#project m
princessrosalina · 3 months
unstoppable force vs immovable object
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extremesocialoutcast · 2 months
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(HC for Rainbow Dash existing in a world more like ours: she lives in a small room in a creepy building with dirt-cheap rent, she overuses marijuana, and her political views are extremely edgy)
(Thanks to @heaven011 for the original post on the top)
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moritte · 5 months
CELESTE THEMED ICE CLIMBERS FOR P+! I’m hyped to play in tournament with this alt!
Created by ilikepizza107
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smashhole · 1 year
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Lime Jigglypuff is complete and available for download on Brawl Vault!
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catgirltitties · 9 months
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Looked rly cute at the project m tourney i wish i got some better pics !! And i got a few wins !!
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mercurys-hatta · 8 months
Since I've made (pretty much) every Pikmin captain playable, it was about time to remake Remix's Chef Louie and Astro Alph!
Get these Louie and Alph costumes by clicking on their names here or through the images' links.
Chef Louie's design is based on Wooden Turtle's Cooking with Louie short.
Please go watch it
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I've also been trying my hand at some custom animations. I've made completely unique idles for Louie, while Alph so far only has 1 unique idle, a taunt and a new, weird f-tilt.
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( A Sm4sh dev document where Alph was still considered a clone, he was said to "attack with the help of his antenna". Obviously this meant commanding the Pikmin, but I thought it'd be cool to use it as a whip lol )
If I ever learn how to make PSAs, even the slightest bit, I'm making a Pikmin-less Louie moveset myself because he deserves it
Miña nai, estou a botar demasiado tempo nestas cousas. Agora debería practicar máis para tradución e interpretación
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bahamutgames · 9 months
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Project M - Nintendo Wii (February 7, 2011)
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bluriginals · 2 months
splatoon 3 would do soooo good with a project m style mod. i think that would save us all, actually.
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giphit · 2 months
i never smash post on tumblr but man i just wanna live in the timeline where project m wasn't killed by nintendo. it was genuinely the best smash game of all of them
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matut1ne · 1 year
we out here using iMovie
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davidvkimball · 9 months
A Note About Project M 3.6 Content Integrity & Legacy TE
[originally posted on 5/9/2018, posting here for posterity]
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Last night we tweeted a tease for the next version of Legacy TE, something we've been very excited about for a very long time. We're happy to finally break the silence!
​Before we reveal anything about it, however, we'd like to visit a topic of recent interest. Specifically around modifying tournament legal stages in Project M 3.6 builds.
Our stance has never changed from Legacy TE's conception: characters and stages from 3.6 are the only acceptable versions of Project M content for tournament use. TE was made with this ethos in mind, and has never wavered, despite numerous attempts by the community to use unfinished leaked Project M content or community-modified deviations. We'll continue to make sure the integrity of Project M 3.6's content is intact.
In some discussions on the Project M subreddit and other places, there has been some confusion over what types of changes you can make to the game, and what kinds of changes should be considered acceptable. To help clarify this issue, we'd like to supply a few key definitions that will help distinguish between the many different kinds of "modifications" one can possibly make to Project M:
Aesthetic changes: visual or audio changes that don't affect gameplay, but can sometimes adjust players' perceptions and at worst be deceptive or distracting. This is a gray area, as some players use particular audio or visual cues when playing that can potentially be disrupted.
Net-new inclusions: additions to the game that simply give more of the same in a careful way, as to never replace key tournament content or result in any kind of gameplay change. i.e. Kirby's 9th and 10th costume options, alt stages
Quality of Life feature additions: net-new additions to the game that enhance non-gameplay changing features. ie. working replays, edit controls from the CSS.
Crash fixes: file edits that don't necessarily change aesthetics, nor in-game behavior, but simply correct potential game crashes. Examples are memory leak fixes, or Kart ROB’s Clear Mode edit.
Hardware-viability balance change: Changes to the game that only directly affect hardware-related aspects of the game to make the experience more consistent across every type of hardware i.e. UCF
Gameplay-changing modifications: any edit that would result in gameplay changes, including but limited to: character moveset changes, some PSA adjustments, some animation tweaks, stage collision changes, blast zone changes, etc
It's our belief that of the 6 possible types of changes above, only definitions 1-5 are worth considering. Changes as defined by definition #6 are never permissible, and have no place in a PM 3.6 build.
Why, you might ask? What's wrong with "balancing" a stage's blast zone or "improving" a collision? Well the first question to ask is, who truly has the authority to make that call? The Project M Development Team have been disbanded since December of 2015, so there is no true authority to be making these changes. In light of this reality, no matter how "good" the change might be, no gameplay-changing modifications should be made.
Let's ignore that for a second, and assume a group comes together and assumes the role of "authority" of the game's development and get away with it. Let's also assume the group came to a consensus where all parties were satisfied over what changes to implement. A push improperly executed will leave the community split, frustrated, and confused. There's a branding issue there, too. What "version" are each of these edited stages? They can't be called 3.6 stages. They can't be called 3.61 stages either. So there really is no good title for them. Good luck explaining this all to new players or less involved community members.
Not to mention this opens the floodgates to variety of other possible changes that can be argued to be made, including character balance changes, or additional characters on the roster.
This only scratches the surface of potentially problematic outcomes that could result from such a change.
The "gameplay update" debate has been a contentious topic since the PMDT disbanded in 2015. There's been a desire to correct mistakes left in 3.6, and not for no reason: it's not a perfect game. But what Smash game is perfect? Is disrupting a healthy meta 3 years in the making really worth a few little tweaks?
Since this is a longer post, we'll give you a TL;DR summary: ​ Legacy TE is committed to being faithful to Project M 3.6 as always. This means we will reject any non-3.6 variations of PM content and will not include them in any build.
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moritte · 7 months
: )
I’m ranked in Nebraska for two smash bros games now. I even have the same ranking with them being 6th in the state for Melee and P+
All the other people on this graphic are also super good. I’ve got to keep working hard to get even better!
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you-need-not-apply · 1 year
Don’t follow me for consistency
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catgirltitties · 11 months
Kinda neat in retrospect that all local competitive smash bros groups were organized in Facebook groups
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mercurys-hatta · 11 months
(No art 'cause I don't like plugging that into mod posts)
I haven't done any Smash mods for years now, so it's about time I did some more since now I can properly edit models and rig them
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How come nobody has remade Louie or the President from Pikmin yet??
I've been wanting so badly to remake them with more game accurate proportions and details for so long. It's always bothered me how no mods give them their backpcak from the games.
Some recolors I've done so far (might change some things. I really need suggestions):
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I believe not giving them these hurt faces is the greatest offender to any mods made of them:
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I reworked Nanobuds' Louie for Remix a few years ago along with Alph, but I made his head massive. Now his head is more proportionate to his body and thanks to that his antenna doesn't move as weirdly anymore. His arms aren't too badly rigged either now with barely any weird poses. Generally he's been optimized and his body made to better fit the rig while still looking like Louie's body in Pikmin 2 (btw any licensed Pikmin professional please tell me if Louie's head size is accurate enough)
The President was completely remade. Bigger head, fatter, brand new backpack and with an actual textured head. Wanting to make him as accurate as possible while wanting to keep the rig looking decent was tough, so I kinda sacrificed a bit from the two.
And best of all: their noses now have jiggle physics just like Oli
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