ll go get him. Normally, this is droid work. I was hoping to avoid going out there. I’ll pressurize my helmet, seal yourself in your pod. Be right back.” Din explains as Grogu climbs into his pod and once Din makes sure he’s secure he climbs out of the ship before heading to yours.
“I’m gonna look for the droids,” You go to move to join him your instincts running to be by his side but he shakes, “The air may be unsafe for you without a helmet. You stay here with the child.”
“Be safe..” You say and he nods, “Don’t worry, kid, I’ll be right back.” You’re forced to watch him walk away from your ship Grogu now letting himself out of his pram sitting in the N-1. You could hear the sad cooing and the fear in his babbles and you had your own concern but you didn’t try to panic the child more.
“Din’s gonna be already…he’s strong. Nothing stops him.” You say and you hear the child’s worried noises dialing down but you keep your gaze focused on the turn just waiting for Din and the droids to turn the corner. It felt like hours and you let out a sigh of relief seeing Din turn the corner followed by the droids. Gorgu babbles happily tapping on the glass to be let out but Din shakes his head,
“Hang on, kid. Not until I check the toxicity. You got an analysis on the atmosphere yet?” Din asks and R4 beeps revealing the readings as Din looks at them shocked, “The charts were wrong. The atmosphere is breathable. Bo-Katan was right. Mandalore is not cursed.” Hearing the news you quickly open your canopy taking in the fresh air happy it wasn’t poisoned and would kill you. You felt an energy deep in the planet as you step foot on the planet for the first time,
“So this is Mandalore…” You say in awe of just the surface of the planet as you join the group out in the open, “R4 you wait at the ship in case we need a quick exit.” You say and the droid beeps happy to help and enters the X-wing. Following Din, you enter a cave seeing the large green chunks of glass before you’re led to an opening off the end of the cliff and you take in the destroyed city.
“That’s the Civic Center. This is where Bo-Katan said to go.” Din points towards the middle of the large buried city. Looking down at the large fall as you take in everything, “Ready?” Din asks and you nod letting him scoop you up before walking off the cliff. His jetpack allows for a steady free fall as Grogu follows in his pram that hovers down beside you. Descending past the mangled metal skeletons of buildings that are long destroyed you stop on a metal platform as you look further down seeing the journey you still had down. “The mines should be further down. I guess we’re on our own from here.” Continuing down entering a large well, past ancient water pipes, this must be the system leading to the mines of Mandalore soon you reached the bottom. Brought to your feet stepping on the damp ground as you take in the area around you.
“These waters should flow down to the mines, and the Living Waters within.” Din points to where the water flows before you make your way through the caves, Din used the flashlight on his helmet to light the way, Grogu with his lights built into his pram, and your form of orange light coming from the beskar saber in your hand.
The large tunnel has more water pipes branching off though no large amounts of water flow through them just a steady drip, “Look, that passage heads down.” He says as you enter a smaller tunnel. “So how would we know what these Living Waters look like?” You ask as you continue down the tunnel. This all felt too familiar, remembering the candles and lanterns lighting your path a feeling in your chest pulling you towards the large cave of water.
“You will know,” Din explains and you continue behind him you come across a pile of rubble and a smooth piece of metal sticks out. Din kneels down pulling from the ground a Mandalorian helmet the visor broke. It looked years old, rusted, and encrusted in the dirt. You felt a sense of dread too late to get Din out of the way of the trap as it encloses him. Looking at the large creature that has Din in his clutches you dodge an attack before swinging your saber it cuts through not deep enough as one of its legs hits you throwing you back. Rolling to a stand something whips through the air connecting to your shoulder looking at your shoulder and seeing a needle sticking out of your skin. Ripping it out seeing it empty as a sudden wave of dizziness and nausea rushes through you. The saber falls from your hands shut off as you collapse into the dirt. From the shadows, Gorgu now out of his pram watches Din be in a tight metal cage, and a creature appears from the large mech suit tying a chain around your arms before retreating into the suit and disappearing dragging you along with the Mandalorian.
Your vision comes to feeling your arms encased above your head groaning from the pain in your skull. Trying to move your hands feeling the rattle of a chain that pulls you from the hazy as your vision clears. In a cave with a few lights, you see ahead of you this firepit with a cage on it, as this creature pulls things out of the cage with a large staff. You see the blaster and his other weapons hit the ground and your memory rushes back. Din, you hear him groan in pain as you tug at your restraints feeling no give. Looking at your person seeing your weapons gone as well in a pile beside Din’s stuff. The creature jabs the Mandalorian before disappearing elsewhere. Hearing shuffling and you spot the small child sneaking his way in to rescue the both of you. Grogu approaches Din looking at the cage that is on a spit, you see him raise his hand attempting to free him with the Force. You see the cage shake and groan though quietly to not alert the being. It beings to lift up when a piece of machinery holding the cage snaps off a large clang alerting the creature.
“Get to Bo-Katan,” Din says weakly as the creature grabs a staff to electrocute Grogu but he jumps dodging the attack. It attempts to chase after him as Grogu raises to his pram but you kick your free foot against its metal knee as it trips slightly. It glares at you raising the staff and digging it into you as it electrocutes you. A scream rips through your body as you seize before your head falls down your body twitching from the pain. It hurt like hell, your body drained and overloaded at the same time. But the child was able to escape so the pain was worth it. You just hope he gets to Bo-Katan and gains her help. You smirk up at the creature,
“That’s all you got?” It makes a snarling sound and raises the staff jamming it back onto your body as your screams fill the air before the pain becomes too much and you fall unconscious.
The small child escapes the ruins of the civic center reaching the N-1 and closing the canopy before a reptilian creature could attack it smashing into the glass. The R5 unit looks at the small child sitting in the pilot’s seat pointing at the viewscreen at the planet that resides a Mandalorian R5 quickly understands transferring the information to R4 who beeps confused not seeing his owner return with the child. Soon both N-1 and X-Wing rise and leave Mandalore.
A tired princess of a destroyed planet rests on her throne waiting for her life to wilt away. However, a droid interrupts her moping, “Your Majesty. Unscheduled visitors.” Bo-Katan sighs seeing both the N-1 and X-Wing fly past the castle’s large open windows. Sitting up grabbing her blasters and heading towards the ship the foot droid following behind,
“Let’s get rid of him once and for all.” She says as she reaches the landing pad sees the two ships and calls out to them.
“Maybe I didn’t make myself clear the last time. I want to be left alone.” The canopy for the N-1 opens revealing the lone child as it babbles and Bo-Katan looks over at the empty X-Wing only its droid in command, “What happened to them? Download the astromechs. Find out where they were.” She orders her droid as it takes the information from both astromechs. Once receiving the location she brings the two droids and the child onto her own personal ship.
“We’re going to find them little one,” Bo-Katan promises, though she felt some sympathy towards the child’s father her concern was more aimed at her own flesh and blood.
You were sure how long you were unconscious but you woke up to sharp pain. A hiss pulls from your lips as your eyes wearily open seeing a needle coming out of your arm. You hear a groan of pain and you look over to the cage Din is in seeing tubing coming from there. “Din..” You croak your voice hoarse from the pain of being electrocuted.
You see the creature return coming over to a droid and starting it up seeing it being to pump, a hiss comes from your mouth and you hear a groan come from Din. Looking at the needle your eyes widen seeing your blood being drained by it and you can assume it’s not going to stop. Pulling at your chains trying to force the needle to be ripped out only for the blood to be drained faster. You can feel your body grow weaker from the energy being put in and the quickly draining blood. A blaster bolt hits the pump droid stopping the extraction and you let your head fall trying to stop the black spots from filling your vision. You hear footsteps and gentle hands cupping your face, “Y/n?! Can you hear me?” You’re surprised to see the bright orange hair and the woman’s face. You spot the creature sneaking up behind her with the electric staff,
“Be..behind.” You mumble and Bo-Katan realizes and was able to dodge the attack but is hit multiple times stunning her as she groans in pain. Rolling on the ground grab the Darksaber igniting it as your head falls back down. You hear the struggles of fighting before a large sound of metal being cut and it grows silent. Bo-Katan comes over to you pulls the needle out of your arm and starts working on the chains but you weakly shake your head, “Din…” Your grand-aunt sighs before going to help the Mandalorian as you rest your head back trying to get rid of the waves of dizziness but soon fail falling back unconscious.
“Din, are you okay? Can you hear me?” Bo-Katan asks looking around at the cage and seeing him lying on his stomach she couldn’t even tell if he was breathing, “It’s Bo-Katan. I’m gonna get you out of here, all right? Can you move at all?” The Mandalorian mumbles something but she shakes her head,
“Din, I can’t hear you. Are you trying to say something?” The Mandalorian weakly speaks two words, “Behind you.”
Bo-Katan barely dodges the attack of the creature in the large mech suit it was not dead the first time. The large suit stomps trying to crush Bo-Katan as she rolls out of the way cutting off one of the limbs. It brings a leg dodge but she brings up her shield deflecting the attack. With much more grace than Din has even wielded the blade she has ease chopping off the limbs before chopping the head of the machine. Before the cyborg creature could try to escape again Bo-Katan stabs the creature straight through its mechanical/organic head.
A fire crackles far away from the caves as the once-trapped Mandalorian begins to stir away. Din wakes up groaning in pain holding his head and taking in the new location as he sees the female Mandalorian tend to the fire, “What happened?” He asks looking seeing the small child beside him babbling happily and seeing his father awake.
“I saved your life.” Bo-Katan says and Din notices one person missing trying to sit up faster but groans in pain, “Relax she’s alright just still asleep.” Bo-Katan gestures over to your sleeping body Din sighs in relief seeing you alright. He had heard your cries of pain that was inflicted on you but he was useless in helping you. Bo-Katan with the help of the small child had to take two trips to first bring you to safety and set up camp while the child stayed with his father before Bo-Katan returned to bring them both to the set camp.
“How did you find me?” Din asks getting himself into a sitting position, “Your kid. He’s tougher than he looks.” She points to the small child who sputters entranced by the small fire, the flames though much larger than him, “And he’s quite the navigator.” She adds and Din nods,
“Thank you for rescuing me. You were right. Mandalore is not cursed.”
“Was I? Look around. There’s nothing left. A great society is now a memory. I once ruled here for a brief time,” Bo-Katan says reminiscing old and dead memories, “Now, it’s destroyed. Nothing to cling to but ashes.” She sighs getting up holding a small cup filled with a mystery liquid Din looks at it curiously,
“What is this?”
“You’ve never eaten pog soup?” She says shocked and Din shakes his head, “No.”
Bo-Katan chuckles at the irony, “Can you appreciate the irony? Any Mandalorian worth their armor was raised on this since they were his size. You should rest. I’ll get you back to my ship soon enough.” She explains as Din drinks part of the soup lifting his helmet slightly though not revealing his face before giving the rest of the soup to Grogu. He rises with a groan shaking his head,
“I’m not going with you.” He says and Bo-Katan watches him behind to put his weapons and jetpack back on him, “What are you talking about?”
“I must continue to the Mines of Mandalore so that I may be redeemed.” He says finishing by grabbing the darksaber to return to you.
“I honestly think that it’s adorable that you actually believe these children’s stories. But there is nothing magic about the waters.” She says trying to convince him to but he was already on a mission he was not going to drift from.
“Without the Creed, what are we?” He asks her moving to the fire grabbing the last cup of the pog soup and moving towards the sleeping girl, “What do we stand for? Our people are scattered like stars in the galaxy. The Creed is how we survived. You rescued me and I’ll always be in your debt. But I can’t go with you until I fulfill my obligation.” He kneels down and slowly shakes the girl awake.
You feel a gentle caress on your head as you stir from a dreamless sleep, “Come on kid,” You hear Din’s voice as you slowly blink your eyes open a groan coming deep in your chest as you see him kneel down beside you.
“Din..” You whisper as he helps you to sit before he holds out a cup, “Drink. Regain your strength.” He says as you accept the cup drinking what is soup as he looks over you taking any injuries you might have sustained but you just look tired. Bo-Katan watches the gentleness that the Mandalorian gives to you. How the fierce warrior that fought against the Imperials and many bounty hunters and lived act so soft around a small green infant and her own grand-niece.
“I will take you.” She says and you both look over at Bo-Katan, unsure what the context was of their conversation.
“To the Living Waters?” You ask and Bo-Katan nods, “Yes. You’d never find them on your own. Not in all this wreckage.” She says and Din nods,
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me until you see them.” She says and soon you begin your journey once more through the ruins of the old city. The place seemed trapped in time the ruins holding the history of this planet or the few Mandalorians that escaped the purge. Everything felt familiar and welcoming about this place, never once have you stepped foot on Mandalore but it feels like you were returning after years of being apart. An unknown force connects you to this place as Bo-Katan leads you through the city ruins.
“It’s hard to believe that this all was once filled with our kind,” Din says as he takes in the ruins of the once glorious city. It was rare to see a Mandalorian in the same system or planet but having them all together cultivating a planet, growing up, and raising foundlings here, Din couldn’t believe it. He wishes the planet was in its state of prosperity, he would raise you and the child here as foundlings, and you would be back on the planet of your ancestors.
“It wasn’t that long ago. You’d never know it looking at all this destruction.” Bo-Katan says taking in the ruins.
“It looks like it’s been centuries.” You say spinning around while walking and looking at the buildings that are high above you, you imagine Mandalorians traveling by jetpacks or trains and speeders. The people in their armor with pride. You try to imagine your father, being born here. You wonder what he would say if he knew you return to his homeworld, did he wear Mandalorian armor? Did he speak the Creed and Walk the Way?
“The Empire set out to punish us. To wipe away our memory.” Bo-Katan says and Din glances over at the woman, “It must pain you to see it like this after witnessing its beauty.”
Bo-Katan is silent before speaking up, “What pains me is seeing our own kind fight one another time and time again. Killing each other for reasons too confusing to explain. It made us weak. We had no hope to resist being smashed by the fist of the Empire. There. The entrance to the Mines of Mandalore.” She points ahead and you see a tall entrance before you that still remains intact.
“olaror adiik…at te oya'la pirun” (come child…to the living water) A chorus of whispers calls out to you, and the harmony of voices graces your skin. An electric feeling dances along your body the hair on your skin standing feeling the presence. It was the same feeling as you felt that energy from your dream as Din spoke but it felt drowned under your thoughts
“This area looks much older.” He says and the feeling of eyes watching you fade as his voice becomes clear,
“The mines have been here for thousands of years. The Living Waters are in the chambers below.” Bo-Katan explains and you look over at her, “Have you been there?” You ask and she nods,
“Yes, when I was a child.” She says before glancing at you briefly, “So was your father.” You perk up hearing the mention of your father.
“Really?” You ask wanting to know more about your family and their past. The history that connected them so deeply to this planet and its people.
“I was part of the royal family. I took the Creed and was showered with gifts. But the rituals were all just theater for our subjects. They loved watching the princess recite the Mandalorian tenets as her father looked on proudly. Such a heartwarming spectacle. Your father was the same reciting the Creed though he wanted to grow and be the right ruler to Mandalore. One that Mandalorians could fight for and alongside.” Bo-Katan says glancing at you with a nostalgic expression seeing the familiar features of her nephew on your face, “Our family thought it taboo what he believed in at such a young age. He wanted Mandalorians to know that wherever they were in the galaxy they had a home on Mandalore…” She grows quiet glancing at Din slightly, “No matter what Creed they follow.”
Your wide eyes turn to Din and you can sense the surprise coming off him, from your father’s ideals at such a young age. “He would be happy,” Bo-Katan says looking at you, “That you are home.” She says before looking away and you can tell this was a very emotion-filled conversation she hadn’t expected to have in a long time or ever. You grab her hand and she looks at you surprised,
“Thank you for telling me about my father…Your father sounds like an interesting man as well. I would’ve liked to have known him.” You say, you felt like so much of your history was hidden, with only one living relative and the planet that would hold all its secrets in ruins. You could only grasp pieces of your fragmented family legacy. Bo-Katan nods squeezing your hand in return,
“They were great men. They died defending Mandalore.” She says and you knew that even though your father didn’t die defending your planet like your great-grandfather but your father had protected you all those years ago. Keeping a piece of the Kryze Clan alive, protecting his last piece of Mandalore.
“This is the Way.” You speak the words of both Mandalorians' Creed surprising them both. Bo-Katan felt like a piece of her lost family restored with your words, the last living members of a dying clan. Din felt pride and complete shock as well as hearing you speak the words of his Creed with every intent behind it.
“This is the Way…” The two whisper back as they look at the young girl. You were of two dying worlds; the Jedi with its people massacred many years ago being the grandchild of a great Jedi Master and the Mandalorians their planet destroyed their people scattered across the galaxy grandchild of their late Duchess one of the last survivors of a clan.
“ibic cuyir te ara” The chorus echoes through the caves but you’re the only one that turns to the sound. Your hand drifts from Bo-Katan’s as you take the lead. Returning to a familiar tunnel the holders for the torches and lanterns are now destroyed you don’t even use the light from your saber letting that energy guide you. Din, Bo-Katan, and Gorgu quickly follow behind you as you are pulled into a daze turning down a complex system of tunnels as they catch glimpses of you as you move ahead.
“Kid! Wait for us!” Din yells seeing you quickly disappear around a corner of darkness the three of them having light while you travel in darkness, “She doesn’t even know where she’s going.” Din grumbles but Bo-Katan shakes her head with a surprised expression.
“She’s going the right way…” She says as the three quickly follow after the two adults confused about how you knew the way.
“ibic cuyir te ara…olaror adiik” The voices whisper again as turn down another path the darkness surrounds you but it guides you the whispering of Mando’a becoming louder and overlapping as it echoes through the tunnels until you reach an opening. A vast pool of water is accessible by a wide stone staircase. Pillars of stone though roughed by erosion, a greenish glow fills the cave from the green glass that surrounds the planet. It was just like your dream, remnants of broken lanterns make a path toward the murky waters. It’s completely silent as you look out into the water and it ripples and you sense something in there.
Lo te pirun
The voices whisper as you slowly move forward and you pull off your holster holding your blaster and vibro-knife as they fall to the ground.
To mhi
It echoes around as you pull your saber letting it clatter to the floor, the voices whisper into your ears pulling you to the water as you take a step down the water licking at your boot. You pull the Darksaber from your belt the weight heavy in your palm as you ignite the blade the light draining from the room as your gaze follows the sword-like energy coming from the blade. Whispers and haunted memories flow from the blade. Presences fill the room as a hand reaches from behind you grabbing your wrist that holds the saber you look to your side seeing a human man wearing grey Mandalorian armor with blue accents his head is shaved and his eyes a storm blue, another hand grabs your other wrist and you see a man feeling his presence in the force his black robes with red skin and black markings, his head covered in spikes and his eyes a mixture of red and yellow.
“Blood for the Mand’alor.” The Mandalorian says his hand guiding the weapon to your other hand. “Blood for the Jedi.” The red-skinned man hisses. You feel numb as the Darksaber slices across your palm feeling a muffled heat before the blade is pulled back and palm pours from your palm. The force-sensitive man holds your wrist out as the blood pours into the water a ripple of red mixing with the murky water. Your grasp on the Darksaber disappears as the men’s grasp leaves you and the weapon clatters to the ground.
“I swear on my name. And the names of the Ancestors..” The voices echo and you repeat the words as you draw deeper into the water at your hip
Ad be Kryze…kemir te ara be Manda'yaim
“That I shall walk the way of the Mand’alor… and the words of the Creed shall be forever forged in my heart.” The chorus of voices some familiar you pick but they speak in harmony as you repeat what they whisper to you.
t'adyc ad be jetiise Kenobi. t'adyc ad be Mando Kryze.
“Ibic cuyir te ara” You call out the water reaching your chest, “This is the Way.” The chorus echoes as you feel that presence in the water grows stronger.
Mand'alor be cuun adate
“It ends here Mand’alor.” “Kid!” Moff Gideon’s and Din’s voice fills your head the haze that covered you clears right as you walk off the shallow shelf and Bo-Katan and Din see you abruptly disappear in the water.
Tal kelir galar par gar
Both Din and Bo-Katan dive into the water without hesitation using their jetpacks to speed up the quickly sinking girl. Their lights look around frantically for the girl before Din notices the seemingly lifeless body of his daughter resting at the bottom of the trench. Swimming down wrapping an arm under her armpits quickly using his jetpack to assist him to get to the surface with Bo-Katan following behind as cover. Din is so focused on getting his daughter to safety as Bo-Katan watches out into the dark water when they suddenly pass a giant reptilian creature with white horns. Bo-Katan’s eyes widen when her light hits the creature seeing its eye open and staring back at the woman. A creature only told in myths said to be long dead but the symbol of its people. The mines according to folklore said to be the lair of this creature. She lets out a gasp as they speed away as she watches the large creature swim off into the darkness. The three reach the surface crashing onto the steps as Bo-Katan gasp for air while Din who also struggles to catch his breath hovers over the young girl trying to get her to wake up. Sudden coughs fill the air water expelling out of her mouth as she wheezes trying to get air back in her lungs but she was alive.
The small clan of three comforts each other from the event as the female Mandalorian stares out into the waters taking great, heaving breaths. She wasn’t sure what she saw down there or if she even saw something down there at all. They were meant to be extinct the last one seen during the age of the first Mandalore…then why did she see a mythosaur in those waters.
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scummy-writes · 8 months
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A Pinch Of Love - A Gilbert/Silvio/Reader fanfic
Rating: Mature/Explicit (minors dni)
Words: 1089
Tags: Modern au, cooking together, cum tasting/drinking, cum cookies, spit tasting references, references to blowjobs, biting, cooking with cum, poly relationship
This is for @xxsycamore's Sweet and Spicy Wintertime prompt list! I am late as usual when I try to join a prompt thing, but I still had fun! As soon as she dropped this I knew I had to write gilbert being a fuckin weirdo (affectionate). Thank you, Mo, for making this event!!
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It wasn't unusual for Gilbert to keep you company in the kitchen, idly sitting at the nearby table while you switched between reading recipes to mixing in ingredients. What was, however, was Silvio joining the two of you.
While you busied yourself with the batter, they sat at the table clad in their pajamas- a requirement that you insisted on for today's festivities. Because for the first time, all three of you could be together for Christmas.
Not a baker himself, Silvio sat by Gilbert and offered his help in other ways: such as smacking Gilbert's hand away from the shakers of sprinkles and icing that littered the table.
“Will ya stop that?”
Gilbert ignored him, successfully swiping a shaker with snowflakes and pearl sprinkles inside, popping the lid open. As he poured some onto his palm for easier eating, Silvio rolled his eyes.
“If ya eat everything before we can even decorate, what's the damn point in us takin’ the day off fer this?”
For the sake of your sanity, you ignored how Gilbert prodded and teased Silvio back, focusing on the next step in your process.
“Gil? Can you tell me what else comes after the spices?”
He lazily swiped on your phone, reading out the next set of directions for you, “the recipe says to add a ‘pinch of love’.”
You muttered a hum, amused with the cutesy addition, but in the background you heard Silvio click his tongue. A warning sound towards his growing annoyance. Peeking at them, you saw Gilbert's lips quirk into his telltale smile. His eyes flicked between giving your mouth, and Silvio's, a slow once over, and you knew what he was going to suggest. An implemented habit that he had been trying to instill in the both of you: spitting.
Silvio stared. Unblinking, slowly furrowing his brows as Gilbert's smile widened.
“The damned coffee wasn't enough fer ya?”
“Hehe, and what if it wasn't? What if I'd like you both to-”
“Don't drag ‘er into this!”
“If you'd rather, we can try a different ingredient.”
Silvio went to speak, but instead caught how Gilbert's eyes trailed down his torso, settling between his legs for a moment before flicking back towards Silvio's gaze.
“Ain't no fuckin’ way, these cookies are fer all of us.”
“Hmm? I've never complained about how either of you tasted before. Surely-”
“No. I ain't doin’ that.”
The chair was pushed back as Silvio stood up, gaining distance between him and Gilbert by leaning against the fridge instead. Still keeping his promise by spending time with the two of you, but avoiding further teasing.
In theory.
Because when you laughed and shook your head, intending to turn back to focus on mixing, you heard the shuffling of chairs. Light steps, a few curses slipped under a sigh. All enough to stop you once more, peeking over your shoulder to see Gilbert facing Silvio. He stared Silvio down with a smile, moving his cold hands to Silvio's hips.
Watching how Silvio slowly relented to Gilbert made you awestruck, in ways. Both men were stubborn in what they wanted, yet out of the three of you, Silvio hardly confessed to his wants unless he felt in control of them.
Which led him to being pressed up against the fridge, turning his head away from the both of you, cheeks flushed as Gilbert teased his fingers along the waistband of Silvio's gray pajama bottoms. Unable to admit to his more ‘odd’ desires once again.
Gilbert gave no slack, like you did. Instead he doubled down on his teasing, always itching to have Silvio speak out on the pleasures he sought.
“I thought you liked to watch?” He teased, but when Silvio made no further movement, he just simply shrugged.
Slowly, Gilbert hooked two fingers on his waistband, easily pulling it down just enough for Silvio's hardened cock to slip free, eliciting a shuddering sigh from both of them.
“Hehe, you always fuss about how gross I am, but look at how hard you are.”
“That's just-ngh…”
At his cock finally being touched by Gilbert ghosting his fingers along the length, Silvio finally looked over at Gilbert- only to have his cheek pressed back against the fridge.
“Who said you could look after lying like that?” The words were a playful chide, but Gilbert still kept Silvio's head in place as he murmured in his ear, “it's only good boys who get to watch.”
His body tensed as Gilbert flattened his tongue against his neck, licking a wet stripe along the length, ending with a bite between his shoulder and neck. Hard enough to mark, to bruise, but not draw blood.
There were complaints on the tip of Silvio's tongue, ready to fly out, but you didn't miss the way his cock twitched, especially as Gilbert trailed his fingers along the underside.
“Hey,” Gilbert called to you, voice no longer holding the warning edge it had for Silvio, “make sure he behaves?”
There was no need for clarification, not when Gilbert finally let go of Silvio's chin to ease onto his knees, taking time to mouth kisses down Silvio's abdomen to rile him up further.
So you set your mixing spoon aside, moving to face Silvio, to hold him in place with kisses and bites, your hand snaked under his shirt to tease his chest. Despite how many times the three of you had been intimate, his ears still blazed bright, trying to hold back his moans when Gilbert's lips reached the base of his cock.
Soft crackling emitted from the fireplace as the three of you sat together on the couch, watching the first of many holiday movies for the day. Blankets were haphazardly shared between you, with Gilbert claiming more even when his spot was closest to the fire. Through the layers, Silvio's hand sought yours, fingers twining together.
On the coffee table lay the cookies you all had a hand in making today, decorated clumsily with icing. Some of the shaped cookies were clad in eyepatches, others with jewelry or coin, while others had rabbit ears and hearts for decorations.
Gilbert, eyes still on the television, reached for another. He acted oblivious towards Silvio's staring, turning towards the man and offering a cookie.
“Want one?”
“Those are all yours.”
“Technically, they all have a piece of us in them, so-”
And once more, the bickering began anew. Yet through all of Silvio's sighs, he still had an arm snaked around Gilbert's shoulders, sharing what warmth he had.
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steeples hands. I really just wanted to write the endscene, but I needed context and. Well. Cum cookies (cumkies, if you will.)
You saw the tags. I don't really wanna hear any complaints if you didnt like it, please and thank you.
If you enjoyed it, please feel free to say so! I do like thinking about gilbert being a lil fuckin weirdo honestly.
Taglist (Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!):
@yarnnerdally @katriniac @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bakaneko-chan @skoetiepoetie @bestbryn @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lokis-laugh @queengiuliettafirstlady @candied-boys @keithsandwich @bubblexly @ridiculouslly-ridiculous @drewadoodle @drachonia @portrait-ninja @mimi-but-main
Ikepri Masterlist | Ikevamp Masterlist | Ikevamp/Ikepri Server
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queenmothermp · 8 months
Lunar New Year Festival
Throughout the week, there was a noticeable buzz in the air of Central Park--not just of rumors and excitement, but of magic itself. One night, a large troupe of beautiful young women dressed in red and black hanfu gracefully flit throughout the large space carrying a variety of decorations and furnishings while a handful of others quickly and expertly cleaned the entire space of litter and rubbish. They carefully marked off the ice sculptures the Norse goddess had previously made; some were moved to other locations to be admired while others were highlighted in their own showcase. Snow sculptures crafted by residents were also carefully relocated to safe places with high visibility so they could continue to be enjoyed by everyone.
Another handful of ladies floated toward a small clearing, carrying several traditional instruments and began to play some lively tunes for the workers to enjoy as they continued to set up, some of the fairies even dancing and singing along as they placed decorations. These musicians would frequently be seen (and heard!) throughout the duration of the week-long festival as well, providing plenty of live entertainment for attendees--as well as accompaniment for professional dancers who performed a variety of dances. Several new sculptures were brought in--angled archways along the entrances to the park, decked with Spring couplets and Fu characters; several very large and expertly crafted dragons of exquisite detail--one dragon for each pantheon: Chinese, Norse, Japanese, Egyptian, Mayan, Greek, and Celtic dragons all--and despite translucent and frozen, the fierce beasts appeared as though they could come to life at any moment to breath a snow storm into existence.
Quickly, the area continued to be decked with banners and signs of crimson paper, adorning messages in a variety of languages, written in bold characters illuminated by magical golden ink shimmering phrases alternating between Happy New Year--2024--Year of the Dragon and variations thereof. Enchanted string lights of crimson and clear in the shapes of hanging lanterns joined in the decor; each lantern's glow also enchanted to provide warmth to the space so those in attendance could enjoy the outdoor festivities comfortably while the park was bathed in the light of a perpetual sunrise regardless of time of day.
Despite the ice and snow still present, one could easily find many blossoming peach, plum, and sakura trees as well as a variety of peony arrangements and even some strategically-placed potted kumquat and tangerine trees with small signs tied around their base for patrons to help themselves to their fruits as it seemed that no matter how many one picked, they always seemed to grow right back! And the fruits themselves were juicy and delicious!
The pleasant smells of flowers and citrus blended even more with the delicious aromas from the various food stalls that would be open from lunch until midnight. Festival goers could partake in an assortment of street foods from classic jiaozi dumplings, steamed bao (with a variety of fillings, with vegetarian options!) as well as special rou jia mo containing steamed catfish and vegetables for a surplus of good fortune in the new year, chuan’r and char siu, longevity noodles, candied hawthorn, popped lotus seeds, bakkwa, roasted peanuts and chestnuts as well as dried shrimp crisps for snacking, tangyuan, fried battered shrimp (for happiness and laughter!), niangao with special fillings ranging from lychee and longan (because how could one NOT have longan in the year of the dragon!?) to persimmon and kumquat, and much much more! And of course beverages were available at the Spilled Tea stall!
In the northern section of the park, a large tunnel had been erected--two large walls of ice with the "fu" character carved along the surface in intricate patterns. Along the top, however, rows upon rows of scarlet lanterns swayed for an enchanting and fantastical display; certainly a beautiful fixture--some may interpret it as magical and inspiring, some may see it as delightfully romantic. Nearby, another long wall stood beside a stall containing red many "fu" talismans; the young woman at this stall would gladly explain to those curious about how to make wishes and prayers on these cards and hang them on the wall to bring about good fortune for the year ahead. This same young woman happily provided guests with enamel pins in the shape of dragons from their respective pantheons. This nice and helpful young lady was also happy to provide attendees with pamphlets containing a map of the different vendors as well as schedules regarding specific performances and activities.
In the southern area of the park, many pillars of varying heights had been set up, wrapped with red and gold ribbons and adorned with more insignia plaques in preparation of the lion's dance to be performed each evening at sundown. In fact, at other times of the day, one might even catch a glimpse of the dancers wandering around in costume--2 lions!--wordlessly and playfully interacting with festival goers (especially children) and obliging selfie-takers. Many vendors could be found dotted throughout the park--a pleasant blend of traditional preparations heightened by magic. One vendor carved custom stone stencils for stamps of varying sizes--from personalized letter signatures to others the size of plates, demonstrating how to use them for those interested in watching that traditional printing style. Another vendor created malt candies in a variety of shapes and characters ranging from dragons to the "fu" character to moons and stars and so much more, much to the delight of children who enjoyed watching him create edible art.
Other activities included a variety of games located near the pavilion that had been erected in the center of the park--a beautiful and majestic structure of ice, trees, and flowers, adorned further with magnificent paper lanterns that swung gently with a light breeze. Of course, this was where the musicians and dancers performed at varying times of day regardless of the size of their audience. If one looked close enough at these lanterns, however, they would find small cards attached to them with riddles to solve--like a scavenger hunt leading them to another lantern hidden somewhere in the park--a fun little game thought of by the owner of Galaxy Games, wherein each lantern at the starter pavilion had a different set of clues and thus, a different adventure each time, ultimately leading to a variety of prizes--some were silly plushies and candies or vouchers for meals or services at different businesses throughout the island, some may find red envelopes containing money, others might find Felix Durant himself at the end who would provide them with a lucky charm granting them optimal good fortune in whatever they did for the next eight hours.
There was, of course, the classics--the arrow toss, archery contests, live portraits, constructing paper lanterns, using silk cords to make braided cords or other intricate designs, an elderly man telling stories with shadow puppets, and a few fellows wandered about performing fantastical tricks with Chinese yo-yos.
Another activity was the "Dragon Battle" on the west end of the park--which was really just a fun snowball fight for all ages, a battle that never seemed to formally end, surrounding a massive space filled with 'forts' made of ice and snow.
The classic dragon dance took place each night at 8:00 sharp and one could follow the illuminated beast's and its dancers' course throughout the entire park as it chased after the glowing golden orb.
Of course, this would all culminate on the evening of February 10th with a magnificent fireworks display brightening the sky with flurries of color and enchanted images including pixius, qilins, each creature in the zodiac (especially the dragon!), a variety of flowers including lotus blossoms, peonies, chrysanthemums, peach blossoms, and so much more all set to energetic music by live musicians.
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moochilatv · 1 month
MOTHICA presents: Another High
Great storytell and the music video feets perfectly
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“Another High” is a poignant and relatable narrative about the cycles of addiction. She shares, “When I stop one habit, I find new vices to indulge in to keep my mind busy. Some are definitely healthier than others. And I always joke that I wish I was addicted to exercising and sunshine instead of the things that are bad for me.”
MOTHICA is known for her confessional songwriting and genre-defying musical releases that blend dark pop with rock, synthwave, goth and electronica for a mesmerizing sonic fusion.
KISSING DEATH is a testament to MOTHICA’s artistic evolution. The album’s release is accompanied by an official music video for the song “Another High” which will be the focus track around the release. “Another High” is a poignant and relatable narrative about the cycles of addiction. She shares, “When I stop one habit, I find new vices to indulge in to keep my mind busy. Some are definitely healthier than others. And I always joke that I wish I was addicted to exercising and sunshine instead of the things that are bad for me.”
Tour 2024:
September 16th - Kavka, Antwerp, Belgium (Low Tickets)
September 18th- Melkweg, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Low Tickets)
September 19th- Reeperbahn Festival, Hamburg, Germany (Low Tickets)
September 20th- Hole44, Berlin, Germany (Low Tickets)
September 21st- Luxor, Cologne, Germany (SOLD OUT)
September 24th- Backstage, Paris, France (Low Tickets)
September 26th- The Dome, London, UK (SOLD OUT)
September 27th- Gorilla, Manchester, UK (SOLD OUT)
September 28th- King Tuts, Glasgow, UK (SOLD OUT)
USA Tour:
October 12th- San Bernardino, CA @ Glen Helen Amphitheater MAYHEM FESTIVAL
November 4th- Crescent Ballroom, Phoenix, AZ
November 6th- Antone’s, Austin, TX
November 7th- Club Dada, Dallas, TX
November 9th- Masquerade Purgatory, Atlanta, GA (SOLD OUT)
November 11th- A&R Bar, Columbus, OH
November 13th- The Sinclair, Boston, MA
November 14th- The Foundry, Philadelphia, PA
November 15th- Songbyrd, Washington, DC (SOLD OUT)
November 17th- Gramercy Theater, New York City, NY
November 20th- Loving Touch, Detroit, MI
November 22nd- Bottom Lounge, Chicago, IL
November 23rd- Delmar Hall, St. Louis, MO
November 24th- Beer City Music Hall, Oklahoma City, OK
November 26th- Meow Wolf, Denver, CO
November 27th- Soundwell, Salt Lake City, UT
November 29th- Mission Theater, Portland, OR
November 30th- Neumos, Seattle, WA
December 3rd- Goldfield Trading Post, Sacramento, CA
December 4th- Bottom Of The Hill, San Francisco, CA
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whileiamdying · 2 months
Cass Elliot’s Death Spawned a Horrible Myth. She Deserves Better
The Mamas & the Papas singer was known for her wit, her voice and her skill as a connector. For 50 years, a rumor has overshadowed her legacy.
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Michael Putland/Getty Images
By Lindsay Zoladz Published May 9, 2024 Updated May 18, 2024
Onstage with her group the Mamas & the Papas at the Monterey International Pop Festival in June 1967, Cass Elliot, the grand doyenne of the Laurel Canyon scene, bantered with the timing of a vaudeville comedian. “Somebody asked me today when I was going to have the baby, that’s funny,” she said, rolling her eyes. The unspoken punchline — if you could call it that — was that she had already given birth to a daughter six weeks earlier.
“One of the things that appeals to so many people about my mom is that there’s a certain level of triumph over adversity,” that daughter, Owen Elliot-Kugell, said over lunch at the Sunset Marquis Hotel in Los Angeles on a recent afternoon. “She had to prove herself over and over again.”
Elliot was a charismatic performer who exuded infectious joy and a magnificent vocalist with acting chops she did not live to fully explore. July 29 is the 50th anniversary of her untimely death at 32, a tragedy that still spurs unanswerable questions. Might Elliot, who was one of Johnny Carson’s most beloved substitutes, have become the first female late-night talk show host? Would she have achieved EGOT status?
Half a century after her death, her underdog appeal continues to inspire. Last year, “Make Your Own Kind of Music” — a relatively minor 1969 solo hit that has nonetheless had cultural staying power — became such a sensation on TikTok that “Saturday Night Live” spoofed it, in a hilariously over-the-top sketch in which the host Emma Stone plays a strangely clairvoyant record producer. “This song is gonna be everywhere, Mama,” she tells Elliot, played by Chloe Troast. “Then everybody’s gonna forget about it for a long, long time, but in about 40, 50 years, I think it’s gonna start showing up in a bunch of movies, because it’s a perfect song to go under a slow-mo montage where the main character snaps and goes on a rampage.”
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Cass Elliot performing on her television special “Don’t Call Me Mama Anymore” in September 1973. After she went solo, she found it hard to shake her nickname.Credit...CBS Photo Archive, via Getty Images
“S.N.L.” didn’t make a single joke about Elliot’s weight — something that was unthinkable half a century ago. During the height of her fame, Elliot seemed to co-sign some of the jabs at her expense with a shrugging grin.
“No one’s getting fat except Mama Cass,” the Mamas & the Papas sang in tight harmony on the self-mythologizing 1967 hit “Creeque Alley.” After the infamously tumultuous group broke up a year later, Elliot was a frequent guest on “The Carol Burnett Show,” where she occasionally went for the cheap laugh. In an otherwise uproarious sketch about two prudish women browsing a store’s “dirty books” section, Elliot holds up a book titled “Eat and Lose Weight” and says, “I got as far as ‘Eat’ and then I didn’t understand the rest.”
“As she had learned early on, the best way to deal with an uncomfortable situation is with humor,” Elliot-Kugell, who has her mother’s cascading hair and dry wit, writes in her new memoir, “My Mama, Cass.” But, as she said over lunch, that doesn’t mean her mother was always laughing on the inside. “That pain had to go somewhere,” Elliot-Kugell told me. “When I think about some of the things that had allegedly been said to her during her lifetime, you can’t hear that over and over and not let it hurt.”
But of course, the most enduring joke at her expense was the one she didn’t live to tell, or to rebut. Have you heard the one about the ham sandwich?
For years, the origin of the story that Elliot died from choking on a ham sandwich — one of the cruelest and most persistent myths in rock ’n’ roll history — was largely unknown. Then in 2020, Elliot’s friend Sue Cameron, an entertainment journalist, admitted to publicizing it in her Hollywood Reporter obituary at the behest of Elliot’s manager Allan Carr, who did not want his client associated with drug use. (Elliot died of a heart attack, likely brought on by years of substance abuse and crash dieting.) But that cartoonish rumor — propagated in endless pop culture references, from “Austin Powers” to “Lost” — cast a tawdry light over Elliot’s legacy and still threatens to overshadow her mighty, underappreciated talent.
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The Mamas & the Papas: Denny Doherty, Michelle Phillips, Elliot, Scott McKenzie (who joined a later version of the group) and John Phillips.Credit...Bentley Archive/Popperfoto, via Getty Images
ELLIOT’S SISTER, LEAH, coined a phrase for the strong, brassy way everyone in their family sang: “the Cohen Honk.”
Cass was born Ellen Naomi Cohen into a music-loving household in suburban Baltimore. Her stage name partly came from her father’s penchant for calling his spirited daughter “the mad Cassandra.” She was a precocious, uncommonly bright child who, in the years after World War II, liked to ask dinner guests what they thought about the “world situation.” In high school she was known for her bold, slightly unkempt personal style that flew in the face of 1950s decorum. According to her biographer Eddi Fiegel, Elliot sometimes wore “wild combinations of Bermuda shorts and high heels, with white gloves to cover her bitten-down nails.”
Many people in Elliot’s life trace her struggles with her weight to when she was 6 and went to stay with her grandparents while recovering from ringworm. They fed her well, as grandparents sometimes do, and she quickly became self-conscious about her size. By high school, she had been prescribed Dexedrine, an amphetamine then used as an appetite suppressant. “The thought that something is wrong with you is bad enough,” Elliot-Kugell writes, “but the idea that a pill or a drug might fix you can be even more dangerous.”
Still, Elliot showed remarkable self-belief. The book recounts her telling anyone who would listen “that one day she was going to become the most famous fat girl that ever lived.”
She struck a deal with her parents: If she moved to New York and didn’t find musical success in five years, she would come home and study a more respectable field, like medicine. She left home in late 1960; “California Dreamin’” was released in December 1965. She later told an interviewer: “I really just made it under the wire!”
Broadway was Elliot’s first love, but folk music was the style of the day. She brought her own distinctive flair to it in her early groups, the Big 3 and then the Mugwumps, which featured a Canadian tenor named Denny Doherty. After the Mugwumps’ split, Doherty fled to the Virgin Islands with his new friends John and Michelle Phillips to work on material for a yet-unnamed group. Elliot had sung with them casually while they were all hanging out — at least once when they were all on LSD — and she knew her voice was the missing piece in their sound.
But John, the bandleader, was brutishly reluctant. According to Scott G. Shea, a biographer of the Mamas & the Papas, Phillips “had a vision in his head” of “a group that not only sounded like an electrified Peter, Paul and Mary, but also looked like them.” Shea puts it bluntly: “Michelle was to be the centerpiece, and, in his mind, Cass was too fat to even be considered.”
The group projected a chumminess that was central to their appeal, but few people know how hard Elliot had to push to become part of the band. She showed up unannounced in the Virgin Islands hoping to ingratiate herself, but Phillips wouldn’t budge until an act of fate intervened. While walking down the St. Thomas alley that the Mamas & the Papas would later immortalize in song, debris from a construction site hit Elliot on the head and knocked her unconscious. John Phillips would later claim that Elliot’s concussion caused her vocal register to change, and it was another of those stories Elliot learned to repeat with a self-deprecating joke.
“The real story is that John didn’t like my mother’s look,” Elliot-Kugell writes. She believes “he made up the story about a fake increase in vocal range to justify his choice to finally add my mom to the band months later.”
Elliot went solo after the short-lived group’s demise, buoyed by the success of “Dream a Little Dream of Me,” a Mamas & the Papas single on which she sang lead. The final solo album she released, in 1973, had a pointed title: “Don’t Call Me Mama Anymore.” “The moniker of ‘Mama’ had always felt like a reference to her size — that is, ‘Big Mama’ — and she hated that,” Elliot-Kugell writes.
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From left: Joni Mitchell, Elliot and Judy Collins at the Big Sur Folk Festival. Elliot became known as a connector in the Laurel Canyon scene.Credit...Sulfiati Magnuson, via Getty Images
Elliot remains an underrated heroine in the story of the Laurel Canyon scene, not only as a musician but also as an amiable hostess who knew how to link up like-minded people. Doherty liked to call her “the Puppeteer.”
In 1964, she introduced her friends John Sebastian and Zal Yanovsky; they became the Lovin’ Spoonful. When she heard that David Crosby and Stephen Stills had begun making music together, she suggested they add a high voice to the mix, and brought them Graham Nash. “I will give you a hundred dollars,” David Crosby told Elliot’s biographer, “if you can find a single person who says they hated Cass.”
But there was also something bittersweet about Elliot’s kinship with all these men. “I think part of the reason they all adored her is they weren’t threatened by her,” Elliot-Kugell said. “She knew more about these guys and had a relationship on a deeper level than some of their own wives or girlfriends had.” She added with a wry chuckle, “Did that mean she didn’t want to jump into bed with half of them? She probably did!”
Elliot’s unrequited love for her bandmate Doherty was perhaps the hardest to bear, especially after he and Michelle Phillips had an affair that nearly broke up the band before their first album was even released. Elliot had been smitten since the night they met, at a Greenwich Village bar where they each threatened to drink the other under the table, and eventually decided to drink … under the table. As he put it in his one-man show about the group’s history, “I knew she loved me, and I loved her too, but not like she wanted me to. She did weigh 300 pounds, and I wasn’t man enough to deal with that.”
The most difficult passages of “My Mama, Cass” are those in which Elliot-Kugell reckons with her mother’s persistent loneliness. “After the shows, when they’re screaming her name onstage and she’s bowing, she was the only one going back to the hotel by herself,” she said. “Everybody else had someone, and she didn’t.”
Elliot’s need for love and companionship is what drove her to the decision — relatively radical for a famous woman in the late 1960s — to become a single mother. When she learned she was pregnant at the height of the group’s success, after a brief fling with its touring bassist, she was defiant in her decision to raise the child on her own. “As it turned out,” Elliot-Kugell writes, wrenchingly, “my mom’s desire to have someone in her life who wasn’t going to up and leave her was what led to her desire for a child. It’s how I came to be.”
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The Mamas & the Papas onstage in 1966. The group split two years later.Credit...Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
WHEN I FINALLY got Sue Cameron on the phone, she was calling from the Atlantic Ocean, “somewhere between Bermuda and Portugal.” A journalist for more than 50 years who has published a book titled “Hollywood Secrets and Scandals,” she sometimes gives lectures on cruise ships. She was happy to reminisce about her old pal. “She had a big smile and this wide open face, very happy to see people,” Cameron said. “You just would immediately love her and want her to be your best friend.”
Cameron met Elliot when she interviewed the Mamas & the Papas in 1966; they realized they were neighbors and quickly became “sit-by-each-other’s-pool kind of friends.” Cameron has stories, like the one about the night they ran into Ann-Margret and Elliot delivered the perfect one-liner about her massive engagement ring (“I could skate on that”); or all the times Elliot would walk around with a credit card in her shoe because she didn’t like to carry a purse.
Her most painful memory is her final dinner with Elliot at Mr. Chow in the summer of 1974, before Elliot left for London. She’d never seen her friend so happy. “It was just a magical moment,” Cameron recalled. “It was just, like, the crescendo of her being. She’d had some TV specials, she was now going to go do a big nightclub act. Everything was fabulous.”
After a two-day stint of partying in London, Elliot told her friend Joe Croyle — a dancer in her show who was crashing with her at Harry Nilsson’s pad — that she was going to take a bath and turn in early because she was exhausted. Croyle figured she would be hungry too, so he fixed her a sandwich with ham, the only thing he could find in the fridge, along with some Coca-Cola. The ham sandwich, the cruelly cartoonish symbol that would come to define Elliot, was actually a gesture of care: a friend making her a meal she never got to enjoy.
Cameron heard about Elliot’s death in the newsroom of The Hollywood Reporter, where she was working at the time: “I kicked into professional mode and said, no one else is going to write that obit. I’m going to do it.” She tracked down Carr by phone in Nilsson’s apartment. “He could barely speak,” Cameron recalled. She asked what happened, and he said he didn’t know. “‘Oh, wait,’” she recalled him saying. “‘I see a half-eaten ham sandwich on the night stand. That’s good. You tell everybody that she choked on a ham sandwich, do you understand me?’”
“And I did it,” she added, “because I wanted to protect Cass.”
What was she protecting her from? “I was not aware of a lot of drugs,” she said. “I just wasn’t one of those people. And I had some suspicion around the time that she was going to London that she was on some sort of pills, but I didn’t really know anything.” In a split second, Carr and Cameron decided there was less shame in a woman ridiculed for her weight choking to death than there was in her having a drug problem. “What a terrible thing,” Cameron said, “but I was in too much of a state of shock to clean it up.”
She, too, is confounded by the story’s persistence. “Of all of the things I’ve done,” she said, “this ham sandwich has followed me my entire life.”
That story had long haunted Elliot-Kugell, too, though she felt some closure after Cameron privately divulged its origins to her when they met for lunch in 2000. Elliot-Kugell is cleareyed about what probably caused her mother’s death: “I mean, look. She was up for 48 hours, and she was at a party. Do the math.” But she doesn’t want to dwell on that. “The thing that was really important for me was that I didn’t want to write a salacious book,” she said.
In some sense, any memoir by a child of the Mamas & the Papas exists in the shadow of Mackenzie Phillips’s 2009 bombshell, “High on Arrival,” in which she accused her father John Phillips of sexual assault. But Elliot-Kugell’s memoir belongs on a different shelf entirely. It is a humanizing portrait of a woman whose legacy has, for far too long, been reduced to an outdated urban legend.
And it is a tale of an imperfect mother and a grieving daughter, of loss and long delayed catharsis. A few weeks before we spoke, Elliot-Kugell went to visit her mother’s grave. “It’s always weird when I go there, because I never know what to say,” she said. “But that day felt a little different because when I went up to the grave, I just said, ‘Hi.’ Like the way I would greet one of my cousins, or somebody who I know really well who I haven’t seen in a while.”
“I thought to myself, ‘Why, why why does it feel like this?’” she said.” All at once it dawned on her: “After going through this experience, I feel closer to her.”
Read by Lindsay Zoladz
Audio produced by Adrienne Hurst.
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jules-has-notes · 5 months
A Cappella at the Rock (Newtown, PA) — VoicePlay live performances
The annual pop a cappella festival at Council Rock High School North consists of a day of workshops and master classes, followed by an evening competition, then a concert from a professional group that includes a special group number with all the students. In 2017, the featured professionals were VoicePlay (with Erik Winger as their substitute baritone). This event was the middle of a whirlwind weekend for the guys, but they always enjoy doing educational outreach.
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NOTE: The video quality for most of these recordings isn't great because the audience member was trying to be discreet and respectful of their neighbors. The audio is okay, though.
This clip is missing the very beginning of the song and a view of the guys, but you can definitely hear them.
title: Ride
original performers: Twenty One Pilots
written by: Tyler Joseph
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 1 April 2017
My favorite bits:
Eli, Earl, and Winger pulling off that fast harmonized patter live
that rapid-fire percussion Layne does behind ♫ "bullets coming through" ♫
Geoff wandering into the basement on ♫ "I'm falling sooooo" ♫
the gradual layering in the bridge
Eli's big old belts in the last section
This arrangement was originally the third video in their PartWork series, with just Eli, Geoff, and Layne covering all five parts.
The videographer managed to get a view of the stage in this one, albeit upside-down. The guys still sound as fantastic as always.
title: Aca Top 10 – Broadway
original songs: [0:07] "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" from Avenue Q; [0:35] "Sherry" from Jersey Boys; [0:50] "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast; [1:14] "Seasons of Love" from Rent; [1:33] "Master of the House" from Les Miserables; [1:50] "All That Jazz" from Chicago; [2:11] "He Lives In You" from The Lion King; [2:28] "Popular" from Wicked; [2:50] gentle mockery of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark; [2:53] "Phantom of the Opera" from Phantom of the Opera; [3:18] "Hello!" from The Book of Mormon
written by: "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" by Robert Lopez & Jeff Marx; "Sherry" by Bob Gaudio; "Belle" by Alan Menken, Howard Ashman, & Tim Rice; "Seasons of Love" by Jonathan Larson; "Master of the House" by Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil, & Jean-Marc Natel; "All That Jazz" by John Kander & Fred Ebb; "He Lives In You" by Lebohang "Lebo M" Morake, Mark Mancina, & Jay Rifkin; "Popular" by Stephen Schwartz; "Phantom of the Opera" by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Charles Hart, Richard Stilgoe, & Mike Batt; "Hello!" by Trey Parker, Matt Stone, & Robert Lopez
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 1 April 2017
My favorite bits:
Layne's fun scampering percussion run at the end of Avenue Q
Winger and Eli doing their villager voices in "Belle"
the rising crescendo in "Seasons of Love"
the Spider-Man gag
Geoff's growled drop in "Phantom"
that big final ♫ "Hellooooo!" ♫
The guys recorded their video for this medley in September 2014, and performed it on the 2015 Sing-Off tour the following spring.
Although the view is peeking between other audience members, you can still see a bit of the guys' antics during this romp through nonsense lyrics and phonations.
title: A Crimpella
original songs / performers: [0:55] "Walk the Dinosaur" by Was (Not Was); [1:11] "Witch Doctor" by Alvin & the Chipmunks; [1:19] "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang; [1:23] "We Go Together" from Grease!; [1:30] “Motownphilly” by Boyz II Men; [1:38] "Imma Be" by the Black Eyed Peas; [1:46] "Tutti Frutti" by Little Richard; [1:49] "Shoop" by Salt N Pepa; [1:53] "Jock-A-Mo" (aka "Iko Iko") by James "Sugar Boy" Crawford; [2:03] "Mahna Mahna" from The Muppet Show; [2:14] "Lovin, Touchin, Squeezin" by Journey; [2:38] "Goofy Goober Rock" from The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie; [2:41] "MMMBop" by Hanson; [2:53] "Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Swede; [2:57] "Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock; [3:02] "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do" by Neil Sedaka; [3:10] "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen; [3:25] "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga; [3:30] "Can't Get You Outta My Head" by Kylie Minogue;[3:36] "Limbo La La" by James Lloyd; [3:40] "All Night Long" by Lionel Richie; [3:57] "Wanna Be Starting Something" by Michael Jackson; [4:04] "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" by Steam
arranged by: VoicePlay
performance date: 1 April 2017
My favorite bits:
Geoff's extensive list of social media accounts before they start singing (and whoever clucks)
Eli getting launched into the air
the audience joining in with Winger before the rest of the guys return to their mics
using the final ♫ "Good-byyyyye" ♫ as their exit line
This medley was one of the earliest videos on their YouTube channel, and a staple of their live shows for many years.
For the final number of the night, the guys were joined on stage by the student groups to create an ocean of sound. (And this videographer was much less shy about capturing it for posterity.)
title: Don't Stop Believin'
original songs / performers: "Don't Stop Believin'"; [2:36] "Open Arms"; and [2:45] "Any Way You Want It" by Journey; [2:29] "Oh Sherrie" by Steve Perry
written by: all songs written by Steve Perry in collaboration – "Don't Stop Believin'" with Jonathan Cain & Neal Schon; "Oh Sherrie" with Randy Goodrum, Craig Krampf, & Bill Cuomo; "Open Arms" with Jonathan Cain; "Any Way You Want It" with Neal Schon
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 1 April 2017
My favorite bits:
all the kids dancing and connecting with each other
the guys turning around and dropping out during "on and on" to let the chorus shine
Earl's opt-up at the end of ♫ "searching" ♫
the layering of the polyphony section
This song has been part of their catalog since their 4:2:Five days. The earliest concert performance I've found is from a 2009 benefit concert at the University of Rochester.
They finally recorded a video for it when they were the featured artists at Camp A Cappella 2016.
This video was originally posted to Facebook by one of the parents of a student at Neshaminy High School in Langhorne, PA.
Additional photos
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pre-show naps // post-show smiles (except grumpy Layne)
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papersparrows · 2 years
🦋 Wanderland Day 1 🦋
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Was too lazy to take outfit pics the whole weekend. It's my 3rd Wanderland na and at this point pagod na kami umawra mauuwi lang din naman sa pagiging sabog, pagod, at haggard HAHAHA tamang pacute na lang. Went for a cute frilly top + jeans lang but I super love my earrings! They're faux butterfly wings and I had another pair (blue) that I wore for the 2nd day to match my blue outfit.
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Late na kami pumasok sa venue and Ylona was playing her set already mga 5:30 pm na ata `to kasi naglunch pa muna kami at nag-ayos, mga gustong umiwas sa arawan kaya nagpa-late.
After her set we went on and walked around the festival mostly to buy drinks while listening to Men I Trust ^__^
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RAVEENAAAAAAAA ssnsjsjskksk jusko!!!!!!!!!!!! Nahiwalay ako sa friends ko her entire set kasi sobrang dinumog nga kami ng mga tao at hinayaan na lang ako ng friends ko na sumingit paharap to see my dyosa Raveena 🥺
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SOOOOO. HAHAHAHA. After Raveena was No Rome's set and can I just say. Sobrang fan niya ako since idk ????? Years ago pa??? Sobrang crush ko si Rome ever since huhuhuhu. Yung last gig niya sa Makati di ko na napuntahan kasi walang kasama at tamad na kong lumabas ng bahay at bumiyahe so first time ko siya makitang live 🥹
Anyway... dahil nga mag-isa na lang ako during set ni Raveena, wala akong ginawa kundi ubusin yung dalawang malaking baso ng beer na hawak ko habang nakikinig. So pagdating ng set ni No Rome wala na lasing na ko hahaha.
To make things worse, ni isang patak ng tubig hindi pa ako nakakainom that day at all! Kasi naman sobrang takot akong maihi at gumamit ng portalet :(((( bawal din kasi re-entry sa venue so no choice kundi yun gagamitin mo unless star wanderer ka, but i mean, in this economy?? So wala ang bilis kong nalasing at ang tagal kong mag sober up HAHA. Buong set ni No Rome nagwawala, nagsisisigaw, at nagtatatalon ako hanggang sa nasira bra ko hhsjsjsjsjsjajhahHahshshdhsjsj I thought it was a good idea to wear strapless ones para bawas sakit sa shoulders at sa likod... di ko naconsider na ang hina ng support if nakasalalay lahat sa nag-iisa niyang hook sa harap. So yun I spent the rest of his set hiding behind my friends' backs trying to remove and hide my bra sa bag looool. Very on brand for someone na sobrang may crush sa kanya ang mahubaran ng bra hahahahshsjskskks OK ayos. Trendy naman to go bra-less diba. Literally fell to my knees when he sang Narcissist as his last song :') As expected, I have no proper photos or videos of his set given my drunken state. Oh well, masaya naman.
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Fast forward na lang tayo kay Madam Carly!!!!!!!! Headliner ng Day 1. WHEW WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN. I never expected to be such a fan I mean I love super pop-y songs din naman and I listen to her from time to time lalo na may collab sila ng isang fave artist ko. Pero!!!!!! Ever since na-announce na kasama siya sa lineup months ago, I started listening to her more and I never thought na sobrang magiging fan ako but here I am. Si madam Carly ang laging soundtrip ko pag naglilinis at naglalaba. Grabe yung discography niya sobrang pop perfection pero sobrang malaman ng songs like di siya walang kwentang bubblegum pop it's soooo good at puno ng substance!!! Muntikan ko nang sisihin friend ko na naimpluwensiyahan niya ko kay Carly Rae Jepsen dahil siya yung talagang super fan pero sabi niya sakin I'm a convert on my own daw. Wala na raw siyang kinalaman doon. Nawelcome na tuloy ako sa kulto daw ni Carly hahahaha. Anyway grabe!!!! She's so good live at may pa-costume change pa si ate girl ang lala!! Hay ang hirap ng may bagong sasambahin chz.
Yun lang for Day 1. After the festival deretso hotel kami. May naka-book kaming room but I didn't sleep over na with my friends as I initially planned kasi nagpapainom ako ng gamot sa pets ko for now at marami pa akong di maiwan na responsibilities that time. Di pa keri ng schedule kong umabsent ng 2 whole days kailangan ko rin umuwi-uwi at some point. Nagpalipas lang ako ng oras with friends then booked a ride home para iwas sa rush hour 💃🏻🪩
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thirdworldearthling · 2 years
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December 22, 2022. SMDC Festival Grounds. ERASERHEADS. Huling El Bimbo.
Bombarded by birthday greetings from family, friends, colleagues and insurance company 😂.
Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to...me? Haha!
Eraserheads will be playing their final (final?!?) reunion concert in PH. I was the happiest person in the entire universe when I learned that they're going to play on my birthday. No more questions asked, no buts and ifs, I will be there come hell or high water, even dead and cold hahaha!
Dizizit! Bzzzt bzzzt! I'm going to experience once more (or for the last time?) that euphoric feeling, nostalgic ecstacy - ultraelectromagnetichigh.
The Diegos started stepping on the gas at around 8:00 P.M. to fill our dehydrated souls with music that we, the heads generation, love to death.
The 90s kid in me started giggling and mumbling, with the occasional head bounce (cannot do the head bang now, vertigo will kill me 😵‍💫) and stomping, eyes closed, to entirely feel the moment. OPM Megahits from FrancisM, Yano, Wolfgang, Razorback, P.O.T., Pu3ska and even Gary V were included in their catalogue, combined with the famed 90s anthem from Nirvana, RATM, RHCP, Cypress Hill, Beck, Salt-N-Pepa, Naughty by Nature, Arrested Development, Mastaplann, Breeders, The Cardigans, Blur, Daft Punk, Chemical Brothers, Beastie Boys, Fatboy Slim and merry more. They capped off their set with Teeth's Laklak, which heightened our sentimental senses and rebellious teen spirit.
8:30 P.M. The whole festival grounds went black and silent (just for a few seconds). Then the jumbo LED screens flashed a montage of Eheads' journey counting down to this epic finale.
5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Wooooooooooooohhhhh!!!
Lights off. All of us are guessing the first song. My previous assumptions were Fruitcake (why not? it's christmas time!), Superproxy (coz of the main producer's bragging of the hologram tech that made the ticket prices soar high way up in the sky 🤣) & Pop Machine (this is my current favorite). And then baaaaam! We all went insane and in flames!
We were all screaming our hearts out. Although the audio and visuals were disappointing (we barely hear the solid sound of guitars/bass, the screen display at the Moshpit/VIP section was out of sync with the music), our energies were intensified more than ever. Sing. Scream. Jump. Bounce. Stomp. Repeat. Then Elmo, Arkin and Eon went down the main stage to perform with their respective dads, and the much-awaited hologram of the great Francis Magalona unfolded right before our fiery eyes. I must admit that I am not impressed with the 3-D moving figure (with that ticket price they could've done better), but the illusion of him performing was undeniably a feast.
Oh my God. They're going to shove the whole Cutterpillow album to our face! The album art at the back of their most successful album were flashed one by one in the screen. BTW, I love their all black outfit for the 1st set.
Upon hearing Raymund's familiar drum patterns, we screamed in unison again. Saan ka nagtungo, tumila na ang ambon, sana man lang naghintay kahit na konting sandali, weee weee weee!!! (takatakatakatak) Sorry for all the people near me recording that important moment of your lives, you'll definitely hear my voice singing along, that was unforgivably cringeworthy. 🤣You can still hear my voice and it gets more annoying as the night progresses.
When they played Overdrive, we were loaded with nitro boost during the whole song and we stand by near the end, not sure if we wanted to hear the monologue of Marcus (Pare 'di na magstart yan, buti pa kain na lang tayo) or let them proceed onto the next song.
Slo mo. They let Ely rest for a bit. Raymund on vocals! Also one of my favorites, I love every bit of this masterpiece (written by the 4 geniuses). My twitter username was inspired by this song.
Another trip down the memory lane - Huwag mo nang itanong - I was in 5th or 6th grade when this song was released. It made me laugh when I first heard the line, "ewan ko, hindi ko alam, pwede bang huwag na lang nating pag-usapaaaaan. Huwag mo nang itanong sa akin, 'di ko rin naman sasabihin", I thought, oh dear, that was sooooo me haha! I don't talk much when I was younger (until now?), that was a waste of time for me, I value my solitude more than the nonsense chitchats.
Next! First time to hear Paru-Parong Ningning live. Though Raymund & Ely were upbeat, I was unable to move because I'm having cramps hahaha (signs of aging). Standing still while enduring the agonizing pain, I didn't want to be pulled out of the concert grounds. I just need water and I'll be fine 😂
I'm still singing and dancing with the crowd (even with recurring cramps haha) and then Raymund strikes again! Yoko - A very fitting song for the current madness we have these days. "Tigilan na 'tong raket, raket ng gobyerno, 'di ko na kelangan ng pang-aabuso niyo" / "milyon-milyong pilipinong estudyante, tumiwalag, palayain ang sarili!"
Ely showcased his acoustic guitar prowess, singing along with the crowd, as Fill her ended the first set.
The 30-minute break started with Cutterpillow playing in the background of the countdown timer. I used to have a cat, who wouldn't ever wanna get fat! I kept singing while in a rush to buy water. Aaaaaaahhh my throat was dry and painful. But I don't care, I'm going to sing my heart and lungs out all night. Haha!
Opening song for the second set - Pop Machine! At last, wish granted! As I've said earlier, this song is my current fave. The beat, the rhythm and the lyrics were perfect. Kailan ba ako magkakapera? Yeah!
I was surprised to hear them play Sabado. They released this song back in 2014, along with 1995 (the song, not the year). The limited edition CD was included in the Esquire Magazine September 2014 issue. Buti na lang, I got my own copy hehe.
Of course they also played their very first single (Ligaya) that captured the entire nation. Who would've thought that a tshirt, isaw, tansan and thesis (I don't even know thesis at that time, I was only in 3rd grade playing jackstone & patintero when I heard it on the radio) will make them legendary rock icons.
Buddy introduced Maestro Mel Villena who helped them arrange Lightyears - my ultimate favorite song from Eraserheads. No words needed. Just listen. The orchestra almost made me cry.
Aside from the orchestra and the back-up singers from AHEB cast, they were assisted by their auxiliary band members: Audry Dionisio, Mikey Amistoso and Jazz Nicolas.
Surprised again upon hearing the back-up singers sang the lines: In a hostile takeover bid... Whoa! Saturn Return! One of the songs in my wishlist. I wanna see a showdown from Ely and Raymund. But it got a lot better! Backed by the orchestra, the rap parts of Rayms were performed superbly by Arkin Magalona and Eon Buendia. I think after the 2nd set, I saw Diane Ventura (Eon's mom) and told her that Eon was impressive, then she shouted loud and proud, "Galing ni Eon!". The kids are alright.
Got another one in my wishlist - Tama Ka. At long last, been wanting to hear this live. Buddy didn't disappoint. "Minsan nagtatanong kung saan, kailan, paano nasimulan, ang katapusang mahirap takasan, pero 'wag na, ibato mo na lang sa ulan."
After With a smile, the band continued to play Insomya, perfect timing to pump up the crowd. We were on fire again! SWWWWW
Amazed and delighted when I heard the intro of Christmas Party. Another fave from the Fruitcake album. Did not expect this song, I was more convinced that Fruitcake will make the cut. Gary V sang the parts originally sang by the late Francis M.
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The Sticker Happy piano was used as a backdrop during Spoliarium and made it more melancholic and gloomy. Remember The Final Set concert 13 years ago? That very same piano was set on fire. We can also feel the show's about to end soon.
They ended the second set with Magasin. Short break.
Encore. During Pare Ko, Raymund walks around the stage recording the event while drinking haha! "Lalo lang madadagdagan ang sakit ng ulo at bilbil sa tiyan" 🤣
Alapaap's intro was playing and the crowd sing along. But that was a mistake, that's why Ely's opening spiel doesn't add up haha! Minsan was the correct song, followed by Alapaap and the final song, Ang Huling El Bimbo. One of the greatest songs ever written, it was really doing well on its own, but when backed up by the orchestra, it went more magical and breathtaking. They ended the night with the magnificent fireworks display and loads of confetti shower.
Huling El Bimbo setlist:
1. Superproxy 2. Back2me 3. Waiting for the bus 4. Fine time 5. Kamasupra 6. Overdrive 7. Slo Mo 8. Torpedo 9. Huwag mo nang itanong
10. Paru-Parong Ningning 11. Walang Nagbago
12. Poorman's grave 13. Yoko 14. Fill her
15. Pop Machine 16. Sembreak 17. Sabado
18. Ligaya 19. Lightyears 20. Saturn Return
21. Maling Akala 22. Tama Ka 23. With a smile
24. Insomya 25. Christmas Party 26. Spoliarium
27. Magasin
28. Pare Ko 29. Minsan 30. Alapaap
31. Ang Huling El Bimbo
Only three songs on my wishlist weren't included in their awesome setlist: Fruitcake, Maselang Bahaghari & Balikbayan Box. But still, one for the books! Thank you for the best birthday ever!!!
From the 8 year old kid in 1993 who listened to your songs & stick (still kick!) until the end. Amen? AMEN!!!
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insanityclause · 2 years
I saw a tiktok pop up on my page of Tom walking through metal detectors at, I think, the last BAFTAS (he was in a full tux with a more current hairstyle?) and it had like "hot girl music" playing in the background with a slow-mo walk but he literally is so tall and elegant and just like naturally draws your eye in, everyone around him just LOOKED, like yes same.
Was it maybe from the 2019 Shanghai Film Festival??
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dailyexo · 2 years
[SCHEDULE] EXO’s Schedule for November (2022)
[RELEASE] - Music releases; [BIRTHDAY] - Birthdays; [PERF]️ - Performanc evenst; [SIGN] - Fan-signing events; [MEET] - Fan-meeting events; [BROADCAST] - Live or pre-recorded televised broadcasts; [RADIO] - Radio broadcasts; [REC] - Programme pre-recordings; [LIVE] - Live streams; [AWARD] - Award ceremonies; [OTHER] - Other events.
Only confirmed schedules are included. The number of entries will grow as further schedules are announced.
(Last updated: 221121)
November 2
[BROADCAST] KBS ‘Bad Prosecutor' Ep.9 (KBS '진검승부’ 제9회) - 21:50 KST - (D.O.)
November 3
[BROADCAST] KBS ‘Bad Prosecutor' Ep.10 (KBS '진검승부’ 제10회) - 21:50 KST - (D.O.)
[OTHER] amfAR Gala Los Angeles 2022 - (Lay)
November 6
[BROADCAST] On The K: Assemble - 13:00 KST - (Kai)
[MEET] Whitelab One Memorable Day With Scientist Ganteng - 14:00 WIB - (Sehun)
November 9
[BROADCAST] KBS ‘Bad Prosecutor' Ep.11 (KBS '진검승부’ 제11회) - 21:50 KST - (D.O.)
November 10
[BROADCAST] KBS ‘Bad Prosecutor' Ep.12 (KBS '진검승부’ 제12회) - 21:50 KST - (D.O.)
[BROADCAST] SBS Besties in Wonderland Ep.2 (SBS 딱 한번 간다면 제2회) - 21:00 KST - (Suho)
November 14
[OTHER] 'Last Scene' press conference - (Chen, Kai)
[LIVE] 'Last Scene' Countdown Live - 17:00 KST - (Chen)
[RELEASE] Chen's 3rd mini-album 'Last Scene' (사라지고 있어) - 18:00 KST - (Chen)
[REC] JTBC K-909 - (Chen)
November 15
[RADIO] MBC-R FM4U Kim Shinyoung's Hope Song at Noon (MBC-R FM4U 정오의 희망곡 김신영입니다) - 12:00 KST - (Chen)
[SIGN] 'Last Scene' fansign - (Chen)
[PERF] Grammy Museum Global Spin Live - (Lay)
[BROADCAST] Chen FM Part 1 - 22:00 KST
November 16
[RADIO] SBS-R Power FM Choi Hwa Jung's Power Time (SBS-R 파워FM 최화정의 파워타임) - 12:00 KST - (Chen)
[RADIO] KBS-R Cool FM Heize's Volume Up (KBS-R 쿨FM 헤이즈의 볼륨을 높여요) - 20:00 KST - (Chen)
November 17
[LIVE] TikTok Healing Live - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] SBS Besties in Wonderland Ep.3 (SBS 딱 한번 간다면 제3회) - 21:00 KST - (Suho)
November 18
[OTHER] Acqua di Parma Pop-Up Store Opening - (Chanyeol)
[LIVE] Anua Chinese Call Event - (Suho)
[LIVE] QQ Music Q&A - (Chen)
[SIGN] 'Last Scene' HotTracks online fansign - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] Chen FM Part 2 - 22:00 KST
November 19
[BROADCAST] JTBC K-909 - 16:30 KST - (Chen)
[PERF] New Wave K-Pop Music Festival - 19:30 MYT - (Chen)
[SIGN] 'Last Scene' Soundwave online fansign - (Chen)
[PERF] SM SMile Music Festival - (Chen)
November 20
[BROADCAST] Undercover82 Professor Chen’s 1-Day Vocal Class - 11:00 KST - (Chen)
[PERF] Grand Line #2: Infinite Lines in San Francisco - 20:30 PDT - (Lay)
November 21
[SIGN] 'Last Scene' Mu-Mo online fansign - (Chen)
November 22
[SIGN] 'Last Scene' Yizhiyu online fansign -(Chen)
November 23
[BROADCAST] 'Last Scene' Commentary : The Sequence - 20:00 KST - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] YTB Live - (Chen)
[OTHER] Harvard Business School Event - (Lay)
November 24
[SIGN] 'Last Scene' fansign - 20:00 KST - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] SBS Besties in Wonderland Ep.4 (SBS 딱 한번 간다면 제4회) - 21:00 KST - (Suho)
November 25
[MEET] KBS Music Bank Mini Fanmeet (KBS 뮤직뱅크 미니 팬미팅) - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] KBS Music Bank (KBS 뮤직뱅크) - 17:00 KST - (Chen)
[RELEASE] SBS 'First Responders' (SBS ‘소방서 옆 경찰서’) OST 'Heaven for You' release - 18:00 KST - (Chen)
November 26
[BROADCAST] MBC Show! Music Core (MBC 쇼! 음악중심) - 15:40 KST - (Chen)
[PERF] Metamoon Music Festival - (New York) - (Lay)
November 27
[BIRTHDAY] Chanyeol's Birthday
[BROADCAST] SBS Inkigayo (SBS 인기가요) - 15:40 KST - Chen
November 28
[SIGN] 'Last Scene' fansign - (Chen)
Credit: dailyexo.tumblr.com. Material not to be redistributed in part or whole without prior permission.
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thetwistedcryptid · 2 years
What will your monster-au dorm kids be for Halloween? :3 <3
thanks for the ask! hmm certainly one that i've pondered before, but not too intently. in some ways i assume they'd all have an agree'd on theme, much like the dorms in canon during those halloween events - so they'd probs have smth similar to maybe riddle's dorm, with the undead theme. but at the same time i think that's expected and maybe a little too basic, for these monster boys at least. their overall dorm theme would most likely be a more militaristic theme i guess?? but for just these specific boys in a group? personally i think it would be funny if they wore either of these two group costumes: the first group costume would be the ghost busters (the ramshackle perfect mentioned it in passing to cailean, who's in Ramarak's study group.. and Ramarak thought it would be funny! Kaiyō and Taranis find the jump suits uncomfortable due to their tails and whatnot, so they got them tailored. but Kaiyō is on board and making soo many jokes. even convinced the ramshackle perfect to tell him all about the story the costumes are from, and probs becomes a die hard fan cuz any kind of hunt/fighting entices him. Taranis isn't down for costumes that dont look scary but cant go against the dorm head on this.. so just broods in silence. Hikaru is neutral either way, doesnt usually celebrate this stuff, Eleu is usually just here for the food/candy.. the festivities are too loud/crowded for him so he usually disappears for a little bit every hour or so to regulate himself but likes to see everyone else have fun. only Kaiyō and ramshackle perfect understand the references that their making.. well, inside jokes are fun and they dont mind. their friends' confusion is priceless the second group outfit.. def a k-pop band sort of deal! (i might draw that tbh). the k-pop kaiju, lmaoo. this is also probs due to the ramshackle perfect.. who probs got Hikaru and Ramarak into the music (Ramarak is mostly into the aesthetics.. while Hikaru thinks its better then the metal and rock his dormmates blast all the time). Taranis is probs the one that adds a bit of 'punk' or 'delinquent' to his outfit, since he doesnt wanna look like like some preppy goody good boy. that's embarrassing to him, but he does revel in the attention... Eleu is just super frigidity and bashful about it - compliment him, lightly, or else he'll flee with a red face! he doesnt sing much, is mostly just dancing. and Ramarak probs tries to get the group to learn a song to preform infront of everyone while the fireworks are set off (how did he get Eleu and Taranis to agree? no one knows.. some think he's just that good at persuasion. probs offered to do their homework for a week or smth, Eleu has stage fright so is mostly in the back of the group and Taranis doesnt wanna feel like a jester.. but somehow they both end up being the best at it??). legit the group becomes big hit online and people on magicam think their a real boy band?? they get a following but probs arent aware of it unless they go into town and are bugged by fans of the recorded preformence. then again them dressing as the dudes from the princess bride... also works.. and i think would be hilarious. god i can already imagine the comedy potential- but.. individually? well, that might be a bit more tricky, but here's what i think they'd dress as solo:
Kaiyō -- some kind of knight, wanting to be a fighter rather then a noble (that he already is) stuck in a golden cage, since knights are free to roam. probs tried to carry a real sword, but it got confiscated, so not he just has a wooden practice one sold at the school shop. Taranis -- maybe a zombie ?? (ramarack would do the makeup), he think's its scary and he wants to be intimidating (it works, he gives some freshmen nightmares for weeks, which he's proud of) Ramarack -- this thing, idk what it is, he'd do it just for jump scaring as a light hearted prank (cailean gave him the idea). probs tries to eat the most candy/snacks, somehow has no ill effects of all that sugar the next day..
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Hikaru -- either a chef like similar to those outfits in the master chef cooking event, or just taping a bunch a receipts and bank notices to his shirt and calling himself "debt" cuz he couldn't think of anything else (i did that one year, lol) Eleu -- florist <3 need i say more? pretty self explanatory, he'd probs hand out flower crowns to everyone - different flowers for each crown, depending on the person its for.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I wish I could retire soon but alas 😭 despite feeling like an 80 year old I MUST WORK
Lmao I just saw Dylan's video what the fuck is going on and one of my friends was like "I've never seen Zootopia, I should watch it soon"
You're right Park Seonghwa is dangerous, he lures people in... and you can never come back. Siyaisyajhdhahsshh I'm not scared just angry and envious lmao
It's maaaaad, I hate the weird tension between ifans and kfans, it's usually the ifans who get mad though, like Atinys and Stays, they're so annoying when it comes to Korean fanbases. But then Korean fans mob idols at the airports, so many stalkers out there too...
Yes pre-recordings can be crazy, but I was lucky cause the first time I went to see Ateez they also let some of us stay for Stray Kids, and later when I went for Skz I got out and people were queuing for Atz, but they had some free spots and I went in again 😭 so it was worth it. Overall it was an experiment, my friends and I wanted to see how it all works. If I take the meat out it won't be the whole experience jahdushshhs also the egg?!
Omg your friend better have fun for all of us! Who do they bias?
SM is Europephobic for sure 🤡 after years of me giving them money, sigh. Ok Shinee was here, then both Taemin and EXO for MuBank Berlin, Kai was here for the festival, but come on
My non-existent boyfriend definitely does not compare to Seonghwa!
The new Hybe group should collab with Enhypen since they have the vampire/werewolves concept
I'm so sorry about the ebook website, I know it's a huge loss especially for academic purposes 😭🔫 maybe it'll be back somehow? Like Torrents or Pirate Bay, I remember they tried to take them down multiple times until the arrests happened ☠
His Hehetmon, Baek you didn't.....
Someone said this about The Fabulous, maybe it's not legit, but I remember seeing comments that the show is indefinitely postponed because some major plot points happen during Halloween? Btw Shinee, NGDA2 2nd anniversary was yesterday can you believe...
Absolutely, more bonuses if you have to work on a project with Hwa or he's your tutor/vice versa, but in your head you see those sinful hips and the dangerous tongue 😳
Idols obsess over JB or Shawn (didn't know he was Canadian lol) yet barely anyone cares about 🇨🇦 :/ what's this
That fallen angel AU I'm listening 👂
Lissssen Seonghwa must be over the moon because Star Wars replied to him three times yesterday 😭 maybe some brands on Twitter are doing good things after all. Now give him some free stuff, you've been flirting with him for a while. I wish KQ let him respond
My friend also said she's become Seonghwa's bitch and that's absolutely pathetic kusydhsgdhsgsgs and that he looked stunning 👀 but something I'm especially happy she posted about on Twitter and Reddit is how a lot of people talk about Hwa's visuals and demon tendencies only, but not about his incredible performance skills overall and his commitment to singing live as much as he can. I always feel like a biased delulu whenever I say he deserves more credit, because yeah I know he's one of the most popular members, but still he has so much to offer
SHUT UP THOSE PHOTOS. I have to force someone to go to another pop-up for me, because I'm not immune to soft photoshoots :( also THE BLANKET. And Lego flowers I'm kms-ing. Look at all the photos it's so cute the mannequins though osyssmshsjgsshjs.
I got Hongjoong on that quiz and I pretty much agree. What about you? - DV 💖
hi hello!!
I wish I could retire soon but alas 😭 despite feeling like an 80 year old I MUST WORK
LMFAOOOO THE RETIREMENT AT 50 NOT COMING SOON 😭😭😭 mo bc what is this life, graduate at 23, get a job by 24, get married by 26, have kids by 30 and then wait for death to come get u 🤨
Lmao I just saw Dylan's video what the fuck is going on and one of my friends was like "I've never seen Zootopia, I should watch it soon"
FBWKDHWK THE UNIVERSE MANIFESTED ZOOTOPIA FOR US 😭😭no bc why the fox kinda 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
You're right Park Seonghwa is dangerous, he lures people in... and you can never come back. Siyaisyajhdhahsshh I'm not scared just angry and envious lmao
seeing his live photos just know, i can’t believe this man’s real ?????? LIKE HE SMILES AND IM 📉📈📉📈📉📈📉📈📉 his skin is so prefect??? AND YUNHO?? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MAN ????
It's maaaaad, I hate the weird tension between ifans and kfans, it's usually the ifans who get mad though, like Atinys and Stays, they're so annoying when it comes to Korean fanbases. But then Korean fans mob idols at the airports, so many stalkers out there too...
no ur so right, most of the time ifans mad over things they don’t understand about the sokor culture 😭😭 and immediately it becomes problematic bc it doesn’t fit their views 😭😭 now that stalking is officially law in kr hopefully they gET THEM TO JAIL AND LEAVE THEM THERE !!!!!
Yes pre-recordings can be crazy, but I was lucky cause the first time I went to see Ateez they also let some of us stay for Stray Kids, and later when I went for Skz I got out and people were queuing for Atz, but they had some free spots and I went in again 😭 so it was worth it. Overall it was an experiment, my friends and I wanted to see how it all works. If I take the meat out it won't be the whole experience jahdushshhs also the egg?!
Omg your friend better have fun for all of us! Who do they bias?
bestie she cannot speak atm due to screaming, AND YUNHWA I BELIEVE MAYBE EVEN A LITTLE HONGJOONG but seonghwa’s photos????? 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️idk if i can share but 🔫🔫🔫
SM is Europephobic for sure 🤡 after years of me giving them money, sigh. Ok Shinee was here, then both Taemin and EXO for MuBank Berlin, Kai was here for the festival, but come on
NO SERIOUSLY THEY USED TO DO SO MUCH FOR EURO but ever since nct its all america tour america this 😭😭🤚🏼 sm’s main fans come come from asia and euro yET THEY DONT SEE THAT ANYMORE smtown euro when 😭😭
My non-existent boyfriend definitely does not compare to Seonghwa! //// The new Hybe group should collab with Enhypen since they have the vampire/werewolves concept
hoping one day a hwa drops on both of us 🤲🏼🤲🏼 YES AND HOPEFULLY HAVE THOSE NICE SONGS TOO THAT FEVER ONE ESP
I'm so sorry about the ebook website, I know it's a huge loss especially for academic purposes 😭🔫 maybe it'll be back somehow? Like Torrents or Pirate Bay, I remember they tried to take them down multiple times until the arrests happened ☠
ive been looking for torrents def! hopefully they come back again under a diff alias bc coleen hoover it’s on sight 🔫 $100 per book 😀 <3
His Hehetmon, Baek you didn't.....
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Someone said this about The Fabulous, maybe it's not legit, but I remember seeing comments that the show is indefinitely postponed because some major plot points happen during Halloween? Btw Shinee, NGDA2 2nd anniversary was yesterday can you believe...
it’s almost like the industry is not trying to eliminate the entire word instead of having to blame the govt 😭😭 ngda 2nd anniversary??? wHAT DO U MEAN???? ALREADY??? TWO YEARS SINCE HEAVEN DROPPED???? WHAT THE FUCK???? no bc ngda truly is so superior, every track is so carefully chosen and its so beautifully performed by taemin i can’t wait for what he shows after military
Absolutely, more bonuses if you have to work on a project with Hwa or he's your tutor/vice versa, but in your head you see those sinful hips and the dangerous tongue 😳
ANON. HELLO. hear me out what if he’s the junior-
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Idols obsess over JB or Shawn (didn't know he was Canadian lol) yet barely anyone cares about 🇨🇦 :/ what's this
no tbh we don’t claim shawn mendes <3 disrespectfully <3 ryan reynolds tho >>> YEAH WHERES ALL THE MAPLE BLOODED KPOP IDOLS 🤨🤨
That fallen angel AU I'm listening 👂
<3 something like this
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Lissssen Seonghwa must be over the moon because Star Wars replied to him three times yesterday 😭 maybe some brands on Twitter are doing good things after all. Now give him some free stuff, you've been flirting with him for a while. I wish KQ let him respond
My friend also said she's become Seonghwa's bitch and that's absolutely pathetic kusydhsgdhsgsgs and that he looked stunning 👀 but something I'm especially happy she posted about on Twitter and Reddit is how a lot of people talk about Hwa's visuals and demon tendencies only, but not about his incredible performance skills overall and his commitment to singing live as much as he can. I always feel like a biased delulu whenever I say he deserves more credit, because yeah I know he's one of the most popular members, but still he has so much to offer
LMFAOOOO BRMQBDMWBDMQBDKW THIS ENTIRE ENTIRE PARAGRAPH!!!!!! EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS 1000% FACTUAL !!!!!!! i ghost wrote this, i was beside u in spirit while u wrote this,, becoming hwa’s again is like a experience my friends a hwa biased but she’s like “i saw him and it felt like i got to know him all over again” truly what a fascinating man
SHUT UP THOSE PHOTOS. I have to force someone to go to another pop-up for me, because I'm not immune to soft photoshoots :( also THE BLANKET. And Lego flowers I'm kms-ing. Look at all the photos it's so cute the mannequins though osyssmshsjgsshjs.
I got Hongjoong on that quiz and I pretty much agree. What about you? - DV 💖
omg i saw the hong one and it said ur a lil fruity 😭😭 i got yeosang!
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when i tell u i m just a hole
???? san second lead??? 😮‍💨
my turn when
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this your guy?
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m-model hwa
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moochilatv · 1 month
Mr. Gnome presents: Mind's Gone
A song to contemplate life
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Pushing the limits of sonic exploration, Cleveland art-rock duo, Mr. Gnome, create a living, breathing, shapeshifting realm of psychedelic orchestration on their eagerly anticipated LP, A Sliver of Space, set to be released September 27th on El Marko Records.
On the single, the band share, "Mind’s Gone is a song that was written at the height of one of the darkest moments in our lives. I was really struggling from the loss of two very special people in our lives, and it was all really fucking with my head and leaving me feeling like I had lost a part of myself that I wasn’t sure I could ever get back. During this time, I was doing a lot of solo writing sessions, and this song popped into my head out of nowhere - the full song, full melodies, lyrics and music. It was as if something else was writing this song through me, like my antenna was tuned into the right frequency at the right moment."
Pre-order the vinyl and cd, and find it on Bandcamp.
Additionally, the band is also announcing a full North American fall tour in support of the new album:
Mr. Gnome - Fall 2024 Tour Dates
08/24 • Lexington, KY • Expansion Music Fest • The Burl 09/27 • Wheeling, WV • Waterfront Hall 09/28 • Frostburg, MD • The Deep End 10/01 • Washington, D.C. • Pie Shop 10/04 • Pensacola, FL • The Handlebar 10/05 • Adams, TN • Spoopy Festival 10/08 • St. Louis, MO • The Platypus 10/09 • Grand Rapids, MI • Pyramid Scheme 10/10 • Madison, WI • Gamma Ray Bar 10/11 • Columbus, OH • Ace of Cups 10/12 • Dayton, OH • Dayton 20th Music Fest - Blind Bob’s 10/14 • Kansas City, MO • Sister Anne’s Records and Coffee 10/15 • Denver, CO • Lost Lake 10/16 • Salt Lake City, UT • The DLC 10/17 • Boise, ID • Shrine Social Club (Basement) 10/18 • Portland, OR • Star Theater 10/19 • Seattle, WA • Sunset Tavern 10/22 • San Francisco, CA • Bottom of the Hill 10/23 • Los Angeles, CA • Permanent Records Roadhouse 10/25 • Tucson, AZ • 191 Toole 10/26 • Albuquerque, NM • Juno Brewery 11/01 • Chicago, IL • Beat Kitchen 11/02 • Cleveland, OH • Beachland Ballroom
0 notes
jules-has-notes · 10 months
Selbyville, DE — VoicePlay live performances
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Sometimes it's nice to just do one show and be done. After a hectic tour in the spring, followed by festivals, and producing multiple videos, then shuffling between cruise ships for another month, VoicePlay popped up to Delaware for a single evening at The Freeman Stage at Bayside in Selbyville. Outdoor venues can be tricky from an audio standpoint, but these audience videos show that they (and trusty sound guy Paul) handled it like the professionals they are, treating the crowd to a grand time.
This feel-good tune lends itself to audience participation, and these guys love to work a crowd. Everyone gets a moment to shine vocally, while showing off the group's trademark silliness.
title: It's All Right
original performers: The Impressions
written by: Curtis Mayfield
arranged by: VoicePlay
performance date: 16 August 2014
My favorite bits:
Geoff laying out the rules / encouragement for the audience
Tony gamely busting out a soft-shoe time step
the slow-mo section ending in one fight and one bro-hug
Earl's big old high note, followed by a shy bow at the well-deserved applause
Eli interrupting and chatting to the front row
that lovely final chord
This song had been part of their repertoire since their 4:2:Five days. The earliest recording I've found is from a Carnival Cruise showcase in 2009.
Any Johnny Cash classic is an obvious spotlight for a bass singer, and Geoff definitely shines in this one. But sharing some of the lead vocals with Earl gives it a more dynamic sound than the original, which I really enjoy.
title: Daddy Sang Bass
original performer: Johnny Cash
written by: Carl Perkins
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 16 August 2014
My favorite bits:
Layne's little choo-choo motion to Earl during the opening harmonies (because they sound like a steam train?)
the canon of ♫ "The circle won't be broken" ♫ between Earl, Eli, and Tony
Earl soaring into the stratosphere in the third chorus
♫ "Mama's gettin' tired." ♫
Geoff dropping into the basement on the final ♫ "skyyy" ♫
They filmed a music video for this song six years later just in time for Father's Day 2018.
This song was also part of their set since at least 2008, though they wisely stopped carting around a giant picture frame and props for it.
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Additional photos
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sleepingswift85 · 3 months
Haven’t heard the new Gracie album yet but I can provide on what is hot in my opinion:
Tortured Poets… what can be said.. it was what we thought it was gonna be with a double album and references across an eighteen year discography.
Guts (Olivia Rodrigo) I barely find time to listen to it but Olivia delivers with a Tour that is blowing minds.
Once Upon A Time (Simple Minds) came out in 1985 but they were awesome at the Isle Of Wright Festival on Sunday and the singer is incredible. Lady on drums also killed it with her solos. Alive and Kicking? Definitely
Na (Nayeon) The reblogs tell the story. This lady has blown it all out of the park even beyond K-Pop standards. And THE DANCE BREAK on ABCD is well… the thing of the summer. I knew my Twice bias would deliver the best
With You (Twice) well it’s Twice what the hell am I supposed to say? One Spark is a banger and it follows on from Ready To Be. Dive a (Japanese Album) is out in a few weeks. In light of the noise Nayeon’s made on her own gonna be mad.
Staring to think maybe ONCE are giving us Swifties a run for our money in hypedom.
Morning View (Incubus) this got re-recorded apparently? OG album is a banger but what grabs the soul is the final track ‘Aqueous Transmission’ whatever the instrument Nick played it is just the sweetest sound. The axeman borrowed it from a friend on the condition he made something beautiful with it.
Armageddon (Aespa) these girls canny stop recording vibey songs with a cool story with them. A Banger
Fearless (Le Ssafirm) this albums a banger tbh. Just like Aespa the experimental nature of the songs and a collab with the legendary Chic Axeman Nile Rodgers? Cool.
Fave songs:
But Daddy I Love Him, Paper Rings, Mean (Tay) Butterflies, ABCD, Magic (Nayeon), Aqueous Transmission, Crowded Elevator, Wish You Were Here (Incubus), FFW, One Spark, Fancy (Twice), Chucky Vs The Giant Tortoise, Variation, On The Run (Dance Gavin Dance), Sanctify Yourself, Alive And Kicking (Simple Minds), Ice Cream Cake (Red Velvet) Blood and Fire, We Hate Everyone (Type O Negative) Part 2, Burying Luck (Minus The Bear) Expresso (Sabrina Carpenter) Frozen Creek (Circa Survive) Lovesick Girls (Blackpink) Sometimes, Right There, Problem (Ariana Grande) City of Ocala, Heartless, Another Song About The Weekend (A Day To Remember) Spot (Zico/Jennie)*
What wasn’t hot
Iwoa (Slipknot) it annoyed me when it came out and annoyed me when I tried it again. Corey’s screams don’t hit the way like they did with Slipknot’s debut.
Eternal Sunshine (Ariana Grande) no lie, I’ve been an annoyed Arianator for several years. Her obsession of wanting to wail in high key just such a far cry from the days of Pink Champagne, Problem and Dangerous Woman. I can enjoy Thank U Next and Sweetner. Positions is Meh. Ari’s problem is her music lacks personality. (Personality is a big feature of K-Pop)
Canny think of other bad records grating me at The mo.
just a summary by Mr Sleepingwell 🩷🎉
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