#mod alph
cuntyyellowpikmin · 2 months
weird pikmin dream
I had a weird dream last night where after Alph and Brittany fight the Vehemoth Phosbat, Captain Charlie talks to Brittany and at some point Brittany says “I've had enough of your machismo ass!” pulls out an AK-47 and shoots him. Charlie falls down and instead of the game saying “Charlie is down!” It said, “Charlie is dead!” Then the scene changed to both Alph and Brittany leaving the surface at sunset while leaving Charlie’s dead corpse to get eaten by the nocturnal animals.
And then the next day Alph in the Drake said "I know you like to do it rough, but at least give me more aftercare please!"
And that's when I woke up.
I’m not sure what my subconscious is trying to tell me.
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nartblartmallcop · 1 year
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Koppai gang headcanons are heeere!!! Koala swag
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unhingedkinfessions · 6 months
I kin Alph pikmin 3 and everyday I wake up and am consistently reminded I'm not in pikmin 4. What do you MEANNN one of my brothers got in but not me. I'm exploding the SS Drake what the fuck
i like this ask because unimaginable/excessive violence in pikmin is always very funny to me. such a cute little game about little freaks and even littler freaks and problems be happening on purpose. thats why i think everything louie does is hilarious. you have no reason to be a bitch and yet you are. it's awesome
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mercurys-hatta · 1 year
Today we got drawings, models and other stuff
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May I interrupt your drawing dose for a bit? Just wanted to share this silly thing in which my dad collaborated and it's stupid, but y'know...
Below the next 2 sections there are a few more doodles. I'm such a clever little advertising entrepreneur
I've also made my very first model made ENTIRELY from scratch. I know it ain't much but I'm proud of it :)
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Here are some more Project M mods I've been working on, ALL Pikmin:
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(Reworked Astro-Alph, making the suit more like Olimar's canon one)
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Now, more doodles for you
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If you're down here, damn, I'm not giving you anything, but that's just because I don't know where you live :( Please send me your address and I'll give you a handmade hat
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spr1ngpeach · 2 years
I don’t know where else to post these so I guess I’ll post it here •^•
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I just remembered this meme and wanted to draw Louie. It’s Brittany’s house burning down (don’t ask me why they have their suits on if they are not on PNF-404 idk, my sister’s explanation is that they are on PNF-404 and the drake exploded so they built a house to live in)
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Brittany ascending… took a picture at the right time… that is all I have for a explanation for this picture
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alphs20 · 4 months
Explode your emotion to 100%!!
The Mob Psycho 100 themed skin pack for the Customizable Player Models mod is OUT NOW!
Download it Here!
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simplegenius042 · 6 months
The Repost on Fallout Casting for Megumi Fushiguccicakes for Jujutsu Kaisen Abridged react fic
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"I like gigantic, heaving sophistication. Sopping wet tenderness! And a big! Fat!! Gaping sense of compassion!!!" - Megumi Fushiguro, Episode 5 JJK Abridged (by The Schmuck Squad).
As stated in the first Megumi Fushiguro casting poll post here, the cast options will only include the characters who were in the tie. It is up to you to break this tie once and for all by voting for one of the Fallout characters below:
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Reasons To Why I Believe These Characters Should Be Casted listed below the cut:
Alph Dolen (my Fallout 3 Lone Wanderer OC, faceclaim Sam Blackensee) -> He's got daddy issues.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy/"Cass" (a caravan owner from Fallout New Vegas before the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan worked together to destroy it, Cass drunk her sorrows away at an NCR Mojave outpost, until Ryder showed up to get her contract, though managed to barter her way into getting Cass to give up her caravan name but ensuring she still gets the opportunity to start again. Impressed, Cass journeys with Ryder to New Vegas to find Benny, and Ryder helps her find justice and learn to live. Has a heart condition inherited by her father, John Cassidy) -> Cass has a father who abandoned her, like Toji did to Megumi, and her sarcasm bites.
Danse (from Fallout 4, a loyal Paladin in Maxson's chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, helps Nate get onboard the Prydwen and meet Maxson, a capable ally who warms up to Nate, despite his xenophobic beliefs, has a crisis after finding out his entire life has been a lie when discovering he was a synth the whole time and the group who gave him purpose have turned their back on him. Nate though doesn't give up on him and gets him out of the BoS without being killed, and gives him a place amongst the Minutemen, which Danse was greatly appreciative and grateful for. It's a long journey, but he is letting go of the hatred he had towards others and himself) -> Danse's sarcasm would probably be confusing. Also man understands the importance of BROtherhood, coming from the Brotherhood of Steel. Spends more time getting stronger to avenge his teammates than looking to get hitched.
Miria (from Fallout 2, Finidy's wife after both were caught in the act by Miria's father, Grisham, causing a shotgun wedding, and throughout their journey together they become closer and Miria becomes a rather cool fighter, unlike in canon but the mods are impressive) -> Perhaps the least "Megumi" like person here, but she would call someone out for being stupid probably (she's had to deal with Davin after all).
I've also created and will continue to update (until the first set of cast polling is done) a Master List for the poll results of the casted winners. You can find it right here.
You can find my Fallout OC profiles Master List right here, which also includes a link to the original post where I pitched my react fic idea. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this, chow!
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protagonistpolling · 1 year
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Why should you vote for these characters?
Why should you vote for Kris (and co)? (3)
"Social anxiety"
"they are so. oh my god i love them. they have such good dynamics and susie has like a whole character arc about opening up to her new friends and ralsei's character arc is about him finding an identity outside of his role in the overarching prophecy and it's super compelling and while kris doesn't have a huge important character arc yet they seem to be setting up for an amazing subversion of the silent protagonist concept and ALSO they're nonbinary why WOULDN'T you vote for them"
Why should you vote for Captain Olimar? (2)
"He's such an everyman I love him, he doesn't deserve what he gets put thru. Hes an interstellar freight driver who crash lands on a death planet with toxic air and makes it back home so he can see his wife and kids again. While on the death planet he finds a cool bottlecap and saves it for his son :) Then when he gets back, his company is bankrupt because his coworker Louie ate a whole shipment of golden carrots and blamed space pirate bunnies. The President of the freight company sells off Olimars cool ship he just pieced back together on the death planet, then the president sees the cool bottlecap is worth more than a years wages and decides "oh yeah I'll take that as a company asset now and sell it to pay out debts, also you and the new hire are going back to the death planet from treasure hunting". And then while there Louie tries to eat every enemy including a ghost which probably possesses him. In any case Louie is heavily implied to end up trying to kill Olimar by piloting the final boss. Olimar just puts up with so much shit and despite it all he still has time to dedicate to his apparent interest of taxonomical research. He almost dies and took the time to think "hey this would be a cool gift for my son" hes so precious he deserves the world i love him"
"ahhhh i love pikmin"
Why should you vote for Alph, Brittany, and Charlie? (1)
"they travelled to a dangerous death planet to get food for their whole planet which is starving due to poor resource management"
Why should you vote for Mono? (1)
"He smol, he cute, he protecc (and holds hand!!) and he attacc"
mod note: i added six because it felt wrong to just have mono by themself. they are friends and holding hands
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displacedentities · 1 year
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Professor Elm Logs: Unown Studies- "Lowercase" Unown
"Unown are one of the few Pokemon incapable of breeding entirely! For starters, they don't have any recorded gender- unless each individual 'letter' form counts as its own gender, a completely baseless theory for which I have no proof beyond the hypothesis. I have however undertaken many field research expeditions in the Ruins of Alph, where they've been sporadically documented. During these trips, I was incredibly fortunate to make a rare discovery!
"Unown do not breed, but Unown 'young' appear to manifest spontaneously in fields of potent psychic energy- and more interestingly, locations of historical importance. These young Unown, I've begun to affectionately refer to as 'lowercase' Unown, due to their diminutive size compared to adults. Over time, I've observed lowercase Unown grow and shift slightly to become the full Letter forms; lowercase Unown display strong indication of the Letter they will become at full maturity, with some changes more drastic than others, making it a bit challenging to predict the final adult form for certain letters.
"Interestingly, lowercase Unown often manifest in clutches of multiple Unown at once- it's uncommon for lowercase Unown to appear by themselves. Another fascinating trend is the arrangement of Letters upon manifesting: lowercase Unown can manifest in a set of nearly a dozen Letters at once, and have a high rate of forming legible words from the text!
"I'll need to spend more time studying this..."
Mod: I was really taken with the idea that Unown just- have new baby Unown pop into existence xD They spawn into the world like a videogame NPC in render distance. Also that 'baby' Unown are lowercase letters ;m;
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hazyaltcare · 11 months
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Name suggestions for an eponymous Omori.
Mod Haze (🧨Tate)
Name transcriptions and their meanings and/or reason(s) for their inclusion on this list under the cut.
Alph - Meaning "lonely" or "one who is a loner."
Colla - Meaning "lost in antiquity."
Dolen - Meaning "to wander" or "to endure."
Eru - Meaning "he that is alone." Also a name of a supreme God of All in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. To me, this invokes both Omori's solitude in combination with him being somewhat of a ruler of headspace.
Geffron - Meaning "One who is spiritually calm and has great power."
Hitori - Meaning "alone."
Kai - Meaning "sea; calm, serene."
Lulling - Meaning "to calm; To soothe."
Stellan - Meaning "Peaceful one; calm" and "star."
Tulip - The flower that Basil uses to represent Omori.
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lazyskellyton · 1 year
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help me name him
white one name in the comment and vite one wich one suits him more
he's 9.1 feet tall sans swished with muffet and papy swished with grilby. the others i don't know
panic spread about a human in the underground and killing was apone them sans was vitamin, and after the act one sans, he went into kill mod.
his hp is 10 9, his karma is so strong monsters die after 1 hr of use, so king asgor band him to the caves. on his skull is asid like frosting. if hit you start to melt in to a liquid fire. it can be reversed, but only alphes can do that. no monster can stop sans not even frisk or chara can stop him. his gaster blaster is puff pastry and like muffet it is a fury spider. one of his acts will pin you down and uses his bones to lift you of the high enough to use his rigged bone to impale you in the chest he rarely ever misses the heart. papy visits him on his birthday and on holidays, in school he used to be picked on for his suze. sans always comfort him if needed. years later he got revenge for what they did to brother. gaster dose not exist in this au.
part two soon
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starlitfunkster · 1 year
Friday Night in Hell AU BUT only the FNF Lullaby Mod Characters
Sorry to the Hypno, Alexis, and Hell Bell cast fans.. because I forgot about them! I don't really think Hypno would fit? And honestly, Beelze and HELL BELL would not really change in the mod? ..Alexis wouldn't change either. And I would have no idea what to do with Dawn! (Made ironic now that Part 2 was made. Go check that out btw!)
Uh.. *ahem* I did everyone else though. And also Wally. Don't look at me, I think Wally would make for a sad fnf song.
~Lost Silver - Shade (It's a boy named Ethan, who apparently was killed near Mt. Silver. It does not appear under normal circumstances, only appearing to those of pure heart. Apparently its appearance can either pacify or terrify, depending on who it shows itself too. If proven worthy, it will give you a Cyndaquil, Pikachu, or on very rare occasions, a Celebi. If you are not... well hope you survive if you are not worthy!)
~Blake - Yuki-Onna (Male) (Compared to Mount Red, this boy has a lower kill count. He's a lot less mangled too, being one of his victims. He hides his missing jaw with a medical mask, and bandaged up his chest area where his heart was taken out of him. He will try to protect Mount Red's victims with his Typhlosion, but they usually end up dead before they can escape. All except for Gray, that is.)
~Mount Red - Yuki-Onna (Male) (He was killed by an ex-lover on Mt. Silver. Said lover would take his own life following the killing. If you see Red in a hanbok, hiding his face with his fan, then it's already too late. Male victim's often lose their jaws, whilst female victim's have their hearts torn out.. then later eaten by Red. Killing is hard work when you are a malevolent spirit!)
~Blue Tears - Onryo (He killed himself following his murder on his ex-lover. Now he causes disasters nearby Mt. Silver to prevent people from losing their lives. Most misunderstood him, deeming him a malicious spirit, but in truth he has saved lives in doing this. It's probably cause he's aware of why people are trying to go to Mt. Silver, they want to battle his ex!)
~Silver - Specter (He guards the Ruins of Alph, the location of which Ethan hides within. He will kill those who are not pure of heart by transforming into a Feraligatr! Oh wait, no it's an illusion. The victims usually die by his hands to prevent them from potentially getting (or harming) Celebi.)
~S!3v3n - Wraith (The younger brother of Mike that took his own life after feeling immense guilt over his actions. He tends to avoid Mike whenever possible, as his spirit was fused with Miki's as a last resort from Missing No. He looks more human than Charizard though.. and victims who do not heed Gray's warnings tend to end up as charred corpses.)
~Mike - Revenant (The older brother of Steven that was murdered, and is now seeking revenge. In the sense that his hair turned into wires that can extend to strangle his victims. Some of these victims were just onlookers caught in the middle. And Gray almost became a victim before Red intervened!)
~Glitchy Red - Living Glitch (The guy who isn't a spirit, but lives with Gray because he got his ass haunted. Don't annoy him, and he won't kill you. He has to tolerate so many spirits daily, so it's best not to make that looming anger worse. He also can go into his game and back out whenever he pleases.)
~Wally - Wandering Spirit (A young boy who died due to over-exerting himself during training. Should you seek him out, you must first go through Gardevoir. Even when her trainer was long dead, she still protects his spirit. Often times, he isn't 'home', but if your lucky he'll challenge you to a friendly battle. No consequences for losing, just the sting of defeat. Some hold back on Wally, but others don't. Hackers tend to glitch out of existence if they try to challenge Wally. No one knows why though.)
~Gray - Human (The poor sucker that's haunted to heck and back. Red has to protect him from death from time to time, much to his chagrin. He's constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Worse yet is most of the stress comes from Shinto! (not that she's doing anything bad tho-))
~Shinto - Unknown (A poorly made hypno that seems to love Gray in a friendly way. Even if Gray is like.. scared of her. She can turn into a human! Which confuses the heck out of Gray and Red of all people.)
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mercurys-hatta · 1 year
Since I've made (pretty much) every Pikmin captain playable, it was about time to remake Remix's Chef Louie and Astro Alph!
Get these Louie and Alph costumes by clicking on their names here or through the images' links.
Chef Louie's design is based on Wooden Turtle's Cooking with Louie short.
Please go watch it
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I've also been trying my hand at some custom animations. I've made completely unique idles for Louie, while Alph so far only has 1 unique idle, a taunt and a new, weird f-tilt.
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( A Sm4sh dev document where Alph was still considered a clone, he was said to "attack with the help of his antenna". Obviously this meant commanding the Pikmin, but I thought it'd be cool to use it as a whip lol )
If I ever learn how to make PSAs, even the slightest bit, I'm making a Pikmin-less Louie moveset myself because he deserves it
Miña nai, estou a botar demasiado tempo nestas cousas. Agora debería practicar máis para tradución e interpretación
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spr1ngpeach · 1 year
I LOVE your artstyle!! I'd love to see some pikmin captain shipart, if you'd like to draw any! 🫶🌱
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Thank you!!! Before I started this blog no one had ever said that about my art so it means a lot to me that you like my art! As for the shipart I actually ship Alph and Louie and I think Charlie and Brittany is cute but I don’t have any ideas for drawings T^T
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alphs20 · 5 months
It's finally here!
The Super Mario themed skin pack for the Customizable Player Models mod is now OUT!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download it Here!
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simplegenius042 · 7 months
Fallout Casting for Yuji "Bitchface" Itadori-wori for Jujustsu Kaisen Abridged react fic
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"I'm the stupid but charming protagonist!" - Yuji Itadori, Episode 3 JJK Abridged (by The Schmuck Squad).
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Reasons To Why I Believe These Characters Should Be Cast As The Variant of JJK Abridge's Yuji Itadori are listed below:
Elrand Brandt (Fallout Vault Dweller OC, faceclaim Jason Statham) -> Main protagonist privilege, and despite being in his early 20s, will cuss you out unprompted.
Finidy Mona (Fallout 2 Chosen One OC, faceclaim Jessica Alba) -> Main protagonist privilege, and extremely gullible yet a badass.
Alph Dolen (Fallout 3 Lone Wanderer OC, faceclaim Sam Blanckensee. Has transformed into a Ghoul) -> Main protagonist privilege, companions move on from him, despite being smart he has youthful gullibility.
Ryder (Fallout New Vegas Courier Six OC, faceclaim Halle Berry. Has gained cybernetic implants from the Think Tank on Big MT) -> Main protagonist privilege, most definitely not that nice underneath the surface.
Nate Gust Sarid (Fallout 4 Sole Survivor OC, faceclaim Steven He. He is a synthetic human) -> Main protagonist privilege, a bit dense but has some charm.
Vega (Fallout 76 Resident OC, faceclaim Yvonne Strahovski. Has transformed into a Super Mutant) -> Main protagonist privilege, wildly unpredictable and not as smart as she makes herself out to be.
Ian (from Fallout, Elrand's first and closest companion, helped fake his death after fighting their way out of the Lieutenant's attempted interception when the Master decided to blow up the base) -> Closest human companion to the Vault Dweller, seems reasonable enough, his artificial stupidity will be taken as canon and is now prone to accidental friendly fire.
Miria (from Fallout 2, Finidy's wife after both were caught in the act by Miria's father, Grisham, causing a shotgun wedding, and throughout their journey together they become closer and Miria becomes a rather cool fighter, unlike in canon but the mods are impressive) -> Dense and horny but with standards.
Butch DeLoria (from Fallout 3, leader of the Tunnel Snakes and Alph's former childhood bully until he saved Butch's mother's life from Radroaches, and after a turn of events that lead to Alph taking Amata with him out of Vault 101, Butch managed to help gather up a rebellion against Overseer Almodovar and was the one who escaped the vault to find Alph and Amata to get them to return and help. After resolving the issue, the two take Butch with them on their travels, becoming the official founding members of the newest Tunnel Snakes) -> He's got the confidence, the humor, and some small form of gullibility. He checks some boxes.
Arcade Israel Gannon (from Fallout New Vegas, researcher of the Followers of the Apocalypse, a remnant of the Enclave, and a reliable companion whom Ryder respects and appreciates, especially for his finesse in energy weapons) -> Out of all the companions to react to variants of themselves in an abridged series, I think his would be the funniest.
Danse (from Fallout 4, a loyal Paladin in Maxson's chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, helps Nate get onboard the Prydwen and meet Maxson, a capable ally who warms up to Nate, despite his xenophobic beliefs, has a crisis after finding out his entire life has been a lie when discovering he was a synth the whole time and the group who gave him purpose have turned their back on him. Nate though doesn't give up on him and gets him out of the BoS without being killed, and gives him a place amongst the Minutemen, which Danse was greatly appreciative and grateful for. It's a long journey, but he is letting go of the hatred he had towards others and himself) -> Danse gets the short end of the stick a lot, and I think writing his reaction towards his Yuji!variant would be pretty mind baffling (for him). Not to mention, although dense, he is brave.
Remember, if you chose the last option, reblog and put in the tags an alternative Fallout character, and WHY you think they'd be better.
You can also find my Fallout OCs' profiles Master List right here, which also includes a link to the original post where I pitched my react fic idea. Anyway, hope you enjoy, chow!
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