#modern hardcore
bestfuckinmusic · 1 year
GEL - Only Constant - 2023
Awesome, raw, pissed-off and angry modern hardcore!
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fluffyartbl0g · 8 months
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SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO @wheryheart-rb AND @staryeclipse WHO WERE EPIC ENOUGH TO LEND ME THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF OVERWATCH T O T!!!! Stary wrote Nami's rant (tho I tweaked it a lil owo) and Whery suggested characters that Nami, Luffy, Franky, Zoro and Yamato could play as! (which u can see below,,, thanks guys <3)
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Anyways I was thinking about a modern AU, but ONLY about what video games everyone would play XD Though I've decided jinbei and brook are the type to not understand pc gaming at all,, so,,,,
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marieslocket · 5 months
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collage I made in like 10 minutes of some cool bands. it's the music that matters
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constantcrisis19 · 1 year
Vow Renewal
Simon "Ghost" Riley x GN S/O
AN: I changed the titles around because it seemed to fit better this way, so this is a new story in the married series. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2,026
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You woke up to the sound of Ghost’s alarm, a groan of protest bubbling up and out of your mouth as you reluctantly rolled off of Ghost in order to blindly throw an arm out, smacking your hand against the buttons on the top of the alarm clock at random until the annoying beeping abruptly cut off. 
With the horrid noise silenced, you took the opportunity to unceremoniously face-plant into the nearest pillow with a low grumble of complaint since you had never been much of a morning person.
Ghost usually had far less trouble getting up at the ass crack of dawn, the bastard.
While you were more or less wallowing in your misery, Ghost’s bottomless brown eyes had half-opened when you’d moved away from him, the man looking just as exhausted and worn out as he had the day before. 
Although that was only to be expected considering that the two of you had finally arrived back at base late in the evening after a particularly stressful and dangerous mission that had taken a week and a half to successfully complete.
“I know, love.” Ghost mumbled groggily as he rolled over to look at you with creased brows, reaching out to gently but firmly lay a warm, calloused hand on your lower back as he shifted across the bed in order to lazily rub his cheek against your shoulder in a affectionate nuzzle that reminded you of something a cat would do.
“Ugh… I need no less than an entire pot of coffee before I even think about being functional today.” You grumbled, your voice muffled by the pillow that your face was buried in. It was a half-hearted attempt to smother yourself at best, but the notion of eternal slumber was starting to seem pretty damn tempting to your sleep-deprived self the longer that you laid there and stewed in your woe.
“Can’t understand you.” Ghost grunted, sounding a bit more awake but no less tired, and the gravel in his voice gave you the surge of motivation you needed to turn your head and squint at him from over your shoulder. Ghost was hovering above you like an omen of death, staring down at you with half-lidded eyes that were somehow still razor sharp despite how utterly fatigued he looked.
“Coffee.” You said simply because you figured that pretty much summed up your earlier statement, especially since your blunt bid for caffeine in the form of delicious coffee was punctuated by the fact that you could hardly keep your eyes open.
“Fine.” Ghost said with a heavy, long-suffering sigh that was normally only reserved for you and a certain energetic Scotsman before his hand slid off of your back and he sat up, stretching attractively with a low grunt of satisfaction when his spine cracked and popped in several places. 
He looked horribly stiff and achy, but he still threw the covers back in preparation to leave the bed since you had made the mistake of offhandedly mentioning that you could use a cup of coffee to help you find the energy to drag yourself into a modicum of order.
The fact of the matter was, in Ghost’s fractured mind, your needs and wants would always come before his own because his first priority in any and all given situations the two of you might find yourselves in was to make sure you were safe and that you wanted for nothing. Which was not exactly a stellar example of a healthy mindset, but you were working on teaching Ghost that he was allowed to let you take care of him too, which was an ongoing battle.
“Simon.” You called, your hand sliding over the bed to catch his wrist before he could get up, the man obediently pausing even though his thighs were tensed in an aborted attempt to stand and holding that position had to be hell on his sore muscles. He stiffly turned to look at you, his brows furrowed in a wordless question as his gaze searched your face.
“Don’t go.” You said quietly as you gently tugged on him, silently beckoning him closer, and Ghost seemed to soften at your plea for him to stay. He went along with your guiding touch easily, twisting around and dropping onto all fours in order to prowl over to you like some great beast. 
Ghost even laid down on his back without resistance when you directed him to do so, the man wrapping one of his arms around you and running his thumb across your shoulder absentmindedly after you bonelessly sprawled out on top of him.
“Better?” Ghost asked dryly, although there was an undeniable undercurrent of warmth in his otherwise bland tone.
“Yeah.” You mumbled as your eyes fluttered shut, tucking your face into the crook of his neck to breathe him in. His familiar and soothing scent of gunpowder, cardamom, strong English breakfast tea, and tobacco made you melt into him, as if you and Ghost could somehow fuse into a singular entity instead of remaining two halves of a whole, forever cursed to walk in separate bodies.
“You know, you make a great mattress.” You mused with the beginnings of a smile curling onto your lips, adjusting your head so you could prop your chin up on Ghost’s chest. “But you’re an even better pillow with these glorious man-titties of yours providing all this cushioning.” You snorted, planting a kiss that was equal parts playful and teasing in the valley between his pecs with a wolfish grin.
“You’re a fuckin’ slag.” Ghost muttered without any heat, the lackluster attempt to insult you completely ruined when the corner of his scarred lips quirked into a hint of a smile for a split second before his expression smoothed back into his typical stoic detachment.
“Don't try anything, I'm not in the mood.” Ghost added in a decidedly disinterested tone, though his hand moved from your shoulder to your back in order to start running his palm up and down the length of your spine in a repetitive motion that was so tender that you swore that your heart actually skipped a beat.
"You better make it up to me later then, seeing as I'm exercising self-control and all.” You said slyly as you braced your hands against the bed on either side of his torso, leaning forward to kiss Ghost with tongue. 
The wet and messy kiss drew a low sound of pleasure out of him as he responded by matching your enthusiasm and passion, his own tongue twisting and pushing against yours in a half-hearted battle for dominance.
And, when Ghost’s lips finally broke away from yours, his breathing was heavier. Although, he didn’t go all that far from you considering that your noses were still touching. His hooded gaze darted from your spit-slick mouth to your eyes a few times before he surged up to kiss you again like he just couldn’t help himself, though this particular snog came across as far less lewd and more worshipful.
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't." Ghost murmured with a barely there smirk when he eventually separated his mouth from yours for a second time, and it took you an embarrassingly long moment for your scrambled brain to make the connection between what he had just said to your earlier comment about getting intimate.
“You’re stone cold, Simon.” You lamented dramatically, flopping back down onto his chest with a huff. Ghost grunted when you landed, probably knocking the wind out of him with the sudden and unexpected addition of your full weight dropping onto him without warning. “Worst husband ever. I want a refund.” You muttered as you tucked your face back into the crook of his neck, mostly to hide your smile because you were trying to be miffed about his smug reply to your blatant flirting.
“Good luck returning me when there’s no receipt, love.” Ghost deadpanned, though there was a thread of amusement in his tone.
“My ring is my receipt.” You retorted without missing a beat, tilting your head to the side in order to brave a peek at him, fighting a smile when you witnessed the moment that his jaw clenched in a telling manner. You didn’t even have to see his face to know that he wasn’t happy about your casual remark.
“I won’t be responsible for what happens if you ever try to give that ring back to me.” Ghost’s voice was a low, guttural rumble that reverberated through his chest and directly into your body seeing as you were all but plastered to his front. 
The hair on the back of your neck stood on end in an instinctive response to the threatening sound, though you weren’t actually all that intimidated despite what your hindbrain had to say about hearing such a menacing sound so close to your person.
“Oh, how ominous.” You hummed, amused despite yourself because Ghost was such a possessive guard dog, circling you with raised hackles as he gnashed his teeth at anyone who showed so much as a modicum of sexual or romantic interest in you. “Reminds me of when you hacked a terrorist's limbs off because she took your ring and threatened to melt it down before pouring the molten metal down your throat.”
“No one touches my things.” Ghost said darkly, and the protective way that his hand traveled up your back in order to cup the nape of your neck while his other arm curled tightly around your waist indicated that he wasn’t just referring to his ring.
“Like a dog with a bone.” You chuckled with a hopelessly fond smile, trailing your knuckles over his thigh to soothe him.
“More than a dog, love.” Ghost spoke in a severe voice that would make you uneasy had it been anyone else using such an unsettling tone in your vicinity. “I’m a beast hiding in the shadows, waiting to tear apart anything that might threaten you. I’m the darkness to your light, the sentinel that watches your back, the strength that holds you up when you buckle. I’m a shapeshifter, I become whatever you need me to be.”
It was probably the most you had heard him say in one go for as long as you had known him, he was a man of few words after all. He only spoke when there was something constructive or important that needed to be said, when he felt that a devil’s advocate was needed.
But what he had just said to you was nothing but a blatant declaration of his love, of his unwavering devotion.
"Fucking hell, Simon. If I hadn't already married you, I'd get down on one knee right now." You said breathlessly, rearing up onto your arms in order to stare down at Ghost with wide eyes, one of your hands raising up off the bed to gently cup his cheek. You took pleasure in the way that Ghost’s unfairly blond lashes fluttered as he leaned into your touch like a man starved, openly basking in your warmth.
"Be my beast, be my darkness, be my sentinel, be my strength. But let me be the only one who can bring you to heel, let me be the light you need when the darkness you lurk in threatens to swallow you, let me be the voice that tells your demons to back the fuck off before I declare war. Let me be your safe place." You whispered, soft and reverent.
“Till death do us part.” Ghost stated with a steadfast conviction, spoken with such unwavering certainty that a lump of emotion formed in your throat. There were no words in your vocabulary that could possibly convey how not even death would keep you from him, how you would come back to him again and again in any and all lifetimes that you shared.
Fortunately, it seemed that you didn’t have to say anything at all because Ghost had heard it, he had heard all that you couldn’t manage to say and returned the sentiment in the form of leaning up to rest his forehead against yours.
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3armedsally · 7 months
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doyoulikethisemoband · 11 months
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Collapse (Post-Amerika)
Long Forgotten Sons
Re-Education (Through Labor)
The Dirt Whispered
Kotov Syndrome
From Heads Unworthy
The Strength to Go On
Audience of One
Hero of War
Hairline Fracture
Whereabouts Unknown
Spotify | Youtube
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quiet-admirer · 6 months
I've been considering actually buckling down and writing a story with some of my OCs, but I'd really like it to be a "historical" fiction set in about 1979-1982, and the problem is I like to inject some amount of realism to the things I write, but I wasn't alive at that time and research will probably be difficult.
If I get really into a topic, I don't mind if the research is time-consuming, but I'm guessing that I'm only going to be able to find information scattered in fat lib type of zines or records about the Bear community, which is probably going to be a big effort to compile and sift through what is actually relevant...
There are so many little questions I have, like how hard was it to find clothes in very large sizes back then and at what size did it start getting difficult? How did fashion the time impact kink - like, if certain types of clothing that were more popular lent themselves to certain tropes or themes, like crop-tops or spandex suits etc. Maybe there are completely obsolete things that I'm not even aware of that could be or were used in kinky ways (like, if there was, I don't know, a glove stretching kink back when people had to use those glove stretching tools?). When did certain feedism and g/e terms originate? I haven't been able to find any pre-early 2000s records of feedism and g/e communities, though I've admittedly not done an aggressive search yet.
How easy was it to buy scales over certain weights? Different methods of gaining come in and out of vogue, so what were they then? Diet culture had its own flavor back then, so how did g/e or feedism or their prototypes reflect those differences?
Was it just the wild west and there weren't any of these terms and people just did this kind of kinky stuff anyway or did it fall under the names of other kinks?
Idk maybe I'm being silly or overlooking an obvious resource, but it seems like a huge undertaking and I'd really like to do this research someday once I have the bandwidth, but I'm not even sure I'll be able to find what I want!
But then maybe part of the fun will be creating an imagined feedist past for the 70s/80s! Idk but it's been living at the back of my head for years and I want it to happen someday :)
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guerrilla-operator · 20 days
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spacemanxephos · 2 months
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3armedsally · 10 months
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savorynights · 5 months
Águas turvas e um céu escuro cobrem o mundo;
ruínas e ervas daninha decoram as cidades no futuro.
Humanidade, onde é que se esconde?
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Não adianta, ainda assim, de si mesma foge;
a Morte, aos montes, a recolhe;
na ruína se esconde.
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doyoulikethisemoband · 10 months
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briswamnlava · 8 months
trying to make friends is so hard. bc im trying to be this one guys bestfriend but i think i fucked up but i dont even know. i was talking ab my music taste (he is so cool bc he has rhe same one as me and ik this bc of mutual friends) and i made the joke that “my music taste is bad. no one likes midwest emo” and he was like “well i like midwest emo” YES IK YOU DO BUT THATS THE BIT NO ONE LIKES IT UNLESS YOU DOz. anyway thats been keeping me up.
i shall wear my modern baseball hoodie on tuesday so he will understand the concept that i am cool.
also finished ap lit essay in one sitting 30 minutes before the deadline. lowkey kinda proud of it. i worked on it all week but i kept getting stressed out. i talked to my theater teacher and he made me change my thesis. i think i will do good but i will update bc im stressing. my grade is currently genuinely and quite actually a 0% so theres only up from here.
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The Waterboy Returns • Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy The Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Directors Cut) • Infinity Exposed • The Thrash Particle • ...And Beyond • Revenge Of The Nameless Ranger
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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fruitbatfanclub · 2 years
needless to say, the haircut went well.💚
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