#Erik Winger
jules-has-notes · 1 month
collaboration spotlight — VoicePlay B-team live performance at MVMCP 2017
Because the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party residency at Disney World entails nearly 100 performances — 4 shows per night, 4 nights a week, for 6 weeks — it's necessary to have replacement singers who can step in when someone needs a night off. (If nothing else, Layne always took his birthday off. Let alone the possibility of someone getting sick or injured.) For the 2017 season, VoicePlay's primary backups were their buddies in fellow a cappella group Echo.
While they usually only needed one or two substitutes at a time, there was one night early in the run this year when VoicePlay was double-booked. So while they suffered through airport security hell on their way to the Kettering A Cappella Festival in Ohio, Echo took to the Tomorrowland stage in their stead, and did a great job performing the usual set. Give it up for the B-team!
setlist: [0:23] "Deck the Halls"; [2:30] "Holiday Road"; [4:40] introductions; [5:43] "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas"; [8:33] "Frosty the Snowman"; [10:40] "Santa and I Know It"
Echo members: Tony Flaherty (tenor 1), Deejay Young (tenor 2), Erik Winger (baritone), Antonio Fernandez (bass), & Joey D'Angelo-LaJoie (percussion)
performance date: 10 November 2017
My favorite bits:
the lovely blend of Erik and Deejay's voices as they enter
Tony's little jig step at the end of "Deck the Halls"
Antonio's cheerful tone on the lead for "White Christmas"
the rewind effect Joey adds to the end of the sleigh bell moment
Deejay's nimble riffs and runs in "Frosty"
the coordinating glances between Joey and Antonio during the second half of "Santa and I Know It"
Erik's big old belt near the end
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Antonio had subbed for Layne several times before, particularly during his paternity leave the previous summer, but this is the first (and only) time I've found of him standing in for Geoff on bass.
Deejay has collaborated with VoicePlay on many full-length videos and shorts in the past few years, starting during his hiatus from the Hamilton tour during the pandemic lockdown.
Joey and Deejay are both alumni of the "Beetlejuice Revue / Mashup" show at Universal Studios, having performed alongside Geoff, Kathy, Tony Wakim, and J.None during their tenures. Both guys had played the Wolfman, and Joey also performed as Dracula.
Joey has since appeared in episodes of PattyCake's Villains Lair series as LaFou, which he'd originated in their "Beauty and the Bieber" video earlier in the year.
Tony Flaherty appeared in PattyCake's "Avengers: Thunder" video as Peter Quill / Star-Lord the following summer.
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thornescratch · 1 year
'Shots Of Marrrrtini': What's Said & What Goes Into Capitals' Pregame Tunnel Routine
There is an exact science to the Washington Capitals' pregame routine, which takes place in the tunnel prior to warm-ups with captain Alex Ovechkin leading the way.
From the outside -- especially for those who have never watched ice hockey -- it can seem like a word salad with strange hand gestures and occasional shouting. For the Capitals, it makes complete sense, and it would be odd not to do it.
"It is, uh... it is strange," T.J. Oshie laughed. "But somehow, we all understand what's being said and what's going on. It's kind of like hearing your two-year-old speak. Other people can't understand them, but we know what they're saying, so it's great, it's fine."
Sammi Silber deserves a goddamn Pulitzer for this comprehensive breakdown of the Capitals’ pregame tunnel routine but my three favorite things:
LOUD NOISES: John Carlson, who is out indefinitely, said there are two words that'd sum up the whole routine: loud noises. Ovechkin would recognize Carlson with "I got my chicken parm babe, but," to which Carlson raised his arm up as the Russian held the "but," and when Ovechkin ran out of breath, he asked "whatchu want" as Carlson would point down and then engage in a quick handshake with No. 8. It's a reference to a 2017 Paisano's pizza commercial which starred Wilson and other D.C. sports personalities. Ovechkin is also famous for having chicken parmesan as he pregame meal.
CAFE MILANO: [Gustafsson] added that his favorite routine of late is the one that incorporates fellow first-year Capital Sonny Milano. He recently joined the handshake line and saw Ovechkin incorporate the D.C. restaurant "Cafe Milano" into the pregame formation. Ovechkin will greet him and Martin Fehervary with the following message if they're together. "After the game, we all going to Cafe Milano to drink shots of Marrrrrtini (a play on Fehervary's name) and then we gonna eat... Milanese..." Ovechkin will say, followed by the names of various types of pastas, sauces or foods with an "-ase" tagged on the end.
"I think a lot of it is made-up words... just whatever comes to his brain, and he just adds '-ase' to the end of it," Sheary laughed.
Milano still has no idea what the captain is saying, but he's into it. "I just nod my head and smile. I'm not too sure what he's saying but whatever's working," Milano chuckled.
SEXY/CUTEY BOY: Tom Wilson, who is finally back after missing eight months due to ACL surgery, is usually one of the first ones dressed and will chest bump Ovechkin three times. Sheary is usually also among the first ready to go, and Ovechkin will exchange a quick high-five with him before saying, "Let's go, sexy boy" (or at times, cutey boy)."
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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Bill 🤝 Carewyn
Requested by Anon
Featuring Jules Farrier-Weasley @cursebreakerfarrier and a reference to Night Rhea @night-rhea
From the time Bill graduated Hogwarts, the person he wrote to the most, even more than his own family, was his close friend, Carewyn Cromwell. After the events of 1989, including the death of Rowan, the creation of the Circle of Khanna, the discovery of the Sunken Vault, and the defeat of Charles Cromwell and R, the two grew closer than ever, and their letter-writing grew similarly more frequent. 
Here are some pictures of the tomb we found -- beautiful, isn’t it? I wish you could be here to see it in person.
Casework has been busy as ever, of course, but I’m glad for it. I want to help as many people as I can, and it feels good to know my superiors trust me with such important work. 
In my most recent letter from Mum, it seems Fred, George, and Ron snatched Dad’s Ford Anglia and flew it all the way to Surrey to break Harry out and take him home. Mum wasn’t happy -- but honestly, all I could do was remember when Charlie did the same thing, to come get us and Merula so we’d be home in time for Christmas! 
Rakepick was a bit more coherent than usual, during my most recent visit to Azkaban. I think the date today was significant to her for some reason, which helped anchor her even with all the dementors swarming around her. Regardless, she asked me how you were doing -- I told her you were in Egypt, which seemed to please her. 
Guess who I collided with, while exploring some Brazilian ruins? Your brother! He was still super prickly around me as ever, but he still looked proud, when I told him about your recent court victories. 
Your mother was a lovely host, as always, though she once again seemed to be peppering me with questions about my love life and what I’d want out of a romantic partner. I find it utterly baffling that she keeps falling back on trying to matchmake me with Charlie!  
I stopped by Romania to see Charlie on my way back home for the holidays. He says he can’t wait to see you this summer. Would you send along something to him? His mood seemed a bit dark when I was there, and it made me wish so much that I could stay longer so I could better suss out why. 
Bill -- I heard about the World Cup. Are you all right? Is everyone over there all right? Tell me everything.
Mum said in her most recent letter that Dad’s been oddly close-lipped about work lately. Obviously I’ve heard some things here and there about Bertha Jorkins and Barty Crouch, but I know I don’t have the full story. Is there anything you can tell me?
When the Minister had his huge falling-out with Dumbledore, though, Bill and Carewyn’s correspondence came to an abrupt halt. Carewyn knew that Fudge associated all of the Weasleys with Dumbledore, and so she knew that the only way to keep an advantageous position that she could then use to protect her loved ones and potentially sabotage Fudge’s more extreme measures was to distance herself from them. That year of written silence between the two was one of the hardest years Carewyn and Bill had ever experienced, being cut off from the one person they each confided in most out of anyone. 
Once the Death Eaters pierced the defenses of the Ministry, however, Fudge and the entire Wizarding World was forced to face the truth of Voldemort’s return. With this, Carewyn could initiate written correspondence with Bill again, though with the War getting worse and the mail being watched more than ever, their messages had to be censored somewhat.
I spoke to the two T’s recently about that matter we discussed last week, and they confirmed your suspicion. 
As much as I know you don’t care for our Oldest Associate, I do think he’s right in this. We have to trust each other. 
When the Ministry was taken over by the Death Eaters, Bill and Carewyn’s letters once again came to an abrupt halt. This time, though, Bill got creative. While in hiding at Shell Cottage, he wrote many letters “to Carewyn” in the form of a journal, with the thought that she’d be able to read all of them, after the War was over. 
No news today. I’m hopeful that the Potterwatch broadcast tomorrow night might have some good news.
Happy birthday, Carey! I wish so much that I could’ve gone shopping for something for you. Hope you’ll forgive me for being late. 
Dad brought along a care package from Mum -- they’re both well, and so are Fred and George. No news yet about how Ginny’s doing at school. 
No news today. I saw an eagle fly through the other day and for a split-second thought it might be Talbott. I was both disappointed and kind of relieved it wasn’t. 
Last night I dreamt of the Portrait Vault again. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve done that.
Ron appeared on my doorstep in the middle of the night. He was in very bad shape -- I’ve never seen him so pale and gaunt: like a dementor hovering about. He was barely even able to explain to me what had happened before he burst into tears. 
No news today. I sat on the beach a lot of today, watching the shoreline. The ocean made me remember the Hogwarts Lake, and the people I used to sit there with. Jules -- Charlie -- you and Rowan, as well. I miss those days so much.
Part of me wanted to just grab onto all three of them and tell them not to go back out there...but all I could think of was us, back in the Sunken Vault, when you tried to tell us all to go and save ourselves. Yet we all chose to stay behind, no matter what the risk to ourselves. I was the exact same age as they are right now. We were so young then, Carey...Merlin, we were so young...
It was a bittersweet relief when, after the War was finally over, Bill gave Carewyn a box full of his saved letters as a late birthday gift. Carewyn actually started to cry as she read them -- one of the few times Carewyn had ever cried in front of someone else, and only the second time in her life she’d ever cried in front of Bill. She ended up keeping those letters inside of an elegant leather-bound fake book she kept on her shelf for the rest of her life. 
Immediately after the War ended, Bill and Carewyn ended up exchanging letters or talking through the Floo Network pretty much daily. Bill had been very worried for Carewyn’s safety as the Head Prosecutor against convicted Death Eaters, and with Carewyn recently also having adopted a twelve-year-old Muggle-born named Erik Apollo, Bill was incredibly anxious for his friend’s safety. At several points, Bill’s new wife, Jules Farrier-Weasley, had to tell him to chill out a bit. 
“Come on, Bill -- this is Carey we’re talking about,” she’d told him with a reassuring smile. “She can take care of it. And even in those cases where she can’t, she’s got people there to help her. Talbott and Ben have been at every single case she’s prosecuted, just to serve as security. She’ll be fine.” 
Bill had a bit more difficulty relaxing, though, when the news that Carewyn might be in love reached his ears. Ever the overly affectionate and protective brother type, Bill didn’t immediately lash out or threaten violence the way Carewyn’s brother Jacob might -- but he did still write several letters to people. 
Penny -- what can you tell me about Orion Amari? 
Dear Andre, I know this is a bit out of the blue, but since you’re in the Quidditch World, I thought you might be able to tell me a bit about a player called Orion Amari. 
Hi, Night. It’s been a while, since we’ve talked -- I hope you’re doing all right. I know this is a bit abrupt, but I remembered you were on the Slytherin team with Orion Amari, back at school. What can you tell me about him?
Fortunately just about everything Bill received back was rather positive. Some of the people he’d written too had also caught wind of the fact that Carewyn and Orion had some unresolved romantic feelings for each other, and most of them reacted positively to the idea. Even Andre, who had dated Carewyn at school himself, thought they could make a rather handsome couple.
“There was plenty of speculation among the Ravenclaw team that Amari was sweet on Carewyn, back in the day,” he’d said in his response to Bill, “I suppose because of how determined he seemed to be to get her back on the team. But really, Cursebreaker was always a very good player, so I never blamed him for that.”
All of the positive reactions and testimonies to Orion’s character -- including from his own wife, who had also been in Slytherin -- soothed Bill’s nerves significantly. It made it so that when Carewyn brought up Orion in their letters, he was nothing short of encouraging. 
It’s great that you’ve been able to reconnect, through all this. I really look forward to meeting him myself soon...at least, properly.
Bill was a bit surprised, though, when Carewyn seemed to read his mind even from a thousand miles away and through the written page.
I can tell you’re worried about me, Bill, but please, believe me when I say you needn’t be. Hopefully when you do meet him, you’ll see that too.
And at the party celebrated Carewyn and Orion’s legal partnership, Bill’s concerns were put to rest, seeing Orion interacting with his infant daughter, his almost “stepson” Erik, and Carewyn. Even Bill’s mother Molly -- eternally a little disappointed that she hadn’t been able to matchmake Carewyn with one of her sons -- had to admit the two made a fine couple.
“It is a shame that they’re not planning to move in together,” Molly commented wistfully. “Carewyn would be such a wonderful mother to that little girl...and perhaps a few others, if they decided to grow their family..."
“Mum, Carey’s ace,” Bill reminded her with a wry smile. “She doesn’t want to have kids of her own.”
“Well, yes,” Molly conceded, “but that doesn’t mean they still couldn’t have more! Maybe adopt one more...really, with their combined salaries, they could more than afford a family of six...”
“They’re fine, Mum,” Bill cut her off gently.
He looked over at his best friend arm-in-arm with the dreamily philosophizing Captain of the Montrose Magpies a short way away. When she caught his eye, he grinned, and her entire face brightened, her eyes sparkling and her cheeks flushing with a kind of warmth and happiness Bill had only ever seen in Jules’s face, at their wedding. 
Within a week, the two were back to regularly writing letters again. In the beginning, it was largely about their respective significant others and how they were all settling back into normal life, but over the years, it branched out, encompassing their respective children and the future and their fears and their hopes. By the time Carewyn and Bill were old and gray, they’d written each other thousands of letters, many of which Carewyn managed to keep perfectly catalogued and preserved in her files. 
Soulmates are often used just to describe romantic relationships. If any pair could embody what it meant to be platonic soulmates, however -- two friends who understood each other at once upon meeting and became more “themselves” through interacting with each other than with anyone else -- Bill Weasley and Carewyn Cromwell would be a perfect example. 
Friendship Drabble Prompt! 
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ur-mag · 9 months
Erik ten Hag warns Jadon Sancho he might NEVER play for Man Utd again as he hints at MORE problems with outcast winger | In Trend Today
Erik ten Hag warns Jadon Sancho he might NEVER play for Man Utd again as he hints at MORE problems with outcast winger Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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goalhofer · 1 month
2024 IIHF Worlds Sweden Roster
#9 Adrian Kempe (Los Angeles Kings/Kramfors Stad)
#12 Max Friberg (Frölunda Hockeyklubb/Skövde Stad)
#16 Felix Unger-Sörum (Leksands Idrottsförening/Leksand)
#19 Marcus Sörensen (C.D.H. Fribourg-Gottéron/Södertälje)
#23 Lucas Raymond (Detroit Red Wings/Göteborg)
#29 Pontus Holmberg (Toronto Maple Leafs/Västerås)
#71 Victor Olofsson (Buffalo Sabres/Örnsköldsvik Stad)
#82 Jesper Frödén (Zürcher S.C./Stockholm)
#90 Marcus Johansson (Minnesota Wild/Landskrona)
#91 Carl Grundström (Los Angeles Kings/Umeå Stad)
#95 André Burakovsky (Seattle Kraken/Malmö)
#14 Joel Eriksson-Ek (Minnesota Wild/Karlstad)
#37 Isac Lundeström (Anaheim Ducks/Gällivare Stad)
#49 Fabian Zetterlund (San José Sharks/Karlstad)
#59 Linus Johansson (Färjestad Bollklubb/Ljungby Stad)
#25 Jonas Brodin (Minnesota Wild/Karlstad)
#26 Rasmus Dahlin (Buffalo Sabres/Trollhättan Stad)
#28 Marcus Pettersson (Pittsburgh Penguins/Skellefteå)
#32 Lukas Bengtsson (E.V. Zug/Stockholm)
#65 Erik Karlsson (Pittsburgh Penguins/Landsbro)
#72 Tim Heed (C.D.H. Ambrì-Piotta/Göteborg)
#77 Victor Hedman (Tampa Bay Lightning/Örnsköldsvik Stad)
#30 Jesper Wallstedt (Iowa Wild/Västerås)
#33 Samuel Ersson (Philadelphia Flyers/Falun Stad)
#35 Filip Gustavsson (Minnesota Wild/Skellefteå)
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bongaboi · 23 days
Manchester United: 2023-24 FA Cup Winners
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Manchester United pulled off a thrilling Emirates FA Cup triumph as teenage sensations Alejandro Garnacho and Kobbie Mainoo inspired a 2-1 win against rivals Manchester City.
Garnacho took advantage of a City mistake to put United ahead on the half-hour before Mainoo calmly doubled their lead, as the Red Devils stunned Pep Guardiola’s domestic double hopefuls in the first half.
City laid siege to United’s goal after half-time and hit the cross-bar through Erling Haaland, before substitute Jeremy Doku set-up a grandstand finish with a low shot into the bottom corner in the 87th minute.
However, United held firm to win the 13th Emirates FA Cup in their history, moving to within one of Arsenal’s record, and book their place in next season’s Europa League.
This marks their second trophy under manager Erik ten Hag and comes at the end of a wild Emirates FA Cup journey. United required extra-time to beat rivals Liverpool 4-3 in a pulsating quarter-final and then penalties to see off Coventry City in the semi-finals following a sensational 3-3 draw.
While this did not quite match those matches for drama, it was a nail-biting final and a fine way to end a difficult season for United that saw them finish eighth in the Premier League, 31 points behind champions City in the table.
City have the Premier League trophy to show for another excellent campaign but missed out on the chance to become the first side in English history to win back-to-back league and cup doubles.
Last year’s Emirates FA Cup triumph came against the very same opponents and this marked the first repeat final since 1885. That day, City scored after just 12 seconds – Ilkay Gundogan’s spectacular volley sending them on the way to a 2-1 win – and this match threatened an equally explosive start.
First, a long United pass forward sent Marcus Rashford through on goal but City captain Kyle Walker raced back to deny him a shot inside the box. Seconds later at the other end, Lisandro Martinez barged Haaland over in the penalty area, prompting claims for a City spot-kick.
United were content to sit back and pin their hopes to the counter-attack, and that almost bore fruit in the eighth minute when Bruno Fernandes found Garnacho inside the penalty area, but the winger shot straight at Stefan Ortega.
While that was a difficult opportunity, his next was gift-wrapped by some slack City defending.
Diogo Dalot sent a long and high ball upfield for Garnacho to chase, though City seemed to have it covered with Josko Gvardiol in front of the winger and Ortega rushing out of his goal. However, a lack of communication resulted in a costly error, as Gvardiol headed the ball over Ortega’s head and left opportunist Garnacho a simple tap-in.
With that, the mood changed. United were suddenly alive to every ball and confident enough to press City higher up the pitch, and, with the defending champions a touch off their best, it paid dividends.
Garnacho escaped City’s defence again and crossed for Rashford to tap into an empty net, sparking wild celebrations in the east stand that quickly were cut short by an offside flag. Nonetheless, City were warned, but – much to Guardiola’s frustration - they failed to listen.
Two minutes later, United cut City open with a scything move from left to right. It started with Rashford’s pin-point cross-field pass to Garnacho, who had time and space to pick a pass to Fernandes, unaccompanied on the edge of the box.
City defenders rushed to close down a potential shot, but the United captain brilliantly flicked the ball on to an unmarked Mainoo, who shot low and hard across Ortega and into the bottom corner. Suddenly, United were in firm control and City desperately playing catch up.
In response, Guardiola wasted no time in re-setting his team at half-time, sending the pacey winger Doku on in place of midfielder Mateo Kovacic in an attacking substitute.
The Belgian’s direct dribbling added an instant threat he twice went close to an assist with a pair of slippery cut-backs, first for Phil Foden, who scuffed his shot, before another later found Erling Haaland, whose vicious shot smacked the cross-bar.
Those 30 all-action seconds transformed the mood, with City - and their vocal fans behind the goal - growing in belief.
Walker reacted with a howitzer of a shot from 30 yards that forced Andre Onana into a sensational save, before another City substitute – Julian Alvarez – shot narrowly over the bar when well-placed inside the box. United were on the ropes.
Alvarez then wasted another fine opportunity, as he raced on to a sublime Foden pass inside the box but slid his shot wide of Onana’s right-hand post from just 10 yards out.
Walker forced Onana into another save with a snarling long-range shot, but City’s charged started to flatline as full-time approached.
However, Doku sparked a nail-biting finale when he drifted onto his right foot on the left wing and beat Onana at his near-post with a low shot from the edge of the box.
But they failed to create another major opportunity and United survived to the final whistle, sparking jubilant celebrations in the red halves of Wembley and Manchester.
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Avalanche warmup routines: From Evan Rodrigues’ game with kids to Samuel Girard’s pauses - By Peter Baugh (The Athletic)
Erik Johnson
Johnson wasn’t particularly forthcoming about whether he has any on-ice routines.
“Nothing I would tell you,” he said.
But if you watch every game, you’ll notice that, ahead of line rushes, he flips a few pucks all the way across the ice and into the netting, where they drop toward fans.
“Just working on the flips,” he conceded when asked about the trend, though he insisted it’s not superstition.
His locker neighbor, on the other hand, certainly falls in the superstitious category.
“You should ask this guy,” Johnson said, gesturing to the locker next to him, which belongs to …
Mikko Rantanen considers himself superstitious, especially during the playoffs, but he’s quick to add that there are others who are worse.
“I’m not going to say names, he said. “But 49.”
That means Samuel Girard, the Avalanche defenseman who wears No. 49. He’s notorious among his teammates for his routines, and he doesn’t always like to share his secrets.
“You can talk to him, but he’s probably not going to say anything,” Rantanen said.
The star winger was correct. Girard declined to comment.
“I don’t want to start with that; it’s just too long,” he said last season, and he again didn’t want to speak on it this month.
Some Avalanche players are superstitious. Others just have habits. Nathan MacKinnon, for example, is almost always the last player skating during warmups.
“I feel like everybody follows similar sets of stuff,” defenseman Cale Makar says. “I don’t think there’s something that, if I changed it, it would make a difference. I feel like most guys are the same way.”
Some are, some aren’t. The Athletic conducted a dressing room survey about what players’ on-ice routines look like — and also tried to piece together what makes Girard’s unique.
Evan Rodrigues
Rodrigues’ pregame pattern is one of the most noticeable — at least when his two sons, Grayson and Noah, are in the building.
“Just getting them involved, it makes their day,” says Rodrigues, who came to the Avalanche from Pittsburgh this offseason. “It’s worked out for me, so I might as well keep doing that.”
Rodrigues shoots a maximum of three pucks at the camera hole in the corner of the glass. When he makes one of the shots, he stops.
“If I don’t, I’ll just pick it up and give it to my kids at home (games),” he says. “And then on the road I’ll try to find an Avs fan and give it to a little kid.”
He used to just have to give a puck to Grayson. But now Noah is old enough to want one, too.
Rodrigues has had a successful year on the ice, with 18 points in 27 games. His puck-shooting at the camera hole has been less successful, though.
“I’ve been really cold right now, not going to lie,” he said Dec. 30. “I’ve been bad. I’ve been close but I haven’t gotten it through. At the beginning of the year I was probably 50 percent, and now I don’t think I’ve gotten one since I’ve gotten back from injury.”
J.T. Compher
Compher is the designated puck distributor before line rushes. He gathers them in the net and then flings them to his teammates at the blue line. He’s not quite sure how it started.
“I’ve just always done it here,” he said. “It started when I was younger and now it’s just part of my routine.”
Andrew Cogliano
MacKinnon and Compher chirped the always-industrious Cogliano as he started to talk about how he handles warmups, repeating the question across the dressing room and saying he doesn’t do anything.
“I like to think I actually warm up for the games,” the veteran quipped back. “Comph is flinging pucks around. Mikko is talking to fans. … I use it as preparation.”
He said he potentially goes “a little too hard” at times, but he likes to take advantage of his last chance to prepare before the game.
Ben Meyers
“I don’t really have anything I need to do,” he said. “My only superstition is that I have no superstition. I’m that guy.”
Brad Hunt
The veteran defenseman has off-ice preparation he does before every game, including stretches and skipping. But on the ice, he doesn’t do anything particularly distinct. The journeyman has played on seven NHL teams, and only one for more than 100 games (Minnesota, exactly 100 games). He doesn’t want to be a disruptor.
“Especially being new, you don’t want to screw with anybody else’s routine,” he says.
Andreas Englund
The defenseman makes sure to stand on the right side of the blue line during parts of the warmups.
“Small stuff like that (becomes) a habit,” he said.
Alex Newhook
Newhook has two on-ice rituals. One involves an equipment manager. The other includes the glass.
During warmups, Newhook will go to the bench, where assistant equipment manager Donny White sprays him with a water bottle. The 21-year-old also makes a point to jump into the glass three times.
“Bit of energy, get the guys going a bit,” he said. “It’s funny: The place I do it, there’s always the same fan there every time. (She has a) cowbell. She puts it on the glass and it always falls over.”
Alexandar Georgiev
“I try to read the shots and then play with the puck a little bit,” the goalie said. “I try to be ready to play the puck behind the net. Couple passes. Forehand, backhand.”
Mikko Rantanen
“I have the routine I do at the rink, and it’s always the same,” he said. “You can argue it’s superstition. I just do it.”
Want to know exactly what his routines are?
“You probably can see them in the on-ice warmup if you watch two games in a row,” Rantanen said.
Logan O’Connor
“Normally, when we’re doing the half-moon shooting, I take my first shot and then I go to the bench and take 20 seconds and take it all in: what’s gotten me to this level and how grateful I am,” he said. “Just sort of reflect. Sometimes you get caught up in it, and it’s hard to appreciate it. I try to do that every pregame warmup for 10, 20 seconds.”
Erik Johnson
Johnson wasn’t particularly forthcoming about whether he has any on-ice routines.
“Nothing I would tell you,” he said.
But if you watch every game, you’ll notice that, ahead of line rushes, he flips a few pucks all the way across the ice and into the netting, where they drop toward fans.
“Just working on the flips,” he conceded when asked about the trend, though he insisted it’s not superstition.
His locker neighbor, on the other hand, certainly falls in the superstitious category.
“You should ask this guy,” Johnson said, gesturing to the locker next to him, which belongs to …
Samuel Girard
As mentioned earlier, Girard didn’t want to talk through his pregame regiment. But here’s what it looked like ahead of Colorado’s Jan. 2 matchup with Vegas:
Early in the warmup, Girard stops near center ice. He puts his hands on his knees and remains still for around 30 seconds. He stops at the bench, then skates quickly toward the net. Before line rushes, after circling the ice a few times, he stops once again to put his hands on his knees, this time at the center of the blue line. Later in the warmup, he stops on the blue line away from the bench and remains there for around a minute before taking a shot and doing some fast skating around Colorado’s half of the rink.
His routine remains the same. Night in, night out.
“Eighty-two times a year,” Rantanen said.
Added Girard simply when asked last season: “I like to have my routine.”
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devilsupdates · 2 months
#NJDevils  starters versus Leafs:
→ Clarke-Hischier-Bratt
→ Hughes-Marino
→ Allen
1-0 Leafs. Tavares
#NJDevils  strike right back! Erik Haula ties it up!
Unassisted goal by Erik Haula
2-1 Leafs.
Matthew's 67th goal of the year.
Nolan Foote picks off a pass then does some dangling in front of Samsonov and we're tied at two.
Nolan Foote!! Tie game
Five goals scored between the #NJDevils  and Leafs before this game is even 10 minutes old.
3-2 Leafs. Robertson.
#NJDevils  will challenge for off-side.
OFF-SIDE! No goal!
Game remains tied between #NJDevils  and Leafs!
MacDermid is absolutely throwing his weight around out there.
#NJDevils  will get the first power play of the game.
Max Domi going off for slashing Luke Hughes.
And you can't do that.
#NJDevils  are up 3-2!
Meier unleashed a one-timer off that feed from Bratt, was in the net before it was even off his stick.
Jesper Bratt hits 80 points! He picks up the primary assist on Timo's PPG.
And it's another point for Luke Hughes. He's up to 46 points in his rookie season.
He's credited with the secondary assist.
Timo's 26th of the season.
End of one.
We had lots of goals.
#NJDevils  lead the Leafs 3-2.
✖️Tavares (Marner)
🚨Haula (unassisted)
✖️Matthews (Domi, Brodie)
🚨Foote (unassisted)
🚨Meier (Bratt, L. Hughes)
Shots: 12-7, TOR
Clarke going off for a hook
Four minutes into the second and #NJDevils  are still looking for their first shot of the period.
This has been heavy Leafs and Jake Allen to start the second.
Tie game. Matthews.
68 goals.
4-3 Leafs.
Domi and Nemec drop gloves...
I don't think Nemec threw a punch, but Domi sure did 😬
Simon Nemec and Auston Matthews get into a bit of a heated board battle. Matthews certainly takes exception to Nemec and the two take their own liberties.
But then Max Domi comes in and and goes right after Nemec, the two drop the gloves.
The penalties were:
Domi: instigator, 5 for fighting, and 10 min misconduct.
Nemec got five for fighting
IT's tie game again!
#NJDevils  and Leafs tied at 4 with 11 seconds left in the second period.
End of two.
Big time goal by Meier ties #NJDevils  and Leafs at 4.
1:✖️Tavares (Marner)
1:🚨Haula (unassisted)
1:✖️Matthews (Domi, Brodie)
1:🚨Foote (unassisted)
1🚨Meier (Bratt, L. Hughes)
2:✖️Matthews (Domi, Bertuzzi)
2:✖️Kampf (Dewar)
2:🚨 Meier (Hischier)
Shots: 22-13, TOR
The third period is underway!
#NJDevils  and Leafs tied at 4.
#NJDevils  will get a power play here with 9:47 left in the third period. Game is tied at 4.
5-4 #NJDevils !!! Bratt power play goal!!!
Timo Meier picks up the assist on Bratt's power play goal... he also has two power play goals of his own tonight.
First time in Meier's career that he has 3 power play points in a game.
Tavares. Leafs tie it up at 5.
BRATTER!!! #NJDevils  take the 6-5 lead with 1:14 to play!!!
42 seconds left. Leafs going to the PP.
Palat's best play in his time with #NJDevils  has always come alongside Hischier. However, that doesn't seem like an anomaly among wingers.
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jules-has-notes · 2 months
2017 VoicePlay spring travels — all over the map
VoicePlay were some busy bunnies in early 2017, and they continued to get by with some help from their friends, particularly their three substitute singers for live shows.
The guys started their spring with a mini-tour through Georgia. They picked up J.None and traversed the state to play four shows in five days.
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Some auditions go more smoothly than others, but they're always amusing.
Howdy, fellas
When their pals Home Free came to town, the guys couldn't resist seeing them do their thing.
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Then they grabbed Erik Winger and hit the road again for a whirwind weekend. First they hopped over to Texas for a student workshop and a concert in Lake Jackson. (While they were there, Winger also earned cool points with some fans' kids via backstage shenanigans.)
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Next they flew up to Pennsylvania to headline a local high school a cappella festival. Then they headed down to Washington, DC for a private event.
Workin' day and night
After they got home, Layne, Tony, and sound guy Paul Kaleka spent most of the next week working on PattyCake's next project, "Michaeleficent", at a couple different locations in the area.
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Geoff and Kathy spent some time making final preparations for the impending arrival of their little one, and VoicePlay brought in his paternity leave replacement — Bryant Vance, member of Vocalosity and Rockapella, and then-fiancé of their frequent collaborator Hannah Juliano — to get him up to speed.
Meanwhile, J.None was a busy bee. He recorded some vocals for a friend's EP; squeezed in a quick cruise gig with one of his other regular groups at the time, Paradigm Party Band; volunteered at an annual event to uplift unhoused people; and then met up with Paradigm again for an electrifying night at the Hard Rock Cafe.
Once J was available again, VoicePlay scooped him up for a private event at Disney World.
clips of "A Whole New World", "I Want It That Way", & "Hound Dog"
Here comes a son
And then it was time to meet the newest, tiniest member of the Castellucci family (a couple weeks sooner than expected).
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Geoff's announcement on Twitter // the Steins' first visit // wrangling the baby and the fur baby
Kathy posted a video on Instagram for William's seventh birthday that includes footage of them in the hospital before and after his birth. The kid's become quite a little bundle of energy, as Geoff predicted.
Bright lights, several cities
Bryant started his subbing duties the next week with a corporate gig in Fort Lauderdale. A couple days later, the guys pulled Geoff out of the house for one day to film their next video with J.None.
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The week after that, they gathered up Winger and met Bryant in Washington, DC for a private event at the Library of Congress.
Back at home, J.None and his friend Daniel provided a live serenade for another friend's marriage proposal. (She said yes.)
Some of the gang followed Bryant home to NYC, and had a bit of an aca-reunion with Hannah and former 4:2:Five tenor Danny Alan. The Edge Effect's Instagram account joked that they were forming a supergroup called the RockaLocity PlayEffect. (They do have all the vocal parts covered…)
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From the seas to the plains
In the middle of May, the guys set sail for the Bahamas on the Disney Dream once more, again with both Winger and Bryant. (Some high seas hijinks ensued when Erik fell asleep in the wrong cabin.)
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During their week at home in between trips, Eli and Ashley bought a new house.
Then VoicePlay finished the month by hitting the road again with J.None and Geoff back in the mix for a show in Toledo, Ohio.
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Toledo, OH show — photos by Mary D. Fox
Functioning privately
June was a bit quieter, allowing the guys to do some work at home in preparation for future projects. Layne, Cyndi, and the girls even recorded a family music video of "Dear Theodosia" from Hamilton for Doris's first birthday.
VoicePlay did have a couple of private events booked for the middle of the month, though. The first was at a marina in Vancouver.
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The second was at the top of a hotel in Miami Beach.
sound check of "Don't Stop Me Now"
backstage shenanigans (No, I don't know why Earl is saying "fish".)
Ships in the morning
They closed out the season with one more trip on the Dream, where they crossed paths with their pals The Edge Effect.
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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Charlie 🤝 Carewyn 
Requested by Anon
Whenever Charlie Weasley came home to the U.K., his mother Molly would frequently insist that he stay at the Burrow. On those occasions when Charlie wasn’t able to spend more than a night, or when the Weasleys didn’t have room for him for whatever reason, he always made plans to stay at Carewyn’s flat. Such was the case one night in 1998, not long after the Second Wizarding War had come to an end. Carewyn’s new ward Erik had just started his first year at Hogwarts, and Charlie had swept through England briefly as a favor to his friend and fellow dragonologist Felix Rosier, who now had immediate family awaiting their trial in front of the Wizengamot. As fate would have it, Carewyn was the prosecutor, so Charlie used the excuse of dropping off the paperwork to her to spend time with his “unofficial twin.”
“Didn’t read much of it, but I gather it’s some kind of written testimony, on behalf of his younger siblings,” said Charlie. “And well...as much as I hate those two, and as much as I reckon Felix hates everything they’ve done too, I can’t blame him for wanting to defend them.”
Carewyn sighed. As strained as the Rosier family’s relationships were thanks to Mrs. Rosier’s toxic parenting, she’d guessed Felix would want to offer some defense for Emmett and Boudicca. 
“How is Felix?” she asked, as she moved to place Felix’s letter in a neat stack on top of her desk. “I heard he was with you at the Battle of Hogwarts, but...”
Her eyes darkened noticeably.
“...well, there was so much else going on...”
The faces of Fred, Tonks, Lupin, and Snape all swam through Carewyn’s mind, making her heart throb in ice-cold, numbing pain. 
Charlie’s eyes had lost a lot of their light too. 
“...Yeah. Felix led the rest of us, while I headed for the castle. I had planned to come back, but...well, afterwards, Felix said he completely understood why. Considering what happened to...”
The second eldest Weasley couldn’t say his younger brother’s name aloud. It was like “Fred” was an unpleasant acid that burned his throat, making him choke before he could properly form the letters. 
Carewyn turned away from her desk so she could sweep back over to Charlie, wrapping both of her arms around his neck and holding him tight. Charlie buried his face in Carewyn’s shoulder, his hand securing itself in her shorter hair.
“I shoulda been there, Carey,” he muttered.
“Don’t say that,” Carewyn murmured.  
“I shoulda been there to protect him,” Charlie said more fiercely. “I’m his big brother -- I should’ve made sure nothing happened to -- ”
“You don’t think Percy and Bill don’t feel the exact same way?” Carewyn tried to scold him, but her voice came out just as pained and grieving herself. 
Charlie clenched his teeth. His freckled hand was shaking in her hair. 
Carewyn’s eyes grew a little smaller as she squeezed him that bit tighter.
“...I know you feel like you could’ve done more, Charlie,” she whispered, “and I know what that feels like -- you know I do...”
She brought a hand up to trail along the back of his head. 
“I’ve felt that way ever since Rowan’s death,” she said in a voice so soft it was a mere shadow against his ear. “And I feel it again, every single time I fail anybody I’ve become even the slightest attached to. Any time they suffer, or die, and I could’ve protected them and their family from that pain.”
She trailed a hand along his ponytail. 
“I’ll never know the grief you’re going through -- I know I never could. But...you’re not alone in feeling that guilt...of wishing you were there, to save him. ...I hope you know that.”
Charlie gave a loud sniff. Then his voice came out oddly amused.
“...Talbott always did say you hold yourself to an impossible standard.”
Despite the humor, Carewyn could hear the tears choking his voice. She steadied her hand on the back of his head, almost cradling it. He clung to the back of her shirt and the two rocked back and forth together, as if each of them was trying to comfort the other the way a parent soothes a crying child. 
“He looked up to you, you know,” Charlie said lowly, with a bittersweet smile. “Even though he always joked...I know he did. Him and George.”
Carewyn smiled sadly too through her tears. “And you know how much he and George loved and respected you. Merlin...they only joined the Circle of Khanna at all because of you and Bill...”
Charlie’s own eyes were flooding with tears too as his smile spread to a grin. “Heh...right. Pretty much refused to be kept out, once they found out what we were up to..."
The two “Fireballs” stood together in Carewyn’s sitting room for a while, just hugging and quietly crying. Finally they broke apart just enough to settle down on Carewyn’s couch, where they sat together for a while longer, Charlie resting his head on Carewyn’s shoulder and Carewyn resting her head on top of Charlie’s, while also wordlessly summoning them some cups of coffee from the kitchen.
“Are you worried about him?” Charlie asked abruptly, after a moment.
Carewyn glanced down at him on her shoulder, frowning in slight confusion. 
“Your new kid -- Erik,” supplied Charlie. “He’ll be at Hogwarts now, and...well, Hogwarts wasn’t safe before all this...”
Carewyn relaxed slightly. She angled her face a bit so that it rested in Charlie’s hair.
“I know,” she said lowly. “But Minerva’s Headmistress now. If there’s anyone who’s capable enough to protect the most vulnerable students, it’s her.”
“I’ll never get over how you’re on a first-name basis with my old Head of House,” Charlie said with a cheeky grin. “I mean, that woman was like my aunt -- if my aunt wasn’t gossip-happy Aunt Muriel --”
“Well, you’re the one who hit it off with my ex-Prefect,” Carewyn shot back in return. “You don’t think that’s a bit surreal for me?”
“Hey, Felix is a good bloke, once you learn to avoid his spikes,” Charlie said amusedly. 
“And once he gets over comparing you to your ‘delinquent’ brother,” Carewyn said very coolly. “Or perhaps that’s just me.”
Charlie laughed. As his laughter slowed, his brown eyes flitted up to his “twin’s” head on top of his with a bit of fondness. 
“I’m serious, though -- I’m glad I met him. It’s not every day you find someone else who’s more interested in chasing dragons than the physical assets of the Preserve’s newest recruits,” he added with a roll of his eyes.
Carewyn smiled slightly too. “I know what you mean.”
It baffles me how disheartened Mrs. Weasley is, that I still haven’t ‘found a nice person’ to settle down and start a family with...as if one needs to marry and bear children to find completion in life...
Charlie’s expression softened further as he closed his eyes.
“That’s what I love about you, Carey,” he said with a big grin. “The fact that you know.”
Carewyn smiled a bit more fully herself as she wrapped her arm around Charlie’s shoulders and gave him a sideways hug. 
Yes, perhaps Bill and Carewyn were best friends and had more personality traits in common -- but Charlie and Carewyn were still kindred spirits in their own way, focusing on their dreams and on protecting their loved ones far more than pursuing any romantic prospects. And even when Carewyn did find a romantic partner herself, she and Charlie still shared that independent spark that made them just as happy to be on their own, doing what they loved most in the world. 
Friendship Drabble Prompt! 
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heavenlyhischier · 6 months
hello! I’m currently working on a devils fic but I’m not familiar with most of the players (except the popular ones like jake luke nico) and the wags. could you give a rundown of some of the players and wags that might be good for plot? thank you!
hi! i can do my best for sure. i did do someresearch for this, but i didn’t dig any harder than checking PUBLIC instagrams for names of wives and girlfriends. though i did know some of them already.
i think this is good? if not let me know 😭
John Marino— #6, defenseman, graduated from Harvard. Traded from the Pens, was drafted in 2015 initially by the oilers. He’s American. Single
Dawson Mercer— #91, Center, drafted 20th overall by the Devs, he’s Canadian. Single.
Alexander Holtz— #10, R Winger, selected 7th overall by the Devs, he’s Swedish. Single
Timo Meier— #28, R Winger, drafted ninth overall by the Sharks in 2016, played with them until 2023 when he came to the Devs. He’s swiss. Single
Simon Nemec— #17, defenseman, drafted second overall in 2022 by the Devs, his girlfriend is Anna i think. he’s Slovak.
Jesper Bratt— #63, L winger, he was drafted in 2016 by the devils, he’s swedish, and his girlfriend is Nicole
Tyler Toffoli— #73, center, drafted in 2010 by the LA Kings initially, but has played with the Canucks, Canadiens, and Flames before being traded to the devils. His wife is Cat! He’s also Canadian
Erik Haula— #56, L winger, drafted in 2008 by the Wild, but has played with VGK, the Canes, the Panthers, the Preds, and the Bruins before playing with the devils. He’s finnish and his wife is Kristen! They have one dog, one kid, and she’s currently pregnant with their second child.
Colin Miller— #24, Defenseman, drafted in 2012, by the LA kings, played with the Bruins, VGK, Sabres, and Stars before going to the devils. He’s Canadian. Not sure on his wife’s name, but they just welcomed their first baby!! I believe they have a dog too
Brendan Smith— #2, Defenseman, drafted in 2007 by the Red Wings. Played for the Rangers and Canes as well before going to the Devils. His wife is Samantha and they have three kids and a dog.
Nathan Bastian— #14, R Winger, drafted 41st overall by the Devs in 2016. Initially started out in the AHL, but moved up in 2019. He was on the Krakens roster during the 21-22 season for a brief period before going back to the Devs that November. He’s Canadian. I believe his girlfriend is Jess
Curtis Lazar— #42, Center, drafted in 2013 by the Sens, played with Flames, Sabres, Bruins, and Canucks before going to the Devs. He’s canadian and his wife is Reanne and they have two kids!
Ondrej Palat— #18, L Winger, drafted in 2011 by the Lightning before playing with the Devs. I think his wife’s name is Barb(?), and they have one kid. He’s Czech
Kevin Bahl— #88, Defenseman, drafted in 2018 by the Yotes before coming to the Devs, he’s Canadian. Has. girlfriend/wife but i’m not sure on her name. they’re expecting!!
Jonas Siegenthaler— #71, defenseman, drafted in 2015 by the Caps before coming to the Devs in 2021. He’s Swiss. Girlfriend/Wife is Nola!
Dougie Hamilton— #7, defenseman, drafted 9th overall by the Bruins in 2011, has played with them, the Flames, and the Canes before coming to the Devs. His girlfriend is Bree. He’s Canadian.
Vitek Vanecek— #41, Goalie, drafted in 2014 by the Caps before playing with the Devs starting 2022. Wife is Tynka. He’s Czech
Nico Daws— #50, Goalie, drafted in 2020 by the Devs. Has played the beginning of this season with Utica due to undergoing hip surgery over the summer. I think his girlfriend is Sara? He’s German-Canadian
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senditcolton · 2 years
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Avalanche’s championship an act of love between veterans Landeskog, Johnson
Written by Mark Kiszla, Denver Post, June 27th 2022.
The only thing better than winning the NHL championship? Sharing a big hockey hug with your best friend.
Before they went dancing with the Stanley Cup, Avalanche captain Gabe Landeskog and Erik Johnson carved out a little piece of ice amid the celebration of a 2-1 victory against Tampa Bay and embraced like brothers from different mothers.
“We were crying, telling each other how much we loved each other. How proud we were of each other. We’ve been teammates for 11 years. We finally climbed the mountain,” Johnson tole me late Sunday, after Colorado beat the Lightning in Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final to claim the franchise’s first championship since 2001.
It was worth the wait, because these is no more beautiful dance in sports that the one Landeskog took with a 139-year-old beauty. Landeskog lifted the 34.5-pound silver chalice overs his head, welcoming the Cup back home to Colorado with a kiss.
And then? Landeskog handed the Cup to Johnson. Hockey besties. Sharing the greatest prize in the game. Atop the mountain. Together.
“To win it with E.J. is just so special. He has been my best friend since Day 1… he was the first guy to reach out to me after I got drafted,” Landeskog told me. “I’ve been following my big brother for all these last 11 years. To be able to hand off that Stanley Cup and watch him skate away with it…”
I’m not crying. You’re crying.
Landy and E.J. have given heart and soul to this team, not the mention teeth and assorted other body parts, from years when the Avs weren’t easy to love through this crowning glory. Between them, Johnson and Landeskog have played 1,509 games, scored 344 goals and contributed 551 assists to the Burgundy and Blue.
A child lead the Avs to their first championship since 2001. OK, check that. At 23 years old, baby-faced defensemen Cale Makar only looks like the kid who takes you hamburger order at the drive-through window. On a star-studded roster, Makar was the man, richly deserving of the Conn Smythe trophy as the playoff MVP.
But did you see Landeskog crawling off the ice to the Avs bench in the final desperate minutes of the Cup-clinching contest, in obvious pain after blocking a wicked hard shot by Tampa Bay forward Nikita Kucherov?
Landeskog “might be the most important person in this whole organization,” Johnson said before this championship series began. “The demeanor he had, the type of player he is. Just a critical piece. He’s the cog that makes this machine go. The heartbeat of this team.”
And know what’s wild to think?
It not for kind twists of fate, both Landeskog and Johnson might not have shared a sweet hug they’ll cherish until their final breaths on this earth.
His NHL career could’ve ended with Johnson’s face hit the ice with a sick thud on Jan. 30, 2021, the result of a clean hit by Minnesota winger Jordan Greenway. Nearly five months after suffering a concussion, Johnson moved in a fog, from one uncertain day to the next.
“I was frankly sick of being injured. It was very disheartening,” Johnson told me. “With a concussion, it can be a week for some guys and a month for others. Or it can be career-ending. And I didn’t really know where I fell in that spectrum… I wasn’t totally sure I was going to come back and play this year, to be honest.”
A phone call cemented the resolve of and often-injured player to give a quest for the Cup on more shot, at age 34.
Joe Sakic, the front-office exec that put this championship puzzle together, reached out to Johnson and said: “We’re going to need you if you’re feeling well enough to play.”
Landeskog was born in Sweden, but he proudly calls Denver his hockey home, because this is where he grew up as a hockey player after joining the Avalanche as a teenager in 2011. But after a decade run with the team, he was forced by the cruel business side of hockey to contemplate leaving in the wake of a disheartening playoff loss to Vegas.
Last summer, less than 60 minutes before he was scheduled to become a free agent, Landeskog agreed to a new 8-year, $56 million deal to remain with the Avalanche.
“It did go down to the wire, that’s for sure,” Sakic said. “Maybe near the end I was a little worried, but I was hopeful we’d get it done. Both sides were really happy with the deal. He can finish his career as an Avalanche. That’s how it should be.”
Fighting back tears while standing on the ice of Amalie Arena, amid a celebration with family and friends, Landeskog said: “Management didn’t blow things up after losing in the second round for the third tear in a row. They kept believing in us.”
Every championship dream is born of faith, earned through sweat and strength to be these for your best friend in the locker room, to apply glue to a broken heart in defeat and share the tears of joy in victory.
“Gabe. Me. We won a championship. Finally. After 11 years,” Johnson said. “It’s amazing. But we did. And we did it together.”
And now? The names of Landeskog and Johnson will be engraved on the Stanley Cup. Together. Best hockey friends. Forever.
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unitedbydevils · 6 months
Match Review: Manchester United 0-3 AFC Bournemouth
Normal service has resumed. We are shit.
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Manchester United were humbled by visitors Bournemouth on a rainy Saturday afternoon at Old Trafford, with defensive frailties resuming normal service aka Crisis Mode at United in the Ten Hag era as the Cherries put three past the Red Devils to the sound of boos from the rightly incensed home fans.
An early goal for Dominic Solanke put United on the back foot, but for the most part the players bounced back and began to control the tempo and dominate possession - largely due to good work in the pivot role from Sofian Amrabat.
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United were unable to find a goal in the first half, and this sums up United's issues this season. We're currently on -3 goal difference. We don't score, but crucially we don't supply Højlund. Martial... well when we did try and supply him he seemed uninterested or incapable. A man lost at sea.
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But Rasmus, he's a talented kid, and more is needed from our players to utilise that centre point. Not as a target man per se, but as part of a goalscoring formula whereby we stop having TWENTY SHOTS but only three on target. It's gross.
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This naivety or tactical indiscipline or laziness or lack of quality... whatever we label it as, it's why United keep getting put on the back foot, and why Onana's under fire in the press when really it's just because he's under fire so much on the pitch.
Defence was always the weakness for a good, winning Ajax side, and it was always going to be an opportunity to exploit for United even on a good day. Today was not a good day. Shaw and Maguire lost Solanke for goal number one. Shaw and Reguilon failed to stop Billing for goal number two. Maguire was marking the wrong man as Senesi bagged goal number three.
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The Opta stat above is a damning indictment, but so too is the stat that United have now lost more home games post-Fergie than we did under the great man himself. The state of it.
We should give credit to Bournemouth though. They played with intensity, a strong press, and utilised wingers far more effectively than United. The problem is that even that good showing from them should have been manageable for this United side. Players shouldn't repeatedly lose the man they're marking, or fail to jump properly defending aerial balls. That's before we even get to absent Scottish midfielders allergic to possession football, or petulance from other players to get themselves booked.
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Ten Hag has his approach to football, but it heavily relies on playing out from the back. Only Martinez can do this, and this might be the downfall of the Dutchman and see a new manager - maybe Graham Potter? - brought in under our new owners (whenever that's announced).
This is where the Glazers should have done more to ensure suitable players were recruited and those squad members unable to play the Ten Hag way were moved on.
That's not to say there's no justified criticism of Ten Hag. We're yet to see the payoff from signing Mason Mount (admittedly, twice injured now), Onana's had a wobbly start to life at United, but also the issue of Antony. Erik wanted him, the club said no, then United lose to Brighton and Brentford and suddenly we're willing to sign him and pay Ajax twice as much as they initially wanted early in the summer when they could easily replace him... make it make sense.
This is where Sir Jim Ratcliffe and his potential hires could fix up United's woes. Strategic planning is crucial, and United as an organisation - especially under Ed Woodward - are pure Football Manager on-a-whim, wing it, yolo. That's money that could buy a new ball-playing CB to be able to play Ten Hag's brand of football and avert this panic mode defending where players are evidently uncomfortable with the style.
Time to console myself with more FM24 and escape this horrible reality. Bayern next, Liverpool after. Woo...
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goalhofer · 5 months
2023-24 Utica Comets Roster
#18 Jace Isley (Grande Prairie, Alberta)**
#21 Arnaud Durandeau (Montreal, Quebec)*
#24 Brian Halonen (Delano, Minnesota)
#61 Chase Stillman (Peterborough, Ontario)**
#67 Xavier Parent (Laval, Quebec)**
#79 Samuel Laberge (Châteauguay, Quebec)
#92 Graeme Clarke (Ottawa, Ontario)
#10 Justin Dowling (Cochrane, Alberta)*
#15 Joe Gambardella (Staten Island, New York) A
#16 Filip Engarås (Stockholm, Sweden)
#19 Ryan Fitzgerald (North Reading, Massachusetts)*
#26 Ryan Schmelzer (Buffalo, New York) C
#51 Kyle Criscuolo (Southampton Township, New Jersey)*
#2 Michael Vukojevic (Oakville, Ontario)
#3 Will MacKinnon (Plymouth, Michigan)**
#5 Robbie Russo (Downers Grove Township, Illinois) A
#8 Santteri Hatakka (Riihimäki Kaupunki, Finland)*
#22 Colin Felix (Camden, New Jersey)**
#23 Tyler Wotherspoon (Surrey, British Columbia)
#83 Topias Vilén (Lahti, Finland)**
#93 Daniil Misyul (Yaroslavl, Russia)**
#1 Isaac Poulter (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
#31 Erik Källgren (Stockholm, Sweden)*
#40 Akira Schmid (Bern, Switzerland)
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rinkrookiepod · 9 months
Hockey Positions - Extended Edition
In our latest episode we talked about the official hockey positions: Centers, L/R Wingers, L/R Defenseman and Goaltenders.
Here I’ll be expanding on the other subcategories that fall under 5 of the positions. LET’S GET INTO IT!
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Snipers - 
It’s safe to assume that Snipers are the guys that get those tough shots into the goal. Players that get named a Sniper are typically consistent and expected to have high scoring points during a season. Goals from snipes are those that are hard to see. These are players every team would want to have.
Playmakers - 
These are your Centers (typically) and they are stars! Like Sydney Crosby and Connor McDavid, Playmakers these guys may not be the best at scoring but they are the best at making sure their teammates are scoring. They will have to be quick on their feet and essentially know where the puck will go before it gets there.
Forwards - Power Forward & Two-Way Forward
Forwards are a mix of Centers and Wingers. These are your players rushing the puck toward the opposing goal. A Power Forward is a player who's consistent in getting the puck and shooting it. They aren’t letting that puck go easy during a face-off. Now, a Two-Way Forward is a player who may not always be consistent but they are able to adapt to where they’re needed. These players assist the defenseman during offense and defense. 
Grinder - 
Grinders are typically the bigger forwards and have no issue throwing their weight around to intercept the puck, kill penalties and really just play smart. 
Enforcer -
Here come the fighters! The Enforcers are the biggest players and the roughest on the team. An enforcer’s job is to protect their teammates, these guys will be seen chirping a ton on the ice and probably a ton from the penalty box. 
Defenseman - Offensive & Shutdown
Easy enough, Offensive Defenseman and Shutdown Defensemen are your well rounded big guys.  Offensive Defensemen are amazing shooters and snipers. These guys are also quick with the sticks and finding open spots for a steal or score. Look out for players like Erik Karlsson and Vince Dunn on the ice! Shutdown Defensemen, I would like to call closers. These guys are not your big scorers but they will shut a score down from the opposing team.  
Ultimately every man on the ice has a role but also a sub role, making each individual game unique and fast paced. All sports really have to work together and communicate but there is something about Hockey that has really drawn us in because of its intensity on the front.
I believe it was NBA Hall of Famer, Charles Barkley who said that he admires hockey players and teams because at the end of the day, there's just one goal. WIN. 
Now if you could pick one of these positions to play, what would you choose to train in???
- Arielle
Source: https://www.hockeymonkey.com/learn/hockey-positions
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passperspective · 7 months
Sancho Vs. Man United Saga
As we have all been made aware, there is currently a lot of unrest at Manchester United. Whether it be the season they are having, the management of Ten Hag, or players' crazy social lives, there is a new story every day.
However, one recurring scandal is the treatment of player Jadon Sancho.
We begin with, after refusing to apologise to Erik Ten Hag for saying that the manager was dishonest about Jadon Sancho's omission from the 3-1 loss against Arsenal, for which 20 man team he was not a part of, on September 3, the player will no longer be able to practice with Manchester United's first team. After said game, Ten Hag said: “Based on his performances in training we did not select him. You have to reach a level every day at Man United and we can make choices on the front line. So for this game, he was not selected.” Sancho clapped back at this comment to defend his honour, since then the 23-year-old's future has not been looking ideal. After this issue, a club statement read: “Jadon Sancho will remain on a personal training program away from the first team group pending resolution of a squad discipline issue.” Surprise, surprise, it has yet to be resolved.
The most recent update of this ongoing battle has been that the winger eats his lunch away from the team also. Settling to eat alone in his car during breaks. He has also been reportedly removed from the team WhatsApp group.
What else is to come from this feud? Only time will tell if it will be resolved. However, this treatment is a cause for concern within the football community itself and the general public as a heavy focus on mental health has been implemented. Many fans believe that this treatment is inhumane and neglectful, as grown adults a resolution should not be so difficult to come to terms with.
Will Jadon Sancho and Erik Ten Hag continue to bite their tongues on resolutions or will they be able to come to an agreement?
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