#modernize solar leads
solardynamite · 1 year
The Hidden Factors that Affect Solar Installation Leads
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Solar companies depend on sales personnel to go door-to-door to generate leads, which is inefficient and time-consuming. Purchasing solar panels is a long process. Buyers often research for months before they decide on where to buy.
Solar leads are generated from news pages, radio ads, TV ads, and toll-free numbers for buyers interested in moving to solar power. Companies that generate qualified solar leads should focus on the first 24-48 hours to sell the leads as real-time leads to solar salespersons. If these leads don’t sell, they become aged and can be sold at a discounted rate. Aged leads – 30, 60, 90-day old leads are sold by age.
There are several hidden factors that can affect solar installation leads. Here are some of them
Local Regulations and Policies
Local regulations and policies can significantly impact the demand for solar installation. Some cities and states have implemented policies that encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources, including solar energy. For example, some localities have implemented net metering policies that allow homeowners to sell excess solar energy they generate back to the grid, thereby incentivizing solar installation.
Additionally, some states have implemented Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) that require utilities to generate a certain percentage of their energy from renewable sources, including solar. This policy can create a market for solar energy and increase the demand for solar installation.
In contrast, some localities may have regulations or policies that discourage or prohibit the installation of solar panels. For example, some Homeowner Associations (HOAs) may have restrictions on the size, placement, or appearance of solar panels on homes. These restrictions can make it difficult or impossible for homeowners to install solar panels, reducing demand.
Overall, solar installation companies must be aware of local regulations and policies that may impact their business and work to advocate for policies that encourage the adoption of solar energy.
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Demographics can also impact the demand for solar installation. Some demographic groups are more likely to adopt solar energy than others. For example:
Homeowners: Homeowners are more likely to install solar panels than renters, as they have the authority to make changes to their property and may benefit more from long-term energy savings.
Middle to high-income households: Solar panels can be expensive to install, so middle to high-income households are more likely to have the financial means to invest in solar energy.
Environmentally conscious consumers: Consumers who prioritize environmental sustainability may be more likely to invest in solar energy to reduce their carbon footprint.
Urban dwellers: Urban dwellers, particularly those living in apartments or condos, may be less likely to install solar panels due to limited roof space and difficulty accessing communal spaces for installation.
Understanding the demographics of potential customers can help solar installation companies target their marketing efforts more effectively and tailor their services to meet the needs of different customer groups. Additionally, working to make solar energy more accessible and affordable to a wider range of consumers can help increase demand and expand the customer base for solar installation.
The cost of solar installation can be a significant barrier to entry for many potential customers. While solar panels can generate long-term savings on energy bills, the upfront cost can be expensive. There are several factors that can impact the cost of solar installation:
System size: The size of the solar panel system required to meet the customer's energy needs will impact the cost. Larger systems are more expensive.
Equipment quality: The quality of the solar panels, inverters, and other equipment used can impact the cost. Higher quality equipment may be more expensive but can offer better long-term performance and durability.
Installation complexity: The complexity of the installation, including the type of roof, the orientation of the panels, and the need for additional electrical work, can impact the cost.
Location: The cost of solar installation can vary depending on the location of the customer's property, including the availability of incentives and rebates, local labor costs, and the cost of permits and inspections.
While the cost of solar installation can be a significant barrier, there are several ways solar installation companies can help make solar energy more accessible and affordable to potential customers. These include offering financing options, working to streamline the installation process, and advocating for policies that encourage the adoption of solar energy, such as tax credits and incentives. Additionally, as the cost of solar technology continues to decline, it may become more affordable and accessible to a wider range of customers.
Awareness and Education
Awareness and education play a crucial role in increasing demand for solar installation. Many people are not aware of the benefits of solar energy or do not fully understand how it works. Therefore, educating potential customers about the advantages of solar energy can help increase demand for solar installation. Some ways solar installation companies can increase awareness and educate potential customers include:
Marketing and advertising: Solar installation companies can use marketing and advertising to reach potential customers and promote the benefits of solar energy. This can include social media campaigns, online ads, and direct mail.
Educational events: Hosting educational events, such as workshops, webinars, and seminars, can help potential customers learn more about solar energy and the installation process.
Collaboration with other businesses: Partnering with other businesses, such as home improvement stores, to promote solar energy can help increase awareness and education about the benefits of solar energy.
Customer education: Providing educational materials, such as brochures and videos, to customers can help them better understand the benefits of solar energy and the installation process.
By increasing awareness and education about solar energy, solar installation companies can help potential customers make informed decisions about solar installation and increase demand for their services. Additionally, educating customers about the long-term savings and environmental benefits of solar energy can help build customer loyalty and increase customer satisfaction.
Competition is another factor that can impact the demand for solar installation. As the solar industry has grown, competition has increased, making it more challenging for solar installation companies to attract and retain customers. Some ways in which competition can impact demand for solar installation include:
Pricing: As more solar installation companies enter the market, pricing becomes more competitive, making it more challenging for companies to maintain profitability. This can lead to lower demand if companies are unable to offer competitive pricing.
Quality of service: The quality of service provided by solar installation companies can impact demand. Customers are more likely to choose companies that provide high-quality service, such as excellent customer service, timely installations, and high-quality equipment.
Brand reputation: The reputation of a solar installation company can impact demand. Companies with a positive reputation for quality, reliability, and customer service are more likely to attract customers than companies with a poor reputation.
To remain competitive and increase demand for solar installation, companies must focus on providing high-quality service, including excellent customer service, timely installations, and high-quality equipment. Additionally, companies can differentiate themselves by offering unique products or services, such as innovative financing options or customized solar solutions. By offering a unique value proposition and building a positive reputation, solar installation companies can increase demand and maintain a competitive edge in the market.
Weather can also impact the demand for solar installation. While solar panels can still generate electricity on cloudy days, they are most effective in direct sunlight. Therefore, areas with higher levels of sunlight may have higher demand for solar installation. Some ways in which weather can impact demand for solar installation include:
Sunlight levels: Areas with higher levels of sunlight may have higher demand for solar installation as solar panels are more effective in direct sunlight.
Temperature: Higher temperatures can reduce the efficiency of solar panels, which can impact the amount of electricity generated. This can make solar energy less appealing in areas with extreme temperatures.
Weather events: Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and hailstorms, can damage solar panels and impact their effectiveness. This can lead to lower demand for solar installation in areas prone to severe weather events.
Seasonality: Demand for solar installation can vary depending on the season. For example, demand may be higher during the summer months when sunlight levels are highest, while demand may be lower during the winter months when sunlight levels are lower.
While weather can impact the demand for solar installation, advancements in solar technology, including more efficient solar panels and battery storage systems, can help make solar energy more viable in areas with less sunlight or extreme weather conditions. Additionally, offering customized solar solutions tailored to the unique weather conditions of each region can help increase demand and make solar energy more accessible to a wider range of customers.
Energy prices
Energy prices can have a significant impact on the demand for solar installation. As energy prices increase, solar energy becomes a more attractive option for customers looking to reduce their energy costs. Some ways in which energy prices can impact demand for solar installation include:
Payback period: The payback period for a solar panel system is the length of time it takes for the system to pay for itself in energy savings. As energy prices increase, the payback period for solar panel systems decreases, making them a more attractive option for customers.
Cost savings: Solar energy can offer long-term cost savings on energy bills, which can make it an attractive option for customers looking to reduce their energy costs.
Return on investment: The return on investment for solar panel systems is the amount of money saved on energy bills compared to the cost of the system. As energy prices increase, the return on investment for solar panel systems also increases.
Energy market trends: Energy market trends, such as increased demand for renewable energy or changes in government policies, can impact the price of energy and the demand for solar installation.
As energy prices continue to increase, solar installation companies can leverage this trend to increase demand for their services. By highlighting the cost savings and long-term benefits of solar energy, companies can appeal to customers looking to reduce their energy costs and make a positive environmental impact. Additionally, companies can offer financing options and work to streamline the installation process to make solar energy more accessible and affordable to a wider range of customers.
Read More-what are the different types of solar panel ? Pros and Cons
In conclusion, several factors can impact the demand for solar installation. Local regulations and policies, demographics, cost, awareness and education, competition, weather, and energy prices all play a role in determining the demand for solar installation. Companies operating in the solar installation industry need to be aware of these factors and work to address them to increase demand for their services. By offering high-quality service, competitive pricing, innovative financing options, and customized solar solutions, solar installation companies can differentiate themselves in a competitive market and appeal to a wide range of customers. As renewable energy continues to gain momentum, solar installation companies have an opportunity to increase demand for their services and contribute to a more sustainable future.
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astrolovecosmos · 6 months
The April 8th 2024 Eclipse
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There's been a LOT of information out there about the infamous April 8th eclipse. From a straightforward astrological perspective an eclipse represents repressed thoughts, feelings, and energy coming to the surface in a forceful way. While many cultures have deemed eclipses as bad luck or a sign of destruction and doom this isn't fully representative of a modern astrological standpoint. Karma and themes surrounding the collective can certainly exist within the eclipse in many ways. If the placements of the eclipse conjunct your placements, then you may be affected more than others. Those with the same modality (cardinal, mutable, fixed) as the sign of the eclipse can be influenced too. Don't forget to pay attention to the House your placements are in if you are influenced by it, this will give clues to the environment surrounding its effect.
The collective is always influenced by eclipses which is why many astrologers will speak about world or societal events surrounding them.
When there is a solar eclipse, this represents light of consciousness, life force, and vitality being blocked out by the subconscious, unseen, emotions, and potentially irrationality by the Moon. When there is a lunar eclipse it represents rationality, warmth, and giving (the Sun) overcoming the primal and emotional side of the Moon.
On April 8th the Sun and Moon will be in Aries, a sign of war, recklessness, competitiveness, anger, and passion. I am not making any predictions for the eclipse, but this can explain many of the intense claims out there. The fire element overall can disrupt energy flow, confidence, and activity. Aries also represents enthusiasm, enterprise, winning, leadership, adaptability, and new beginnings. Eclipses ultimately ask us to change and reevaluate, they bring thoughts and feelings to our attention.
There are other aspects and placements that have been adding extra "flavor" to this eclipse. Mercury will be retrograde in Aries during the eclipse which adds more challenges, especially to travel (a time where MILLIONS are traveling). Be mindful of emotional outbursts, harsh truths, and impulsive anger or communication from this retrograde.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus is a major aspect for April and while the exact conjunction won't occur until later in the month many believe this will cause expansion, explosion, abruption, and/or a major shift in global events. With the two planets in Taurus most astrologers are predicting the aspect to influence finances, economies, the environment, food, the material world.
Sun Conjunct Chiron will be happening on the 8th, which can indicate the collective confrontation of wounds related to similar themes as the eclipse - a fresh start, assertion, force, bravery, initiative, selfishness, survival, impulse, self-expression, and identity.
It is important to remember that the eclipse's influence is not for one day or moment, there are debates about how long an eclipse's energy/influence will last but many will cite that the effect is at its height in the month leading up to the eclipse with influence being felt up to six months before or after the event.
I am not a Vedic astrologer but in Vedic astrology the eclipse is in Pisces which is a sign that represents endings, completion, returning to the whole vs. the newness of Aries. Pisces also has a strong connection to spirituality, an active imagination, is famous for intuition, empathy, and healing as well as illusions, addictions, isolation, guilt, blame, belief, and confusion. When an eclipse is in the water element it messes with our emotions, feelings of security, and attachments.
Whichever type of astrology you practice and follow I hope this gave you a big picture idea of how eclipses work.
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stellanix · 6 months
something i saw once that has stuck with me ever since was a comment on a post about some scientific discovery made by the mars rover perseverance that said "why are we wasting time looking at rocks when we should be preparing for colonization?
another comment was on a post about the environmental issues surrounding the spacex launch site in southern texas, which said "human expansion to mars delayed to protect some turtles"
and comments like these perplexed me. space is a subject of science, and people interested in space are always talking about the wonders of the unknown, and how many fascinating and beautiful things are out there. so how could people interested in space be so fundamentally uncaring and incurious not only about the places they're supposedly interested in, but about nature in general?
it's not just random people in twitter replies who are like this. elon musk once posted this picture:
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thing is, that's not mars, that's the moon during a lunar eclipse (when sunlight tinted red after passing through earth's atmosphere lights up the moon in earth's shadow). you'd think that someone known for wanting to bring people, himself included, to mars would care enough about mars to at least know what it looks like, but apparently not
he also rather infamously says he wants to nuke the ice caps of mars to warm the planet up. the ice caps of mars look like this, by the way (image credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/Aster Cowart):
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they are beautiful places, that hold an irreplaceable scientific record of the geologically recent martian climate, and are shaped by unique processes. there's no other place quite like them in our solar system. but elon musk thinks we should nuke them. again, no care, no curiosity
nothing has made me feel jaded and cynical about the entire enterprise of spaceflight quite like learning that the people ultimately in charge of it and funding it don't give a shit about space. it's not just elon musk. space nerds love quoting kennedy's "we choose to go the moon" speech as inspiration, but kennedy is also on record saying "I'm not that interested in space" in a conversation where he was arguing to the nasa administrator that they should prioritize beating the soviets to the moon over space science. no curiosity, only a desire for geopolitical showmanship and maintaining hegemony. it's the same thing when many modern politicians only seem to care about space exploration as a way of keeping a technological lead over china
this leaves the people who do genuinely love and care about space in an awkward position. they basically have two choices: A) become jaded and give up on space exploration, or at least parts of it (abandoning human spaceflight but maintaining interest in robotic science missions, for example) or B) give in. work with military contractors. spout the jingoistic rhetoric that the politicians writing the checks want to hear, even if you don't believe it. go along with the colonialist ideology, the hypercapitalism, and the extractivism. sell your soul for pictures of mars and let your passions be exploited for the ends of powerful people who don't care
the sad reality is that our society only values those things deemed useful or profitable. we hear it all the time. the idea that schools should only teach things useful for jobs, that people who try to make a living in fields like art, the humanities, or philosophy are all getting useless degrees and will inevitably end up stuck working retail, and of course, the idea that space exploration is a waste of time and money
space nerds are often deeply insecure about their greatest passion, because it's true, space exploration offers no immediate practical benefit. but they still love space and want to explore it
so they believe the lies. they repeat the colonialist ideology. they say there's money in mining asteroids, that we can terraform planets and let number go up forever. they let themselves be exploited by companies and governments that see everything in the universe and all the people in it as things to be used, and that will ultimately chew them up and spit them out if it's expedient to do so. and those who reject the ideology and keep their love for the cosmos pure often find themselves with no place in the project of space exploration
i don't know how to fix this, but i do hope that i will live to see the day when our curiosity and interest and love for the wider universe is valued for its own sake, and no longer shackled by colonialism, capitalism, and political ambitions
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herebecritters · 1 month
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I’ve got a ton of lore writings in the works and there’s a lot of little terms used by treefolk and by the trio. So here’s a handy guide in case anyone needs it.
THIS IS A LIVING DOCUMENT. There are sure to be edits and additions as time goes on.
Dino-Sore Days
Period of time at the End of the Cretaceous Period before the meteor hit and the Death Curse began.
First Civilization
Period of time directly after the Meteor Strike and the Isles were formed. Cities built around the new Gods. Ends in extermination.
300 Year Colony
Period of time 66 million years after First Civilizations eradication. Years 1698 to 1998. Ends in extermination.
Current Era
Modern HTF as we know it.
Common knowledge
(Terms that most treefolks on the Isles will be familiar with)
The Isles: Also known as “The Isles of Da-rí-šè”, is a lush, multi-biomed cluster of islands hidden in the middle of the ocean and encompassed by a 66million year old Immortality Curse.
Critters/Treefolk: Sentient inhabitants of the world. Anthromorphic animals. Or “People” for lack of a better term.
Simple Beasts: Animals and creatures that live in the world who are not anthropomorphic characters. Pets, wildlife, ect.
Death Curse: The never ending loop of dying and regeneration experienced only within The Isles.
Blacking out: The sensation of losing consciousness and being unable to recall the specification of one’s own death on the Isles.
Death Hangover: The feeling one experiences when waking up alive after a death. Feelings of mental haze, disassociation, and a slight queasiness. Like you woke from a nightmare that you know you had but can’t seem to recall the details of it.
the Outside world/the real world/back home: No official word for this but many Treefolk tend to refer to the world and and their old life outside the Isles from time to time. As distant and far away as it now may seem to them…
Perma’d: the state of being dead without revival. Permanently dead.
Trio Terms
(Terms used among the trio or during the time of First Civilization and before.)
(Holidays Celebrated during the First Civilization Era and still regarded by the Trio in private)
Day of Two Suns: New Year for the Critters of the First Civilization. Anniversary and Celebration of the day that the chixulub meteor hit the earth and ended the reign of the “Titans”. Transition from Spring into Summer.
Festival of Shedding: Summer into Autumn harvest festival and feast.
Nesting Day: Preparation of Autumn to Winter. Preparing the nest of Ki for the colder months.
Festival of Frogs: Winter into Spring festival when the frogs come out of hibernation.
Union: Solar Eclipse celebration
Bleeding Night: Lunar Eclipse Ritual to revive Theia from death with a chosen sacrifice.
Theology and Myths
Theia: The moon; deity of the Night and watcher of the small folk and critters.
Sâmâs: The Sun; deity of the Day
Ki: The Earth; Child of Theia and Sâmâs, asleep in the core of the planet.
Alagtila: The Idol of Life
Alagkana: The Idol of Misfortune
Alagumuna: The Idol of Blood
Dingirtila: Formal Title for the God of Life
Dingirkana: Formal Title for the God of Misfortune
Dingirumuna: Formal Title for the God of Blood
Egalkana: Temple of Misfortune
Egaltila: Temple of Life
Egalumuna: Temple of Blood
Mushhush: The name of Nergals monster form
Umamumurgu: Ancient beast of Rage and Fire sent by Sâmâs to protect the children of Theia from the Titans.
The World of the Curse
The Blood: Concentrated Suffering in the form of blood. Gives the idols their power.
The Wells: Underground rivers and lakes where the Blood is held. How full they are determines the amount of power the idols have.
Burrows: Series of tunnels deep below the Isles leading to the wells and to the Trios private chambers.
Hibernation: State of stasis where the trio can go long periods of time of inactivity to conserve Blood.
Ludari: “The Eternal People” The term used to describe the people who lived during the First Civilization before the Rebellion.
Lukurra: “Outsiders” Those who are not one of the three Idols. This term replaced Ludari after the rebellion.
Titans: The dinosaurs, pterosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs and other giant reptiles that went extinct after the meteorite hit.
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thegrapeandthefig · 7 months
Calendar manipulation in Ancient Greece
This really isn’t a topic I’m thrilled to tackle, but since the Theogamia there has been so much talk about calendar discrepancies that it looks like the right time to bring this up. Don’t expect this to be eloquent, I’m writing this while absolutely knackered.
I’m not going to focus too much on the problem of modern calendar reconstructions, what I’ll be going into here is the historical evidence we have about how awfully inconsistent the ancient Athenian calendar could be, either by nature or by human intervention over time.
The problem of the new moon
In theory, the Athenian calendar and other Greek calendars are lunar and each month begins on the new moon. Sacha Stern, in Calendars in Antiquity, tells us that the writer Geminus (1st c. BCE), states that the Greek month began when the new moon crescent was first sighted but Geminus also states that the new moon can sometimes be sighted on the 1st of the month, but sometimes not until the 3rd. This statement is interesting, because it implies that, should the moon not be visible (clouds), there was a mathematical basis to the calculation of the months that still made the month begin regardless of what the sky looked like.
There comes also the problem of conjunction (aka when the moon in orbit passes between the sun and the earth, making the moon invisible). The traditional ancient assumption is that the day of conjunction is the last day of the month. However, the interval between the day of conjunction and of the new moon is usually around two days; so if the month began when the new moon was first sighted, conjunction should have been typically on the penultimate day of the previous month.
Those difficulties, along the fact that other authors, such as Aratus give conflicting information leads Stern to say this:
Modern scholars have generally accepted Geminus’ statements that the Greek month began at first visibility of the new moon. However, it is clear on Geminus’ own evidence, as well as on the evidence of the other passages just mentioned, that this rule was not strictly followed, and indeed, quite possibly, that it did not constitute a rule. Moreover, we do not know of any procedure that may have been used, and indeed that would have been necessary, for such a rule to be enforced. There is no evidence, for example, in the whole of Graeco-Roman literature of anyone sighting the new moon.
And this leads us to the rather uncomfortable idea that, in practice, a lot of the calendars simply might not have been as well aligned with astronomical moon phases in the way we conceptualize it today.
Francis M. Dunn, in an article titled Tampering with the Calendar, lists passages from ancient Greek sources that seem to corroborate this idea:
Thucydides 2.28 in a passing mention of a solar eclipse […] distinguishes the astronomical "new moon" or conjunction, at which eclipses must occur, from the conventional "new moon" or noumenia, which followed the first visible crescent. The historian, in other words, is aware that there is an astronomical "new moon" or conjunction which is different from the first day of the civic month.
Man-made adjustments
Because calendars impacted the religious, civic and political lives of each city-states, it wasn’t uncommon for city-states to make adjustments to them.
The type of modification we’re most used to is the addition of intercalary days or month that aim to realign the calendar with astronomical reality. But we have evidence that this isn’t the only motivation.
For example:
In the 430's (SEG XXXVI 12), 420's (SEG XL 12) or 410's (SEG XLII 17), in connection with offerings at Eleusis, the demos instructed the archon to add a second Hekatombaion.
In 228/7 a second Hekatombaion was added to the civic calendar.
Between 294 and 288, in connection with a tour by artists of Dionysus during Lenaion, four cities in Euboea made provision for the archons to add months as necessary.
At the end of the fourth century, probably in 307/6, two days were apparently added near the end of Gamelion.
In 271/0 four days were added in the first decade of Elaphebolion.
As we can see, additions and subtractions of one or several days, if not sometimes months, could happen. They were often added either at the beginning of a month or at the end of a month, which makes it easier to imagine that it could be done to readjust the calendar to the moon, but in the cases where it was linked to a festival, it was clearly done to schedule said festival:
”Of the three cases of intercalary months, two are explicitly related to religious festivals (the dedication of first fruits at Eleusis, IG I3 78; and dramatic festivals in Euboea, IG xii.9 207”
“The evidence therefore supports an assumption that most adjustments were part of the normal operation of the civic calendar - ensuring that the calendar was roughly in phase with sun and moon, and ensuring that festivals would take place at a necessary or convenient time.”
An insoluble debate
The problem of ancient Greek calendars as a whole has been a point of contention among scholars for so long, for the simple reason that it makes dating anything difficult. The most notable example is the one around the differences between the Athenian calendar and the Spartan one when it comes to dating something like the battle of Marathon. Plutarch tells us it was on the 6th of Boedromion, but Herodotus tells us it was during the full moon (and therefore later, if the calendars matched the lunar cycle). This is where the issue of inter-city calendar alignment emerges, since each city-state functioned in their own independent ways, they could resort to calendar adjustments at any time they wanted and further misaligning themselves with one another.
But scholars don’t necessarily agree! Some, like Pritchett believed that the calendars were irregular no matter what, while others like Meritt believed they were regular, and that the evidence of irregularity was due to exceptional circumstances. The problem at this point is that it is much harder to prove regularity than the opposite.
So where does it leave us?
The reconstructed calendars we use today as modern worshippers are all based on some form of regularity, but we need to remember that none of them are a direct continuation of the ancient calendars. For the most part, they are based on the metonic cycle and on the other luni-solar calendars in use today by various faiths and cultures around the world. In fact, a lot of the reconstructions of Athenian calendars are using the same mathematical model as the Hebrew calendar. And that, in a nutshell, explains why different reconstruction have different results when it comes to placing specific days and festivals. So it really comes down to personal choice. Choosing a calendar that is more “popular” might be more appealing to you for particular reasons, while others might choose their calendar based on entirely different criteria. I guess the point I’m trying to get to is that, there won’t be a “standard” calendar without some kind of wide decision to stick to a precise model, and as long as there is no religious authority, the calendars will remain ever so slightly different, because they never really were regular in the way that we understand our solar Gregorian calendar to be.
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vickysaurus · 9 months
Happy New Year!
Let's imagine it was the Earth itself that was going into its 2024th year. That is to say, we're compressing the entire history of the Earth into just the past 2023 years. What events would have happened when?
Well, not too much is certain about the first couple decades after our planet formed, until around 50 CE when we were hit by another proto-planet, Theia, and the debris formed the Moon. After a couple years of the planet cooling down again, the oceans formed out of boiling rain. The timing of the origin of life is very uncertain, but there are chemical signs it may very well have happened as early as the second century. Around 200 CE, the gas giants did a big funky orbit-swapping dance, and in the process inflicted the Late Heavy Bombardment on the rest of the solar system, meaning the Earth was suffering a ton of meteorite strikes for the entire third century.
The first indisputable evidence of life is from around 330, and the first stromatolites appear around 470. Those are basically the first fossils, stones created by layer upon layer of oxygen-producing cyanobacteria living and dying on top of one another. But even with oxygen producers evolving, it would take many centuries before oxygen became a major part of the atmosphere: not until the Great Oxygenation Event, which happened during the ninth and tenth centuries. That's also about the time the first complex, eukaryotic cells evolved through a symbiosis between an anaerobic archaean and an oxygen-breathing bacterium. The bacterium became more and more focused on just the oxygen-breathing task inside the larger cell, until its descendants were mitochondria, which as you all know are the powerhouse of the cell. The next seven centuries passed by with only slow, gradual changes, and life continuing to be unicellular and difficult to find in the fossil record.
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(1735's Snowball Earth, by me)
From 1704 to 1730, the entire planet froze over. After merely two years of thaw, it happened again, this time lasting from 1732 to 1742. But these snowball Earth episodes set the stage for the evolution of animals that began right after. Across the mid-18th century, the bizarre Ediacaran biota, with its strange symmetries, fronds, and fractal-like pattern filled the oceans. In the early 1780s they went extinct, possibly due to a temporary drop in oxygen-levels, only to be replaced by a great variety of quite different creatures in the Cambrian Explosion.
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(Class of 1799, by me)
Starting in 1784 and running for a few decades, the Cambrian period saw the origin of most of the modern animal phyla, reaching its most famous form in the Burgess Shale fauna of 1799. During this time, most animals still lived on the sea floor, either attached or crawling, with relatively few actually swimming creatures. Plants started tentatively moving onto land around 1817, and in 1825, the rising of the great Appalachian mountains caused a severe drop in global CO2 and thus temperatures, leading to the Late Ordovician mass extinction.
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(Horseshoe crabs and sea scorpions on a beach in 1834, by me)
Bony fish first showed up during the 1830s, and around the same time plants were getting serious about inhabiting the land, evolving roots and vascular tissues so they could properly grow there. Millipedes and the ancestors of spiders were the first animals to follow them onto land. Our own fishy ancestors did not take their first step until 1857, by which point the arthropods were well established there and the plants had figured out how to become trees. The Late Devonian extinction, partially caused by the evolution of said trees and partially by the south pole freezing, played out in two pulses over the late 1850s and early 1860s.
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(Swamp prominently featuring Meganeura and Mazothairos in 1889, by me)
Arthropods and vertebrates continued to gain adaptations to life on land. The insects became the first creatures ever to fly in 1878, and the high-oxygen atmosphere of the time would be especially good to them. Around 1884, a group of vertebrates called the amniotes, after the membrane that kept water inside their eggs so they could lay them on land without them drying out, split into two groups: the reptiles and the synapsids (which we mammals descend from). The next few decades would see the synapsids in particular being extremely successful as the supercontinent Pangaea formed. Until 1912, when a massive episode of volcanism caused the worst mass extinction of all time, the Great Dying, scouring the Earth of a huge portion of its life.
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(A 1930 scene featuring the three branches of archosaur: dinosaur, pterosaur, and pseudosuchian, by me)
The 1910s were a period of slow recovery during which strange new forms of animal evolved. Many different, unrelated reptiles, such as the ichtyosaurs and plesiosaurs, went to sea, where they would continue to provide some of the most impressive creatures for most of the 20th century. On land, the dinosaurs first appeared in 1920, though for the next decade or so they'd live in the shadow of their pseudosuchian (crocodile-line) cousins. In 1934, Pangaea began to break up, resulting in another terrible pulse of volcanism that caused a lot of extinctions and left particularly the feathered and furry survivors with a lot of empty niches to fill, allowing the dinosaurs and mammals to diversify greatly. The last common ancestor of all modern mammals lived in the early 1940s, and by 1957 the dinosaurs had figured out flight, with Archaeopteryx usually being considered the first bird. Other dinosaurs took on an incredible variety of sizes, shapes, and forms. Some of the most famous ones include Dilophosaurus (1942), Diplodocus and Stegosaurus (1955), Iguanodon (1969), Velociraptor (1991), and Tyrannosaurus rex (1994).
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(A tropical lakeside in the year 2000, by me)
In 1995, the world was struck by a meteorite, wiping out many groups, including the marine reptiles, pterosaurs, and ammonites. The surviving mammals and dinosaurs went on to diversify across the next couple of years and had formed thriving new ecosystems in the tropical world of the turn of the millennium. The first known bat lived in 2001, and the whales returned to the oceans next year. Around 2009, the world's climates turned colder and dryer. Antarctica froze over and grasslands spread widely. Our last common ancestor with the chimpanzees and bonobos lived in 2021, and by new year 2023, our ancestors were getting brainier and more proficient with tools. That's also when the north pole froze and the Quaternary ice age cycle began. The first known members of Homo sapiens lived on 10 November 2023. The latest ice age started on 14 December, and ended at 2 AM on 30 December. The great pyramid of Giza was built at 6 AM on 31 December and On The Origin Of Species was published at 23:22 PM.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Yan!Julius Caesar Random Headcanons
❝ 📜— lady l: I love writing these random headcanons and if you guys want more historical characters feel free to send them! If you're curious about how he is yandere, I posted a general headcanon of him, which you can read by clicking here. Here are historical facts and some additional ones from my head. I hope you like it and good reading!! ❤️
❝tw: not entirely historically accurate and perhaps murder (?).
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Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC and became an important Roman military and political leader. His conquest of Gaul (present-day France) and his successful campaigns contributed to his rise to power.
In 44 BC, Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for life by the Roman Senate. This move sparked concern among senators, leading to a plot that resulted in his assassination on March 15, 44 BC, known as the "Ides of March". The man did not last long as a dictator.
Julius Caesar played an important role in reforming the Roman calendar. The Julian calendar, introduced in 45 BC, was an adaptation of the lunar calendar to the solar year, forming the basis of the modern Gregorian calendar. So much so that the month of July is in his honor.
Julius Caesar formed a political alliance known as the First Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus. They shared power and influence to advance their political and personal agendas. It didn't last long because soon they started fighting each other for power. A yandere obsessed with power, I dare say.
Julius Caesar is known for writing "Commentaries on the War in Gaul", also called as Commentarii de Bello Gallico, a series of accounts of his campaigns in the region. These writings offer valuable information about military tactics and life at that time. A great military commander and also a great fanfic writer.
There are reports that say that when he was 30 years old, he passed in front of a statue of Alexander the Great and wept because he had reached the same age and had not conquered as much as the Macedonian King. An inferiority complex, I would say.
The title "Caesar" became a dynastic name used by many Roman leaders after Julius Caesar. The first Roman Emperor, Augustus, was his nephew and adopted heir, and he adopted the title "Caesar" as part of his name. A curious fact is that many Brazilians have Caesar (César in portuguese) in their name.
In addition to his military achievements, Julius Caesar had a deep taste for literature and writing. He frequently exchanged letters and discussed poetry with various intellectuals of the day. A true cultured man and a renaissance ahead of time.
The death of Julius Caesar was one of the key events that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic and the subsequent rise of the Roman Empire. His legacy has had a lasting impact on history and politics. Our man is credited as one of the greatest military commanders of all time.
Rumor has it that Julius Caesar had a secret superstition of avoiding black cats, believing them to bring bad luck. This contrasted with his image as a fearless leader. Poor kitty, so many powerful men were afraid of cats.
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blueiscoool · 9 months
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Ancient Roman Elite Necropolis Discovered in Italy
A two-year dig to install a solar power plant near Rome has unearthed an ancient Roman necropolis containing 67 skeletons buried in 57 ornate tombs.
Archaeologists were baffled by the find — thought to date between the second and fourth centuries — not least because the skeletons were discovered wearing golden jewelry and expensive leather footwear, inside tombs designed to resemble their homes.
The discovery, on a 52-acre patch of land close to the ancient city of Tarquinia, north of Rome, was a surprise to authorities, despite the area being renowned for such findings.
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Silver rings with amber and engraved initials, precious stones, terracotta pottery, coins, shiny glasses, amulets and even items of clothing were found alongside the golden necklaces and earrings.
“We found several skeletons still wearing their expensive stockings and shoes,” Emanuele Giannini, lead excavation archaeologist at the site said. “All these riches, and the fact that the bones show no sign of stress or physical labor, (leads us to believe) these weren’t local farmers, but upper-crust members of Roman families coming from cities.”
Giannini said techniques of “pre-emptive archaeology” such as field surveys and trial trenches were used to identify potentially ancient constructions below ground.
“We did have a faint idea that some treasure could lie there, as historical sources mentioned the location of a postal station for travelers near the site,” explained Giannini. “Many Romans would stop (here) for the night to eat and rest, but the magnitude of the discovery is unmatched.”
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The diversity of funerary objects laid near the remains, and the luxurious designs and linings inside the tombs, have led archaeologists to believe that the occupants wanted to recreate heavenly spaces similar to their earthly homes. The interior of many tombs originally featured elaborate cloth linings, or were surrounded and covered by tiles or terracotta pieces like little houses.
Giannini said another astounding aspect is that most of the discovered tombs were communal — built for at least two occupants who likely shared a family link. A few skeletons were found wrapped around each other.
“Building tombs for entire family nuclei is a typical ancient Roman trait,” he said, “but these are outstanding in their inner decor, which shows wealth and status.”
The shallow tombs were found just 20 inches below the surface — almost popping out of the grass — yet nobody had ever noticed anything peculiar.
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The site’s unique state of preservation has been attributed to the fact that “huge limestone blocks that stick out of the ground (made) ploughing, seeding and modern farming impossible in the area,” said Giannini. “It has remained untouched (for) centuries.”
Findings from the dig, which started in 2022, are being preserved as they’re found and many are going on show at the castle of Santa Severa in the coastal town of Santa Marinella. The skeletons however, are being analyzed to determine their origins and will not be put on display until forensic tests have been carried out.
Whatever their genesis, authorities are certain more hidden wonders will come to light as digs for the solar park move to another nearby site.
“We are excavating a huge rural area to redevelop the land and are balancing the need to avoid ruining such unique wonders with the goal of boosting clean energy production,” Margherita Eichberg, art heritage superintendent of the provinces of Viterbo and southern Etruria for Italy’s Culture Ministry said. The area where the necropolis has been discovered will not form part of the solar park and will be cordoned off for safety reasons, without public access.
“This is the fascination and beauty of Italy: Each time there’s a dig, incredible wonders from the past come out of the ground which need to be preserved.”
By Silvia Marchetti.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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“An alchemist is one who turns everything into love.”
Venus & Mars 'Cosmic Lovers' Talon Abraxas
Venus and Mars
Venus and Mars are the planets closest to the earth; they refer to what is most personal and primordial in the make-up and the behavior of a human being, to the most intimate factors in the life of an individual.
Venus moves inside of the earth's orbit, Mars outside of it; and this fact alone tells what meaning they have in astrology. Indeed the basic meanings attributed to each of the planets in our solar system is neither a matter of chance nor the result of millennial observations by astrologers and empirical tests; these meanings are deduced essentially from the place the planets occupy in the solar system and in relation to the earth.
Thus, because Mars is the first planet outside the earth's orbit, it represents fundamentally outgoing activity and the organic and psychological instrumentalities which make such an activity possible (for instance, at the physical level, a man's muscles, his adrenal glands releasing quick energy for action).
In contrast to Mars, Venus — the first planet inside the earth's orbit — refers to man's ability to bring into the field of his consciousness and inner life the results of his experiences, and thus to pass a feeling judgment — pleasurable or painful, elating or depressing, good or bad — upon these experiences which Mars made possible.
The symbolic characters traditionally used to represent Mars and Venus can best be understood if we relate them to the one for our planet, Earth. In many medieval paintings we find God (or even the emperor, as a divine ruler), holding in his hand a globe surmounted by a cross. This is the earth, as the home of Man, whom God created in His image and likeness.
According to a persistent and widespread occult tradition, the planet Venus is the spiritual twin of the earth. It was from Venus that some eleven millions years ago a host of spiritual beings came upon our planet to give to animal-like human beings the divine "seed" of self-conscious intelligence and moral responsibility. The Greek myth of Prometheus is an abridged version of the same event.
It is also said that wheat, perhaps corn and bees (and probably ants also, as everything has its shadow aspect) were brought along in some manner from Venus. Even the Hebrew Bible has its version of this "descent" upon the earth of quasi-divine beings when it speaks (Genesis 5) of the coming of the Sons of God who took as wives the daughters of men.
Whether this be fact or myth (but what is the source of myth?) the astrological (and astronomical) sign for the earth is that of Venus inverted — and we should remember the old saying that "the Devil is God inverted." Here on earth the — cross dominates the circle or globe; on Venus it is the circle which stands over the cross. What does this mean?
When one looks through a small telescope or gunsight often a cross made of two fine threads (the web spun by the black widow spider-makes the best) helps us to focus our observations or aim This most ancient symbol, the even-armed cross, is not only a Christian image — its meaning reaches into the very depth of existence, and especially of human existence, for man is that being in whom all powers and faculties can reach a clear and sharp focus. The value of our modern science and its rigorous type of logical thinking is that it is a discipline of thought which makes possible the most precise focusing of our attention — our discrimination and, in general, our mental faculties.
This indeed is the function of earth life and of incarnated man — to be precise, accurate and sharply discriminative in conditions in which an either-or judgment (an intellectual-rational or a moral yes-or-no judgment) is imperative. But man can go too far — and perhaps has gone too far — along this road leading to the sharpest possible focusing of his mind and energies, and our modern scientific civilization, based on the "specialist," may yet prove how disastrous this "too far" can be.
Venus, on other hand, refers to a realm of existence in which a whole view of life dominates the opposite earth trend toward the sharply focused analysis of a multitude of details. The circle is a symbol of wholeness, of infinite possibility. The Venus symbol tells us that in that Venus realm "with God everything is possible," because the consciousness of the whole is ever present.
The Divine is also ever present. Yet it is present in close association with the "human" (i.e. the cross). It is a consciousness of wholeness emerging from the many crosses of existence. You start with the cross, the crisis, the tragedy, then you rise to the total vision, the conscious fulfillment or plenitude of being.
On earth man starts from an unconscious fullness, of which the Garden of Eden is the Biblical symbol, then he has to emerge from this Edenic childlike unconsciousness in which he passively reflects the Divine Image — and the emergence occurs through crises, through conflicts, through "sin" (the "negative way" which leads man to light out of sheer horror in the realm of darkness).
About the 6th century B.C. humanity experienced a rebirth in mind. A new mind began to operate, whether in the Asia of the Buddha or the Europe of Pythagoras and the Greek classical era. This was an -emergence from a more naive, earthbound consciousness of life energies and sex power. It led to the Cross on Gethsemane and to European rationalism. It is only now that the Venusian type of mind is beginning really to operate in humanity — the sense of the whole, intuitive thinking, and the emergence of a global society.
In the astrological gylph for the planet Mars there is also a circle and — if the figure is correctly drawn — an arrow pointing up to outer space at a 45-degree angle above the horizontal. The 45-degree angle is very significant in that it marks a direction of maximum intensity in electromagnetic fields. The circle here represents the biopsychic field of man's personality, and when internal pressure builds up to an explosive point it is released in a "Martian" outgoing. What we have therefore in the Mars symbol is a picture of simple, spontaneous release of energy.
One can relate it to the symbol for Sagittarius, but in this hieroglyph we see a release which stems not from a circle but actually from a cross, whose vertical arm has been bent by a dynamic urge to expansion. It is probable that the direction of the arrow is not at a 45 degree angle to the horizontal, but rather at a 60 degree angle — which would make it coincide with the direction represented by the cusps of the Third and Ninth Houses of a birth-chart And the sign Sagittarius has much to do with the Ninth House of the horoscope.
The Planets and their Symbols by Dane Rudhyar:
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pol-ski · 2 years
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Nicolaus Copernicus (Konstanty Laszczka, Polish sculptor)
Happy birthday, Nicolaus Copernicus!
Nicolaus Copernicus (February 19, 1473 — May 24, 1543) is primarily known as an exceptional astronomer who formulated the true model of the solar system, which led to an unprecedented change in the human perception of Earth’s place in the universe. This great Pole, who is rightly included among the greatest minds of the European Renaissance, was also a clergyman, a mathematician, a physician, a lawyer and a translator. He also proved himself as an effective strategist and military commander, leading the defence of Olsztyn against the attack of the German Monastic Order of the Teutonic Knights. Later on, he exhibited great organizational skills, quickly rebuilding and relaunching the economy of the areas devastated by the invasion of the Teutonic Knights. He also served in diplomacy and participated in the works of the Polish Sejm.
Copernicus’ scientific achievements in the field of economics were equally significant, and place him among the greatest authors of the world economic thought. In 1517 Copernicus wrote a treatise on the phenomenon of bad money driving out good money. He noted that the“debasement of coin” was one of the main reasons for the collapse of states. He was therefore one of the first advocates of modern monetary policy based on the unification of the currency in circulation, constant care for its value and the prevention of inflation, which ruins the economy. In money he distinguished the ore value (valor) and the estimated value (estimatio), determined by the issuer. According to Copernicus, the ore value of a good coin should correspond to its estimated value. This was not synonymous, however, with the reduction of the coin to a piece of metal being the subject of trade in goods. The ore contained in the money was supposed to be the guarantee of its price, and the value of the legal tender was assigned to it by special symbols proving its relationship with a given country and ruler. Although such views are nothing new today, in his time they constituted a milestone in the development of economic thought.
Additionally Copernicus was not only a theorist of finance, but he was also the co-author of a successful monetary reform, later also implemented in other countries. It was Copernicus, the first of the great Polish economists, who in 1519 proposed to King Sigismund I the Old to unify the monetary system of the Polish Crown with that of its subordinate Royal Prussia. The principles described in the treatise published in 1517 were decades later repeated by the English financier Thomas Gresham and are currently most often referred to around the world as Gresham’s law. Historical truth, however, requires us to restore the authorship of this principle to its creator, for example through the popularization of knowledge about the Copernicus-Gresham Law. (© NBP - We protect the value of money).
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solardynamite · 2 years
what are the different types of solar panel ? Pros and Cons
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Solar panels work by converting the energy from the sun into usable electricity. This process is known as the photovoltaic effect.
Solar panels are made up of multiple solar cells, which are typically made from silicon. When sunlight hits the solar cell, it causes the electrons in the silicon atoms to become excited and move around. This movement of electrons generates a flow of electricity, which can be captured by the solar panel and used as power.
The solar panel is connected to an inverter, which converts the DC (direct current) electricity generated by the solar panel into AC (alternating current) electricity, which can be used to power homes and businesses. The inverter also monitors the amount of energy produced by the solar panel and sends any excess energy back to the grid, which can be used by other homes or businesses.
Solar panels work best when they are exposed to direct sunlight. They are most efficient when they are facing south and tilted at an angle that corresponds to the latitude of the location. However, solar panels can still generate electricity on cloudy days or when the sun is low on the horizon.
Overall, solar panels are a clean, renewable source of energy that can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and lower carbon emissions.
There are three main types of solar panels, which are:
Monocrystalline solar panels
Monocrystalline solar panels are made from a single, pure silicon crystal. They are the most efficient type of solar panel, converting around 15-20% of the sun's energy into electricity. They are easily recognizable by their uniform black color and rounded edges.
The production process for monocrystalline solar panels involves growing a silicon crystal from a single seed crystal in a high-temperature furnace. This results in a cylindrical ingot, which is then sliced into thin wafers using a wire saw. The wafers are then treated with chemicals to create a positive and negative charge, and then assembled into solar cells.
Monocrystalline solar panels have several advantages over other types of solar panels. They have a higher efficiency, meaning they can produce more electricity per square foot of panel. They also have a longer lifespan, typically lasting 25-30 years, and are more durable and less prone to cracking. However, they are also more expensive to produce than other types of solar panels.
Read More- Step-by-step instructions to Create a Marketing Funnel for Your Solar Business
Polycrystalline solar panels
Polycrystalline solar panels, also known as multicrystalline solar panels, are made up of multiple silicon crystals. They are less expensive to produce than monocrystalline solar panels but are also less efficient, typically converting around 13-16% of the sun's energy into electricity. They are easily recognizable by their speckled blue color and square edges.
The production process for polycrystalline solar panels involves melting and pouring multiple silicon crystals into a square mold, which creates a block of silicon. The block is then sliced into wafers using a wire saw, and the wafers are treated with chemicals to create a positive and negative charge, then assembled into solar cells.
Polycrystalline solar panels have several advantages over monocrystalline solar panels. They are less expensive to produce, making them a more cost-effective option for homeowners and businesses. They also have a simpler production process, which allows for faster production times. However, they have a lower efficiency, meaning they produce less electricity per square foot of panel, and they also have a shorter lifespan, typically lasting 20-25 years.
Thin-film solar panels
Thin-film solar panels are a type of solar panel that are made from a thin layer of semiconductor material deposited on a substrate, such as glass, plastic, or metal. They are the least expensive and least efficient type of solar panel, typically converting around 7-13% of the sun's energy into electricity. Thin-film solar panels are flexible and can be easily integrated into building materials, such as roofs or windows.
There are several types of thin-film solar panels, including:
Amorphous silicon (a-Si) solar panels: These panels are made from a non-crystalline form of silicon and are the most common type of thin-film solar panel. They are flexible and lightweight, but also have the lowest efficiency.
Cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar panels: These panels are made from a combination of cadmium and tellurium and are more efficient than amorphous silicon panels. They are also less expensive to produce.
Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar panels: These panels are made from a combination of copper, indium, gallium, and selenium and are the most efficient type of thin-film solar panel. They are also lightweight and flexible, but are more expensive to produce than amorphous silicon and cadmium telluride panels.
Thin-film solar panels have several advantages over other types of solar panels. They are lightweight and flexible, making them easier to install in a variety of locations. They also have a lower environmental impact than other types of solar panels, as they require less raw material and energy to produce. However, they have a lower efficiency and shorter lifespan than other types of solar panels, typically lasting 10-15 years.
Pros and Cons of Solar Panel
Renewable energy source: Solar panels harness energy from the sun, which is a renewable energy source that is freely available and will not run out.
Low environmental impact: Solar panels produce electricity without emitting any greenhouse gases or other pollutants, which helps to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution.
Cost savings: Solar panels can help to reduce electricity bills by generating free electricity from the sun, which can save homeowners and businesses money in the long run.
Energy independence: Solar panels can provide homeowners and businesses with energy independence, allowing them to generate their own electricity and reduce their reliance on the grid.
Increase property value: Installing solar panels can increase the value of a property, as it is seen as a desirable feature for many homebuyers.
High upfront costs: The initial cost of purchasing and installing solar panels can be expensive, which may be a barrier for some homeowners and businesses.
Dependence on sunlight: Solar panels require sunlight to generate electricity, which means that they may not be as effective in areas with less sunlight or during cloudy weather.
Space requirements: Solar panels require a significant amount of space, which may be a challenge for homeowners with limited roof space or businesses with limited property space.
Maintenance costs: Solar panels require regular maintenance to ensure they are functioning at peak efficiency, which can add additional costs over time.
Manufacturing and disposal: Solar panels require energy and resources to manufacture and dispose of, which can have an environmental impact. However, this impact is typically lower than that of fossil fuel-based electricity generation.
How Solar Marketing Agency Help to Grow Solar Panel Business-
A solar marketing agency can help grow a solar panel business by implementing effective marketing strategies that increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales. Some ways that a solar marketing agency can help include:
Digital marketing: A solar marketing agency can help to create a strong digital presence for the business by implementing search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and other digital marketing strategies.
Lead generation: A solar marketing agency can help to generate leads for the business through targeted marketing campaigns, such as email marketing, direct mail, and other outreach efforts.
Branding: A solar marketing agency can help to create a strong brand identity for the business, including developing a logo, brand messaging, and other branding materials that help to differentiate the business from competitors.
Content marketing: A solar marketing agency can help to create high-quality content that educates and informs potential customers about the benefits of solar energy and the products and services offered by the business.
Sales enablement: A solar marketing agency can help to enable the sales team by providing them with the tools and resources they need to effectively sell solar products and services, including sales training, collateral materials, and customer testimonials.
Overall, a solar marketing agency can help a solar panel business to grow by implementing effective marketing strategies that increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales. By partnering with a solar marketing agency, businesses can leverage the expertise of experienced marketers and focus on what they do best – delivering high-quality solar products and services to customers. Read More- Top 10 Jobs in Solar Tech You Should Consider
In conclusion, solar panels are a clean and renewable source of energy that have many benefits, including cost savings, energy independence, and reduced carbon emissions. However, they also have some drawbacks, such as high upfront costs and space requirements. To grow a solar panel business, partnering with a solar marketing agency can be helpful in implementing effective marketing strategies that increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales. By leveraging the expertise of experienced marketers, businesses can increase their visibility and market share, and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.
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kairologia · 1 year
Planets in Hellenistic Astrology — part 1 : the ascendant + the luminaries (sun/moon).
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Where modern astrology places the emphasis on signs, traditional astrology deems planets THE most important part of the practice. It places planets as actors whereas everything else serves as setting, stage & costumes.
The form of astrology I practice focuses on the use of the 7 traditional planets, as outers (Uranus/Neptune/Pluto) had yet to be identified due to their invisibility to the naked eye — and though I still use them, I don’t emphasize them as much. The 7 traditional planets are usually divided thus: the Luminaries (Sun/Moon), fast-moving Personal Planets (Mercury/Venus/Mars) and slow-moving Social Planets (Jupiter/Saturn).
Now that we got that out of the way, moving on to the actual point of the post,
The core of the chart : the sun, moon & rising.
The core of the chart is represented by the luminaries plus the ascendant. I sadly often come across descriptions of this triad that are too vague or not explained clearly & understandably, which often leads to widespread misconceptions around what these three components represent (especially the sun + ascendant).
Simply put, the Sun and Moon represent the two energy or power sources of the body/mind — as these Celestial Bodies provide most of the light in the heavens. They are luminary bodies that carry distinct energies and symbolize archetypal influences that manifest based on their sign, house, and aspect placements.
The Sun is the emissive luminary & shows how one’s vital energies are spent. The Moon is the receptive luminary & shows how one’s energies are regenerated & recalibrated. The Sun and Moon combined represent the driver, where the Sun signifies the driver's actions, and the Moon signifies their reactions. The Ascendant, on the other hand, serves as the vehicle steered by the influences of the Sun and Moon.
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— Starting with the Sun,
The Sun, through the annual cycle of solstices and equinoxes, establishes the seasons of the year. In a chart, the sun directly corresponds to the themes of the whole sign house of Leo. Much like the sun enables visibility in the universe, it allows topics ruled by the sun (i.e, whichever house Leo occupies in one’s chart) to become prominently visible in our lives. As an example, if Leo is in your first house, the sun represents your identity, what with it ruling your first house of self, and if Leo is in your fifth house, it signifies that the sun rules over matters related to your pleasure, sexual and romantic pursuits and enjoyment of life, and so on for other house placements.
As an isolated archetype, the sun, being a life source, symbolizes aspirations, a drive to enlighten or illuminate something, mirroring its central role in the solar system where everything orbits around it. This conveys a sense of being drawn towards embodying and actualizing the self in a specific manner — making it an aspirational energy.
In addition to what was stated previously, the sun represents vitality, spirit, soul, the conscious mind, intellect, the father, judgement, public reputation, action, and authority. It holds a place in the day sect.
This isn't to negate any potential resonance with your sun sign, as resonance means different things to different people.
Trivia :
— Domicile: Leo
— Exaltation: Aries
— Detriment: Aquarius
— Fall: Libra
— Quality : Hot and Dry (choleric temperament)
— Colors: Gold, yellow, amber
— Professions: Leaders, royalty, professions that work with solar significations
— Places: Houses, palaces, theaters, halls
— Day of the Week: Sunday
— Body Parts: Heart, eyes
— Animals: Lions, felines, eagle, phoenix, nightingale
— Minerals & stones : Gold, Chrysolite
— Moon :
The Moon defines the lunar months through her cycle of waxing & waning phases. She primarily symbolizes the themes of the whole sign house that Cancer occupies in your chart.
The moon stands out as the most impermanent celestial indicator, residing in each zodiac sign for no longer than two and a half days. Its phases undergo constant shifts, mirroring elements that are in perpetual flux, such as bodily cycles, our bodies in general, mood variations, and all sorts of cyclic phenomena such as routines.
While its influence extends over emotions, it encompasses more than just that aspect. The moon serves as a mechanism of recalibration of both our emotional and physical well-being.
The moon also represents the body, sensations, emotion, memories, the "gut brain," intuition, senses, the mother, the lineage, women, conception, appearance, sight, nurture, older brothers, housekeeping, possessions, silver, and glass. It is of the night sect.
Trivia :
— Domicile: Cancer
— Exaltation: Taurus
— Detriment: Capricorn
— Fall: Scorpio
— Quality : Cold and Wet (phlegmatic)
— Places: Mountains, bodies of water, baths, fishponds, springs, docks
— Colors: Silver, white, pale blue
— Day of the Week: Monday
— Professions: Sailors, nurses, midwives, messengers, travelers, fishermen
— Body Parts: Breasts, fem reproductive system
— Minerals & stones: Moonstone, pearls, selenite, silver
— Animals: Fishes, creatures that live in water or come out at night
— And lastly, the ascendant;
The rising sign corresponds to the zodiac sign ascending above the eastern horizon at the time of your birth & containing the exact degree of your ascendant.
From a technical standpoint, the rising sign forms the foundation of your natal chart & sets the tone for it, acting as a cornerstone & subsequently dictating the house placements for all celestial bodies.
A birth chart is a comprehensive map of your entire life, encompassing more than just your personality traits — with this in mind, the rising sign (being the 1st house) holds a direct connection to you. It directly signifies you — your physical form, your identity, personality, character, and overall vitality.
I want to clarify that the ascendant being the you indicator in a chart does not imply that it encapsulates the totality of your essence. Astrology is nuanced, complex & there is no such thing as a “core” self. It’s not sun, not the moon, & not the rising either. Humans are all too complex for such oversimplifications and astrology mirrors that. Nevertheless, the rising sign remains the primary indicator you’d look at where “me” topics such personality are concerned.
It also important to note that the rising sign dictates the trajectory of transits within your natal chart, forming the basis for horoscopes and forecasts. So when reading horoscopes, go with your rising sign!
Fun fact: historically, when asked for your sign, you were expected to answer with your rising sign, a practice prevalent for millennia & until around a century ago. The shift towards sun signs was, simply put, an accident in history (thanks, Alan Leo!)
Part 2 : Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Saturn.
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lunarlianna · 11 months
Medical astrology
This article draws inspiration and is based on information found in two notable books: "Complete Practical Astrology" by Edward Lyndoe, published in 1938, and "Complete Herbal" by Nicholas Culpeper, dating back to 1652. It's not uncommon for individuals with a stellium in a specific zodiac sign to experience health issues associated with that sign more prominently compared to those with just one planet in that sign. The concentration of planetary energy in one sign can intensify the characteristics and tendencies associated with it, including health-related aspects.
The history behind it
In early-modern Europe, people held a deep fascination with the connection between celestial bodies and our well-being. This belief traced back to ancient notions of the Four Elements and the Four Humors, forming the basis of humoral theory in medicine. Originating with Hippocrates and evolving through Galen, this theory centered on balancing bodily fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Men were seen as hot and dry, while women were considered cold and wet. Dietary choices and flavors were believed to influence humor balance.
These ancient ideas were intricately linked to Zodiac signs, seasons, cardinal directions, qualities, temperaments, and life stages. People believed that our health relied on maintaining a delicate equilibrium among these factors, shaping a complex system that demanded precise language to explain.
As interest in astrology grew in the 16th century, printed books, such as "Planetary Books" and "Folk Calendars," became popular sources of knowledge. These texts provided valuable insights, bridging the gap between celestial and earthly realms. They aimed to empower readers with wisdom about their place in the universe.
Aries: rules over the head, face, eyes, and the brain's cognitive functions, influencing the distribution of both mental and physical energy. This sign is associated with health concerns like headaches, fevers, neuralgia, eye issues, skin eruptions, inflammations, wounds, and accidents. Individuals born under Aries may have an abundance of energy, often exceeding their mental and emotional balance. Many health issues can be traced back to factors such as excessive physical exertion or bouts of intense anger. It's advisable for Aries individuals to prioritize maintaining a sense of balance and inner poise to promote their overall well-being.
Taurus: you should know that your sign is linked to certain areas of your body like the neck, ears, throat, larynx, and tonsils. These body parts might need a little extra care. Your sign is also associated with your ability to recover from health issues. However, it's important to be mindful of diseases that can specifically affect your throat. One thing to keep in mind is that Taurus individuals often have a love for indulgence and comfort, which can sometimes lead to health challenges. Additionally, your tendency to dwell on problems might make you more sensitive to minor health issues. So, remember to strike a balance and take good care of your well-being.
Gemini: For those born under the sign of Gemini, certain areas of the body require attention. Gemini influences the arms, shoulders, muscles, and bones, as well as the respiratory system, including the trachea and bronchi, and even the hands. People with this sign may be more prone to health issues like bronchial complaints, lung conditions such as pneumonia and pleurisy, nerve-related diseases, asthma, and anemia. These health challenges can often be traced back to nervous reactions and restlessness, which are characteristic of Gemini individuals.
Cancer: you have an influence on various parts of the body, including the stomach, breasts, solar plexus, diaphragm, and the upper portion of the liver. These areas are closely tied to matters of nutrition and digestion. Health issues that commonly afflict those born under Cancer often originate from emotional factors, triggered by mental irritants. These emotional disturbances can lead to nervous reactions and a general decrease in vitality. Interestingly, it's been suggested that more often than not, the health of a Cancerian is affected by external factors and the actions of others rather than self-inflicted harm. So, it's important for Cancer individuals to prioritize their emotional well-being and maintain a harmonious environment to support their overall health.
Leo: you have a special connection with the heart, spine, and vital forces carried by the blood. This makes you particularly susceptible to issues like heart troubles and poor circulation. Remember, many of these health challenges can be linked to overexertion or pushing yourself too hard. So, take good care of your energy levels and avoid unnecessary strain to keep your health in top shape.
Virgo: you have a unique connection with your own digestive system, which encompasses your intestines, alimentary canal, and the lower part of your liver. However, it's essential to recognize that individuals born under this sign might also be more prone to experiencing digestive issues and complaints, especially concerning the intestines. For you, these digestive troubles could occasionally stem from nervous causes, potentially leading to discomforts like acidity and other digestive challenges. It's a part of your unique astrological makeup, emphasizing the importance of taking extra care of your digestive well-being and managing any stress or anxiety that might contribute to these issues.
Libra: you are associated with specific areas of the body, including the kidneys, loins, appendix, lumbar vertebrae, and the skin. These are related to the body's liquid processes. Health challenges that often affect Virgos include kidney problems and issues related to the spine. These troubles are frequently linked to nervous exhaustion. To maintain your well-being, it's crucial for Virgos to manage stress and avoid situations that lead to nervous strain.
Scorpio: your zodiac sign governs several vital areas of the body, including the organs of reproduction, bladder, gallbladder, colon, and rectum. These parts are closely tied to procreation and reproduction. Health issues frequently associated with Scorpios involve the organs mentioned earlier. Problems may arise due to excessive worrying and the influence of others on the individual, which can break down resistance. To maintain good health, it's important for Scorpios to find ways to manage stress and emotional pressures effectively.
Sagittarius: you have a  connection to certain body areas like the hips, thighs, and sciatic nerves. These parts are linked to your senses and how you perceive illnesses through your nerves. Health issues that Sagittarians often face include conditions like gout, rheumatism, and sciatica, as well as accidents. Restlessness can be a contributing factor to these problems, and individuals under this sign may have a propensity for accidents and injuries. Therefore, it's essential for Sagittarians to cultivate a sense of caution and mindfulness to prevent such mishaps and maintain their well-being.
Capricorn: you have an influence on the knees, joints, and hair. These are connected to processes related to preservation and conserving energy. Health issues commonly associated with Capricorns include skin complaints and diseases affecting the parts of the body influenced by this sign. Such ailments often have their origins in inhibitions. Therefore, it's important for Capricorns to focus on finding a balance between preserving energy and addressing any emotional or mental inhibitions that may impact their well-being.
Aquarius: your influence goes to the lower legs (calves and ankles), teeth, and blood circulation. These areas are interconnected with the body's circulation and eliminative processes. Health issues often associated with Aquarians include accidents affecting the ankles, as well as complaints related to this part of the body. Conditions such as varicose veins, blood poisoning, and certain nervous diseases may also be relevant. Many of these health challenges may have nervous causes, often tied to the highly sensitive nature of those born under the Aquarius sign. Therefore, maintaining emotional balance and managing stress is crucial for overall well-being.
Pisces your zodiac sign influences specific areas of the body, including the feet and toes. These are related to perspiration and the lymphatic processes within the body. Health challenges often associated with Pisceans include conditions like influenza, colds, and diseases accompanied by mucous discharges. Many of these complaints may have their origins in an overactive or overheated mind, possibly with perceived injuries from others. Additionally, individuals born under the Pisces sign tend to exhibit a high level of physical and mental sensitivity, which can contribute to various health issues. Therefore, it's important for Pisceans to manage stress, maintain emotional balance, and address any perceived injuries to promote overall well-being.
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wuxiaphoenix · 7 months
Worldbuilding: Collapsing Empires
One of our classic stories is the band of Plucky Rebels against the Evil Empire. I will boldly go on record as saying I love these stories. Who doesn’t want to cheer on the rag-tag determined heroes fighting against overwhelming odds? (See Star Wars, The Last Starfighter, The Magnificent Seven, and so many others.)
On the other hand I also read history, and so there’s something I’ve noticed. While the urge to create an empire seems to be a human constant, individual empires always fall. Eventually.
I’m sure there are many reasons for this. I’ll give you a few I’ve noticed; you can probably suggest more. The three I’ve got are environmental shifts, out of context problems, and the elite desire to stay in power at all costs.
Each of these can, of course, feed into the others. Here’s a few examples.
Environmental shifts are nasty. Some are from human land use - deforestation and gold or lead mining do numbers on large areas - but others are just the solar system giving you a Bad Era. To be very general, our climate tends to alternate between periods of warmer and more predictable weather, and cooler, less predictable weather patterns. (You can in fact have a scorching drought or a dozen in an Ice Age. It’s just on average cooler.)
Empires tend to get started and grow during the good times, to the point they’re right on the edges of their ecological limits as to how many people can make a living without starving. And then a bad spot hits. And things go sideways. As they say of bankruptcies, first slowly, then all at once. Famines usually start in some spots, and the empire handles it, getting ever more stressed - and then worse weather sparks floods and mudslides, and out of that ecological havoc you tend to get plagues, and between plague and famine you can’t feed or levy enough troops.... And then law and empires collapse as everyone scrambles madly to survive and people who were on the empire’s borders try to make out like a bandit. Pun fully intentional.
A “sudden” (usually over decades) climate change might be considered an out of context problem... but I had more direct and weirder things in mind. At one point, for example, we had archaeological evidence that the Luwian Kingdom might have been wiped out by a comet strike. Current archaeology thinks not, but the scenario still remains possible for fiction. Not to mention the scholarly wrangling over what really happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. It looks like the real-life cities were on a very oil-rich plain. So theoretically, if a meteor shower came down and punched a few holes....
But you don’t have to look to outer space. Cortez and other conquistadores showed up from across the Atlantic with a deep history of warfare that was an extremely out of context problem for the Aztecs, Incas, and many more. (Yes, diseases played a big role. But historically the conquistadores legit beat local armed forces high, wide, and handsome.) Joseon Korea and Tokugawa Japan had similar problems with the rest of the world. Anna and the King is a fictionalized version of the King of Siam trying to ease his kingdom into a soft landing in the modern world. I can only imagine the battles he must have had with his court over that.
Which leads to the third reason I see empires fall. If a ruler wants to keep ruling, and doesn’t trust his people, he has to make sure no one else is strong enough to oppose him. But keeping everyone too weak to fight you means that sooner or later, they’re too weak and corrupt to fight someone else.
And on the edges of an empire, there is always Someone Else.
Side note: This is one of many reasons I think a republic is the best government to create and maintain a nation. Ideally we have people in power getting overthrown all the time. We just do it on an agreed-upon regular basis. Unfortunately that was also supposed to apply to all bureaucracy....
Anyway. If you’re writing Plucky Rebels against the Evil Empire, go for it! But you might want to also poke some history and see if any of these real-world factors apply. Smart rebels take advantage of an existing crisis! Just ask Li Zicheng.
Though note what happened to him....
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shock · 5 months
magical things about my new residence that I have realized is like the modern equivalent of having a patron for my art
1. It's paid and on top of that I have a budget of 3 grand for materials, I have an advertising team and a materials-gathering team separate from all of that just ingrained into the position
2. It's split into two parts:
- a few scheduled community workshops where local people will sign up and I will teach / lead / guide them to make a large project, I've discussed with my supervisor and think I've decided on writing a story and then each participant will randomly draw a 1-2 sentence blurb and make a collage about their interpretation of that so that every page can be compiled into a visual display and then made into a printed book 😭
- my own personal project, which I at first thought had to be related to the top one but it does not and I cannot explain to you how unbelievable it felt to have a conversation that went 'well I'm working on this solar system project but I have nowhere to hang it up or go all out like I really want to' and my supervisor going 'we can carve out a large section of the building and help with that, we could even run it as a solo gallery show and you can talk through your process of pastiche, we have mics and lighting' LIKE IT WAS EASILY DOABLE? POSSIBLE? REAL? LIKE MY ART WAS WORTH THAT?
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beautifullache · 6 months
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