#mod nare
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i havent posted my OC yet because i wasnt really that happy with my first one sorry but i dont like the bg choices i come from the sims im used to super customization
but now i started another save with mods! so meet my lovely oc!
Nare' (na-r-ee)
the name i chose is an Arabic word that means "my fire" Nare' (she /they) is a High half elf Warlock bard that has fey ancestry her element is fire and her background is entertainer
Nare' grew up in baldur's gate in a very strict household. while her parents were loving and doting on her they forbade her from fey magic and wanted her to focus on her high elf status, asking her to suppress her fire magic .
while Nare' did not like that she would sneak out often to gain knowledge of her powers and the weave by striking deals with anyone she can find that has the knowledge she needs.
her hobbies are : making fun of anything her eyes land on, making friends, scouring the library for any new books about magic or history, testing her new spells on goblins outside of baldur's gate, sitting on ledges and roofs so she can be closer to the sky.
she loved being outside in Baldur's gate and often would stand on anything high and preform on her flute and sometimes would make mini comedy shows making fun of whatever she can. in fact she was in the middle of a small comedy show about wizards and sorcerers and warlocks when the illithid ship attacked.
more Nare' with a new friend:
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florist-chuuya · 4 months
Fuckin- Hi I guess?
Fuck if I know.
○ Chuuya Nakahara; fucking florist extroda-fucking-nare, ex-mafia, He/Him, currently here to do fuck all.
Feel free to send me asks and shit- NSFW allowed.
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-- > AU INFO < --
Chuuya Nakahara- Left the mafia around 9 months after Dazai did [at the age of 19]. Currently has no idea where Dazai is, and doesn't want to know- he's still bitter that Dazai left him/didn't trust that Chuuya would betray the Mafia for him. [Still in love with Dazai however]
Makes recommendations of bouquets based on old Victorian flower & plant meanings, and occasionally sells his poetry or such.
Chuuya occasionally talks with Kōyo and Akutagawa, but other than that has completely cut the PM out of his life. He also has a ... strange fear/dislike of Mori now.
I am also using this HC for this AU.
Currently Chuuya is 20 years old.
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[ Warnings ] ->
BSD is a show that deals with a lot of triggering topics to begin with, so please keep that in mind. This blog will have a lot of swearing, suicidal talk, depressive talk, abandonment issues, violence & blood mentions, dehumanization (Chuuya at himself) , alcoholism, self harm, codependency, eating disorders (?)/ a bad relationship with eating [Chuuya starving himself and forgetting to eat], and human experimentation (Chuuyas backstory).
MOD info:
Hello! I go by she/her/xe, and also run a chuuya post dark ages rp blog [@winewinebloodwine], a chuuya pre dazai deflection rp blog [@dogsandwineandshit ]. My main is [@softmeetscreatureplz].
Feel free to interact and have fun!
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nervousmonolith · 2 years
Hi Mono,
the src mods just confirmed that eric minecravenger, multiple times ssg wr holder, has cheated several of his runs
man's reaction was to go on twitter and complain about the mods doing their math wrong
for once, i can't even fault javacord for their fifty million dream emotes reactions
-Nare zero-cycle
YEAH I HEARD NOW they were right for that not THE CHEATING THE REACTION
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How did the Siege of the Capital happen?
It is time for
worldbuilding with Nare
or: Nare wrote a thing and then realized they’d forgotten to share the explanation for 90% of the things they’ve written.
So: What you need to know is that Eret takes the throne in a very chaotic time. After Eret’s father dies, multiple problems in the kingdom that were already brewing come to a head.
The Church, who has spent the last few centuries slowly attempting to grab more political power, sees their chance with a young, inexperienced ruler. Supported gets their power grab by many of the smaller villages on the borders who are trying to survive amidst an also long-running famine that’s ravaging the Esempee and steadily getting worse.
On the other side, there’s the hybrids, angry at their lack of protection by the law and – the farther out you go – the discrimination they experience. The whole thing is basically a powder keg waiting to explode. Enter: Dream.
Dream is immortal, a powerful necromancer, and very, very bored. So of course the logical thing is to start a rebellion against the king.
The metaphorical powder keg explodes. The hybrids rally around Dream as one of their own. The people of the borderlands don’t really care who leads them, they just want a way to get additional resources. The Church…well, the Church mostly wants the pesky current king gone. Eret is smart, politically oriented and keeps countering their plans to grab power either in the state or on a social level and they’re sick of it. If it takes enduring a practitioner of the highly loathed necromancy magic on the throne to be rid of Eret, they’re ready to take that deal.
Dream has the people.
Eret has an army.
So Dream, who is very old and has been bored for a long time, calls upon some of his old contacts. Namely, mercenaries.
Now there are a great many mercenaries in the Esempee and they’re very different from each other.
There’s the “classic” mercenaries, selling their fighting power to the hightest bidder with more or less questions asked depending on who you hire.
There’s the bounty hunters, hunting down escaped criminals, magic users who abuse their power and the like.
There’s the assassins, similar to the bounty hunters but different enough to count as their own class.
And then, there are the Speedrunners.
If you ask them themselves, they’d say they’re barely mercenaries. They’re adventurers, collectors, not selling their skills to anyone with money.
If you ask other mercenaries, they’ll say speedrunners are insane.
Both groups can agree on that they’re the most skilled people you’ll find in this country. They’re fast, deadly, courageous and able to both find rare artefacts and break into the guarded and highly dangerous dimension of the “Nether” and live to tell the tale. And all of that without many of the things normal people need to even survive the normal world itself.
They’re also barely ever visible in the public eye and whenever somebody manages to catch a glimpse of one of them, masks and helmets cover their faces. Considering speedrunning is the only mercenary branch that is officially banned by the law, it’s an understandable precaution.
All the more confusing it got for the residents of the Esempee when the speedrunners suddenly showed up in Dream’s army, managing to take down the remaining army and the Capital in only a few days.
After Dream’s ascension to the throne, many Speedrunners faded into the background again, though Dream’s new general is Illumina, the legendary speedrunner himself. Other groups that have helped Dream also seem dissatisfied with his rule with the exception of the Church who gladly takes the power Dream doesn’t seem to care for.
The seeds for former king Eret - who managed to escape the carnage of the Fall of the Capital with help from remaining members of their army – to take back the throne are already sown.
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this-should-do · 2 years
having thoughts about thr "i gave everything for you" line from bad cop at the end of the advisor fight and how it shows badcops growth and wraps up the narrative of the mod
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I was literally thinking the other dayhow cool it is that you have such nice and supportive followers and interactions and then I see this gross defense. I guess any subset of humans is bound to have a few terrible people.
Yeah, there’s always gonna be a few bad apples.
However, all my other followers have been nothing short of wonderful! To be honest this whole mess has only made me appreciate my kind, supportive, pleasant followers all the more
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A Silver Apology
Notes: Me and Mod Salem wrote this drabble together! Amaris POV is mine and Salem POV is theirs, this is in the DSMP by the way
The young nymph entered the small forge just by the back side of her cottage slipping on her apron, and tying up her chestnut colored hair with a white ribbon. She threw the ores into the furnace, feeling the hot air of the furnace be released into the air, letting the iron smelt into ingots. A comfortable familiar feeling seeped into her as the heat sent sweat gliding down her face. She allowed the ingots to cool down,eventually becoming more solid, the newly cooled metal showing the reflection of the girl’s slightly soot covered face. A pang of guilt hits her when she remembers why she's doing this, but she shuts the thought down, she doesn’t have the right to pity herself when she made them both feel so much worse. She puts her focus back onto the task at hand and places the iron into the melting pot, letting the iron become liquid. She quietly pours the searingly hot liquid into the sheet mold to let it cool, leaving her a moment to herself. She silently stares at the iron as it solidifies, dozens of thoughts racing behind those hazel eyes. She lets out a deep sigh as she returns back to her work putting the sheet metal onto her anvil to begin hammering it into shape. The metal gleamed a bright orange from the heat as she banged her hammer onto it with strong yet calculated swings. Regret still lingered in the back of her consciousness while her hands worked. Having forged so many times before her body continued reflectively as she got lost in her thoughts.
She should have stayed, or at the very least waited a little longer. Now she was reunited with them both, but their relationships still felt strained. She still remembers that conversation with Salem when they saw each other here for the first time. Though he tried not to show it, Amaris knew Salem too well to not notice they were hurt. Amaris knew he had issues with being abandoned, yet she left anyway. She really was stupid enough to think that a small goodbye would be enough to erase a millena of anxieties and fears. And Aurora, one of the few people patient and kind enough to help her through her issues, all for her to leave her behind. She’s one of her few constants in her life and she couldn’t even return the favor. Gods, she is such a piece of shit. She felt her vision blur and a familiar wetness on her cheeks yet she continued to pound the metal as it began to resemble the head of a throwing axe and a dagger. Her arms begin to tremble, tears streaming down her cheeks now. Yet she continues pounding, putting all of her sadness, guilt, and regret into her work. The loud clanging of the hammer against the iron being the only thing keeping her grounded. As she pounds the metal slowly starts to take form, her breathing begins to even out and the tears begin to subside. Until finally the hammering is done. She silently lowers her hammer and stares at the weapons, her heart beating so loud in her ears as she shakily takes in deep breaths. She stands there in silence for what feels like hours, other than the crackling fire and noises of the forge she’s left alone with her own thoughts, though this silence feels more empty than usual.
Wiping her tears quickly she grabs her tongs and plucks the weapons off the anvil, both orange with heat, and dips them into the nearby water bucket leaving them cool to the touch. Picking up her rag she wipes away any soot or imperfections on the weapons, leaving them with a brighter metallic sheen. She gripped her bench grinder and began to run it down the sides of the dagger, repeating this until it was sharp enough for her standards. She then moved on to the axe head, scraping the bench grinder against the metal’s length. She thought she was making the right choice coming here. Everyone told her their disappearance was “normal” and “just Nare being Nare'' yet her instincts screamed at her something was wrong. That this time was different. Sure, turns out she was right, but the consequences of coming here were far worse than she expected. Now she’s stuck here as well until the gospel court manages to bring that sadistic bastard of a god to justice. She might as well not even be here with how much use she has. She continued to sharpen the axe head, with each stroke becoming stronger and stronger as she worked the metal. She finally held it up blowing off the dust, the cool metal contrasting her flushed skin. Her eyes puffy and her nose red, she rips her eyes away from her reflection. She began to carve details into the axe head, thoughts now pushed aside by her silent concentration. The minutes passed by like seconds as she gently yet firmly marked the axe with engravings, only stopping to wipe the sweat now running down her face. The axe head was almost completely covered in long, curbing lines that joined together near the face, the edges being the only spot untouched by her hand. With a metallic thunk she places the axe head onto the table, plucking a piece of wood from the table and getting to work on making the handle for the axe.
A traveler with a strange, moth like cloak strode through the woods on the way to the nymph’s cottage. “First My Claimed disappeared to this ‘ell ‘ole than my friends' damn.” They muttered under their breath. They had stopped in a place called ‘Snowchester’ during their travels, and their immortal heart almost stopped at the sight of their favorite claimed, a blonde avian hybrid named Theseus (affectionately called Tommy) with no memory of them and no wings. “Ayy Salem, gotta pull through” They muttered to themselves through gritted teeth. They checked their compass again. They were close to the coords that Amaris’ letter had told them to come too. Then in the distance, there it is, a simple cottage with a small forge on the side, surrounded by beautiful, vibrant wildflowers and a garden. (Salem would never admit it, but they always admired Amaris’ way to keep plants alive. They could only keep their associated plants alive) They pulled their hood down. Better see what they needed. (There couldn’t be any other reason Amaris would want them at her short-term home, they were proving themselves to be a horrid friend and patron. Really Salem, they obviously didn’t want you around. That’s why they left) They quickly pulled themselves out of their thoughts. They had a reputation as one of the two death gods that were actually happy, and they were just standing there, staring at their best friend's property. They briskly walked up the path to the home, and knocked three times (a habit they picked up from Kristen) on the rough-hewn door. Amaris opened the door. “Salem!! My friend!!!,” (She looked like she had been crying) “I didn’t think you’d come!!”
“Of ‘ourse I’d come! ya are my best friend!” Salem said back. (They wondered if she was crying because of them)
Amaris opened the door wider, ushering in her godly friend and leading them to the kitchen table. "Tea?"
“Of ‘ourse.” With that Amaris put a kettle to the stove and then turned to look at Salem. “So.. uh, The server is fucked right? It’s not just me?”
“No It ain’t just ya, I noticed it too. I saw ‘ommy on the way ‘ere, an’ ‘e dinae know who I was!”
Amaris hummed and turned to make the tea. “Uh. I did want to say I’m sorry Salem. You didn’t deserve to get left alone again, but I still left. And that was me being a horrible friend. I really am sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.” Salem sat in silence (what does she mean that she’s the bad friend?) “See, I dinae know why yer ‘poloizing to me lass. I’m the bad friend for ‘ver reactin” Salem answered, rubbing at the back of their neck, fidgeting with the claps on their necklaces. “No Salem. I shouldn’t have left. A simple goodbye will not erase thousands of years of your anxiety.” Amaris sighed, handing the god their cup of tea. “‘anks” they muttered. Amaris sighed again. “OH! I have something for you!! Stay right here!” She ran into another room, letting Salem drink in silence again. She came back into the room, with a parcel, wrapped in simple black fabric. “Ay, wots ‘at now?” Salem laughed. The awkward tension seemed to be gone from the room. “A present!” Amaris answered happily, pushing the package into Salem’s lap. “Open it!” Salem laughed again, Quickly unwrapping the parcel, revealing a beautiful throwing axe, with intricate carvings on the handle, and wrought designs on the head of the axe itself. All in all, hand-made, probably from the forge right outside. “‘OLY SHITE AMA ‘IS IS AWESOME” Salem cackled happily. Amaris giggled. “I’m glad you like it, consider it an apology gift.”
“Well ‘en consider yaself forgiven.” Salem said, pulling Amaris into a hug, like they used too. (I wonder if they forgive me back?) “Soo.. now ‘at the sappy ‘art is over, wot are we gonna do ‘bout the total weirdness of ‘is server? I mean, ‘ommy’s been messed with, an’ Tech won’t talk to me; so Aurora is tryen’ to talk ‘ome sense inta ‘im.”
“I have a theory my friend, and it’s not great. But we will figure it out. I think some people know what is going on, and we are going to get to the bottom of it. Someone is behind this.”
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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Baby Zhorrid got Darth’d! I’m so proud of her!
She also hit the appropriate Dark level for her in-character corruption to aaaaaaalmost match her canon look if I set it to show dark side corruption. I just wish I could have a mod or something to override the eye color corruption, since canon Zhorrid doesn’t have corrupted eye color.
Now to decide what’s next!
Mahzarin is on Corellia (but waiting to finish the planetary quest with @sith-shenanigans and @resol-nare‘s Noodle Squad though)
Mara!Shara is on Balmorra (was leveling her, so she’s barely started the story there)
Lark is on Alderaan, I think?
Zeke still needs to finish Voss
Zuvi2.0 is up to Port Nowhere
Nulis is on Taris
Moxie is ready to start Ziost
Mena2.0 is on Yavin, waiting to start either doing tasks for the Coalition/solo kicking Revan’s ass or the Temple of Sadness
Tulia is most of the way through Rishi
One version of Vysh is still on Ord, and the other I think is on Coruscant, I think? They’re both level 75 though lol
Khynan is only far enough to have a ship (but is level 75)
Isek is nearly done with Dromund Kaas
I think Ayadi is also almost done with Dromund Kaas, but I haven’t played her in a long time
Icarus is barely into Ord (but was playing along with a smuggler belonging to @pauletta-00, and then other things started happening, and we may have abandoned those two, who knows?)
Several toons I haven’t actually really played: Archie (Zuvi’s big brother!), Gezta, Tenga, Stin, Hinah, Zydras, Peri, Nustia
Several toons have made it through current endgame and have been maxing out rep in different areas, and some other toons just sort of chill (like Coda, who hangs out and runs flashpoints or heroics with @miss-spooky-eyes‘s Indy when life allows)
But I’m very indecisive, so who knows
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that part in omoi yo where their voices go a pitch deeper reblog if you agree
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tmitransitioning · 6 years
I’m not sure if this even counts as a trans question but, because of past self harm razors trigger me and even seeing them is hard so i have none. As a trans guy it hasn’t been a huge deal with my arm pits and legs but i really need to shave the hair down there, is nare (i think that’s how you spell it) safe to do down there? What’s another option i can do at home?
unfortunately, general nair is definitely not okay to use “down there” (please don’t ask me how I found this out, just trust me).  you can wind up with blisters, even if you are completely fine to use it on your legs and pits.  They DO make a specific one (here), that’s made for “bikini” area which is pretty vague but clearly meant to be used in more delicate areas.  I haven’t tried this one but use it according to directions strictly, and definitely do the patch test before to make sure you won’t react. Other options could include trimming down the bush with a beard trimmer (that’s how I keep things in check- it’s healthier for the body because it keeps the good bacteria where it should be and protects against bad bacteria and friction better than no hair at all, similar to wearing a beard).  if you want a closer trim, you could get an electric shaver made for genitals like this, which has no open blade.  it will let you get a pretty close shave after you trim things down a bit, and works mostly on friction.  There are also electric tweezing/plucking devices.  they work a little slowly and are more painful, but they can be effective and are definitely more long-term than shaving, so if you can handle some discomfort. y
I can’t speak to the effectiveness of the home laser devices but they exist. I am hesitant to recommend them because it feels like there’s a potential for harm from untrained use.  
Mod Mayhem
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got bg3 up and running the save files work perfectly and i updated all my mods!
the heads mod i was using changed around the heads so Nare' had another "squished" head for a second she looked like what i envisioned her younger sister Mare' would look like lmao
so now im just installing a few cosmetic mods i forgot about but BG3 is officially up and running again!!!!!
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Children, Complex, and Dogs: happiness starts her Obrooklyn acc Waifin 55635-3 years old, 50 lbs Dowy Adorable irl with a BIG SMILE, social, super sweet. , Social, Super sWeef fun, smart, knows some commands, loves toys treats! **** TO BE KILLED - 3/2/2019 **** SWEET, SOCIAL DORY WITH THE BEST SMILE EVER <3 A volunteer writes: Dory's face is so expressive that she looks like she jumped right out of a claymation cartoon and her tail basically never stops wagging -- what an endearing little peanut!!! She's super friendly but tends to get caught up in all the excitement of being around people, forget her manners and become a mouthy jumping bean! The good news is her love for people is matched by a love for toys and treats -- super helpful for when she is saying "I love you!" with her teeth! And she's one smart cookie: she already knows "sit" and "down" (and sometimes "paw" too!). She lights up at the sight of any toy (perfect for getting her energy out) and brings them along when she props her paws on me or crawls into my lap to solicit affection. She always makes lovey dovey eyes, does the cutest head tilts in history, and oozes sweetness! Please check her out at Brooklyn ACC! DORY@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Dory My animal id is #55635 I am a female black dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old, 50 lbs Came into shelter as a stray Feb. 23, 2019 This pet is rescue only Dory was placed at risk due to medical and behavioral concerns. she was diagnosed with Canine Infection Respiratory Disease Complex and will likely require home rest and a series of antibiotics for up to 14 days. This is a contagious illness to other dogs. During her stay in the care center, Dory has exhibited mouthiness, leash-biting and poor impulse control on multiple occasions. She also displayed very high levels of over-arousal and handling sensitivity during her interactions. The combination of the number of incidents and the intensity of each that occurred are why it is recommended that Dory be placed with a New Hope Partner to help manage these behaviors safely and appropriately prior to permanent placement. My medical notes are... Weight: 50.4375 lbs Vet Notes 24/02/2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Approx 2-3 years Microchip noted on Intake? Negative, placed at intake History : Stray Subjective: BARH, wagging tail and body, low to the ground while petting, holding pig ear in mouth for most of exam, allows full exam, except of ears. During intake treatments she did snap at LVT when trying to place microchip. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear. Ears - mild-mod erythema, stenosis, dark discharge AU. Resents any exam/swabbing of ears. No nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Scant tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Female intact MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally normal Assessment: Otitis AU Prognosis: Good Plan: Clean ears and apply claro when under GA for spay Spay, adoption SURGERY: Okay for surgery 26/02/2019 Progress exam History: 2/24: Found as stray, bilateral otitis. Ear cleaning and clarithromycin ointment scheduled to be applied while under anesthesia for spay. Subjective: BAR hydrated. Objective Cageside exam performed R = wnl BCS = 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear. Ears - mild-mod erythema , stenosis, dark discharge AU. Serous discharge noted from nares bilaterally, sneezing noted. H/L: Eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Female intact MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally normal Assessment: 1) Otitis AU 2) CIRDC Prognosis: Good Plan: 1) Clean ears and apply claro when under general anesthesia for spay 2) Start doxycycline 10 mg/kg PO q24h x14 days 3) Start enrofloxacin 10 mg/kg PO q24h x14 days 4) Move to isolation SURGERY: Temporary waiver due to CIRDC 26/02/2019 [Spay/Neuter Waiver - CIRDC] Your newly adopted animal is in treatment for Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC). The veterinarian is temporarily waiving this animal from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY until such time as the illness has resolved and the pet has sufficiently recovered. At that time, this animal must come into compliance with the spay/neuter requirements. Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow Behavior History Behavior Assessment Behavior during intake: Dory had a loose wiggly body during intake. Dory accepted treats, understood how to sit, allowed to be collared and scanned for a microchip. Dory would jump on counselor's lap and allowed all petting. Date of Intake: 2/23/2019 Basic Information:: Dory is an approx 3 year old black and white dog that was brought into BACC as a stray. Date of intake:: 2/23/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray, no known history Date of assessment:: 2/24/2019 Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Moderate pulling Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Uncomfortable with tension on neck when walking, made an attempt to grab the leash Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social, solicits attention, exuberant Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Readily accepts treats with medium-hard mouth Handling Soft handling: Soft and loose body, went into sitting position, open mouth and relaxed Exuberant handling: Soft and loose body, lip-licking and somewhat uncomfortable Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Immediately became overaroused, unable to conduct Arousal comments: Escalating to leash grabbing, tugging, mouthiness, growing and jumping up onto handler Knock Knock Comments: No response Toy Toy comments: Freezes upon approach Summary:: Dory was surrendered as a stray so her past behavior around dogs is unknown. 2/24: When off leash at the Care Center, Dory is introduced to a novel male dog. Due to the levels of nervousness shown by Dory and the novel male being too exuberant for her, the gate was not opened. Dory kept her body low to the ground and sought attention from handlers. Date of intake:: 2/23/2019 Summary:: Loose, wiggly, allowed all handling Date of initial:: 2/24/2019 Summary:: Wagging tail, loose body, low to the ground, attempt to snap during microchip ENERGY LEVEL:: Dory is observed to have a very high level of energy and is exuberant in play and interactions. We cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment, but we recommend that she be provided daily mental and physical stimulation as an outlet for her energy. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: During a walk through the hallway, Dory was being handed off to another ACS staff member, at which time she began to resist walking into the room with the new handler. She pancaked to the floor and rolled over onto her back. As the first staff member attempted re-approach her, she attempted to snap and stood back up with low and tense body posture. The first staff member reached out to try and handle her once more and she attempted to snap a second time before other handlers were able to intervene and redirect Dory's behavior. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Dory is highly social and solicits attention, however, overall she has exhibited inappropriate behavior while in the care center. Due to Dory's over-arousal combined with her handling sensitivity, it is recommended that she be placed with a New Hope Partner to help manage this behavior and decompress in a more stable environment prior to permanent placement in an adult only home. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Dory, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Place with a New Hope Partner: During her stay in the care center, Dory has exhibited mouthiness, leash-biting and poor impulse control on multiple occasions. She also displayed very high levels of over-arousal and handling sensitivity during her interactions. The combination of the number of incidents and the intensity of each that occurred are why it is recommended that Dory be placed with a New Hope Partner to help manage these behaviors safely and appropriately prior to permanent placement. Potential challenges: Resource guarding,Basic manners/poor impulse control,Social hyperarousal,Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition,Handling/touch sensitivity,Leash-biting DORY IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HER LIFE.
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Oh! I just had a thought, since Nare asked this a while ago in the discord and I dont think we ever clarified for the tumblr
On the discord:
Nare: ...does the nether exist in this? And if yes, is it an alternate dimension or just a particularly inhospitable place on the esempee Kiwi: It does exist and it is an alternate dimension. A very dangerous dimension but it's hospitable. There's a reason why you need a license to go and spend time in the Nether outside of just quick travel
so yeah the Nether is an alternate dimension that is highly dangerous and people need a license to go and spend time there instead of just using it for quick travel
just thought you all might want to know to be sure
There is a reason nether hybrids are terrifying, even more so than you might think, especially the nice ones
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hobbylogics · 4 years
“A Moment” CV Postscript
DL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EkB2... 
Artists: Pandrezz, J'san  Music: Lakewood
I thought it would be fun to try to do some writing stuff for the CV, similar to Coffeelucky and other JEB editors that document their process/work. Hopefully you guys find it interesting or insightful. Overall I’m pretty happy with how the video turned out!
What started out as an idea for the atmosphere for the CV, turned into a way for me to express how stressed I’ve been lately. “A Moment” eventually represented the feeling of taking a walk outside for a breather. 
The original title of the CV was intended to be “I Need A Moment”, but it sounded too literal for me so I cut it back to just “A Moment”.
I mentioned in the sign-up information that this CV was going to have simple editing, so I tried to keep the edits minimal to fit the music and to keep the simplicity as part of the theme of the CV.
The intro and ending of the CV are videos of myself walking away from the house and walking towards the house. I included the audio of the door closing and my footsteps in the intro to give that Lo-Fi Hip-Hop intro feeling, similar to the “cozy winter” track by j’san.
I also tried some new things in this project and I think it adds a nice subtle touch to it.:
For Ch and Xyz names - I decided to add a staggered fade in/out effect for the letters.
For the transition from Shisones to Kevlar - I finally got to try out the “spin” transition that I’ve thought about using before. 
Increase in brightness/contrast in Noishi and Baaron’s videos - The name pops up to sync with the music and make the text show up a bit better.
I invited three people: Akai, Nare, and Ch. The idea was to have these three spinners to help carry the CV in case there weren’t many submissions to work with.
Here’s some of my honest thoughts about your combos:
Akai - Cool passes with your thumb, and a fresh new desk angle. The camera could be moved back a bit more to help keep the entire pen in frame. I could say more but I already went over with you about it in a private chat 8)
Shisones - Your flow isn’t too bad, even though you told me about your inconsistency. I think the combo structure is a bit strange with the sudden 14 around, but I’m curious to see if you’re going to try to pursue a style with heavier mods after you work on aesthetics with mx and such.
Kevlar - I remember that you were saying how you wanted to use the palm up FLTA Rev properly, so it was nice to see the way you use it here. I think you could have used a more impactful finisher than just a thumbaround though.
Nare - Your arm movements really help highlight the aerials and the FLRA. Could be a bit cleaner in some places, but overall it’s nice.
Ence - The spinning flows pretty well. You spin Dr. Grip a lot better than I thought you were able, since I know you’re more of a KT spinner. Judging by the paint that rubbed off the Dr. Grip, you used it quite a lot.
Penguin - You’re able to keep your spinning pretty smooth even while using fingercross linkages. I can’t say much about the material itself, because it’s not really my area of expertise.
Ch - I dig your new setup with proper lighting and everything. The powerpass link flows really nicely with the rest of the combo. The finisher is a bit messy, but it’s not a huge deal-breaker.
Noishi - I’m pretty impressed with your deliberate pacing when you perform simple tricks. I want to see more stuff from you.
Baaron - I know you were a bit worried that your combo might not fit in the CV, but I actually like your execution in this combo. The direction change in 13 you did is clean. It’s also interesting to see you incorporate modern tricks into your spinning.
Effect - Nice wind-up finisher sequence. Your flashier, heavier mod spinning definitely fits in the more upbeat part of the song in the CV.
Pixels - Your skills from your older style while competing is helping you do some of the linkages that aren’t really used in conventional Korean-style spinning. I’m interested to see you incorporate some elements from your old style and combine it with the new aesthetic style you’re trying to build on.
Xyz - A short and sweet clip that shows off some of the finger positioning that you’ve improved on since you submitted to one of my CVs last year.
Pohng - I really liked how you used charge after the west sonic. The ending could be a bit more confident and I think you might have hit the pen on the table during your combo (not very noticeable without the audio though). You also might want to move your Pepsi drink out of the frame since the blue stands out a lot against your desk.
You’ve improved a lot since last year in SpinFest, and I want to see what direction you decide to go with your spinning with the basic foundation in aesthetics that you have now. 
Shiwahime - Everything was pretty clean and smooth in the entire clip, but the finisher was unconfident. I think if you just ended with a double TA, it would have helped close out the combo with a lot more authority. I wanted to mention you in this post because you were very close to making it in the CV, so I wanted to give some advice that will hopefully help you when you submit to future CVs.
I felt bad after I mentioned in the sign-ups that newer spinners should try to film because I should have expected older spinners to join. It resulted in a lot of the newer spinners getting filtered and so I apologize for that. 
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finnichvessal-blog · 5 years
Top 16 Most Popular Guest Friendly Hotels In Hua Hin in 2019
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Hua Hin is a visitor location located about 200 kilometers from Bangkok to the south.
It is really well-known both among the Thais, as it is among the summertime residences of the Royal House and also the King, and likewise amongst the foreigners that significantly select it as an alternate location to, possibly way too much, Phuket and also Pattaya.
Reasonably reduced rates than other locations, the place on the sea as well as the reasonably brief distance from Bangkok suggest that this is a location to take into consideration if you are seeking something various to the generally inflated vacationer excursions in Thailand.
Thanks to a 5-kilometer long sandy coastline and the typically tranquil sea, Hua Hin is a pleasant place, although in addition to the nightlife you likewise like to loosen up and soak up the sunlight.
You can reach Hua Hin from Bangkok by bus (between 3 as well as 4 hours of travel).
Hua Hin Guest Friendly Hotels
Night Life in Hua Hin
Despite the small size of the community it is possible to have fun and also above all to have positive meetings.
In Hua Hin there are a number of beer bars as well as the person hosting bars where it is feasible to return house in great business, instead, the timeless go-go bars are lacking. There are two bottom lines of passion for Hua Hin nightlife: Binthabat and say 80.
The term Binthabat refers to a quadrilateral-shaped island enclosed by the Soni binthabat, the soi Selakam parallel as well as the Poon Suk as well as Nares Damri line Rd
On the sides of the block you will certainly locate a large number of beer bars much more 'or less frequented and also lead characters of alternating ton of money as well as popularity' amongst the punter, just to discuss some names (which change nonetheless promptly with the change of hands of the bars themselves):.
Paradise, Tuk Tuk, TNT, Tiger, International Butterfly, Caddyshack, Pink Panther (very different from the homonymous go-go bar in Bangkok).
A little more south of Binthabat, you discover 80 (frequently described merely as Hua Hin 80) from Phetkasem Rd to Prappoklao Rd where there is additionally a row of bars where you can make interesting conferences below too some name the insignia you can locate:.
Rainbow, Ting Tong Club, Nikita Bar, Miss You, Capacity, Mona bar.
Hua Hin and the guest-friendly hotels.
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Here Are the list of Best Guest Friendly Hotels in Puerto Galera
Here Are the list of Best Guest Friendly Hotels in Puerto Galera
1. Chaba Chalet
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Room service [24-hour].
Airport transfer.
Fitness Room/Gym
Spa & Wellness Centre
Free WiFi.
Air conditioning.
Swimming pool, Garden, Scuba Diving
Water Activities, Canoeing, Hiking, Jacuzzi
Check Out Chaba Chalet Hotel. Now
Guest Friendly policy reply by Chaba Chalet :
“An overnight guest is welcome without extra charge; However, you will have to be responsible for the expense. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Chaba Chalet At Hua Hin Market Hotel”
1/18 Sasong Road, Hua Hin City Center, Hua Hin
2. Citin Loft Hua Hin
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Room service [24-hour].
Airport transfer.
Fitness Room/Gym
Spa & Wellness Centre
Free WiFi.
Air conditioning.
Swimming pool, Garden, Scuba Diving
Water Activities, Canoeing, Hiking, Jacuzzi
Check Out Citin Loft Hua Hin Now
Guest Friendly policy reply by Citin Loft Hua Hin :
“Regarding your question, we are pleased to inform you that we are a guest and do not charge for your visitor. However, her ID Card or Passport is required to register for our security reason only. Ekkachai Tiwapat, (Mr.) Central Reservation Officer “Should you require more information please do not hesitate to contact us.”
120/22 Soi Hua-Hin 78 Petchkasem Road, Hua Hin City Center, Hua Hin
3. Mod Guesthouse
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Room service [24-hour].
Airport transfer.
Fitness Room/Gym
Spa & Wellness Centre
Free WiFi.
Air conditioning.
Swimming pool, Garden, Scuba Diving
Water Activities, Canoeing, Hiking, Jacuzzi
Check Out Mod Guesthouse Now
Guest Friendly policy reply by Mod Guesthouse :
“Thanks for your interest and chosen service form our guesthouse. We look forward to your coming and hope to be part of your happy holiday. As you have inquired about your friend from a bar beer that you would like to stay overnight with you. We will not be able to accept you if your asset is lost or broken. Best regards, Ekkanat Trakooljeam -Assistant Manager”
116 Naresdamri Rd. Hua-Hin Beach, Hua Hin Beachfront, Hua Hin
Read More on https://travel.affiliatebay.net/guest-friendly-hotels-in-hua-hin/
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