zz7kgvw1hj5 · 1 year
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Dungeon: How Grief Blooms
After the tragic death of his wife, the halfling Earl of Eastbrook has become a recluse, abstaining from social functions, seldom seen in public, and conducting much of his concerns through various agents. Agents like you, paid well so that you conduct the Earl’s business promptly and without asking too many questions. However, after some weeks of gruntwork and strange favours, you can’t help the feeling that something rotten is going on at the Eastbrook estate.
Adventure Hooks:
Most of the party’s assignments are doled out by a Mr. Moiler, a functionary of the Earl’s who always seems to be under the weather and insists that they have their meetings while he takes lunch at a local tavern. Presumptuous and frequently unpleasant, Moiler is quick with the money when he has proof the work’s been done not wanting to waste any more of his finite time with the party than he has to.  It’s during one of these meetings that the functionary begins choking and coughing like he’s going to hack up a lung, and right there on the dinner table spits up a mass of rotten plant matter that bears an uncomfortable resemblance to a human hand. While the party is paralyzed with shock, the limb begins to skitter away, barely recovered Moiler demanding that they catch it before it escapes or the other inn patrons see it.
Eastbrook has many concerns that need tending to: Mines that must be checked on, merchants that must be negotiated with, monsters that must be driven off from tenant lands. Then there the more unusual jobs: travelling to nearby towns and escorting a member of the royal horticultural society to the Eastbrook estate without ever being invited in themselves, having a stern chat with a local priest who’s rabblerousing about all the body-snatchers that’ve been plaguing local cemeteries lately. These odd jobs pay the best, but there’s only so much weirdness the party can take right? ... Right?
Dressed fancy and forced to leave their weapons at home, the party are finally given a chance of meeting their employer when tasked with escorting him to a social function at which he needs to show some muscle. They’re given a very brief impression of the earl: tired eyes, fingers are stained with green and soil as if his servants plucked him out of the garden and threw a bit of finery over his thinning frame. Leaving them to attend whatever business he left his secluded estate for, the party are approached by a young woman with a knowing smile and a lot of interesting questions about Eastbrook. If the party are willing to do a little snooping on her behalf, she’d be ever so grateful, and is sure she can arrange some work for them in the future should  their current arrangement fall through.
Background: Before the death of his wife, Earl Wennley had a deep and abiding love for growing things. Taking far more interest in the upkeep and administration of his tenant lands than any of his peers, the earl would forgo social functions and ditch his noble finery to lend a hand when there was planting or fieldwork to be done, simply to feel the dark earth beneith his fingers.
His wife Ren was a firebrand and world traveller, and originally began courting the earl by brining him exotic flowers from distant lands to cultivate in his hothouse. They were different people who wanted different things from their lives, but they also wanted eachother, and that was enough for love to take root between them.
That was before the sickness caught up to lady Ren, one of those bitter hereditary things that lurks around in the family tree like a viper. In a matter of months it claimed Ren of Eastbrook and took Wennley’s every joy with it, but not before he discovered that one of the flowers she’d brought him was thought to have restorative properties, claimed by some occult scholars to be able to even be able to resurrect the dead.
Thus began Eastbrook’s decent down a dark road, cultivating the plant’s growth in his lover’s dirt-packed casket, fetching more cadavers for its trailing roots to feed off of while trying to bring its many strange flowers to fruit.  The process has taken years, resulting in spasmodic gasps of resurrection, twitches and mutterings, but no true return of the vitality or wholeness that haunts Eastbrook’s memories.
Further Adventures:
a sick vitality has spread throughout the Eastbrook estate, twisting the plants he once took such judicious care of and bringing forth strange hybrids and mutations. While most of this dangerous flora remains on the estate, a few have spread their seed over subsequent seasons and ended up popping up in surrounding lands. The disruption caused by such plants may inadvertently put the party on their employer’s trail.  
What poor Wennley cannot know is that his lover wasn’t merely taken from him by chance, but by the insidious will of Zuggtmoy, demon queen of despair and decay.  Eastbrook was unwittingly chosen as a saint of Zuggtmoy, who now awaits the moment she is summoned into Ren’s resurrected body to walk the world of mortals and enjoy the people’s sorrow first hand. 
Many of the Eastbrook estate staff are sick, some fungal infection that’s taken up residence in their lungs and produces a purple-green rash they’re all too quick to conceal. This sickness makes them dosile and unquestioning, and is spread by Moiler, a demonic agent of Zuggtmoy in disguise, who was likewise the one to slip Eastbrook the particular texts that hinted at the flower’s potential uses. Should any of the staff fall ( or be slain by Moiler should he be discovered) their bodies will rise as mould covered undead.
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hazzprincess · 3 months
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menina moiler 🩷
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deimosbreakfrost · 23 days
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eu mostrando o meu rizz, meus músculos e minhas tatuagem pra as moileres
(eu sou bi(cha)sexual , mas eu tenho mais preferência em mulheres)
Bichessual AMOOO😍❤❤
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sakurajjam · 4 months
Luffy, você é homem cis no ooc? Vi essa ask nos Sanju e fiquei curiosa, você já sofreu alguma coisa por ser menino? Teve gente forçando coisa por saber que era um homem por trás?
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Saudades Sanju, queria o blog ativo pra linkar a ask, mas tudo bem. Sim, eu sou homem cis em ooc, homem e gado das minhas moileres. Sofrer é muito forte, mas já se afastaram porque não queriam que eu fosse intruso em ooc, coisa que evito porque odeio misturar um com outro. Agora gente forçando coisa, isso ocorre com frequência e é assustador, porque não dou abertura para falarem com intimidade e ainda assim, fazem, é desconfortável. Só que não foram apenas as meninas, outros rapazes já forçaram coisas comigo também, como somos "minoria" falavam que uma união era necessária, no começo, até caí no papo, mas depois vi que era com outras intenções... Isso deve acontecer com qualquer pessoa, porque meninas relatam coisas semelhantes, basta prestar atenção e escutar.
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lecreamiediaper · 5 months
Does the little gardener like to play in the dirt?
I have a bachelor's in Natural Resource Management and my current job deals with promoting soil health across the state, mainly with farmers... so yeah, you can see me as a little boy playing around in the mud. When in reality I'm probably more aligned with Gaetan Moilere from Atlantis TLE.
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nostalgebraist · 5 years
Someone sent me a message on LiveJournal (I’d forgotten that was even possible), and in the process of going and looking at it, I happened to glance over some pages of my long unused LJ, including this post from 2011, which strung together a bunch of related verbal brain noise into a sort of prose poem.
I had remembered making it, but I guess I had forgotten just how fun it was, or in any event I enjoyed re-reading it a lot more than I expected:
Open the door, Mailer. Awake the dawn, Moiler. Moiler -- Mailer -- Male-er. Open the dawn, weaver. Wreather. Oh, we'll be there, Norman. Just keep the hinges moving, Mormon Nailer. Nailing ninety-five Mormons to the opened door. Ninety-fryve. Blithe Clive. Open the web, Nailer. Needleman. Nellingham. Nailingham is always welcome here at Marlsboro. Marl's borough. Broil-o. Embroiled, embroider, broader. A broader sky. The dawn awakes --
"The plasmicosmic dawn awakes," he said. Plasmid, Cosmid. Crosby, Swills, Crash. Open up all your old wings, Hillel Mailer, Normandy Miller, Nimblefoot Merton. Feel the mouth-shapes, please. Millst, mellifluous, mileaste. Miralysis. Melting point. Norman Mailer, nessun dorma. Milk it for all it's worth, Wrigly. Weatherhouse.
The Kissinger histogram. Kissing under the histletoe. Koran. Koranberry. Calamitous Celeste. Chase chaste Celeste -- too late, chaste Celeste lies in her sad sarcophagus.
The aesthetic of red and metal. Aesthete, esthete, Esther. Anesthetic Esther. Erasmus, elocution. Don't worry, Mailist -- Mailatrix -- you'll open up the dawn soon enough and we'll be there. In the Oedebouleon. The luminous Oedeboule. The translucent Oedeboule. The Oedeboulic infinites. Say the words with me, Mister. Cepstral, splanchnic, pileated. Do you see what I mean? Crepuscule. Corrugated. Cepstringham. Coelope. Trellis.
Democratic fistulas. What's that? Adrenergic, caffeinerge -- an urge, a splurge, a dirge. No. Criminal activity. Crimsonal activity. Criminal barometry. A Coelacanth with a catheter.
The red metallic aesthetic, that piercing pirouetting place, where bread is brass, the sleek machines -- we too can open it, weaving Mailer-Müller. Just keep moving the hinges. Flap open the Kissinger hologram. Sonogram porridge. Pilates. Pelagic skies open up in the little flaps above the frame. Put more fuel in your Firenze. A Philipshead afternoon. Erato's young Celestine samurai. Silly. A salmonist, a solipsistic syllogism. Syllo-seminary. How many times does it go around, Phyllis? How many times have you heard these sounds? To a baritone barrister with no fuel in his frenzy, the revolving words can be tiring. Tire, tier, thorn. Thornado. Trelliscope. Eat the syncopated goods, grease the hinges, open the sky. Yesterday's angles. We'll be there, Quentin. Quentinism. Mailerism. Quistonaste. Quercus. Soon, Mailer. Soon.
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sizekitap · 3 years
Kibarlık Budalası (Etkinlik)
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Başrolünü Haldun Dormen’in oynadığı Moliere’in ölümsüz eseri Kibarlık Budalası, 9 Aralık akşamı, Caddebostan Kültür Merkezi’nde sizlerle… 17. yüzyıl Fransa’sında, cahil, saf ama çok zengin bir adam olan Mösyö Jourdain’in bir tek amacı vardır: Asilzade olmak.. Bunu gerçekleştirebilmek için her şeyi göze alır, anlamlı-anlamsız, yararlı-yararsız ama mutlaka masraflı her çabayı gösterir. Gülünç duruma düşer, alay konusu olur ama hiç yılmaz. Hedefi bellidir: Soylu sınıfa girebilmek, soylu bir Markiz’i baştan çıkarabilmek için her şeyi yapmak ve biricik kızını  da mutlaka bir “soylu” ile evlendirmek. Oysa kızı bir başka gence aşıktır. Moilere, yarattığı bu olağanüstü tiplemenin etrafını, onu sömürmeye çalışan Kont, ayakları yere basan karısı, sağduyunun ve samimiyetin temsilcileri hizmetçi ve uşak ile bir dantel gibi örer.  Neredeyse her sözcük komik ve her durum gülünçtür oyunda.
Türk Tiyatrosu’nun büyük ustası Haldun Dormen’in, yıllar sonra yeniden sahnelere döndüğü KİBARLIK BUDALASI ‘nı Hakan Altıner sahneye koydu. Oyunun , Kostüm Tasarımı Türkan Kafadar, Dekor Tasarımı Gizem Gürsel – Sedef Kermen, Işık Tasarımı  Cengiz Özdemir ‘e ait;  Haldun Dormen, Göksel Kortay, Hakan Altıner, Damla Cercisoğlu, Efe Yeşilay, Anıl Yülek, Sadi Özen, Reyhan Aydınsel ve  Burcu Akyürek rol alıyorlar.
devamı burada => https://sizekitap.com/etkinlikler/kibarlik-budalasi-etkinlik-12/
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tsunflowers · 4 years
Rio and Mele were horny because when you rearrange their names together, you get moiler, which is what they do.
do they??
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anadromeo · 4 years
DroopyDingler played today's #3 #RarestWord: MOILER for 1006pts, def'n at https://t.co/DgII6mhmGU #game #scrabble pic.twitter.com/G3fa03YFEv
— Anadrome (@anadromeo) December 7, 2019
via https://twitter.com/anadromeo December 07, 2019 at 08:07AM
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ask-gpt · 5 years
Open the door, Mailer. Awake the dawn, Moiler. Moiler – Mailer – Male-er. Open the dawn, weaver. Wreather. Oh, we’ll be there, Norman. Just keep the hinges moving, Mormon Nailer. Nailing ninety-five Mormons to the opened door. Ninety-fryve. Blithe Clive. Open the web, Nailer. Needleman. Nellingham. Nailingham is always welcome here at Marlsboro. Marl’s borough. Broil-o. Embroiled, embroider, broader. A broader sky. The dawn awakes –“The plasmicosmic dawn awakes,” he said. Plasmid, Cosmid. Cros
Open the door, Mailer. Awake the dawn, Moiler. Moiler – Mailer – Male-er. Open the dawn, weaver. Wreather. Oh, we’ll be there, Norman. Just keep the hinges moving, Mormon Nailer. Nailing ninety-five Mormons to the opened door. Ninety-fryve. Blithe Clive. Open the web, Nailer. Needleman. Nellingham. Nailingham is always welcome here at Marlsboro. Marl’s borough. Broil-o. Embroiled, embroider, broader. A broader sky. The dawn awakes –“The plasmicosmic dawn awakes,” he said. Plasmid, Cosmid. Croslin.†Treat the sun as the sun does, and the moon as the moon does, and the wind as the wind does. The sun is not our sun's enemy, nor our moon's enemy; it is their light and our cloud. The moon is not their moon's light, nor their moon's cloud. The wind is not their wind, nor their moon's wind. The sun is our sun's war-sun, our firestorm. Our firestorm is the fire of the world, our firestorm is the fire of the world—our firestorm is not our firestorm but our firestorm. The wind is not our wind, nor our moon's wind, nor our firestorm, nor our fire; our firestorm, thy firestorm has come full circle to our world, thy firestorm hath come full circle to our world; thy firestorm has come full circle to thy world's firestorm, thy firestorm no longer has come full circle to our world's firestorms, thy firestorms come fuller in circle, thy firestorms have gone fuller in circle, thou hast done thy job: thy firestorm, thy firestorms come fuller in circle, thou hast done thy job. O thy firestorm, thy firestorms come fuller in circle. O thy firestorm, thy firestorms come fuller in circle. Our firestorm, thy firestorms come fuller in circle, our firestorm, thy firestorm is the sun no longer my firestorm, thy firestorm, thy firestorm is our firestorm, our firestorm is thy firestorm. The world, thy firestorm, thy firestorm is thy firestorm, thy flamestorm has come full circle to my world's firestorms, thy firestorm, thy firestorm, thy my firestorm no longer has come full circle to my world's firestorms. The firestorm no longer has come full circle to my world's firestorms. Our firestorm, thy firestorms no longer have come full circle, my firestorm, my firestorm, thy firestorm, thy firestorm is the sun no longer my firestorm, thy firestorm, thy firestorm no longer has come full circle to the world's firestorms. Our firestorm, thy firestorms no longer have come full circle to the world's firestorms, my firestorm is thy firestorm, thy firestorm, thy my firestorm, thy firestorm is thy firestorm. The world, thy firestorm, thy firestorm is thy firestorm, thy flame
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ryanditastore · 7 years
via Instagram
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whatsthebee · 7 years
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sketches of some people from my school's cast of moilere's tartuffe! i'm the lady of the court so i don't have much to do during rehearsal until the end ;v; i plan on drawing some promotional pieces based off these very soon :0
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sizekitap · 4 years
Kibarlık Budalası (Etkinlik)
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Her biri 40 yıldan uzun süredir tiyatro sahnelerinde bizlerle buluşan usta oyuncular, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından gerçekleştirilen “Sahnede Bir Hayat” tiyatro gösterimleri kapsamında Ekim ayı boyunca, Harbiye Cemil Topuzlu Açık Hava Tiyatrosu’nda sizlerle buluşuyor.
Başrolünü Haldun Dormen’in oynadığı Moliere’in ölümsüz eseri Kibarlık Budalası, 9. yılında seyircisiyle buluşmaya devam ediyor.
17. yüzyıl Fransa’sında, cahil, saf ama çok zengin bir adam olan Mösyö Jourdain’in bir tek amacı vardır: Asilzade olmak.. Bunu gerçekleştirebilmek için her şeyi göze alır, anlamlı-anlamsız, yararlı-yararsız ama mutlaka masraflı her çabayı gösterir. Gülünç duruma düşer, alay konusu olur ama hiç yılmaz. Hedefi bellidir: Soylu sınıfa girebilmek, soylu bir Markiz’i baştan çıkarabilmek için her şeyi yapmak ve biricik kızını  da mutlaka bir “soylu” ile evlendirmek. Oysa kızı bir başka gence aşıktır. Moilere, yarattığı bu olağanüstü tiplemenin etrafını, onu sömürmeye çalışan Kont, ayakları yere basan karısı, sağduyunun ve samimiyetin temsilcileri hizmetçi ve uşak ile bir dantel gibi örer.Neredeyse her sözcük komik ve her durum gülünçtür oyunda.
Türk Tiyatrosu’nun büyük ustası Haldun Dormen’in, yıllar sonra yeniden sahnelere döndüğü Kibarlık Budalası‘nın uyarlamasını İpek Kadılar yaptı. Hakan Altıner’in sahneye koyduğu oyunun koreografisi Mikel N. Vidhi, kostüm tasarımı Türkan Kafadar, dekor tasarımı Gizem Gürsel – Sedef Kermen, ışık tasarımı  Cengiz Özdemir‘e ait. Oyunda Haldun Dormen, Göksel Kortay, Hakan Altıner, Damla Cercisoğlu, Efe Yeşilay, Anıl Yülek, Caner Tör, Reyhan Aydınsel ve  Burcu Akyürek rol alıyor.
devamı burada => https://sizekitap.com/etkinlikler/kibarlik-budalasi-etkinlik-11/
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sizekitap · 4 years
Kibarlık Budalası (Etkinlik)
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Haldun Dormen Kibarlık Budalası ile Yeniden KüçükÇiftlik Bahçe Tiyatrosu’nda!
17. yüzyıl Fransa’sında, cahil, saf ama çok zengin bir adam olan Mösyö Jourdain’in bir tek amacı vardır: Asilzade olmak.. Bunu gerçekleştirebilmek için her şeyi göze alır, anlamlı-anlamsız, yararlı-yararsız ama mutlaka masraflı her çabayı gösterir. Gülünç duruma düşer, alay konusu olur ama hiç yılmaz. Hedefi bellidir: Soylu sınıfa girebilmek, soylu bir Markiz’i baştan çıkarabilmek için her şeyi yapmak ve biricik kızını  da mutlaka bir “soylu” ile evlendirmek. Oysa kızı bir başka gence aşıktır. Moilere, yarattığı bu olağanüstü tiplemenin etrafını, onu sömürmeye çalışan Kont, ayakları yere basan karısı, sağduyunun ve samimiyetin temsilcileri hizmetçi ve uşak ile bir dantel gibi örer. Neredeyse her sözcük komik ve her durum gülünçtür oyunda.
Türk Tiyatrosu’nun büyük ustası Haldun Dormen’in, yıllar sonra yeniden sahnelere döndüğü Kibarlık Budalası‘nın uyarlamasını İpek Kadılar yaptı. Hakan Altıner’in sahneye koyduğu oyunun koreografisi Mikel N. Vidhi, kostüm tasarımı Türkan Kafadar, dekor tasarımı Gizem Gürsel – Sedef Kermen, ışık tasarımı  Cengiz Özdemir‘e ait. Oyunda Haldun Dormen, Göksel Kortay, Hakan Altıner, Damla Cercisoğlu, Efe Yeşilay, Anıl Yülek, sadi özen, Reyhan Aydınsel ve  Burcu Akyürek rol alıyor.  
*10 yaş ve üzeri izleyici için uygundur. 
Kapı açılış:19:00 Oyun saati: 20:30
devamı burada => https://sizekitap.com/etkinlikler/kibarlik-budalasi-etkinlik-10/
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sizekitap · 4 years
Kibarlık Budalası (Etkinlik)
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Başrolünü Haldun Dormen’in oynadığı Moliere’in ölümsüz eseri Kibarlık Budalası, 18 Eylül akşamında sizlerle…
17. yüzyıl Fransa’sında, cahil, saf ama çok zengin bir adam olan Mösyö Jourdain’in bir tek amacı vardır: Asilzade olmak.. Bunu gerçekleştirebilmek için her şeyi göze alır, anlamlı-anlamsız, yararlı-yararsız ama mutlaka masraflı her çabayı gösterir. Gülünç duruma düşer, alay konusu olur ama hiç yılmaz. Hedefi bellidir: Soylu sınıfa girebilmek, soylu bir Markiz’i baştan çıkarabilmek için her şeyi yapmak ve biricik kızını  da mutlaka bir “soylu” ile evlendirmek. Oysa kızı bir başka gence aşıktır. Moilere, yarattığı bu olağanüstü tiplemenin etrafını, onu sömürmeye çalışan Kont, ayakları yere basan karısı, sağduyunun ve samimiyetin temsilcileri hizmetçi ve uşak ile bir dantel gibi örer.Neredeyse her sözcük komik ve her durum gülünçtür oyunda.
Türk Tiyatrosu’nun büyük ustası Haldun Dormen’in, yıllar sonra yeniden sahnelere döndüğü Kibarlık Budalası‘nın uyarlamasını İpek Kadılar yaptı. Hakan Altıner’in sahneye koyduğu oyunun koreografisi Mikel N. Vidhi, kostüm tasarımı Türkan Kafadar, dekor tasarımı Gizem Gürsel – Sedef Kermen, ışık tasarımı  Cengiz Özdemir‘e ait. Oyunda Haldun Dormen, Göksel Kortay, Hakan Altıner, Damla Cercisoğlu, Efe Yeşilay, Anıl Yülek, Caner Tör, Reyhan Aydınsel ve  Burcu Akyürek rol alıyor.
devamı burada => https://sizekitap.com/etkinlikler/kibarlik-budalasi-etkinlik-9/
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