#mobile home repair company
drewsroofing-blog · 10 months
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i feel like we didn't give the mansion basement enough of a look because what the fuck. what the fuck. just purely from a game design standpoint the tonal whiplash of going from the fast-paced brightly colored noisy antics of the mansion to the dingy, dark, abandoned halls all alone- even your friends suddenly disappear from your side- is fucking insane.
it's comparable to the true lab in undertale, except at least the true lab had some closure at the end. the amalgamates were revealed to simply be well-meaning lost souls who didn't really want to hurt you, they were just hungry. alphys took everyone home. sure, there's the freaky flowey phone call, but that's undercut soon enough by the uplifting and jazzy beginning of the asriel fight and seeing all your friends again. in deltarune's basement, you get no resolution. spamton gives you a supremely off-putting fight in a strange setting, he collapses to the floor, and you walk out still feeling like that was just... wrong. even susie acknowledges it. there are no ordinary encounters in the basement. you don't even have enemy npcs to keep you company. the only people who live in the basement are the strange plug monsters and... that weird face in the dark. that place has been completely forsaken by the rest of cyber world. swatch talks around it, clearly not enthusiastic to go too in-depth. when you check the dark spots in the room with the machine, the flavor text reads "there's nothing interesting". nothing interesting? that doesn't mean nothing at all! there might be tons of deleted data and drawings in there, and we have no. idea. what any of it looks like. the empty, dusty chests that no one knows the previous contents of. what did they used to hold? the teacup rides, oddly well-maintained and shiny, clearly out of place among the rest of the decrepit place. it's like they and the plug guards are the only things in the basement anyone takes care to repair and maintain anymore.
coincidentally, they're also the main lines of defense against someone sneaking in to get to the machine. the only ones, in fact. shouldn't an artifact like that have, i dunno, sentient, mobile guards? but they don't. the machine is extremely powerful, and they know spamton wants it, but they don't do all that much to protect it. it's so fucking weird. the basement is so wrong on a fundamental level that's so out of place with typical toby fox fare that it really makes you realize that the next chapters aren't going to be all sunshine and rainbows. it sets the TONE. i feel like that was confirmed by some of what we saw in the spamton sweepstakes- the basement is bad, but the worst is surely yet to come.
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canary-prince · 5 days
Ways For US-Americans To Help If You're Abstaining From Voting
Can't vote on moral grounds, but still raring to do something? Stuck in America and unsure of how to meaningfully serve your community? Here are some ideas that I, a social worker serving house-bound citizens, can share out of personal experience. Feel free to add other ideas or links. We are not powerless.
Volunteer (these are just examples/sources of info)
Planned Parenthood needs volunteers for nearly every non-medical department
See if your state has a volunteer stewardship program, where you can help weed out invasive plant species and defend your natural ecosystem
If you have medical skills, become a street medic
Contribute to the preservation of Queer History
Put your labor towards the upkeep or repair of properties in Indigenous communities
Adult literacy is not great right now, and we're harder to lie to if we're literate; volunteer to help your neighbors who were failed by the school system
Resources to help the unhoused constantly need volunteer counselors, cooks, and someone to sort donations
The sick and elderly are very under-served, particularly if they're broke, so reach out to a local hospice to see what skills they need
Give (if you can't physically volunteer but have money to spare)
Donate to an abortion fund; this one is for Native peoples specifically
Donate to a book gifting program or book mobile; this link is for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Donate to preserve the histories of communities of color; this fund is specifically for preserving African American historical sites
Donate to protect the natural environment
Donate to help free those caged in prisons; this link is for the Innocence Project, which aims to challenge wrongful convictions
The arts are for everyone, but wealth gaps interfere; this fund is for art initiatives that contribute to community building, including increasing accessibility
Learn (resources that many communities have but aren't widely educated on)
Community Action Agencies: these are non-profits and private companies that act in service of their communities' human rights and quality of life. Many have utility funds, run food banks, manage emergency shelters, provide education and job skills opportunities, and participate in social activism.
Area Agencies on Aging: Non-profits that serve elders (and non-elderly disabled citizens) in a designated service area. They primarily offer services to prolong independent living (free or low cost in home care, meals on wheels, home safety modifications, and Medicare guidance) or help with transition into assisted living.
Habitat For Humanity: They aren't just in disaster zones or on foreign soil; they have local US chapters that provide critical repairs to families in need. They repair roofs, address barriers to access, and perform electric and plumbing work.
Durable Medical Equipment Loan Closets: Communal sources of vital medical equipment including wheelchairs, walkers, canes, hospital beds, shower chairs, and more. May be able to provide incontinence supplies or diabetes supplies. Rarely but sometimes provide oxygen.
Non Emergency Medical Transportation/Alternatives to Mass Transit: Transportation for elderly, disabled, cognitively impaired, and low income citizens to help them reach medical providers, dental care, physical therapy, and eye exam appointments. Can also provide transit to shopping centers, the grocery store, religious events, cultural events, and polling stations. Offer door to door services for the housebound. IF YOU HAVE MEDICAID, YOU SHOULD NOT EVER BE PAYING FOR THIS. MEDICAID IS OBLIGATED TO MAKE SURE YOU REACH ANY AND ALL MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS.
Legal Aid Clinics: Sources of pro-bono or sliding scale legal advice and representation.
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
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I'm stuck on you (I'm mighty glad you stayed)
Square: D3 - "Why did you do it?" (June monthly prompt replacement) Rating: M Word Count: 8767 Ship(s): Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Tags: Dreamling Bingo fill, alternate universe - human, alternate universe - no powers, stuck in an elevator, claustrophobia, panic attacks, strangers to lovers, love at first sight, first kiss, post-break up sex, bog people, poetry recitation, bisexual Hob Gadling Summary: Hob is a secondary school teacher running late to meet his exacting girlfriend for lunch. Morpheus is a famous novelist just trying to fly under the radar on his way home. But when the elevator they’re in together experiences mechanical difficulties, Morpheus’s claustrophobia leads to a bonding experience that changes the lives of both men. Read on AO3 | fill for @dreamlingbingo | prompt from #dreamlingweek2023
The elevator has barely lurched into motion when it suddenly shudders to a stop. Hob is willing to bet it hasn’t even surfaced from the depths of the underground parking garage he is trying to exit. He rolls his eyes, checks his watch, and presses the door open button. Nothing happens. He presses it again, and a third time. Nothing. “Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “I don’t need this, I’m already late.” He hits the emergency call button with perhaps a little more force than is necessary and glances over his shoulder at the other occupant of the elevator, a handsome, dark-haired man who nods tightly when Hob catches his eye. “Alright, mate?” he asks. But before the man can answer, a tinny voice crackles through the speaker.
Hour Zero, 12:08 PM
The elevator has barely lurched into motion when it suddenly shudders to a stop. Hob is willing to bet it hasn’t even surfaced from the depths of the underground parking garage he is trying to exit. He rolls his eyes, checks his watch, and presses the door open button.
Nothing happens.
He presses it again, and a third time. Nothing.
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “I don’t need this, I’m already late.”
He hits the emergency call button with perhaps a little more force than is necessary and glances over his shoulder at the other occupant of the elevator, a handsome, dark-haired man who nods tightly when Hob catches his eye.
“Alright, mate?” he asks. But before the man can answer, a tinny voice crackles through the speaker.
“Templeton Elevator Company. Are you experiencing an emergency?”
“Yeah, we’re in the lift at the underground car park on Monteagle and it’s just stopped.”
The tinny voice asks a series of questions, which Hob answers with increasing impatience.
There are two people in the elevator. Yes, they’re both adults. No, they don’t have any food or water with them. No, they don’t have any pressing medical issues (after waiting for a headshake from the stranger). Yes, he’ll hold while they contact technical services.
The tinny voice is replaced with tinny hold music. Hob curses under his breath again.
After a moment the voice returns. The elevator they are currently occupying appears to be experiencing a mechanical failure. High demand on technical services at this time. Their safety is important to the Templeton Elevator Company. A repair technician should arrive within the hour.
Click. And then silence.
“Fuck,” says Hob again, feelingly. “Fucking fuck.”
He sighs. Sits down. Takes out his mobile. No signal, of course. Or wait – maybe one bar? He dashes off a quick text to Gwen and sets the phone down gingerly on the floor in front of the door, thinking vaguely that the signal might filter down through the elevator shaft. It’s probably daft.
Heh. Shaft, daft.
He is going to lose his mind.
Hour One, 12:08-1:08 PM
“My girlfriend’s going to kill me,” he says conversationally. “We’re supposed to be getting lunch with some old school friends of hers. I’m already on thin ice, she’s always getting on me about being late all the time. This’ll probably be the final nail in my coffin.”
“Surely,” says the stranger, “being trapped in an elevator is a reasonable excuse for tardiness.”
“Yeah… She’s a bit strict about some things. I don’t know. She just wants the best for us, she’s just a little intense about it sometimes.” Hob shakes himself. “Sorry, mate. I shouldn’t be whinging to a total stranger. My name’s Hob, by the way. Hob Gadling.”
They are both sitting, now, on opposite sides of the elevator. Hob’s legs are stretched out casually and the stranger has his knees up, his arms wrapped tightly around them, hands gripping his own elbows, knuckles white. He looks almost defensive, Hob thinks, extending his hand across the elevator to shake. After a moment, the stranger takes it, squeezing briefly.
“Hob. That’s an… atypical name,” he says.
“Suppose so,” Hob laughs. “It’s Robert, actually. Hob is an old-fashioned nickname, but I got saddled with it in uni and it just sort of stuck. I studied history,” he adds in explanation.
“I am – you can call me Murphy,” says the stranger. Murphy. It has the flavor of untruth about it, but if a stranger on an elevator doesn’t feel comfortable giving his real name, who is Hob to judge?
“Pleasure. Have we met before? Only there’s something about you that seems familiar.”
“I do not think so.”
Murphy curls, if anything, even tighter in on himself. Hob does not pursue the topic.
They sit in silence for a while as the air grows slowly stuffier.
Hob taps at his phone and tsks when he sees his text has failed to send.
“I don’t suppose you have any service?” he asks hopefully.
Murphy pulls out a slim, expensive-looking phone from the pocket of his slim, expensive-looking suit jacket and gives it a cursory glance.
“I am afraid not,” he says.
“Damn. Oh well. Nothing for it but to wait, I suppose.”
Murphy clears his throat.
“How long has it been now?”
“About… twenty minutes?” Hob looks at his watch. “Twenty-five?”
“Thank you.”
Murphy’s voice is taut, and his knuckles are white where he is gripping his knees. Looking more closely, Hob can see sweat beading on his forehead, and realizes his chest is moving a little too quickly.
“Are you alright?” he asks.
“I am fine.”
“No offense, but you don’t look fine, mate.”
“We are not mates,” snaps Murphy. “Nothing is wrong.”
“Okay, okay.” Hob holds up placating hands. “Whatever you say. No need to bite a bloke’s head off.”
Silence reigns for another minute.
“I. Apologize,” says Murphy finally. “That was uncalled for.”
“No worries.”
“The truth is that I am. Not fond. Of confined spaces. I am finding the prospect of being in this elevator for much longer. Distressing.”
“God, I’m sorry. You should have said. I ought to have told the elevator company, I’m sure claustrophobia counts as a medical issue,” says Hob. “Especially under the circumstances.”
But Murphy is already shaking his head.
“It does not rise to the level of a diagnosable condition,” he says.
“Even so,” objects Hob. “Do you want to call back? Tell them? Maybe it’ll get someone here more quickly.”
“It does not matter.”
“Isn’t there… is there anything I can do to help?”
Murphy looks puzzled.
“Why would you want to help? You do not know me.”
“Because I have a basic sense of empathy?” Hob says, slightly appalled. “Because you’re a human being who’s distressed? Jesus, what kind of people do you hang out with?”
“You will probably be shocked to hear,” says Murphy dryly. “That I have very few close associates and even fewer friends.” Hob snorts. “But I. Thank you. For your willingness to help. Unless you happen to have a Xanax somewhere on your person, I doubt there is anything you can do.”
“And here I am fresh out of benzodiazepines. I knew I’d forgotten something at the chemist’s this morning,” Hob says, and is rewarded with a tiny chuckle.
The rest of the hour passes slowly, but not too badly. They chat, stiffly at first, but more fluently after Murphy admits that the conversation is helping to distract him from the little metal box they find themselves in. Hob certainly talks more – but then, Hob generally talks more than everyone, something Gwen not infrequently rolls her eyes at.
He learns they both were graduated from Oxford, although their time there didn’t overlap. Murphy is cagey about what he does for a living, but shares that he studied literature and dabbled in student drama. He seems interested when Hob tells him about the secondary school where he currently works, teaching history.
“It’s funny, I used to picture myself as a professor at a university, you know, doing my own research on the side, publish or perish, all that,” he says. “Gwen – that’s my girlfriend – she thinks that would be better. Sounds better to be a professor, I guess; more money, too. But now that I’m working with teenagers, I can’t imagine doing anything else. They get a bad rap from everyone, you know, but they’re so interested in the world, and all they want is for someone to listen to them and take them seriously…”
Read on AO3 >>>
massive massive thanks to @tryan-a-bex and @karalynlovescake for beta reading. I can't thank you enough!
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green = complete, orange = WIP
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Chicago police cleared out a pro-Palestinian encampment on DePaul University's Lincoln Park quad Thursday morning.
Officers in riot gear were seen on the North Side campus just before 6 a.m.
The encampment had been in place for over two weeks; it began on April 30.
In a letter to faculty, staff and students early Thursday, DePaul President Robert L. Manuel said, "despite our good faith efforts to come to a shared resolution with the DePaul Divestment Coalition, we were unsuccessful."
He said since the encampment began, "the situation has steadily escalated with physical altercations, credible threats of violence from people not associated with our community, an inability for the other members of our community to take part in the core academic experiences on our campus, and an ever-growing series of threats to the people involved in the encampment and our community members."
The letter said those in the encampment were given the opportunity to leave peacefully, without being arrested.
"I urge all there to leave peacefully and return home," Manuel said.
Police appeared to quickly clear out the site, and protesters moved down Fullerton Avenue. No physical confrontations could be seen, but some protesters claimed police forcibly removed them.
Chicago police held a news conference about 7:45 a.m., saying there were no confrontations, but two people were arrested.
A man and woman, ages 21 and 25, were arrested for obstructing traffic on Belden Avenue, police and DePaul said.
Protesters moved into the neighborhood after being cleared out of the quad, and police blocked some roadways in the area.
The DePaul president said during the encampment, protesters vandalized university buildings, causing nearly $180,000 in damage.
DePaul's quad and all other green spaces on the school's Lincoln Park campus will be closed to everyone while repairs are made, the president said.
"Anyone who tries to breach the fence around the quad or any of the green spaces on the Lincoln Park Campus will be trespassed, arrested, and suspended. DePaul will continue to investigate every reported complaint of harassment or discrimination that we receive resulting from the encampment or subsequent events," he said.
The school said classes will proceed as scheduled Thursday.
The school had given protesters a deadline of noon Sunday to remove the encampment, but they had remained until Thursday.
Students told ABC7 Chicago they were preparing for and coming up with plans in case the university tried to forcibly clear the encampment themselves.
DePaul's was one of the last remaining anti-war encampments in the Chicago area. Throughout the last month, college campuses across the country have seen large-scale protests.
"It is shameful that DePaul chose to abruptly and violently engage in a raid on students early in the morning without warning. I condemn their use of force rather than engaging in dialogue with the students. I am proud of the students for being the voice of reason," Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez said in a statement.
There was a student walkout at DePaul University Wednesday after students in the encampment and the administration reached an impasse on demands to divest from Israel.
By 4 p.m. Wednesday, there was a large group of protesters and their supporters in the center of the quad, listening to speakers and chanting rallying cries, in what had been overall a loud but peaceful gathering.
Encampment organizers said they mobilized a 3 p.m. walkout of students and faculty; though, it was not immediately clear how many actually walked out of class.
The gathering was a show of solidarity with protesters who had been camped out for more than two weeks, calling for the university to divest from companies that benefit Israel.
DePaul's president has said he respects the rights of students to protest, but said the encampment has drawn counter-protesters which have led to security concerns. DePaul said talks with protesters reached an impasse a few days ago, which prompted the university to cancel a planned music festival that was to be held in the quad Friday.
Encampment organizers said they were willing to keep talking.
"We did invite them a few days ago to another negotiation meeting in which they pulled a no-show. They didn't even offer us an email as to why they couldn't. So, yeah, we are still willing to negotiate. We're still here. We're not, we're always going to be willing to negotiate. It's more so on administration side," said Henna Ayesh of the DePaul Divestment Coalition.
Protest organizers said they chose Wednesday for the walkout in part because many Palestinians mark this date as the start of displacement following Israel's Independence Day on May 14, 1948.
Alderman Timmy Knudsen, who represents the 43rd Ward, released a statement Thursday, saying:
"This morning, CPD and DePaul University campus security took action to remove the DePaul encampment. We are in touch with university leadership and City officials and will keep residents updated as we learn more about the next steps for the area.
"Please click here for a detailed explanation from DePaul.
"As the conflict in the Middle East continues, we will continue to advocate for the City to balance a commitment to upholding First Amendment rights to protest, while ensuring our neighborhoods remain safe."
The Rev. Michael Pfleger also put out a statement, saying, "Very Disappointed in DePaul University for having CPD close down the Encampment this morning Msgr Jack Egan would be Ashamed of you. Demanding Disinvestment from Israel due to the Apartheid taking place in Gaza is our very Catholic roots. And the DNA OF OUR FAITH. A sad day for DePaul University."
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eserveofficial · 10 months
Onida Ac Service Centre Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
RTC headcanons: Mischa Edition!
Mischa is a car fanatic. He loves helping the others with repairs and it’s so cute how he’ll go on a tangent about what’s wrong or what he learned about them. Noel will have to frequently wipe grease from his forehead or cheek
Unlike the others, Mischa despises all forms of religion. When his mother was dying he prayed for every form of God to keep her with him, and none of those prayers were answered
Mischa gets firmly protective of Penny when people bully her for being adopted. As an adopted kid who hates his adoptive parents, he will gladly go and knock out whatever bastard makes fun of Penny being in a much stable home life
Mischa prefers being in the basement so he doesn’t have to interact with his adoptive parents, but every so often, whether they’re in another room or out of the house, he sneak into the kitchen and make all his favorite meals from home, because he hates the meals he’s forced to eat
Mischa was there when Tamara died. She had told him to go get packed, he would be leaving in a few hours, but he stuck with her because she was the only person he felt like himself with, and he didn’t want her to go. But there wasn’t anything either of them could do
When Talia first started commenting on Mischa’s videos, Mischa freaked the fuck out. He couldn’t believe anyone liked his videos, much less would positively talk about them
Mischa’s first interaction with Ocean was less than perfect. Mischa was being forced to redo his senior year so Ocean was given the task of showing him around, only for her to make the whole tour about herself
Constance caught Mischa talking to Talia one day and that’s how they met. She was alright in his book, she was patient and she listened and he liked how calm and nice she was, so they were okay
When Mischa first talked to Talia, he was truly surprised when she started texting in Ukrainian. He asked her if she was fluent, she explained she was from Kiev, and he fell in love like immediately afterwards
Mischa and Ricky are like brothers. Mischa learned sign in under four months just to talk to him, he makes sure Ricky had been taken care of, he had been hydrated and had eaten, and he will make sure no one bullies him about his mobility aids. Ricky just really loves his company and they’ll both talk about their hyperfixations together
Noel hesitantly approached Mischa when they first talked. He asked if he could take a seat next to him in Art and Mischa shrugged and let him. They bonded over their desperation to be somewhere else in life, and Mischa really liked Noel’s personality
Mischa and Talia started dating after four months of communication, and were engaged after a year, Mischa was so deeply in love with her he wanted to be with her as soon as possible
When Mischa came to Canada, he cursed every aspect of faith and divinity possible. He was in Uranium City, the name of the element that killed his mother, and he was stuck here. And he despised it
Mischa is an alcoholic and a heavy smoker not just because of culture or a persona, but because they help him numb the pain of being in another country without his mom, surrounded by people he doesn’t even know
Mischa would visit Ricky’s house or Constance’s house and be fuming with jealousy over how normal and happy their home lives are, how Ricky’s parents are always supportive of Rick and how Constance’s parents always dote on her and Conrad, and even Mischa when he visits
When Mischa first met Mona Gruber, she told him Noel talks about him a lot. Mischa felt a little flustered because Noel was his best friend, but he didn’t know Noel had the biggest crush on him
Mischa talks about Talia all the time to Constance, signs about her to Ricky, and tells all his sexting convos with Noel, to the point where the three of them know more about the girl than she probably knows about herself, it isn’t Mischa’s fault, he just loves her so much and feels compelled to tell everyone around him about her
When Noel started picking up a little Ukrainian from Mischa, he felt immensely proud of him, and helped him learn a little more so they could communicate in his native language. It felt relieving having someone who he saw on the regular talk to him like he was home
Mischa had tons of friends when he was home, but after he moved to Canada they all just abandoned him, so he raps about their shortcomings in incredibly sadistic behavior
Mischa is bisexual, it took him a few months to realize that’s why he was more comfortable with Noel and Talia than other people, he genuinely cared about them and wanted them to be happy
Mischa didn’t understand Jane Doe, but he felt a weird feeling of brotherly protection, like he had been there for her without knowing who she really was
When Mischa was dying, he thought of his mom. He thought of Talia, how he couldn’t tell her this. He thought of how fucked up life decided to be. He thought of his best friend, how Noel was also dying beside him. He wished it was just a bad dream, but there wasn’t anything he could do
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
This just in: wheelchairs don’t actually represent freedom for everyone! The multibillion-dollar power-wheelchair market is dominated by two national suppliers, Numotion and National Seating and Mobility. Both are owned by private equity firms that seek to increase profits and cut spending. One way they do that is by limiting what they spend on technicians and repairs, which, when combined with insurance and regulatory obstacles, frustrates wheelchair users seeking timely fixes.
The $70 billion durable medical equipment market has been an attractive target for private equity investment because of the aging U.S. population, the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions, and a growing preference for older adults to be treated at home, according to the investment banking firm Provident Healthcare Partners. Medicare’s use of competitive bidding favors large companies that can achieve economies of scale in manufacturing and administrative costs, often at the price of quality and customer service. Regulations set by Medicare and adopted by most Medicaid and commercial health plans have led to lower-quality products, no coverage for preventive maintenance, and enough red tape to bring wheelchairs to a halt. Power wheelchair users have long been fighting for the right to repair their wheelchairs themselves or through independent repair shops. Medicare and most insurance companies will replace complex wheelchairs only every five years. The wheelchair suppliers that have contracts with public and private health insurance plans restrict access to parts, tools and service manuals. They usually keep a limited inventory of parts on hand and wait until health plans approve repair claims before ordering parts.
Some chairs require a software passcode or a physical key for any repairs. Wheelchair users who make fixes themselves may void their warranty or lose out on insurance payments for repairs.  Also: Medicare officials have interpreted the statute establishing payment for durable medical equipment to cover wheelchairs only for in-home use. Consequently, many power wheelchairs aren’t designed for outdoor use and are prone to failures when users take them outside. (source)
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eserveuniverse · 1 year
Whirlpool AC Service near Gachibowli
whirlpool AC Service Center Mehdipatnam Providing solutions for Whirlpool AC Split / Window AC, Repair,Installation and Uninstallation/Removal We’ve 15 years of skilled experience. Whirlpool AC Service near Gachibowli will cater near Manikonda, Tolichowki, Shaikpet, Jublihills, Banjarahills and Gachibowli for ac problems. whirlpool AC repair customer support Gachibowli | whirlpool ac customer service near Gachibowli | whirlpool ac customer care Gachibowli | whirlpool ac service center number Gachibowli is 7337443480. Our technicians are well trained and experianced customer -friendly whirlpool ac mechanics. We square measure one altogether the foremost effective services supply for any air conditioning maintenance and we've got a bent to attend to mating and repairing of assorted styles of whirlpool AC's like Split, Window, Portable, Tower, VRF, Package, Ductable, instrumentality at residential complexes, workplace Complexes, industrial Offices, Banks, Restaurants and Hospitals. Contact eServe authorised Whirlpool AC Service Centre phone number near Gachibowli 7337443380 for best support.
Whirlpool AC Service near Gachibowli
Whirlpool AC Service near Gachibowli Mehdipatnam, India’s is one among the simplest service providing Company for all Electronic goods, household appliance, Whirlpool ac service near Gachibowli Mehdipatnam we are the simplest service provider company based in Gachibowli Mehdipatnam. we provide all types of repair & services to our costumers. Whirlpool AC Service Center near Gachibowli We work for all home products like Air conditioners, refrigerator/fridge, microwave/oven, and washing machine. Whirlpool split ac service near Gachibowli Mehdipatnam we offer services for all major brands like Samsung, LG, whirlpool, Lloyd, Kelvinator, Videocon, Electrolux Ac, Sansui, TCL, O General Ac, Onida, Sharp, etc. Whirlpool AC Service near Gachibowli the corporate features a team of qualified and experienced technicians, highly Technical, efficient, coordination, friendly executives who are always available at your services promptly 24X7. Whirlpool AC Service near Gachibowli whirlpool Ac Service near Gachibowli Mehdipatnam, Our mobile unit of service technicians are trained and kept current on the newest appliances and are well dressed they're equipped with appropriate repair tools, and door Step technical support. As the number one Whirlpool AC Repair Service near Gachibowli. Whirlpool AC Repair Centre near Gachibowli With the demand for accurate, honest, timely done services with reliability in Gachibowli Mehdipatnam. that's services launch our branch in Gachibowli “Whirlpool ac service near Gachibowli”.
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drewsroofing-blog · 10 months
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Advantages of Using a Mobile Auto Glass Service
Mobile auto glass service company offers several advantages that make it a convenient and efficient option for vehicle owners. Here are some of the key benefits:
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Convenience: One of the major advantages of a mobile auto glass service is the convenience it provides. Rather than having to take your vehicle to a physical shop, a mobile service comes to your preferred location, whether it's your home, workplace, or any other convenient spot. This saves you time and eliminates the need to rearrange your schedule or find alternative transportation. 
Time-Saving: Mobile auto glass services can complete repairs or replacements on the spot, often within the same day. This eliminates the waiting time associated with traditional shop visits. With a mobile service, you can get your auto glass repaired or replaced without disrupting your daily routine.
Safety: A cracked or damaged windshield compromises the safety of the vehicle occupants. By utilizing a mobile auto glass service, you can promptly address the issue and ensure your safety on the road. The technicians are skilled and experienced in handling auto glass repairs, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your windshield is in capable hands.
Cost-Effective: Mobile auto glass services often offer competitive pricing, and they may even provide cost savings compared to traditional brick-and-mortar shops. Additionally, by addressing minor damages early on, you can prevent them from worsening and requiring more expensive repairs or replacements in the future.
Expertise and Quality: Mobile auto glass services employ trained technicians who have the expertise and knowledge to handle various auto glass repairs or replacements. They use high-quality materials and equipment to ensure the job is done to the highest standards, providing you with durable and long-lasting results.
In summary, the advantages of using a mobile auto glass service include convenience, time-saving, enhanced safety, cost-effectiveness, and the assurance of skilled technicians and quality workmanship. Whether it's a minor chip repair or a complete windshield replacement, mobile service can deliver efficient and reliable solutions right to your doorstep.
So, if you are looking for mobile auto glass repair in Toronto, you can count on Advantage Auto Glass Toronto. 
To know more, visit https://www.advantageautoglassrepair.com/
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generalsnivy · 11 months
Life Update: Things Going From Bad, to Worse (I’m likely going to be homeless soon!)
Hello there everybody. This is General Snivy. It’s been a while since I last posted an update outside my artwork, random tweets, and retweets on Twitter. (And for those asking, I refuse to call Twitter “X”! It’s such a stupid rebrand, but that’s not what we’re talking about today!) Today, I want to talk about what’s been happening with me in my personal life and how things have officially gone from bad, to worse. To catch people up, back in December 2022, I started my stream playthrough of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix and I have only done one session of the game so far. I had every intention of continuing the playthrough, but life got in my way, grabbed me by the ankles, and dragged me along against my will. To make a long story short, my computer broke on me, twice within ~20 days in between the first problem and the second. After I got my computer fixed the 2nd time, Mom and I prepared ourselves to go on a road-trip to see my sister back in May of this year. After the trip, other personal things kept happening and thus, I didn’t have time to stream at all. Recently, on June 30th, my computer froze up on me while I was doing my monthly backup of my computer with WinRAR. (Which could mean that I’m having overheating issues again.) Thankfully, after hitting the physical reset switch on my computer, I was able to reboot, complete the backup, and take care of whatever else I needed to do before shutting it down properly and I haven’t turned it on again since. The reason why I haven’t used my desktop computer since June 30th is that this was how my first GPU (my graphics card) died on me the first time and I fear that my current GPU, which is an Nvidia GeForce GTX 770, may be on its way out too, but I don’t know that for sure. I intended to get my computer checked out and possibly repaired this month as I have the money to pay for labor and a potential GPU replacement, if necessary. However, as of a couple of days ago, we received a letter from our realtor company, informing us that our rent will be increasing from ~$1250 per month, to ~$1500 per month come October 1st, 2023, which is an increase of roughly $250 per month! Worse, is that we had our rent increased earlier this year and we were barely making it! Now, we won’t be able to pay our new rent bill coming up and we have 2 months to pack up all of our stuff and find a new, cheaper place to live! What this means, for me, is that I cannot get my computer looked at or fixed if there’s a problem with it as I have to hold onto my money to help Mom with paying for a moving company to move all of our furniture and stuff to a new home! So, we need to pay first months rent, last months rent if applicable (which it is, most of the time.) and the security deposit at the new location! Don’t be surprised if I end up going off the grid for a while come October as Mom and I will likely be homeless and all of our services will be shut off due to our phone service being tied to our ISP, Spectrum. (We might be able to keep our mobile services without internet, but I’m not holding my breath.)
At this point, it should be obvious that my stream playthrough of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix is on indefinite hiatus until we’re able to find a new place to live, until I can either get my computer fixed or better yet, replaced, and when I have time to stream after the dust is settled. (So much for guaranteeing that I’d be able to stream again this year. What can I say, life happens.) Thankfully, I still have my old school laptop to work with, but there’s no way in Hell that it can be used for streaming as it can barely run Windows 10 as is due to it being an ancient relic from 1930. (That’s an exaggeration, but you get my point.) You might be wondering, “Can’t you just use your PS5’s built-in streaming feature to stream more Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix?” Technically, yes, but the problem is copyright as the ending song is copyrighted and I have no way of muting it myself. I can get away with talking over the song as much as humanly possible, but only on Twitch as they’re a little more lenient when it comes to that kind of stuff. YouTube, no. Not at all. That would very likely get blocked in several countries with the quickness of the Flash and Sonic the Hedgehog combined! I could skip the credits and avoid the problem entirely, but I want to show off the people who had a hand at developing the game. Skipping the credits outside of a speedrunning setting is just rude and disrespectful, in my opinion.
I have thought about learning how to speedrun another game that I can play on my PS5 in the meantime, but then I run into another problem; time. Time is something I’ve been lacking lately and to be able to learn a new game, plus being able to stream my attempts, is a commitment and time is something I just don’t have right now. Not only that, but to keep up with a consistent stream schedule is something I’ve struggled with for years due to my personal life taking priority over stream and creating content. Plus, with recent events, those plans went out the window completely.
Some of you may be wondering, “Since you’re posting artwork on Twitter and other social media channels, couldn’t you open up commissions to have us help you out with your dire financial situation?” There are a few reasons as to why I’m not doing so at this point of time, but the TL;DR of it is, I need to do more research as to how to go about accepting commissions, which payment platform to use to handle payments from clients safely, and how I can best track these commissions after accepting them, amongst other things. I do have a general idea of how I want to go about setting up a commission sheet of what I will and will not draw, but there are a few more things I need to figure out and finalize. Plus, I need to come up with prices of what kind of artwork I’ll provide, plus examples for said prices. I also need to figure out a Terms of Service for my work as one can never be too careful when it comes to dealing with certain bad actors and businesses transactions, in general. Better to be safe than sorry.
So yeah, that’s everything that’s going on right now. I’m going to be having a hectic two months or so, scrambling to pack up everything, finding a new place to live, and getting my computer either fixed or replaced. I know that I’ve been keeping you all hanging for the past year and for that, I cannot apologize enough for my lack of content and to some extent, lack of communication. It may look like I’ve been lazy, but I’ve been dealing with life behind the scenes and as I always say, life comes first before content creation. For those who continue to stick with me, despite my lack of activity, thank you for doing so. I appreciate it. And, for those who left, thanks for joining me, regardless of how long you did so. I hope that I entertained you while I was active and that you enjoyed my content. If you wish to keep up with me and whatever I post, I’m most active on Twitter (aka, X. God, I cannot get over that name change!) so, follow me there. My Twitter handle is @/GeneralSnivy (Remove the slash.) This is General Snivy. Thank you for taking the time to read this long winded update and I hope to be able to stream again in the near future. See y’all again!
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jcmarchi · 7 months
How Will the Car Sharing Apps Redefine Transportation in Cities - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-will-the-car-sharing-apps-redefine-transportation-in-cities-technology-org/
How Will the Car Sharing Apps Redefine Transportation in Cities - Technology Org
Car-sharing apps have revolutionized urban transport and have impacted every urban resident’s everyday traveling system. For example, the contemporary versions of these transport models are cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and reliable.
This article takes a detailed examination of the car-sharing apps and the impact they have on changing and reshaping urbanity.
Cars in the street – illustrative photo. Image credit: Evgeny Tchebotarev via Unsplash, free license
Evolution of Urban Transportation
Traditional urban transport suffered several problems, including jamming, air pollution, and cumbersome transit systems. However, some alternatives or additional measures include ride-sharing through apps such as Lyft, Uber, and Zipcar.
Cheap, modern, and flexible alternative modes of transport. Space utilization optimization, for instance, through ride-sharing services, makes fewer cars fuller and, thus, less jammed on the roads.
In urban cities, sharing apps can quickly transport people, decreasing personal vehicle ownership and easing traffic jams. These platforms are often associated with metro transport systems, thereby giving commuters mixed transit modes.
Advantages of Car-Sharing Apps
Car-sharing apps have revolutionized transport access, resulting in considerable environmental and urban mobility implications. For example, apps are designed to serve people with shared cars to increase accessibility, economy, reduced city traffic, environmental friendliness, and various vehicle models.
In densely populated cities with few parking spaces, some apps make it possible to rent a car via mobile phone. Such applications improve accessibility and convenience compared to having an individual auto. Users will never experience any maintenance-related difficulties since it is not required, and they will not confront parking problems when wanting to find a “vehicle on demand.”
More so, they help improve value for money because a client only gets chargers based on usage rather than car ownership, including insurance coverage and repairs. Likewise, these help reduce traffic jams and private car-related pollution along the roadways. Converted from AI-written to human-written
Like other car-sharing applications, it also helps the environment by offering an electrical/hybrid model, which decreases overall carbon discharge. The company includes several options on car alternatives that one can select based on his own needs, whether they are cheap cars for short rides or bigger cars for long journeys.
Impact on Urban Infrastructure
Measures such as reducing dependence on personal cars and leveraging public parks and public transport extensively impact improved urban infrastructure. Such a move minimizes the traffic jams experienced in an area, reduces air pollution, and encourages eco-friendly transport.
Therefore, cities could enhance accessibility, reduce carbon emissions, and make the city greener if they encourage public transport, biking, and walking as alternatives to private cars and ensure the multifunctional character of the limited number of car parks.
Societal Implications
Major transformations of urban social geography involve new trends in travel patterns, improved mobility options for underprivileged areas, and social issues such as gentrification, which has impacted communities.
This evolution cross-cuts and reconfigures life, job, and interpersonal relations in every way; the aftereffects of this developmental path need to be looked into.
Changes in Commuting Behaviors
Technology and new work patterns are changing their traditional commuting models. Digital tools, flexible schedules, and the possibility to work at home are changing commuting into a city and determining the number of people who spend days in the week or weekends, depending on these categories and affecting traffic volume on roads and public transport.
Accessibility Improvements for Underserved Areas
Firstly, access entails physical infrastructure and technology links. It involves intra-transport issues and providing better digital access towards increased community development, economic participation, and reducing disparities. Socio-Economic Impact on Communities
This change results in working attitudes, economic opportunities, and societal behaviors. Wealth redistribution via remoteness and economic growth through increased accessibility could widen some inequalities, highlighting the importance of such a policy.
Challenges and Considerations
These raise other safety, regulation, privacy, and maintenance issues alongside equity and accessibility issues.
Regulatory, Privacy, and Maintenance Concerns
Regulatory Challenges: The technology frequently works under tremendous pressure to adjust to modifications. Nevertheless, the hurdle of fashioning and enforcing even-handed measures that support creativity but protect people from safety and information dangers remains a thorny endeavor.
Privacy Concerns: The higher the level of technology in our lives, the more critical it becomes to safeguard our privacy. Privacy laws and innovations constantly require balancing on issues relating to information collection.
Addressing Equity and Accessibility Issues
Digital Divide: Digital divides result from existing disparities in access to technology and the internet, limiting education access, prospects for employment, and critical service channels. It implies that concerted efforts should be aimed at narrowing down this gap through equitable allocation of such resources in all communities.
Accessibility Concerns: Technology should integrate everybody’s rights. While this could be pretty difficult to guarantee, fair treatment of society is critical for engagement.
Future Prospects and Innovations
Autonomous vehicles and partnerships between city planners and technology innovators are two transforming factors shaping the future of transport.
Technological Advancements & Autonomous Vehicles
With these significant developments in AI, sensors, and connectivity, there is an opportunity to develop self-driven vehicles that will ensure a safer and more convenient transport system. For wide-scale adoption, there has to be a way of dealing with such challenges as regulation and essential infrastructures.
Collaboration for Sustainable Mobility
Innovators in tech work with cities dealing with congestion and environmental problems, developing innovative green transport solutions. The city’s urban plan involving independent cars helps decongest people’s traffic movements.
This combination of autonomous technology with collaborative urban planning will be a breakthrough for transforming transport systems regarding safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability.
Car-sharing applications have transformed how people move around cities, providing cheaper, greener, and more accessible options than traditional ways of travel. Such applications have changed cities where they have de-congested roads, improved accessibility, and minimized environmental issues in shared transportation measures.
In this respect, embracing the ongoing technological revolution, particularly regarding self-driving cars, and promoting partnerships and joint initiatives among urban designers and tech pioneers will define the way forward for transportation.
I would advise you to visit Dyler, an online platform specializing in finding new transportation methods and a love for classic, sports, and luxury cars.
These automobile miracles are displayed on Dylers’ platform, where the lovers of immortal cars hang out.
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spitblaze · 1 year
Aaaaah I have so many questions for the Android Therion AU. Ravus Industries has def used Therion for Less Than Legal activities and I wonder how much of their treatment of him skirts on the rights of an android as well (honestly in a capitalist hellscape I'm surprised they have any at all as much as there's a sense of 'we made you we own you forever unless you can afford to buy yourself outright')
That aside, I am *very worried* for Alfyn's safety as Ravus Industries tries to get Therion back. Like... they don't have issues killing if they use androids for assassinations. owo;;
Well, even in a capitalist hellscape there's civil rights lawyers. How far the rights of artificial lives go is...up in the air, at this point. Can they vote? Can they own property? Are they considered citizens? Do anti-discrimination and labor laws apply to them? Unclear, and probably varies between jurisdictions. Either way, androids have at least been around long enough at this point that they're not like, a chattel slave class outright. Also not super common, maybe one out of every 50 or 100 people is an android, but enough that it's a sizeable population, enough that they cannot be considered property outside of specific circumstances, and Therion happens to fall under that legal category.
Therion (and by extension Gareth) are officially and legally, despite having just as much going on upstairs as any human being, property of Ravus Industries. The paperwork was all filed beforehand, he's made with a specific purpose in mind and 'would pose a danger to others' if not under the control of the company, or they claim that he has no true intelligence and is therefore not sentient enough to qualify as a citizen, or something. I'm not gonna pretend I know enough about civil rights law to make up what those exceptions are, but just know that Ravus either fudged most of em or paid off some politicians to let them keep the whole thing hush-hush or both.
There's probably a good few sympathetic scientists and engineers who consider him fully human but unable to really do anything about his situation without jeopardizing their own. There's clearly others, like whoever wrote his file, who look at Therion and only see a tool. One that's helped Ravus Industries take down competitors and acquire their tech and research illicitly, but in this case one of the benefits of Therion being private property is that responsibility lies on the company, not him. Legally speaking, at least. I'm sure some of the less-sympathetic caretakers threaten to reprogram or scrap or replace his parts every time there's a mistake, because he's not a person, he can't learn, he's a machine who has defective parts.
At any rate, uh...Alfyn is definitely in trouble, lol. Like luckily he's still a country boy who can handle himself (Still has swarthy carpenter genes and experience with an axe, probably has a shotgun or whatever the 31st century equivalent would be), and magic is probably still a thing in the 'sufficiently advanced science' way (still thinking about how osvald just does math so hard it makes fire. baller), but ultimately the one thing that's keeping him safest is the fact that all of Therion's remote activation and tracking parts were disabled or removed after his initial escape. That's it. Ravus wants to turn Therion into a Homing Murderbot so bad so they can just retrieve him very easy so they can make him. idk. steal whatever the Wyndhams are doing or murder union organizers or something. The Fantasy Pinkertons are absolutely on his ass.
Luckily Alf at least has his trusty repair van and mobile engineering kits, as well as his usual irresistible charm that nets them allies wherever they go. Ravus Industries is a well-known company that employs a lot of people, but, uh. So are Nestle and Apple, if you catch my drift here. And it's not like they're alone, either! Tressa knows enough about how businesses and boards of investors work to predict what Ravus is gonna try, Olberic and Cyrus together have enough practical and theoretical knowledge of tactics to make for very effective planners, H'aanit knows how to live off the grid and hide your tracks and is the only member of the party who can wield a shotgun with more precision than Alfyn. Ophilia and Prim are also there, idk what they do, Prim is better with diplomacy and has less qualms with muder than Therion and Ophilia is probably very good at finding them allies or places to lay low (what are you going to do, say no to a bishop???).
I have MANY thoughts. some of them related (Cordelia may or may not be a C-suite at Ravus and is very conflicted on what to do about the situation bc she thinks the robot is hot and should go free but knows the practical use he has to the company. either way therion doesnt like her) some of them not (prim has her own goals and possible beef with Ravus but keeps getting distracted by h'aanit who is a lethally hot butch lesbian) but. im having a lot of fun thinking about the whole thing. heehee hoohoo funny sci-fi au
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eserveofficial · 10 months
Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Centre Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad
Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Center Lb Nagar Hyderabad
Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Center Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad solutions for Split / Window / Duct / Portable Air Conditioners Installation / Uninstallation/ repair / general service / gas charging. eServe Service Center good experienced team in LLOYD home appliances. eServe Service Centers technicians can solve any kind of problems.our technicians will warranty for your valuable Lloyd products. We are multi brand service center in Hyderabad and secunderabad. We will use genuine spare parts for replacement. Our expert professionals are experienced. Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Center Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad Telangana near me Uppal, Dilsukhnagar, Hitech city, Habsiguda, ECIL, Sainikpuri, Malkajgiri, Nagaram, Dammaiguda, Saket, Kapra, Kushaiguda, Cherlapally, Yapral, Bolarum, Nacharam, Neredmet , Safilguda, Oldcity, Manikonda, Tarnaka, JNTU, Tolichowki, Mehadipatnam, Secunderabad, Santoshnagar, Malakpet, Chandrayangutta, Saroornagar, Attapur, IS Sadan, LB Nagar, Nagole, Boduppal, Vanasthalipuram, Karmangatt, BN reddy nagar, Chaitanyapuri, Musarambagh.eServe Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Center in Hyderabad customer support /Lloyd Ac Customer care number 7337443480eServe have Specially Qualified Expert Service Engineers for Industrial support of Cassette / Central / Ductable Airconditioner HVAC Chillers of Lloyd .
Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Pragathi Nagar Kukatpally
Lloyd Air Conditioner Service center in Kukatpally Hyderabad, India’s is one among the simplest service providing Company for all Electronic goods, household appliance, Lloyd Air Conditioner servicing KPHB Kukatpally Hyderabad we are the simplest service provider company based in Kukatpally Hyderabad. we provide all types of repair & services to our costumers. Lloyd AC Service Center near Me Kukatpally We work for all home products like Air conditioners, refrigerator/fridge, microwave/oven, and washing machine. Lloyd split ac service Centre Near Pragathi Nagar Hyderabad we offer services for all major brands like Samsung,Lloyd,whirlpool, Lloyd, Voltas, White Westinghouse, Kelvinator, Videocon, Electrolux Ac, Sansui, TCL, Lloyd, O General Ac, Onida, Lloyd, Sharp etc. Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Centre Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad the corporate features a team of qualified and experienced technicians, highly Technical, efficient, coordination, friendly executives who are always available at your services promptly 24X7. Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Centre Lloyd Air Conditioner Service center Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad, Our mobile unit of service technicians are trained and kept current on the newest appliances and are well dressed they're equipped with appropriate repair tools, and door Step technical support.As the number one Air Conditioner Repair Service Center in Hyderabad.Lloyd Air Conditioner Repair Centre in Kukatpally With the demand for accurate, honest, timely done services with reliability in Kukatpally Hyderabad. that's services launch our branch in Hyderabad “ac service center in Kukatpally”. Lloyd Air Conditioner Repair Center inKukatpally We start our firm with just one motive and target.Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Center to supply best and satisfactory services to our Hyderabad customers, and that we always provide our services with affordable and minimum prizes by which we reach every customer of Hyderabad and it’s surrounding easily.Lloyd AC Installation Near Pragathi Nagar Kukatpally We are dedicated to providing our greatest services to Hyderabad customers that they really deserve by us. “Air Conditioner service center in Hyderabad” offers affordable solutions to a good sort of imported and domestic home appliances from all major brands of India.Lloyd LLOYD Air Conditioner Service Center near Me
eServe “ lloyd Air Conditioner Service Center Pragathi Nagar Hyderabad” may be a leading appliance repair company in Hyderabad and that we provide home services for the air conditioning, washer, Refrigerator/Fridge, . Lloyd ac technician in Kukatpally Give us an opportunity and hire our professional service engineers for your any household electronic home appliances service and repair work. Lloyd air conditioner service in Kukatpally Get the simplest price service at cheapest price quote for repair or service add Hyderabad, if you trying to find air conditioning service or repair add Hyderabad then “Lloyd Ac service center Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad” is that the best choice for you. We commit you the services in just 1 hour after getting your call.
Lloyd Air Conditioner Service in Dilsukhnagar
Lloyd Ac Service center  Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad, India’s is one among the simplest service providing Company for all Electronic goods, household appliance, Lloyd ac servicing in Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad we are the simplest service provider company based in Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad. we provide all types of repair & services to our costumers.Air Conditioner Service Center near Me Dilsukhnagar We work for all home products like Air conditioners, refrigerator/fridge, microwave/oven, and washing machine. Lloyd split ac service Near Kothapet Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad we offer services for all major brands like Samsung,Lloyd,whirlpool, Lloyd, Voltas, White Westinghouse, Kelvinator, Videocon, Electrolux Ac, Sansui, TCL, Lloyd, O General Ac, Onida, Lloyd, Sharp etc. Lloyd AC Service Centre in Dilsukhnagar the corporate features a team of qualified and experienced technicians, highly Technical, efficient, coordination, friendly executives who are always available at your services promptly 24X7. Lloyd AC Service Centre Lloyd Air Conditioner Service center in Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad, Our mobile unit of service technicians are trained and kept current on the newest appliances and are well dressed they're equipped with appropriate repair tools, and door Step technical support.As the number one AC Repair Service Center in Hyderabad.Lloyd AC Repair Centre Near LB Nagar Dilsukhnagar With the demand for accurate, honest, timely done services with reliability in Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad. that's services launch our branch in Hyderabad “ac service center in Dilsukhnagar”. Lloyd AC Repair Center inDilsukhnagar We start our firm with just one motive and target.Lloyd AC Service Center to supply best and satisfactory services to our Hyderabad customers, and that we always provide our services with affordable and minimum prizes by which we reach every customer of Hyderabad and it’s surrounding easily.Lloyd AC Installation in Dilsukhnagar We are dedicated to providing our greatest services to Hyderabad customers that they really deserve by us. “Ac service center in Hyderabad” offers affordable solutions to a good sort of imported and domestic home appliances from all major brands of India.Lloyd AC Service Center near Me
eServe “Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Center Near Kothapet Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad” may be a leading appliance repair company in Hyderabad and that we provide home services for the air conditioning, washer, Refrigerator/Fridge, . Lloyd ac technician in Dilsukhnagar Give us an opportunity and hire our professional service engineers for your any household electronic home appliances service and repair work. Lloyd air conditioner service Lb Nagar Dilsukhnagar Get the simplest price service at cheapest price quote for repair or service add Hyderabad, if you trying to find air conditioning service or repair add Hyderabad then “Ac service center in Hyderabad” is that the best choice for you. We commit you the services in just 1 hour after getting your call.
Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad
Lloyd Air Conditioner Service center Attapur Mehdipatnam Hyderabad, India’s is one among the simplest service providing Company for all Electronic goods, household appliance, Lloyd ac servicing in Mehadipatnam Hyderabad we are the simplest service provider company based in Mehadipatnam Hyderabad. we provide all types of repair & services to our costumers.Lloyd AC Service Center near Me Mehadipatnam We work for all home products like Air conditioners, refrigerator/fridge, microwave/oven, and washing machine. Lloyd split ac service in Mehadipatnam Hyderabad we offer services for all major brands like Samsung,Lloyd,whirlpool, Lloyd, Voltas, White Westinghouse, Kelvinator, Videocon, Electrolux Ac, Sansui, TCL, Lloyd, O General Ac, Onida, Lloyd, Sharp etc. Lloyd AC Service Centre in Mehadipatnam the corporate features a team of qualified and experienced technicians, highly Technical, efficient, coordination, friendly executives who are always available at your services promptly 24X7. Lloyd AC Service Centre Lloyd Ac Service center Near Attapur Mehadipatnam Hyderabad, Our mobile unit of service technicians are trained and kept current on the newest appliances and are well dressed they're equipped with appropriate repair tools, and door Step technical support.As the number one AC Repair Service Center in Hyderabad.Lloyd AC Repair Centre in Mehadipatnam With the demand for accurate, honest, timely done services with reliability in Mehadipatnam Hyderabad. that's services launch our branch in Hyderabad “ac service center in Mehadipatnam”. Lloyd AC Repair Center Near Lb Nagar  We start our firm with just one motive and target.Lloyd AC Service Center to supply best and satisfactory services to our Hyderabad customers, and that we always provide our services with affordable and minimum prizes by which we reach every customer of Hyderabad and it’s surrounding easily.Lloyd AC Installation in Mehadipatnam We are dedicated to providing our greatest services to Hyderabad customers that they really deserve by us. “Ac service center in Hyderabad” offers affordable solutions to a good sort of imported and domestic home appliances from all major brands of India.Lloyd Lloyd Air Conditioner Service Center near Me
eServe “lloyd Air Conditioner Service Center Attapur Mehdipatnam Hyderabad” may be a leading appliance repair company in Hyderabad and that we provide home services for the air conditioning, washer, Refrigerator/Fridge, . Lloyd ac technician in Mehadipatnam Give us an opportunity and hire our professional service engineers for your any household electronic home appliances service and repair work. Lloyd air conditioner service Near Attapur Mehadipatnam Get the simplest price service at cheapest price quote for repair or service add Hyderabad, if you trying to find air conditioning service or repair add Hyderabad then “Ac service center in Hyderabad” is that the best choice for you. We commit you the services in just 1 hour after getting your call.
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Toilet Repair Arlington TX
At ((Toilet Repair Arlington)), we are a 24-Hour mobile plumbing and toilet repair service ready to offer you all of the good assistance and fundamental solutions for all of your home toilet problems. Our company is ready to answer your call and deliver you a one stop quick fix for anything from a toilet leak to a clog in the quickest time frame best for you. All you have to do is give us a call anytime you have any residential or commercial concerns with your bathroom toilets leaking or stopped up and one of our professionals will have all of your questions answered anytime and have an expert plumber ready to be out at your location with the best tools and equipment in minutes to help. On the phone with us you may hear all about our low deals and specials as well as a free quote on any one of our affordable clogged toilet repairs and services or leaks repair. We can also help you with any new toilet installations and go through the entire process with you in no time.
Professionally Plumbing Repair Clogged Toilet
If your toilet is clogged and just will not flush don’t you hesitate to give us a call to professionally take a look at it and figure out what is causing the blockage to occur. We will do this using one of our camera inspection devices which is safe enough to enter the drain and capture all that is going on with the mess. After we figure out the problem our experts will then go and explain it all to you and let you in on the method they are going to be using to help you. If you are just tired of your old home toilet breaking down or just want a newer model, you can count on us to provide you with a new toilet installation that will be of your choice depending on what you are looking for. We will surely go through the different options out there and help you choose the best fit septic which fits into your specific needs and financial concerns.  
Our Services
Affordable Plumbing
Basement Bathroom Plumbing
Emergency Plumbers
Leaking Toilet Tank
Clogged Toilet Repair
Plumbing Issues Toilet
Toilet Troubleshooting
Water Tank Repair
Toilet Valve Leaking
Blocked Toilet Repair
Toilet Flusher Repair
Replacing Toilet Plumbing
Toilet Installation
Toilet Handle Repair
Toilet Drain Pipe
Toilet Valve Leaking
Bathroom Sink Drain Repair
Water Leaking From Toilet Tank Toilet Repair Arlington TX 208 S Mesquite St, Arlington TX 76010 817-381-9409 Store Hours: All days from 6AM to 10PM 24/7 Mobile Emergency Service
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