#modern!Klaus Mikaelson
klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
The Art Nerd-Modern!HS Klaus M. Pt I
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(This is Part 1/4 of the High school Art Nerd series.
Warning:Smut in every chapter after this one)
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She was the only person in the school besides his family who gave him the time of day, let alone treated him with any kindness, even his siblings struggled with that half the time. She was one of the few popular girls who wasn't a bitch to all of the kids around her and he admired that about her, ever since the day she first spoke to him he hadn't been able to get her off of his mind and even he knew he was a little obsessed.
The first time she talked to him she was commenting on his painting. She had been sent to the classroom to drop something off to the teacher and as she went to leave she walked passed Klaus, seeing his painting. It was a beautiful, dark night sky and she was in love with it immediately.
'Wow. That is beautiful!' He was startled by her voice, usually completely focused when he paints which makes hearing other people a complication, though people don't usually talk to him so it's not often a problem. When he turned to see her he recognized her instantly, who wouldn't? She was one of the most popular girls in the school, though she wasn't completely cruel to those around her. Her boyfriend however, James, was an asshole who had abused Klaus both physically and verbally on many occasions, both that she knew nothing about that. He had never really looked at her before but now that he was his hands were practically itching to sketch those gorgeous eyes of hers.
He realized he had been staring at her a little longer than was humanly acceptable so he immediately stumbled over his words to say something. Anything! 'Thank you.' Thank you? Thank you?! That's all he has? He's pathetic!
'It amazes me that people can paint like that. I can't even draw stick figures.' She leaned closer to get a better look at his painting and he was overcome with her scent, inhaling as subtly as he could when he realized how Wonderful her smell is. Mango and Pomegranate? Along with something flowery that was just perfect and practically had him melting. He wanted to nuzzle his face into her neck and just take in her scent as deeply as he could. 'You're really talented Klaus.' He was instantly stunned. She knows his name? His name?! He was stunned but he surely didn't mean to say it out loud.
'You know my name?' He wanted to slap himself in the face.
'Of course I do. We've had 3 classes together since 9th grade. It's Niklaus, isn't it?' He nodded.
'Yeah, I know, it's a really weird name, I've heard it all before.' He joked but she didn't laugh.
'I don't think it's weird, I like it. My name is Y/n, how boring is that? Why would you want the same name as everyone else? It's unique.' She was sure of herself and he was touched that she liked anything about him, let alone something that he had been embarrassed by since he was 5.
'Thank you...I used to get teased about it by everyone, including my brothers. It's nice to know not everyone thinks it's stupid I guess.' She smiled and god damn if that smile didn't light up his whole world.
'I'm glad. I should go before my teacher thinks I ditched, I hope I get to see your painting when it's finished, it really is amazing. See you later, Nik.' With that she was gone and he was left there staring after her like some love sick puppy...which he absolutely was!
For the rest of the day Klaus could be found with his sketchbook in hand, drawing her beautiful eyes over and over again. He was obsessing over every little detail of her cute little nose and her full, kissable lips and by the time the last bell rang he had drawn her 4 times. He tucked the book into his bag and shoved his notebooks into his locker when he was suddenly shoved from behind, hands pushing him painfully into the locker before shutting the door behind him, laughter from 3 jocks outside for several moments before he could pull the latch and let himself out. That asshole had been abusing him since his first day of high school and now as a Junior the moron should be gone but he is, as he said, a moron and has been held back 3 times yet somehow still allowed to play football and to wrestle. How does a piece of shit like that get a girl like Y/n?
Over the next few weeks his crush grew into full blown obsession and even his brothers had noticed, the brothers he lived with who never notice anything! Kol teased him but he could be shut up pretty easily with a punch to the mouth, Elijah just warned his little brother of the risks of what he's doing. Though Elijah is in college now, he had been in the same class as James for years before the kid started getting held back and he knew very well that his little brother would get crushed if he pissed James off. Finn however just wanted details in the insane chance that Klaus actually got the girl into his bed, which Klaus found offensive. Finn was a dick when it came to women, everyone but his girlfriend Sage who had straightened him out when they started dating 2 years ago, though he was still a pig when it came to anyone else. If Klaus was lucky enough for Y/n to give him the time of day he would Never share details with anyone, especially his asshole older brother.
It was 3 weeks before Klaus spoke to Y/n again. He had finally gotten the painting graded and could take it home, and while he normally would take it home and hang it in his basement bedroom (a room his mother had fixed and given to him to make it easier for her son to avoid Mikael when he's angry or drunk), this time he had no intention of taking it home. He had been watching Y/n for weeks now and knew exactly where she was after school, walking outside and to the side of the building to see her with her Cheerleading friends. She was good friends with almost the entire squad despite never being a Cheerleader herself which Klaus almost thanked God for because if he had to see her in the halls every game day wearing one of those uniforms he would bust a nut in front of everyone multiple times a day. He took a deep breath and steadied himself, walking over and instantly having their undivided attention as he got close, none of these popular girls probably ever having been approached by a nerd of any kind. Klaus was an art nerd, meaning he spent all of his time in the art rooms, he wore dorky glasses sadly and he got incredible grades, he knew it and he was fine with it...most of the time. The only time he had a problem with it was lately because he knew a girl like Y/n (despite how kind she was) would never give him the time of day when it came to dating him.
'Are you lost, dork?' One of the Cheerleaders (that he had been teased by before) asked and he felt his face heat up, ready to just give up on this stupid idea when Y/n spoke up.
'Shut up Stacey! He hasn't even said a single word and you're already being a bitch!' She snapped and she stopped laughing, having the decency to look at least a little bit sorry. 'Hi Klaus. What's up?' He grinned, ecstatic that she was so receptive to him approaching her at all, let alone in front of her friends.
'I um...I just finished getting the painting graded and I remember you saying you wanted to see it when it was done?' Her eyes lit up and she smiled a beautiful grin that Klaus instantly knew he would be drawing later.
'Yes! I can't believe you remembered! Show me!' He turned the canvas around and allowed her to see it, letting her take it from him to inspect it closer, her friends now moving to see it as well. 'Klaus...this is incredible! You are so talented there aren't words for it! Isn't this amazing?' She asked her friends who all looked quite stunned by it.
'It is, it's really fucking good.'
'Truth. You have some serious talent. You should be in like, some special art school or something.'
'Brittany is right. You should be! Tell me you're going to some fancy art college after next year?' Y/n asked and he shrugged, blushing like crazy now.
'I'm going to apply to a few but they're really hard to get into, you know?' She nodded.
'Well I'm sure you'll get in, they would be crazy not to like this. I love it Klaus, really.' He nodded, smiling and not taking it from her when she went to hand it back.
'Good. Because it's yours.' All of them looked up at him in surprise, some of the girls giggling while another poked Y/n in the side, all of them walking away at this point to head to the football field for practice.
'Klaus...I can't accept this. You worked so hard on it, and don't you need it for like, your gallery or something to apply to schools?' He shook his head, smiling at her use of the word gallery.
'No, I have some photos of it for my art portfolio, I've been putting it together for years hoping to get out of this fucking town. I do hope I have a gallery of my own someday, but that's a long way off. Maybe someday when that happens, years and years off you'll let me borrow it to showcase, either way it's yours. I enjoyed how your eyes lit up when you saw it, no one has ever really been interested in my art work before besides my little sister, though I think that's just because she knows my family doesn't care much for my artwork.' Y/n looked saddened by that and he hated it immediately, never wanting to see her sweet face frowning.
'That's fucked up. Your family should be supporting you, especially when you're this good! Why don't they?' She seemed genuinely upset for him and it sent butterflies fluttering through his stomach.
'It's complicated I suppose, my mother had an affair and I'm not my fathers son, my relationship with my parents has been...complicated to say the least but you don't need to hear about that. My siblings just aren't into art, simple as that. My older brother Elijah is supportive, as much as he can be.' He didn't like the look of pity on her face as he told her this and tried to get out of the conversation quickly. 'I hope you like it.'
She caught his arm as he turned to leave before wrapping her arm around his neck and hugging him to her. 'I'm so sorry you have to suffer through that. I can't relate to that exactly but my family is fucked up too, my dad is a drunk and my mom numbs the pain with drugs so I pretty much take care of myself. I can empathize is my point...thank you for the painting. It was very thoughtful, I'll take wonderful care of it, I promise.' He wrapped his arms around her, taking the opportunity to take in her scent and feel her body pressed against his. He had been dreaming of her for a month now and finally feeling her body against him was like he was back in one of his dreams, her breasts pressed against his chest firmly and it was all he could think about, his cock twitching to life in his boxers prompting him to let go before this became embarrassing. 'I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?'
'Yes. Absolutely!' With that she was gone and he happily watched her walk away, desperately wanting to know what her cute little ass felt like in his hands, or pressed up against his crotch as he held her to him tightly...if only he had some kind of a chance with her.
From that day on she greeted him every time she saw him in the halls, and every time it made his day. He had caved for the first time after that hug, practically running to his room as he got home and wrapping his fingers around his cock, trying like hell to imagine they were hers as he could still feel her breasts pressed against his chest.
His fingers had been wrapped around his cock ever since…
It was a week later at the end of the school day that he was grabbed from behind, dropping his bag as he prepared to be shoved into the locker again, but he wasn't. He was spun around and pinned to the locker door, looking up to see James behind him and for once he was alone. The halls were deserted as Klaus had stayed after school to finish his newest painting, wanting it to dry over the weekend so he could hand it in on Monday and he felt a chill run up his spine when he realized no one was going to help him if this jerk decided to beat him to death.
'You know, I've been shoving you into lockers and smacking you around for almost 3 years and until a week ago I had no fucking clue what your name was. So why is it that now it's all I hear?' His eyes widened, not having expected that at all. 'Tell me, Klaus...why is my girlfriend suddenly talking about you as if you're fucking Mozart with that damn 'Night Sky' painting she hung in her room?!' Klaus couldn't decide what his mind wanted to focus on, the fact that she hung his painting in her room, the fact that she's talking about him on such a regular basis that James is this upset, or that James has clearly been in her room quite often and imagining him with his hands all over her naked body makes Klaus want to set him on fire. He's willing to bet however, that he picked the wrong one instantly.
'Mozart was a composer, he wrote music, he didn't paint. Maybe you're thinking of Van Gogh with his painting 'The Starry Night'? Though mine is drastically different in every way so I don't know how you could-' he was cut off by the meat headed Jocks fist straight to his eye, his head colliding with the locker hard.
'You are becoming a complication for me Klaus, and I don't like complications when it comes to my girl. She should be focused on me! When I'm in her bedroom there's only one thing I want and it's not to hear about the complexities of your God Damn Fucking Painting!' The idea that James was not only fucking her, but disrespecting her on top of that when she blessed him with the ability to not only see but touch her gorgeous body set every inch of his mind on fire with rage. He was about to snap some sort of comeback that would probably get him beaten when they were both startled.
'James?' Both of their heads turned to see where Y/n had walked in from the stairwell. 'What Are You Doing?! Let Go of Him!' She shouted and he was honored that she was sticking up for him, making him feel like the king of the world before he suddenly got punched again, this time in the nose making him cry out, feeling and tasting the blood that exploded from his face.
'No! He's gonna learn his fucking lesson! You don't go muscling in on a man's women, especially when you're a little punk who can't fight back!'
'Muscling in on-What are you Talking about?! He's my friend! I shared with you how much I love the painting so you could learn something new about me, yet you still never paid an ounce of attention to anything except my tits! Let. Him. Go!' Her voice was firm and Klaus could tell she was pissed but if James noticed, he didn't care.
'You ain't been putting out like normal, what am I supposed to think, huh?! We've been together for over a year and I know how much of a little slut you are, if you ain't getting it from me then you must be getting it somewhere! I wouldn't have guessed this nerdy little shit could give you any kind of fuckin' that's worth while, but stranger things have happened.'
She hadn't been sleeping with him?
Klaus wanted to think maybe he had something to do with it but his logical mind was telling him it more than likely had something to do with this Morons attitude rather than Klaus.
'I told you that if you didn't start paying attention to me and giving a damn about our relationship that I wouldn't be dedicating myself to this relationship anymore! This shows exactly how much you listen to me, now let him go! You have no reason to hurt him, besides, if it wasn't already clear from this conversation, we're done! You can find a new girl to put out, I hope she's as dumb as you so she won't feel the need to talk! Lord knows she won't be getting any actual conversation from you.' James looked stunned, like he didn't know quite how to respond but he seemed to figure it out when he pulled his arm back to hit Klaus once again. As James' hand came down Klaus was yanked out of the way and he collapsed to the floor on top of Y/n as the Jocks hand collided with the lockers painfully, causing him to howl in pain.
'You Fucking Cunt!' Klaus pulled her up to her feet and she took his face into her hands to look over his injuries, allowing him to see how bad Y/n felt about it. 'Fuck This Shit! You ain't worth it, I mean yeah, you have a tight pussy, but you're so fucking needy! All the snuggling and the pet names and needing me to spend time with you every damn day! She's all yours, freak!' With that James stormed off and Klaus was left with Y/n pulling him towards the bathrooms.
'I can't go in there!' Klaus insisted, seeing she was taking him into the girls room but she just huffed.
'Everyone has gone home, and the Cheerleaders have a locker room. No one will come in here.' She pulled him through the doorway and pushed him to sit on the counter. Klaus watched as she wet a paper towel and began cleaning the blood from his face very gently. Even when his mother had cleaned him up after Mikael had beaten him again she was never this tender and careful, he found himself wanting to get hurt everyday if this is the treatment he got. 'I'm sorry he did this to you Klaus, it's all my fault. I should have known he would freak out if I tried to do anything other than take my top off.'
'Y/n, it is not your fault! He's either hit me or shoved me into my locker at least twice a week for 3 years…I'm sorry he treated you like that, you deserve so much better. He should consider himself lucky you let him see you like that, listening to what you say shouldn't be treated like a chore. He's a fucking idiot.' Y/n had stopped cleaning his face and all at once Klaus realized what he had said. 'Not that it's any of my business and I didn't mean-I-well I didn't mean to...I'm sorry-'
'Don't be. You're incredibly sweet Klaus, and you're right, he's an idiot. He's been held back 3 times, plus once in second grade, like how the fuck do you get held back in second grade?!' They were both laughing at that point and for the first time he felt completely comfortable with her, not nervous at all, he enjoyed how carefree she seemed. 'He's right though, I'm definitely needy. He loved it when I called him 'Daddy' but calling me pet names or caring for me or something as simple as snuggling after sex was insane to him. Like, yeah, I have Daddy and intimacy issues, I don't comment on how stupid and childish you are, why can’t you just let me feel safe and small?!' He was stunned, she was talking to him so freely and personally that he didn't quite know what to do, but he didn't want her to stop. He definitely needed to go home and take care of himself now that he's picturing her in baby blue lingerie, calling him Daddy, and snuggling into his chest but he never wanted this moment to end. 'Oh God, I'm so sorry!' He quickly realized that he hadn't said anything after her little rant and he felt bad immediately. 'You didn't need to know any of that! I'm-'
'No! It's fine, I...I think it's even more shitty that you would be so vulnerable with him and he just spat on it. You deserve to be loved and cherished...and a Daddy to take care of you however you need. I...well I would have taken care of you...he doesn't deserve you.' He could see how red your cheeks had become now and he thought it was adorable. 'You can stop if you want. I have plenty of first aid stuff at home, you don't need to-'
'I want to. You deserve someone to take care of you too...I'm almost done anyway. You'll need someone to check on you, you might have a concussion.' Klaus shrugged at that.
'I've had plenty, if I was going to die it probably would have happened by now.' He joked but you did not look entertained.
'I'll do it. Come on, we can hang out and get something to eat. I'm starving.' His eyes widened and he wasn't quite sure how to react. His plan was to go home and jerk off until his balls were surely empty but now Y/n wants to spend time with him? Fuck Yes!
'Yeah...okay. Sure, we can go to my house if you want? The basement is my room but it's so big I made an entertainment center, we can grab some food and...hang out?' Klaus had never 'hung out' with anyone other than his siblings but he was ecstatic at the thought of the girl he is most assuredly in love with crushing on being in his room.
'That sounds like fun! Come on.'
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saintsir4n · 8 months
what if adrienne and klaus go missing during the mikaelsons ball?
I could imagine adrienne wearing such an old Hollywood look for her ball gown which klaus would buy for her. Hair curled and styled in side part. It would be everything .
“Kol invited the Bennett witch?” Adrienne asked, not bothering to subdue her amusement.
“You would’ve known if you and Niklaus hadn’t spent the entire afternoon confined to his room,” Elijah retorted, polishing his dress shoes for the upcoming ball.
He was irked that Adrienne and Klaus were not taking it seriously. Rebekah had left their family home, Kol was in the living room trying on a suit with Finn who he ignoring his youngest brother’s attempts at cracking crude jokes.
“Well your brother gives the best hugs, he hugged me so tight, my pearls popped off, so we had to spend the entire night looking for them. Isn’t that right love?”
Adrienne giggled through her explanation.
“Accurate recollection of our night together,” Klaus smirked, interlinking their fingers. “brother let my wife breathe she barely slept, not with our Pearl searching.”
Elijah grimaced, “Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, let’s hope you put your antics to bed—“ his eyes rolled at their snickering, “when you will attend the ball.”
“Doesn’t sound like you’re giving us any choice brother,” Klaus narrowed his eyes.
Elijah hummed, “Good, because I’m not. We are starting an anew in our old town and we have to try.”
“Yay,” Adrienne fake cheered, much to his dismay. “Nik, do you have my dress?”
Klaus nodded, smiling down at her, “In a box in your room my love.”
Adrienne squealed, “Can’t wait, now Rebekah and I have booked a manicures and pedicures. Whenever she gets back from inviting Stefan —“
“— she’s actually inviting him?” Kol strolled into the room, wearing the suit that was being tailored. “I thought he was courting that Doppelgänger?”
“Elena Gilbert,” Elijah stated, readjusting his tie after settling his dress shoes to the side.
“He was dating her,” Adrienne reiterated.
“Trouble in paradise,” Klaus informed with a cheeky grin.
“The annoying one is interested in Elena too.”
“Damon?” Klaus smirked at his wife’s disgust. “Yes he’s relentless with his attempts to woo her.”
“So you have that in common with him,” Adrienne mocked.
Klaus’ face dropped.
Kol grinned, “She’s got your there nik.”
“Shut it Kol,” Klaus snapped, turning to him.
Kol mocked, “Shut it Kol.”
Elijah cleared his throat, “Your juvenile disputes will cease for the night Nikolai. The treaty we have still stands, it must stand.”
A mirthful glint swam in Adrienne’s eye, “A treaty I tricked the Bennett witch into signing. It declares that if they dare start a war with us, or directly or indirectly provoke us into retaliation, her powers will weaken and then they’re truly defenceless.”
Klaus stared at her in awe, “Isn’t she clever?”
“Thank you handsome,” Adrienne gave him a quick peck, ignoring the groans she heard, just before they all heard the front door open, “Oh that must be Rebekah. Won’t leave you too long Nik, I know how testy you get without me.”
“Be safe,” Klaus said softly.
She snorted, “Why would I with the hybrids you have clinging to my every step?” She strutted away, “Come on Bekah.”
The youngest Mikaelson brothers turned back to each other after the front door shut.
“Let her breathe for once Nik. That begs the question, have you ever peed on her to show all the other monsters in this town she’s not up for grabs?” Kol taunted, dropping back into a chair.
Elijah turned up his nose as Klaus glared.
“You’re disgusting.”
“I’ll ask Enny when she returns,” Kol muttered.
Klaus threatening stepped forward, “You won’t dare.”
“A thousand years old and you’re acting like children,” Elijah remarked as Finn strolled into the front room, surveying the childish scene.
“Like you’re any better Elijah,” the eldest Mikaelson murmered, clutching onto a book he was reading.
Kol and Klaus started laugh, the latter lowered himself onto a chair and picked up one of his sketchbooks.
“I am not a child.“ Elijah exclaimed, turning to him disbelief, “Finn.”
A smirk played on Finn’s lips, “That’s not what Clementine relayed.”
Kol and Klaus laughed even louder.
“She what?” Elijah was a picture of aggravation.
“Oh I cannot wait for this ball, maybe you should invite sweet Clementine Finn, she would certainly love to let loose, break free from our noble brother’s chain,” Kol taunted.
“Don’t start Nikolai.”
“Please start Nikolai,” Klaus smirked as further dispute commenced.
I might write a full one shot of adrienne and the mikaelsons ball and her interacting with everyone. this is without esther as in my headcanon she’s dead. klaus was already a hybrid from the events of dark twisted fantasy. kol is a vamp-witch hybrid and the drama with the mystic gang isn’t decent compared to canon.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 4 months
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Finn and Kassandra Mikaelson
"Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters."
TVD masterlist
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loveakii · 9 months
my angsty headcanon about klaus and mikael is that when mikael answers the million dollar question why the fuck did you hate your son so much with “i don’t know, i just did” i genuinely believe he’s being honest. for all of mikael’s alleged superiority to his children in strength he’s very weak when it comes to emotional intelligence and regulation which indicative of a man from his time period. the fact he doesn’t see anything wrong with his own father training him brutally at what must have been around 8 years old. or that he can’t comprehend why his biological children would side with their brother over him, doesn’t really get the fact that a violent father is frightening to children even when that violence is not being directed at them. mikael reaching his final death without having any sort of self realization is kinda tragic. although i think he deserved exactly what he got, it would have been better for everyone involved if there was actually some clarity on why he acts the way he does and why he was such a monster to klaus prior to henrik’s death and the whole mess that followed it.
this is just my personal headcanon based on a variety of season 2 scenes, but i imagine klaus looking just like freya as a child. the same curly blond hair, the same blue eyes, the same smile. maybe they even take on similar behaviour patterns and personalities. and at first it’s a blessing. mikael adores him, he dots on him constantly in a way he doesn’t with finn or elijah, a way he never will with kol or henrik. he’s taken out of his grief, he pours all that left over love into his then youngest and things are okay. but after a time, once that child develops more into his own person, grows into his own distinct face, it becomes harder and harder to indulge in the dream. and the more niklaus grows, the longer mikael looks at him, the more it feels like the gods are mocking him. his anger comes back and can’t be quelled. it has to go somewhere. someone has to absorb it. why not niklaus, who makes him want to scream and cry when he thinks he’s seen his daughter only for it to be a trick of the light. when he finds out years later that he is not his blood, it’s only validation for what he already believed.
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morningstargirl666 · 9 months
How's everyone's holidays going? Here's an excerpt from my new edit of tbbw's chapter 5:
“How’s the makeover going? Finn clawed your eyes out yet?” she called out to Elijah in greeting, striding into the room with her manicurist in tow.
The brothers all turned at their sisters voice, all in different states of dress - Finn had only just finished buttoning his shirt, while Kol was currently fumbling with his bow tie, Elijah quickly moving over to bat away his hands and tie the fabric for him. Finn’s gaze met Rebekah’s first.
She stopped in her tracks, pressing her lips together, clearly trying to smother a laugh as her eyes raked up and down Finn’s new appearance. “Well, you look…”
“Don’t say a word,” Finn ground out, glaring down at the dress shoes he had just been handed with particular vehemence.
Rebekah pressed her lips harder together, ducking her head down to quickly hide the smile she couldn’t smother as she moved away. “I was going to say dashing.”
Finn glared at the back of her head as she sat down on one of the sofas, turning her back on them as her manicurist dropped her kit box to the floor, starting to set up in preparation for her manicure.
Not waiting for Elijah to finish straightening his bow tie, Kol weaselled his way out of his grip and jogged over to Rebekah, coming around the back of the sofa and leaping over it, landing on the cushions beside her.
“Ah, sweet, sweet sister… Finally joining us, I see,” he began in greeting, one arm thrown over the back while the other poked her shoulder. “Where’s your seamstress?”
“I already had my deep dive into 21st century fashion weeks ago, Kol. My seamstress already knows all my measurements.” Rebekah sniffed delicately, laying her hand flat on the arm of the sofa as her manicurist knelt down in front of her, raising a file to her nails. “So I thought, wouldn’t it be fun, if I had my manicure while watching you two in crisis instead?”
She turned in Kol’s direction with a saccharine smile, ponytail flying behind her. Kol leaned away, grin dropping into a scowl.
“I was daggered in 1919, not the dark ages. From what I can tell, not much has changed for men’s formal attire.”
“And yet, your shirt has been sticking out of your zipper for the past five minutes.”
“Bollocks,” Kol hissed, hurriedly standing to his feet to tuck his shirt away and zip his pants up, struggling with the more modern mechanism, too used to simple buttons and ties. Rebekah’s smile settled into a smirk, admiring her manicurist’s work while her brother cursed under his breath.
Meanwhile, Finn, having not seen Elijah help Kol with his bow tie, was currently attempting to thread his own through the belt loops on his trousers.
“Sir!” one of the tailors cried out in alarm, “Might I ask what on earth you plan on doing with that?”
Everyone froze, including Finn, who stared at the strip of fabric in his hands that was the exact width to snugly fit between the belt loops.
“It is not a belt? To hold these breeches in place?”
“Yes,” Kol proclaimed gleefully, grin widening, “Yes, it most certainly is.”
“Ignore him,” Elijah snapped immediately, striding over to help Finn. He grabbed the black bow tie out of his hands before Finn could attempt to use it as anything else. “It is most certainly not a belt.”
Finn blinked, utterly lost. “Then what is used for?”
“It’s called a tie, brother,” Elijah explained, throwing the fabric around Finn’s neck, already beginning to weave it into a bow, the process flawlessly refined from years of muscle memory. “You tie it around the neck, like this:”
Finn pushed his chin down, craning his head trying to see the emerging bow tie decorating his neck. “Why? What purpose does that pose?”
“It keeps your shirt closed and adds a splash of colour. When they first came into fashion in the french court, slightly different back then of course, they were a sign of wealth and stature.”
Elijah finished straightening the bow, stepping back to take Finn’s appearance in. His older brother shifted uncomfortably, pulling at the fabric now secured around his neck.
“I feel like I’m about to be hanged,” he announced, not impressed.
“I dread to think how you would have fared in a corset,” Rebekah remarked dryly, watching as her manicurist filed down her nails. Turning around to face a full length mirror, Kol snickered.
Finn frowned. “Why, what is a corset?”
Elijah’s brows furrowed, stepping forward to adjust Finn’s tie again, finding some imperfection the others couldn’t see. “Unless you plan on cross-dressing for the other gender, brother, you need not know.” “Of course,” Kol called out from in front of the mirror, “if that is your desire, I’m sure Rebekah has plenty of dresses for you to adjust to your size in storage.”
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reiignonme · 8 days
🎨 @lightningxmagic ——— liked the one liner starter call.
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wholoveseggs · 10 months
~♡~Dating the Mikaelsons~♡~
Klaus, Kol, Marcel and Elijah ❤ if you are a Finn fan, sorry. But I'm not.
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
This is just some headcanons on what I think dating & sex would be like with the Mikaelson men.
Warnings: Description's of sex, kinks & dirty phrases.
One-shot editions:
{Part One -Klaus} ♡ {Part Two -Kol} ♡ {Part Three - Marcel} ♡ {Part Four - Elijah}
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Klaus {Hybrids First!}
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❤--Klaus is an unrepentant charmer and flirt, and will not be shy about pursuing you, but he will make it clear if he's after more than just sex.
❤--He has a way with words, and will say the most romantic things to you. I like to think he hung around with Shakespeare, so his poetry skills are insane. Like, he will casually say something about your beauty or personality, and you will still be thinking about it when you are in the nursing home.
❤--He's an artist, so he will love the way your body looks and will love drawing or painting you naked. He will have a secret place for his sketches of you, where only the two of you can see. He will create new paint colors to try and capture the color of your eyes. You will always find little folded up doodles he hides in your things, some romantic and some humorous.
❤--He's not one for pda, not because he thinks it's improper, like Elijah does. But because he's afraid his enemies will see him and use you against him. So in public, he's all about flirty glances and whispering something filthy in your ear. He has a way of making you feel seen and special, without making a scene.
❤--His ideal date is a long walk through the city, he will tell you countless stories of his conquests and past adventures, and will not shut up. But it's cute and will make you laugh, and you will find out more about him. He's less of a romantic than Elijah, but will still do sweet things. Like, he will surprise you with a trip somewhere just because, and he will always send you a bouquet of flowers.
❤--When it comes to sex he is a little more modern than Elijah and won't mind a more casual approach. He's fine with just having a quickie in the bathroom or against the wall, as long as you are both enjoying it. Out of all the Mikaelsons he is by far the roughest. He will pull your hair, slap your ass, bite, compel you, tie you up, etc. It's all consensual, and he would never actually hurt you. Klaus will absolutely eat your ass, and loves a good rimjob. He'll also love anal, and will be very vocal about his desires. He's also not against compelling you to cum over and over again until your legs are shaking and you can barely breath.
❤--Despite his roughness in bed he will never do anything degrading or shameful. If you want to experiment and try new things, he will not object. He's open minded and will indulge almost any fantasy, as long as you both feel comfortable. He will never force you to do anything, and will never call you names or belittle you.
❤--His favorite position is with you bent over something, with him fucking you from behind. This way, he can be in control and dominate you, while also allowing him to reach the perfect angle. He also loves to fuck while standing, and will often pick you up and fuck you against the wall, or against a table. He needs to feel in control and the way you cling to him is a huge turn on. He knows he's doing a good job when your nails dig into his back and when you scream his name. He loves dirty talk and is extremely good at it, he loves to whisper filthy things in your ear like:
~♡~ "Louder love,"
~♡~ "Fuck, you're so wet for me,"
~♡~ "You like when I do that, don't you?"
~♡~ "Don't be shy, sweetheart,"
~♡~ "So pretty and all mine,"
~♡~ "You feel so fucking good,"
❤--In terms of oral sex, he loves receiving it. He will demand that you get on your knees and suck him off, and will pull your hair as you do it. He will be very vocal, telling you how good it feels and will have a string of filthy praises falling from his lips, like:
~♡~ "Such a pretty mouth,"
~♡~ "Take all of it,"
~♡~ "Look at me when you're sucking my cock,"
~♡~ "Just like that, love,"
~♡~ "That's it. Swallow it all"
❤--He also loves to fuck your face, he will have a firm grip on your hair and will thrust into your mouth at a rough pace. He's not ashamed of the noises he makes, and will make sure that you're looking at him as he comes undone. He will make you gag, and he will love it. He will love the way your mascara runs and the tears that run down your cheeks. But he will only do this if you enjoy it. If you tell him no or show any signs of discomfort, he will stop immediately, and make up for it by making you cum.
❤--He loves to drink your blood and will often bite you during sex. It's not just the pleasure, but it's also a claim and a sign of possessiveness. He likes to mark his territory and show others that you are his, and only his.
❤--Because of his possessive nature, he will not be able to control himself when someone else flirts with you. He'll have his hands all over you, making it clear that you're his, and anyone else would be stupid to try and touch you. He's also paranoid, and will have a hard time leaving you alone. Fear of abandonment is a big issue with him, and he needs constant reassurance that you love him.
❤--Once you break down his walls, he becomes very sweet and vulnerable. He will hold you and tell you how much he loves you and how beautiful you are. He will be endlessly thoughtful, but can easily take offense if you don't respond to his affection as he expects. It will take a lot of work to earn his trust, but it's worth it.
❤--Being in a relationship with him would be eternally wild and passionate, but after a millennium of pain, abuse, and trauma, the slightest betrayal can set him off. He's a little obsessive and can have a short temper. He can also be extremely manipulative and will lie to you and use his powers of compulsion to get what he wants. But it's not malicious, it's mostly a defense mechanism, and once he trusts you, he will open up and not use compulsion anymore. But he can't help his temper, and if he ever loses control and hurts you, he will hate himself and be full of self-loathing. He will apologize and ask for your forgiveness, and will not stop trying until he's earned your trust back. But he is not one to be trifled with, and if you betray him again, he will kill you, no matter how much it will hurt him.
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Kol {this is the superior version, sorry not sorry}
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❤--Kol is the funniest of the siblings and will constantly be cracking jokes and making quips. But he is also very charming and will sweep you off your feet with his smooth lines and devilish smile. He's the wild child of the family, and doesn't care about societal conventions, so he will not hesitate to ask you for sex, or inappropriately touch you in public.
❤--But his wild nature doesn't mean he is disrespectful. He respects boundaries and won't push you further than you're comfortable with. He's the kind of guy who will ask to have a threesome, and then not be mad if you say no. He loves to tease and make fun of you, but will stop if he goes too far. He knows where the line is, and will never cross it.
❤--His ideal date would probably involve going to a concert and drinking. He likes clubs and parties, but not fancy events, like his brothers do. He would love for the two of you to get absolutely hammered and have an adventurous night out on the town. But he would make sure that you were safe and would never take advantage of you. And he would definitely have a witchy hangover cure to give you afterwards.
❤--He is surprisingly intelligent and loves to teach you new things, especially if it involves science or the supernatural. He also loves to learn, he would be thrilled if you took him out and showed him things about the modern world. I personally think he would be stoked about VR or space travel, anything that would feel like the combination of magic and science to him.
❤--When it comes to sex he comes off as kinky, but I think it's just an act and that he's secretly just a sweetie. Like Elijah, I think he loves to make his partner feel good, but can come off as selfish until you are in bed with him.
❤--His favorite position would be cowgirl, he would love the view and the feeling of you riding him. He's not really into control the way his brothers are, and would prefer to let his partner take the lead. He definitely loves to talk in bed, and would constantly praise and flatter you. He would make you laugh in the middle of sex, it would never be too intense, always light-hearted and fun.
Some playful things he would say:
~♡~ "I like it when a woman takes charge,"
~♡~ "Darling, are you getting tired already?"
~♡~ "You know, if you really want my attention, all you have to do is ask. I won't bite...hard"
~♡~ "I would never compel you, but please, sit on my face next,"
~♡~ "Oh, that was definitely not your G-Spot, darling,"
~♡~ "Don't make me spank you again, love,"
~♡~ "I could never grow tired of such a lovely view,"
~♡~ "It's adorable the way you get all flushed,"
~♡~ "I think you might just be the death of me, but that's okay, I've done it before,"
❤--He would love for you to sit on his face, he will do it for hours if you let him. He would joke about how this time around he would prefer to die in this position, and will happily spend all day between your legs. He would adore teasing you, making you beg and whine. But once he starts he will have a hard time controlling himself, so it doesn't last long. 
❤--He doesn't like being bossed around, and would rather have a mutual and playful partnership. He's into experimentation and would love to try new things with you. He would be the kind of guy to wear a silly costume for a Halloween or roleplay thing, he would have fun doing it and would never let his partner feel uncomfortable. He's the least picky and the most likely to hook up with someone just for a one night stand.
❤--He's not super jealous, but would love it if you were. He loves attention and being the center of your world, and would constantly flirt with other people, just to get a reaction out of you. He wants you to make him feel important, and will do anything to keep your attention. He will have a hard time showing his emotions, and will avoid getting too deep or serious, but he does care about you. If you really need him, he will always be there for you, no matter what.
❤--Unlike the rest of his brothers, his loyalty is not tied to his family. He will follow you if you leave, and will always protect you, even if it goes against his siblings.
❤--The dark side to Kol is his bloodlust and impulsivity. He will not hesitate to hurt or kill someone if they piss him off, and will be a bit of a hothead. He will need to work on his temper, but if you are patient, it will be worth it. He's a lot like his brother Klaus in that he needs reassurance, but unlike him, Kol won't try and control you. 
❤--Unlike Klaus and Elijah, I think Kol's method for dealing with someone threatening you, would be an absolute tongue lashing. He will be the king of passive aggression and will destroy someone's ego by just a few choice words. If they're lucky, he will leave them alive, but will make sure they won't bother you again.
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Marcel {that smile ❤}
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❤--Marcel would easily be the best boyfriend on this list, mostly because he has less trauma than his adopted family, but also because he is better at handling problems in his life. Charming, hot and a total sweetheart, he would treat you like royalty.
❤--A date with him in New Orleans would be the experience of a lifetime, yes Klaus may have founded the city, but Marcel knows its people. He would take you to secret spots that capture the city's culture and history in ways that even Klaus would have a hard time replicating. He is the perfect host and knows the ins and outs of every street and venue.
❤--Marcel would take you out on a dinner date, perhaps a cool house party, where he would introduce you to interesting people. He would make you feel special in a way that isn't flashy or arrogant. He knows that you deserve the world and he would treat you as such, but without going over the top and making it a huge spectacle. He's down to earth in that way, but it doesn't make his effort less special.
❤--He's not possessive in a way that feels threatening or suffocating, he loves and respects you. He is loyal and kind, he loves making people laugh and always finds the good in everyone, even those who are difficult to see the light in, such as his adoptive family. But if anyone were to treat you disrespectfully or hurt you he would kick their ass without hesitation.
❤--His greatest trait is his loyalty, he is loyal to those he loves and will not give up on them. He has an emotional maturity and intelligence that is not seen in many of the Mikaelsons and is good at dealing with his feelings. He has the devotion of Elijah, the intelligent ruthlessness of Klaus and the compassion of Rebekah, but he is far superior at balancing these traits in a healthy way, and has very few of their negative attributes.
❤--Marcel is a self proclaimed king and a little arrogant, but not in a way that makes him feel better than anyone else. He's earned it through sheer will and hard work, his ego comes from the respect and loyalty of his people.
❤--Marcel is the perfect mixture of flirt and charisma. He is a man with an easy smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He is suave and confident, but he isn't a pushover or someone who can't be serious. He knows how to be in the moment and have fun, and he's not afraid to love.
❤--Sex with Marcel would be very giving and sweet, even though he's a dominant person in general, he knows how to balance this with being respectful and caring to his lover. His favorite positions are cowgirl or missionary, as he loves the eye contact and he will never complain when you take charge. I don't think he's very kinky, and is mostly focused on pleasing his partner and making sure they get what they need.
❤--He is also a huge flirt who would go out of his way to make you blush and make your heart skip a beat. I imagine his words being playful and teasing, not necessarily filthy but certainly dirty in an innocent way.
Some examples would be:
~♡~ "If you wanna get to know each other a little better, I'm up for a more private session"
~♡~ "I love that outfit, but I bet it looks even better on the floor"
~♡~ "Hey beautiful, wanna grab a drink, and maybe I can get a taste of something sweeter later?"
~♡~ "Damn girl, you're hotter than New Orleans in August,"
❤--He's very honest in bed, he'll tell you exactly what he wants and how he wants it. He's also very touchy, his hands would be on your hips or back, always guiding or supporting you, but not holding you down, unless that is something you want, in which case he is absolutely into it.
❤--The downside to dating Marcel is that his loyalties can conflict and it may get complicated at times. He will choose his city and the people he protects over his own desires. It can make his partners feel rejected and betrayed. But he will be as understanding and respectful as he can, he will do everything he can to make things work.
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Elijah {obviously this one is the longest lol}
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❤--Like a character from a romance novel, he loves to kiss your hand, cheek and forehead. He does this thing where he cups the back of your neck before pulling you close for a kiss. This gesture is not always necessarily romantic, but it's subtly possessive, putting him in control of the situation.
❤--He loves taking care of you and spoiling you with gifts. Expensive luxury gifts are a common occurrence, but so are small thoughtful things, like your favorite drink, or a small trinket that he saw you admiring.
❤--Known for his iconic style, he loves to help you find the perfect outfit for any occasion. He loves the way you look in the dresses and skirts that show off your legs. He also loves to buy you jewelry to match said outfits and always notices when you do something different with your hair.
❤--He's not one to talk about himself or his interests, but with a little encouragement, he will tell you anything. He'll talk for hours about literature and music if given the chance, you love to see his face light up when he talks about the things he loves.
❤--He's not into casual dating or relationships, so once he's committed to someone, he is loyal and faithful. Most of his relationships are initiated by the woman, because he is too polite and respectful to make the first move. Unless, of course, they are giving him clear signals, then he will become the dominant and seductive man we all know and love.
❤--He's not a one night stand sort of guy, and will only sleep with someone if he really cares about them. He won't even consider the possibility of cheating, and will expect the same from you. If you are having trouble committing, or if there is another person you have feelings for, he will let you go and try to move on.
❤--He is a man of tradition, and will always treat you like a lady. He will open doors for you and pull out chairs, and will not hesitate to correct any guy that is a little too friendly with you. He is protective but not possessive.
❤--But just because he's traditional doesn't mean he doesn't love independence. It turns him on to see a woman fight back and be able to stand on her own. But sometimes his protective nature gets the best of him, and he will try to protect you when he feels like you're in danger, even if you are more than capable of handling the situation.
❤--He's not very vocal about his feelings, and probably won't be the one to confess that he cares. But he will definitely show you with his actions, and is very loyal. If you're upset, he will give you space, but if he feels like you're bottling up your feelings, he will encourage you to talk about it. Since he has lived for so long he has lots of wisdom and can offer advice and comfort. He has a tendency to be the level-headed one in any situation, but can be very emotional, which is a side of him only his closest friends and family get to see.
❤--He is a great kisser, and is very passionate. He can take charge and be rough and demanding, or be sweet and romantic, whatever you're into.
❤--Elijah is also the most experienced and well-versed lover out of all the Mikaelsons, and that is saying a lot. One thousand years of experience as well as always being selfless in all aspects of his life, will result in some insane sex. He will take his time with you, exploring every inch of your body and discovering all your sweet spots. He knows what he's doing, and he's going to make sure you enjoy it. He is very patient and can last a long time, and is the master of multiple orgasms. He will make sure that he is the only thing you're thinking about when he is inside you.
❤--Missionary is his favorite position. He loves being on top and watching your face as he pleasures you. He loves to praise you and whisper sweet things into your ear as he fucks you, and loves to be dominant. He loves seeing you underneath him, writhing and moaning as he hits all the right spots. He loves hearing your moans and gasps, and the sounds you make when he kisses your neck. He will give you the best orgasm of your life, and he will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.
❤--He loves oral sex, and you swear he might have popularized it during his travels in the middle ages. He will go down on you for hours, and will not stop until you're begging him to fuck you. He's very good at it, and will know exactly how to please you. You've never had a better orgasm than when he's eating you out, and he will make it his mission to give you as many as possible.
❤--He loves consent and will always ask before doing something new or different, he likes to make sure that you are always comfortable. He wants to hear your opinion and what you like, and will do anything to make sure that you are satisfied. As long as it's safe, and he knows you'll be enjoying yourself, he's not opposed to a little experimentation, but he doesn't really care for it either. He prefers vanilla sex, but he won't say no to anything.
❤--He is not used to others taking care of him, so he will likely try to deny his needs at first, not wanting to burden you. But once he realizes that you want to take care of him too, he will let his guard down. This level of trust from him is a precious thing, and it's a sign that he's falling in love.
❤--Once his walls are down, the kind of pleasure he loves to receive is intimacy. He will want to make love, not just have sex. He will want you to hold you and tell you that he loves you while making eye contact. He craves connection above all else, and will be very intense and passionate. He's too much of a gentleman to ask, but giving him oral sex will make him feel special, and because he hates messes, he prefers to come in your mouth.
❤--Although he may be the most vanilla and gentle lover out of the Mikaelsons, don't let that fool you, because once he lets his walls down, he is an animal. He will pound you into the mattress, and won't stop until he makes you cum so hard that you see stars. He loves to praise you and tells you how good you're making him feel, and loves to watch you come undone.
He'll say things like:
~♡~ "You look so beautiful like this"
~♡~ "I love the the pretty little sounds you make"
~♡~ "Tell me what you want,"
~♡~ "Look at me"
~♡~ "You feel so good"
~♡~ “I love the way you come undone”
❤--He's not very into public sex, but he has a thing for making you come on his fingers. He will find a quiet corner and fuck you with his hand, making you cover your mouth to keep from getting caught. He loves to look you in the eyes as he does it, asking you:
~♡~ "You like when I touch you like this?"
~♡~ "You have to be quiet, my love,"
~♡~ "Do you want more?"
~♡~ "That's it, just like that,”
❤--Elijah won't want to bite or compel you, but if you desire him to drink from you, he will, and will do it carefully and respectfully. He prefers to drink from your neck, gently cupping it the same way he does when he's pulling you in for a kiss. He will not be rough, and will take care not to hurt you. He will always heal the marks with his blood after, and will feel guilty if he draws too much blood.
❤--His aftercare is unmatched, and he will make sure that you are taken care of and pampered after. He will prepare a hot bath or shower, making sure you feel comfortable and loved.
❤--But this level of intense love and devotion has a dark side. If you are threatened or harmed by his enemies, there will be no holding him back. He will show no mercy and will not rest until he has made them pay. He is by far the most vicious in his family, and will go scorched earth on anyone who harms his loved ones. And he will do it with frighteningly calm precision, showing no remorse.
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Finn whoops
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☢--Finn and you can take a long nap together. Then you can hear him endlessly complain about his self-righteous bullshit, until you realize you made a huge mistake and you leave him. 
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{Part One -Klaus} ♡ {Part Two -Kol} ♡ {Part Three - Marcel} ♡ {Part Four - Elijah}
Thanks for reading! I swear I tried to make it short....
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Smutty Kol mikaelson headcanons?
mmm smutty kol… i need to get back into the swing of writing for him!
okay. i have so many WIPs where he's more dominant, but have only posted one smut of him and he's submissive in that one. that being said, i can see him going both ways.
also, in general, idk why i started doing my hcs like this, but i can switch them back to the other format if preferred
tw: cnc / dub / non section; minor noncon mentioned
he's definitely experienced & mostly dominant
he's been alive since the dawn of time
he's an original vampire & whether or not he reveals that status, he will embody it by being the more dominant one in the relationship / situationship
and as charming & flirtatious as he is, it's safe to say he's got a lot of experience under his belt (HA - accidental pun)
that is to say, though, he's probably never been super serious about any of his flings
until, ofc, he meets the one that he absolutely falls for, and none of those hookups matter + he's lost interest in anyone else
1920s - little subsection for if you met him in this decade
okay so i read about this thing that happened in the 1920s called "petting parties," where PDA and sex weren't really acceptable, so people would have these orgy-type things centered around heavy petting and i can see that as SUCH a kol thing
i was actually going to write something based on that idea but need to do more research on it first
but kol would be so engaged with something scandalous (for the time) like that
he'd have girls worshipping him for the way he touches them; for the feel of his fingertips against their skin; the way he undresses them with his eyes, both parties wishing they could strip themselves of the last layer of separating fabric
he'd get into so much trouble in the 20s for this kind of stuff
flirting with other men's women, making crude hand gestures under tables to turn them on
he knows how to lay on the charm and fit in with the 20s, but he has the sexual appetite and style of a modern man
ofc, those words being nothing negative, but instead just him knowing how to be rough and how to please
modern day
likes the vulgarity & speed of modern sex
likes that he can strip a girl of her clothes and pin her to the wall and she welcomes it
likes that there aren't a thousand eyes watching his every move; likes the freedom & lack of rules nowadays
he wasn't around for the sexual revolution of the 80s (thanks, klaus 😞), but he would've relished it
all the young women looking to finally express themselves sexually; him giving them the best first experience he could deliver
despite all that, though, he loves the tender, loving sex of being with someone he knows, once in a while
he appreciates it more once he gets into a stable relationship, but sometimes his menial hook-ups were on the gentle side, too
modern day in an established relationship
rougher by nature, but can certainly be sweet, and often is
slow & passionate, kissing all over - forehead, neck, down your stomach, chest
roughness or gentleness depends on his mood
depends on your mood, too, because he cares & won't ever push you into something
respects boundaries if you say no
he maybe wasn't always like that, but when he started running with witches, he learned a specific respect & appreciation for others, especially women & those he'd sleep with
so, when he wants to have a long-term relationship with you, he really puts in the effort to be the best he can be
he wants you to know he loves you and shows it
so i read a fic about this, and i can see it fitting him 100% - some kind of predator / prey; hunting / hunted type dynamic, where he stalks & hunts you & then when he finally catches you off guard, fucks the daylights outta you up against a tree
very much a kol thing
throw a knife in the mix, too
you're pinned to a tree with a knife at your throat and his fingers are underneath your clothes, pleasuring you out of sight
bonus points if it's at night. or, if he hunted you all day and finally caught you at night. by now, he's extremely hungry
speaking of hunger, let's not forget about feeding
he definitely fed on most of the girls he railed in one night stands, but if it were a person he loved, he wouldn't feed until he knew he had enough control to not hurt them
the most intimate situation he can imagine is slow, passionate sex with blood sharing at the end
him drinking from you, then healing you back with his blood, or a mutual feeding if you're a vampire, too
first time with him with someone who just turned, he'd be very gentle, knowing how difficult the transition is
giving into every single need, including offering his own vein when the blackness starts to form under your eyes
i'm not sure kol would be into exhibitionism, but pda and public flirting, certainly
flirting across the bar at the grill, beckoning you closer with his eyes, then (mostly tasteful) jokes once you sit next to him
even when you're dating, flirts like you're strangers and he's still trying for your attention, just for the thrill
though places that are kinda hidden but kinda public, he loves to take you into those for a quick time ;)
bathroom stalls, dressing rooms, janitor closets, the whole lot
also... shower sex
he'd think it'd be a great idea even if you're skeptical
but you agree & it's ofc, a disaster, bc it never actually works out like it does in tv
but you make it fun anyway & he has a very strong hand on you to keep you from slipping
now, klaus' room, i think, he'd love to take you in there as a "fuck you" to his brother after a fight
an orgy type of guy, i think, as long as you're consenting of it
and then gives you all his love & attention afterwards when you get jealous of one person in particular
makes up with gifts & a very long night in the bedroom, with lots of aftercare
witch!kol would 100% tease you in public
it's over for you once he discovers vibrating panties
sometimes gets turned on by you at the worst possible times
you stand up to him against one of his brothers? yes
you fight off an enemy all by yourself? yes
even if you're joking around and fit a whole doughnut in your mouth or something, he's dtf
and his response to your shock is always along the lines of, "i can't control it!"
if he's in a submissive mood
is submissive at times, and some times, needs you to be more dominant
especially when esther is around
i can see kol having mommy issues & needing that reassurance
but it would take a certain level of trust for him to be comfortable telling you that
at first, you were surprised at how submissive he got, but then you were happy to provide what he needed
he's very appreciative of your comfort & lack of judgement when he gets in that type of headspace & makes sure to shower you in thanks & kisses when he "wakes up" from it
tw: cnc / dub / non
can't see him being into this, especially in a relationship
except for the desire to hunt you, i don't think he'd be into it straight up
as previously mentioned, pre-witch hanging-out, he might've had a few incidents that were a little questionable, but he's straightened out & learns that those incidents were wrong & does not repeat them
his biggest offense in one of those situations was probably nonconsensual blood drinking that turned him on
was still kind of a baby, psycho vampire when it happened, & he probably still regrets it to this day
dubcon, though, where you're both drunk after a night of bar flirting, he's into
like, if you were used as a distraction for him when caroline was used to distract klaus
you're both drinking way too much and one thing leads to another and then you find yourself in the mikaelson mansion in the morning like 🤷‍♂️
he makes sure you don't regret it, though, and you don't
calms his worried little not-beating heart
somnophilia, given explicit consent beforehand, he would like
the prospect of you waking up full of him, or with him delivering pleasure via tongue or fingers
you wake up and the first thing you feel is pleasure brought on by him - he loves that concept
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Taking the Mikaelsons to a Concert
IK a bitch was gone, but a bitch is back… sparingly. I been on tumblr doing my shit but ummm I started this shit while in highschool like sophomore year… It’s been a year since I graduated college…. Anyway, fuck it we ball bc someone needs ot get this shit wet first with the Mikaelson’s… shout out to @starlightandfairies @wholoveseggs @klausysworld for holding it down. I love everyones work, y'all be feeding the fandom
If it’s snowin’ I ain’t going… leggo (once again, I write this for niggas. Mwah, to freedom)
So primarily I feel like the Mikaelsons would all be down to going to a concert, I mean Nicki, Doja, Lil Nas X, Mariah the Scientist, Chloe Bailey, Drake, Jhene Aiko, Victoria Monet, the Weekend, Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott--- you get the point. You are the object of their desires and affections so they’ll go…. But what will ensue???
For nosey bitches in the back I got y’all…. This is Klaus finally biting the bullet and taking you to a Nicki concert, the Pink Friday 2 tour!
First, it would take hella time to even get him to go, this man is busy running lives, making hybrids, acting like he a real active party in whatever council shit he bullied his way into in New Orleans, and like running Rebekah’s love life…. He be busy 
He probably feels like he should take you out for something, so he asks you what you want. Anything your heart wants he’ll give it no problem: private helicopter tour of NYC, a week in Brazil, couples massage, hell even go see puffins up in Iceland. But you know what your bitch ass asks for?
To see Onika Tanya Maraj…. As you should
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This man is staring at you like “Love… who is that?” And you look at him and tell him “Nicki Minaj, Nicki Lewinski, Nicki the Ninja, Nicki the Boss, Nicki The Harajuku Barbie…. Have you not learned????” And he just stares at you in amusement like ‘it’s no Mozart, you modern women have such…. Vulgar tastes… but I will endorse this, for you my love”
Wait till he gets there AHAHAHAAAAA
You’re pulled up in all your glory, pink everything, sunnies on, gloss on, heels as big as his dick… And you know I don’t think Klaus would ever let you put him in pink spandex. But I think he’ll allow like a shirt of Nicki’s face on him, and like maybe a barbie chain on his neck… He’s a hybrid, he can’t be seen out like this (you def sent photos to the rest of the family of this). 
I feel like Klaus would be chill af with the crowds and shit, until bitches start getting rowdy when Roman comes on stage. I feel like he’ll just be vibing, but mostly looking at you as you lose your shit 
“A 100 MUTHAFUCKA CAN’T TELL ME NOTHING, I BEEZ IN THE TRAP”... bby chill, you’ll sweat that wig off and it’ll slip back. But deadass, it’s like another beast when she comes out and it activates something in you. Like the regular old human that Klaus knew of is gone, and is replaces by a bad bitch that would definitely put her shoe on his neck and he likes that
Funny enough, there is one song that Klaus would know all the words to… Moment for Life-- HEAR MY OUT, DAMN. Ok, the song is about literally getting everything you want and being at a point where no one can touch you or even fathom to be at your height of success or clout. Klaus Mikaelson gets whatever he wants, no one touches him-- or if they do, they won’t live long enough to tell the tale. King shit, so imagine your surprise when you hear this man over everyone else singing along and being into it
Yeah, did that shit. “What I tell 'em hoes? Bow, bow, bow to me, drop down to ya knees” Drake type man…. And towards the end just reminisce of all the people, woman, children, and villages he pillaged to get where he is now… mentally deranged, having a god complex and inferiority complex at the same damn time, and daddy issues while treating his siblings like his own dad LMFAOOOO
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Good luck Klaus whores
And then when she starts bringing in old shit like the songs with Sean Kingston or Gyptian…. Oh boy, I know that man is catching a whine as you yell at him “YOU’RE SO PRETTY AND YOU’RE NICE YUH DUN KNO SEH NICKI AS YO WIFE” Ik you bitches telling Klaus exactly that and putting emphasis on wife bc where tf this Icelandic viking silverback think he going????
But as the show goes on, it’s a cute experience between you two as you guys kinda switch roles and you get to be super unhinged and rock out with the other people there and go bar for bar. Like you couldn’t fuck Michael Kors if you was FUCKIN’ Michael Kors
dabs sweat off my forehead
He’s happy to take you home and baby you when you come from the energy drop, but he will be wondering were that energy comes from bc you ain’t putting all that work in when he fucks you soooooo
Ok so for this one…. Give me a Lil Nas X, Doja Cat, and Rico Nasty ass collab in a concert (bc that’s my dream lineup and y’all can take all my money). I feel like Rebekah needs the girl power and the gays for this so let me cook
I deadass feel you wouldn’t need to convince her of shit, she’d be the one to ask if you wanted to go because she’s heard some of their songs via you jamming in the bathroom and just booked tickets as soon as you said yes. Hey, it’s to make you happy and you deserved to be pampered-- and she’s trying to get in her modern experiences since she was in a box for a long ass time
1st song is Montero, it has to be she definitely wants to fucked out from the jet lag and becoming part of the mile high club-- it’s her thing. Plus she loves the glitter and probably being two glitter gay/bi/whatever floats your boat people that are dressed in matching outfits, but different color combos. Titties are out, and y’all are sprayed down in glitter
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Then after that I feel like it would be Rico Nasty coming in hot with “SLAP A BITCH” and I know you and Rebekah felt this song on a spiritual level, so it’s both you screaming in each others faces while she has her arms wrapped around you bc she loves love.
Then it pops off with “STFU” bc a lot fo y’all hoes needs to take a seat and shut the fuck up when big bitches are in the room… anyways, personal issues. A lot of y’all do not need a mic and are not the big titty bitches y’all make yourself out to be… and take the mics away from podcast men, please. I BEG
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But anyways, it’s really a whole anthem to all the rock/rap alt girlies out here. Rebekah isn’t used to the music, but she can get buck wild to it, especially when it comes down to Doja and RIco when they interchange with “Swamp Bitches”.... That’s my shit ngl
Nah bc opening a verse with “I WISH DEATH ON ALL YOU BITCHES” was insane… love you Rico <3 That song makes you wanna fight ever bitch in the state that ever did you wrong, every bitch working at goodwill that couldn’t take your brothers army discount bc you wasn’t personally in the army, the wack ass bitch at the post office that didn’t want to work there that day, and that grandma down the block that keep eyeing you and telling you that you ain’t hot shit… she wasn’t even hot shit when Project C hit the neighborhood and niggas were getting sprayed with hoses
I truly feel like she’d appreciate the girl time with you, and just to be, and have her shit out and have fun. It’s what she deserves
I know I been on the black artists wave, but for the niggas that really be feeling shit NF just knows and I feel like with Kols past of always being the forgotten sibling, not being i the pack of “always and forever”, dying all the fucking time, and getting treated like shit by everyone else unless they need to minute magical thing that’s super important he’s left in the dark
He is the most self-aware sibling out of everyone out this fuck ass family. And I feel for him honestly, being the black sheep, being the outcast. Being able to use your magic when you were a witch and then all of a sudden you can’t do that shit anymore because you’re dumb ass mom wants to make y’all fucking vampires and freaks of nature and then wants to kill you, like it was your fault in the first place? Shit was really whack.
Like he calls his family and siblings out for having a para social relationship that is super into emotional and measurements, and having no boundaries whatsoever, killing other peoples lovers, putting them in coffins just so Klaus doesn’t feel like he’s losing his siblings because he can always take them whenever he goes. But they’re still in a box, they’re not living life they’re not being happy. And that just shows how much class is really his daddy‘s son, even though his dad really isn’t his dad because his mom cheated on, her husband with a werewolf. And Kol clocks all of that.
So I feel that he would really vibe with NF, I really do. Therapy session, intro, hope, all of those songs the whole album really would have him crying in your arms at sometime around midnight when he just came over to listen to some tunes and have a good time, and I feel like you introduce NF to him. He gets hugged, and he knows that NF is speaking about his life someway somehow and it just really hits him and he just cries in your arms for that time
I don’t care how corny you think this man is, this is real music and he writes about things that are real, and that happens to him. The song mansion is legitimately about Kol’s life with being being abandoned and abused by his own family, and his own father, as class was taking most of the beatings, he still had to watch all of that. But being the middle child that he was, he just was overlooked, and that probably speaks as to why he acted out and didn’t get any of attention that he deserves.
And I feel that as Kol gets into a relationship relationship with you, you being his black queen, because I know that man was up in Hady for some reason helping him with the revolution. He just doesn’t give a fuck does what he wants to do so it makes sense why he would be with the black woman because it’s just everything, they are on earthly, they are Wisdom and magic and chest seal combined into a specific human type. And I love this for them, I love this for me.
But anyways, back to the subject at hand. I feel like you, dear reader, would surprise Kol with NF tickets because he’s been wanting to go for a long time, and you guys went dress up any fancy just probably black, cute little combat, boots and things like that. And then just head to the show. But as soon as the show starts, he probably starts off with one of his hard hitters. I’m imagining either therapy session, or mansion to really get the tears going. And it’s really just the two of you standing side-by-side, maybe even hand and hand shouting every single lyric word for word, and just letting out all the shadow work and trauma, that you two have built up over the past couple years, granted Kol is Literally hundreds of years old, and you’re probably someone your 20s or 30s. But trauma is trauma and y’all need to deal with that.
Bc deadass, these lyrics are Kol: “What's my definition of success? Listening to what your heart says. Standing up for what you know is. Right, while everybody else is” because in every single episode, when Kol says not to mess with some dumb shit that causes about to fucking do everyone else ignores him, even Elijah, and they fuck around and find out, and they all of a sudden need help. And then complain like no one told them exactly what the fuck was going to happen in the first place. This man is always right, and he needs people to listen more to him. He’s been listening to what his heart says, he’s been going out and meeting new people and trying to live a life that he would really be proud of. Even though he’s very much unhinged and still acts out because he wants to be king of the world and wants to have some form of control like Klaus has because he knows that he can never get away from Klaus.
And then, when I feel like it’s towards the end of the show, and NF finally drops, hope, I feel like that’s when Kol really starts to let go of things a little bit, and really start listening to lyrics and make a promise to himself with like, maybe fighting against his dark side, a little bit of all the things that he’s known, and then just digging himself a deeper hole. He wants to actually get better for you, and for himself to have a healthy relationship. Because he’s never had that in his life, and you’re just not a play thing to him at all.
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“Thirty years of running, thirty years of searching. Thirty years of hurting, thirty years of pain. Thirty years of fearful, thirty years of anger. Thirty years of empty, thirty years of shame. Thirty years of broken, thirty years of anguish…. I’m taking the reins” so it’s really just him taking the reins of his life, and just making it better than whatever it actually was. And I hope that can be therapy, I really do. But this whole concert experience would really just be a gigantic therapy session for Cole, but also having fun with you because there’s no one else that he would let see that vulnerable and that lively and have his whole façade slip down like that besides you.
But he’d be a Drake fan, Travis Scott, and probably XXXtentacion… he’s still a menace, but he’s a healed menace…. well, healing.
Here is the black womans whore himself… and my man *does the debby ryan* 
I know that Elijah appreciates music in general, that man literally writes his own concertos, plays the piano, plays the violin. He is classically trained. And I expect nothing less. Honestly, he really is him. And he is also still very much worse than Klaus, even though he would like to believe that he is not.
Honestly, I don’t think you would really have to introduce Elijah to rap or hip-hop music. I feel like he would already be in Erykah Badu fan, probably really like the Beastie Boys, was into old school, underground in New York, hip-hop and rap. He was probably there, underground, too, for shits and giggles when he wanted a break. So no, I don’t think you would have to introduce him to hip-hop, maybe to a couple artists and everything. But, that doesn’t need help with that department
I feel like Elijah would definitely be a Kendrick, Lamar, J. Cole fan in the rap game and even Lil Wayne too. But I want to get into some good old Tom foolery before I say my crème de la crème.
With the whole Kendrick, J. Cole and Drake beef, that’s happening, I don’t think that Elijah would ever take any sides. But I do feel like he would definitely keep up with the news, even though you wouldn’t expect them to, with the whole suit and everything.
To start off, I feel like you being the reader would bring up the whole rap beef thing to Elijah. Since two weeks ago, you already brought up the Megan Thee Stallion versus Nicki Minaj rap beef that was happening. And now, this time it is Kendrick versus everyone, fuck the big three it’s just big me nigga BUM
And I feel like it would be brought up during lunch or something since you guys have lunch together, and you’re just giving him the whole play-by-play and then letting him listen to the song. And I feel like you need to play a couple times for him, so he really gets to like listen to lyrics and understand because one thing about it is…. Metro dissed everyone in morse code
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Mans said “BUM” with his chest
Like I know, J. Cole was on his bike on his way to the studio. As soon as he heard what Kendrick Lamar said, but then again, he could also not be doing anything because he’s not the type to just be on Rappy just to get some shit going you know?
But anyways, I feel like Elijah would totally indulge in this, and he would write down a whole play-by-play with what everything means because the power money and respect? “Sweetheart, Drake is the money, Jermaine Coke is the respect, and Kendrick is the power….” I can fully foresee that man giving you a dissertation on every single line and lyric and how it is a jab at every single one of them, and the meaning is behind it. You got not only a history professor, but one of the great literary investigators of all time for no reason.
I feel like Elijah is low-key. Also waiting for Drake and J. Cole to respond to what Kendrick said about them. And he’s so messy, for he really is, because he acts all high and mighty but he’s really waiting for the gossip about what people about to say
But moving along from the rat beef, I really do feel like this man would be a Lil Wayne fan because Lil Wayne was setting a standard early in the 2000s and probably even before then about how he really is one of the best rappers out there. Like, no one else was doing it like him and no one else doesn’t like him, and will never do it like him. You would catch yourself humming to a Lil Wayne, and I feel like that man would pick it up instantly, and just go bar for bar on whatever humming note that you were on and it’s amazing, but it seems so out of character for him, but it’s really not.
Because this concert is going to be one hell of a trip because first and foremost he is not going there with a suit on, you’re going to have to get this man to be casual. Which shouldn’t be hard because he loves you, you’re his little chocolate drop, pumpkin. But putting this man in a leather jacket and some jeans and whatever shoes that are comfortable for him to wear at this concert is gonna be one thing. Fighting off other bitches while in the crowd is going to be another thing entirely as well.
But listening to him, actually let lose for the good two hours that you’ll be there at the concert screaming at your lungs, and listening to this man stay on rhythm beat and have actual breath control when he’s going for a speed to is going to be insane in mind melting
Let’s be honest, you wanna fuck this man on the regular basis just because he’s him. But you’re telling me that he’s cultured and he can wrap and knows what the fuck he’s talking about?
Coochie hours have been extended
And it gets even worse when he knows that this turns you on so anytime that you turn back to look at him he’s already looking at you, wrapping the verse with little to no effort and giving you those bad eyes because he just knows. He knows what he’s doing to you and you have no Other choice but to either look away or to hold eye contact because we both know this is gonna end up messy when you guys get back to the Airbnb or hotel room
“I said, "He's so sweet, make her wanna lick the wrapper" So I let her lick the rapper”, and this mans eyes are dead set on you and his gives the lip bite… Yeah yeah… time for me to gooooo
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
The characterization of Klaus in his fanfics is just insane.
First of all, this is gonna be bashing to 96% of Klaus’s fanfics lmao. I still love reading them tho.
But straight to the point, why are people writing him as if he would ever allow someone, anyone, to disrespect him the way authors make their ocs do??? No, Klaus wouldn't be giggling and shit if you call him "puppy" or "Santa Klaus", he's literally gonna murder you in the spot and even worse lmao.
I've read so much stories where the protagonist is constantly insulting Klaus and bickering with him (it's funny tho) and he just... allows it. Yes, Klaus, the man who's literally shown to tear off heads whenever someone as much breathes in the wrong way, and yet he allows this teen (because in 99% of fanfics the protagonist is a girl not over nineteen, at least physically) to talk shit about him.
Like I absolutely love those kind of stories, they're good and I'll continue reading them, but the Klaus they write is 100% ooc. And I understand why, because as someone who used to write fanfics of him, his character is just so difficult to write but it doesn't seem like they even try to.
Moving to another famous trope in his fanfics: soulmate stories. I find it very ooc that he would actually accept he has a soulmate: he wouldn't believe it, he's literally the most paranoid character of tvdu, Klaus would 100% believe it's just a plot made to control him and he would probably kill his soulmate, only to regret it forever. Or those "I've been seeing her/having dreams about her for a thousand of years, she's without a doubt the person I'm meant to love forever", what?? 😭
If Klaus ever saw this person in real life, there are just two possibilities I can think of:
A) he would be extremely paranoid and would kill this person on the spot
B) he would be extremely paranoid, but decides to not kill x person for some barely explained reason and would get to know her/him and perhaps fall in love.
I'm aware Klaus can and has been soft in canon: with his family (in occasions, more in New Orleans modern era), with Hayley, Marcel, and Cami. I mean, Klaus loved Cami so much he actually begged her to not leave him, to fully turn into a vampire because he was terrified of losing her, and a decade after her death he was still in love with her (something a certain part of the fandom fails to see lmao).
The fanfics where he cheats with Hayley/Cami/Caroline/ Genevieve/Aurora or he just cheats while he's in a relationship also are ooc imo. If he's in a commited relationship and he loves the person he's with, I don't see him as the cheater type, especially because he wasn't sleeping around in the program.
But either way, show me the fanfics with true depiction. Show me fanfics where he's so screwed up that he continually pushes the person he loves away, where he constantly hurts them with/without intention as he did to his siblings, where he constantly uses his s/o for his own personal gain or similar. Where he's actually his true self, the man he was in tvd before having Hope and even after having Hope, because she actually did not change him that much.
I think I only found three fics like that: one in ao3 called I Would Hurt A Fly, where the oc was a witch or something like it and he used her as a personal sex toy/blood bag but there were slight hints of his love but sadly was deleted.
Or the ones written by @viavolterra and @saintsir4n, the way they write Klaus is the closest I've ever seen to his canon self and it's genuinely good writing. Patisserie is also a really good written fanfic that writes the characters well, but it's a poly Mikaelson fic (which it's even better, the more the best)
Either way, a violent man isn't gonna change with the power of love and family. The Originals tried doing that with Hope and they failed, because Klaus was the same man he was at the start, just slightly less mean to his family.
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saintsir4n · 1 year
We all know how dramatic Klaus can be.
PAIRINGS: MODERN DAY Adrienne Lumiére x Klaus Mikaelson
WARNINGS: none just fluff angst.
“What did you call me?” His loud tone, caused Adrienne to cast him an odd look as he jumped out from their bed, wearing nothing but his boxers.
“When?” She was taken aback by the hurt and anger decorating his face and swimming in his eyes.
“Just then,” he stared at him in disbelief, “…bro?” A scoff escaped her lips at his behaviour, “How dare you.”
“Here we go, it was a mistake,” she rolled her eyes at his dramatics, then noticed his grabbing his Henley from the foot of the bed, “What are you doing?”
He reached for his phone after pulling up his jeans, “Calling Lucien, I think it’s time I take him up on the offer to stay the night, it’s only right when my wife views me as… a ‘bro’”
He ignored her and instead complained on the phone whilst packing an overnight bag.
Dramatic hound.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 4 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Mikaelson!OC headcanons
Finn's relationship with Kassandra
TVD Masterlist
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These two have such a pure, precious relationship
When Kassie was little she used to follow Finn around the village, clinging to his leg, wanting to be carried 🥹💕
He taught her how to ride a horse
Elijah gives her forehead kisses, Finn pats her head
Kassie was extremely pissed when Klaus kept Finn daggered back in 1114. She was ready to throw hands 😤, but Elijah persuaded her out of it
She gave Klaus a whole speech as to why he should undagger their brother, but ofc, Klaus just ignored her
She would repeat this speech every hundred or so years. It never worked
Once Finn finally gets woken up from his 900+ years of sleep he is confused, to say the least.
It was the year 2010 and Finn was shocked but not surprised Klaus kept him in a coffin for so long
He was confused by everything - the way people dressed was drastically different, especially women
The technology really confused him to no end. Electricity in particular or any electrical device really
Kassie was there to help him every step of the way. She showed him how to use something called a mobile phone - he had to give it to the humans, they always were very creative creatures
She and Bekah took him to a place called a barber shop and cut his long hair
Apparently, most men wore their hair short nowadays
He also had a bit of trouble learning the language
They helped him learn modern English - it sounded vastly different from the English he knew
Though in the privacy of their home, Finn would always revert back to Old Norse, their native language
I headcanon that in general, the Originals speak Norse to each other in private
You cannot tell me that once they start fighting they don't revert back to shouting at each other in Old Norse 😭
I also headcanon that Finn is a Libra just like Kassie, both just want peace and quiet and hate conflict
Everyone in the family (and in the fandom) harps on Finn for being boring but Kassie disagrees
She loves his quiet, reserved nature
She is a chatterbox and will talk his ear off but he never stops her. He just smiles and listens even though he understands nothing
Once, they were in a mall, and Obsessed by Mariah Carey was on; the amount of auto-tune did a number on his brain lol.
Kassie had to explain why music nowadays sounded so weird (play one kpop song to him and this man is in the grave 💀)
He much prefers classical music
He once asked her why her eyelids were so shiny.
She had to explain what eyeshadow was. And eyeliner. And fake eyelashes.
He was glad to see she still wore the necklace they got for her 100th birthday.
He loved spending time with Kassie, cause she was the only one who didn't speak badly about his reluctance to murder
She, like him, had a hard time adapting to vampirism, so she gets where he's coming from
She's the only one of his siblings he doesn't hold a grudge against
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klausysworld · 2 years
Master list:
Klaus Mikaelson:
💔=angst or sad stuff
Agnsty Smuts:
All his 💔❤️‍🔥
Only you 💔❤️‍🔥
Shit.Marcel. 💔❤️‍🔥
Dreams? Or Fantasies? ❤️‍🔥 (sub klaus)
Hope’s best friend ❤️‍🔥
I always know when you need me ❤️‍🔥
Happy Birthday Love ❤️‍🔥
Niklaus ❤️‍🔥
I want you (daddy) ❤️‍🔥
Just think about how it feels ❤️‍🔥
Can i please you now love? ❤️‍🔥
His desperate whore <3 ❤️‍🔥
Touch ❤️‍🔥
I trust you ❤️‍🔥
I’ve always wanted this (sub klaus) ❤️‍🔥
Making him proud ❤️‍🔥
His little secret? ❤️‍🔥
Fuck sakes ❤️‍🔥(kinda)
Soft smuts:
An always and forever ❤️‍🔥🌸
His little angel ❤️‍🔥🌸
You’re mine now ❤️‍🔥🌸 Part 2 ❤️‍🔥🌸
His lovely girl ❤️‍🔥🌸
Stop stressing ❤️‍🔥🌸
Perfect ❤️‍🔥🌸
You’ll always have me (❤️‍🔥) 🌸
You did so well ❤️‍🔥🌸 (sub klaus)
All his and all yours
Bite me (❤️‍🔥?)🌸
Breaking the rules ❤️‍🔥🌸 (sub klaus)
Klaus Jealous of Elijah & his prego girl 🌸
Pretty boy 🌸
Klaus taking care of sick y/n 🌸
Secrets shared 🌸
Simply adorable 🌸
I love you, and i love you (pregnant story)🌸
I intend to be your last 🌸
You care about me 🌸
No painting=no snuggles 🌸 Pt 2 Pt 3 ❤️‍🔥 sub klaus
I love everything about you 🌸
I love you more 🌸
A narcissistic white man with anger issues 🌸
I love that people know that i am yours 🌸
For you, my love i would do this every day 🌸
Pancakes with Nik <3 🌸
I enjoy spoiling you 🌸
It’s okay 🌸
Fuck. Off. 🌸
Fluffs with Angst:
I love you 🌸💔
Just us 🌸(💔)
You 🌸💔
We’re together now, you’re safe 🌸💔
“July” 🌸💔 pt 2
You want a baby, don’t you sweetheart 🌸💔
Always and forever 🌸💔
I don’t want to lose you 🌸💔
Forgive me 💔🌸
You were with Cami 💔 Pt 2 💔🌸
Because I love you 💔🌸
I’ve lost it 💔🌸
Just angst :(
A life i do not deserve 💔
Head canons: 🤍
Klaus Yandere 🤍
Yandere Klaus 🤍
Human Yandere Klaus 🤍
Modern day Human Yandere Klaus 🤍
Arranged marriage to Yandere Klaus 🤍
Submissive Yandere Klaus 🤍
Yandere Klaus & Yandere Elijah love triangle 🤍
Yandere Klaus & Manipulative reader 🤍
Yandere Klaus and Katherine’s little sister 🤍
Yandere Klaus & Katerina’s best friend 🤍
Possessive Klaus + Elijah trying to steal y/n 🤍
Klaus crushing on Katherine’s little sister 🤍
Klaus finding out you’re his mate 🤍
Dating Klaus 🤍
Klaus courting you🤍
Simp Klaus 🤍
Pregnant with yandere Klaus’s baby🤍
Possessive Klaus 🤍
Giving Klaus a Blowjob 🤍
Klaus And The Devils Daughter 🤍
Yandere reader & Klaus 🤍
Klaus’ rich house wife 🤍
Dominant Klaus 🤍
Alphabets: ⚜️
nsfw Klaus alphabet ⚜️
Klaus fluff alphabet ⚜️
Yandere Klaus fluff alphabet ⚜️
Sub Klaus NSFW alphabet ⚜️
Elijah mikaelson:
Yandere Elijah Mikaelson 🤍
Yandere Elijah & Yandere Klaus love traingle 🤍
Kol Mikaelson:
I’ll always stay 🌸
The one that i never got 🌸💔
Rebekah Mikaelson:
Rebekah have a female s/o 🤍
Sex with Rebekah 🤍
Damon Salvatore:
Toxic Damon (smut) 🤍
did not realise how many posts i’ve written, i still have a bunch of requests but i am getting through them ASAP! i really appreciate all your ideas and look forward to seeing what other great ideas you all have ☺️
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rekaning · 1 year
The Housekeeper | Part 3 | Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Additional tags: Human!Mikaelsons, Modern!AU, Housekeeper!Reader, no use of Y/N Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, The Originals x Reader (Platonic) Summary: You and Elijah gradually spend more time together with an added surprise visit.
Previously: Part 1 | Part 2
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The professional relationship since your moment of connection with Elijah, morphed into something you hadn't foreseen.
Normally every morning when you'd arrive at the estate, you reported immediately to Elijah. He'd list a few things that needed to be completed by the end of the day, not really giving you a time limit for them, merely that they would need to be done before you left his home. Sometimes, he didn't have any tasks that required your attention at that moment and so you'd go about doing other menial jobs, such as cleaning the vast amount of rooms in the building, vacuuming or mopping the hallways and corridors, or dusting off the decor on the walls and shelves.
Now, when you arrived at the manor, besides Elijah giving you his to-do list, he always made some time for small-talk. You were more than happy to partake in getting to speak with him more. Even with the smallest of things, you found that it gave you more insight into how Elijah would think about things or what topics he found important or interesting. You would ask him about different undertakings his winery business was dealing with, and while he couldn't divulge too much information about ongoing deals and projects, he would let you know that things were proceeding well, or that one thing or another had fallen through but he was handling it well enough.
In turn, he would ask you about the projects that Freya and Kol were operating. He had heard from both his siblings that you were following up on their projects every so often, talking to either of them for hours on end about the discoveries they'd made at their current dig site in El Salvador. You had been especially animated about possible Mayan ruins that had been found near the site and were having a blast speculating with Kol about the implications of those ruins being there.
Apart from your morning chit-chats, Elijah also made it a point to insisting that you eat your lunch with him.
Usually, in the occasions that he was incredibly busy, you would take the lunch you made and leave it on a portable table next to his office desk—so as not to disturb the vast amount of paper work on the ornate dark mahogany—and leave him be until he would text you to let you know that you could go back in to pick up the empty plates.
However, in moments where he had time to sit and enjoy his meal and not just partake in the act of eating as a way to maintain sustenance, he would sit at the kitchen island and have his meal there, away from his computer and all the files and paper mess in his office. In those times, you would give him his space and leave the kitchen to have your own lunch in the dining room, which was incredibly too large for one person. Elijah, the day after he had played the piano for you, had let you know that it was okay to have lunch in the kitchen island, where you normally did.
You had protested for a moment but he had cut you off and instead asked you to eat lunch with him. You had no idea that he could mimic the puppy dog look but the way his eyes widened innocently and the way his lips formed into a pout, it was impossible for you to resist his request.
The two of you got to know each other more during these moments. He would regale you with tales of the shenanigans that he and his brothers, and occasionally his sisters, would get up to. He told of the rough patches he and his brothers had gone through, especially in the case of their father, Mikael.
To your horror, their father was not especially loving to any of his sons, least of all to Klaus. It was not widely known, but Klaus was actually only their half-brother, and that their mother had an affair with another. The scandal had been kept under wraps but tensions arose between Mikael and his wife Esther. The two never divorced however and went on to have Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik. However, Mikael's distaste of Niklaus had grown exponentially within that time that Finn, having moved away from his parents and began his humanitarian projects, convinced his younger brother to move in with him, until he was ready to go off on his own.
Your heart felt for him, hearing how tormented Klaus had been by his step-father, you finally knew where his distrust and paranoia had likely stemmed from.
Elijah knew the history of his family was difficult for you sometimes, so the moments where he felt you would need a break from that, he would ask you questions about your own mother, your upbringing, how school life had been before your housekeeping career.
You loved talking about your mom. It brought back so many wonderful memories with her. It helped keep her at the front of your mind, there was no fear of forgetting her anytime soon. You would happily show Elijah some picture from your phone's photo album of the few trips you took, one of which, you had traveled to El Salvador at the same location that Freya and Kol were currently at.
He enjoyed seeing you talk about her. Hearing the sheer love and admiration that you felt for her, the type of woman she was, Elijah couldn't imagine how losing her had impacted you. He hesitated to ask but one day he did. Your smile, which up until that point, had been burning bright, waned at his question.
"Forgive me, you need not answer that." He said quickly, trying to dispel the melancholy that had fallen over the kitchen.
You shook your head, "No, no, it's okay. I understand your curiosity."
You clasped your hands together, fingers tapping silent rhythms onto your skin, "It was pretty sudden. Nothing terribly tragic but, um, it was a heart attack."
You bit at your bottom lip, "One morning, I said, 'I'll see you later' and the next thing I know, I get a call from the general hospital saying that she's gone."
Elijah could hear the crack in your voice, could see how you gripped at your hands to keep you grounded and not crumble at the the thought of such a horrible moment in your life. He reached out, placing his larger hands on yours, and squeezed with such tenderness that you almost didn't feel any pressure from his grip.
"I can not begin to imagine what that must be like. I am sorry you had to go through such a thing alone." He said softly. The deep timbre of his voice was soothing, a warm balm to the familiar ache of loss from remembering your mother's passing.
It didn't help ease the profound sadness but having him there was a comfort in and of itself. Knowing you weren't alone with your grief.
You mustered up a small smile, "It still stings. I don't think that feeling will ever really go away, but it's a lot less than before." You turned over your hands from under his hold, his larger ones opening to allow you to move them, but you grabbed onto his fingers before he could pull away.
"Thank you, Elijah." You squeezed his digits, a warmth spreading through your chest at how his skin felt against yours. You hoped the forming heat you could feel on your cheeks wasn't visible to him.
"Anyone home!?"
The unexpected voice startled the both of you, causing you and Elijah to move your hands away from each other. You and he swivled your heads over to the footsteps you could hear coming from the direction of the entrance.
The head of a young looking man, features resembling Elijah, Kol and Finn, poked into the kitchen where you two were sat. His eyes were a striking baby blue, with prominent brows. His lips were spread in a resting smile.
"Henrik!" You turned to Elijah, who quickly stood from his stool, face lit up with a wide smile at the sight of his youngest brother.
You were quickly coming to love seeing Elijah's face like that, if your racing heart was anything to go by.
The younger man, Henrik, grinned just as widely and raced over the rest of the way to tackle his brother into a bear hug. The two men chuckled heartily and you couldn't stop the smile spreading across your face at seeing the genuine happiness both of them were exuding at the moment.
They parted after a moment, Elijah anchoring a hand to Henrik's shoulder, "Let me look at you!" He scanned his little brother top to bottom, "You've grown again over the last 8 months!"
Henrik laughed aloud and mockingly patted the elder's head, "Or is it that you've shrunk?"
Elijah chuckled at the reply and simply ruffled the young man's hair. He then moved aside, turning back to you and brought a hand to Henrik's back, bringing him forward, "Henrik, I'm sure you've heard of my new housekeeper?"
The youngest Mikaelson grinned at you, nodding as he uttered your name, "Of course I have. Nik told me all about you! It's so nice to finally meet you." He moved forward, outstretching his hand. You took it in yours and gave him a firm two shakes, "All good things, I hope."
He nodded enthusiastically, "For sure! Well, coming from Nik, it was all said with a hint of suspicion, but that's par for the course for him. Bekah and Reya are much more reliable and they couldn't stop singing your praises."
You laughed at his admittance, "I can't imagine what they'd praise me for."
His eyes widened, "Are you kidding, they said you make a mean chicken parmesan," his eyes turned downward, face sheepish as he looked up at you innocently, "I was kinda hoping to try it."
Oh, it seemed that Elijah was not the only one skilled in the 'puppy dog' look.
Your wide eyes looked over to Elijah, seeing his eyes dance with mirth and edge of his lips twitch with amusement.
You snorted, a look of exasperated endearment crossing your features as you looked back at Henrik, eyes narrowed with mock indignance, "I guess I can make it for tonight's dinner."
His face lit up instantly, excitement at the prospect of the rumored 'heavenly chicken parmesan', he pumped a fist into the air and turned around before you could change your mind about tonight's menu.
"I'll be in my room. See you in a bit!" Without looking back, he sped out of the kitchen, his hurried footsteps taking him to the staircase by the entrance.
"He's a bit brazen. I hope you can forgive him." Elijah's baritone broke the silence after Henrik's departure.
You looked at him. His eyes were still glued to where his baby brother had ran off, his face the picture of adoration for the whirlwind of energy that had just ran up the stairs.
You couldn't help but giggle, Elijah's eyes cutting to you at the sound, "There's nothing to forgive. I'm happy to serve. Although," your face turned contemplative as you turned away from him and walked toward the refrigerator, "I'll need to go make a grocery run. I ran out of mozzarella on Tuesday. And need to get some more basil. Actually, I could pair the chicken with some spaghetti. So, I gotta get another jar of sauce...hm, maybe two jars? I wonder how much Henrik eats. Probably two jars then. Oh and gotta get some extra chicken breasts..."
You continued to mutter different ingredients, seeming to have forgotten about Elijah's presence behind you. The action only caused Elijah's face to soften, his eyes following you closely, radiating warmth and tenderness.
He noticed that you tended to hyper-focus on a task that you deemed to be of utmost import. And it filled him with joy that you thought of tending to his siblings as important. You were hired as his housekeeper but that didn't stop you from attending to the wishes of his brothers and sisters. And you did so, not because they were his siblings, but because you genuinely wanted to help and provide in the way only you could.
The more and more he came to know about you the deeper and deeper he was falling in—
Was he?
Was this...love?
*** Part 4
Author's note: Dun-dun-duuuuun! The L word!
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desiresiwant · 3 months
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
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word count: 4k~
warnings: strong language, eventual violence, a pretty much tamed 1st chapter…for now
a/n: this is the 1st chapter of my au fic based off the The Originals (what if the child was a teenager/YA throughout the show duration and not at season 5?). If there’s a warning I skipped let me know.
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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗻𝗲 | 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗢𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘀
It wasn't how Deena imagined it to be the moment she stepped off the smelly bus onto the gravel sidewalk, with a packed bag hung across her shoulder and an old black suitcase covered in band stickers she used to listen to years ago.
She came a long way from Le Havre, France. Spent about seventeen hours on a plane and another two hours riding two buses to get here, stuck next to an annoying older woman spilling her lifelong secrets.
The sunny sky was touched with a gloom and many buildings looked as if they came out of the 1700s in American films with a modern touch to fit today's society. There were many interesting stores that had caught Deena's eye as she traveled down the sidewalk with no plan in mind. She enjoyed the urban touch of the city through the people and how together they were which was much different back home. Also, it was very much diverse compared to the small area she lived in.
She felt comfortable. At home.
Off the side of a group of friends passing through, Deena pulled out a picture of her beautiful mother in the arms of a man that's to be her father—Klaus Mikaelson.
Her mother was happy in this picture. They both were. In a black shirt hanging off her shoulders, ripped tights under a pair of shorts, smiling at the camera with a drink in her hand and her curly hair almost taking up half the photo. The man—her father, Klaus—sat leaned into her mother, kissing her ear with an arm thrown around her waist. He wore a basic leather jacket with dark blue jeans. Dirty blond hair, dark blue-greenish eyes, and a killer smile. The table in front of them covered in empty red cups and half-filled liquor bottles. They were both young, in college, and in love.
"I want to find him," Deena said to herself in a soft voice. "I need to find Klaus Mikaelson."
But the problem was if Deena ever found her father, she didn't know what she would tell him. She practiced what to say when meeting him, but it was all gibberish and uncompleted sentences that made no sense. She feared a lot of things about her father; him being married with kids and she would come into his perfect life and ruin the happiness he made for himself, no knowledge of his other child he had created across the globe. Or he was a dead-beat with nothing going for his life. Or he has long passed away.
But whatever truth lies in his life, she just wanted to see him. From afar, if needed. To see how he lived. And if he cared enough to know that the woman he met in this very city before she moved to France years ago, was now dead. But she selfishly wanted him to know that she existed.
...if she knew where he was. Or where to start.
The city was so big, nevertheless the state and because Deena wasn't from around—this was her second time ever in America—it was difficult for her to navigate or read the English signs she never learned. But she grew hungry and entered the nearest restaurant.
"Hey, welcome in! Take a seat anywhere," Greeted the waiter, passing by with both hands filled.
Most tables were filled as Deena searched for an empty spot.
Sensing the panicked teenager, the waiter stood before Deena after she finished serving a table. "Must be your first time here, so welcome. Just join a table with someone, anyone, but choose wisely; some people can talk more than they chew." She was picking at the older customer sitting at the counter who obviously heard what she said and sent her a squinted look with pursed lips. "That's the motto of the restaurant; To Meet A Stranger Along The Way. Eating alone doesn't mean you have to be alone. So sit anywhere and I or another waiter will be with you soon."
Deena sent the nice lady a smile. "I understand, thank you."
She pulled along her suitcase looking for a place to sit down. Most tables were occupied and many shared engaging conversations of their own that Deena didn't want to intrude, until she noticed a brunette sitting alone with a book in her hand reading quietly.
"Can I sit here?"
The girl looked up from her book and gestured towards the empty chair. "Go for it," she went back to reading.
She took off her backpack and placed it in the empty seat next to her before sitting down. The girl was young, or at least she appeared to be. Had to be around the same age, and she was very pretty.
That part Deena will keep to herself.
As if the girl felt Deena's complimenting stare, she tore away her gaze as the girl lifted her head from the book, but it was already too late since she was caught. "Have you read it?" She started. "Romeo and Juliet?"
"Who hasn't?"
"I know right? It's for some stupid class, so the teacher's forcing us to read up to five chapters and come back to a pop quiz. Which, I know I will fail."
Both girls shared a short laughter.
"I'm Deena.” She introduced. “I'm new around here."
The waiter then came to take Deena's order while also setting down a grilled turkey sandwich with extra avocado and a side of fries for the girl. She finally placed down her book, giving thanks to the waiter before digging into her food.
The mouth-watering scent made Deena's stomach grumble. I’m so damn hungry.
"Davina," while washing down her fries with lemonade. "Not new here. But I noticed the accent. Where are you from?"
"France. More specifically, Le Havre." Deena replied. "You?"
"Born and raised. Also, don't hate me but the only place I know of France is Paris, but I'm sure Le Havre is a fun place to visit and live at."
Deena shrugged showing no offense to Davina's knowledge of France. She didn’t blame the girl since she knew nothing of the US besides New York, California, Florida, and Texas. They were normally the most talked about and the most used location in films. Also, it seemed a lot always happened in those states.
"It's cool. I actually didn't know Louisiana existed until a few days ago." Deena admitted.
"But here you are!"
She gave a small smile, agreeing. "Here I am."
Some moments later, the waiter delivered Deena's food; half cut Cuban sandwich with extra pickles and a sweet tea. She dug in without question.
Davina was a cool person to chat with. Easy-going, funny, and there was something about her energy Deena felt oddly connected to. Davina also felt an odd connection to Deena but brushed it off as she stuffed her mouth full.
There was a long list prepared for the day, but realized it was quite small and she had no starting point. I came here on a whim. With little to no planning, and childish hope.
But remembered Davina was from New Orleans. There's a possibility she might've ran into her father or seen him around somewhere. Or visited a store he owned. Or attended school with one of his kids. Or visited his grave.
"So, I was wondering since you're from around if you knew this man?" Deena wiped the oils from her fingers before reaching into her front backpack's pocket. Pulling out the photo of her mother and Klaus, she held it in front of Davina to inspect.
Davina noticeably froze upon viewing the photo. She had blinked a few times to make sure the man she saw wasn't just some random person she's misjudging but a man who was famously known throughout the streets and the supernatural world.
She pulled back from the table and picked at the grilled bread. "What do you want with him?" suddenly, she got hostile with Deena despite her pure intentions.
She knew him.
Deena sighed with relief. Davina obviously knew her father, but the cold tone she used when responding made her nervous. He must be married. With kids. Or nothing but a dead-beat. Or worse. Dead.
Deena returned the photo back into her backpack pocket with a shrug. "So you know him?"
"Yea, Klaus Mikaelson. Anyone who's done him bad or crossed his path on accident knows of him and his notorious siblings—"
"He has siblings?" Deena interjected.
"—oh yeah. Elijah and Rebekah Mikaelson and whoever comes back to life occasionally." She continued, slightly confusing Deena but she was happy to hear there's more than her father alive. "Terrorizing the city and the people who live within. Any person with a sense of mind would tell you to stay the hell away. You don't want anything to do with that psychotic man and his troubling siblings. His family is a curse to this city, to the communities, and they care for no one else but themselves. I'm sure the woman in that photo was killed by the hands of Klaus Mikaelson himself." She sneered.
Deena, not knowing this man nor his siblings personally, felt offended by Davina's harsh words because they were her family. And even worse, she accused her father murdering her mother. A beautiful soul who raised Deena with everything she could give her, found locked in her car with a letter admitting how unhappy she was with her life.
The smile on Deena’s face faltered to a deadpan glare as Davina bad-mouthed the family she had ties to. She noticed the change of her expression, but she thought nothing of it since she assumed she was doing good by scaring the curious French girl away from Klaus and far away from this cursed city.
Deena abruptly stood from her seat already gathering her belongings.
"W-where are you going? You haven't finished your— "
"The woman standing next to Klaus is my mother. And the man next to her, Klaus Mikaelson, is my father. And she wasn't murdered by him, she hated her life and everyone within it so she did the job herself." Deena vividly watched Davina grow with shock upon hearing Klaus was her father and was filled with sudden guilt from all she had said about her parents before. "But you are right about one thing; we are troubling. At least it keeps people away. So thanks for nothing. I'll find him my own damn self."
She wasn't sure how much the meal cost altogether and because the currency was slightly different, she left a big amount on the table which included a tip. She was out the restaurant in no time. Her head felt dizzy and she was hot all over heaving out steam, suddenly impacted by the overwhelming emotions she thought she had pushed back.
A month ago, Deena's mother passed away.
Her death made no sense. She was a cheerful woman who often hid away in her art studio painting and sketching for hours until it was time to pick Deena up from school. Students were often jealous because while other parents nagged on their child's grades and permitted curfews, Deena's mother never hovered over her shoulder about her grades and trusted Deena enough to be home within a reasonable time. And while other parents came dressed in their finest most classiest clothing for teacher conference nights or the school performances Deena was a part of, her mother came dressed straight out of a Fruits Magazine.
She was stressless, free, a kindred spirit, and an amazing mother. Sometimes Deena would forget her mother wasn't a close friend or an older sister despite having her at a young age. She was vocal about her problems and told Deena since a young age that "anger should never be placed into a bottle. Let the world hear you even if they say you scream too loud. They don't like Black girls expressing themselves in any manner if not with their heads down, so you must do it for the next little Black girl who's taking notes.".
But still, it made no sense.
The morning before she died, Deena's mother showed no signs of distress. She made banana pancakes, sent Deena off to school, and when she came home, her mother was working on a late piece for an art exhibition a friend in town invited her work to. She then left after dinner and was never seen for two days until Deena received a call from the police station. But it was questionable and she didn't understand it.
Why was she unhappy with life when she expected so much out of it? Why would she leave when she promised me the world? Why wasn’t she vocal with her depression in the same way she taught me to be vocal?
"Deena, wait!" Davina called out after placing down her half of the pay and rushed out the doors. She knew she was wrong for what she said and she felt terrible. "Look, I'm sorry! I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or bring your mother into this; I was only speaking from a personal experience which is no excuse at all. Next time, I should watch what I say. But..."
Deena kept walking. She struggled to drag her suitcase with her speed. The old wheels looked as if they were about to break off at any second, but she somehow managed to keep going.
Davina huffed annoyingly. "But I know where he is, Klaus Mikaelson," Deena halted her steps, facing the girl. "And I know where you can find him."
As Deena studied her face to find any spec of bluff hidden in her tone or written amongst her face, she saw she was telling the truth. She knew where her father currently hung around or lived, and of course, she wasn't going to question why or how she knew that kind of information.
"Where is he?" Asked Deena.
"The Abattoir. I can take you there since you might get lost. Also, you might want a travel buddy traveling in that particular area."
Deena sized the girl down. "Why? Will Klaus murder me too?"
"Again, I'm sorry about that." With her eyes narrowed, Davina apologized again. Deena still felt offended by what she said but since she genuinely felt sorry for it, about her mother at least, she decided to cut her some slack. She doesn't need an enemy on her first day in New Orleans. "Look, you're not from around and I'm sure you don't know about..."
Taking in Deena's blank stare, Davina then shook off the conversation and reached down for her suitcase. "Never mind, let's go."
Deena's hand was still on the handle, able to hold her grip from slipping it out her fingers and asked, "I don’t need your help. I can carry it myself." She tried pulling back but Davina somehow had the suitcase fully in her hands.
"It's about to break, I'm practically doing you a favor." She noticed the band stickers on her suitcase and claimed to have listened to some of them when she was thirteen.
Deena allowed her guard down and quickly followed behind Davina across the street before the main light turned green. She continued on about the particular bands she knew and who she used to stan and asked Deena about the bands she was unfamiliar with.
Somewhere during the conversation, "Thanks," it was soft but Davina caught it
She offered a soft smile. "You shouldn't thank me. I might not particularly like Klaus, but if he truly is your father, I wouldn’t live with myself by keeping you away from knowing him. At least then, hopefully, you might run away once you do."
"Is he really that bad of a man?"
Davina was quiet at her question. To her, Klaus wasn't just a bad man, he was terrible, and he almost killed her multiple times if it wasn't for Marcel having to save her. She wished she could tell Deena these things in hopes she would stay away, but no one wants to hear the bad of a man you've never met. Especially when he was your father. Family. It also wasn't her place to kill the image she might have of him.
Then she shrugged. "I will let you be the judge of that."
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𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐓 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐋𝐃-𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄. It was well kept for the most part but it was obvious this house had been through hell, Deena definitely thought Klaus was a deadbeat. This wasn't a family home, but it was a pretty big property. Maybe a rich deadbeat?
Together they stood staring up at the white doors ready to be knocked upon. Davina stared at the door with fear. Every witch sense coursing through her blood told her to turn away and run.
She knew she wasn't allowed here—that witches weren't allowed here, but she came to protect Deena.
Deena wasn't aware of the supernatural world or the fact that her father was a ruthless millennium-old psychotic hybrid, and what lies within the compound was an 'army' of hungry blood-sucking vampires who were already aware of their presence. Vampires who were too scared to leave Klaus if not slaughtered after the gruesome war against Marcel's army and enemies, and whoever they could rally up if Marcel hadn't got to them first.
Nevertheless, Davina watched her new friend lift her hand to knock on the door. Sucking in a deep breath, her knuckles were seconds away from alerting the vampires before something churned in her stomach. She quickly lowered her hand and hurried away.
"I can't do this." Deena panicked.
Davina lingered a bit longer at the door before rushing after her. "Where are you going? He's right inside." She shouted, dragging along the suitcase.
"I can't do it." She breathed heavily. "I-I don't know why I came here in the first place. And I hate myself for being curious, but I don't think I can do it. I should go home with the money I have left."
There was so much roaming through Deena's brain all at once. She thought she was ready to meet with him, but she wasn't, or at least she was convincing herself that she's not. But after losing the only family she had, Deena had grown lonely and desperate for someone to care about her and love her as much as her mother did. That's why she went through her mother's things. She trashed her mother's room, the kitchen, the attic, even her own room in the process. She didn't know what she was searching for until she discovered the letter.
It was meant to be given on her 18th birthday, a couple of months early.
But now that she was here, she didn't feel as pumped as before. Maybe she should've thought a bit longer on the idea before hopping on the next plane to New Orleans? Maybe she was getting too ahead of herself? Maybe this wasn't the right thing for her to do?
Davina grabbed Deena just as she was about to cross the street and tugged on her arm so that she was facing her. "Just breathe." She attempted to calm her down.
Deena rolled her eyes. "I am breathing."
"No, you're not. You look like you're about to pass out." Despite her annoyance, Deena forced herself to calm down. Once seeing she had, Davina narrowed her gaze before speaking. "I have no words to comfort you. Hell, I can't even comfort myself, but I can tell you, that you will regret not meeting him and him not knowing you. You have a chance that many kids don't have; I don't even know whether my dad is alive or not, but you do. And you should take it."
"I feel like I'm gonna ruin his life." Deena admitted.
Davina scoffed with a dragged 'please'.
"I'm serious. How would you feel living a life of your own for however many years and suddenly a seventeen-year-old kid comes knocking at your front door claiming to be your daughter? I would close the door in her face and continue my show!"
"If I was Klaus Mikaelson, I would be pretty damn blessed to have a kid with my blood in their veins at my doorstep. You never know."
"He must be a pretty famous man the way you speak of him."
She shrugged. "You can say that. But look," She took hold of Deena's hand. "Go meet him. Let him know who you are. And if you regret it, you can take the first plane back to Le..."
"Le Havre," she completed.
"Right. Le Havre. And I will be right here supporting you."
Davina was right. At least she had a chance to get to know her father while many don't and she shouldn't let the opportunity pass by. She sucked in a deep breath and began making her way to the white doors, but just as soon as she took her first step, she was stopped by Davina's stretched arm hitting her chest. She appeared focused, waiting for something to come.
She pushed away Davina's arm from deep within her chest, but she stopped her again.
Deena rolled her eyes with a huff. "You give me some go-for-it-speech and now you don't want me to seize the moment while I'm ready?"
"Something isn't right," Davina eased out with worry.
Deena would've guessed the brunette was another spiderman from an alternate universe the way she peered around her surroundings like a guard dog. Or spidey senses, she'd call it. She didn't see nor feel what Davina was and there was no one within their proximity when glancing around to catch what she caught, so she wasn't sure what had her on edge.
"You are right," Both girls jumped at the deep voice of a brown-skinned woman who spoke with a slight thick accent. She wore a green tank-top with dark blue jeans and she had to be around thirty years old, and she was looking at Deena as she came forward. "Something isn't right."
Despite the weird look, at least Deena knew she wasn't a stranger judging by Davina's calm expression and her tensed shoulders releasing.
She removed her arm from Deena's chest with a sigh. "Zoeè? What are you doing on this side of town?"
"I could ask you the same, harvest girl?"
Davina doesn't respond.
"I sensed someone—" Her brown eyes flickered to Deena. "—special entered the city and came runnin' soon as I could. And now that the cloaking spell has worn off and the prophecy is clear, all that I need to seal the deal is standing right in front of me."
Davina stepped in front of Deena in a protective manner once putting together two and two. "I don't know what this is about but let's not do it here. You and I both aren’t safe in this area—" merely glancing back. "—and she has nothing to do with this. This is between me and you."
Deena was clearly confused. "I'm sorry but who is this?"
"Don't matter who I am. What matters is what you gone do to our kind once the Mikaelsons find out you're alive."
Whatever happened, happen so fast that Deena was unable to process absolutely nothing. After Davina screamed out, she pushed her back and lifted her hands in a wizard-like manner before she was thrown against the building wall with no effort.
Deena followed the invisible force to the woman, Zoeè who's smiling back at her and scattered away. She would have ran after Davina, but her first instinct was to get herself to safety first and take a moment to digest what the hell just happened.
"Solem," With a flick of a wrist, Deena failed to cross the road before she found darkness and the cold ground.
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andreal831 · 1 year
TVDU: Vikings in the Americas
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I do a decent amount of research for my fic (which is more than the TVDU writers can say) so I thought I would share some.
For my story, You're On Your Own, Kid, it is based on the Mikaelson's human life. This is a period for TVDU that I find very problematic, specifically how whitewashed it is.
The Mikaelsons would have been one of the first Norsemen to come to the Americas as the first recorded instance of 'Vikings' coming to this area was about 980. Even then, they predominantly landed in areas like Greenland and would not have moved so far away from the coast as where Mystic Falls is supposed to be located. It wasn't until around 1,000 that they sailed further south and landed in what we today refer to as the United States. That being said, the writers have always found geography to be more of a guideline than a rule. Even Elijah mentioning wild horses he remembered from his childhood is inaccurate. During this period, horses were not native to North America and were not reintroduced until the 1400s.
But the problematic part is how whitewashed their village is. Everyone we see in the flashbacks is white, except for Ayana and they give no explanation of why she is the only woman of color in the village (where is the rest of her family?). Even the werewolves who were supposed to be native to the area (*cough* indigenous erasure*cough*) were shown to be white. The show later goes back and shows the Lebonair pack to be indigenous but doesn't explain how Ansel and his pack are white.
And yes, it would make sense for them to settle in an area where other Norsemen have settled, but that raises the question of who they were training to fight. Like most white colonizers, it was likely they were raiding and fighting the indigenous people of the land. We even see a scene where Klaus goes to show someone mercy and he looks as if he could have been an indigenous person.
Many Vikings who came to the 'New World' traded with indigenous people, but here we see Mikael keeping the land by force. To me, this is an unnecessary choice by the writers when Norsemen had a history of trading, they didn't have to be murderous colonizers.
We also see a lot of modern-day stereotypes/assumptions placed on the village. Like Rebekah not being able to hold a knife, when in fact the Norsemen actually valued their women and many of them learned to fight. While women were still viewed as inferior to men and it was very much a patriarchal society, the representation we see in TVDU is more of a European-centric view of women.
Additionally, Vikings were not all warriors. Most of them were farmers. Yes, they wielded swords when necessary and as a culture idolized their warriors, but for the large majority of the time, they spent their time farming or fishing. This is especially true before the religious conflicts between England.
When they did fight, much of their success was due to their navy (which would not be very helpful in land-locked Virginia). They also have such a fierce reputation because the English believed them to be 'barbaric' much like they described the natives when they colonized the Americas.
Elijah mentions that Mikael was a wealthy landowner when we first learn about his family. Land he likely stole from indigenous tribes. Additionally, who is farming all of this land? Vikings were known for taking slaves from lands they raided (we even see this is how Dahlia and Esther are taken), which here would be indigenous people. While Mikael is not a character that is glorified, the indigenous erasure is wildly problematic.
I know it is just a fun CW show, but a little research and sensitivity on these topics would have been appreciated. Throughout the show, we see the (white) Mikaelsons living quite lavish lifestyles but the show fails to acknowledge the people that got them there.
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