the-blind-geisha · 2 years
Could you write something about a modern Demi jerking off and fantasizing about his roomate MC? Maybe going into her room and using some…stuff to help
A/N: Oof! Sorry this took me awhile, anon. A lot of stuff came up that made it hard to focus on. Thanks for being patient!
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She sometimes worked late. Demiurge at least had that on his side.
It had been difficult for him rooming with a human and trying to pretend he could be normal—just like her.
Having an acute sense of smell was torture at times. While he didn't mind her bathing products, the one thing that would drive me to seclusion from her was when she was in a human form of heat.
It was such an odd topic to ever bring up. So much so, he refused to ever do so... especially since Demiurge had a small crush on her.
That euphoric sensation had arisen anew, making it hard to focus. With her gone, he took it upon himself to sneak into her bedroom just down the hall.
The smell was the strongest on her clothing and in her bed. But there was one thing he could always rely on to assist him in this time of need—the underwear she wore at night. She wore revealing clothing during the summer time. It was practically just undergarments. He couldn't say that bothered him at all.
Making it onto the covers of her bed with a stolen pair of that nightly underwear he saw her in, he laid on his back and stared up at the ceiling.
His metal tail began to swish back and forth as his mind overran with thoughts of her. Bringing the undergarment close to his nose, he inhaled the intoxicating sent to which only encouraged his cock all the more.
Demiurge dug into his pants, pulling out his erection to begin stroking it steadily.
A heavy breath filled the air as he moved the sensitive skin over the head of his manhood till it could no longer do so. The sensation mounted with each intoxicating sniff of her marred clothing.
His mind wandered, envisioning grabbing her and forcing her down on the very bed he was on at that moment. With her request, he had bound her wrists with a single grip as she was bent over for him to enjoy.
She panted, face flushed while looking over her shoulder at him. The look in her eyes said everything—she wanted him to continue. Her legs even spread apart as her fingers curled.
“F-Fuck me... Please, Demiurge...! I want to feel what a demon cock is like...!”
His erection jerked in his grasp as a throaty moan managed to scrape past his lips just imagining such a thing being ordered of him. The devil gripped upon himself tighter as he stroked firmly with the thought of how tight and wet she could be.
He spoke her name again and again, vividly thinking of how loud it would sound with his thighs slamming into hers. The lewd, wet squelching noise that her wet womanhood could make while he thrust within her again and again.
“I wish to take you... so badly...!” he pleaded, gritting his teeth in desperation of the dream to turn into a reality.
He wanted more than anything to have her scent fill the room and make him go wild. Even now, it was like a drug he couldn't be without.
Stroking faster and harder to match the rhythm in his mind, saliva dribbled down the corner of his mouth as he could hear her begging for release. She needed it, wanted it—demanded it. She was so loud in his vision that it was hard for him to even imagine the bed moaning from their actions.
“Come inside of me...! Please...! Fuck...! I can't take it anymore...!” She was resting her face on the covers, her mind obviously in a daze. He wanted to think hard on her about to lose control all because of him.
Demiurge fantasized himself inching closer, whispering near her ear. “As you wish...!”
Just the thought of teasing her in such a way, he couldn't hold back any longer. The pre-release dribbled down his shaft before finally his cock tensed and a far more heavier stream came forth. A strong burst at first before it started to weaken, making his length and his fingers.
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anarchonist · 9 months
Christians today are acting so smug for standing against Satan. Meanwhile they're happy to be allied with the Demiurge and refuse to see the irony in that.
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madmonksandmaenads · 8 months
Now, I'm not very familiar with Homestuck, but I overhear a lot of conversation about its minutia. There are lots of conversations about HS', I have heard about classpects, multiverse games, troll biology, etc, but I don't have a clear idea what the actual themes of the work are.
It's a creation myth yes? A grand narrative about the birth of a world, complete with primordial evils and children in strange lands, initiated through death to divine power. What is this met to say about our own world? Would you(hypothetical Homestuck fan) consider the work Gnostic in character? Is the takeaway here that reality is all the result of an uncaring and deeply flawed mechanical demiurge(Sburb) and orchestrated by childish and occassionaly deeply evil archons(the players)? Should we try to reach past the imperfection of this world and stop trying to engage with the rules of this cruel world and instead seek out loopholes? Or perhaps is it more Hermetic? Does it see the world as a craft of artifice, made by humans who are not perfect but aspire towards a greater good? Does it prompt the reader to create their own more perfect world? Homestuck is a massive text, it a vast communication from an artist, what is being communicated? I'll admit one of the reasons I haven't read Homestuck is I don't see it discussed as a poetical work. I want to know what makes it beautiful, about what message is straining through the it's pulpy medium. I grew up on schlocky sci-fi, the alien sex politics, the cosmic shenanigans, these are all rather pedestrian for me. I got bored of these around the same time I stopped reading Piers Anthony but I recognize Homestuck is an important modern work, and it feels baffling to me that I have no idea what its actual philosophy is. There must be more to it than titillating science fiction, and funny message logs. What is it from Homestuck that you carry with you into the trials of your day to day existence?
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. . .Osiris
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Osiris (Great and Beautiful is He) is the God of the Underworld; its King and Pharaoh ruling over the Duat. He is pictured here on the far left, His skin green and His body in mummiform. This is commonly how He is depicted; as a green-skinned, mummified man.
Son of Nut, the Sky Goddess, and Geb, the Earth God, Osiris was the first King of Egypt in accordance with Kemetic mythology, although there are stories that recount Geb, His father, being King before Him. There are a great deal of myths and stories that surround and involve Osiris, and I suppose it is important to at least skim over them before discussing hard facts about Him, as it gives some reference as to who He is and what the culture surrounding Him is like.
Osiris Myth
After the world was created, the Demiurge (who changes according to myth, and can be Neith, Ra, Amun, Ptah, or others) produces children; in the most popular form of this creation story, it is usually Ra who births the first Gods. They are Shu and Tefnut, Air and Moisture. Shu and Tefnut then form a union and birth two children of Their own: Nut and Geb, Sky and Earth. Nut and Geb were very much in love and refused to separate from each other, which, of course, caused a problem, because if the sky and the earth are eternally in contact, there is no space for anything to live and walk upon the earth. Ra made it so Nut and Geb were forever separated, by having Shu, air, stand atop Geb and hold Nut up as the sky. But Nut was already pregnant. When Ra discovered this, He was enraged, and forbade Nut from ever giving birth on any day of the year.
Nut cried to Djehuty (Thoth), and Thoth devised a plan. He went to Khonsu, God of the Moon, and set up a gamble, saying that every round of the game Senet Khonsu lost, He would have to give Nut some of His moonlight. Khonsu ended up losing so many times that Nut had enough moonlight for five days––five days that weren't in the calendar. This allowed Her to give birth on those five days, and on each day She had a different child; Ausir (Osiris), Wr-Heru (Horus the Elder), Sutekh (Set, Seth), Auset (Isis), and Nebet-Het (Nephthys). Nut and Geb were still forever separated by atmosphere (Shu), but the five Gods were birthed, and Osiris, as the eldest son, became King of the Living World.
As a side note, all Gods do have ancient Egyptian names which are different from Their Greek and now modern names. For convenience's sake, and to avoid confusion, I will use the names They are most known by; Their Greek/modern names. And as another side note, there are a lot of variations on this story. I will be piecing together a lot of different ideas but I will be leaving some things out for the sake of cohesion.
When Osiris came to Egypt, He found the people there to be chaotic and lawless. As King, He instituted laws and spread ma'at, which is truth, justice, harmony, and order. Egypt flourished under His rule and the people were incredibly happy, as all were equal, and with the fertility of the God-King, the crops were always bountiful and food was plenty. He brought not only law and prosperity, but also the right way to worship, and the teachings of agriculture.
Set, God of chaos, confusion, the desert, and of foreigners, and the youngest brother of the Ennead, grew to be quite jealous of His older brother. There are many variations and the most popular variation of this story comes from the end of the New Kingdom (1550-1070 BC), where Set fashions a fabulous coffin in the perfect measurements of Osiris, throws a party, and tells the party-goers that whomever the coffin fits may have the coffin as a gift. When Osiris fits perfectly, Set quickly shuts and bolts the coffin and throws it in the Nile (this version of the myth gives an origin to the idea that people who drowned in the Nile were holy). His coffin drifts downstream and into the Mediterranean, where it washes ashore in Phoenicia, in Byblos. The coffin wedges itself into a growing tamarisk tree, a tree which envelops the coffin. Eventually the tree is cut down and used as a pillar in the palace in Byblos.
Isis, Osiris' wife and sister, searched far and wide for Her husband, and did eventually find Herself in Byblos. The story is quite long and complicated, but in the end She convinced the King to give Her the pillar, and when she returned to Egypt, She hid Osiris in a swampy area of the Nile delta, and bade Her sister, Nephthys, to watch over Him while She went in search of healing herbs. But Seth heard that Osiris was back, and so after interrogating His sister-wife, Nephthys, He found Osiris, cut His body into pieces, and threw them into the Nile.
Isis was horrified at what transpired in Her absence, but She immediately set to work on finding the many pieces of Her husband with the help of Her sister, Nephthys. They managed to find every piece of His body except His phallus, which had been eaten by an oxyrhyncus fish, a fish that was thus forbidden to eat.
With the pieces of Osiris reassembled, and the healing powers of Isis in full power, Osiris was brought back to life, but incomplete. Isis assumed the form of a kite, and from above drew out the seed of Osiris, impregnating Herself with Their child: Horus the Younger. But Osiris, still incomplete, could not properly rule over the land of the living any longer.
This is why He is the ruler of the dead––He was once the king of the living, was killed, and was resurrected, and this is what every ancient Egyptian expected and hoped would happen to them: that they would die and be resurrected. In tombs and mortuary temples you will always see Pharaohs associating themselves with Osiris.
But this long myth I have just told you is not the only version of the story, and in my opinion, it is definitely the longest version of the story. Back in the Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom there were several different versions; for example, Set's motive is different, ranging from revenge for Osiris kicking him, to revenge for Nephthys (Seth's sister-wife) sleeping with Osiris (which eventually births Anubis). Some texts claim that Seth took on the form of a wild animal, such as a crocodile or a hippopotamus, and killed Osiris that way. In others, Osiris is drowned. In some, the steps surrounding the coffin are skipped, and Osiris is simply cut up, and His pieces scattered around Egypt; a version which explains the many cult centers of Osiris claiming to be a place where Osiris is buried. Osiris' resurrection is also often helped along by other Gods such as Thoth (God of wisdom) and Anubis (God of embalming). In some versions, Set is killed for His actions. In most He is simply defeated and driven from the land, as chaos is necessary for balance and harmony, and thus cannot be killed. And the story that I have told is from the Late Period, recorded by Plutarch, and does not really go along with many Egyptian accounts, which often find Osiris' penis intact.
So that is the Osiris myth with all of its' intricacies and changing rhythms over the course of 4,000 years of Egyptian history. It embodies a huge amount of cultural practices and religious ideas within ancient Egypt, including the idea of truth, harmony, and justice, as well as resurrection, the afterlife, healing, and the workings of the cosmos. I've decided to leave out the later parts involving Osiris' son, Horus, and His fight with Set, for now because this does not directly involve Osiris, and that is our topic for this post.
Tradition, History, and Culture
Worship of Osiris dates back to the Old Kingdom, but the idea of Osiris is likely older than this. Before Osiris was actually Khentiamenti, an agricultural God centered in Abydos, a city which would later become the cult center of Osiris. Khentiamenti means 'Foremost of the Westerners', a title for the ruler of the dead, as the dead resided in the west, where the sun set each day. But Osiris Himself is not found mentioned in any texts or carvings until the 5th Dynasty, where He is depicted as a man wearing a divine wig. Later on He would take on the form we know Him best in––wrapped in a white mummy shroud, wearing an atef crown with ostrich plumes on the sides.
The mummy shroud He is depicted in forever associates Him with death and with the essential story behind Him, which is why I found it so important to start off with the Osiris Myth. This myth is also why He consumed and took the place of Khentiamenti; the name Khentiamenti, Foremost of the Westerners, instead became a title for Osiris as the King of the blessed dead. Another common epithet/name of Osiris is Wennefer (Omnophris), meaning 'The Beautiful One', 'The Beneficent One', and more archaically, 'One Whose Body Did Not Decay'. Among these names He was also called 'The Lord of Love', 'The King of Living', and 'The Eternal Lord'. From the Early Dynastic Period up until the end of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, when Rome conquered Egypt, Osiris was one of the most highly worshipped and revered Gods of Egypt.
Osiris was associated with the Nile river, with its' renewal and life-giving abilities, as one of Osiris' domains and powers was fertility, as well as rebirth. Another of His duties, evidence of which originates in the New Kingdom, was to act as judge of the dead; being King, He sat on the tribunal with the 42 Judges in the famous Weighing of the Heart ceremony. In this ceremony, which took place in the afterlife, the deceased would have to stand before the court and place their soul up for judgement. If it weighed lighter than the feather of Ma'at, representing all justice, truth, and harmony, then the heart acted well in life and would be allowed eternal happiness in the Field of Reeds. If not, the heart, and thus the person, would be consumed by Ammit and committed to nothingness. So Osiris would sit in on this tribunal and judge who entered His kingdom, as it was His domain. In this role, and in His role as King of the Living, as well, He was the embodiment of harmony, law, and justice.
"Most of his appeal was based on his embodiment of the cosmic harmony. The rising Nile was his insignia, and the moon’s constant state of renewal symbolized his bestowal of eternal happiness in the lands beyond the grave. In this capacity he also became the model of human endeavors and virtues..." (The Complete Gods And Goddesses Of Ancient Egypt, p.307)
As I mentioned earlier, Abydos became His cult center, as it was the cult center of the God who came before Him, whose traits He subsumed. It became a very popular burial site, as legends would say that Abydos was where Osiris was truly buried, and the people wanted to be buried as close as possible to Osiris. At one point they believed an ancient tomb there––which was actually the tomb of an Early Dynastic King––to be the tomb of Osiris, which they much revered, and left so many offerings in clay pots that Arabs would later call the site 'Umm el Qa'ab'; Mother of Pots. But this was not the only burial site of Osiris; since many variations of the myth include Set chopping up and dismembering Osiris into many parts, ranging from 14 to 42 different parts. These parts were scattered across Egypt, so many cities and nomes could claim that they had a part of Osiris buried in their domain. For example, far in the south, the island of Bigah claimed to be the burial site of Osiris' left leg, and thus the source for the yearly Nile inundation.
Going back to the Osiris Myth, after Osiris died and became the ruler of the dead, His son took His place as King of the Living: the falcon God, Horus (Heru the Younger). After the brief bout of chaos brought about under Set's rule, Horus took over (after much deliberation from the Gods) and order was restored. Because of this story, Pharaohs would not only associate themselves with Osiris in death, but with Horus in life. Each Pharaoh, as they came to the throne, would become the living embodiment of Horus on earth, the son of Osiris. In this way, Isis was also the mother of every Pharaoh, and their protector. And, to added extent, each Pharaoh would have a personal name, and then a Horus name granted to them when they ascended to the throne.
"It is for this reason that Osiris is so often depicted as a mummified pharaoh; because pharaohs were mummified to resemble Osiris. The image of the great mummified god preceeded the practice of preparing the royal body to look like Osiris... The king's appearance as modeled after Osiris' extended throughout his reign; the famous flail and shepherd's staff, synonymous with Egyptian pharaohs, were first Osiris' symbols as the flail represented the fertility of his land while the crook symbolized the authority of his rule." (Osiris, World History Encyclopedia, Joshua J. Mark)
Osiris can also be represented by a number of physical symbols, such as the crook and flail that He carries in almost all representations of His earthly form. The crook, which is the striped hook He carries, represents power/authority, and is a symbol of the Pharaoh. The flail, which is the instrument in His other hand, represents the fertility of the Nile, and as an extension, the fertility of Osiris Himself. But the crook and flail, though both seen typically as symbols of Pharaonic power, are actually the tools of a shepherd. There is reasonable evidence, thusly, to suggest that the physical origins of the idea of Osiris may not be that of a great King, but of a ruler of a shepherd tribe in the Nile Delta, whose rule was so beneficent that it led to him being worshipped as a God. For Egyptologists, this theory comes from His association with Andjety, a predynastic God-King worshipped in the Delta who also bore the crook and flail as His symbols. This, however, has not and likely cannot be fully proven. But the postulation is still interesting nonetheless!
Osiris' ba soul had its' own culture of worship, a practice of soul-worship that is prevalent in the cults of several other Gods, such as Hathor (HwtHer). In this form, Osiris was known as Banebdjedet, meaning 'The Ba of the Lord of the Djed,' which in English terms means 'The Soul of the Lord of the Pillar of Continuity', as ba means soul, and djed is the symbol for a pillar, which represented the backbone of Osiris. Interestingly, the name Banebdjedet is feminine, as the letter t denotes a feminine word or name in ancient Egyptian; although there are also variations on this name that exclude the t in favour of the alternative, Banebdjed. Banebdjedet, Osiris' ba soul, was worshipped mainly in Mendes, a city in Lower Egypt, in the Delta.
This leads to an interesting point concerning the androgyny of Osiris, a subject I found while researching for this post. Osiris' fertility comes from His castration and then being healed by the mother Goddess, Isis. Not only that, but both men and women identified themselves with Osiris in death. Then the name for His ba personified as another God is feminine, although representations of Banebdjedet are overwhelmingly male. Before anyone attacks me, I am not claiming that Osiris is a genderless God or King––just that He has some traits of androgyny, which I find interesting and love to study in ancient cultures, and I thought it would be good to mention for anyone else similarly interested.
Worship, Festivals, and Cult Activities
When it comes to the practices surrounding Osiris' cult, we actually know a good deal of information regarding the activities of worshippers and priests. Osiris' cult and worship was so widespread and lasted long enough that it could be recorded by the earliest Greek historians, and remained carved in temple walls for thousands of years. Among the most well-known cultic tradition is the Osiris Bed.
The Osiris Bed is rather well documented, as it was an object placed in tombs. It was not a bed for the deceased to lie in, but instead a box made of wood or clay, moulded into the shape of Osiris, in which the fertile Nile soil was placed and seeds were planted. These boxes were then wrapped in white mummy linens, and the seeds sprouted through, representing the resurrection and fertility of Osiris, and the crops that grew each year in cycles. One of the most famous of these beds was found in King Djer's tomb, a King from the Early Dynastic Period; the 2nd King ever of the unified Egypt. Coincidentally (or, perhaps, not so coincidentally) King Djer's tomb was the tomb which pilgrims believed to be Osiris' burial site.
While the Osiris Bed is far from the only practice and tradition of the Osiris cult, it does show the rich cultural practices and symbolism present in His worship. Let's look at some other examples of the practices of Osiris' cult.
Similar to the Osiris bed were Osiris gardens, which were essentially the same concept; fertile soil was planted inside a vessel shaped into the form of Osiris, and seeds were settled within to grow. These beds were tended to during festivals instead of being buried in a tomb.
There were a great many festivals, and each of them quite popular according to their time period, dedicated to the story and symbolism of Osiris. Some festivals started with recounting the mournings of Isis and Nephthys, Osiris' sister-wife and sister, in the form of a drama acted out in a call-and-response format. Another drama acted out for the glory of Osiris was more in the form of an actual fight that anyone could participate in; it was modelled after The Contendings of Horus and Set, which I briefly mentioned as a long and drawn-out argument between Horus and Set over who deserved Osiris' vacant throne after He had died. On this occasion, people would battle out and reenact the events of the story until the side of Horus finally won and victory was achieved. Afterwards, the celebrations commenced in honoring the restoration of order, and the gold-encased shAwyt-nTr (the Holy Statue) of Osiris would be taken out and lavished with offerings. Osiris, in the form of this statue, would be paraded throughout the city of Abydos before being placed in a shrine outside, where He could participate fully in the festivities, and be admired by the commoners who would usually never behold the face of Osiris. This emergence of Osiris from the dark temple's inner sanctuary to the light of the city resembled and represented His resurrection from death into life again. Although this particular festival was celebrated mainly in Osiris cult center of Abydos, it was also celebrated in other cities such as Bubastis in the Delta, Busiris, Memphis, and Thebes, in Upper Egypt.
The Mysteries of Osiris was a series of plays performed annually, and in dramatic, passionate form. It was one of the most popular observances of worshippers, and it told the story that I first told to you––of Osiris' life, His death at the hands of His brother, His resurrection at the hands of His sister-wife, and His ascension into the role we now know Him for. The roles in this reenactments were often taken up by high-ranking officials, and afterwards, the Contendings of Horus and Set would take place, which I just mentioned. These plays would take place over several days.
One festival was called The Fall of the Nile. During this time, the waters of the Nile would recede, and the worshippers of Osiris would go into mourning. One of Osiris' representation on earth was the Nile, and the Nile represented His fertility and life.
Another festival was celebrated on the 19th day of Pakhons, one of the months in the Egyptian calendar, which is roughly equivalent to May in our Gregorian calendar. On this day, the followers of Osiris would go to the river with shrines containing vessels of gold and metal, and would pour water into the Nile, exclaiming, "Osiris is found!" Mud and spices were mixed and moulded into the shape of Osiris, as well, to celebrate His return. Another festival similar to this one was called The Night of the Tear, and took place during modern-day June.
The last festival pertaining to Osiris that I will mention is the Djed pillar festival, held in modern-day January. The Pharaonic court and family would participate, raising djed pillars to welcome Osiris and the harvests that coincided with His return.
One last and interesting tradition that may seem familiar to Christians, at least in a small way, was the baking of bread in the shape of Osiris; bread as the flesh of the God, a sort of predecessor of communion wafers. But in reality the traditions of the Osiris cakes are completely different, and there were several different ways of going about it, depending on which nome you were from. In Dendera, wheat-paste models were made in the shape of each of the 16 dismembered parts of Osirs, and each model was sent out to the town where each respective part of Osiris was found by Isis. In Mendes, figures of Osiris were made of wheat and paste. On the day of the murder, they were placed in a trough, followed by water being added each day for several days. Afterwards, this mixture was kneaded into a dough, put into a mold of Osiris, and buried on the temple grounds.
This has been a somewhat brief glimpse into the cult, history, and traditions surrounding the Great God, The Beautiful Lord Osiris. If I can clarify anything please let me know and I will do my best!
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cauldronlakefiles · 9 months
Alan Wake and The Implications™️ of Gnosticism as told by Carl Jung (1916)
So in AW2 NG+, there is a new video called "Spiral," where he ruminates on the implications of what the Spiral could mean (spoilers below, and a very long post ahead)!
"There are loops beyond these loops. Vast, complex super structures. Beyond what's happening to me now, ahead of me. And I'm there as well. A version of me, something I have become- some elevated, enlightened version- an archon, a demiurge, a demon of some sort- playing a secret game."
Now this is veeeery interesting to me. 
In the Gnostic religion, The Demiurge (literally "artisan" in Greek) is described as a creator of the material world. He is the God of the world, but not the God of the universe. Think Cronus or Odin, under Uranus and Burí. The Demiurge cannot create something out of nothing. He takes matter, already existent and created by the upper god, and turns it into our world, though it comes out imperfect due to the matter being imperfect. 
Then, we have another Greek word admist his monologue: the "archon." The archon is Greek for "ruler" but in Gnosticism, it is the builder(s) of the universe, composed of a team. There's usually seven, and each one rules a planet.
And finally, the demon. That's self-explanatory. In Gnosticism, the definition is interchangeable with the Archons. The Archons are demons and the demons are Archons. Yes, this is relevant.
What I find interesting is the intersection where these definitions meet, the center of the Venn diagram. The Demiurge, the Archon, and the Demon is Yaldabaoth, The Son of Chaos and The Prince of Darkness. He is also known in some iterations as Samael, the Angel of Death, and is primarily viewed as the precursor to our modern day Satan, as well as the Gnostic equivalent to Seth, Saturnus/Cronus, and Typhon. He is described as having a face made of "half flame, half darkness, defiled with blood." 
If you ask what his morality is, you will spur a fishtfight among the occult (as I found out by perusing the various forums and subs). He is generally considered evil or amoral, but he used to be depicted as a genuinely "good" God. He is usually described as arrogant, a "fiery nature," ignorant of higher powers and jealous of other gods. 
Now, Jung further developed his idea of the Demiurge and Archon and Demon from Yaldabaoth, giving him the name of Abraxas, as taught by Basilides. Little is known about Abraxas, as the sources beyond Jung are scarce, though his name dates back to the ancient Greeks. The church burned much of the text that held his name. The Catholic Church outright banned him for being a pagan God and a demon. He is the God of time, and is more powerful and more dualistic than the aforementioned Yaldabaoth (both morally and figuratively) . He was a prominent figure in his book, *Seven Sermons to the Dead,* where he had this to say about him:
"That which is spoken by God-the-Sun is life; that which is spoken by the Devil is death; Abraxas speaketh that hallowed and accursed word, which is life and death at the same time. Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness in the same word and in the same act. . . He is the God of the cosmos, extremely powerful and fearful. He is the creative drive, he is form and formation, just as much as matter and force, therefore he is above all the light and dark Gods. He tears away souls and casts them into procreation. He is the creative and created. . . His power is the very greatest, because man does not perceive it at all. He is magnificent even as the lion at the very moment when he strikes his prey down. His beauty is like the beauty of a spring morn. To see him means blindness; To know him is sickness; To worship him is death; To fear him is wisdom; Not to resist him means liberation … Such is the terrible Abraxas … He is both the radiance and the dark shadow of man. He is deceitful reality."
Abraxas is duality, the God and the Devil combined in one. He is the beginning and the end. The first word and the last.
Anyway, we reach the part where he has successfully Ascended. He pronounces himself the "Master of Many Worlds." He becomes, in this sense, an "archon, a demiurge, a demon," and I can only imagine what that entails. Talk about a character arc! 
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bestworstcase · 4 months
most obnoxious people in this fandom rn are the ones who’ve insisted for -years- on calling ozma / salem / the brothers "false gods" (EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT YOU THINK A GOD IS WITHOUT EXCLUDING HUNDREDS OF REAL HISTORICAL DEITIES. YOU CAN’T.) only to start calling ruby rose a christ allegory and joke about her receiving cult in vacuo
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"well ruby came back from the dead–"
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"but ruby won’t lie or pretend to be something she’s not!" neither did ozlem. their basis for claiming divinity was 1. immortality and 2. magical power, both entirely real.
"but i mean like a celebrity cult–" those are modern day culture heroes, beloved.
"well ruby won’t ask to be worshipped so–" godhood is not dependent on humility and you cannot even invoke the christian God to justify this nonsense because thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
"it’s just a meme–" a meme arising from the intuitive understanding that godhood is fluid and divinity is socially constructed, demonstrating that the 'false gods' labeling is strictly a moral judgment grounded in culturally christian conceptions of what a god is, namely that gods derive legitimacy from virtue, and i am going to eat your liver
"well the blacksmith is God which makes ruby a christ–" SHE’S THE DEMIURGE. READ PLATO
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doctornolonger · 9 months
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From "Did Rassilon Know Omega?" in About Time 4 by Lawrence Miles and Tat Wood:
In “The Three Doctors” (10.1) we learn that long, long ago a great engineer called Omega journeyed into a black hole and never returned, but through his efforts made Time Lord civilisation possible. In “The Deadly Assassin” we learn that long, long ago a great engineer called Rassilon journeyed into a black hole but did return, and through his efforts made Time Lord civilisation possible. You can see the problem here. As we’ve already established, “continuity” didn’t exist in the 1970s, at least not in the modern, post-home-video sense of the word. Throughout Doctor Who there are running themes, ongoing concerns and recurring images. Many of the people who wrote it had read the same literature, or been introduced to it by hard-hearted script editors. So there’s a sense of the programme holding together, but… nobody ever went back to check the details. Did Robert Holmes even remember “The Three Doctors” when he wrote “The Deadly Assassin”? He certainly got the “black hole” bit right, but the Heroes of Ancient Gallifrey don’t match. Everybody born after a certain date (and extensive research hasn’t yet confirmed what this date is) makes the same assumption: that Omega and Rassilon were contemporaries, that Rassilon finished the work Omega started, and that at some point they must surely have collaborated. Yet this is never stated anywhere in the series. Rather, it’s a view which started to become “concrete” in the minds of fans in the early ’80s, largely thanks to Doctor Who Magazine. When a confused reader wrote into DWM’s “Matrix Data Bank” column, and asked for an explanation as to how Omega and Rassilon could both have the same sort of mythic status in Time Lord history, the reply seemed reasonable. Omega was the hands-on engineer, whereas Rassilon was more of an aristocratic, organising-principle type. […] In both “The Three Doctors” and “The Deadly Assassin”, the ancient-Time-Lord-in-question is presented as an iconic figure, but neither Omega nor Rassilon is considered to be of great importance to modern Gallifrey. Rassilon isn’t treated as the great demiurge of Time Lord civilisation in “Assassin”; Co-Ordinator Engin believes that very few people care about the Old Time. Symbolically, at this stage Omega and Rassilon might as well be one and the same, even if one got out of the hole and the other didn’t. In a way it’s a pity that both of them had to turn up on our screens, in person, in 1983. Up until then the writers could justifiably have claimed that they were two different names for the same individual, and that the Time Lords had just got their history a bit muddled.
Perhaps important background to understand the Faction Paradox series' reinterpretation of the Founder(s) as "Urizen" …
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superconductivebean · 15 days
Hello there! I wanted to ask 5, 16 and 20 from the MC asks ☺️
hihi!!! I wanted to do the whole @rypnami's MC questions list ^ ^ But I think I'll do in the form of this ask, to have it answered.
I'm also putting it out in the tags, so here's how Julia looked in 1890:
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
Julia isn't an animagus.
If she would become an one, she's definitely a hare. They're fast, bloody smart, and their punch can break a rib or two.
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
She'd preferred to turn a magpie, to play along the in-House joke about her personality and, well. Flying.
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
I think Julia would like earthy tones? I imagine the designs of both of her study and cottage to be accounting for a lot of light but the walls and furniture are of dark colours. I'd call it Sharp's influence, but Julia has always been surrounded by shadows, darkness, clouds; let alone she's from the North.
As I am also a northerner, sleeping through That Bloody Sunnight is impossible with lightly-coloured walls. That's why, probably.
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
She'd totally have tumblr and a youtube channel + a reddit account, possibly. Julia has a bunch of obscure hobbies in the modern aus, so I'd also throw -exchange websites in here.
My trash child would be into fanfiction, too.
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
Back when I was messing around with the linking accounts and all that, I let the game to parse my wand details. It's of Rowan wood, 10", the core is the unicorn hair; Julia uses it, I never changed its details.
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? why?
Julia will eat everything if it isn't sweet, Firewhiskey, or boom berries. Her childhood was rather challenging food-wise, if not scarce on it; she doesn't mind other foods, but she also prefers to have a great variety on her table.
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
*ugly crying* it's too big i will not tell it here just know that there was a some kind of divine intervention, demiurgic comedy, ceridwen's brew of awen mention, and a parental wish for a child to be talented
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
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Meh this is old.
Сiri: Julia is gifted with a special magical talent that put a target on her back, too (Ashwinders would benefit from having her around either way but her ability would've become the WE'RE RICH moment). On her journey, she's brought to an old castle and met the future father figures here (Eleazar and Aesop <- -> Vеsemir and Gеralt). 8th book does not happen ihateitihat but Kaer Morchen siege's tragic end does; I couldn't forget about the Old Druid Technique, neither about the anniversary video where Сiri hugs Geralt at Corvo Bianco 🥺Сiri was the main inspiration for Julia & Aesop's mentorship plotline;
Lоhse: terrible but witty humour, Lоhse Invented Lesbianiasm, and I got a feeling HL was at least somewhere tinely inspired by DОS2? By default, Lоhse uses elemental magic, water-based spells; AM closely resembles water, if not to assume directly associated with it, but it's a sidenote because as I said, Terrible Jokes Came First;
Emily: I'm still uncertain if I should've chosen Cоrvo but either way, if HL had what Dishоnored had, it would've been an amazing game all throughout; so far, it only manages to look like it graphically, on the low settings. But I digress. Both Julia and Emily had to make tough, if not terrible, choices guided by forces they couldn't quite understand or fully comprehend;
Moist: my trash man believed in an angel once and lived a better life, so did my trash child Julia;
KATZENJАMMER: Julia's family theme songs;
Tilda Swintоn.
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
No, Julia doesn't have any other things going on about her.
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
Half-blood. Accepted at home back in the Netherlands and her Faroese/Danish side of the family doesn't really mind (they're happy she's alive and could bring closure to the wound caused by her father's death), but ohboi she caused fire to families like the Malfoys or the Gaunts. They're her biggest haters; they couldn't believe a witch of her talents could be of muggle decent.
At some point, she changed her official last name to her Faroese one just to spite some people.
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not?
After Ranrok destroyed it, she didn't bother restoring it nor opening it. Julia is very wary of that particular thing Isidora did and didn't want to absorb powers she wouldn't be able to control.
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
Julia would had committed a suicide short after, unable to handle the flood of unlocked memories. Her rage would've been the end of her.
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Percival: Thought he was an insight she needed, turned out a man who had an agenda that severely misaligned with the end goal of protecting the school.
Charles: The homely man. The kind who will hide critical intelligence in order to keep or to save their good standing. Can't be trusted. Good at transfiguration though.
Niahm: The gentle maternal figure—the one Julia would deliberately seek sometimes to have what little of guidance on AM she could get.
San: The stall, but the voice and act of reason.
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
To trash with Sebastian, she had her uncle to deal with and Ranrok to debate with in her dreams. And then, The Bureaucracy.
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
Julia doesn't approve of the simplicity these curses imply.
She only realised the meaning of her own words when she got older.
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
Julia's reasoning was quite different from the one from the in-game.
Certain the Ministry would only ruin everything for everyone after the officer Singer told her and Natty off of their investigation, she didn't want to give Sebastian's secrets away to them—and for them to establish she was up to something this questionable didn't sound all right. Even though she didn't do anything and was actively against Sebastian's schemes, she didn't know the laws very well to know whether or not her and Ominis' bystanding would get them into trouble as well.
The Ministry ended up learning about The Event, but as Julia had predicted, it didn't care and it didn't do anything about it, busy with the full-fledged international scandal the Rookwood gang caused.
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
Her dad is a lovely man. Her mum is a wicked but funny bitch. Her uncle is a huggable guy but he will scorch everyone disagreeing with him. The rest are rather vast crowd of people but of regular people, some are cool, others aren't; her auntie married a dragon caretaker and caused Family Drama over sheep but that's a whole another story.
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
Imelda and Poppy. I had a post about them somewhere…
Here. It's still a WIP but 80% of it is settled.
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
She likes elemental magic. It looks magic. ^ ^
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
I've gotten plethora of opinions/perspectives on how to redo, remake, what to add and all that; it's scattered across my blog in 2 languages.
It all will be very tedious to dig up so I found a reblog chain that covers the basics. Here.
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
A little story.
My very first catch after a stray hippogriff (I thought you need to catch an one to ride an one lmao) was a kneazle rescue from a poacher camp. He was a sable black large kitty, I named him Samuel, and Realised only months later while talking to @thriftstorebabayaga. Sammy stayed as Julia's pet kneazle and he became the plot reason for Julia to wear the scar.
She rescued Sammy from poachers on her first week of school and got injured in the process.
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
No, Julia's design came together last February, first try. The only detail that changed was the amount of freckles. I keep adding more.
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
Technically, Julia is from the Netherlands. But she grew up 1) on the ship, the trading vessel belonging to her father, 2) on Faroe islands, 3) and visited her grannies in Holland sometimes.
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
She enjoys winter albeit she's hurt by the cold. No particular reason for liking it, except for it's the no gnat season.
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
Christmas: days off, no gnat, food!
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
Hatstall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. She's reckless enough to be considered Gryffindor but her sense for bird fountain community would push her to the Hufflepuffs. She'd enjoy either option.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
That stuffed kneazle that she keeps away because it reminds her of the happier life.
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT— German pop, Italian pop, and she stole Sharp's collection of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Doors.
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
the main tragedy of her life is bureaucracy and that fact amuses me greatly. that she defeated it is The Fantasy of her fantasy genre story
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txttletale · 2 years
thinking of revolutionary figures as models for individualist moral improvement to pattern oneself after is silly. what modern communists should learn from revolutionary figures, from their theory and their actions and their histories, is tactics--what they did right and what they did wrong. doing otherwise leaves you in the cult of the loser, endlessly valorizing those who were thoroughly destroyed early enough in their political career that they remain morally unimpeachable, undespoiled by the demiurgic touch of the practical needs of sustaining a long-term socialist political project. it’s looking at a dead lamb and saying ‘what a noble sacrifice! may that i someday die so cleanly and with such innocence!’--that’s not a political program, babe, that’s a sparkling death wish.
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jennifer-hamilton-wb · 4 months
Excerpt from A Semiotic Approach to God, 2nd edition, by B. Altan.
Since the advent of scientific alchemy have academics been formalizing semantic models of theological and metaphysical concepts. Orthodox Gnostic thought was one of the first theological doctrines to be analyzed through the lens of semiotic theory. Orthodox Gnosticism views God as an aspect of the absurd, An incomprehensibility that acts without notice to the material realm. The demiurge, Aeons, and Angels are all mere pockets of meaning, purely accidental manifestations of comprehensibility formed from metaphysical noise. It's therefore pretty evident how this idea was interpreted by early semioticians. The material realm is a sign, the angels are signs, they all communicate and give meaning to the signifier, ie. God. This idea of metaphysical noise condensing into meaning to form floating signs has been named the Semantic Density Hypothesis, or SDH. Modern alchemy makes SDH potentially testable, and has such been the goal of semiotic theology to devise a ritual that would prove a transfer of meaning across a metaphysical boundary. The greatest hurdle to a testable SDH is the problem that underlies all theology. There is no clear empirical source for any alleged aspect of god. While a functioning ritual is theoretically possible while within material bounds, an extant link between the material and metaphysical realms continues to be the magnum opus of any theorist.
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go-go-devil · 1 year
Excerpts from Dedusmuln’s Academic Essay on The Nature of Paper Cups
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The following passages your visual organs are about to witness have been extracted from Dr. Dedusmuln’s postdoctoral analysis on the elusive paper cups that they discovered whilst helping save the planet from King Gibby’s tyranny. 
As the original had been transcribed on 115 slabs of polymer, these excerpts were taken from segments deemed most coherent to the common, non-archeological minded hylic as per the doctor’s request, so that all may pleasantly approach the concept of these ancient cups' true potential.
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Now that I have introduced your beings to the microcosm of the paper cup, I can imagine one question must be manifesting in your minds: What is paper?
As is the current theory, paper is a texture that once bloomed throughout the planet during the dominion of the one-lifes. They were the larval form of much larger sedentary organisms called trees, which were not too dissimilar to that of our vegetables in that they were vertical and most-likely green in color and/or soul, but vastly different in their manifestation.
A single piece of paper would be crumpled up and buried into the earth, acting as the “egg” for which the stalk of a tree would hatch out of and mutate. Over time its soft flesh would harden into a thick carapace known as “bark,” for which the one-lifes would shred to produce thousands of pieces of paper. Some of these trees were said to be as tall as our cities’ buildings!
The one-lifes molded all kinds of things out of paper, including but not limited to: writing slabs, clothing, wall-clinging memos, medicated water-closet paper for personal use, birds, money, towers, masks, and most importantly cups. It was through these cups that one-lifes were able to intake liquid, their most powerful source of energy, from coolers in order to stay alive as long as their bodies would allow. 
Paper cups were also quite remarkable in their dexterity! Whilst most paper would weaken under the moistness of such a liquid’s viscosity, the cup could most easily contain the clear juice without the threat of disintegrating. They were able to withstand crushing grip of a one-life larva, and could even be used to catch a deluge!
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As wondrous as these facts are, however, this durability has sadly become a luxury of the past biosphere that cannot be replicated more than once now due to their immense age. Once a paper cup is used now, it’s gone forever.
Most modern era science has classified paper as a “theoretical concept” texture; one that may have existed at some point on this planet before Accretion 0 but can no longer maintain its form on our current biosphere. This prevailing attitude metamorphosed after Dr. Smuldunde’s success in their Greater Toothpick Expedition, however, due to their world-altering discovery of full intact wood textures.
If the carapace of trees were able to survive our dominion of clay, then surely it is not a farfetched theory that paper must have survived too. I had taken it upon myself to prove this theory correct, a seemingly impossible task that proved just as possible as the beheading and explosion of our planet’s demiurge.
Next I shall take the time to describe the anatomy, thermodynamics, and overall usage of the paper cups and water coolers for clay organisms. I will try to make this brief…
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...and the essence of life itself flows from its frustum and into our flesh and souls!
Returning to the topic of Pre-Accretion societies, the resilience of these paper cups and their water coolers they harvested from make it most apparent that, like many products, were once also utilized by beings during the Age of Sages before our own Accretion buried them from us. It would be the most logical explanation behind the idea that willpower was overall greater in that era.
To confirm this, I utilized a rare benefit in my knowledge of the sage’s locations to ask them personally to reflect their memories of the past usage of paper cups toward my research.
Unfortunately, the only sage that would even appear before me again was the Sage of Death, most likely after dying damn near fifty times trying to navigate those catacombs by myself. More unfortunate still, it did not seem to recall anything about how common the usage of paper cups and water coolers were in that era, nor could it even remember how the cooler’s water tasted.
Perhaps that was to be expected. Memory loss is inevitable for immortal cells. Of course hylics of that time would have forgotten such an occurrence by now, but it seems that even psychic brains must shed off the least important of past experiences in order to concentrate most effectively on their designated symbols. Still, my disappointment was palpable. Literally, as when I left an animated statue smelled my dismay and devoured my flesh.
Even outside of the archeologist’s sphere, there have been a small cluster of rumors as to what happened to the paper cups and their coolers. Right away I will rule out the once-prevalent theory that they were left within the mythical one-life city of El Segundo, as that has since been proven false with my findings.
As much as I would forget them, I will have to spend a good portion of this text destroying the many conspiracy theories that have regrettably been gaining traction as to why the paper cups were supposedly hidden from us…
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…which doesn’t even make a molecule sense since we don’t have a government anymore, and hopefully not ever again!
Anyhow, I could conclude this essay with a solid recommendation to retrieve and utilize any remaining paper cups your beings may find, but I’m afraid the pitch for such a wondrous discovery is not so simple.
Paper was once an abundant resource, yes, but like all one-life resources it was never destined to last. We hylics have been granted the most shining of biological miracles by even being able to find these remaining cups, let alone utilize them ourselves. Eventually the last paper cup will disintegrate into nothingness after being sipped dry by a being’s lips, and there will be nothing to be done about it.
All except one thing: to preserve its memory. Study it. Learn from it and even replicate its power through the materials we have at our disposal! We may treasure the last remnants of the legendary one-lifes, but tend to forget in our cells' immortality that one day our world may make another drastic change to the point where vegetables, terrestrial juice, and perhaps even clay itself will become as scarce a resource as paper is now.
Until that day, we must tend to the past, and use it to evolve to a greater future!
- Dr. Dedusmuln, Leading Archeologist in the Research of Paper Cups and Arcade Cabinets
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
I know you are really busy and not feeling well so you by no means have to work on this ask or even take it at all. I just thought I would submit it so if you ever felt like working on it. I hope you feel a bit better🖤
Modern Daddy dom kink with Demiurge and cute/shy mc? But instead of mc being the one who’s initially interested, it’s Demiurge who has this kink and wants to live out the fantasy with her
A/N: I don't mind writing it at all! Thanks for the idea! And thank you! I am feeling a good bit better. ♥
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“O-Oh.. umm.. you're a dom kind of guy, huh?”
It really wasn't all that shocking. From what she could recall, a lot of people said demons preferred to top over being the bottom. Not all, but most.
Demiurge knew she was a nervous type, but he wanted to make sure she was being honest with him. “Doesn't bother you any, does it?”
She shook her head. “Of course not! That's fine. I'd be better with you giving the orders anyways.”
He turned, making his way towards his closet where he kept a majority of his items in a container. Out of sight. Pulling it out, he grabbed onto a whip and chained collar. “What about name calling? Anything in particular you prefer?”
She thought about it, rubbing her upper arm. “Mm.. you mean like.. bad name calling?”
He shook his head. “Mm, like 'pet', 'baby girl'. I don't feel I'd have it in me to call you anything else too intense.”
Baby girl? She thought about that one for a moment, as it sounded like another specific kind of kink. “Are you... into the daddy kink stuff?”
Hearing her ask such a thing, Demiurge had to swallow whatever noise he attempted to make. “I.. am.” Even if she was the shy one, he wasn't sure how to offer up his own list of kinks or fetishes without worry of scaring her off. “That's not a problem, is it?”
She shook her head again, heat rising up on her cheeks.
“Excellent.” He tapped the whip against his shoulder as he put on another role. “Then why don't you get undressed and get down on your knees, pet?”
Catching the hint in his words, she did as he asked.
Demiurge pulled up a chair, sitting cross legged with a wide grin at the sight. “Now, come and get your food, my pet.”
She watched as he began to unfasten his belt, the metal of the buckle clinking as he did so. The demon's cock fished out form his pants, she felt her heart thumping wildly. Rolling her tongue from base to tip, she gave him an anxious look while doing so.
Little did she know, it was blissfully agonizing for her to do such a thing to him. “Keep going,” he ordered, the heaviness of his words showing how much he wanted to feel it all.
Retreating back from his cock, she whimpered in character. “Y-Yes, sir...”
He took the whip, using the coiled item to tilt her head upward to look at him once more. “What was that, pet?”
“I, umm.. y-yes, daddy,” she stuttered.
After removing most of her clothing (minus her undergarments), she went onward. Continuing to suckle the length she salivated all over it to where the dampness could be heard every time she attempted to swallow. The sounds of his own heavy breathing accelerated her actions only for her to pause for a moment when she felt his shoe between her legs rubbing her clothed sex.
“Oh?” His brow twitched in intrigue, the whip tapping his shoulder in thought. “Hit a pleasure spot, did I, baby girl?”
Her mouth was full, she couldn't answer but her heart was beating so much, it was deafening.
Demiurge leaned forward, grabbing onto her underwear to pull at it to where it would apply pressure to her clit all the more for him as well as other places.
She nearly choked on his erection, pulling back in a swift jerk of a motion with a gasping sound—breaking the string of saliva that connected them. “F-Fuuuuck...!” she moaned out, only to feel weak in the knees the moment Demiurge's gloved hand moved over her exposed ass.
He tapped her on the left ass cheek before taking the whip he had bundled a bit in his grip to rub over the other supple mound.
“You might wish to put that back into your mouth, pet,” he ordered. “Or daddy will be displeased.”
Feeling the whip tap her ass as a warning, she grabbed onto the base of his cock and tried again. “S-Sorry! Sorry!” She played up the fear of what he might do when, in reality, she really wanted him to do so much more.
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vampirefairywitch · 11 months
Samael, Lucifer, Lilith
Samael, Lucifer, and Lilith The Devil is in the Details By Michael Vachmiel October 25th, 2023
Happy Halloween 2023!
When Witches, Pagans, Satanists, and Luciferians of all types talk about deities, spirits, and angels we throw names about without quite understanding the history behind those names. Close to a thousand years of magical and occult history is not easy to come by or keep straight in one's head!
Also, let's be honest, we work with being reconstructed for a modern, even post-modern era of worship.
So, let’s take a dive into Samuel, Lucifer, and Lilith.
Samael was first mentioned in the First Book of Enoch, a text that started approximately in 167 BCE. Here, Samuel was one of several angels that made the Christian God angry for having sex with women. In a later edition, the Second book of Enoch, in the 1st Century AD Samuel was listed as the Prince of Demons and a powerful Magician.
Samael’s next appearance would be in the Apocalypse of Baruch a century later in 100 AD. It was here that Samuel was the reason Eve sinned, gave the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge to mankind, and was said to be able to take the form of a serpent.
In the Middle Ages Samuel was greatly expanded upon in Jewish mysticism called at the time Merkabah.
In the Sefer ha-Bahir, a foundational part of Kabbala, Samael's role in the mystical arts, religious systems, and the occult was codified.
The most important work, in forever being Samael, Lucifer, and Lilith together was between 1260 and 1280 AD in On the Emanation on the Left by Rabbi Isaac ha-Kohen.
Despite claims that this book is much older, or from early Jewish Mystics, there is no scholarly proof that supports this claim.
On the Emanation on the Left is the first time Lilith is documented to be married to any beginning. It is the first time Samael and Lilith are said to be married. It is the first mention of Right-Handed Spirituality and left-handed Spirituality.
On the Emanation on the Left would become the foundation of the Zohar in the 14th century. So, if this is Samael, then who is Lucifer?
Lucifer as lucifer is not a being.
Lucifer, lowercase “l”, is an action, a very, a title. Lucifer translates into “the light bringer” or “dawn bringer” from the Greek. It was also the name of the planet Venus, the brightest star in the sky, as Lucifer with a capital “L” It is through this interpretation, with Lucifer as Venus that Lucifer is a God. Although Venus is a Goddess, the image is that of a male holding a torch. As such, we get the Proper name, Lucifer Morningstar, or “who brings the light of the dawn”
And the Sin of Pride?
The 1409 Lollard manuscript titled Lanterne of Light associated Lucifer with the deadly sin of pride, not the Bible or Kabala.
So, with all the back and forth between faiths, writers, religions, cults, and so forth, it appears just like in every work at the time, the being Samael as the magic, the personification of freedom, liberation, and rebellion merged with the Greko Roman Goddess male symbol of illumination and created the emergence of one being. Or, at the very least, manifested the concept of illumination with personal freedom.
This is the very concept of the Bogomil and Cathar text, Gospel of the Secret Supper, 12th century, where Lucifer is a glorified angel but fell from heaven to establish his own kingdom and became the Demiurge (an artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe, a self-made god)
So is Samael-Lucifer the being Satan?
Satan is the opposition figure that works against the status quo while Samuel-Lucifer works in harmony with the natural order of the universe through the manifestation of free will and intelligent action along with acceptance of passion and natural drives.
One of the oldest beings in creation, Lilith was mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh, a famous poem of ancient Mesopotamia dated back to not later than 2100 BC. There is some debate if Lilith is a powerful Domon, Goddess, or both among scholars.
She has been associated with Owls, and then Vampires through her association with Owls.
That is Lilith’s power, and association.
Lilith became a succubus because we needed her to be. Lilith became a witch because we needed her to be. Lilith became a vampire because we need her to be. Lilith became a symbol of what we need her to be. Lilith became a goddess because we need her to be.
Between the 13th and 21st Centuries, Lilith rose to the wife of Samuel-Lucifer, to Goddess of the Left Hand Path as the female equivalent of a Deified Samael-Lucifer, and to the succubus, sexual, vampire being we have made her into.
Also, none of these things matter at all beyond knowing where things are and how things started. Your practice is a matter of faith and belief.
Don’t let anyone take that from you!
#lilith #lucifer #samael #magic #occult #magick #wicca #pagan
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coralcalypso · 7 months
((Rambling some because it’s on the brain. The idea came to mind because of KSBD to begin with (I fully admit an IC for OOC trait is Sef being familiar with so much human media bc of xenocultural studies, including KSBD and the parallels between herself and the demiurges she isn’t going to think too hard about yet).
It’s a bit of a show of excess, dedicating resources towards creating a major city on a habitable but unterraformed planet for a huge tournament because normal rejection responses are too plain.
It’s a good starting place to set up multi world tournaments and collaborations to begin with that aren’t alliance stations, the secret alliance vacation planet all the royals fun shoulders at that Sef doesn’t attend anymore, or hosting on your home world.
Anyway onto the vibe inspiration reasons:
Rayuba for being very pretty and well organized to a point of homogeny, a stable but harsh and controlling society with a paternalistic twist.
Red city because I imagine a lot of Alternian city architecture to be very dense with a lot of verticality.
The intersection of both is the architectural styles of the tournament city is similar to the vaguely fantasy style of set up with more familiar modern city layout.
And this is not including the fact that magic is real and used fairly often at this point in the timeline, it’s like Disney Atlantis.
In my head I feel like with how mythologized ancestors are in canon, I can’t help but think of fantasy stories and the concepts of ages of heroes and magic disappearing in the end.
Eventually post Summoner’s Rebellion things became worse and the age of heroes came to an end.
And that’s that!
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creature-wizard · 2 years
Great Goddess hypothesis in New Age conspiracism
Today, I found a New Age conspiracy theorist incorporating the Great Goddess hypothesis into their antisemitic pseudohistory.
For anyone who doesn't know, the Great Goddess hypothesis was a 19th century notion that paleolithic people all worshiped an earth goddess. This notion has influenced the modern witchcraft movement, rather notably Dianic Wicca, which is rather infamous for transphobia. (You can search this one up; info isn't hard to find.)
One wee little problem with this hypothesis: There is literally no evidence whatsoever to substantiate it. None. Nada. Zilch.
Thus, anyone who has wanted to defend this hypothesis has had to appeal to conspiracy theories, many of which involve the idea that everybody worshiped this great mother earth goddess until patriarchy took over with its single masculine god. Again, there is no evidence for this.
Since all conspiracy theories turn into antisemitism sooner or later (if they weren't just antisemitism to begin with), Jews are often singled out for the blame of patriarchy as we know it. (Never mind that the ancient polytheistic Greeks were patriarchal and misogynist.)
So what's this conspiracy theorist claiming? Let's look some of it over.
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For those of you who don't know New Age mythology and dog whistles, "Orion-Babylonian" refers to Jews here. Trapping people in debt and brainwashing them through media are typical antisemitic accusations, and these people have cooked up an entire mythology in which Jewish people are possessed by evil space aliens from Orion, who created Judaism back in ancient Babylon.
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So for anyone who doesn't recognize it, we're dealing with a gnostic mythology here - the "Archons" are evil beings supposedly keeping us trapped in our present unhappy existence.
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The above is literally just the Great Goddess hypothesis.
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The idea that Christian gnostics and "nature worshiping" pagans were in any kind of spiritual alignment is incredibly absurd - ancient gnostics believed that the material world was inherently flawed (if not inherently evil) because it was created by the inherently flawed Demiurge. It's hard to imagine any ancient gnostics feeling positively about worshiping what they believe to be the inherently flawed creation of an evil god.
Understand that the word "Cabal" (derived from Qaballah) is a dog whistle for Jews when you read this:
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So... yeah, this person is basically saying that Jewish people will be facing mass arrests soon. Absolute yikes.
I want to emphasize that people like these are not outliers in the New Age movement. They are the New Age movement. This is not a recent perversion of New Age belief, this is just New Age belief. While it's true that not every person who's into New Age beliefs is equally aware of who's being targeted, they're still subscribing to a belief system that ultimately targets Jews and empowers all fascists.
And again - all conspiracy theories are rooted in antisemitism, or will turn into antisemitism, and this includes conspiracy theories about great goddesses, underground witch cults, and all of that. This is why modern pagans and witches must keep themselves informed and work to avoid spreading pseudohistory and conspiracy theories.
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asinusrufus · 1 year
"(...) There is no doubt whatever that Typhon-Set was commonly identified with the sun in the Graeco-Roman period, and not infrequently with Abraxas. Similarly, there are many occasions when Jewish god-names occur in invocations of Typhon-Set. Identification of both Typhon and Dionysus with the Jewish god is also a common theme in late antiquity. Despite assertions by respected reference works, I am not inclined to epitomise every instance of this as anti-Semitism, even though such traits certainly existed. Set had a newly acquired demiurgic and solar-pantheistic status that was evidently sincere, this was neither necessarily or still less inevitably connected to ethnic politics. Similarly, Dionysus was a hugely popular god; identification of him with Eastern deities is perfectly in character, even if controversial due to the status of one in particular (...) Similarly, magical use of Jewish god-names occasionally incurs accusations of cultural appropriation. Again, the fact is that these names have become traditional; it is however extremely significant that late pagan use of them predates similar Christian usage. While apparently counter-intuitive to modern sensibilities, for an ancient pagan it was perfectly feasible to accommodate figures from henotheist or monotheist cultures. In some cases, particularly in Asia Minor, such accommodation reflected a deep respect for and involvement with Jewish culture, which however stopped short of conversion. On the other hand, there is no necessity to retain wholesale usage of these names; the conceptions of deity involved are not the sole province of any particular theology, and slavish reliance on past forms is no indication of magical competence. Having disposed of this issue in short order, the more immediately reIevant fact here is that Typhon-Set bore the status mentioned. In doing so, he demonstrates the mutability of views of the gods from one epoch to the next, it is a simple fact that perceptions of the nature and attributes of any ancient deity was subject to change. Consequently, the favouritism of one modern pagan grouping or individual for one or other past expression does not render those of another wrong per se. That Typhon-Set preceded Jehovah as premier deity of ceremonial magicians, often invoked under exactly the same names, is both historically true and potentially significant to various modern practitioners, and that is what matters here."
Jake Stratton-Kent, Geosophia or The Argo of Magic, vol. II
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